Haemophilia Booklet
Haemophilia Booklet
Haemophilia Booklet
This information has been developed
for people affected by or with an
interest in haemophilia to explain
what the health condition
haemophilia is, how it is passed on
and how it might affect a person
over their lifetime.
Key points
• Haemophilia is a genetic bleeding disorder where blood doesn’t clot properly
• Haemophilia is usually hereditary and can be passed down from parent to child
• In people with haemophilia bleeding continues for longer but it is not faster
than someone else
• There are effective treatments to manage and prevent
prevent bleeding
• There is support and advice available at all stages of life if issues arise
• With knowledge and planning most people live well with haemophilia and
lead active and independent lives.
Table of contents
22 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
What is haemophilia?
What is haemophilia?
Haemophilia is a genetic bleeding disorder where blood doesn’t clot properly. It is
caused when blood does not have enough clotting factor. A clotting factor is a protein
in blood that controls bleeding.
When a person has an injury which causes bleeding, over 20 proteins are involved in
the chain reaction to make a clot which stops the bleeding. Two of the key proteins
are clotting factor VIII (8) and clotting factor IX (9).
There are two types of haemophilia. Both have the same symptoms.
Haemophilia A is the most common form and is caused by having low levels of
clotting factor VIII (8). It is also called factor VIII deficiency.
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What is haemophilia?
In Australia there are more than 3,200 people diagnosed with haemophilia.
Most females who carry the gene alteration causing haemophilia do not have bleeding
symptoms. However, around 20-30% of females with the gene alteration have reduced
factor levels and bleeding problems. If their factor levels are low enough, they will have
haemophilia, usually mild haemophilia. In some rare cases females can have moderate
or severe haemophilia.
In Australia a child born with haemophilia today has a similar life expectancy to
other Australians.
If a person has haemophilia, they have lower than normal levels of clotting factor.
There are other things that can affect an individual’s bleeding patterns, including their
particular genetic alteration. This is called the bleeding phenotype.
The common belief that people with haemophilia could bleed to death from a cut is
a myth. A person with haemophilia does not bleed any faster than anyone else, but
bleeding can continue for longer if it is not treated and can result in poor healing.
This occurs when blood does not form a tough, adherent clot where the blood
vessels have been damaged.
• Minor cuts and scratches on the skin are not usually a problem. They can be
treated with normal first aid, such as putting on a Band-Aid ® and some pressure
at the site of bleeding.
• However, haemophilia can sometimes complicate small injuries and medical
procedures. If first aid does not stop the bleeding, bleeding can continue for days.
• If the bleeding does not stop, specialised treatment will be needed so blood
can clot normally.
4 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
What is haemophilia?
Bleeding episodes or ‘bleeds’ can occur internally in any part of the body. Bleeds
can occur in anyone with haemophilia but occur more often in a person with severe
haemophilia who is not having preventive treatment.
Any bleeding episode in a person with haemophilia can be serious no matter whether they
have the mild, moderate or severe form and needs medical assessment and treatment.
Without treatment, people with haemophilia can have prolonged bleeding after
medical or dental procedures or surgery or with deep cuts or wounds.
Another problem for people with haemophilia is internal bleeding into joints (especially
knees, ankles or elbows), muscles or organs.
• This can happen as a result of injury.
• In some cases it can occur without an obvious cause (sometimes called
‘spontaneous’) - this is more common in severe haemophilia.
• If internal bleeding is not stopped quickly with treatment, it will result in pain and
• Some internal bleeding may be caused by other health problems, eg blood in urine.
• Over a period of time, repeated bleeding into joints and muscles can cause
permanent damage, such as arthritis and chronic pain.
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What is haemophilia?
Emergency situations
Bleeds into the head, spine, neck, throat, chest, stomach or abdominal area are
much less common but can be life-threatening. If this happens, the person with
haemophilia should go to an emergency department immediately and their
Haemophilia Treatment Centre should also be contacted.
