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Environ Geochem Health

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-021-01011-z (0123456789().,-volV)


Assessment of the hydrochemistry, water quality,

and human health risk of groundwater in the northwest
of Nansi Lake Catchment, north China
Zongjun Gao . Cong Han . Shuyu Yuan . Jiutan Liu . Yuming Peng .
Changsuo Li

Received: 3 December 2020 / Accepted: 9 June 2021

Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2021

Abstract In this study, the formation mechanism HCO3 type. Hydrochemical analysis indicated that the
and water quality of groundwater in the northwest of development of groundwater hydrochemistry is
Nansi Lake Catchment (NNLC) were analyzed mainly attributable to water–rock interactions, with
through mathematical statistics, hydrochemical anal- the primary process being the dissolution of minerals
ysis and entropy weighted water quality index such as calcite, dolomite, gypsum, and albite. Evapo-
(EWQI), and the human health risk of nitrate was ration exhibited an increasing trend from the northeast
also evaluated. To this end, 89 wells in the NNLC were to the southwest. Groups I and III presented obvious
sampled, and the groundwater samples were divided effects of human activities, with Group I showing
into three groups (I, II, and III) according to cluster sulfate pollution and Group III mainly showing nitrate
analysis results and spatial distribution. The main pollution. Analysis of the characteristics and causes of
results are as follows: Topographically, Groups I, II, the groundwater hydrochemistry revealed the pro-
and III correspond to the alluvial plains, apron plain, posed approach has excellent performance for classi-
and low hills and its front margin, respectively. fication in areas with complex hydrogeological
According to the Piper diagram, the hydrochemical conditions. The results of EWQI showed that the
types of Groups I and II groundwater are Na–SO4Cl overall water quality was good, following the order
and CaMg–HCO3, respectively, and that of Group III Group III [ Group II [ Group I. The overall human
is more concentrated, mostly corresponding to the Ca– health risk of nitrate in groundwater was low, but the

Z. Gao  C. Han  S. Yuan Y. Peng  C. Li

College of Earth Science and Engineering, Shandong Key Laboratory of Groundwater Resources and
University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, Environment, Shandong Provincial Bureau of Geology &
China Mineral Resources, Jinan 250014, China

J. Liu (&) Y. Peng  C. Li

College of Energy and Mining Engineering, Shandong Shandong Engineering Research Center for Groundwater
University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, Environmental Protection and Remediation,
China Jinan 250014, China
e-mail: [email protected]

Y. Peng  C. Li
801 Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology,
Shandong Provincial Bureau of Geology & Mineral
Resources, Jinan 250014, China

Environ Geochem Health

risk was slightly higher for children than for adults. differences in the chemical composition of surface
Therefore, the effects of nitrate contamination should water and groundwater as well as changes from the dry
be considered when exploiting hilly and peri-urban to wet seasons, Liu et al. (2020a) investigated the
groundwater for drinking water. formation and evolution of groundwater chemotypes
holistically and evaluated the water quality and health
Keywords Groundwater  Hydrochemistry  Water risks. Previous studies have shown that the sustainable
quality  Human health risk  The northwest of Nansi use of groundwater and prevention of groundwater
Lake Catchment pollution can be achieved through the analysis and
characterization of groundwater chemistry, determi-
nation of the formation and evolution mechanism,
scientific evaluation of groundwater quality, and
Introduction human health risk assessment of pollutants (Jandu
et al., 2021; Mandal et al., 2021).
As a clean, abundant, and easily exploitable source of Nansi Lake is the second largest lake in the North
water, groundwater has played an invaluable role in China Plain, and the surrounding area is flat and
the development of the human society for thousands of densely populated. The northwest of Nansi Lake
years. However, with the increasing demand for Catchment (NNLC) is located in the transition zone
natural resources accompanying the development of between the Taiyi Mountain and Yellow River alluvial
modern technology and skyrocketing population den- plain with complex geological conditions. In the
sities, the natural environment, including groundwa- NNLC, groundwater is widely used for agricultural,
ter, is being significantly affected. The development of industrial, domestic, and drinking purposes, and
land has changed the ecological environment. In anthropogenic activities inevitably lead to groundwa-
addition, industrial and agricultural production activ- ter pollution (Liu et al., 2020d). The geomorphological
ities and urban sewage discharge have polluted characteristics of the study area and the types of
groundwater (He et al., 2020; Sener et al., 2020). human activities have obvious regional differences,
Pollution can change the groundwater chemistry, and the chemical characteristics of groundwater in
which has important implications for human health. different regions may also differ as a result. Thus far,
Today, with the continuous pollution of groundwater, the water chemistry of the surface waters of four
the hazards are becoming apparent and beginning to southern lakes has been well studied, but groundwater
affect human health (Wu & Sun, 2015). The formation in the surrounding area has rarely been investigated.
of groundwater chemistry is complex, involving Xu et al. (2020) used the fuzzy comprehensive
natural influences, such as regional lithology, topo- evaluation method and principal component analysis
graphic features, and precipitation, in addition to to evaluate the water quality of surface waters in the
anthropogenic influences (Madhav et al., 2020; south Sihu Lake Basin, and extracted four principal
Vaiphei et al., 2020). components: heavy metals, organic and toxic pollu-
In recent years, the natural and anthropogenic tants, total nitrogen, and COD. Liu et al. (2020e)
causes of groundwater chemistry have been exten- characterized groundwater chemistry and assessed the
sively studied, and many methods have been proposed, health risk of fluorine elements in the southwest plain
improved, and used in an integrative manner (Kim of Shandong Province, which includes the NNLC. Liu
et al., 2020; Valappil et al., 2020). Liu et al. (2020a) et al. (2021) conducted a qualitative and quantitative
combined multivariate statistical techniques and geo- analysis of the relationship between water pollution
chemical simulations to reverse engineer the geo- and economic growth in the NNLC and pointed out
chemical evolution of groundwater in the Yellow that domestic sewage discharge is continuously
River irrigation region of China and investigate the increasing and has been one of the main sources of
influence of anthropogenic factors. Abdul-Wahab pollution. Gao et al. (Gao et al., 2019a) analyzed the
et al. (2020) applied principal component analysis chemical characteristics of groundwater and evaluated
(PCA), geostatistical methods, and isotopes to analyze its suitability for irrigation in the western part of the
the chemical and material sources of groundwater in southwest plain of Shandong Province, where the
the Lower Anayari catchment, Ghana. By analyzing groundwater is of Na–HCO3 type and mixed type, and

