Tabletop Extreme Ultraviolet Reflectometer For Quantitative Nanoscale Reflectometry, Scatterometry, and Imaging
Tabletop Extreme Ultraviolet Reflectometer For Quantitative Nanoscale Reflectometry, Scatterometry, and Imaging
Tabletop Extreme Ultraviolet Reflectometer For Quantitative Nanoscale Reflectometry, Scatterometry, and Imaging
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Yuka Esashi,1,a) Nicholas W. Jenkins,1 Yunzhe Shao,1 Justin M. Shaw,2 Seungbeom Park,3
1 1,4
Margaret M. Murnane, Henry C. Kapteyn, and Michael Tanksalvala1
Department of Physics, JILA, and STROBE NSF Science and Technology Center, University of Colorado Boulder and NIST,
Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA
Quantum Electromagnetics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado 80305, USA
Core Technology R&D Team, Mechatronics Research, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwasung 18848, Republic of Korea
KMLabs Inc., Boulder, Colorado 80301, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123705 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0175860 94, 123705-1
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structure geometry and composition with minimal or no sample (CDI). This mode is suitable for evaluating complex, non-periodic
preparation. It can probe large areas, achieve angstrom-level sen- structures.
sitivity to topography, and provide good elemental contrast. This EUV light offers exceptional capabilities for compositional
EUV reflectometer can be used in three distinct modes, with each characterization, owing to its large interaction cross section over a
addressing distinct length scales and periodicity of nanostructures. wide range of materials as well as its high elemental specificity due to
The first mode is intensity reflectometry, where the specular reflec- the presence of element-specific absorption edges in this wavelength
tivity of a transversely uniform sample is measured as a function of range. Moreover, except near the characteristic core-level absorption
the incidence angle. This mode is useful for assessing layer thick- edges in materials, EUV photons primarily coherently scatter off
nesses, surface/interface roughness, and the composition of bulk core electrons and are not influenced by electrons that participate in
or multilayered samples.6–15 The second mode is scatterometry, chemical bonding. This allows for the ab initio calculation of optical
where the diffraction efficiency of periodic structures is measured constants for arbitrary materials using tabulated elemental scattering
as a function of the incidence angle. This mode allows for pre- factors and the number density of each elemental species. In con-
cise determination of the geometry and material parameters of trast, optical constants in the visible, vacuum ultraviolet (VUV), and
periodic nanostructures.16–24 The third mode, which is the most ver- infrared (IR) spectral regions are sensitive to chemical bonds and
satile, complex, and unique mode of this system, is imaging reflec- usually require experimental measurements at specific wavelengths
tometry.25 In this mode, diffraction data are used to reconstruct for each material, even for a minor change in chemical composi-
high-resolution phase-and-amplitude reflectivity images of a sam- tion. Regarding dimensional measurements, the short wavelength
ple at multiple incidence angles using coherent diffractive imaging of EUV light (∼10–100 nm) enables high-resolution imaging at
FIG. 1. Multi-modal extreme ultraviolet tabletop reflectometer setup. (a) Schematic of the entire beam line. (b) Schematic of the reflectometer. Degrees of freedom that are
controllable under vacuum are indicated by pink arrows; stages indicated by solid-line arrows are primarily used during data collection, while ones indicated by dotted-line
arrows are primarily only used for alignment. (c) Zoom-in from a different angle, showing that the reflected beam from the beam splitter is directed straight to the camera to
act as a reference beam; the transmitted beam reflects from the sample.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123705 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0175860 94, 123705-2
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the diffraction limit, as well as enhanced sensitivity to interfaces consisting of an 80 nm Ni coating on an Al substrate, designed for
and small topographic deviations. Furthermore, EUV light exhibits a 5-degree angle-of-incidence. The ellipsoid focuses the beam onto
a favorable combination of penetration depth and reflectivity: it the sample, with a demagnification of 22×, to a spot of ∼3 μm dia-
can penetrate several tens to hundreds of nanometers into mate- meter. (The EUV focus size can be measured by moving a sharp edge
rials that are opaque to visible light, making it possible to access of a sample across the beam to perform a knife-edge test and con-
buried interfaces. EUV light also has a high reflectivity even at inci- firmed by computational imaging reconstructions of the beam; see
dence angles of tens of degrees from grazing, allowing the incident Sec. V C and Fig. S1 in the supplementary material.) Since the beam
beam to remain small without suffering from the projection effects is oriented near grazing incidence with respect to the sample, the
encountered by x-ray reflectometers that operate at extreme graz- beam elongates, and its width in the horizontal direction increases
ing angles.26–29 Finally, the ability to generate bright and coherent by up to 5.8× at 10○ from grazing. The ellipsoidal optic is mounted
EUV light using high harmonic generation (HHG) tabletop sources on a hexapod (Smaract SmarPod 70.42-HV) that allows rotation and
presents an exciting opportunity for the development of new and translation around three axes for precise alignment. The incident
compact nano-characterization tools. beam on the sample is S-polarized. The beam divergence half-angle
at the sample is roughly 0.5○ , depending on how tightly the iris is
closed. Note that the first EUV multilayer mirror can be translated
out of the EUV beam, which then bypasses the reflectometer and
Figure 1(a) shows the experiment layout for the tabletop EUV instead is incident onto a diagnostic camera for viewing the direct,
reflectometer beamline. A modelocked Ti:sapphire laser of center unfocused beam.
