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CFLM2 Reviewer (M1-13)

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CHARACTER FORMATION - Defined as the process 1. Self-realized Character – A type of person with
by which the individual, through interaction of this type of character is ever enthusiastic for he
biologically transmitted predispositions with the knows his limitations and potentialities.
environment, develops stable pattern of functioning,
thinking and feeling. 2. Covetous Character – refers to a jealous or
acquisitive character. (arrogant, repulsive, slanderer)
ETHIC – Philosophy of morals or the standard
character set up by any race or nation. 3. Superstitious Character

Ethics – study and philosophy of human conduct, 4. Egoistic – type of person hard to please, thinks
emphasizing the determination of right and wrong or that world run due to him.
to the basic principles of right action.
5. Anti-social Character – sinner and criminal
Ethical – Condition in accordance with right (offensive character)
principles, as defined by given system of ethics or
professional conduct. 6. Insincere Character – expresses sincere thanks
and go extra mile.

CHARACTER - The combination of qualities 7. Complacent Character – confidence

distinguishing any person or class of persons; any
distinctive trait or mark, or such marks or traits DEVELOPMENT OF SELF LEADERSHIP
collectively belonging to any person, class or race. 1. Clarity of Purpose – this means that each
entity must have a vision.
FORMATION 2. Aim at Success and take Reasonable Risk – a
Parental Influence – is the most important of all the necessary part of life.
factors responsible for personality development.
3. Spend Time to Reflect on Your Life –
Home Environment – cradle of human character and objective evaluation of you.
personality largely contribute to the character
formation of a child. (parents is the first educators of 4. Don’t Tolerate Just Anything – learn to be
children) intolerant / not toleration negative factors.

School Environment – plays a major role in shaping

child’s personality. SIMPLE WAYS TO LEAD YOURSELF
1. Know your Values and Stick to Them
Culture – different character and values because of
different cultures where everyone is exposed. 2. Move Towards Purpose

GENERAL TYPES OF CHARACTERS 3. Keep Improving Yourself

Positive Character – good behavior and habits.
4. Make Mistakes But Never Make The Same
Negative Character – commit evil acts. Mistake Twice

Neutral Character – person who doesn’t pick sides 5. Lead by Example

FOUR PRMARY FACTORS OF LEADERSHIP Most Important Keys to Effective
Leader - (need to inspire subordinates) Leadership
1. Trust and Confidence - When leaders have
Follower - (need more supervision and motivate gained trust, their teams are confident that
subordinates / understanding of human nature) they are with the right team and headed in
the right direction;
Communication - (to lead bidirectional
communication) 2. Effective Communication - Helping
employees understand the overall business
Situation - (to use discretion to determine the best strategy of the organization.
course of action)
1. Trait Theory – Some personality traits may
lead people naturally into leadership roles.
-Know yourself and seek self-improvement
2. Great Events Theory – A crisis or important
-Be technically and tactically proficient
event can cause a person to rise to the
occasion, putting forth extraordinary qualities
-Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your
of leadership in an ordinary person.
3. Transformational or Process Leadership
-Make sound and timely decision
Theory - Today, it is the widely accepted
theory. People can opt for leadership. People
-Set the example
can learn the ability to take leadership.
-Know your employees and look out for their
Total Leadership - People want feedback from those
leaders they respect and who have a good sense of
direction. They must be ethical, in order to gain
-Keep your employees informed
respect. This provides a sense of direction by
conveying a clear vision of the future. When people
-Develop a sense of responsibility among your
decide to value you as a leader, they don’t think of
your qualities, but rather watch what you’re doing so
they can assess who you really are.
-Ensure assigned tasks are understood, supervised,
and accomplished
-Commands -Ask
-Train your employees as a team
-Micromanages -Earns respect
-Generates fear -Depends on goodwill
-Employ your command in accordance with its
-Demands respect -Inspire enthusiasm
-Depends on authority -Leads employees
-Drives employees -Develops employees
-Uses employees -Makes employees feel
-Make employees feel valued
inferior -Trust employees will
perform their job well
MODULE 4 Conditions of Learning
Supervision for Leaders - Supervision maintains an To be successful in guiding subordinates, the
understanding of the situation, and ensures proper leader must familiarize himself with these learning
implementations of the situations and policies (U.S. conditions and strictly follow them while training his
Army Handbook, 1973). This involves giving guidance people;
and reviewing the performance of a job.
A. The Person Must be motivated to Learn-
Over-supervision - creates resentment and You cannot teach certain people who are not
decreases morale and motivation. inspired to learn knowledge or skills. They’ve
got to feel the need to learn what you say.
Under-supervision - leads to miscommunication, Many workers are inspired to do good work.
lack of coordination and the subordinates’ They want to be able to carry out their duties
impressions the leader is not concerned with. properly. Their motivation is to be able to
carry out their work in return for a salary,
Evaluation - evaluating the value, quality or rewards, challenges, job, satisfaction, etc.
significance of people, ideas or things. This involves
looking at the ways people understanding the B. Involve Your Subordinates In the Process -
feedback on how well everything is being done. Keep their attention in the learning process
by deliberately engaging their minds and
Inspiring Subordinates emotions. Participate in them through active
Easier to get people to do something If they capability practice, or through conversation,
have the drive to do so. Inspire means to “breathe with a lengthy lecture you can’t keep their
life in.” attention.

