Comment Editor 1 CJAST 51424 v1 A
Comment Editor 1 CJAST 51424 v1 A
Comment Editor 1 CJAST 51424 v1 A
A Static Flat Bed Batch Dryer was developed at Department of Agricultural Engineering
GKVK, Bangalore with a capacity of 20 kg and mainly to be used for drying paddy from
harvesting moisture content (20 – 22%) to 12 % for safe storage. The dryer mainly consists of
Blower, Heating chamber, Plenum chamber and drying chamber. Drying characteristics such
as drying rate, drying time and temperature of inlet air were studied for paddy grain and
results were analysed. The decrease in moisture content, static pressure developed in the
dryer and relative humidity in the dryer was studied at two different airflow rates of 1m 3/min
and 1.26 m3/min. It was observed that the moisture reduction up to the desired 12% was
completed in 90 minutes of operation of the dryer. The relative humidity of drying air inside
the dryer as well as the static pressure was found to decrease with time. The developed
technology is low cost and can be easily constructed at farm level.
Key words: Batch dryer, grain drying, flat bed, static pressure, paddy
Grain drying refers to the removal of some of the moisture from grain by mechanically
moving air through the grain after it has been harvested [1]. Grain in the field dries naturally
as the crop matures, giving up moisture to the air until the grain moisture is in equilibrium
with the moisture in the air (equilibrium moisture content). Paddy is usually harvested at
moisture content of about 24-26 percent (wet basis), higher during the rainy season and lower
during the dry season [2]. Drying is one of the methods that can be used for the reduction of
the water content of the paddy. Drying of paddy is usually done in two ways. One is the open
sun drying and other is the mechanical drying by using the different types of dryers [17].
Grains harvested at higher moisture content need to be dried immediately to prevent spoilage
[3]. In terms of its relative importance rice is an important staple food consumed throughout
India. The per capita consumption of rice has increased from 13.9 kg/y in 1995 to 14.5 kg/y
in 2000 [4]. and to 38kg in 2009, as compared to per capita production of 20 kg paddy/year
or 13 kg milled/year [5]. As a living biological material, paddy respires at an increasing rate
with moisture content. Paddy respiration is characterised by a decrease in dry matter weight,
utilization of oxygen, evolution of carbon dioxide and the release of energy in the form of
heat. Respiration is negligible at moisture content of about l2-l4 percent [2(b)].
At this moisture content at harvest, paddy has a high respiration rate and is very susceptible
to attack by micro-organisms, insects and pests. The heat evolved during the respiration
process is retained in the grain and the bulk because of the insulating effect of the rice husk.
This heat increases the temperature of the grain resulting in increased mould growth, fungi,
insect and pest infection, which increases the quantitative loss and qualitative deterioration
[6]. The way that rice is handled during the drying and storage processes will determine its
quality at the point of sale, thereby influencing its value. Rice should be quickly dried down
to a moisture level of about 12 % for storage, especially if it is going to be stored for several
months. Drying facilitates the grain to be stored for longer span and hence fetches good
returns for the farmers if the product is sold in high demand season. Drying and storing rice
on the farm can be an excellent marketing strategy. The reduction of grain moisture is done
by passing relatively large quantities of dry air over the rice after it is placed in the bin. The
quality and quantity of this air determine the final moisture content of the rice kernel [3(b)].
A thin-layer drying is defined as a layer of material fully exposed to an airstream during
drying. Kucuk et al., 2014 [7] reported that the thickness of a thin layer can be increased
provided there is an increase in the drying air velocity and also if the simultaneous heat and
mass transfers of the material are in equilibrium with the thermodynamic state of the drying
air. Major types of hot air dryers are designed as bin, batch and continuous flow [8]. There
are various versions of the above three types of dryers in use globally [9] [10]. In a double
stage dryer the drying process is split into two halves, in the first pass, it is fast dried to a
moisture content of 18% and further slowly reduced to desired 14% in the second pass [11].
Generally, drying of grain requires exposure to an atmosphere of lower relative humidity than
the equilibrium value at the grain surface. This can be maintained by passing a hot gas of low
relative humidity around the grain, usually in the bed of grain [12]. The in-bin dryers use
ambient air with or without supplemental heat. There are also combinations of in-bin and
continuous flow dryers, developed within the concept of two stage drying [13].
