Early Molecular Layer Interneuron Hyperactivity TR
Early Molecular Layer Interneuron Hyperactivity TR
Early Molecular Layer Interneuron Hyperactivity TR
Early molecular layer interneuron hyperactivity
triggers Purkinje neuron degeneration in SCA1
Federica Pilotto,1,2,10 Christopher Douthwaite,3,10 Rim Diab,1,2 XiaoQian Ye,3 Zahraa Al qassab,1,2 Christoph Tietje,3
Meriem Mounassir,3 Adolfo Odriozola,4 Aishwarya Thapa,1,2 Ronald A.M. Buijsen,7 Sophie Lagache,8
Anne-Christine Uldry,8 Manfred Heller,8 Stefan Mu € ller,9 Willeke M.C. van Roon-Mom,7 Benoı̂t Zuber,4
Sabine Liebscher,3,5,6,* and Smita Saxena1,2,11,*
1Department of Neurology, Inselspital University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland
2Department for BioMedical Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
3Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology, Klinikum der Universita €t Mu
€nchen, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Martinsried, Germany
4Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
5Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy), Munich, Germany
6University Hospital Cologne, Deptartment of Neurology, Cologne, Germany
7Department of Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands
8Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Core Facility, Department for BioMedical Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
9Flow Cytometry and Cell sorting, Department for BioMedical Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
10These authors contributed equally
11Lead contact
Toxic proteinaceous deposits and alterations in excitability and activity levels characterize vulnerable
neuronal populations in neurodegenerative diseases. Using in vivo two-photon imaging in behaving spino-
cerebellar ataxia type 1 (Sca1) mice, wherein Purkinje neurons (PNs) degenerate, we identify an inhibitory cir-
cuit element (molecular layer interneurons [MLINs]) that becomes prematurely hyperexcitable, compro-
mising sensorimotor signals in the cerebellum at early stages. Mutant MLINs express abnormally elevated
parvalbumin, harbor high excitatory-to-inhibitory synaptic density, and display more numerous synaptic
connections on PNs, indicating an excitation/inhibition imbalance. Chemogenetic inhibition of hyperexcit-
able MLINs normalizes parvalbumin expression and restores calcium signaling in Sca1 PNs. Chronic inhibi-
tion of mutant MLINs delayed PN degeneration, reduced pathology, and ameliorated motor deficits in Sca1
mice. Conserved proteomic signature of Sca1 MLINs, shared with human SCA1 interneurons, involved the
higher expression of FRRS1L, implicated in AMPA receptor trafficking. We thus propose that circuit-level def-
icits upstream of PNs are one of the main disease triggers in SCA1.
Neuron 111, 2523–2543, August 16, 2023 ª 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. 2523
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
previous studies were, however, conducted in slice cultures, al- photon calcium imaging in behaving mice, running on a spherical
lowing only limited insight into how cerebellar circuit elements treadmill (Figures 1A and S1). By expressing the genetically en-
and entire networks are affected in a spatiotemporal manner in coded calcium indicator GCaMP7s, we simultaneously moni-
animals by these described molecular and synaptic alterations. tored activity of the three main inhibitory neuronal subtypes in
We hypothesized that PolyQ-repeat expansions have a more the cerebellar cortex, namely, MLINs, PNs, and morphologically
widespread impact on cerebellar circuits, thereby altering excit- putative Golgi cells (Gol), while mice were maneuvering in a virtual
atory/inhibitory (E/I) balance, compromising sensorimotor func- environment (VR), with the locomotion speed being represented
tions, and ultimately triggering PN degeneration. Notably, PN activ- by the visual flow of the VR (feedback [fb]) or running in darkness
ity is tightly shaped by GABAergic inhibitory molecular layer (Figures 1A and 1B). These recordings revealed differential im-
interneurons (MLINs).17 Although MLINs do not degenerate in pairments of baseline fluorescence (indicative of alterations in
SCA1,18 they might still contribute to PN degeneration. First resting cytoplasmic calcium concentrations), neuronal activity
in vitro evidence for an involvement of MLINs in SCA1 pathology levels, and response properties of the different neuronal types
was provided by Edamakanti and colleagues, who identified the (Figures 1C and 1D). As the typical instantaneous firing rate of
hyperproliferation of mutant cerebellar stem cells, preferentially these cell types exceeds the temporal resolution of the calcium in-
differentiating into GABAergic interneurons, thus enhancing dicator, but the fluorescence signal still scales with overall
GABAergic synaptic inputs onto PNs.13 However, the longitudinal neuronal firing,19,20 we assessed neuronal activity by computing
molecular, cellular, and circuit-level consequences of such synap- the area under curve of the DF/F trace. We found that MLINs in
tic alterations remain unclear. Sca1 mice had not only a significantly lower baseline fluores-
Here, combining in vivo two-photon calcium imaging in behaving cence (Figure 1E) but were also more active during quiet wakeful-
knockin mice, harboring an expansion of 154 CAG repeats in the ness (QW) during fb and darkness (Figure 1F). Conversely, we did
endogenous Ataxin-1 mouse locus (termed Sca1 throughout) not observe any changes in baseline fluorescence and a decrease
together with chemogenetics, histological, ultrastructural, and in spontaneous neuronal activity levels (i.e., neuronal activity
MLIN-specific proteomic analyses, we demonstrate that neurons occurring during stationary epochs, measured as area under
within the cerebellar network are differentially affected by the PolyQ the curve [AUC]/min) during QW in Gol (Figures 1G and 1H) or
expansion. Early impairments mainly involve alterations in the MLIN PNs (Figures 1I and 1J). Moreover, we found a strong increase
population, rendering them hyperexcitable, thereby affecting their in the response to locomotion (Figures 1K–1M) selectively in
response properties and compromising coding space in mice. MLINs in Sca1 (Figure 1N) and more MLINs being running respon-
Additionally, MLIN-selective proteomics from Sca1 mice revealed sive (Figure 1O). In contrast to MLIN hyperresponsiveness, Gol in
a disease-linked molecular signature, accounting for the observed Sca1 were driven less by locomotion (Figure 1P) and displayed no
changes in mutant MLIN functionality. Notably, this signature was change in the fraction of running responsive neurons (Figure 1Q).
conserved within human SCA1 patient-derived GABAergic neu- At this early disease stage, no alterations in the response to loco-
rons. Our results thus indicate that at the circuit level, molecular motion in PNs was detected (Figures 1R and 1S). However, the
changes within mutant MLINs govern early cerebellar network number of Gol and PNs captured in this study are considerably
dysfunction, promoting PNs degeneration in SCA1. lower than those of MLINs; thus, we may potentially underesti-
mate alterations of these neuronal populations.
RESULTS Recording the same neurons under anesthesia further corrob-
orated these findings (Figures S2A–S2D). We found a strong
Cerebellar neuronal activity levels are differentially reduction in the baseline fluorescence of MLINs in Sca1 mice
altered in early symptomatic Sca1 mice (Figure S2E), whereas baseline fluorescence was neither altered
To assess circuit-level deficits during the early symptomatic in Gol (Figure S2F) nor PNs (Figure S2G). We again observed an
phase in postnatal (P) day 60 Sca1 mice, we performed two- increase in spontaneous neuronal activity of MLINs (Figure S2H)
but a decrease in Gol activity (Figure S2I) and no change in spon- tion activity in WT and Sca1 (Figure 2C), dominated by
taneous PN activity in P60 Sca1 mice (Figure S2J). Despite lack- locomotion and whisking. However, in Sca1 mice, the variance
ing the temporal resolution to resolve the high instantaneous of PC1 explained by locomotion, air puff, and whisking was
pacemaker firing activities of 40–60 Hz,21 larger fluctuations in reduced compared with WT (Figure 2D). Cell-type-specific
the PN fluorescence traces occur, likely caused by pauses in regression analyses of PC1 revealed a significant reduction of
simple spike firing.22 Those fluctuations, however, did not differ the behavioral parameters for MLINs only, whereas for Gol it
between wild-type (WT) and Sca1 mice. was mainly the contribution of the air-puff-representation that
Because GCaMP only allows for an approximation of calcium was affected (Figure 2D). In PNs, no significant difference in
levels, we performed experiments using the ratiometric calcium the encoding of behavioral parameters was found (Figure 2D).
