2020 Iwslt-1

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IWSLT 2020

The 17th International Conference on

Spoken Language Translation

Proceedings of the Conference

July 9 - 10, 2020

c 2020 The Association for Computational Linguistics

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ISBN 978-1-952148-07-1


The International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT) is the premiere annual scientific
conference for the study, development and evaluation of spoken language translation technology.
Launched in 2004 and spun out from the C-STAR speech translation consortium before it (1992-2003),
IWSLT is the main venue for scientific exchange on all topics related to speech-to-text translation,
speech-to- speech translation, simultaneous and consecutive translation, speech dubbing, cross-lingual
communication including all multimodal, emotional, paralinguistic, and stylistic aspects and their
applications in the field. The conference organizes evaluations and workshop sessions around challenge
areas, and presents scientific work and system descriptions.

In 2020, IWSLT joins ACL as the first ACL speech translation conference. It features six challenge
tracks: 1.) Simultaneous speech translation, 2.) Video speech translation, 3.) Offline speech translation,
4.) Conversational speech translation, 5.) Open domain translation, and 6.) Non-native speech
translation. These topics represent open problems toward effective cross-lingual communication and
we expect the community effort and discussion will greatly advance the state of the field. Each track was
coordinated by a chair. The resulting evaluation campaigns attracted a total of 30 teams, from academy
and industry. System submissions resulted in system papers that will be presented at the conference.

The great turnout this year demonstrates the growing academic and commercial interest in spoken
language translation. It has been empowered by growing availability of data resources also facilitated by
the conference over the years. The versatility of neural network models and broad availability of training
frameworks further support this trend as even smaller groups can now tackle complex problems, like
speech translation, directly. Given the growing interest and international demand, we invite researchers
and potential organizers to propose new IWSLT challenges for the future.

Following our call for papers this year, 43 submissions were received. In a blind review process, 9
research papers were selected out of 19 for oral presentation (47%) in addition to 24 system papers. The
program committee is excited about the quality of the accepted papers and expects lively discussion and
exchange at the conference.

The conference chairs and organizers would like to express their gratitude to everyone who contributed
and supported IWSLT. Our IWSLT-20 program exceeds all our expectations in quality and breath,
particularly when considering the challenges during a pandemic under lock-downs and health and travel
restrictions. We thank the challenge track chairs, organizers, and participants, the program chairs and
committee members, as well as all the authors that went the extra mile to submit system and research
papers to IWSLT, and make this year’s conference our most vibrant than ever. We also wish to express
our sincere gratitude to ACL for hosting our conference and for arranging the logistics and infrastructure
that allow us to hold IWSLT 2020 as a virtual online conference.

Welcome to IWSLT 2020, in Seattle, Mountain View or wherever you may be hiding out!

Marcello Federico and Alex Waibel

Conference Chairs

Marcello Federico, Amazon, USA (Chair)
Alex Waibel, CMU, USA (Chair)
Kevin Knight, DiDi Labs, USA
Satoshi Nakamura, NAIST, Japan
Hermann Ney, RWTH, Germany
Jan Niehues, Maastricht University, Netherlands
Sebastian Stüker, KIT, Germany
Dekai Wu, HKUST Hong Kong, China
Joseph Mariani, LIMSI/CNRS, France
Francois Yvon, LIMSI/CNRS, France

Challenge Track Organizers:

Simultaneous Speech Translation
Jiatao Gu, Facebook, USA (Chair)
Juan Pino, Facebook, USA
Changhan Wang, Facebook, USA
Xutai Ma, JHU, USA
Fahim Dalvi, QCRI, Qatar
Nadir Durrani, QCRI, Qatar
Video Speech Translation
Fei Huang, Alibaba, USA (Chair)
Nguyen Bach, Alibaba, USA
Wei Luo, Alibaba, USA
Boxing Chen, Alibaba, USA
Fei Huang, Alibaba, USA
Offline Speech Translation
Marco Turchi, FBK, Italy (Chair)
Matteo Negri, FBK, Italy
Roldano Cattoni, FBK, Italy
Sebastian Stüker, KIT, Germany
Jan Niehues, Maastricht University, Netherland
Conversational Speech Translation
Elizabeth Salesky, JHU, USA (Chair)
Open Domain Translation
Ajay Nagesh, Didi Labs, USA (Chair)
Amittai Axelrod, Didi Labs, USA
Arkady Arkhangorodsky, Didi Labs, USA
Boliang Zhang, Didi Labs, USA
Xing Shi, Didi Labs, USA
Non-Native Speech Translation
Ondrej Bojar, Charles University, Czech Republic (Chair)
Ebrahim Ansari, Charles University, Czech Republic

Program Committee:
Christian Federmann, Microsoft Research, USA (Chair)
Will Lewis, Microsoft Research, USA (Chair)
Akiko Eriguchi, Microsoft, USA
Antonio Toral, U. Groningen, Netherlands
Boxing Chen, Alibaba, China
Christian Hardmeier, Uppsala U., Sweden
David Vilar, Amazon, Germany
Dongdong Zhang, Microsoft, USA
Duygu Ataman, U. Zurich, Switzerland
Elizabeth Salesky, JHU, USA
Evgeny Matusov, AppTek, Germany
Frank Seide, Microsoft, USA
Hieu Hoang, U. Edinburgh, USA
Hoang Cuong, Amazon, USA
José G. C. de Souza, eBay, Germany
Juan Pino, Facebook, USA
Julian Salazar, Amazon, USA
Katsuhito Sudoh, NAIST, Japan
Keisuke Sakaguchi, AI2 Seattle, USA
Krzysztof Wolk, PJA, Poland
Laurent Besacier, IMAG, France
Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt, Microsoft, USA
Marco Turchi, FBK, Italy
Markus Freitag, Google, USA
Matteo Negri, FBK, Italy
Matthias Huck, LMU, Germany
Mattia di Gangi, FBK/U. Trento, Italy
Nguyen Bach, Alibaba, USA
Nicholas Ruiz, Interaction, USA
Preslav Nakov, QCRI, Qatar
Roman Grundkiewicz, U. Edinburgh, UK
Surafel Melaku Lakew, FBK/U. Trento, Italy
Thanh-Le Ha, KIT, Germany
Vincent Vandeghinste, KU Leuven, Belgium
Young Jin Kim, Microsoft, USA
Yves Lepage, U. Waseda, Japan

Table of Contents


Ebrahim Ansari, amittai axelrod, Nguyen Bach, Ondřej Bojar, Roldano Cattoni, Fahim Dalvi, Nadir
Durrani, Marcello Federico, Christian Federmann, Jiatao Gu, Fei Huang, Kevin Knight, Xutai Ma, Ajay
Nagesh, Matteo Negri, Jan Niehues, Juan Pino, Elizabeth Salesky, Xing Shi, Sebastian Stüker, Marco
Turchi, Alexander Waibel and Changhan Wang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

ON-TRAC Consortium for End-to-End and Simultaneous Speech Translation Challenge Tasks at IWSLT
Maha Elbayad, Ha Nguyen, Fethi Bougares, Natalia Tomashenko, Antoine Caubrière, Benjamin
Lecouteux, Yannick Estève and Laurent Besacier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Start-Before-End and End-to-End: Neural Speech Translation by AppTek and RWTH Aachen University
Parnia Bahar, Patrick Wilken, Tamer Alkhouli, Andreas Guta, Pavel Golik, Evgeny Matusov and
Christian Herold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

KIT’s IWSLT 2020 SLT Translation System

Ngoc-Quan Pham, Felix Schneider, Tuan-Nam Nguyen, Thanh-Le Ha, Thai Son Nguyen, Maxim-
ilian Awiszus, Sebastian Stüker and Alexander Waibel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

End-to-End Simultaneous Translation System for IWSLT2020 Using Modality Agnostic Meta-Learning
Hou Jeung Han, Mohd Abbas Zaidi, Sathish Reddy Indurthi, Nikhil Kumar Lakumarapu, Beomseok
Lee and Sangha Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

DiDi Labs’ End-to-end System for the IWSLT 2020 Offline Speech TranslationTask
Arkady Arkhangorodsky, Yiqi Huang and amittai axelrod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

End-to-End Offline Speech Translation System for IWSLT 2020 using Modality Agnostic Meta-Learning
Nikhil Kumar Lakumarapu, Beomseok Lee, Sathish Reddy Indurthi, Hou Jeung Han, Mohd Abbas
Zaidi and Sangha Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

End-to-End Speech-Translation with Knowledge Distillation: FBK@IWSLT2020

Marco Gaido, Mattia A. Di Gangi, Matteo Negri and Marco Turchi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

SRPOL’s System for the IWSLT 2020 End-to-End Speech Translation Task
Tomasz Potapczyk and Pawel Przybysz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

The University of Helsinki Submission to the IWSLT2020 Offline SpeechTranslation Task

Raúl Vázquez, Mikko Aulamo, Umut Sulubacak and Jörg Tiedemann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

The AFRL IWSLT 2020 Systems: Work-From-Home Edition

Brian Ore, Eric Hansen, Tim Anderson and Jeremy Gwinnup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

LIT Team’s System Description for Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation Task in IWSLT 2020
Yimeng Zhuang, Yuan Zhang and Lijie Wang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

OPPO’s Machine Translation System for the IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation Task
Qian Zhang, Xiaopu Li, Dawei Dang, Tingxun Shi, Di Ai, Zhengshan Xue and Jie Hao . . . . . . . 114

Character Mapping and Ad-hoc Adaptation: Edinburgh’s IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation System
Pinzhen Chen, Nikolay Bogoychev and Ulrich Germann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

CASIA’s System for IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation
Qian Wang, Yuchen Liu, Cong Ma, Yu Lu, Yining Wang, Long Zhou, Yang Zhao, Jiajun Zhang and
Chengqing Zong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

Deep Blue Sonics’ Submission to IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation Task
Enmin Su and Yi Ren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

University of Tsukuba’s Machine Translation System for IWSLT20 Open Domain Translation Task
Hongyi Cui, Yizhen Wei, Shohei Iida, Takehito Utsuro and Masaaki Nagata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Xiaomi’s Submissions for IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation Task

Yuhui Sun, Mengxue Guo, Xiang Li, Jianwei Cui and Bin Wang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

ISTIC’s Neural Machine Translation System for IWSLT’2020

jiaze wei, wenbin liu, zhenfeng wu, you pan and yanqing he . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

Octanove Labs’ Japanese-Chinese Open Domain Translation System

Masato Hagiwara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

NAIST’s Machine Translation Systems for IWSLT 2020 Conversational Speech Translation Task
Ryo Fukuda, Katsuhito Sudoh and Satoshi Nakamura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172

Generating Fluent Translations from Disfluent Text Without Access to Fluent References: IIT Bom-
Nikhil Saini, Jyotsana Khatri, Preethi Jyothi and Pushpak Bhattacharyya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

The HW-TSC Video Speech Translation System at IWSLT 2020

Minghan Wang, Hao Yang, Yao Deng, Ying Qin, Lizhi Lei, Daimeng Wei, Hengchao Shang, Ning
Xie, Xiaochun Li and Jiaxian Guo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

CUNI Neural ASR with Phoneme-Level Intermediate Step for Non-Native SLT at IWSLT 2020
Peter Polák, Sangeet Sagar, Dominik Macháček and Ondřej Bojar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

ELITR Non-Native Speech Translation at IWSLT 2020

Dominik Macháček, Jonáš Kratochvíl, Sangeet Sagar, Matúš Žilinec, Ondřej Bojar, Thai-Son
Nguyen, Felix Schneider, Philip Williams and Yuekun Yao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Is 42 the Answer to Everything in Subtitling-oriented Speech Translation?

Alina Karakanta, Matteo Negri and Marco Turchi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Re-translation versus Streaming for Simultaneous Translation

Naveen Arivazhagan, Colin Cherry, Wolfgang Macherey and George Foster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

Towards Stream Translation: Adaptive Computation Time for Simultaneous Machine Translation
Felix Schneider and Alexander Waibel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228

Neural Simultaneous Speech Translation Using Alignment-Based Chunking

Patrick Wilken, Tamer Alkhouli, Evgeny Matusov and Pavel Golik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237

Adapting End-to-End Speech Recognition for Readable Subtitles

Danni Liu, Jan Niehues and Gerasimos Spanakis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247

From Speech-to-Speech Translation to Automatic Dubbing

Marcello Federico, Robert Enyedi, Roberto Barra-Chicote, Ritwik Giri, Umut Isik, Arvindh Krish-
naswamy and Hassan Sawaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

Joint Translation and Unit Conversion for End-to-end Localization
Georgiana Dinu, Prashant Mathur, Marcello Federico, Stanislas Lauly and Yaser Al-Onaizan . . 265

Efficient Automatic Punctuation Restoration Using Bidirectional Transformers with Robust Inference
Maury Courtland, Adam Faulkner and Gayle McElvain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

How Human is Machine Translationese? Comparing Human and Machine Translations of Text and
Yuri Bizzoni, Tom S Juzek, Cristina España-Bonet, Koel Dutta Chowdhury, Josef van Genabith and
Elke Teich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280

Conference Program

Day 1

Evaluation Overview


Ebrahim Ansari, amittai axelrod, Nguyen Bach, Ondřej Bojar, Roldano Cattoni,
Fahim Dalvi, Nadir Durrani, Marcello Federico, Christian Federmann, Jiatao Gu,
Fei Huang, Kevin Knight, Xutai Ma, Ajay Nagesh, Matteo Negri, Jan Niehues,
Juan Pino, Elizabeth Salesky, Xing Shi, Sebastian Stüker, Marco Turchi, Alexander
Waibel and Changhan Wang

Day 1-2

System Papers: Simultaneous Speech Translation

ON-TRAC Consortium for End-to-End and Simultaneous Speech Translation Chal-

lenge Tasks at IWSLT 2020
Maha Elbayad, Ha Nguyen, Fethi Bougares, Natalia Tomashenko, Antoine
Caubrière, Benjamin Lecouteux, Yannick Estève and Laurent Besacier

Start-Before-End and End-to-End: Neural Speech Translation by AppTek and

RWTH Aachen University
Parnia Bahar, Patrick Wilken, Tamer Alkhouli, Andreas Guta, Pavel Golik, Evgeny
Matusov and Christian Herold

KIT’s IWSLT 2020 SLT Translation System

Ngoc-Quan Pham, Felix Schneider, Tuan-Nam Nguyen, Thanh-Le Ha, Thai Son
Nguyen, Maximilian Awiszus, Sebastian Stüker and Alexander Waibel

End-to-End Simultaneous Translation System for IWSLT2020 Using Modality Ag-

nostic Meta-Learning
Hou Jeung Han, Mohd Abbas Zaidi, Sathish Reddy Indurthi, Nikhil Kumar Laku-
marapu, Beomseok Lee and Sangha Kim

Day 1-2 (continued)

System Papers: Offline Speech Translation

DiDi Labs’ End-to-end System for the IWSLT 2020 Offline Speech TranslationTask
Arkady Arkhangorodsky, Yiqi Huang and amittai axelrod

End-to-End Offline Speech Translation System for IWSLT 2020 using Modality Ag-
nostic Meta-Learning
Nikhil Kumar Lakumarapu, Beomseok Lee, Sathish Reddy Indurthi, Hou Jeung
Han, Mohd Abbas Zaidi and Sangha Kim

End-to-End Speech-Translation with Knowledge Distillation: FBK@IWSLT2020

Marco Gaido, Mattia A. Di Gangi, Matteo Negri and Marco Turchi

SRPOL’s System for the IWSLT 2020 End-to-End Speech Translation Task
Tomasz Potapczyk and Pawel Przybysz

The University of Helsinki Submission to the IWSLT2020 Offline SpeechTranslation

Raúl Vázquez, Mikko Aulamo, Umut Sulubacak and Jörg Tiedemann

The AFRL IWSLT 2020 Systems: Work-From-Home Edition

Brian Ore, Eric Hansen, Tim Anderson and Jeremy Gwinnup

System Papers: Open Domain Translation

LIT Team’s System Description for Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation Task in

IWSLT 2020
Yimeng Zhuang, Yuan Zhang and Lijie Wang

OPPO’s Machine Translation System for the IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation
Qian Zhang, Xiaopu Li, Dawei Dang, Tingxun Shi, Di Ai, Zhengshan Xue and Jie

Character Mapping and Ad-hoc Adaptation: Edinburgh’s IWSLT 2020 Open Do-
main Translation System
Pinzhen Chen, Nikolay Bogoychev and Ulrich Germann

CASIA’s System for IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation

Qian Wang, Yuchen Liu, Cong Ma, Yu Lu, Yining Wang, Long Zhou, Yang Zhao,
Jiajun Zhang and Chengqing Zong

Day 1-2 (continued)

Deep Blue Sonics’ Submission to IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation Task
Enmin Su and Yi Ren

University of Tsukuba’s Machine Translation System for IWSLT20 Open Domain

Translation Task
Hongyi Cui, Yizhen Wei, Shohei Iida, Takehito Utsuro and Masaaki Nagata

Xiaomi’s Submissions for IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation Task

Yuhui Sun, Mengxue Guo, Xiang Li, Jianwei Cui and Bin Wang

ISTIC’s Neural Machine Translation System for IWSLT’2020

jiaze wei, wenbin liu, zhenfeng wu, you pan and yanqing he

Octanove Labs’ Japanese-Chinese Open Domain Translation System

Masato Hagiwara

System Papers: Conversational Speech Translation

NAIST’s Machine Translation Systems for IWSLT 2020 Conversational Speech

Translation Task
Ryo Fukuda, Katsuhito Sudoh and Satoshi Nakamura

Generating Fluent Translations from Disfluent Text Without Access to Fluent Refer-
ences: IIT Bombay@IWSLT2020
Nikhil Saini, Jyotsana Khatri, Preethi Jyothi and Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Day 1-2 (continued)

System Papers: Video Speech Translation

The HW-TSC Video Speech Translation System at IWSLT 2020

Minghan Wang, Hao Yang, Yao Deng, Ying Qin, Lizhi Lei, Daimeng Wei,
Hengchao Shang, Ning Xie, Xiaochun Li and Jiaxian Guo

System Papers: Non-Native Speech Translation

CUNI Neural ASR with Phoneme-Level Intermediate Step for Non-Native SLT at
IWSLT 2020
Peter Polák, Sangeet Sagar, Dominik Macháček and Ondřej Bojar

ELITR Non-Native Speech Translation at IWSLT 2020

Dominik Macháček, Jonáš Kratochvíl, Sangeet Sagar, Matúš Žilinec, Ondřej Bojar,
Thai-Son Nguyen, Felix Schneider, Philip Williams and Yuekun Yao

Research Papers

Is 42 the Answer to Everything in Subtitling-oriented Speech Translation?

Alina Karakanta, Matteo Negri and Marco Turchi

Re-translation versus Streaming for Simultaneous Translation

Naveen Arivazhagan, Colin Cherry, Wolfgang Macherey and George Foster

Towards Stream Translation: Adaptive Computation Time for Simultaneous Ma-

chine Translation
Felix Schneider and Alexander Waibel

Neural Simultaneous Speech Translation Using Alignment-Based Chunking

Patrick Wilken, Tamer Alkhouli, Evgeny Matusov and Pavel Golik

Adapting End-to-End Speech Recognition for Readable Subtitles

Danni Liu, Jan Niehues and Gerasimos Spanakis

From Speech-to-Speech Translation to Automatic Dubbing

Marcello Federico, Robert Enyedi, Roberto Barra-Chicote, Ritwik Giri, Umut Isik,
Arvindh Krishnaswamy and Hassan Sawaf

Day 1-2 (continued)

Joint Translation and Unit Conversion for End-to-end Localization

Georgiana Dinu, Prashant Mathur, Marcello Federico, Stanislas Lauly and Yaser

Efficient Automatic Punctuation Restoration Using Bidirectional Transformers with

Robust Inference
Maury Courtland, Adam Faulkner and Gayle McElvain

How Human is Machine Translationese? Comparing Human and Machine Trans-

lations of Text and Speech
Yuri Bizzoni, Tom S Juzek, Cristina España-Bonet, Koel Dutta Chowdhury, Josef
van Genabith and Elke Teich


Ebrahim Ansari Amittai Axelrod Nguyen Bach Ondřej Bojar

Charles U./IASBS DiDi Labs Alibaba Charles U.

Roldano Cattoni Fahim Dalvi Nadir Durrani Marcello Federico


Christian Federmann Jiatao Gu Fei Huang Kevin Knight

Microsoft Research Facebook AI Alibaba DiDi Labs

Xutai Ma Ajay Nagesh Matteo Negri Jan Niehues

JHU/Facebook AI DiDi Labs FBK Maastricht U.

Juan Pino Elizabeth Salesky Xing Shi Sebastian Stüker

Facebook AI JHU DiDi Labs KIT

Marco Turchi Alex Waibel Changhan Wang


Abstract modal, emotional, para-linguistic, and stylistic as-

pects and their applications in the field. The goal
The evaluation campaign of the International of the conference is to organize evaluations and
Conference on Spoken Language Translation
sessions around challenge areas, and to present
(IWSLT 2020) featured this year six chal-
lenge tracks: (i) Simultaneous speech transla- scientific work and system descriptions. This pa-
tion, (ii) Video speech translation, (iii) Offline per reports on the evaluation campaign organized
speech translation, (iv) Conversational speech by IWSLT 2020, which features six challenge
translation, (v) Open domain translation, and tracks:
(vi) Non-native speech translation. A total
of 30 teams participated in at least one of • Simultaneous speech translation, address-
the tracks. This paper introduces each track’s ing low latency translation of talks, from En-
goal, data and evaluation metrics, and reports glish to German, either from a speech file into
the results of the received submissions. text, or from a ground-truth transcript into
1 Introduction [Marcello]
The International Conference on Spoken Lan- • Video speech translation, targeting multi-
guage Translation (IWSLT) is an annual scien- modal speech translation of video clips into
tific conference (Akiba et al., 2004; Eck and text, either from Chinese into English or from
Hori, 2005; Paul, 2006; Fordyce, 2007; Paul, English into Russian
2008, 2009; Paul et al., 2010; Federico et al., • Offline speech translation, proposing
2011, 2012; Cettolo et al., 2013, 2014, 2015, speech translation of talks from English into
2016, 2017; Niehues et al., 2018, 2019) for the German, using either cascade architectures or
study, development and evaluation of spoken lan- end-to-end models, able to directly translate
guage translation technology, including: speech- source speech into target text;
to-text, speech-to-speech translation, simultane-
ous and consecutive translation, speech dubbing, • Conversational speech translation, target-
cross-lingual communication including all multi- ing the translation of highly disfluent conver-

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 1–34
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
sations into fluent text, from Spanish to En- Docker image so that it could be evaluated by the
glish, starting either from audio or from a ver- organizers. We also provided an example imple-
batim transcript; mentation and a baseline system1 .
Systems were evaluated with respect to qual-
• Open domain translation, addressing ity and latency. Quality was evaluated with the
Japanese-Chinese translation of unknown standard metrics BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002a),
mixed-genre test data by leveraging hetero- TER (Snover et al., 2006b) and METEOR (Lavie
geneous and noisy web training data. and Agarwal, 2007). Latency was evaluated with
• Non-native speech translation, considering the recently developed metrics for simultaneous
speech translation of English-to-Czech and machine translation including average proportion
English-to-German speech in a realistic set- (AP), average lagging (AL) and differentiable av-
ting of non-native spontaneous speech, in erage lagging (DAL) (Cherry and Foster, 2019).
somewhat noisy conditions. These metrics measure latency from an algorith-
mic perspective and assume systems with infinite
The challenge tracks were attended by 30 par- speed. For the first edition of this task, we report
ticipants (see Table 1), including both academic wall-clock times only for informational purposes.
and industrial teams. This correspond to a signifi- In the future, we will also take wall-clock time into
cant increment with respect to the last year’s eval- account for the official latency metric.
uation campaign, which saw the participation of Three regimes, low, medium and high, were
12 teams. The following sections report on each evaluated. Each regime was determined by a
challenge track in detail, in particular: the goal maximum latency threshold. The thresholds were
and automatic metrics adopted for the challenge, measured with AL, which represents the delay to a
the data used for training and testing data, the re- perfect real-time system (milliseconds for speech
ceived submissions and the summary results. A and number of words for text). The thresholds
detailed account of the results for each challenge were set to 3, 6 and 15 for the text track and to
is instead reported in a corresponding appendix. 1000, 2000 and 4000 for the speech track, and
were calibrated by the baseline system. Partic-
2 Simultaneous Speech Translation ipants were asked to submit at least one system
Simultaneous machine translation has become an per latency regime and were encouraged to submit
increasingly popular topic in recent years. In par- multiple systems for each regime in order to pro-
ticular, simultaneous speech translation enables vide more data points for latency-quality trade-off
interesting applications such as subtitle transla- analyses.
tions for a live event or real-time video-call trans-
2.2 Data
lations. The goal of this challenge is to examine
systems for translating text or audio in a source Participants were allowed to use the same train-
language into text in a target language from the ing and development data as in the Offline Speech
perspective of both translation quality and latency. Translation track. More details are available in
2.1 Challenge
2.3 Submissions
Participants were given two parallel tracks to enter
and encouraged to enter both tracks: The simultaneous task received submissions from
4 teams: 3 teams entered both the text and the
• text-to-text: translating ground-truth tran- speech tracks while 1 team entered the text track
scripts in real-time. only. Teams followed the suggestion to submit
• speech-to-text: translating speech into text in multiple systems per regime, which resulted in a
real-time. total of 56 systems overall.
ON-TRAC (Elbayad et al., 2020) participated
For the speech-to-text track, participants were able in both the speech and text tracks. The authors
to submit systems either based on cascaded or end- used a hybrid pipeline for simultaneous speech
to-end approaches. Participants were required to 1
implement a provided API to read the input and tree/simulastsharedtask/examples/
write the translation, and upload their system as a simultaneous_translation

Team Organization
AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory, USA (Ore et al., 2020)
A PP T EK /RWTH AppTek and RWTH Aachen University, Germany (Bahar et al., 2020a)
BHANSS Samsung Research, South Korea (Lakumarapu et al., 2020)
BUT Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic (no system paper)
CASIA Inst. of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Wang et al., 2020b)
CUNI Charles University, Czech Republic (Polák et al., 2020)
DBS Deep Bleu Sonics, China (Su and Ren, 2020)
D I D I L ABS DiDi Labs, USA (Arkhangorodsky et al., 2020)
ELITR CUNI + KIT + UE DIN (Machác̆ek et al., 2020)
FBK Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy (Gaido et al., 2020)
HY University of Helsinki, Finland (Vázquez et al., 2020)
HW-TSC Huawei Co. Ltd, China (Wang et al., 2020a)
IITB Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India (Saini et al., 2020)
ISTIC Inst. of Scientific and Technical Inf. of China (Wei et al., 2020)
K INGSOFT Kingsoft, China. (no system paper)
KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (Pham et al., 2020)
KSAI Kingsoft AI Lab, China (no system paper)
NAIST Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan (Fukuda et al., 2020)
NICT National Institute of Comm. Techn., Japan (no system paper)
O CTANOVE Octanove Labs LLC, USA (Hagiwara, 2020)
ON-TRAC ONTRAC Consortium, France (Elbayad et al., 2020)
OPPO Beijing OPPO Telecommunications Co., Ltd., China (Zhang et al., 2020)
SJTU Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (no system paper)
SRC-B Samsung Research, China (Zhuang et al., 2020)
SRPOL Samsung Research , Poland (Potapczyk and Przybysz, 2020)
SRSK Samsung Research, South Korea (Han et al., 2020)
TAMKANG Tamkang University, Taiwan (no system paper)
T SUKUBA University of Tsukuba, Japan (Cui et al., 2020)
UE DIN University of Edinburgh, UK(Chen et al., 2020)
X IAOMI Xiaomi AI Lab, China (Sun et al., 2020)

Table 1: List of Participants

translation track, with a Kaldi-based speech recog- also use the ST task along with ASR and MT as
nition cascaded with transformer-based machine the source task, a minor variation explored com-
translation with wait-k strategy (Ma et al., 2019). pared to the original paper. In the text-to-text
In order to save the cost of encoding every time task, the authors also explored English-German
an input word is streamed, a uni-directional en- and French-German as source tasks. This train-
coder is used. Multiple wait-k paths are jointly ing setup is facilitated using a universal vocabu-
optimized in the loss function. This approach was lary. They analyzed models with different values
found to be competitive with the original wait-k in wait-k during training and inference and found
approach without needing to retrain for a specific the meta learning approach to be effective when
k. the data is limited.
SRSK (Han et al., 2020) participated in the AppTek/RWTH (Bahar et al., 2020a) partici-
speech and text tracks. This is the only submission pated in the speech and text tracks. The authors
to use an end-to-end approach for the speech track. proposed a novel method to simultaneous trans-
The authors use transformer-based models com- lation, by training an additional binary output to
bining the wait-k strategy (Ma et al., 2019) with predict chunk boundaries in the streaming input.
a modality-agnostic meta learning approach (In- This module serves as an agent to decide when the
durthi et al., 2020) to address data sparsity. They contextual information is sufficient for the decoder

to write output. The training examples for chunk
prediction are generated using word alignments.
On the recognition side, they fixate the ASR sys-
tem to the output hypothesis that does not change
when further context is added. The model chooses
chunk boundaries dynamically.
KIT (Pham et al., 2020) participated in the
text track only. The authors used a novel read-
write strategy called Adaptive Computation Time
Figure 1: Latency-quality trade-off curves, measured
(ACT) (Graves, 2016). Instead of learning an
by AL and BLEU, for the systems submitted to the text
agent, a probability distribution derived from en- track.
coder timesteps, along with the attention mech-
anism from (Arivazhagan et al., 2019b) is used
for training. The ponder loss (Graves, 2016) was
added to the cross-entropy loss in order to encour-
age the model towards shorter delays. Different
latency can be achieved by adjusting the weight of
the ponder loss.

2.4 Results
We discuss results for the text and speech tracks.
More details are available in Appendix A.1. Figure 2: Latency-quality trade-off curves, measured
by AL and BLEU, for the systems submitted to the
2.4.1 Text Track speech track.
Results for the text track are summarized in the
first table of Appendix A.1. Only the ON-TRAC
system was able to provide a low latency model. latency threshold of 4000, which makes it difficult
The ranking of the systems is consistent through- to compare its trade-offs to other systems.
out the latency regimes. The results for all systems
are identical between the high latency regime and 2.5 Future Editions
the unconstrained regime except for SRSK who In future editions, we will include wall-clock time
submitted a system above the maximum latency information as part of the official latency met-
threshold of 15. ric. This implies that the evaluation will be run
In the table, only the models with the best in a more controlled environment, for example,
BLEU score for a given latency regime are re- the hardware will be defined in advance. We
ported. In order to obtain a broader sense will also encourage participants to contrast cas-
of latency-quality thresholds, we plot in Fig- cade and end-to-end approaches for the simulta-
ure 1 all the systems submitted to the text neous speech track.
track. The ON-TRAC models present competi-
tive trade-offs across a wide latency range. The 3 Video Speech Translation
A PP T EK /RWTH system obtains competitive per-
formance for medium latency, but its characteris- We are living the multiple modalities world in
tics in low and high latency regimes are unclear. which we see objects, hear sounds, feel texture,
smell odors, and so on. The purpose of this shared
task is to ignite possibilities of multimodal ma-
2.4.2 Speech Track chine translation. This shared task examines meth-
Results for the speech track are summarized in ods for combining video and audio sources as in-
the second table of Appendix A.1. We also re- put of translation models.
port latency-quality trade-off curves in Figure 2.
The ON-TRAC system presents better trade-offs 3.1 Challenge
across a wide latency range. We also note that the In this year’s evaluation campaign, we added the
A PP T EK /RWTH systems are all above the highest video translation track to ignite possibilities of

multimodal machine translation. This track ex- team HW-TSC. We also used the cascaded speech
amines methods for combining video and audio translation cloud services from 2 providers which
sources as input of translation models. We of- will be named as Online A and Online B.
fer two evaluation tasks. The first one is the Team HW-TSC participated in the Chinese-
constrained track in which systems are required English unconstrained sub-task. HW-TSC sub-
to only use the datasets we provided in the data mission is a cascaded system of a speech recog-
section. The second one was unconstrained sys- nition system, a disfluency detection system, and
tems in which additional datasets are allowed. a machine translation system. They simply extract
Both tasks are available for Chinese-English and the sound tracks from videos, then feed them to
English-Russian language pairs. their proprietary ASR system and proceed tran-
scripts to downstream modules. ASR outputs are
3.2 Data piped into a BERT-based disfluency detection sys-
We are focusing on e-Commerce domain, particu- tem which performs repeat spoken words removal,
larly on the live video shows similar to the ones on detect insertion and deletion noise. For the ma-
e-Commerce websites such as AliExpress, Ama- chine translation part, a transformer-big has been
zon, and Taobao. A typical live show has at least employed. They experimented multi-task learn-
one seller in a wide range of recording environ- ing with NMT decoding and domain classification,
ments. The live show contents cover product de- back translation and noise data augmentation. For
scription, review, coupon information, chitchat be- the details of their approach, please refer to their
tween speakers, interactive chat with audiences, paper (Table 1).
commercial ads, and breaks. We planned to col-
lect videos from Taobao for Chinese-English, and 3.4 Results
videos from AliExpess for English-Russian. We use vizseq4 as our main scoring tool. We
We have experienced data collection and an- evaluate ASR systems in CER without punctua-
notation challenges during these unprecedented tions. The final translation outputs are evaluated
times. Our English-Russian plan could not be car- with lower-cased BLEU, METEOR, and chrF. We
ried out smoothly. Therefore, instead of collect- also break down the translation performances by
ing and annotating e-Commerce videos, we use the CER error buckets with sentence-level BLEU
the How2 dataset2 and translate the dev and test scores. HW-TSC has a better corpus-level perfor-
sets from English to Russian. mance than other online cloud services. All sys-
For Chinese-English, we collected ten Taobao tems are sensitive to speech recognition errors.
full live shows which last between fifteen min-
utes and four hours. After quality check, we keep 4 Offline Speech Translation
seven live shows for annotation. For each live In continuity with last year (Niehues et al., 2019),
show we sampled video snippets ranging from 1 to the offline speech translation task required par-
25 minutes relatively to the length of the original ticipants to translate English audio data extracted
show. Audio files are extracted from video snip- from TED talks5 into German. Participants could
pets. Each audio file is further split into smaller submit translations produced by either cascade ar-
audios based on the silence and voice activities. chitectures (built on a pipeline of ASR and MT
We ask native Chinese speakers to provide hu- components) or end-to-end models (neural solu-
man transcriptions. For human translation, we en- tions for the direct translation of the input audio),
courage annotators to watch video snippets before and were asked to specify, at submission time,
translating. There are 2 English translation refer- which of the two architectural choices was made
ences for a total of 104 minutes of Chinese live for their system.
shows. All data is available on GitHub3 . Similar to last year, valid end-to-end submis-
sions had to be obtained by models that:
3.3 Submissions
We received 4 registrations, however, due to the • Do not exploit intermediate discrete repre-
pandemic we received only 1 submissions from sentations (e.g., source language transcrip-
2 4
https://srvk.github.io/how2-dataset/ https://github.com/facebookresearch/vizseq
3 5
https://github.com/nguyenbh/iwslt2020 video translation http://www.ted.com

tion or hypotheses fusion in the target lan- lar to last year, the submitted runs are ranked based
guage); on the case-sensitive BLEU calculated on the test
set by using automatic re-segmentation of the hy-
• Rely on parameters that are all jointly trained potheses based on the reference translations by
on the end-to-end task mwerSegmenter.6
4.1 Challenge 4.2 Data
While the cascade approach has been the domi- Training and development data. Also this year,
nant one for years, the end-to-end paradigm has participants had the possibility to train their sys-
recently attracted increasing attention as a way tems using several resources available for ST, ASR
to overcome some of the pipeline systems’ prob- and MT. The training corpora allowed to satisfy
lems, such as higher architectural complexity and the “constrained” data condition include:
error propagation. In terms of performance, how-
ever, the results of the IWSLT 2019 ST task still • MuST-C (Di Gangi et al., 2019a)
showed a gap between the two approaches that,
• WIT3 (Cettolo et al., 2012)
though gradually decreasing, was still of about 1.5
BLEU points. In light of this, the main question • Speech-Translation TED corpus7
we wanted to answer this year is: is the cascaded
solution still the dominant technology in spoken • How2 (Sanabria et al., 2018)8
language translation? To take stock of the sit-
• LibriVoxDeEn (Beilharz and Sun, 2019)9
uation, besides being allowed to submit systems
based on both the technologies, participants were • Europarl-ST (Iranzo-Sánchez et al., 2020)
asked to translate also the 2019 test set, which last
year was kept undisclosed to enable future com- • TED LIUM v2 (Rousseau et al., 2014) and v3
parisons. (Hernandez et al., 2018)
This year’s evaluation also focused on a key is-
• all the data provided by WMT 201910
sue in ST, which is the importance of a proper
segmentation of the input audio. One of the find- • OpenSubtitles 2018 (Lison et al., 2018)
ings of last year’s campaign, which was carried
out on unsegmented data, was indeed the key role • Augmented LibriSpeech (Kocabiyikoglu
of automatically segmenting the test data in way et al., 2018)11
that is close to the sentence-level one present in
• Mozilla Common Voice12
the training corpora. To shed light on this aspect,
the last novelty introduced this year is the pos- • LibriSpeech ASR corpus (Panayotov et al.,
sibility given to participants to process the same 2015)
test data released in two versions, namely with
and without pre-computed audio segmentation. The list of allowed development data includes
The submission instructions included the request the dev set from IWSLT 2010, as well as the
to specify, together with the type of architecture test sets used for the 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015
(cascade/end-to-end) and the data condition (con- and 2018 IWSLT campaigns. Using other train-
strained/unconstrained – see §4.2) also the chosen ing/development resources was allowed but, in
segmentation type (own/given). this case, participants were asked to mark their
Systems’ performance is evaluated with re- submission as an “unconstrained” one.
spect to their capability to produce trans- 6
lations similar to the target-language refer- rwth-aachen.de/web/Software/
ences. To enable performance analyses from 7
different perspectives, such similarity is mea- iwslt-corpus.zip
sured in terms of multiple automatic metrics: 8
only English - Portuguese
case-sensitive/insensitive BLEU (Papineni et al., only German - English
2002b), case-sensitive/insensitive TER (Snover 11
only English - French
et al., 2006a), BEER (Stanojevic and Sima'an, 12
2014), and CharacTER (Wang et al., 2016). Simi- – English version en 1488h 2019-12-10