Environ Geochem Health

concluded that this area experiences the dissolution of Dushan Lake, and Nanyang Lake. The Beijing-
calcite, dolomite, gypsum and other minerals. For a Hangzhou Grand Canal runs north–south across the
study area containing multiple geological units, four lakes, and the major rivers in the study area, such
determining the spatial correspondence between geo- as the Si River, Guangfu River, Su-Zhao-Xin River
logical units and identifying groundwater types are of and Dongyu River, are all connected to the four lakes
high significance. For this purpose, the extraction of (Liu et al., 2020e).
important information hidden in the raw data popula- The NNLC is located in the North China Plain at the
tion and determination of complex interconnections intersection of the low hills in the middle of Shandong
between water chemistry samples or indicators are and the Yellow River Alluvial Plain in the southwest
important issues that remain to be resolved. of Shandong. Geologically, the NNLC belongs to the
This study attempted to address the abovemen- depression of the southwest fracture of Shandong
tioned issues. The main objectives of this study were Province in North China, and the terrain is high in the
to (1) verify the practicability and research value of the east and low in the west, high in the north and low in
combination of cluster analysis (CA) and spatial the south. The study area is - 31.5 to 648.8 m above
distribution for the grouping of groundwater chem- sea level, and the terrain is mainly plain, with the
istry, which can contribute to hydro-chemical analysis ground elevation in the plain area ranging from 35 to
in areas with complex hydrogeological conditions; (2) 60 m above sea level, while the hilly area accounts for
determine the chemical characteristics, causes, and only 19.5% of the total area. The bedrock in the study
controlling factors of groundwater in the northwestern area is hidden under the Quaternary system. Quater-
part of the NNLC; (3) assess groundwater quality and nary alluvial and proluvial deposits are widely spread
determine the human health risk of nitrates. The in the entire area. Lake-phase sediments are only
research results can provide reference for the devel- present in parts of the region (Liu et al., 2021). The
opment and protection of groundwater resources in the thickness of Quaternary sediments widely varies. The
NNLC area, as well as other similar areas in the world. lithology of the Pleistocene (Qp) deposit in the study
area is mainly brown and yellowish brown powdery
Study area clay and clay, and the bottom is rich in calcareous
nodules and oblate iron-manganese nodules. The
The northwest of Nansi Lake Catchment (NNLC) Holocene (Q4) deposit overlies the Pleistocene, and
belongs to the administrative division of Jining City in the lithology is mainly light yellow, grayish yellow
the southwest of Shandong Province, China (Fig. 1). It clay and silt clay, with thickness ranging from 2.3 to
is bordered by the Yellow River in the north, Nansi 9.8 m; silt lenses can be found locally, and a layer of
Lake in the south, the Taiyi hills in the east, and the flat grayish green, grayish black silt clay or silt clay, rich
Yellow River floodplain in the west. NNLC is located in organic matter at the bottom.
34° 260 –35° 570 N, 115° 520 –117° 360 E, with a In the study area, shallow groundwater is found
north–south length of 167 km, east–west width of mainly in Quaternary pore aquifers. Stratigraphic
158 km, and a total area 11,285 km2. The NNLC thickness gradually increases from east to west in the
belongs to the warm-temperate monsoon continental alluvial plain in the eastern part of the study area,
climate zone, with four distinct seasons alternating generally 30–100 m in the east and 150–250 m in the
between warm and wet and an average annual western frontier zone. The aquifer particles range from
temperature of 13.8 °C; the average annual precipita- coarse to fine, and the lithology mainly consists of
tion is 689.2 mm, with the regional distribution of alluvial and flooded yellow clay, sandy clay, sand, and
precipitation decreasing from southeast to northwest. gravel. Water abundance gradually declines from the
Precipitation from June to September during the rainy northeast to the southwest, with single well gushes
season accounts for more than 70% of the annual dropping from 3000 to 1000m3/d. In the Yellow River
precipitation. The main source of water vapor is the alluvial plains west of Nansi Lake, the thickness of the
intrusion of warm air masses from the western Pacific quaternary aquifer is generally 200–300 m, and the
low latitudes. The NNLC belongs to the Huai River lithology is composed of sandy clay, silt and sub-sand.
Basin, and Nansi Lake is the collective name of four
connected lakes: Weishan Lake, Zhaoyang Lake,