wavelength λ = 795 nm, 80 MHz repetition rate, and 5 nJ pulse Immediately following the ellipsoid is a removable 50 nm thick
energy seeds a Ti:Sapphire regenerative amplifier (KMLabs Wyvern Si membrane (Norcada NSUF1065A) coated with 3 nm of Pt on
HP). The amplifier provides 38 fs pulses at a 3 kHz repetition rate, a rotation stage (Smaract SR-2013). This is used as an EUV beam
with pulse energy up to 2.6 mJ. To reduce the detrimental nonlin- splitter to generate a reference beam that is directed to the edge of
ear B-integral associated with a high peak laser intensity, we use a the camera for reflectometry measurements that greatly benefit from
fraction (<1 mJ) of the laser energy and propagate it through the EUV beam intensity normalization. The transmitted EUV beam is
beamline as a chirped pulse. The pulse is then compressed using a focused on the sample, and the specular reflected beam from the
sequence of chirped mirrors immediately prior to the high harmonic sample is directed to the center of the camera sensor. This geometry
EUV generation step. This approach works well for high harmonic is shown in Fig. 1(c). The Pt coating on the beam splitter membrane
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123705 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0175860 94, 123705-3
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which are used to align the rotation axes with the beam focus. The gas handling systems were not optimized for the high gas pressures
surface of the sample is brought to the rotation axes by inserting (∼600 Torr of He gas) and high laser pulse energies (∼2.7 mJ pulses)
one of the 3D linear translation stages, which is necessary to main- required.
tain the beam’s position on the sample as the incidence angle is The total EUV flux integrated over the harmonic comb is on
changed. the order of 1012 photons/sec at the source using Ar gas, with the
The camera is configured such that 200 light-insensitive over- flux limited by the 3 kHz repetition rate of the driving laser (using a
scan columns are read out with each frame. The pixels in these higher repetition rate laser and a more optimal geometry, the EUV
columns serve to characterize several independent sources of back- flux can be further enhanced by ∼100×; however, the throughput
ground or noise on the detector, such as the standard deviation of of the system would still be limited by the CCD camera readout
the readout noise and the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) offset. rate). From this beam, the incident flux on the sample is roughly
These statistics can be used to minimize the effect of noise between 109 photons/sec in a single harmonic order at 30 nm due to optic loss
frames or even within a single frame. and narrowed bandwidth. For example, assuming minimal surface
The stage stack can perform reflectometry over a range of 0–55○ roughness and no surface contamination, the reflectivity for 30 nm
from grazing while keeping the diffraction on the camera sensor. light from a single rejector or a multilayer mirror is ∼0.5, that of the
If moving this full range, the sensor can be as close to the sam- ellipsoid is ∼0.8, and the transmission of a single 0.2 μm Al filter
ple as 30 mm, corresponding to 0.42 NA and a diffraction limited is ∼0.4.
resolution in the vertical direction of ∼36 nm when using 30 nm We tested the stability of the source over 30 minutes by first
illumination (or ∼16 nm when using 13 nm illumination). Due to using a photodiode to monitor the pulse-to-pulse IR laser inten-
conical diffraction, the resolution in the horizontal direction suffers sity as well as the second harmonic (generated by passing the IR
by a factor of ∼1/sin(θ), where θ is the incidence angle measured laser beam through a beta barium borate crystal). The EUV inten-
from grazing. As discussed in the later sections, the axial precision sity and pointing stability were then measured after propagating the
is on the order of an angstrom, depending on the sample and the HHG beam 2.5 m from the source onto a CCD camera with a 10 ms
amount of data collected. exposure time. The EUV spectrum was also measured using a diag-
The material of the rejector optics, metal filters, and multilayer nostic beamline consisting of a toroidal focusing optic and a grating.
