PALMAR Answer Keys
PALMAR Answer Keys
PALMAR Answer Keys
Situation – Nurse Bella takes charge of handling the Mental Health Promotion program in the midst
of the ongoing health crisis due to the COVID 19 PANDEMIC.
1. Teaching the families on promoting mental health at home in this pandemic time should
focus on the following EXCEPT:
a. Seeking community support
b. Observing open communication
c. Engaging social media the whole day
d. Reaching out to friends
Section 8. All persons, including service users, person with disabilities, and minors, shall
be presumed to possess legal capacity for the purpose of this Act or any other applicable
law, irrespective of the nature or effects of their mental health conditions or disability.
Children shall have the right to express their views on all matters affecting themselves
and have such views given due consideration in accordance with their age and maturity.
Section 9. Advance Directive. - A service user may set out his her preference in relation
to treatment through a signed, dated, and notarized advance directive executed for the
purpose. An advance directive may be revoked by a new advance directive or by a
notarized revocation.
Section 10. Legal Representative. - A service user may designate a person of lega; age to act as
his or her legal representative through a notarized document executed for that purpose.
(2) Act as substitute decision maker when the service user has been assessed by a mental health
professional to have temporary impairment of decision-making capacity
FAILURE TO APPOINT: SPOUSE: unless permanently separated from service user or abandoned
INTERNAL REVIEW BOARD T treatment Restraint Confinement Service
PCFMH-Philippine Council for Mental Health-accredited organization REPRESENTING SERVICE
IRR-Designated OTHER members
2. During this pandemic time, which of the following roles of Nurse Bella should she significantly
intensify to prevent more cases of mental problems in the community?
a. Case finder - by the community health nurse - involves identifying individual cases
or occurrences of specified diseases or other health-related conditions requiring
b. Case manager - A health professional who coordinates and directs the selection and
use of health care services to meet client needs, maximize resource utilization, and
minimize the expense of care
c. Researcher
d. Surveyor
Section 21. Suicide Prevention. - Mental health services shall also include mechanisms for suicide
intervention, prevention, and response strategies, with particular attention to the concerns of the
youth. Twenty-four seven (24/7) hotlines, to provide assistance to individuals with mental health
conditions, especially individuals at risk of committing suicide, shall be set up, and existing hotlines
shall be strengthened.
Case Managers Case managers are health service professionals who work toward the
goal of bettering the life and needs of their clients. Case managers will work with clients,
the client’s family, community members, and other health professionals to address their
clients’ individual and specific needs. Case managers are responsible for making sure
their clients have the resources they need to meet their agreed-upon goals. As health
professionals, case managers must also advocate on behalf of their clients as these
individuals are often not in a position to advocate for themselves.
Case Management
Case managers must be able to track a group of clients—the caseload. Software
programs allow the case manager to enter client data and integrate this with
predesigned care-tracking templates. In addition, the case manager must keep abreast
of the latest regulations affecting eligibility for health care bene- fits, the reporting
requirements of the payer agencies, and de- tailed facts about the variety of service
providers the client may need to access. All of these data can be placed in integrated
com- puter software programs. Finally, the case manager must docu- ment quality; that
is, demonstrate client outcomes related to dollars spent.
Situation – As community health nurse it is expected that she is competent in performing core
competency standards on Record Management.
3. Nurse Ana is aware that the domain of record management entails which of the following
A. Write in the Kardex what was to be endorsed
B. Keep human resources updated at all times
C. Report to MD orally wrong use of drug
D. Ensure entries in patient record is signed
5. A physician in the health facility has forgotten to change antibiotics of the patient and
make phone call order to Nurse ANA. What should be the APPROPRIATE action of the nurse in this
A. Ensure that the order will be signed by the physician as soon as he is in the facility.
B. Have any physician in the facility sign the order
C. Carry all phone orders and bring chart to the doctor for signing
D. Call back MD to give feedback
7. Which of the following is the rationale why team work is ESSENTIAL in health care
A. Helping one another
B. Makes work lighter
C. Patient safety
D. Promotes camaraderie
Note that the object of the question pertains to the rationale and not the meaning of
teamwork itself.
All parties set aside their original goals and work together to establish a supra-ordinate goal. In
doing so, the all parties accept mutual responsibility for reaching the supra-ordinate goal (NOT
Note of NEGOTIATION: GOAL: To make the other party feel satisfied with the outcome.
Note that there is no rule that both parties must give up equal rights; otherwise it may
be considered as compromise.
9. Nurse Roy as member of the health team describes himself as good team player, Which
of the following is the BEST characteristics of good team player?
1. Sense of humor
2. Good listener
3. Inspires others
4. Proactive thinking
A. 1,2,3,4
B. 1,2,3
C. 1,2
D. 3,4
Showing a genuine interest in others, being considerate of other people’s needs and wants, and
offering others support whenever possible are all part of a successful team building. These
interpersonal skills are part of emotional intelligence.
11. Nurse Roy in his dealings with his co-workers instills collaborative partnership in doing
their task which is the aim of this type of partnership?
A collaborative partnership is an alliance among people and organizations from multiple sectors,
such as schools and businesses, working together to achieve a common purpose. In public health,
collaborative partnerships attempt to improve conditions and outcomes related to the health and
well being of entire communities. When the focus is a community, those affected may include
people who share a common place, such as a rural community or an urban neighborhood, or an
experience, such as being a child or living in poverty.
12. Which of the following is an important tool of assessing quality in the delivery of
health services?
a. research
b. standards
c. nursing process
d. legislation
13. Choose the key words that best describes quality improvement in public health.
a. status quo
b. improvement process
c. very conventional
d. perfect health facility
QA Models target currently existing quality. QI models target ongoing continually improving
14. Choose the description that quality exists at the health center
a. patient satisfaction
b. selected delivery of services
c. controlled by local officials
d. rapid turnover
15. Nurse Elisa would like to enhance the process standard at the health center. which should
be her priority nursing initiative ?
a. revise manual for operation
b. hire more new graduate
c. upgrade the health equipment
d. reduce operational expenses
OUTCOME: Patient reported outcome measures attempt to capture whether the services
provided actually improved patient’s health and sense of well-being.
16. Identify to whom Nurse Elisa would seek help to improve health resources like medicines
in order to provide quality nursing care at the health center.
a. head of the church
b. secretary of health
c. mayor
d. governor
Section 17(b)(2)(iii) of the LGC BASIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES. (iii) Subject to the
provisions of Title Five, Book I of this Code, health services which include the
implementation of programs and projects on primary health care, maternal and child
care, and communicable and non-communicable disease control services, access to
secondary and tertiary health services; purchase of medicines, medical supplies, and
equipment needed to carry out the services herein enumerated;
(iv) Social welfare services which include programs and projects on child and youth
welfare, family and community welfare, women's welfare, welfare of the elderly and
disabled persons; community-based rehabilitation programs for vagrants, beggars,
street children, scavengers, juvenile delinquents, and victims of drug abuse; livelihood
and other pro-poor projects; nutrition services; and family planning services;
Situation – Nurse Elisa has been promoted as nurse manager in the health unit. Her functions
include management of resources and environment and budgeting.
17. As nurse manager, which should she consider important when preparing the budget needed
for the operation of the unit.
A. All things and equipment need to be new yearly
B. Budget is implemented with or without money at hand
C. Cost effectiveness and efficiency are important
D. Budget is not essential for quality assurance
A budget is a financial plan that includes the estimated expenses as well as income for
a set of period of time.
18. In the process of planning, which of the following, Nurse Elisa should use the plan that would
review the strengths and weakness of the organization
A. Operational
B. Nursing care
C. Strategic
D. Program
Developed by Albert Humprey of Stanford University. It defines the desired end state or
19. For cost effectiveness measure, which of the following is the best nursing action
A. All things should be kept at the supervisors office
B. Identify resources needed to accomplish task (PROPORTIONALITY)
C. Assign the utility worker to keep track
D. Allow everyone to take responsibility Letter D is more of responsibility accounting.
20. Nurse Elisa advocates for safe staffing pattern at the health center. Which best practice
she should instill from the staff?
A. Delegate task
B. Give all freedom to be honest in their attendance
C. Staffing pattern not important in community setting
D. Requires staff to report on time
Minimum criteria for safe Staffing. 1. Decisions made must meet state and federal labor laws and
organizational policies. 2. Staff must not be demoralized or excessively fatigued by frequent
or extended overtime. 3. Long term as well as short term solutions must be sought. 4. Patient
must not be jeopardized.
Situation - Nurse Telly is planning to conduct a qualitative research about the life experiences
of teenage mothers in the community.
22. Which “appropriate” research design Nurse Telly should use in her planned study?
A. Grounded theory
B.phenomenology study
D. Ethnography
PHENOMENOLOGY: What is the essence of this phenomenon as experienced by the people and
ESSENTIAL STRUCTURE that can be understood, much as ethnographers assume that
culture exists.
DESCRIPTIVE PHENOMENOLOGY: Insists on the ordinary portrayal of ordinary conscious
experience of every day life.
INTERPRETATIVE PHENOMENOLOGY: interpreting, not just describing human experience.
(hermeneutics literally means understanding).
Grounded theory: tries to account for the people’s actions from the perspective of those
Ethnography: description and interpretation of of a culture and cultural behaviour.
23. After she has decided to conduct the study, which of the following nursing action she should
do next?
A. Create conceptual framework
B.make a research proposal
C.decide for the data analysis
D.plan for data collection
Phenomenologist share their insights in rich, vivid, reports they describe as “themes”
The results sections in a phenomenological report should help readers “see” something
in a different way.
25. Which of the following nursing actions Nurse Telly must do in doing data saturation of
qualitative data resurvey
B.use case study interview more than once advice of expert
Data Saturation: Involves sampling until no new information is obtained and redundancy
is achieved. The broader the scope of the question, the more the participants will likely
be needed.
