Important GK - Practice Sheet-1
Important GK - Practice Sheet-1
Important GK - Practice Sheet-1
1. What are the names of Bangladesh’s Fiscal Policy Authority and Monetary Policy Authority?
Ans. The name of Bangladesh’s Fiscal Policy Authority is Finance Division, Ministry of Finance and
the name of Bangladesh’s Monetary Policy Authority is Bangladesh Bank.
2. Write down the full forms of BICM and CEPA.
Ans. BICM= Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market. CEPA= Comprehensive Economic Partnership
3. Name any three countries that are recently invited to be the new members of BRICS.
Ans: Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have all been invited
to become members of BRICS
4. What are the different types of Universal Pension Schemes (UPSs)?
Ans: Probash, Pragati, Surokkha, and Samata,
The government has introduced a new scheme named "Prottoy" under the Universal Pension Scheme
(UPS) for newly recruited employees of autonomous, state-owned, statutory, and their subordinate bodies. The
Ministry of Finance in a notification on Wednesday said this scheme will be effective from July 1, 2024
5. What is the name of the capital city as well as the parliament of Israel?
Ans: Jerusalem, The Knesset
6. What is the targeted GDP growth rate for the FY 23-24? How much did the government allocate to
ADP in the 2023-24 Budget?
Ans: GDP growth rate= 7.5% . ADP= 2,63,000 Crore
7. Who got the Nobel Peace Prize in 2023? Why?
Ans: Narges Mohammadi for her relentless fight against the oppression of women in Iran
8. In which country was the 18th G20 Summit held? How many member countries boycotted the G20
Ans: Kashmir, India. 3 member countries boycotted the G20 summit
9. In which year NATO was established? Mention the name of the last member state of NATO.
Ans: NATO Established in 1949, Last Member- Sweden(32, March-2024) Finland(31st)
10.What are the SLR and CRR for the Islamic scheduled commercial banks in Bangladesh?
Ans: SLR=5.5% CRR 4%
11.What is the name of ‘National Debit Card’ of Bangladesh? When was it launched?
Ans: Taka Pay Card, 1 November
12.Write down the full forms of ‘BACH’ and ‘BACPS’.
Ans: BACH= Bangladesh Automated Clearing House, BACPS= Bangladesh Automated Cheque
Processing System.
13.What is the pen name of Kazi Nazrul Islam? Mention the name of Nazrul’s first published poem.
Ans: ‘Dhumketu’ is the Pen name of Kazi Nazrul Islam., ‘Mukti’ is the first published poem of Kazi
Nazrul Islam.
14.Who won the International Booker Prize-2023? Mention the name of the literary work for which he/she
won the prize.
Ans: Georgi Gospodinov, Time Shelter
15.Which country will host the 2024 T20 World Cup?
Ans: The T20 World Cup-2024 will be held in the West Indies and the United States.
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i) International Mother Language Day is a worldwide annual observance held on 21 February to promote
awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity. When did UNESCO announce 21 February as International
Mother Language Day? When was Bangla first announced as one of the state languages of Pakistan?
Ans: On November 17, 1999, UNESCO proclaimed February 21 to be International Mother Language Day
and it was first observed on February 21, 2000. Bangla was first announced as one of the state languages of
Pakistan on 7 May, 1954.
ii) The IMF’s RST policy helps low-income and vulnerable middle-income countries to build resilience to
external shocks and ensure sustainable growth. What is RST? Which is known as the ‘Paper Gold’?
Ans: The full form of ‘RST’ is ‘Resilience and Sustainability Trust’ which is a loan policy by International
Monetary Fund (IMF). The SDR(Special Drawing Rights) unit of valuation is known as paper gold.
iii) The Conference of Parties (COP) is the apex decision-making body of the United Nations Climate Change
Framework Convention (UNFCCC). When and where COP28 will be held?
Ans: COP 28 will take place in the United Arab Emirates. The summit will be held at Expo City Dubai from
November 30th until December 12th, 2023
iv) RMG is the main export item of Bangladesh. Which country is the main destination of Bangladesh's RMG?
Which country is the closest competitor to Bangladesh RMG?
Ans: The USA is the main export destination of Bangladesh.Vietnam is the closest competitor to Bangladesh.
v) What is the full form of ‘TCB’? When was it established?
Ans: The full form of ‘TCB’ is ‘Trading Corporation of Bangladesh'. It was established on 1 January 1972.
vi) Ekushey Padak is the second-highest civilian award in Bangladesh, introduced in memory of the martyrs
of the Bengali Language Movement of 1952. Which two institutions have been nominated for the award of
‘Ekushey Padak’ in 2023?