Three Main actions will aid you in accomplishing The Six Points of Leadership Power
Be Passionate - impact can arise in the organizations 1. Coercive Power – Power that is based on fear.
where there is a leader with great enthusiasm about
a project. You have to devote yourself to do the job 2. Reward Power – Compliance achieved on the
that you do. basis of the ability to distribute rewards which other
finds important.
Involve Subordinates in the Decision Making
Process – People involved in the decision-making 3. Legitimate power – The power a person receives
process are much more involved, inform them that in an organization’s formal hierarchy as a
you value their opinions. consequence of his or her role.

Know what your organization is about. – Your 4. Expert Power – influence base on special skills of
people my come from various of backgrounds, but knowledge.
they all have goals they want to achieve. Create a
“people setting” in which they can really be 5. Referent Power – influence based on individual or
everything they can be. desirable possession of wealth or personal traits.

Training – is a structured lesson designed to give 6. Informational Power – Providing information to

people the knowledge and skills to perform a task. others which leads to thinking or acting in a new
Coaching – is a process designed to help the
employee develop more expertise and resolve
obstacles to improving to performance
Important qualities of leadership
Transactional Leadership – this strategy is strongly
Honesty and Integrity - are two key ingredients that disciplinary, and is often called a leadership style of
make a good leader. Leaders flourish when they hold “telling.” The leader gives instructions to the
to their core values and beliefs and this won’t be members of his team and then uses various
possible without ethics. incentives and punishments to either appreciate or
punish what they do in response.
Inspire Others - hardest things a leader back to do is
to persuade others to comply. Transformational Leader – by empowering their
workers to change, leaders are trying to enhance or
Commitment and Passion - The team looks up to transform the individual or group into which they
you and you’ll have to be enthusiastic about that too lead. Such leaders are working at making changes
if you want them to give their all. If your team sees and finding new ways to get things done.
you’re getting your hand dirty, they’ll give their best
too. It will also help your subordinates “confidence Servant Leadership – Servant leaders work with this
and instill new energy in your team members, which traditional motto: “Serve first and lead.” They
will make them perform better. channel most of their energies in seeking ways to
help others.
Good Communicator - As a leader you have to
communicate your vision clearly to your team and Democratic Leadership – this style of leadership
tell them to plan for achieving the goal. referred to as “participatory leadership.” Democratic
leaders respect other people’s ideas and feedback,
Decision Making Capabilities - A leader should have and encourage discussion of those inputs.
the ability to take the right decision at the right time,
in addition to having a futuristic vision. A leader Autocratic Leadership – Autocratic leaders see
should think long and hard before taking a decision themselves as having absolute power in making
but stand by it once the decision is made. decision on their subordinates’ behalf. They decide
not just what needs to be done, but how to
Accountability - Make sure each of the subordinates accomplish certain tasks too. “My way or the
is responsible for what they do. highway.”