26. One of the study questions in the proposed study is about needs of teenage
choosing framework to make the topic more stable, which theory Nurse Telly should adopt in her
A.ROY- adaptation Model
C.OREM-Self- Care Deficit
D.KINGS-Goal Attainment
Situation - Nurse Erica is fully aware that being a public health nurse her work is guided by ethico-
moral principles.
27. Which is the 'main' goal of ethical practice of the nursing profession including the community
setting? protect the nurse and co workers prevent reprimand from physicians
C.for the patients family satisfaction
D.centered on the welfare of clients and protect their rights
BON Resolution No. 220 Series of 2004. The Code of Ethics for Nurses: Preservation of
28. As public health nurse Nurse Erica makes sure all the supplies and medicines needed for the
care of community are available. This is an example of the principle of ______________.
C.fair treatment
Distribution of Resources/Allocation
29. Select nurses action in keeping with principle of confidentiality
A.hides identity of patient
B.shares information from patients chart in public
C.keeps all matters about the patient as a secret
D.discusses the case of patient with others
A is anonymity.
30. Nurse Erica is always guided by the principle of beneficence in all that she does to all her
patients. Which of the following nursing action is aligned with principle of beneficence.
A. Equal and fair allocation of resources to all
B.getting informed consent
C.keep records of patients from public viewing
D.promoting patients safety at all times
31. Nurse erica tap all the newly hired nurses to be members of her new project. She is
observing the ethical principle of __________.
A. Justice
Situation - Nurse Levy reviews all pertinent laws that affects Public Health Nursing.
32. Ra 9173 is otherwise known as the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002. Which is the primary
aim of this law?
A. To enhance the competence of professional nurses.
B. To regulate practice of professional nursing in the country
C. To facilitate mobility of nurses to other countries
D. To promote well – being of health workers.
Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared the policy of the State to assume
responsibility for the protection and improvement of the nursing profession by
instituting measures that will result in relevant nursing education, humane working
conditions, better career prospects and a dignified existence for our nurses.
The State hereby guarantees the delivery of quality basic health services through an
adequate nursing personnel system throughout the country.
33. The nurse closely monitors the work she delegated to the barangay health worker.
She is legally guided by this principle
A. Respondent superior
B. The good samaritan
C. Res ipsa loquitor
D. Jurisprudence
34. This law promotes the wellbeing and living conditions of health workers especially those
from the government managed facilities ________.
A. Continuing professional development
B. Magna carta for health workers
C. Philippine qualifications framework
D. Local government code
(a) Progressively realize universal health care in the country through a systemic approach and
clear delineation of roles of key agencies and stakeholders towards better performance in the health
system; and
(b) Ensure that all Filipinos are guaranteed equitable access to quality and affordable health
care goods and services, and protected against financial risk.
Situation – alaia, a patient with nevere proeclampsia, is admitted to the hospital. She is a student
from one of the local universities, she insists of continuing her studies while in the hospital despite
being instructed to rest. The patient studies approximately 10 hours a day and has numerous visits
from fellow students, family, and friends.
Situation – Alaia, a patient with Severe preeclampsia, is admitted to the hospital. She is a student
from one of the local universities, she insists on continuing her studies while in the hospital despite
being instructed to rest. The patient studies approximately 10 hours a day and has numerous visits
from fellow students, family, and friends..
37. Nurse Isabelle is concerned about the patient’s welfare and her ability to comply with
the doctor’s instructions. What should be the appropriate action?
A. Include a significant other in helping the patient. Understand the need for rest.
B. Instruct the patient that the baby’s health is more important than her studies at this time.
C. Develop a routine with the patient to balance her studies and her rest needs.
D. Ask her why she is not complying with the prescription for bed rest.
39. Which of the ethical principles stipulates that the nurse is responsible for providing all
patients with care, attention and information?
A. Beneficence c. Nonmaleficence
B. Advocacy d. Veracity
Situation - Ashley a postpartum patient, who has delivered a stillborn wants to leave the hospital
without a physician’s order. The patient is still hooked to an intravenous fluid(IVF) and is on
closed postpartum monitoring.
40. To avoid liability, which of the following is an appropriate action by Nurse Valerie?
A. Notify nursing supervisor of the patient’s plans to leave.
B. Arrange medication prescriptions at the patient’s preferred pharmacy.
C. Notify directly the attending obstetrician.
D.ask the patient about the transportation plans from the hospital.
41. After the fire was put off, the patient was found to have absconded. What is the ethico-legal
responsibility of the attending nurse?
a. Autonomy
b. Nonmaleficence
c. Beneficence
d. Justice
Code Black
42. Absconding is inevitable in any health care facility. Who will be informed immediately if the
patient found out the absconded?
A. Attending physician
B. Security guard on duty
C. Resident on duty
D. Nursing staff
Situation - the group of nurses assigned in the delivery room is interested in conducting a study
on the experiences of pregnant women in labor. They are thinking of qualitative research.
43. In the presentation of results of qualitative research, the nurse research uses as a reference
in the write-up _____ person.
a. First
b. Second
c. Fourth
d. Third
Less subjectivity and it removes direct reference to the writer.
44. Nursing, as a human science, deals with the critical and fundamental differences in attitude
toward their respective phenomena. Which of the following is an aim of human sciences?
a. Construct prediction
b. Seek causal explanation
c. Sets control
d. makes meaningful interpretation
46. After the data analysis of their study, experiences of pregnant women in labor, they returned
to the participants to determine the accuracy of the emerged themes. Which criteria of
trustworthiness in the group doing?
A. Confirmability. Objectivity: The data represent the information participants
provided that the interpretations of those data represent the information participants
provided and that the interpretations of those data are not imagined by the inquirer.
B. Credibility refers to the confidence in the truth value of the data and interpretations of
them. Checking if the interpretation of the evidence is judged as accurate by both the research
participants and also independent clinicians or scholars.
C. Transferability Generalizability.
D. Dependability Stability/ reliability of data over time and over conditions.
Authenticity: emerges in the report when it conveys the feeling tone of participants’ lives as they
are lived.
47. The group used an audio record to capture what transpired during the interview.
After the transcription, which of the following action is appropriate for the group to do with
A. Keep the audiotape in a vault and dispose of it a year after.
B. Submit the audiotape to their research adviser.
C. throw it in the trash bin immediately after it was used.
D. post the recording on their university research website for other to listen.
Saturation - Marie Ob-Gyn head nurse, conducted an in-service program on staff development.
48. Head Nurse Marie discussed that the most frequently neglected area in management is
a. Managerial knowledge
b. Professional development
c. Clinical skills
d. Successful communication
49. A critical component of the supervisory process is delegation. Which of the following in
the most empowering to staff?
a. Effective delegation does not require nurses to know the abilities and weakness of their staff.
b. Delegation frees the manager to do other tasks while empowering staff.
c. Delegation fosters the responsibility of staff while increasing professional growth.
d. Delegation starts at top management down to subordinates.
50. Head Nurse Marie discussed negotiation. The focus of negotiation is to create
A. Soothing situation Allow cooling off periods.
B. Third-party consultation
C. Trade-off
D. Win-win situation
51. Supervision occurs after delegation. What is the primary purpose of supervision?
a. Influences the organization’s approach in recruitment promotion, and personnel evaluation.
b. Improves staff compliance with policy and procedures individual.
c. assigns appropriate work tasks to the best-qualified individual.
d. enhances the delivery of quality nursing care.
52. Delegation involves the transfer of care to an individual. What is the best criterion when
delegating staff?
A. Responsibility c. Flexibility
B. Adaptability d. Competence
COMPETENCE: Having the abilities to meet the requirements for a specific role.
53. Which of the following cannot be delegated:
A. Responsibility c. Accountability
B. Authority d. Personality
54. Which of the following is not jointly shared by the delegator and the delegate?
A. Responsibility c. Accountability
B. Authority d. Task
Situation - nurse sandy is a member of the research team in a cardiovascular health facility. One
of the research priority problems in her unit is on the “EFFECTS OF PERSONALIZED CARE
55. What type of sampling while nurse sandy adopts if when every third (3rd) patients with
mi are selected after a random start?
a. Simple random
b. Systematic
c. Stratified
d. Cluster
56. Nurse sandy distributed the coded questionnaires to the respondents of the study without
their names on it. What ethical safeguard is being employed in this practice?
a. Confidentially
b. Truthfulness
c. Trustworthiness
d. Anonymity
57. When the findings of the study can be applied to all patients with MI under stress patients
in the whole Philippines, it satisfied which of the following criteria in research?
a. Reliability
b. Validity
c. Generalizability
d. Transferability
58. Nurse sandy has completed the study and started to make a report to the research
department. A written brief summary is submitted which is known as _________.
a. Narrative
b. Abstract
c. Critical appraisal
d. Monograph
Situation - In today’s nursing practice, roles have been expanded to include legal responsibilities
and accountability in workplace.
59. Nurse Lina is on duty at the ER and has been very busy that morning resulting to the
administration of penicillin injection which is ordered to another patient. With this error,
the nurse can be charged of ______.
a. Malpractice
b. Negligence
c. Assault
d. Battery
60. Nurse Edna admits a patient from the ER to the medical unit. The patient is very restless
with IV lines and a urinary catheter. She was put to bed and the nurse applied a body restraint
without the doctor’s order. Nurse EDNA’S action can be liable for ______.
A. Invasion of privacy c. Battery
B. Non- maleficence d. Neglect
61. Ms. Cruz is a supervisor of the hospital on night shift. Several nurses did not report due to
jeepney strike. When the supervisor is executing proper allocation of nurses to the
priority wards to address this concern, she is observing what type of principle?
A. Beneficence c. Justice
B. Non- maleficence d. Fidelity
Situation – Ethical dilemma is becoming a common scenario in the health care delivery system
brought about by the advance technological changes on health care.
63. A 70- year- old has been rushed to the hospital due to bradycardia and palpitation. The
physician suggested that pacemaker be inserted to correct the symptoms. The patient
voluntarily decides not to have the pacemaker inserted. This is respected by the family. This
is an example of what ethical principle?
