Case Study Xiaomi 2
Case Study Xiaomi 2
Case Study Xiaomi 2
Xiaomi is focusing on being the most user-collaborative mobile internet company, which constantly exceeds user
expectations, through innovations in software, hardware and Internet services. The rapid growth of Xiaomi benefits
from the way it classifies its users, and engage them in product development processes. The project studies the reason
why Xiaomi chooses users as external partners, and investigate how they collaborate, by using the cross-sectional
case study method.
Case stud
y, Xiao
g User
n Inno
n and
and the
the Orga
al Desi
gn Inno
n Mana
nt - SDC
.....1 product
product,, at a reason
able price.
price. Xiao
mi is primar
.............1 ily focusing on the Chinese and adjacent markets,
List of Acrony
Acronyms ms ......................................3 which is why the company name to most people
Problem Backgroun
Background d ..................................3
outside of Asia, may be unknown, despite it being
Problem Formulati
Formulation on ................................3
the third largest smartphone company in the world
Research Questions...........................................3
Research Questions
Problem Limitation ...........................................4
Limitation (IDC - 2014).
Ontology..............................................................4 When Lei Jun founded the company, he put
together a team consisting of skilled people from
Research Design .................................................5
Research Design
1.Theoretical Framework ........................8 various companies such as Google, Microsoft, Mo-
1.1 Open Innovation torola, Yahoo
Yahoo etc. These were
were all brought togeth-
1.2 Want Find
Find Get Manage Model...................10
Manage Model er for the purpose of bringing Lei Jun’s vision to
1.2.1 Want-Diffu
sion of Innovation .........10
life. What really
really sets Xiaomi apart from the rest of
1.2.2 Find-Scouting .....................................12
the industry is the philosophy stated on their web-
1.2.3 Get-Partic
ipatory Design ................13
ry Design
1.2.4 Manage-Organization Structure .......14 site, which clearly indicates the concept of the com-
2.Case Analysis ......................................16
2.Case Analysis pany
pany. Xiao
mi has been engagin
engagingg their
their fans from
2.1 Resear
Research ch Questi
Question on 1 ................................16
the founding of the company, through social media
2.1.1 Diffusion
Diffusion of Innovation Innovation..................16
where a two-way communication has been facilitat-
2.1.2 Xiaomi ScoutingScouting StrategyStrategy ................19
2.2 Resear
Research ch Questi
Question on 2 ................................22 ed. This has contributed to the process of develop-
2.2.1 Xiaomi
Xiaomi User Categoriz Categorization ation............22 ing new products, which has the aim of satisfying
2.2.2 Engaging
Engaging users users in innovatio
innovation n ........23
the needs of their fans.
2.2.3 The role role of social social platfoplatform rm ..........26
2.2.4 Maintain
Maintain sustainab
sustainable innovation ...28
le innovation
2.2.5 Synerg
Synergy y betwee
between n Xiaomi
Xiaomi and users users .29
2.3 Resear
Research ch Questi
Question on 3 ................................33 Henr
y W. Ches
gh has throu
gh his
his re-
2.3.1 Current Formal Structure................33
Formal Structure search on how companies are able to generate new
2.3.2 Capabilities
Capabilities needed for Xiaomi Xiaomi .....34 ideas with external partners, stated ”not all of the
2.3.3 Formal Structure
Structure VS Capabilit Capabilities ies .34
smart people work for us so we must find and tap
2.3.4 Restructur
Restructuring ing organizat
organization ion ............35
3.Conclusions..........................................36 into the knowledge
knowledge and expertise
expertise of bright
bright individ-
3.1 Conclusio
Conclusions ns...............................................36 uals outside our company” (Chesbrough H. W. -
3.2 Reflectio
Reflections ns...............................................37 2003). This is exactly the belief that Xiaomi’s phi-
losophy emphasizes.
emphasizes. To include
include and engage exter-
Scientific Articles ........................................39
Non scientifi
scientific Articles................................40
c Articles nal partners in order to acquire the best possible
Books..................................................................40 soluti
ons.. The purpose
purpose of this
this project
project is to exam-
................41 ine how Xiaomi effectively have managed, and are
able to improve their interaction with fans.
Case stud
y, Xiao
g User
n Inno
n and
and the
the Orga
al Desi
gn Inno
n Mana
nt - SDC
.....1 product
product,, at a reason
able price.
price. Xiao
mi is primar
.............1 ily focusing on the Chinese and adjacent markets,
List of Acrony
Acronyms ms ......................................3 which is why the company name to most people
Problem Backgroun
Background d ..................................3
outside of Asia, may be unknown, despite it being
Problem Formulati
Formulation on ................................3
the third largest smartphone company in the world
Research Questions...........................................3
Research Questions
Problem Limitation ...........................................4
Limitation (IDC - 2014).
Ontology..............................................................4 When Lei Jun founded the company, he put
together a team consisting of skilled people from
Research Design .................................................5
Research Design
1.Theoretical Framework ........................8 various companies such as Google, Microsoft, Mo-
1.1 Open Innovation torola, Yahoo
Yahoo etc. These were
were all brought togeth-
1.2 Want Find
Find Get Manage Model...................10
Manage Model er for the purpose of bringing Lei Jun’s vision to
1.2.1 Want-Diffu
sion of Innovation .........10
life. What really
really sets Xiaomi apart from the rest of
1.2.2 Find-Scouting .....................................12
the industry is the philosophy stated on their web-
1.2.3 Get-Partic
ipatory Design ................13
ry Design
1.2.4 Manage-Organization Structure .......14 site, which clearly indicates the concept of the com-
2.Case Analysis ......................................16
2.Case Analysis pany
pany. Xiao
mi has been engagin
engagingg their
their fans from
2.1 Resear
Research ch Questi
Question on 1 ................................16
the founding of the company, through social media
2.1.1 Diffusion
Diffusion of Innovation Innovation..................16
where a two-way communication has been facilitat-
2.1.2 Xiaomi ScoutingScouting StrategyStrategy ................19
2.2 Resear
Research ch Questi
Question on 2 ................................22 ed. This has contributed to the process of develop-
2.2.1 Xiaomi
Xiaomi User Categoriz Categorization ation............22 ing new products, which has the aim of satisfying
2.2.2 Engaging
Engaging users users in innovatio
innovation n ........23
the needs of their fans.
2.2.3 The role role of social social platfoplatform rm ..........26
2.2.4 Maintain
Maintain sustainab
sustainable innovation ...28
le innovation
2.2.5 Synerg
Synergy y betwee
between n Xiaomi
Xiaomi and users users .29
2.3 Resear
Research ch Questi
Question on 3 ................................33 Henr
y W. Ches
gh has throu
gh his
his re-
2.3.1 Current Formal Structure................33
Formal Structure search on how companies are able to generate new
2.3.2 Capabilities
Capabilities needed for Xiaomi Xiaomi .....34 ideas with external partners, stated ”not all of the
2.3.3 Formal Structure
Structure VS Capabilit Capabilities ies .34
smart people work for us so we must find and tap
2.3.4 Restructur
Restructuring ing organizat
organization ion ............35
3.Conclusions..........................................36 into the knowledge
knowledge and expertise
expertise of bright
bright individ-
3.1 Conclusio
Conclusions ns...............................................36 uals outside our company” (Chesbrough H. W. -
3.2 Reflectio
Reflections ns...............................................37 2003). This is exactly the belief that Xiaomi’s phi-
losophy emphasizes.
emphasizes. To include
include and engage exter-
Scientific Articles ........................................39
Non scientifi
scientific Articles................................40
c Articles nal partners in order to acquire the best possible
Books..................................................................40 soluti
ons.. The purpose
purpose of this
this project
project is to exam-
................41 ine how Xiaomi effectively have managed, and are
able to improve their interaction with fans.
Case stud
y, Xiao
g User
n Inno
n and
and the
the Orga
al Desi
gn Inno
n Mana
nt - SDC
• Crowdsou
rcing - In this paper, crowdsourcing is With the outset in the above, the overall prob-
defined as an open call to source traditionally gen- lem formulation of the project is as follows:
erated by a large group of undefined individuals
or a community of users How can
can Xiaomi structure
structure their organization
to more effectively engage creativity of their fans?
