You can also say 'instead of somebody doing something', 'fed up with people doing something' etc. :
~ I'm fed up with people telling me what to do.
before -ing and after -ing:
Before going out, I phoned Sarah. (not Before to go out)
0 What did you do after finishing school?
You can also say 'Before I went out ... ' and ' .. . after you finished school'.
~liMill' Complete the sentences using by -ing. Use the following (with the verb in the correct form) :
borrow too much money break a ""indo·
tf? ... ~ drive too fast
put some pictures on the walls stand on a chair turn a key
Complete the sentences with a suitable word. Use only one word each time.
1 We ran ten kilometres without ....stQp_p_i,r1_g... .
2 He left the hotel without . ......... . ......... .............. his bill.
3 lt's a nice morning. How about .. .... ................. . .... for a walk?
4 We were able to translate the letter into English without ............................................ a dictionary.
5 Before ............... .......... ................. to bed, I like to have a hot drink.
6 lt was a long trip. I was very tired after ........ .............. .... on a train for 36 hours.
7 I was annoyed because the decision was made without anybody .... .. ..... _............. me.
8 After .................... . ..... ............ the same job for ten years, I felt I needed a change.
9 We got lost because we went straight on instead of ............ ................................ left.
10 I like these pictures you took. You're good at . .......... ... . ...... pictures.
For each situation, write a sentence with I'm (not) looking forward to.
1 You are going on holiday next week. How do you feel?
1~-~- _L.Qg_~~g -fu.r.w.¥4 tP....99.~9 .. .9.n. ....~9.~... . ....... ..
2 Kate is a good friend of yours and she is coming to visit you soon. So you will see her again
soon. How do you feel ? I'm ... ............................ .................... .......................................................................................................................
3 You are going to the dentist tomorrow. You don't enjoy going to the dentist. How do you feel?
I'm not .......... . . ............ .......................................................................... ... ................................ .................................................................... .
4 Rachel hates schooC but she's leaving next summer. How does she feel?
5 You've arranged to play tennis tomorrow. You haven't played for a while and you like tennis a
lot. How do you feel ?