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Tamaka, Kolar


1. Define and classify death. Describe the diagnosis and medicolegal importance of brainstem
death. Add a note on suspended animation.1+2+4+3
2. Define sudden death. Enumerate the causes of sudden death. Describe the medico legal
importance of sudden natural death. 1+4+5
3. Classify postmortem changes. Describe postmortem cooling and its medico legal importance.
4. Enumerate signs of death. Discuss the changes that occurring in eye and skin after death.6+4
5. Enumerate the postmortem signs of estimation of time since death. Add a note on Livor mortis
6. Enumerate early post mortem changes after death. Describe in detail about postmortem
hypostasis. 4+6
7. Enumerate early postmortem changes after death. Discuss in detail about Rigor mortis. 4+6
8. Define Rigor mortis. Discuss the various factors that influence its onset and duration. Add a note
on the conditions simulating Rigor mortis.2+5+3
9. Enumerate late changes in the body after death. Describe the changes occurring in the body due
to putrefaction.2+8
10. Define autopsy. Enumerate the objectives of medico legal autopsy. Describe the primary skin
incisions at autopsy. 2+4+4
11. Define asphyxia. Classify asphyxial deaths. Discuss the postmortem findings in case of death is
due to suffocation. 1+5+4
12. Define hanging. What are the causes of death due to hanging. Discuss the external and internal
postmortem findings in a case of hanging.1+3+6
13. Define hanging. Discuss the external and internal postmortem appearances in a case of hanging.
Add a note on judicial hanging.1+6+3
14. Enumerate the differences between hanging and strangulation. Discuss the postmortem
appearances in a case of ligature strangulation. 6+4
15. Define strangulation. Mention the types of strangulation. Outline the differences between
hanging and strangulation.2+2+6
16. Define traumatic asphyxia, Describe the pathophysiology, postmortem findings and medico
leagal aspects of traumatic asphyxia.