Problem Background
This raises the following questions, why would
The Xiaomi phenomenon has taken China by a comp
y engag
engagee its
its fans
fans at all? Wher
Wheree woul
storm, with triple digit growth from third quarter they
they find the right
right fans to collaborat
collaboratee with?
with? Ho
of 2013, to the third quarter of 2014, and are now would they collaborate with these? And how would
the third largest seller of smartphones in the world. they have to structure the organization to have this
Xiaomi has unlike any other smartphone company sort of collaboration?
a devoted budget of only 1 % of its total revenue
to dire
ct ma
g. The
The larg
estt produ
cerr of s-
martphones, which is currently Samsung, are using Research Question
close to 5.5 % of their revenue on direct marketing
1) Why would a technology company like X-
berg - 2014
). Moreo
r, Xiao
mi is pricin
iaomi include fans in their organization and how
their smartphones around half the price of the de-
would they find the right fans?
vices offe
red by their
their bigges
biggestt com
s, Apple
and Samsung (Harvard business review - 2014). 2) Which types of user collaboration is impor-
Xiaomis’ current success has many aspects to tant for Xiaomi as a consumer electronics compa-
it, but one of them is the society of Mi-fans that sur- ny?
rounds the company.
company. These fans are actively pro- 3) How can you structure an organization like
moting Xiaomi-products on social media and blogs, Xiaomi to effectively engage its fans?
Case stud
y, Xiao
g User
n Inno
n and
and the
the Orga
al Desi
gn Inno
n Mana
nt - SDC
Problem Limitation
the most relevant to our project. Due to the limit- man emphasize that a given social phenomena and
ed time to conduct the project, no interviews have the meaning of it, has an existence that is depen-
been made, and no other primary data have been dent of social actors
actors (Bryman – 2012). The individ-
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
al from people who are within our field of study. also influence the main points we get from working
Hence, the benchmark of answering our research with our collected data. In relation to the Xiao-
questions will be their perception of the ”truth”, mi case, and to give an example, we need to define
within their respective fields. what is meant by the ambidextrous organizations,
in the final part of our research paper. To solve
Epistemology this we combine the points from the two articles
we have chosen in relation to this subject, and in-
For a researcher grasping the social world with
terpret them based on our education in relation to
an interpretivistic scope, observations of the indi-
ambidextrous organizations. Thereby we interpret
vidual and its perception is the cornerstone of the
what the researchers who originally conducted re-
analysis. Hence, the knowledge gathered is not be-
search on the matter defines as ambidexterity, and
ing tampered with, but rather sought to be under-
at the same time influence it ourselves (Bryman –
stood in the context in which it occurred. The epis-
temology for this branch, is according to Bryman
how it: ”... requires the social scientist to grasp the
subjective meaning of the social actor” (Bryman –
2012 p. 27). When choosing what kind of methodology you
The type of epistemology called antipositivis- want to use, it is essential to be aware of what y-
m will be the prime approach used in this project. ou want to know, and why it is important. Baring
The assumption that a certain individual direct- that in mind, the research object of this project is
ly involved in a given environment has an accu- best being examined by primarily using the cross-
rate understanding, is the reasoning behind this. sectional design, by incorporating elements from
Understanding and interpreting the social world is the case study approach.
our approach throughout the project. According to The prime research design chosen for this
Kuada it is possible as an external observer to view project is the cross-sectional design. The cross-
the social world as it is, and still locate the actual sectional design has been chosen due to the very
truth (Kuada – 2012 p. 73). The choice of this the- limited amount of time, we have to conduct this
ory is also closely related to our choice of method of research paper. We simply do not have the time to
analysis. We use the general inductive method of collect longitudinal data or conduct experiments.
analysis and by incorporating a substantial amount Looking at our problem formulation, we will be
of articles, we are able to create consensus between comparing a theoretical point of view with a con-
several social researchers, as to how we define cer- ceptual approach, to reflect upon an ideal solution
tain aspects of our case. In this way, antipositivis- for Xiaomi. This also results in a primarily theo-
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
ing used as methods, for data gathering. Since we generalizations based on theory on what might
employ a research strategy founded in qualitative work for technology companies. Cross-sectional
data within the cross-sectional case study, our ap- design can have more success than other designs
proach will tend to be inductive (Bryman 2012). in achieving representativeness based on theory.
Baring this in mind we are aware that a purely
To answer which type of external collaboration
inductive approach is almost never possible, and
is best for Xiaomi, a thorough description of the
we acknowledge that some deductive and abduc-
process of innovation diffusion of Xiaomi is need-
tive aspects does influence our project as well. As
ed. Cross-sectional designs are well suited to
interpretivism subscribes to understanding a given
descriptive analysis, at least for descriptions of
social world from the points of view of people, and
things as they are at a given point of time. How-
the intentions underlying their behavior, the induc-
ever, cross-sectional designs have been criticized
tive method is the primary approach. This mean-
for their weakness at the level of causal analy-
s basing conclusions on specific observation rather
sis. Since no specific causal relationship would
than logical arguments that may not be necessarily
be included in the project, cross-sectional design
supported by empirical evidence. When choosing
is the most optimal given our circumstances and
the qualitative method you are studying the expe-
the overall research design frame.
riences, attitudes, meanings as the individual per-
ceives them, and interpreting these to make sense • Case-study Design
of a given phenomenon or situation. Case-study designs are suited to situations in-
volving a small number of cases with a large num-
• Cross-sectional Design
ber of variables. The approach is appropriate for
Cross-sectional design entails collecting data at
the investigation of cases when it is necessary to
a certain point in time, all analysis relies on dif-
understand parts of a case within the context of
ferences in the sample at that point of time. In
the whole case (Bryman – 2012 p. 69). In this
the cross-sectional design the groups” are con-
research, both the descriptive case study and the
structed on the basis of existing differences in
explanatory case study design are applied.
the sample and the sample is divided up into
groups according to the category of the indepen- Due to the fact that good description is the pre-
dent variable to which they happen to belong (De condition of good explanation, the descriptive
Vaus – 2001 p. 171). In regards to this project, case study design in the project consists of an in-
we are analyzing why and how Xiaomi chooses troduction to the Xiaomi case and has a focus on
to cooperate with its fans and a representative its external collaboration with its users and fur-
sample among technology field is necessary, if ther highlights the important role of user-driven
we are to generalize from results obtained in a innovation and the want, find, get, manage mod-
sample to the wider population. However, we el. As mentioned we have chosen just one part of
do not include a representative sample but use the Xiaomi case and focuses on the open innova-
a theoretical approach to our case in order to tion part of the company and especially the par-
test theory in practice and thereby drawing some ticipatory innovation. We have chosen theories
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
and concepts I order to conduct our explanatory generalize based on theory and not the data we
as well as our descriptive analysis of the case. collect. In this way, we address the biggest flaw
in convenience sampling (Bryman – 2012 pp. 200
Explanatory case study seeks to achieve both
– 202).
more complex and fuller explanations of phenom-
ena. They seek to achieve idiographic as well From having a cross-cultural group we have
as nomothetic explanation, which in the project gained access to databases which would not be
refers to the fan-centric collaboration model in accessible otherwise. The library at Peking Uni-
Xiaomi. Among categories according to the d- versity has been one of our sources of data as well
ifferent relevance to theory testing, theory de- as the Chinese magazine “Executives” and the
velopment and using existing theory the project Chinese UCAS library. In this way, our cross-
is using the existing innovation diffusion theory, cultural group, expand our convenient sampling
user-driven theory and open innovation theory to grasp both Chinese and Western sources of
and so on. As a consequence, the specific ex- information, broadening the boundaries of where
planatory case study design used in this paper is we are able to seek information, in regards to our
a clinical case study design. project.