Test data. A new test set was released by In the following, we provide a bird’s-eye de-
processing, with the same pipeline used to build scription of each participant’s approach.
MuST-C (Di Gangi et al., 2019a), a new set of 22 AFRL (Ore et al., 2020) participated with a
talks that are not included yet in the public release cascade system that included the following steps:
of the corpus. To measure technology progress (1) speech activity detection using a neural net-
with respect to last year’s round, participants were work trained on TED-LIUM, (2) speech recog-
asked to process also the undisclosed 2019 test nition using a Kaldi system (Povey et al., 2011)
set. Both test corpora were released with and with- trained on TED-LIUM, (3) sentence segmenta-
out sentence-like automatic segmentation. For the tion using an automatic punctuator (a bidirectional
segmented versions, the resulting number of seg- RNN with attention trained on TED data using Ot-
ments is 2,263 (corresponding to about 4.1 hours tokar Tilk13 ), and (4) machine translation using
of translated speech from 22 talks) for the 2020 OpenNMT (Klein et al., 2017). The contrastive
test set and 2,813 (about 5.1 hours from 25 talks) system differs from the primary one in two as-
for the 2019 test set. pects: Step 3 was not applied, and the transla-
4.3 Submissions tion results were obtained using Marian (Junczys-
Dowmunt et al., 2018) instead of openNMT.
We received submissions from 10 participants
AppTek/RWTH (Bahar et al., 2020b) partic-
(twice as much compared to last year’s number)
ipated with both cascade and end-to-end speech
coming from the industry, the academia and other
translation systems, paying attention to careful
research institutions. Eight teams submitted at
data selection (based on sentence embedding sim-
least one run obtained with end-to-end technology,
ilarity) and weighting. In the cascaded ap-
showing a steady increase of interest towards this
proach, they combined: (1) high-quality hybrid
emerging paradigm. In detail:
automatic speech recognition (based on hybrid
• 5 teams (DiDiLabs, FBK, ON-TRAC, LSTM/HMM model and attention models trained
BHANSS, SRPOL) participated only with on data augmented with a variant SpecAugment
end-to-end systems; (Park et al., 2019), layer-wise pretraining and CTC
loss (Graves et al., 2006) as additional loss), with
• 3 teams (AppTek/RWTH, KIT, HY) submit-
(2) the Transformer-based neural machine trans-
ted runs obtained from both cascade and end-
lation. The end-to-end direct speech translation
to-end systems;
systems benefit from: (1) pre-training of adapted
• 2 teams (AFRL, BUT) participated only with LSTM-based encoder and Transformer-based de-
cascade systems. coder components, (2) an adapter component in-
between, and (3) synthetic data and fine-tuning.
As far as input segmentation is concerned, par-
All these elements make the end-to-end models
ticipants are equally distributed between the two
able to compete with the cascade ones in terms of
possible types, with half of the total submitting
MT quality.
only runs obtained with the given segmentation
and the other half submitting at least one run with BHANSS (Lakumarapu et al., 2020) built their
in-house solutions. In detail: end-to-end system adopting the Transformer ar-
chitecture (Vaswani et al., 2017a) coupled with
• 5 teams (BHANSS, BUT, DiDiLabs, FBK, the meta-learning approach proposed in (Indurthi
HY) participated only with the given segmen- et al., 2020). Meta-learning is used mitigate the
tation of the test data; issue of over-fitting when the training data is lim-
• 2 teams (AFRL, ON-TRAC) participated ited, as in the ST case, and allows their system
only with their own segmentation; to take advantage of the available ASR and MT
data. Along with meta-learning, the submitted
• 3 teams (AppTek/RWTH, KIT, SRPOL) sub- system also exploits training on synthetic data cre-
mitted runs for both segmentation types. ated with different techniques. These include au-
Finally, regarding the data usage possibilities, tomatic English to German translation to generate
all teams opted for constrained submissions ex- artificial text data, and speech perturbation with
ploiting only the allowed training corpora listed in
§4.2. 13

the Sox audio manipulation tool14 to generate arti- both cascade and end-to-end systems. For the
ficial audio data similar to (Potapczyk et al., 2019). end-to-end system, they used a multimodal ap-
BUT (unpublished report) participated with proach (with audio and text as the two modalities
cascade systems based on (Vydana et al., 2020). treated as different languages) trained in a multi-
They rely on ASR-MT Transformer models con- task fashion, which maps the internal represen-
nected through neural hidden representations and tations of different encoders into a shared space
jointly trained with ASR objective as an auxiliary before decoding. To this aim, they incorporated
loss. At inference time, both models are connected the inner-attention based architecture proposed by
through n-best hypotheses and the hidden repre- (Vázquez et al., 2020) within Transformer-based
sentation that correspond to the n-best hypotheses. encoders (inspired by (Tu et al., 2019; Di Gangi
The n-best hypothesis from the ASR model are et al., 2019c)) and decoders. For the cascade ap-
processed in parallel by the MT model. The like- proach, they used a pipeline of three stages: (1)
lihoods of the final MT decoder are conditioned ASR (trained with S-Transformer (Di Gangi et al.,
on the likelihoods of the ASR model. The discrete 2019c)), (2) re-punctuation and letter case restora-
symbol token sequence, which is obtained as the tion (based on Marian’s implementation (Junczys-
intermediate representation in the joint model, is Dowmunt et al., 2018) of Transformer), and (3)
used as an input to an independent text-based MT MT (also based on Marian).
model, whose outputs are ensembled with the joint KIT (Pham et al., 2020) participated with both
model. Similarly, the ASR module of the joint end-to-end and cascade systems. For the end-
model is ensembled from a separately trained ASR to-end system they applied a deep Transformer
model. with stochastic layers (Pham et al., 2019b). Po-
DiDiLabs (Arkhangorodsky et al., 2020) par- sition encoding (Dai et al., 2019) is incorporated
ticipated with an end-to-end system based on the to mitigate issues due to processing long audio in-
S-Transformer architecture proposed in (Di Gangi puts, and SpecAugment (Park et al., 2019) is ap-
et al., 2019b,c). The base model trained on MuST- plied to the speech inputs for data augmentation.
C was extended in several directions by: (1) The cascade architecture has three components:
encoder pre-training on English ASR data, (2) (1) ASR (both LSTM (Nguyen et al., 2020b)
decoder-pre-training on German ASR data, (3) us- and Transformer-based (Pham et al., 2019a)) (2)
ing wav2vec (Schneider et al., 2019) features as Segmentation (with a monolingual NMT system
inputs (instead of Mel-Filterbank features), and (Sperber et al., 2018) that adds sentence bound-
(4) pre-training on English to German text transla- aries and case, also inserting proper punctua-
tion with an MT system sharing the decoder with tion), and (3) MT (a Transformer-based encoder-
S-Transformer, so to improve the decoder’s trans- decoder model implementing Relative Attention
lation ability. following (Dai et al., 2019) adapted via fine-tuning
FBK (Gaido et al., 2020) participated with on data incorporating artificially-injected noise).
an end-to-end-system adapting the S-Transformer The WerRTCVAD toolkit15 is used to process the
model (Di Gangi et al., 2019b,c). Its training unsegmented test set.
is based on: i) transfer learning (via ASR pre- ON-TRAC (Elbayad et al., 2020) participated
training and – word/sequence – knowledge dis- with end-to-end systems, focusing on speech seg-
tillation), ii) data augmentation (with SpecAug- mentation, data augmentation and the ensembling
ment (Park et al., 2019), time stretch (Nguyen of multiple models. They experimented with sev-
et al., 2020a) and synthetically-created data), iii) eral attention-based encoder-decoder models shar-
combining synthetic and real data marked as dif- ing the general backbone architecture described
ferent “domains” as in (Di Gangi et al., 2019d), in (Nguyen et al., 2019), which comprises an en-
and iv) multitask learning using the CTC loss coder with two VGG-like (Simonyan and Zisser-
(Graves et al., 2006). Once the training with word- man, 2015) CNN blocks followed by five stacked
level knowledge distillation is complete the model BLSTM layers. All the systems were devel-
is fine-tuned using label smoothed cross entropy oped using the ESPnet end-to-end speech pro-
(Szegedy et al., 2016). cessing toolkit (Watanabe et al., 2018). An ASR
HY (Vázquez et al., 2020) participated with
http://sox.sourceforge.net/ py-webrtcvad

model trained on Kaldi (Povey et al., 2011) was remark is that the highest score (25.3 BLEU) is
used to process the unsegmented test set, training achieved by an end-to-end system, which out-
the acoustic model on the TED-LIUM 3 corpus. performs the best cascade result by 0.24 BLEU
Speech segments based on the recognized words points. Although the performance difference be-
with timecodes were obtained with rules, whose tween the two paradigms is small, it can be consid-
thresholds were optimised to get a segment dura- ered as an indicator of the steady progress done by
tion distribution in the development and evaluation end-to-end approaches to ST. Back to our initial
data that is similar to the one observed in the train- question “is the cascaded solution still the dom-
ing data. Data augmentation was performed with inant technology in ST?”, we can argue that, at
SpecAugment (Park et al., 2019), speed perturba- least in this year’s evaluation conditions, the two
tion, and by automatically translating into German paradigms are now close (if not on par) in terms of
the English transcription of MuST-C and How2. final performance.
The two synthetic corpora were combined in dif-
The importance of input segmentation. An-
ferent ways producing different models that were
other important aspect to consider is the key role
eventually used in isolation and ensembled at de-
played by a proper segmentation of the input
coding time.
speech. Indeed, the top five submitted runs are
SRPOL (Potapczyk and Przybysz, 2020) par-
all obtained by systems operating under the “un-
ticipated with end-to-end systems based on the one
segmented” condition, that is with own segmenta-
(Potapczyk et al., 2019) submitted to the IWSLT
tion strategies. This is not surprising considering
2019 ST task. The improvements over last year’s
the mismatch between the provided training ma-
submission include: (1) the use of additional train-
terial (often “clean” corpora split into sentence-
ing data (synthetically created, both by translating
like segments, as in the case of MuST-C) and the
with a Transformer model as in (Jia et al., 2019)
supplied test data, whose automatic segmentation
and via speed perturbation with the Sox audio ma-
can be far from being optimal (i.e. sentence-like)
nipulation tool); (2) training data filtration (ap-
and, in turn, difficult to handle. The importance
plied to WIT3 and TED LIUM v2); (3) the use of
of a good segmentation becomes evident looking
SpecAugment (Park et al., 2019); (4) the introduc-
at the scores of those teams that participated with
tion of a second decoder for the ASR task, obtain-
both segmentation types (i.e. AppTek/RWTH,
ing a multitask setup similar to (Anastasopoulos
KIT, SRPOL): in all cases, their best runs are ob-
and Chiang, 2018); (5) the increase of the encoder
tained with own segmentations. Looking at these
layer depth; (6) the replacement of simpler convo-
systems through the lens of our initial question
lutions with Resnet-like convolutional layers; and
about the distance between cascade and end-to-
(7) the increase of the embedding size. To process
end approaches, it’s interesting to observe that, al-
the unsegmented test set, the same segmentation
though the two approaches are close when partici-
technique used last year was applied. It relies on
pants applied their own segmentation, the cascade
iteratively joining, up to a maximal length of 15s,
is still better when results are computed on pre-
the fragments obtained by dividing the audio input
segmented data.16 Specifically, on unsegmented
with a silence detection tool.
data, AppTek/RWTH’s best cascade score (22.49
4.4 Results BLEU) is 2 points better than their best end-to-end
score (20.5). For KIT’s submissions the distance
Detailed results for the offline ST task are pro- is slightly larger (22.06 - 19.82 = 2.24). In light of
vided in Appendix A.3. For each test set (i.e. this consideration, as of today it is still difficult to
this year’s tst2020 and last year’s tst2019), the draw conclusive evidence about the real distance
scores computed on unsegmented and segmented between cascade and end-to-end ST since the ef-
data (i.e. own vs given segmentation) are reported fectiveness of the latter seems to highly depend a
separately. Background colours are used to differ- critical pre-processing step.
entiate between cascade (white background) and
end-to-end architectures (grey). Progress wrt 2019. Comparing participants’ re-
sults on tst2020 and tst2019, the progress made by
Cascade vs end-to-end. Looking at the results 16
This is only possible for the submissions by
computed with case-sensitive BLEU (our primary AppTek/RWTH and KIT, since SRPOL participated
evaluation metric), the first interesting thing to only with their own segmentation.

the ST community is quite visible. Before con- 5.1 Challenge
sidering the actual systems’ scores, it’s worth ob- The goal of this task is to provide fluent, English
serving that the overall ranking is almost identical translations given disfluent Spanish speech or text.
on the two test sets. This indicates that the top- We provide three ways in which submissions may
ranked approaches on this year’s evaluation set are differ and would be scored separately:
consistently better on different new test data com-
ing from the TED Talks domain. Three systems, • Systems which translate from speech, or
two of which end-to-end, were able to outper- from text-only
form last year’s top result (21.55 BLEU), which
was obtained by a cascade system. Moreover, two • Systems may be unconstrained (use addi-
out of the three systems that also took part in the tional data beyond what is provided) or con-
IWSLT 2019 campaign (FBK, KIT and SRPOL) strained (use only the Fisher data provided)
managed to improve their previous scores on the
• Systems which do and do not use the fluent
same dataset. In both cases, they did it with a
references to train
large margin: from 3.85 BLEU points for FBK to
4.0 BLEU points for SRPOL. As the 2019 test set Submissions were scored against the fluent En-
was kept undisclosed, this is another confirmation glish translation references for the challenge test
of the progress made in one year by ST technol- sets, using the automatic metric BLEU (Papineni
ogy in general, and by the end-to-end approach in et al., 2002a) to assess fluent translations and ME-
particular. TEOR (Lavie and Agarwal, 2007) to assess mean-
ing preservation from the original disfluent data.
By convention to compare with previous published
5 Conversational Speech Translation work on the Fisher translation datasets (Post et al.,
2013), we score using lowercased, detokenized
In conversational speech, there are many phenom- output with all punctuation except apostrophes re-
ena which aren’t present in well-formed text, such moved. At test time, submissions could only be
as disfluencies. Disfluencies comprise e.g., filler provided with the evaluation data for their track.
words, repetitions, corrections, hesitations, or in- We compare submissions to the baseline models
complete sentences. This differs strongly from described in Salesky et al. (2019).
typical machine translation training data. This
5.2 Data
mismatch needs to be accounted for when trans-
lating conversational speech both for domain mis- This task uses the LDC Fisher Spanish speech
match as well as generating well-formed, fluent (disfluent) (Graff et al.) with new target transla-
translations. While previously handled with inter- tions (fluent) Salesky et al. (2018). This dataset
mediate processing steps, with the rise of end-to- has 160 hours of speech (138k utterances): this is
end models, how and when to incorporate such a a smaller dataset than other tasks, designed to be
pre- or post-processing steps between speech pro- approachable. We provide multi-way parallel data
cessing and machine translation is an open ques- for training:
• disfluent Spanish speech
Disfluency removal typically requires token-
level annotations for that language. However, • disfluent Spanish transcripts (gold)
most languages and translation corpora do not
such annotations. Using recently collected fluent • disfluent Spanish transcripts (ASR output)
references (Salesky et al., 2018) for the common
• disfluent English translations
Fisher Spanish-English dataset, this task poses
several potential questions: how should disflu- • fluent English translations
ency removal be incorporated into current conver-
sational speech translation models where transla- Each of these are parallel at level of the train-
tion may not be done in a pipeline, and can this be ing data, such that the disfluent and fluent trans-
accomplished without training on explicit annota- lation references have the same number of utter-
tions? ances. Additional details for the fluent translations

can be found here: Salesky et al. (2018). We ar- In their respective description papers, the two
ranged an evaluation license agreement with the teams scored their systems differently, leading to
LDC where all participants could receive this data different trends between the two papers than may
without cost for the purposes of this task. be observed in our evaluation.
The cslt-test set is originally Fisher dev2 The unconstrained submissions from each site
(for which the fluent translations are released for utilized external data in very different ways,
this first time with this task). We provided partici- though with the same underlying motivation. Un-
pants with two conditions for each test set for the der the matched condition — unconstrained but
text-only track: gold Spanish transcriptions, and no fluent references used during training — given
ASR output using the baseline’s ASR model. gold source Spanish transcripts, The submissions
from NAIST (Fukuda et al., 2020) were superior
5.3 Submissions by up to 2.6 BLEU. We see that this is not the
We received two submissions, both for the text- case, however, when ASR output is the source,
only track, as described below. where the IITB submission performs ≈3.4 bet-
Both teams described both constrained and un- ter on BLEU; this submission, in fact, outper-
constrained systems. While NAIST submitted forms all submitted under any condition, though
multiple (6) systems, IIT Bombay submitted ul- it has not been trained on the parallel fluent refer-
timately only their unconstrained system. Both ences. This may suggest perhaps that the multi-
teams submitted at least one model without fluent encoder and multi-decoder machine translation
translations used in training – rising to the chal- model from IITB transferred better to the noise
lenge goal of this task to generalize beyond avail- seen in ASR output. Interestingly, we see a slight
able annotations. improvement in BLEU for both sites with ASR
NAIST (Fukuda et al., 2020) used a two- output as source under this matched conditions
pronged approach: first, to leverage both a larger (e.g. for those models where the fluent data is not
dataset which is out-of-domain (UN Corpus: i.e. used).
both fluent and also out-of-domain for conversa- Turning to our second metric, METEOR, where
tional speech) they utilize an unsupervised style we assess meaning preservation with the original
transfer model, and second, to adapt between flu- disfluent references, we see that the IITB submis-
ent and disfluent parallel corpora for NMT they sion from ASR output preserves much more of the
pretrain on the original disfluent-disfluent trans- content contained in the disfluent references, re-
lations and fine-tune to the target disfluent-fluent sulting in a much higher METEOR score than all
case. They find that their style transfer domain other submissions. The utterances in these out-
adaptation was necessary to make the most effec- puts are also 10% longer than those of NAIST-
tive use of style-transfer, as without it, the domain e. Qualitatively, these segments also appear to
mismatch was such that meaning was lost during have more repetitions than the equivalents trans-
disfluent-fluent translation. lated from gold transcripts. This suggests perhaps
IIT Bombay (Saini et al., 2020) submit both that NAIST’s noised training using the additional
unconstrained and constrained systems, both with- unconstrained data may have transferred better to
out use of the parallel fluent translations. They use the noise seen in ASR output, causing less of a
data augmentation through noise induction to cre- change given this challenge condition. This may
ate disfluent–fluent English references from En- not reflected by BLEU computed against fluent
glish NewsCommentary. Their translation model references, because in addition to removing disflu-
uses multiple encoders and decoders with shared ent content, other tokens have been changed. This
layers to balance shared modeling capabilities reminds us this metric may not capture all aspects
while separating domain-specific modeling of e.g. of producing fluent translations.
disfluencies within noised data. NAIST submitted 6 models, allowing us to see
additional trends though there are no additional
5.4 Results
submissions with matched conditions. The uncon-
This task proved challenging but was met by very strained setting where they leveraged noising of
inventive and different solutions from each team. UN Corpus data gave significant improvements of
Results are shown in Appendix A.4. ≈ 5 BLEU. Surprisingly to us, their submissions

which do not leverage fluent references in training 2014, 2015); Wiktionary.org; and WikiMatrix
are not far behind those which do — the respec- (Schwenk et al., 2019). We also collected parallel
tive gap between otherwise matched submissions sentences from Tatoeba.org, released under a CC-
is typically ≈ 2 BLEU. BY License. Table 2 lists the size of each of these
Overall, we are very encouraged to see submis- existing corpora. In total, we found fewer than 2
sions which did not use the fluent parallel data, and million publicly available Chinese-Japanese paral-
encourage further development in this area! lel segments.

6 Open Domain Translation Corpus Segments ZH Chars

Crawled (pipeline) 18,966,595 493,902,539
The goals of this task were to further promote Ubuntu 92,250 1,549,964
research on translation between Asian languages, Open Subtitles 914,355 10,932,722
the exploitation of noisy parallel web corpora for TED 376,441 5,345,867
MT, and thoughtful handling of data provenance. Global Voices 16,848 337,194
6.1 Challenge Wikipedia 228,565 5,067,489
Wiktionary 62,557 222,562
The open domain translation task focused on ma- News Commentary 570 65,038
chine translation between Chinese and Japanese, Tatoeba 4,243 50,846
with one track in each direction. We encouraged WikiMatrix 267,409 9,950,657
participation in both tracks. Total 20,929,833 527,424,878
We provided two bilingual parallel Chinese-
Japanese corpora, and two additional bilingual Zh- Table 2: Provided Chinese-Japanese parallel data.
Ja corpora. The first was a large, noisy set of
segment pairs assembled from web data. Sec- We therefore built a data-harvesting
tion 6.2 describes the data, with further details in pipeline to crawl the web for more paral-
Appendix A.5. The second set was a compila- lel text. The data collection details can be
tion of existing Japanese-Chinese parallel corpora found in Appendix A.5. The result was the
from public sources. These include both freely- webcrawled parallel filtered dataset,
downloadable resources and ones released as part containing nearly 19M hopefully-parallel segment
of previous Chinese-Japanese MT efforts. We en- pairs (494M Zh chars) with provenance infor-
couraged participants to use only these provided mation. This crawled data combined with the
corpora. The use of other data was allowed, as existing corpora provide 20.9M parallel segments
long as it was disclosed. with 527M Chinese characters. We included
The submitted systems were evaluated on a provenance information for each segment pair.
held-out, mixed-genre, test set curated to contain
high-quality segment pairs. The official evalua- 6.3 Unaligned and Unfiltered Data
tion metric was 4-gram character BLEU (Papineni In addition to the aligned and filtered output of the
et al., 2002c). The scoring script17 was shared pipeline, we released two other variations on the
with participants before the evaluation phase. pipeline output. We hoped these larger yet noisier
versions of the data would be of use for working
6.2 Parallel Training Data on upstream data processing.
We collected all the publicly available, par- We provided a larger aligned, but un-
allel Chinese-Japanese corpora we could find, filtered, version of the web-crawled data
and made it available to participants as the produced by the pipeline after Stage 5
existing parallel. These include Global (webcrawled parallel unfiltered).
Voices, News Commentary, and Ubuntu corpora This corpus contains 161.5M segment pairs, and
from OPUS Tiedemann (2012); OpenSubtitles is very noisy (e.g. it includes languages other than
(Lison and Tiedemann, 2016); TED talks (Dabre Chinese and Japanese). Our expectation is that
and Kurohashi, 2017); Wikipedia (Chu et al., more sophisticated filtering of this noisy data will
increase the quantity of good parallel data.
open_domain_translation/blob/master/ We also released the parallel document con-
eval/bleu.py tents, with boundaries, from Step 4 in the

pipeline shown in Appendix A.5. These docu- workshop proceedings.
ments are the contents of the webpages paired
by URL (e.g. gotokyo.org/jp/foo and Architecture: All participants used either the
gotokyo.org/zh/foo), and processed with Transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017b)
BeautifulSoup, but before using Hunalign or a variant, such as dynamic linear combination
(Varga et al., 2005) to extract parallel sentence of layers, or transformer-evolved with neural ar-
pairs. We released 15.6M document pairs as chitecture search. Most participants submitted en-
webcrawled unaligned. Sentence aligner semble models, showing consistent improvement
improvements (and their downstream effects) over the component models on the dev set.
could be explored using this provided data. Data Filtering: As anticipated, all teams in-
vested significant effort in data cleaning, normal-
6.4 Dev and Test Sets ization and filtering of the provided noisy corpora.
The provided development set consisted of 5304 A non-exhaustive list of the techniques used in-
basic expressions in Japanese and Chinese, from cludes length ratios, language id, converting tra-
the Kurohashi-Kawahara Lab at Kyoto Univer- ditional Chinese characters to simplified, sentence
sity.18 The held-out test set was intended to cover deduplication, punctuation normalization, and re-
a variety of topics not known to the participants in moving html markup.
advance. We selected test data from high-quality X IAOMI (Sun et al., 2020) submitted a large
(human translated) parallel web content, authored ensemble, exploring the performance of a variety
between January and March 2020. The test set cu- of Transformer-based architectures. They also in-
ration process can be found in Appendix A.5. corporated domain adaptation, knowledge distilla-
This curation produced 1750 parallel segments, tion, and reranking.
which we divided randomly in half: 875 lines for T SUKUBA (Cui et al., 2020) used the unfiltered
the Chinese-to-Japanese translation test set, and data for backtranslation, augmented with synthetic
875 lines for the other direction. The Japanese noise. This was done in conjunction with n-best
segments have an average length of 47 characters, list reranking.
and the Chinese ones have an average length of 35. SRC-B (Samsung Beijing) (Zhuang et al.,
2020) mined the provided unaligned corpus for
6.5 Submissions parallel data and for backtranslation. They also
Twelve teams submitted systems for both trans- implemented relative position representation for
lation directions, and three more submitted only their Transformer.
for Japanese-to-Chinese. Of the 15 participants, 6 OPPO (Zhang et al., 2020) used detailed rule-
were from academia and 9 were from industry. based preprocessing and multiple rounds of back-
We built a baseline system before the compe- translation. They also explored using both the un-
tition began, based on Tensor2Tensor (Vaswani filtered parallel dataset (after filtering) and the un-
et al., 2018), and provided participants with the aligned corpus (after alignment). Their contrastive
baseline BLEU scores to benchmark against. We system shows the effect of character widths on the
also provided the source code for training the base- BLEU score.
line, as a potential starting point for experimen- O CTANOVE (Hagiwara, 2020) augmented the
tation and development. Our source code for the dev set with high-quality pairs mined from the
baseline system is now publicly available.19 training set. This reduced the size of the we-
The following summarizes some key points bcrawled data by 90% before using. Each half of
of the participating teams that submitted system the discarded pairs was reused for backtranslation.
descriptions; broad trends first, and then the ISTIC (Wei et al., 2020) used the provided un-
individual systems in reverse-alphabetical order. filtered webcrawl data after significant filtering.
Further details for these systems can be found in They also used adaptation, using elasticsearch to
the relevant system description papers in the full find sentence pairs similar to the test set, and opti-
mizing the system on them.
http://nlp.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/EN/ DBS Deep Blue Sonics (Su and Ren, 2020) suc-
DiDi baseline source code available at: cessfully added noise to generate augmented data
github.com/didi/iwslt2020 open domain translation for backtranslation. They also experimented with

language model fusion techniques. Japanese side respectively.
CASIA (Wang et al., 2020b) ensembled many Overall, we are heartened by the participation
models into their submission. They used the un- in this first edition of the open-domain Chinese-
filtered data for backtranslation, used a domain Japanese shared task, and encourage participation
classifier based on segment provenance, and also in the next one.
performed knowledge-distillation. They also used
13k parallel sentences from external data; see the 7 Non-Native Speech Translation
“External data” note in Section 6.6.
The non-native speech translation task has been
added to IWSLT this year. The task focuses on
6.6 Results and Discussion
the very frequent setting of non-native sponta-
Appendix A.5 contains the results of the Japanese- neous speech in somewhat noisy conditions, one
to-Chinese and Chinese-to-Japanese open-domain of the test files even contained speech transmitted
translation tasks. Some comments follow below. through a remote conferencing platform. We were
Data filtering was unsurprisingly helpful. We interested in submissions of both types: the stan-
released 4 corpora as part of the shared task. dard two-stage pipeline (ASR+MT, denoted “Cas-
All participants used existing parallel caded”) as well as end-to-end (“E2E”) solutions.
and webcrawled parallel filtered. This first year, we had English as the only
Overall, participants filtered out 15%-90% source language and Czech and German as the tar-
of the data, and system performance in- get languages. Participants were allowed to submit
creased by around 2-5 BLEU points. The just one of the target languages.
webcrawled parallel unfiltered The training data sets permitted for “con-
corpus was also used successfully, but re- strained” submissions were agreed upon the train-
quired even more aggressive filtering. The ing data with the Offline Translation Task (Sec-
webcrawled unaligned data was even tion 4) so that task participants could reuse their
harder to use, and we were pleased to see some systems in both tasks. Participants were however
teams rise to the challenge. Data augmentation also allowed to use any other training data, render-
via backtranslation also consistently helped. ing their submissions “unconstrained”.
However, there was interesting variation in
how participants selected the data to be trans- 7.1 Challenge
lated. Provenance information is not common The main evaluation measure is translation quality
in MT evaluations; we were curious how it but we invited participants to report time-stamped
would be used. Hagiwara (2020) tried filtering outputs if possible, so that we could assess their
web crawled parallel filtered using systems also using metrics related to simultaneous
a provenance indicator, but found it was too speech translation.
aggressive. Wang et al. (2020b) instead trained a In practice, the translation quality is severely
domain classifier, and used it at decoding time to limited by the speech recognition quality. Indeed,
reweight the domain-specific translation models the nature of our test set recordings is extremely
in the ensemble. challenging, see below. For that reason, we also
External data was explicitly allowed, poten- asked the participants with cascaded submissions
tially allowing the sharing of external resources to provide their intermediate ASR outputs (again
that were unknown to us. Hagiwara (2020) im- with exact timing information, if possible) and
proved on their submitted system, in a separate score it against our golden transcripts.
experiment, by gathering 80k external parallel A further critical complication is the lack of
question-answer pairs from HiNative and incor- input sound segmentation to sentence-like units.
porating them into the training set. Wang et al. The Offline Speech Translation Task (Section 4)
(2020b) also improved their system by adding this year allowed the participants to come up either
13k external sentence pairs from hujiangjp. How- with their own segmentation, or to rely upon the
ever, this inadvertently included data from one of provided sound segments. In the Non-Native task,
the websites from which the task’s blind test set no sound segmentation was available. In some
was drawn, resulting in 383/875 and 421/875 ex- cases, this could have caused even a computational
act matching segments on the Chinese side and challenge, because our longest test document is

25:55 long, well beyond the common length of system to produce a better translation. A compro-
segments in the training corpora. The reference mise is sought by systems that quickly produce
translations in our test set do come in segments first candidate outputs and update them later, at
and we acknowledge the risk of automatic scores the cost of potentially increasing cognitive load for
being affected by the (mis-)match of candidate and the user by showing output that will become irrel-
reference segmentation, see below. evant.
The key properties of this trade-off are captured
7.1.1 SLT Evaluation Measures by observing some form of delay, i.e. how long the
The SLT evaluation measures were calculated by user has to wait for the translation of the various
SLTev,20 a comprehensive tool for evaluation of pieces of the message compared to directly fol-
(on-line) spoken language translation. lowing the source, and flicker, i.e. how much “the
output changes”. We considered several possible
SLT Quality (BLEU1 and BLEUmw ) As said, definitions of delay and flicker, including or ignor-
we primarily focus on translation quality and we ing information on timing, segmentation, word re-
approximate it with BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002a) ordering etc., and calculated each of them for each
for simplicity, despite all the known shortcomings submission. For simplicity, report only the follow-
of the metric, e.g. Bojar et al. (2010). ing ones:
BLEU was designed for text translation with a
clear correspondence between source and target Flicker is inspired by Arivazhagan et al. (2019a).
segments (sentences) of the text. We have ex- We report a normalized revision score calcu-
plored multiple ways of aligning the segments pro- lated by dividing the total number of words
duced by the participating SLT systems with the produced by the true output length, i.e. by
reference segments. For systems reporting times- the number of words in the completed sen-
tamps of individual source-language words, the tences. We report the average score across all
segment-level alignment can be based on the exact documents in the test set.
timing. Unfortunately, only one system provided
this detailed information, so we decided to report Delayts relies on timing information provided
only two simpler variants of BLEU-based metrics: by the participants for individual segments.
Each produced word is assumed to have ap-
BLEU1 The whole text is concatenated and peared at the time that corresponds propor-
treated as one segment for BLEU. Note that tionally to its (character) position in the seg-
this is rather inappropriate for longer record- ment. The same strategy is used for the refer-
ings where many n-grams could be matched ence words. Note that the candidate segmen-
far from their correct location. tation does not need to match the reference
one, but in both cases, we get an estimated
BLEUmw (mwerSegmenter + standard BLEU). time span for each word.
For this, first we concatenate the whole doc-
ument and segment it using the mwerSeg- Delaymw uses mwerSegmenter to first find corre-
menter tool (Matusov et al., 2005). Then we spondences between candidate and reference
calculate the BLEU score for each document segments based on the actual words. Then
in the test set and report the average. the same strategy of estimating the timing of
each word is used.
Since the BLEU implementations differ in
The Delay is summed over all words and di-
many details, we rely on a stable one, namely
vided by the total number of words considered
sacreBLEU (Post, 2018).21
in the calculation to show the average delay per
SLT Simultaneity In online speech translation, word.
one can trade translation quality for delay and vice Note that we use a simple exact match of the
versa. Waiting for more input generally allows the candidate and reference word; a better strategy
would be to use some form of monolingual word
https://github.com/ELITR/SLTev alignment which could handle e.g. synonyms. In
We use the default settings, i.e. the signa-
ture BLEU+case.mixed+numrefs.1+smooth.exp+ our case, non-matched words are ignored and do
+tok.13a+version.1.4.6. not contribute to the calculation of the delay at all,

Domain Files Overall Duration Segments EN Words CS Words DE Words
Antrecorp 28 0h38m 427 5040 4071 4660
Khan Academy 5 0h18m 346 2886 2272 2660
SAO 6 1h39m 654 11928 9395 10613
Total 39 2h35m 1427 19854 15738 17933

Table 3: Non-Native Speech Translation Task test data composition. Words are estimated simply by splitting at
whitespace without tokenization.

reducing the reliability of the estimate. To provide For English ASR:

an indication of how reliable the reported Delays
are, we list also the percentage of reference words • LibriSpeech ASR corpus (Panayotov et al.,
matched, i.e. successfully found in the candidate 2015),
translation. This percentage ranges from 20% to
up to 90% across various submissions. • Mozilla Common Voice,22
Note that only one team provided us with timing
details. In order to examine the empirical relations • Speech-Translation TED corpus.23
between these conflicting measures, we focus on
the several contrastive runs submitted by this them For English→Czech Translation:
in Section 7.4.1.
• MuST-C (Di Gangi et al., 2019a), release 1.1
7.1.2 ASR Evaluation Measures contains English-Czech pair,

The ASR-related scores were also calculated by • CzEng 1.7 (Bojar et al., 2016).24 Note
SLTev, using the script ASRev which assumes that that CzEng overlaps with English-German
the “translation” is just an identity operation. test data of the Offline Speech Transla-
We decided to calculate WER using two differ- tion Task so it was not allowed to use
ent strategies: this English-Czech corpus to train English-
German (multi-lingual) systems.
WER1 concatenating all segments into one long
sequence of tokens, and For English→Czech Translation:

WERmw first concatenating all segments pro- • All the data for English-German track by
vided by task participants and then using mw- WMT 201925 News Translation Task, i.e.:
erSegmenter to reconstruct the segmentation
– English-German parallel data,
that best matches the reference.
– German monolingual data,
In both cases, we pre-process both the candi- • MuST-C (Di Gangi et al., 2019a), release 1.0
date and reference by lower casing and removing contains English-German pair,
• Speech-Translation TED corpus,26 the
7.2 Data English-German texts,
7.2.1 Training Data for Constrained
Submissions • WIT3 (Cettolo et al., 2012).
The training data was aligned with the Of- https://voice.mozilla.org/en/datasets
– English version en 1488h 2019-12-10
fline Speech Translation Task (Section 4) to al- 23
low cross-submission in English-to-German SLT. iwslt-corpus.zip
English-to-Czech was unique to the Non-Native 24
Task. czeng17
The permitted data for constrained submissions 26
were: iwslt-corpus.zip

7.2.2 Test Data more problems in BLEUmw . Our BLEU calcu-
The test set was prepared by the EU project lation comes from sacreBLEU it its default set-
ELITR27 which aims at automatic simultaneous ting. Furthermore, it needs to be considered that
translation of speech into subtitles in the particular this is the first instance of the Non-Native shared
domain of conference speeches on auditing. task and not all peculiarities of the used evaluation
The overall size of the test set is in Table 3. measures and tools are quite known.28 A manual
The details about the preparation of test set com- evaluation would be desirable but even that would
ponents are in Appendix A.6. be inevitably biased depending on the exact way
of presenting system outputs to the annotators. A
7.3 Submissions procedure for a reliable manual evaluation of spo-
Five teams from three institutions took part in the ken language translation without pre-defined seg-
task. Each team provided one “primary” sub- mentation is yet to be sought.
mission and some teams provided several further The ASR quality scores29 WER1 and WERmw
“contrastive” submissions. The primary submis- are consistent with each other (Pearson
sions are briefly described in Table 4. Note that .99), ranging from 14 (best submission by
two teams (A PP T EK /RWTH and BUT) took the A PP T EK /RWTH) to 33 WER1 . WERmw is
opportunity to reuse their systems from Offline always 1–3.5 points absolute higher.
Translation Task (Section 4) also in our task. Translation quality scores BLEU1 and BLEUmw
For the purposes of comparison, we also in- show a similarly high correlation (Pearson .987)
cluded freely available ASR services and MT ser- and reach up to 16. For English-to-German, the
vices by two companies and denote the cascaded best translation was achieved by the secondary
run for each of them as PUBLIC -A and PUBLIC -B. submissions of A PP T EK /RWTH, followed by the
The ASR was run at the task submission deadline, primary ELITR- OFFLINE and one of the sec-
the MT was added only later, on May 25, 2020. ondary submissions of CUNI- NN. The public ser-
vices seem to score worse, PUBLIC -B follows very
7.4 Results closely and PUBLIC -A seems to seriously under-
Appendix A.6 presents the results of the perform, but it is quite possible that our cascaded
Non-Native Speech Translation Task for application of their APIs was suboptimal. The
English→German and English→Czech, resp. only on-line set of submissions (ELITR) score be-
Note that the primary choice of most teams does tween the two public systems.
not agree with which of their runs received the best The situation for English-to-Czech is similar,
scores in our evaluation. This can be easily ex- except that A PP T EK /RWTH did not take part in
plained by the partial domain mismatch between this, so ELITR- OFFLINE provided the best ASR
the development set and the test set. as well as translations (one of their secondary sub-
The scores in both German and Czech results missions).
indicate considerable differences among the sys- Often, there is a big variance of BLEU scores
tems both in ASR quality as well as in BLEU across all the submissions of one team. This indi-
scores. Before drawing strong conclusions from cates that the test set was hard to prepare for and
these scores, one has to consider that the results that for a practical deployment, testing on the real
are heavily affected by the lack of reliable segmen- input data is critical.
tation. If MT systems receive sequences of words As expected, the ASR quality limits the trans-
not well matching sentence boundaries, they tend 28
In our analysis, we also used BLEU as implemented in
to reconstruct the sentence structure, causing seri- NLTK (Bird et al., 2009), observing substantial score differ-
ous translation errors. ences. For instance, BUT1 received NLTK-BLEU of 12.68
The lack of golden sound segmentation also af- instead of 0.63 reported in Appendix A.6 BLEUmw . For other
submissions, NLTK-BLEU dropped to zero without a clear
fects the evaluation: mwerSegmenter used in pre- reason, possibly some unexpected character in the output.
processing of WERmw and BLEUmw optimizes The explanation of why NLTK can inflate scores is still pend-
WER score but it operates on a slightly differ- ing but it should be performed to be sure that sacreBLEU
does not unduly penalize BUT submissions.
ent tokenization and casing. While the instability 29
Note that the same ASR system was often used as the
will be small in WER evaluation, it could cause basis for translation into both Czech and German so the same
ASR scores appear on multiple lines in Tables in Appendix
http://elitr.eu/ A.6.

Team Paper Training Data Off/On-Line Cascaded
A PP T EK /RWTH Bahar et al. (2020a)† Unconstrained Off-Line Cascaded
BUT (unpublished draft) Unconstrained Off-Line Ensemble E2E+Cascaded
CUNI Polák et al. (2020) Unconstrained Off-Line Cascaded
ELITR Machác̆ek et al. (2020) Unconstrained On-Line Cascaded
ELITR- OFFLINE Machác̆ek et al. (2020) Unconstrained Off-Line Cascaded
PUBLIC -A – (public service) Unconstrained Off-Line Cascaded
PUBLIC -B – (public service) Unconstrained Off-Line Cascaded
† The paper describes the basis of the systems but does not explicitly refer to non-native translation task.

Table 4: Primary submissions to Non-Native Speech Translation Task. The public web-based services were added
by task organizers for comparison, no details are known about the underlying systems.

lation quality. WER1 and BLEU1 correlate nega- industry. The increasing number of participants
tively (Pearson -.82 for translation to German and witnesses the growing interest towards research on
-.66 for translation to Czech). Same correlations spoken language translation by the NLP commu-
were observed for WERmw and BLEUmw . nity, which we believe has been partly driven by
The test set as well as the system outputs will the availability of suitable training resources as
be made available at the task web page30 for future well as the versatility of neural network models,
deep inspection. which now permit to directly tackle complex tasks,
such as speech-to-text translation, which formerly
7.4.1 Trade-Offs in Simultaneous SLT
required building very complex system. We hope
The trade-offs in simultaneity of the translation that this trend will continue and invite researchers
can be studied only on submissions of ELITR, interested in proposing new challenges for the next
see Appendix A.6. We see that the Delay ranges edition to get in touch with us. Finally, results of
between 1 and up to 2.5 seconds, with Delaymw the human evaluation, which was still ongoing at
giving sligthly lower scores on average, correlated the time of writing the overview paper, will be re-
reasonably well with Delayts (Pearson .989). De- ported at the conference and will be included in an
lay into German seems higher for this particular updated version of this paper.
set of MT systems.
The best score observed for Flicker is 5.18 and
the worst is 7.51. At the same time, Flicker is not
really negatively correlated with the Delays, e.g. 9 Acknowledgements
Delayts vs. Flicker have the Pearson correlation of
The offline Speech Translation task has been par-
Unfortunately, our current scoring does not al-
tially supported by the “End-to-end Spoken Lan-
low to study the relationship between the transla-
guage Translation in Rich Data Conditions” Ama-
tion quality and simultaneity, because our BLEU
zon AWS ML Grant. The Non-Native Speech
scores are calculated only on the final segments.
Translation Task was supported by the grants 19-
Any intermediate changes to the translation text
26934X (NEUREM3) of the Czech Science Foun-
are not reflected in the scores.
dation, and H2020-ICT-2018-2-825460 (ELITR)
Note that the timing information on when each
of the EU. We are also grateful to Mohammad
output was produced was provided by the par-
Mahmoudi for the assistance in the task evalua-
ticipants themselves. A fully reliable evaluation
tion and to Jonáš Kratochvı́l for processing the in-
would require participants installing their systems
put with public web ASR and MT services by two
on our hardware to avoid effects of network traffic,
well-known companies.
which is clearly beyond the goals of this task.
The Open Domain Translation Task acknowledges
8 Conclusions the contributions of Yiqi Huang, Boliang Zhang
and Arkady Arkhangorodsky, colleagues at DiDi
The evaluation campaign of the IWSLT 2020 con- Labs, for their help with the organization and sin-
ference offered six challenge tracks which at- cerely thank Anqi Huang, a bilingual speaker, for
tracted a total of 30 teams, both from academy and validating the quality of the collected evaluation
http://iwslt.org/doku.php?id=non_ dataset.

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Appendix A. Evaluation Results and Details

A.1. Simultaneous Speech Translation
⋅ Summary of the results of the simultaneous speech translation text track.
⋅ Results are reported on the blind test set and systems are grouped by latency regime.
⋅ Tabulated raw data will also be provided on the task web site31 and the repository32 .


Low Latency
ON-TRAC 23.59 0.77 2.71 3.92
Medium Latency
ON-TRAC 29.38 0.65 5.95 6.94
KIT 29.31 0.63 5.93 6.84
A PP T EK /RWTH 28.69 0.65 4.61 7.26
SRSK 27.10 0.91 5.44 6.44
High Latency
ON-TRAC 30.51 0.63 8.71 9.63
KIT 29.76 0.63 6.38 7.32
A PP T EK /RWTH 28.69 0.65 4.61 7.26
SRSK 28.49 0.91 6.09 7.13
ON-TRAC 30.51 0.63 8.71 9.63
KIT 29.76 0.63 6.38 7.32
SRSK 29.41 0.90 15.28 15.68
A PP T EK /RWTH 28.69 0.65 4.61 7.26

⋅ Summary of the results of the simultaneous speech translation speech track.