17. Define drowning. What are the various types? Describe the postmortem findings in a case of
drowning and its medico-legal importance.1+2+4+3
18. Define and classify burns. How do you differentiate between antemortem and post mortem
burns?what are the causes of death due to burns.1+2+3+4
19. Define Mass disaster. Describe the procedure of examination at the site of mass disaster by an
Forensic Physician. 2+8
20. Enumerate the various data which help in establishing identity of a person. Define
dactylography, its types and medicolegal importance.4+2+2+2
21. Define incised wound. Briefly describe mechanism of production, causes and its characters. Add
a note on age of incised wound.1+2+5+2
22. Define stab wound. Describe its types, characters and complications. Add a note on medicolegal
23. Classify mechanical injuries. Define, types and mention medicolegal importance of abrasion.
24. Classify mechanical injuries. Define contusion. Add a note on factors modifying size, shape and
its medicolegal importance.4+1+3+2
25. Define contusion. Differentiate between the contusion and postmortem lividity. Mention the
medicolegal importance of contusion.1+5+4
26. Define laceration. Describe the types of lacerations and its medicolegal importance.2+5+3
27. Define contusion. What are the factors modifying the size and shape of contusion and its
medicolegal importance.1+6+3
28. Describe the characters of incised wounds. Enumerate the differences between suicidal and
homicidal cut throat wounds.5+5
29. Define head injury. Describe the mechanism of skull fracture. Add a note on extradural
30. Define head injury. Enumerate types of skull fractures. Describe the mechanism of cerebral
injury. 2+4+4
31. Describe the types of intracranial haemorrhages. Add a note on subdural haemorrhage.5+5
32. Describe the types of skull fracture. Add a note on Puppe's rule. 6+4
33. Classify sexual offences. Define rape. Describe the procedure of examination of a victim of
34. Classify sexual offences. Define rape. Describe the procedure of examination of a accused of
35. Discuss in detail about diagnosis of pregnancy and it's medicolegal importance. 7+3
36. Define artificial insemination? Enumerate the types, indications and its medico-legal importance.
37. Define medical negligence, mention the types. Add a note an criminal negligence with suitable
examples. 2+2+6
38. Describe the civil and criminal negligence with suitable examples. How a doctor can defend
himself against a charge of negligence. 3+3+4
39. Define civil and criminal negligence with suitable examples. Describe the precautions to be
taken by a doctor to avoid a charge of negligence.3+3+4
40. Classification of poisons, mention action of poison and duties of a doctor in a case of suspected
poisoning. 5+2+3
41. Define an Antidote, explain in detail about types of antidotes . Add a note on Chelating agents.
42. Describe the signs, symptoms, treatment and postmortem findings in case of ethyl alcohol
43. Describe the signs, symptoms, treatment and postmortem findings in case of methyl alcohol
44. A 35 year old farmer brought to your hospital with alleged history of ingestion of an unknown
poisonous substance. Patient has excessive salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation and
gastric emesis. On examination, constricted pupils were found. A) What is the most likely
diagnosis with reason? B) Which investigations will support your diagnosis? C) Describe the
treatment of this poisoning in detail. 2+3+5
45. Describe the mechanism of action, signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of
organophosphorus insecticide poisoning.2+3+5
46. Mention various Cardiac poisons. Describe the signs, symptoms and postmortem findings of
aconite poisoning. Add a note on its medico-legal importance 2+5+3
47. Describe the signs and symptoms in a case of acute barbiturate poisoning. Outline its treatment
and postmortem appearances.5+5
48. Mention the differences between the poisonous and non poisonous snakes. Outline the treatment
of cobra bite .5+5
49. Describe the signs, symptoms, treatment and medicolegal importance of datura poisoning.

1. Explain in detail about police inquest.

2. Explain in detail about magistrate inquest.
3. Define medical evidence. Mention the types of medical evidence. 1+4
4. Mention various types of criminal courts in India. Add a note on powers of different classes of
magistrate. 2+3
5. Define cross examination. Mention the objectives of cross-examination.1+4
6. Define oral evidence. Mention the exceptions to oral evidence. 1+4
7. Discuss in detail about summons.
8. Mention the types of witnesses in a court of law. Add a note on hostile witness.2+3
9. Describe the procedure of recording Dying declaration and its Medico-legal importance
10. Describe in detail about Perjury and its punishment.
11. Differentiate between Dying declaration and Dying deposition
12. Describe the procedure of recording dying declaration and its medicolegal importance. 3+2
13. Brainstem death and its significance.
14. Define cause, mechanism and manner of death. 1.5+1.5+2
15. Define sudden death. Mention the causes for sudden death. 1+4
16. Discuss the legal issues related to organ donation and transplantation
17. Explain the mechanism and causes of vagal inhibition. 2.5+2.5
18. Describe presumption of death and presumption of survivorship. Add a note on its medico-legal
19. Define suspended animation? Mention its medicolegal importance. 2+3
20. Define algor mortis. Mention the factors affecting rate of algor mortis.2+3
21. Define postmortem staining. Discuss the mechanism of development of postmortem staining
and its medicolegal importance.1+2+2
22. Describe cadaveric spasm and its medicolegal importance.3+2
23. Define rigor mortis. Mention the conditions altering the onset and duration of rigor mortis.1+4
24. Describe the conditions which simulate rigor mortis.
25. Enumerate the differences between rigor mortis and cadaveric spasm.
26. Describe Postmortem caloricity and mention its medicolegal importance.
27. Enumerate the late changes after death? Add a note on mummification.2+3
28. Describe the mechanism and factors influencing adipocere formation.2+3
29. Discuss the entomology of a cadaver and its medicolegal significance. 3+2
30. Define embalming. Describe the composition of embalming fluid.
31. Define postmortem interval. Mention the objectives and its medicolegal importance.
32. Describe Casper's Dictum.
33. Describe the changes that occur in decomposition.
34. Define marbling and its medicolegal importance.
35. Enumerate the various factors which help in determination of time since death
36. Describe the rules for conducting medicolegal autopsy. Enumerate the skin incisions and
evisceration techniques in medicolegal autopsy.
37. Define obscure autopsy and and mention its causes.1+4
38. Define and mention the causes of negative autopsy.1+4
39. Describe the procedure of examination, preservation and despatch of clothes in a medicolegal
40. Describe the method of preservation and despatch of viscera and body fluids for chemical
41. Define Artefact. Mention the types of artefacts and its medicolegal importance
42. Define and describe the procedure for conducting Exhumation.
43. Describe the disection of heart at autopsy.
44. Describe the disection of brain at autopsy.
45. Describe the procedure of preservation and despatch of evidentiary material for investigation in
deaths associated with anaesthesia and surgery.
46. Discuss the precautions to be taken while handling and performing autopsy examination on an
HIV positive dead body.
