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TYPE Battle mechanic


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The BATTLE SYSTEM of OMORI is primarily based

on traditional turn-based JRPG game systems,
with additional unique states that can modify the
>ow of combat such as EMOTIONS and the friendly



When encountering certain enemies or a major

boss character, the party is thrown into a turn-
based combat system with new additional
features that cements the game's battle system.
The battle screen includes distinct features such
as a character's battle box, a set of command
buttons, and an enemy's animated sprite.

Battles throughout the game have various

outcomes that depend on the situation the party
is engaged in. Besides the typical RPG stats,
various CHARMS and WEAPONS add in unique
modiRers that enhance the >ow of combat. The
player can also use HERO's SELF-HELP GUIDE for
a brief synopsis of how battles work in
HEADSPACE. Some of these rules also apply to
battles fought within FARAWAY TOWN and BLACK



STATS featured in-game refer to the numerical

properties of both party members and enemies. In
fact, these values have a role in aWecting a battle's
aspects, such as the damage output in>icted,
damage one can take, and how fast it ends.
Through the EQUIP tab of the PLAYER MENU, the
stats displayed consists of:

HEART: HEART is the HP value,

representing the health points party members
and enemies have. If a party member's HEART
is depleted completely, they become TOAST
and are unable to battle nor earn any EXP
unless revived.
JUICE: JUICE is the MP value, representing
the magic points party members and enemies
possess. Note that only party members are
required to have a certain amount of JUICE to
use their SKILLS. Enemies, on the other hand,
do not require JUICE for their SKILLS, instead
using this trait to reduce damage taken when
in>icted with SADNESS.
ATTACK: Determines the damage dealt to a
foe. A higher ATTACK stat increases chances
of landing critical blows, more or less with a
few exceptions depending on a character's
DEFENSE: Determines how much damage
received is reduced against an enemy's
attacks and skills. Most of the time, higher
DEFENSE reduces the amount of damage
taken, with a few exceptions to certain SKILLS
that end up bypassing/ignoring one's
SPEED: SPEED is the AGILITY value,
determining the order of which friends and
foes perform their actions. It also impacts the
chances of running away from a battle, as well
as various SKILL formulas.
LUCK: LUCK aWects the user’s CRITICAL HIT
rate. This in turn gives them a higher chance
of landing heavy damage to a foe. It is also
noteworthy that each LUCK point adds 1% to
the CRITICAL HIT rate of a character but
doesn’t increase when leveling up.
HIT RATE: A character’s HIT RATE determines
the possibility of them successfully landing a
blow on an enemy. The HIT stat displayed in-
game is the HIT RATE being divided by 1%.
When the HIT RATE is greater than or equal to
100%, the character can always successfully
hit the enemy. The lower the HIT RATE, the
more likely a user’s attacks will miss.

Honest Game Trailers | Fallo…




WEAPONS serve as the main source of attacking

for all playable characters. Equipping one enables
a party member’s HIT RATE stat, allowing them to
in>ict damage on an enemy. It is impossible to
land damage without the use of a WEAPON. Only
the HEADSPACE characters can change their
weapons, excluding both OMORI and BASIL.

The FARAWAY characters have a weapon

automatically equipped to them, and cannot be
changed either. Note that each character can only
utilize their own type of weapons used throughout
the game, consisting of:

OMORI wields several knives throughout the

game's events. For SUNNY, he usually wields a
few knives, his hands, a >y swatter, or his
violin depending on the choices he makes.
AUBREY uses a series of bludgeon-type
weapons, such as her stuWed toys, bats, or
hammers. Her real world counterpart uses a
wooden nail bat for combat.
KEL uses various projectile-type weapons,
some of which can allow him to in>ict heavy
damage by increasing his SPEED. His real
world counterpart uses a basketball for
HERO uses a series of cooking utensils and
kitchen equipment, some allowing him to
learn a new skill that improves his healing
abilities. His real world counterpart uses his
Rsts for combat.
BASIL wields a pair of garden shears in
combat for the special BASIL RUSH event in
the console versions of the game. Note that
only his HEADSPACE variant is playable.

CHARMS can be equipped by all playable

characters, though only one can be equipped to a
character. Most of them have various special
bonuses depending on the one equipped. These
diWerent bonuses include boosting stats, in>icting
an EMOTION state, altering battle rewards and
mechanics, or changing the healing range of an
item like LIFE JAM.


In OMORI, up to four party members can be

controlled in battle. Each party member has a
chance to use their turn, with the character
having the highest SPEED stat being the Rrst to
fully act out their command. In normal
circumstances, the order of which character acts
out their turn Rrst before the enemy troop's turn
goes in the order of OMORI, AUBREY, KEL, and
lastly HERO. When entering a battle, they are given
the option to select one of the two battle
commands: FIGHT and RUN AWAY. Some battles
such as boss-mandatory Rghts do not allow the
party to >ee, as they have no choice but to Rght to

Since multiple commands can be enacted in the

same turn, it is possible that battles can end
quickly in a few turns or less. Note that the party is
given a series of commands that determines their
actions. If a friend has their HEART completely
depleted, they will become TOAST, therefore
rendering them unable to act further nor earn EXP
unless revived by a speciRc SNACK. This, however,
does not apply to the FARAWAY TOWN battles as
any party member with a downed status cannot
be revived until the aftermath of a battle.


Upon choosing to FIGHT, the player is given four

additional battle commands. They all consist of
command has their own unique feature like that of
typical commands shown in JRPG games.

