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Business User Management

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SAP Note

2570961 - Simplification item S4TWL - Business User Management

Component: CA-GTF-BUM (Cross-Application Components > General Application Functions > Business User
Management), Version: 48, Released On: 17.04.2023

You need information about Business User Management in SAP S/4HANA.

Reason and Prerequisites

Business User Management in SAP S/4HANA is mandatory and is automatically activated during the conversion from SAP
Business Suite to SAP S/4HANA.

What Has Changed in Business User Management in SAP S/4HANA?
What is the difference between business users and SU01 users?
What is the business impact of that change?
User Management
Business Partner
Human Capital Management (HCM)
HCM Integration active or inactive: What does it mean?
HCM Integration Switch (System Table T77S0)
External Resources Switch (System Table T77S0)
How to create Business Users in SAP S/4HANA
HCM Integration is Active
HCM Integration is Inactive
Maintenance of the Business User Workplace Address
How to Determine Relevance

What Has Changed in Business User Management in SAP S/4HANA?

SAP S/4HANA is introducing a new identity model for business users, which is based on the "principle of one". A business
user is defined as a natural person who is represented by a business partner and a link to a user in the system. Business users
interact with the software in the context of a business process, for example, in the role of a purchaser, a sales representative,
or a production planner.
In SAP S/4HANA, the business partner is the natural person who maintains the user data for the person, work center, and
communication-related information. For logon, changing the user ID (BNAME) is no longer supported. However, one person
can still log on with a user alias or email. The user alias or email can be changed (see SAP Note 2883989). The identity model
for business users ensures correct auditing, workflows, and jobs. It also avoids errors in documents after a change of the user
ID (BNAME). Auditors require a consistent history of all documents that contains the user ID (BNAME).
SAP S/4HANA Business User Management enables and supports the entire life cycle maintenance of business users such as
organizational changes, change of employment, or retirement. A user in SAP S/4HANA has a one-to-one relationship with a
corresponding business partner (natural person). This reduces redundant maintenance and prevents outdated information.

What is the difference between business users and SU01 users?

The business user is a SU01 user, but also has a one-to-one relation to the corresponding business partner. This relationship
is time independent and cannot be changed anymore. For more details about important user related constraints see SAP Note
The business user concept is used in many new applications in SAP S/4HANA. SU01 users with Classic Address (Identity
Address Type 00 - User's Old Type 3 Address) lead to limitations because the new business user model is a prerequisite for
many business applications. As soon as Fiori apps are activated and used, business users are mandatory (for example Teams,
CreditAnalyst in Credit Management or Situations).
The business partner contains the personal information, for example private address, workplace address, bank details, vendor
and customer related data. The business partner and SU01 user share personal details and workplace address related data.
The advantage of the new business user model is that the entire lifecycle of that person works without redundant maintenance
of user address data. Business users can still be managed using transaction SU01, Central User Administration or identity
management systems.
In the SAP Business Suite, you can use transaction BP (Business Partner Maintenance) to assign users to business partners.
In SAP S/4HANA this is not possible anymore to avoid an inconsistent data model for business users. Existing business
partners cannot be converted to business users, because of Data Protection and Privacy (DPP). Already existing business
partners could have been part of a distribution scenario.

What is the business impact of that change?

With the new business user model in SAP S/4HANA we have a clear maintenance ownership. It can be owned by Human
Capital Management (HCM), Business Partner (BP) or User Management. The ownership of HCM is only relevant when HCM
integration is active. (More details about HCM integration see section HCM Integration active or inactive: What does it
Using the example of SU01 the following data categories exist:
1. Person: The personal data for the business user is derived from the corresponding business partner. In case HCM
integration is active this data is mapped from the corresponding employee of the HCM system (SAP SuccessFactors or
2. Work Center: The work center data for the business user is derived from the workplace address of the corresponding
business partner. In case HCM integration is active, the function and department fields are mapped by default from
the corresponding employee of the HCM system (for customizing options, see SAP Note 2548303).
3. Communication: The communication data for the business user is derived from the workplace address of the
corresponding business partner (for customizing options, see SAP Note 2548303).
4. Company: During the conversion of a SU01 user from SAP Business Suite (classic user) to a business user in SAP
S/4HANA the company address is copied to the business partner workplace address.