A. Beneficence c. Fidelity
B. Autonomy d. Justice
64. The ER nurse clarifies the doctor’s prescription on the dose of the pain medication base on
the pain scale assessment and patient’s age. Which ethical principle is applied?
A. Fidelity c. Justice
B. Truthfulness d. Non- maleficence
65. Nurse Pat promised to a post- surgical team, that she would come back to assist in his
ambulation after carrying out the physician’s order. This follows the principle of______.
A. Beneficence c. Autonomy
B. Justice d. Fidelity
66. When a nurse supports the welfare of the patient in relation to health , safety and personal
rights, the ethical principle followed is ______.
A. Responsibility c. Autonomy
B. Accountability d. Advocacy
Situation - collaboration and team work are critical to the success of health care operations
67. Which of the following statements is incorrect of collaboration in health care setting?
a. Trust and respect are core values of a collaborative organization.
b. a shared vision is essential for collaboration in any health care operations.
c. Successful conflict resolution can help collaborative teams overcome differences.
d. Inter professional collaboration and multidisciplinary collaboration can be used
68. Nurse Lyn received an order from attending physician of Patient Pillar who was having a
severe abdominal pain of almost a double dose of MORPHINE SO4. The nurse consulted her and
tell the manager and the pharmacist regarding the order which was also questioned. The nurse
called the attention of the physician regarding the dose of the drug and changed the order to an
acceptable level what relevant principle of collaboration is applied in this case?
69. In a tertiary hospital where GIO works as unit manager, an interdisciplinary team model
is adopted on collaboration of care, with this type of model how is decision making made?
A. Shared responsibility of the group for the problem-solving final decision
B. One person makes the final decision for the treatment.
C. Partnership with the patient and team for the final decision.
D. All members work together for both alternative and final decision.
70. Nurse Ime, is a member of the quality assurance team of the hospital and has been always
rated as very assertive. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an assertive person?
A. Intervene with the situation calmly and confidently
B. She stands up with what she believes and push control on others
C. Articulate clearly the importance of nursing perspective.
D. Use “i” when stating thought and feeling and “you” when persuading others.
71. A patient is going for a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) due to a 4 black arterial blood
vessels. A surgical team has been formed with the cardiac surgeon as the head. Who is a member
of the health team that prepares the preoperative orders for the patient?
a. Cardiologist
b. Anesthesiologist
c. Surgeon
d. Medical internist
72. Delegation is a critical component of leadership and governance which of the following
empowering activities should the unit manager applies in delegation?
a. In delegation facilitating professional growth and development of a staff is necessary.
b. When delegating a responsibility to a nursing staff modification of standards of care is
c. Delegation of responsibility in patient care has to start from top management to the staff
nurse level.
d. Delegation requires responsibility with corresponding accountability of staff nurse.
73. Nurse Gayle is guided that the initial step of delegation is?
a. Demonstrate the task and let the staff continue the next activities
b. Assess the capability of the staff change him if not performing
c. determine the competency level of the staff-for the task being given
d. explain the task to be done with the companying job description
74. The unit manager is planning to take her regular official business leave for the year-she has
written a letter of recommendation to her immediate supervisor for her assistant unit
manager to assume her position while she is on leave. This is example of delegation
D. Authority
Principles Of Delegation
the right task.
the right circumstance.
the right person.
the right direction/communication.
the right supervision.
Situation – Jen is an active member of the quality assurance (QA) team in a health facility
where the major role is setting quality standards.
76. As a QA nurse, which of the following can Nurse Jen adopts as a concurrent evaluation
of patient’s outcomes in the unit?
B. I, II, & III
C. I, II, III,& IV
D. I, & II
77. Nurse Jen, distributed the patient satisfaction form to the admitted patients in the
hospital, this tool is in compliance to the ______ quality standards.
A. Human resource
B. Organizational structure
C. Patient care
D. Legal – ethical
78. The QA team was alerted by the administration, that they have to anticipate for a possible
earthquake in the forthcoming days. As part of the SAFE PRACTICE ENVIRONMENT (SPE)
Standards, which of the following are to be given priority attention by the team?
1. Electrical wires
2. Combustible materials of the building
3. Entry , exit
4. Infected waste materials
79. The QA team has bombarded by complaints of patients on their long waiting period in the
OPD , before the health care professionals are examining them. In response to this concern,
which type of quality assessment should the team implement?
A. Outcome evaluation
B. Process evaluation
C. Ongoing evaluation
D. Structure evaluation
Outcome measures: these reflect the impact on the patient and demonstrate the end result of
your improvement work and whether it has ultimately achieved the aim(s) set. Examples of
outcome measures are reduced mortality, reduced length of stay, reduced hospital acquired
infections, adverse incidents or harm, reduced emergency admissions and improved patient
Process measures: these reflect the way your systems and processes work to deliver the desired
outcome. For example, the length of time a patient waits for a senior clinical review, if a
patient receives certain standards of care or not, if staff wash their hands, recording of incidents
and acting on the findings and whether patients are kept informed of the delays when waiting for
an appointment.
Structure measures: these reflect the attributes of the service/provider such as staff to patient
ratios and operating times of the service. These are otherwise known as input measures.
Situation - Research is a vital endeavor nurses must engage into in order to contribute to nursing
80. When the nurse researcher collects data at more than one point over an extended
period, which design is applied?
a. Cross-sectional
b. Time-related
c. Time sequenced
d. Longitudinal
81. If a research study involves an intervention and “blinding” which research design is being
referred to?
a. Non-descriptive
b. Phenomenological
c. Experimental
d. Descriptive
82. Which of the following statements is least descriptive of a qualitative research design?
a. Researchers become involved.
b. Gather data from one collection strategy.
c. It is flexible and elastic.
d. Strives for an understanding of the whole strategy.
83. Qualitative researchers should choose their participants who can best meet the
objectives of the study. Who of the following best qualifies?
a. Cooperative person in the community
b. Those readily available thus convenient for the researcher.
c. Able to articulate and reflect on the phenomenon that they experienced.
d. Parsons referred by friends.
84. A “full understanding” in research should be understood by the nurse researcher as___.
a. Ensuring that participants are not placed at risk
b. Explaining the study including risks and benefits
c. The right to decide voluntarily
d. Not exploiting information shared by participants
Situation – management of records is very vital in any health care facility. The nurse must ensure
there is due diligence in the task.
85. Nurse Gay is assigned in the medical unit. She is guided that in documentation, she should
use abbreviation that is ____.
a. Used automatically to save precious time.
b. Reduced to the minimum in all units.
c. Approved standard list by the hospital.
d. Not used at all because it can be misinterpreted.
86. One error in record-keeping is illegible handwriting. What is the appropriate action by the
nurse in this situation?
a. Request the senior nurse to read the order for you.
b. Let the resident-on-duty in the nurses station interpret it.
c. Call the physician who made the order.
d. Report the lapse to the quality assurance committee.
87. The QA nurse conducts a regular audit of the medical records. The primary purpose of
conducting audit in a health facility is to _____.
a. Identify errors made by health personnel.
b. Identify areas for improvement
c. Ensure that standards are met.
d. Promote risk management.
88. What is the best way for Myra to collect data from these participants?
a. Focus group discussion
b. Survey, questionnaire
c. Individual interview
d. Observation
90. The statements of the findings of the study that will be formulated by Myra should be
a. Summarizing the sharings of the participants of both sexes
b. Identifying the answers of the males and the females
c. Describing answers of the males and females by percentages
d. Extracting meanings and themes from significant statements
91. Informed consent in this study will be obtained by myra from the______.
a. Six participants only
b. Parents only
c. Six participants and available relative
d. Six participants and their parents
92. What is not important for Myra to do when listening to tape recordings?
a. Do the listening as soon as possible after the interview.
b. Note for the voice tone and voice inflection.
c. Listen when she feels the motivation for a more productive time.
d. Take notice of the pauses of the participants.
Situation – it is necessary that records are well-recorded and properly kept if they are to serve the
organization and the requesting public well.
93. Incident reports (IRS) shall be collected for the day and due investigation, the IRS _____.
a. Must be completed and stored on the open cabinet
b. Can be stored on the table top for easy retrieval
c. Must be summarized monthly and stored in a secured cabinet CONFIDENTIAL!!!
d. Classified by date so they can be easily accessibility
95. When patient record reach the medical records, the assigned staff will _____.
a. Store the charts in their respective shelves
b. Separate the medico-legal charts
c. Check the completeness of the charting of the doctors and nurses
d. Bind the chart immediately
96. The charts are stored in the medical records or storage room for at least _____years.
a. 3 – 5 years
b. 1 – 5 years
c. 5 – 10 years
d. 1 – 3 years
Situation – The quality department has received numerous complaints, some of them on patient
98. Nonah who is an 86-year-old patient is admitted for fever fell from the bed despite the
presence of a watcher. The head nurse was concerned since a fall protocol has been
formulated for some time now. To avoid similar incident, which of the following is most
a. Interview the patient
b. Interview the nurse-on-duty
c. Investigate everyone
d. Do a root cause analysis
99. The nurse informed the head nurse that the lock in the side rails does not work properly at
times and might have gotten loose in the night thus the incident of fall. What is the
appropriate thing for the head nurse to do in this regards?
a. Penalized all the nurses for not having reported such defect.
b. Make a memo to the maintenance department to check involved bed and the rest of the
c. Punish the nurse-on-duty for not reporting such observation before the incident.
d. Warn every one this is not going to be tolerated in the future.
100. The quality improvement officer – in – charge of the unit plans to conduct a meeting with
the staff. The most important thing to tackle is to _____.
a. Inform them of their punishment
b. Review the protocol BUREAUCRATIC
c. Inform them their lapses
d. Scold those involved
101. What is the initial action that the nurse should do immediately after the fall to mitigate
the situation?
a. Document the incident right away.
b. Phone the head nurse to report the incident
c. Wait for the head nurse’s advice.
d. Have a doctor assess the patient immediately.
102. What lesson will the nurse learn from this incident?
a. Tell the others to cover her up.
b. Safety first – report even trivial but relevant observation.
c. Deny any error or omission.
d. Never get caught in her omissions.