indicator Twitch2B,23 (Figures S3A–S3C), enabling more accu- We also assessed the information content captured in PC2,
rate measurements of actual calcium concentrations indepen- which still contributed 16% to the overall variance of the pop-
dent of expression levels. This analysis confirmed the reduced ulation activity (WT: 15.95% ± 4%, Sca1: 8.44% ± 2.6% of the
resting calcium concentration of MLINs in anesthetized SCA1 variance). PC2 was also driven by locomotion as a single param-
mice (Figure S3D), and also unraveled reduced levels in Gol, eter but mainly captured all parameters combined, thus, the dif-
but not in PNs at this early symptomatic stage (Figures S3E ference between active and quiescent phases (Figure S5). In
and S3F). We assessed neuronal activity levels and again found contrast to PC1, we could not detect any differences in the vari-
increased activity in MLINs in Sca1 (Figure S3G); however, we ance explained by the individual behavioral parameters between
found unchanged Gol activity (Figure S3H) and a slight, yet sig- WT and Sca1 mice (Figure S5).
nificant, increase in PNs (Figure S3I). As in PNs, we may mainly Neuronal activity patterns were multi-dimensional, consisting
detect fluctuations in the calcium signal due to pauses in firing of at least 10 components. We thus asked how the geometry
and complex spikes. Consequently, reduced pacemaker activity of these neuronal representations might be affected in Sca1
(as described for PNs in Sca124), potentially even appears as mice. We computed the manifolds by projecting the multi-
greater fluctuations in the fluorescent signal. dimensional neuronal population activity to low-dimensional
To probe for probable impairments of sensorimotor integration, space, consisting of the first three components.27–29 In WT
we compared neuronal activity levels during fb with those in dark- mice, two distinct structures emerged, separating QW from
ness, (Figure S4A) and observed a strong linear correlation. How- locomotion (Figure 2E), corroborating previous reports.27
ever, we found Sca1 MLINs displayed a leftward shift in the ratio of Notably, the PC space representing QW was reduced in Sca1
fb/dark activity, indicating alterations in sensorimotor integration mice (Figure 2F), and the two subspaces were less segregated,
(Figure S4A). Conversely, we found Gol to be less active in Sca1 as illustrated by the decreased Euclidean distance (Figure 2F).
mice during fb and darkness (Figure S4B), whereas Sca1 PNs Together these data highlight a compromised encoding capacity
were slightly more active during fb (Figure S4C). We also probed of the cerebellar circuit in early symptomatic Sca1 mice, an effect
sensorimotor integration by assessing neuronal responses to an primarily driven by MLIN dysfunction.
air puff, driving sensory, arousal, and startle-response signals25 To assess whether these deviations in neuronal function
(Figures S4D–S4F). We observed a significant increase in neuronal persist throughout the disease course, we performed similar ex-
activity in mutant MLINs (Figure S4G), a decreased response in Gol periments in P200 Sca1 mice (Figures S6A and S6B). Under anes-
(Figure S4H), and an increase in PNs (Figure S4I). Together, these thesia, we observed a small but significant decrease in baseline
data show that neuronal dysfunction in Sca1 mice is based on a fluorescence in MLINs (Figure S6C), no change in Gol (Fig-
combination of altered spontaneous activity and differentially ure S6D), and a pronounced increase in baseline fluorescence
impaired responsiveness to sensorimotor signals. Importantly, in PNs (Figure S6E), indicating a severe increase in cytoplasmic
the cell type showing the strongest change in Sca1 mice are calcium levels in PNs at late disease stages. Neuronal activity
MLINs, displaying increased activity levels, arguing for MLINs be- of MLINs under anesthesia was still significantly increased (Fig-
ing hyperexcitable already in early symptomatic Sca1 mice. ure S6F), which was also true for Gol (Figure S6G), whereas in
PNs, we found reduced calcium fluctuations (Figure S6H). These
Neuronal coding space is strongly reduced in Sca1 mice findings were in line with the increased MLIN activity seen in
To gain insight into cerebellar network dysfunction in early symp- awake mice during QW (Figure S6I). However, in awake mice,
tomatic Sca1 mice, we investigated neural network representa- we still observed a decrease in Gol activity (Figure S6J), which
tions of behavioral states and their distinctiveness. Several could reflect the higher inhibitory tone during wakefulness, i.e.,
neuronal populations in the cerebellar cortex encode various abolished under anesthesia, thereby potentially unmasking
sensorimotor signals in a multidimensional manner.25–27 We changes in intrinsic excitability. In PNs, we again observed
chose a principal-component analysis (PCA)-based approach decreased calcium fluctuations (Figure S6K). We quantified the
to investigate the dimensionality of the population dynamics in response to locomotion and found a strong hyperresponsiveness
behaving mice. We assembled an input matrix, consisting of of MLINs to running (Figure S6L), a hyporesponsiveness in Gol
0-centered, Z scored DF/F traces of all cells identified in a given (Figure S6M), and a non-significant trend toward compromised
field of view (FOV) and aligned it with the recordings of running locomotion responses in PNs (Figure S6N). Altogether, these
speed, whisking, pupil width, and applied air puffs (Figure 2A). data reveal that the observed hyperexcitability of MLINs remains
Analyses of the variance explained of the population activity re- conserved throughout the disease course in Sca1 mice.
vealed a multidimensional nature (Figure 2B). The first compo- Given previous reports indicating hyperexcitability in PN
nent (PC1) alone explained 50% of the variance of the popula- dendrites as a critical contributor to PN degeneration,30 we
Figure 2. Compromised coding space of behavioral parameters in cerebellar cortex of Sca1 mice
(A) Exemplary input matrix consisting of 0-centered and Z scored DF/F traces used for dimensionality reduction derived from all cells in one FOV of a feedback
session of a WT mouse aligned with behavioral parameters (lower traces, magenta, MLIN; gray, PN; yellow, Gol).
(B) PC1, PC2, and PC3 time-series derived from input matrix shown in (A).
(C) Variance explained of the neuronal activity as a function of number of principal components in WT (blue, thin lines, individual FOV; thick line, mean) and Sca1
mice (red). PC1 explains 50% of the variance in both WT and Sca1 (WT 51.9% ± 8.6%, 16 FOV, 8 mice; Sca1 54.63% ± 11.6%, 14 FOV, 7 mice).
(D) Variance of PC1 (derived from all cells in a FOV or individual cell types), explained by the respective behavioral parameters in WT and Sca1.
(E) Representative manifold of QW and active states (as function of locomotion speed, color-coded) for WT and Sca1 mice.
(F) Euclidean distance in PC space within and across brain states (WT: 12 FOV, 8 mice, Sca1: 10 FOV, 5 mice). Data in (D) and (E) are median + interquartile range.
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. See also Figures S5–S7.