Limitations - User Management

Due to the new business user model the database view USER_ADDR can no longer be used in SAP S/4HANA. This view can
only display the users with classic address but not the business users. It is not possible to enhance this view. Instead of the
database view USER_ADDR use the search help USER_ADDR (which is equivalent to an official API for searching users). In
exceptional cases, you can use the SAP internal CDS view P_USER_ADDR, but have in mind that it can be changed by SAP at
any time. With the ABAP statement "with privileged access" the authorization check is ignored. As a reference, use the coding
of the search help exit F4IF_USER_ADDR_SUID_EXIT.

Limitations - Business Partner

In general, business partners that are neither employee nor contingent workforce cannot be managed as business users.
In transaction BP (Business Partner Maintenance) you can no longer assign SU01 users to business partners in SAP
S/4HANA. This feature has been removed.
You can no longer maintain the following fields in transaction BP (Business Partner Maintenance):
Personnel Number (BUS000EMPL-EMPLOYEE_ID)
User (BUS000EMPL-USERNAME), for example, shown for role category WFM001 (Resource)
Internet User (BUS000EMPL-INTERNETUSER), for example, shown for role category BUP005 (Internet User)
You can no longer assign the roles belonging to the following role categories in transaction BP:
Employee (BUP003)
Freelancer (BBP010) → Contingent worker
External Resource / Service Performer (BBP005) → Contingent worker with additional supplier relation (staffed from
external supplier)
Collaboration Business User (BUP012)
Resource (WFM001) → Only needed for SAP Portfolio and Project Management (component PPM-PFM-RES).
This means you have to create the business partners in one of the mentioned role categories. (New Procedures see section
How to create Business Users in SAP S/4HANA)
Existing business partners cannot be expanded by the following role categories later on: Employee, Freelancer, Service
Performer. The reason is business partners with the referenced roles have special behavior regarding:
Authorization management (driven by GDPR/DPP requirements)
Replication/distribution (no replication from SAP S/4HANA to any system)
For business partners which are assigned to one of these role categories, the fields of the following field groups cannot be
maintained via transaction BP or the customer/supplier master Fiori UIs (independent from whether HCM integration is
active or inactive):
Field group 1: Partner Number (+ Role for Change Doc. Display)
Field group 8: Form of Address
Field group 9: Bank Details (for bank detail’s ID HC*)
Field group 25: Person: First Name
Field group 26: Person: Academic Title
Field group 29: Person: Correspondence Language
Field group 30: Person: Complete Name Line
Field group 33: Person: Gender
Field group 38: Person: Birth Name
Field group 41: Person: Middle Name
Field group 43: Person: Initials of Person
Field group 54: Person: Last Name
Field group 61: Address: Address Usage (HCM001, HCM002). Note that the address data can be edited in transaction
BP but will be overwritten by the periodically scheduled sync report /SHCM/RH_SYNC_BUPA_FROM_EMPL.
Workplace address (table MOM052) attributes such as phone number or email address are not displayed in transaction BP.
There are no plans to enhance transaction BP as of now. Please use transaction SU01 to display the workplace address
Relationships of relationship category BUR025 (Service Provider) cannot be maintained for roles of role category BBP005
(Service Performer).
Business partners which are assigned to one of these role categories cannot be maintained using SAP Master Data
Governance for business partners, customers or suppliers.
The usage of such workforce business partners in SAP Master Data Governance is also restricted:
In partner function maintenance: Only the ID of the workforce business partners is visible, and navigation to
that business partner is not possible.
In business partner relationships: Relationships to workforce business partners are not visible and thus can’t be

Limitations - Human Capital Management (HCM)

In case of multiple employments (concurrent / global employment / country transfer) only the main employment is allowed
to have a user assigned. Additional user assignments are not allowed.

HCM Integration active or inactive: What does it mean?