Situation - Sins of omission and commission may be committed by the nurse the course of her
duty. She must therefore be extra careful.
103. The patient for breast biopsy is very anxious and seemed not to understand her ordered
surgery, radical mastectomy. What is the appropriate action by the nurse?
a. Call the supervisor to explain the procedure.
b. Have the available resident explain the surgery further.
c. Request the doctor to give the patient more information.
d. Supply the information missed to be explained by the doctor
104. The patient refused his intramuscular injection but the nurse proceeded to administer it
anyway. What con the nurse be accused of?
A. Moral distress
B. Trespass to person
C. Assault
D. Battery
105. The staff nurse was doing prescribed modified steam inhalation to a pediatric patient
which resulted to burns. What is not a relevant statement to establish negligence?
a. There is a duty to care.
b. There is a breach in the standard.
c. The breach caused the harm.
d. It was a verbal order by the physician.
106. Staff nurse a told her co-workers That Staff B is suffering from gonorrhea. What can staff a
sued for?
a. Defamation
b. Slander
c. Discrimination
d. Libel
107. The surgical patient, a Jehovah’s witness, reiterated non-acceptance to a blood transfusion.
The nurse defied it and the patient was transfused intraoperatively. What case can be filed by the
A. Moral distress
B. Battery
C. Trespass to person
D. Assault
Situation – nurses must closely adhere to the ethical principles and rules, and not only to the laws.
108. When the nurse ensures that patients have consented to all treatments and procedure, she
is true to which ethical principle?
A. Fidelity
B. Beneficence
C. Veracity
D. Autonomy
109. If the nurse will refuse to perform duties for which she is not qualified, she is practising
A. Veracity
B. Beneficence
C. Respect
D. Non-maleficence
110. The code of ethics stipulates that human life is inviolable. Which statement correctly
translates the principle to the situation of the Filipino nurse as a professional?
A. It is okay to participate in euthanasia provided there is a doctor’s order.
B. Participation is permissible when patient, family, and doctor’s order.
C. After the patient, doctor and hospital administrator have agreed, nurses may choose to
D. Nurses shall not participate in euthanasia.
111. When the physician insists that his cancer patient undergoes radiation, in addition to
chemotherapy which is contrary to the patient’s and family’s wishes, the physician is
exercising _____.
A. Veracity
B. Autonomy
C. Fidelity
D. Paternalism
112. An Iranian was admitted to the hospital for kidney transplantation. He claims his donor is
a Filipino relative as required by the law. However, it was discovered later that his claim was
not true. Should the doctor fail to act accordingly to the wrong information, the nurse is
obligated to refer the case to, which of the following?
A. Medical director
B. Administrator
C. Chief executive officer
D. Ethics committee
113. As a newly licensed nurse employed in a tertiary hospital, you are required to attend
continuing professional development (CPD) program. When the training program is for the
enhancement of the competencies of nurses employed in the hospital, it is called _____.
a. Self-directed
b. In-service training program
c. Informal training program
d. Formal education program
114. The professional career development of a nurse can be achieved through various ways,
such as_____.
a. Participating in political rallies
b. Attending culinary courses
c. Attendance in socio-civic activities
d. Engaging in CPD programs
115. When nurses are projected in a television advertisement as sex symbols, what appropriate
action is expected from a concerned nurse?
a. Go to the street to manifest displeasure of the nurses’ portrayal.
b. Report to the concerned agency
c. Condemn the issues in the radio program.
d. Keep your silence, it is the television station’s prerogative.
116. The nurse’s application to Canada has finally been approved and she was advised to depart
in three months. She is currently enrolled in the graduate school. Moreover, her mother
has just been discharged from the hospital. Which of the following actions is best?
a. Inform family that the money spent in graduate school can be easily earned in Canada.
b. Inform the agency that she could go anytime as they wish.
c. Share with friends that this is her escape from her sad life with her family.
d. Request the recruiter to give her more time to settle her personal concerns.
117. Nurses may be privy to very personal information of patients and should make every effort
to make it confidential, otherwise she can be charged of _____.
a. Negligence
b. Malpractice
c. Invasion of privacy
d. Defamation
Situation – quality improvement must be embraced by every health institution if ti aims for safe
and quality care. The medical director of Camiguin Medical Center made random rounds for five
consecutive days to all areas of the hospital to assess its services.
118. Which of the following is not a characteristic of quality improvement that the medical
director is interested in?
a. The leader is the empowered
b. Problem-solving is by everyone
c. The employees are treated as customers
d. Reacts to correct or bad situation
119. A risk is any event that causes problems or benefits on the healthcare institution. The
medical director knows that potential risks must be identified across the hospital in order to prevent
the following, except _____.
A. Financial loss
B. Incident reports
C. Accidents
D. Injuries
Note that Incident reports are for risk management policies itself, Not the risk.
120. Based on patient survey, a number of complaints have been tracked. Which of the following
is not a preventive activity in the practice of the medical director’s risk management?
A. Fostering good administration-personnel relations.
B. Providing safe environment every time.
C. Tracking patient complaints at irregular intervals.
D. Satisfying patient needs and desires.
121. The medical director, with the chief nurse and other officers, of the hospital believe that
patient relations is important in risk management which is not the way to handle complaints?
A. Let the patient express himself
B. Be sure to rebut the patient point by point
C. Staff should not be defensive.
D. Listen to the patient’s cue carefully.
Situation – Nurses provide their patients information they need to give informed consent, only if it
is within their scope of nursing practice and nursing knowledge. Consent is the patients
acknowledgement and acceptance of medical treatment.
122. In emergency situation when a patient is unable to give consent for life saving treatment,
what type of consent allows to assume appropriate medical treatment?
a. Implied consent
b. Informed consent
c. Express consent
d. Involuntary consent
a. I, III
b. I, II
c. II, III
d. I, II, III
124. Treatment of a patient without consent can constitute ______, which is defined as intentional
and unwanting touching.
a. Battery
b. Slander
c. Negligence
d. Tort
a. Nurse manager
b. Anesthesiologist
c. Physician
d. Midwife
his discipline is concerned about the determination of the rightness or wrongness of the
discoveries and developed technologies in science, as well as the incorporation of human
rights and values to health and life.
Bioethics refers to the study and evaluation of the decisions done in scientific research
and medicine to touch upon the health and lives of people, as well as the society and
127. A nurse is caring for a 72-year-old male patient who requires insertion of a central venous
catheter. Who is responsible for obtaining informed consent?
a. Physician who will insert the catheter
b. Charge nurse
c. Attending physician
d. The nurse assisting with the procedure
128. A nurse reports that a patient coughs frequently after taking anything by mouth. The
dietitian recommends a swallow evaluation for the patient in which the physician
participating in the team rounds writes the order. This is an example of collaboration of
client care _____.
a. With the ancillary care providers
b. Between the physician and the dietary department
c. With the risk management team because of risk for aspiration
d. Among members of the multidisciplinary group
129. Before delegating to a new nurse the task of giving a shower to a paraplegic elderly, the
charge nurse should first ensure that the new nurse _____.
a. Has demonstrated competency for the task
b. Has received the assignment during endorsement time
c. Is supervised at all times
d. Provides companion to the patients
130. Which of the following tasks would be appropriate for the nurse to delegate to nursing
a. Assist a new postoperative patient to the bathroom
b. Teach a patient how to administer discharge medications.
c. Change a central line dressing.
d. Assist the patient during meal time.
131. When the nurse placed the patient in restraints before using other methods of intervention,
she/he violated the patient’s rights to _____.
a. Receive confidential and respectful care
b. Provide informed consent
c. Receive treatment in the least restrictive environment
d. Refuse treatment
133. A patient has been advised by the psychiatrist that he needs inpatient hospitalization.
The patient agrees, signs the admission forms, and agrees to receive treatment. What
type of admission is this?
a. Formal c. Informal
b. Voluntary d. Involuntary
134. Disclosure of client information beyond the interdisciplinary team without consent
of the client is a breach of _____.
a. Confidentiality c. Duty
b. Beneficence d. Veracity
135. The nurse develops the following hypothesis: elderly women receive less aggressive
treatment for terminally-ill spine patients than younger women. Which variable would be
considered to be the independent variable?
a. Degree of treatment received (DEPENDENT)
b. Age of the patients
c. Use of inpatient treatment
d. Type of complications being treated
138. What is the best source to use when conducting a level one (1) systematic meta-analysis
of the literature?
a. An electronic database and doctoral dissertations
b. An electronic database
c. Doctoral dissertations
d. The cochrane statistical methods
Cochrane Collaboration is a premiere organization for creating and disseminating
reviews of research evidence, most reviews in Coachrane Collaboration database involve
meta analysis.
Systematic Review: researchers carefully and transparently integrate research evidence
about a specific research question.
139. Which type of research allows researchers to be neutral observers?
a. Quantitative research c. Case studies
b. Ethnographic research d. Qualitative researcher
140. Which of the following is the highest on the hierarchy of Evidence-based practice?
a. Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trial
b. Systematic Review Non-Randomized Clinical Trial
c. Cohort and Time Series Management
d. Opinions of Respected Authorities.
141. In nursing, Nurse Trining explained that the MAIN goal of conducting a research is to
A. Justify is the role of nurses as health care provider
B. Establish a credible body of evidence to support and improve the delivery of care
C. Identify research priorities that will justify the oversupply of nurses
D. Develop a body of knowledge to address non-nursing problem
142. In conducting a study on sleep, Nursing Trining was asked which of the types of research
will be used should it involve collecting numerical data which is most often under considerable
control. Her answer should be:
A. Ethnographic
B. Phenomenological
C. Qualitative
D. Quantitative
143. Should a 24 hour period clinical observations and activities be considered in conducting the
research on sleep, the type of study that training will be conducting is?
A. Quantitative
B. Descriptive
C. Ethnological
D. Exploratory
In a descriptive research the data is collected through primary data collection methods
such as case studies, observational method, and surveys. This kind of data collection
provides us with rich information and can be used for future research as well.