⋅ Results are reported on the blind test set and systems are grouped by latency regime.
⋅ Tabulated raw data will also be provided on the task web site33 and the repository34 .


Low Latency
SRSK 9.25 1.17 738.75 1102.96
ON-TRAC 7.27 0.97 955.11 1833.27
Medium Latency
ON-TRAC 15.31 0.86 1727.49 3280.03
SRSK 13.58 1.07 1815.93 2243.25
High Latency
ON-TRAC 21.80 0.74 3932.21 5029.31
SRSK 15.70 1.07 3602.02 4677.22
ON-TRAC 21.80 0.74 3932.21 5029.31
A PP T EK /RWTH 21.19 0.74 4123.67 4750.24
SRSK 16.99 1.03 4054.18 4799.37

A.2. Video Speech Translation
⋅ Systems are ordered according to the CER metrics.
⋅ BLEU and METEOR scores are given as percent figures (%).
Video Translation: Chinese-English
HW TSC 36.54 14.96 30.4 35.2
Online A 37.65 11.97 26.3 32.4
Online B 47.89 13.19 26.0 30.4

Chinese-English: Average sentence-level

BLEU score within CER ranges
CER HW TSC Online A Online B
< 15.0 14.55 11.61 20.75
(15.0, 20.0] 15.72 14.78 17.17
(20.0, 25.0] 13.94 15.18 21.21
(25.0, 30.0] 13.10 7.84 16.38
(30.0, 35.0] 9.58 5.54 15.48
(35.0, 40.0] 5.85 5.77 15.82
> 40.0 7.65 3.32 4.71

A.3. Offline Speech Translation
⋅ Systems are ordered according to the BLEU metrics.
⋅ BLEU and TER scores are given as percent figures (%).
⋅ End-to-end systems are indicated by gray background.

Speech Translation : TED English-German tst 2020 (own segmentation)


SRPOL 25.3 59.45 53.16 49.35 26.4 57.60

A PP T EK /RWTH 25.06 61.43 53.51 48.24 26.29 59.20
AFRL 23.33 62.12 52.46 50.05 24.53 59.96
A PP T EK /RWTH 23.29 64.77 52.31 49.12 24.67 62.42
KIT 22.56 65.56 50.04 53.15 23.71 63.42
ON-TRAC 22.12 63.87 51.20 51.46 23.25 61.85
KIT 21.81 66.50 50.99 51.30 24.21 63.06
Speech Translation : TED English-German tst 2020 (given segmentation)

A PP T EK /RWTH 22.49 65.20 51.40 52.75 23.73 62.93

KIT 22.06 65.38 51.22 51.26 23.24 63.10
SRPOL 21.49 65.74 49.81 56.20 22.7 63.82
FBK 20.75 68.11 49.87 55.31 21.88 66.04
A PP T EK /RWTH 20.5 70.08 49.65 54.85 21.84 67.95
KIT 19.82 70.51 48.62 56.91 22 67.36
BHANSS 18.09 71.78 47.09 60.96 19 70.06
HY 17.02 76.37 47.03 58.32 18.07 74.23
D I D I L ABS 10.14 101.56 41.95 62.60 10.83 99.60
HY 6.77 86.31 36.81 76.30 7.26 84.91
Speech Translation : TED English-German tst 2019 (own segmentation)

SRPOL 23.96 60.79 51.45 51.16 24.94 59.12

A PP T EK /RWTH 23.4 63.53 52.13 49.23 24.6 61.27
A PP T EK /RWTH 21.58 66.15 50.87 50.54 22.85 63.79
AFRL 21.28 64.96 51.11 51.88 22.5 62.66
KIT 21.07 66.59 49.88 52.74 22.33 64.32
KIT 20.43 66.29 50.99 50.26 22.99 62.46
ON-TRAC 20.19 66.38 49.89 52.51 21.23 64.26
Speech Translation : TED English-German tst 2019 (given segmentation)

SRPOL 20.1 67.73 47.76 59.08 21.17 65.92

FBK 19.52 68.93 48.07 58.26 20.65 66.87
A PP T EK /RWTH 19.23 71.22 47.94 57.96 20.53 68.97
KIT 18.83 70.08 47.83 57.88 21.2 66.66
BHANSS 17.85 70.32 46.63 61.01 18.85 68.55
HY 16.44 76.26 46.06 60.42 17.46 74.17
D I D I L ABS 10.22 97.01 42.13 62.77 10.95 94.93
HY 7.64 83.85 37.48 75.74 8.25 82.47

A.4. Conversational Speech Translation
⋅ MT systems are ordered according to the BLEU metric.
⋅ BLEU scores utilize 2 fluent English references to assess fluent translation.
⋅ METEOR scores utilize 4 disfluent English references to test meaning preservation from the original disfluent data.
* = submitted with an off-by-one error on L2077; corrected by the organizers

Text Translation : test, gold transcript

System Constrained? No Fluent Data? BLEU METEOR
NAIST-b 25.6 28.5
NAIST-c 25.4 28.1
NAIST-a ✓ 20.8 25.7
NAIST-f ✓ 23.6 33.8
NAIST-e ✓ 23.1 34.1
IITB ✓ 21.0 33.0
NAIST-d ✓ ✓ 18.5 30.8

Text Translation : test, ASR output

System Constrained? No Fluent Data? BLEU METEOR
NAIST-b 23.9 23.5
NAIST-c 22.0 22.0
NAIST-a ✓ 17.0 21.6
IITB ✓ 28.1* 39.1
NAIST-e ✓ 24.7 31.3
NAIST-f ✓ 24.7 30.9
NAIST-d ✓ ✓ 13.7 22.3

A.5. Open Domain Translation
Shared translation task overall results for all participants, evaluated with 4-gram character BLEU.
* = collected external parallel training data that inadvertently overlapped with the blind test set.

Baseline 22.0 Baseline 26.3
CASIA 55.8* CASIA 43.0*
SRC-B 34.0 X IAOMI 34.3
OPPO 32.9 T SUKUBA 33.0
T SUKUBA 32.3 DBS 31.2
UE DIN 30.9 OPPO 30.1
KSAI 29.4 UE DIN 29.9
ISTIC 28.2 SRC-B 28.4
DBS 26.9 ISTIC 27.7
O CTANOVE 26.2 NICT 26.3
K INGSOFT 25.3 KSAI 25.9
NICT 22.6 HW-TSC 7.1
HW-TSC 11.6
SJTU 0.1

Pipeline for crawling parallel Chinese-Japanese data

The pipeline’s stages, diagrammed in Figure 3, are:

1. Deep-crawl the target URL list. We skipped this step in the first run, and instead started with
5 billion entries from CommonCrawl.35

2. Identify potentially-parallel Chinese-Japanese webpage pairs using URL structure. For example,
https://www.gotokyo.org/jp/ and https://www.gotokyo.org/cn/ only differ
by the country codes jp and cn.

3. Download the potentially parallel page pairs.

4. Strip HTML and markup metadata with the BeautifulSoup Python module. Split each page
into sentence segments.

5. Align segments to be parallel, using Hunalign (Varga et al., 2005).

6. Filter pairs by language ID and length ratio.

The first pipeline run produced 227k URL pairs (1.4m segment pairs) of parallel data containing 28.7m
characters on the Chinese side. We used the 227k URL pairs to trace which domains yielded the most
parallel data. We then re-ran the pipeline on each of the 6000 most-promising domains, but now deep-
crawling the domain using scrapy in Step 1 to produce the URL list examined in Step 2.
We concatenated the parallel output from all the runs, keeping track of the provenance URL
of each segment. Finally, we applied a filter to remove objectionable content. The result was
webcrawled parallel filtered dataset, containing nearly 19m hopefully-parallel segment
pairs (494m Zh chars) with provenance information.

Figure 3: Pipeline to harvest parallel zh-jp text. The modules are numbered in black, with inputs/outputs in orange.
The examples at the bottom show how the pipeline can be entered at intermediate stages.

Test Set Provenance

The held-out test set was intended to cover a variety of topics not known to the participants in advance.
We selected test data from high-quality (human translated) parallel web content, authored between Jan-
uary and March 2020. Because of this timeframe, COVID 19 is a frequent topic in the test set. We
collected bilingual material from 104 webpages, detailed in the Appendix. Table 5.

Pages Source
54 jp.hjenglish.com : Chinese website
with Japanese learning material.
38 j.people.com.cn : the Japanese ver-
sion of the People’s Daily newspaper.
4 china-embassy.or.jp : the Embassy of
China in Japan
4 people.com.cn : the People’s Daily
newspaper, in Chinese.
3 emb-japan.go.jp : the Embassy of
Japan in China
1 kantei.go.jp : the Prime Minister of
Japan’s office

Table 5: Provenance of the Chinese-Japanese test set.

To build the test set, we first identified articles on these sites with translations, and copied their contents
into separate files. All segments were then manually aligned by a native Chinese speaker with basic
knowledge of Japanese, using the InterText tool (Vondricka, 2014). Lastly, a bilingual speaker filtered
the aligned pairs, excluding pairs that were not parallel. This produced 1750 parallel segments, which
we divided randomly in half: 875 lines for the Chinese-to-Japanese translation test set, and 875 lines
for the other direction. The Japanese segments have an average length of 47 characters, and the Chinese
ones have an average length of 35.

A.6. Non-Native Speech Translation
⋅ Complete result for English-German SLT systems followed by public systems PUBLIC -A and PUBLIC -B for comparison.
⋅ Primary submissions are indicated by gray background. Best results in bold.

Quality Simultaneity Quality
System BLEU1 BLEUmw Flicker Delayts [Match%] Delaymw [Match%] WER1 WERmw
A PP T EK /RWTH1 14.70 13.28 - - - 14.27 16.26
A PP T EK /RWTH2 16.14 15.00 - - - 14.27 16.26
A PP T EK /RWTH3 15.92 14.50 - - - 14.27 16.26
BUT1 2.25 0.63 - - - 32.33 34.09
BUT2 2.25 0.67 - - - 32.91 34.46
BUT3 1.93 0.59 - - - 32.91 34.46
BUT4 2.29 0.72 - - 32.91 34.46
CUNI- NN11 6.37 5.86 - - - 28.68 32.10
CUNI- NN12 14.08 12.38 - - - 17.39 20.46
CUNI- NN13 14.32 12.73 - - - 17.02 19.98
CUNI- NN14 6.65 6.20 - - - 28.75 32.23
CUNI- NN15 12.51 10.88 - - - 16.54 18.19
CUNI- NN16 13.15 11.50 - - - 16.33 17.95
ELITR31 9.72 7.22 6.71 1.901 [50.91%] 1.926 [30.01%] 23.77 25.15
ELITR32 9.18 7.32 7.48 1.926 [30.01%] 1.944 [30.42%] 22.91 24.26
ELITR33 9.18 7.32 7.48 1.972 [52.61%] 1.945 [30.43%] 22.91 24.26
ELITR34 9.18 7.32 7.43 1.951 [52.53%] 1.923 [30.41%] 22.91 24.26
ELITR35 9.18 7.32 6.48 2.038 [52.84%] 2.024 [30.76%] 22.91 24.26
ELITR36 9.18 7.32 5.97 2.034 [52.66%] 2.029 [30.79%] 22.91 24.26
ELITR37 9.39 7.05 6.33 2.471 [34.14%] 1.828 [31.81%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR38 9.40 7.06 6.35 2.461 [34.24%] 1.846 [31.85%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR39 9.40 7.06 6.33 2.380 [33.37%] 1.810 [31.63%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR40 9.39 7.05 5.66 2.544 [34.28%] 1.964 [32.28%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR41 9.39 7.06 5.30 2.391 [34.09%] 1.957 [32.28%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR- OFFLINE21 14.83 12.67 - - - 15.29 17.67
ELITR- OFFLINE22 13.31 11.35 - - - 15.29 17.67
ELITR- OFFLINE23 14.08 12.33 - - - 15.29 17.67
ELITR- OFFLINE24 13.03 10.76 - - - 15.29 17.67
ELITR- OFFLINE25 12.88 10.83 - - - 15.29 17.67
ELITR- OFFLINE26 10.45 8.32 - - - 15.29 17.67
ELITR- OFFLINE27 11.58 9.87 - - - 16.33 17.95
ELITR- OFFLINE28 11.76 9.83 - - - 16.33 17.95
ELITR- OFFLINE29 12.51 10.88 - - - 16.33 17.95
ELITR- OFFLINE30 11.34 9.42 - - - 16.33 17.95
ELITR- OFFLINE31 12.51 10.53 - - - 16.33 17.95
ELITR- OFFLINE32 7.89 5.72 - - - 16.33 17.95
CUNI-K ALDI01 - - - - - 22.88 24.53
CUNI-K ALDI02 - - - - - 30.42 31.17
CUNI-K ALDI03 - - - - - 21.25 23.40
PUBLIC -A 4.29 3.02 - - - 30.10 31.09
PUBLIC -B 13.75 12.35 - - - 21.54 23.59

⋅ Complete result for English-Czech SLT systems followed by public systems PUBLIC -A and PUBLIC -B for comparison.
⋅ Primary submissions are indicated by gray background. Best results in bold.

Quality Simultaneity Quality
System BLEU1 BLEUmw Flicker Delayts [Match%] Delaymw [Match%] WER1 WERmw
CUNI- NN01 10.57 10.34 - - - 28.68 32.10
CUNI- NN02 10.89 11.50 - - - 17.39 20.46
CUNI- NN03 12.74 11.38 - - - 17.02 19.98
CUNI- NN04 10.24 10.21 - - - 28.75 32.23
CUNI- NN05 11.85 10.57 - - - 16.54 18.19
CUNI- NN06 12.27 11.00 - - - 16.33 17.95
ELITR01 7.87 6.22 7.00 1.530 [42.45%] 1.575 [23.93%] 23.77 25.15
ELITR02 7.56 5.95 6.46 1.696 [22.01%] 1.561 [25.25%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR03 7.56 5.95 6.38 1.744 [22.26%] 1.618 [25.34%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR04 7.54 5.93 6.38 1.725 [22.09%] 1.603 [25.32%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR05 8.93 7.67 7.51 1.605 [44.80%] 1.623 [92.49%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR06 8.79 7.54 7.00 1.198 [52.55%] 1.082 [32.18%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR07 8.93 7.67 6.97 1.596 [44.79%] 1.630 [24.86%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR08 8.93 7.67 6.54 1.586 [44.64%] 1.629 [24.91%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR09 8.93 7.65 7.38 1.520 [42.80%] 1.503 [23.23%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR10 8.93 7.67 7.41 1.630 [44.77%] 1.667 [24.96%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR11 6.50 4.94 6.00 1.677 [20.99%] 1.595 [24.58%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR12 6.50 4.94 6.26 1.610 [20.87%] 1.504 [24.35%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR13 6.50 4.94 6.26 1.495 [19.47%] 1.399 [23.30%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR14 6.52 4.95 5.69 1.650 [20.88%] 1.597 [24.63%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR15 6.50 4.94 5.18 1.541 [20.71%] 1.594 [24.59%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR16 7.40 5.74 6.64 1.633 [21.89%] 1.468 [24.43%] 23.81 25.25
ELITR17 8.45 7.32 6.56 1.597 [44.85%] 1.728 [25.35%] 22.91 24.26
ELITR18 8.36 7.17 6.00 1.514 [45.58%] 1.629 [26.54%] 22.91 24.26
ELITR19 8.56 7.45 5.31 1.600 [46.81%] 1.713 [27.94%] 22.91 24.26
ELITR20 8.55 7.41 6.31 1.557 [45.78%] 1.704 [26.51%] 22.91 24.26
ELITR- OFFLINE01 13.33 11.75 - - - 15.29 17.67
ELITR- OFFLINE02 13.44 11.64 - - - 15.29 17.67
ELITR- OFFLINE03 13.56 11.79 - - - 15.29 17.67
ELITR- OFFLINE04 14.08 12.57 - - - 15.29 17.67
ELITR- OFFLINE05 10.07 8.23 - - - 15.29 17.67
ELITR- OFFLINE06 8.42 6.99 - - - 15.29 17.67
ELITR- OFFLINE07 9.62 8.16 - - - 15.29 17.67
ELITR- OFFLINE08 11.88 10.26 - - - 16.33 17.95
ELITR- OFFLINE09 11.52 9.83 - - - 16.33 17.95
ELITR- OFFLINE10 11.43 9.99 - - - 16.33 17.95
ELITR- OFFLINE11 11.85 10.57 - - - 16.33 17.95
ELITR- OFFLINE12 9.29 7.76 - - - 16.33 17.95
ELITR- OFFLINE13 7.76 6.35 - - - 16.33 17.95
ELITR- OFFLINE14 7.37 6.54 - - - 16.33 17.95
PUBLIC -A 3.30 2.47 - - - 30.10 31.09
PUBLIC -B 10.79 9.85 - - - 21.54 23.59

Test Set Provenance

Only a limited amount of resources could have been invested in the preparations of the test set and the
test set thus build upon some existing datasets. The components of the test sets are:

Antrecorp36 (Macháček et al., 2019), a test set of up to 90-second mock business presentations given
by high school students in very noisy conditions. None of the speakers is a native speaker of
English (see the paper for the composition of nationalities) and their English contains many lexical,
grammatical and pronunciation errors as well as disfluencies due to the spontaneous nature of the
For the purposes of this task, we equipped Antrecorp with manual translations into Czech and
German. No MT system was used to pre-translate the text to avoid bias in automatic evaluation.

Because the presentations are very informal and their translation can vary considerably, we created
two independent translations into Czech. In the end, only the first one of them was used as the
reference, to keep BLEU scores across test set parts somewhat comparable.

Khan Academy37 is a large collection of educational videos. The speaker is not a native speaker of
English but his accent is generally rather good. The difficulty in this part of the test lies in the
domain and also the generally missing natural segmentation into sentences.

SAO is a test set created by ELITR particularly for this shared task, to satisfy the need of the Supreme
Audit Office of the Czech Republic. The test sets consists of 6 presentations given in English by
officers of several supreme audit institutions (SAI) in Europe and by the Europan Court of Auditors.
The speakers nationality (Austrian, Belgian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian and Spanish) affects their
accent. The Dutch file is a recording of a remote conference call with further distorted sound

The development set contained 2 other files from Antrecorp, one other file from the SAO domain and
it also included 4 files from the AMI corpus (Mccowan et al., 2005) to illustrate non-native accents. We
did not include data from AMI corpus in the test set because we found out that some participants trained
their (non-constrained) submissions on it.
For SAO and Antrecorp, our test set was created in the most straightforward way: starting with the
original sound, manual transcription was obtained (with the help of ASR) as a line-oriented plaintext.
The transcribers were instructed to preserve all words uttered38 and break the sequence of words into
sentences in as natural way as possible. Correct punctuation and casing was introduced at this stage,
too. Finally, the documents were translated in Czech and German, preserving the segmentation into
For the evaluation of SLT simultaneity, we force-aligned words from the transcript to the sound using a
model trained with Jasper (Li et al., 2019) and resorted to fully manual identification of word boundaries
in the few files where forced alignment failed.
Despite a careful curation of the dataset, we are aware of the following limitations. None of them are
too frequent or too serious but they still deserve to be mentioned:

• Khan Academy subtitles never had proper segmentation into sentences and manual correction of
punctuation and casing. The subtitles were supposedly manually refined but the focus was on their
presentation in the running video lecture, not on style and typesetting.

• Khan Academy contains many numbers (written mostly as numbers). For small numbers, both digits
and words are often equally suitable but automatic metrics treat this difference as a mistranslation
and no straightforward reliable normalization is possible either, so we did not apply any.

• Minor translation errors into German were seen in Khan Academy videos and in the “Belgian” SAO

This decision is possibly less common in the ASR community but it is motivated by the subsequent translation step which
has the capacity to recover from disfluences as needed.

ON-TRAC Consortium for End-to-End and Simultaneous Speech
Translation Challenge Tasks at IWSLT 2020
Maha Elbayad1,4∗, Ha Nguyen1,2∗, Fethi Bougares3 , Natalia Tomashenko2 ,
Antoine Caubrière3 , Benjamin Lecouteux1 , Yannick Estève2 , Laurent Besacier1
LIG - Université Grenoble Alpes, France
LIA - Avignon Université, France
LIUM - Le Mans Université, France
Inria - Grenoble, France

Abstract input sequence is available. To deal with this low

latency constraint, several strategies were proposed
This paper describes the ON-TRAC Consor- for neural machine translation with input text (Ma
tium translation systems developed for two
et al., 2019; Arivazhagan et al., 2019; Ma et al.,
challenge tracks featured in the Evaluation
Campaign of IWSLT 2020, offline speech
2020). Only a few works investigated low latency
translation and simultaneous speech transla- neural speech translation (Niehues et al., 2018).
tion. ON-TRAC Consortium is composed This year, IWSLT 2020 simultaneous translation
of researchers from three French academic track attempts to stimulate research on this chal-
laboratories: LIA (Avignon Université), LIG lenging task.This paper describes the ON-TRAC
(Université Grenoble Alpes), and LIUM (Le consortium automatic speech translation (AST) sys-
Mans Université). Attention-based encoder- tems for the IWSLT 2020 Shared Task (Ansari
decoder models, trained end-to-end, were used
et al., 2020). ON-TRAC Consortium is composed
for our submissions to the offline speech trans-
lation track. Our contributions focused on of researchers from three French academic labora-
data augmentation and ensembling of multi- tories: LIA (Avignon Université), LIG (Université
ple models. In the simultaneous speech trans- Grenoble Alpes), and LIUM (Le Mans Université).
lation track, we build on Transformer-based We participated in:
wait-k models for the text-to-text subtask. For
speech-to-text simultaneous translation, we at- • IWSLT 2020 offline translation track with
tach a wait-k MT system to a hybrid ASR sys- end-to-end models for the English-German
tem. We propose an algorithm to control the
language pair,
latency of the ASR+MT cascade and achieve
a good latency-quality trade-off on both sub-
• IWSLT 2020 simultaneous translation track
with a cascade of an ASR system trained using
1 Introduction Kaldi (Povey et al., 2011) and an online MT
system with wait-k policies (Dalvi et al., 2018;
While cascaded speech-to-text translation (AST) Ma et al., 2019).
systems (combining source language speech recog-
nition (ASR) and source-to-target text transla- This paper goes as follows: we review the sys-
tion (MT)) remain state-of-the-art, recent works tems built for the offline speech translation track in
have attempted to build end-to-end AST with very §2. Then, we present our approaches to the simulta-
encouraging results (Bérard et al., 2016; Weiss neous track for both text-to-text and speech-to-text
et al., 2017; Bérard et al., 2018; Jia et al., 2019; subtasks in §3. We ultimately conclude this work
Sperber et al., 2019). This year, IWSLT 2020 of- in §4.
fline translation track attempts to evaluate if end-
to-end AST will close the gap with cascaded AST 2 Offline Speech translation Track
for the English-to-German language pair.
In this work, we developed several end-to-end
Another increasingly popular topic is simultane-
speech translation systems, using a similar architec-
ous (online) machine translation which consists in
ture as last year (Nguyen et al., 2019) and adapting
generating an output hypothesis before the entire
it for translating English speech into German text

Equal contribution. (En-De). All the systems were developed using the

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 35–43
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
Total length
Name #segments
(in hours)

MuST-C train 229.703 400

MuST-C dev 1.423 2.5
MuST-C tst-COMMON 2.641 4.1
MuST-C tst-HE 600 1.2
Europarl train 32.628 77
Europarl dev 1.320 3.1
How2 synthetic 176.564 285.5
tst2019 2.813 5.1
tst2020 2.263 4.1

Table 1: Statistics of training and evaluation data. The

statistics of tst2019 and tst2020 are measured on the
Figure 1: Architecture of the speech encoder: a stack
segmented version provided by IWSLT2020 organiz-
of two VGG blocks followed by 5 BLSTM layers.

2015). All three SpecAugment methods were used,

ESPnet (Watanabe et al., 2018) end-to-end speech including time warping (W = 5), frequency mask-
processing toolkit. ing (F = 30), and time masking (T = 40).
2.1 Data and pre-processing Text preprocessing. The same as last year, we
normalize punctuation, and tokenize all the Ger-
Data. We relied on MuST-C (Di Gangi et al., man text using Moses.2 Texts are case-sensitive
2019) English-to-German (hereafter called MuST- and contain punctuation. Moreover, the texts of
C original), and Europarl (Iranzo-Sánchez et al., the MuST-C corpus contain multiple non speech
2020) English-to-German as our main corpora. events (i.e ’Laughter’, ’Applause’ etc.). All these
Besides, we automatically translated (into Ger- marks are removed from the texts before training
man) the English transcription of MuST-C and our models. This results in a vocabulary of 201
How2 (Sanabria et al., 2018) in order to augment characters. We find that some of these characters
training data. This resulted in two synthetic cor- should not appear in the German text, for example,
pora, which are called MuST-C synthetic and How2 ˇ “( , 你, 葱, 送, etc. Therefore, we manually exclude
synthetic respectively. The statistics of these cor- them from the vocabulary. In the end, we settle
pora, along with the provided evaluation data, can with an output vocabulary of 182 characters.
be found in Table 1. We experimented with differ-
ent ways of combining those corpora. The details 2.2 Architecture
of these experiments are presented later in this sec- We reuse our last year attention-based encoder-
tion. decoder architecture. As illustrated in Figure 1,
Speech features and data augmentation. 80- the encoder has two VGG-like (Simonyan and
dimensional Mel filter-bank features, concatenated Zisserman, 2015) CNN blocks followed by five
with 3-dimensional pitch features1 are extracted stacked 1024-dimensional BLSTM layers. Each
from windows of 25ms with a frame shift of 10ms. VGG block is a stack of two 2D-convolution layers
We computed mean and variance normalization on followed by a 2D-maxpooling layer aiming to re-
these raw features of the training set, then applied duce both time (T ) and frequency (D) dimensions
it on all the data. Beside speed perturbation with of the input speech features by a factor of 2. Af-
factors of 0.9, 1.0, and 1.1, SpecAugment (Park ter these two VGG blocks, input speech features’
et al., 2019) is applied to the training data (Ko et al., shape is transformed from (T ×D) to (T /4×D/4).
We used Bahdanau’s attention mechanism (Bah-
Pitch-features are computed using the Kaldi danau et al., 2015) in all our experiments. The
toolkit (Povey et al., 2011) and consist of the follow-
ing values (Ghahremani et al., 2014): (1) probability of decoder is a stack of two LSTM layers 1024 di-
voicing (POV-feature), (2) pitch-feature and (3) delta-pitch mensional memory cells. We would like to men-
feature. For details, see http://kaldi-asr.org/doc/
process-kaldi-pitch-feats_8cc.html http://www.statmt.org/moses/

No. Experiment
tst-COMMON tst-HE
tst2015 (iwslt seg) tst2015 (ASR seg)

MuST-C original +
1 EuroParl
20.18 19.82 12.59 14.85
MuST-C original +
2 Europarl + 20.51 20.10 12.10 13.66
How2 synthetic
MuST-C original +
3* Europarl + 23.55 22.35 13.00 15.30
How2 synthetic
MuST-C original +
Europarl +
4* How2 synthetic +
22.75 21.31 14.00 16.45
MuST-C synthetic
Finetune 3*
5* on MuST-C original
23.60 22.26 13.71 15.30
Finetune 3*
6* on MuST-C original+ 23.64 22.23 13.67 15.29
MuST-C synthetic

7 Ensemble (1 to 6) 25.22 23.80 15.20 16.53

Table 2: Detokenized case-sensitive BLEU scores for different experiments - * represents experiments that apply

Model iwslt seg ASR seg tokenization units;4 (3) fine-tuning and pretrain-
3* constrastive5 constrastive3 ing strategies. Description of different models and
evaluation results are given in Section 2.4.
4* constrastive4 constrastive2
Ensemble constrastive1 primary 2.3 Speech segmentation
Table 3: The ranking of out submitted systems. Model Two types of segmentation of evaluation and devel-
3* and 4* are respectively corresponding to No.3* and opment data were used for experiments and submit-
No.4* of Table 2. ted systems: segmentation provided by the IWSLT
organizers and automatic segmentation based on
the output of an ASR system.
tion that Transformer based models have also been The ASR system, used to obtain automatic seg-
tested using the default ESPnet architecure and mentation, was trained with the Kaldi speech recog-
showed weaker results compared to the LSTM- nition toolkit (Povey et al., 2011). An acoustic
based encoder-decoder architecture. model was trained using the TED-LIUM 3 cor-
pus (Hernandez et al., 2018).5 This ASR system
Hyperparameters’ details. All of our models are produces recognized words with timecodes (start
trained in maximum 20 epochs, with early stopping time and duration for each word). Then we form
after 3 epochs if the accuracy on the development the speech segments based on this output follow-
set does not improve. Dropout is set to 0.3 on the ing the rules: (1) if silence duration between two
encoder part, and Adadelta is chosen as our opti- words is longer than a given threshold Θ = 0.65
mizer. During decoding time, the beam size is set seconds, we split the audio file; (2) if the number
to 10. We prevent the models from generating too of words in the current speech segment exceeds
long sentences by setting a maxlenratio3 = 1.0. 40, then Θ is reduced to 0.15 seconds in order to
All our end-to-end models are similar in terms of avoid too long segments. These thresholds have
architecture. They are different mainly in the fol- been optimised to get segment duration distribu-
lowing aspects: (1) training corpus; (2) type of
All systems use 182 output caracter tokens except system
1 which has 201
3 maximum_output_length The off-limit TED talks from IWSLT-2019 were excluded
maxlenratio = from the training subset

No. Set BLEU TER BEER CharacTER BLEU(ci) TER(ci)
1 2019.contrastive1 17.57 71.68 47.24 58.03 18.64 69.66
2 2019.contrastive2 17.83 71.60 48.66 53.49 18.9 69.26
3 2019.contrastive3 19.03 66.96 49.12 54.10 19.97 65.01
4 2019.contrastive4 15.08 78.79 45.87 59.06 16.06 76.62
5 2019.contrastive5 15.87 74.17 46.18 59.96 16.86 72.15
6 2019.primary 20.19 66.38 49.89 52.51 21.23 64.26
7 2020.contrastive1 18.47 71.85 48.92 55.83 19.46 69.88
8 2020.contrastive2 19.31 69.30 49.55 52.68 20.36 67.14
9 2020.contrastive3 20.51 64.88 50.19 53.06 21.5 62.99
10 2020.contrastive4 15.48 83.45 46.68 57.56 16.42 81.33
11 2020.contrastive5 16.5 75.15 47.23 57.90 17.42 73.22
12 2020.primary 22.12 63.87 51.20 51.46 23.25 61.85

Table 4: IWSLT 2020 official results (offline track) on tst2019 and tst2020.

tion in the development and evaluation data that row of the table shows the results of ensembling
is similar to the one observed in the training data. all six models at decoding time. It is clear from the
It will be shown in next subsection that this ASR table that ensembling yields the best BLEU scores
segmentation improves results over the provided across all the testsets.
segmentation when the latter is noisy (see experi-
mental results on iwslt/tst2015). 2.5 Overview of systems submitted
2.4 Experiments and results Two conclusions that can be drawn from Table 2 are
After witnessing the benefit of merging different (1) ensembling all six models is the most promising
corpora from our submission last year (Nguyen among all presented models, (2) our own segmenta-
et al., 2019), we continue exploring different com- tion (tst2015 ASR segmentation) is better than the
binations of corpora in this submission. As shown default one. Therefore, we choose as our primary
in the first two rows of Table 2, merging How2 submission the translations of the ASR segmenta-
synthetic with the baseline (MuST-C original + Eu- tions generated by the ensemble of all six models.
roparl) does not bring significant improvement. It is Model 3* and 4* (Table 2) are also used to translate
noticeable that this pool is worse than the baseline our contrastive submission runs, whose ranks are
on both tst2015 (iwslt seg) and tst2015 (ASR seg). shown in Table 3. The official results for all our
However, we find that applying data augmentation submitted systems can be found in Table 4. They
(SpecAugment) on this same combination helps confirm that our segmentation approach proposed
outperform the baseline on every investigated test- is beneficial.
set, most significantly on MuST-C tst-COMMON,
and MuST-C tst-HE. Therefore, SpecAugment is 3 Simultaneous Speech Translation
consistently applied to all the experiments that fol- Track
low. Adding MuST-C synthetic to this pool sur-
prisingly decreases BLEU scores on both MuST-C In this section, we describe our submission to the
testsets, while significantly increases the scores on Simultaneous Speech Translation (SST) track. Our
both tst2015 (iwslt seg) and tst2015 (ASR seg). pipeline consists of an automatic speech recogni-
Not being able to investigate further on this matter tion (ASR) system followed by an online machine
due to time constraint, instead of fine-tuning 4*, we translation (MT) system. We first define our online
decided to fine-tune 3*, which performs reasonably ASR and MT models in §3.1 and §3.2 respectively.
well among all the testsets, on MuST-C original Then, we outline in §3.3 how we arrange the two
and MuST-C original+synthetic. We witness that systems for the speech-to-text subtask. We detail
the impact of fine tuning is very limited. One can our experimental setup and report our results on
also see once again that adding MuST-C synthetic the text-to-text subtask in §3.4 and on the speech-
does not make much difference. Finally, the last to-text in §3.5.

3.1 Online ASR are masked to only include the zt tokens read so
Our ASR system is a hybrid HMM/DNN system far.
trained with lattice-free MMI (Povey et al., 2016), Unlike Transformer wait-k models introduced in
using the Kaldi speech recognition toolkit (Povey Ma et al. (2019) where the source is processed with
et al., 2011). The acoustic model (AM) topology a bidirectional encoder, we opt for a unidirectional
consists of a Time Delay Neural Network (TDNN) encoding of the source. In fact, this change alle-
followed by a stack of 16 factorized TDNNs (Povey viates the cost of re-encoding the source sequence
et al., 2018). The acoustic feature vector is a con- after each read operation. Contrary to offline task,
catenation of 40-dimensional MFCCs without cep- where bidirectional encoders are superior, unidi-
stral truncation (MFCC-40) and 100-dimensional i- rectional encoder achieve better quality-lagging
vectors for speaker adaptation (Dehak et al., 2010). trade-offs in online MT.
Audio samples were randomly perturbed in speed Ma et al. (2019) optimize their models with max-
and amplitude during the training process. This ap- imum likelihood estimation w.r.t. a single wait-k
proach is commonly called audio augmentation and decoding path z k :
is known to be beneficial for speech recognition |y|
(Ko et al., 2015). log p(y | x, z ) = log pθ (yt |y <t , x≤z k ). (1)
Online decoding with Kaldi. The online ASR
system decodes under a set of rules to decide when Instead of optimizing a single decoding path,
to stop decoding and output a transcription. An we jointly optimize across multiple wait-k paths.
endpoint is detected if either of the following con- The additional loss terms provide a richer train-
ditions is satisfied: ing signal, and potentially yield models that could
perform well under different lagging constraints.
(a) After t seconds of silence even if nothing was Formally, we consider an exhaustive set of wait-k
decoded. paths and in each training epoch we encode the
(b) After t seconds of silence after decoding source sequence then uniformly sample a path to
something, if the final-state was reached with decode with. As such, we optimize:
n o
costrelative < c. Z = z k | k ∈ {1, . . . , |x|} , (2)
(c) After t seconds of silence after decoding X
something, even if no final-state was reached. Ez [log p(y|x, z)] ≈ log pθ (y|x, z). (3)
(d) After the utterance is t seconds long regardless We will refer to this training with multi-path.
of anything else.
3.3 Cascaded ASR+MT
Each rule has an independent characteristic time t
and condition (b) can be duplicated with different For speech-to-text online translation we pair an
times and thresholds (t, c). The value of costrelative ASR system with our online MT system and decode
reflects the quality of the output, it is null if a final- following the algorithm described in Algorithm 1.
state of the decoding graph had the best cost at the In this setup, the lagging is controlled by the
final frame, and infinite if no final-state was active. endpointing of the ASR system. The online MT
system follows the lead of the ASR and translates
3.2 Online MT prefix-to-prefix. Since the MT system is not trained
Our MT systems are Transformer-based (Vaswani to detect end of segments and can only halt the
et al., 2017) wait-k decoders with unidirectional en- translation by emitting </s>, we constrain it to
coders. Wait-k decoding starts by reading k source decode α|xasr | + β tokens, where xasr is the partial
tokens, then alternates between reading and writ- transcription and (α, β) two hyper-parameters.
ing a single token at a time, until the source is Along with the hyper-parameters of the ASR’s
depleted, or the target generation is terminated. endpointing rules, we tune (α, β) on a development
With a source-target pair (x, y), the number of set to achieve good latency-quality trade-offs.
source tokens read when decoding yt following a 3.4 Text-to-text translation subtask
wait-k policy is ztk = min(k + t − 1, |x|). To stop
leaking signal from future source tokens, the en- Training MT. We train our online MT systems on
ergies of the encoder-decoder multihead-attention English-to-German MuST-C (Di Gangi et al., 2019)

Algorithm 1 ASR+MT decoding algorithm 33
Input: source audio blocks x. 31
Output: translation hypothesis y.
Initialization: action=READ, z=0, t=1,
xasr =(), y=(<s>) 27

Hyper-parameters sz, α, β. Offline
25 ktrain = ∞
while yt 6= </s> do ktrain = 5
while action = READ ∧ z < |x| do 23 ktrain = 7
Read sz elements from x. z += sz ktrain = 9
21 multi-path
Feed the new audio blocks to the ASR system. Ensemble
if Endpoint detected ∨ z = |x| then 19
1 3 5 7 9
Output transcription and append it to xasr .
Average Lagging (AL) in detokenized tokens
action = WRITE
end if Figure 2: [Text-to-Text] Latency-quality trade-offs
end while evaluated on MuST-C tst-COMMON with greedy de-
if |y| < α|xasr | + β then coding. Offline systems have an AL of 18.55 words.
Given y and xasr , predict the next token yt+1 The red vertical bars correspond to the AL evaluation
t += 1 thresholds.
action = READ Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015) (β1 , β2 = 0.9, 0.98)
end if with a learning rate that follows an inverse square-
end while root schedule. We train for a total of 50K updates
and evaluate with the check-pointed weights cor-
English German responding to the lowest (best) loss on the devel-
words words opment set. Our models are implemented with
Europarl 1,730K 43,7M 41,1M Fairseq (Ott et al., 2019). We generate transla-
Common Crawl 1,543K 31,0M 30,0M tion hypotheses with greedy decoding and evaluate
News Commentary 320K 7,0M 7,2M the latency-quality trade-off by measuring case-
MuST-C 214K 3,9M 3,7M
sensitive detokenized BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002)
Table 5: Parallel training data for the MT systems.
and word-level Average Lagging (AL) (Ma et al.,
Results. We show in Figure 2 the performance of
and WMT’19 data,6 namely, Europarl (Koehn,
our systems on the test set (MuST tst-COMMON)
2005), News Commentary (Tiedemann, 2012) and
measured with the provided evaluation server.7
Common Crawl (Smith et al., 2013). We remove
We denote with ktrain =∞ a unidirectional model
pairs with a length-ratio exceeding 1.3 from Com-
trained for wait-until-end decoding i.e. reading the
mon Crawl and pairs exceeding a length-ratio of
full source before writing the target. We evaluate
1.5 from the rest. We develop on MuST-C dev
four wait-k systems each trained with a value of
and report results on MuST-C tst-COMMON. For
ktrain in {5, 7, 9, ∞} and decoded with keval rang-
open-vocabulary translation, we use SentencePiece
ing from 2 to 11. We then ensemble the afore-
(Kudo and Richardson, 2018) to segment the bi-
mentioned wait-k models and evaluate a multi-
texts with byte pair encoding (Sennrich et al., 2016).
path model that jointly optimizes a large set of
This results in a joint vocabulary of 32K types. De-
wait-k paths. The results demonstrate that multi-
tails of the training data are provided in Table 5.
path is competetive with wait-k without the need to
We train Transformer big architectures and
select which path to optimize (some values of k, e.g.
tie the embeddings of the encoder with the de-
5, underperform in comparison). Ensembling the
coder’s input and output embeddings. We opti-
wait-k models gives a boost of 1.43 BLEU points
mize our models with label-smoothed maximum
on average.
likelihood (Szegedy et al., 2016) with a smoothing
rate  = 0.1. The parameters are updated using https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq/
http://www.statmt.org/wmt19/ simultaneous_translation

Corpus #hours #words #speakers 24
TED-LIUM 3 452 5.05M 2,028
How2 365 3.31M 13,147
Europarl 94 0.75M 171

Table 6: Corpora used for the acoustic model. 14
ktrain = ∞
12 ktrain = 5
ktrain = 7
Decoding Corpus WER ktrain = 9
8 multi-path
Offline TED-LIUM 3 dev 7.65 6 Ensemble
Offline TED-LIUM 3 test 7.84 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Offline MuST-C tst-COMMON 14.2 Average Lagging (AL) in ms
Online MusT-C tst-COMMON 16.3
Figure 3: [Speech-to-Text] Latency-quality trade-offs
Table 7: WERs for the ASR system with offline and evaluated on MuST-C tst-COMMON with greedy de-
online decoding (AL=5s for online) coding. Offline systems have an AL of 5806 ms.
The red vertical bars correspond to the AL evaluation
3.5 Speech-to-text translation subtask

Training ASR. We train our system following the

tedlium recipe8 while adapting it for the IWSLT C’s sentence-level aligned segments are streamed
task. The TDNN layers have a hidden dimension and decoded online and the lagging is measured
of 1536 with a linear bottleneck dimension of 160 in milliseconds. Note that in this task we use
in the factorized layers. The i-vector extractor is a single ASR model and only ensemble the MT
trained on all acoustic data (speech perturbed + wait-k models. The cascade of an online ASR with
speech) using a 10s window. The acoustic training wait-k MT follows the same trends as the text-to-
data includes TED-LIUM 3, How2 and Europarl. text models. In particular, multi-path is compet-
These corpora are detailed in Table 6 and represent itive with specialized wait-k models and ensem-
about 900 hours of audio. bling boosts the BLEU scores by 0.67 points on
As a language model, we use the 4-grams small average.
model provided with TED-LIUM 3. The vocab-
ulary size is 152K, with 1.2 million of 2-grams, 4 Conclusion
622K 3-grams and 70K 4-grams.
The final system is tuned on TED-LIUM 3 dev This paper described the ON-TRAC consortium
and tested with TED-LIUM 3 test and MuST-C submission to the IWSLT 2020 shared task. In
tst-COMMON. Results are shown in Table 7. the continuity of our 2019 participation, we have
Training MT. To train the MT system for the submitted several end-to-end systems to the offline
ASR+MT cascade we process source-side data (En- speech translation track. A significant part of our
glish) to match transcriptions of the ASR. This con- efforts was also dedicated to the new simultaneous
sists of lower-casing, removing punctuation and translation track: we improved wait-k models with
converting numbers into letters. For this task we unidirectional encoders and multi-path training and
use two distinct English and German vocabularies cascaded them with a strong ASR system. Fu-
of 32K BPE tokens each. We train Transformer ture work will be dedicated to simultaneous speech
big architectures with tied input-output decoder translation using end-to-end models.
embeddings following the setup described in §3.4.
Results. Similar to the text-to-text subtask, we 5 Acknowledgements
show our results in a plot of BLEU-to-AL in Fig-
ure 3. The systems are evaluated on the test This work was funded by the French Research
via the provided evaluation server where MuST- Agency (ANR) through the ON-TRAC project un-
https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi/ der contract number ANR-18-CE23-0021.

