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ue 621.314 5:621,362.5:621.319,398 LOW CAPACITY INVERTER FOR GENERAL USE FVR-G7S FOREWORD ‘The inverter for general use has advanced considerably up to here. In 1985 the Fuji Electric FVR-GS Series was placed on sale and the age of the all-digital, multifunction inverter for general use was entered. In the five years since its introduction, numerous new demands have been raised by users. The main demands are for upgrading Of functions centered about system correspondence, simple operation, fast response, high precision, and trip-free operation except when trouble occurs, ‘To mect these demands, the standard type inverter for general use FVR-G7S, which introduced much new hhardware and software technology, including 2 spectally designed 32-bit DSP (Digital Signal Processor), was doveloped and is outlined here. The FVR-K7S Series intzo- duced in a separate article is a sister product developed, asa simple type inverter with limited functions. 2. BASIC FEATURES OF NEW MODEL To meet the type of industry, equipment, operator experience, and other different demands and to maintain economy, the numerous new technologies accumulated up to here were introduced and inverter development was promoted. Its basic features ae: (2) High accuracy and muttiple functions The number of functions was about tripled and many new functions were installed. A high resolution of 0,002Hz and high accuracy of 0.01% are also obtained, (2) High-speed control To achieve multiple functions, there are such problems. as the software is generally long and as a result, the time to cycle it is long and the response time is long, To solve these problems, the processing time was shortened tremendously by using an ultra high-speed operation 32-bit DSP and reading of analog signals by A/D converter, etc, As a result, the effect of the increased number of functions was canceled and a processing speed of several times that in the past couled be achieved. ‘The result is realization of trip-ree operation in impact lead and motor directon-line starting, and other severe operation, Improvement of positioning accuracy in conveying equipment can also be expected. Yukio Nakajima Shinobu Kawabata Yoshihiro Matsumoto Fig. 1 FVRGTS * (8) Small sze and high reliability The inverter is shown in Fig. 1. The following develop- ment was performend with emphasis an smaller size than old produets, same dimensions for 200V and 400V clas, environmental correspondence by totally enclosed construction, improvement of workability at manufacture and maintenance. For the control circuit, «DSP as the operation element and an ultra LSI corcesponding to the peripheral circuit were newly developed and the printed circuit board was ‘miniaturized by housing most of the control circuit func- tions in these two elements For the main circuit section, in the low capacity range of 3.7KW of less, a compound power module housing the main circuit parts, except the electrolytic capacitor, was developed and a reduction of the occupied area and elimination of wiring were realized. For models of 5.5 kW and greater, productivity was improved and maintenance was simplified by using a witing board with the main circuit wiring copper bar integrated on an insulated board Regarding. cooling desi, since the generation of internal heat was suppressed by & construction which dissipates the heat of all the heat generating parts, up to the base drive circuit and control power supply circuit, besides the main circuit elements, to the main cooling body, a totally-enclosed construction of all models was realized (4) Easyso-undetstand operation Many innovations were made agsinst such disadvan- 49tages as “We want the advantages of multiple functions, but troublesome operation is 2 problem”, “It is a nuisance to those which use basic functions only”, etc. First, a method by which the setting functions are grouped into basic functions, standard functions, and advanced functions and reduces them to range of the basic functions only in the factory setting state and range modification setting is performed by the customer when desiring to advance to the range of standard functions, etc. Next, an LCD sereen display is added as shown at the sreen operation section of Fig. Jand the function items are selected in conversation form and the data uses a very detailed real number display and units display and errone us setting is prevented. 