Research methods used in this paper such as par- • Evaluation of the Case Study
ticipant observations is being used to keep an Case study focus’ on a large number of variables
open mind in relation to combining our data and while other designs rely on controlling out the
the theories. This is how Bryman describes the influence of other variables and focusing on the
inductive approach, which aligns with the con- influence of a very limited number of variables.
cepts being used within the paradigm of this pa- Hence, one strength of applying case studies in
per (Bryman – 2012 p. 71). this research is that it attempts to understand
the significance of particular factors within the
• Data Sampling context of the whole Xiaomi case, rather than by
For our method of data collecting, we have cho- screening out this context. Due to the fact that
sen non-probability sampling and more specifi- the unique user-driven model exists in a given
cally, convenient sampling. This type of sam- cultural context, specific market environment, or
pling is chosen solely based on the accessibility special characteristics of the company itself.
of data. As we have had limited time to conduc-
As a consequence, the case study in this project
t this project, we simply do not have the time
has the potential for good internal validity based
to conduct large data collections. Furthermore,
on a more thorough understanding of the mean-
convenient sampling is often used when study-
ing of Xiaomi’s particular external collaboration
ing organizations, and is more prominent than
with its users (De Vaus - 2001).
samples based on probability sampling. One of
the major flaws with probability sampling, is the In regards of making statistically valid general-
lack of validity as it is not representative for a izations beyond that particular case, case study
population. For our research paper, we try to is lacking external validity. But case studies
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
do not strive from this type of external validi- the research project. Then you categorize those
ty. They do theoretical generalization instead of based on all the empirical data we have collect-
statistical generalization (De Vaus - 2001). The- ed, and then we are able to say something about
oretical generalization involves generalizing from what the tendency is within the case of Xiaomi
a study to a theory. Case study is designed to or, if there are any outstanding points of view. It
help develop, refine and test theories by using the resemble grounded theory a little bit but with the
logic of replication. Findings of a case study can general inductive analysis we don’t have to state
be tested by repeating case studies under differ- any hypothesis before we begin, we simply have
ent conditions. Regarding the research question- to let the authors tell us about their thought-
s, the findings of the most important collabora- s, and analyze based on our grouping of these
tion type for company like Xiaomi and the most thoughts. Below is a model illustrating general
effective organization structure could be tested inductive analysis. (Bryman – 2012 p. 568-569)
by replication in other companies in the same
technology field, and then develop and refine the 1 Theoretical Framework
theory of user-driven, innovation diffusion and
organizational structure. Hence the theoretical 1.1 Open Innovation
generalization is achieved.
Open innovation is a new way of thinking. The
• Analysis Design basic assumption regarding this concept is that no
business is an island, meaning that you cannot s-
tand alone and you will have to engage the envi-
ronment around you. Open innovation means that
you tap into other people outside your company, to
profit from their knowledge and resources. This al-
so means that you don’t have to be the inventor of
something to profit from it, a better business model
beats getting first to market, and if a firm manages
Figure 2: Inductive approach to benefit from both internal and external ideas,
they are a lot stronger than competitors who are
For our analysis design we have chosen to use not able to do this. The idea of gaining a competi-
general inductive analysis. We use this in the tive advantage from open innovation is therefore to
sense that we have gathered a number of sec- cooperate with the environment around the firms,
ondary data. To be able to say something with in order to better be able to bring innovations to
some kind of certainty we have to break down the market, and not necessarily be the first to do
this material in order for it to make sense. In this, in order to have competitive advantage. The
the general inductive analysis you read through idea of open innovation is illustrated in figure 3.
all qualitative data, before you assemble the au- Henry Chesbrough introduced open innovation
thors points of view on the things that matter to as a concept for the first time back in 2003. He was
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
messages with information shared between par- channels. When an individual chooses to adop-
ticipants through communication on the social t an innovation it is often due to an evaluation
platform is vital to fully grasp in order to benefit done by another individual within the same so-
from the shared knowledge. By understanding cial system. These individuals evaluating inno-
this process, a company like Xiaomi will be able vations are characterized as role models. An im-
to efficiently allocate their resources to best en- portant aspect of diffusion is the likelihood of
gage and benefit from interacting with their fans. heterophility being present. Heterophily is a ter-
For Xiaomi to pursue their vision of creating a m used to describe the degree of differences a-
fan base that can contribute to the R&D process, mongst group members in regards to education,
understanding which kind of fans to engage is a social status, beliefs etc. A result of the com-
”must”, which is why we have chosen to use the munication taking place between individuals who
theory diffusion of innovation, because it facili- are heterophilous, certain problems with the ef-
tates access to this information. fectiveness of the communication will arise (ibid).
The theory was originally published in the book The element of time in the process of diffu-
Diffusion of Innovation by Evertt Rogers in 1962 sion can be depicted through five steps. First,
and has been republished multiple times, with the knowledge is passed along by an individ-
the latest fifth edition in 2003. Rogers argues ual to, secondly, persuade another individual,
that four overall elements are what causes the that thirdly accepts or rejects the innovation and
spread of the an idea: 1) an innovation, 2) that is fourthly chooses whether to implement the new
communicated through certain channels, 3) over idea and last but not least confirms the deci-
time, 4) among the members of a social system sion. During this process the decision-making
(Rogers, E. M. - 2003). individual is seeking further information to eval-
When Rogers talks about innovation he is refer- uate whether the new technology or idea is to be
ring to an idea, practice, or object that is being adopted or rejected. The basis of the final de-
perceived as something new by an individual. S- cision is made with an outset in the uncertainty
ince most of the innovations discussed by Rogers related to the innovation and the expected con-
are categorized as technological innovations, an sequences of implementing it (ibid).
acknowledged definition of technology is neces-
When looking at the social system in which the
sary. A technology consists of the two parts,
process of joint problem solving happens, the
hardware and software. Hardware being the ac-
structure that dictates the approach and the es-
tual tangible object, whereas the software is the
tablished common rules are what defines the out-
intangible tools within the object (ibid).
come. The interconnected units in the social
The messages being shared amongst individuals system act upon the norms set for behavioral
in the social system is taking place through the patterns which also facilitates stability and reg-
communication channels. This can either occur ularity. However the structure of the social and
in the mass media channels or in interpersonal communication aspect can both be hindering and
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
of Internet-based applications that build on the sional skills to redesign and adapt the product in
ideological and technological foundations of Web order to predict further needs (Franke, von Hip-
2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of pel, and Schreier- 2006). Lead users are usually
User Generated Content.”(Kaplan and Haenlein, involved in the initial exploration phase where
2010) the task is to define problems.
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
regards to how they could structure their organi- to help build our ”best possible fit” for Xiao-
zation. The following will be a brief introduction mi within the Chinese market it is currently
to the theoretical topics we will touch upon in our engaged in.
analysis. The level of analysis within our third part
will be an intra-organization analysis, where we fo- • Organic organization
cus on how to incorporate external knowledge into The organic organization is concerned with
the company (Vanhaverbeke – 2005). how the organization works and how it is
managed. The organic organization is made
• Ambidextrous organizations
in contrast to the mechanic organization and
The ambidextrous organization is very loosely
primarily focuses on a more informal struc-
defined in literature. The idea is that an orga-
ture within the organization. The organic or-
nization has to be able to exploit ongoing op-
ganization is more informal and will be used
erations while exploring new possibilities for
in this project to clarify some of the capa-
the company to invest into. In regards to X-
bilities that are needed in the fast changing
iaomi, this will relate to the degree of hav-
hi-tech market where Xiaomi operates. The
ing a mechanic and formal structure within
overview of the organic versus mechanic or-
the company supporting the day-to-day oper-
ganization can be found in appendix 1.
