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Little Primer

By J. Peter Steidlmayer and Ted Hearne

Outlook and attitude are critical factors in where success is clearly defined as following
one's trading success. In everyday life, our a set of guidelines as efficiently and
outlook and attitude might be stable for effectively as possible. The game-plan is not
prolonged periods of time, but experience a goal but a strategy, and moreover. a
shows that in trading they can be quite strategy that is well-thought-out and studied.
fragile. If we execute the plan correctly, then we
will experience success, no matter what level
Why do our outlook and attitude become so of skill we bring to the trading arena.
fragile when we confront trading decisions?
The failure to follow a successful game-plan
There is a great gulf between our near-term can be attributed to many reasons. One of
experience and our expectations; taken by the most common is when there is no plan;
itself, each successive trade has the potential the trader just reacts and then
to undermine our confidence and cause wild second-guesses himself retrospectively,
swings in outlook. There is also the element following an imaginary, non-existent plan
of money -- financial goals and other issues that would, if it were put into play, require
related to money are a major reason that our him to function near perfection, at 90 or 95
stability runs off the tracks. So for whatever percent efficiency. This is of course
reason, we get down on ourselves, and this impossible, and so frequent failure is
causes only more trouble for the trader. experienced with all of the consequent
Second-guessing ourselves is probably the destabilizing and disheartening results. It is
most self-destructive weapon we have in our better to develop a plan that permits success
arsenal. As soon as we hear ourselves say when applied at a 10 to 15 percent rate of
things like 'if only I had entered there, or effectiveness. If we can experience success
reversed here,' we know we are on a bad when operating at this low level, then we
track. have a reasonable base for growth. As we
develop through small, incremental
These difficulties arise when we operate improvements, we build consistent
without an overall program or game plan. confidence and a positive attitude towards
Without a plan, we jump around emotionally our work and our prospects. Instead of
in a herky-jerky fashion, first here, then holding out a goal of winning instant wealth,
there, stabbing at the market and reacting in our goal is to stick to the plan. We avoid
an uncontrolled manner. This inevitably second-guessing ourselves. In a sense, we
leads to an unstable attitude and vastly let the game-plan 'take the heat" for all the
heightens the chance of financial loss. negative bounces that previously would have
destabilized us. Relying on the big play,
As traders, one of our most fundamental focusing on the great trades that got away,
needs is to develop a game-plan that will or feeling the need to enter exactly at the
allow us to operate within reasonable limits, precise point when the market is starting a
Little Primer
By J. Peter Steidlmayer and Ted Hearne Page 2 of 10

really big move -- these are random decisions -- and for lucky breaks. An
approaches, and not the basis for a solid offensive trader is more likely to be in tune
trading plan that will sustain most of us in with the market and aboard for major trends.
the long run. Defense is basically trying to stop the
market. It is characterized by a quick
What is the most destabilizing thing that entry-exit, and generally calls for more
happens to traders in general? What is the perfection in order for something good to
most destabilizing thing for you? What gets come out of it. Going with the market is
you (and what gets most traders) back into a really being on the offense, as opposed to a
smooth, easy, clear-headed and rational state go-against trade, which can work but calls
of mind? If you can answer these questions for a lot of effort in order to make a little.
then you are on the way towards building a
successful game plan. The best program is Concept Control
to play offense most of the time, not defense.
What constitutes a good offense in the The ability to understand the market's normal
market? What is a defensive stance? output is the single most important weapon
in the trader's arsenal. (The market's output
Let's talk about the latter first. For a trader, is the way it expresses itself naturally.)
defense means trying not to lose; it means Developing a clear concept of market output
usually taking the second or third is like developing a smooth-working athletic
opportunity, not the first. It means trying to team, where all of the players' talents are
hold your own, always waiting for the placed in proper perspective and subjected to
perfect opportunity. In general, it means not the goals of the whole. It is the best way to
being in control. An offensive posture, on engage opportunity.
the other hand, starts with being in control,
making trades when first offered, clearly With concept control, traders do not just
seeing the potential, taking advantage of count on pricing the right spots but have a
opposite moves, not dwelling on negative program that will carry them forward in time.
outcomes, bouncing back after a personal What is concept control? Essentially is it
mistake, accepting results and moving on, the over-riding game plan you have for
forcing the activity, constantly attacking the trading. A game-plan forces you to be
market in a consistent way, and making prepared, and you'll know it by the benefits it
trades where and when the opportunity confers upon you:
exists. Traders can learn much from this
comparison to sports. In trading as in sport, § You can see things early.
the offense offers more: on the ball field a § You experience great fluidity and ease
strong offensive team will control the ball with the functional or executional aspects
longer, just as in trading you can hold your of trading.
position longer, and thus have more time for § You have positive results in the long

