8TH Grade Separating Mixtures
8TH Grade Separating Mixtures
8TH Grade Separating Mixtures
Processes to Separate Mixtures
When some materials are mixed together,
it is possible to separate the mixture and
get the original materials back again.
Evaporation and Condensation
1 2
This process is best used to As the solid has dissolved in
separate solutions - mixtures the liquid, filtering would not
in which a solid has dissolved separate the two materials.
in a liquid. The solid particles would go
through the filter paper along
with the liquid.
If the gas is then condensed 3
on a cool surface, the liquid When the solution is
can be recovered and collected evaporated, either through
too. Examples of mixtures to boiling or by being left in a
separate with this process warm place, the liquid will
include salt and water or turn into gas and leave the
sugar and water solid behind.
Magnetism (Magnetisation)
Use this process to separate magnetic materials
from non-magnetic materials.
Filtering (Filtration)
This process should be used to separate a
mixture of an insoluble solid and a liquid.
A funnel is lined with filter paper and placed over a beaker.
The mixture is poured slowly into the filter paper.
Use this process to separate a mixture of different sized solids.
Decanting (Decantation)
This process can be used to separate two
liquids that have different densities.
The mixture of liquids is left to settle, so the two liquids are visible as two
different layers.
Simple Distillation
Distillation is the
separation of a
mixture of liquids
based on the physical
property of boiling
Simple distillation is
used for separating a
liquid from a solution.
Example: the
distillation of alcohol
or oil
Fractional Distillation
Fractional distillation is used for separating out a mixture of
liquids. Fractional distillation can be used to separate out crude
oil into fractions.
Chromatography is used to Crystallisation - to
separate a soluble salt from a solution; a slower
method of separating out salt.
Chromatography is used to separate out liquid mixtures.