3, OVERVIEW OF CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION AND SPECIFICATIONS The circuit configuration (3.7KW or less) is outlined in Fg. 2. (1) Simple current detection ‘A dedicated main citcuit module was developed and 3.phase current by one current detectioon resistor and microcomputer operation. (2) High-speed operation current limiting and voltage adjuster The lend current and DC intermediate chou voltage Fig. 2 EVR-GTS circuit configuration (3.7kW or les) are read continuously at high-speed by using an A/D converter. Overall, high-speed operation of Ims or Tess was achieved. This allows stable control relative to load ‘and power supply variative to load and power supply variations. (3) Abundate input and output signals Multistep speed operation up to & steps by the 3 bit signals X1 to X3, acceleration and deceleration time switch- ing up to 4 steps by the 2 bits signals RTI and RT?, various monitor signals, and other convenient signals were provided. The function of some terminals can be switched by setting modification from the keypad panel. Table I shows the specifications centered about the FVR.G7S power circuit. The following improvements ‘were made as compared to the old FVR-SS Series. (4) Detaited capacity and review of current ratings ‘The low capacity range capacity series was broken down in detail and economical cpaacity selection was made possible. Moreover, 380V, 4-pole motor is applied at standard capacity and the overall current rating is reviewed. 4, OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS AND APPLICA- TION TECHNOLOGY 4.1. Current limiting contro! ‘The most severe operation condition is direct-on-line starting of the motor while the inverter is running, Figure 3 Vol.a7 No.2 FUJI ELECTRIC REVIEWTable 1 FVR-G7S outline specifications (6) 200V series f Model] FVRO04 | FYROOS [FVROIS |FYROZ? |PVROS7 JEVROSS JEVROTS [FVRIIO JFVRISO JEVRIGS [FVRI20 [tem Gis?" 'GIs2" ‘GIs? | GIs2 | G1S2 | GIS2 | GIS2| GIS2 | GIS2 | GIS | GISs2 Sendadepptisiwe metas [oa [ors | as [ 22 [37 [ss [7s | mn | is | ms | Raed capacity ava) | 12 | 2 | 3 | « | 6 | 9 | 3 | |» |» | 3 5 [Rae conus Siphase, Sve system, 200 to 730V & [Rated output fequenay 50 ~ 400} © fated ouipeteunent | 3] 8 [8 [uw [a [s ] «> s >a > e [Overload current rating 1303 Tort mini iveae time characteris) 3 |sunaara | Regenersve 150% min 1005 ain, 40% mi, ‘Condenser epeneratve Braking Jenwipmene [P2HKpg | 5 [Dc taking raking wart Frequency 0.5 to GOMa, braking tne 001 1030 se baking Voltage O10 15% | ten opion) De Braking resitor raking eisor and contro ual |S [wed rorave ca I ioe min ~ 100% min [Rated MPU AC votge Tiphaae 3-vine 200 to 3OV, SOVeOHa 2 | Allowable fluctuation Vottage:* 19%, voltage unbalance ratio: within 3%, frequency: +5% | Cootine method feta aan Fully enclosed forced cooling type (IP40....except cooling fan) [Ronis waht] 27 | 28 [49] 30 [ so] op | 92] Bo | Ba [ies [70] (0) 00V seis Model] FVROO | FVROIS | FYRO22 | FVRO37 | FVROSS | FVROS [FVRIL0|FVRISO [FVRIBS [FVR220, | isd | 'Gisa) | Grsd | rsa | ‘Gisd | OtSs | Gis | Giss | Gis4 | GIS4 7 Sandordepptinblemotsrs, loaors| 1s | 22 | a7 | ss | ts | um | as | ies | 2 [Tan pacity VA) cy in exces ea en ‘= [Rated output valage phase S-vike system, 38010 460V | Rated output frequency = 50 ~ 40012 & [Rated ousput uent (4) | 35 | 34 ease | ee [es ae [ee 20 [ens [as [overioad current rating 150% for 1 minute (inverse time characteristic) [E |standaca [RSRRE™ [sox min, [65% min, [45% min. [4ox-min, | 355 min ‘Condenser regeneatve braking jg [errr foc trae raking var fequecy 0516 GO, aking te OD 030s, ag voiag Oto 5 & [When Type Braking resistor raking resistor and control unit E option used FTrorque sos min 100% min, ani s 100% min, ay [ Rated input AC vltase pase, Swe 380 to 460V, 30/601 2 [aowaienstaion Voitge 3, votes urbane rato: within 3%, Fegueney 5% Folly enclose seit Cooling method cooling type TP4O) Fully enclosed forced cooling type (IPS0,. except cooling fa) “Approx, weet (ea) 36 | 49 | (50 30 33] 95 | 29 | 0 | 166 | 169 is an example of its operating characteristics, the overcur= rent which flows at closing