ations, while being able to exploit the huge
amount of knowledge from fans and external • Matrix Design
collaborators. This theoretical topic will also The matrix organization is often used when
be used in regards to our reflections as to how you are working with larger projects. The
Xiaomi can successfully structure themselves design is characterized by its horizontal flow
(O’Reilly III, C. A. Tushman, M. L. -2004). of skills and information through the various
• Open systems – Contingency Theory departments, as showed in the model in ap-
We are going to use the open systems theory pendix 2. Employees in a matrix organization
and we have chosen to focus on the contin- will often report to their respective manag-
gency theory with specific focus on the role er on a day to day basis. Furthermore the
of the environment when reflecting upon how employees are required to report the overal-
Xiaomi could structure its organization. This l progress of the project they are engaged in
theory was introduced in the 1960s and build to the head of the department. This proce-
on the idea that an organization can survive dure is an important element of this struc-
base on the throughput of resources from it- ture, because it constantly gives the people
s external environment. Based on the con- in charge an idea of the development. In the
tingency theory, the organization within the case of Xiaomi, we will use some of the qual-
open systems theory will therefore be defined ities from the matrix organization structure
by the environment around it and what this when we describe the functions the successful
environment dictates. We will use this theory organization needs to have in order to cope
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
the newer version in the eyes of the user, and is • The communication channels
positively related to the adoption rate of these. When a company’s strategy revolves around a fo-
A concept called overadoption is explaining the cus on using media to increase the adoption rate
degree to which, despite experts predictions, is of a product, two very different approaches can
being adopted by users. This could occur if users be used. The two approaches that is referred to
see the product as a preventive innovation, which are operating with the following communication
entails the product being perceived as a good channels; the mass media and the interpersonal
investment for future needs. With compatibili- channel. Depending on the goal of implement-
ty the product is being judged according to the ing these channels in the business strategy, the
timely context where past -, present - and fu- mass media approach is in general more effective
ture values and needs of potential adopters are for spreading the brand awareness, whereas the
being analyzed (Rogers, E. M. - 2003). The time- interpersonal channel facilitates a space that is
line for Xiaomi’s new smartphone releases com- effective for forming and changing attitudes to-
pared to its competitors is approximately twice wards new ideas. The high exposure from the
as long due to their business strategy. However mass media strategy does not necessarily lead to
when Xiaomi is releasing their new smartphones adoption of a product, because individuals have
they tend to be the best on the market, hence varying thresholds of adoption (Marsden, P. V.,
one could argue that it is seen as a secure and Joel P. - 1990). For Xiaomi that effectively has
good investment for future needs for the con- managed to exploit the benefits of the interper-
sumer. A fear for most hi-tech companies is the sonal space, a direct link between the rate of
possibility of their products being too advanced adoption and their community’s ability to influ-
and complex for the consumer to use, and there- ence the shaping of the products has shown great
by having a negative influence on the adoption results. One of the elements Xiaomi’s social sys-
rate. For Xiaomi and their products, the inter- tem has succeeded with is the characterization
action with their customers facilitates a solution of different user-groups. A certain group of user-
in which they are able to counteract beforehand. s that especially has a great impact on the rate of
Due to the social networks where the users and adoption is the opinion leaders. An opinion lead-
employees of Xiaomi communicate, the trialabil- er is an individual that is able to influence others
ity which is the process where new products are through their behavior and attitudes. Opinion
being tested on a limited basis is a constant on- leaders acts as important entity in the diffusion
going process because new ideas pitched by the network, and are often localized and used in dif-
company are being evaluated on a regular basis fusion programs (Rogers, E. M. - 2003). A com-
by the users themselves. Due to the construc- munication network is consisting of interpersonal
tion of Xiaomi’s online platform the observabilty, individuals that are functioning interdependent-
which is the option for the users to see the results ly to nurture the adoption of innovations through
of an innovation, has always been available and linked patterns and flows. To optimize this pro-
contributed to a positive rate of adoption (ibid). cess, the network should make sure the presence
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
of heterogeneity, hence the degree of having an tigated to improve the adoption rate. When an
environment that fosters innovation, is there in evaluation of a product has been made by a sci-
order to generate the best value from the diffu- entific expert, most individuals take the gathered
sion within the network (ibid). information into consideration before an adopt-
ing a new innovation. However an actual adop-
• The Time
tion does often not occur based solely on an ex-
Diffusion of innovation is a constant ongoing
perts evaluation, but on the near peers evalua-
process through different phases in time. Five
tions of it. The interesting element for a com-
stages that the element of time can be perceived
pany like Xiaomi, is locating the peers that has
as; knowledge, persuasion, decision, implemen-
the ability of influencing others through their s-
tation and confirmation are all part of a process
tatements, hence opinion leaders, and incorpo-
in which the individual undergoes a process of
rate them into their development process.
determining when a product is suited for adop-
tion. Every single individual has a threshold that • The social system
needs to be surpassed before an adoption of a To understand what and how a certain outcome
new product can occur. These individuals can from a social system is being generated, the deci-
either be characterized as early adopters, early sion process is the subject of investigation. The
majority, late majority or laggards. Understand- social structure that dictates the common rules
ing when individuals are willing to take a risk of communication is the outset in which individ-
and adopt an innovation is key for a company uals within the system acts upon. The rules are
(Valente, T. W. - 1996). often being established by the lead users, that
The mentioned five elements that explains at have been able to contribute and create the most
what time an individual is willing to adopt an trustworthy profile, and thus have a greater val-
innovation, are for a company like Xiaomi quite ue to the company, hence the opinion leaders.
essential to manage. The reason for it being es- To benefit fully from the use of a social system
sential is the fact that it facilitates the abilities and the structure hereof, Xiaomi has to allocate
to minimize the level of rejection and is able to its change agents carefully in order for them to
speed up the process for the later adopters. One influence the right individuals on the forums. A
of factors that can contribute to a shorter time- ”change agents’” task is to divert a present atti-
frame of adoption is the level of ties within the tude or opinion towards an innovation in order
individuals’ personal network. Individuals seek to implement one that is deemed more desirable
information during the process of making a deci- (Rogers, E. M. - 2003).
sion to decreases their uncertainty before a pos-
When diffusion of new ideas and innovations are
sible adoption.
being presented to the users through a social sys-
According to Rogers, the question of how a com- tem, lots of different opinions towards these are
pany like Xiaomi can determine what and when of course being made. However the actual deci-
individuals take risks, is what should be inves- sion on whether to adopt or reject it is what is
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
For Xiaomi to influence their users way of mak- Xiaomi has built up a huge fan base around its
ing decisions, understanding which kind of pro- products and services. This means that they have
cess they are going through while making them, to choose from millions of fans, trying to find the
are of great use to them. best individuals to collaborate with. We are going
to analyze the situation of Xiaomi with the outset
in the following models, to see how they are using
their social media platforms, and their forums to
sort out which fans to collaborate with.
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
a company’s external environment as well. On websites include the Chinese SinaWeibo, RenRen
the vertical axis of the spectrum of collaboration and Facebook as well as numerous forums regard-
model as shown in the theory section, is the ex- ing Xiaomi’s products. On these sites, the man-
tent of collaboration and on the horizontal axis agement including the CEO Lei Jun, post around
is the number of relationships. As seen in the 100 responses every day to their fans questions
model, there are different stages of collaboration regarding the company and its products. Many
raging from just transactional relationship to a companies would most likely have sales staff or
synchronized relationship. The worst cases for a even a PR-manager maintaining the contact with
company is to have either too many relationships the company’s fans. However in the case of Xi-
with a high level of collaboration, which cost too aomi, the management is valuing and dedicating
many resources, or having too few relationships their time to the fans’ concerns, which as a result
with very little collaboration which would result creates a good relationship that facilitates active
in a very little return from the collaborations. forums on the social media platforms (Shih, Lin,
and Luarn, 2013).
In the case of Xiaomi the issue would definitely
be having too many relationships as the company Xiaomi has built a vast network where fans can
has millions of fans who all want to participate talk to each other and effectively communicate
in the creation of the newest Xiaomi products. with the company. This have resulted in a very
To avoid spending resources on fans who do not active fan base who is surrounding the compa-
provide the capabilities that Xiaomi is looking for ny and constantly pitches new ideas about how
in their process of collaboration, Xiaomi will have to improve products as well as how to market
to identify only the most important individuals these. But as seen in the spectrum of collabora-
to them, in order to maximize from the joined tion model it is not possible for Xiaomi to have
efforts. Therefore, Xiaomi must have a system an extensive collaboration with all the fans with-
to scan through millions of fans in order to scout out wasting resources. This is why Xiaomi have
for the most important capability providers. developed a system to identify which fans they
want to collaborate with.