Ans: Bidyanondo Foundation has been selected for Ekushey Award 2023 in the social service category and
Bangladesh National Museum is the second institution chosen for the award.
Ekushey Padak-2024: in the production and archiving of Liberation War-related documentaries, Kaoser
Chowdhury; in social service, Md Ziaul Haque and Rafiq Ahamed; in language and literature, Muhammad
Samad, Lutfur Rahman Riton, Minar Mansur, and Rudra Mohammad Shahidullah (posthumously); and in
education, Professor Jinabodhi Bhikkhu.
vii) Mujibnagar government was formed on 10 April 1971 to establish Bangladesh as an independent sovereign
state. Who was the cabinet secretary of the Mujibnagar government? How many ministries were there in the
Mujibnagar government?
Ans: H.T. Imam. There were total of 12 ministries or departments.
viii) The Bangla Academy Literary Award, is given by the Bangla Academy of Bangladesh in recognition of
creative genius in advancement and overall contribution in the field of Bengali language and literature.When
was Bangla Academy established? Who won the Bangla Academy Literary Award 2022 in Children's
Ans: December 3, 1955. Dhrubo Esh (Children's Literature).
ix) In consultation with the Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) partner, the TNC prepares a draft agreement
including the relevant issues and scope of the content of the Regional Trade Agreement. What is ‘TNC’? and
When was WTO established? Ans: The full form of ‘TNC’ is Trade Negotiating Committee. The WTO(World
Trade organization) established on 1 January 1995.
xi)There are many types of bank accounts. What is Nostro and Vostro account?
Ans: Nostro and vostro are used to differentiate between the two sets of accounting records kept by each bank.
Nostro comes from the Latin word for "ours," as in "our money that is on deposit at your bank." Vostro comes
from the Latin word for "yours," as in "your money that is on deposit at our bank."
xii) Write the full form of RTGS and NPSB.
Ans: RTGS: Real Time Gross Settlement. NPSB: National Payment Switch Bangladesh.
xiii) What is meant by Trademark? What is Phishing?
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Ans: A Trademark can be any word, phrase, symbol, design or a combination of these things that identifies
someone’s goods or services. Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email,
telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing
sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords.
xiv) Central banks are the monetary authority of a country.What is the name of the central bank of Nepal?
What is the currency of Ukraine?
Ans: The name of the central bank of Nepal is ‘Nepal Rastra Bank’. The currency of Ukraine is Hryvnia.
xv) There are 61 scheduled banks in Bangladesh who operate under full control and supervision of Bangladesh
Bank. How many of these are State Owned Commercial Banks (SOCBs)? What are the two denationalized
Ans: There are 6 SOCBs which are fully or majorly owned by the Government of Bangladesh.The two
denationalized banks are Uttara bank and Pubali bank.
i) Nobel Prizes are widely regarded as the most prestigious awards available in their respective fields. Who
won the Nobel Prize 2023 in economics?
Ans: Claudia Goldin, The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences (The Nobel Prize in Literature
2023=Jon Fosse)
ii) What is the full form of CBS & CTR?
Ans: CBS= Core Banking Solution. CTR= Currency Transaction Report
iv) Which is the highest authority for approving the economic policies and development plans in Bangladesh?
What does CDBL stand for?
Ans: Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) is the highest authority for approving
the economic policies and development plan in Bangladesh.
CDBL stands for, Central Depository Bangladesh Limited.
v) Which Asian city hosted Olympics for the first time?
Ans: Tokyo hosted Olympics for the first time in 1964.
vi) Bangladesh War of Independence was a revolution and armed conflict sparked by the rise of the Bengali
nationalist and self-determination movement in East Pakistan, which resulted in the independence of
Bangladesh. Which European country first recognized Bangladesh as a sovereign state? Who was the first
finance minister of Bangladesh?
Ans: East Germany first recognized Bangladesh as a sovereign state. The first finance minister of Bangladesh
is Captain Monsur Ali.
viii) What is meant by the term “Bankers’ Bank”? What is crypto currency?
Ans: Central Bank of a country is known as “Bankers’ Bank” as it functions as a leader and coordinator of
commercial banks of that country.
Crypto currency is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network
that is not reliant on any central authority, such as a government or bank, to uphold or maintain it.
ix) When did Bangladesh become a member of IMF? Who is the last member of IMF?
Ans: Bangladesh Joined on August 17, 1972 in IMF. Andorra has joined the International Monetary Fund
(IMF), to become its 190th member.
x) The 27th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP27) was held from November 6th to November 20th,
2022 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Who was the president of COP27? Which country was awarded the GCA
Champions award at the COP27 climate summit?