Environ Geochem Health

Fig. 1 Geographical locations of the NNLC and sampling sites

Environ Geochem Health

Materials and methods Various software were implemented to obtain the

water chemistry data of the collected samples, and
Sampling and analytical investigation descriptive statistical analysis was performed using
SPSS 22. The Piper diagram was produced using
Eighty-nine groundwater wells (Fig. 1) located in the AqQA software with the concentration of 7 main ions,
NNLC were sampled in May 2017. Groundwater Gibbs plots and various ion ratios were produced from
samples were collected from relatively shallow qua- the scatter plot of Origin 2019. Spatial distribution
ternary pore water from wells with depths of mostly plots based on inverse distance weighting interpola-
less than 100 m. The coordinates of each sampling tion were obtained from ArcGIS 10.2 (Liu et al.,
point were identified and recorded using GPS. Dried 2021).
and sterilized polyethylene plastic bottles with a
capacity of 5 L were used to collect and store samples. Entropy-weight water quality index (EWQI)
Sampling bottles were rinsed 2 to 3 times with
groundwater and then sampled. After sampling, the The water quality of groundwater was evaluated based
bottles were sealed and transported to the laboratory on the entropy-weight water quality index (EWQI).
for water quality testing as soon as possible under a The main process of calculating the entropy-weight
refrigerated condition. water quality index is as follows:
  Firstly, the initial matrix X is constructed with
xij  xij min
yij ¼     ð1Þ sample number and hydrochemical parameters, and
xij max  xij min then the judgment matrix Y is obtained by normaliza-
  tion. In matrix Y, yij is calculated from Eq. (1), and
1 þ yij (xij)min and (xij)max represent the minimum and
pij ¼ 1 þ Pm   ð2Þ
i¼1 1 þ yij maximum values of the same water chemistry param-
eters for all samples in matrix X, respectively. Then,
1 X m
information entropy (ej), entropy weight (wj), and
ej ¼  Pij ln Pij ð3Þ
ln m i¼1 quality assessment quantity (qi) are calculated from
Eqs. (2)–(5), where Cj is the concentration (mg/L) of
1  ej parameter j and sj is the permissible limit value (mg/L)
wj ¼ Pn   ð4Þ
j¼i 1  ej of parameter j. Finally, EWQI is calculated using
Eq. (6) (Ji et al., 2020; Liu, 2020b).
Cj When EWQI \ 25, groundwater quality is excel-
qj ¼  100 ð5Þ
Sj lent; when 25 \ EWQI \ 50, groundwater quality is
good; when 50 \ EWQI \ 100, groundwater quality
is moderate; when 100 \ EWQI \ 150, groundwater
EWQI ¼ wj qj ð6Þ
quality is poor; when EWQI [ 150, water quality
grade is very poor.
TDS and pH were measured directly at the
sampling point using a portable instrument (HACH, Health risk assessment
H40D), major cations (potassium, sodium, calcium,
magnesium), metasilicate and total hardness were The Health Risk Assessment Method (HRA) is a
determined by inductively coupled plasma emission quantitative method for assessing the relationship
spectroscopy (ICP-AES, optima 7000DV), sulfate, between harmful substances in groundwater and
chloride, and nitrate ions were determined by ion human health. The assessment model includes hazard
chromatography, and bicarbonate ions were deter- identification, dose-effect analysis, exposure assess-
mined by titration (ICS-600). Calculating the ion ment and risk characterization (Adimalla & Qian,
equilibrium error (IBE), each sample was found to 2020; Wu et al., 2021). In this study, the health risks
have an acceptable range of error (approximately associated with ingestion via drinking and dermal
10%) (Ion et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2018). contact were calculated for adult males, females, and
children based on a model provided by the U.S.

