Seed Coating With The Synthetic Consortium
Seed Coating With The Synthetic Consortium
Seed Coating With The Synthetic Consortium
Scientia Horticulturae
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Keywords: Fusarium wilt disease of the pea crop caused by the infection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi (FOP) is a serious
Pea soilborne disease. In this study, we developed a seed coating containing a synthetic consortium of beneficial
Fusarium wilt Bacillus microbes to manage the fusarium wilt disease. Three bacterial strains IS1, IS6, and IS7 isolated from the
Seed coating
rhizosphere of different healthy-looking crop plants, were selected for the seed coating based on antagonism
Synthetic consortium
against the FOP shown during in-vitro studies, and suppression of fusarium wilt disease when applied as seed
Antagonism priming in preliminary pot trials. The strains were identified as B. subtilis (IS1), B. amyloliquificiens (IS6), and
B. fortis (IS7) by 16 s rRNA gene sequencing. The seed coating with the consortium of all three bacterial strains
showed a significant positive effect on seed germination, seedling height, and biomass accumulation of pea
seedlings. Upon exposure to FOP, a > 50 % reduction in disease index was seen in pea plants raised from coated
seeds than the pathogen control along with the ameliorative effect on plant growth attributes. Besides, the
coating of consortium induced significant up-regulation of total phenolic compounds and enzymes of phenyl
propanoid pathways. Additionally, the non-targeted metabolomic analysis indicated a large number of pertur
bations in amino acids, sugars, carbohydrates, and phenylpropanoids in pea plants raised from consortium-
coated seeds and subsequently challenged with FOP. Based on the findings, consortium coating of Bacillus
spp. on pea seeds may have the potential to develop a bio-based remedy for the management of wilt diseases in
pea plants and improvement in growth attributes.
1. Introduction to 70 % reduction in yield (Gupta and Gupta, 2019). The estimated loss
of pea crop range between 30 and 40 percent in terms of monetary value
Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is the most widely cultivated Fabaceae plant. when attacked by Fusarium wilt disease (Rubiales et al., 2015). The
Pea is an important food crop that provides an ideal source of protein, symptoms of fusarium wilt of pea disease are usually a yellowing of
vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds beneficial to human leaves, stunting of plant growth, and ultimately death of wilted plants.
health (Han et al., 2023). Peas are a rich source of high-quality vegetable Fusarium oxysporum disseminates through the soil, and a range of rem
protein in the human diet. Peas are cultivated in almost all countries edies are being applied to suppress this soil-borne pathogen including
around the world. According to an estimate, 13.5 million metric tons of the application of different fungicides (Aslam et al., 2019). The diffi
peas are produced annually in the world (FAOSTAT, 2018). Numerous culties associated with soil treatment and the poor delivery of toxic
fungal, bacterial, nematode and viral diseases infect the pea crop during fungicides to the vascular system of plants make chemical control
its growth cycle (Zakaria, 2023). Due to biotic and abiotic factors, losses ineffective (Pazarlar et al., 2022). These fungicides have, nevertheless,
in pulse production vary from, 30 to 100 % based on the magnitude of negative consequences on human health, increased environmental
severity (Rana et al., 2016). pollution, loss of biodiversity, and the establishment of disease strains
Soil-borne plant diseases are considered an important issue in agri that are resistant to their effects (Ahammed et al., 2020). The chla
cultural production around the world, which result in considerable mydospores produced by Fusarium spp. are very infectious and able to
losses in the yield and quality of several essential crops (El-Sobky et al., survive for longer periods, further making disease control a very chal
2019). Fusarium wilt is the most destructive of all diseases and causes up lenging phenomenon (Hou et al., 2020)
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (W. Akram).
Received 10 September 2023; Received in revised form 15 October 2023; Accepted 2 November 2023
0304-4238/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Raza et al. Scientia Horticulturae 325 (2024) 112645
The biological control of soil-borne disease has attracted consider wilt disease is still scarce. Taking into consideration the above-
able attention from researchers. Different beneficial microbes are found mentioned benefits of using the seed coating technique, the aims and
associated with the rhizosphere of the crop plants without causing dis objectives of the present investigation were to create an effective seed
eases in the host plants. The utilization of antagonistic microbes also coating of Pea seeds using native antagonistic Bacillus strains to manage
known as biocontrol agents (BCAs), as a biological disease management Fusarium wilt disease.
strategy has been shown effective against several soil-borne diseases of
plants along with plant growth promotion and improved seed quality 2. Materials and methods
(Latz et al., 2012; Singh et al., 2018). For instance, the addition of
biocontrol agents in the rhizosphere of banana crops yielded very 2.1. Procurement of Fusarium wilt Pathogen and in-vivo pathogenicity
promising results against Fusarium wilt disease in China (Xue et al., analysis
2015). Collimonas arenae strain Cal35 was able to effectively antagonize
F. oxysporum f.sp. pisi under in vitro conditions. This bacterial strain was The fusarium wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. pisi (FOP)
found to be more active when combined with some strains reducing strain FOP-IAGS1 (NCBI Accession No. OR493419) was procured from
disease severity and the abundance of F. oxysporum in the root endo the Fungal Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Plant Pathology,
sphere of tomato plants under the field conditions (Doan et al., 2020). University of the Punjab, Pakistan. The pathogen was previously iso
Similarly, the findings from some previous research works have sug lated from infected pea plants showing typical wilt symptoms. FOP stock
gested the ineffectiveness of beneficial microbes using single-strain in culture was maintained on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium plates at
oculations, but mixtures of strains provided more consistency 4 ◦ C.