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Start-Before-End and End-to-End: Neural Speech Translation by AppTek
and RWTH Aachen University

Parnia Bahar∗ , Patrick Wilken, Tamer Alkhouli, Andreas Guta,

Pavel Golik, Evgeny Matusov, Christian Herold∗
Applications Technology (AppTek), Aachen, Germany

Also RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Abstract tion quality for simultaneous speech transla-

tion at different levels of latency, learning a
AppTek and RWTH Aachen University team flexible read/output strategy from the under-
together to participate in the offline and simul-
lying linguistic qualities of aligned parallel
taneous speech translation tracks of IWSLT
2020. For the offline task, we create both cas-
data. Our simultaneous translation approach
caded and end-to-end speech translation sys- is described in Section 3.
tems, paying attention to careful data selection • For the end-to-end direct speech translation,
and weighting. In the cascaded approach, we to benefit as much as possible from the model
combine high-quality hybrid automatic speech components of the cascaded approach, in-
recognition (ASR) with the Transformer-based cluding pre-training encoder/decoder parts, an
neural machine translation (NMT). Our end- adapter component, and using synthetic data
to-end direct speech translation systems ben-
at different levels (see Section 4), and try to
efit from pretraining of adapted encoder and
decoder components, as well as synthetic data obtain translation quality that reaches the level
and fine-tuning and thus are able to compete of our best cascaded approach.
with cascaded systems in terms of MT qual- Traditionally, RWTH/AppTek can train strong
ity. For simultaneous translation, we utilize attention-based LSTM models, which still compete
a novel architecture that makes dynamic deci- on-par with Transformer-based architectures on
sions, learned from parallel data, to determine some language pairs and translation tasks. There-
when to continue feeding on input or generate
fore, we train both LSTM and Transformer base
output words. Experiments with speech and
text input show that even at low latency this ar- and big models (Vaswani et al., 2017). For the
chitecture leads to superior translation results. simultaneous translation task, we choose LSTM
models for their simpler architecture that allows
1 Introduction for an easier modification of the encoder and de-
coder process to partial input and prediction of
When developing English→German speech trans- chunk boundaries, as will be discussed in Section 3.
lation systems for the IWSLT 2020 evaluation, we For the offline translation tasks, our final submis-
had the following goals: sions are ensembles of different encoder-decoder
• To obtain the best possible translation quality architectures, as well as ensembles of cascaded and
with the baseline cascaded approach. This in- end-to-end direct speech translation systems.
cludes data filtering, weighting, and domain
adaptation for the MT component, hybrid 2 Cascaded Speech Translation
ASR (Section 2.1) with a strong recurrent lan-
2.1 Automatic Speech Recognition
guage model (LM) for the ASR component,
and a preprocessing scheme that converts the Our ASR systems are based on hybrid
written English source text into spoken forms LSTM/HMM model (Bourlard and Wellekens,
with hand-crafted rules for numbers, dates, 1989; Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) and
abbreviations, etc. (Section 2.2). attention models (Bahdanau et al., 2015).
• Starting from the best cascaded system for
text and speech input in terms of data com- 2.1.1 Hybrid LSTM/HMM model
position, to design and implement an archi- The acoustic model has been trained on a total of
tecture that obtains the best possible transla- approx. 2300 hours of transcribed speech including

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 44–54
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
EuroParl, How2, MuST-C, TED-LIUM (exclud- pre-training strategy similar to (Zeyer et al., 2018b)
ing the black-listed talks), LibriSpeech, Mozilla is applied during training for a more stable and
Common Voice, and IWSLT TED corpora. faster initial convergence. We start with a small
As described in (Matusov et al., 2018), we apply encoder (small in depth and width, i.e. number
an automatic re-alignment process to improve the of layers and hidden dimensions) and then grow
quality of the TED talk segmentations. We use it over time. It means, we add layer by layer till
the TED-LIUM pronunciation lexicon. The acous- the 6th layer, and increase the dimension till 1024
tic model takes 80-dim. MFCC features as input nodes. With each pre-training epoch, we grow the
and estimates state posterior probabilities for 5K network in terms of both the number of layers and
tied triphone states. It consists of 4 bi-directional the number of hidden dimensions. Moreover, con-
(BiLSTM) layers with 512 units for each direction. nectionist temporal classification (CTC) (Graves
Frame-level alignment and state tying are obtained et al., 2006) as an additional loss is used on top of
from a bootstrap model based on a Gaussian mix- the speech encoder during training.
ture acoustic model. We train the network for 10 The models are trained using the Adam opti-
epochs using the Adam update rule (Kingma and mizer, dropout probability of 0.1 and label smooth-
Ba, 2015) with Nesterov momentum and reducing ing. We employ a learning rate scheduling scheme
the learning rate using the Newbob scheme. with a decay factor in the range of 0.8 to 0.9 based
The baseline language model is a simple 4-gram on perplexity on the development set. We apply
count model trained with Kneser-Ney smoothing byte-pair-encoding (BPE) (Sennrich et al., 2016b)
on all allowed English text data (approx. 2.8B run- with 5k merge operations with a dropout of 0.1.
ning words). The vocabulary consists of the same The beam size of 12 is used during the search with-
152k words from the training lexicon and the out- out an extra language model. To enable the pre-
of-vocabulary rate is far below 1%. training of the components, the same architecture
In addition, we train a neural LM with noise is used in the speech encoder side of our direct
contrastive estimation (NCE) loss (Gutmann and speech translation models.
Hyvärinen, 2010). The model estimates the distri-
2.2 Written-to-Spoken Text Conversion
bution over the full vocabulary given the uncon-
strained history starting from the sentence begin. The large majority of MT parallel data comes from
It learns 128-dim. word embeddings that are pro- text sources and thus includes punctuation marks,
cessed by two LSTM layers with 2048 units each. digits, and special symbols. We apply additional
The output of the second LSTM layer is projected preprocessing to the English side of the data to
by a linear bottleneck layer onto 512 dimensions. make it look like speech transcripts produced by
We use the frequency sorted log-uniform distribu- the ASR system. We lowercase the text, remove all
tion to sample 1024 negative examples for NCE punctuation marks, expand common abbreviations,
loss calculation. This training approach results in a especially for measurement units, and convert num-
self-normalized model (Gerstenberger et al., 2020), bers, dates, and other entities expressed with digits
which allows for an efficient, single-pass decoding into their spoken form. For the cases of multiple
with the neural LM (Beck et al., 2019). readings of a given number (e.g. “one oh one” and
The streaming recognizer implements a ver- “one hundred and one”), we select one randomly, so
sion of chunked processing (Chen and Huo, 2016; that the system can learn to convert alternative read-
Zeyer et al., 2016), which allows to use the same ings in English to the same number expressed with
BiLSTM-based acoustic model in both offline and digits in German. Because of this preprocessing,
online speech translation applications. our MT systems learn to insert punctuation marks,
restore word case, and convert spoken number and
2.1.2 Attention Model entity forms to digits as part of the translation pro-
Following the work of LSTM-based attention ASR cess. The same preprocessing is applied to the
models (Zeyer et al., 2019), we apply a 6-layer English monolingual data that is used in language
BiLSTM encoder of 1024 nodes with interleaved model training of the ASR system.
max-pooling resulting in a total time reduction fac-
tor of 6 and a 1-layer LSTM decoder with a size 2.3 Data Filtering and Domain Adaptation
of 1024 equipped with a single-head additive at- For NMT training, we utilize the parallel data al-
tention. We use a variant of SpectAugment (Park lowed for the IWSLT 2020 evaluation. We divide
et al., 2019) for data augmentation. A layer-wise it into three parts: in-domain, clean, and out-of-

domain. We consider data from the TED and model consists of a self-attentive encoder and de-
MuST-C corpora as in-domain and use it for sub- coder, each of which is composed of 6 stacked
sequent fine-tuning experiments, as well as the layers. Every layer consists of two sub-layers: a 8-
“ground truth” for filtering the out-of-domain data head self-attention layer followed by a rectified lin-
based on sentence embedding similarity with the ear unit (ReLU). We apply layer normalization (Ba
in-domain data. As “clean” we consider the News- et al., 2016) before and dropout (Srivastava et al.,
Commentary, Europarl, and WikiTitles corpora and 2014) and residual connections (He et al., 2016)
use their full versions in training. after each sub-layer. All projection and multi-head
To reduce the size of the training data, we ap- attention layers consist of 512 nodes followed by a
ply a filtering approach based on sentence simi- feed-forward layer equipped with 2048 nodes.
larity. We train monolingual GloVe word embed- In comparison, the architecture of the big Trans-
dings (Pennington et al., 2014) both on the source former model incorporates 16-head self-attention
and the target side of the data. Following Arora sub-layers. Furthermore, all projection and atten-
et al. (2017) we use a weighted average over the tion layers consist of 1024 nodes and each feed-
word embeddings of a sentence to generate a fixed- forward layer consists of 4096 nodes.
size sentence embedding. To obtain a sentence pair All models are trained on a single GPU and in-
embedding, we concatenate the source and target creased the effective batch size by accumulating
sentence embedding of each bilingual sentence pair. gradient updates before applying them with a fac-
Afterwards we employ k-Means clustering from tor of 2 and 8 for the base and big Transformer
the scikit-learn toolkit (Pedregosa et al., 2011) in respectively. All models are trained using Adam
the sentence pair embedding space. optimizer with an initial learning rate of 0.0003
After obtaining a set of clusters, we use the in- and 1M lines per checkpoint. We apply a learning
domain data to determine which clusters should rate scheduling based on the perplexity on the vali-
be used for training. This is done by selecting all dation set for a few consecutive evaluation check-
clusters which contain a non-negligible portion of points. Label smoothing (Pereyra et al., 2017) and
the in-domain data using a fixed threshold n. We dropout rates of 0.1 are used. The source and target
apply this technique to the noisy and out-of-domain sentences are segmented into subwords using Sen-
corpora, namely ParaCrawl, CommonCrawl, rapid tencePiece (SP) (Kudo and Richardson, 2018) with
and OpenSubtitles. With the tuned threshold n = a vocabulary size of 20K and 30K respectively.
5.0% we achieve a data reduction of around 45%
(from 42.5M to 23.3M lines) and an improvement 3 Simultaneous Translation
in the system performance of 1.6 % B LEU on the
development set (from 30.7% to 32.3% B LEU). In simultaneous translation a stream of source
A similar approach is applied to the German words is translated into a stream of target words
monolingual data allowed by the IWSLT 2020 eval- without relying on the context of a full sentence.
uation that we incorporate into the MT training us- In this process, the system has to make decisions
ing back-translation (Sennrich et al., 2016a). First, on when to read further input and when to produce
from the billions of words of allowed text data partial translations. Hence, there is an inherent
we extract only sentence portions of at least four compromise between latency and MT quality.
words which are enclosed in quotes. Especially in
3.1 Alignment-based Chunking
the news texts, these often represent quoted speech
and thus may be more suitable to be used in train- We develop a novel model architecture, based on of-
ing of speech NMT systems. Then, we apply the fline LSTM models which are similar to Bahdanau
monolingual variant of the sentence embedding et al. (2015). The approach is described in full de-
similarity approach described above to select 7.9M tail in Wilken et al. (2020). Our model consists of
sentences. To create the synthetic parallel data, we a multi-layer BiLSTM encoder, a unidirectional de-
translate these sentences into English with a De-En coder and an attention mechanism. We expand the
NMT Transformer base model that is trained on forward encoder with an additional binary output
the in-domain and clean parallel data. trained to predict chunk boundaries in the incom-
ing source word stream. These chunk boundaries
2.4 Neural Machine Translation mark positions where enough context for transla-
We employ the base and big Transformer model tion is present to trigger a translation. We generate
with multi-head attention. The base Transformer training examples for such chunks based on sta-

tistical word alignment, created using the Eflomal Training data\Running words EN DE
Toolkit (Östling and Tiedemann, 2016). The chunk
DST 7.5M 8.1M
sequence of a sentence pair is defined such that it ASR1 32.9M -
is monotonic1 , no word in the chunk is aligned to a MT2 309.8M 289.9M
word outside the chunk, and chunks are of minimal SYNTH SPEECH3 4.2M 5.0M
size. By this, reordering happens only within the SYNTH TRANS4 32.9M 37.3M
chunks, thus in terms of word alignment the source BT5 125.2M 117.3M
side of a chunk provides enough information to Table 1: Data size. 1 Contains the ASR portion of DST
continue the partial translation monotonically. data; 2 contains the MT supervised data of DST data;
We shift the extracted source boundaries by D 3
additional synthetic DST data by synthesizing bilin-
positions to the right such that the first words after gual MT data (using TTS model); 4 additional synthetic
the actual boundary provide context for the bound- DST data by translation ASR transcriptions; 5 back-
ary detection component. Furthermore, we im- translation of German monolingual data.
prove the chunk extraction described above by re- boundaries via a binary translation factor (Wilken
moving a chunk boundary if the target word follow- and Matusov, 2019). A hypothesis in the beam is
ing it is important as context for translation of the considered final as soon as a boundary is predicted.
last word in the candidate chunk. Details are given The states of the forward encoder and the decoder
in (Wilken et al., 2020). The words in the chunks are kept across chunks. The backward encoder is
are converted to SP subword sequences prior to the initialized for each chunk. In both encoder and
training of the simultaneous NMT system. decoder we feed an embedding of the boundary
3.2 Streaming ASR decision into the next recurrent step, analogous to
label feedback of the target word.
For the speech-to-text condition we use the cas-
caded approach, integrating the streaming version 4 End-to-End Direct Speech Translation
of the ASR system described in Section 2.1 into the
decoder. We send 1-second chunks of the incoming The direct speech translation models have been
audio into the ASR system. We have to alter the trained using direct speech translation (DST) train-
ASR system to output the common prefix of all ing data including MuST-C, IWSLT TED, and Eu-
hypothesized transcriptions in the beam, such that roParl corpora, i.e. a total of approx. 420 hours of
words in the output are guaranteed to not change transcribed and translated speech (see Table 1). We
due to further evidence. For each 1-second chunk remove all sequences longer than 75 tokens and all
we check whether new words were generated by utterances longer than 6000 frames.
the ASR. If so, we pass them to the encoder of The end-to-end models are based on encoder-
the MT system. From that point on, translation decoder architectures. The LSTM-based speech
happens as described in the next section. encoder uses 6 stacked BiLSTM layers with inter-
leaved max-pooling layers in between to reduce the
3.3 Online MT Decoding utterance length with a factor of 6. We apply layer-
For each word in the input stream, we first apply wise encoder pre-training w.r.t. both the number of
subword splitting. Then we feed the subwords into layers and dimensions. The CTC loss is used on
the forward encoder one by one, producing the en- top of speech encoder except in pre-training. All
coding of that subword and a boundary decision. other parameters are similar to ASR training; thus,
If a boundary is predicted, all source words of the we also apply SpectAugment in all of our DST
current chunk are fed into the backwards encoder. experiments similar to (Bahar et al., 2019b).
After that, the decoder produces the translation at- The text decoder is based on the decoder of MT
tending to the forward and backwards encodings of models, as illustrated in Figure 1, using either the
all words of the sentence read so far. Here, we per- LSTM or the Transformer topology. In LSTM se-
form the beam search with a beam size of 12. For tups, the decoder is equipped with a 1-layer unidi-
length normalization, we divide the scores by I 0.9 , rectional LSTM with cell size 1024 and single-head
I being the target length. To know when to stop additive attention. All tokens are mapped into a
decoding of a chunk, we predict the target chunk 512-dimensional embedding space. Both base and
big Transformer decoders are based on the archi-
Given a pair of subsequent chunks, the first word of the
second chunk immediately follows the last word of the first tecture explained in Section 2.4.
chunk on the source and target side. To solve the data sparseness problems of DST

German Text in (Bahar et al., 2019a), in order to familiarize
ST decoder
the pre-trained text decoder with the output of the
Pre-trained MT decoder pre-trained speech encoder, we insert an additional
LSTM/Self-Attention ×Ld adaptor layer which is a BiLSTM layer between the
encoder and decoder. We train the adaptor compo-
Attention nent jointly without freezing the parameters in the
fine-tuning stage. An abstract overview is shown
ST encoder
in Figure 1.

Pre-trained ASR encoder 5 Experimental Results

In this section we report results for offline cascaded
English Speech
and direct speech translation, as well as for simulta-
neous NMT under various training data conditions.
Figure 1: Overview of the DST model with pretrain-
ing and an adaptor. Shallow grey blocks correspond to
Acoustic training of the baseline model and
pre-trained components, and dark grey blocks are fine- the HMM decoding have been performed with
tuned on the DST task. the RWTH ASR toolkit (Wiesler et al., 2014).
All neural models have been built with RE-
training, we explore various strategies to augment TURNN (Doetsch et al., 2017; Zeyer et al., 2018a)
the data by leveraging weakly supervised data, i.e. using Sisyphus framework (Peter et al., 2018).
ASR and MT training data. Our high-quality Trans- The number of running words of all training cor-
former big model has been employed to generate pora is presented in Table 1. The data used for
synthetic DST training data by automatically trans- training the NMT models is referred to as MT and
lating the correct transcripts of ASR training data contains the in-domain, clean, and filtered bilin-
(Jia et al., 2019). SYNTH TRANS refers to machine- gual data as defined in Section 2.3. On the other
translated ASR training data. As listed in Table 1, hand, BT denotes the parallel data obtained through
we translate the whole ASR training data (32.9M back-translating the filtered monolingual data (see
words) resulting in 37.3M German tokens and com- also Section 2.3). When the concatenation of MT
bine it with the original DST data, weighting each and BT is used for training, we over-sample the in-
set equally. Similarly, we create synthetic DST domain and clean part of MT 5 times. We remove
training data by generating speech from the source transcriber comments and emulate the ASR output
side of an MT parallel corpus (Jia et al., 2019). We using the preprocessing described in Section 2.2.
refer to it as SYNTH SPEECH, and its statistics can As heldout tuning sets, we use the concatenation
be found in Table 1. Our text-to-speech synthe- of the TED dev2010, tst2014, and MuST-C dev
sis (TTS) model is trained on ASR LibriSpeech corpora. As heldout test data, we use TED tst2015,
dataset as described in (Rossenbach et al., 2020). MuST-C tst-HE and MuST-C tst-COMMON.
Using the TTS model, we synthesize 800k random We report case-sensitive B LEU (Papineni et al.,
samples (total of 5M words as listed in Table 1) 2002) and T ER (Snover et al., 2006) scores. For
from the OpenSubtitles corpus pre-filtered as de- simultaneous NMT, also the average lagging (AL)
scribed in Section 2.3. Again, the generated data is metric (Ma et al., 2019) is reported. To measure
uniformly mixed with the original DST data. AL, we have integrated our online decoder into
To further leverage the weakly supervised data, the server-client implementation of IWSLT 2020
we apply pre-training of both the encoder and de- within the fairseq framework (Ott et al., 2019).
coder with an adaptor layer in between. Initializa-
tion of model components using pre-trained ASR 5.1 ASR Quality
and MT models is a common transfer learning strat- For training of the ASR component used in the
egy to reduce dependency on scarce DST train- cascaded approach, we first pool the data from all
ing data. We pre-train the encoder using our ASR available corpora, removing utterances that can not
model explained in Section 2.1, and the decoder be aligned using a baseline model trained on the
using our MT model, either the LSTM attention IWSLT TED corpus, resulting in 2300h of aligned
or Transformer, as described in Section 2.4. Af- audio. The performance of the model trained on
ter initialization with pre-trained components, we this data is shown in the first line of Table 2. To
fine-tune on the DST training data. As proposed understand the contribution of the various data

Model TED MuST-C MuST-C marks and removing transcriber comments.
AM LM tst2015 tst-HE tst-COM Line 2 through 8 present the results of translating
Hybrid HMM the output of the hybrid HMM ASR system (see
1 LSTM 4-gram 8.7 10.5 13.1 Table 2 line 3). In comparison to the first line, we
2 LSTM 4-gram 11.1 9.4 11.5
3 LSTM LSTM 9.6 7.5 9.9 see a significant loss of up to 3.5% B LEU when
translating the ASR output (line 2). Fine-tuning
4 LSTM None 6.9 7.7 10.6 this model as described in Section 5.2 leads to a
performance gain of up to 1.9% B LEU (line 3).
Table 2: ASR word error rate results in [%].
Furthermore, we train models on the MT + BT
sources, we train a model for each corpus. Based data (line 4 to 8). Although the Transformer base
on the accuracy on the dev set we decide to exclude model in line 4 outperforms the corresponding
EuroParl and How2 data sets, as they appear to be model in line 2, applying fine-tuning (line 5) does
the worst match for the target domain. The second not yield better performance than the fine-tuned
line shows that fine-tuning on the “matched” sub- model in line 3, which can be traced back to the
set (about 85% of the total training data) does not over-sampled clean data. The big Transformer
lead to a consistent reduction of W ER. Still, we models in line 6 and 7 outperform the base models
decide to proceed with this acoustic model, based in lines 4 and 5, respectively.
on the experience with the single corpus experi- Overall, the fine-tuned big model (line 7) per-
ments. Finally, switching to the neural LM (see forms better on tst2015 and tst-HE, whereas the
Section 2.1.1) considerably improves the accuracy fine-tuned base model trained without oversam-
on the test sets shown in line 3. This final system pling and back-translated data (line 3) performs
is used in the cascaded translation approach. The better on tst-COMMON. Our final submission (line
attention ASR model described in Section 2.1.2 has 8) consists of the ensemble of the fine-tuned mod-
been trained using 2300h meaning 32.9M words. els in line 5 and 7 and yields the best performance
As shown in Table 2, the performance of the LSTM on average. The results obtained translating the
model (line 4) is competitive to the hybrid HMM output of the attention ASR system (see Table 2
model. We use LSTM speech encoder for all of our line 4) using the ensemble of the two models (line
direct ST modeling in pre-training. 5 and 7) are listed in line 9.
5.4 Direct Speech Translation
5.2 ASR Output for MT Fine-Tuning
The fourth block of Table 3 shows the results of
For cascaded speech translation, both offline and direct speech translation where we do not rely on
simultaneous, we apply fine-tuning on the DST intermediate transcriptions. In the first set of exper-
corpora. with correct source transcripts. In addi- iments, our DST models are based on the LSTM
tion, we augment this data with the MuST-C and attention architecture where both encoder and de-
TED tst2010 through tst2013 sets, the source side coder are composed of LSTM units (line 10 to
of which is generated using the hybrid HMM (see 12). The LSTM attention model outperforms the
Table 2 line 2). All fine-tuning systems employ an Transformer model. Again, pre-training the entire
initial learning rate of 0.0008. The simultaneous network (plus a BiLSTM layer as an adaptor in
systems and the offline Transformer base model between) yields improvements of 2.9% B LEU and
trained on the MT + BT data (see Table 1) are fine- 4.3% T ER on average across all test sets indicating
tuned using 100k lines per checkpoint, whereas the that pre-training is an effective strategy to lever-
other offline models use 1M lines per checkpoint. age the supervised ASR and MT training data in
5.3 Offline Speech Translation
Augmenting ASR data with automatic transla-
The results for the offline speech translation sys- tions (SYNTH TRANS) shows slightly worse results
tems are presented in Table 3. The first line shows (line 12), which might be due to domain mismatch.
the results obtained when translating the ground In line with our pure MT and ASR experiments,
truth source text of the test sets with a Transformer we combine our strong speech LSTM encoder with
base model trained on the MT data, thus eliminat- our powerful text decoder, i.e. big Transformer
ing potential speech recognition errors. The prepro- (lines 13 to 16). As shown, this combination pro-
cessing on the source side emulates the ASR output vides additional gain over vanilla pre-trained mod-
by applying lower-casing, removing punctuation els. These lines differ in terms of training data

tst2015 tst-HE tst-COMMON
# System B LEU T ER B LEU T ER B LEU T ER Training data composition
Pure text MT
1 Transformer base 31.2 52.3 28.5 55.8 31.3 50.1 MT

Cascaded hybrid ASR → MT

2 Transformer base 29.0 56.6 26.3 58.9 27.8 54.7 MT + ASR
3 + fine-tune 30.2 55.7 28.1 57.2 29.7 53.1 MT + ASR
4 Transformer base 29.8 56.1 27.2 57.8 28.3 54.9 ( MT + BT )+ ASR
5 + fine-tune 30.1 55.7 28.2 56.7 28.8 55.7 ( MT + BT )+ ASR
6 Transformer big 30.5 55.2 27.9 56.7 28.7 54.6 ( MT + BT )+ ASR
7 + fine-tune 30.9 55.2 28.6 56.3 28.8 55.5 ( MT + BT )+ ASR
8 Ensemble (5, 7) 30.9 55.2 28.7 56.4 29.7 54.5 ( MT + BT )+ ASR
Cascaded attention ASR → MT
9 Ensemble (5, 7) 30.3 54.2 28.3 56.9 28.8 55.3 ( MT + BT )+ ASR
End2end Direct DST
10 LSTM-attention 23.6 64.1 22.1 63.3 24.3 59.1 DST
11 + pretraining 26.0 59.1 24.7 60.1 27.9 54.3 DST + ASR + MT
12 + pretraining 25.0 61.0 24.3 60.3 26.7 55.7 ( DST + SYNTH TRANS )+ ASR + MT
13 + big Transformer decoder 26.4 58.2 24.6 59.3 29.1 53.8 DST + DST + MT
14 + big Transformer decoder 26.1 58.6 25.1 58.8 28.7 53.8 DST + ASR + MT
15 + big Transformer decoder 25.9 59.3 24.1 63.5 27.0 55.9 ( DST + SYNTH SPEECH )+ ASR + MT
16 + big Transformer decoder 27.0 58.3 25.1 61.3 27.3 55.8 ( DST + SYNTH TRANS )+ ASR + MT
17 + fine-tune 26.8 58.6 25.1 62.3 27.9 55.3 ( DST + SYNTH TRANS )+ ASR + MT
18 Ensemble (13, 17) 27.2 57.9 25.5 60.7 29.4 53.3
19 Ensemble (13, 15, 16, 17) 28.0 57.3 26.5 58.1 29.6 53.4

Table 3: Offline speech translation results measured in B LEU [%] and T ER [%].

which is used either for pre-training or for fine- 22.8

tuning. For instance, in line 13, we use the ASR

model trained on the DST (in-domain) data for pre- 21.6
training the encoder whereas line 14 corresponds 21.2
to the ASR model trained on all (in-domain and 3,750 3,800 3,850 3,900 3,950 4,000 4,050
out-of-domain) ASR data. In lines 15 and 16, we AL (ms)
use additional augmented data. In general, ASR Figure 2: B LEU vs. Average Lagging latency for a
data augmented with synthetic translations can help unidirectional 6-encoder 2-decoder system, generated
the model, while synthesized speech for the MT by varying the maximum chunk size using the values
data is less effective and still performs worse than C ∈ {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20}. The results are computed
the model using DST data only (see lines 14, 15). for the tst-HE dataset.
Another aspect to consider is that the additional
synthetic data we generate might be out-of-domain. 5.5 Simultaneous Speech Translation
Therefore, we fine-tune on top of generated data to We present results for simultaneous speech and text
mitigate the domain gap (line 17). This approach translation models fine-tuned on a concatenation of
improves the results on the tst-COMMON set. In the MuST-C and TED training data. In the case of
the end, to benefit from all data variations, we do speech translation models, the fine-tuning is done
an ensemble of models that outperforms all single as described in Section 5.2. All simultaneous mod-
ones. els use 30k SP units for the source and target side.
With data augmentation, pre-training, fine- Table 4 displays the results for the simultaneous
tuning, and careful architecture selection, a com- speech translation task. In the upper part, we pro-
bination of LSTM encoder and big Transformer vide the results for the offline Transformer base sys-
decoder, we obtain comparable results and even on tem trained on the same data for reference. The re-
par on tst-COMMON set and close the gap between sults are shown for the reference transcript, and the
the cascaded and the direct models. streaming ASR output. In the middle of the table,
we list multiple simultaneous NMT systems with
varying settings. We enforce a maximum source-

tst2015 tst-HE tst-COMMON
Offline baseline, Transformer (MT+BT training data)
using reference transcript 32.7 50.9 30.1 54.3 32.6 48.9
using streaming ASR 28.6 56.3 26.0 59.2 26.4 57.3
Simultaneous NMT (AL ≤ 4s)
6enc, 2dec, C=10, D=2 24.3 60.8 22.6 63.1 3.95s 22.4 60.2
6enc, 4dec, C=10, D=2 25.1 59.5 22.2 63.1 3.94s 22.3 60.0
6enc, 2dec, C=6, D=3 23.3 62.1 21.9 64.7 3.98s 22.3 61.3
2x4enc, 1dec, C=6, D=3 23.8 60.9 22.3 63.1 3.99s 22.3 61.0
6enc, 2dec, C=20, D=4 24.9 61.2 23.0 63.0 4.45s 22.1 62.0
Table 4: Experimental results (in %) for simultaneous NMT of speech, IWSLT 2020 English→German. C refers
to the enforced maximum chunk size, D indicates the boundary decision delay.
Avg. tst2015 tst-HE tst-COMMON
Simultaneous NMT
6enc, 2dec, D=2 4.55 30.5 52.5 29.0 54.6 30.3 50.4
6enc, 2dec, D=3 5.21 30.5 52.6 28.9 55.4 29.8 51.0
6enc, 2dec, D=4 5.99 30.3 52.7 29.1 54.0 30.5 50.3
2x4enc, 1dec, D=3 5.33 29.9 53.4 29.0 54.9 30.7 50.4
Table 5: Experimental results (in %) for simultaneous NMT of text input, IWSLT 2020 English→German, D
indicates the boundary decision delay.

side chunk size C and vary the source boundary imum chunk size beyond C=7. At C=7, AL is
delay D to achieve a latency below 4 seconds on equal to 3.84s with a performance of 22.2% B LEU,
tst-HE. We compare a unidirectional architecture comparable to 22.3% B LEU obtained when setting
of 6 LSTM encoder layers and 2 or 4 LSTM de- C=20 (corresponding to AL=4.02s). This is likely
coder layers to a bidirectional model. The model due to the learned chunking that is able to set the
has two stacks of 4 forward and 4 backward LSTM boundaries without the need for external interven-
encoder layers, concatenated at the top-most layer. tion by capping the chunk size. On the other hand,
The model uses 1 LSTM decoder layer. We observe reducing the maximum chunk size to 5 and 6 to-
that training with a lower delay D=2 and relaxing kens reduces latency, but also reduces translation
the maximum chunk size (C=10) produces better context and therefore hurts performance.
results than training with a larger delay (D=3), and
using a smaller (C=6). The lower row shows re- 6 Final Results
sults for a system with C=20, achieving a latency
of 4.45 seconds. We note that the model makes Compared to last year’s submission, the results
dynamic decisions to decide on the source chunk of both cascade and direct offline speech transla-
boundaries that directly influence the latency. tion models have improved. The cascade system
Table 5 shows the results for simultaneous text shows an improvement of 2.0% B LEU compared to
translation. We compare unidirectional and bidirec- the 2018 submission. The MT quality of the direct
tional models with different latencies. All models model almost reached the one of the cascade model,
use a fixed maximum chunk size of C=20. The obtaining a huge improvement of 12.4% B LEU.
models are trained with different delay values. We The performance on the tst2019 and tst2020 test
observe that even with a delay D=2 the model sets is shown in Table 6, as evaluated by the IWSLT
is able to learn reasonable chunk boundaries that 2020 server. Our primary cascade and direct sys-
achieve lower latency than higher-delay models tems correspond to the lines 8 and 19 of Table 3
and also maintain a comparable performance. respectively. The contrastive systems which are
Figure 2 illustrates the performance on tst-HE single models correspond to the lines 7 and 17 of
against average lagging (AL) latency. The latency the table. We see that the provided reference seg-
is varied by changing the maximum chunk size mentation negatively affects the MT quality. In con-
C. The model used is a unidirectional 6-encoder trast, the segmentation obtained by our hybrid ASR
2-decoder model trained with delay D=2. We ob- model yields segments which apparently are more
serve little improvement when increasing the max- sentence-like, include less noise and thus can be

better translated. On the condition with automatic Nagesh, Matteo Negri, Jan Niehues, Juan Pino, Eliz-
segmentation, the difference between our cascade abeth Salesky, Xing Shi, Sebastian Stüker, Marco
and direct models ranges from 1.8 to 2.3 B LEU Turchi, and Changhan Wang. 2020. Findings of the
IWSLT 2020 Evaluation Campaign. In Proceedings
points. This holds both for our primary ensem- of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Lan-
ble submission and the contrastive single systems, guage Translation (IWSLT 2020), Seattle, USA.
which have lower B LEU scores by 1% or less as
Sanjeev Arora, Yingyu Liang, and Tengyu Ma. 2017.
compared to the ensembles. More results can be
A simple but tough-to-beat baseline for sentence em-
found in (Ansari et al., 2020). beddings. In 5th International Conference on Learn-
ing Representations, ICLR 2017, Toulon, France,
TED TED April 24-26, 2017, Conference Track Proceedings.
System tst2019 tst2020
B LEU T ER B LEU T ER Jimmy Lei Ba, Jamie Ryan Kiros, and Geoffrey E Hin-
reference segmentation ton. 2016. Layer normalization. arXiv preprint
cascade (primary) 21.0 67.2 22.5 65.2 arXiv:1607.06450. Version 1.
direct (primary) 19.2 71.2 20.5 70.1
Parnia Bahar, Tobias Bieschke, and Hermann Ney.
automatic segmentation 2019a. A comparative study on end-to-end speech
cascade (primary, ensemble) 23.4 63.5 25.1 61.4 to text translation. In IEEE Automatic Speech Recog-
direct (primary, ensemble) 21.6 66.2 23.3 64.8 nition and Understanding Workshop, pages 792–
cascade (contrastive, single) 23.2 63.6 24.6 61.9 799, Sentosa, Singapore.
direct (contrastive, single) 20.9 67.2 22.3 66.5
Parnia Bahar, Albert Zeyer, Ralf Schlüter, and Her-
Table 6: AppTek/RWTH IWSLT 2020 submission for mann Ney. 2019b. On using specaugment for end-
offline speech translation, B LEU and T ER scores in %. to-end speech translation. In International Work-
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7 Conclusions
Dzmitry Bahdanau, Kyunghyun Cho, and Yoshua Ben-
In this paper, we summarize the results of the joint gio. 2015. Neural machine translation by jointly
participation of AppTek and RWTH Aachen Uni- learning to align and translate. In Proceedings of
the International Conference on Learning Represen-
versity in the IWSLT 2020 evaluation. For the first tations (ICLR).
time, we present simultaneous translation results
on real speech from our hybrid streaming ASR sys- Eugen Beck, Wei Zhou, Ralf Schlüter, and Her-
tem. With a latency of 4 seconds they are only 4 mann Ney. 2019. LSTM language models for
LVCSR in first-pass decoding and lattice-rescoring.
B LEU points behind our strong cascaded offline Https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.01030.
NMT baseline. This baseline still exhibits the best
results in the offline speech translation task, but Hervé Bourlard and Christian J. Wellekens. 1989.
Links between Markov models and multilayer per-
our direct single end-to-end system, with careful
ceptrons. In D.S. Touretzky, editor, Advances in
architecture selection, pre-training, and data aug- Neural Information Processing Systems I, pages
mentation, is almost able to compete with our best 502–510. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, USA.
cascaded system, obtaining a B LEU score of 29.1
Kai Chen and Qiang Huo. 2016. Training
vs 29.7% on MuST-C tst-COMMON set. On the deep bidirectional LSTM acoustic model for
TED tst2015 set, the ensemble of our direct end- LVCSR by a context-sensitive-chunk BPTT ap-
to-end systems yields a B LEU score of 28.0%, ex- proach. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech,
actly reaching AppTek’s cascaded system results and Language Processing, 24(7):1185–1193.
at IWSLT 2018, obtained one and a half years ago. Patrick Doetsch, Albert Zeyer, Paul Voigtlaender, Ilia
At that time, our first DST prototype scored only Kulikov, Ralf Schlüter, and Hermann Ney. 2017. Re-
17.1% B LEU on the same test set. This shows the turnn: the rwth extensible training framework for
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nal Processing, pages 5345–5349, New Orleans, LA,

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KIT’s IWSLT 2020 SLT Translation System

Ngoc-Quan Pham, Felix Schneider, Tuan-Nam Nguyen, Thanh-Le Ha,

Thai-Son Nguyen, Maximilian Awiszus, Sebastian Stüker, Alexander Waibel
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
[email protected]

Abstract corpora.
This paper describes KIT’s submissions to
the IWSLT2020 Speech Translation evaluation Speech Corpora. We gathered the allowed train-
campaign. We first participate in the simulta- ing data included MuST-C and Speech-Translation
neous translation task, in which our simultane- TED Talks containing both parallel data for au-
ous models are Transformer-based and can be dio to English and German. The TEDLIUM3
efficiently trained to obtain low latency with and the Mozilla Common Voice data are speech
minimized compromise in quality. On the of-
recognition-specific. Furthermore we also consid-
fline speech translation task, we applied our
new Speech Transformer architecture to end- ered the How2 dataset (the Portuguese translation
to-end speech translation. The obtained model is ignored). The data is further cleaned with ASR
can provide translation quality which is com- models (the details are unveiled in Section 4.4) to
petitive to a complicated cascade. The latter obtain the training time as shown in Table 1.
still has the upper hand, thanks to the ability to
transparently access to the transcription, and Table 1: Speech Training data
resegment the inputs to avoid fragmentation.

