Performance Improvement of Bus Structure For Rollover Analysis Using FEA and Validation of Roll Bar
Performance Improvement of Bus Structure For Rollover Analysis Using FEA and Validation of Roll Bar
Performance Improvement of Bus Structure For Rollover Analysis Using FEA and Validation of Roll Bar
Abstract: This paper discuss case of vehicles rollover crash, where bus structure needs to be strong enough to
ensure the minimum damage. Finite Element modelling of the entire bus structure was done using pre-processor
HyperMesh. Finally simulation was carried using LS-DYNA explicit solver. In this work, numerical simulation
of bus rollover test using finite element method is followed. Simulation was done to show that the improved the
crashworthiness performance of bus superstructure for rollover analysis. To improve strength and stiffness
requirements of bus structure and to avoid above problem, we need to add stiffeners at side pillars. The
experimentation for finding the peak load carrying capacity and peak deformation for M.S. (mild steel) was
done by using three point bending test on rectangular cross sectional roll bar and validating its results using
Keywords: Bus Rollover, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), LS-DYNA, Residual space, Tensile Test, Three-point
Bending Test.
I. Introduction
Among the various modes of vehicle crashes, rollover crashes are often very severe and threatening to
vehicle occupants. Hence The Automotive Industry Standard (AIS-031) in India specifies the requirements and
methods to calculate the strength of superstructure of buses during and after rollover.In rollovers, passengers can
be ejected, partially ejected, or become the victims of roof intrusion. The importance of bus crashworthiness
against rollover accident in Indonesia can be emphasized by looking at Fig. 1, which reveals recorded accident
data throughout the year of 2008 to 2010. As shown in Fig. 2, rollovers in buses are the leading cause of severe
injury and death to their occupants. Today the European regulation “ECE R66” (Economic commission for
Europe) is in force to prevent catastrophic consequences of such roll-over accidents thereby ensuring the safety
of bus and coach passengers. AIS 031 is for rollover setup. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact
on passenger residual space as per AIS 031 regulation.
Karliński, M. Ptak [1] presented the modelling of a bus superstructure and strength analysis of bus
structure and evaluates the requirements of Regulation ECE R66 using the finite element method, with
consideration of nonlinearity of materials and geometry. D. Senthil Kumar [2] presented the study of bus
rollover according to “Automotive Indian Standard Regulation No. 031” (AIS 031) / ECE R66 (Economic
commission for Europe Regulation No. 66) conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact on
passenger residual space as per AIS 031 regulation. Dan Alexandru Micu and Daniel Mihail Iozsa [3] presented
computer simulation of a bus rollover, on a complete vehicle and can be used as approval method. Rogov Petr
Sergeevich [4] focused on study which contains the search for methods of verification of bus rollover finite
element simulation which can replace a full-scale verification rollover test using single bus section. Kyoung-Tak
Kang and Heoung-Jae Chun [5] presented design of a composite roll bar for the improvement of bus rollover
crashworthiness. The objectives are like, to prepare FE model of bus for rollover test, obtain material properties
6th National Conference RDME 2017, 17th- 18th March 2017. 16 | Page
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010041619
Performance Improvement of Bus Structure for Rollover Analysis Using FEA and Validation of Roll ..
like yield strength, young’s modulus etc. using UTM. It is essential that the bus superstructure be stiff enough to
protect the occupant survival space from any intrusion, while absorbing maximum crash energy. Performing
experimental tensile test on material specimen using UTM. Performing bending test on component level in FEA
and physical test to validate the material.
6th National Conference RDME 2017, 17th- 18th March 2017. 17 | Page
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010041619
Performance Improvement of Bus Structure for Rollover Analysis Using FEA and Validation of Roll ..
Table 1 FEA comparison of energy transfer for old bus and modified bus model
Time ‘t’ to transfer energy (sec.)
% Improvement
Old Bus Model Stiffer (modified) Bus Model
0.129 0.1425 9.473
From Table 1, it was found that 9.47 % time increased to reach t = 0.2 sec after bus structure contacting to
ground surface. Hence modified bus design with addition of stiffener having more elastic energy to slide on
ground surface compared to old design and improved crashworthiness performance of bus structure.
V. Conclusion
From FEA, it conclude that, there is increase in energy transfer time for stiffer (new) bus model. The
energy transfer time increase by 9.473 %. From experimental and the simulation result, it is concluded that, new
designed roll-bar structure with addition of stiffener have more crash energy absorption capacity compared to
old bus structure. So, improved the crashworthiness performance of bus superstructure.
6th National Conference RDME 2017, 17th- 18th March 2017. 18 | Page
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010041619
Performance Improvement of Bus Structure for Rollover Analysis Using FEA and Validation of Roll ..
Fig. 6 Comparison of the test and LS-DYNA simulation on the 3 point bending
[1] M. P. J. Karlinski.,Strength analysis of bus superstructure according to Regulation No. 66 of UN/ECE,
[2] D. S. Kumar, Rollover Analysis of Bus Body Structure as Per AIS 031/ECE R66, Volvo Group Trucks Technology,
Bangalore, India, 2012.
[3] D. M. I. Dan Alexandru Micu, Analysis of the Rollover Behavior of the Bus Bodies,Anallele Analysis,3,2011.
[4] R. P. S. a. O. L. Nikolaevich,Verification of Computer Simulation Results of Bus Body Section Rollover,Journal of
Traffic and Transportation Engineering 3,2015,118-127.
[5] H.-J. C. J.-C. P. Kyoung-Tak Kang,Design of a composite roll bar for the improvement of bus rollover
crashworthiness, ELSEVIER, 2012,1705-1713.
[6] Altair HyperMesh Tutorials (Altair Engineering Inc., 2004)
[7] LS-DYNA keyword user's manual (Livermore Software Technology Corporation, April 2003)
6th National Conference RDME 2017, 17th- 18th March 2017. 19 | Page
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010041619