assessed PN dendritic calcium signals, likely reflecting complex matured; therefore, we evaluated the expression of the cal-
spiking31 (Figures S7A and S7B). At P60, when no change in PN cium-binding protein parvalbumin (PV), a well-established
somata was observed yet, we already found evidence for MLIN marker, at P30, when Sca1 mice lack motor incoordination
increased dendritic excitability, seen in a higher fraction of active (Figure S8A). Additionally, PV-expression levels are an indicator
dendrites (i.e., dendrites displaying at least one clear calcium of neuronal activity, coinciding with plasticity-related learning
transient, Figure S7C), and an increase in dendritic calcium sig- processes.32,33 Although the majority of P30, WT MLINs ex-
nals in Sca1 mice (Figures S7D and S7E). These changes per- pressed medium levels of PV, 32% of MLINs presented high
sisted until late disease stages (P200), with more active den- levels of PV in Sca1. The fraction of mutant MLINs expressing
drites (Figure S7F) and higher activity levels (Figures S7G high levels of PV increased as a function of disease progression
and S7H). with 49% at P90 and 60% at P200 (Figure 3A). To exclude that
the observed increase in mutant MLIN numbers, displaying
Mutant MLINs exhibit early connectivity and functional high levels of PV was due to MLIN degeneration, we quantified
changes in Sca1 mice the number of MLINs. Notably, until the end-stage, mutant
We sought to gain insight into the mechanisms governing early MLIN numbers remained unchanged, suggesting that the early,
MLIN hyperexcitability in SCA1. By P30 cerebellar cortex is yet gradual, increase in PV levels, reflect changes in MLIN
activity (Figure 3B). Furthermore, we examined PV levels in inter- lighted several neuronal populations, with transduction being the
neurons located in the primary motor cortex, a region involved in highest in PNs, followed by granule cell layer (GCL) neurons and,
movement execution. No change in PV-expression levels or lastly, MLINs, suggesting a developmentally regulated expres-
numbers was observed in Sca1 (Figures S8B and S8C), suggest- sion of the Cre-driver34 (Figure S9B). To validate the specificity
ing that alterations in PV-expression levels were restricted to the of AAV2/8-mediated transduction, AAV2/8-hSyn-DIO-mCherry
cerebellum. or AAV2/8-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry (inhibitory designer re-
Next, we assessed the distribution of synaptic inputs onto ceptors exclusively activated by designer drugs [DREADD]) were
MLINs and found that Sca1 MLINs displayed increased numbers injected into adult WT::PV cerebellum. Analysis of the trans-
of excitatory synapses, marked by the vesicular glutamate trans- duced area revealed widespread mCherry expression, albeit
porter 1 (VGluT1) (Figure 3C). Concomitantly, mutant MLINs restricted to MLIN somata and their perisomatic synapses onto
received fewer vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT)-positive ho- PNs extending to the axonal initial segment, forming the pinceau
motypic inhibitory inputs from adjacent interneurons (Figure 3C). (Figure S9C). Next, we injected AAV2/2-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-
Both alterations in E/I inputs onto MLINs persisted until late dis- mCherry and AAV2/8-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry into
ease stage. Because altered E/I connectivity on MLINs might in- WT::Pcp2 neonates, wherein Cre-dependent expression is
fluence PN responses, we examined the connectivity between solely in PNs. AAV2/2 led to extensive mCherry expression in
MLINs and PNs at P30 and found an increased number of PNs throughout the cerebellum (82.4%); however, AAV2/8
VGAT-positive inhibitory synapses surrounding PN somata in transduction was markedly lower in PNs (42.4%) and exclu-
Sca1 (Figure 3D). However, an increased number of inhibitory sively within lobules IX and X (Figure S9D). In parallel, injections
synapses on mutant PNs might reflect a delay in circuit refine- into the adult WT::Pcp2 cerebellum (lobules VI and VII) revealed
ment and maturation, with no consequences on PN function. very high percentages of AAV2/2-mediated mCherry expression
Consequently, we evaluated the MLIN-PN connectivity via serial within adult PNs (71.25%), but AAV2/8-mediated mCherry
block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM) in symp- expression was present only within 19.75% of PNs, suggesting
tomatic mice. The 3D reconstruction of individual MLINs and that the floxed version of AAV2/8 serotype preferentially trans-
their synaptic contacts onto PN somata revealed a significantly duces adult MLINs (Figure S9D, lower graph). Lastly, quantifica-
elevated number of axosomatic synapses in Sca1. This observa- tion of the mCherry expression in 17 animals from our experi-
tion supports the notion that enhanced inhibitory connectivity mental cohort confirmed that AAV2/8 serotype transduces
between MLINs and PNs is related to higher MLIN activity levels, adult MLINs with a very high selectivity (98% of all mCherry-
and this altered connectivity is maintained throughout disease positive cells), (Figure S9E).
(Figure 3E). Overall, these results demonstrate that in Sca1 To reduce the inhibitory tone onto PNs, we injected AAV2/
mice cerebellar dysfunction is based on the disinhibition of the 8-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry, bilaterally into the posterior
cerebellar output, likely instigated by hyperexcitable MLINs, cerebellum of P70, Sca1::PV, and WT::PV animals (Figure 4A). Ex-
and that those deficits arise presymptomatically. pressed receptors were activated using the ligand clozapine-N-
oxide (CNO) for three consecutive days, thereby suppressing syn-
MLIN-mediated inhibition modulates SCA1 pathology aptic transmission from MLINs onto PNs. CNO treatment, but not
To probe for a causal role of MLIN hyperactivity in influencing saline application, led to reduced PV-expression within MLINs, the
motor pathology, we performed chemogenetic experiments. reduction being stronger in Sca1::PV MLINs, suggesting that
To selectively target MLINs, Sca1 mice were crossed with homo- higher PV-expression in MLINs is dynamic and reversible (Fig-
zygous PV-Cre mice to generate Sca1::PV or WT::PV animals ure 4B). Notably, diminished MLIN activity counteracted Calbindin
(Figure 4A). To infect MLINs and not PNs, we injected the three reduction in Sca1 PNs (Figure S10A), a disease-specific marker for
common AAV serotypes: AAV2/1-hSyn-DIO-mCherry, AAV2/2- PN dysfunction.35 Moreover, restoration of phosphorylated
hSyn-DIO-mCherry, and AAV2/8-hSyn-DIO-mCherry into the CaMKII (P-CAMKII) expression within mutant PNs was observed,
adult WT::PV cerebellum. mCherry immunolabeling revealed indicative of ameliorated intracellular calcium signaling and PN
that, although all serotypes primarily transduced MLINs, AAV2/ activation in response to reduced PN inhibition (Figure S10B).
8 infected a very high proportion of MLINs (Figure S9A). To char- We next assessed whether the improvement in disease-asso-
acterize AAV2/8 serotype selectivity for MLINs, we performed in- ciated PN-specific hallmarks also affected symptomatic ataxia.
tracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections in WT::PV neonates and To exclude side effects of CNO, we administered CNO (3 mg/
analyzed the cerebellum at P35. mCherry immunolabeling high- kg) intraperitoneally (i.p.) to naive (WT) mice, 45 min before the
rotarod test, which did not cause any adverse effects (Fig- mice (Figure 4M), as did the calcium signal fluctuations in PN
ure S11A).36 Subsequently, we tested the inhibitory DREADD- somata (Figure 4N), potentially reflecting a more stable pace-
expressing mice for rotarod performance before and after the maker firing activity, which would cause less fluctuations in the
surgical procedure. At P85, mice were tested for three consecu- fluorescence trace. PN dendrites were not affected upon CNO
tive days on the rotarod after CNO/saline injection. Surprisingly, in awake mice (Figure 4O). We examined whether the compro-
suppressing synaptic transmission between MLINs and PNs did mised coding capacity would normalize upon chemogenetic
not have any effect on WT::PV animals. However, a substantial dampening of MLIN excitability. Computing the manifolds of all
improvement in motor performance was observed in Sca1::PV neurons in a given FOV, we found two subspaces (Figure 4P),
animals after CNO injections (Figure 4C). Sca1::PV mice dis- which were less discrete in Sca1::PV mice. Intriguingly, after
played improved rotarod performance, even after 24 h of CNO CNO application, the subspaces became more discrete, and
washout, suggesting some form of lasting plasticity. To exclude the Euclidean distance between both states became insignifi-
that the amelioration in motor incoordination was due to non- cant between WT::PV and Sca1::PV mice (Figure 4Q). The inves-
specific viral transduction of brain stem and spinal cord neurons, tigation of neuronal function upon MLIN silencing thus demon-
we performed immunostaining for mCherry, whose expression strates a normalization not only of activity levels in Sca1 but
remained localized within the cerebellum, with no unspecific also of the networks’ coding capacity.
spreading to other CNS regions (Figures S11B and S11C).
Additionally, we probed the impact of chemogenetic inhibition Enhancing MLIN activity is sufficient to induce SCA1-
of MLINs on neuronal function. We co-injected AAV2/8-hSyn- like pathology in WT mice
DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry and AAV2/1-syn-jGCaMP7s into P75, We hypothesized that augmented inhibition could impair PN
Sca1::PV, and WT::PV mice and performed in vivo calcium function, thereby inducing motor incoordination; thus, we
imaging in P110 aged mice (Figure 4D). Although CNO applica- mimicked the altered mutant MLIN activity in WT animals. We
tion alone in control mice had no effect on neuronal activity injected excitatory DREADDs (AAV2/8-hSyn-DIO-hM3D(Gq)-
(Figures S11D–S11I), we found that 50% of MLINs in mCherry) in the WT::PV cerebellum (Figures 5A and 5B).