Observational studies
Observational studies are ones where researchers observe the effect of a risk factor,
diagnostic test, treatment or other intervention without trying to change who is or isn’t
exposed to it. Cohort studies and case control studies are two types of observational studies.
Cohort study: For research purposes, a cohort is any group of people who are linked in some
way. For instance, a birth cohort includes all people born within a given time frame. Researchers
compare what happens to members of the cohort that have been exposed to a particular variable
to what happens to the other members who have not been exposed.
Case control study: Here researchers identify people with an existing health problem
(“cases”) and a similar group without the problem (“controls”) and then compare them with
respect to an exposure or exposures.
Experimental studies
Experimental studies are ones where researchers introduce an intervention and study the effects.
Experimental studies are usually randomized, meaning the subjects are grouped by chance.
Randomized controlled trial (RCT): Eligible people are randomly assigned to one of two or
more groups. One group receives the intervention (such as a new drug) while the control group
receives nothing or an inactive placebo. The researchers then study what happens to people
in each group. Any difference in outcomes can then be linked to the intervention.
SITUATION 3 – Sienna, a patient with severe preeclampsia is admitted to the hospital. She is a
student from one of the local universities and insists on continuing her studies while in the
hospital, despite being instructed to rest. The patient studies approximately 10 hours a day and
numerous visits from fellow students, family and friends.
144. When the researcher would like to determine the possible risk factors of one Princess Mikaela
in developing pre-eclampsia, along with the appropriate interventions that can be done to address
the disease process, what type of research design will suit the inquiry?
A. Case study
B. Methodological
C. Descriptive
D. Observational Studies
145. In the hierarchy of evidence-based practice, which of the following is the most
credible source of guiding every nurse’ clinical decision making process?
A. Systematic Review Observational Studies
B. Systematic Review Physiologic Studies
C. Systematic Review Non Randomized Clinical Trial
D. Systematic Review Descriptive Studies
Situation 13 – Nurse Mae is a new supervisor of the health center. Her program thrusts include
excellent and quality provision of services and performance of the staff.
A person is rated on a series of dimensions or qualities. Evaluates the behavior related t specific
demands of the job.
147. To ensure that the staff adheres to their job responsibilities which should be the
appropriate tool should Nurse Mae utilize in evaluation staff performance?
a. Memorandum
b. Performance evaluation
c. Incident report
d. Anecdotal report (recording of observations but there is no rigid structure.)
Most health care organizations, however use the term of performance appraisal because this
term implies an appraisal of how well employees perform duties of their job as delineated by the
job description or some other prespecified criteria. It ultimately results
Performance Evaluation: the term evaluation implies that personal values are being placed on the
performance review.
Methods of Performance appraisal: Anecdotal Notes: Objective description of behavior, no
rigid structure. Systematic means for recording observations.
Checklists, Rating scales, BARS, BES, Behavioral Observational Scales, Ranking, Management by
Objectives, Self-Appraisal, Peer Review, 360 Degree.
Standards of Care: organizational policy and procedure statements, job descriptions and student
The "medical standard of care" is typically defined as the level and type of care that a reasonably
competent and skilled health care professional, with a similar background and in the same
medical community, would have provided under the circumstances that led to the alleged
149. Which is the BEST strategy that Nurse should employ to give feedback on patient’s
evaluation of health services?
a. Put the evaluation at supervisor’s office
b. Send letter to all
c. Conduct staff meeting
d. Through bulletin board
Situation 15 – Nurse Rica finds effective communication as the key to successful community–
health nursing.
150. When writing a memorandum, which of the following is the MOST important guideline
a. Purpose is included
b. Content Clear
c. Friendly tone
d. One topic at one time
Marquis and Houston, 2021
151. Which of the following is an INDICATOR of effective communication?
a. Receiver
b. Feedback
c. Sender
d. Non verbal communication
SITUATION 5 - Nurse Pat is a newly hired Registered Nurse together with 5 licensed graduate
nurses coming from different regions. It is their first day of orientation in a big health facility. The
continuing nurse educator started the session by projecting the organizational structure of the
the medical center.
Tomey: The organizational structure furnishes the framework within which, management process
takes place.
Marquis and Houston: Max Weber is the father of organizational theory.
NB: Centrality: where a position falls on the organizational chart, is determined by organizational
distance. Employees with relatively small organizational distance can receive more
information than those who are more peripherally located. Middle manager has a large
degree of centrality because this manager receives information upward, downward and
horizontal: Marquis and Houston p. 302.
Interesting: PRINCIPAL’S SYNDROME: “panic when called upon by the principal.” (Note of the
break in the chain of communication.
Level of Managers:
LOW unit’s workflow. Every registered nurse is a FIRST LEVEL MANAGER.
153. Line and staff functions are identified in the presented organizational chart. What does
line authority mean?
A. Staff relationship in the organization is advisory in nature
B. Staff mix of personnel reporting to the “Boss”
C. Decisions are made from bottom to top in an organization
D. Direct responsibility over a subordinate within an organization.
Organization Chart depicts authority (Official power to act), it does not define responsibility
(duty or an assignment) and accountability.
Situation 2 – Collaboration is being able to work cooperatively and efficient with co-workers and
any other people the nurse may have to interact with. This includes other health professionals,
clients, and their families and communities.
154. Which of the following is NOT recognized as part of the nurse’s role as member of the health
a. Care manager and supervisor
b. Provider of care and educator
c. Patient advocate and supporter
d. Performing physician’s functions with supervision
155. The health team has brainstormed for ideas in creating a more collaborative environment
in a health care facility. Which idea or action would be the BEST to develop further?
a. Develop a plan for the different team members to follow and show impact of their work
b. Emphasize that no one profession has all the necessary competence to provide all care
c. Hold education sessions regarding collaboration for each unit
d. Institute collaborative strategies that are traditionally practiced
156. Which patient scenario describes the BEST example of professional collaboration?
a. The nurse, physician, and physical therapist have all visited separately with the patient
b. The nurse mentions to the physical therapist that the patient may benefit from a muscle
strengthening evaluation
c. The nurse and physician discuss the patient’s muscle weakness and initiate a referral for
physical therapy
d. The nurse, physical therapist, and physician have all developed separate care plans for the
157. The mode of nursing service delivery system is being revisited in respond to patient’s
outcome. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the manager’s role in the health care delivery
A. Provides direct nursing care when needed
B. Manages resource utilization
C. Act as a liaison in litigation cases in court
D. Collaborates with members of the health
158. Budgeting is an important aspect of financial management. When a unit manager allocates
expenses for unit supplies, stocks and medical-surgical supplies. This is considered?
A. Cash budget
B. Operational budget
C. Capital budget
SITUATION 12 - Nurse Eileen has just passed the Board Examination for Nurses and set her goals
for her Nursing Career for the next 5 years. She is aspiring to become a Diabetes Nurse Educator
after completing her 2 years as a bedside nurse.
159. Which of the following can Nurse Eileen adopt to visualize her future?
A. Flow chart
B. Program Evaluation Review Technique
C. Gantt chart
D. Decision grid
Graphic method that can help managers to visualize the available alternatives, outcomes, risks
and information needs for a specific problem over a period of time. (Short term and medium-
range planning but speculative for long term plans.
Program Evaluation Review Technique: network system model. Key activities and
assignment of duration of events. (one of a kind project)
Critical Path Method. Single time estimate for each activity. (longest possible time)
160. She started to create her personal and professional portfolio as a preparation for her
application to a university medical center in Metro Manila. Which of the following is NOT a major
purpose of keeping a portfolio?
A. Keep on ongoing records of skills development
B. Create a system for documenting accomplishments
C. Set career and educational goals
D. Set system for a possible shift to another job
161. One area of the professional portfolio is to indicate one’s philosophy of life. Which of the
following workplace values should Nurse Eileen consider as NOT favorable to be written in her
A. Customer service based on acceptance, empathy and selfless duty.
B. Time and compensation limiting her pursuit of excellence in her job
C. Commitment to continual life long and self-directed learning.
D. Challenges which can lead to growth, responsibility and accountability
162. In order for Nurse Eileen to be active as a bedside nurse, she has to comply with the
renewal of PRC ID by undertaking continuing professional development (CPD) as mandated by
the CPD law. The purposes of which are _______.
I Promote and upgrade the practice of the profession.
II Improve the competence of the professional
III International alignment of competence.
IV Develop quality assurance for accreditation
A. I & III
B. I, II & III
D. I & II
Republic Act 10912 or the Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016: Section 2.
Declaration of Policy. - It is hereby declared the policy of the State to promote and upgrade the
practice of professions in the country. Towards this end, the State shall institute measures that
will continuously improve the competence of the professionals in accordance with the
international standards of practice, thereby, ensuring their contribution in uplifting the general
welfare, economic growth and development of the nation.
Xxx Note that the IV category is not part of RA 10912.
163. Nurse Eileen is aware that her personal and professional portfolio has to include and keep
up to date the following EXCEPT?
A. Certificate of CPD attended
B. Letter of reference
C. Photographs
D. Confidential information from past employers
SITUATION 13 – Mr. Reynaldo is tasked to conduct a study to determine the level of patient
satisfaction on the care they received from the hospital. In doing so, he plans to include all adult
patients admitted from May-October, first admission, with an average length of hospital
confinement of 4-5 days, and with no complications.
The extra
165. Which of the following variables will he likely EXCLUDE in his study?
A. Salary of nurses
B. Caring attitude of nurses
C. Responsiveness of staff
D. Competence of nurses
Salary of nurses is not an indicator of patient satisfaction, hence need not be included as a variable
in the study.
Likert scale is a 5-point summated scale used to determine the degree of agreement or
disagreement of the respondents to a statement in a study.
167. Which criterion refers to the ability of the instrument to detect fine differences among the
subjects being studied?
A. Reliability
B. Sensitivity
C. Objectivity
D. Validity
Sensitivity is an attribute of the instrument that allow the respondents to distinguish differences of
the options where to choose from.
168. This technique refers to the use of multiple referents to draw conclusions about what
constitutes the truth?