(Adesemoye et al., 2009). A consortium of beneficial rhizobacteria For in-vivo pathogenicity analysis, pea plants were raised from sur
consisting of Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus subtilis, and Curtobacterium flac face sterilized seeds of the variety “Rachna” based on susceptibility
cumfaciens showed increased biocontrol activity against multiple cu against Fusarium wilt disease (Raza and Akram, 2023), in pots con
cumber pathogens (Raupach and Kloepper, 1998). taining a sterilized commercial potting mix (Roshan Seeds LTD, Lahore,
Bacillus are the rhizospheric microbes that have also been used as a Pakistan). The aqueous conidial suspension of FOP was prepared at a
disease control agent (Nandhini et al., 2012). Bacillus species are concentration of 104 conidia/mL. Briefly, a stock agar plug containing
capable of producing endospores, enabling them resistant to different mycelia of FOP was cultured onto fresh PDA plates and incubated for 4
environmental stress conditions (Devi et al., 2022). Due to the wide days at 25 ◦ C. The conidial suspension was collected from one-week-old
spread production of antimicrobial chemicals and their capacity to in cultures by washing with distilled autoclaved water and concentration
crease plant-induced systematic resistance (ISR) and stop the spread of was adjusted using a hemocytometer. After three weeks of pea seedling
plant diseases by producing a wide range of secondary metabolites, emergence, 50 mL of spore suspension was poured into the rhizosphere
makes Bacillus a good choice for the biocontrol of plant disease. It was on the plants. The control group was provided with an amount of
reported that B. pumilus inhibited the mycelial growth of different fungi autoclaved water. The plants were incubated in the greenhouse at 25 ±
including Fusarium sp. by producing extracellular antifungal metabolites 2 ◦ C under natural daylight conditions. After two weeks of pathogen
(Munimbazi and Bullerman, 1998). Similarly, B. pumilus strain CH4 application, disease rating was performed according to the scale devel
inhibited the growth of F. oxysporum under in-vitro conditions using oped by Hua et al. (2019) 0–4 [0 = no symptoms; 1 = less than 25 %
chitinolytic activity (Nawangsih and Purba, 2013). Two Bacillus strains leaves wilted; 2 = 25–50 % leaves wilted; 3 = 51–75 % leaves wilted; 4
“B. amyloliquefaciens strain YN0904 and B. subtillis YN1419” were iso = more than 75 % leaves wilted or plants dead]. The disease index was
lated from the rhizosphere. These strains effectively controlled the analyzed using the formula: DI = [Σ rating × number of plants rate
Fusarium wilt disease of bananas up to 80 % under greenhouse condi d)/Total number of plants × highest rating] × 100.
tions along with the promotion of the growth of banana plantlets.
respectively. Furthermore, YN0904 promoted the growth of banana 2.2. Isolation and selection of antagonistic rhizospheric bacterial strains
plantlets (Fan et al., 2021). Munimbazi and Bullerman (1998) reported
on extracellular antifungal metabolites produced by B. pumilus which The heat shock method was used for the selective isolation of bac
inhibited the mycelial growth of different strains of Fusarium sp. teria belonging to the Bacillus genera (Senthilkumar et al., 2021). The
The inconsistent performance of beneficial microbes can be due to rhizosphere soil samples were collected from healthy-looking vegetable
the reduced population in the adjacent rhizosphere and poor survival crops including tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), cucumbers (Cucumis
under extreme environmental conditions (Vejan et al., 2016). Hence, it sativus), and bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) in the agricultural fields
looks fascinating to discover different methods ensuring improved effi situated in different areas of the Punjab Province, Pakistan. For isolation
ciency of biocontrol methods. Seed coating is a method for applying purposes, one gram soil sample was mixed in distilled sterilized water
microbial inoculants such as biocontrol agents to the target plants. This (10 mL) and incubated at 80 ◦ C for 10 min in the hot water bath. The
is considered a reliable technique to get maximum benefits using use whole mixture was serially diluted up to 10− 7 dilutions using distilled
minor amounts of inocula in a precise application method and can autoclaved water. Finally, 100 µL of the mixture from the last three
replace chemical seed treatments (Nagaraju et al., 2012; Tavares et al., dilutions was spread on Luria Bertani (LB) agar media plates (g/L: Yeast
2013). The beneficial microbes used in seed coatings increase the speed extract-5.0 g, Peptone-10 g, NaCl-10 g, Agar-15.0 g, pH 7). The plates
and uniformity of germination, protect the seeds and seedlings of plants were incubated at 30 ± 2 ◦ C overnight. All single colonies were cultured
from different seed and soil-borne diseases, and positively influence on LB plates using the streaking inoculation method.
