DMA Chemical Analysis KO

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Chemistry Chemical Analysis Y10

Pure Substances Chromatography Required Practical Gas Tests

1 Definition A single element or 1 Chlorine Add damp litmus paper,
compound, not mixed with chlorine bleaches it white.
any other substance.
2 Carbon Bubble through limewater,
2 Using data Pure elements and compounds dioxide carbon dioxide turns in
melt and boil at specific cloudy.
Melting and boiling point data 3 Hydrogen Hold a burning splint at the
can be used to distinguish pure
open end of a test tube.
substances from mixtures.
Hydrogen burns with a
squeaky pop.
3 Melting Pure substances have sharp
and boiling melting/boiling points. 4 Oxygen Insert a glowing splint into a
points test tube. The splint relights in

Formulations Chromatography: Calculating Rf Key Vocabulary

Definition .A mixture that has been 1 Stationary The medium (material) that
designed as a useful phase does not move.
2 Mobile phase The liquid that is used to
2 How they Made by mixing the move the sample through
are made components in measured the stationary phase.
quantities to ensure the
product has the desired
3 Solvent front The level reached by the
top of the moving solvent.

3 Examples Fuels, cleaning products, ,

paints, medicines, alloys, 4 Chromatogram The final result with the
fertilisers and food. substances separated on it.
Chemistry Chemical Analysis (Triple Only) Y10

Flame Tests Tests for Metal Hydroxides Chemical Tests

Compound Test Positive Result

1 Lithium Crimson 1 Method Add sodium
2 Sodium Yellow
1 Carbonates 1) React with Limewater turns cloudy
dilute acid 2)
3 Potassium Lilac
Test for
2 Metal Ion Precipitate
4 Calcium Orange-red carbon dioxide
5 Copper Green

Instrumental Methods a Aluminium, White. 2 Halides Add silver Silver chloride → white
calcium, Only the nitrate precipitate
1 Advantages Accurate, rapid magnesium aluminium solution in the Silver bromide →
and sensitive presence of cream precipitate
dilute nitric Silver iodide → yellow
2 Flame Emission • The sample precipitate acid precipitate
Spectroscopy is put into a
dissolves in
flame and
the light excess NaOH
given out is 3 Sulphates Add barium White precipitate
passed b Copper (III) Blue chloride
through a solution in the
spectroscop presence of
e. dilute
• The line hydrochloric
spectrum c Iron (II) Green acid
can be d Iron (III) Brown

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