DLL Math9 Q2 Week4
DLL Math9 Q2 Week4
DLL Math9 Q2 Week4
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of variation and radicals.
B. Performance The learner is able to formulate and solve accurately problems involving radicals.
C. Learning Solves problems involving Variation. (M9AL-IIb-c-1) Applies the laws involving
Competency/ positive integral exponents to zero
Objectives and negative integral exponents.
II. CONTENT Solving variation: Inverse Solving variation: Joint Solving variation: Zero, Negative, and Rational
Variation Variation Combined Variation Exponents
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 144-146 pp. 146-148 pp. 149 – 152 pp. 167
2. Learner’s Materials pp. 211-214 pp. 215-219 pp. 220 – 223 pp. 231-234
3. Textbook Mathematics III (Concepts,
Mathematics III (Concepts, Mathematics III (Concepts,
Structures and Methods
Structures and Methods for Structures and Methods for
for High School), pp. 373-
High School), pp. 367-369, High School), pp. 373-377,
377, Oronce, Orlando A.,
Oronce, Orlando A., et.al Oronce, Orlando A., et.al
4. Additional www.messac.edu/~pikeu/ https://www.varsitytu
www.burrillbrothers Intermediate algebra II, page
Materials from mat120/notes/variation/ tors.com/hotmath
.com/algebrac/variation 129-131, Jose-Dilao Soledad, et.
Learning Resource inverse/inverse_practice.ht /hotmath_help/topics
wksht.doc Al.
(LR) Portal ml /combined-variation
B. Other Learning Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Cavite
Resources Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016,
activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and
monitor monitor monitor monitor
A. Revising previous Preliminary Activity: Preliminary Activity: Preliminary Activity: Recall: Remember Me This
lesson or presenting Give the equation for each of Give the equation for each DV and IV Combined! Give Way!
the new lesson the following: of the following: the equation for each of the Simplify the following
1. The lengths l of rectangles 1. The area A of a triangle following: expressions.
with constant area 60 varies jointly as the base
b and the altitude h.
1. W varies jointly as c and 1. ( b 5 )( b3 )
varies inversely as the the square of a and
( )
2. The appropriate lengths 2 3
width w. inversely as b. r
of a rectangular varies 2.
2. At a constant temperature, 2. P varies directly as the s
E. Discussing Work in small group in Question: Practice solving for the Answer the following.
concepts and analyzing and solving the What are the steps in unknown: 1. What did you observe about
practicing new given problem: solving verbal problems 1. y varies directly as x and the exponents?
skills #2 If the temperature is involving joint variation? inversely as z. If y = 10 2. How were the problems
constant, the pressure of a when x = 9 and z = 12, solved?
gas in a container varies find y when x = 16 and z 3. What can you conclude from
inversely with the volume of = 10. the process of solving
the container. If the pressure 2. Suppose a varies directly problems?
is 10 pounds per square foot with b and inversely
in a container which has a with c. If a = 10 when b=
volume of 3 cubic feet, what 4 and c = 8, what is the
is the pressure in a container value of a when b =
which has a volume of 1.5 20 and c = 40?
cubic feet?
F. Developing mastery Solve the following Problem solving: Solve the following QUIZ Let the students
(Leads to problems: 1. y varies jointly as x and z. problems: Write the given expressions into answer and solve
Formative 1. If 8 men can paint a house If y = 20 when x = 4 and 1. If p varies directly as the its simplest form. the
Assessment 3) in 15 days, how long will z = 3, find y when x = 2 square of q and inversely 0 questions/problems
1. ( a 2 b 3 )
it take 12 men to finish the and z= 3. as the square root of r, and honestly.
2. 2 m−1
same work? 2. The area A of a triangle p = 60 when q = 6 and r =
2. The force F of attraction varies jointly as the base 81, find p when q = 8 and 3. ( xy )−3
between two opposite b and the altitude h of the r = 144. 4. 7 a b 3 c −4
electrical charges vary triangle. If A = 65cm² 2. The volume of gas varies 5. 35 x−3 y 0 z 4
inversely as the square of when b = 10 cm and h = directly as the temperature
the distance d between 13 cm, find the area of a and inversely as the
them. If the force F = 18 triangle whose b = 8 cm pressure. If the volume is
when the distance d =10, and whose altitude h 230 cubic centimeters
find F when d = 15. =11cm. when the temperature is
300ºK and the pressure is
20 pounds per square
centimeter, what is the
volume when the
temperature is 270 ºK and
the pressure is 30 pounds
per square centimeter?