Environ Geochem Health

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) as drinking water is 6.5–8.5, and the groundwater in the
follows: study area was weakly alkaline, with a maximum pH
C  IR  EF  ED value of 8.7. As shown in Table 1, there were 4 samples
CDIOral ¼ ð7Þ with alkalinity levels slightly above the standard,
which does not affect human health. When the total
TC  C  SA  Ki  EV  EF  ED  CF dissolved solids (TDS) \ 1000 mg/L, groundwater is
CDIDermal ¼
BW  AET called fresh water; when the total hardness (TH) \
ð8Þ 450 mg/L, groundwater is called soft water; water
with low TDS and low TH is less not suitable for human
CDIOral þ CDIDernal consumption (Barzegari et al., 2017). The TDS of some
HI ¼ ð9Þ
DRf samples in the study area exceeded the standard, with a
CDI is the estimated chronic daily intake of maximum value of 1907.44 mg/L and an exceedance
contaminants, including the oral drinking dose CDIOral rate of 12%. The maximum value of total hardness was
and the dermal absorbed dose CDIDermal, in mg/ 829.49 mg/L, and the percentage of exceedance was
(kgdays). C is the concentration of nitrate in ground- 11%. According to the average value, the main anions
water (mg/L); IR is the drinking water intake rate in and cations in the groundwater in this region are Na?
L/day: 1.32 for children and 2.62 for adults. ED and and HCO3-, and anion abundance followed the order
EF are the exposure duration (years) and exposure HCO3- [ SO42- [ Cl- [ NO3-, while the cation
frequency (days/year), respectively. The ED value is abundance followed the order Na? [ Ca2? [ Mg2?-
45 for males and females and 12 for children, and EF is [ K?. The standard value of NO3- concentration is
365. ABW stands for average body weight (kg), and 50 mg/L and the detection limit of the instrument is
the recommended weights are 65 kg for men, 55 kg 0.01 mg/L. NO3- was not detected in 5 of the 89
for women, and 28 kg for children; AET stands for samples in the NNLC, and the exceedance rate was
average exposure time, with values of 23,360 days, 27%. The samples showed significant nitrate contam-
24,455 days, and 4380 days for men, women and ination with a large variation in values among samples.
children, respectively. The coefficient of variation (CV) is the standard
TC stands for duration of exposure, 0.4 h/day. SA deviation divided by the mean of the overall sample,
stands for skin surface area, with values of 16,600 cm2 which reflects the degree of stability of an indicator
for adults and 12,000 cm2 for children. Ki is the skin (Abdul-Wahab et al., 2020). As shown in Table 1, the
absorption parameter (cm/h: 0.001 cm/h); EV is the data are stable when CV is \ 40%, except for pH; the
frequency of bathing (times/day: considered as once a only other indicator that met this criterion was
day); and the conversion factor (CF) is designated as HCO3-, which indirectly indicates that the source of
0.001. DRf is the reference dose, and its value for HCO3- is widespread and evenly distributed in the
NO3- is 1.6 mg/kg/day according to the USEPA. The study area. In addition, the CV for TDS, TH, and Ca2?
sum of CDIOral and CDIDermal is the total risk, ranged from 50 to 70%, indicating that the levels of
expressed by HI; HI \ 1 indicates an acceptable risk; these indicators may vary in different regions. The CV
otherwise, the risk exceeds an acceptable level (Adi- for Na?, K?, SO42-, Cl-, NO3-, ranged from 100 to
malla & Qian, 2021; Liu et al., 2020b). 120%. These large values may be attributable to point
and diffused pollution from industrial and agricultural
Results and discussion
Cluster analysis and regional classification
General hydrochemistry of groundwater analysis

Statistical analysis of hydrochemical data can provide CA reveals complex interrelationships between water
preliminary understanding of the typical characteris- samples or indicators by extracting important infor-
tics of water chemistry in the study area. According to mation hidden in the raw data population, making it
the general standard (Gao, 2019c), the pH standard for easier to summarize the main factors influencing water
chemistry characteristics from a wide range of factors

Environ Geochem Health

Table 1 Statistical Parameters Units Minimum Maximum Mean SD CV (%)

summary the main chemical
properties of groundwater pH – 7.3 8.7 7.81 0.31 3.95
of the NNLC
TDS mg/L 157.97 1907.44 561.26 379.3 67.58
TH mg/L 96.08 829.49 285.68 164.41 57.55
Ca2? mg/L 10.77 185.24 71.88 39.75 55.29
Mg2? mg/L 0.52 131.82 25.55 24.97 97.74
Na mg/L 2.36 413.33 78.21 92.33 118.06
K? mg/L 0.52 9.23 1.44 1.44 99.52
HCO3- mg/L 90.97 441.84 181.81 72.86 40.08
SO42- mg/L 6.57 789.35 155.02 168.71 108.83
Cl- mg/L 5.58 399.81 80.82 79.57 98.46
NO3- mg/L 0 171.09 35.21 36.97 105.01
CV coefficient of variation, SiO2 mg/L 1.6 37.73 23.61 7.71 32.66
SD standard deviation

and indicators, and to interpret the main factors grouped samples were projected onto the piper
quantitatively (Zhang et al., 2020a). In CA, neighbor- triangles. To clarify regional differences in the chem-
ing samples have similar hydrochemical characteris- ical characteristics of groundwater in the study area,
tics, and the correlation features are projected onto the the samples were classified into groups I, II, and III of
groundwater sampling point distribution map. Most of the cluster analysis. In general, the water chemistry
the sampling sites were found to have strong correla- types in the study area are complex, with large
tion in both CA and spatial distribution. Moreover, variations in anion or cation, even within a single
coupled with the relatively complex human activities group. The anions in Group I are stable and correspond
in the study area, strong regional variation was to the SO4–Cl type, with no predominant anion. In
observed in groundwater in the study area (Madhav contrast, the cations are highly variable, with approx-
et al., 2020). As shown in Fig. 2, the sampling points imately 40% corresponding to the Na–K type, and are
were grouped according to the order of spatial concentrated near the southern boundary of the
distribution and hierarchical CA and projected on the Yellow River Alluvial Plain; the dominant cation is
hydrogeologic map of the NNLC region. The three Na?. The cations in the water samples of Group II are
groups of water samples exhibited extremely distinct stable and correspond to the Ca-Mg type. The anions
regional differences and correlated well with the exhibit large variations, with 30% corresponding to
geomorphological and hydrogeological features. the SO4-Cl type, and are distributed near the east–west
Accordingly, three regions could be set for the groups boundary of the Taiyi Mountains Apron Plain. On the
of samples: the Yellow River Alluvial Plain (Group I, whole, approximately 70% of the samples correspond
indicated in yellow), which has low topography and to the HCO3–CaMg type. The specific gravity of
shallow groundwater depth; the Taiyi Mountains anions and cations in Group III was relatively stable,
Apron Plain (Group II, indicated in red) north of the with the cations mostly located in region A and Ca2?
Nansi Lake, which has low topography and deep as the dominant ions; the anion is basically located in
groundwater depth; the Taiyi Mountains Front Low the B region, which is the non-dominant region.
Hills and its Front Margin (Group III, indicated in Specific gravity did not significantly vary between the
blue) in the eastern part of the NNLC, which has high three major anions, and Cl- content was slightly
topography. lower.