A. Delphi technique
B. Meta-analysis
C. Triangulation
D. Experiment
SITUATION 14 – Nurse Tarly, the research coordinator of a Tertiary hospital where there was a
growing concern of patients and family complaints that Nurses are “rude and cranky”. In response
to this, She organized a core group to conduct a study on the “Caring behavior of Staff-Nurses
and satisfaction of Women with Ostomy”.
169. Based on the research statement, what is the independent variable in the study?
A. Staff-Nurses
B. Caring behavior
C. Women with ostomy
D. Satisfaction
171. What are the relevant related literatures that Nurse Tarly and her groupmates can utilize in
this study?
I Caring behavior
III Ostomy pathogenesis
III Contentment and satisfaction
IV Concept of body image
B. I, II & III
C. I & III
D. I, II, III and IV
172. If Nurse Tarly and her core group decide to formulate a directional hypothesis it will be?
A. There is an increase relationship between the caring staff nurses and degree of satisfaction of
ostomized patients
B. The caring behaviors of the staff nurses is related to increased satisfaction of ostomized patients
C. The staff nurses behaviors has an effect on the patients satisfaction with ostomized patients
D. A significant relationship exist between the caring behaviors of the staff – nurses and degree of
satisfaction of ostomized patients.
173. Based on the research problem, what is the Reseach design of the study?
A. Quasi – experimental
B. Descriptive
C. Expost – facto
D. Experimental
SITUATION 1 - The Hospital Research Coordination is discussing the basics of research with
the members of the Research facility as part of continuing Education. Questions and answer are
also part of the program.
174. During the open forums, the Hospital Research Coordination raised the question as to, who
among the following, provides information in the questionnaire.
A. Participants
B. Key informants
C. Respondents
D. Subjects
175. One of the members of the Research Committee wishes to conduct a study involving an
interdisciplinary colleague. This study is termed as _________.
A. Clinical
B. Exploratory
C. Collaborative
D. Applied
176. In conducting qualitative research, a nurse should follow logical reasoning process termed
as, which of the following?
A. deductive
B. Intuition
C. Causal
D. Inductive
177. The lecturer reminded the committee members that bias in an influence that distorts the
study results. In qualitative research, which will eliminate bias?
A. Trustworthiness (degree of confidence qualitative researchers have in their data and analysis
often assessed using credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability.
B. Credibility inspire confidence that results are truthful and accurate.
C. Randomness
D. Triangulation (multiple sources or referrents to draw conclusions about what constitutes the
178. One of the committee members raised the question on how to make an abstract. The question
was followed by how many words are required in an abstract should (APA) style be followed? What
is the correct answer?
A. 450-550
B. 250-350
C. 150-250
D. 350-450
180. In a research study, 30 men and 30 women admitted in the ER were being studied. What
sampling method was used?
a. Quota sampling c. Convenient sampling
b. Fishbowl method d. Purposive sampling
Situation. Research in Nursing is a continuing saga, an important criteria for any profession, most
especially in Nursing to expand knowledge and improve patient care. The nurse must be
knowledgable of the basic knowledge in research.
183. The Hawthorne effect is best illustrated, in which one of the following groups?
a. Experimental c. Standardization
b. Control d. Norm
184. A factor to consider when determining whether or not a problem could be searched is the:
a. Importance of the problem c. Cost kind of instrument needed
b. Time factor d. All of the above
185. When initiating the library research for current work, the nurse researcher should first use:
a. Abstracts and indexes c. Books
b. Card catalog d. Reader’s guide to periodical literature
187. If a nurse researcher wishes to assess what activities are considered as health-promoting
in order to importance to a particular group of persons, which technique would be used?
a. Checklist c. Q-sort
b. Stimulation d. Rating Scale
Q SORT: A type of comparative scale where respondents are asked to sort between 60-90 objects
(usually) into piles according to some criteria. It is a useful technique for sorting relatively large
numbers of objects quite quickly.
188. Statistical analysis of the data utilizes several measures to estimates the chances that the
findings can be generalized to the larger population. These may include:
a. mean c. mode
b. median d. the standard deviation
190. The selection of statistical approach depends on all of the following factors except:
a. The purpose of the study c. The Hypothesis
b. The conclusions of the study d. The size of Sample
191. A pilot study and case study are design used which type of research?
a. Non-experimental c. Historical
b. Explanatory d. Descriptive
193. The process that takes place after data are analyzed and includes generalization about the
findings is the:
a. Evaluation c. Recommendation
b. Conclusion d. Implication
194. The following explanations are found in the review literature, EXCEPT:
a. Awareness of the most recent development in the area of interests both in content and methods
b. To demonstrate the researcher’s comprehensive understanding of issues related to research
c. All written materials published or unpublished local or foreign pertinent to the topic investigated
d. Either to define or revise research problem, instruments or some feature of previous study
Situation: As a nurse researcher, you must have a very good understanding of the common
terms of concept used in research.
196. Initially, the students’ started with 50 subjects. In the ensuing days, it started to drop
to 30 subjects. This may be a threat to:
a. External validity
b. Internal validity
c. Content validity
d. Construct validity
197. Which of the following constitute a threat to external validity?
a) A shocking event causes a change in the BP of subjects after treatment
b) The undue influence/effect of the experimenter being too domineering
c) The long duration of the study causing the progress of health concerns of the subjects
d) The decreasing number of subjects
198. After the analysis of the data which of the following steps shall be taken by the
a. Interpret the data
b. Write the conclusion and recommendation
c. Organize the data using frequency distributions
d. Disseminate the results of the study
199. In a certain study, the researcher was asked to consider the gender. Gender is
classified in what scale of measurement?
a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Internal
d. Ratio
200. The variable that may create uncertainty in the result of research refers to:
a. Independent variable
b. Dependent variable
c. Extraneous variable
d. None of the above
Situation 2: As a nurse, knowledge of the legal aspects in nursing is essential to safeguard self and
clients from legal complications. Clients are becoming increasingly aware of their health rights,
thus you should recognize your professional boundaries and consequences of nonconformity.
1. Your co-worker got a thank you card from a patient’s family with an accompanying photo of her
with the family. She asked you if it would be alright to post the post on facebook. Which would be
your BEST response?
a. “I think that would be okay, but you should ask permission from our head.”
b. “Yes, as long as you ask the family if that would be okay.”
c. “No, that could lead to a malpractice suit by the patient or family.”
d. “No, posting pictures of patients and families on social media is not acceptable.”
3..The central question in any charge of malpractice is whether the prevailing standard of care was
met. Which of the following statements are TRUE about standards of nursing care?
a. 1,3,4
b. 2,3,5
c. 1,4,5
d. 2,4,5
a. Rotation schedule
b. Evaluation
c. Accountability
d. Complex Procedure
5. For safe nursing practice, you should observe some of the do’s and do not’s in performing your
professional duty. Which ones are NOT acceptable standard of actions by the nurse?
a. 1,4, 6
b. 1,3,4
c. 2,4,5
d. 5,6
Situation 3: Nurse Betty knows that ethics is important in community health nursing practice and
that ethical decisions are conducted in a universal and standard framework.
6. One step in ethical decision- making is to place an ethical issue or dilemma within a meaningful
context. The rationale for this step is:
a. The nature of ethical issues and dilemmas determines the specific ethical approach used.
b. People cannot make sound ethical decision if they cannot identify ethical issues and dilemmas
c. Multiple factors affect the interpretation and justification of the ethical issues and dilemmas
d. Health professionals cannot avoid choice and action in applying ethics in their work setting.
7. The historical character in nursing whose work in environmental health, providing care to
destitute people, and disease prevention establishing the nurse as a leader and community-
oriented was _______.
a. Lilian Wald
b. Virginia Henderson
c. Margaret Sanger
d. Florence Nightingale
9. The ethical principle that empowers the client (groups or communities) to make knowledgeable
decision is _.
10. When nurse betty cannot meet a need of the client, it is most appropriate for her to:
Situation 5: Interdisciplinary teamwork is an important model for delivering health care to patients.
Integrating services among many health providers leads to better outcomes delivered to
underserved populations and communities with limited access to health care.
11. Professional group productivity and member satisfaction are best achieved by which of the
following leadership styles?
a. Democratic
b. Authoritarian
c. Laissez-faire
d. Autocratic
13. The nurse is making a referral for the client. What should be the first consideration for the
nurse to do?
15. You have volunteered to be part of a work group whose purpose is to look at ways to prevent
medication error. You know that:
Situation 10 – In public health, quality improvement (QI) techniques are used to improve
performance and service delivery.
16. PDCA is the basic structure for most quality improvement (QI) process. In public health, PDCA
is focused on activities that are responsive to community needs and improving population health.
PDCA stands for:
a. Perform-Document-Correct-Act
b. Perform-Do-Check-Analyze
c. Plan-Document-Check-Analyze
d. Plan-Do-Check-Act
17. There are several approaches and tools in (QI). One of these is the Fishbone diagram,
developed by K. Ishikawa. Which BEST describes the Fishbone diagram? It is ____.
a. A cause-and-effect diagram
b. A wholistic approach in problem identification
c. Used in interview sessions
d. Useful in focusing on problem symptoms
18. As a QI tool, the Gantt chart is useful for planning and scheduling projects. Which of the
following statements is INCORRECT about the GANTT chart? It ______.
a. 1, 2, 3, 5, 2
b. 2, 1, 5, 3, 4
c. 4, 2, 1, 3, 5
d. 1, 4, 5, 3, 2
20. Client satisfaction survey is an important and commonly used indicator for measuring the
quality in health in health care. In the context of public health, which is NOT a purpose of
satisfaction surveys? To ______.
21. In the first session, the nurse presented the organization chart of the Rural Health Unit. Which
of the following aspects of organizational structure is illustrated in the chart?