mirrors employed in the beamline depends on the target EUV wave- The IR, the second harmonic, and the EUV intensity rms stabili-
length. For 30 nm, Si rejectors, Al filters, and SiC/Mg multilayer ties were 0.85%, 1.7%, and 1.36%, respectively. The unfocused EUV
mirrors are used. For 13 nm, Ru-coated Si rejectors, Zr filters, and beam had an rms pointing stability of 15 μrad, corresponding to <1%
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123705 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0175860 94, 123705-4
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plane waves. re is the classical electron radius, λ is the wavelength of The error metric that is minimized in the genetic algorithm is
the light in vacuum, nj is the number of atoms of type j per unit vol- the chi-square, χ 2 ,41
ume, and f 1,j and f 2,j are the real and imaginary parts of the unitless
yi − y(θi ∣a) 2
χ2 = ∑ ( ),
atomic scattering factor for that atom type. Scattering factors are tab-
ulated in multiple databases;31,32 in this paper, we use the database i=1 σi
from the Center for X-ray Optics (CXRO).31
Second, the index of refraction is used in Parratt formalism33 where the summation is over N data points. yi is the measured data,
calculations to predict the complex reflectivity from a transversely y(θi ∣a) is the theoretically calculated datapoint for incidence angle
uniform region or a large structure (i.e., with a width many times θi and the vector of solved-for parameters a, and σ i is the standard
the wavelength). Parratt formalism uses Fresnel coefficients at each error of the mean for that data point.
interface in a recursive computation to rigorously calculate both Finally, once a good fit to the data have been found, the error
the amplitude and phase of the reflected (or transmitted) wave as bars of the solved parameters can be calculated using the covariance
it hits a multilayered stack for a given incidence angle and wave- matrix;41 this procedure is outlined in the supplementary material.
length. This formalism also allows the use of Névot–Croce factors While the error bars reported from the covariance matrix take
to approximate the effect of surface and interface roughness on account of the correlation between the parameters (hence we refer to
reflectivity.34,35 this as the “multi-parameter” confidence interval), it is also possible
Reflectivity calculated by Parratt formalism can be combined to calculate a “single-parameter” confidence interval by individually
with Fourier optics to obtain the diffraction efficiency of periodic varying parameters in the solution until the χ 2 error metric increases
structures that are wide and thin relative to the wavelength. In doing by Δχ 2 . This is a rough estimate of how low the confidence intervals
so, it is important to account for the geometric phase shift that arises could be if more parameters were fixed, meaning less parameters
from surface topography. This can either be incorporated into the are jointly solved for. It is intended to give an idea of the order-
Parratt calculation by placing a layer on top of the recessed parts of-magnitude sensitivity of 30 nm light to each parameter. For the
of the sample with the vacuum index or by adding the following demonstrations in this paper, both of these confidence intervals are
geometric phase shift φ: reported for 1σ (i.e., Δχ 2 = 1).
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123705 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0175860 94, 123705-5
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Confidence interval
mitigate noise while minimizing condensation of moisture on the parameters Multi-parameter Single-parameter
camera sensor from the imperfect vacuum.
Figure 2 shows the intensity of the beam reflecting from the Surface 1.5 0.9 <0.1
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123705 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0175860 94, 123705-6
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The data are processed as outlined in the supplementary was able to improve the fit significantly, but the genetic algorithm
material to obtain the frame-by-frame counts in each of the diffrac- still did not find a set of parameters that fit all three diffraction effi-
tion orders at each incidence angle. Then, diffraction efficiency for ciency curves. As shown in Fig. 4(f), only when both the LER and the
±mth order Dm is calculated using the following equation: pedestal were introduced was it possible to fit all three curves.
LER was modeled using a Debye–Waller-like factor that
C+m + C−m
Dm = mean( ), (4) approximates the effect of LER as a damping of the scattered
C+m + C−m + C0 intensity,44,45
where Cm is the counts recorded in the mth order in a single frame,
and the mean is taken across multiple frames collected at a given IDWF (qy ) = I0 (qy ) exp (−ξ 2 qy 2 ), (5)
incidence angle.