plant growth by producing plant growth-promoting substances like Antagonistic bacteria were screened in-vitro on PDA medium plates
phytohormones (Haskett et al., 2021). In addition to direct antagonism, in a dual-culture assay in both qualitative and quantitative manners. The
microbes present in the seed coating effectively colonize the surround 5 mm diameter plugs from F. oxysporum cultured one-week-old culture
ing rhizosphere and induce host plants to develop systemic resistance to were transferred to one side of the media plates. The bacterial isolates
protect from diseases. In a previous study, the application of Rhizobium were inoculated on the other side of the media plate in a straight-line
strains was performed as a seed coating and soil drenching to manage manner. Each treatment was set to repeat three times. All plates were
root-knot nematode in soybean (Ahmed et al., 2016). The seed coating then kept at 28 ◦ C for 5 days. The bacteria showing a zone of inhibition
was more effective in controlling the reproduction of Meloidogyne were selected for quantitative analysis. For that purpose, the whole
incognita and increasing plant growth. experiment was repeated in the same manner. Hereafter the incubation
Research work describing the efficiency of the seed coating consist period, the pathogen colony diameters were measured and inhibition
ing of beneficial microbes and/or biocontrol agents to manage Fusarium rates were calculated to determine the inhibition percentage as follows:
A. Raza et al. Scientia Horticulturae 325 (2024) 112645
Inhibition (%) = (C − T) ÷ C × 100 u/mL) in aqueous gum arabica solution (5 %). Sterilized talc was added
as filler material.
where C is the radial growth of FOP (mm) alone (control); and T is the
radial growth of FOP (mm).
2.5. Effect of seed coating on seed germination and seedling growth
2.3. In-vivo analysis of the selected bacterial strains to manage Fusarium Coated seeds were sown in the plastic pots containing sterilized
wilt of pea potting mix. The experiment was divided into three treatments as fol
lows: T1 = Untreated control, T2 = Coating Control only containing
Seed priming of pea seeds was performed to analyze the potential of binding material and filler, and T3 = Coating containing bacteria con
selected bacterial antagonists to manage Fusarium wilt disease under in- sortium (IS1, IS6, and IS7). Germination data was taken daily to calcu
vivo conditions. Initially, aqueous suspension of bacterial strains was late the germination index using the equation according to Zhang et al.
made for priming purposes. Bacteria were raised in an LB broth medium (2007).
(g/L: Yeast extract-5.0 g, Peptone-10 g, NaCl-10 g, pH 7) overnight and ( ) ∑
cells were collected by centrifugation. Bacterial suspension was pre Germination index GI = Gt / Dt
pared in distilled autoclaved water and the concentration was adjusted
to 106− 7 c.f.u/mL by taking O.D of 1 at 600 nm. Surface sterilized Pea where F is the number of seeds newly germinated at the time of X =
seeds were dipped in spore suspension overnight. Water served as a number of days from sowing. After 10 days of germination plants were
control treatment. Plastic pots were filled with sterilized potting mix and harvested and seedling dry weight and shoot length were observed.
pea seeds were cultivated in pots at the rate of five seeds per pot. After Plants were irrigated with distilled sterilized water and kept at green
emergence, thinning was performed and three seedlings were left in the house under natural daylight conditions.
pots. Ten days after emergence, conidial suspension of FOP was pre
pared and added to the rhizosphere of the pea seedlings. Plants raised
from only water-primed seeds and receiving FOP served as pathogen 2.6. Effect of seed coating on suppression of Fusarium wilt disease and
control. Whereas, plants raised from only water-primed seeds without plant growth properties
receiving FOP inoculum served as non-treated control. Three replicate
pots were included in each treatment and the whole experiment was Another pot trial was performed and pea seedlings were raised from
repeated twice. Plants were irrigated with distilled sterilized water and coated seeds in plastic posts containing sterilized potting mix. The de
kept at green house under natural daylight conditions. After fifteen days tails of treatments are provided in Table 1. After 10 days of emergence,
of pathogen application, the disease index was determined as described FOP conidial suspension was prepared and inoculated in the rhizosphere
in the in-vivo pathogenicity analysis section. of the allotted pots as described in the upper section. Plants were irri
gated with distilled sterilized water and kept at green house under
natural daylight conditions. Ten replicate pots were included in each
2.4. Molecular identification of best-performing bacterial strains
treatment and the whole experiment was repeated twice. The disease
index was noted 15 days after pathogen application in the in-vivo
To identify the best-performing strains (IS1, IS6, and IS7), their 16S
pathogenicity analysis section, along with the plant growth parame
rRNA motif were amplified and obtained sequences were analyzed.
ters like shoot length, root length, dry biomass, and total chlorophyll
Briefly, a pure culture of bacteria was grown in LB broth medium at 30
contents by calorimetric method of Arnon (1949).