of the motor is limited to 150% and the frequency is lowered and speed search is performed during this time. Since the current is lowered when the frequency matches the speed, this is judged and the motor is accelerated up to the set frequency. For impact loads, persistent operation is possible by controlling the frequency in the constant torque state shown in Fig. 4, Law Capacity Inverter for General Use FVR.G7S 42 Slip compensation control Figure 5 is an example of the slip compensation ‘control characteristic. The speed torque and current curves, with and without slip compensation are compared. If slip ‘compensation control is selected, a stable speed relative 10, load torque changes is obtained. Since the optimum slip, ‘compensation amount for the 4pole standard applicable ‘motor is selected, there is a slight difference when the pacity application is different. 514.3 Pattern operation ‘An example of program operation is shown in Fit. 6 Speed (frequency) up to 7steps, ditection of rotation, time of each step, etc. can be preselected and pattern ‘operation can be performed. ‘The processing method after the end of T7 of the last zone can be selected from among (1) stop, (2) return to speed I and cycle operation, and (3) continuous operation at speed 7. The “timeup signal” or “cycle end signal” shown in Fig. 6 is output as the program advance monitor signal. Fig. 3 Example of diret-ovvtne starting characteristic 4.4 Operation between inverters The linked operation configuration and signal flow are shown in Fig. 7. Ina facility which uses multiple inverters, if the inverters are interconnected with a special link cable, all the inverters can be controlled from the terminals of a representative inverter (master). Therefore, the wiring Fig. 5 Example of slip compensation control (3.7kW, 4pole) ‘aret i : | t [ peeber eae tt ample of curren limiting control chareteristic Fig, 6 Inverter operation example —— Lok abe ‘anatie (ub ost) (Rt Conmana Sr. = Manto Sera! + Iver sect (4 bs) (B12 Bt Rey cam fore 52 (oe) 03) us) oo (so) Vol.a7 No.2 FU ELECTRIC REVIEWand wiring check work related to running operation can bbe omitted. This also allows work at maintenance, besides solving the problem of induced noise in the control panel The linked operation functions are outlined below. (1) The representative inverter is called “master” and the other inverters are generally called “stave”. When some of the terminals ofa slave are used, itis classified as “sub master”. (2) The inverter number is specified by 4-bit specification signal (C) and the start/stop, frequency setting, and other command signals (A) are commanded at each inverter, Setting of batch commands for all the in- verters instead of the specification signal (C) is also possible (3) The operation monitor signal (frequency equivalence signal, running signal, etc.) matched to the condition of Fig. 8 Example of frequency ratio operation ane aeaaiee | ove (en 1 | con, | “eis oprton He psten 154 o tion eae Sy team ae) Low Capacity inverter for General Use FVA-G7S specification signal (C) can be called at the master unit terminals (B), (4) If the terminals of the sub master are used, frequency setting can be performed by 4 to 12 bits digital signal @, (5) The various parameters of the inverter selected by signals (C) can be set from the master keypad panel 48 Speed (frequency) ratio operation Figure 8 shows the connections for ratio operation using the link function, Frequency ratio operation can be performed at a high accuracy of 1% step by setting all the inverters for batch command operation and setting the gain of each inverter. An example of connection of four jerters Js shown here, but ratio operation of up to 16 inverters is possible by link cable and adapter. CONCLUSION Some of the functions and operating characteristics of the new series of inverters were introduced above, The capabilities of the inverter for general use could be strengthened further from the standpoints of accuracy, response, persistence, and many other areas by high-speed ‘control by DSP. ‘The inverter linked operation function is a uniques function which open a new age. We will put our efforts into further development together with those concerned. 53
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