To demonstrate this mode, we measured Ni line gratings with a where I DWF and I 0 are the intensity of the diffraction orders of grat-
nominal 100 nm linewidth, 400 nm period, and 12.9 nm height pat- ings with and without LER, respectively, qy = (2πm/grating period),
terned using electron lithography on a polished sapphire substrate. and m is the order of diffraction. ξ is the standard deviation of the
50 frames of grating diffraction were measured at 30 angles between grating edge displacement. The applicability of this factor for EUV
11 and 40○ from grazing in a 1○ increment at varying exposure times scatterometry has been demonstrated, as long as the grating edge
between 0.23 and 8.5 s, depending on the incidence angle. At each displacement follows a normal distribution and when qy 2 ξ 2 ≪1.22
angle, over the course of collecting the frames, the sample was trans- For the grating under consideration, which is thin relative to the
lated vertically by 98 μm (2 μm per frame). Three background frames wavelength, this formulation of LER can be incorporated into the
were also collected at each angle. The grating was oriented with grat- Fourier optics calculation of diffraction efficiency.
ing lines parallel to the plane of incidence of the EUV beam (conical In the final fit shown in Fig. 4(f), the solved parameters were
mounting). All frames were collected at the 2 MHz readout rate of the width of the tall main part of the grating, the main grating
the CCD cooled to 10 ○ C. LER, and the width and height of the pedestal. These parameters
While this sample was designed for a rectangular cross- are illustrated in Fig. 4(a). The solved parameter values and their
sectional profile, the AFM image as shown in Fig. 4(b) revealed that confidence intervals are reported in Table II. The AFM measured a
the fabricated structures deviated in two important ways: first, there main grating width of 56–80 nm, an LER of 5.6–6.5 nm, a pedestal
is a significant line edge roughness (LER) to the lines of the grating, width of 100–140 nm, and a pedestal height of 4–6 nm. In general,
FIG. 4. Scatterometry of Ni line gratings on a sapphire substrate to measure the grating profile. (a) Cross-sectional sample schematic and solved parameters. (b) Atomic
force microscopy image of the sample. (c)–(f) Measured first, second, and third order EUV diffraction efficiency as a function of the incidence angle and best fits obtained for
(c) simple rectangular grating, (d) grating with line edge roughness (LER), (e) grating with a pedestal, and (f) grating with LER and a pedestal. The best agreement with the
data are for a model that includes both LER and a pedestal.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123705 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0175860 94, 123705-7
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TABLE II. Fitted parameters and confidence intervals for the linewidth, LER, and In particular, the phase upon reflection exhibits high sensitivity to
pedestal height width and height of the Ni gratings on the sapphire substrate as elemental composition and topography.25,54 Therefore, by collecting
measured by EUV diffraction scatterometry.
multiple ptychographic images of a sample at different incidence
Confidence interval angles, it is possible to perform reflectometry in a spatially resolved
Fitted manner. We call this technique EUV coherent diffractive imaging
parameters Multi-parameter Single-parameter reflectometry.25
For imaging reflectometry, a ptychographic scan is collected at
Main grating 64.7 0.8 0.1 multiple incidence angles. In addition, beam frames are also col-
width (nm) lected in between the ptychography scans to monitor the absolute
LER (nm) 10.0 0.5 0.1 flux of the EUV beam as well as to characterize the propagated
Pedestal 151 8 1.6 beam profile, which can be used in the ptychography algorithm as
width (nm) a constraint.55 As before, background frames are collected for each
Pedestal 1.2 0.3 <0.1 ptychography scan and each set of beam frames. The pre-processing
height (nm) steps of the raw data are detailed in the supplementary material.
To reconstruct the images, here we used the mPIE algorithm,56
although the technique does not depend on the use of any specific
implementation of ptychography. It is often helpful to reconstruct
measures over the height of the grating .45 The discrepancy in the images using two mutually-incoherent modes57,58 to reduce the
pedestal height could also partially be due to any remaining sub- effects of model mismatch and noise on the main reconstruction.54
tle differences between the physical sample and the model assumed The processed beam data can be used for modulus enforced probe
in EUV scatterometry (rectangular cross section, consisting of Ni, (MEP) constraints55 that can assist in the convergence of the recon-
with the same NiO thickness and surface roughness as the main grat- structed beam probe. In addition, in the case of a piecewise flat
ing). Obtaining a good estimate of absolute parameters using EUV sample (as is the case for most lithographically fabricated samples),
scatterometry relies on accurate modeling of the sample (as with denoising schemes such as total variation regularization25,59 can be
any model-based technique); the single-parameter confidence inter- incorporated into the ptychography loop to improve the image fur-
vals show a good sensitivity to parameter variations. In comparison ther. The detailed reconstruction procedure for this demonstration
with AFM or STEM and similarly to critical-dimension small-angle is included in the supplementary material.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123705 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0175860 94, 123705-8
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change in contrast between the structure and the substrate among TABLE III. Fitted parameters and confidence intervals of SiO2 structures on a Si
the images comes from the incidence-angle dependent change in substrate measured by imaging reflectometry.