TEDTICK.com – a subsidiary of THA, INC.

4509 North Dover Street, Chicago, IL 60640; 800-552-2317; FAX: 773-728-6886
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Little Primer
By J. Peter Steidlmayer and Ted Hearne Page 3 of 10

term. (You are "winning on the grind"). lacking is a consistent methodology which
§ You do less and experience better lets a trader sort through all of this
results. multidimensional information and reduce it
§ You rarely experience "forced reactions" to the one-dimensional, yes-or-no decision
when you are compelled to take rapid that trading ultimately demands. When a
action against your trade idea. trader is confronted with too much
§ You experience peace of mind. information (all of it valid, some of which is
§ You don't have to have perfect execution always going to be contradictory), decisions
in order to succeed. become subjective, and he or she will then
§ Your expectations are positive, yet always bring in outside influences and
realistic. personal experiences. The outcome is that
§ You allow each trade to develop to its the trader's results run hot and cold without
fullest potential before bringing it to an undercurrent of stability.
§ Your efforts are focused and disciplined. The question to be answered is "Can we take
this to another level entirely?' Can we get
Many traders are dependent on a above this conventional level of trading, to a
fast-moving, hot market to make money -- in point where we can stabilize and better focus
other words, dependent on a market that will our trading efforts? Can we eliminate
make money. If beans are limit up four days exposure without market opportunity,
in a row, then anyone who owns beans is streakiness related to outcomes, and spot
making money. But if you look at the at the starting and stopping? Clearly, all of these
more common trading situation, we need to trading characteristics are not a program of
place a lot more emphasis on the individual steadiness. One needs to have a program to
and how he or she accommodates each trade through the vagaries of market
trading situation. Concept control means conditions.
that we are giving ourselves a discipline from
which we can begin to operate, and from With a clear sense of concept control, the
which we can really engage opportunity in trader has patience. He is able to start
the market. trading, stop trading, and to restart the
process in a fluid and easy manner, always in
In our experience, most traders have become the game, always playing. This constant
quite sophisticated in the manipulation of engagement represents the greatest overall
data and in the use of common analytical opportunity. If we can achieve the discipline
studies. State-of-the-art computing of concept control, then we will be able to
equipment can be found on every desktop. take command of our uncontrolled talents in
There is no shortage of indicators that will a productive and organized way.
identify plausible entry points, exit points,
stop placement, and so forth. What is Concept Control in Action

TEDTICK.com – a subsidiary of THA, INC.

4509 North Dover Street, Chicago, IL 60640; 800-552-2317; FAX: 773-728-6886
[email protected]; WWW.TEDTICK.COM
Little Primer
By J. Peter Steidlmayer and Ted Hearne Page 4 of 10