1 Introduction Data Segments Total time

MuST-C 229K 408h
The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) par-
Speech Translation 142K 160h
ticipated in the IWSLT 2020 Evaluation Cam-
TEDLIUM 264K 415h
paign (Ansari et al., 2020) in two main tracks: Of-
Common Voice 854K 1490h
fline Speech Translation task (SLT) and Simulta-
How2 217K 360h
neous Text Translation. Our highlight s the pro-
posal of a novel method for training simultaneous
translation models, with the Adaptive Computa-
tion Time technique (Graves, 2016) incorporated Text Corpora. We collected the text parallel
to the Transformer models (Vaswani et al., 2017). training data as presented in Table 2.
On the other hand, the end-to-end speech transla-
tion models have observed a single deep Speech Table 2: Text Training Data
Transformer (Pham et al., 2019b) approaching the
performance of a heavily powered cascade. The
Dataset Sentences
latter, however, is more transparent because of vis-
TED Talks (TED) 220K
ible inputs and outputs to each components. It is
Europarl (EPPS) 2.2MK
still the dominant approach, thanks to the segmen-
CommonCrawl 2.1M
tation module that adds punctuations and sentence
Rapid 1.21M
boundaries, so the MT models do not suffer from
ParaCrawl 25.1M
OpenSubtitles 12.6M
2 Data WikiTitle 423K
Back-translated News 26M
The overall data that the project employed can be
divided into two main sections: speech and text

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 55–61
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
3 Simultaneous Speech Translation model for 200 000 steps, varying the learning rate
from 2.5 · 10−4 to 0 with a cosine schedule, then
For simultaneous speech translation, we deploy
train each of the simultaneous models for 1000
a novel model on the text-to-text task based on
steps with initializing parameters from the offline
Adaptive Computation Time (ACT, Graves (2016)).
model. All models use the transformer “base” con-
At each decoder step, the model makes a decision
figuration (layer size 512, feed-forward size 2048,
on whether to READ another input token or to
8 attention heads, 6 layers in encoder and decoder).
WRITE an output token (c. f. Raffel et al. (2017)).
Because the evaluation primarily measures delay
In our case, these decisions are made by a mech-
in terms of tokens, not time, we could have used a
anism based on ACT: At each decoder step, we cal-
larger model, but we decided to choose our model
culate a probability distribution over the encoder
for a more realistic scenario where evaluation time
timesteps, representing the prediction where the
is an important factor.
decoder should halt and WRITE an output. Specifi-
cally, for decoder step i, we calculate: 4 Offline Speech Translation
We participate to the offline speech translation task
pni = σ(E NERGY(sni )) (1) using two different approaches: cascade and end-
to-end. In the cascade, the audio inputs are fed
N (i) = min{n : pni ≥ 1 − } (2) into our Speech Recognition component (ASR -
n=1 Section 4.1), then the outputs will go through a
N (i)−1
X Segmentation module (Section 4.2) to have well-
R(i) = 1 − pni (3) formed inputs prior to our Machine Translation

n=1 module (MT - Section 4.3). The outputs of our
R(i) if n = N (i) MT are the final outputs of the cascade system.
αin = (4)
pni otherwise On the other hand, the end-to-end approach, as
its name suggests, performs trainings for a single
It follows from the definition that αi is a proba-
model from the English audio inputs to produce
bility distribution. We use this distribution along
text outputs in German (Section 4.4).
with the attention mechanism from Arivazhagan
et al. (2019) to calculate the encoder-decoder atten- 4.1 Speech Recognition
tion. In order to incentivise the model to keep the
Data preparation and Segmentation tool We
delays short, we employ the ponder loss in addition
used two different training data sets for this evalu-
to the usual cross-entropy:
ation. Having collected all audios from the TED-
X LIUM and How2 corpora provided by the or-
L(θ) = − log p(y|x; θ) + λC(n) (5) ganizer, we then generated 40 features of Mel-
(x,y) filterbank coefficients for ASR training models us-
|x| ing Janus Recognition Toolkit. We use Sentence-
C= N (i) + R(i) (6) Piece toolkit (Kudo and Richardson, 2018) to train
i=1 and create 4000 different byte-pair-encoding (BPE)
for all models. After that, the WerRTCVAD toolkit
For more information on the ponder loss, see
(Wiseman, 2016) was used to segment the audio in
(Graves, 2016). By varying the parameter λ, we
two unsegmented datasets.
can produce systems with different latency regimes.
However, each model produces many different Model We only focus on sequence-to-sequence
latency-quality tradeoffs during training. ASR models, which are based on two different net-
We use sentencepiece (Kudo and Richardson, work architectures: The long short-term memory
2018) to create a shared 37000 word BPE dictio- (LSTM) and the Transformer. Our LSTM-based
nary for source and target. We then train an offline models consist of 6 bidirectional layers of 1024
transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) model with rela- units for the encoder and 2 unidirectional layers for
tive self-attention (Dai et al., 2019). Based on this, the decoder (Nguyen et al., 2019). Our transformer-
we train several ACT models with λ varying from based models presented in (Pham et al., 2019b)
0.15 to 0.7. For all models, we use the Adam opti- consist of 32 blocks for the encoder and 12 blocks
mizer (Kingma and Ba, 2015). We train the offline for the decoder. Inputs to the LSTM model are

Mel-filterbank features with 40 coefficients. For comprises of a 12-layer encoder and 12-layer de-
the Transformer model, we concatenated 4 consec- coder, in which each layer’ size is 1024, while the
utive features, then combined them with the posi- the inner size of feed-forward network inside each
tion information and put them to the self-attention layer is 4096. The notable different of our transla-
blocks. For LSTM regularization, we applied the tion model compared to the original Transformer
dropout rate 0.35 in all LSTM layers, and the em- lays on the attention blocks. We implemented Rel-
bedding dropout rate 0.35 for LSTM. For Trans- ative Attention following the work of (Dai et al.,
former regularization, we applied dropout of rate 2019). The self-attention layers take into account
is 0.5 and Stochastic Layers in our models (Pham the relative distances between the states instead
et al., 2019b). of using an absolute position encoding scheme by
adding the position vectors to the word embeddings.
4.2 Segmentation For the encoder, in order to distinguish the two di-
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems typi- rections of attention (forward and backward), we
cally do not generate punctuation marks or reliable use negative distances for forward, and positive dis-
casing. Using the raw output of these systems as tances for backward. Each attention block is multi-
input to MT causes a performance drop due to head attention with 16 heads. We also employ label
mismatched train and test conditions. To create smoothing in order to regularize the cross-entropy
segments and better match typical MT training con- loss. Since we share the vocabularies of the source
ditions, we use a monolingual NMT system to add and target, we are able to tie the embedding weights
sentence boundaries, insert proper punctuation, and of the encoder and decoder layers.
add case where appropriate before translating [15]. Since we utilize a large amount of data, we set
The idea of the monolingual machine translation dropout at 0.1 and trained for 300000 steps. We use
system is to translate from lower-cased, without- the learning rate schedule with 8000 steps of warm-
punctuation text into text with case information and ing up before linearly scaling down afterwards. We
punctuation. then average five best models according to perplex-
This year, we reuse the segmentation model from ity on a validation set. We denote this as Large
(Pham et al., 2019a). We ultilize a transformer- configuration.
based NMT system to to translate from an English Domain Adaptation. From the Large model,
sentence into a sequence of punctuation and cas- we perform fine-tuning on the TED data, which
ing notations. The training data for that are EPPS, we consider the in-domain data for the task. In
NC and a filtered version of the ParaCrawl cor- addition to the original TED data, we introduce
pus. Then, we fine-tune the model on the TED some noises into a portion of that data and mix
corpus. For more details, please refer to (Pham this noised data to the original one, then do the
et al., 2019a). fine-tuning. The noises are simply produced by
duplicating or deleting n words in some random
4.3 Machine Translation
positions conforming to some distributions1 and
Data Preparation. This year, we use an approx- inserting or deleting a punctuation from the original
imating of 70 millions sentence pairs, coming sentence.
from TED, EPPS, NC, CommonCrawl, ParaCrawl, The main differences between the Fine-tuning
Rapid and OpenSubtitles corpora, including around configuration and the Large configuration is that
26 millions back-translation sentence pairs. The we apply more strict regularizations, since the fine-
data are applied tokenization and smart-casing us- tuning data is significantly smaller. Particularly,
ing the Moses scripts. Furthermore, we segment the dropout is now 0.3, word dropout (Gal and
words into subword units using BPE method (Sen- Ghahramani, 2016) is at 0.1 and we also implement
nrich et al., 2016). The smartcasing and BPE model switchout (Wang et al., 2018) with the rate of 0.95.
are trained on what we call clean datasets (TED, Switchout is especially useful when we want to
EPPS, NC and CommonCrawl), with the number 1
The probability of whether the noise is introduced is
of BPE merging operation of 40000, jointly learned pw noise = 0.7. The distribution of duplicating and delet-
from English and German sides. ing a word is pw manipulate = (0.6, 0.4). The distribution
Modeling and Training. Basically our transla- of how many words ranging from 1 to 3 (n = 1, 2, 3) is
pw num = (0.6, 0.35, 0.05). Those distributions are deliber-
tion system employs Transformer-based encoder- ately chosen after we looked into the outputs of a validation
decoder model (Vaswani et al., 2017). Our model set from our ASR.

simulate the noisy conditions of speech translation, threshold of 0.67, we removed the utterances with
in which the automatic transcripts often contain the lower scores, and end up with the training SLT
errors. We train one fine-tuned model from the data as in Table 1
original TED, and another model with the mix of During training, the validation data is the Devel-
TED and noised TED with the same Fine-tuning opment set of the MuST-C corpus. The reason is
configuration. Both of them are trained for 2800 that the SLT testsets often do not have the aligned
steps with the learning rate of 2 and the same warm- audio and translation, while training end-to-end
up schedule as before, then again five best models models often rely on perplexity for early stopping.
of each are averaged. Finally, we ensemble these
two averaged models to be our submitted system. Modeling The main architecture is the deep
Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) with stochastic
4.4 End-to-End Model layers (Pham et al., 2019b). Each model has 32
encoder layers and 12 decoder layers, and they are
Corpora The main source of parallel data comes randomly dropped in training according to the lin-
from the MUST-C corpus (Di Gangi et al., 2019b) ear schedule presented in the original work, with
(only the English-German part) and the Speech the top layer has the highest dropout rate p = 0.5.
Translation data provided by the organizer. The In order to make training stable, we initialized
speech features are regenerated with the in-house the encoder of the network with the ASR model
Janus Recognition Toolkit. with the same configuration (so that the parame-
In order to utilize the English audio utterances ters can be transferred). We have two intermediate
without aligned German translations, we generate ASR models for this purpose, one is trained on
the synthetic translations for the available TED top of TEDLIUM and MuST-C combined, and one
Talks in the TEDLIUM dataset and furthermore the learns from the combination of CV, TEDLIUM
large Mozilla Common Voice (CV). Even though and MuST-C, serving two different data settings
these datasets contain their aligned transcriptions, presented in the next section.
it is still challenging to generate the translations With the initialized encoder, the networks can be
accordingly. The audio segmentation process in trained with an aggressive learning rate with 2048
the data collection process does not necessarily warm-up rate. Label-smoothing and dropout rates
force the utterances to be encapsulated within sen- are set at 0.1 and 0.25 respectively for all models.
tence borders, and also the transcriptions are of- Furthermore, all speech inputs are augmented with
ten lower-cased and stripped off punctuations. As spectral augmentation (Park et al., 2019; Bahar
a result, we used the Transformer-based punctu- et al., 2019). All models are trained for 100000
ation model (Cho et al., 2017) to generate punc- steps, each consists of accumulated 12000 target
tuations for each utterance. The translation mod- tokens.
els are trained with the WMT 2018 dataset com- Finally, in order to alleviate the weaknesses of
bined with OpenSubtitles as in (Pham et al., 2019a) the Transformer models when it comes to dealing
(which still satisfy the “constrained” conditions for with long inputs, such as speech signals, we incor-
the evaluation campaign). It is notable that, even porated the relative position encoding (Dai et al.,
though we can generate better translations by us- 2019) into our Transformers. The self-attention
ing the window technique as in (Cho et al., 2017) layers use the relative distance between states to
to have better sentence boundaries, such method compute their similarity functions, instead of rely-
breaks the alignment with audio utterances. There- ing on an absolute position encoding scheme which
fore, the generated translation can be incomplete is vulnerable for this task.
or noisy compared to the translation acquired from
the available parallel corpora. Speech segmentation A big challenge of end-
The data is further cleaned from the potential to-end speech translation is audio segmentation,
errors (in alignment). These errors can be detected which could harm the performance significantly.
by first training an ASR model, that we based on The model does not have the ability to re-segment
the Transformer-based ASR (Pham et al., 2019b), the audio inputs compared to the cascade. Here
and then decoding the audio inputs. We then com- we simply use the WerRTCVAD toolkit (Wiseman,
pute the GLEU score (Wu et al., 2016) between the 2016) to provide the translation model with seg-
generated and the annotated transcripts. With the ments.

Data tst2015 How2
Transformer-based 6.5 12.5
LSTM-based 4.5 11.5
Ensemble 4.1 10.6

Table 4: WER on tst2015 and How2 sets

Machine Translation. The SLT results on

tst2014 are reported in Table 5. By fine-tuning
on TED and introducing noises, we are able to gain
an improvements of 0.64 BLEU points from the
Figure 1: Quality-latency tradeoffs of various check- model which is already better than the best model
points on the MUST-C test set. Metrics are determined
of last year’s evaluation.
by the official evaluation script.
Table 5: Cascade SLT result on tst2014 (En-De)
Offline 32.9 18.6 18.6 1.00 System tst2014 (BLEU)
High Latency 31.5 6.3 7.2 0.81 Large 25.46
Medium Latency 31.4 6.0 6.9 0.80 TED Finetune 25.90
Low Latency 25.0 3.0 3.8 0.66 Noised TED Finetune 26.03
Table 3: Performance of our submitted models on the Ensemble 26.10
MUST-C test set.

4.5.3 End-to-end Offline Speech Translation

4.5 Experimental Results
We tested three different data conditions. The
4.5.1 Simultaneous Translation Small setup uses only MuST-C as the data. The
We evaluate our model on the MUST-C test set, Medium model is trained on MuST-C, Speech-
tst-COMMON. As each model goes through many Translation and TEDLIUM. Finally the Large one
different quality-latency trade-offs during training, is trained on all data we have including the Mozilla
we evaluated a large number of checkpoints be- CV. This naming convention only indicates the data
fore choosing three models for the low-latency (AL size, while the model size and training procedure
≤ 3), medium latency (AL ≤ 6) and high-latency is kept the same across all settings.
(AL ≤ 12) categories. Figure 1 shows all evaluated We tested the models on two different setups.
models on a quality-latency graph. The perfor- The tst-COMMON is provided with the MuST-C
mance peaks at around 6 Average Lagging, con- and it is not necessary to resegment the transla-
venient for the medium latency category. Higher tion afterwards to match the translation reference.
latency models can reach similar performance with On the other hand, the tst2014 set requires this
longer training (the shown models are trained for step, because depending on the segmentation, the
1000 steps or less), but only barely exceed the peak hypothesis and reference can have different align-
at 6 Average Lagging, indicating that that is this ment. All of the evaluations were performed with
model’s ideal maximum latency. Table 3 shows the cased BLEU scores.
performance of our models on the MUST-C test set.
Table 6: SLT BLEU scores on MuST-C test set and
tst2014 (En-De)
4.5.2 Cascade Offline Speech Translation
Speech Recognition. We tested our ASR sys- Data MuST-C tst-COMMON tst2014
tems on two datasets, tst2015 and How2 eval- Small 25.2 -
uation set. The ensemble of LSTM-based and Medium 30.6 25.4
Transformer-based sequence-to-sequence model Large 28.0 23.2
provide the best results, which are 4.1 and 10.6 Large+Adapt 28.1 23.3
WERs respectively for two evaluation sets.

We obtained the results as in 6. Our Small setup Marco Turchi. 2020. Findings of the IWSLT 2020
has achieved 25.2 BLEU scores on tst-COMMON Evaluation Campaign. In Proceedings of the 17th In-
ternational Conference on Spoken Language Trans-
which already outperformed the best published
lation (IWSLT 2020), Seattle, USA.
results on this test set (Di Gangi et al., 2019a).
Adding the Speech-Translation and the TEDLIUM Naveen Arivazhagan, Colin Cherry, Wolfgang
data helped us to further improve the result to 30.6. Macherey, Chung-Cheng Chiu, Semih Yavuz,
On the other hand, the Large setup suffered a 2 Ruoming Pang, Wei Li, and Colin Raffel. 2019.
Monotonic infinite lookback attention for simul-
BLEU point loss compared to the Medium coun- taneous machine translation. In Proceedings of
terpart. This could be the result of the difference in the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for
terms of domain between the Mozilla CV and TED Computational Linguistics, pages 1313–1323.
Talks, as well as the recording environment and
the translation quality obtained with the MT mod- Parnia Bahar, Albert Zeyer, Ralf Schlüter, and Her-
mann Ney. 2019. On using specaugment for
els. However, even adapting these models on the end-to-end speech translation. arXiv preprint
MuST-C and Speech-Translation corpora cannot arXiv:1911.08876.
further improve this setup.
On the tst2014 test set, our end-to-end models Eunah Cho, Jan Niehues, and Alex Waibel. 2017.
NMT-based segmentation and punctuation insertion
achieved the best result with 25.4 BLEU scores, for real-time spoken language translation. In Inter-
which is closely competitive with the best system in speech 2017. ISCA.
IWSLT 2019 (Pham et al., 2019a), which was 25.7.
This indicates that a deep Transformer network Zihang Dai, Zhilin Yang, Yiming Yang, Jaime Car-
can potentially reach the performance of a strong bonell, Quoc Le, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. 2019.
Transformer-XL: Attentive language models beyond
cascade pipeline with mutliple models. Simplicity a fixed-length context. In Proceedings of the 57th
is the advantage of this setup, however, when the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computa-
output can be obtained directly after the feature gen- tional Linguistics (ACL).
eration step, instead of having several components
M Di Gangi, Matteo Negri, Viet Nhat Nguyen,
which have different input and output formats.
Amirhossein Tebbifakhr, and Marco Turchi. 2019a.
Data augmentation for end-to-end speech transla-
5 Conclusion tion: FBK@IWSLT’19. In Proceedings of the 16th
International Workshop on Spoken Language Trans-
At the IWSLT2020 evaluation campaign, we first lation (IWSLT).
presented a novel simultaneous model that can effi-
ciently learn to wait and translate using ACT tech- Mattia A. Di Gangi, Roldano Cattoni, Luisa Bentivogli,
nique. Afterwards, we built two systems for offline Matteo Negri, and Marco Turchi. 2019b. MuST-C:
a Multilingual Speech Translation Corpus. In Pro-
speech translation, namely a cascade and an end-to- ceedings of the Conference of the North American
end model using Deep Transformer networks. We Chapter of the Association for Computational Lin-
showed that the end-to-end model can rival even guistics (NAACL).
the best cascade in challenging speech translation
tests. Yarin Gal and Zoubin Ghahramani. 2016. A theoret-
ically grounded application of dropout in recurrent
neural networks. In Advances in Neural Information
Acknowledgments Processing Systems 29 (NIPS).
The work leading to these results has received
funding from the European Union under grant Alex Graves. 2016. Adaptive computation time
agreement n◦ 825460 and the Federal Ministry of for recurrent neural networks. arXiv preprint
Education and Research (Germany)/DLR Projek-
tträger Bereich Gesundheit under grant agreement Diederik Kingma and Jimmy Ba. 2015. Adam: a
n◦ 01EF1803B. method for stochastic optimization (2014). arXiv
preprint arXiv:1412.6980, 15.

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End-to-End Simultaneous Translation System for the IWSLT2020
using Modality Agnostic Meta-Learning

Houjeung Han, Mohd Abbas Zaidi, Sathish Indurthi,

Nikhil Kumar Lakumarapu, Beomseok Lee, Sangha Kim
Next AI Solution Lab, Samsung Research, Seoul, South Korea
{h.j.han, abbas.zaidi, s.indurthi, n07.kumar, bsgunn.lee, sangha01.kim}@samsung.com

Abstract experiments on both text-to-text and speech-to-text

problems to evaluate the proposed system. Our ex-
In this paper, we describe end-to-end simul-
perimental results reveal that the proposed system
taneous speech-to-text and text-to-text transla-
tion systems submitted to IWSLT2020 online achieves significant performance gains over the pro-
translation challenge. The systems are built by vided competition baselines on both the translation
adding wait-k and meta-learning approaches tasks.
to the Transformer architecture. The systems
are evaluated on different latency regimes. The 2 Simultaneous Translation
simultaneous text-to-text translation achieved
a BLEU score of 26.38 compared to the com- 2.1 Base Model
petition baseline score of 14.17 on the low
latency regime (Average latency ≤ 3). The
The machine translation task involves converting
simultaneous speech-to-text system improves an input sequence x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ), xi ∈ Rdx
the BLEU score by 7.7 points over the compe- in the source language to the output sequence
tition baseline for the low latency regime (Av- y = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yk ), yt ∈ Rdy in the target lan-
erage Latency ≤ 1000). guage. In the simultaneous translation task, the
model produces the output in an online fashion as
1 Introduction the input is read. Hence, while producing an output
Simultaneous Neural Machine Translation (SNMT) yt , the complete input sequence might not have
addresses the problem of live interpretation in ma- been processed .
chine translation. In a traditional neural machine Our model derives from the transformer wait-
translation model, the encoder first reads the entire k model proposed in (Ma et al., 2019a). Similar
source sequence, and then the decoder generates to (Ma et al., 2019b), the encoder consists of uni-
the translated target sequence. On the other hand, directional transformer blocks unlike bi-directional
a simultaneous neural machine translation model transformer blocks used in the original transformer.
alternates between reading the source sequence and The decoder starts producing the translation after
writing the target sequence using either a fixed or having read the first k input units from the source
an adaptive policy. This would allow the model to sequence. It learns to anticipate the information
avoid intolerable delay in live or streaming transla- which might be missing due to word order differ-
tion scenarios. ences between the input and target sequences. The
In this work, we build a simultaneous translation model also supports training and testing under dif-
system for text-to-text(t2t) and speech-to-text(s2t) ferent latency regimes, i.e., different k.
problems based on Transformer wait-k model (Ma In the machine translation task, the input and
et al., 2019a). We adopt the meta-learning approach output can have different lengths. This difference
presented in (Indurthi et al., 2020) to deal with the is highly prominent for language pairs such as
data scarcity issue in the speech-to-text translation English-Chinese. The average source to target ratio
task. The system architecture and data processing for each language pair(r) is defined as r = |y|/|x|
techniques are designed for the IWSLT 2020 on- and the catch-up frequency is defined as c = r − 1.
line translation task (Ansari et al., 2020). However, For the speech-to-text translation task, |x| is set to
these techniques can be applied to current and fu- the length of the transcript of input waveform and
ture SNMT models as well. We conduct several we define stride, s, which represents the number

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 62–68
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
of frames in the source waveform to be consumed parameters(θm ).
in order to produce each target text token. Usu- 0
ally, s is set to 1 for the text-to-text translation θτm = θm − β∇θa `(Dτ ; θa ).‘ (2)
task. The wait-k model adjusts the reading speed
of the decoder according to this ratio r and stride s. Exposing the meta-learned parameters((θm ) to
Hence, the final decoding policy of the model can the vast data of the source tasks T during this phase
be defined by the the following equation: makes them suitable to act as a good initialization
point for the future related target tasks.
gwait−k, c,s (t) = min{(k + t − 1 − bctc) ∗ s, |x|}, Fine-tuning Phase: During the fine-tuning
phase, the model is initialized from the meta-
where g(t) is the number of input units processed learned parameters (θm ) and trained on a specific
in order to produce yt . target task. In this phase, the model training is car-
ried out like a usual neural network training without
2.2 Meta Learning involving the auxiliary parameters.
Recently, (Indurthi et al., 2020) proposed a Modal-
2.3 Training
ity Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML, (Finn et al.,
2017)) approach to address the data scarcity issue We train our systems with and without using the
in the speech-to-text translation task. We adopt this meta-learning approach described in Section 2.2.
approach to train our simultaneous translation task. In the meta-learning approach, we first pre-train the
Here, we briefly describe the MAML approach model on the source tasks and further fine-tune on
used for training, for more details, please refer to the target task, which is represented as ‘wMT’. We
(Indurthi et al., 2020). also train another model directly on the given tar-
The MAML approach involves two steps: (1) get task without using the meta-learning approach,
Meta-Learning Phase, (2) Fine-tuning Phase. In the represented as ‘woMT’. The meta-learning training
meta-learning phase, we use a set of related high approach helps the low resource tasks to utilize the
resource tasks as source tasks to train the model. In training examples from the high resource source
this phase, the model captures the general learning tasks.
aspects of the tasks involved. In the fine-tuning The source tasks used for simultaneous speech-
phase, we initialize the model from the parameters to-text translation are Automatic Speech Recogni-
learned during the meta-learning phase and train tion (ASR), Machine Translation (MT), and Speech
further to learn the specific target task. Translation (ST) tasks. Unlike (Indurthi et al.,
Meta-Learning Phase: The set of source tasks in- 2020), we also added the ST task as a source
volved in the meta-learning phase are denoted by task, and this improved the performance of our
T . For each step in this phase, we first uniformly system further. Even though the simultaneous text-
sample one source task τ ∈ T and then sample two to-text translation task has sufficient training data,
batches(Dτ and Dτ ) of training examples. The we apply the meta-learning training approach to
Dτ is used to train the model to learn the task spe- learn possible language representations across dif-
cific distribution, and this step is called meta-train ferent language pairs. We use English-German and
step. In each meta-train step, we create auxiliary French-German language pairs as the source tasks
parameters (θτa ) initialized from the original model in the meta-training for the text-to-text translation
parameters (θm ). We update the auxiliary param- task.
eters during this step while keeping the original The text sequences are represented as word-
parameters of the model intact. The auxiliary pa- piece tokens, and the speech signals are represented
rameters (θa ) are updated using gradient-descent as Log Mel 80-dimensional features. Usually, the
steps, which is given by, speech sequences are a few times longer than the
text sequences, therefore, we use an additional
θτa = θm − α∇θm `(Dτ ; θm ). (1) layer to compress the speech signal and exploit
structural locality. The compression layer consists
After the meta-train step, the auxiliary param- of 3 Convolution layers with stride 2, both on the
eters (θa ) are evaluated on Dτ . This step is time and frequency domain of the speech sequence.
called meta-test and the gradients computed dur- The compressed speech sequence is passed to the
ing this step are used to update the original model encoder layer for further processing. To facilitate

Dataset Task Dataset Hours Sent. #
Must-C OpenSubtitles WMT19 All
EnDe 229k 22.5m 38m 61m
MT Open Subtitles 22.5m
FrDe 9.8m 9.8m MT WMT 19 4.6m
ASR LibriSpeech 982 233k
Table 1: Dataset Statistics for T2T ASR IWSLT 19 ST 272 145k
ASR MuST-C 400 229k
4 7 8 15 Offline ASR TED LIUM 3 452 28.6k
All 25.50 28.31 28.80 29.70 ST Europarl-ST 89 97.9k
All + BT 25.06 28.22 28.71 ST IWSLT ST 19 272 726k
All reduced 26.04 28.57 29.07 30.27 31.20 ST MuST-C 400 918k
Table 2: Comparing Datasets for T2T ST TED-LIUM 3 452 537k

Table 3: Dataset Statistics for S2T

the training on multiple language pairs and tasks,
we create a universal vocabulary ((Gu et al., 2018a))
and ParaCrawl, we use only 10M randomly sam-
for both text-to-text and speech-to-text translation
pled examples from these corpora (presented as
systems. The universal vocabularies are created
‘All reduced’ in the Table 2).
based on the source and target tasks.
For each simultaneous task, we train the system 3.1.2 Simultaneous Speech-to-Text
on a dataset D of parallel sequences to maximize Translation
the the log likelihood:
The speech-to-text translation models are trained
on examples collected from the Must-C, IWSLT
1 X
 2020, Europarl-ST, and TED-LIUM3 datasets. The
`(D; θ) = log p y i |xi ; θ , (3) statistics for the same are provided in the Table
i=1 3. The models are evaluated using the MuST-C
where θ denotes the parameters of the model. We Dev set. Due to the limited availability of training
train the systems for three different latency regimes examples for the ST task, we increase the number
based on the competition requirements. of training examples by using data augmentation
techniques. For data augmentation on the text side,
3 Experiments we use English-to-German NMT model to gener-
ate synthetic German sequences from the English
3.1 Datasets
sequences. We use two NMT models and top-K
3.1.1 Simultaneous Text-to-Text Translation beam results to generate multiple synthetic Ger-
For the text-to-text translation task, we use the man sequences. These NMT models are based on
MuST-C, IWSLT 2020, OpenSubtitles2018, and the Transformer architecture and trained on the
WMT19 (presented as ‘All’ in the Table 2) for train- WMT19 dataset with different hyper-parameter
ing. We evaluate our system on the MuST-C Dev settings. For speech sequence, we use the Sox
set. Our parallel corpus of WMT19 consists of library to generate the speech signal using dif-
Europarl v9, ParaCrawl v3, Common Crawl, News ferent values of speed, echo, and tempo param-
Commentary v14, Wiki Titles v1 and Document- eters similar to (Potapczyk et al., 2019). The pa-
split Rapid for the German-English language pair. rameter values are uniformly sampled using these
We also use the WMT19 German-French language ranges for each parameter: tempo ∈ (0.85, 1.3),
pair as one of the source tasks during the meta- speed ∈ (0.95, 1.05), echo delay ∈ (20, 200), and
learning training phase. The statistics of the data echo decay ∈ (0.05, 0.2). We increase the size
we use for text-to-text translation are provided in of the IWSLT2020 ST dataset to five times of the
the Table 1. We also use monolingual data from original size by augmenting 4X data – four text
the News crawl corpus for data augmentation using sequences using the NMT models and four speech
back-translation technique. About 20M English signals using the Sox parameter ranges. For the
sentences are translated by the En-De translation Europarl-ST, we augment 2X examples to triple
model, which was trained on the WMT19 corpus the size. The TED-LIUM3 dataset does not con-
(presented as ‘All + BT’ in the Table 2). Due to tain speech-to-text translation examples originally,
the presence of noise in the OpenSubtitles2018 hence, we create 2X synthetic speech-to-text trans-

Train-k t 4 7 8 26 27 28
kt 26.04⊕ 2.84 28.57∗ 5.15 29.07 5.85 30.78 14.59 30.16 14.93 30.48 15.17
k −1 24.32 2.06 28.24 4.47 29.07∗ 5.15 30.73 14.27 30.13 14.60 30.48 14.89
kt − 3 17.98 0.32 26.38⊕ 2.93 27.75 3.71 30.69 13.58 30.21 13.96 30.49 14.27

Table 4: Varying k during Testing for T2T: k t denotes k used for training

Latency regimes Low Medium High

Methods Dataset BLEU AL k BLEU AL k BLEU AL k
Fairseq Must-C 14.17 2.91 4 17.28 5.88 8 19.53 12.37 20
woMT All reduced 26.04 2.84 4 29.07 5.85 8 30.78 14.59 26
wMT All reduced 25.31 2.83 4 28.75 5.76 8 30.08 14.57 26

Table 5: Comparing Training Strategies for T2T

lations using speech-to-text transcripts. Finally, for AL. We also report the numbers from the baselines
the MuST-C datasest, we use synthetic speech to provided by the organizing committee in the Table
increase the dataset size to 4X. Overall, we created 5 and 7. All the results are reported on the MuST-C
the synthetic training data of size roughly equal to Dev set, unless stated otherwise. The emission rate
two times the original data using data augmentation r of German-English is set to 1.0. Moreover, we
techniques described above. use the same parameter value for k and s during
training and testing, unless stated otherwise.
3.2 Implementation Details
For the text-to-text translation, we use base 4 Results
parameter settings from the Transformer model
4.1 Simultaneous Text-to-Text Translation
(Vaswani et al., 2017), except that we use uni-
directional encoder. Each model is trained for 500k We train our models on different dataset sizes
steps with a batch size of 4096 tokens. The source which are created by using back translation and
tasks used in the meta-training phase are English- sampling techniques and compare the performance
German and French-German language pairs. The across these datasets. The BLEU scores with var-
stride s is set to 1. ious wait-k values for models trained on differ-
For the speech-to-text translation, the number ent dataset sizes have been reported in the Table
of encoder and decoder layers are 8 and 6, respec- 2. As we can see in the Table 2, the augmented
tively. The compression layer consists of three dataset (‘All + BT’) performs poorly compared
Convolutional layers. Each model is trained for to the model trained on the original dataset. On
300k meta steps and fine-tuned for another 300k the contrary, the reduced dataset gives best perfor-
with a text batch size of 4096 tokens and a speech mance among all these datasets. All these models
batch size of 1.5M frames. The models are trained are trained using the woMT training strategy.
using the multi-step Adam optimizer (Saunders Motivated by (Ma et al., 2019a), we decode the
et al., 2018) with the gradients accumulated over target text using smaller k values than the k value
32 steps. used during the training. As one can observe (by
Our code is based on the Tensor2Tensor frame- comparing the marked cells) in the Table 4, the
work (Vaswani et al., 2018), and we use 4*NVIDIA result obtained from a model upon decoding using
P40 GPUs for all the experiments. We use the k = 7, when trained using k = 8 is better than
server-client API based evaluation code provided the model which is both trained and decoded using
by the organizers of the IWSLT2020 online trans- k = 7. A similar trend is also observed for k =
lation challenge. This evaluation API gives sev- 4. Also, as train-k or decode-k increases, usually
eral metrics to measure the translation quality and the BLEU and the AL also increases. However,
latency, such as BLEU, METEOR, TER, Differ- this trend is limited to the low or medium latency
entiable Average Lagging(DAL), Average Lag- regimes, since the models with larger k are less
ging(AL) and Average Proportion (AP). In this sensitive to k value and the performance degrades
paper, we report the BLEU scores along with the as k reaches towards the input sequence length. For

Train-k t /st 3/300 4/350 3/400 4/800 5/800
k t /st 12.85 1136.11 14.59 1875.04 15.89 1940.67 17.95 3967.49 17.42 4318.34
k − 1/st
t 12.24 897.79 13.88 1539.73 14.9 1653.62 17.79 3582.93 17.43 4002.83
k t /st − 100 7.16 45.48 10.77 715.92 12.79 1084.11 17.81 3679.68 17.14 4027.91

Table 6: Varying k/s during Testing for S2T: k t /st denote k/s used during training

Latency regimes Low Medium High

Methods Dataset BLEU AL k s BLEU AL k s BLEU AL k s
Fairseq Must-C 4.5 792.28 1 320 9.3 1828.28 2 400 11.49 3664.19 2 800
woMT iwslt20 aug 6.70 1061.90 3 300 9.11 1882.17 3 400 12.59 4020.97 4 800
wMT iwslt20 aug 12.85 1136.11 3 300 15.89 1940.67 3 400 17.95 3967.49 4 800

Table 7: Comparing the Training Strategies for S2T

example, the model trained with k = 26 has the k = 5 and stride s = 800) and decoded with 4/800
highest BLEU score among the models trained on shows lower performance than that of the model
k values ranging from 26 to 28. All the models both trained and decoded using 4/800. Also, a
reported in the Table 4 use the All reduced dataset similar trend can be observed between the models
and the woMT training approach. trained with 3/400 and 3/300. As we can see in the
We compare the wMT and woMT training strate- last two columns, the BLEU score decreases as k
gies on three latency regimes. The results have increases from 4 to 5 for s = 800. This is similar to
been tabulated in the Table 5. Unlike speech trans- what we observed in the text case as well, increas-
lation, we did not witness any improvement in the ing k in the high latency regime leads to a drop in
text-translation from the meta-learning approach. the performance. All the models reported in the
In the Table 5, models trained using the woMT Table 6 are trained using the augmented datasets
strategy achieved a better results than the wMT and the wMT training approach.
strategy. A possible reason for this might be that Finally, we explore the effectiveness of the meta-
the English-German text translation problem is not learning approach for the online speech-to-text
suffering from data scarcity. Moreover, the number translation task for the three latency regimes. In the
or diversity of source tasks used for meta-learning Table 7, we can easily see that there is a significant
training is limited compared to the speech-to-text BLEU score gap between models trained using the
translation source tasks. We also observe that wMT and woMT training strategy. The results show
English-German and French-German corpus have that our meta-learning approach improves the per-
an overlap of over 70% German words limiting the formance of the models in all the latency regimes.
variability of the source tasks, which hampers the Compared to the online text-to-text translation task,
model from learning any meta-aspects of the text the meta-learning approach in the online speech-to-
translation tasks during the meta-learning phase. text task exploits many sub-problems with a variety
This might be the reason behind meta-training be- of source tasks such as ASR, MT and ST. Also,
ing less effective for online text-to-text task. the speech-to-text task suffers severely from the
data-scarcity issue as compared to the text-to-text
4.2 Simultaneous Speech-to-Text Translation task, and using the meta-learning approach helps
overcome this issue.
Similar to the online text-to-text task, we vary the
latency parameters while decoding the simultane- 5 Related Work
ous speech model as well. We vary both k and
strides(s), and report the BLEU in the Table 4. We Simultaneous Translation: The earlier works in
can see from the Table 6 that as k and s increase, simultaneous translation such as (Cho and Esipova,
the BLEU score increases while AL decreases. Un- 2016; Gu et al., 2016; Press and Smith, 2018; Dalvi
like the text-to-text translation, decoding with de- et al., 2018) lack the ability to anticipate the words
creased k and s does not result in any BLEU score with missing source context. The wait-k model
improvement. For instance, as seen in the Table introduced by (Ma et al., 2019a) brought in many
6, the result of model trained with 5/800(where improvements by introducing a simultaneous trans-

lation module which can be easily integrated into 6 Conclusion
most of the sequence to sequence models. Ari-
In this work, we develop an end-to-end simulta-
vazhagan et al. (2019) introduced MILk which is
neous translation system for both text-to-text and
capable of learning an adaptive schedule by using
speech-to-text tasks by using the wait-k method
hierarchical attention; hence it performs better on
and the meta-learning approach. We evaluate the
the latency quality trade-off. Wait-k and MILk
proposed system with different data settings and
are both capable of anticipating words and achiev-
latency regimes. We explore the effectiveness of
ing specified latency requirements by varying the
the meta-learning approach for the online transla-
tion tasks. The meta-learning approach proves to
be essential in settings where the training data is
scarce. Compared to the baseline provided in the
Speech to Text Translation: Most of the exist-
competition, both online text-to-text and speech-
ing systems tackle the problem of simultaneous
to-text models achieved significant BLEU score
speech to text translation using a cascaded pipeline
of online ASR and MT systems.
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DiDi Labs’ End-to-End System for the IWSLT 2020
Offline Speech Translation Task

Arkady Arkhangorodsky, Yiqi Huang, Amittai Axelrod

DiDi Labs
4640 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
{arkadyarkhangorodsky, yiqihuang, amittai}@didiglobal.com

Abstract for speech inputs. The encoder performs a 2-

D convolution on the audio input before apply-
We describe the DiDi Labs system submitted ing self-attention as in the Transformer. An-
for the IWSLT 2020 Offline Speech Transla-
other distinction is that the decoder operates at
tion Task (Ansari et al., 2020). We trained an
end-to-end system that translates audio from the character level, instead on the byte-pair encod-
English TED talks to German text, without ing (BPE) tokenization that is typically used with
producing intermediate English text. Our base transformer models for text. The system uses a
system used the S-Transformer architecture 512-dimensional embedding in the self-attention
(Di Gangi et al., 2019b), trained using the layers. Each of the encoder and decoder have 8-
MuST-C dataset (Di Gangi et al., 2019a). We headed attention and 6 self-attention layers. The
extended the system via decoder pre-training,
models have 32,132,040 parameters.
pre-trained speech features, and text transla-
tion, but these extensions did not yield im- Each of our models were run on a single Nvidia
proved results. Tesla P-100 GPU. We used a batch size of 8, and
the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 0.005
1 Introduction and an inverse square root warm-up schedule start-
ing from 0.0003 for the first 4000 training steps.
The performance of end-to-end speech translation Each model was trained for up to 50 epochs, stop-
systems at IWSLT has been approaching that of ping early when validation loss had not decreased
cascaded systems, with the gap shrinking to 1.5 for 10 consecutive epochs.
BLEU points in 2019 (Niehues et al., 2019). With
We trained 6 models using different methods.
additional effort, end-to-end systems could finally
We used the German transcripts and German audio
surpass cascaded systems. The 2020 task required
from Europarl-ST for decoder pre-training. We
participants to translate audio from English TED
used the WMT News Commentary parallel corpus
talks to German text.
for text translation. All other experiments used the
We trained several different end-to-end speech
MuST-C dataset. Table 1 contains the statistics for
translation systems. We used the MuST-C dataset
the corpora we used.
to train models for speech translation and speech
recognition, the Europarl-ST dataset for speech 3 Extending S-Transformer
recognition (Iranzo-Sánchez et al., 2019), and the
WMT-19 news commentary dataset for text trans- 3.1 Naı̈ve Model
lation (Tiedemann, 2012). Our best performing Our simplest model was the S-Transformer,
model used an encoder that was first pre-trained trained end-to-end on the MuST-C corpus using
for English speech recognition, and then fine- English audio inputs and German text outputs.
tuned for speech translation. This system scored This model was not able to successfully learn the
17.1 BLEU on the MuST-C test set. task, achieving a score of 0 BLEU on the MuST-
C test set. This is not surprising, as the relation-
2 Experimental Framework
ship between the English audio and German text
Our models used the S-Transformer architecture is not obvious without prior knowledge, even to
of Di Gangi et al.. This is an adaptation of the most humans. This model effectively learned to
Transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) memorize the most common output sentence from

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 69–72
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
Dataset Segments Input Output
MuST-C training 229,703 EN Audio EN, DE Text
MuST-C dev 1,423 EN Audio EN, DE Text
MuST-C test 2,641 EN Audio EN, DE Text
WMT news commentary 338,285 EN Text DE Text
Europarl-ST training 12,904 DE Audio DE Text
Europarl-ST dev 2,603 DE Audio DE Text