Hydrochemical types Natural processes controlling the formation

of groundwater chemistry
The Piper diagram is a practical method for easy
classification of water chemistry types for multiple Gibbs diagram can be used to analyze the main natural
samples (Gao, 2019b). As shown in Fig. 3, the factors influencing the formation of the chemical

Environ Geochem Health

Fig. 2 Hydrogeological maps of the NNLC and clustering analysis results

components of groundwater (Li et al., 2016a). The the Yellow River alluvial plain. In the NNLC,
three sample groups were plotted in a Gibbs diagram, evaporation increases gradually from northeast to
as shown in Fig. 4. Firstly, Na?/(Na? ? Ca2?) was southwest (Liu et al., 2021).
found to be significantly higher than Cl-/(Cl--
? HCO3-) in Group I and II, and Na?/(Na? ? Ca2?) Ion ratio of dissolved minerals
was extremely high in some water samples (Fig. 4a),
exceeding the analytical range delineated by Gibbs’s The dissolution of different minerals produces differ-
diagram. This indicates the potential effects of ent types or ratios of ions, and this process can be
anthropogenic factors, evaporation, and silicate dis- calculated quantitatively (Karunanidhi, 2020; Zhu
solution to increase Na?. These samples were mostly et al., 2017). Ionic ratios can help analyze the effects
located in the southwestern and central parts of the of the dissolution of different minerals on groundwater
study area. In addition, without considering the chemistry. In Fig. 5a, natural causes are further
anthropogenic influence of Na ? , the entire study divided on the basis of the Gibbs plots (Yan et al.,
area is predominantly controlled by rock-water inter- 2020). Specifically, Group I and a small number of
action. Samples in Group I are more controlled by Group II are controlled by evaporation. Group II and
evaporation than those in the other two groups. This is Group III are mainly affected by the dissolution of
attributable to the flat topography, shallow depth of silicate and carbonate, with Group II being affected
groundwater, and poor hydrodynamic conditions of more strongly. An Na?/Cl- ratio of approximately 1

Environ Geochem Health

Fig. 3 Piper diagram representing the chemistry of groundwater

Fig. 4 Gibbs plots of groundwater samples in the NNLC

Environ Geochem Health

indicates dissolved rock salt, which occurs as per mostly lower than 5 meq/L and generally near the 1:1
Eq. (10), as the theoretical source of Na? and Cl-: line, mainly controlled by rock salt dissolution, but
Na? was high in Group II and Cl- was high in Group
NaCl ! Naþ þ Cl ð10Þ
III, which correspond with the different water chem-
As shown in Fig. 5b, the equivalent concentrations istry types of the two groups in Fig. 3. If the
of Na? and Cl- in Group I were mostly higher than groundwater hydrochemistry is mainly controlled by
5 meq/L, with extremely large and irregular degrees of the dissolution of calcite (CaCO3), dolomite
variation, mainly attributable to Na? overflow; this (CaMg(CO3)2), and gypsum or anhydrite (CaSO4),
indicates that Na? has other major sources apart from then c(Ca2? ? Mg2?)/c(HCO3- ? SO42-) should be
rock weathering (Amiri et al., 2020). Na? and Cl- distributed near the 1:1 line in Fig. 5c (Ion et al.,
equivalent concentrations in Groups II and III were 2019). The dissolved equivalent concentration is