A. 2, 3, 4
B. 3 and 4
C. 1, 3, 4
D. 1 and 3
22. The PHN wants to emphasize to the new nurses it is important to observe professional
accountability which is taking responsibility for one’s actions. She explains that accountability can
be done by:
A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 3, 5
C. 2, 4, 5
D. 2, 3, 4
23. Accountability also includes a commitment to continuing education to stay current
knowledgeable. According to the Guidelines Implementing Continuing Professional Education for
Nurses (CPE), from which of the following can a nurse earn credit units?
1. Participation in seminars
2. Engagement in a research project
3. As peer reviewer
4. Innovations
A. 2 and 3 only
B. 1, 2, 3, 4
C. 1 and 2 only
D. 1, 3, 4
25. To better address emerging public health issues, a public health nurse enrolls in a course in
a. Ethics
b. Research
c. communication
d. Leadership
27. When recording the home visit, it is important for the public health nurse to _____.
28. The nurse should document intelligently and clearly. There are ways to help
protect against an allegation of falsifying a medical record. These are the following:
a. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
b. 1, 3, and 5
c. 2, 3 and 4
d. 2, 4, and 5
29. Public health nurses must know that all records have a lifecycle and retention
scheduling. Clinical records must be retained in the health care facility for:
30. Controlled Substances such as drugs dispensed and administered, order and
inventory records must be kept in the health care facility for how many years?
a. Six months
b. One year
c. Five years
d. Three years
31. Which of the following study designs that uses information on current health
status, personal characteristics, and potential risk factors will be appropriate?
a. Case-control
b. Ecological
c. Cohort
d. Cross-sectional
32. The type of epidemiologic study that is used to describe a group of persons
enrolled in a study who share some characteristic of interest and who are followed
over a period of time to observe some health outcome is a(n):
a. Cross-sectional study
b. Experimental study
c. Cohort study
d. case control study
33. The research team will use summary indicators of health as method to depict
health status. What is this approach called?
a. Analytic
b. Holistic
c. Descriptive
d. Evaluative
34. Ms. Nenita is specifically assigned to talk individually with community leaders like
the primary grade teacher and the barangay official in charge of the health committee.
Which data collection method will the nurse use?
35. Ms. Nenita suggested to use an analytic approach in their research. Which of the
following statements BEST describes the analytic approach?
Situation 3 – Ethics is a field of moral science which deals with the morality of human
acts. Registered nurses must be aware that their actions have professional and ethical
dimensions. They should strive to perform their work to the best interest of all
36. Which of the following is NOT aligned to ethics in nursing? A Nurse ______.
37. A professional nurse has a duty to know and respect the Patient’s Bill of Rights.
Which of the following is NOT included in the Patient’s Bill of Rights. The right to/for
A. Justice
B. Autonomy
C. Beneficence
D. Veracity
39. Which of the following directly VIOLATES the Patient’s Bill of Rights?
40. Autonomy is the prerogative of the patient to give consent or refusal of treatment
with the EXCEPTION of which of the following situations?
41. “Commitment to continual learning and active participant in the development and
growth of the profession are commendable obligation” is contained in which of the
A. Code of Ethics
B. RA 10912
C. RA 7164
D. RA 9173
42. Which law declares that the policy of the State is to promote and upgrade the
practice profession in the country?
A. RA 7164
B. Ra 0173
C. code of Ethics
D. RA 10912
43. Nursing programs that are based on needs assessment and needs analysis and
should be offered free is which of the following?
44. In three year’s time, Nurse Florence needs to attain certain number of Continuing
Professional Development units to be able to renew her ______.
45. Nurse Florence was asked by her Head nurse why she requested permission to
enroll in the Graduate Program for the second semester. Her reply should be, EXCEPT:
46. Since she wanted to capture the essence and emotion of the victims she choose
to use the qualitative design. Which among the statements below is CORRECT about
qualitative design?
47. Nurse Carmi plans to gather 6 participants who are victims of domestic violence
where she will base her questionnaires. What technique in qualitative research is
applicable to this plan?
A. Data triangulation
B. Focus group discussion
C. Interview
D. Case study
48. To have a better analysis and interpretation of finding, Nurse Carmi reviewed and
compared them with other findings of previous researches on the same topic. This is
done MAINLY by doing back to which part of the study? The __________.
49. Nurse Carmi finally decided to make an in depth study of ONLY ONE SUBJECT of
domestic violence. What design will she use?
A. Causality Design
B. Predictive Correlational Design
C. Descriptive Correlational Design
D. Descriptive Case Study Design
50. In as much as the research may have some risks on the part of the subject who
is 21 years old, Nurse Carmi must assure the subject of her anonymity, confidentiality
and respect for her human rights. ONE ABSOLUTE WAY is to get an informed and
written consent from whom?
A. Parents
B. Guardians
C. Husband
D. Subject herself
Situation 15 – Nurse Vergel is newly assigned in the Pediatric Ward in San Isidro
Medical Center. Since he will be taking care of pediatric patients, there is a need for
Nurse Vergel to be abreast with the legal aspects of pediatric nursing care.
51. Which of the following regulates the practice of the nursing profession?
A. Department of Health
B. Professional Regulation Commission
C. Civil Service Commission
D. Professional Regulation Board of Nursing
52. One of the Vergel’s patients to undergo invasive procedure. Based on the Patient’s
Bill of Rights, sequence the persons from whom Nurse Vergel could obtain consent?
1. Parents
2. Legal guardian
3. Next of kin
4. Physician
A. 1, 2, 4, & 3
B. 1, 4, 2, & 3
C. 1, 2, 3, & 4
D. 1, 3, 2, & 4
53. Based on the Right to Privacy and Confidentiality under the Patient’s Bill of Rights,
the patient has the right to demand the following, but NOT ______ pertaining to his
care as confidential.
A. Information
B. Communication
C. Records
D. financial Status
55. A patient has the right to leave the hospital regardless of his physical condition
provided s/he is informed of which of the following? Select all that apply.
56. Nurse Melissa recalls that one of the major responsibilities of a Headnurse is record
keeping. These are many reasons for keeping records in health care, but two stand
out above all others. These are to ______.
A. 1 & 4
B. 2 & 3
C. 3 & 4
D. 1 & 2
57. The following statements demonstrate to Nurse Melissa that record keeping is
good, EXCEPT:
A. Entries are dated and timed as close to the actual time of the events as possible.
B. Relevant information about the condition of the patient/ client at any given time
and the measures you have taken to respond to their needs.
C. Abbreviation is used.
D. A full account of your assessment and the care you have planned and provided.
58. On record keeping, the Area Supervisor reminds Nurse Melissa that for most
Nurses who find themselves involved in legal proceedings, the best defense to win the
case is _____.
A. Honesty
B. Good memory
C. Quality of nursing documentation
D. Knowledge
60. When the patients asks where to get his/her medical record after discharge, the
correct answer is _______.
Situation 19 – Nurse Myrna, a nurse in Barangay Mayamot Health Center, will conduct
Health education to the residents of the Barangay on Reproductive Health.
62. This Law provides reproductive health care program to all citizens prioritizing,
which of the following?
1. Women
2. The poor
3. Marginalized
4. Those in vulnerable or crisis situations
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4
B. 1, 2 & 3
C. 1 only
D. 1 & 2
1. We all hold personal values that can influence how we respond to our clients.
2. One’s values may change in response to life experiences.
3. Encounters with clients and colleagues may influence your beliefs without your
having much of a chance to reflect on these changes.
4. Others exist at a deeper level, so that we don’t necessarily recognize the influence
they have on our behavior and judgments as health care providers. *
A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1, 2, 3 and 4
C. 1, 3 and 4
D. 2, 3 & 4
A. Gender-based Violence
B. Finding the correct partner
C. Management and prevention of maternal and perinatal
D. Malnutrition and anemia
65. Factors that affect reproductive health care, which of the following?
1. Economic circumstances,
2. Education,
3. Living conditions and family environment,
4. Social and gender relationships
A. 1 & 2
B. 1, 2 and 3
C. 1, 2, 3, & 4
D. 2, 3, & 4
Situation 7 - Ethical decision making in clinical health care is becoming more complex,
this is brought about by the advancement of science and technology, cultural beliefs
and patient's rights.
66. When a patient refuses to undergo insertion of a pacemaker despite the presence
of a third degree AV block and respected by the health team is what bioethical
A. Beneficence
B. Autonomy
C. Nonmaleficence
D. Justice
67. The health care professionals consider the following as ethical dilemma EXCEPT
which ONE of the following. When the _____.
68. Nurse Blanca brought her patient to the chapel by wheelchair as promised after
checking the blood pressure of another patient in the ward, is an example of what
ethical principle?
A. Veracity
B. Justice
C. Beneficence
D. Fidelity
69. A newly hired graduate nurse Belen is on the second week of orientation by the
In-service coordinator. Two of the nurses in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) called "ON
sick" so Ms. Belen was pulled out by the Supervisor to report to the ICU as she could
not get a replacement due to staffing shortage. This ethical dilemma in management
is an example of ______.
A. professional ethics
B. governance ethics
C. organizational ethics
D. clinical ethics
70. Ms. Simon who is assigned in the Emergency room was attending to an older
woman who was having severe abdominal pain with a very unstable blood pressure.
The doctor ordered a very high dose of morphine So4 which Nurse Simon questioned.
What ethical principle is applied in this situation?
A. Veracity
B. Nonmaleficonce
C. Justice
D. Beneficence
71. The graduates from the colleges of Nursing are being prepared to take the Nursing
Licensure Examination (NLE) with the main goal to:
72. Ms. Libby is a professional nurse who was approached by her cousin to be in a
Television show where she has to wear the nurses uniform and advertise a
commercially prepared beauty product for use in their work setting. Her mother is
presently having dialysis so the accepted the offer. Ms. Libby is violating the _______.
A. nursing law
B. nursing code of ethics
C. nursing jurisprudence
D. consumers fraud law
73. Mr. Larson is scheduled for Coronary Artery-by-pass graft (CABG) surgery. He has
to sign an informed consent prior to operation. The validity of this consent is how
74. A patient was admitted in a medical center by his physician for an Exploratory
laparotomy. After discharge for two days, he was complaining of chills and fever. The
abdominal incision was passing out yellowish purulent discharge. He had an abdominal
Xray and was was found out to have 3 pcs of gauze inside the abdomen. A libel suit
was filed by the family. Who is liable in this case?