G. Finding practical Solve the following Solve the following joint Solve the given problem: The Mayor and the vice-
applications of problems: variation problem. In Kaong National High mayor of Ternate asked to
concepts and skills 1. The number of hours t 1. If a varies jointly as b and School, the number of girls simplify the given expression.
in daily living required to finish a certain the square root of c, and a varies directly as the number Their solutions are shown
job varies inversely as the = 21 when b = 5 and c = of boys and inversely as the below.
number of persons n on 36, find a when b = 8 and number of teachers. When Questions: Who do you think
the job. If 8 persons c = 225. there were 50 girls, there is correct in simplifying the
require 9 hours to finish 2. The volume V of a were 20 teachers and 10 given expressions? Justify
the job, how long should it pyramid varies jointly as boys. How many boys were
take for 24 persons? its height h and the area A there when there were 10
2. The bases b of triangles of its base. A pyramid girls and 100 teachers?
having equal areas are with a height of 12 feet
inversely proportional to and a base with area of 20
their altitudes h. The base square feet has a volume
of a certain triangle is 12 of 80 cubic feet. Find the
cm, and its altitude is 15 volume of a pyramid with
cm. Find the base of a a height of 17 feet and a
triangle whose altitude is base with an area of 27 your answer.
20 cm. square feet.
H. Generalizing and Steps in solving inverse Steps in solving joint Steps in solving combined THINGS TO REMEMBER:
abstractions about variation problem. variation problem: variation problem:
the lesson The statement “y varies The statement, “y varies The statement, “y varies
inversely as x” translate to directly as x and z,” translate directly as x and inversely as
k to y = kxz where k is the k
y= , where k is the constant of variation. z,” translate to y = . where
x x
constant of variation. Step 1: Set up the formula: k is the constant of variation.
Step 1: Set up the formula: y = kxz Step 1: Set up the formula:
Step 2: Find the missing kx
k y y=
y= constant k, k = z
x xz Step 2: Find the missing
Step 2: Finding the missing using the first set of data constant k using the first set
constant k, k=xy using the given. yz
first set of data given. Step 3: Using the formula of data given, k =
Step 3: Using the formula and the constant k, find the
Step 3: Using the formula
and the constant k, find the missing in the problem.
and the constant k, find the
missing in the problem. missing in the problem.
I. Evaluating Learning Find the missing variable: Solve the following. Analyze and solve the given Revisit the activity entitled
1. y varies inversely with x. 1. F varies jointly with D problem: Agree or Disagree. Read again
If y= -4 when x=2, find y and E. When F = 98, D = The number of days needed the statement under column
when x= -6. 2 and E = 7. Find F when to build a wall varies statement and answer the
2. y varies inversely with x. D = 15 and E = 8. directly with the length of “Response-After-the-
If y =20 when x= 8, find x 2. The strength S of the the wall and inversely with Discussion” column with A for
when y=-5. rectangular beam varies the number of people Agree and D for Disagree.
3. y varies inversely with x. jointly as its width w and building it. It takes 12 days
If y=7 when x=-4, find y the square of its depth d. for 8 persons to build a 60 ft
when x=5. If S = 1200 pounds per long wall. How many days
4. y varies inversely with x. square inch and w = 3 will it take 5 persons to build
If y=15 when x=-18, find y inches and d = 10 inches, a 100 ft long wall?
when x=27. what is the strength of a
5. y varies inversely with x. beam four inches wide
If y=75 when x=25, find x and 6 inches deep?
when y=25.
J. Additional activities Assignment: Study:
for application or Study 1. What do you mean by the
remediation 1. What do you mean by the word combined?
word joint? 2. What is combined
2. What is joint variation? variation?
3. What mathematical 3. What mathematical
statement represents joint statement represents
variation? combined variation?
Reference: Grade 9
Learner’s Materials,
pp. 215-216
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done
to help the students learn? Identify what help your Instructional Supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did it work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to
share with other