Fig. 5 Scatter plots of major ions

Environ Geochem Health

approximately 2.5 to 12.5 meq/L. The pattern of anion of calcite is generally dissolved in Group 2, suggesting
and cation distribution along the 1:1 line in Fig. 5c is that it is mainly affected by the dissolution of gypsum.
reversed from that in Fig. 5b. Silicate degradation is incongruent, and this process
To further clarify the type of dissolved carbonate cannot be quantified by a simple scatter plot; the
rock, the c(Ca2? ? Mg2?)/c(HCO3-) plot (Mandal boundaries in the Fig. 5e distinguishes the areas where
et al., 2021) was generated, as shown in Fig. 5d. If different minerals reach stability (Vaiphei et al.,
only calcite and dolomite dissolution occurred, then 2020). The stable mineral in Groups I and II is albite,
the meq concentration ratio of Ca2? ? Mg2? and and that in Group III is kaolinite. Albite is unstable at
HCO3- should be 1:1 as per Eqs. (11) and (12) room temperature, indicating that the conversion of
(Sohrabi et al., 2020): albite in Groups I and II has reached saturation, further
suggesting its higher contribution to the chemical
CaCO3 þ CO2 þ H2 O ! Ca2þ þ 2HCO
3 ð11Þ
composition of groundwater.
Group I samples exhibited an irregular and highly
CaMgðCO3 Þ2 þ 2CO2 þ 2H2 O
variable distribution (Fig. 5b–f), which will be
! Mg2þ þ Ca2þ þ 4HCO 3 ð12Þ
inferred from the unstable and high concentration of
Figure 5a shows that Groups I and II are affected by Na? and SO42-, as well as evaporation and silicate
the dissolution of silicate minerals to a considerable degradation. The sources of Na? and SO42- in Group I
extent. The stability diagram, which has been pro- samples could be inferred from the c(Na?)/c(SO42-)
posed to analyze silicate dissolution by (Drever, 1997; plot in Fig. 5g; the equivalent concentrations of Na?
Trady, 1971), was drawn (Fig. 5e). In this study, the and SO42-ranged from 5 to 20 meq/L. Sample distri-
content of K? was low, only considering the conver- bution along the y = x line is symmetrical, but still
sion of albite to kaolin as per Eq. (13): varies significantly. The Mirabilite is a naturally
occurring mineral that produces the same amounts
2NaAlSi3 O8 þ 2CO2 þ 11H2 O (meq) of Na? and SO42- on dissolution. However,
! Al2 Si2 O5 ðOHÞ4 þ 4H4 SiO4 þ 2Naþ þ 2HCO
3 under normal circumstances less gypsum minerals are
ð13Þ less abundant in sediments. Moreover, the study area
does not include any Mirabilite mine. Na? and SO42-
Gypsum or anhydrite is the main sources of
may be strongly affected by human activities, which is
groundwater SO42- in nature. The piper diagram
discussed in a later section.
indicates the occurrence of gypsum dissolution in
Groups I and III to a certain extent. Gypsum dissolves
Cation exchange
to produce equal amounts of Ca2? and SO42- as per
Eq. (14) (Liu et al., 2020b):
Cation exchange is a common chemical reaction
CaSO4 ! Ca2þ þ SO2
4 ð14Þ between groundwater and water-bearing rock forma-
tions. When cation exchange occurs forward Na? and
In the c(Ca2? ? Mg2?)/c(HCO3-) plot in Fig. 5d,
K? in groundwater replace Ca2? and Mg2? in
a large number of Group II samples are distributed
minerals (Zhang et al., 2020a). The scatter plot
around the y = x line. Combined with the Piper
between the ionic charge of (Ca2? ? Mg2?) -
diagram, the specific gravity of Mg is between 20
(HCO3- ? SO42-) and Na? ? K? - Cl- was used
and 50, and dolomite dissolved in the groundwater of
to verify whether cation exchange had a significant
Group II accounted for a large proportion. Group III
effect on the chemical composition of groundwater.
samples presented an abnormal distribution. The
This conjecture is verified when its ratio is approxi-
concentration of HCO3- was maintained at approxi-
mately - 1. As shown in Fig. 5h, all water samples in
mately 2 meq/L, but the concentration of Ca2?-
the study area are located around the - 1:1 line,
? Mg2? gradually increased from 2 to 8 meq/L. In
indicating that cation exchange has a significant effect
the c(Ca2?)/c(SO42-) plot in Fig. 5f, Group III
on the development of groundwater chemical compo-
samples are distributed close to the y = x ? 2 line;
sition in the NNLC. The chlor-alkali index (CAI) can
2 meq/L of c(Ca2? ? Mg2?)/c(HCO3-) could be
further indicate the direction along which cation
determined to be derived from calcite. A small amount
exchange occurs (Li et al., 2016a), with two