DREADD-expressing mice displayed reduced neuronal activity Elevated PV-expression within WT::PV MLINs, similar to those
under light anesthesia. About 20% of MLINs did not overtly in Sca1::PV MLINs, after CNO application was observed (Fig-
change their activity levels, and the remaining MLINs increased ure 5C). Importantly, we also found that the rotarod performance
their activity (Figure 4E). The overall distribution of absolute ac- of WT::PV mice that received CNO injections drastically drop-
tivity changes upon CNO shows a reduction of activity levels in ped, almost reaching levels observed in Sca1::PV mice (Fig-
a substantial proportion of MLINs (Figures 4F–4H). We observed ure 5D). Centered on the acute MLIN overactivation data and
reduced activity in Gol exclusively in WT::PV mice (Figure 4I), the fact that NDs show a progressive increase in symptoms,
whereas calcium signals in PNs somata were not affected by we mimicked this aspect by chronically activating MLINs either
the CNO-triggered silencing of MLINs (Figure 4J). However, a for 30 or 60 days in WT::PV mice (Figure 5E). Because SCA1 pa-
significant decline in calcium signals in PN dendrites in WT::PV thology is characterized by initial dysfunction in PN spines, de-
and Sca1::PV mice was observed (Figure 4K). These findings tected by reduced Homer-3 expression,14 we examined
were corroborated by recordings in awake mice, in which CNO Homer-3 levels. Notably, 30 days of CNO application led to a sig-
administration revealed a strong reduction in the spontaneous nificant reduction in Homer-3-positive puncta, which was main-
activity of MLINs during QW (Figure 4L). In awake mice, Gol ac- tained after 2 months of CNO treatment, suggesting a threshold-
tivity decreased upon CNO in WT::PV and as a trend in Sca1::PV ing effect (Figure 5F). Moreover, P-CAMKII levels in PN soma
Figure 4. Acute MLIN activity reduction influences cerebellar network responses and alleviates motor deficits
(A) Experimental design showing acute MLIN inhibition in WT::PV and SCA1::PV mice via AAV2/8-DREADD(Gi). Right: R.I. of mCherry expression within WT::PV
MLINs (yellow arrowheads), note the absence of mCherry staining in PNs (blue arrowheads).
(B) R.I. of comparable PV expression in WT::PV and Sca1::PV-expressing DREADD(Gi) MLINs after saline/CNO injection, n = 3 mice/group.
(C) Rotarod measurement reveals improved motor performance of Sca1::PV-DREADD(Gi)+CNO mice vs. saline group. WT::PV+saline n = 9; WT::PV+CNO n = 8;
Sca1::PV+saline n = 8; Sca1::PV+CNO n = 10 mice.
(D) In vivo imaging experiment design. Same neurons were recorded (fb, iso) at baseline (BL, w/o CNO, P110) and upon CNO application.
(E) Fraction of neurons with increased, decreased, or no change in activity in Sca1::PV MLIN+CNO.
(F) Absolute activity changes in MLINs upon CNO.
(G) Maximum intensity projection of a Sca1::PV mouse before and after CNO.
(H–K) (H) MLIN activity under anesthesia before and after CNO in WT::PV (left, 1,088 MLINs) and in Sca1::PV (right, 548 MLINs), (I) same as in (H) for Gol in WT::PV
(78 Gol) and Sca1::PV (38 Gol), (J) and in PN in WT::PV (102 PN) and Sca1::PV (83 PN) and (K) calcium signals in PN dendrites in WT::PV (83 PN dendrites) and
Sca1::PV (88 PN dendrites), data in (H)–(K) from WT::PV: 12 FOV, and Sca1::PV: 8 FOV, 5 mice/genotype).
(L–O) (L) QW spontaneous activity of MLINs before and after CNO in WT::PV (1,316 MLINs) and Sca1::PV (813 MLINs), (M) of Gol in WT::PV (82 Gol) and Sca1::PV
(56 Gol), (N) of PN in WT::PV (49 PN) and Sca1::PV (76 PN) and (O) calcium signals in PN dendrites in WT::PV (12 PN dendrites) and Sca1::PV (19 PN dendrites),
data from WT::PV: 17 FOV, and Sca1::PV: 17 FOV, 7 mice/genotype).
(P) Example manifold of all neurons in a FOV from a Sca1::PV mouse, depicting less discrete segregation of QW and active states (running speed color-coded),
which is improved after CNO application (right).
(Q) Euclidean distance in PC-space between the center of mass of QW and locomotion (before CNO: WT::PV: 10 FOV, Sca1::PV: 12 FOV, after CNO: WT::PV: 9
FOV, Sca1::PV 11 FOV, (5–6 mice/genotype). Graph (C) represents mean ± SEM, data in (H–O) and (Q) represent median and interquartile range. Scale bars, (A)
100, (B) 20, (G) 50 (mm). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p<0.001. See also Figures S9–S11.
were significantly reduced to levels observed in Sca1 PNs (Fig- roprotective. Inhibitory DREADD AAV2/2-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry was
ure 5G). Subsequently, we examined whether the cellular expressed in WT::Pcp2 and Sca1::Pcp2 mice (Figure S12D). Acute
changes translated into motor dysfunction (Figure 5H). Rotarod CNO application reduced P-CAMKII expression in both WT and
measurements during chronic CNO application revealed a Sca1 PNs, confirming reduced intracellular calcium-signaling
consistent decline in the latency to fall in WT::PV mice (Figure 5I). and PN activity (Figure S12E). Chronic CNO treatment from P60-
Interestingly, motor incoordination was maintained at least until P70, surprisingly, anticipated PN degeneration selectively in
20 days after halting CNO treatment, suggesting that chronic Sca1 mice (Figures S12F and S12G). This differential outcome
MLIN overactivation, even in WT::PV mice, not only induces a on disease pathology dependent on the neuronal population tar-
SCA1-like phenotype but also leaves a long-lasting trace (Fig- geted, highlights the contribution of MLIN hyperresponsiveness
ure 5I). Lastly, we analyzed the same cohort of mice 130 days af- to SCA1 pathology.
ter halting CNO treatment and found that Homer-3-expression Lastly, measurement of rotarod performance, during and after
remained reduced (Figure 5J), whereas P-CAMKII levels were CNO application, revealed a striking amelioration of motor coor-
somewhat normalized within PN soma of WT::PV mice (Fig- dination deficits in Sca1::PV animals, expressing inhibitory
ure 5K). These results show that MLIN-mediated, elevated inhi- DREADD in MLINs (Figure 6F). Notably, despite the termination
bition of PNs, non-cell autonomously, promotes cellular pathol- of the CNO application at P90, Sca1::PV symptomatic animals
ogy within PNs and triggers manifestations of ataxia-like displayed a significantly improved motor performance
symptoms in WT::PV mice, lacking disease-causing mutations. compared with the untreated Sca1::PV group for another
2 months, whereas no significant effect on WT::PV motor perfor-
Chronic disinhibition of PNs is neuroprotective in mance was observed (Figure 6F). Chronic CNO application de-
Sca1 mice layed the onset of the hindlimb clasping phenotype, a measure-
Next, we hypothesized that 30 days of chronic reduction in MLIN ment that directly correlates with disease severity, with higher
activity in Sca1::PV mice should provide long-term amelioration scores indicative of symptom worsening (Figure 6G).
in cerebellar dysfunctions. To this end, we selectively expressed
inhibitory DREADDs in WT::PV and Sca1::PV MLINs at P40, fol- Proteomic analyses of adult MLIN identifies widespread
lowed by the chronic administration of CNO in drinking water synaptic alterations
(40 mg/mL) for 30 days. Analysis performed after stopping the Because functional MLIN alterations in SCA1 are strong contribu-
CNO treatment, at an age corresponding to the late disease stage tors to the degenerative process, we investigated the molecular
(Figure 6A), revealed sustained reduction of PV-expression, spe- signature, accounting for the functional changes in mutant
cifically within mutant MLINs (Figure 6B), and normalized MLINs. We undertook a FACS approach to selectively isolate adult
P-CAMKII levels, with no changes in total CAMKII levels (Figure 6C, PV-positive MLIN for proteomic analysis (Figure 7A).38 MLINs were
S12A, and S12B). Moreover, a beneficial effect on PN synaptic labeled by injecting AAV8- hSyn-DIO-mCherry into P30-35 WT::PV
structures was observed via an increase in Homer-3 immunoreac- and Sca1::PV animals. Two weeks post surgery, cerebellar tissue
tive puncta at P180, suggesting that the amelioration in pathology was dissociated, and viable single neurons were sorted for
due to reduced MLIN activity is maintained long term, despite mCherry and Hoechst (Figure S13A). We confirmed that the sorted
halting CNO-mediated modulation (Figure 6D). This overall protec- neurons were viable PV-positive interneurons by culturing them for
tive effect was also reflected by sustained PN numbers (Figure 6E), 24 h and staining for MLIN marker PV (Figure S13B). Sorted MLINs
indicating that reduced inhibitory drive onto Sca1 PNs ameliorates were lyophilized and processed for mass spectrometry, revealing
cerebellar degeneration. Next, we assessed whether MLIN modu- that the sorted neurons present typical MLIN markers (Figure 7B).