One of the most conventional methods of drying is deep bed type dryer. In this type of dryer,
grain drying is considered as batch process were moisture content, air and grain temperature,
and the humidity of the air change simultaneously [12(b)]. The 'specific' air flow rate is the
quantity of air passing through a grain mass divided by the volume of grain it passes through
(e.g. measured in litres of air per second per tonne of grain [14]. It was observed that as the
air passes through the grain mass, the specific airflow rate becomes smaller and smaller, until
it reaches a minimum value at the surface of the grain. It is this minimum value of specific
flow rate that governs the drying performance of a system since it defines the time that it
takes for drying the grain mass. Airflow rate significantly affected the rate of drying and rice
moisture content profiles within the drying column. Airflow has an effect on the quality of
the milled product of the rice as intra-kernel material state gradients were created which
potentially affected grain fissuring [15]. Thus a need of small scale batch dryer which could
be effectively used for drying the grains at faster rate was realised and hence the static flat-
bed batch dryer was developed.
Materials and Method
The overall developmental process of the static bed batch dryer was divided into component
selection, fabrication and its performance evaluation by drying paddy grain. A batch dryer
consisting of a blower, heating chamber, plenum chamber, drying chamber, perforated sheet,
grain discharge chute Instruments were used to take the measurements of static pressure,
temperature, air flow rate, grain moisture content, relative humidity Static pressure of the air
is measured from U tube manometer, it consisted of a measuring scale and plastic tube
containing water. Trisense sensor is used to measure the temperature, RH, air flow rate, Kett
moisture meter used to measure the grain moisture.
The various components of a static bed batch dryer are as follows
a. Blower: it was used to blow the air to the heating chamber at controlled rate.
Centrifugal blowers was selected tp provide directional air flow by maximizing static
pressure, making them optimal for spot cooling and for air flow through a duct. A
centrifugal blower of capacity 1.46 m³/min. was selected for fabrication of the dryer.
b. Heating Chamber: It was fabricated with 3 electrically heated coils to generate
sufficient temperature for grain drying.
c. Plenum Chamber: A (60×30×15 cm) cuboidal chamber was fabricated to facilitate
the movement of air to the drying bin. The purpose of the plenum chamber was to let
the air calm down before it enters the air distribution system to guarantee an equal
distribution of pressure and temperature of the drying air throughout the drying
d. Perforated Sheet: constructed using MS sheet with 24 holes per, the sheet
was placed at inclination of 9° concerning horizontal.
e. Drying chamber or bin: The function of the drying bin was to hold the grain for
drying and in in-store drying also to serve as the storage bin after drying.
M. 17 M.
C 16 C
(%) 15 16
R.H (%) (%)
0 15 30 45 60 75 90
0 15 30 45 60 75 90
Time (min.)
Figure 10: Moisture content versus Figure 11: Moisture content versus drying time
drying time at airflow rate of 1 m3/min at airflow rate of 1.26 m3/min and temperature
and temperature 60°C 55 °C
25 100 22 100
21 Sta
20 95 Sta 95 tic
tic 20
15 90 Pr R.H 19
(%) 90
ess 18
10 85 ur 85 ur
17 e
e 80 (Pa
5 80 (Pa 16
) 15 75
0 75
0 15 30 45 60 75 90
0 15 30 45 60 75 90
Time (min.) Time (min.)
Figure 12: Relative humidity and static Figure 13: Relative humidity and static pressure
pressure developed in the dryer at air developed in the dryer at air flow rate of 1
flow rate of 1.26 m3/min and m3/min and temperature 60°C
temperature 55°C
The relative humidity of drying air inside the dryer as well as the static pressure was found to
decrease with time. The dryer can be effectively utilised for small-batch application of grain
drying. The static pressure was found to increase at a higher airflow rate of 1.26 m3/minute.
A decrease in airflow rate signifies an easier passage of air through the grain mass.
The developed dryer can be effectively utilised for drying of grains at small scale at places of
high relative humidity. A higher temperature during the drying operation, however, may
affect the quality characteristics of grain after milling operation. Thus temperature regulation
should be incorporated during the operation by varying the airflow rate. The developed
technology is low cost and easy constructed at farm level. The developed dryer of batch
drying systems offers many advantages over sun drying like maintenance of paddy quality,
safe drying during rain and at night, increased capacity, easy control of drying parameters and
the potential for saving on labour cost.