Environ Geochem Health

indicators: CAI-I for (Cl- - Na? - K?)/Cl- and socio-economic situation, Jinxiang County in this
CAI-II for (Cl- - Na? - K?)/(HCO3- ? SO42-- region is famous as a garlic producing area in China
? Cl- ? NO3-). When CAI [ 0, the cation (Geng et al., 2013). Sulfur-containing (e.g., gypsum)
exchange action is forward; when CAI \ 0, the cation fertilizers are often used in garlic cultivation. On one
exchange action is reverse. As shown in Fig. 5i, hand, gypsum can be added to biochar to improve the
CAI \ 0 for most samples in Groups I and II, Ca2? salinity and alkalinity of the visible soil (Zhang et al.,
and Mg2? in groundwater replaced Na? and K? in 2020b). On the other hand, the application of gypsum
minerals. Both forward and reverse reactions occurred fertilizer can improve the nutritional value of garlic
in Group III, but the intensity of the reactions was based on the ability of garlic bulbs to concentrate
weaker. sulfur and selenium (Sohrabi et al., 2020). Therefore,
we can analyze the order in which agricultural
Effects of human activities activities in this region affect groundwater. Farmers
apply sulfur-containing (e.g. gypsum) fertilizers,
In the above analysis, some of the ions such as SO42-, which on the one hand produce de-dolomitization
Ca2?, and Na? showed characteristics clearly beyond (Liu et al., 2020c), depositing CaCO3 and lowering
the control of natural causes, and the groundwater in TDS and TH in groundwater. On the other hand, a
the NNLC may be strongly influenced by human cation exchange reaction occurs and excess Ca2? and
activities. In contrast to natural causes, human activ- Mg2? displaces Na? and K? in shallow aquifer
ities release agricultural fertilizers, industrial wastew- minerals, which collectively results in a significant
ater, and domestic sewage into groundwater, resulting increase in Na? and SO42- concentrations. In addi-
in the input of large amounts of SO42-, Cl-, and tion, Group III samples and part of Group II samples
NO3-. Among naturally produced ions, NO3- is were contaminated with nitrate, and the distribution
generally produced in small amounts by nitrification, characteristics of the nitrate are analyzed in the
and several studies have shown that higher concen- following discussion.
trations of NO3- in groundwater are generally asso- Factors influencing the development of the ground-
ciated with agricultural activities (Wu & Sun, 2015). water hydrochemistry of the three groups can be
The end-element diagram of (NO3-/Na?) and (Cl-/ summarized as follows: (1) Group I distributed in the
Na?) is shown in Fig. 6a as an indication of the impact Yellow River Alluvial Plain. Due to the combined
of agricultural activities on groundwater (Kou et al., effects of evaporation, albite dissolution, cation
2019). Figure 6a presents the effects of agricultural exchange, and sulfate pollution caused by human
activities on the three groups of groundwater: III [ activities, the groundwater chemistry characteristics
II [ I. However, this diagram only indicates the are complex and rare. (2) Group II distributed in the
effects of agricultural activities with nitrate applica- Taiyi Mountains Apron Plain. The hydrochemistry is
tion and could not account for the abnormal excesses attributable to typical dolomite dissolution, with a
of SO42-, Ca2?, and Na? in the NNLC, especially in small contribution from albite dissolution and cation
Group I. Therefore, the improved ratio diagram of exchange. Group III distributed in the Taiyi Mountains
(SO42-/Ca2?) to (NO3-/Na?) was adopted to com- Front Low Hills and its Front Margin. Based on the
prehensively represent the pollution of groundwater dissolution of a small amount of calcite, the ground-
by two major types of pollution, i.e., sulfur-containing water chemistry characteristics are controlled by the
fertilizers and industrial wastewater, nitrate-contain- dissolution of gypsum minerals, while nitrate pollu-
ing fertilizers and domestic wastewater (Liu et al., tion and other causes have low impact. In the analysis
2020b). process, except for a small number of Group II
As shown in Fig. 6b, the two pollution types are samples mixed with Group III samples, differences in
polarized in Group I and Group III. Group I is mainly the groundwater chemistry characteristics and causes
polluted by sulfate from sulfur-containing fertilizers of the three groups were significant and efficacious.
and industrial wastewater. Hydrogeologically, the Therefore, the integration of CA and spatial distribu-
alluvial plain of the Yellow River is flat, with poor tion exhibited excellent performance for classification,
hydrodynamic conditions, high salinization, and high which is of significance for further research and
TDS and TH in groundwater. In combination with the application.

Environ Geochem Health

Fig. 6 Plots of a Cl-/Na? versus NO3-/Na? and b NO3-/Na? versus SO42-/Ca2?

Water quality assessment stronger evaporation and the application of sulfur-

containing fertilizers. Considering both the bar graph
The Entropy-Weight Water Quality Index (EWQI) is and spatial distribution map, the groundwater quality
an integrated, comprehensive, and stable method for widely varies, with significant regional differences.
evaluating water quality (Amiri et al., 2020). The Most samples and grade areas are dominated by good
calculated EWQI results are integrated and shown in and medium quality water. Compared with good
Fig. 7a, and the groundwater quality was found to be quality groundwater, SO42- is prominently higher in
generally good and moderate. However, 7 samples moderate quality water. Industrial and agricultural
showed poor water quality and 4 samples showed very sulfate-discharging activities should be reduced to
poor water quality, totaling 11 samples (12.36%), of prevent further deterioration of groundwater quality.
which 10 belonged to Group I. Group 1 mostly
accounted for samples with excellent water quality, Spatial distribution of nitrates and health risk
but the difference in water quality characteristics assessment
within the groups was significant. According to the
average value, the overall water quality in the three The above analysis shows that nitrate mainly origi-
groups is excellent and followed the order III [ II [ I. nates from human activities. However, it had less
The spatial distribution map can clearly present the weight in the water quality evaluation because of its
distribution and changes of water quality (Vaiphei low concentration and low pollution standards. Con-
et al., 2020). Figure 7b shows that the overall water sequently, its distribution characteristics and degree of
quality in the study area gradually deteriorated from pollution could not be visualized. Hence, nitrate
northeast to southwest. The water quality is poor and concentration was projected onto the map of the study
very poor in the Yellow River Alluvial Plain where area, and the spatial distribution of nitrate concentra-
Group I was concentrated, mainly in and around tion was determined suing ArcGIS software based on
Jinxiang County and Yutai County, accounting for the inverse distance weighting method of interpolation
approximately 20% of the total area. Moderate water (Fig. 8). According to the International Health Orga-
quality accounted for approximately 40–50% of the nization (WHO), a nitrate concentration of 50 mg/L is
area, indicating that this part in the NNLC is at risk of considered to be pollution. As shown in Fig. 8, the
deteriorating to poor quality water. The spatial distri- area of excess nitrate concentration accounted for
bution of water quality is similar to the depth approximately 30% of the total area. Areas with wide
distribution of the groundwater table (Fig. 2), with extent and seriously exceeding values of nitrate are
poorer water quality and higher SO42- content in areas mostly located in the hilly areas of the Midwest and
of shallow groundwater depth, which is attributable to East, which are polluted by agricultural fertilization.