Delegation and Empowerment - Focusing on key Bureaucratic Leadership – bureaucratic leadership

responsibilities is vital to a leader, while leaving the goes “by the book”. With this style of leadership a
rest to others. Delegate the subordinate’s duties and specified collection of boxes to check to be a true
see how they do. Provide them with all the leader.
resources and support they need to attain the target
and give them an opportunity to bear responsibility. Laissez-Faire Leadership – French word that
translates to ‘leave it be” let their team members
Creativity and Innovation - Think about coming up make decisions, solve problems and get their work
with unique ideas out of the box and transforming done without having to worry about their every
those ideas and goals into reality. move being obsessively watched by the leaders.

Empathy - As Leaders, empathy with your followers Charismatic Leadership – Charismatic leaders have
will grow. Don’t adopt a dictatorial style, and utterly charismatic personalities and a great deal of
lack empathy. determination to achieve their goals. You could be a
charismatic leader if you’re known to give
outstanding styles of presentations of “rally the
MODULE 6 Reasons Why Values Matter to Leaders
 Values Guide Your Decisions
 Values Strengthen Your Ability to Influence
Ethics is about the types of values and morals that a
 Values Create Clarity
person or a community finds acceptable or
 Values Reduce Stress
 Values Guide Your Actions
Ethically leading leaders are role models, promoting
the values of ethical standards, keeping their people MODULE 7
accountable for those principles, and crucially
designing environments in which others work and Management as a Group - In general administrative
live. function are not performed by one person alone.

Ethical leadership is a leadership motivated by Management as a Science – Science for example,

respect for ethical beliefs and values, and other establishes the relation of cause and effect between
people integrity and rights. variables.

How to Become an ethical Leader? Management as a Profession – Profession may be

 Define and align your values. defined as an occupation that requires special
 Champion the Importance of Ethics knowledge and intensive academic preparation to
 Hire People with Similar Values which entry is regulated by a representative body.
 Promote Open communication
 Beware of Bias Special Knowledge – Must have a systematic body
 Lead by Example knowledge that can be used for development of
 Find Your Role Models professionals.
 Care for Yourself so you are able to Care for
Others The Manager - is a person in the organization who
directs activities to of others.
Impacts on Ethical Leadership 1. The first line managers – They are usually
1. The Well- Being of the Individual called supervisors or in a manufacturing they
2. The Energy of the Team be called foremen.
2. The middle level managers – These comprise
4V Model of Ethical Leadership all management levels between the
 Values organization’s supervisory level and top level.
 Virtue 3. The top managers – They are the ones
 Vision responsible for making organizational
 Voice decisions and setting policies and strategies
which effect all aspects of the organization.

Values Formation in Leadership LEVELS OF MANAGEMENT

Values is not a subject that has been talked
about so often but one that plays an important role Lower level management - Implement plans
in acts and performance. Middle level management - Interpret plan, set action
Upper level management - long term goal
MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS (POSDC) Henry Mintzberg-discovered the prevalent view was that
 Planning managers were critical thinkers who evaluated information
 Organization carefully and systematically before making decisions.
Interpersonal Roles
 Staffing - Function as a chief when he is needed to carry out
 Directing subordinates activities
 Controlling - Building trust, empathy and emotional intelligence
- Not only to inspire the workforce but also to recruit,
Managerial Skills - Managing position requires fire and discipline employees.
proper skills to perform various jobs. Informational Roles
- To collect information outside of one’s own
organization and institutions.
Technical Skills –Managers must be able to work - Perform the disseminators position as they deliver
with the resources, equipment, strategies, information to the organization’s subordinates.
procedures or technical skills. Decisional Roles
- He initiates and supervises new projects to improve
Human Skills – Managers must have the ability to the performance of the organization.
work well with other people both individually and in - As a conflict controller, administrator take corrective
a group. actions to fix previously unknown issues.
- Acts as resource allocation when allocating and
controlling human, physical, and monetary resource
Conceptual Skills – Managers need to be able to allocations.
integrate and organize the different activities. - When debating and bargaining with other parties,
Managers must be able to think of abstract ideas he works as a negotiator.
and to contextualize them. Mission Statement
- Is a short statement of why an organization exist,
Qualities of a Manager (EILTTMPSF) what its overall goal, identifying the goal of its
 Educational Incompetence operations.
- “action-oriented” than statements of dream.
 Intellectual Quality
 Leadership Ability - Describes the long-run objective of your company,
 Training usually for a time frame of five to ten years or even
 Technical Knowledge and Skills longer.
 Mental Maturity
 Positive Attitude
 Self-confidence
 Foresight

