Cmder 1 3 Shortcuts
Cmder 1 3 Shortcuts
Cmder 1 3 Shortcuts
Ctrl + Arrow keys Select text Context menu key Split: Exchange (swap) with
General + Alt + X nearest pane: Split(4)
Ctrl + R History search
Win + Ctrl + Alt + Enter TEXT full-screen mode, Context menu key Split: Exchange (swap) with
Shift + Left click Select and copy text from buffer
Enter when available. If not - standard + Alt + Up arrow nearest pane upward: Split(4,0,-1)
fullscreen and always on top Right click or Ctrl Paste text
+ Shift + V Context menu key Split: Exchange (swap) with
Win + Shift + U Check for updates: Update() + Alt + Down nearest pane downward:
Pause Pause current console: Pause arrow Split(4,0,1)
Menu key shortcuts
Ctrl + C or Ctrl + [InSelection] Copy: Current Context menu key Split: Exchange (swap) with
Shift + C selection as plain text: Copy(0,0) Context menu key Split: Maximize/restore active pane: + Alt + Left arrow nearest pane leftward: Split(4,-1,0)
+ Enter Split(3) Context menu key Split: Exchange (swap) with
Ctrl + Right click Show ConEmu System menu
Context menu key Split: Move splitter upward: + Alt + Right arrow nearest pane rightward: Split(4,1,0)
Win + Shift + D Debug active process: Debug(0)
+ Shift + Up arrow Split(1,0,-1) Context menu key Group keyboard input for visible
Context menu key Split: Move splitter downward: +G splits: GroupInput(0)
Tab operations + Shift + Down Split(1,0,1) Context menu key Group keyboard input for all
Ctrl + ` Minimize to taskbar/ Restore from arrow + Shift + G consoles: GroupInput(3)
taskbar Context menu key Split: Move splitter leftward: Context menu key Add active console into group
Win + Alt + P Preferences + Shift + Left Split(1,-1,0) + Alt + G keyboard input: GroupInput(6)
Ctrl + T New tab dialog Context menu key AffinityPriority
Context menu key Split: Move splitter rightward: +A
Ctrl + W Close tab
+ Shift + Right Split(1,1,0)
Shift + Alt + 1 Fast new tab: Cmd Context menu key Highlighting: Switch ‘Highlight row
+L under mouse cursor’:
Shift + Alt + 2 Fast new tab: PowerShell Context menu key Split: Put focus to nearest pane HighlightMouse(1)
Alt + Enter Full-screen + Up arrow upward: Split(2,0,-1)
Context menu key Highlighting: Switch ‘Highlight row
Context menu key Split: Put focus to nearest pane +X & col under mouse cursor’:
Shell + Down arrow downward: Split(2,0,1) HighlightMouse(3)
Context menu key Split: Put focus to nearest pane Context menu key Scroll buffer one half-page up:
Ctrl + Alt + U Traverse up in directory structure
+ Left arrow leftward: Split(2,-1,0) + Page Up Scroll(2,-1)
End Go to the end of the line
Context menu key Split: Put focus to nearest pane Context menu key Scroll buffer one half-page down:
Home Go to the beginning of the line + Right arrow rightward: Split(2,1,0) + Page Down Scroll(2,+1)
Page 2 of 2
Context menu key Scroll buffer to the top: Scroll(3,-1) Esc Minimize ConEmu by Esc when no
+ Home open consoles left (see option
Context menu key Scroll buffer to the bottom: ‘Don't close ConEmu on last
+ End Scroll(3,+1) console close’)
Context menu key Scroll buffer to the cursor position: Ctrl + 1 or Ctrl + 2 Activate console by number (may
+ Backspace Scroll(4) or Ctrl + 3 or Ctrl + be disabled)
4 or Ctrl + 5 or Ctrl
Context menu key Paste path from clipboard in unix
+ 6 or Ctrl + 7 or
+ Insert format: Paste(8)
Ctrl + 8 or Ctrl + 9