ENS & IUF [email protected] http://www.eebweb.arizona.edu/faculty/bios/ferriere.html http://ecologie.snv.jussieu.fr/eem/ Some key terms Gross, net primary production Food chains, webs Ecological communities Species that live and interact in an area. Species interactions Disturbances Species richness (diversity) Extinction Conservation biology Restoration, reconciliation Basics of ecosystem biogeochemistry (1/3)
Energy received from
the Sun is captured by photosynthetic organisms and flows through all organisms. Atomic matter (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur...) cycles around the planet and through living organisms. Basics of ecosystem biogeochemistry (2/3) Only 5% of solar energy is captured by photosynthesis. The rest is radiated back as heat or taken up by water evaporation on Earth’s surface. The rate at which energy is assimilated by photosynthetic organisms is called gross primary productivity. The amount of energy so assimilated over (say) a year is called gross primary production. Some is used for metabolism or lost through excretion and death. The rest is used for growth and reproduction: this is the net primary production, potential food for herbivores. Basics of ecosystem biogeochemistry (3/3) Photosynthetic organisms (autotrophs) act as primary producers. Then energy flows through trophic levels: Primary consumers (herbivores) eat primary producers. Secundary consumers (carnivores) eat primary consumers. And so on. Organisms that eat the waste products or dead bodies of others are decomposers (detritivores). The sequence of interactions “a plant eaten by an herbivore, eaten by a carnivore, etc.” is called a food chain. In nature, food chains are interconnected and form food webs. Basic classification of species interactions Predation (+/-) Will the lynx eat the hare? Competition (-/-) Mussels, seaweed, sea stars, and barnacles compete for space in the intertidal zone. Mutualism (+/+) These ant and acacia tree are help each other: the ant gathers carrot- like growths “beltian bodies” from the tree. This is food! In exchange, the stinging Parasitism (+/-) ant protects the tree from This wasp is laying eggs inside many herbivores. aphids. The wasp’s larvae will exploit the aphid’s body content. How can we describe the structure of a community? By taxon “Bird community of the Gran Paradiso National Park”. By function “Community of prey for wolves”. “Community of plants pollinated by bumble bees”. Measuring diversity Species richness. Ecologists interested in how much it varies in space. Measuring abundances and ranges Species’ population size and distribution. Ecologists interested in how much they vary in time. How does competition affect community structure? Competition occurs when two organisms use the same resources and those resources are in limited supply. Competition can be intraspecific or interspecific. Interference competition means that organisms’ activities to access resources interfere. Otherwise, competition occurs by exploitation. Competitive exclusion occurs when two competing species cannot survive competition: one wins and takes over the habitat, the other disappears. Thus, competition may restrict the abundances and ranges of species. How does predation affect community structure? The size of the populations of predators and prey typically undergo oscillations. Locally, predators can drive their prey to extinction.
Australasian birds “megapodes” lay their
eggs in nest mound and do not incubate. Eggs will be destroyed by egg-eating mammals. Thus, megapodes are restricted to islands where the only mammalian predators are marsupials (no egg-eating!). How does mutualism affect community structure? Mutualism exist between plants & microorganisms, between protists & fungi, among plants & insects, among animals, among plants. The mutualism between plants and nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Rhizobium) is the basis of much life as we know it! Mutualism sets the stage for parasitism... (A) The bat feeds on the orchid’s nectar. Pollen sticks to mouthparts and is then spread to other orchid flowers. (B) This orchid is cheating! The odor, shape and color mimic a bee mate! Pollen sticks to the bee and will be carried to other flowers. But the bee gets no mating -- no reward, wasted energy... How do disturbances affect communities? Communities are constantly disturbed by their own members (a tree falling on shrubs and grasses...), by natural, external agents (fires, storms, floods...), by human activities. Ecological succession is the sequence of changes in community composition following a disturbance. Even small disturbances can have dramatic effects when they hit a keystone species or an ecosystem engineer. Disturbance of a particular trophic level can cause a trophic cascade of side effects. Keystone species? Ecosystem engineers? A keystone species is a species that affects the entire community out of proportion to its own abundance. Ecosystem engineers are organisms that build structures that create environments for other species. Sea star Pisaster ochraceus is a keystone species. By consuming mussels, it creates open space, taken over by many other species. Sea star removal Beavers are ecosystem engineers. experiment: 28 species Preferentially cut down some tree species, of animals and algae hence alter composition of vegetation. disappeared within 5 Build dams: create meadows and ponds years! that become habitats for other species. How does a trophic cascade work? In Yellowstone, wolves initiated a trophic cascade. Wolves prey on elks. Without wolves, elks prevented recruitment of aspens, depleted streamsides of willows, driving beavers to extinction... In Florida ponds, absence of fish causes adult dragonflies to be more abundant, which increases predation on pollinating insects, which causes plant populations to decline. Are disturbances always bad for species diversity? Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis: Communities with intermediate levels of disturbances often have more species than communities with very low or very high levels of disturbances. Low disturbance levels: favor a few superior competitors. High disturbance levels: favor good colonizers. What other processes determine species richness in mainland ecosystems? More species found at low latitudes than at high latitudes. Ecosystem productivity and species richness influence each other. But mechanisms remain poorly understood... How do humans affect species diversity? Indirectly, by affecting ecosystem productivity, and directly, by accelerating the rates of extinction. 40,000 years ago, Is the ivory-billed woodpecker Australia had 13 still alive? Not seen for 60 genera of years, it might persist in the marsupials larger wetland forest of Arkansas. than 50 kg. All Sophisticated camouflage species had gone required for the track... extinct by 18,000 years ago, probably due to overhunting. How do humans affect species diversity? Indirectly, by affecting ecosystem productivity, and directly, by accelerating the rates of extinction. Conservation biology aims at understanding the factors and mechanisms of species extinction, in order to keep extinction rates as close to “natural” as possible. What are the principles guiding conservation biology? What are the major factors of extinction? How do they play out in ecological communities? What are the principles of conservation biology? Evolution is the process that unites all of biology. To be effective in preserving biodiversity, we need to know how evolutionary processes generate and maintain that diversity. The ecological world is dynamic. There is no static ‘balance of nature’ that can serve as a goal of conservation activities. Humans are part of ecosystems. Human activities and needs must be incorporated into conservation goals and practices. What are the major factors of extinction? Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation. Most important threat worldwide! As habitats become more fragmented, more species are lost from these habitats. Small habitat patches can support only small populations and are adversely influenced by edge effects. What are the major factors of extinction? Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation. Overexploitation. Historically the most important cause of extinction. Continues today. Introduced predators, competitors, and pathogens. Species introduced to regions outside their original range often become invasive, causing extinction of native species by competing with them, eating them, or transmitting diseases to them. Rapid climate change. Likely to become an increasingly important cause of extinctions for those species that cannot adapt or shift their ranges as rapidly as climate warms. What can we do in practice? Establishing protected areas is crucial to preserving biodiversity. Protected areas selected by taking into account species richness, endemism, imminence of extinction, and the need to protect representative ecosystems. What can we do in practice? Establishing protected areas is crucial to preserving biodiversity. Restoration ecology is an important conservation strategy because many degraded ecosystems will not recover, or will do so only very slowly, without human assistance. Reconciliation ecology argues that to be successful, conservation biologists must discover and use new ways to blend the rich natural world with the world of economic activity. Suggested readings Thompson, J. N. 1994. The Coevolutionary Process. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. A thorough review of the processes by which coevolutionary relationships evolve. Wardle, D. A. 2002. Communities and Ecosystems. Linking the Aboveground and Belowground Components. Princeton University Press, Princeton. A comprehensive overview of the world's terrestrial ecosystems that integrates aboveground and belowground structures and processes. Lawton, J. H. and R. M. May (Eds.) 1995. Extinction Rates. Oxford University Press, London. Provides coverage of the quantitative and qualitative methods of estimating extinction rates and their ecological and evolutionary causes. Rosenzweig, M. L. 2003. Win-Win Ecology. How the Earth's Species can Survive in the Midst of Human Enterprise. Oxford University Press, London. Argues that to be successful, conservation biologists must discover and use new ways to blend the rich natural world with the world of economic activity. Ferrière, R., Dieckmann, U. and Couvet, D. 2004. Evolutionary Conservation Biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. An overview of the interplay of ecological and evolutionary processes, and the role they play in shaping the future of biodiversity.