47. Describe the pathophysiology of asphyxia.
48. Describe Bansdola.
49. Describe Mugging.
50. Discribe the types of hyoid bone fractures.
51. Describe the postmortem findings in case of throttling.
52. Describe Garrotting.
53. Difference between hanging and ligature strangulation.
54. Describe positional or postural asphyxia. Mention its causes. 2+3
55. Describe the methods used for sexual auto erotic asphyxia.1+4
56. Describe the pathophysiology, postmortem findings and medico legal aspects of smothering.
57. Describe the mechanism of Café-coronary.
58. Describe the mechanism of burking.
59. Describe methods used, postmortem findings and medicolegal aspects of sexual auto-erotic
60. Describe the pathophysiology, causes of death, postmortem findings and medicolegal aspects of
61. Enumerate the findings in the lungs of fresh water and sea water drowning.
62. Describe the Diatom test and its medicolegal impotance.
63. Describe the mechanism, causes and postmortem findings in a case of traumatic asphyxia.
64. Describe the Gettler test and its medicolegal importance.
65. Describe in detail about frost bite and trench foot.
66. Describe the postmortem findings and medicolegal aspects of death due to heat stroke.
67. Describe the postmortem findings, causes of death and medicolegal aspects of death due to
68. Describe the postmortem findings, causes of death and medicolegal aspects in death due to
69. Define burn, describe various methods of assessment of degree of burns.
70. Differentiate between antemortem burns and postmortem burns.
71. Describe the pugilistic attitude.
72. Differentiate between the burns caused by dry heat, moist heat and chemicals.
73. Define starvation. Mention the postmortem findings and medicolegal aspects of starvation.
74. Define infanticide. Enumerate various acts of omission and commission to cause infant
75. Define infanticide. Add a note on hydrostatic test.1+4
76. Define viability of a fetus and its medico-legal significance
77. Describe the features of dead born foetus.
78. Describe maceration and its features.
79. Describe the signs of live birth at autopsy
80. Define sudden infant death syndrome(SIDS), enumerate the causes, postmortem findings and
medicolegal aspects of SIDS.
81. Discuss corpus delicti with suitable examples.1+4
82. Describe the role of cephalic index in racial differences in the identification of skull.
83. Define barr body. Outline the procedure of establishing sex of a person.1+4
84. Define Intersex. Mention the different types of intersex. Describe in detail about Turner's
85. Describe the Gustafson's method of age estimation.
86. Discuss in detail about klinefelter's syndrome.
87. Enumerate the differences between temporary and permanent teeth.
88. Discuss the medicolegal importance of teeth.
89. Mention the medicolegal importance of age 12, 14 and 18 years.
90. Describe in detail about human bite mark and its medicolegal importance.
91. Mention the different methods of effacement or obliteration of identity. Describe the role of
forensic expert in such cases. 3+2
92. Enumerate the dyes used in tattoo marks. Describe its medicolegal importance. 2+3
93. Enumerate the methods of identification in unknown dead bodies.
94. Define and classify dactylography. Discuss its role in identification of a person.1+2+2
95. Explain the superimposition technique and its medicolegal importance.3+2
96. Describe the estimation of age of fetus at autopsy.
97. Poroscopy and its medicolegal importance.
98. Describe the methods of charting of teeth.
99. Define scar. Mention briefly about its character, age and its medicolegal importance.
100. Mention the differences between human and animal hair.
101. Define stab wound. Mention the features of stab wound and its medico-legal
102. Describe the types of abrasion. Mention its medicolegal importance.3+2
103. Define contusion. Discuss medicolegal importance of contusion.1+4
104. Define laceration and enumerate its types.1+4
105. What is split laceration? Where is it seen? How do you differentiate between incised
wound and split laceration.1+1+3
106. Describe chop wounds and its medicolegal importance.3+2
107. Define injury. Mention the differences between simple and grievous injury with suitable
108. Discuss in detail about defence wounds.
109. Enumerate the differences between incised and lacerated wounds.
110. Describe the features of fabricated wound/self-inflicted wounds.
111. Describe Grievous hurt with suitable examples.
112. Describe the features of homicidal cut throat injuries.
113. Describe features of hesitation cuts and its medicolegal importance.3+2
114. Enumerate the differences between antemortem and postmortem wounds.
115. Mention the differences between suicidal and homicidal injuries.
116. Describe healing of injury, fracture of bones and its medico-legal importance.
117. Define dowry death. Mention its legal aspects.
118. Describe the causes of death from wounds.
119. Describe Rifling, Calibre and Choking of a fire arm weapon with its medico-legal
120. Define Rifling and a note on its Medico-legal importance 2 + 3
121. Describe the features of Ricochet bullet.
122. Describe in detail about the characteristics of entry wound of rifled firearm injuries at
varying ranges.
