Journal 2
Journal 2
Journal 2
produced 132 articles. All articles were then checked for duplica- the literature that may be analyzed. The final articles were ana-
tion, which resulted in 34 articles. The search continued by check- lyzed to identify the major findings from each article, which were
ing the abstracts, and 68 articles were excluded. All articles found the factors affecting nurses’ ability to respond to a disaster. All
(n=18) were then checked by the relevancy of the content, and the findings then were classified into themes in accordance with the
final result of the search produced 13 articles (Figure 1). factors increasing nurses’ ability, the barriers, and the support
The data from the articles were charted manually using Excel, needed to deliver optimal services during the response to a disaster.
including their general characteristics: author/year/country, aims,
research design, sample/type/size, major findings, and the implica-
tions of the relevant studies, such as factors supporting a disaster
response and potential barriers. The extraction was carried out
using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT).9 The aim of
the screening using the MMAT was to determine whether the liter- This study includes four articles using quantitative methods,
ature obtained in the previous stage was adequate to be included in five articles using qualitative methods, one article using mixed-
Table 2. Factors supporting nurses’ ability in disaster responses and potential barriers.
Table 2. Factors supporting nurses’ ability in disaster responses and potential barriers.
Table 2. Factors supporting nurses’ ability in disaster responses and potential barriers.
Table 2. Factors supporting nurses’ ability in disaster responses and potential barriers.
methods, and three articles using a literature review. The respon- Nurses’ self-preparedness
dents were from several countries, including China, Taiwan,
Nurses’ self-preparedness includes the ability to prepare them-
Australia, Indonesia, Israel, Iran, Kapan, Kenya, Palestine, Saudi
selves and their families for self-rescue and managing limitations
Arabia, and the US. The quantitative and mixed-methods studies
in disasters. Nurses’ self-preparedness is crucial because it
had 2,171 respondents, while the qualitative studies had 73 partic-
ipants. From these articles, three articles used a literature review, strengthens nurses’ self-confidence and commitment. These
including a total of 84 articles. In the quantitative and qualitative aspects induce a willingness to respond in a disaster.12–15 Another
articles, all samples met the criteria: 1) nurses involved in a disas- factor was nurses’ personal traits.16–18 Certain traits, such as adapt-
ter emergency response or disaster response from an earthquake, ability and flexibility, are important because these traits increase
storm and flood, forest fire, or mass riots, and 2) nurses working in nurses’ adaptability in chaotic situations and when experiencing a
a hospital or in community services. There were only two articles high level of stress.
that involved other healthcare professionals (doctor and midwife)
as their respondents. Table 1 presents the characteristics of the Nurses’ experience
included articles. Nurses’ experience in clinical aspects is considered a factor
Most of the articles (n=5) identify nurses’ competencies in that can improve the effectiveness of the response to
both knowledge and skills during a disaster response. Three arti-
disasters.16One article mentioned that nursing experience of ≥10
cles that identify nurses’ readiness and willingness to response a
years, emergency/intensive nursing care experience, ability to
disaster, four articles that discuss the effects of disasters on nurses,
function in the clinical management domain, and disaster response
and one article focusing on the factors predicting nurses’ attitudes
during a disaster response. The instrument used in the quantitative experience improve nurses’ ability to respond to a disaster.19
research articles was generally a questionnaire that had been mod-
ified by the researcher, while the qualitative studies involved in-
Barriers in providing nursing care
depth interviews. Barriers make it difficult to provide effective nursing care. It
All 13 articles analyze the factors affecting nurses’ abilities, was reported that concerns about their own and their family’s safe-
the supporting factors, and the barriers involved when responding ty, stress and anxiety, and limited equipment and human resources
to disaster situations (Table 2). are considered factors that decrease the effectiveness of the health-
All articles identified the importance of knowledge and skills care system in responding to a disaster.14,18,20
for nurses to provide optimal services when disasters occur. Hence,
knowledge level is a strong predictor of nurses’ ability to work Supports to maintain the nurses’ ability
effectively in disaster responses.10 The required knowledge and
Support from nurses’ working institutions and governments
skills for disaster-trauma treatment consist of post-disaster trauma
were identified as important external influencing factors. The
treatment, post-disaster psychological treatment, and disaster man-
agement and leadership (Table 3). Nurses’ knowledge should be implementation of a disaster policy, the provision of tools,
increased by implementing continuing training in hospitals resources, and funds, and inter-collaborative practice training help
because their experience in clinical aspects would improve the nurses provide good health services during a disaster.10,21 Other
effectiveness of their response to disasters. It is identified that par- support needed includes psychological health services for nurses
ticipating in disaster’s training and drilling is a very strong positive after working in a disaster situation to help them recover from trau-
correlation that would increase nurses’ ability.11 ma.15-22
Although a careful approach has been used, the search only
1 Hammad KS, Arbon P, Gebbie K, Hutton A. Why a disaster is
included electronic scientific databases accessible to the authors’
not just normal business ramped up: disaster response among
institution, and only articles published in English were included.
ED nurses. Australas Emerg Care 2018;21:36–41.
The populations, contexts, and concepts of the literature are fea-
tures of their methodologies rather than their quality. The review 2 Park HY, Kim JS. Factors influencing disaster nursing core
may not be fully comprehensive as it only covers studies between competencies of emergency nurses. Appl Nurs Res 2017;37:1–
2010 and 2020 and does not cover policy papers or guidelines. 5.
The competencies of disaster response include not only the 3 Baack S, Alfred D. Nurses’ preparedness and perceived com-
ability to care for patients during a disaster, which can induce petence in managing disasters. J Nurs Scholarsh 2013;45:281–
physical and psychological trauma, but also to coordinate and 7.
manage health posts during a disaster. Concerns regarding nurses’ 4 Alzahrani F, Kyratsis Y. Emergency nurse disaster prepared-
personal safety and the safety of their families are also factors that ness during mass gatherings: a cross-sectional survey of emer-
affect nurses’ readiness. It is emphasized that future education and gency nurses’ perceptions in hospitals in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
training must include methods that can simulate disaster conditions BMJ Open 2017;7:e013563.
and increase family self-rescue. Support from nurses’ workplaces 5 Martono M, Satino S, Nursalam N, et al. Indonesian nurses’
in their clinical and disaster continuing education as well as a psy- perception of disaster management preparedness. Chin J
chological support program would enhance the effectiveness of Traumatol 2019;22:41–6.
nursing care. 6 Rizqillah AF, Suna J. Indonesian emergency nurses’ prepared-
ness to respond to disaster: a descriptive survey. Australas