• Xiaomi’s collaborative approach to fans
With the social media gaining an increasingly What Xiaomi successfully has done is codify their
more important role in the globalized corporate systems to calculate the value for each of their
world, the demand for a clear social media strat- fans. These values are being calculated through
egy is more important than ever. For Xiaomi internal algorithms that are sorting the fans’ val-
this strategy has been developed to grasp the ue based on factors such as; number of com-
demands of their huge fan base. First of all the ments, participation level and level of impor-
vision of Xiaomi is in regards to what the fans tance. This could be described as technological
of the company wants. In Xiaomi the manage- knowhow or specified skills in regards to design
ment is quite use to incorporating the social net- and product development. With the outset in the
working websites in their working process. These score-based system they are able to categories
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
their fans in certain groups. By doing this they social system where Xiaomi engages their fans,
are able to identify the individuals they want to the ongoing process of diffusion of innovations is
approach in order to create collaborations with facilitating knowledge that fuels the development
these individuals to solve a task. To keep the fan- of new products for Xiaomi. Furthermore it has
s excited, they give fans with high grades more been discovered that by collaborating with opin-
permissions and perks, and thereby more respon- ion leaders, the thresholds for other users can
sibility. be overcome faster, hence a faster adoption rate
can be achieved. Throughout the ”find” section
Furthermore they give high graded fans the a-
it has been clarified how Xiaomi can locate and
bility to answer other fans requests, decreasing
engage the essential groups of users. Having an
the workload on the management and company,
internal system that can identify what users work
by outsourcing the task of responding to minor
with is vital, due the huge amount of users. A
question from fans. This fan-to-fan approach is
technology firm should include their fans in their
also encouraging other fans to participate more
working process, because the above stated advan-
in the social media platforms of Xiaomi in order
tages are of great importance in order to acquire
to get better grades and thereby get more perks,
even more fans ”customers”, hence achieve eco-
you can compare it to modern day video games
nomic growth as seen with in the case of Xiao-
where you often have to complete a task in order
mi. Furthermore, the find phase does clarify the
to level up and thereby get more perks.
places Xiaomi is finding the fans, but the specif-
This is how Xiaomi uses social media as their ic grouping of users and to what extend Xiaomi
platform for scouting. They use this platform is collaborating with these, will be thoroughly
to in-source individuals who are interesting for analyzed in the 3 phase of the WFGM model fol-
Xiaomi to collaborate with when developing new lowing this part.
products and services.
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
Board Master is in charge of the post arrangements, cutout of malicious flooding posts, adding
Board Master
’essence’ to some posts.
Consultant Team is responsible for finding problems in the system, providing feedback to the firm in
Consultant Team
time and bringing about suggestions as well as answering other fans’ questions.
The major task for resource team is to offer various resources such as software, e-book, theme wall-
Resource Team
paper and so on to users.
They are responsible for gathering local Mi-fans in the same city and organizing events regularly,
Inter-City president
besides, they also gather professional Mi-fans to answer technique questions of ordinary users.
Cool-play group are required to post their experiencing report titled by the topic which could be
Cool-play group about digital product, life experience, computer game experience, travelling journals and surrounding
products as well as Geek events.
The way they participate in Xiaomi forum is taking photos and sharing graphic knowledge within
Camera team
the camera team.
play in this process. Since Xiaomi’s forum is the key frequency of signing on the forum represents the
linkage between users and company, understanding activity level of the user, and according to this,
the importance of this social platform is necessary Xiaomi classifies users into seven levels- Mi-forum
to comprehensively answer how Xiaomi could main- pass-by, Mi-forum novice, Mi-forum acquaintance,
tain sustainable innovation capability from users. Mi-forum new star, Passionate Mi-fan, Big Mi-fan,
Gold Mi-fan.
2.2.1 Categories of users of Xiaomi After this, Xiaomi grades users according to
users’ privileges and professions and distinguish
The users are one of the most important re-
them between ordinary user teams and special user
sources for Xiaomi. The way Xiaomi classifies it-
teams, which are illustrated in Table 1. The ordi-
s users is an effective practice to profit from user
nary user teams is loosely structured and users in
engagement. To fully understand how the classi-
that team obtain a lot of space to share with each
fication contributes to a well-organized operating
other about products and the firm itself. On the
system of the user community, it is necessary to
contrary, special user teams is much more strict-
initially look inside the user structure on the given
ly regulated. Except for the employees of Xiaomi,
forum. To gain an all-rounded knowledge of users,
other members of special user teams include the
Xiaomi employs three levels of criteria to classify
following categories in Table 1.
users; activity level; privileges and professions and
engagement level. Their relations and differences The structure of special teams are not fixed,
are illustrated in figure 8. new members can join in if they got high grades
The first criteria of classification is their ac- from other team members, at the same time, exist-
tivity level. To accurately indicate users activity ing members with an unsatisfying grade will go to
level, Xiaomi applied a signing system that every ordinary teams. Special team members are acting
member logging in the forum need to sign. The not only as a consumer, they are also co-operators
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
of the forum, so they have more privileges and are Xiaomi’s forum is not operating a face-to-face sys-
more skilled than ordinary team users. tem and the participators are anonymous, it does
In this project, we are using the third level of not hinder the interaction under certain roles nor
criteria - the different engagement level in prod- their co-innovation engagement. Specific users are
uct innovation- to categorize Xiaomi users. Based included in specific development phases. We split
on their engaging activities, users are classified in- the whole innovation process into pre-development
to lead users, participatory designers and inspired phase, the development phase and commercial de-
users. Lead users are closely involved in the innova- ployment phase, which is illustrated in figure 9.
tion process of Xiaomi; participatory designers are
• Pre-development phase
opinion leaders who are valuable resources in terms
In the early pre-development innovation phases
of creating ideas and suggestions; inspired users are
in which firms primarily worked with concepts
ordinary fans who provide quantitative data infor-
and ideas instead of prototypes or features, most
mation for product innovation, which is illustrated
of the data collected come from close interaction
in Table2.
with a smaller set of users, or even lead users.
The users were actively and consciously involved
2.2.2 Engaging users in different innovation in brainstorming ideas, as well as prioritizing cer-
phase tain concepts.
After the classification of users into lead user- Rather than individually develop the MIUI-
s, participatory designers and inspired users, their system within the company, in August, 2010, the
working role is illustratively defined. Even though first version of Xiaomi smartphone was undergo-
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
The privileges they obtain include to trying out the new ver- On the media social platfor-
sion of system during the probationary period ahead of launch m/forum, they are ranked high
Real fanciers Lead User
and then to experience, test and evaluate the new MIUI sys- and labeled ”The Honored De-
tem and even the right to veto down the new version. velopment Team”
There will be a survey on the most popular new function of Ordinary fans also own the
Ordinary the phone and the winner would be awarded with popcorn, right to grade the new system,
Inspired users
Fans and the name and photos of the proposer or designer of this which would influence the di-
function will be posted in the forum. rection of the development.
ing a private beta test. The engineers of Xiaomi perience enables them to develop new functions
selected 100 users as the first batch of users. All that are practical and applicable in a real life
these 100 users were from various backgrounds, setting. In addition, professional lead users can
most of which were technicians or enthusiastic leverage their knowledge to create new ideas to
system developers with professional knowledge. new functions (Morrison-2000). As key role in
Lead users of Xiaomi can obtain the original ver- pre-development phase, lead users provides main
sion of the MIUI system ahead of time so that values such as: capabilities for describing their
they can report their experiences with focus on specific needs; they are skilled enough to devel-
the problems they find and then, propose their op new ideas and concepts in relation to the new
solutions. Users view the product from differen- products and they can pick up the pace on the
t perspective compared to Xiaomi engineers, so development process to minimize expenditures.
