Labour Laws

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Paper / Subject code: 75709 / Labour Law & Industrial Relations.I a 8108 I 2.

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Paper/Subject Code, 75709/ Labour Law & Industrial Relations-I C_#T,=T>

Time: 2:30 Hours Marks: 75

Q1. Answer in One or Two Sentences .(any 6) 12 Marks

1. Define the term `Lc)ck-c)ut'„

2. Define the term `Labour Court' under the MRTu & Pulp Act,1971.

3, What !s meant by unfalr labour practice?

4. What !s the object of collective barg€Hning?

5. What ls the penalty if employer modifies Standing order under the inclust.rlai

Employment (Standing Ordersj Act,1946?

6, What is the object of Industrial Dispute Act,1947?

7 Define `Occupler' underthe Factorie's Act,1948.

8. What ls meant by 'Retrenchment` uncle+ the lndustrlai Dispute Act,1947?

Q2. Write Short Notes (any 2,i 12 Marks

1. Doctrine of contributory Negligence

2. Public utility services

3. Features ofcollective bargaining

4, Rights & obligationsof recctgnized unions.

Q3. Solve the Following (Any 2.}i 12 Marks

1. Mr Z falls to produce any dcicument which he is requlred to produce & he refuses

investigatlng Officer to carry out his duties.

a. What are the duties of Investigating Officer under MRTu & PULP Act,1971?

b. What !s the penalty for obstructing officers from carrying out their duties?

2¢ Mro 8, an employer who closes down an undertaking without glving any notice under

industrial Dispute Act,1947.

a. Expiain the term 'closure` under Industrial Dispute Act,1947

b, What ls the penalty for closure without notice?

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Paper / Subject Code: 75709 / Labour Law & Industrial Relations-I

Paper/Subject Coc]e; 75709/ Lab(jur Law & Industrial Relations-I

3. Mr, A, an workman who cc)ntlnues illegal strike & Mr a, an employer who continue

illegal Lock-out.

a. Explain the term `strike' & 'lock-outt uncle,r the industrial Dispute Act,1947

b, What is the penalty for illegal strike & lock-out?

4` Mro Y, an occupier of a factory & he is responsible for infnngement.

a. Define 'Factory' under the Factones Act,1948.

b. What. is th.e penalty for infrin(3ement of the Factories Act,1948?

Q4. Answer the Following (Any 3) 39 Marks

1. What are Standing C)rders? State the matters to be provldec! in the Model Standi ng

Orders under the Industrial Employment (Standing Ordersj Act,1946?

2. What is collective bargainlng? What are the acivantages & disadvantages of

collective bargalnlng?

3, What is meant by unfair labour practices? How to prevent unfair labour practices

uncle.r the MRTu & PULP Act, qj.971?

4, What are the different authorities urider the industrial Dispute Act,1947? Explain

the duties & powers of the authorjties?

5. Define 'Retrenchment`. What are the conditions or requirements of valicl


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Paper./ Siibject Code: 75709 / Labour Law & Industrial Relations-I

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