123. Describe the features of entry wound of a shotgun injury.
124. Describe the features of contact and near contact wound of a rifled weapon.
125. Mention the differences between entry and exit wound of gunshot injury through the
head of a person.
126. Describe the procedure of examination of fire arm injury at autopsy. Add a note on
collection and preservation of various evidences in a fire arm injury. 6+4
127. Describe the types of skull fractures.
128. Describe coup and contrecoup injury.
129. Describe the causes of extradural haemorrhage.
130. Describe the causes of subdural haemorrhage.
131. Describe the causes of subarachnoid haemorrhage.
132. Describe the causes of intracerebral haemorrhage.
133. Describe in detail about 'Punch-drunk syndrome'.
134. Describe various types of injuries sustained in an road traffic accident. Add a note on
Whiplash injury 3+2
135. Describe primary impact injuries in a road traffic accident.
136. Describe various punishments under Section 376 IPC
137. Describe sodomy and its medicolegal importance.
138. Outline the procedure of examination of a victim of rape
139. Describe collection, preservation and despatch of various evidences from a survivor of
140. Define indecent assault and its medicolegal importance.
141. Describe corroborative signs of rape.
142. Describe the local findings in a case of rape on a woman.
143. Outline the procedure of examination of an accused of rape
144. Describe in detail about chemical examination of semen.
145. Describe bestiality and its medicolegal importance.2+3
146. Describe the various paraphilias in the context of informed consent during any sexual
147. Describe Legitimacy and its medico-legal importance.
148. Describe the signs of recent delivery in the living and dead.
149. Define lochia. Mention the types of lochia and its medicolegal importance. 1+3+1
150. Describe the poisitive signs of pregnancy.
151. Discuss medico-legal importance of pregnancy.
152. Define precipitate labour. Mention its medicolegal significance.1+4
153. Define Superfoetation and Superfoecundation. Mention their Medico-legal importances.
154. Explain the various methods in establishing disputed Paternity and Maternity
155. Describe the medico-legal importances of Pre-conceptional and Pre- natal diagnostic
156. Define shock. Describe the types of shock.
157. Define impotence. Describe the causes of impotence in a male.1+4
158. Define sterilization. Mention the types of sterilization and its medicolegal aspects.
159. Mention the precautions to be taken for choosing a donor in a case of artificial
160. Describe the medicolegal aspects of artificial insemination.
161. Surrogate motherhood and its medicolegal aspects.
162. Enumerate the methods of performing Medical Termination of Pregnancy.
163. Discuss the methods of performing a criminal abortion.
164. Define and classify abortion. Mention the rules and confidentiality according to Medical
Termination of Pregnancy Act,1971. 1+2+2
165. Define, classify and mention the causes of abortion. 1+2+2
166. Describe the complications of criminal abortion.
167. Describe the post mortem evidence in criminal abortion.
168. Describe the evidence of abortion in living.
169. Explain battered baby syndrome. Outline its classical features and its medicolegal
170. Describe the features of Munchausen's syndrome by proxy.
171. Discuss the methods of identification of injuries caused by torture and management
torture survivors 3+2
172. Mention the differences between professional negligence and Infamous conduct.
173. Mention the differences between civil and criminal negligence.
174. Define therapeutic misadventure, mention the types with suitable examples.
175. Define euthanasia. Mention the types of euthanasia.1+4
176. Define and classify medical negligence. Add a note on respondent superior. 1+2+2
177. Define res-ipsa-loquitur? How will you defend yourself in a situation of res-ipsa-
178. Define vicarious liability. Explain with suitable examples.1+4
179. Define professional secrecy with suitable examples.
180. Enumerate the conditions, where in a doctor can treat a patient without the consent.
181. Define and classify consent. Describe the importance of informed written consent.1+2+2
182. Discuss the rules of consent in medical practice.
183. Enumerate defenses against medical negligance.
184. Define products liability with suitable examples.
185. Define malingering with suitable examples.1+4
186. Define novus actus interveniens with suitable examples.
187. Enumerate the functions of state medical councils.
188. Mention the differences between warning and warning notice.
189. Describe privileged communication with suitable examples.
190. Explain the rights and privileges of Registered Medical Practitioner.
191. Explain in detail about criminal responsibility of a insane. 5
192. Define hallucination. Describe the types of hallucination.1+4
193. Define delusion. Enumerate the types of delusion and its medicolegal importance.1+2+2
194. Define impulse. Describe the various types of impulses.1+4
195. Enumerate civil responsibilities of a mentally ill person. Describe management of
property in mentally ill person.2.5+2.5
196. Discuss testamentary capacity and its medicolegal importance.
197. Enumerate the differences between true insanity and feigned insanity.
198. Define lucid interval. Mention the differences between psychosis and neurosis. 1+4
199. Define locard's principle of exchange with suitable examples.1+4
200. Give a brief account of commonly employed chemical tests to determine the presence of
blood in the stains.