Environ Geochem Health

Fig. 7 Statistical bar graph (a) and spatial distribution (b) of EWQI in the NNLC

Areas with small extent and slightly exceeding values number of diseases (Vlachou et al., 2020). Human
are distributed in urban areas close to counties and health risk assessment is an effective method for
cities, which are polluted by domestic sewage dis- determining the extent to which pollution poses a risk
charges (Wang et al., 2020). to human health, and was originally proposed by the
The concentration of nitrate is closely related to USEPA. The risk assessment value (HI) of nitrate for
agricultural activities, and nitrate pollution of ground- human health was calculated on the basis of the model
water caused by agricultural activities has gradually given by the USEPA and parameters modified from
become a global environmental problem (Wu et al., previous studies. The results are shown in Fig. 9. Risk
2021). Excessive intake of nitrates in humans causes levels were found to vary for different populations:
methemoglobinemia and increases the risk of a children [ female [ male. The number of samples
with HI [ 1 in children, male, and female were 42, 29,
and 37, respectively. Liu et al. (2020c) subdivided risk
levels, with HI \ 1 for no risk, 1 \ HI \ 2 for low
risk, 2 \ HI \ 3 for moderate risk, 3 \ HI \ 4 for
high risk, and HI [ 4 for extreme risk. Children were
at higher risk, with six samples reaching high and
extreme risk. Only one and two samples were above
medium risk for both males and females. Compared
with adults, children are at a slightly higher risk, with
six samples reaching high and extreme risk. The box
range represents most aggregate levels, with no risk
for males and females overall, no or low risk for
children overall, indicating that direct consumption of
groundwater can have health effects on children. HI
and nitrate exhibited the same spatial distribution
characteristics. As suggested by the results presented
in Fig. 9, the effects of nitrate contamination should be
considered when exploiting hilly and surrounding
urban groundwater for drinking water, and targeted
Fig. 8 Spatial distribution of nitrate concentration

Environ Geochem Health

Considering mineral dissolution, cation

exchange, and human activities, the three
groups of groundwater are significantly affected
by the following factors: evaporation, albite
dissolution, cation exchange, and sulfate pollu-
tion for Group I; dolomite dissolution, albite
dissolution, and cation exchange for Group II;
gypsum dissolution, and calcite and nitrate
pollution for Group III.
(3) According to EWQI for evaluating the water
quality of the study area, the proportion of
samples exceeding the standard was \ 15%, the
water quality was good and medium in most
samples, and the overall water quality was
Fig. 9 Results of health risk evaluation in different populations excellent, following the order III [ II [ I. From
the spatial distribution of nitrate concentrations,
nitrate removal measures should be implemented high concentrations of nitrate can be observed to
when providing drinking water to children. be mainly distributed in hilly areas and around
urban areas, with approximately 20% of the
total area exceeding the standard. In terms of the
Conclusion target populations, the health risk can be ordered
as follows: children [ female [ male. In most
(1) Groundwater in NNLC is generally fresh and aggregate levels, adults were at no risk, and
soft water, with Na? and Ca2? as the major children were at no risk and low risk. The impact
anions and HCO3- as the major anions. CA and of nitrate pollution should be considered when
spatial distribution were integrated to divide the exploiting groundwater for drinking water in
groundwater samples into three groups, which hilly areas and around cities.
corresponded well to the geomorphological
units of the study area. Groups I, II, and III Acknowledgements We thank the anonymous reviewers and
correspond to the Yellow River alluvial plain, Editor for their useful comments, which helped improve the
the Taiyi Mountains apron plain, and the Taiyi
Mountains front low hills and front margin, Author contribution ZG contributed to formal analysis and
respectively. According to the analysis of writing—original draft. CH contributed to formal analysis,
groundwater chemical characteristics and software, and methodology. SY was involved in formal analysis,
causes, the classification performance is excel- software, and methodology. JL contributed to
conceptualization, writing—original draft, and writing—
lent, and it is of significance to further research review and editing. YP contributed to funding acquisition and
and application. resources. CL contributed to investigation, resources, and
(2) According to the Piper diagram, the hydro- funding acquisition.
chemical types of groundwater in Groups I and
II are Na-SO4Cl and CaMg-HCO3, respec- Funding This research was funded by National Natural
Science Foundation of China (No. 41772257; 41472216), the
tively, while that in Group III is more concen- Research Project of Shandong Province Bureau of Geology and
trated, mostly corresponding to Ca-HCO3. The Mineral Resources (No. KY2018003; KY201933), the
Gibbs diagram showed that the natural causes Shandong Provincial Geological Environment Exploration
are mostly water–rock interactions. The effect Project (2016) No.3 and the 68th batch of general projects of
the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2020M682207).
of evaporation gradually weakened from Group
III to II to I. Multiple scatter plots showed that Declarations
the main dissolved minerals in the study area are
calcite, dolomite, gypsum, and albite. Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no
conflict of interest.

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