± 2 ◦ C, under continuous shaking (180 rpm) in a shaking incubator
overnight. Total genomic DNA was extracted with the help of Rapid
Bacterial Genomic DNA Isolation Kit (Sangon Biotech). Afterward, 2.7. Analysis of the biochemical basis of induced defense responses in pea
routine PCR was performed to amplify the 16S rDNA sequence using the plants against Fusarium wilt disease
universal primers 27F (5´-AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3´) and 1492R
(5´-GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3´) (Relman, 1993). After successful PCR, 2.7.1. Effect of seed coating to upregulate total phenolics and plant defense-
the obtained PCR products were sequenced by the Sanger dideoxy related enzymes
method at Macrogen Incorporation (Korea). The Phylogenetic trees were After five days of pathogen application, some plants were separated
constructed based on the 16S rRNA sequences with the MEGA 6.0 and used for the analysis of the defense-related responses. Leaf samples
software. The neighbor-joining method was adopted to construct the were removed and total phenolic compounds were analyzed by the Folin
tree with 1000 bootstrap replications (Tamura et al., 2013). ciaocaltue method (Singleton and Rossi, 1965), The peroxidase, poly
phenol oxidase, and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activities were
2.5. Development of seed coating of pea plants estimated as described by Dalisay and Kuć (1995); Mozzetti et al. (1995)
and Cahill and McComb (1992) respectively.
Three best-performance bacteria (IS1, IS6, and IS7) were selected for
coating. Firstly, all three strains were cultured on a single LB agar me 2.7.2. Effect of seed coating on the metabolomic profile of pea plants
dium plate in an overlapping streaking pattern to ensure their con A UHPLC-ESI-QQQ-MS/MS analysis was performed to observe the
sortium compatibility. Afterward, the aqueous suspension of the perturbations in the metabolomic profile of the pea plants receiving
bacterial consortium of all three strains was developed. Briefly, all the different treatments. Leaves from plants of different treatments were
bacteria strains were raised in 250 mL flasks, separately, containing LB used for the analysis after five days of pathogen application. Leaves were
broth medium under shaking conditions overnight. The next day, the
cells were collected by centrifugation, and the pellets were washed with Table 1
distilled autoclaved water. Pallets were resuspended in distilled auto Details of treatments.
claved water to reach the OD of 1 at 600 nm to achieve the concentration Treatment Description
of 108 cfu/mL. A combined inoculum was prepared by mixing equal
T1 Untreated control
volumes of the aqueous suspensions of the three bacterial isolates to T2 Pathogen alone (FOP)
develop consortium suspension. Seeds of the Pea plant variety (Rachna) T3 Coating control
were coated with a consortium of antagonistic bacterial strains as T4 Coating control + FOP
described by Ehteshamul-Haque et al. (2007); and Singh et al. (2014). T5 Coating with consortium
T6 Coating with consortium + FOP
Pea seeds were wetted with a consortium of beneficial bacteria (108 c.f.
A. Raza et al. Scientia Horticulturae 325 (2024) 112645
ground to powder material in the pestle mortar using liquid nitrogen. purified bacteria was established by subculturing onto new media
The extraction was performed in a mixture of (methanol/water, 80/20, plates. In qualitative analysis, eight bacterial strains displayed antago
v/v) containing 1 ng/µL of the internal standard as described by Jo et al. nism against FOP and coded as IS1 to IS8. In successive quantitative
(2022). The extract was centrifuged and passed by a microfilter as antagonistic analysis, IS1, IS6, and IS7 displayed maximum significant
sembly. Chromatographic separation was performed on an Agilent 1200 (p < 0.05) antagonistic activity against FOP and inhibited radial growth
ultra-performance liquid chromatography system (Agilent, USA) fitted of the fungi ranging from 69.28 to 48.36 % inhibition as compared to the
with a C18 analytical column (Agilent). The data for the identification control treatment (Table 2).
and quantification of compounds was obtained from a Triple Quad
tandem mass spectrometer (6470) system equipped with an Electrospray 3.3. Biocontrol efficacy evaluation of the bacterial antagonists against
Ionization Source (ESI). QC sample was made after pooling the samples Fusarium wilt of pea
of all treatments in a single vial in equal quantities. The mobile phase A
consisted of 0.1 % formic acid (v/v) in deionised water and mobile phase A pot trial was performed to observe the biocontrol efficacy of the
B consisted of 0.1 % formic acid (v/v) in methanol. The chromato potential antagonistic bacterial strains against the Fusarium wilt disease
graphic conditions were as following: 95 % A and 5 % B for the first 5 in pea plants. At two weeks of pathogen application, typical Fusarium
min, solvent A decreased to 45 % and B increased to 55 % up to 22 min, wilt disease symptoms were evident on the pea plants, while healthy
solvent A 5 % and B 95 % over the course of 3 min and remained control plants remained without symptoms (Fig. 2). The pathogen
un-changed for one-minute, solvent A 95 % and B 5 % for 3 min until the control plants receiving only FOP showed more severe disease symp
end of the run. The MS scan range was 50− 1500 m/z with a 100 ms scan toms compared to the plants primed with antagonistic bacteria along
time. The acquired mass data was converted into an mzxml format. with the FOP (Fig. 2). The disease index in the pathogen control plants
Afterward, the data was loaded onto MZmine 2.53 software and further was ~80 at the time of harvest, whereas the bacterial primed plants
processed. Identification of compounds was performed using the NIST receiving FOP displayed a significantly (p < 0.05) reduced disease index.