General Guidelines in Creating Mission Statements

D. Concise – while not as brief as statements of vision,
mission statements in one sentence also usually get
their point across.
E. Outcome-oriented- statements on task describe the
basic results to which the organization is operating.
C. Inclusive- although declarations of mission make MODULE 10
statements about the key goals of your community, it is
Behavioral management - is a behavioral intervention
very important that they do so very broadly. Good
approach that is oriented towards keeping order.
mission statements are not restrictive in the community’s
policies or industries that may get involved in the project.
Behavior Management Techniques:
List of questions You Might use to Focus Your Discussions With
Antecede Strategies – which are used in an attempt to
Community Members
These questions may be used for individual interviews, discourage or provoke a behavior a before occurs.
focus groups, public forums, or in any other way you choose to Consequent Strategies – which are used when a
gather information behavior happens in an attempt to discourage a behavior
A. What is your vision/ dream for our community? from continuing and repeating, or to reinforce behavior.
B. Why do you want to see change?
C. What kind of group or organizations will we be creating? Behavioral Management Theory
D. What do you see as the big issues or problems in the The theory of behavioral management was developed
society or organization? in response to the need to account for the actions and
E. How do you see as the main strengths and assets of the motivations of the employees.
group organization?
F. How do you think this company or project will be striving Effective Strategies of Managing by Example
for?  Avoid Criticizing
G. Why will they fix these issues?  Give Honest Praise
H. How would you like to see success?  Develop Real Relationship
 Get in on the Action
 Strategic plans can involve changing the organization’s
 Humility is Key
mission statement to represent a new direction.
 Engagement and Empowerment
Decide of the General Focus of Your Organization
After the organization’s leaders have learned what the
group has to say, it’s time to determine the organization or Points that Highlight the Role of Values in Management
initiative’s overall emphasis.  Development of Employee
A. What subject matters most to your organizations and to  Motivation
your community?  Underlie Behavior
B. Where is your company going to operate?  Determine Behavior
C. Does your organization only start in one school, in one  Help in Bringing Change
neighborhood, or in your town?  Determine Attitudes
D. Should the emphasis of your initiative be wider, at local,  Promote Leadership
regional, or even international level?
 Bring Creativity
Different Ways of Gathering this Information
 Managing in Borderless
a. Conducting Public Forums with members of the
 Involve in Managerial Goals
b. Holding focus group discussions with the people
 Guide to life, profession and character
c. C. Obtaining Interviews with People in Leadership and  Personality Development
Service Positions  Work Ethic

d. Decide What To Ask The Importance of Workplace Values

The ideals in the workplace are the guiding principles
that are most important to you about the way you work.

Decision making - can be seen as a problem-solving

process that generates a solutions, that is considered
to be ideal, or at least acceptable.

Decision-making techniques can be separated into

two broad categories:

 Group Decision-Making Techniques.

 Individual Decision-Making techniques.

Individual decision-making techniques can also

often be applied by a group.

Group Decision-Making - Also known as

“Collaborative Decision-Making’, is a situation faced
when individuals collectively make a choice from the
alternatives before them. The decision is then no
longer attributable to any single individual who is a
member of the group.

Decision Making Approaches

We make the majority of the decisions, as
individuals. It is important to look at the approaches
that we follow in our individual decision-making in
the effort to take more successful decisions.

 Rational or Analytical Approach

 Intuitive Decision-Making-Approach
 Random or Chance Approach

Suggestions for Improvement

 Rational or Analytical Decision Makers
 Intuitive Decision Maker
 Random or Chance Decision Maker

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