lation can alter the activation of astrocytes and microglia, which is Proteomic analyses highlighted a large number of downregulated
observed early in SCA1 pathogenesis.37 Gliosis levels were signif- proteins in Sca1 MLINs (Figure 7C; Table S1). Panther (protein anal-
icantly lower in cerebellar lobules where MLIN activity was reduced ysis through evolutionary relationships) protein class analyses of
in comparison with neighboring non-transduced lobules, indi- downregulated proteins revealed that 34.2% of those belong to
cating a general beneficial effect of reducing MLIN activity in the metabolite interconversion enzyme class, 17.8% to RNA meta-
Sca1 mice (Figure S12C). Because PN dendrites exhibited hyper- bolism protein, 11% to transporter protein class, and 9.6% to
activity, we examined whether reducing PN activity would be neu- membrane trafficking proteins (Figure 7D). As previously shown,
proteins involved in synaptic function are prominently altered in and cortical interneurons.40 A fraction of PV-positive iGNs ex-
Sca1 PNs.14 Similarly, MLINs presented an altered synaptic profile, pressed high levels of SORCS3 (62%), suggesting that at least
with proteins involved in synaptic transmission being shared and a fraction of iGNs also possess MLIN-like characteristics
reduced in expression in both MLINs and PNs, indicating that (Figure S14G).
mutant Ataxin-1 selectively affects the expression of synaptic pro- Subsequently, immunostaining revealed higher immunoreac-
teins of dedicated cerebellar circuit elements (Figures 7D tivity for FRRS1l and GluR2 within human SCA1 iGNs compared
and S13C). with Controls (CNTRLS) (Figure 8A). The higher expression of
Panther protein class analysis of the upregulated proteins re- FRRS1L in SCA1 iGNs directly correlated with elevated PV im-
vealed that 17.2% of those proteins belong to the metabolite munolabeling, 57% of iGNs displayed elevated PV levels (Fig-
interconversion enzyme group, 11.1% to protein modifying ure 8B). These results corroborate findings in Sca1 mice in Fig-
enzyme and 9.1% to transporter protein class (Figures 7E and ure 3A, in which 49% of P90, MLINs exhibited high PV
7F). Interestingly, we identified the increased expression of the expression. Because in vivo mutant MLINs are excessively hy-
a-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate (AMPA) perexcitable and hyperresponsive to sensorimotor stimuli, we
receptor-associated protein, ferric chelate reductase 1-like wondered whether this hyperexcitability of MLINs is a conserved
(Frrs1l), involved in AMPA receptor biogenesis and trafficking.39 feature, detectable in SCA1 iGNs. Live-cell calcium imaging was
Immunoblotting total cerebellar lysates displayed no difference performed on human iGNs that were transduced with the green
in Frrs1l expression in Sca1 (Figure S13D). However, immuno- calcium indicator AAV2/1-hSyn-GCaMP6s, 5-days post differ-
staining MLINs against Frrs1l revealed the elevated expression entiation, and calcium imaging was conducted at day in vitro
of Frrs1l in Sca1 MLINs. As further evidence, higher Frrs1l levels (DIV)12 (Figure 8C). Both CNTRL and SCA1 iGNs fell into two
positively correlated with increased PV levels in Sca1 MLINs differentially responding populations. Among the neurons that
within the posterior cerebellum (Figure 7G). Notably, Frss1l levels increased their cytoplasmic calcium levels after 50 mM KCl stim-
exhibited an anterior-posterior gradient, akin to that observed in ulations, two populations of MLINs were observed, labeled as
the degeneration of PNs. A higher fraction of posterior MLINs, ex- high and low-responding iGNs (Figure 8D). Notably, a substantial
pressing elevated levels of Frrs1l at both symptomatic (P100) and proportion, 78% of SCA1 iGNs, fell into the high-responding
late symptomatic (P200) stages, was observed (Figure 7H). category (median DF < 1.5 at 70 s), displaying prominently higher
Consequently, we assessed AMPA receptor-subunit, GluR2 calcium signals compared with the CNTRL iGNs, where only
expression in MLINs, which revealed a dramatic increase in 58% of the iGNs fell into the high-responding category. More-
GluR2 immunoreactivity on the surface of Sca1 MLINs (Figure 7I), over, the amplitude in high-responding MLINs at 70 s was higher
likely accounting for the increase in MLIN excitability. in SCA1 iGNs compared with CNTRL iGNs (Figure 8D, middle
panel). Mutant iGNs exhibited a significantly longer rise time in
Conserved hyperresponsiveness of human SCA1 the high-responding population compared with healthy iGNs
patient iPSC-derived GABAergic neurons (Figure 8D, right panel).
To validate our findings in the context of human pathology, we The high expression levels of FRRS1L in SCA1 iGNs indicated
generated induced GABAergic neurons (iGNs) from induced a probable link between FRRS1L levels and MLIN hyperrespon-
pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)38 derived from three SCA1 patients siveness. To clarify this association, lentivirus-mediated overex-
and their unaffected siblings (Figure S14A). We evaluated the purity pression of FRRS1L (LV::FRRS1L-myc) or knockdown of FRR
of our cultures and performed an in-depth characterization of the S1L (LV::sh-FRRS1L-GFP) was performed (Figures 8E and
generated interneuron populations (Figure S14B). Two-week-old S15A). Calcium imaging revealed that FRRS1L-overexpressing
iGNs were 91% positive for the neuronal marker MAP2 and nega- CNTRL iGNs presented higher calcium signals, closely
tive for astrocyte marker GFAP (Figures S14B and S14C). Of the mimicking those observed in SCA1 iGNs (Figure 8F). By
91% MAP2-expressing neurons, 91% expressed the neurotrans- contrast, the overexpression of FRRS1L in SCA1 iGNs did not
mitter GABA (Figure S14D). Of the 91% GABA-positive neurons, further elevate calcium traces, suggesting a ceiling effect
93% were PV-positive, but lacked Calbindin and expressed (Figure S15B). FRRS1L knockdown was performed by LV car-
Kv1.2, indicating that neurons were excitable and active rying the small hairpin (sh) RNA-tagged to GFP; therefore, red
(Figures S14E and S14F). Because our protocol generated pan- calcium indicator AAV2/1-hSyn-RCaMP was used, and we first
inhibitory interneurons, we immunostained for SORCS3, an confirmed that both calcium indicators elicited similar responses
MLIN-specific marker, which is absent in cerebellar Gol, PNs, (Figure S15C). The knockdown of FRRS1L dramatically reduced
calcium responses in both SCA1 and CNTRL iGNS (Figures 8G PNs. Notably, MLINs display irregular fast spiking, which is
and S15D). Due to the very high transduction efficiency of LVs, mainly regulated intrinsically.17 Thus, the observed increase in
FRRS1L overexpression completely abolished the low-respond- spontaneous activity of MLINs during stationary/quiescent
ing population of iGNs, and FRRS1L knockdown completely epochs could relate to increased intrinsic hyperexcitability and/
abrogated the high-responding fraction of iGNs (Figure S15E), or defective reciprocal inhibition due to reduced synaptic con-
thus highlighting the role of FRRS1L in governing MLIN hyperres- nections among MLINs. Although we found MLINs to be hyper-
ponsiveness in SCA1. excitable, we observed a reduction in Gol sensorimotor re-
sponses. Gol are inhibitory GABAergic neurons, located within
DISCUSSION the GCL, providing crucial regulation and gain control of granule
cell activity via lateral inhibition in a feedforward inhibitory
This study provides for the first-time direct evidence for a causal loop.25,45,46 Importantly, Gol receive inhibitory input from the
impact of a hitherto poorly recognized circuit element, namely MLINs, whereas both neuronal types are activated by PFs.45,47
MLINs, in the degenerative process of Sca1 PNs. Our data It is possible that the hyporesponsiveness of mutant Gol is a
demonstrate that hyperexcitability of MLINs occurs very early in consequence of MLIN hyperactivity, which could potentially
the disease process and persists until the end-stage. Together affect PF input, resulting in a vicious stimulation cycle.