Table 1: Details of the datasets we use in our experiments

the training set (“Vielen Dank”), and produced this model was discarded, then the model was trained
as output every time. on the speech translation task. However, this
model performed similarly to the naı̈ve system.
3.2 Encoder Pre-Training This suggests that just learning the input audio
The task was too difficult for a naı̈ve system to without a corresponding text in the same language
learn from scratch, so we tried training it in two remains a key challenge. This is perhaps not sur-
stages. First, the system was trained to predict En- prising, as audio input and a text transcript operate
glish text given the English audio inputs from the at different timescales: text inputs have atomic el-
MuST-C dataset. This model successfully learned ements, but audio inputs are not only subdivisible
to transcribe English audio, achieving a BLEU via faster sampling, but also overlapping in time if
score on the MuST-C validation set of 60.45. 1 the stride distance is short.
We then discarded the decoder from this En-
glish ASR system. The rest of the model was then 3.4 Combining Pre-Trained Encoder and
fine-tuned to predict German text from English au- Pre-Trained Decoder
dio. We were thus able to train an end-to-end sys- Although we were not able to fine-tune the pre-
tem in stages without having the intermediate in- trained decoder system of Section 3.3 to produce
puts and outputs inherent to a cascaded system. a strong speech translation model, we wondered if
By first learning the simpler task of speech it could still could be a useful addition to a system
recognition, the system was able to make sense with a pre-trained encoder. We fine-tuned an end-
of the audio input before attempting to learn to to-end model that started with the encoder trained
translate it. This system was the strongest that for English ASR, and the decoder trained for Ger-
we trained, achieving a BLEU score of 17.1 on the man ASR. However, this model was only about as
MuST-C test set. good as using only the pre-trained encoder. Per-
haps this approach could produce stronger results
3.3 Decoder Pre-Training
if the encoded representations of the encoder and
Pre-training the encoder using the simpler speech decoder were aligned to one another, as occurs
recognition task was successful, so we attempted when learning seq2seq models from scratch.
to similarly pre-train just the decoder, except for
German speech recognition instead. 4 Using wav2vec Inputs
We started by training a German ASR system
using the same initial S-Transformer architecture The MuST-C corpus represents the input au-
as in Section 3.2. Here we trained the ASR sys- dio using 40-dimensional Mel-Filterbank features.
tem on German audio inputs and German text out- Schneider et al. (2019) presented wav2vec: un-
puts from the Europarl-ST dataset. This system supervised pre-training to learn speech represen-
successfully learned to transcribe German audio, tations, with improved speech recognition results.
achieving a score on the Europarl-ST validation We attempted to apply this same approach to
set of 36.9 BLEU. speech translation, replacing the Mel-Filterbank
The rest of the training was analogous to the features with wav2vec features as input to the
pre-trained encoder system: the encoder of this system.
1 We use the pre-trained model released in the
We used the BLEU score instead of standard ASR met-
rics to simplify our implementation. This metric was mainly fairseq library2 to compute features for the
used to determine whether or not the model was useful as a
starting point for fine-tuning; the value of the score was less https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq/
significant. tree/master/examples/wav2vec

MuST-C dataset. wav2vec features are 512- Model BLEU
1. Baseline S-Transformer model 0.00
dimensional vectors, but the Mel-Filterbank fea- 2. #1 + encoder pre-trained on English ASR 17.1
tures are 40-element vectors. We applied prin- 3. #1 + decoder pre-trained on German ASR 0.00
cipal component analysis (PCA) to reduce the 4. #1 + #2 + #3 16.8
5. #2 + wav2vec preprocessing 0.00
wav2vec vectors to 40 dimensions to match the 6. #1 + text translation multi-task training 0.00
existing architecture. To reduce the computational
load, we simply computed the PCA transforma- Table 2: BLEU scores of our experiments, evaluated on
the MuST-C test set
tion on the first segment of the training set, and
then applied the same transformation matrix to
each subsequent sample. 6 Results and Conclusion
We then attempted to pre-train the encoder for
English ASR using the same S-Transformer archi- Table 2 contains our experimental results. The
tecture as before, in Section 3.2. However, this model using an encoder pre-trained for English
model does not successfully learn to transcribe En- speech recognition performed best. Combining
glish audio during pre-training. After fine-tuning, this model with a decoder pre-trained for German
it cannot translate English audio and also gets a speech recognition performed roughly similarly.
score of 0 BLEU. We have presented several different experi-
We suspected our dimensionality reduction ments in training end-to-end speech translation
from 512 to 40 was too crude, losing too much in- system based on the S-Transformer architecture.
formation. To see if this was the case, we also at- Unfortunately, none of the experiments we pre-
tempted to use the full 512-dimensional wav2vec sented were able to improve performance on the
features as input, and increased the system layer MuST-C test set relative to the models of Di Gangi
widths accordingly. However, computational con- et al. (2019c). With more work, the ideas we at-
straints limited us to only training on 20,000 seg- tempted could produce stronger systems in the fu-
ments of the MuST-C training set. However, this ture.
model also does not successfully learn to tran-
scribe English audio during pre-training. After References
fine-tuning, it still cannot translate English audio
and also gets a score of 0 BLEU. Ebrahim Ansari, Amittai Axelrod, Nguyen Bach, On-
drej Bojar, Roldano Cattoni, Fahim Dalvi, Nadir
Durrani, Marcello Federico, Christian Federmann,
5 Text translation multi-task training Jiatao Gu, Fei Huang, Kevin Knight, Xutai Ma, Ajay
Nagesh, Matteo Negri, Jan Niehues, Juan Pino, Eliz-
Strong text translation systems are often trained abeth Salesky, Xing Shi, Sebastian Stüker, Marco
on many millions of sentences, if they are avail- Turchi, and Changhan Wang. 2020. Findings of the
IWSLT 2020 Evaluation Campaign. Proceedings of
able. Transcribing audio and translating is more
the 17th International Conference on Spoken Lan-
expensive than finding parallel sentences, so the guage Translation (IWSLT 2020).
MuST-C corpus is considerably smaller than text
translation corpora. We hypothesized that addi- Loı̈c Barrault, Ondřej Bojar, Marta R. Costa-Jussà,
Christian Federmann, Mark Fishel, Yvette Gra-
tional training on translation data would improve ham, Barry Haddow, Matthias Huck, Philipp Koehn,
performance. Shervin Malmasi, Christof Monz, Mathias Müller,
We pre-trained an English to German MT Santanu Pal, Matt Post, and Marcos Zampieri. 2019.
system that shared the decoder with our S- Findings of the 2019 Conference on Machine Trans-
lation (WMT19). WMT Conference on Machine
Transformer system in Section 3.2, in order to Translation.
improve the decoder’s translation ability. This
model used a standard transformer encoder, not Mattia A. Di Gangi, Roldano Cattoni, Luisa Ben-
the S-Transformer. Unfortunately after training, tivogli, Matteo Negri, and Marco Turchi. 2019a.
MuST-C: a Multilingual Speech Translation Corpus.
this model was not able to successfully learn to NAACL (North American Association for Computa-
translate text, though this same corpus has been tional Linguistics).
successfully used in previous work (Barrault et al.,
Mattia A. Di Gangi, Matteo Negri, Roldano Cattoni,
2019). We did not conduct further experiments Roberto Dessi, and Marco Turchi. 2019b. En-
trying to use the shared decoder in this model for hancing Transformer for End-to-End Speech-to-Text
speech translation. Translation. MT Summit.

Mattia A. Di Gangi, Matteo Negri, and Marco Turchi.
2019c. Adapting Transformer to End-to-End Spo-
ken Language Translation. INTERSPEECH.
Javier Iranzo-Sánchez, Joan Albert Silvestre-Cerdà,
Javier Jorge, Nahuel Roselló, Adrià Giménez, Al-
bert Sanchis, Jorge Civera, and Alfons Juan. 2019.
Europarl-ST: A Multilingual Corpus For Speech
Translation Of Parliamentary Debates. arXiv
Jan Niehues, Roldano Cattoni, Sebastian Stüker,
Matteo Negri, Marco Turchi, Elizabeth Salesky,
R. Sanabria, Loı̈c Barrault, Lucia Specia, and Mar-
cello Federico. 2019. The IWSLT 2019 Evaluation
Campaign. IWSLT (International Workshop on Spo-
ken Language Translation).
Steffen Schneider, Alexei Baevski, Ronan Collobert,
and Michael Auli. 2019. wav2vec: Unsuper-
vised Pre-Training for Speech Recognition. arXiv
Jörg Tiedemann. 2012. Parallel data, tools and inter-
faces in OPUS. LREC (International Conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation).
Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob
Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N Gomez, Łukasz
Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin. 2017. Attention Is All
You Need. NeurIPS (Neural Information Process-
ing Systems).

End-to-End Offline Speech Translation System for IWSLT 2020 using
Modality Agnostic Meta-Learning

Nikhil Kumar Lakumarapu*, Beomseok Lee*, Sathish Indurthi,

Houjeung Han, Mohd Abbas Zaidi, Sangha Kim
Next AI Solution Lab, Samsung Research, Seoul, South Korea
{n07.kumar, bsgunn.lee, s.indurthi, h.j.han, abbas.zaidi, sangha01.kim}@samsung.com

Abstract IWSLT 2020 Offline Speech-Translation Task 1 .

However, the proposed training strategies and the
In this paper, we describe the system sub-
mitted to the IWSLT 2020 Offline Speech
data augmentation techniques can be adopted into
Translation Task. We adopt the Transformer existing and future ST models. We adopt the meta-
architecture coupled with the meta-learning learning approach proposed for ST task (Indurthi
approach to build our end-to-end Speech- et al., 2019) to train our system. The meta-learning
to-Text Translation (ST) system. Our based training approach not only allows us to lever-
meta-learning approach tackles the data age huge amounts of training data available in ASR
scarcity of the ST task by leveraging the data and MT tasks but also helps to find a good initial-
available from Automatic Speech Recognition
ization point for the target ST task.
(ASR) and Machine Translation (MT) tasks.
The meta-learning approach combined with We conduct several experiments involving ASR,
synthetic data augmentation techniques MT, and ST corpora to test our model performance
improves the model performance significantly on the IWSLT 2020, MuST-C, and Europarl-ST
and achieves BLEU scores of 24.58, 27.51, English-German (En-De) ST tasks. Our experi-
and 27.61 on IWSLT test 2015, MuST-C test, ments reveal that the proposed model trained us-
and Europarl-ST test sets respectively. ing the meta-learning approach achieves significant
performance gains over the model which only uti-
1 Introduction lizes the ST data for training. Our model achieves
4.81, 5.37, and 8.46 BLEU score improvements
The goal of the IWSLT 2020 Offline Speech Trans- on IWSLT test 2015, MuST-C test, Europarl-ST
lation challenge(Ansari et al., 2020) is to check test sets compared to the models trained without
the feasibility of end-to-end models for translat- using the meta-learning approach for training. Our
ing audio speech of one language into text of a best system attains 24.58, 27.51, and 27.61 BLEU
different target language. The success of end-to- scores on IWSLT test 2015, MuST-C test, and
end neural models for ASR (Graves et al., 2013) Europarl-ST test sets, respectively.
and MT (Bahdanau et al., 2015) inspired to build
end-to-end neural models for the more challeng- 2 Model Architecture
ing Speech-to-Text translation (ST) task (Bérard We use the Transformer model as a base Sequence-
et al., 2016). Traditionally the ST systems are built to-Sequence (seq2seq) model to train the ASR, MT,
by cascading ASR and MT systems (Ney, 1999). and ST tasks. In this section, we describe briefly
However, the cascaded system suffers from error about the Transformer architecture and how it is
propagation, latency, and memory requirement is- adopted to ASR and ST tasks. In Section 2.2, we
sues. Although these issues can be addressed using describe the meta-learning algorithm used to train
end-to-end ST models, it is hard to collect such our seq2seq model.
data for training these models.
In this work, we build an end-to-end ST sys- 2.1 Base Architecture
tem which not only addresses the issues of a cas- A general seq2seq architecture (Sutskever et al.,
caded system but also works with limited training 2014) generates a target sequence y =
data. The proposed system is fine-tuned towards 1
The International Conference on Spoken Language Trans-
* The two authors contributed equally to this paper lation ACL - 17th IWSLT 2020

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 73–79
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
{y1 , · · · , yn } given a source sequence x = source tasks {τ 1 , · · · , τ s }. We then sample two
{x1 , · · · , xm } by modeling the conditional proba- batches(Dτ and Dτ ) of training examples from
bility, p(y|x, θ). The MT task is one example of this task τ . The Dτ is used to train the model to
seq2seq problems where x represents the input se- learn the task specific distribution and this step is
quence in the source language and y represents the called meta-train step. In each meta-train step, we
translated output sequence in the target language. create auxiliary parameters (θτa ) initialized from
The non-recurrent Transformer network the original model parameters (θm ). We update
(Vaswani et al., 2017) has been extensively used the auxiliary parameters during this step using Dτ
to solve general seq2seq problems, especially while keeping original parameters intact. The auxil-
the MT task. The Transformer is based on iary parameters (θa ) are updated using the gradient-
an encoder-decoder architecture (Cho et al., decent step and it is given by,
2014). The encoder and decoder blocks of the
Transformer network are composed of stacks θτa = θm − α∇θm `(Dτ ; θm ). (1)
of N, M identical layers. Each encoder layer After the meta-train step, the auxiliary parame-
has two sub-layers, the first being a multi-head 0
ters (θa ) are evaluated on Dτ to compute the loss.
self-attention mechanism, and the second sub-layer This step is called meta-test and the computed loss
being a position-wise fully connected feed-forward is used to update the original model parameters
network. Similarly, each decoder has these two (θm ).
sub-layers. In addition to these two sub-layers,
the decoder contains an additional sub-layer for θτm = θm − β∇θa `(Dτ ; θa ).‘ (2)
computing the encoder-decoder attention vector
based on soft attention mechanism (Bahdanau Note that the meta-test step is performed over
et al., 2015). the model parameters (θm ), whereas the loss is
computed using the auxiliary parameters (θa ). In
2.2 MAML effect, the meta-learning phase aims to optimize
the model parameters such that a new low resource
Meta-Learning approach is proven to be very useful target task can be quickly learned during the fine-
to mitigate the data scarcity issue in low resource tuning phase.
tasks. Due to the scarcity of ST data in our task, we Fine-tuning Phase: During fine-tuning phase,
use the variant of meta-learning approach called the model is initialized from the meta-learned pa-
Modality Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) (Finn rameters (θm ) and trained on specific target task.
et al., 2017a) to leverage high resource tasks when In this phase, the model training is done like a
training on low resource tasks. Here, we briefly usual neural network training without involving the
describe the MAML approach for the ST task. For auxiliary parameters.
more details about the meta-learning approach for Exposing the model parameters to vast
the ST task, please refer to (Indurthi et al., 2019). amounts of data from high resource source
The MAML approach involves two phases: (1) tasks {τ 1 , · · · , τ s } during the meta-learning phase
Meta-Learning Phase, (2) Fine-tuning Phase. In makes them suitable to act as a good initialization
the meta-learning phase, we use a set of related point for the target task τ 0 .
high resource tasks as source tasks to train the
model. In this phase, the model captures the gen- 2.3 Speech-to-text Translation:
eral learning aspects of the tasks involved. During We adopt the basic Transformer (Vaswani et al.,
the fine-tuning phase, we tune the model towards 2017) architecture described in Section 2.1 to train
the specific target task after initializing the model ASR and ST tasks. We represent the speech
from the parameters learned in the meta-learning sequence in these tasks using the Log Mel 80-
phase. dimensional features. The speech sequences are
Meta-Learning Phase: In this phase, we usually a few times longer than the text sequences.
use the high resource tasks as source tasks Thus, we add a compression layer at the beginning
{τ 1 , · · · , τ s } to find a good parameter initializa- of the Transformer network to compress and extract
tion point θ0 for the low resource target task τ 0 . structure locality from the speech sequences. This
For each step in this phase, we first uniformly sam- compressed signal is given as input to the Trans-
ple one source task τ at random from the set of former encoder. The compression layer comprises

of a stack of CNN layers. The text sequences in all Task Corpus # hours # Examples
the ASR, MT, and ST tasks are represented using MT Open Subtitles N/A 22,512,639
MT WMT 19 N/A 4,592,289
word piece vocabulary.
ASR LibriSpeech 982 232,958
The limited amount of training data in the ST ASR IWSLT 19 ST(filtered) 220 145,372
task can result in over-fitting and leads to an infe- ASR MuST-C 400 229,702
rior performance. Hence, we use the meta-learning ASR TED-LIUM 3 452 286,263
ST Europarl-ST 89 32,628
approach described in the Section 2.2. The meta-
ST IWSLT 19 ST(filtered) 220 145,372
learning approach for ST task proposed by (In- ST MuST-C 400 229,703
durthi et al., 2019) suggests high resource tasks
such as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Table 1: Number of original training examples in each
Machine Translation (MT) as source tasks during dataset.
meta-learning phase. Unlike (Indurthi et al., 2019),
we include ST task as one of the source tasks during datasets are used during the meta-learning phase,
the meta-learning phase to leverage the ST training while only the ST task dataset is used for fine-
data as well. So, the set of source tasks in our meta- tuning. All the corpora we used are from the
learning phase are {ASR, M T, ST } and the target IWSLT 2020’s allowed training data. The details
task τ 0 during the fine-tuning phase is ST. We dy- of all the datasets are given in the Table 1.
namically disable the compression layer whenever
ST Task: For ST task, we used Europarl-
we sample the MT task during the meta-learning
ST(Iranzo-Sánchez et al., 2019), IWSLT 19(fil-
phase. This allows us to train the model on the
tered), and MuST-C(Di Gangi et al., 2019) datasets.
tasks with different input-output modalities.
The total number of examples from these three
During the meta-learning phase, the parameters
datasets is 407K, where as the size of the ASR
of the model (θm ) are exposed to vast amounts
corpora is 894K examples. To resolve the ST data
of speech-to-transcripts and text-to-text translation
scarcity issue, we augment the training data for ST
examples via ASR and MT tasks along with the
with various approaches described in the Section
original ST tasks’ speech-to-text translation exam-
3.2. Thus, we increased the size of the ST training
ples. This allows the parameters of all the sub-
data from 407K examples to 2.2M examples.
layers in the model such as compression, encoder,
ASR Task: We used four different datasets to
decoder, encoder-decoder attention, and output lay-
train the ASR English task, IWSLT 19(filtered),
ers to learn the individual language representations
LibriSpeech(Panayotov et al., 2015), MuST-C, and
and translation relations between them.
TED-LIUM 3(Hernandez et al., 2018), which adds
2.4 Training a total of 894K English speech-to-text transcripts.
Although, IWSLT 19(filtered), MuST-C, and TED-
The speech-to-text translation models are trained
LIUM 3 are ST corpora, they also have the English
on a dataset D of parallel sequences to maximize
transcripts, so we include them into ASR tasks as
the the log likelihood:
well. We do not augment the ASR datasets with
|D| synthetic data, unlike the ST datasets. Adding more
1 X  synthetic data for ASR task may bias the model
`(D; θ) = log p y i |xi ; θ (3)
towards ASR task rather than target ST task.
MT Task: WMT 19 and Open Subtitles(Lison
where θ denotes the parameters of the model. To
et al., 2019) corpora are used for the MT task. The
facilitate the training on multiple languages and
examples used for training MT come from Com-
tasks, we create a universal vocabulary by follow-
mon Crawls, Europarl v9, and News Commentary
ing (Gu et al., 2018). The universal vocabulary
v14 sets of WMT 19, which amounts to 27M train-
is created based on all the tasks involved in the
ing examples.
meta-learning and fine-tuning phases.
3.2 Data augmentation
3 Datasets
For the data augmentation on the text side, we
3.1 Dataset composition use two English-to-German NMT model and top-
Datasets used to train our model come from three 2 beam results to generate synthetic German se-
different tasks, ASR, MT, and ST. All of these quences from the corresponding English sequences.

Use Speech Text
Corpus # Pairs # Examples
original data Augmentation Augmentation
Europarl-ST Y ×2 ×2 3 pairs 97,884
IWSLT 19 ST(filtered) Y ×4 ×4 5 pairs 726,380
MuST-C Y ×3 None 4 pairs 918,812
TED-LIUM 3 N ×2 ×2 2 pairs 536,526

Table 2: Data augmentation strategies for the ST task.

For speech sequence, we use the Sox library to Dev/Test set # Examples
generate the speech signal using different values IWSLT Test 2010 1,568
of speed, echo, and tempo parameters similar to IWSLT Test 2015 1,080
(Potapczyk et al., 2019). The parameter values MuST-C Dev 1,423
are uniformly sampled using these ranges : tempo MuST-C Test 2,641
∈ (0.85, 1.3), speed ∈ (0.95, 1.05), echo delay Europarl-ST Dev 1,320
∈ (20, 200), and echo decay ∈ (0.05, 0.2). We Europarl-ST Test 1,253
increase the size of the IWSLT 19(filtered) ST
Table 3: The number of examples of dev and test sets.
dataset to five times of the original size by augment-
ing 4X data – four text sequences using the NMT
models and four speech signals using the Sox pa- 4 Experiments
rameter ranges. For the Europarl-ST, we augment
2X examples to triple the size. The TED-LIUM 4.1 Implementation Details
3 dataset does not contain speech-to-text transla- We trained all our models on 4*NVIDIA V100
tion examples originally, hence, we create 2X syn- GPUs. The MAML model is implemented based
thetic speech-to-text translations using speech-to- on the Tensor2Tensor framework (Vaswani et al.,
text transcripts. Finally, for the MuST-C datasest, 2018). We train the models in the meta-learning
we use synthetic speech to increase the dataset size phase for 1600k steps and then finetune for 400k
to 4X. Overall, we created the synthetic training steps. The compression layer is composed of three
data of size roughly equal to four times the original CNN layers. The number of encoder and decoder
data using data augmentation techniques described layers(N and M) in the base transformer model is
above. The details of these synthetic datasets are set to 10 and 8, respectively. In all the experiments,
given in the Table 2. During training, we also tried a dropout rate of 0.2 is used. We use a batch size
SpecAugment(Park et al., 2019) to increase the of 1.5M frames for the speech sequences and a
speech data, but it did not help to boost overall batch size of 4096 tokens for the text sequences.
performance. In order to deal with small batches due to long
speech signals, we use Multistep Adam optimizer
(Saunders et al., 2018) in our experiments, with the
gradients accumulated over 32 steps.
3.3 Data processing
4.2 Results
In this section, we report the performance of our
In order to deal with different input and output models on different ST datasets. We report the
modalities, we use universal vocabulary (Gu et al., performance of models on IWSLT tst 2010, tst
2018) generated from all the text data, i.e. ASR 2015, MuST-C dev, MuST-C test, Europarl-ST dev,
transcripts, MT source and target text and ST trans- and Europarl-ST test sets. The number of examples
lations. For input speech signal in ASR and ST in these test sets are reported in the Table 3.
tasks, we use Log Mel 80-dimensional features to We trained one model using only ST datasets
process the input speech. Additionally, to remove shown in Table 2, called woML (without Meta-
noisy data in IWSLT 19 ST dataset, we use a pre- Learn) from here on. This model woML is trained
trained ASR model to filter examples with word without using the meta-learning approach. We
error rate (WER) ≥ 70. trained another model, called wML (with Meta-

IWSLT MuST-C Europarl-ST
tst 2010 tst 2015 Dev Test Dev Test
woML (without Meta-Learn) 20.21 19.77 16.8 22.14 19.23 19.15
wML (with Meta-Learn) 25.98 24.4 22 26.77 25.8 26.8
Model Averaging 26.43 24.58 23.59 27.51 26.88 27.61

Table 4: Performance of models trained using with/without meta-learning approach on various datasets.

Learn), in which we first pre-train the model using task learning using either ASR+ST or MT+ST data
the meta-learning approach described in the Sec- pairs have been suggested and explored. However,
tion 2.2 using all the ASR, MT, ST tasks. We then in these approaches, the parameters of the model
finetune the model from the meta-learned parame- are updated independently based on individual task
ters on the ST task. As we can see from the Table 4, performance, which may lead to sub-optimal so-
the wML model achieves a better BLEU score than lutions. Indurthi et al. (2019) proposed a meta-
woML on all the ST datasets. We see that the wML learning approach to overcome these limitations.
model out-performs woML by achieving a BLEU Meta-Learning: Meta-learning algorithms are
score of 24.4 on IWSLT 2015 test set as compared used to adapt quickly to new tasks with relatively
to the 19.77 BLEU score achieved by woML. These few examples as the main goal of the algorithm is
results clearly show that the meta-learning phase learning to learn. Unlike the past meta-learning
helps to leverage the data from ASR, MT datasets approaches which focused on learning a meta pol-
and helps to learn the individual language represen- icy(Ha et al., 2016; Andrychowicz et al., 2016),
tations and the relations between them. (Finn et al., 2017b) recently proposed a meta-
We got further improvements on the ST BLEU learning algorithm which puts more weight on find-
score by averaging 10 checkpoints around the best ing a good initialization point for new target tasks.
model. In the Table 4, one can see that ensem-
ble model attained an improvement of 0.18 BLEU 6 Conclusion
score on IWSLT 2015 test set, 0.74 BLEU score on In this work, we improve the performance of end-
MuST-C test set, 0.81 BLEU score on Europarl-ST to-end speech translation system based on the data
test sets. The ensemble model achieved a perfor- available from the IWSLT2020 Offline Speech
mance of 24.58 BLEU score on IWSLT 2015 test Translation Task. We train end-to-end models to
set by using meta-learning, data augmentation and solve the complex task of speech translation. We
average checkpoint techniques. leverage the large out-of-domain training data from
the ASR, MT tasks to improve the performance
5 Related Work of the ST task. We adopt Model Agnostic Meta-
Learning(MAML) and data augmentation tech-
End-to-end Speech Translation: Previously,
niques to achieve a performance of 24.58, 27.51,
speech translation leveraged the success of MT and
27.61 BLEU scores on IWSLT test 2015, MuST-C
ASR systems to build the cascade speech transla-
test, and Europarl-ST test sets respectively.
tion system(Post et al., 2013). The cascade models
mostly suffer from problems such as propagating
errors between models and high latency during de- References
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End-to-End Speech-Translation with Knowledge Distillation:

Marco Gaido1,2 , Mattia Antonino Di Gangi1,2 , Matteo Negri1 , Marco Turchi1

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
University of Trento, Italy

Abstract improvements in the final scores, in our work we

have not addressed it, participating only with the
This paper describes FBK’s participation in provided segmentation.
the IWSLT 2020 offline speech translation Two main approaches are possible to face the
(ST) task. The task evaluates systems’ ability
speech translation task. The classic one is the cas-
to translate English TED talks audio into Ger-
man texts. The test talks are provided in two cade solution, which includes automatic speech
versions: one contains the data already seg- recognition (ASR) and machine translation (MT)
mented with automatic tools and the other is components. The other option is an end-to-end
the raw data without any segmentation. Par- (E2E) solution, which performs ST with a single
ticipants can decide whether to work on cus- sequence-to-sequence model. Both of them are al-
tom segmentation or not. We used the pro- lowed for the IWSLT2020 task, but our submission
vided segmentation. Our system is an end-
is based on an E2E model.
to-end model based on an adaptation of the
Transformer for speech data. Its training pro- E2E ST models gained popularity in the last few
cess is the main focus of this paper and it is years. Their rise is due to the lack of error propaga-
based on: i) transfer learning (ASR pretraining tion and the reduced latency in generating the out-
and knowledge distillation), ii) data augmenta- put compared to the traditional cascaded approach.
tion (SpecAugment, time stretch and synthetic Despite these appealing properties, they failed so
data), iii) combining synthetic and real data far to reach the same results obtained by cascade
marked as different domains, and iv) multi-
systems, as shown also by last year’s IWSLT cam-
task learning using the CTC loss. Finally, af-
ter the training with word-level knowledge dis-
paign (Niehues et al., 2019). One reason for this is
tillation is complete, our ST models are fine- the limited amount of parallel corpora compared to
tuned using label smoothed cross entropy. Our those used to separately train ASR and MT com-
best model scored 29 BLEU on the MuST-C ponents. Moreover, training an E2E ST system is
En-De test set, which is an excellent result more difficult because the task is more complex,
compared to recent papers, and 23.7 BLEU on since it deals with understanding the content of
the same data segmented with VAD, showing the input audio and translating it into a different
the need for researching solutions addressing
language directly and without recurring to interme-
this specific data condition.
diate representations.
1 Introduction The above-mentioned observations have led re-
searchers to focus on transferring knowledge from
The offline speech translation task consists in gen- MT and ASR systems to improve the ST models.
erating the text translation of speech audio record- A traditional approach consists in pretraining com-
ings into a different language. In particular, the ponents: the ST encoder is initialized with the ASR
IWSLT2020 task (Ansari et al., 2020) evaluates encoder and the ST decoder with the MT decoder.
German translation of English recordings extracted The encoder pretraining has indeed proved to be
from TED talks. The test dataset is provided to effective (Bansal et al., 2019), while the decoder
participants both segmented in a sentence-like for- pretraining has not demonstrated to be as effective,
mat using a Voice Activity Detector (VAD) and unless with the addition of adaptation layers (Bahar
in the original unsegmented form. Although cus- et al., 2019a). A more promising way to transfer
tom segmentation of the data can provide drastic knowledge from an MT model is to use the MT as

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 80–88
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
a teacher to distill knowledge for the ST training To summarize, our submission is characterized
(Liu et al., 2019). This is the approach we explore by tagged synthetic data, multi-task with CTC loss
in the paper. on the transcriptions, data augmentation and word-
Despite its demonstrated effectiveness, ASR pre- level knowledge distillation.
training has been replaced in some works by mul-
titask learning (Weiss et al., 2017). In this case, 2 Training data
the model is jointly trained with two (or more) loss This section describes the data used to build our
functions and usually the model is composed of models. They include: i) MT corpora (English-
3 components: i) a shared encoder, ii) a decoder German sentence pairs), for the model used in
which generates the transcription, and iii) a de- knowledge distillation; ii) ASR corpora (audio and
coder which generates the translation. We adopt English transcriptions), for generating a pretrained
the slightly different approach introduced by (Ba- encoder for the ST task; iii) ST corpora (audios
har et al., 2019a), which does not introduce an with corresponding English transcription and Ger-
additional decoder but relies on the CTC loss in or- man translation), for the training of our ST models.
der to predict the transcriptions (Kim et al., 2017). For each task, we used all the relevant datasets
As this multi-task learning has been proposed for allowed by the evaluation campaign1 .
speech recognition and has demonstrated to be use-
ful in that scenario, we also include the CTC loss MT. All datasets allowed in WMT 2019 (Bar-
in ASR pretraining. rault et al., 2019) were used for the MT training,
Another topic that received considerable atten- with the addition of OpenSubtitles2018 (Lison and
tion is data augmentation. Many techniques have Tiedemann, 2016). These datasets contain spuri-
been proposed: in this work we focus on SpecAug- ous sentence pairs: some target sentences are in
ment (Park et al., 2019), time stretch and sub- a language different from German (often in En-
sequence sampling (Nguyen et al., 2020). More- glish) or are unrelated to the corresponding English
over, we used synthetic data generated by automat- source or contain unexpected characters (such as
ically translating the ASR datasets with our MT ideograms). As a consequence, an initial training
model. This process can also be considered as a on them caused the model to produce some English
sequence-level knowledge distillation technique, sentences, instead of German, in the output. Hence,
named Sequence KD (Kim and Rush, 2016). we cleaned our MT training data using Modern
In this paper, we explore different ways to com- MT (Bertoldi et al., 2017)2 , in order to remove sen-
bine synthetic and real data. We also check if the tences whose language is not the correct one. We
benefits of the techniques mentioned above are or- further filtered out sentences containing ideograms
thogonal and joining them leads to better results. with a custom script. Overall, we removed roughly
Our experiments show that: 25% of the data and the final dataset used in the
• knowledge distillation, ASR pretraining, training contains nearly 49 million sentence pairs.
multi-task learning and data augmentation are ASR. For this task, we used both pure ASR and
complementary , i.e. they cooperate to pro- ST available corpora. They include TED-LIUM
duce a better model; 3 (Hernandez et al., 2018), Librispeech (Panay-
• combining synthetic and real data marking otov et al., 2015), Mozilla Common Voice3 , How2
them with different tags (Caswell et al., 2019) (Sanabria et al., 2018), the En-De section of MuST-
leads to a model which generalizes better; C (Di Gangi et al., 2019a), the Speech-Translation
TED corpus provided by the task organizers1 and
• fine-tuning a model trained with word-level the En-De section of Europarl-ST (Iranzo-Sánchez
knowledge distillation using the more clas- et al., 2020). All data was lowercased and punctua-
sical label smoothed cross entropy (Szegedy tion was removed.
et al., 2016) significantly improves the results;
ST. In addition to the allowed ST corpora (MuST-
• there is a huge performance gap between data C, Europarl-ST and the Speech-Translation TED
segmented in sentences and data segmented 1
with VAD. Indeed, on the same test set, the speech_translation
score on VAD-segmented data is lower by 5.5 2
We run the CleaningPipelineMain class of MMT.

corpus), we generated synthetic data using Se- use logarithmic distance penalty.
quence KD (see Section 3.2) for all the ASR Both our ASR and ST models have 8 attention
datasets missing the German reference. Moreover, heads, 512 features for the attention layers and
we generated synthetic data for the En-Fr section 2,048 hidden units in FFN layers. The ASR model
of MuST-C. Overall, the combination of real and has 8 encoder layers and 6 decoder layers, while
generated data resulted in a ST training set of 1.5 the ST model has 11 encoder layers and 4 decoder
million samples. layers. The ST encoder is initialized with the ASR
All texts were preprocessed by tokenizing them, encoder (except for the additional 3 layers that are
de-escaping special characters and normalizing initialized with random values). The decision of
punctuation with the scripts in the Moses toolkit having a different number of encoder layers in the
(Koehn et al., 2007). The words in both languages two encoders is motivated by the idea of introduc-
were segmented using BPE with 8,000 merge rules ing adaptation layers, which (Bahar et al., 2019a)
learned jointly on the two languages of the MT reported to be essential when initializing the de-
training data (Sennrich et al., 2016). The audio coder with that of a pretrained MT model.
was converted into 40 log Mel-filter banks with
speaker normalization using XNMT (Neubig et al., 3.2 Data augmentation
2018). We discarded samples with more than 2,000
filter-banks in order to prevent memory issues. One of the main problems for end-to-end ST is the
scarcity of parallel corpora. In order to mitigate this
3 Models and training issue, we explored the following data augmentation
strategies in our participation.
3.1 Architectures SpecAugment. SpecAugment is a data augmen-
The models we trained are based on Transformer tation technique originally introduced for ASR,
(Vaswani et al., 2017). The MT model is a plain whose effectiveness has also been demonstrated for
Transformer with 6 layers for both the encoder and ST (Bahar et al., 2019b). It operates on the input
the decoder, 16 attention heads, 1,024 features for filterbanks and it consists in masking consecutive
the attention layers and 4,096 hidden units in feed- portions of the input both in the frequency and in
forward layers. the time dimensions. On every input, at each itera-
tion, SpecAugment is applied with probability p. In
2D Self-Attention Encoder Decoder BLEU case of application, it generates frequency masking
2 6 6 16.50
0 8 6 16.90 num masks on the frequency axis and time mask-
2 9 6 17.08 ing num masks on the time axis. Each mask has
2 9 4 17.06 a starting index, which is sampled from a uniform
2 12 4 17.31
distribution, and a number of consecutive items to
Table 1: Results on Librispeech with Word KD varying mask, which is a random number between 0 and
the number of layers. respectively frequency masking pars and time mask-
ing pars. Masked items are set to 0. In our work,
The ASR and ST models are a revisited version we always applied SpecAugment to both the ASR
of the S-Transformer introduced by (Di Gangi et al., pretraining and the ST training. The configuration
2019c). In preliminary experiments on Librispeech we used are: p = 0.5, frequency masking pars = 13,
(see Table 1), we observed that replacing 2D self- time masking pars = 20, frequency masking num =
attention layers with additional Transformer en- 2 and time masking num = 2.
coder layers was beneficial to the final score. More- Time stretch. Time stretch (Nguyen et al., 2020)
over, we noticed that adding more layers in the is another technique which operates directly on the
encoder improves the results, while removing few filterbanks, aiming at generating the same effect of
layers of the decoder does not harm performance. speed perturbation. It divides the input sequence in
Hence, the models used in this work process the windows of w features and re-samples each of them
input with two 2D CNNs, whose output is pro- by a random factor s drawn by a uniform distribu-
jected into the higher-dimensional space used by tion between 0.8 and 1.25 (in our implementation,
the Transformer encoder layers. The projected out- the lower bound is set to 1.0 in case of an input
put is summed with positional embeddings before sequence with length lower than 10). In this work,
being fed to the Transformer encoder layers, which we perturb an input sample using time stretch with

probability 0.3. knowledge distillation (Word KD). In Word KD,
Sub-sequence sampling. As mentioned in the the model being trained is named student and the
introduction, there is a huge gap in model’s perfor- goal is to teach it to produce the same output dis-
mance when translating data split in well-formed tribution of another - pretrained - model, named
sentences and data split with VAD. In order to re- teacher. This is obtained by computing the KL
duce this difference, we tried to train the model divergence (Kullback and Leibler, 1951) between
on sentences which are not always well-formed by the distribution produced by the student and the
using sub-sequence sampling (Nguyen et al., 2020). distribution produced by the teacher. The ratio-
Sub-sequence sampling requires the alignments be- nale of knowledge distillation resides in providing
tween the speech and the target text at word level. additional information to the student, as the out-
As this information is not possible to obtain for the put probabilities produced by the teacher reflect its
translations, we created the sub-sequences with the hidden knowledge (the so-called dark knowledge),
alignments between the audio and the transcription, and in the fact that the soft labels produced by the
and then we translated the obtained transcription teacher are an easier target to match for the student
with our MT model to get the target German trans- than cross entropy.
lation. For every input sentence, we generated three In this work, we follow (Liu et al., 2019), so the
segments: i) one starting at the beginning of the teacher model is our MT model and the student
sentence and ending at a random word in the sec- is the ST model. Compared to (Liu et al., 2019),
ond half of the sentence, ii) one starting at a random we make the training more efficient by extracting
word in the first half of the sentence and ending only the top 8 tokens from the teacher distribution.
at the end of the sentence, and iii) one starting at In this way, we can precompute and store the MT
a random word in the first quarter of the sentence output instead of computing it at each training it-
and ending at a random word in the last quarter of eration, since its size is reduced by three orders of
the sentence. magnitude. Moreover, this approach does not affect
In our experiments, this technique has not pro- negatively the final score, as shown by (Tan et al.,
vided significant improvements (the gain was less 2019) and confirmed for ST by our experiments in
than 0.1 BLEU on the VAD-segmented test set). Table 2).
Hence, it was not included in our final models. Moreover, once the training with Word KD is
Synthetic data. Finally, we generated synthetic terminated, we perform a fine-tuning of the ST
translations for the data in the ASR datasets to cre- model using the label smoothed cross entropy. Fine-
ate parallel audio-translation pairs to be included in tuning on a different target is an approach whose
the ST trainings. The missing target sentences were effectiveness has been shown by (Kim and Rush,
produced by translating the transcript of each audio 2016). Nevertheless, they applied a fine-tuning
sample with our MT model, as in (Jia et al., 2019). on knowledge distillation after a pretraining with
If the transcription of a dataset was provided with the cross entropy loss, while here we do the op-
punctuation and correct casing, this was fed to the posite. Preliminary experiments on Librispeech
MT model; otherwise, we had to use the lowercase showed that there is no difference in the order of
transcription without punctuation. the trainings (16.79 vs 16.81 BLEU, compared to
16.5 BLEU before the fine-tuning). In the fine-
4 16.43
tuning, we train both on real and synthetic data,
8 16.50 but we do not use the other data augmentation tech-
64 16.37 niques.
1024 16.34
3.4 Training scheme
Table 2: Results on Librispeech with different K values,
where K is the number of tokens considered for Word A key aspect is the training scheme used to combine
KD. the real and synthetic datasets. In this paper, we
explore two alternatives:
3.3 Knowledge distillation • Sequence KD + Finetune: this is the training
While the ASR and MT models are optimized on scheme suggested in (He et al., 2020). The
label smoothed cross entropy with smoothing fac- model is first trained with Sequence KD and
tor 0.1, our ST models are trained with word-level Word KD on the synthetic datasets and then it

is fine-tuned on the datasets with ground-truth the actual batch size was about 512. In the case
targets using Word KD. of multi-domain training, a batch for each domain
was processed before an update: since we have
• Multi-domain: similarly to our last year sub- three domains, the overall batch size was about
mission (Di Gangi et al., 2019b), the training 1,536. Moreover, the datasets in the different do-
is executed on all data at once, but we intro- mains had different sizes, so the smaller ones were
duce three tokens representing the three types oversampled to match the size of the largest.
of data, namely: i) those whose ground-truth
translations are provided, ii) those generated As the truncation of the output values of the
from true case transcriptions with punctuation, teacher model to the top 8 leads to a more peaked
iii) those generated from lowercase transcrip- distribution, we checked if contrasting this bias is
tions without punctuation. We explore the beneficial or not. Hence, we tuned the value of
two most promising approaches according to the temperature at generation time in the interval
(Di Gangi et al., 2019d) to integrate the token 0.8-1.5. The temperature T is a parameter which is
with the data, i.e. summing the token to all in- used to divide the logits before the sof tmax and
put data and summing the token to all decoder determines whether to output a softer (if T > 1)
input embeddings. or a sharper (if T < 1) distribution (Hinton et al.,
2015). By default T is 1, returning an unmodified
3.5 Multi-task training distribution. The generation of the results reported
We found that adding the CTC loss (Graves et al., in this paper was performed using T = 1.3 for the
2006) to the training objective gives better results models trained on Word KD. This usually provided
both in ASR and ST, although it slows down the a 0.1-0.5 BLEU increase on our benchmarks com-
training by nearly a factor of 2. During the ASR pared to T = 1, confirming our hypothesis that a
training, we added the CTC loss on the output of compensation of the bias towards a sharper distri-
the last layer of the encoder. During the ST train- bution is useful. Instead, the T was set to 1 dur-
ing, instead, the CTC loss was computed using the ing the generation with models trained with label
output of the last layer pretrained with the ASR en- smoothed cross entropy, as in this case a higher (or
coder, ie. the 8th layer. In this way, the ST encoder lower) temperature caused performance losses up
has three additional layers which can transform the to 1 BLEU point.
representation into features which are more conve-
All experiments were executed on a single ma-
nient for the ST task, as Bahar et al. (2019a) did
chine with 8 Tesla K80 with 11GB RAM. Our
introducing an adaptation layer.
implementation is built on top of fairseq (Ott et al.,
4 Experimental settings 2019), an open source tool based on PyTorch
(Paszke et al., 2019).
For our experiments, we used the described training
sets and we picked the best model according to
the perplexity on MuST-C En-De validation set.
We evaluated our models on three benchmarks: i) 5 Results
the MuST-C En-De test set segmented at sentence
level, ii) the same test set segmented with a VAD
The MT model used as teacher for Sequence KD
(Meignier and Merlin, 2010), and iii) the IWSLT
and Word KD scored 32.09 BLEU on the MuST-
2015 test set (Cettolo et al., 2015).
C En-De test set. We trained also a smaller MT
We trained with Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015)
model to initialize the ST decoder with it. More-
(betas (0.9, 0.98)). Unless stated otherwise, the
over, we trained two ASR models. One without the
learning rate was set to increase linearly from 3e-4
multitask CTC loss and one with it. They scored
to 5e-4 in the first 5,000 steps and then decay with
respectively 14.67 and 10.21 WER. All the ST sys-
an inverse square root policy. For fine-tuning, the
tems having CTC loss were initialized with the
learning rate was kept fixed at 1e-4. A 0.1 dropout
latter, while the others were initialized with the
was applied.
Each GPU processed mini-batches containing up
to 12K tokens or 8 samples and updates were per- Table 3 shows our ST models’ results computed
formed every 8 mini-batches. As we had 8 GPUs, on the MuST-C En-De and IWSLT2015 test set.