they are better at detecting problems that engi-
• During development
neers find harder to see. Furthermore, lead users
During the next innovation stage, different set-
recombine need-related information with insights
s of data from users were collected. Features
from other fields and experiments until they ac-
and product ideas with users are tested before
complish a novel solution that is addressing the
the product is deployed onto the market. These
needs (von Hippel - 2005).
teams employ different techniques to gain user-
s feedback. In this phase, qualitative rich user
Anioco, Krishnan and Ulrich suggest four cate-
inputs are gathered through crowdsourcing and
gories of different content types on innovation;
performance, design, usability and functionali-
ty. The reason for Xiaomi to involve profession- Pisano and Verganti defined crowdsourcing as an
al lead users in the pre-development phase is to open call to source traditionally generated by a
focus on functionality improvement. Users’ ex- large group of undefined individuals or a com-
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
munity of users. Before launching on the mass their forum every week, showing the debugging
market, Xiaomi would invite qualified users in and new functions development. This update has
forum to do the beta test. Data about the users’ to be carefully done due to a short timetable.
behaviors are collected automatically when the This development model is called ”Orange Friday
users download the system and other user inputs Model” named after the system updating patch
are gathered trough forum surveys as a crowd- released on Friday.
sourcing method. The concept of crowd sourcing
In the updating journal, a video is included to
was first brought up by Jeff Howe in 2006. There
present how the new function works, what is the
are three basic characteristics of crowd sourcing:
new feature and how this function is developed
based on internet, open production and volun-
in order to give a visualized active perception.
tary engagement. Users who participate in the
Hence, the users can fill the experiencing report
design of Xiaomi-innovation are well educated
to vote for the newest function, if the degree of
and in charge of their own free time. Further-
satisfaction is above 30%, the development team
more, they have a very strong desire to share
and the engaged users will be awarded the ”Pop-
their knowledge with others. The way they ex-
corn Reward”. The experiencing report is, in-
press their opinions is based on the internet and
stead of sophisticated data input, made up with
because they are not satisfied being a pure con-
mainly four questions, are you happy with this
sumer and service receiver, they voluntarily join
new updated version? Which is your favorite
the co-innovation. The consumer in this process
new function? What is your expectation about
acts as both information receiver and informa-
the system next week? Which function is most
tion sender, not only Xiaomi looks for consumer
useless? At the end of the updating journal, X-
feedback, the consumers are also acquiring prod-
iaomi shows their sincere respect and thanks to
uct details, updating schedules, other users’ ex-
those Mi-fans who contributes to the new func-
periences and react based on these informations.
tions with valuable ideas.
market, companies could receive input through nities during the development process, and get
tests online. Data from users are collected in the users involved in the production and post-
order to optimize certain features of the deployed production processes, where they are contributing
product or as input for new developments. with innovative content and development within
the product functionalities. As product innovation-
One third of the functions deployed on Xiaomi’s s are being presented online, these can be adapted
products come from users. The high frequency and modified by users from the pre-development
of updates on the MIUI system is very demand- phase to commercial deployment phase, the bound-
ing, and the attributions from the fans are of aries between production and post-production be-
great importance to keep this process going. Xi- comes fuzzy, leading to continuous product renew-
aomi consequently posts the updating journal on al and continuous flexibility of firm and community
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
Figure 9: Types of user input among innovation process In the paradigm of collaboration between firms
and users to co-design products, the users’ need-
s could be categorized into three degrees: users
2.2.3 The role of social platform–Xiaomi say; what users do; what users think. Explic-
Forum it needs can be identified by listening to what
Clear user classification and an engagemen- the customer say, which is the traditional way of
t practice scheme is not enough to complete the communicating with customers. It seemed this
co-innovation process, a platform with well-defined approach enables the customers to lead the di-
roles is a must. The Xiaomi forum is not defined as rection of the new product because what they
a traditional and simple chatting community or in- tell the firm is what they want. However, this ap-
formation board, it functions as a channel for quick proach is limited since it only catches the observ-
and transparent communication, through which X- able needs of customers and ignores the unex-
iaomi acquires both explicit and implicit informa- plored area related to what the customer knows,
tion from users. It also works as an innovation feels and dreams (Sanders-2002). Traditional
tool and service provider that facilities users en- marketing analysis is aimed at identifying the ex-
gagement. In addition, the Xiaomi forum has on- plicit knowledge of customers, what people say is
going operations providing data, for which the au- based on their past experience and does not re-
tomatic data collection system embedded in forum veal their true feelings about their tacit or latent
is responsible. needs.
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
serving and updating users’ needs all the time. register one Xiaomi account and can then get
Multi-lateral platform can act as an effective and 10GB cloud space to store all the history infor-
efficient channel to catch users’ explicit, implicit mation on their Xiaomi phone. Even users that
and latent needs. lost their phone and their private information can
be recovered from here.
• Innovation tool and service providing tool
Various factors have increased the potential and
Innovation toolkits enables verification of qual-
decreased the costs of searching for innovation
ity of member’s contribution, and their efforts
from external sources. One of the essential fac-
can be validated after being uploaded onto the
tors has been the growing availability of informa-
company’s site.
tion and communication technologies. The rise of
the Internet has played an important role in en- • User data provider
abling searches for external sources of innovation There is no specific user research departmen-
by facilitating technology intelligence (Veugeler- t in Xiaomi. The users are directly linked to
s, Bury, and Viaene-2010). Acquiring Innovation the management teams as well as the engineers,
from external sources usually involves effective- who make the whole research and design pro-
ness of interaction in which the platform plays a cess transparent with a strong sense of involve-
key role. ment by users. In spite of the trend of big da-
ta used by other hi-tech companies to gain the
Xiaomi distributes a certain number of human
customers insight, Xiaomi regards the data pro-
resources in the Xiaomi forum. By now, Xiaomi
cessing method as being stiff, instead, every em-
has almost 4,000 employees, 1,300 of them work
ployee in Xiaomi could communicate with users
as operators of these forums. The platform are
by person via Weibo or forum and get the feed-
used to select the most popular and valuable sug-
back the first time and solve the problems in
gestions from the users and work as a platform
time.(Jeppesen L.B-2006)
where they can express their opinions freely. In
this forum, all the system engineers can view the
There are two types of registered members in X-
users’ perceptions and ideas directly. Xiaomi has
iaomi forum, one is a Xiaomi smartphones user
always encouraged its engineers to contact user-
and the other type is A non-Xiaomi smartphone
s through social media platforms. On average,
user. The forum has a function called Authen-
every engineer in Xiaomi replies 150 posts week-
tification of users to effectively distinguish these
ly and every post regarding the MIUI system is
two types of users. Xiaomis’ smartphone user-
labeled a status, such as already received; solv-
s could use their identified IMEI code and SN
ing; already solved; already verified. The overall
code to complete the registration process and will
replying system works as a simplified debugging
then be marked with an orange identification. By
means of this mechanism, Xiaomi can track the
Xiaomi provides their services to users through actual participation of smartphone users in the
the social media platform. Users only need to forum and collect their activity data.
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
• Update platform
• Appealing product is the key As the most important communication channel is
The chasm of CEO is not enough to sustainably the Xiaomi updates Forum, this is established to
attracting users to contribute to the innovation guarantee the components are adjusted for effi-
process, appealing product with high quality is ciency .Since August 1st 2011, the Xiaomi multi-
the key. Xiaomi has applied the product inno- lateral platform has been updated according to
vation process described as ”Quick developing, the new functions on the Xiaomi smartphone.