201. Discuss the medico-legal aspects of blood grouping
202. Discuss importance of blood grouping and HLA typing in forensic investigation
203. Explain the methods of collection, preservation and despatch of various evidences of
forensic importance after autopsy.
204. Describe the role of Poison Information Center and poison detection center in a tertiary
care hospital
205. Explain the diagnosis of poisoning in living individual.
206. Discuss in brief about important laws and acts in respect to medico-legal aspects of
poisons in India
207. Discuss in brief about medico-legal aspects of NDPS act 1985 in India
208. Discuss in detail about medico-legal duties of a doctor in a suspected case of poisoning.
209. Explain the procedure of medico-legal autopsy in a suspected case of poisoning
210. Describe the methods of removal of unabsorbed poison.
211. Explain in detail about chelating agents.
212. Describe the procedure of gastric lavage. Enumerate the indications and contraindications
for the gastric lavage
213. Explain the diagnosis of poisoning in dead individual.
214. List the various analytical methods used in Toxicology. Add a note on Thin Layer
Chromatography 2+3
215. What is 'Vitriolage'. Discuss its medicolegal importance.
216. Describe the signs, symptoms and treatment of Oxalic acid poisoning.
217. A 19 year old female presents to your Emergency department after ingesting poison
following a fight with her boy friend. She was found unconscious near lavatory, She was brought
to Emergency department. On examination, her lips were swollen, she had respiratory alkalosis
and metabolic acidosis. The treating physician collected the urine for the laboratory
investigation, during which the urine turned green on exposure to air. The patient died on 6th
day during treatment. A) What substance or the poison did the patient ingest? B) What is the
mechanism for the colour change in urine? C) What are the routine viscera will you collect and
preserve the same for chemical analysis? 1+2+2
218. Describe the signs, symptoms and post-mortem findings of Carbolic acid poisoning.
219. Mention the signs, symptoms and treatment of acute phosphorous poisoning.
220. Describe the features of Phossy jaw.
221. Describe the signs and symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning.
222. Describe the signs and symptoms of chronic arsenic poisoning.
223. Describe the signs and symptoms of chronic lead poisoning.
224. Describe the various stages of alcohol intoxication with its medico-legal importances.
225. Discuss the medicolegal aspects of drunkenness.
226. Describe signs and symptoms of aluminium phosphide poisoning.
227. Describe signs and symptoms of pyrethroid poisoning.
228. Explain the treatment and post-mortem appearances in Organophosphorous poisoning.
229. Describe the signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.
230. Explain the treatment and post-mortem findings of cyanide poisoning.
231. What are war gases? Mention their medico-legal importance
232. Describe the clinical features and management of a viperine snake bite.
233. Describe the composition of snake venom.
234. Enumerate the differences between cobra bite and viperine bite.
235. Mention signs, symptoms and treatment of scorpion sting.1+1+3
236. Signs, symptoms, fatal dose and treatment of botulism.
237. Describe signs, symptoms, and medicolegal importance of lathyrus sativus (Kesari
238. Describe signs, symptoms, and medicolegal importance of argemone mexicana.1+2+2
239. Explain in detail about body packers syndrome and body stuffers syndrome. 2.5+2.5
240. Describe the signs, symptoms and medico-legal aspects of chronic cocaine poisoning.
241. Write a note on ‘Designer drugs’
242. What is 'Run Amok'?. Discuss its Medico-legal importance
243. Mention the different preparations of cannabis. Add a note on its medico-legal
importance. 3+2
244. What is 'Delirium tremens'?. Discuss its Medico-legal importance
245. Explain the complications and post-mortem findings in case of death due to drug abuse.
246. Define drug addiction and drug habituation. Mention the differences between drug
addiction and drug habituation
247. Describe the medico-legal issues arising out of effects of poisoning due to occupational
exposure as per Workman’s Compensation Act.

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