Both males and females can have haemophilia, but nearly all people with severe
haemophilia are male.
Females with haemophilia usually have the mild rather than the severe form.
However, females can experience additional bleeding problems:
• Heavy and/or long menstrual periods.
• This can lead to low iron levels or anaemia (low red blood cells or low
haemoglobin) and they can feel tired, faint and short of breath.
• Some women also have heavy bleeding for an extended time after childbirth.
Liaison between a specialist Haemophilia Treatment Centre and a gynaecologist
or obstetrics team will be important to manage or prevent excessive bleeding
in females.
6 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Acquired haemophilia A
Acquired haemophilia A
Acquired haemophilia A is a very rare condition where a person’s immune
system (a system that protects your body from diseases) develops antibodies, also
known as inhibitors, that mistakenly target the body’s own clotting factors, most
commonly factor VIII. It is not hereditary.
People with acquired haemophilia A would previously have been well with no history
of bleeding and would have had normal blood clotting tests. In some cases, there is
an underlying medical condition that can trigger acquired haemophilia A, for example,
autoimmune conditions and certain cancers. In other cases, no cause of acquired
haemophilia A is found.
There are several differences between acquired and hereditary forms of haemophilia.
These include:
• How severe the bleeding is can be variable. Some people with acquired
haemophilia A may have very little bleeding while others have significant life-
threatening bleeding.
• The pattern of bleeding is different. In acquired haemophilia A it often
includes skin, gastrointestinal and muscle bleeds rather than joint bleeds.
However, bleeding can occur at any site in the body.
• The age when people with acquired haemophilia A first seek medical care for
their condition is different to hereditary forms of haemophilia. Although acquired
haemophilia A can occur at any age, it most often occurs in older people and in
some women in late pregnancy or who have recently given birth.
• In acquired haemophilia A both males and females are affected equally.
Treatment for acquired haemophilia A is firstly to control the bleeding and then to
remove the inhibitor and treat the underlying medical condition (if there is one).
A small number of people do not respond to treatment or the inhibitor comes back.
Getting rid of the inhibitor involves medications to suppress the immune system.
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How bleeding starts and stops
8 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
How bleeding starts and stops
Clotting in haemophilia
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Levels of severity
Levels of severity
The level of severity depends on the amount of clotting factor in the person’s blood.
It may take some time after birth to confirm a child’s factor level while their factor
levels stabilise. Factor VIII levels can also change for females with pregnancy and
hormonal medications such as the contraceptive pill and as they grow older.
Factor IX levels rarely change in people with haemophilia B.
The normal range of factor VIII and factor IX in a person’s blood is between
50% and 150%.
Some females who carry the gene alteration and have factor levels at the lower end
of normal (40 - 50%) may also experience abnormal bleeding. If further investigation
indicates the bleeding is related to haemophilia, they will be treated as having mild
haemophilia and diagnosed as symptomatic haemophilia carriers.
10 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Levels of severity
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Signs and symptoms of haemophilia
Females may also need genetic testing to see if they have the gene alteration
for haemophilia.
The laboratory tests will show whether people have mild, moderate or severe haemophilia.
12 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Signs and symptoms of haemophilia
Most children with haemophilia do not have bleeding problems at birth. However,
some bleeding problems may appear at birth or soon after.
The specialist nurses and physiotherapists at the Haemophilia Treatment Centre can
advise on haemophilia issues during the normal childhood stages.
If there is no family history, children with severe haemophilia are usually diagnosed in
the first year when their parents or health professionals notice unusual bruising or
bleeding problems.
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Signs and symptoms of haemophilia
When all babies begin to crawl and walk, they can knock into hard objects as well as
having twists, falls or sitting down with a bump. Small bruises are common in children
with severe haemophilia and are not usually dangerous.
Head injuries
As with anyone, a knock or bang or bruise on the head needs some extra
attention. In a child with severe haemophilia, these might become serious
and should always be checked by a haemophilia specialist.