Exclusive to the BLACK SPACE and FEAR-related

Rghts, selecting the FIGHT command gives the
player two commands of ATTACK and SKILL, all
matching in width and height of the previous


A party member selects the default ATTACK

command, enabling them to deal basic damage to
a foe with the formula of (Attack x 2 - Foe’s
Defense). In addition, attacking also allows a player
character to utilize FOLLOW-UP bubbles appearing
near their battle box. This can be done by pressing
any movement keys that point towards the
direction of an active party member.

All basic attack damage has a damage variation of

20%, as well as a chance to land critical hits by
landing damage right in the enemy’s HEART. The
playable HEADSPACE party members are capable
of landing critical hits, whereas the FARAWAY
TOWN group cannot land critical hits at all.


SKILLS are a special type of action between the

characters, used by both the party and enemies.
When selected, a party member is given access to
a variety of skills only they can use. However, only
up to four skills can be utilized in combat,
contrasting how an enemy character is able to use
most of their skills. Most SKILLS a user can use
costs them a certain amount of JUICE.

Like with the default ATTACK command, most

SKILLS have a damage variation of 20% with
chances of landing critical damage, and
occasionally vary in percentage rates. Some
SKILLS also strengthen one’s EMOTION and STAT
buWs, an example being KEL’s FLEX and
MEGAPHONE ability. These types of SKILLS can
potentially raise a party member’s chance of
in>icting more damage than before.

In HEADSPACE, party members are able to equip

skills from their unique skill list, and swap some
out for more powerful skills. Equipping a SKILL in
the overworld involves the player opening their
inventory, either swapping or adding an additional
skill to replace one/Rll in an empty space. The
FARAWAY TOWN party members, however, cannot
equip or unequip their skills as the game will
automatically add skills to an actor’s skill list.


SNACKS are consumables that can be used to

restore a user’s HEART and JUICE values. The
healing range varies from applying to one user to
all party members. Some of them have a chance
of being dropped by a certain enemy, and apply
certain buWs when used in-battle and rarely in the
overworld. A few SNACKS are also capable of
restoring a TOASTED party member or accidentally
deal damage depending on the one used.


TOYS are consumables that provide special

eWects to the party and enemies. This ranges
between applying a speciRc EMOTION or buW
when applied by a party member. Note that these
items can also be used on an enemy to change
their battle state or damage them.

Some TOYS exclusive to the FARAWAY TOWN

segments are the primary source of healing the
party’s HEART values such as the BANDAGE or


If the player doesn’t want to battle, they have the

option to select the RUN AWAY button. As its
name suggests, this command allows the party to
>ee from a battle. The possibility of successfully
escaping equals the formula of (0.65 x Party’s
Average Speed / Enemy’s Average Speed). If the
party’s escape attempt fails, an additional 10%
boost is added to the chances of escaping.

When successfully escaping, a transition

animation of the party running will be played as
sounds of them running oW is heard. Upon exiting
a battle, the enemy’s sprite becomes semi-
transparent and remains in place for two seconds
until resuming their behavior.

However, when engaging in story-mandatory boss

battles, the RUN AWAY option will not work as the
player has no choice but to defeat the enemy in
front of them. When selecting the command, a
sound eWect indicating that the option cannot be
selected plays. Only exclusive to the OMORI battle,
a group of RED HANDS will appear to prevent the
command from being selected.


Exclusive to the Rnal boss of the SUNNY ROUTE,

there is one Rnal command titled PLAY that
appears if SUNNY chooses to continue after being
defeated by OMORI once he starts in>icting the
AFRAID status on him.

Before the prompt's appearance, a short cutscene

is played out. Despite kneeling on the >oor in
defeat, SUNNY gets back up with renewed vigor.
Holding his violin with a determined look on his
face, SUNNY readies himself to play his Rnal duet
with MARI.

Once the PLAY command is pressed, this will lead

to an emotional cutscene showing SUNNY and
MARI playing their recital song, while remembering
the good memories of their childhood youth. This
command ultimately brings the climactic battle to
an end as OMORI accepts defeat and SUNNY is
able to move on from the past during the hospital

The enemy troop will always utilize their SKILLS
during their turn. Their skills within their AI code
are listed in a particular order; each one being set
with a special condition to check whether it should
be used. Every turn, each enemy will start by
trying to use the skill listed at the top of the list.
Majority of the skills, unless stated otherwise, have
a 20% variance rate.

This means they will do between 80% and 120% of

their calculated damage values. However, some
attacks do not have any damage variance, while
others go beyond the usual randomness
presented (RICOCHET having a 30% damage

If the calculation fails, they move on to the second

skill and so on, until reaching the Rnal skill which is
usually guaranteed to activate. Each calculation is
done independently from the previous ones.
Unlike the player characters, an enemy’s skills do
not cost them their JUICE.




The PLOT ARMOR state is a special buW for OMORI

that prevents him from being instantly defeated
once per battle. When activated, the message will
read out “OMORI did not succumb”. It will be
in>icted at the beginning of battle, giving OMORI
an "immortal" state.

When OMORI receives fatal damage for the Rrst

time, one remains due to the immortal state,
and the PLOT ARMOR will be removed at the end
of the turn. This means that any damage in>icted
onto OMORI during that turn will not kill him until

Prior to the version 1.0.8. update on May 7th, 2021,

there was a bug where OMORI could survive after
receiving a critical hit even after triggering the
PLOT ARMOR state. The game originally would
check OMORI’s HEART values to determine if the
PLOT ARMOR state should be removed when
initiated. This would only occur if OMORI had more
than 5% by the end of a turn, making it possible
to reuse this state indeRnitely before being Rxed.


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