Quick updating” to continuously optimizing Xi- The interactive pieces of the forum is expanded
aomi phone to appeal users. The basic premise with new ones and enriched with new contents in
of this type of development model is the original the existing pieces. The overview of Xiaomi Fo-
product is presented with many problems, but rum updating condition is presented in Table3.
the product is released quickly for users to detect
Xiaomi kept updating its platform to better en-
problems and the product could be adapted and
gage their users and to maximize their contribu-
optimized. On the contrary to this innovation
tion to product innovations, removing outdated
model, traditional product development models
boards or groups along with adding more mod-
employed by hi-tech companies such as Microsoft
ern and useful components. Thus, users’ ideas
would spend first the couple of months on plan-
can be expressed in more convenient and effec-
ning and then another couple of months on de-
tive ways, which does promote sustainability of
signing and developing. The final phase is testing
users’ engagement(Lee, Jen Fang-2012).
which is conducted in the last few months. As
a consequence, the total time spent on develop- • Integrating related stakeholders- firm, prod-
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
successfully profit from external sources of innova- is also applicable to the smartphone industry in
tion. ”Paying enough attention to our fans” is the which the physiological needs implies the most
essence of the company culture in Xiaomi.(Shin, basic function needs, like dialing, texting, apps
Lin and Luarn – 2012) and so on.
Focused on the relationship building process,
With their physical needs relatively satisfied, the
Xiaomi spends a certain amount of time to under-
individual’s safety needs take precedence and
stand users’ needs, to grasp users’ insights, employ
dominate behavior. In the sense of smartphone,
motivation methods and construct consumer loyal-
the safety requirement refers to private informa-
tion safety. Since the smartphone is the most
• Comprehensive understanding of users needs frequently used tool for individuals in daily life
to receive and send information, people are more
careful about their information safety, an ad-
vanced safety system would be appealing to user-
s. Regarding first two levels of needs, Xiaomi has
no competitive advantage. However, Xiaomi is
more capable in the high level needs requiremen-
t by method of users’ community.
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
users strong sense of contribution or value. from face-to-face conversation to posts, chat-
The last need is to be recognized or realized.
ting room, boards and e-mails. Post is the
Maslow describes this level as the desire to ac- basic element on Xiaomi Forum. By read-
complish everything that one can, to become the ing and responding to posts from users, Xiao-
most that one can be. Xiaomi makes their users mi could enhance its understanding of what
become conscious of their potentials by actively users want and why they want it. Posts also
inviting them and helping them to engage in it. reflect users’ own perceptions of product and
Members in special user team are highly recog- function which provides an ’in-depth’ under-
nized by their distinguished dedications. Ordi- standing of users minds. By 5th, January,
nary users are also recognized for their effective 2015, the total number of posts on Xiaomi fo-
feedback and suggestions. rum has reached 23.8-87.049. Posts are zoned
on various boards, the most popular ones are
In the light of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the
Xiaomi news broadcast; Mi-fans lives; Ap-
way Xiaomi understand users’ needs is showed in
figure 5.
plication zone; Product zone; Activity zone;
Service board; Computer games; ROM zone;
• Accurate grasp of users’ insight
FAQ zone and so on. There are more than
sixty sub-boards under each main board.
The online platform is useful to gain users
Thirdly, the frequency of interaction has in-
insight. It is based on the feature of the in-
ternet as it is helping reducing the distance creased dramatically, immediate information
transformation technique enables high fre-
between individuals drastically. The Xiaomi
forum, one of the numerous online platforms, quent information interaction. This charac-
works as one of the most effective channels to teristic of the internet platform is of signifi-
cance to avoid time lag of grasping consumer
gain abundant user insight.
insight. User insight is extracted from suffi-
Constant updating of internet necessitates cient instant information which is updating
more accurate and comprehensive under- very often. By scanning all contents from
standing of consumers’ minds for three fol- users in time, Xiaomi is better apprehending
lowing reasons. Firstly, forum breaks the lim- the inner nature of users’ comments, more ef-
itation of space, enlarging the range of room fectively than other smartphone companies.
of multi-lateral interaction, by enabling long-
distance communication. Xiaomi firm does Almost all the employees are required to focus
not need to allocate human resources to dif- on the Xiaomi forum and other social media
ferent cities collect consumer feedback from platforms. This approach ensures that every
different region, and the forum is cost-saving opinion or complaints from users are received
since it is beyond the concept of space. Sec- in time, which improves the efficiency to grasp
ondly, the form of interaction has changed the users’ insights.
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
Inter-City Mi-ting is based on specific city and the Mi-fans in that city. The registered users in
Inter-City Mi-ting Xiaomi forum could apply to be the president of Mi-fans in one city who is responsible to hold
activities and set up the organization structure
Popcorn national tour is initiated by Xiaomi company. Compared to Inter-City Mi-ting, Xiaomi
Popcorn national tour founders, software and hardware engineers, community managers are all participating in the popcorn
national tour and would communicate with fans face to face.
Mi-fans meeting is the activity that are targeted to mainly lead-users who could meet with the
Mi-fans meeting managers and technicians of Xiaomi. This kind of activity is beneficial for the users to talk about
the product development deeply.
Although Xiaomi does not own any physical stores, it has Xiaomi Family to provide repairmen service
Xiaomi Family
and technical support.
Given the large variety of possible sources of ex- H-2007). The prevalence of knowledge sharing
ternal innovation in a firm’s value network, firms can often be explained by the direct benefit-
are challenged by how to maximize the supply s users gain from freely revealing their knowl-
of innovation that originate beyond their bound- edge (Harhoff, Henkel&von Hippel-2003). Com-
aries. Motivating external stakeholders to sup- munity members may benefit from privileges and
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
innovation processes, we found out that Xiaomi what users from the social media platform their
firstly categorieses its users into different types organization should seek to incorporate, in order
according to three criteria, in order to perceive to gain the most beneficial output, from their ex-
their capabilities and accurately grade them. As ternal partners. The following section will contain
to maximize the benefit from users’ participation an analysis on which capabilities the organization-
in product innovation process, Xiaomi engages d- al structure of Xiaomi should possess, to engage in
ifferent specific groups of users in different devel- the best possible collaboration with the individu-
opment phases. During this process, the Xiaomi als who can create value for the company. After
Forum works as the key linkage between com- this, a comparison of the capabilities of their cur-
pany and users because specific groups receive rent structure to the ideal capabilities will be con-
needed information and contribute their knowl- ducted. Lastly, a recommendation on how Xiaomi
edge on different boards, and this type of multi- could structure itself, in order to gain the needed
lateral communication is necessary for compa- capabilities, will be conducted.
ny to cooperate with external partners. Xiaomi
makes fully use of the platform to promote inter-
2.3.1 Current Formal Structure
actions and synergy with users. The way Xiaomi
collaborates with its various users by the method
The current structure of the Xiaomi organiza-
of building and updating the forum is the key to
tion is a divisionalized form (Pengfei, Ding – 2013).
integrating related stakeholders and effectively
This structure is shown in appendix 4. The divi-
involve them in the co-innovation process.
sionalized form has both strengths and weaknesses.
First of all the structure is known for having verti-
2.3 Research Question 3 cal lines of communication, and skills. The current
Research Question 3: How can you structure structure of Xiaomi is placing each of the founders
an organization like Xiaomi to effectively engage its in control of an area. They have to manage their
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
2.3.2 The capabilities needed in the Xiaomi This means that the structure of the company is
organization very much in relation to the environment, in which
the company operates.
”One of the more enduring ideas in organiza- To elaborate on this, the open systems contin-
tional science is that an organization’s long-term gency theory is very useful. For Xiaomi the open
success depends on its ability to exploit its current system organization theory is essential. With the
capabilities, while simultaneously exploring funda- current business model in Xiaomi, the flow of ideas
mentally new competencies (Levinthal and March from their environment is what defines the compa-
1993, March 1991).” ny. This also means that it has to adapt to the
The idea of the ambidextrous organization is environment to keep having a flow of information
one of the primary focuses of Xiaomi. When an streaming through the company, in order to con-
organization chooses to emphasis the attributions tinue having their current business model. What
of an ambidextrous organization, an important el- this means for the structure of the organization is
ement is having a sound management team, who that it has to be very adaptive to the needs of fan-
are willing to make radical decisions based on the s, and more importantly, is has to make sure that
company’s current situation (O’Reilly, Tushman – the collaboration between fans and the company is
2004). When working with the concept of ambidex- unhindered by bureaucracy.
terity it is possible to adjust your organization, to Summarizing the capabilities, the organization
have two distinct sections of the company, where of Xiaomi has to possess, to collaborate effectively
one focuses on exploiting and the other focuses on with fans. It has to have a solid core structure
exploring. Xiaomi has to separate their business where the company is able to develop projects in
in to two parts. One part has to be exploiting cooperation with fans. The company has to let the
the current business and will include, production, demand from the fans determine what products to
marketing, R&D, financing and HR among others. develop, and which goals to pursue. Furthermore,
This part of the business will not be changed by the structure within the organization needs to allow
fans but will be the platform where fans can de- all sections of the company, to have some kind of
velop and market ideas. This will be the formally collaboration with fans.
structured core of the company.