HCM integration active means that you rely on the HR mini master (HR infotype based PERNR data model including the PA-
Tables). This HR mini master can be locally maintained (for example via transaction PA30 or PA40) or via real integration
scenarios with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central or an external (third party) HCM system.
If you don't need the HR mini master you should deactivate HCM integration.
Based on the HCM integration, business users are handled the following way:
If the HCM integration is active, it is mandatory to schedule the sync report /SHCM/RH_SYNC_BUPA_FROM_EMPL
regularly as a background job so that the business users are automatically synchronized with the PA-Tables.
You can maintain business users via
Transaction PA30 or PA40
HCM integration.
If the HCM integration is inactive, you can maintain business users via
Fiori app Maintain Employees
Fiori app Maintain External Resources
SOAP Service ManageBusinessUserIn
An example of why we need the HCM integration:
For using the standard SD partner functions for employees, it is necessary to maintain the employees with the features of the
HCM compatibility pack in SAP S/4HANA.
It is not sufficient to maintain persons without active HCM integration (see SAP Note 2763781).

HCM Integration Switch (System Table T77S0)

Description Group (GRPI Sem. abbr. (SEMI HCM Integration inacti HCM Integration acti
D) D) ve ve

Activate HCM Integratio HRALX HRAC SPACE (Blank) X


Integration P-BP Activat HRALX PBPON OFF ON


 CM Integration for External Resources (BBP005) is set by the External Resources Switch. It interacts with the HCM
Integration Switch as follows:

External Resources Switch (System Table T77S0)

Description Group (G Sem. abbr. ( HCM Integratio HCM Integratio HCM Integratio HCM Integrati
RPID) SEMID) n inactive n inactive n inactive on active
Activate External Res HRALX PEXON OFF OFF ON ON
ources Switch

Activate HCM Integra HRALX HRAC SPACE (Blank) X SPACE (Blank) X




How to create Business Users in SAP S/4HANA - HCM Integration is Active

The HR mini master is the origin of business users (see HCM simplification SAP Note 2340095). The user assignment in the
HR mini master has to be maintained in infotype 105 subtype 0001.
The creation of business users is managed by the periodically scheduled sync report
/SHCM/RH_SYNC_BUPA_FROM_EMPL. This report performs the following steps:
1. Creation of business partner in one role of the role categories Employee (BUP003), Freelancer (BBP010) or External
Resource / Service Performer (BBP005) with
private address
bank details
workplace address
customer/vendor related data (see Customer Vendor Integration [CVI])
2. Assignment of SU01 user. If the user doesn't exist, then the assignment takes place once the SU01 user is created.
Errors of the sync report are stored in the application log. The application log can be accessed via transaction SLG1 (or SLGD)
for object SHCM_EE_INTEGRATION, Subobject BUPA_SYNC (filter via External ID field to Personnel Number PERNR).
The creation of Collaboration Business User (BUP012) and Resource (WFM001) does not work with sync report
/SHCM/RH_SYNC_BUPA_FROM_EMPL. They can only be created by using the following Fiori apps:

Fiori App Title Business Partner Rol As Of Rel Comments

ID e Category ease
F4911 Maintain Collaborat BUP012 2020 FPS0
ion Users 1

F3505 Maintain Resources WFM001 1809 FPS0 Only needed for SAP Portfolio and Project Management (c
1 omponent PPM-PFM-RES).

How to create Business Users in SAP S/4HANA - HCM Integration is Inactive

There are three options to create business users:
Business users can be created in SAP S/4HANA by using the following Fiori apps (including CSV import for mass

Fiori App Title Business Partner Rol As Of Rel Comments

ID e Category ease

F2288 Maintain Employees BUP003 2020 FPS0

A 1

F2288 Maintain Employees BUP003 1709 FPS0 Replaced by Fiori app F2288A.

F4911 Maintain Collaborat BUP012 2020 FPS0

ion Users 1

F3505 Maintain External R BBP005 2020 FPS0

A esources 1

F3505 Maintain Resources WFM001 1809 FPS0 Only needed for SAP Portfolio and Project Management (c
1 omponent PPM-PFM-RES).

