Peta 1 Rubrics

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Republic of the Philippines

Don Honorio Ventura State University - Candaba Campus

Pasig, Candaba Pampanga, 2013
[email protected]

Performer No.: _______________ Course & Section: _____________
Date: _______________________

Each group will perform a Zumba dance exercise, with the level of creativity displayed by the students
with the use of different props (ribbons, pompoms, recycled props etc). The performances will last
between 3-5 minutes. Students will be given 1 hour practice before the performance.

All performance will be judged based on the rubrics below:

Criteria Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Total

(20) (18) (16) (14)
Knowledge of Demonstrates Demonstrates good Demonstrates some Remembers a few
choreography excellent knowledge knowledge of knowledge of of the steps/
of the choreography choreography. choreography, but unsure movements and
and does it well. Keeps up with of some movements. tries, but looks lost
group. Few errors, Sometimes and out of sync
however it does not hesitates/ with others.
interfere with watches others
performance. and makes
several errors
Technical skills Dance performed Dance performed Only some understanding Although
with great attention with attention to of technical elements (ie. remembers some
to quality of details of technique, footwork, quality of of dance, little
movement, body has attained movements, body attention paid to
position, placement proficiency in dance positions) demonstrated in how movements
on stage and other style. performance. are done or other
details. Also details of dance.
demonstrates an
understanding of
dance style.
Performance The dancer creates a The dancer The dancer is generally The dancer is not
Skills believable character communicates with focused, but only some very focused,
on stage and is able other dancers and attempt made to concentrated or
to engage the audience through communicate with others committed to
audience completely eye contact and on stage or audience. performance.
through their facial and body
performance. expression. Is able
to engage the
AppropriateThe student wears The student always The student sometimes The student rarely
appropriate dance
attire and shoes wears appropriate wears appropriate shoes or or does not wear
shoes or clothing shoes or clothing. clothing. appropriate shoes
appropriate for the or clothing.
dance selection
Rhythm/Tempo Shows a complete Accurate in beat, Shows a basic Attempts to keep a
understanding of tempo, rhythms of understanding of tempo rhythm, but gets
tempo and beat and dance sequences and beat, but falls behind off beat and
stays on rhythm throughout the and/or speeds up in places speeds up or falls
throughout the dance. or makes errors in rhythm. behind often.
dance. Doesn't follow
beat in music.

DHVSU commits itself to provide a conducive environment for DHVSU envisions of becoming one of the lead universities in the

M the holistic development of students to become globally

competitive professionals through quality instruction and
services; innovation and research towards the sustainable
development of society.
V ASEAN Region in producing globally competitive professionals
who are capable of creating, applying and transferring
knowledge and technology for the sustainable development of
the humanity and society.

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