with an enhanced synaptic connectivity between MLINs and Our data demonstrate that mutant MLINs exhibit aberrant spon-
PNs, it compromises cerebellar sensorimotor processing, fuels taneous activity and aberrant responses to sensorimotor input,
PN synaptic dysfunction, and causes motor deficits. Our data, us- persisting from early until late disease stages. Together with higher
ing chemogenetic modulation of MLINs, demonstrate that circuit synaptic connections onto PNs, we propose that PNs undergo a
dysfunction is sufficient to trigger SCA1-disease-like alterations dual hit by MLINs, thus strongly disrupting correlated PN activity
and that PNs remain the most vulnerable neurons within the cere- and compromising their pacemaker firing properties.24 Addition-
bellum. We further identify the molecular signature of mutant ally, we demonstrated dendritic hyperexcitability of PNs, present
MLINs, revealing that enhanced Frrs1L expression influences throughout the disease course, suggesting that increase in PN
MLIN activity responses. This work provides crucial evidence for dendritic excitability might represent a homeostatic mechanism
circuit dysfunction as an important driver of SCA1 pathophysi- in response to excessive inhibition, resulting in a maladaptive pro-
ology, and neurons, which primarily don’t degenerate, play a deci- cess. Nonetheless, we did not observe major alterations in somatic
sive role in shaping circuit output and triggering the pathology. calcium signals in PNs and found reduced spontaneous activity,
The cerebellum is a multimodal sensorimotor integration hub, along with a strong increase in cytosolic calcium levels in PNs
facilitating the fine-tuning of movements, balance, stance, and somata at late disease stages. However, the very high instanta-
cognition, all of which are compromised in SCAs.41 Our in vivo neous firing rates of PNs (20–70 Hz)48 and the rather slow kinetics
calcium imaging experiments unexpectedly unraveled a selec- of calcium indicators, primarily facilitate the detection of simple
tive sensorimotor hyperresponsiveness of MLINs, which provide spike pauses.22 Hence, our approach falls short in detecting
the main inhibitory input onto PNs. MLINs receive excitatory more subtle changes in PN activity.
sensorimotor signals through PFs and also from CFs via gluta- Moreover, several studies highlight deficits in PNs, associ-
mate spillover.17 Moreover, MLINs are reciprocally connected, ated with genes regulating calcium homeostasis in different
enabling tightly regulated feedforward and fb inhibition. Recent SCA mouse models, such as impaired transactivation of reti-
studies describe a cardinal role for MLINs in valence coding, noic acid-related orphan receptor (ROR) alpha by mutant
associative learning,36 as well as licking-related activity, modified Ataxin-1.49 Impaired calcium homeostasis is a convergent
by, e.g., motivational state.42,43 Chemogenetic-mediated MLIN pathway in SCAs, involving voltage-gated calcium channels50
inhibition reduces lick rate and precision, emphasizing the role such as SCA6, 51 SCA752, and mutations in the a-subunit of
of MLIN-mediated PN inhibition for movement control.42 Notably, Cav2.1 channel, causing episodic forms of ataxia, such as
optogenetic stimulation of MLINs can trigger motor behavior44 EA2.53,54 Furthermore, BK channels, involved in establishing
through PN inhibition, and concerted MLIN activity scales with PN pacemaker activity, are downregulated in SCA1 mice, and
locomotion speed, mediated by the silencing of PN.31 enhancing their expression restores PN pacemaker firing.24
We show that the increase in spontaneous neuronal activity of Intriguingly, a recent publication suggests a negative fb loop
MLINs in Sca1 reduces the coding space and renders brain state by which PN, in turn, inhibit MLINs;55 thus, it is conceivable
representations less distinct, thus sending ambiguous signals to that compromised PN pacemaker firing could affect MLIN
activity and similar to Gol drive vicious loops of MLIN causing increased inhibitory synaptic input on PNs, particularly
hyperactivation. at pinceau synapses, thus strongly regulating action potential
Our study reveals that altered GABAergic inputs can causally generation.62 Despite a striking similarity to SCA1, with regard
contribute to circuit-level dysfunctions. Notably, reducing to excessive MLIN-mediated inhibition of PNs, EA1 lacks neuro-
GABA transmission also restored PN pacemaker activity in an degeneration, likely due to unaltered basket cell firing.63 Notably,
ethanol-exposure model.56 The selective lowering of the inhibi- altered excitability of PV-interneurons has been reported in other
tory tone by chemogenetically silencing Sca1 MLINs in our study, neurological diseases.64–68 In Alzheimer’s disease, interneuron-
lead to an immediate improvement in motor performance. This deficits not only underlie cognitive decline but also epileptic dis-
rapid improvement suggests that the Sca1 phenotype is not pri- charges.68,69 In Dravet syndrome, PV-interneurons exhibit
marily due to PN degeneration, and importantly highlights the impaired excitability, thus participating in disease pathophysi-
therapeutic potential of this cell-type-specific intervention. ology.70 In ALS and Fragile-X syndrome, PV-interneurons are
Intriguingly, acute chemogenetic-mediated MLIN silencing hypoexcitable, thereby causing cortical hyperexcitability.66,71
significantly reduces the hyperexcitability of PN dendrites, indi- SCA1, however, represents a special case, as MLINs turn hyper-
cating that this hitherto believed PN cell-autonomous alteration excitable. But why are MLINs hyperexcitable? We show that ho-
might, at least in part, constitute a maladaptive feature in motypic synaptic connections are altered, likely resulting in
response to excess MLIN-mediated inhibition. defective reciprocal inhibition among the MLIN population.
However, MLIN hyperexcitability is not the sole driver of PN Moreover, in Sca1 mice, we found strongly increased levels of
degeneration, especially as ample evidences point to PN cell- the calcium buffer PV and lowered resting cytoplasmic calcium
autonomous processes.57,58 Nevertheless, recent studies concentrations, which recently have been linked to increased
highlight alterations in non-cell autonomous processes, syner- neuronal excitability.72 We propose that altered calcium homeo-
gistically enhancing or even initiating dysfunction within PNs. stasis observed in Sca1 MLINs contribute toward higher
Excitatory PF-PN and CF-PN synaptic dysfunctions are MLIN activity. Patient-derived iGNs experiments also argue for
observed in rodent models of SCAs, indicating a conserved intrinsic alterations, and our proteomic analyses identified alter-
role for circuit elements in either triggering or governing cere- ations in synaptic molecules, which might contribute to altered
bellar neurodegeneration. Specifically, these alterations could MLIN synaptic function and neurotransmission.
affect intrinsic PN excitability, as well as alter synaptic re- FRRS1L is a recently identified, predominantly brain-localized
sponses.14,59–61 Ataxin-1 controls the expression of Cav3.1 protein, with the highest expression in the cortex, cerebellum,
and TRPC3 channels, involved in the regulation of intrinsic hippocampus, and basal-ganglia.73 Patients harboring recessive
PN excitability, and mutant Ataxin-1 renders PNs hyperexcit- loss-of-function mutations in FRRS1L gene, exhibit severe intel-
able in a cell-autonomous fashion.30 Therefore, homeostatic lectual disability, movement disorders, hypotonia, and epi-
mechanisms in response to excess MLIN-mediated inhibition lepsy.39,73,74 Notably, some patients manifest cortical and cere-
might lead to further reductions in the expression of these re- bellar neurodegeneration. FRRS1L within the ER regulates
ceptors and anticipate PN degeneration. AMPA receptor assembly via FRRS1l/CPT1c complexes,
Our chemogenetically mediated MLIN stimulation in healthy enabling multimer-formation of GluAs and their trafficking to
mice highlights the pivotal role for this circuit element in driving the plasma membrane.75 In Sca1 mice and in patient iGNs, a se-
motor deficits typical of SCA1. Importantly, it demonstrates the lective increase in FRRS1L levels indicate that FRRS1L levels
vulnerability of PNs to extended periods of excessive inhibition, can influence synaptic plasticity and shape activity patterns.
which causes long-term synaptic deficits on PNs, and, on a Importantly, FRRSIL overexpression in CNTRL iGNs alters their
longer time scale, might cause overt PN degeneration. An inter- intrinsic properties, rendering them hyperresponsive to depola-
esting pathophysiological overlap exists with Episodic Ataxia rizing stimulation. However, future studies are needed to deci-
type 1 (EA1), characterized by stress-induced attacks of spastic pher how Ataxin-1 contributes to altered FRRS1L expression.
contractions and motor dysfunction. EA1 is a channelopathy, One likely pathway for future investigation is that of Sirtuin-1,
Figure 8. iGNs activity in Control and SCA1 correlates with PV and FRRS1L expression
(A) R.I. of FRRS1L, GluR2 and PV expression in 3 human SCA1 patients’ iPSC-derived iGNs vs. 3 CNTRL lines and Q.A. of elevated. GluR2 expression.