Model MuST-C MuST-C IWSLT be related to the introduction of time stretch, which
sentence VAD 2015
Seq KD+FT (w/o TS) 25.80 20.94 17.18 reduces the overfitting to the training data. There-
+ FT w/o KD 27.55 19.64 16.93 fore, we decided to discard the MT pretraining and
Multi ENC (w/o TS) 25.79 21.37 19.07 keep time stretch.
+ FT w/o KD 27.24 20.87 19.08
Multi ENC+DEC PT 25.30 20.80 16.76
+ FT w/o KD 27.40 21.90 18.55 5.3 CTC loss and learning rate
Multi ENC+CTC 27.06 21.58 20.23 The multitask training with CTC loss, instead, im-
+ FT w/o KD (1) 27.98 22.51 20.58
Multi ENC+CTC (5e-3) 25.44 20.41 16.36 proves the results consistently. The model trained
+ FT w/o KD 29.08 23.70 20.83 with it [Multi ENC+CTC] outperforms all the oth-
+ AVG 5 (2) 28.82 23.66 21.42
ers on all test sets by up to 1.5 BLEU points. Dur-
Multi DEC+CTC (5e-3) 26.10 19.94 17.92
+ FT w/o KD 28.22 22.61 18.31 ing the fine-tuning of these models, we do not per-
Ensemble (1) and (2) 29.18 23.77 21.83 form multitask training with the CTC loss, so the
fine-tuning training is exactly the same as for pre-
Table 3: Case sensitive BLEU scores for our E2E ST vious models.
models. Notes: Seq KD: Sequence KD; FT: finetuning
Interestingly, increasing the learning rate [Multi
on ground-truth datasets; TS: time stretch; Multi ENC:
multi-domain model with sum of the language token
ENC+CTC (5e-3)], the performance before the
to the encoder input; Multi DEC: multi-domain model fine-tuning is worse, but the fine-tuning of this mod-
with sum of the language token to the decoder input; els brings an impressive improvement over all test
DEC PT: pretraining of the decoder with that of an MT sets. The reason of this behavior is probably related
model; CTC: multitask training with CTC loss on the to a better initial exploration of the solution space
8th encoder layer in addition to the target loss; FT w/o thanks to the higher learning rate, which, on the
KD: finetuning on all data with label smoothed cross other side, prevents to get very close to the local
entropy; 5e-3: indicates the learning rate used; AVG 5:
optimum found. In this scenario, the fine-tuning
average 5 checkpoints around the best.
with a lower learning rate helps getting closer to
the local optimum, in addition to the usual benefits.
5.1 Sequence KD + Finetune VS
Multi-domain 5.4 Token integration strategy
First, we compare the two training schemes ex- Finally, we tried adding the language token to the
amined. As shown in Table 3, Sequence KD + embeddings provided to the decoder, instead of
Finetune [Seq KD+FT] has the same performance the input data [Multi DEC+CTC (5e-3)]. This was
as Multi-domain with language token summed to motivated by the idea that propagating this infor-
the input [Multi ENC] (or even slightly better) on mation through the decoder may be more difficult
the MuST-C test set, but it is significantly worse on due to the CTC loss, which is not dependent on that
the two test set segmented with VAD. This can be information so it may hide it to higher layers. The
explained by the higher generalization capability experiments disproved this hypothesis, as after the
of the Multi-domain model. Indeed, Sequence KD fine-tuning the results are lower on all benchmarks.
+ Finetune seems to overfit more the training data;
thus, on data coming from a different distribution, 5.5 Submissions
as VAD-segmented data are, its performance drops We averaged our best model over 5 checkpoints,
significantly. For this reason, all the following ex- centered in the best according to the validation loss.
periments use the Multi-domain training scheme. We also created an ensemble with the resulting
model and the best among the others. Both oper-
5.2 Decoder pretraining and time stretch ations were not useful on the two variants of the
The pretraining of the decoder with that of an MT MuST-C test set, but improved the score on the
model does not bring consistent and significant im- IWSLT2015 test set. We argue this means that they
provements across the test sets [Multi ENC+DEC are more robust and generalize better.
PT]. Before the fine-tuning with label smoothed Our primary submission has been obtained with
cross entropy, indeed, the model performs worse the ensemble of two models, scoring 20.75 BLEU
on all test sets. The fine-tuning, though, helps im- on the 2020 test set and 19.52 BLEU on the 2019
proving performances on all test sets, which was test set. Our contrastive submission has been gen-
not the case with the previous training. This can erated with the 5 checkpoints average of our best

model, scoring 20.25 BLEU on the 2020 test set Parnia Bahar, Tobias Bieschke, and Hermann Ney.
and 18.92 BLEU on the 2019 test set. 2019a. A Comparative Study on End-to-end Speech
to Text Translation. In Proceedings of International
6 Conclusions Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Un-
derstanding (ASRU), pages 792–799, Sentosa, Sin-
We described FBK’s participation in IWSLT2020 gapore.
offline speech translation evaluation campaign Parnia Bahar, Albert Zeyer, Ralf Schlüter, and Her-
(Ansari et al., 2020). Our work focused on the mann Ney. 2019b. On Using SpecAugment for End-
integration of transfer learning, data augmentation, to-End Speech Translation. In Proceedings of 16th
International Workshop on Spoken Language Trans-
multi-task training and the training scheme used lation (IWSLT), Hong Kong.
to combine real and synthetic data. Based on the
results of our experiments, our submission is char- Sameer Bansal, Herman Kamper, Karen Livescu,
Adam Lopez, and Sharon Goldwater. 2019. Pre-
acterized by a multi-domain training scheme, with training on High-resource Speech Recognition Im-
additional CTC loss on the transcriptions and word- proves Low-resource Speech-to-text Translation. In
level knowledge distillation, followed by a fine- Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North
tuning on label smoothed cross entropy. American Chapter of the Association for Computa-
tional Linguistics: Human Language Technologies,
Overall, the paper demonstrates that the com-
Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers), pages 58–68,
bination of the above-mentioned techniques can Minneapolis, Minnesota. Association for Computa-
improve the performance of end-to-end ST models tional Linguistics.
so that they can be competitive with cascaded solu-
Loı̈c Barrault, Ondřej Bojar, Marta R. Costa-jussà,
tions. Moreover, it shows that i) tagged synthetic Christian Federmann, Mark Fishel, Yvette Gra-
data leads to more robust models than a pretrain- ham, Barry Haddow, Matthias Huck, Philipp Koehn,
ing on synthetic data followed by a fine-tuning Shervin Malmasi, Christof Monz, Mathias Müller,
on datasets with ground-truth targets and ii) fine- Santanu Pal, Matt Post, and Marcos Zampieri. 2019.
Findings of the 2019 Conference on Machine Trans-
tuning on label smoothed cross entropy after a train- lation (WMT19). In Proceedings of the Fourth Con-
ing with knowledge distillation brings significant ference on Machine Translation (Volume 2: Shared
improvements. The huge gap (5.5 BLEU) between Task Papers, Day 1), pages 1–61, Florence, Italy. As-
data segmented in sentences and data segmented sociation for Computational Linguistics.
with VAD highlights the need of custom solutions Nicola Bertoldi, Roldano Cattoni, Mauro Cettolo,
for the latter. In light of these considerations, our Amin Farajian, Marcello Federico, Davide Caroselli,
future research will focus on techniques to improve Luca Mastrostefano, Andrea Rossi, Marco Trom-
betti, Ulrich Germann, and David Madl. 2017.
the results when the audio segmentation is chal- MMT: New Open Source MT for the Translation In-
lenging for ST models. dustry. In Proceedings of the 20th Annual Confer-
ence of the European Association for Machine Trans-
Acknowledgments lation (EAMT), pages 86–91, Prague, Czech Repub-
This work is part of the “End-to-end Spoken
Language Translation in Rich Data Conditions” Isaac Caswell, Ciprian Chelba, and David Grangier.
2019. Tagged Back-Translation. In Proceedings of
project,4 which is financially supported by an Ama- the Fourth Conference on Machine Translation (Vol-
zon AWS ML Grant. ume 1: Research Papers), pages 53–63, Florence,
Italy. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Mauro Cettolo, Jan Niehues, Sebastian Stüker, Luisa
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SRPOL’s System for the IWSLT 2020 End-to-End Speech Translation

Tomasz Potapczyk, Pawel Przybysz

Samsung R&D Institute, Poland

Abstract we provide system specification and training pro-

This paper describes the submission to IWSLT
cedure used in our experiments. We describe data
2020(Ansari et al., 2020) End-to-End speech segmentation algorithm used to segment test sets
translation task by Samsung R&D Institute, TED 2019 and TED 2020. We show results of our
Poland. We took part in the offline End-to-End experiments. Finally we conclude our results.
English to German TED lectures translation
task. We based our solution on our last year’s 2 Training Data
submission(Potapczyk et al., 2019). We used
a slightly altered Transformer(Vaswani et al., To train our system we used only IWSLT 2020 per-
2017) architecture with ResNet-like(He et al., missible audio corpora - iwslt-corpus, TEDLIUM2
2016) convolutional layer preparing the audio (Rousseau et al., 2014), Must C corpus(Di Gangi
input to Transformer encoder. To improve the et al., 2019) and machine translated Librispeech
model’s quality of translation we introduced (Panayotov et al., 2015) corpus. We did not do any
two regularization techniques and trained further data preparation in case of iwslt-corpus and
on machine translated Librispeech(Panayotov
TEDLIUM2, we used the same data as in 2019. In
et al., 2015) corpus in addition to iwslt-
corpus, TEDLIUM2(Rousseau et al., 2014)
case of Must C corpus, this year we ran a train-
and Must C(Di Gangi et al., 2019) corpora. ing with half of translations being synthetic. This
Our best model scored almost 3 BLEU higher improved the score by 0.35 BLEU. We used the
than last year’s model. To segment 2020 test same text translation models as last year to gen-
set we used exactly the same procedure as last erate synthetic translations. Both models scored
year. around 33.8 and 31.1 BLEU on tst2010 and tst2015
1 Introduction sets respectively.

This paper describes the submission to IWSLT 2.1 Data filtration

2020 End-to-End Speech Translation task by Sam- We trained English ASR system that was used to
sung R&D Institute, Poland. filter iwslt-corpus and TEDLIUM2 corpora. We
We propose a few improvements to our previous removed cases where WER score exceeded 75%
system. Introducing additional training data gave when comparing ASR output and English refer-
us 0.7 BLEU improvement. Spectrogram augmen- ence. We decided that Must C corpus does not need
tation techniques increased quality by 0.2 BLEU. filtration. Additionally, we filtered iwslt-corpus
Encoder layer depth of 12 layers gives an increase with regard to quality of translation using statisti-
of BLEU by 1 point and 1.8 points when combined cal dictionary-based methods. Size of the corpora
with additional training data and two spectrogram before and after filtration is shown in Table 1. We
augmentation techniques. Replacing simpler con- did not filter Librispeech corpus.
volutions with ResNet-like convolutional layers
gave around 0.5 BLEU improvement. Combining 2.2 Synthetic target data
all of these and increasing embedding size to 512 TEDLIUM2 corpus did not provide any German
resulted in almost 3 BLEU improvement compared translations, therefore we generated synthetic tar-
to our last year’s model. gets using two Transformer Big MT systems
Document structure is as follows. Firstly we de- trained with different hyperparameters on WMT
scribe data preparation and augmentation. Then data - Paracrawl, Europarl and OpenSubtitles.

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 89–94
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
Corpora Size Filtered Length Option Min value Max value
iwslt-corpus(ASR) 171121 158737 224h tempo 0.85 1.3
+ trans. quality 158737 126817 188h speed 0.95 1.05
TEDLIUM2 92973 90715 197h echo delay 20 200
Must-C 229703 229703 400h echo decay 5 20
Librispeech 281241 281241 1000h
Table 3: Sox parameters value ranges used in process-
ing of audio data. Echo effect is parametrized by two
Table 1: Size (number of audio utterances) of the train- values.
ing corpora before and after filtration. Iwslt-corpus
(ASR) is corpus filtered by ASR only. The last column
is total audio length after filtration. sounding samples. The rationale behind using echo
option is the fact that many TED lectures have a
significant echo.
Training data for these systems has been prepared
Final number of training audio examples is
with our in-house data preparation pipeline. We
shown in Table 4.
also used synthetic translations as an alternative
translation in iwslt-corpus when augmenting it. To Corpora Orig.&Augm. Length
diversify target data as much as possible, for each
example created in augmentation process, we gen- iwslt-corpus 761765 1084h
erated 4 translations, 2 per each MT model. Such a TEDLIUM2 544290 1182h
technique was described in (Jia et al., 2019). Num- Must C 918812 1600h
ber of training examples with synthetic data are Librispeech 562482 2000h
shown in Table 6. Last year we did not exam- Total 2787349 5866h
ine the effectiveness of synthetic translations on
our models. This year we altered our corpus and Table 4: Size of the training audio corpora with data
included synthetic translations of Must C corpus. augmentation. Number of distinct audio and text pairs.
This corpus was augmented 3 times and in the case
of 2 versions out of 4, synthetic translations were
3 E2E Speech Translation System
In this section we will describe the architecture
Corpora Ref. MT-1 MT-2 and training techniques of our end-to-end spoken
iwslt-corpus 126817 2x158737 2x158737 language translation system. Some of these were
TEDLIUM2 0 3x90715 3x90715 used in our 2019 system.
Must C 229703 229703 229703 3.1 ASR Transformer for SLT
Librispeech 281241 281241 281241
As a baseline system we used our last year’s Trans-
Table 2: Size (number of text lines) of the training cor- former architecture implemented in TensorFlow.
pora with synthetic data. For each model two or three The Baseline Transformer has hidden layer of size
best beam results have been used. 384, convolutional (kernel size 9) feed forward
layer of size 1536, 8-head self-attention, 6 encoder
layers and 4 decoder layers. Audio data is turned
2.3 Data Augmentation into log mel spectrogram with frame size of 25
We augmented the data by processing the audio ms, frame step 10 ms and 80 filters. To log mel
files with three Sox’s effects: tempo, speed and spectrograms we apply 2D 3x3 convolution twice
echo. We sampled the parameters with uniform with stride 2x2 and 256 filters and then 3x20 con-
distribution within ranges presented in Table 3. volution to reduce the spectrogram to a 384 di-
For each file we repeated the process four times. mentional vector, exactly like in the case of ASR.
Librispeech was augmented only once because it Apart from baseline, we propose changes to con-
is the largest corpus and it is out of domain. As a volutional layer and increase number of encoder
result we had nearly five times larger audio corpus. layers and embedding size. Finally, our best system
The range of speed option is very small because we has ResNet-like convolutional layer, 12 encoder
did not want our model to train on an unnaturally layers and embedding size of 512.

3.2 Dual learning: ASR and SLT tasks
This year we also introduced a second decoder with
ASR task, making it a multitask setup similar to
(Anastasopoulos and Chiang, 2018). A separate
dictionary of size 32k was used for this task. In
such a setup loss is calculated with two targets -
one in English and one in German. Two decoders
with different weights are simultaneously trained
on these targets; convolutional layers and encoder
are shared. An early experiment on non-augmented
data showed almost 2 BLEU increase (15.23 vs
17.15 on tst2010) compared to the same model
trained on a single task. All our trainings this year
used dual learning.
Figure 2: Original and warped spectrograms. The bot-
tom figure is an exaggerated version of warping where
much more insertions/deletions were used.

introduced a multiplicative noise on spectrogram

with a value of +- 1%. Table 5 below shows the
results of these techniques. We experimented with
randomly varying step and window size of spec-
trograms during the training. Step size was varied
between 8 and 12 ms and window size between 23
and 27 ms. This however gave mixed results and
we did not include it in the final model. Figure 5
Figure 1: Dual learning architecture shows clear advantage of models with warp and
spectrogram noise. The advantage of the model
with varied step/window size is dubious.
3.3 Spectrogram augmentation
To augment data we implemented spectrogram
masking technique described in (Park et al., 2019) Model tst2010 tst2015 average
This technique involves masking the spectrogram baseline1 26.5 21.87 24.15
for a range of frequencies and periods of time. In warp 26.63 22.42 24.41
our implementation we chose to introduce three spec. noise 26.81 21.87 24.34
such masks for frequency. The width of frequency step/window 26.22 22.15 24.2
range is selected randomly between values 5 and
10. This means that out of 80 filters 15 to 30 are Table 5: Maximal BLEU scores on two tests sets. The
masked. In time we chose one mask for every 300 last column is maximal average of two test sets for one
time steps. Again, the length of such mask is ran-
dom between 10 and 20 time steps. Apart from
last year’s data augmentation techniques used in
2019, we introduced additional regularization tech- 3.4 Synthetic Must C and Librispeech data
niques - warp (Figure 2) and spectrogram noise.
Addition of synthetic Must C translations improved
We implemented warping technique similar to Park
BLEU score by over 0.35 BLEU. Addition of Lib-
et al.(Park et al., 2019). For each 10 time steps
rispeech corpus further improved BLEU by 0.35.
in spectrogram we delete one random time step
Table 6 below shows the results.
and insert a step which is an average of two neigh-
boring steps. The result is very similar to warp 1
the same model as 2019 primary submission but trained
distortion - some parts of a spectrogram are shifted for 1.2M steps which resulted with higher score than previ-
to the right and some are shifted to the left. We also ously reported

in both axis using 2x2 pooling. As the spectrogram
is shrinked channel, size is increasing. We start
with a smaller channel size compared to the previ-
ous solution - 64 channels instead of 256 and end
the convolutional processing with 256 channels.
Figure 4 shows architectural diagram of our solu-
tion. Replacing previous architecture with ResNet
improved the model by around 0.5 BLEU. Table
8 shows the results. Note that strictly maximal
scores do not show the improvement well. Figure
Figure 3: Comparison of warped and noised trainings 5 shows a plot of the results which proofs stable
to baseline. Y axis is average BLEU on tst2010 and advantage (around 0.5) of ResNet solution. We
tst2015. X axis is number of steps. experimented with a version without the residual
connections however decided not to include it in
Model tst2010 tst2015 average the final model.
base 26.5 21.87 24.15
synth mc 27.08 22.04 24.5
+ libri 27.91 21.81 24.86

Table 6: Maximal BLEU scores on two test sets for

baseline, additional Must C synthetic targets and addi-
tional Librispeech data. The last column is maximal
average of two tests set for one checkpoint.

3.5 12 layer encoder

Our experience with text translation suggests it is
more efficient to increase number of layer in the
encoder rather than decoder therefore we increased
number of encoder layers to 12. Number of decoder
layers stayed the same at 4 layers. This increased
BLEU score by 1 point. Introducing warping, noise Figure 4: Convolutional layers architecture
and Librispeech corpus increased BLEU by another
0.8 BLEU. Table 7 shows the results.
Model tst2010 tst2015 average
Model tst2010 tst2015 average base 26.5 21.87 24.15
base 26.5 21.87 24.15 resnet 27.15 21.81 24.33
12layer 27.48 22.92 25.14 - residual 27.05 21.96 24.5
12 wal 28.4 23.63 25.97
Table 8: Maximal BLEU scores on two test sets. The
Table 7: Maximal BLEU scores on two test sets. Model third row is same as ResNet model but without residual
12 wal is the model with 12 layers and trained on connections. The last column is maximal average of
noised and warped data with Librispeech corpus. The two tests set for one checkpoint.
last column is maximal average of two tests set for one
3.7 Training process
We trained our models on 4 GTX 1080 Ti GPUs for
3.6 ResNet-like convolutional layers about one and a half week, which resulted in 1.2M
Another improvement to our model is ResNet-like steps. 12layer models were trained slightly longer -
convolutional layers processing the spectrogram for 3 weeks because the training was slower. They
input. The idea is to make the convolutional lay- were also trained on two NVIDIA Quadro 8000
ers deeper instead of using large number of chan- GPUs because of its memory size. Batch size
nels. The spectrogram input is shrinked gradually was 400000 timesteps for trainings on 1080 Ti and

5 Segmentation
This year we used the same segmentation technique
as last year. It relies on dividing the audio input
densely using silence detection tool. These small
fragments are then joined together up to a certain
length depending on the length of the silence be-
tween them. Shorter distances between segments
are joined earlier. This procedure is repeated until
further joining results in segments longer than max-
imal length. Last year we determined such length
Figure 5: Comparison of Resnet trainings to baseline. should be 11s. However, for our current best model
Y axis is average BLEU on tst2010 and tst2015. X axis this distance turned out to be 15s. We used tst2015
is number of steps. to optimize the process. We present the result in
Table 10.
3000000 timesteps on Quadro 8000. In the case of 6 Evaluation
all trainings (except one) 10% dropout was applied.
The final model with 12 layer and 512 embedding We have improved our score on tst2019 by 4 BLEU
size used 20% dropout. Adam Multistep optimiser compared to our last year’s submission. It is import-
was used, effective batch size was increased 32 nat to notice the difference between given and our
times. custom segmentation. Our method produces longer
segments than the ones in the given segmentation.
3.8 Model averaging Our models seem to work much better on these
For the final validation we averaged last 7 check- longer segments giving around 3.9 BLEU higher
points of the training. Averaging checkpoints al- scores.
most always resulted in higher BLEU scores. We
experimented with continuation of training after tst2019 tst2019* tst2020 tst2020*
averaging but it did not give any better results. 20.1 23.96 21.49 25.3

4 Final model Table 10: BLEU scores for our final model. * test sets
use our custom segmentation
In this paper we presented improvements on sim-
pler models. The final model uses a combination of
all the promising techniques together with a larger 7 Conclusions
embedding size. It would be unfeasible to perform
all of these experiments on such a large model as In this paper we have presented a significant im-
its training took almost a month. However we are provement of translation quality of our end-to-
very satisfied with the end result which is 3 BLEU end model. We have shown that despite lim-
improvements compared to our baseline. The im- ited parallel training data, end-to-end systems can
provements from individual techniques cumulated compete with traditional pipeline systems. Using
very well. a longer segmentation, our model outscored the
best IWSLT2019 pipeline system on tst2019(iws,
Model tst2010 tst2015 average
base 26.5 21.87 24.15
12 wal 28.4 23.63 25.97 References
+resnet2 28.26 23.77 26.02 2019. The IWSLT 2019 Evaluation Campaign. Zen-
+512 (final) 29.44 24.6 27.02 odo.

Table 9: Maximal BLEU scores on two test sets. The Antonios Anastasopoulos and David Chiang. 2018.
fourth row is our final submitted system. The last col- Tied multitask learning for neural speech translation.
umn is maximal average of two tests set for one check- arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.06655.
point. 2
trained for shorter time than the other two

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IWSLT 2020 Evaluation Campaign. In Proceedings
of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Lan-
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The University of Helsinki submission to the IWSLT2020 Offline Speech
Translation Task

Raúl Vázquez, Mikko Aulamo, Umut Sulubacak, Jörg Tiedemann

University of Helsinki

Abstract (ii) punctuation and letter-case restoration, and (iii)

This paper describes the University of Helsinki
We focus on exploiting the knowledge-transfer
Language Technology group’s participation in
the IWSLT 2020 offline speech translation
capabilities of a multitasking architecture based
task, addressing the translation of English au- on language-specific encoders-decoders (Lu et al.,
dio into German text. In line with this year’s 2018; Schwenk and Douze, 2017; Luong et al.,
task objective, we train both cascade and end- 2016). This idea has been proposed and studied
to-end systems for spoken language transla- in the multilingual scenario (Vázquez et al., 2020;
tion. We opt for an end-to-end multitasking ar- Subramanian et al., 2018; Firat et al., 2017), how-
chitecture with shared internal representations ever, we adapt it to be used in a multimodal sce-
and a cascade approach that follows a stan-
nario. Regarding different modalities (in this case,
dard procedure consisting of ASR, correction,
and MT stages. We also describe the exper- audio and text) as different languages when train-
iments that served as a basis for the submit- ing the model, allows us to employ a cross-modal
ted systems. Our experiments reveal that mul- intermediate shared layer for performing SLT in an
titasking training with shared internal repre- end-to-end fashion. By jointly training this layer,
sentations is not only possible but allows for we aim for the the model to combine the semantic
knowledge-transfer across modalities. information provided in the text-to-text MT tasks
with the ability to generate text from audio in the
1 Introduction
ASR tasks.
An effective solution for performing spoken lan-
guage translation (SLT) must deal with the evident 2 Proposed Systems
challenge of transferring the implicit semantics be- End-to-end SLT
tween audio and text modalities. An end-to-end
SLT system must hence appropriately address this We use an inner-attention based architecture pro-
problem while simultaneously performing accurate posed by Vázquez et al. (2020). In a nutshell, it
machine translation (MT) (Sulubacak et al., 2018). follows the conventional structure of an encoder-
In last year’s IWSLT challenge, both end-to- decoder model of MT (Bahdanau et al., 2015; Lu-
end and cascade systems yielded similar results ong et al., 2016) enabled with multilingual train-
(Niehues et al., 2019). It follows that this year’s ing by incorporating language-specific encoders
IWSLT offline speech translation challenge focuses and decoders trainable with a language-rotating
on whether ”the cascaded solution is still the dom- scheduler (Dong et al., 2015; Schwenk and Douze,
inant technology in spoken language translation” 2017), and an intermediate shared inner-attention
(Ansari et al., 2020). For our participation on this layer (Cı́fka and Bojar, 2018; Lu et al., 2018). We
task, we train both cascade and end-to-end sys- implement our model on top of an OpenNMT-py
tems for SLT. For the end-to-end system, we use a (Klein et al., 2017) fork, which we make available
multimodal approach trained in a multitask fashion, for reproducibility purposes.1
which maps the internal representations of different The text encoders and the decoders (always text
encoders into a shared space before decoding. For output) are transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017).
the cascade approach, we use a pipeline of three 1
stages: (i) automatic speech recognition (ASR), OpenNMT-py/tree/iwslt2020

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 95–102
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
We implement the transformer-based audio en- other transformer to translate the processed ASR
coders inspired by the SLT architecture with tied output to German. Both this transformer model
layer structure from Tu et al. (2019) and the R- and the one used in the restoration stage are based
Transformer from Di Gangi et al. (2019b). It con- on the freely available Marian NMT implementa-
sists of n CNN layers; the first one taking k stacked tion (Junczys-Dowmunt et al., 2018). Our config-
Mel filterbank features as input channels, and the uration uses a learning rate of 0.0003 with linear
following ones 32 input channels. Afterwards, a warmup through the first 16 000 batches, decay-
linear layer corrects the shape of the embeddings ing afterwards. The decoder normalizes scores by
and is concatenated with the positional embeddings translation length (normalization exponent of 1.0)
to be fed as input to m transformer layers. during beam search. All other options use the de-
Given the multimodal nature of the task, we mod- fault values.
ified the source-target rotating scheduler. Instead of
a uniform distribution over the language pairs, we 3 Data Preprocessing
propose using a weighted sampling scheme based
The MT, ASR and end-to-end SLT systems have
on the inverse of the batch size of the modalities.
been trained on different subsets of the allowed
This modification allows us to have a more bal-
training corpora. For the cascade approach SLT
anced training because audio inputs tend to be con-
siderably longer than text inputs, and a transformer-
based encoder could not possibly handle the 4096 Corpora # utterances Length
tokens conventionally used as the ad-hoc choice of
batch size for a text-based transformer. Europarl-ST 40,141 89 hrs
IWSLT2018 166,214 271 hrs
Cascade approach How2 189,366 297 hrs
MuST-C 264,036 400 hrs
The ASR stage of our pipeline is trained with an S- Mozilla
Transformer (Di Gangi et al., 2019b); an adaptation 854,430 1,118 hrs
Common Voice
of the transformer architecture to end-to-end SLT.
The encoder in this architecture makes it possible Table 1: Size of audio data used.
to process audio features. It consists of two 2-
dimensional CNN-blocks meant to downsample the
Data for the end-to-end SLT system. We use
input, followed by two 2-dimensional self-attention
Europarl-ST (Iranzo-Sánchez et al.), IWSLT2018
layers to model the long-range context, an attention
(Niehues et al., 2019) and MuST-C (Di Gangi et al.,
layer that concatenates its output with the positional
2019a), a total of 433k utterances after cleaning
encodings of the input, and six transformer-based
some corrupt files or with other problems in the
sampling. We extracted 80-dimensional Mel filter-
The output of the ASR stage is followed by the bank features for each sentence-like segment using
restoration stage for punctuation and letter case our own implementation.
restoration. Since the training data for the ASR
model mixes different training sets with different Text data for the end-to-end SLT system. For
formatting, the raw output from the ASR block can the text data of the multimodal end-to-end SLT
have stylistic differences from the input seen during system, we use a total of ∼51M sentence pairs
the training of the translation stage. The restoration from corpora specified in Table 2. Instead of using
stage involves the use of an auxiliary transformer- all of this data, we first filter out noisy translations.
based MT model to perform “intralingual transla- OpenSubtitles2018, which consists of subtitle trans-
tion” from lowercased text without punctuation into lations, and corpora gathered by crawling the inter-
fully-cased and punctuated text. Stripping punc- net, Common Crawl and ParaCrawl, are especially
tuation on the ASR output, converting the text to likely to contain noisy data. For filtering the cor-
lowercase, and processing the result through the pora, we utilize OpusFilter (Aulamo et al., 2020),
restoration stage ensures that the output conforms a toolbox for creating clean parallel corpora.
to the same format that the translation stage was First, we extract six feature values for each of
optimized for. the sentence pairs. In particular, we apply the fol-
As the last step, the translation stage uses an- lowing features: CharacterScore, CrossEntropy,

LanguageID, NonZeroNumeral, TerminalPunctu- i) the same subword segmentation used for the
ation and WordAlign, each of which is defined MT system
in Aulamo et al. (2020). Secondly, we train a lo- _it _& apos ; s _a _lobster _made
gistic regression classifier based on those features. _of _play d ough _that _& apos ; s
The classifier is trained only on WIT3 , MuST-C, _afraid _of _the _dark _.
Europarl-ST and IWSLT18, which are multimodal
datasets with speech-to-text and text-to-text data.
This allows the system to adapt to text translations
that are associated with speech translations. Fi- ii) character level segmentation
I t <space> ’ s <space> a <space>
nally, we use the classifier to assign a cleanness l o b s t e r <space> m a d e <space>
score ranging from 0 to 1 for all sentence pairs in o f <space> p l a y d o u g h <space>
all corpora. The data is then ranked based on the t h a t <space> ’ s <space> a f r a i d
<space> o f <space> t h e <space>
cleanness score, after which a portion of noisy pairs d a r k <space> .
is removed from the tail. Our preliminary transla-
tion experiments showed that removing up to 40%
of the data improves the translation quality, leaving Text data for the cascade system. In our SLT
us ∼30.5M sentence pairs of training data, which pipeline, the data we applied for our restoration and
are then used in all our end-to-end experiments. translation models have some overlap and some
differences. For training, both models use the
Corpora # sentences text data from the IWSLT 2018 speech translation
corpus, the MuST-C training set, News Commen-
WIT3 196,112
tary v14, Europarl v9, and Rapid 2019. The trans-
MuST-C train 229,703
lation model also uses data from the OpenSubti-
Rapid 2019 1,480,789
tles2018 dataset, which the restoration model does
Europarl v9 1,817,763
not since this dataset is particularly noisy in terms
OpenSubtitles2018 11,621,073
of punctuation and letter cases. Conversely, the
News Commentary v14 365,340
restoration model also uses data from the How2 and
Common Crawl 2,399,123
Mozilla Common Voice datasets, which the transla-
Europarl-ST 32,628
tion model does not use as they do not contain Ger-
WikiTitles 1,305,078
man text. The translation model uses the IWSLT
IWSLT2018 171,025
development set from 2010 and test sets from 2011–
ParaCrawl v3 31,360,203
2015 as validation data, while the restoration model
Total 50,978,837
uses them as supplementary training data in order
Filtered 30,540,267
to reinforce domain bias, using only the MuST-C
Table 2: Text training data used for end-to-end sys- development set for validation.
tems. Initially, we “clean” the output of our ASR
model to remove segments containing musical note
characters ( ), and repeating phrases that were
Audio for the cascade system. We have ex- consistently hallucinated during silence, applause,
tracted 40-dimensional Filterbank features with laughter or noise in the audio (e.g. in our case,
speaker normalization for each sentence-like “Shake. Fold.”), as well as parts of segments that
segment of the MuST-C, How2 (Sanabria et al., designate the speaker (e.g. “Audience: ...”). Sub-
2018) and Mozilla Common Voice (Ardila et al., sequently, we use the same preprocessing pipeline
2019) corpora using XNMT (Neubig et al., 2018). for the cleaned ASR output as we do for all of
After getting rid of audio files that were too short our text data. For this, we start by removing non-
(less than 0.4 seconds), corrupted, or no longer printing characters, normalizing punctuation, and
available for download from YouTube, some 1.2M retokenizing the text using the corresponding util-
clean utterances remained for training the ASR ities from the Moses toolkit (Koehn et al., 2007).
system, and 30k for validation. Afterwards, we apply subword segmentation via
SentencePiece (Kudo and Richardson, 2018), using
On the target side, we use two contrastive pre- a joint English–German BPE model with a vocabu-
processing pipelines: lary size of 32 000 for all of our translation models,

Figure 1: Configurations tested for multitask training.

and an English unigram model with a vocabulary layered pyramidal CNN+RNN encoder adaptation
size of 24 000 for the restoration stage of our cas- from Amodei et al. (2016) with 512 hidden units
cade SLT, both trained on all of the data used for and pooling factors of (1,1,2,2) after each layer,
the translation and restoration models combined. respectively. For the text encoders, we applied em-
Before the training of the restoration model, the bedding layers of 512 dimensions, four stacked
training data was run through a Moses truecaser bidirectional LSTM layers with 512 hidden units
model (trained on the same selection of training (256 per direction). We use attentive text decoders
data as the restoration model) as an additional step composed of two unidirectional LSTM layers with
before segmentation. This step removes sentence- 512 units. Regarding the shared attention bridge
initial capitalization for words that would not be layer, we used 100 attention heads with 1024 hid-
capitalized otherwise, ensuring that differences in den units each. Training is performed using the
distributions of words appearing in sentence-initial Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2015) with a
positions does not influence case restoration for the learning rate of 0.0002 and batch size 32 for all
model. Once truecased and segmented, we assign source-target pairs, for at most 100,000 steps per
the processed data as the target for the restoration language pair3 . At this stage, we apply a uniform
model, and continue to strip punctuation and low- language-rotating scheduler. Isolating the effect
ercase the target to generate the source. This con- of multitasking from the effect of weighting the
figuration comes with the useful side effect of the scheduling distribution helped us understand the
model learning to generate truecased output, which importance of weighting it with respect to the batch
may be beneficial for MT. size.

4 Experiments Configuration BLEU Steps

In this section we report on the experiments that opt3 5.00 330K

lead up to our final submissions. The experi- opt5shareEnc 4.94 250K
ments on this section have been trained, validated opt2shareEnc 4.84 250K
and tested on the respective splits of the MuST-C opt4 4.50 300K
dataset. opt1 4.30 220K
As a first stage, we focused on selecting the mul- opt2 3.62 190K
titask training strategy that performed better. Hav- Table 3: Training steps and best BLEU scores ob-
ing the three modalities ENAUDIO, EN TEXT and tained with end-to-end systems on the German part fo
DE TEXT as possible inputs, and both text modal- the MuST-C test set.
ities as possible outputs, there can be up to 64
combinations where audio is an input2 without tak- Our preliminary BLEU scores4 for these mod-
ing into account the cases where the text encoder els are low. We, however, justify our choice to
is shared between German and English. We con- include them given the low performance of other
sidered the 5 scenarios depicted in Figure 1 and experiments in similar scenarios reported in the
present its results in Table 3 together with the num- literature. Namely, Tu et al. (2019) reported 9.55
ber of steps it took for them to converge. BLEU training on the same set with a transformer
All the models were trained using the same set based architecture, the only paper that trains and
of hyperparameters. At the time we ran these ex- tests on the same set, and thus the only truly com-
periments, the final version of the audio encoder
was not ready for deployment, so we used a 4- Model configuration 3, for instance, has 4 language pairs
was trained for at most 400K steps
2 4
64 is the total number of bipartite graphs that can be We use the multi-bleu-detok.pl+ Moses script,
defined on sets of three and two vertices. that uses sentence smoothing for detokenized input.