Of what does concept control consist? So we see that an opportunity in the market,
like good opportunities elsewhere in life,
It starts with how we approach opportunity should be lopsided. A great opportunity
in the market; first by defining it, second, by should show just one side, or to put it more
recognizing it, third, by taking it, and forth, formally, show just one dimension.
by managing it as the opportunity moves
towards trade maturity. These four steps What do we mean by dimension? A
must come from the output of our data. And dimension is a measurement, and further, it is
so to help organize our thoughts, we can use an objective measurement. One dimension is
our understanding of the world at large. For a single measurement, then, not one that has
instance, good traders have always had the multiple sides or characteristics.
ability to sort through noise and come to a
buy/sell decision ... they also tend to get on a Our database is limited to two dimensions,
trade early . . . . they also typically have one vertical, the other horizontal. What is
extreme thoughts concerning market the opportunity that we look for? We seek
direction . . . . new traders, without a lot of out those situations where we can see a
experience, can do exceedingly well . . . one-sided vertical dimension. It is not
venture capitalists seek out new and difficult to get the market into this type of
developing companies . . . . growth stocks position, as it naturally develops that way.
are a vital part of any investment program . . The market's two dimensions move
. . new issues are good to get . . . major separately, and do not move in relation to
houses are now featuring 'emerging' markets each other. Each dimension will attempt to
from less developed countries . . . . and we dominate, shutting out the other dimension.
could go on with more examples like this. The vertical dimension wants to be purely
All of these are relevant and are going to vertical, the horizontal wants to be purely
help us define opportunity in the market. horizontal. Each wants to "overdo" itself.
What is the common denominator in all these This does not hurt the trader, for only when
situations? They are all looking at one one dimension gets cut short does the trader
dimension. They are getting it all to one side need to be alert, due to the fact that
-- not in the middle -- just one side. For curtailment means minus development.
these companies or these traders, it is easy to When we see that either the vertical or the
determine right or wrong. They are on the horizontal is in dominance, we can say that
extreme and what is right soon proves itself-, one dimension is isolated; such isolations
what is wrong quickly becomes apparent. allow us to identify that one dimension, and
One is not fighting the constant also provide a needed contrast. In an
up-and-down. tug-of-war between two objective format, it is important to have
ideas; the market or the company is clearly relativity, and not to rely on static concepts.
moving in one direction or the other. When we can see and asses the relative

TEDTICK.com – a subsidiary of THA, INC.

4509 North Dover Street, Chicago, IL 60640; 800-552-2317; FAX: 773-728-6886
[email protected]; WWW.TEDTICK.COM
Little Primer
By J. Peter Steidlmayer and Ted Hearne Page 5 of 10

importance or dominance of the two all movement against the vertical alone. By
dimensions as they interact with each other, definition, all trading opportunities using a
we have a much more precise method of conventional database are going to be
analyzing the market's output. subjective because there is no natural or
dimensional contrast against which to
We might also mention couple of other measure an opportunity.
characteristics of our two-dimensional
database. First, the smaller the sample at the PROGRAMS
beginning of a move, the more it tends to be
one-dimensional and to manifest directional For this primer, we have developed four
integrity. Second, larger sample sizes of data programs, using only a small number of the
are always more two-dimensional; the trader studies and tools available in Capital Flow
needs to work with them to bring out the Software. The goal is to produce a skeletal
underlying one-dimensionality. This activity blueprint of trading programs that illustrate
generally occurs in mid-zone. 'Forwards the clear concepts. Of course these can be
mature completion of a market move, one enhanced and further developed, but for
dimension is going to be more visible and now, we want to outline the process
will stand out and dominate (but take heed: completely before we (or others) begin to
very late in a move, directional integrity can add complications and refinements to it.
seem strong but actually be fragile and easily
overcome by the opposite direction.) Program I: Market Matrix

The software permits us to apply any scale The market matrix is a measure of the
or filter to the data that we wish, so that we maturity of a market opportunity. It is-a
can identify and isolate those situations when framework or scale against which we can put
the vertical is in dominance, or when the the largest directional, one-dimensional
horizontal is in dominance, according to the opportunity. In doing this, we are trying to
specifications we apply. This ability to establish the outside parameter for a single
manipulate the database to meet our dimension. Thereby encompassing the
specifications and thus to objectively normal area where this base unit begins,
measure the relative importance of both ends, and starts again. This maturity is
dimensions at any given time is extremely measured on a horizontal scale of 0 to about
important, and the key to successful trading 50, with the numbers on the scale
under our program. corresponding to the number of horizontal
slots used. (Traders are referred to the
By contrast, a conventional market database Capital Flow Software manual Fundamentals
only has a single dimension against which to of Q=Operation: Phase III for a fuller
measure itself. Time is a constant, not a discussion of 'slots used" and market
variable, and thus the trader has to measure maturity. See especially pp 27-28).

TEDTICK.com – a subsidiary of THA, INC.