For mass maintenance, you can also use the report RFS4BPU_IMPORT_BUSINESS_USER (As of SAP S/4HANA
1809). For SAP S/4HANA 1610 you can use report RFS4BPU_EMPLOYEE_UPLOAD - see SAP Note 2567604.
SOAP Service ManageBusinessUserIn - can be set up via SOA Manager (Transaction SOAMANAGER).
Maintenance of the Business User Workplace Address
There are three possible application areas to maintain the workplace address of the business user:
Human Resources (HR)
Business Partner Management (BP)
User Management (US)
SAP S/4HANA 1709 FPS02 provides a configuration view that defines the maintenance source of the workplace address
attributes. SAP delivers a default proposal for both variants, HCM integration active/inactive. See SAP Note 2548303 for
details. This configuration ensures that updates to the workplace address are restricted to one dedicated application area.
The configuration view TBZ_V_EEWA_SRC can be set via Transaction SPRO (SAP Reference IMG) Under 'SAP Business
Partner' at node 'Additional customizing for SAP Business Partner' (see SAP Note 2591138).
The configuration view has the following constraints:
If a field is configured for the application area User Management and the Central User Administration (CUA) is active,
the maintenance rules of the CUA apply. (Transaction SCUM)
If the HCM integration switch is active, BP is not applicable as maintenance source.
If the HCM integration switch is inactive, HR is not applicable as maintenance source.
The location part of the workplace address (company address - transaction SUCOMP) is not part of configuration view
TBZ_V_EEWA_SRC because it can only be maintained by User Management. (See SAP Note 2571544)

If HCM integration is active and the conversion from SAP Business Suite to SAP S/4HANA is done, employees are
automatically converted to business users via the periodically scheduled sync report
If HCM integration is inactive:
Business partners that exist in an ERP system with user linkage via table HRP1001 from BP-CP-US are automatically
converted to business users in SUM-Phase as of SAP S/4HANA 1809 (see conversion report
Business partners that exist in an ERP system with user linkage via table BP001 are automatically converted to business
users in Silent Data Migration (SDM) as of SAP S/4HANA 2020 (see class CL_SDM_BUPA_BPU_BP001).

How to Determine Relevance

Simplification item S4TWL - Business User Management is relevant for all SAP S/4HANA conversion customers.

Key Value

Other Cross-Application Components > Master Data Governance > Applications > Business Partner (Central Parts) (CA-
Components MDG-APP-BP)

Other Application Platform > Master Data > Business Partner (AP-MD-BP)

Other Logistics - General > Logistics Basic Data > Business Partners (LO-MD-BP)

Software Components
Software Component From To And subsequent

S4CORE 100 100 X

This document refers to

SAP Component Title

2883989 CA-GTF-BUM Conversion of clear user names in SAP S/4HANA OP

2763781 SD-BF-PD SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition: Use Sales Employee in SD without HR

2751389 CA-MDG-APP-BP MDG-BP/C/S: Remove BP with Employee Data in S/4

2571544 BC-SEC-USR- EEWA: New functions for the user


2567604 CA-GTF-BUM Uploading business users in SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition

2558350 BC-SEC-USR- S/4HANA: Integration of EEWA changes into identity API

2548303 BC-SRV-BUM S/4HANA: Configuration of maintenance for workplace address

2340095 CA-HR-S4 S4TWL - Conversion of Employees to Business Partners

2265093 LO-MD-BP S4TWL - Business Partner Approach

This document is referenced by

SAP Component Title

2595708 Find responsible expert for Business User Management

3150351 BC-SEC-USR- SAP User address not available in view USER_ADDR


3148934 BC-SEC-USR- EEWA: Client copy and Business User Management - Retain the user-Business Partner Relations

3018036 CA-GTF-BUM Not all Employees are displayed in Maintain Employees app

3111287 CA-HR-S4-OP-BP Error S#511 No users found in the selected area at deleting link user-BP

3094750 CA-GTF-BUM Business User Management - FAQ

3037011 CA-GTF-BUM The recommended method to maintain employee ID field when HCM Integration is off

3048207 CA-GTF-BUM Address handling

3029399 EHS-SUS-IM Error "No business partner assigned to system user" occurs in Report Incident app

2597146 CA-HR-S4-OP-BP BP integration: Fixing incorrect User assignment in an Employee to Business Partner
synchronization scenario

