Unit 1 2 Financial Management FNF 402 BCD
Unit 1 2 Financial Management FNF 402 BCD
Unit 1 2 Financial Management FNF 402 BCD
Financial decisions :
raising of finance from various sources which
will depend upon decision on type of source,
period of financing, cost of financing and the
returns thereby.
The maximum mix of finance of debt and equity
must be established to maximize the returns of
Elements of Financial Management
Resource control – making a decision on
how to safeguard or conserve resources of
the organisation.
Elements of Financial Management-
Estimation of capital requirements
Determination of capital composition
Choice of sources of funds
Investment of funds
Disposal of surplus (profit); i.e. dividends
or retained earnings
Management of cash
Financial controls
Financial Management Systems
A financial management system is the
methodology that an organization uses to
oversee and govern its income, expenses,
and assets with the objectives of
maximizing surplus and ensuring
A set of implemented procedures that
track the financial activities of the firm.
Features of a good financial
management system
Eliminating accounting errors
Keeping all payments and receipts
Depreciating assets according to accepted
Keeping track of liabilities.
Coordinating income and expenditure.
Balancing multiple bank accounts.
Features of a good financial
management system (cont’d)
• Ensuring data integrity and security.
• Keeping all records up to date.
• Maintaining a complete and accurate audit
• Minimizing overall paperwork.
Principles of a good financial
management system
Consistency: financial policies and
systems must remain consistent over time.
Accountability: Give an explanation to all
stakeholders how resources were used
and what has been achieved.
Transparency: your organisation must be
open about its work and its finances,
making information available to all
Principles of a good financial
management system(cont’d)
Integrity: individuals in an organisation
must operate with honesty and propriety.
Financial stewardship: take good care of
the financial resources received and
ensure that they are used for the purpose
Accounting standards: Follow accepted
standards for keeping financial records
and documentation.
Financial management policies
Documentation policy
Debt collection policy
Supplier payment policy
Capital expenditure policy
Reserves policy
Assessing the effectiveness of
financial management system
A system of scoring can be used to assess
the effectiveness of financial management.
Benefits of a good financial management
Make effective and efficient use of
Achieve objectives and fulfil commitments
to stakeholders.
Become more accountable to donors and
other stakeholders.
prepare for long-term financial
Benefits of a good financial management
system (cont’d)
Gain the respect and confidence of funding
agencies, partners and beneficiaries.
Gain advantage in competition for increasingly
scarce resources.
Learning outcomes and content
Financial strategy deals with areas such as financial resources, analysis of cost
structure, estimating profit potential, accounting functions and so on. In short, financial
strategy deals with the availability of sources, usages, and management of funds. It
focuses on the alignment of financial management with the corporate and business
objectives of an organisation to gain strategic advantage. The financial strategy of an
organisation will generally comprise three decisions.
Investment decision
Financing decision
Dividend decision
The Investment Decision relates to the decision made by the investors or the top
level management with respect to the amount of funds to be deployed in the
investment opportunities. The investment decision can look at whether to invest in
long term projects as well as short-term investments. The investment decision is
very closely linked to the business strategy
Investment decision:
• The market capitalisation of QRQ plc at 1 April 20X4 was P7 500 million.
QRQ plc generated profits after tax of P500 million in the year ended 31
March 20X5. The directors have decided to pay P100 million of the profits to
the shareholders as a dividend and they will invest the remaining profits in a
new product. When the investment project was announced to the stock
market the share price rose by
• 12% compared to a year earlier.
• Shareholder wealth has increased by P1 000 million in total as follows.
Cash dividend of P100 million. Total value of the ordinary share capital
increases P7 500 million x 12% = P900 million
• This example shows how shareholder wealth is not the same as profit. The
profit available to shareholders was P500 million but shareholders‘ wealth
increased by P1,000 million because of the lucrative new product.
• There are many NFPOs. As the name suggests these are organisations
which do not have the creation of profit or wealth for shareholders as primary
objectives. Nonprofits are tax-exempt or charitable, meaning they do not pay
income tax on the money that they receive for their organization.
• Not for profit organisations would include the following types of organisation.
• Local authorities
• Charitable organisations
Capital goods:
These are machines and tools used to produce
other goods.