Signs and symptoms of a head injury include:
• Not wanting to eat or drink, vomiting
• Headache, unsettled or irritable, very sleepy, unable to wake
• Unsteady, problems with crawling or walking
• Bleeding from ears or nose
• Seizures, fits.
14 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Signs and symptoms of haemophilia
Children with haemophilia can have
all the normal immunisations at the
usual ages. Informing the nurse or
doctor giving the immunisation that
the baby or toddler has haemophilia
is important. Injections can be given
subcutaneously, into the fatty tissue
under the skin, rather than into the
muscle, and pressure put on the
skin where the child was injected.
This reduces the risk of bruising
and bleeding. However, changing
the way of giving immunisations
isn’t necessary for all children with
haemophilia. If you have a child with
haemophilia, contact the Haemophilia
Treatment Centre for advice on how
your child should be immunised.
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Inheritance, genetics and haemophilia
In genetics:
• these genes are called the F8 gene
and F9 gene
• all females with the gene alteration
are referred to as ‘carriers’, because
they ‘carry’ the gene alteration.
This gene alteration is passed down from parent to child through generations. Men
with haemophilia will pass the gene alteration on to their daughters but not their sons.
Women who are carriers can pass the gene alteration on to their sons and daughters.
Sons with the gene alteration will have haemophilia. Daughters with the gene
alteration can have normal or reduced factor VIII or factor IX levels. Some will not
have bleeding symptoms, while others can have symptoms and can have haemophilia.
Sometimes this gene alteration has occurred a generation or two earlier and the
family has not known about it until they are tested.
Once haemophilia appears in a family the gene alteration is then passed on from
parents to children following the usual pattern for haemophilia. Family members
should seek genetic counselling and testing if there is someone in the family who
has haemophilia.
16 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Inheritance, genetics and haemophilia
Gender diversity
Gender affirming medical care after birth, eg hormones or surgery that some trans
or gender diverse people may use to affirm their gender, will not change a person’s
sex chromosomes or influence haemophilia inheritance patterns.
The Haemophilia Treatment Centre can support gender diverse people with
haemophilia with:
• help to understand their individual bleeding and inheritance patterns
• a personalised treatment plan
• clear advice on management of their bleeding episodes, for example, on the
ABDR patient card, to make sure they receive appropriate care.
The following sections explain the typical experience of genetic inheritance in
haemophilia, but it can be more complex in some individuals. In these cases, the
Haemophilia Treatment Centre will provide individualised advice and can refer the
person to genetic specialists, if appropriate.
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Inheritance, genetics and haemophilia
The genes for making factor VIII (8) and IX (9) are located on the X chromosome.
Any male or female with an alteration in their F8 or F9 gene can pass it on to
their children.
A woman who carries the gene alteration can pass it on to both her sons and
her daughters.
18 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Inheritance, genetics and haemophilia
has an X chromosome
with the ‘haemophilia’ has an unaltered
genetic alteration. X chromosome.
None of the sons will
have haemophilia.
All the daughters
XY XX will carry the gene
alteration. Some might
have symptoms or
have haemophilia.
There is a 50% chance
at each birth that a son
will have haemophilia.
XY XX There is a 50% chance
at each birth that a
daughter will carry the
gene alteration. Some
XY XY XX XX might have symptoms
or have haemophilia.
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Carrying the gene alteration
However, approximately 20 - 30% of girls and women who carry this gene alteration
have a bleeding tendency.
In the past females with bleeding symptoms were generally described as ‘symptomatic
carriers’. Now if their factor levels fall in the range for haemophilia (less than 40% of
normal clotting factor), they are diagnosed as having the medical condition haemophilia.
Usually they will have mild haemophilia. In very rare cases, some girls and women have
particularly low factor levels causing them to have moderate or severe haemophilia.
All girls and women who are carriers should have testing for their clotting factor levels.
