Vol 36 BT-7
Vol 36 BT-7
Vol 36 BT-7
$1.95 USA
Model 1935
Captured Tanks
Russia 1942
Under the
German Flag
By Glenn Bartolotti
BT-7 Step-by-Step
Model 1935
Russia 1942
Captured Tanks
Under the
German Flag
By Glenn Bartolotti
You will notice that in none of the steps will you see the method of dry-
brushing. I do not like to use this method as some armor modelers do.
I prefer a more subtle look in which I feel represents the look of a full
scale armor vehicle.
9. Next step is the effects. I use artist oil paint to give flat areas of 10. Next step in the weathering process are the dark paint
the tank a look as though water that has mixed with dust and dried chips & scratches. Remember this tank was green before the
on the surface. Germans repainted it. I add chipped paint with Testors 4790
I paint the area with clean turpentine as before. I put a dab of oil Olivgrun acrylic paint and a small no. 3 brush. The key to chips
paint oil paint on a pallet, the oil paint is thinned with turpentine on are make them small and without any pattern, keeping them
the pallet and then applied to the model with a small brush. Blend on the most abused edges and damaged areas. Use common
well and be very subtle. Other earth shade oil colors can be used in sense and remember that less is more with chipped/worn areas,
this step to add other transparent glaze weathering effects. and think very small!
12. Next step is pastel pigment weathering. I use pastels in the same way you use
pigments, but I make my own powder. The pastels are sold as sticks at the art store
and come in a large variety of shades. I use a file to grind them into powder. I mix them
with turpentine on a pallet and apply them with a brush. The BT-7’s tracks and wheels
get a light earth color thinned heavily with turpentine. You want this wash to be so thin Make sure you thin the powder heavily
you barely see the color in it. Add more washes for heavy weathered look. because if not it will dry and cover to much
Apply a very thin mixture in random areas on the BT-7’s body to show where soil of the area applied, a little goes a long way!
and dust has accumulated. Be very subtle.
12 The muffler pipes get pastel washes using shades of rust, brown,
and olive green pastel powder. Apply the rust shade first and
then add blotches of the brown and olive after, blend it at the
edges. When the wash dries it is quite convincing giving a good
representation of weathered iron. Add this same mixtures to the
metal areas of the tools.