Ans: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt Sameh Shoukry was the president of COP27.
Bangladesh was awarded the GCA Champions award at the COP27. [ COP28>Dubai, UAE & COP29>
Baku, Azerbaijan]
xi) What is IDA? Why is it called ‘soft loan window’?
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Ans: IDA= The International Development Association. IDA is a multinational financial institution of World
Bank for providing aid to poor countries in the form of loans.
As the main purpose of the IDA is to provide grants and concessional loans to the world’s poorest countries,
it is called ‘soft loan window’.
xii) What are the elements of Smart Bangladesh? What was the theme of Digital Bangladesh Day?
Ans: The elements of Smart Bangladesh are Smart Citizen, Smart Society, Smart Economy and Smart
Government. "Advanced Technology, Inclusive Development" was the theme of Digital Bangladesh Day.
xiv) Who funded the Metro Rail Project in Bangladesh? Write the name of the first woman driver to operate
the metro rail.
Ans: Metro Rail Project in Bangladesh was jointly funded by Bangladesh Govt. and JICA. Mariam Afiza.
xv) The Russo-Ukrainian War is an ongoing international conflict between Russia, alongside Russian-backed
separatists, and Ukraine. Recently, which country has declared to join with Russia in the war if Ukraine invades
it? Who is the present Army Chief of Russia?
Ans: Belarus. General Valery Gerasimov.
i) The financial sector of Bangladesh consists of banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs). How
many NBFIs are currently operating in Bangladesh? Which is the most recently approved NBFI?
Ans: Now, 36 NBFIs are operating in Bangladesh. Latest one is Nagad.
ii) One of the main functions of BB is to formulate and implement monetary policy. Write the name of two of
the monetary policy tools used in Bangladesh by BB.
Ans: The tools and instruments for implementation of monetary policy in Bangladesh are Bank Rate, Open
Market Operations (OMO), Repurchase agreements (Repo) & Reverse Repo, Statutory Reserve Requirements
(SLR & CRR). (any two)
iii) Financial intelligence is crucial for stopping money laundering and terror-financing. Which international
organization facilitates cooperation and intelligence sharing between national financial intelligence units?
Which Bangladeshi organization is its member?
Ans: The Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units facilitates cooperation and intelligence sharing
between national financial intelligence units. Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) is its member.
v) Which Bengali poet is famously known as “Palli Kabi”? Name his most famous work that was translated
into various languages.
Ans: Jasimuddin is popularly called Palli Kabi. ‘Nakshi Kathar Maath’ was translated into various languages.
vi) The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in 2015. How many goals
and targets are set in SDG? Gender equality is stated in which goal?
Ans: 17 Goals and 169 targets are set in SDG. Goal 5 is related to gender equality.
vii) When did the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman return to Bangladesh after the
liberation war? Which magazine dubbed him as “The Poet of Politics”?
Ans: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman returned to Bangladesh after the liberation war on 10 January,
1972. Newsweek magazine dubbed him as “The Poet of Politics”.
viii) What is the name of the first Interoperable Digital Transaction Platform (IDTP) in Bangladesh? Which is
the largest mobile financial service (MFS) provider in Bangladesh in terms of market share?
Ans: The first Interoperable Digital Transaction Platform (IDTP) in Bangladesh is called Binimoy. The largest
mobile financial service (MFS) provider in Bangladesh is bKash.
x) YouTube is a global online video sharing and social media platform. One of its co-founders is of
Bangladeshi descent. What is his name? Who is the next CEO of YouTube?
Ans: Jawed Karim of Bangladeshi descent is a co-founder of YouTube. The next CEO of YouTube is Neil
xi) The banking sector of Bangladesh consists of 61 commercial banks. How many of these are Islamic
banks? What is the SLR for Islamic banks?
Ans: The Number of Islamic banks is 10. SLR for Islamic banks is 5.5%.
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xii) Write the full forms of CBS and STR.
Ans: CBS: Core Banking Solution. STR: Suspicious Transaction Report.
xiii) The 7 March Speech of Bangabandhu was a public speech given by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
the Founding Father of Bangladesh, on 7 March 1971. What is the former and the current name of the place
where the speech was delivered? When did UNESCO add the speech to the Memory of the World Register as
a documentary heritage?