Females with lower factor levels should have them checked periodically, as their factor
levels may change with age, pregnancy and hormonal medications. If their factor level
is low, they will need a treatment plan to prevent bleeding problems and manage any
situations that occur.
20 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Carrying the gene alteration
Genetic testing
A normal factor VIII or factor IX level test will not tell females whether they
carry the gene alteration causing haemophilia. Some females may have normal
factor levels, but still carry the gene alteration.
A common time for testing whether a girl or woman is a carrier is when she reaches
childbearing age and can understand what will happen with testing and what it means
and make the decision for herself. Finding out whether she carries the gene alteration
is a process which will take time, sometimes many months. This may involve:
• Discussion with a haemophilia team specialist and/or genetic counsellor
• Weighing up the implications of genetic testing with advice and support from
specialists, counsellors and other experts
• Looking at the family tree to identify other family members who may have the
gene alteration
• Blood tests for other affected family members (eg, a male with haemophilia) to
identify the particular genetic mutation causing haemophilia in her family
• Blood tests for the woman to see if she has the same family genetic mutation.
Many people find that undertaking these tests gives them a lot to think about. The
Haemophilia Treatment Centre can help with information and advice about genetic
testing and can provide a referral to a genetic counsellor, if needed. Women, their
partner, family or parents of girls can talk to the Haemophilia Treatment Centre or
genetic counsellor individually or together prior to testing.
If a person starts exploring genetic testing but decides against it, there is no obligation
to complete the process and they can revisit it at a later stage, if they wish.
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Planning a family
Planning a family
For people with haemophilia or women who
carry the gene, planning a family can raise a
number of questions:
• Will their children have haemophilia
or carry the gene alteration?
• If so, how will this affect them?
• How can they find out?
• What are the options for planning a family?
• How can a mother who is a carrier plan
for a safe pregnancy and delivery?
• Who will help with all of this?
22 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Planning a family
This involves:
• If planning a pregnancy, discussing this with a haemophilia specialist. If discussing
family planning, they may refer to a genetic counsellor
• When the pregnancy is confirmed, contacting the Haemophilia Treatment Centre
for advice on local obstetric services with experience of haemophilia
• Asking the haemophilia and obstetrics teams to consult with each other to plan
for a smooth and safe pregnancy and delivery and care for the newborn
• Checking with the Haemophilia Treatment Centre before having any invasive
procedures, such as chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis
• Discussing suitable choices for anaesthesia, especially an epidural, with the
Haemophilia Treatment Centre and obstetrics teams.
• A normal vaginal delivery is usually recommended unless there are obstetric
• Your HTC and your obstetrics team will work together to prepare a birth plan
that is specific to you and your baby.
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Planning a family
24 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Planning a family
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There is at least one specialist Haemophilia Treatment Centre in every Australian state
or territory, located in a major public hospital.
Haemophilia Treatment Centres have a team of health professionals available, including
doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, and social workers, counsellors or psychologists with
expertise in the treatment and care of people with bleeding disorders. They also have
access to specialist laboratory and diagnostic testing and can give referrals to genetic
counselling and testing services.
Haemophilia Treatment Centres have a comprehensive care approach and the team can
work with other services that might be needed, such as paediatricians (children’s health
doctors), gynaecologists (women’s health specialists), obstetricians (for pregnancy and
childbirth), GPs (general practitioners) and other relevant health care services.
Treatment plan
Each person affected by haemophilia will have their own treatment plan, which is
developed with them individually and reviewed regularly/as needed with their
haematologist (blood diseases specialist doctor) or haemophilia nurse practitioner.
It may include a plan for regular treatment and for injuries or surgery.
There are a variety of treatment products used to treat haemophilia. It is important
that people with haemophilia discuss these treatment options with their Haemophilia
Treatment Centre.
26 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Clotting factor concentrates replace the missing clotting factor in the blood and
are called replacement factor therapy.
