Lesson One-Data Structures
Lesson One-Data Structures
Lesson One-Data Structures
We’ll also introduce some terms you’ll need to know and generally set the stage for the more detailed material to
follow. Finally, for those of you who have not yet been exposed to object-oriented programming (OOP), we’ll briefly
explain just enough about it to get you started.
A data structure is an arrangement of data in a computer’s memory (or sometimes on a disk). Data structures
include linked lists, stacks, binary trees, and hash tables, among others.
Algorithms manipulate the data in these structures in various ways, such as inserting a new data item, searching for a
particular item, or sorting the items. You can think of an algorithm as a recipe: a list of detailed instructions for
carrying out an activity. What sorts of problems can you solve with knowledge of these topics? As a rough
approximation, we might divide the situations in which they’re useful into three categories:
● Real-world data storage
● Programmer’s tools
● Modeling
These are not hard-and-fast categories, but they might help give you a feeling for the usefulness of this tutorial’s
subject matter.
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A non-computer example of real-world data storage is a stack of index cards. These cards can be used for a variety of
purposes. If each card holds a person’s name, address, and phone number, the result is an address book. If each card
holds the name, location, and value of a household possession, the result is a home inventory.
Table 1.1 shows the advantages and disadvantages of the various data structures described in this book.
Data Structure Advantages Disadvantages
Array Quick insertion, very fast access if Slow search, very slow deletion,
index known fixed size
Ordered array Quicker search than unsorted array Slow insertion and deletion, fixed
Stack Provides last-in, first out access Slow access to other items
Queue Provides first-in, first-out access Slow access to other items
Linked list Quick insertion, quick deletion Slow search
Binary tree Quick search, insertion, deletion(if Deletion algorithm is complex
tree remains balanced)
Hash table Very fast access if key known, Fast Slow deletion, access slow if key not
insertion known, inefficient memory usage
Heap Fast insertion, deletion Slow access to other items
2-3-4 Tree Quick search, deletion, insertion. Complex
Trees always balanced. Similar
Overview of Algorithms
An algorithm can be thought of as the detailed instructions for carrying out some operation. In a computer program
these instructions take the form of program statements. Many of the algorithms we’ll discuss apply directly to specific
data structures. For most data structures, you must know how to do the following:
● Insert a new data item.
● Search for a specified item
● Delete a specified item.
You might also need to know how to traverse through all the items in a data structure, visiting each one in turn so as
to display it or perform some other action on it.
Another important algorithm category is sorting. There are many ways to sort data
The concept of recursion is important in designing certain algorithms. Recursion involves a function calling itself.
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We’ll use the term datafile to refer to a collection of similar data items. As an example, if you create an address book
using the Cardfile program, the collection of cards you’ve created constitutes a datafile. The word file should not be
confused with the files stored on a computer’s hard disk. A datafile refers to data in the real world, which might or
might not be associated with a computer.
Records are the units into which a datafile is divided. They provide a format for storing information. In the Cardfile
program, each card represents a record. A record includes all the information about some entity, in a situation in
which there are many such entities. A record might correspond to a person in a personnel file, a car part in an auto
supply inventory, or a recipe in a cookbook file.
A record is usually divided into several fields. A field holds a particular kind of data. In the Cardfile program there are
really only two fields: the index line (above the double line) and the rest of the data (below the line); both fields hold
text. Generally, each field holds a particular kind of data. In Figure 1.1, we show the index line field as holding a
person’s name. More sophisticated database programs use records with more fields than Cardfile has. Figure 1.2
shows such a record, where each line represents a distinct field.
In a C++ program, records are usually represented by objects of an appropriate class. (In C, records would probably
be represented by structures.) Individual data members within an object represent fields within a record. We’ll return
to this later in this hour.
To search for a record within a data file you must designate one of the record’s fields as a key. You’ll search for the
record with a specific key. For example, in the Cardfile program you might search in the index-line field for the key
Brown. When you find the record with that key, you’ll be able to access all its fields, not just the key. We might say
that the key unlocks the entire record.
Objects in a Nutshell
The idea of objects arose in the programming community as a solution to the problems we just discussed with
procedural languages. In this section, we’ll discuss objects, classes, and several other topics.
Here’s the amazing breakthrough that is the key to OOP: An object contains both functions and variables. A
Thermostat object, for example, would contain not only furnace_on() and furnace_off() functions, but also
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currentTemp and desiredTemp variables. This new entity, the object, solves several problems simultaneously. Not
only does a programming object correspond more accurately to objects in the real world, it also solves the problem
engendered by global data in the procedural model. The furnace_on() and furnace_off() functions can access
currentTemp and desiredTemp. However, these
variables are hidden from functions that are not part of thermostat, so they are less likely to be accidentally changed
by a rogue function.
You might think that the idea of an object would be enough for one programming revolution, but there’s more. Early
on, it was realized that you might want to make several objects of the same type. Maybe you’re writing a furnace
control program for an entire apartment house, for example, and you need several dozen Thermostat objects in your
Program. It seems a shame to go to the trouble of specifying each one separately. Thus the idea of classes was born.
A class is a specification—a blueprint—for one or more objects
Object Creation
Specifying a class doesn’t create any objects of that class. (In the same way specifying a structure in C doesn’t create
any variables.) To actually create objects in C++ you must define them as you do other variables. Here’s how we might
create two objects of class
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The dot operator is simply a period (.). It associates an object with one of its member functions (or occasionally with
one of its data members). At this point we’ve covered (rather briefly) several of the most important features of OOP.
To summarize:
● Objects contain both member functions and data members (variables).
● A class is a specification for any number of objects.
● To create an object, you must define it as you would an ordinary variable.
● To invoke a member (usually a function) for a particular object, you use the dot operator.
These concepts are deep and far-reaching. It’s almost impossible to assimilate them the first time you see them, so
don’t worry if you feel a bit confused. As you see more classes and what they do, the mist should start to clear.
//demonstrates basic OOP syntax
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class BankAccount
double balance; //account balance
BankAccount(double openingBalance) //constructor
balance = openingBalance;
void deposit(double amount) //makes deposit
balance = balance + amount;
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void withdraw(double amount) //makes withdrawal
balance = balance - amount;
void display() //displays balance
cout << “Balance=” << balance << endl;
}; //end class BankAccount
int main()
Bank Account ba1(100.00); //create account
cout << “Before transactions, “;
ba1.display (); //display balance
ba1.deposit(74.35); //make deposit
ba1.withdraw (20.00); //make withdrawal
cout << “After transactions, “;
ba1.display (); //display balance
return 0;
} //end main()
In this hour, you’ve learned the following:
● A data structure is the organization of data in a computer’s memory (or in a disk file).
● The correct choice of data structure allows major improvements in program efficiency.
● Examples of data structures are arrays, stacks, and linked lists.
● An algorithm is a procedure for carrying out a particular task.
● Data structures can be used to build data files.
● A data file is a collection of many similar records.
● Examples of data files are address books, recipe books, and inventory records.
● Data structures can also be used as programmer’s tools: they help execute an algorithm.
● A record often represents a real-world object, like an employee or a car part.
● A record is divided into fields. Each field stores one characteristic of the object described by the record.
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