(B) Q.A. of PV expression binned into expression classes: high, medium, and low (chi-squared test). Pearson’s correlation between PV expression and FRRS1L in
SCA1 vs. CNTRL. Q.A. of FRRS1L expression level.
(C) Experimental timeline for iGNs calcium imaging and Q.A. of differentially responding populations after 50 mM KCl stimulation (low-responding cut off: 1–1.5 at
70 s; high-responding < 1.5 at 70 s) and corresponding heatmaps. Q.A. of calcium transients showing increase in DF at 70 s in SCA1 high-responding neurons
vs. CNTRL.
(D) Significant increase in DF amplitude at 70 s in SCA1 high-responding neurons. Time to max DF was significantly higher in high-responding SCA1 populations.
n = 27–33 neurons.
(E) Timeline for calcium imaging of iGNs transduced at DIV4 with LV:FRRS1L-myc (transduction efficiency, mean: 83.06) or LV:shFRRS1L-GFP (transduction
efficiency mean: 89.60) or LV-GFP. Subsequently at DIV7 iGNs were infected with AAV2/1-GCaMP6 or AAV2/1-RCaMP. R.I. of FRRS1L overexpression or
knockdown in iGNs.
(F) Q.A. of calcium transients in CNTRL lines overexpressing FRRS1L, showing increase in DF after KCl stimulation, n = 12–15 neurons/condition.
(G) Q.A. of calcium transients in SCA1 lines after FRRS1L knockdown, displaying decline in DF after KCl stimulation. n = 12–14 neurons/condition. Box and
whisker plot in (A and B) and graphs in (C and F) show mean ± SEM, (E) percentage of mean/coverslip. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Scale bars, (A, B, and D)
15 mm. See also Figures S14 and S15.
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C9orf4 (FRRS1L) - Human shRNA lentiviral Origene: CAT# TL314264V
C9ORF4 (FRRS1L) - Human Myc-DDK- Origene: CAT#: RC221300L1V
tagged lentiviral particles
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins
SB 431542 Stem cell technologies Cat#72234
LDN193189 Stem cell technologies Cat#72147
CHIR99021 Stem cell technologies Cat#72052
L-Ascorbic Acid Sigma Aldrich Cat#A4403
SAG Stem cell technologies Cat#73412
BDNF Stem cell technologies Cat#78005
DAPT Stem cell technologies Cat#72082
GDNF Stem cell technologies Cat#78058
IGF-1 Stem cell technologies Cat#78078
CNTF Stem cell technologies Cat#78010
Clozapine N-Oxide Tocris Cat#4936
Experimental models: Cell lines
Human induced pluripotent Buijsen et al.38 LUMCi002
stem cell (SCA1)
Human induced pluripotent Buijsen et al.38 LUMCi003
stem cell (Healthy)
Human induced pluripotent Leiden University Medical Center LUMCi034
stem cell (SCA1)
Human induced pluripotent Leiden University Medical Center LUMCi035
stem cell (Healthy)
Human induced pluripotent Leiden University Medical Center LUMCi022
stem cell (SCA1)
Human induced pluripotent Leiden University Medical Center LUMCi023
stem cell (Healthy)
Experimental models: Organisms/strains
B6.129S-Atxn1tm1Hzo/J Jackson laboratories RRID: IMSR_JAX:005601
B6;129P2-Pvalbtm1(cre)Arbr/J Jackson laboratories RRID: IMSR_JAX:008069
B6.129-Tg(Pcp2-cre)2Mpin/J Jackson laboratories RRID: IMSR_JAX:004146
Software and algorithms
Fiji https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.2019 RRID:SCR_002285
Imaris Oxford instruments RRID:SCR_007370
iMOD Kremer et al.79 RRID:SCR_003297
Graphpad prism http://www.graphpad.com/ RRID:SCR_002798
MATLAB R2018a version The MathWorks, Inc RRID:SCR_001622
Custom built software on Labview 2018 Keller et al.80 https://www.ni.com/de-de/shop/
SP1, 2020 SP1, National Instruments National Instruments software/products/labview.html
SciScan 1.4 - Imaging acquisition software Scientfica UK N/A
IR camera Imaging source DMK 22BUC03
Ti:Sapphire laser with a DeepSee Spectra Physics MaiTai HP N/A
pre-chirp unit
Two-photon microscope, equipped Hyperscope, Scientifica N/A
with an 8 kHz resonant scanner
316 water-immersion objective (0.8 NA) Nikon N/A
(Continued on next page)
Emission filter G 525/50 nm,
C/Y 460/80nm (CFP) and
560/80 nm (YFP)
Lead contact
Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the lead contact, Smita
Saxena ([email protected]).
Materials availability
This study did not generate new unique reagents.
Mice strains
The Atxn1154Q/2Q knock-in mice (B6.129S-Atxn1tm1Hzo/J),81 called Sca1 throughout the manuscript, PV-IRES- cre mice (B6;129P2-
Pvalbtm1(cre)Arbr/J) and Pcp2-cre (B6.129-Tg(Pcp2-cre)2Mpin/J) were obtained from Jackson Laboratory. To obtain Sca1::PV or
Sca1::Pcp2 animals, Atxn1154Q/2Q males were crossed with PV-cre or Pcp2-cre homozygous females. Animals of both genders
were equally used in the study. Mice were kept at a 12/12-hour light/dark cycle with ad libitum access to food and water and
were group housed. We regularly performed long-range PCR on Sca1 mice, confirming the length of PolyQ repeats in both colonies
as being around 154 repeats. Animal care, housing, ethical usage, and procedures were approved by the government of upper Ba-
varia and in accordance with the Swiss Veterinary Law guidelines.
Pharmacological treatments
Clozapine-N-oxide (Tocris, 4936) was administered IP at a dosage of 3 mg/Kg, 45 minutes prior to behavioral test (for acute MLIN
modulation) or in drinking water 40 mg/ml82 for chronic modulation of MLIN expressing the inhibitory G protein hM4D(Gi) or hM3D(Gq).
All CNO treatments were independently performed at UBERN and LMU.
Accelerating Rotarod
Rotarod test was performed between 1 pm and 6 pm. Experimental mice were habituated to the experimenter and trained on the
rotating rod at fixed speed of 5 rpm for three days prior to the first rotarod recording. The protocol consisted of 4 trials per day, in
which the rotating rod accelerated from 5 to 40 rpm within 300s, followed by 300s rest in between trials. To avoid experimenter
bias, rotarod for chronic DREADD(Gi) experiments were performed independently both at the LMU and UBERN. Experimenters
were blinded for treatment condition throughout the study and data was merged and presented together.
(50459) viral titer 131013 vg/mL, AAV2/8-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)–mCherry (44362) viral titer 131013 vg/mL, AAV2/8-hSyn-DIO-
hM3D(Gq)–mCherry (44361) viral titer 431012 vg/mL and AAV2/8-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)–mCherry (50475) 731012 vg/mL. For calcium
imaging: AAV2/1-hSyn-GCaMP6s-WPRE-SV40 (100843) viral titer 131013 vg/mL; AAV2/1-hSyn-jGCaMP7s-WPRE (104487) viral
titer 131013 vg/mL. AAV2/1-hSyn1-Twitch2B-WPRE.SV40 (100040) viral titer 131013 vg/mL.
breaths per minute, which was then maintained throughout the recording. A physiological monitoring system (Harvard Apparatus)
was used to ensure body temperature was stable at 37 degrees. Several behavioral parameters were recorded synchronized with
the imaging data acquisition. As such the speed of the mouse on the ball was tracked by an optical mouse sensor (Logitech
G500s Laser Gaming Mouse) placed in front of the styrofoam ball. Pupil position and width as well as whisking events were detected
in video recordings acquired with an infrared camera (The Imaging Source, DMK 22BUC03, USB 2.0 monochrome industrial camera),
positioned to the front right of the mouse to visualize the right eye and whiskers on this side. Information of pupil position and pupil
width were derived online using custom-build software (National Instruments). Pupil width was computed post hoc using a custom-
written script (Math Works). Whisking was tracked by superimposing a detection window over mouse’s snout area. Brief puffs of
pressurized air were applied through a thin tube positioned at the right side of the mouse’s body.