4509 North Dover Street, Chicago, IL 60640; 800-552-2317; FAX: 773-728-6886
[email protected]; WWW.TEDTICK.COM
Little Primer
By J. Peter Steidlmayer and Ted Hearne Page 6 of 10

Basically this study can help the trader A casual, ballpark understanding of the 3-2-1
anticipate the timing of the market's move development as it relates to the horizontal
out of a development area. development at each stage would be to
generally say that the third standard
Looking at this scale of slots used, we see deviation would be generally between 0 and
that somewhere around ±50 on our 15;the 2nd would occur between 18 and 28;
horizontal development scale the market will and the first standard deviation would occur
complete its development. It generally will between 30 and 50. Try to learn to pick
peak vertically at ±40 on the same scale. these out visually on the screen, and use the
horizontal numbers scale as a loose
We can view this measurement of 0 to ± 50 approximation of trade types.
in a way that can make the one-dimensional
element of the market stand out. The market It is important to ream that, given an up
matrix is the base. Is shows one-dimensional direction, the vertical base of the first needs
developmental activity, in spite of all of the to come on a break. If the market doesn't
vagaries of the market that can take place break, then the market is still on a second
within this zone. The market matrix contains standard deviation. Also note that an early
all market activity. development of the first (which is going to
be a 3-1-3), the market's vertical changes will
The market matrix of 0 to 50 horizontal slots take place in very early spectrums. The first
used measures the largest directional activity standard deviation of a 3-2-1 is in itself
that we have found in the market. It is always a 3-1-3. It develops by working
comprised of vertical activity, and we have against a base of the vertical range of the 1st
found from our experience that it is a 3-2-1 and proceeds to move towards less instability
structure. It is a horizontal control and larger spectrums as it develops
parameter which begins with zero and horizontally. These characteristics can be
matures with plus or minus 50. It can be used in setting up your control for these
greater, without really affecting the trader, occasions. Market matrix provides a tool for
also it can be shorter; when shorter it can understanding, measuring, and developing a
have a bigger impact on the trader, because 'working prediction" of the maturity of a
that can signify the presence of minus market move.
development. It does this by affecting our
sense of the 'normal" market maturity, as We follow this closely because this
opposed to what is actually happening, as continuous market movement is a
measured by the number of horizontal slots fundamental base that helps us to understand
used. A trader who misses this cue will tend and control the market. Traders who are
to overstay or will find himself trading where unsure about the degree of opportunity
there is no opportunity. present can mandate out after x number of
horizontal slots used. Beginning traders can

TEDTICK.com – a subsidiary of THA, INC.

4509 North Dover Street, Chicago, IL 60640; 800-552-2317; FAX: 773-728-6886
[email protected]; WWW.TEDTICK.COM
Little Primer
By J. Peter Steidlmayer and Ted Hearne Page 7 of 10

confine their activities to 0 to 6 on the matrix the background of the market matrix, then
scale, for example, while a more experienced we have an objective study to lean on that
trader might be comfortable in trading out to gives us a standard to evaluate. Or if our
0 to 20, or 0 to 40 on the scale, or when the style is to operate in a more organic manner,
opportunity comes as the market reaches we can put the trade on and then use the
50+ on the horizontal scale, etc. market matrix to assess the potential of the
position we have taken. Can you see how
To restate: our goal was to identify the market matrix would help you gain
situations when the market is controlled by control over the market and over yourself?
one dimension. With the market matrix we Can you see how you would gain patience,
can measure the maturity of an opportunity the ability to start, to stop, and to restart you
inside all the eight spectrums. (See engagement with the market?
Fundamentals of Q=Operation: Phase H pp.
12-13 for more on the eight trade Program U: Base Market Movement
spectrums). If we see an opportunity early in
the scale, then we can play the move one Base market movement is a technique that
way; when we see a move later in the scale, lets you measure and monitor each new
we can treat it entirely differently. We have beginning in the market, no matter how small
created for ourselves a consistent basis for or how tentative. We do this by establishing
control. 'D-Sets" on successive data unit segments.
("D-Set' is our lingo for "design management
Probably one of the most destabilizing things ratio set-ups.")
a trader can deal with is the maturity of an Anytime a trader sees two units next to each
opportunity. It can really ruin the effort of other with one measurably higher or lower
finding and getting a good trade on to find than the first, we have an opportunity to start
that a new position is, after all, near the very a D-Set. This is a starting zone in which the
end of an overall market cycle, or that one market has just one dimension as it moves
has exited far too early in a major move. either up or down. In the context of our
current thesis, we are identifying and
The point is that the matrix gives us a norm isolating the dominance of one dimension
against which to measure current decisions. (the vertical) over the other dimension (the
Anytime we over-ride what would be typical horizontal). Once we have isolated this
market action for that point in the market dimension, we have identified a tradeable
matrix scale, we are applying subjective phenomena.
judgement. This may not necessarily be a
bad thing to do, but we are on the alert as we The D-Set flags a situation where the two
do it. If we have no particular opinion or if dimensions have become de-coupled and the
we don't know why we are doing what we vertical movement is the primary focus.
are doing, and we are tempted to go against Once we flag a D-Set, the question then