MS/MS library operated by the MS search program coupled with the The disease index in the pathogen-inoculated plants primed with the
MzMine software and previously published literature. antagonistic bacterial strains ranged from 16.97 to 69.24 (Fig. 2).
Among the eight potential antagonistic bacterial microbes, the plants
2.8. Statistical analysis primed with the strains IS1, IS6, and IS4 showed the significantly lowest
disease indexes, while the IS5-primed plants showed the highest disease
The data were analyzed statistically. The analysis of ANOVA and index when challenged with the FOP (Fig. 2). Overall, the biocontrol
DNMRT was performed by using the Excel addon “DSAASTAT” devel behavior of the bacterial strains under investigation against Fusarium
oped by Onofri (Italy). wilt disease of PEA was in the order IS5< IS3….. > IS6< IS7< IS1
(Fig. 2). These findings indicated the fact that the antagonistic bacteria
3. Results screened under in-vitro experiments had variable disease control po
tential against the Fusarium wilt of pea plants during pot trials. Based on
3.1. In-vivo pathogenicity analysis of FOP the findings of this preliminary pot trial, IS1, IS6, and IS7 were selected
Fig. 1. Pathogenicity analysis of F. oxysporum f.sp. pisi isolate FOP-IAGS1 (FOP). (A) The disease index of Fusarium wilt, (B) Pea plants with fusarium wilt disease.
Left (infected planta) and right (Control plant). Vertical bars show the standard error between different biological replicates of a treatment. Capital letters present a
level of significance according to ANOVA and DNMRT at p < 0.05.
A. Raza et al. Scientia Horticulturae 325 (2024) 112645
Fig. 2. The potential of seed priming of different bacterial strains to suppress fusarium wilt disease. (A) The disease index of Fusarium wilt. Vertical bars represent
the standard error. Vertical bars show the standard error between different biological replicates of a treatment. Capital letters present a level of significance according
to ANOVA and DNMRT at p < 0.05. (B, C) Fusarium wilt symptoms of pea plants under the influence of different treatments.
The taxonomy of IS7, IS6, and IS1 was examined by the 16S rRNA
gene sequencing. BLAST analysis showed the 16S rRNA gene sequence
of the strains IS1, IS6, and IS7 had > 99 % homology with the B. subtilis
(accession no. LC178546, CP054177, MT491101), B. amyloliquificiens
(accession no: MH725637, LT745972, MF977354), and B. fortis
(accession no. KJ513350, KJ513346, KM502537), respectively. Hence,
these strains were identified as B. subtilis IS1, B. amyloliquificiens IS6 and
B. fortis IS7. The phylogenetic analysis closely clustered these strains
with their respective species (Fig. 3). The sequences were submitted in
the NCBI database under the accession number OR644612, OR644619,
and OR644625.
The consortium of IS1, IS6, and IS7 were coated onto pea seeds using
gum arabica, and talc as binder and filler material, respectively. The
analysis of the germination data revealed that the coating of the con
sortium positively affected the observed parameters (Fig. 4). The con
sortium coating significantly (p < 0.05) increased the germination index
up to 27.3 % compared to untreated control plants (Fig. 4). Pea seedlings
emerged from coated seeds and grew well with dense root architecture.
These displayed a significant increase in shoot length and biomass
compared to the untreated control seeds. It is worth mentioning here
that coating material without consortium also has a positive effect on the
germination index which can be due to the water-retaining ability of the
coating material (Fig. 4).
3.6. Effect of seed coating on Fusarium wilt disease and plant growth
properties Fig. 3. Maximum likelihood tree of phylogenetic relationship between selected
rhizospheric strains and reference strains from GenBank database.