The treatment is infused (injected) into a vein at home by people trained to treat
themselves. When it is difficult to use a vein, the treatment is sometimes infused
through a port, a small device implanted under the skin to connect to a big central
vein closer to the heart. Parents or carers can be trained for both methods
of treatment. The treatment can also be infused at the Haemophilia Treatment
Centre, in the emergency department or in the community by an educated
general practitioner (GP) or community nurse.
Replacement factor therapy can be given:
• As prophylaxis – given regularly to prevent bleeds or reduce bleeding from
an injury. How often it is given is tailored to the individual and can be given
at different intervals, ranging from daily to fortnightly.
• On demand – before surgery, childbirth or dental treatment, or after an
injury or accident, or once a bleed has started.
Recombinant factor is the most widely used type of concentrate. This is made
by genetic engineering and contains little or no material from human blood
or animals. There are several brands available manufactured by different
pharmaceutical companies.
The Haemophilia Treatment Centre will discuss this with the person or parents
of a child and may test the person’s blood after an infusion to see how long their
personal response to the factor is. Understanding the half-life is important for
planning when to have infusions, for example, before high risk activities such as
competition sport.
Plasma factor concentrates are also used by some people. These are made from
the plasma (pale yellow fluid part) in human blood.
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Non-factor therapies
28 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Gene therapy
Gene therapy for haemophilia aims to provide the body with a functioning
version of the factor VIII (8) or factor IX (9) gene so that the body can produce
enough clotting factor for the blood to clot normally.
Desmopressin (DDAVP)
This is a synthetic hormone which releases the body’s stored factor VIII into the
bloodstream to help blood clot. It is used for treating some people with mild
haemophilia A and some women with bleeding disorder symptoms. DDAVP can
be given as a slow infusion into a vein, but may sometimes be given as an injection
subcutaneously (into the fatty tissue under the skin), or in special circumstances
as a nasal spray. Individuals can discuss these alternatives with their Haemophilia
Treatment Centre to see if it is an option for them.
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Tranexamic acid
This slows blood clots from breaking down after they have been formed. It can
help to treat mouth or nosebleeds, gut bleeding or bleeding after dental work.
Most commonly it is taken as tablets, syrup or in a mouthwash.
Hormone therapy
Hormone treatment can help women who have heavy menstrual bleeding.
The hormones can increase factor VIII levels. This can include oral
contraceptives (birth control pills) or the Mirena® or Kyleena® IUD/
intrauterine device.
Most people with haemophilia will need treatment for injuries, apart from minor cuts
and scratches, or in preparation for surgical and some dental procedures.
Mild haemophilia
In most cases, people with mild haemophilia will not need regular prophylaxis and
will only need treatment for a bleed when it occurs, usually after trauma or injury, or
when they are preparing for surgery or some dental work. Some women and girls
with mild haemophilia may need a treatment plan to manage heavy menstrual bleeding.
30 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Treatment also involves exercise and rehabilitation guided by a haemophilia
physiotherapist. This helps to prevent and recover from bleeds, to improve the health
of joints in the long-term and to help maintain a healthy body and mind.
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Even when having preventive treatment regularly, bleeding into joints and muscles may
still occur.
To recover fully from a bleed, people with haemophilia are advised to apply the
PRICER principles when they have a bleed and to work with their Haemophilia
Treatment Centre team, including their haemophilia physiotherapist, to rehabilitate
the joint or muscle back to full function.
E Elevation Place the affected joint or muscle higher than chest level.
R Rehabilitation
The Haemophilia Treatment Centre team helps people with haemophilia and parents
to learn how to recognise a bleed and deal with it promptly, and how to prevent and
rehabilitate injuries and bleeds.
32 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
After treatment with a clotting factor product, some people with haemophilia may
develop antibodies – known as ‘inhibitors’ – which may mean treatment with factor
replacement therapy no longer works for them or is less effective.
There are a number of ways to treat inhibitors, including bypassing agents and
non-factor therapies. Management will vary depending on the person’s individual
circumstances and the Haemophilia Treatment Centre will discuss the treatment
options with them.