TEDTICK.com – a subsidiary of THA, INC.

4509 North Dover Street, Chicago, IL 60640; 800-552-2317; FAX: 773-728-6886
[email protected]; WWW.TEDTICK.COM
Little Primer
By J. Peter Steidlmayer and Ted Hearne Page 8 of 10

becomes: how much more horizontal a vertical 3-2-1.

development will take place within the
existing vertical structure before fatigue Program HI: Natural Vertical Movement
causes a breakdown of the vertical control?
Experience has shown that this generally We trade for vertical movement, and we
occurs at or around six on the horizontal know that the market typical moves through
scale. So when trading a D-Set, you are a four-step program consisting of a relatively
trading out to the "fatigue point" of six slots fast vertical movement followed by a mostly
used. Of course we are hoping for a horizontal development. We could also call
continuation or an acceleration of the vertical these areas of horizontal development 'areas
move to take place before six slots used is of fair trade;' between these fair trade areas
reached, but we can usually rely on the safety we find vertical movement that we term the
of the position until six has been market's "natural opportunity."
accomplished. The move tends not to break
down before six time slots used, giving one We have devised a program to identify the
ample time to exit at this level, because the areas of fair trade that the market will move
market is then moving sideways. Beyond six from as it starts a vertical move towards
slots, the market can become another area of fair trade at a different
two-dimensional, given our strict definition vertical level. Here again, we focus upon the
of a D- Set. The D-Set is important because separateness of the vertical and horizontal.
it permits you to play as if the market were Our program finds and flags those horizontal
beginning anywhere along the matrix of areas where the horizontal dimension is
market maturity, not just at the beginning. dominant, according to the parameters we
D-Sets are micro situations that occur set in the scanner. We know that following
throughout the entire range of the market this horizontal area of fair trade, there will be
matrix and they are most helpful in some degree of vertical movement. In a
identifying and trading one-dimensional way, the scans 'force our attention" onto a
moves in the midst of what seems like a lot specific area of the market out of which we
of two-dimensional activity. If we constantly expect some type of one-dimensional vertical
monitor D-Sets we will find plentiful move (either up or down); for that reason we
opportunities for entering. exiting, and call these "forcing scans." We can illustrate
reentering the market in a productive this by setting up a "forcing" scan with
manner, no matter where on the horizontal parameters of 12-4- 15. When the scan hits
scale of 0 to 50 the market is at the moment. we force our attention toward this impending
Generally there will be few D-Sets against one-dimensional move. Note that there is
the trend in a developing market matrix; not necessarily a trade there but it is a place
those that do occur will quickly play which warrants out attention. This one
themselves out. This further illustrates and is dimensional move will 'fit" a portion of the
a good clue of the one-dimensional nature of market matrix (also, there may be a D-Set

TEDTICK.com – a subsidiary of THA, INC.