Seed coating developed with the consortium of three selected strains
(IS1, IS6, and IS7) gum arabica, and talc remained significantly (p < disease index. The disease index reached up to 80 % in pathogen control
0.05) effective in reducing the disease index along with the positive (T2) plants (Table 3). The coating of seeds with consortium reduced the
effect on plant growth parameters (Fig. 5 and Table 3). The statistical disease index of FOP in pea plants and displayed a 63 % lower disease
analysis revealed very significant interaction among treatments for
A. Raza et al. Scientia Horticulturae 325 (2024) 112645
Fig. 4. Effect of coating of the consortium of Bacillus bacterial strains on seedling growth of Pea plants. (A) Effect of coating of consortium of selected rhizospheric
bacterial strains on germination index of Pea plants, (B) Effect of coating of the consortium of selected rhizospheric bacterial strains on seedling length of Pea plants,
(C) Effect of coating of the consortium of selected rhizospheric bacterial strains on seedling dry weight of Pea plants. T1 = Untreated control, T2 = Coating Control,
T3 = Coating with Consortium. Vertical bars show the standard error between different biological replicates of a treatment. Capital letters present a level of sig
nificance according to ANOVA and DNMRT at p < 0.05.
Fig. 5. Effect of seed coating containing consortium of Bacillus microbes on suppressing Fusarium wilt disease. (A) Coated Seeds of Pea. (B) Suppression of Fusarium
wilt disease of Pea plants raised from coated seeds. (i)= Untreated control, (ii)= pathogen control, (iii)= pea plants raised from seeds coated with a consortium of
beneficial microbes, and (iv)= Pea plants raised from seeds coated with a consortium of beneficial microbes in the presence of wilt pathogen.
Values are mentioned as mean ± standard error. Capital letters present a sig 3.7. Analysis of the biochemical basis of induced defense responses in pea
nificance level as governed by ANOVA and DNMRT at p = 0.05. T1 = Untreated plants against Fusarium wilt disease
control, T2 = Pathogen Alone, T3 = Coating control, T4 = Coating control +
FOP, T5 = Coating with consortium, T6 = Coating with consortium + FOP. 3.7.1. Effect of seed coating to upregulate total phenolics and plant defense-
related enzymes
index compared to pathogen control (Table 3). Coating of consortium on pea seeds elicited the plants for increased
Additionally, the beneficial effect of seed coating on pea plants was production of total phenolics and three defense enzymes when chal
ascertained based on data. Significantly increased shoot- and root- lenged with the pathogen (T6) as compared to the pathogen control
A. Raza et al. Scientia Horticulturae 325 (2024) 112645
treatment (T2). Plants raised from coating showed a 2.13-fold increase quantities of some phenolic compounds were seen in T6 (consortium
in quantities of total phenolics in plants under T6 treatment (coating + coating + FOP) compared to the rest of the treatments (Fig. 6).
FOP) compared to the T2 (pathogen control) plants. Likewise, the T6 Together, the findings of metabolomic analysis showed that (1)
(coating +FOP) treatment represented significantly higher quantities of exposure to fusarium wilt pathogen decreased the production of a large
peroxidase (PO), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), and phenylalanine number of metabolites belonging to sugars, amino acids, and carbohy
ammonia-lyase (PAL) compared to the pathogen control (T2) treatment drates along with the increase in the production of some organic acids;
(Table 4). For this, the induced accumulation of PO, PPO, and PAL was (2) coating material alone serving as coating control (T3) exerts no
2.02-, 2.43, and 1.87-fold higher in plants of T6 treatment than path significant/detectable changes in pea plants; and (3) the coating of the
ogen control (T2), respectively. Similarly, the coating of consortium consortium has a positive influence on metabolic profiles, including the
alone (T5) significantly incited pea plants for increased production of increased production of different metabolites in pea plants and
total phenolics and defense-related enzymes (PO, PPO, and PAL) amelioration/restoration of the production of some metabolites nega
compared to the control plants (T1) raised without pathogen challenge. tively affected by the wilt pathogen. Thus, these findings suggest that
Compared to other treatments, plants treated with coating material consortium coating has an important role in disease resistance in pea
alone (T4) serving as coating control showed non-significant changes for plants, which is dependent on the re-modulation of the metabolic
the total phenolics and enzymes studied (Table 4). process.
3.7.2. Effect of seed coating on the metabolomic profile of pea plants 4. Discussion
This experiment was performed to uncover the mechanism(s) un
derlying disease suppression in pea plants raised from consortium- Biological control of plant diseases using biocontrol agents has been
coated seeds. Detailed metabolomics analysis was performed to profile of great importance (Bisen et al., 2020). Along with the devastating
metabolic changes in pea plants raised from coated seeds subsequently pathogens, plants also have evolved beneficial symbiotic relations with
challenged with the wilt pathogen at five days post-pathogen inocula some soilborne microbes, which protect them from diseases either by
tion. The analysis was performed using three independent replicates direct antagonism or by inducing systemic resistance in plants (Pieterse
from each treatment. The comparison of different treatments (T2, T3, et al., 2014). Several bacteria microbes can provide an environmentally
T4, T5, T6) was performed with the untreated control treatment (T1) to friendly alternative to rescue plants and seeds from many diseases.
