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Faculty of LAW
After provisional admission on selection, the students will deposit fee or dues in the University account within the stipulated
time period as provided by the relevant Departments/Institutes/Centers/Colleges etc.
After provisional admission on selection and depositing fee or dues in the University account, the students securing at least
2nd division in Intermediate Examination (as a whole), should submit his/her Intermediate Part-II or equivalent (pass) result
card, in the examination held earliest after COVID-19 within stipulated time period in the relevant Departments.
The admission in M.A. and M.Sc. or equivalent programs will provisionally be made on the basis of the result of B.A./B.Sc.
Part-I Annual or Part-I Supply 2019 Examination. (Only those candidates who have passed in first year exam are eligible).
The admission, shall however be provisional, subject to the final clearance of the candidate in Part-II Examination, latest by
the Annual Year, 2020 (maximum), failing to which the admission shall stand as cancelled.
After provisional admission and depositing fee or dues in the University account, the students shall be required to submit his/
her B.A., B.Sc. Part-II (pass) result card Annual 2020 within stipulated time period in the relevant Departments, in case of
failure in 2020 examination provisional admission shall be automatically cancelled.
In case any candidate who is found at any time to have obtained admission by making any miss-statement in the
Admission Forms or by willful concealment of any material fact, (particularly about marks, division, previous
admission to the Department/Institute/Center/College or employment, expulsion, conviction etc., and fails to fulfill
the eligibility criteria as laid down by the University Admission Rules 2020-21, his/her admission shall stand as
cancelled and all fees or other dues paid by him/her shall be forfeited.
Eligibility and basic criteria for admission in Self Supporting (Afternoon/Replica/Evening) programs of BS/M.A., M.Sc. or equivalent
will be the same as for morning programs. There is no age limit or session preference for Self Supporting (Afternoon/Replica/Evening)
programs. Hostel accommodation facility shall not be provided to the students admitted under Self Supporting
(Afternoon/Replica/Evening) Programs. Incomplete online form will not be entertained.
The challan form amounting Rs.700/- may be deposited by the candidates in the following Habib Bank Limited (HBL) or United
Bank Limited(UBL) accounts-
Habib Bank Account No. 0042-7900-0843-03, United Bank Account No. 2255-9255-1 (MCA)
For PUCIT: Deposit the challan amount in any branch of Habib Bank, Limited (HBL)
Account No. 00427991775503
Subject eligibility criteria of individual disciplines will be available online while filling the admission form and on the University website
as well. The same will also be provided (through e-mail/ telephone only) by the concerned Department/Institute/ Centre/ College.
All the applicants shall apply separately on morning, evening, replica, self- supporting and reserved quota seats for each discipline.
No application submitted once in a category shall be converted/considered in any other category/discipline.
Third Merit list 19-08-2020 (10:00 am) Wednesday 02-09-2020 (10:00 am) Wednesday
Last date for deposit of dues 25-08-2020 till Bank time Tuesday 08-09-2020 till bank time Tuesday
Fourth Merit list 26-08-2020 (10:00 am) Wednesday 09-09-2020 (10:00 am) Wednesday
Last date for deposit of dues 01-09-2020 till Bank time Tuesday 15-09-2020 till bank time Tuesday
Fifth & Final Merit list 02-09-2020 (10:00 am) Wednesday 16-09-2019 (10:00 am) Wednesday
(if any required )
Last date for deposit of dues 08-09-2020 till Bank time Tuesday 22-09-2020 till bank time Tuesday
Commencement of Classes
Commencement of classes 10-09-2020 Thursday 24-10-2020 Thursday
Gujranwala and Jhelum Campuses will follow the same schedule as that of Main Campus, Punjab University.
Due to limited accommodation facility, therefore the University is not bound to provide hostel accommodation to each and every admitted
student. Limited accommodation shall be allotted on merit basis. Transport & Accommodation facility is not available for the
students at Gujranwala/ Jhelum Campuses.
No application will be received in Admission office or any Department/Centre/Institute/College by hand or by post/courier. After the closing
date of online portal for submission of forms, no online facility will be available in any case.
No call letter/phone call shall be made separately for selection; applicants are advised to visit Punjab University/Departmental website
All University Rules and Regulations shall be applicable and subject to change owing to the current COVID-19 crises/Government policy.
Merit lists for each subject/program for the year, 2020-21 will be uploaded at the University website according to above mentioned