4509 North Dover Street, Chicago, IL 60640; 800-552-2317; FAX: 773-728-6886
[email protected]; WWW.TEDTICK.COM
Little Primer
By J. Peter Steidlmayer and Ted Hearne Page 9 of 10

there.) When the next 12-4-15 scan appears, successfully. The first is to freely eliminate
then the job the market had set out to do is just noise; the second is to have a
completed (according to the specifications manageable change parameter that remains
we set), and we can expect a pause in the sensitive to all input yet filters out the
current market's vertical action, and we go unneeded data. Both these need to meet the
on the alert, expecting a new one in the practical timing needs of the trader.
We can accomplish both goals by using our
Program IV: Visual Data Program automatic splitter, instructing the computer
to process the data for a given contract using
The eye is one of our natural senses and as larger data parameters. In order to maintain
such it gives us the means for a basic form of the integrity of our main data arrangement,
control. Over longer periods of market time, we apply this new data setup to Page Two
we commonly see a lot of two-dimensional only; to do this, copy data to Page Two and
data ... with a lot of vertical and a lot of organize the data for the entire segment
horizontal on the screen. When there is a lot using new parameters for the automatic
of chop it can be hard to pick out the splitter. For this program, set the parameters
important underlying movement. at either 98-50 (for financials), or at 60-30
(for currencies and grains). When we view
If we could eliminate from the screen this new Page Two as a Capital Flow Bar
everything that is non-essential, and leave Chart (F2), we will see an entirely different
visible only that part of the data that revealed visual data arrangement, one that can be
the underlying direction, then the resulting extremely useful in helping the trader identify
picture would vastly enhance a trader's and stay with the longer-term trade --or to
power and control. That part of the data stay out of trades that go against the major
that we do not need to see can be referred to trend.
as noise, which is the more tempestuous or
destabilizing part of data. The result is that if we have applied a
noise-reduction filter to the market. By
Our software gives us the possibility of changing the parameters for the number of
displaying such a filtered visual. We can in TPO's that, the computer counts before
fact eliminate or greatly reduce the noise on splitting and the number of TPO's to
our screen. This leaves for our inspection a compare before starting a new distribution,
picture with greatly enhanced one- we are establishing a new natural
dimensionality, thereby also greatly confinement against which the market has to
enhancing our ability to see continued prove itself. We can see long-term moves
opportunity. clearly; our vision is unimpeded by random
"noise' or short-term chop. When the market
There are several keys to accomplishing this moves out of this larger set of confinement

TEDTICK.com – a subsidiary of THA, INC.

4509 North Dover Street, Chicago, IL 60640; 800-552-2317; FAX: 773-728-6886
[email protected]; WWW.TEDTICK.COM
Little Primer
By J. Peter Steidlmayer and Ted Hearne Page 10 of 10

parameters, we can say with some Remember that the human part of the
confidence that a significant change has equation will always be a major part of
occurred, and needs to be put into your success. At times things will be going good,
trading perspective. and at other times they will go poorly, but
with a well-developed program built on a
By this unique data arrangement, we have solid market concept we hope to enhance the
taken our one-dimensional concept towards former and limit the effects of the latter.
the outer reaches of directional integrity.
We can see the smallest unit of directional As you gain more and more control over the
integrity in the D-Set. We can portray market, it is important to continue to expand
mid-range moves through rearranged data your capability. However, humans can't
units, and the linking of these into a series. handle multiple programs with multiple
And we can see the largest possible parameters in real time all at once; the
directional moves through the application of computer is essential to manage this process.
these "noise reduction filers" which reveal
the underlying directional move over huge In the future, we expect to further enhance
time spans. In short, we can take this our software capabilities beyond the current
concept as far as you need to go. studies to allow you more flexibility.
Traders using our software now can follow
This new technique of adjusting the -noise" the natural movement of the market develop
level of the visual display, by adjusting the independent insights, and will be able to
automatic splitter parameters, is a major create default set-ups and transfer them to a
breakthrough, in our ability to recognize and disk which can easily and effectively be
manage trades. As we learn more about the implemented by less experienced traders.
capabilities of this powerful tool, we can
expect correspondingly powerful
improvements in trading returns as well. We
customize the set-up to our favorite style and

What does the future hold?

Putting all these pieces together in a

coherent plan will take some work initially.
Obviously all the parts of this plan do not
have to be there equally; some of them do
not have to be there at all. But through
study your preparedness will be high, and
improvements will come just from that.

TEDTICK.com – a subsidiary of THA, INC.

4509 North Dover Street, Chicago, IL 60640; 800-552-2317; FAX: 773-728-6886
[email protected]; WWW.TEDTICK.COM

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