1. Surgeon
2. Circulating nurse
3 Anesthesiologist
4. Hospital
A. 1, 2, 3, & 4
B. 1, 2, & 3
C. 1 & 2
D. 2 & 3
75. What is the basis of the adoption of the Code of Ethics?
Situation: The assistant chief nurse of X hospital attends a seminar on quality and
performance improvement. The seminar is to increase awareness on how performance
improvement affects client care and the health care organization.
76. Which of the following principles of quality improvement is MOST appropriate for
patient care?
a. The priority is to benefit clients and all other internal and external customers.
b. Improvement of the quality of service is a continuous process.
c. Improvement opportunities are developed by focusing on the work process.
d. Quality is achieved through the participation of everyone in the organization.
77. The assistant chief nurse understands that the implication of quality improvement
for client care can be measured by the overall value of care. Outcomes can be measure
by which of the following?
a. Client’s recommendation
b. Clinical out come
c. Cost of care
d. Client satisfaction
78. The assistant chief nurse is oriented on the various improvement strategies at the
organization level. One of these strategies is benchmarking. Which of the following
describes the bench marking process?
a. Comparing data in the literature with the data collected per client.
b. Reviewing own unit’s data for opportunities.
c. Collecting data of the individual client.
d. Comparing ow data with that of other organization to identify opportunities.
79. The assistant chief nurse understands that a sentinel event review is one strategy
to improve the health care delivery system. The FIRST action to be initiated following
a sentinel event is for the assistant chief nurse to ____.
a. Work with others in the unit to change the way client’s report is given to be more
time efficient.
b. Suggest the process for notifying the pharmacy department about a missing
c. Participate in a term to find a solution.
d. Change the activities of her day to spend more time with a client’s family.
81. The conference speaker explained the difference between evidence based practice
and evidence based nursing practice. Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding
evidence based nursing practice? Evidence- based nursing practice ____.
82. The speaker encouraged the nurses to participate in the use of evidence- based
nursing practice. The speaker said that nurses must ____.
1. Participate in the development, use, or evaluation of practice guidelines.
2. Read and analyze outcome of research studies
3. Involve themselves in everyday patient care and nursing practice.
4. Know why they are doing what they are doing
a. 2, 3 and 4
b. 1 and 2
c. 1 ,2, 3 and 4
d. 1, 3 and 4
83. Nurse Edna is aware of the importance of patient outcomes as a measure of quality
care. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding patient-focused outcome
indicators? To _______.
1. Achieve safe, quality, cost effective care for patients in daily practice.
2. Realize that individual nursing practice styles directly affect the rates at which
patients recover.
3. Prevent development of unnecessary complications and injury.
4. Determine satisfaction rate from patients or family care received from nursing staff.
a. 1, 2 ,3 and 4
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 4
d. 1, 3 and 4
84. A model for using evidence- based practice was presented. The model has the
following elements: Plan, Do, Study and Act (PSDA). If nurse edna wants to utilize
this model to improve ward management, what questions will she ask?
a. 2 and 4
b. 3 and 4
c. 1 and 3
d. 1,2,3 and 4
85. Nurse Edna is aware that patient care improvement must be based on which of
the following?
86. Before admitting the client, you should FIRST make sure that:
87. Mr. M.E id brought to the medical ward. The next day, he wants to know about
his illness. The nurse on duty replied, “You don’t need to know your diagnosis”. Which
of following rights of the patient is violated? Right to ______.
a. Obtain from his physician complete current information concerning his diagnosis,
treatment and prognosis.
b. Receive from his physician information necessary to give informed consent.
c. Expect reasonable continuity of care.
d. Considerate and respectful care, irrespective of one’s socio- economic status.
88. After five days of hospitalization, the physician said Mr. M.E can be discharged.
He ordered medications to be taken at home. The client is still weak and symptomatic.
Which of the following rights could be violated in this case? Right to ____.
89. Because Mr. M.E cannot pay for his medical bills, he is referred to the social
worker. Which of the following rights is applicable on this case? The right to ___.
90. The nurse discusses and shares the medical records of Mr. M.E to a group of
visiting members of a medical mission team. Which of the following rights could be
violated? The right to ___:
a. Expect that all communications and records pertaining to his care should be treated
as confidential.
b. Obtain information regarding any relationship of the hospital to another health care
and educational institution in so far as his care is concerned.
c. Informed consent
d. Privacy
Situation 12 - Ms. Jenny is a charge nurse of an oncology unit. She prepares a unit
plan to improve the delivery of patient care and maximizing all human and material
resources of the unit.
91. Ms. Jenny implements a change in the nursing delivery system from functional to
team nursing. This type of nursing model of practice is:
92. In implementing the change, Ms. Jenny has the consensus of the staff and other
personnel involved in the care of patients. The main purpose of achieving a consensus
when making a decision within a group is to ___.
93. Ms. Jenny is aware that there are nursing and other personnel who may be
resistant to the change and are not taking an active part in facilitating the process of
change. To overcome resistance to change, the MOST important action by Ms. Jenny
would be to ___.
94. To ensure efficiency when organizing daily workload, Ms. Jenny reminds her staff
that they should do which of the following:
95. Which of the following is the MOST effective resource in helping a staff nurse
identify a solution to a clinical problem?
a. Other staff nurses in the unit
b. Nursing procedure manual
c. Organizational chart of the hospital
d. Nurse manager of the unit
96. The independent variables of this study are the following, EXCEPT:
97. The dependent variables of this study are which of the following:
A. Cancer
B. Physical characteristics
C. Amount of serum concentration
D. Physiologic outcomes
98. Nurse Carol formulates the problem statement for the study. She understand that
a good problem has which of the following characteristics: The problem?
A. 1, 3 and 4
B. 1 and 3
C. All of the options
D. 2 and 4
99. Nurse Carol determines the participants in the study. The sample of the study will
be every 5th person in the oncology unit. A table of random numbers will be used to
select the beginning of the sample with in the first sampling interval. This is an
example of which sampling method?
A. Psychological
B. Physiological
C. Instrumentation
D. Pharmacological
102. Which of the following sampling techniques is the most appropriate to answer a
research question on the effectiveness of active exercise on the mobility of post stroke
a. convenience sampling
b. purposive sampling
c. quota sampling
d. random sampling
103. You want to develop a tool for measuring the level of consciousness of stroke
patients. This is what type of research?
a. Historical study
b. Case study
c. Comparative study
d. Methodological study
104. You want to examine the difference in the eating behaviors between two groups
of high school students. Which of the following research designs would you use to
answer the research question?
a. Case study
b. Correlation study
c. Comparative design
d. Survey study
Situation 8 – You are a staff nurse working in a hospital and encounter situations with
ethico-moral implications.
106. Which of the following nursing actions will you do if the patient is unconscious
and unable to make decisions? This fact should be:
107. A patient came in from prison for emergency treatment. Which of the following
precautionary measures will you institute to ensure the safety of the hospital staff and
the other patients?
108. In using restraints to patients, which of the following guidelines will you follow?
109. You have observed that a group of students are implementing their research
project on the effect of hot and cold application to febrile patients without informing
the participants properly. What ethical principle was violated by the students?
a. Nonmaleficence
b. Autonomy
c. Justice
d. Respect for person
110. A researcher should pay particular attention in protecting the rights of certain
vulnerable groups. Which of the following is NOT considered vulnerable?
a. Prisoners
b. Children
c. Mentally-challenged persons
d. Postpartum mother with normal delivery
111. One of the characteristics of charting is brevity. Which of the following example
of charting shows this characteristics?
112. Which of the following is NOT a requirement for a late entry in charting?
113. There is a blank space after your last entry in your charting. You will ______.
114. Which of the following should the nurse’s notes focus on?
115. Which of the following sample charting would show the characteristic of
a. intake from 700-1000 ml: 80 ml of coffee; 240 ml of orange juice; 500ml of water
b. Patient on forced fluid but refused to take it most of the time
c. Patient on forced fluids observed
d. Given fluid at frequent intervals but takes only a few sips
Situation 16- As a professional nurse, one of your roles is an advocate for the patient’s
rights. The following questions refer to this statement.
116. You were invited by a women’s organization to be the resource speaker on
“Violence against women and children”. Women and their children are protected
against violence under Republic Act No.__.
a. 9173
b. 9211
c. 9262
d. 9160
117. One of the violence acts is sexual violence. Which of the following does NOT
constitute sexual violence?
a. Acts of lasciviousness
b. Rape
c. Treating a child as a sex object
d. Economic abuse
118. What would be the nurse’s MAIN concern when a case of abuse, maltreatment,
or neglect is suspected in a patient?
120. What should be the FOCUS of care for patients who are suspected to be abused,
maltreated, or neglected?
Situation 18- Ms. Ligaya Co is a chief nurse in a secondary level hospital with nursing
staff consisting of registered staff nurses, nursing assistants and aides.
121. Ms. Co stresses the importance of promoting ‘esprit d corps’ among the nursing
staff. Which of the following statement indicates that they understand the meaning of
the term?
a. “In order that we achieve the goals of the institute, we must follow the directives
coming from above.”
b. “We will ensure that all resources we need are available when needed”
c. “Let’s work together in harmony; we need to be supportive of one another.”
d. “We need to show our competence to the higher management level.”
122. She assert the importance of promoting a positive organizational culture among
the nursing staff. Which of the following behaviors indicate that this has been
attained? *
124. She knows that as a leader, she has to strategize in order to create followership
in response to authority. This capacity to act or the strength to accomplish a goal is
referred to as _____.
a. power
b. accountability
c. responsibility
d. authority
125. Ms. Co gathered the nursing staff and other health care worker in the hospital
who support the idea of having a meeting to discuss problems that affect the delivery
of care and to agree to speak with one voice. This power mechanism is called ______.
a. coalition
b. upward appeal
c. rationality
d. assertiveness