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She Will Test You

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She Will Test You

by Disciple

I think that overall you have to display certain qualities that women naturally
are drawn toward. Women are naturally attracted to men who exude:
 an aura of self-confidence
 inner pride in themselves
 strength of mind and of character
 and who take care of their affairs, be they personal or
business related

Remember, there are only two types of relationships between any two people.
Either the relationship is a monarchy (one person takes the lead) or it is a
partnership, where power is shared equally.

The age-old battle of the sexes is really a battle for dominance and control.
Women have spent so many thousands of years under male domination that
they are eager to exploit the power and advantages they now enjoy.

In other words, women of today will constantly test you and challenge you.

Like I said, this is the battle of the sexes and the conflict is fought on the
battlefield of the mind. Remember, a woman cannot physically force a man to
her will, but they can attack you on a mental and emotional level.

They have thousands of years of practice playing mind games with us and
they’ve got it down to a science. Because of all this, you must recognize the
fact only one of you can lead, and it MUST be you.

Either you lead or get lead, there is no middle ground.

Think of yourself as the king and she is your beautiful queen. The queen has
importance and she has some input in things, but ultimately she must
acknowledge the power and authority of her king.

Treat a girl with respect (that doesn’t make you a nice guy, only a gentleman)
but as soon as she tests you or challenges your kingly power you must
"remind" her who is the MAN.

You are, so just act like it and she’ll respect and admire your masculine
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Why Women Test Men

by Marlimus

Most women, especially beautiful women who are accustomed to being

approached all the time, devise ways to try to "tell things" about men by
observing certain aspects of their behavior, or by telling them things and
judging them according to how they react. In short, women ’test’ men,
especially ones who they feel some attraction to, sometimes knowingly,
sometimes not.

But why?

The reasons are as follows:

1) Defense Mechanism
Women do not like to be taken for granted. Do you know what is the single
most common piece of advice that women give each other?

"Don’t make yourself too available."

If all the tests and games that women play could be represented as a
pyramid, with each level depending on the one below it, (something like
Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs) then this phrase would form the base
of the pyramid. Most female tricks rest on this fundamental principle.

One of the greatest fears that a woman has is that she will give her heart to a
man too easily, and that he will take her for granted and break her heart.
Women confuse men, feign disinterest and act evasive at times in order to try
to communicate to men that they cannot be taken for granted. In case you did
not know, women absolutely hate to be taken for granted. If you remember
anything from this article, remember that.

2) Screening Process

As any good article will tell you, women are attracted to men who are a
challenge and are disinterested in men who they think like them too much, or
who are needy.

Women who can afford to be very selective are attracted to men whose
attention they cannot take for granted. This makes a man different than the
rest of her hapless admirers who flatter her incessantly.

Women sometimes test men to find out what category a man fits in. If a
woman cancels on a man, and she likes him, she may tell him that she is very
sorry and that she will call him and make it up to him. Then, instead of calling,
she sits back and waits to see what he will do.

If he calls within three days to either set up another date or to ask why she
didn’t call, or if he calls at all within three days for any reason, he has failed. If
he calls after three days, he has barely passed, it is up to her discretion. If he
simply refuses to call until she contacts him, then he has aced the test with
flying colors.

The idea is that the needy guy is insecure and needs assurance, so he calls
too soon. The average guy calls after three days, he’s neither here nor there.
The real man doesn’t call until he hears from her because he is patient,
secure, has his own life, and knows that the ball is in her court.

3) Ego Inflation
Some women are addicted to attention, the most addictive kind being the
male, flattering variety. This is where a woman plays head games with a man
in order to keep him chasing after her to boost her ego.

Nearly all women know the age-old trick of changing the amounts of attention
that a man is given, it is literally the oldest in the book. What she will do,
basically, is pretend she likes a guy only as a friend one minute, then the next,
flirt with him. Or, she will give a guy a friendly, flirty greeting one day, then
give him a slight nod the next. This drives the average guy crazy, causing him
to chase her.

When a woman acts friendly, then cool, the guy thinks that he might be losing
her, so he tries to reel her in by being extra nice, and paying more attention to
her. This is how the attention junkie gets her fix. It does not mean that she is a
bitch. This is just how some women are, and it is the man’s responsibility to
not fall into this trap.


Be extremely careful when dealing with a woman who grew up in a family

where the father walked out at a tender age.

At an early age, the father, the dominant male figure in the house, is symbolic
of his gender. Abandonment creates issues of guilt in the child, and does a
number on the girl’s ability to trust men and her unconscious opinion of men
on the whole.

