Note 1 Nervous Co
Note 1 Nervous Co
Note 1 Nervous Co
Topic 8 Note 1
Nervous system
Neurone is a cell.
Neurone consists of a cell body, containing the nucleus and most of the
cell’s organelles within the cytoplasm.
There are 3 types of neurons. The main difference between the structures of sensory, motor
and relay neurone is the relative position of the cell body.
Unit 5
Topic 8 Note 1
Motor neurones (effector neurones)
• The cell body s always situated within the central nervous system, axons extend
• Conducts impulses from the CNS to effectors (muscles or glands)
• The axons of some neurones are extremely long.
Sensory neurones -
• These carry impulses from the sensory cells (Receptors) to the CNS.
Neurones are able to carry waves of electrical activity called action potentials (nerve
impulses) over a long distance because the axons can be very long and the membranes
are polarized. (different charges on the inside and outside of the membrane)
Unit 5
Topic 8 Note 1
Myelin sheath
• Most vertebrate neurones have a fatty insulating layer called the mylein sheath
wrapped around the axon and/or dendron.
• This increases the speed of conduction of a nerve impulse.
• Schwann cells wrap around the neuron, to nourish and protect it and produce
the myelin sheath.
• However, there are small gaps left uncovered called nodes of Ranvier.
• Action potentials jump from one node of Ranvier to the next, increasing the
speed of conduction. Saltatory conduction.
Unit 5
Topic 8 Note 1
Reflex arc
• Nerve impulses follow routes/pathways through the nervous system.
• Simple nerve pathways - reflexes. Some nerve pathways involve just 2 neurones
(knee jerk reflex – a sensory neurone communicating directly with a motor
neurone). They are involuntary and rapid (which is important for protection and
• However, most nerve pathways involve numerous neurones within the CNS. A
sensory neurone connects to a range of neurones within the CNS and passes
impulses to the brain to produce a coordinated response.
Unit 5
Topic 8 Note 1
Unit 5
Topic 8 Note 1