3024906 CA-GTF-BUM Maintain Employees: 'No transfer of interval for object BU_PARTNER' error when saving

3018024 CA-GTF-BUM Different employees are in Maintain Employee app and in PA30, PA40 transactions
3015115 CA-GTF-BUM Maintain Employees App (Fiori ID F2288) it is not possible to use external number range

2994782 MM-PUR-HUB- Employee for Central Requisitioning


2980384 CA-GTF-BUM When uploading the CSV file in Maintain Employees or via report
RFS4BPU_IMPORT_BUSINESS_USER error appears: Header row of CSV-File is not valid. No
further processing.

2881803 XX-SER-MCC FAQ: S/4HANA Fiori Best Practices - Collective Note

2578294 CA-HR-S4-OP-BP FAQ - Employee to Business Partner synchronization in S/4HANA OnPremise

2751608 SD-FIO-HBA Field CreatedBy is blank in Sales Order Fulfillment Issues

2846423 PA-PD-QR 'Qualification catalog is for display only' shows when running OOQA

2845125 CA-GTF-BUM How to see all messages of Fiori app Maintain Employees (on premise)

2834401 EHS-SUS-IM Search Help for task assignee and approver lists users that don't have the security role to perform
such actions

2819201 BC-SEC-USR- Some users not copied after client copy.


2813203 CA-HR-S4 FAQ - View TBZ_V_EEWA_SRC for Employee-User-BP Synchronization

2803166 CA-GTF-BUM Maintain Employees shows the error message: Telephone Number without Country Code.

2796106 MM-FIO-PUR- Default values are not considered in the Create Purchase Requisition app

2792545 MM-FIO-PUR- Fiori apps - 'Created by' column is blank - SAP Fiori

3420401 SLC-EVL Business User Management Fiori Apps - CSV Import with HCM read-only error though HCM off

3415538 CA-GTF-BUM EEWA Configuration for Business Users and active CUA does not work correctly together

950059 BC-SEC-USR-IS FAQ | optimal use of User Information System

3343064 PPM-PFM Add multiple users: user not found

2751912 EHS-MGM-INC Person search returns different users in EHSM Incident Management
3281516 BC-BMT-WFM- FAQ - Transport of Workflow Scenario Content

3267528 FS-PM Search help /PM0/ABU_USERS does not select all users

3263683 CA-MDG-DQ-SD MDG BP HANA Search shows no results with empty filter criteria

3197277 EHS-SUS-FND Cannot Select Responsible Person For Regulatory List Revision

3166662 PA-FIO-LIB HCM Fiori 2.0: Determination of personnel number by user is not correct in an S/4 system

3109484 BC-SEC-USR- Company address is not saved when business users are created

2987068 CA-GTF-BUM Update of Business Users with error that category of Person External ID not supported

2942478 CA-GTF-BUM New Fiori Element Apps "Maintain Collaboration Users", "Maintain External Resources" and
"Maintain Employees"

2974675 CA-MDG-APP-BP MDG-BP/C/S: Remove BP with Employee Data in S/4 (3)

2973316 CA-GTF-BUM Fiori app "Maintain Employees": Creation with error that category of External ID not supported or
BP not of type Person

2966051 CA-MDG-CMP Excluding employees and business users from consolidation and mass processes by business
partner roles

2922584 CA-MDG-APP-BP MDG-BP/C/S: Remove BP with Employee Data in S/4 (2)

2910882 CRM-S4-FCA FCC/IR: Error COM_PARTNER 119 when navigating to the Interaction Record

2900607 FS-BP Simplification Item S4TWL - Business User integration of Business Partners with user name and
personnel number

2751389 CA-MDG-APP-BP MDG-BP/C/S: Remove BP with Employee Data in S/4

2765151 CA-GTF-BUM Created Business User cannot be found

2722573 BC-SEC-USR- CUA: User creation in child systems using IDoc not possible

2713005 FIN-FSCM-CR Assignment of user to credit analyst

2571544 BC-SEC-USR- EEWA: New functions for the user


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