If the mother shields the girl from the full impact of the blow by not being bitter
and by being careful not to tarnish the father image, or if the girl simply gets
over it, then so be it. However, if the mother became bitter, then that
bitterness tends to pass on to the daughter.

The daughter, in turn, later goes on to test men rigorously, trying to make
them jump through burning hoops before she lets down her guard, because at
a young age, her trust in men was shaken.

However, she is not necessarily attracted to the men who put up with her
bullshit and stick to her even though she blows hot one minute, and cold air
he next. Women who have this problem have serious baggage, and you have
to decide if she is worth it.

If you decide that she is, you have to walk a tightrope. Your behavior should
subtly convey that you will not hurt her, but do not jump through her hoops.
Never be more than 5 minutes late for a date, and if you say you will call at a
certain time, call at exactly that time. But if she is late do not wait for her, and
when she is acting coldly, do not tolerate her mood swings.
In other words, you have to still be a challenge, but be trustworthy. It is a
delicate balance, and few can master it. Gentlemen, this is from personal
experience with such women. When you are talking to a girl and she tells you
that her father walked out when she was little, proceed with extreme caution.

[email protected]

Also see:
What I’ve Learned About Women
by Terminator911


Join a gym, learn to play a guitar, whatever... just don’t let your life revolve
around women.


The less women know about you, the more they want to know. Keep your
problems (every kind of problem) to yourself, stop whining and bitching about
everything, have a positive outlook on everything, don’t be a pessimist.


Go with the flow... the conversation has to be about 70% her and 30% you.
Talk about her favorite subject--herself. Ask open-ended questions (why, how,


Listen to what she has to say but never change your beliefs for a girl. Pay
attention to what she says, she’ll drop hints as to what she wants to talk
about. NEVER give a girl a direct answer, unless the answer is no. Let her
work to deserve the information you gradually reveal about yourself.
Immediately direct the conversation towards her when you don’t want to
answer more of her annoying questions... bust on her by saying something
like: "Come on, you can do better than that... let’s leave those questions for
when we are married."

Don’t beat around the bush. If you call a girl to ask her out, do it immediately
after she answers; the longer you wait, the harder it will be. And never use the
phrase "would you like to", that’s begging. Instead use "let’s." "Let’s go to the
lake next weekend" sounds better than "Would you like to go to the lake next
weekend?" The first one is more a command than a question.


There’s nothing worse than calling a girl to ask her out and then asking her to
decide on what to do. You are the man, therefore you are the one who has to
take charge and decide what the two of you will be doing for the date. Make it
interesting and different -- bowling, miniature golf, pool, foosball, jogging --
anything physical is a great idea because you won’t have to do as much
talking and therefore will have less opportunities to mess up with something
that you say.


1) Gum for nice breath

2) Chap Stick for nice "kissable" lips
3) A pen
4) Paper
5) Your wallet

* Always have condoms somewhere in your vehicle and house.


When dealing with women, less is better than more. Compliment them less
(only sparingly and when they have been nice enough to deserve one), call
them less (once a week), stay on the phone less (5-10 mins, max), see them
less (once or twice a week, max), less gifts (only once in a while, if she’s been


You will be happier and avoid a lot of headaches if you are dating more than
one girl. If one blows you off, you go to the next one.

This is one of the most important things to learn -- don’t be clingy and move
on to the next one if a girl is giving you problems or just blows you off. You
have a better chance of getting her back by moving on than by being a wuss
who can’t live without her.


Forget about what women want and all that other bullshit. Women don’t even
know what they want themselves, so it is your duty as a man to make her
believe that you are what she wants. You do this by being a challenge and by
not taking their shit. Treat women’s thoughts as non-existent.


Always put yourself first... protect your heart at all times and think from the "I"
perspective when making decisions. Most women are selfish, so should you.
Build a pedestal for yourself instead of building one for her.


Read an article by Allen Thompson on this topic; it is a fascinating article.


Women will test you to see how much you will let them get away with. It can
be something as insignificant as whining about the type of music that you
listen to, and asking you to change the station. This is where you put your foot
down, and say something like: "Now that you are whining about it, that’s all
that I will listen to". Pay attention to these little tests, if passed, the women are
yours from then on because they have found a MAN.


I have covered this topic above in "less is more" ... end dates first, hang up
first when on the phone with her, etc. Always have doubts about your
relationship to her. She’ll get the hint that you are probably seeing other girls.

Study books or articles on becoming the best lover she’s ever had. If done
right the first time, they’ll keep coming back for more. Practice and become a
good kisser as well, women love it.