2.3.3 The current formal structure com-
The other part of the company will be the part
pared to the capabilities needed
that changes with the demands from fans. This
part will be everything in regards to Xiaomi’s exter- We assume that the current structure of Xi-
nal environment, and will be defined in the collab- aomi is a divisionalised form (Mintzberg – 1980).
oration between the company and the fans (Shih, The main capabilities of this structure are out-
Lin and Luarn – 2012). This section of the compa- lined in the beginning of this chapter. The divi-
ny should grasp everything in regards to product sionalized structure possesses many of the capabil-
development, and be very flexible. This will be the ities needed by the Xiaomi organization. However,
part of the company to explore new possibilities. the current structure of the organization is non-
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
collaborative between the different products. The the fans exactly collaborate with the company, and
power is generally very decentralized which is also as the company have the divisionalized form, there
a very good idea in some cases. The issue in Xi- is no overall platform for the development of prod-
aomi might be difficulties in collaborating between ucts, which varies from department to department
the departments. A centralization of specific parts (Ihl, Piller and Wagner - 2012).
of the business could help to a more collaborative
approach within the business and might help the 2.3.4 Our idea on restructuring the organi-
company save resources (Ihl, Piller and Wagner - zation
2012). To centralize some parts of a company of-
Based on our analysis of the capabilities need-
ten means that these parts become less flexible. For
ed within the Xiaomi organization, we have created
Xiaomi to centralize some parts of their business,
a formal structure that we believe could help Xiao-
would probably give fans a more effective platfor-
mi to be more resource efficient, and more effective
m to develop ideas, and a less bureaucratic line of
in collaborating with fans. The model looks like
communication within the company (Ihl, Piller and
Wagner - 2012).In the current structure of Xiaomi,
each product facilitate contact with the fans, in the • Explanation of the model
respective area and try to collaborate most effec- Our model is built upon the basic framework of
tively with these. This is also the solution we are a matrix organization, but with a few moder-
looking for, but in our perspective, the fans have ations. We have chosen to centralize some of
to create the products and then the teams develop the operations within the company. These oper-
and market these. In the current structure, the de- ations include HR, Marketing, R&D, production
velopment part takes fans wishes into account, but and financing. This means that these different
it does not base its production solely on the wishes departments is formally structured within the or-
of fans. Therefore, there might be issues as to how ganization, and will take care of their respective
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
field, within each of the products the company fans. And in addition, it would create a platform
looks to create. On the other hand, there is the for development where fans know the processes
specific product, which is currently controlled by within the firm.
each of the founders. We believe that this is a
• Summary of research question 3
very good idea, and that it should continue to
In the work with our third and final research
be this way. The changed part in our restruc-
question we found the capabilities needed in the
turing is the creation and development of prod-
structure of Xiaomi. Furthermore we compared
ucts. This will now be based almost exclusively
these to the current structure of Xiaomi and con-
on the wished of the MI fans. This structure
cluded that their current structure did not meet
does not prohibit the company from introducing
all the criteria we believe is essential for the or-
new products, but the fans should participate in
ganization. We then moved to creating our own
defining the capabilities of these products.
idea, of the best possible structure for the Xiao-
Furthermore, we illustrate that Xiaomi have col- mi organization, in order to effectively cooperate
laboration between certain departments and its with fans and at the same time have a strong
fans. This illustrates that Xiaomi should be able core within the company. We found that a ma-
to insource people in their formal structure with- trix organization with fans being the main source
in HR, Marketing and R&D primarily. of product ideas is the best solution. Further-
more we suggests that Xiaomi centralizes part of
In our model, the fans demand certain products
its core operations in order to make a platform
or changes. Then the departments in charge of
for easy commercialization of ideas and a plat-
their product contacts R&D and informs them
form where they can easily insource fans to the
about the changes demanded by the fans. The
R&D then has the possibility to contact the in-
dividual fans they are interested in collaborat-
ing with. When this is completed, the respective 3 Conclusions
team can keep fans informed on the state of the
given project, and when the project is complet- 3.1 Conclusions
ed, the fans will help diffuse knowledge about the
When we started working with this project, we
innovations and thereby, help market the new
found the uniqueness of Xiaomi, in regards to their
product or service.
exponential growth interesting. We chose to work
We believe that this organizational structure with open innovation as a main concept of analysis,
would help save Xiaomi resources by centraliz- and more specifically, we chose to investigate the
ing some of their operations. It would increase fans of Xiaomi and the collaboration between the
the inter-firm communication and help close the two entities. We found the WFGM model to suit
gap between the different teams. It would help our needs, since it facilitated the needed tools for
create a strategy for the development of product- answering our problem formulation, along with the
s and services based on the demands from their research questions. The WFGM model have proven
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
to grasp the combination of open innovation, in more efficiently communicate with all three types
regards to user-driven innovation, while including of users. By engaging all related stakeholders in
the organizational aspect as well. After identifying the innovation process, Xiaomi can achieve a com-
how to solve each of the steps in the framework, we petitive advantage in product innovation and keep
chose theories accordingly. synergizing with their users.
What each of the step revealed gave us the In the final part of our paper, we establish
tools to depict the current situation for Xiaomi, and what capabilities the organizational structure of X-
we were able to acquire the needed knowledge of iaomi should possess to effective collaborate with
related theories to answer our problem formulation their fans. After defining these, we compared their
along with our research questions. current organizational structure to the capabilities
By understanding exactly what capabilities needed. We therefore created a formal organiza-
the fans on the Xiaomi forum was able to contribute tional structure, which emphasized the capabilities
with, the types of users to collaborate with was de- of their fans, along with the companies’ capabil-
fined. Through the diffusion of innovation, multiple ities. Based on our findings, we then presented
new ideas and innovations can be located and inte- the organizational structure we acknowledge as the
grated in the development of new products. Hence, ”best possible fit”.
locating the users that are able to contribute with
essential knowledge is what Xiaomi should to be 3.2 Reflections
emphasizing. When we reflect upon our project, we see a
The mentioned users who Xiaomi is able to way of structuring an organization, in order to cope
benefit from, are what we call lead users. These with open innovation. Xiaomi have succeeded in
users are to be found within the large group of X- creating a collaborative approach, which is con-
iaomi fans. We found that it is not possible for trolled by the demand of the market. This gives
Xiaomi to collaborate extensively with their entire them a better chance of creating commercial suc-
fan base. Hence, categorizing their fans though a cessful innovations, and thereby maintaining a sus-
coding system is the ideal method to locate the ex- tained competitive advantage.
act fans Xiaomi wants to collaborate with. What this project has established, is a frame-
To maximize the benefits from collaboration work for other technology companies are able to
with users, Xiaomi classified users into 1) lead user- learn from. Despite the case focusing solely on X-
s who participate in the initial development phase, iaomi, this framework is based on the concept of
2) participatory designers who are engaged in con- open innovation, and the ideas and reflections can
tinuous optimization of products and its functions, easily be implemented in other companies. A tech-
and 3) ordinary users who are labeled as inspired nology company does not have to collaborate as
users, who offer quantitative user data. To main- extensively with its external environment as Xiao-
tain innovation input from users sustainably, Xi- mi, but it could definitely learn something from the
aomi updates its forums frequently, which serves collaborative approach Xiaomi has emphasized.
as the key linkage between the firm and users, to Our initial choice of using the WFGM model
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
Case study, Xiaomi-Integrating User-driven Innovation and the Organizational Design Innovation Management - SDC
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