Ans: The speech was delivered at Ramna Race Course ground, present day Suhrawardy Udyan. On 30 October
2017, UNESCO added the speech to the Memory of the World Register as a documentary heritage.
xiv) Greenhouse gases are responsible for global warming. Name the top two countries that emit the most
amounts of greenhouse gases. How many garment factories in Bangladesh are currently recognised as green
Ans: China and the United States of America are the two biggest emitters of greenhouse gases. 188 factories
in Bangladesh are currently recognised as green.
xv) What are the names of the regulatory authorities of the capital market and the microfinance institutions?
What is the name of the central bank of India?
Ans: Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) is the regulatory authority of the capital
market. Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA) is the regulatory authority of the microfinance institutions.
The central bank of India is Reserve Bank of India.
a) What is RTGS?
Ans: Real Time Gross Settlement is a fund transfer technology used by banks for same bank or interbank
fund transfer. Contrasting NEFT or RTGS, transferring funds with RTGS is instantaneous and more
nominal with regard to the costs incurred.
b) Where is climate technology park set in Bangladesh? Ans: Sreepur, Gazipur.
d) Who is the Chief Economist of The World Bank?Ans: Indermit Gill
e) Which countries are the members of Collective Security Treaty Organization?
Ans: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan.
f) What is the name of the regulatory agency for the insurance sector?
Ans: IDRA. Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority of Bangladesh is regulating and developing the
insurance sector of Bangladesh since 2010.
g) Which ball will be used for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022?
Ans: Al Rihla is the official match ball of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.
h) What is Green Banking?
Ans: It is an idea to promote environmentally friendly practices to reduce carbon footprint by banking activities.
It aims to achieve banking and environmental sustainability.
i) What do you mean by Bailout?
Ans: Bailout is a general term for extending financial support to a company or country facing a potential
bankruptcy threat. It can take in the forms of loans, cash, bonds or stock purchases.
j) What is the full form of BEFTN and BAMLCO?
Ans: BEFTN: Bangladesh Electronic Funds Transfer Network
BAMLCO: Branch Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer.
a) What is DTI?
Ans: Debt to Income Ratio. The percentage of a consumer’s monthly gross income that goes toward paying
debts. Generally, the higher the ratio, the higher the perceived risk. Loans with higher risk are generally
priced at a higher interest rate.
b) What is the full form of CHIPS and NPSB?
Ans: CHIPS= Clearing House Interbank Payment System. NPSB= National Payment Switch Bangladesh.
c) Which country has launched the first commercial bio-fuel rocket?
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Ans: The United States
d) What do you mean by Micro Finance?
Ans: Small loans provided to the poor in urban, rural and sub-urban parts of the country in order to help them
raise their income level is known as micro financing.
e) Which countries will host next FIFA World Cup? Ans: Canada, Mexico, United States.
f) What is the name of the central bank of Russia? Ans: The Central Bank of Russian Federation.
g) What do you mean by 3F crisis?
Ans: 3F Crises refers three interrelated crises of (Food, Fuel, Fertilizer, Finance) (এই চারটার মধ্যে যেধ্ াধ্না তিনটা
থা ধ্ি হধ্ে।). Prices for the 3F's (food, fuel, and fertilizer)- are increasing at alarming rates in the wake of the
war in Ukraine. As Russia and Ukraine are among the top exporters of wheat, maize, and sunflower oil,
countries that rely heavily on these imports are increasingly vulnerable, as food availability declines while
prices of food, fuel and key agricultural inputs reach record highs. In addition, Russia is the world's largest
exporter of nitrogen-based fertilizer and the second largest exporter of potassium and phosphorus -based
fertilizers. Soaring prices of agricultural products are putting small-scale producers at risk for the upcoming
harvest season, with the potential to have detrimental impacts on food security and livelihoods. The current
crises have been exacerbated and led to an increase in 3F prices. A fourth 'F' was also proposed as needing
consideration during the discussion-finance, Donors therefore need to better coordinate their initiatives in order
to improve access, use, and availability of food, fuel, fertilizer, and finance.
h) Who is the author of The Satanic Verse? Ans: Salman Rushdie
i) Which country has received International Peace Award' as one of the founding members of D-8? Ans:
[ Bank Written GK অধ্ন টা Passage Solving / Wh Question’s Answering / BCS Written এর Thematic
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1. In the context of the Russia-Ukraine War, several Russian banks are banned from SWIFT. What is
the full form of SWIFT? (BB AD Written-2022)
উত্তর প্রিাধ্নর সময় অতিতরক্ত িথে তিপ ধ্র(Fast Reading Skill) মূ ল ো িানধ্ি যচধ্য়ধ্ে যসটা তলেধ্ি হধ্ে। যেমনঃ
উপধ্রর প্রধ্ে লাল মা ক রা Russia-Ukrane War, Russian Bank গুধ্লাধ্ Ban ধ্রধ্ে এসে িথে উত্তধ্রর মধ্যে
আনা লািধ্েনা। আপতন তলেধ্েনঃ The full form of SWIFT is the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial
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উত্তরঃ ৃ তি োি।
4. WHO এর সির িপ্তর য াথায়?
উত্তরঃ যিধ্নভা, সু ইিারলোন্ড
5. োাংলাধ্িশ ি সাধ্ল WTO সিসেপি পায়?