Be calm and don’t show anger when it comes to interacting with women. Don’t
give them the pleasure of seeing how they can affect you so easily. Walk
away if you need to. It is not the end of the world. Take arguments calmly and
hear her side of the story first, that’s the easiest way to win any argument.
Realize that most of the time, she’ll say that she’s pissed about something
and it will be something totally different. It is your job to find out what it is that
she’s pissed about.


Make fun of them as often as possible... don’t take life too seriously. Women
go out on dates to have fun, not to be bored. Be funny every chance you get.


After all is done, at least you will remember the good times you had, even if
she was playing games with you. At least you had fun while she played stupid


Being alone is better than being with the wrong girl -- you’ll be happier.


Love and relationships are for women only... they made this stuff up while
men were building and making the world what it is today. As far as a man is
concerned, love is just another word. After all, there’s no universal meaning of
the word love.
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The Test
by Dr. Dennis W. Neder

Whew! The first date was tough. The second was easier - and more fun. The
third found you in bed with her. Somehow after 3 more dates, you two are a
couple. Now, something has come up that directly affects or might even
prevent your relationship from moving forward - what do you do?

Why Can’t a Woman Be More Like a Man?

From birth, women begin studying relationships. This continues the rest of
their lives. Men on the other hand get very little relationship training before
"hitting the field". When relationship issues come up, women expect men to
handle them at a woman’s level. Frankly, men just don’t have the tools to do
this. So, they end up making a bad situation worse, committing to more than
they wanted to or worse yet, lying.

The Test

"The Test" is that unexpected, unexplained, quirky situation inflicted on a man

by a woman right about this time in the new relationship. It can take many
forms - from not calling when she promised, to "forgetting" a date, to pulling
something so egregious that it knocks the man right off his chair.

Make no mistake about it - women learn to "test" their men from very early in
their relationship training. Think not? My friend, then you’re just the kind of
guy that walks in front of the target! "The Test" is so pervasive in the dating
world that it is even looked at with humor. In fact, it is so common that most
people (men AND women) don’t even realize that it happens! You’ve seen
movies and television, read books and articles, etc. where it is dealt with as
"that cute situation" a man is placed in order to win his woman.

Do men test women? Yes - it sometimes happens, but not very often. The
reasons for this are: 1) Men don’t really know how to test women; 2) The Test
is designed to pre-qualify a love interest, and frankly, men aren’t choosy in the
same ways as women; 3) Men use other techniques to win their loves; and 4)
Men often assume (incorrectly!) that women think the same way they do.
When men DO test women, it is usually because of a low self-image or they
don’t really have an interest in the woman in the first place. Women test
because of a desire to be with the "right" man (Mr. Right)!

Women want men that can pass their tests. This shows them that their man is
strong and capable and worthy of their affection. Fail the test and you’re either
going to get more tests, or lose the woman altogether.

Recognizing the Test

How do you know when you’re being tested? Frankly it can be difficult -
unless you pay very close attention. I recommend that men ask themselves
first, "does this event make sense in the context of the situation?" and second,
"would my best friend do this same thing?" If your answer is "no" to these
questions you’re probably being tested.

Tests take many forms but they all have the same pattern. If you can begin to
recognize the patterns, you will see the tests when they come. Here are the
things to look for:

- Something that seems totally out of context for her based on previous

- Something that seems totally out of context for the situation

- Your reaction (or lack of one) will likely lead to a critical relationship "event"
or other drama
- You are being expected to "jump through a hoop" unnecessarily or for no
apparent reason

- If you don’t react, you’re likely to loose respect by her, or by others that she
includes in your test

There are far too many examples of tests to cover them all here. For specifics
check my website at: remingtonpublications.com. Suffice it to say that, if an
unexpected situation meets any or all of the above, you’re probably getting
The Test.

Passing the Test

Tests are not problems to be solved. They are situations created to determine
how you will react. Thus, try to keep in mind the following:

- You’re not in the relationship to cater to her whims

- You deserve respect and consideration in all of your dealings with her

- You can expect that she will support you and not cause you to look bad in
front of your friends, family, co-workers, etc.

- If you get angry, or loose your head, you’ll fail the test

- Your goal is to deal with it and put the impetus on HER - let her next action
be the deciding one!

- Resolve up front to walk away if things aren’t resolved satisfactorily.

Whoops! You Blew The Test!

I’ve talked to many men that have failed their tests miserably. What now?
First, review what happened. Don’t get angry - understand that she wants you
to pass, but you’re going to have to work harder. Next, decide that you’re
going to be the leader in your relationship - the "captain of your ship" as it
were. Thus, you’ll be in position to steer the test the next time it comes up.
Finally, be ready! You’re going to get tested again!

Good luck!

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