the same fixative solution, followed by 30% sucrose in PBS for cryoprotection until samples were used. After embedding in Tissue
Tek O.C.T compound (Bio system, 4583), cerebellar sections (50 mm) were sagitally sliced while brain was sliced coronally (50 mm)
using a cryostat. Antibodies used for immunofluorescence were: mouse anti-Parvalbumin (1:1000, Swant, 235), goat anti-Parval-
bumin (1:1000, Swant, PVG213), mouse anti-Calbindin (1:1000, Abcam, ab82812), rabbit anti-Calbindin (1:1000, Abcam,
ab108404), rabbit anti-pCaMKII-a, (1:200, Santa cruz, sc-12886), rabbit anti-CaMKII-a, 1:500 (LSB1178, Lifespan Bio), goat
anti-mCherry (1:1000, Origene, AB0081-200), rabbit anti-mCherry (1:1000, Abcam, ab183628), rabbit anti-VGluT1 (1:1000,
SYSY, 135303), rabbit anti-VGAT (1:1000, SYSY, 131003), rabbit anti-Homer-3 (1:500, Origine, TA308627), rabbit anti-Homer-3
(1:1000, SYSY, 160303) mouse anti-Frrs1l (1:100, Santa cruz, sc-398692), mouse anti-GluR2 (1:500, Millipore, MAB397). Sections
were kept for 2h in PBS solution containing 0.05% Triton X-100 and 10% normal donkey serum (NDS, Jackson immunoresearch,
017-000-121), after the antibodies were applied in PBS, 3% NDS, 0.05% Triton X-100, and incubated overnight at 4 C. Sections
were then briefly washed with PBS and incubated for 120 min at room temperature (RT), with appropriate combinations of sec-
ondary antibodies from Invitrogen.
Confocal microscopy
Confocal images were acquired using an Olympus Fluoview 1000-BX61 (Olympus, Tokyo) microscope, fitted with a 20X, 40X air
objective or 60X immersion oil objective. For the analysis of intensities, data were acquired using identical confocal settings, with
signals at the brightest cells being non-saturated.
Anesthetized mice were transcardially perfused first with 0.1 M PBS (pH=7.4) and then fixed with fixation solution (2.5% glutaralde-
hyde (GA) +2% PFA in 0.1 M Na-cacodylate, pH=7.4). Cerebellum was isolated and post-fixed in fixation solution. Bloc staining,
dehydration and embedding were performed as follows: post-fixation in 0.15 M cacodylate buffer, 1.5% potassium ferrocyanide
and 2% osmium tetroxide, followed by sample incubation with 0.64 M pyrogallol for 15min at room temperature and for 5min in a
water bath at 50 C, and subsequently rinsed with water. Samples were incubated in 2% OsO4 for 22min at room temperature
and 8min in a water bath at 50 C. After water rinses, the samples were incubated overnight in a solution of 0.15 M gadolinium acetate
(LFG Distribution, Lyon, France) and 0.15 M samarium acetate (LFG Distribution) pH 7.0. Followed by water rinses, samples were
incubated in 1% Walton’s lead aspartate,84 particularly useful for ultra-structural enzymology12 at 60 C for 30min. After staining,
the samples were dehydrated in a graded ethanol series (20%, 50%, 70%, 90%, 100%, 100%) at 4 C, each step last for 5min.
The blocks were infiltrated with Durcupan resin mixed with ethanol at ratios of 1:3 (v/v), 1:1, and 3:1, each step lasted for 2h, to finally
be infiltrated with pure Durcupan overnight. The samples were transferred to fresh Durcupan and the resin was polymerized for
3 days at 60 C. Care was taken to have osmicated material directly exposed at the block surface in contact with the glue in order
to reduce specimen charging under the electron beam. Pyramids with a surface of approximately 500 3 500 mm2 were trimmed
with a razor blade. The blocs were imaged at the SBF-SEM using a Quanta FEG 250 (FEI, Eindhoven, The Netherlands), equipped
with a 3View2XP in-situ ultramicrotome (Gatan). Images were acquired in low or high vacuum according to block quality. Analysis was
performed using Fiji, were axosomatic synapses were counted within different PNs soma. For 3D representative images iMOD soft-
ware was used and PN, MLIN and synapses were manually ROI to reconstruct the final model (around 100 and 280 consecutive im-
ages were used for WT and Sca1 models).
Protocol for isolation of MLIN from adult animals was performed as in Rubio et al.,85 with some optimization. Animals were deeply
anesthetized with isoflurane and decapitated, the cerebellum was extracted and placed on an ice-cold petri dish. A drop of Hibernate
A media (Gibco), supplemented with 1X B27 (Gibco) was used to cover the fresh cerebellum and a razor blade was used to mince the
tissue. The tissue was then centrifuged at 110x g for two minutes at 4 . The supernatant was discarded and 1 ml of Accutase was
added to resuspend the pellet. Tubes were incubated at 4 C for 30 minutes with hand-over-end mixing followed by centrifugation at
960x g for 2 minutes at 4 C. Supernatant was discarded and pellet resuspended in 0.6 ml of Hibernate A + B27 media. Single cells
were obtained by mechanical trituration using a glass pipette. Samples were triturated 10 times and let settle in ice to collect the su-
pernatant and the pellet was resuspended again in 0.6ml of Hibernate A + B27 media. The procedure was repeated until 3 ml of
supernatant was collected. The collected supernatant was then filtered through 100 and 40 mm cell strainer and 2 additional ml of
Hibernate A + B27 media were added to the filtered supernatant. Hoechst was added to the single cell suspension and double pos-
itive neurons for mCherry and Hoechst were sorted using MoFlo ASTRIOS EQ (Beckman Coulter) in 300 ml of sterile DPBS. Samples
were centrifuged at 400x g for 15 minutes and 250 ml of DPBS was discarded and sorted cells in approximately 50 mL DPBS were
frozen, then lyophilized, and stored at -80C until further use.
and Frrs1l, neurons with values of intensity below 50 arbitrary units (a.u.) were considered as low expressing, between 50 and 100 a.u.
as medium expressing and above 100 a.u. as high expressing. Intensity values were plotted using GraphPad Prism 9. For GluR2
expression analysis, 5 random spots within the cellular membrane of PV positive MLIN were measured using Fiji, the average of
the 5 points were plotted using GraphPad Prism 9. The spread of mCherry positive MLIN for chronic inhibition of cerebellar MLIN
was counted in 8 mCherry and 9 DREADD(Gi) injected animals between UBERN and LMU, multiple areas within every image (total
of 142 images, approximately 8-9 sections/animal) were used to analyze the number of positive MLIN, PN and GCL neurons.
For the analysis of VGAT and VGluT1 synapses 4 Z-stacks spaced 0.5 mm were used. Both neurons soma and synapses were re-
constructed in 3D using Imaris software (version 7.6.3), only synapses in contact with the cell membrane were counted for density
analysis. For Homer-3 synapses analysis 3 Z-stacks spaced 0.5 mm were used. Puncta were reconstructed in 3D using Imaris soft-
ware within a ROI of 35.4 mm2 and the number of synapses was plotted using GraphPad Prism 9.
Analysis of fluorescence intensity for iGNs SORCS3 signal intensity values were calculated over a maximal intensity projection of
consecutive Z-stack spaced 0.5 mm, neurons with values of intensity up to 70 a.u. were considered as non-expressing SORCS3, and
neurons with values above 70 a.u. were considered as expressing SORCS3. Background fluorescence intensity was between 20-50
a.u. For parvalbumin intensity analysis neurons were considered low expressing with values below 70 a.u., medium with values be-
tween 70 and 100 a.u. and high expressing with values over 100 a.u.
which were not followed by a running response in a window of 3 seconds following the puff application to avoid crosstalk between
modalities. Due to these varying sets of criteria, the effective number of neurons differs across analyses.
Statistical analysis
Analysis was done using GraphPad Prism and Matlab (R2021a, Mathworks). Statistical significances throughout the paper were eval-
uated by two-tailed, unpaired Student’s t test, Two-way ANOVA or Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) tests to assess differences in distribu-
tions. Post ANOVA Sidak or Tukey test was used to evaluate statistical significance throughout the paper as indicated in the respec-
tive figure legend. Values are expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). A P-value <0.05 was considered as statistically
significant (*p <0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001).
Figure Test F / t / R / etc. values
6F Two-way ANOVA timepoints F(4,215)=1.030, treatment
(Tukey multiple comparison test) F(3,215)= 28,59, interaction F(12,215)= 1.039
7G Unpaired t-test
& Pearson correlation
7H Chi-square
7I Unpaired t-test
8A Unpaired t-test
8B Chi-square &
Pearson correlation
8C Multiple t-test
8D Unpaired t-test
8F and 8G Multiple t-test
Table indicating precise statistical test employed for main figures.