উত্তরঃ ১ িানু য়াতর, ১৯৯৫
6. নিরুল রেীন্দ্রনাধ্থর মৃিুেধ্ি য ানতট উৎসিক ধ্র?
উত্তরঃ রতে-হারা
7. তিক্স-এ সিসেপধ্ি আমতিি এ তট যিধ্শর নাম।
উত্তরঃ Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates
8. িনতপ্রয় যসাশোল তমতেয়া ৬ তেতি েট ম ি সাধ্ল আতেষ্কৃি হয়?
উত্তরঃ ১৯৯৭ সাধ্ল
9. মুঘল আমধ্ল ঢা ার নাম ত তেল
উত্তরঃ িাহাঙ্গীরনির
10. ICC ২০২৩ তেশ্ব াধ্প যমাট িতট যেলা হধ্ে?
উত্তরঃ ৪৮
11. িু ধ্য ফ্োট ঝধ্ে োওয়ার সময় তভটাতমন তে এর সাধ্থ য ান উপািান যের হয়?
উত্তরঃ োলতসয়াম ও ফ্সফ্রাস
12. সেধ্চধ্য় যেতশ েন য ান মহাধ্িধ্শ?
উত্তরঃ িতিণ আধ্মতর া
13. োাংলাধ্িধ্শ প্রথম িসাধ্ল সাাংসি তনেকাচন হয়?
উত্তরঃ ৭ই মাচক ১৯৭৩ সাধ্ল
14. মুতিেনির তিেস ধ্ে?
উত্তরঃ ১৭ই এতপ্রল
15. য ান যেসর াতর োতনতিে েোাংধ্ র সেধ্চধ্য় যেতশ শাো আধ্ে?
উত্তরঃ পূ োলী েোাং তলতমধ্টে। (৪৯৮ তট)
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v. NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance. When was it established? What was the main
purpose of NATO?
vi. How much is value added tax on import and export? How many stock markets are there in
vii. When did the journey begin of financial services through mobile in Bangladesh? Which bank
introduced the first agent banking service?
viii. Which is the highest authority for approving the economic policies and development plans in
Bangladesh? What does CDBL stand for?
ix. In which year World Bank was established? Where is the headquarter of World Bank?
x. NPSB and BEFTN are two of the transaction platforms in Bangladesh. What are the full forms of
xi. Where will COP-28 be held? Which one is the top country in terms of per capita greenhouse gas
xii. What do you mean by TRIPS and SDR?
xiii. How many goals are there in SDG? When will Bangladesh exit from LDC category?
xiv. Mention the name of 1st Digital Bank of Bangladesh. How many non-bank government financial
institutions are there in Bangladesh?
xv. Which is the last poem written by Rabindranath? Name at least one novel written by Kazi Nazrul
িমুিা উত্তর/Answer Hints (একই প্রলশ্নর ছিন্ন ছিন্ন উত্তর-উপস্থাপিা হলর্ পালর।)
i. Patenga and Anwara
ii. NFIS= National Financial Inclusion Strategy, BFIU=Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit
iii. Netherlands, 6
iv. Rangamati,1997
v. 1949 , to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means.
vi. 15%, 2
vii. 2011, Bank Asia
viii. ECNEC, CDBL=Central Depository Bangladesh Limited
ix. 1944, Washington DC
x. NPSB=National Payment Switch Bangladesh, Bangladesh Electronic Funds Transfer Network
xi. Dubai, USA
xii. TRIPS: The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is an
international legal agreement between all the member nations of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
It establishes minimum standards for the regulation by national governments of different forms of
intellectual property (IP) as applied to nationals of other WTO member nations.
a. SDR(Special Drawing Rights)= The SDR is an international reserve asset created by the IMF.
A basket of currencies defines the SDR: the US dollar, Euro, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, and
the British Pound.
xiii. SDG 17 Goals, LDC Exit at 2026
xiv. No of Digital Banks-2, Nagad Digital Bank & Kori Digital Bank
xv. Sesher Kabita, Gora, Jogajog, Chokher Bali (সাছহর্য ছজলক আসললও বাাংলায় ছলখলবি িাহ।)
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