the phase-upon-reflection of EUV light from the sample; the cir- Confidence interval
cular contrast change at the center is due to the slight buildup of
EUV-induced carbon contamination.
parameters Multi-parameter Single-parameter
The phase step between the SiO2 structure and the substrate
was calculated as the difference of the mean of the phase values of the Substrate SiO2 3.0 0.6 <0.1
pixels in the black and white rectangles shown in the 19○ reconstruc- thickness (nm)
tion of Fig. 5(b). This is shown as the black datapoints in Figs. 5(d) Structure 20.1 0.8 <0.1
and 5(e). height (nm)
The genetic algorithm solved for the thickness of the passive
SiO2 on the Si substrate and the topographic height of the SiO2 struc-
tures. The solution found and the confidence intervals are reported
in Table III. Both parameters are solved with sub-nanometer con- EUV imaging reflectometry is an extremely unique tech-
fidence intervals and are consistent with the estimate of the SiO2 nique in that it can measure the composition and layer thick-
thickness (∼2.5 nm) and the calibrated height (20.8 ± 0.4 nm) ness on and around non-periodic nanostructures in a spatially
provided by the manufacturer. The sensitivities to the two solved resolved manner without destructive sample preparation or milling.
parameters are also shown by the well-separated theoretical curves This set of capabilities is not provided by many other commonly
in Figs. 5(d) and 5(e) that are calculated from the solution but with used metrology techniques. Furthermore, the ability to identify
individually varied parameter values. defects or impurities in the reconstruction and avoid them in the
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123705 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0175860 94, 123705-9
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composition reconstruction is an advantage over traditional model- Science Foundation Science and Technology Center, Grant No.
based techniques. DMR-1548924. We also acknowledge support from Grant No.
AWD-22-06-0106 from Samsung Telecommunications America,
VI. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK LLC, for the imaging reflectometry demonstration in this work and
for suggesting the AFM calibration sample. The authors would like
We have demonstrated the performance of a tabletop EUV to thank Christina Porter as one of the initial co-designers of the
reflectometer for imaging and characterization of nanostructures. reflectometer in 2016–2018 (JILA, University of Colorado Boulder);
We present measurements from three modes of reflectometry that Weilun Chao (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) for fabri-
are possible on this system, namely, intensity reflectometry, scat- cation of the gold thin film sample; Samuel Marks (University of
terometry, and coherent diffractive imaging reflectometry, each Colorado Boulder) for assisting the collection of x-ray reflectivity
demonstrating the high sensitivity of EUV light to topography and measurements on the gold thin film sample; J. Curtis Beimborn
composition. II and Amy Ekiriwang (JILA, University of Colorado Boulder) for
The three modes of reflectometry each cater to different length assisting with other components fabrication and metrology; and
scales and periodicities of nanostructures: intensity reflectometry Brendan McBennett and Joshua L. Knobloch (JILA, University of
for transversely uniform bulk and thin film geometry, scatterometry Colorado Boulder) for helpful discussions. J.M.S. fabricated the
for periodic structures, and imaging reflectometry for non-periodic grating sample used in the scatterometry demonstration and per-
structures. While the demonstration of the three modes was con- formed correlative metrology. He is a member of the Quantum
ducted on different samples in this study, we note that it is possible Electromagnetics Division of the National Institute of Standards and
to characterize a single sample with multiple modes for enhanced Technology (NIST). Certain commercial equipment, instruments,
precision of measurement. For example, a sample with periodic or materials are identified in this paper in order to adequately specify
structures may have a large portion of the substrate that is uncovered the experimental procedure. Such identification is not intended to
by structures, which can first be measured by intensity reflectom- imply recommendation or endorsement by NIST, nor is it intended
etry. The solution can then assist in the modeling of the sample to imply that the materials or equipment identified are necessarily
in scatterometry for a more precise characterization of the struc- the best available for the purpose.
tures. In addition, while not described in this publication, the system
can also be used to qualitatively characterize non-periodic nanoscale
structures on the surface of a sample (such as nanoparticle size and
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123705 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0175860 94, 123705-10
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