uncover the changes in different metabolites belonging to amino acids, Bacilli are among the well-studied microbes, particularly for plant
organic acids, sugars, flavonoids, phenolic, etc. A general trend observed growth-promoting properties and their ability to produce spores capable
was that the pathogen negatively affected the production of most of the of surviving environmental stresses (Rayavarapu and Padmavathi,
metabolites including amino acids, sugars, organic acids, etc. (Fig. 6). 2016). Little information is available regarding their potentiality as
Whereas, the presence of consortium ameliorated the negative impact of agricultural formulation, leaving a major aspect unexploited.
the pathogen and elicited pea plants for increased production of a range F. oxysporum is a devastating plant pathogen that causes severe irre
of metabolites (Fig. 6). Plants raised from consortium-coated seeds (T5) versible damage to different crops across the globe. Initially, potential
in the absence of wilt pathogen displayed the highest quantities of most Bacillus bacteria were isolated using the heat shock method and purified
of the metabolites belonging to sugars, amino acids, and organic acids as from the rhizosphere of different plants looking healthy in the fields.
compared to the control treatment (T1). Significant (p < 0.05; p < 0.01) Both qualitative and quantitative studies were performed to screen eight
changes in the quantities of phenolic compounds like cinnamic acid, antagonistic bacterial strains from a library of 27 bacterial strains. The
caffeic acid, ferulic acid, gallic acid, etc. were also observed among biocontrol activity of these eight bacterial strains was evident with the
different treatments (Fig. 6). The plants raised from consortium-coated formation of a clearing zone, successfully suppressing the growth of
seeds and subsequently challenged with Fusarium wilt pathogen (T6) F. oxysporum f.sp. pisi (FOP). In previous studies, various Bacillus strains
showed 0.68-, 3.19-, 2.13-, 1.17- fold increase in the quantities of cin have been used against the Fusarium wilt pathogen. Bacillus subtilis
namic acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, gallic acid, respectively, as strain SG6 showed a significant antifungal effect and inhibited the
compared to the non-treated control plants (Fig. 6). Importantly, the mycelium growth and sporulation of F. graminearum up to 87.9- and
production of caffeic (2.64-fold), ferulic (2.13-fold), and gallic acid 95.6 %, respectively (Zhao et al., 2014). Chan et al. (2003) showed in
(0.98-fold) was positively influenced by the pathogen alone as compared another study that B. subtilis strain D1/2 inhibited the growth of multiple
to the non-treated control treatment (Fig. 6). Maximum inducible Fusarium species including F. graminearum, F. subglutinans, and
F. verticilliodes. The antagonistic potential of the bacterial microbes can
be due to the owing of competition for nutrients, antibiosis, and pro
Table 4 duction of secondary metabolites acting as lethal weapons against fungi
Analysis of changes in the defense-related biochemicals of Pea plants developed
(Fira et al., 2018). Additionally, the varying antagonistic potential
from coated seeds.
among different bacterial strains for the same fungi is representative of
Treatment Total phenolics PO (ΔOD PPO (ΔOD PAL (cinnamic the involvement of multiple genes governing more than one mechanism
(mg/g FW) g− 1 min− 1 g− 1 min− 1 acid mg− 1 FW)
of antagonism (Slama et al., 2019).
The use of microbial inoculants is permissible in the organic pro
T1 1.13 ± 0.25d 1.28 ± 0.16 ± 0.49 ± 0.02c-e duction system. A preliminary pot trial was conducted to evaluate the
0.01d 0.00ef
T2 1.79 ± 0.12bc 2.49 ± 0.21 ± 0.52 ± 0.03cd
potential of eight antagonistic bacterial strains for the suppression of
0.03b 0.01b-d Fusarium wilt disease of pea plants. Seeds were primed separately with
T3 1.16 ± 0.09d 1.26 ± 0.18 ± 0.02e 0.51 ± 0.02cd the bacterial strains and the plants raised from primed seeds were
0.01d challenged with the FOP. Plants raised from the seeds primed with IS1,
T4 1.82 ± 0.12b 2.52 ± 0.25 ± 0.57 ± 0.02c
IS6, and IS7 displayed a significant reduction in disease index. Based on
0.02b 0.01bc
T5 1.62 ± 0.07bc 2.47 ± 0.29 ± 0.79 ± 0.04ab the sequencing results of gene encoding 16S rRNA, the best-performing
T6 2.34 ± 0.16a 0.03bc 0.01ab 0.86 ± 0.05a bacteria (IS1, IS6, and IS7) were identified as B. subtilis, B. amyloliqui
4.55 ± 0.02a 0.33 ± 0.02a ficiens, and B. fortis respectively. Bacillus species have been attractive
Values are mentioned as mean ± standard error. Capital letters present a sig due to their potential role in the biological control of plant diseases
nificance level as governed by ANOVA and DNMRT at p = 0.05. T1 = Untreated caused by fungal diseases.