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• Stay in regular contact with your local Haemophilia Treatment Centre team
and make sure you keep up-to-date with anything new.
• A regular review may be recommended by your Haemophilia Treatment
Centre, depending on the severity of your bleeding disorder and your
individual needs.
• Report all joint or muscle bleeding to your Haemophilia Treatment Centre
team so that each episode can be properly assessed and rehabilitated.
• Keep a diary of bleeding episodes, for example, using the MyABDR app.
• Track your menstrual periods and seek help from your doctor if they are a
34 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
The risk of new infections from using human blood products is now thought to
be extremely low. However, it cannot be entirely excluded, particularly if the risk
came from a new or unknown type of blood-borne virus or other micro-organisms
causing disease. Because of this, people using these products and patient advocacy
organisations such as HFA continue to take a strong and watchful interest in
product safety.
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Health and wellbeing are important to keep in mind. This can mean taking the
opportunity to enjoy what life has to offer, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and good
relationships and participating confidently in all sorts of activities, including play, travel,
sports, career and other activities that are sustaining or inspiring.
Your child’s Haemophilia Treatment Centre can help your child thrive by keeping their
daycare, preschool, school or sporting club updated with useful information about
supervising a child with haemophilia. The Haemophilia Team can help put appropriate
supports in place so that they can make the most of participating in school excursions
and camps.
Maintaining regular health checks with your general practitioner (GP) is important
to looking after your health as a whole. GPs can treat a range of illnesses, provide
appropriate health screening over your lifetime and refer you to other services,
when needed.
36 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Living well with haemophilia
Or for parents, how best to help a child to play and have fun while dealing with
the potential for bruises and bleeds. Parents may be looking for ways to manage
the fear of injections. Children might be feeling anxious about their haemophilia
diagnosis as they grow up and want to explore their world and how they fit in it.
www.haemophilia.org.au HAEMOPHILIA 37
Living well with haemophilia
With knowledge and planning most people live well with haemophilia
and lead active and independent lives – from childhood into their
senior years.
38 HAEMOPHILIA www.haemophilia.org.au
Sources and acknowledgements
Some information and illustrations in this resource were originally published by the World Federation
of Hemophilia (WFH) and have been adapted with permission. The WFH is not responsible for any
inaccuracies in content different from the content of the original English edition.
This resource was reviewed by
Bleeding disorder community representatives from HFA Haemophilia
Consumer Review Group (individuals not named for privacy reasons).
Australian Haemophilia Centre Directors’ Organisation:
Dr Janice Chamberlain, Dr Liane Khoo.
Australia and New Zealand Haemophilia Psychosocial Group:
Kathryn Body, Jane Portnoy.
Australia and New Zealand Physiotherapy Haemophilia Group:
Cameron Cramey, Alison Morris.
Australian Haemophilia Nurses’ Group:
Jaime Chase, Alex Klever, Stephen Matthews, Robyn Shoemark.
Haemophilia Foundation Australia:
Sharon Caris, Suzanne O’Callaghan.
We are also grateful to Clinical A/Prof Kristi Jones, Senior Staff Specialist in Clinical Genetics, The
Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, and Melbourne Genomics for their suggestions and advice.
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More information
For more information about haemophilia, talk to your doctor, your local Haemophilia
Treatment Centre or contact Haemophilia Foundation Australia (HFA).
How to find out more about:
• Your State/Territory Haemophilia Foundation?
• Your local specialist Haemophilia Treatment Centre?
For up-to-date contact details:
• see the HFA web site www.haemophilia.org.au
• or phone HFA on 1800 807 173.
This booklet was developed by Haemophilia Foundation Australia for education and information
purposes only and does not replace advice from a treating health professional. Always see your
health care provider for assessment and advice about your individual health before taking action
or relying on published information.
© Haemophilia Foundation Australia February 2024 (revised edition).
This booklet may be printed or photocopied for educational purposes.