control, T2 = Pathogen Alone, T3 = Coating control, T4 = Coating control + Beneficial microbes and synthetic chemicals can be coated onto seeds
FOP, T5 = Coating with consortium, T6 = Coating with consortium + FOP. to control diseases. The coating formulation facilitates direct contact
A. Raza et al. Scientia Horticulturae 325 (2024) 112645
Fig. 6. Change in the levels of indigenous metabolites in pea plants raised from coated seeds. (A) Ellagic acid, (B) Cinnamic acid, (C) Ferulic acid, (D) Sinnapic acid,
(E) Tryptophan, (F) Carboxylic acid, (G) Caffeic acid, (H) Heat map showing comparative levels of different metabolites in pea plants raised from coated seeds. T1 =
Untreated control, T2 = Pathogen Alone, T3 = Coating control, T4 = Coating control + FOP, T5 = Coating with consortium, T6=Coating with consortium + FOP. The
asterisk represents the level of significance among different treatments as governed by ANOVA. p < 0.05 (*), p < 0.01(**).
between the beneficial microbes and the seed, thus helping microor previous studies also prove that seed coating or seed biopriming is an
ganisms colonize the plants at early stages of growth. This improves the effective approach to protect plants against diseases. Müller and Berg
plants’ ability to better assimilate the nutrients (Tavares et al., 2013). (2008) applied Serratia plymuthica strain HRO-C48 by different methods
Secondly, a single microbe does not necessarily exploit all the mecha to control Verticillium dahliae in oilseed rape. The bio-priming of seeds
nisms to rescue plants against disease and promote plant growth was found effective among all formulations. Wilson and Jackson (2013)
(Mesa-Marín et al., 2019). The use of a consortium of beneficial mi showed that the use of Bacillus firmus as a seed treatment allows a
crobes is of current research interest. Hence the consortium of much-reduced load to be applied per unit area in contrast to the soil
best-performing bacterial strains (IS1, IS6, and IS7) were coated onto drench method. Seed coating of wheat with Trichoderma harzianum
pea plants using gum arabica and talc as binding and filler material, strain T-22 resulted in improved seedling growth and a significant
respectively. Seed coating can improve the emergence, seedling vigor, reduction in crown rot disease caused by Fusarium culmorum (Vitti et al.,
and establishment (Zeļonka et al., 2005). The same was observed in our 2022). Similar types of multiple benefits as better seedling growth and
study as the coating of the consortium significantly affected seed reduced disease index were observed in this study when pea plants were
germination index, seedling length, and seedling dry matter. raised from coated seeds. The multiple beneficial effects observed on pea
Afterward, plants raised from consortium-coated seeds were chal plants can be due to the direct antagonism of the pathogenic fungus,
lenged with the fusarium wilt pathogen (FOP). The study showed that increased nutrient uptake, and the presence of nutrient solubilization
consortium coating significantly rescued the pea plants from fusarium capabilities and phytohormones biosynthesis by bacterial microbes
wilt disease and increased plant growth and biomass under pathogen- (Anckaert et al., 2021).
attached conditions. The study confirmed that seed coating of con The current study also indicates that beneficial microbes may induce
sortium provided better protection against fusarium wilt disease as systemic resistance in plants by upregulating the plant biochemical
compared to the priming of pea seeds with individual bacterial strains. defense responses of plants. Our study confirmed and displayed similar
Previously, B. amyloliquefaciens strain BLB369, B. subtilis strain BLB277, results to some previous studies that increased production of total
and Pseudomonas polymyxa strain BLB267 were used to protect drum phenolic compounds and upregulated activities of enzymes of the phe
wheat from F. graminearum infection (Zalila-Kolsi et al., 2016). The nylpropanoid pathway, can help rescue the plant from the disease. From
consortium of all three bacterial strains led to the highest protection these findings, it is clear that besides direct antagonism, plant disease
which could be due to the synergistic effects. In a recent study, the ameliorative effects can be regulated by the symbiosis of beneficial
consortium of Trichoderma virens strain Gl006 and B. velezensis strain microbes. Under biotic stress conditions, phenolic compounds and
Bs006 effectively suppressed Fusarium wilt disease of Physalis peruviana phenylpropanoid pathways play a vital role in plant protection against
plants under greenhouse and field conditions with an efficacy compa invading pathogens (Yadav et al., 2020).
rable to chemical control (Izquierdo-García et al., 2021). Our findings Similarly, we observed significantly increased quantities of photo
further reinforce the effective role of the consortium of beneficial mi synthetic pigments e.g. chlorophyll a, b in plants raised from coated
crobes in protection against plant diseases. seeds. Photosynthesis is directly related to plant productivity (He et al.,
The seed coating with bacterial consortium might have delivered 2019). The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of consortium to
higher bacterial concentration right adjacent to the plant and conse protect the chlorophyll a, and b of pea plants from the damaging effects
quently in the adjacent rhizosphere. Secondly, different components/ of FOP, and present it as one of the possible mechanisms of rescuing the
chemicals produced by different microbes in the consortium can addi growth of pea plants protective in disease conditions. This also dictates
tively rescue the pea plant from the fusarium wilt disease. Some the ability of beneficial microbes to positively affect the photosynthetic
A. Raza et al. Scientia Horticulturae 325 (2024) 112645
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