System status de BLEU en BLEU WER Steps
submission time 12.90 56.65 36 172K
end-to-end opt6
converged 14.38 59.22 33 294K
submission time 9.47 44.12 48 32K
end-to-end opt3
converged 11.71 52.91 40 72K
cascade bpe37k 22.20 60.87 29 -
cascade char-level 20.90 54.49 55 -

Table 4: Scores of our primary and contrastive submissions on on the MuST-C test set.

parable results. In addition, Di Gangi et al. (2019a) We also tried other strategies such as (i) using 3,
reported 12.25 BLEU training MuST-C together 4 and 6 stacked filterbanks as different channel in-
with IWSLT18 and initialized their system with the puts for the CNNs to reduce the input size instead
ASR system. of dropping utterances, (ii) using SpecAugment
The well-known sensitivity to hyperperparam- (Park et al., 2019) layers (2 frequency masks of
eter choice of the transformer architecture is also width 20 and 2 time masks of width 50) to pro-
visible in our transformer-based audio encoders. duce a data augmentation effect while training, (iii)
We performed hyperparameter tuning on opt3 mul- including layer normalization after the attention
titask training configuration (Figure 1 (d)). This bridge, (iv) using the positional embeddings of our
resulted in a performance of a 9.53 BLEU score transformer-based audio encoder in other places
on German translations and 47.63 on the English, of the encoder or not using them at all. Unfortu-
a clear increase from the untuned models that got nately, none of them produced as effective improve-
at most 1 BLEU point in any of them. The final ments as what we describe above. We note that it
hyperparameter setup consists of: is probable that using milder hyperparameters for
SpecAugment could be beneficial.
• text encoders and decoders using 3 layered
transformer architecture with 8 heads, 512 5 Results
dimensional embeddings, 2048 feedforward
From the insights gained out of our experiments
hidden dimensions, and a batch size of 4096
on the MuST-C dataset, for our submission, we
train a system using the data as described in section
• audio encoders as described in Section 2 with 3 with the training configuration opt3 (see Figure
2 CNN layers with stride of 2 and kernel width 1 (d)) and the hyperparameters that yielded the best
of, the first of which takes a single input chan- results. Further, we decided to try out an addi-
nel, three 8-headed transformer layers, posi- tional training configuration we had not previously
tional embeddings of size 512 concatenated tried out: ENAUDIO as input and DE TEXT and
to the output of a linear layer for being passed EN TEXT as output, which we refer to as opt6. Con-
to the transformer layers, a batch size of 32 figurations from Figure 1 use both modalities as
utterances; and input, whereas opt6 separates them by using only-
audio input and only-text output. This might be the
• an attention bridge of size 100 with a hidden reason why opt6 outperformed them when tested
dimension of 1024. on the MuST-C test set. Further experimentation
would be required to make this statement conclu-
Training was done with 8,000 warmup steps, using sive. One of our main aims in participating in this
an Adam optimizer with learning rate 2 and Noam task is to test our multitask architecture; for this
decay method, accumulation count of 8 to have reason we submit our best SLT system as primary
an approximate effective batch size of 256 for the system and the cascade approach with subword seg-
audio utterances, dropping utterances above the mentation as contrastive baseline. We would like to
length of 5500, and a language rotating scheduler DIO → {DE TEXT,EN TEXT } are 0.42 each and both text-to-
that uses the inverse of the batch size as weights 5 . text pairs get 0.08 because the average sentence length of
MuST-C is around 24, which implies that 4096 tokens are
In case of training opt3, the weights assigned to ENAU - about 170 sentences.

note that, unfortunately, at the time of submission, Liu, Weigao Li, Xiangang Li, Dongpeng Ma, Sha-
our end-to-end systems had not converged yet. ran Narang, Andrew Ng, Sherjil Ozair, Yiping
Peng, Ryan Prenger, Sheng Qian, Zongfeng Quan,
For the sake of consistency, these have been Jonathan Raiman, Vinay Rao, Sanjeev Satheesh,
benchmarked with the MuST-C test set as well. David Seetapun, Shubho Sengupta, Kavya Srinet,
The results are reported in Table 4, where we also Anuroop Sriram, Haiyuan Tang, Liliang Tang,
report BLEU and WER for English, corresponding Chong Wang, Jidong Wang, Kaifu Wang, Yi Wang,
Zhijian Wang, Zhiqian Wang, Shuang Wu, Likai
to the ASR task.
Wei, Bo Xiao, Wen Xie, Yan Xie, Dani Yogatama,
Bin Yuan, Jun Zhan, and Zhenyao Zhu. 2016. Deep
6 Conclusion Speech 2: End-to-end speech recognition in En-
glish and Mandarin. In Proceedings of the 33rd In-
In this paper we present our work for the ternational Conference on Machine Learning, vol-
IWSLT2020 offline speech translation task, along ume 48 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Re-
with the set of experiments that led to our final search, pages 173–182, New York, New York, USA.
systems. Our submission includes both a cascaded
baseline and a multimodal system trainable in a Ebrahim Ansari, Amittai Axelrod, Nguyen Bach, On-
multitask fashion. Our work shows that it is pos- drej Bojar, Roldano Cattoni, Fahim Dalvi, Nadir
Durrani, Marcello Federico, Christian Federmann,
sible to train a system that shares internal repre-
Jiatao Gu, Fei Huang, Kevin Knight, Xutai Ma, Ajay
sentations for transferring the implicit semantics Nagesh, Matteo Negri, Jan Niehues, Juan Pino, Eliz-
between audio and text modalities. The nature of abeth Salesky, Xing Shi, Sebastian Stüker, Marco
the architecture enables end-to-end SLT, while at Turchi, and Changhan Wang. 2020. Findings of the
the same time providing a system capable of per- IWSLT 2020 Evaluation Campaign. In Proceedings
of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Lan-
forming ASR and MT. Although this represents guage Translation (IWSLT 2020), Seattle, USA.
an important step in multimodal MT, there is still
a lot of room for improvement in the proposed Rosana Ardila, Megan Branson, Kelly Davis, Michael
Henretty, Michael Kohler, Josh Meyer, Reuben
systems. In future work, we would like to imple- Morais, Lindsay Saunders, Francis M. Tyers, and
ment more sophisticated audio encoders, such as Gregor Weber. 2019. Common Voice: A massively-
the S-Transformer. This, along with using the same multilingual speech corpus.
amount of data during training, will allow us to
Mikko Aulamo, Sami Virpioja, and Jörg Tiedemann.
draw a truly fair comparison between both end-to- 2020. OpusFilter: A configurable parallel corpus
end and cascade approaches. filtering toolbox. Accepted to ACL 2020, System
Dzmitry Bahdanau, Kyunghyun Cho, and Yoshua Ben-
gio. 2015. Neural machine translation by jointly
This work is part of the FoTran project,
learning to align and translate. In 3rd Inter-
funded by the European Research Council national Conference on Learning Representations,
(ERC) under the European Union’s ICLR 2015, San Diego, California, USA. Confer-
Horizon 2020 research and innovation ence Track.
programme (grant agreement № 771113), Ondřej Cı́fka and Ondřej Bojar. 2018. Are BLEU and
as well as the MeMAD project, funded by the Eu- meaning representation in opposition? In Proceed-
ropean Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Inno- ings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association
vation Programme (grant № 780069). for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Pa-
pers), pages 1362–1371, Melbourne, Australia. As-
sociation for Computational Linguistics.

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The AFRL IWSLT 2020 Systems: Work-From-Home Edition

Brian Ore, Eric Hansen, Timothy Anderson, Jeremy Gwinnup

Air Force Research Laboratory
{brian.ore.1,eric.hansen.5, timothy.anderson.20, jeremy.gwinnup.1}@us.af.mil

Abstract Section 6 provides a post-evaluation analysis of

This report summarizes the Air Force Re- our systems based on sentence length, and Section
search Laboratory (AFRL) submission to the 7 presents our conclusions and future work.
offline spoken language translation (SLT) task
as part of the IWSLT 2020 evaluation cam- 2 Automatic Speech Recognition
paign. As in previous years, we chose to adopt
This section describes the English ASR system
the cascade approach of using separate sys-
tems to perform speech activity detection, au-
that was developed for the offline speech trans-
tomatic speech recognition, sentence segmen- lation task. First, we sequestered all talks from
tation, and machine translation. All systems TEDLIUM-v3 (Hernandez et al., 2018) that were
were neural based, including a fully-connected present in tst2014, tst2015, and tst2018.
neural network for speech activity detection, Next, language models (LMs) were estimated
a Kaldi factorized time delay neural network on TEDLIUM-v3 and the same subsets of News
with recurrent neural network (RNN) language Crawl and News Discussions described in Ore
model rescoring for speech recognition, a bidi-
et al. (2018). The text was formatted as follows:
rectional RNN with attention mechanism for
sentence segmentation, and transformer net- • Numbers and special symbols were converted
works trained with OpenNMT and Marian for
to words (e.g., “%” converted to “percent”,
machine translation. Our primary submission
yielded BLEU scores of 21.28 on tst2019 and
“&” converted to “and”, “=” converted to
23.33 on tst2020. “equals”).

1 Introduction • Punctuation marks and any remaining sym-

bols were removed.
As part of the evaluation campaign for the 2020 In-
ternational Workshop on Spoken Language Trans- • All text was converted to lowercase.
lation (IWSLT) (Ansari et al., 2020), the AFRL Hu-
man Language Technology team submitted an en- We used the SRILM select-vocab tool1 to
try to the offline spoken language translation (SLT) choose a 100,000 word vocabulary. An interpo-
task. The goal of this task is to automatically gener- lated bigram language model (LM) was estimated
ate cased and punctuated German translations from using the SRILM toolkit, and a recurrent neu-
English audio TED Talks using either a cascade ral network (RNN) LM was trained using Kaldi
of systems or the end-to-end approach. We chose (Povey et al., 2011).
to build upon our previous work (Ore et al., 2018; Acoustic models were trained on TEDLIUM-
Kazi et al., 2016) and adopt the cascade approach v3 using Kaldi. In a preliminary experiment, we
of using separate systems to perform speech activ- found that training on both TEDLIUM-v3 and
ity detection, automatic speech recognition (ASR), CommonVoice did not lead to a reduction in word
sentence segmentation, and machine translation error rate (WER), so we decided to only use
(MT). Sections 2 and 3 describe our ASR and MT TEDLIUM-v3. The Kaldi system used in these ex-
systems, respectively. Section 4 presents our re- periments is a factorized time delay neural network
sults on the development set when the data is man- (TDNN) with residual network style skip connec-
ually segmented into sentences, and Section 5 de- tions. Input Mel frequency cepstral coefficient
scibes our approach to SLT on unsegmented data. Available at: http://www.speech.sri.com/projects/srilm

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 103–108
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
(MFCC) features have standard speed perturbation Test Set A B C
applied (0.9 & 1.1 factor). The initial Kaldi finite
newstest2018 40.02 43.11 22.41
state transducer (FST) was built with the bigram
newstest2019 37.55 38.71 19.69
LM, and the resulting lattices were rescored us-
ing the pruned RNNLM lattice rescoring algorithm
Table 1: OpenNMT system performance under differ-
(Xu et al., 2018). ent training corpus conditions.

3 Machine Translation
Results using this model on tst2014, tst2015,
In order to translate the ASR output from the pre- and tst2018 with cased and punctuated input are
vious section, we construct an English–German shown in Table 2 Column A. Column B is the
MT training corpus from allowable sources pro- results with lowercase and non-punctuated input.
vided by the organizers2 . We then prepare this Column C is with a model trained only on the
corpus in a similar manner as described in Gwin- cased and punctuated data, and Column D is the
nup et al. (2018) and Gwinnup et al. (2019), espe- results with a model trained only on lowercase non-
cially focusing on fastText (Joulin et al., 2016a,b) punctuated data.
language-id filtering. As a contrast to Ore et al.
(2018) we prepare data for additional systems on Test Set A B C D
this same corpus where the source English text
tst2014 27.67 26.99 28.43 26.48
has been transformed to resemble output from our
tst2015 29.80 28.85 29.72 28.43
ASR systems. We then train transformer (Vaswani
tst2018 27.46 25.53 27.81 25.81
et al., 2017) based MT systems with the OpenNMT
(Klein et al., 2018) and Marian (Junczys-Dowmunt
Table 2: OpenNMT system performance under differ-
et al., 2018) toolkits. ent training corpus conditions.

3.1 OpenNMT
3.2 Marian
The OpenNMT-tf system trained for this task used
the default configuration for a transformer net- Our Marian systems also utilize the transformer
work. Two copies of the training data described (Vaswani et al., 2017) architecture. Network hy-
above were concatenated together. One copy was perparameters are the same as detailed in Gwinnup
lowercase and non-punctuated in order to resem- et al. (2018). We use the WMT16 newstest2016
ble ASR output and an additional copy was cased as the validation set during training.
and with punctuation. This combined corpus was We used the following network configuration:
processed with Sentencepiece (Kudo and Richard-
• 6 layer encoder
son, 2018) using a model trained only on the lower-
case and non-punctuated corpus. The network was • 6 layer decoder
trained for 10 epochs of this training data using a
batch size of 1562 with an effective batch size of • 8 transformer heads
24992 using the lazy Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015) • Tied embeddings for source, target and output
optimizer. The final system was an average of the layers
last 8 checkpoints of the training. Checkpoints
were saved every 5000 steps. Results using this • Layer normalization
models for the punctuated test sets for the WMT
news translation task are shown in Table 1 Column • Label smoothing
A. Column B is results with a model trained only • Learning rate warm-up and cool-down
on the cased and punctuated data. Column C is the
results with a model trained only on the lowercased A joint Sentencepiece vocabulary with 46k en-
unpunctuated data. tries was employed, informed by experimentation
performed for our WMT19 efforts. With lower-
The majority of the training corpus comes from case non-punctuated input, this system yielded the
the preprocessed WMT18 news-translation task data
available here: http://data.statmt.org/wmt18/translation- following BLEU scores: 26.58 on tst2014, 28.47
task/preprocessed/de-en/ on tst2015, and 26.57 on tst2018.

Marian OpenNMT OpenNMT
tst2014 24.80 (6.4) 24.67 (6.2) tst2014 23.77 (6.2)
tst2015 26.44 (6.6) 26.14 (6.5) tst2015 24.26 (6.5)
tst2018 23.91 (9.1) 23.09 (8.6) tst2018 22.90 (8.6)

Table 3: BLEU scores and WERs (in parentheses) on Table 4: BLEU scores and WERs (in parentheses) on
the manually segmented development sets. The MT the manually segmented development sets using the
systems were trained on lowercase non-punctuated En- OpenNMT system trained on cased and punctuated En-
glish text. glish text.

4 Manual Segmentation using the OpenNMT system that was trained on

cased and punctuated English. Table 4 shows the
In order to evaluate the effect of automatic sen- BLEU scores and corresponding WER in parenthe-
tence segmentation on spoken language trans- ses. Comparing Tables 3 and 4, we can see that
lation, we manually segmented the tst2014, using the translation models trained on lowercase
tst2015, and tst2018 development sets into sen- non-punctuated English text yields the best results;
tences using the provided reference files. This was therefore, we decided to use these MT systems for
done by automatically aligning the reference text all remaining experiments discussed in this paper.
using a Kaldi ASR system and then manually cor-
recting any errors. The Kaldi system described
in Section 2 was then used to generate ASR tran- 5 Automatic Segmentation
scripts for each utterance. Note that for ASR tasks,
In the previous section, we evaluated our ASR and
a development set is typically used to select the
MT systems on audio clips that were manually
LM scale that minimizes the WER; however, in
segmented into sentences. This section considers
this task our goal is to choose the best translation.
the task where we are given an audio stream that
We decided to generate 8 different hypotheses for
must be automatically segmented. First, we evalu-
each utterance by varying the ASR LM scale over
ated a speech activity detector (SAD) on each au-
6, 8, 10, ..., 20, translating each utterance, and then
dio file. We used the same neural network based
selecting the ASR LM scale that yields the best
SAD as described in our IWSLT 2018 paper. Auto-
overall BLEU score. Each ASR hypothesis was
matic segmentation of the test data was performed
translated using the MT systems trained on low-
by evaluating the SAD, applying a dynamic pro-
ercase non-punctuated English text. Compared to
gramming algorithm to choose the best sequence
selecting the ASR LM scale to minimize WER,
of states, and defining utterance boundaries at the
this method yields a very minor improvement with
midpoint of each non-speech segment longer than
Marian (0.06 BLEU on tst2014 and tst2018,
0.5 seconds. Next, the Kaldi ASR system was
0.17 BLEU on tst2015), but no improvement
evaluated on each utterance using the same ASR
with OpenNMT. Table 3 shows the case-sensitive
LM scales found in the previous section. Two
BLEU scores and corresponding WER in parenthe-
different methods were investigated for partition-
ing the time-aligned words into sentences. In the
In a second set of experiments, an automatic
first method, we simply used the utterance bound-
punctuator and text recaser were applied to the
aries from the SAD to define the sentence bound-
English ASR text prior to performing translation.
aries. For the second method, we evaluated the au-
Compared to the previous approach, one advan-
tomatic punctuator from Section 4 on each utter-
tage of this method is that we can train a single MT
ance, and then defined additional sentence bound-
system to translate both ASR transcripts and text
aries at words that ended with a period, exclama-
documents. The punctuator was a bidirectional
tion, or question mark.
RNN with attention mechanism that was trained on
Table 5 shows the case-sensitive BLEU scores
4M words of English TED data using the Python
and corresponding WER obtained using each
fork of Ottokar Tilk’s punctuator.3 The punctuated
method. Comparing the two sentence segmen-
text was recased using Moses and then translated
tation methods, we can see that defining addi-
Available at: https://pypi.org/project/punctuator tional sentence boundaries with the punctuator led

Marian OpenNMT
SAD SAD+punctuator SAD SAD+punctuator
tst2014 23.32 (7.0) 22.52 (7.0) 22.52 (6.6) 22.86 (6.6)
tst2015 23.93 (6.7) 23.59 (6.7) 23.69 (6.5) 23.90 (6.5)
tst2018 21.60 (9.4) 21.56 (9.4) 20.86 (9.0) 21.32 (9.0)

Table 5: BLEU scores and WERs (in parentheses) obtained on the automatically segmented development sets.
Sentence boundaries were defined using (1) the SAD, or (2) a combination of the SAD marks and the automatic

to an overall decrease in BLEU when translating #Words #Sentences Marian OpenNMT

with Marian, but an improvement with OpenNMT.
1-9 2266 30.62 28.12
Compared to the results obtained with the man-
10-19 2889 28.57 28.71
ual segments in Table 3, we find that the Mar-
20-29 1456 28.16 28.39
ian BLEU score decreased by 1.48 on tst2014,
30-39 665 26.55 26.88
2.51 on tst2015, and 2.31 on tst2018; simi-
40-49 275 25.78 25.34
larly, the OpenNMT BLEU score decreased by
50+ 241 27.10 19.85
1.81 on tst2014, 2.24 on tst2015, and 1.77 on
tst2018. Lastly, if we compare the OpenNMT
Table 6: BLEU scores on the reference text grouped by
systems (which used the same ASR LM scale to sentence length.
minimize WER and maximize BLEU) in Tables 3
and 5, we can see that automatically segmenting
the data yields no change in WER on tst2015, and us to wonder if the automatic punctuator was ac-
an increase of 0.4% on tst2014 and tst2018. tually helping to identify more correct sentence
Our primary submission to the IWSLT 2020 of- boundaries, or simply producing shorter sentences
fline speech translation task can be summarized as that were better translated with OpenNMT. Based
follows. First, a neural network based SAD was on this idea, we decided to analyze how sen-
used to segment each audio file into utterances. tence length affects translation performance with
Next, ASR transcripts were generated using Kaldi each of our systems. First, the English reference
and an automatic punctuator was applied to fur- text from dev2010, tst2010, tst2013, tst2014,
ther split each utterance into sentences. Lastly, an tst2015, and tst2018 was processed using the
OpenNMT system was used to translate the lower- same steps as described in Section 2 to match the
case non-punctuated English into cased and punc- expected MT input. Marian and OpenNMT were
tuated German. As a contrasting system, we also then used to translate each sentence, and the BLEU
submitted the translations obtained using Marian. score was calculated for sentences where the En-
The processing pipeline for the Marian system was glish source included 1-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-
identical to the OpenNMT system, except that we 49, and 50+ words. Table 6 shows the results ob-
did not apply the automatic punctuator (i.e., the tained, including the number of sentences assigned
sentence boundaries were defined solely on the to each group. These results show that for sen-
pause durations from the SAD). The OpenNMT tences longer than 50 words, the BLEU score drops
system yielded BLEU scores of 21.28 on tst2019 substantially with the OpenNMT system.
and 23.33 on tst2020; the Marian system yielded As a final experiment, we re-evaluated our sub-
BLEU scores of 21.48 on tst2019 and 23.21 on mitted OpenNMT system, but only inserted addi-
tst2020. tional sentence boundaries if the English ASR ut-
terance was longer than 50 words. This yielded the
6 Post-Evaluation Analysis following BLEU scores: 23.21 on tst2014, 23.89
on tst2015, and 21.37 on tst2018. Compared
In Section 5 we found that defining additional with the OpenNMT SAD+punctuator results in Ta-
sentence boundaries using an automatic punctua- ble 5, this represents a +0.35 BLEU improvement
tor led to a worse performance with Marian, but on tst2014 and similar results on tst2015 and
improved performance with OpenNMT. This led tst2018.

7 Conclusion and Future Work 2016a. Fasttext.zip: Compressing text classification
models. arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03651.
With our systems, we found that automatic sen-
tence segmentation led to a decrease of up to -2.51 Armand Joulin, Edouard Grave, Piotr Bojanowski,
and Tomas Mikolov. 2016b. Bag of tricks
BLEU. The punctuator that we used provides func- for efficient text classification. arXiv preprint
tionality to specify the pause duration after each arXiv:1607.01759.
word when training the punctuator. This could
Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt, Roman Grundkiewicz,
be obtained by automatically aligning the original Tomasz Dwojak, Hieu Hoang, Kenneth Heafield,
TED training transcripts; however, due to limited Tom Neckermann, Frank Seide, Ulrich Germann,
computational resources while working at home, Alham Fikri Aji, Nikolay Bogoychev, André F. T.
we were not able to investigate this feature. In ad- Martins, and Alexandra Birch. 2018. Marian: Fast
neural machine translation in C++. In Proceed-
dition to text features and pause durations, other ings of ACL 2018, System Demonstrations, pages
acoustic features might also prove useful for auto- 116–121, Melbourne, Australia. Association for
matically identifying sentence boundaries. Alter- Computational Linguistics.
natively, it may be interesting to resegment the MT Michaeel Kazi, , Elizabeth Salesky, Brian Thompson,
training data to better match the ASR segmenta- Jonathan Taylor, Jeremy Gwinnup, Tim Anderson,
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(IWSLT’16), Seattle, Washington.

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LIT Team’s System Description for Japanese-Chinese Machine
Translation Task in IWSLT 2020

Yimeng Zhuang, Yuan Zhang, Lijie Wang

Samsung Research China - Beijing (SRC-B)
{ym.zhuang, yuan.zhang, lijie.wang}@samsung.com

Abstract based on multi-head attention has achieved excel-

lent performance in a variety of neural machine
This paper describes the LIT Team’s submis- translation tasks in the last three years. This kind
sion to the IWSLT2020 open domain transla-
of NMT model surpasses the performance of the
tion task, focusing primarily on Japanese-to-
Chinese translation direction. Our system is traditional statistical machine translation and the
based on the organizers’ baseline system, but NMT performs particularly well especially with
we do more works on improving the Trans- rich resource corpus. In our system, we adopt big-
former baseline system by elaborate data pre- ger transformer architecture, since the performance
processing. We manage to obtain significant of the Transformer relies on model capacity, ex. the
improvements, and this paper aims to share number of dimensions of the feed-forward network.
some data processing experiences in this trans-
To improve performance, we adopted the Rela-
lation task. Large-scale back-translation on
monolingual corpus is also investigated. In ad-
tive Position Attention (Shaw et al., 2018). Also,
dition, we also try shared and exclusive word we conduct experiments to compare the shared
embeddings, compare different granularity of source and target word embeddings and exclu-
tokens like sub-word level. Our Japanese-to- sive word embeddings, and whether to adopt the
Chinese translation system achieves a perfor- shared embeddings relates to the translation direc-
mance of BLEU=34.0 and ranks 2nd among tion. The Chinese-to-Japanese direction achieves
all participating systems. higher scores when adopting shared word embed-
dings, however, the Japanese-to-Chinese direction
1 Introduction
produces opposite results.
In recent years, the neural machine translation The paper is structured as follows: Section 2
(NMT) (Sun et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2016; Sen- will present a detailed description of our data pre-
nrich et al., 2015) has made great progress based processing, back-translation is introduced in Sec-
on encoder-decoder architecture. We participate tion 3, the model of our system will be introduced
in the IWSLT 2020 open domain translation task: in Section 4, the main results of our experiment
Japanese-to-Chinese. This paper describes the will be shown in Section 5. Section 6 will draw a
NMT systems for the IWSLT 2020 Japanese-to- brief conclusion of our work for the IWSLT 2020
Chinese machine translation task (Ansari et al., open domain translation task.
Our main efforts are data pre-processing, specifi- 2 Data and Pre-processing
cally parallel data filter and sentence alignment. By
elaborate data processing, we successfully improve On the whole, our system follows the standard
the quality of the training set and thus boost the Transformer-based translation pipeline, and our sys-
performance of our translation system. The back- tem implementation is based on the official baseline
1 . Most of our efforts in this competition are fo-
translation mechanism (Edunov et al., 2018) is also
investigated to extend the training corpus, we trans- cused on data pre-processing and back-translation.
late Chinese to Japanese to get the Japanese-to- We adopt the same strategies as the official baseline
Chinese training corpus, it is an effective approach if we don’t point out explicitly.
to exploit the corresponding monolingual data sets. 1
The transformer model (Vaswani et al., 2017) open_domain_translation

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 109–113
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
Corpus Original Re-Filtered • Remove sentences in which the number of
Part A 2.0M 0.8M non-English and non-punctuation characters
Part B 19.0M 8.8M is less than half of the length of the whole
Part C 161.5M 10.0M sentence.
Part D - 2.7M
• The maximum length ratio of sentence pairs
Monolingual - 200M
is 1.8.
Table 1: Statistics of the parallel sentence pairs used for
• Japanese (Chinese) sentence should be rec-
training models in this paper. The monolingual data is
used for back-translation. ognized as Japanese (Chinese) by fasttext’s
language identification model (Joulin et al.,
2.1 Datasets
After that, we have a pre-processed bilingual
In Japanese-Chinese bidirectional machine transla- training data consisting of 22.3 million parallel
tion competition(Ansari et al., 2020), the organiz- sentences. Note that we adjust filter rules many
ers provide a large, noisy set of Japanese-Chinese times, and finally adopt the above relatively strict
segment pairs built from web data. There are four rules, resulting in the training data is reduced sig-
parts: nificantly. Besides, the fast align 2 toolkit is
Part A A small but relatively clean Japanese- popular for computing the alignment score for par-
Chinese parallel corpus, which is obtained from cu- allel sentences, but the models trained on the train-
rating existing Japanese-Chinese parallel datasets. ing data filtered by fast align become worse.
Part B A pre-filtered dataset of the sentences We suspect that its scores may be highly related to
that the organizers obtained from crawling the Web, the length of the sentences, this results in qualified
aligning, and filtering. long sentences are discarded. So we didn’t use
Part C An unfiltered parallel web crawled cor- fast align in this paper.
pus which is much noisier than previous datasets.
Part D A huge file of the unaligned scraped web 2.3 Web Crawled Sentence Alignment
pages with the document boundaries. The organizers provide us a huge corpus of more
The following subsections detail how we handle than 15 million unaligned bilingual document pairs.
these four parts of web data respectively. Besides, To extract the parallel sentences, we consider each
we conduct data augmentation by back-translation sentence of a document as an element and adopt
using extra monolingual data, which will be dis- the longest common sub-sequence algorithm to
cussed in Section 3. Table 1 shows the statistics of find Ja-Zh sentence pairs with the highest character
the training data. F1 similarity. Algorithm 1 shows the alignment
process, in which we define the alignment score
2.2 Parallel Data Filter
score(Ci , Jj ) between two sentences by the F1
Although the organizers have filtered parts of the value of their character overlap.
data, there are still many mismatched sentence Unfortunately, this part of data is highly dupli-
pairs, i.e. the target sentence is not the correspond- cated. After performing Algorithm 1 and filter al-
ing translation of the source sentence. For the three gorithm mentioned in Section 2.2, we successfully
aligned datasets, we re-filter them by the following obtained about 50 million parallel sentences pairs.
rules. But only 2.7 million sentence pairs are remained af-
ter deduplicating. Something is better than nothing,
• Remove empty or duplicated sentences.
we still add the 2.7 million data into our training
• Remove sentence pairs when the source sen- set.
tence and the target sentence are same.
3 Back-translation
• Convert all Chinese characters into simplified In recent works, the back-translation mechanism
Chinese. (Edunov et al., 2018) has been proved as an effec-
• Remove sentence pairs when there is no com- tive method to improve machine translation sys-
mon Chinese character (Chu et al., 2014) be- tems by utilizing large-scale monolingual corpus.
tween source sentence and target sentence. 2

Algorithm 1 Align bilingual sentences from two Model Share Truncate BLEU
documents. × × 32.4

Require: Chinese sentences C1 , C2 , · · · , CN ; ZH to JA × 32.6
√ √
Japanese sentences J1 , J2 , · · · , JM ; 33.5
Ensure: Aligned sentence pairs set A
Table 2: Vocabulary strategy on Chinese-to-Japanese
1: Initialize all auxiliary variables s to zero;
translation. The evaluation metric is 4-gram character
2: for i = 1 → N do
BLEU score on the development set. In truncated ver-
3: for j = 1 → M do sion, the vocabulary is truncated to 40K BPE tokens.
4: if si−1,j ≥ si,j then
5: si,j ← si−1,j , trace(i, j) ← 0
6: end if better translation results. Besides, we can truncate
7: if si,j−1 ≥ si,j then the vocabulary size to accelerate model training.
8: si,j ← si,j−1 , trace(i, j) ← 1 Table 2 shows the comparison of different vocabu-
9: end if lary strategy. The number of BPE merge operations
10: if si−1,j−1 ≥ si,j then is 30k. In truncated version, the vocabulary is trun-
11: si,j ← si−1,j−1 , trace(i, j) ← 2 cated to 40K BPE tokens.
12: end if
3.2 Constructing Augmented Training Data
13: if si−1,j−1 +score(Ci , Jj ) > si,j then
14: si,j ← si−1,j−1 + score(Ci , Jj ) Following the work of Edunov et al. (2018), noise
15: trace(i, j) ← 3 is added to the back-translation data. We delete a
16: end if word with probability 10%, replace a word by a
17: end for placeholder token with probability 10%, and swap
18: end for words no further than three positions apart. Besides,
19: i ← N, j ← M we use bilingual data upsampling factor 4 to make
20: while i > 0 and j > 0 do the model pay more attention to the high-quality
21: if trace(i, j) = 0 then parallel data.
22: i←i−1
4 Model
23: else if trace(i, j) = 1 then
24: j ←j−1 We think the Transformer model is a strong model
25: else if trace(i, j) = 2 then with excellent performance. So, we only take some
26: i ← i − 1, j ← j − 1 small tricks on this model. In this section, we de-
27: else if trace(i, j) = 3 then scribe two different methods to enhance our model
28: add sentence pair (Ci , Jj ) to set A performance in this competition. All of them come
29: i ← i − 1, j ← j − 1 from previous work (Sun et al., 2019; Shaw et al.,
30: end if 2018) and all of these methods help us to improve
31: end while the baseline model. In the subsection, we will de-
scribe these methods briefly.

In this paper, we follow the successful experiences 4.1 Bigger Transformer

in Edunov et al. (2018) to further extend our train- In the work of (Sun et al., 2019), they proposed a
ing data. Chinese monolingual data is extracted method that increases the model capacity on the
from the unaligned scraped web pages (Part D), translation model and gets progress. Thus, we can
and we select 200 million sentences to reduce train- think about if the model becomes wider, the perfor-
ing time. mance may be better. We implement to increase
the inner dimension of the feed-forward network in
3.1 Chinese-to-Japanese Translation
a big transformer model, from 4096 to 8192. Also,
In order to generate a synthetic bilingual corpus, thinking about the overfitting problem, we increase
we trained a Chinese-to-Japanese transformer on the relu dropout value from 0.1 to 0.3.
the filtered parallel data mentioned in Section 2.2.
Different from the Japanese-to-Chinese translation, 4.2 Relative Position Representation
we find that sharing BPE (Sennrich et al., 2015) Recent empirical work shows that in the self-
tokens between Chinese and Japanese can produce attention mechanism, it is better to use relative

System Clean Filtered Re-Filtered BT Dev BLEU Test BLEU

20.0 22.0
√ √
26.9 -
Baseline √ √ √
28.6 -
√ √ √ √
29.6 -
√ √ √ √
Bigger + RP∗ 30.3 34.0

Table 3: Results obtained by different data pre-processing methods and combinations. “Clean” denotes the data
of Part A, “Filtered” denotes all training data filtered by the organizers, “Re-Filtered” denotes our re-filter method,
“BT” is the abbreviation of back-translation, and “RP” means relative position. (* denotes our submitted system)

position (Shaw et al., 2018) to reflect the sequential pre-processing in boosting translation system ac-
relationship of words. In original ways, the Trans- curacy. Also, the submitted system adopts a larger
former only uses absolute position information in inner dimension and relative position, which shows
word embeddings. With the relative position fea- the highest BLEU score in our systems.
ture, we compare the result and find it has better
performance. 6 Conclusion

5 Submission to IWSLT 2020 We participated in the Japanese-to-Chinese trans-

lation direction in the IWSLT 2020 open domain
5.1 Experiment translation task. We focus on improving the Trans-
We compare the performance of our system on dif- former baseline system by doing elaborate data
ferent data sets to show the effectiveness of data pre-processing, and we manage to obtain signifi-
processing. In general, we adopt the default hyper- cant improvements. Experiments also show that in-
parameters of transformer relative big creasing model capacity is beneficial on large train-
in tensor2tensor 3 . Except that we set the inner ing data. Finally, our submission of Japanese-to-
dimension of the feed-forward network to 8192, Chinese translation achieves the 2nd highest BLEU
and set relu dropout to 0.3. We conduct our ex- score among all the submissions.
periments on a machine with 8 Nvidia P40 GPUs.
The model is updated 500K times in 9 days. Model Acknowledgments
parameters are saved every 1000 steps, and the last We thank the anonymous reviewers for their valu-
three checkpoints are averaged to obtain the final able comments, Mengxia Zhai for assisting pro-
model. In decoding, we search the best decoding cessing data and Ajay Nagesh for evaluating our
configuration on the released development set and translation result on the secret mixed-genre test
fix the beam size as 6, alpha as 0.8. It is regretful dataset.
that because of limited computational resources,
we only trained a single model and didn’t conduct
model ensemble experiments. References
As for post-processing, we process the decoding Ebrahim Ansari, Amittai Axelrod, Nguyen Bach, On-
results by removing “UNK” token and Japanese drej Bojar, Roldano Cattoni, Fahim Dalvi, Nadir
kana characters from translated Chinese texts. Durrani, Marcello Federico, Christian Federmann,
Jiatao Gu, Fei Huang, Kevin Knight, Xutai Ma, Ajay
5.2 Japanese-to-Chinese Translation Results Nagesh, Matteo Negri, Jan Niehues, Juan Pino, Eliz-
abeth Salesky, Xing Shi, Sebastian Stüker, Marco
Table 3 lists results obtained by using different Turchi, and Changhan Wang. 2020. Findings of the
training data. We use the official baseline system to IWSLT 2020 Evaluation Campaign. In Proceedings
test the effects of data processing. In the table, data of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Lan-
guage Translation (IWSLT 2020), Seattle, USA.
size increases from the left columns to the right
columns, and the performance is also improved. Chenhui Chu, Toshiaki Nakazawa, and Sadao Kuro-
This shows the importance of extending training hashi. 2014. Constructing a chinese—japanese par-
data in this task and validates the necessity of data allel corpus from wikipedia. In LREC, pages 642–
tensor2tensor Sergey Edunov, Myle Ott, Michael Auli, and David

Grangier. 2018. Understanding back-translation at
scale. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.09381.
Armand Joulin, Edouard Grave, Piotr Bojanowski,
Matthijs Douze, Hérve Jégou, and Tomas Mikolov.
2016a. Fasttext. zip: Compressing text classification
models. arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03651.
Armand Joulin, Edouard Grave, Piotr Bojanowski,
and Tomas Mikolov. 2016b. Bag of tricks
for efficient text classification. arXiv preprint
Rico Sennrich, Barry Haddow, and Alexandra Birch.
2015. Neural machine translation of rare words with
subword units. arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.07909.
Peter Shaw, Jakob Uszkoreit, and Ashish Vaswani.
2018. Self-attention with relative position represen-
tations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.02155.

Meng Sun, Bojian Jiang, Hao Xiong, Zhongjun He,

Hua Wu, and Haifeng Wang. 2019. Baidu neural
machine translation systems for wmt19. In Proceed-
ings of the Fourth Conference on Machine Transla-
tion (Volume 2: Shared Task Papers, Day 1), pages
374–381. Association for Computational Linguis-
Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob
Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N Gomez, Łukasz
Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin. 2017. Attention is all
you need. In Advances in neural information pro-
cessing systems, pages 5998–6008.
Yonghui Wu, Mike Schuster, Zhifeng Chen, Quoc V
Le, Mohammad Norouzi, Wolfgang Macherey,
Maxim Krikun, Yuan Cao, Qin Gao, Klaus
Macherey, et al. 2016. Google’s neural machine
translation system: Bridging the gap between hu-
man and machine translation. arXiv preprint

OPPO’s Machine Translation System for the
IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation Task

Qian Zhang and Tingxun Shi and Xiaopu Li and Dawei Dang and
Di Ai and Zhengshan Xue and Jie Hao
{zhangqian666, shitingxun, lixiaopu, dangdawei
aidi1, xuezhengshan, haojie}@oppo.com
Manifold Lab, OPPO Research Institute

Abstract fusional languages, most corpus are composed by

two fusional languages together. To understand
In this paper, we demonstrate our machine whether the existing model architectures and train­
translation system applied for the Chinese­
ing skills can be applied on the translation between
Japanese bi­directional translation task (aka.
open domain translation task) for the IWSLT
Asian languages and other type of languages , such
2020 (Ansari et al., 2020). Our model is based as between an analytic language like Chinese and
on Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017), with the an agglutinative language like Japanese, interest
help of many popular, widely­proved effective us.
data preprocessing and augmentation methods. In this paper, we demonstrate our system ap­
Experiments show that these methods can im­ plied for the IWSLT 2020 open domain text transla­
prove the baseline model steadily and signifi­ tion task, which aims to translate Chinese from/to
Japanese 1 . Besides describing how we trained the
model that is used to generate the final result, this
1 Introduction
paper also introduces how do we mine extra paral­
Machine translation, proposed even before the first lel sentences from a large but noisy data released
computer was invented (Hutchins, 2007), has been by the organizer, and several experiments inspired
always a famous research topic of computer sci­ by the writing systems of Chinese and Japanese.
ence. In the recently years, with the renaissance
of neural network and the emergence of atten­ 2 Data Preprocessing
tion mechanism (Sutskever et al., 2014) (Bahdanau Four pairs of parallel data are provided in the cam­
et al., 2014), the old area has stepped into a new paign, which are
era. Furthermore, the Transformer architecture,
after being published, has immediately attracted • The very original file, which is crawled from
much attention nowadays and is dominating the various websites, and is very huge. Ac­
whole field now. cording to the information of the campaign
Although Transformer has achieved many page, the corpus contains 15.7 million docu­
SOTA results, it has tremendous amount of param­ ments, which are composed by 941.3 million
eters so is hard to be fit on small datasets, there­ Japanese sentences and 928.7 million Chinese
fore it has a high demand on good and large data sentences — From the counts of sentences it
source. Despite of the lack of high quality data can be immediately observed that the original
of parallel corpus, the document level comparable corpus is not parallel, so cannot be directly
data is relatively easy to be crawled, so exploring used for the model. Mining parallel corpus
an effective and accurate way of mining aligned from this mega size file is another work we
sentence pairs from such large but noisy data, to have done during the campaign, which will
enrich the small parallel corpus, could benefit the be covered in another section of this report.
machine translation system a lot. Besides, cur­
rently, most open access big volume machine trans­ • A pre­filtered file, consists of 161.5 million
lation datasets are based on English, and many of “parallel” sentences. We tried to filter this
them are translated to/from another European lan­ 1
In some cases later in the report, the two languages are
guage – As many popular European languages are noted by their ISO 639­1 codes, zh and ja respectively

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 114–121
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
dataset to extract parallel lines, and this work • Removing html tags.
will also be presented later.
• Removing extra spaces around the dot symbol
• A filtered file, which has 19 million sen­ of float numbers
tences, is aligned officially from the data de­
scribed in the previous item. And, • Removing unnecessary spaces

• An existing parallel file, which contains 1.96 Because both Chinese language and Japanese
million pairs of sentences, is obtained by language don’t use spaces to mark borders of
the provider from current existing Japanese­ words, we applied segmentation on each side (A
Chinese parallel datasets. branched experiment will be presented later in this
report). For Chinese, we use PKUSEG (Luo et al.,
However, per our investigation, even the sen­ 2019) and for Japanese it is mecab2 . After having
tences in the existing parallel file are actually not observed the preprocessed data, sentence pairs are
fully aligned. For example, a sentence “1994 年 2 filtered out according to the following orders:
(means “Jasco bought all shares in February, 1994” 1. Sentences that contain too many non­sense
) in the corpus is translated into “次年 6 月乌迪 symbols (including emojis ,kaomojis and
内斯买断了他的全部所有权。”, which means emoticons, such as “(@^ � ^)”. Although
“Udinese bought out all his ownership in June in these symbols could bring semantic informa­
the next year”, so here is clearly a noise. Since tion, we don’t consider they are important to
deep neural network demands high quality input machine translation system)
data, we combined the filtered file and the existing
2. Sentence pairs that have abnormal length ra­
parallel file into a 20 million pairs dataset (noted as
tio, here “length” is the count of words of
combined dataset afterwards) , and made a further
a sentence. As Chinese character is also an
data preprocessing, including two main steps:
important constituent of Japanese writing sys­
2.1 Rule Based Preprocessing and Filtering tem, we don’t expect the Japanese sentences
will be too much longer than the Chinese side;
We first feed the combined dataset to a data prepro­
however in another hand, since Japanese is
cessing pipeline, including the following steps:
an agglutinative language, it always needs
• Converting Latin letters to lower case. This several additional (sub)words to express its
step helps to decrease the size of the own syntactical structure, so the Japanese sen­
vocabularies, but since the evaluation is tences can neither be too short. We set the
case­sensitive, we applied a further post­ upper bound of words count ratio between
processing step: Having generated the results Japanese and Chinese to 2.4 and the corre­
from the model, we extract all Latin words sponding lower bound is 0.8.
from the sources and the hypotheses, and con­ 3. Sentence pairs that occur more than once. We
vert the words in the hypo side according to deduplicated and left only one single pair.
the case forms of their counterparts in the
source side. 4. Sentence pairs that target is simply a replica
of the source sentence.
• For Chinese, converting traditional Chinese
characters to simplified form; for Japanese, 5. Sentence pairs that target sentence shares the
converting simplified Chinese characters to same beginning or ending 10 characters with
kanji. source sentence.

• Converting full width characters to half 6. Sentence pairs that the amount of Chinese
width. words is less than 40% of the total word count
in the Chinese side. Here “Chinese word” is
• Normalizing punctuations and other special defined as a word which is composed by Chi­
characters, e.g. different forms of hyphen “­”. nese characters only.
• Unescaping html characters. https://taku910.github.io/mecab/

7. Sentence pairs that the amount of Japanese • optimizer: Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014)
words is less than 40% of the total word count
in the Japanese side. Here “Japanese word” is • warmup steps: 4000
defined as a word which is composed by kan­ • dropout: 0.3
jis or kanas only. As Chinese language and
Japanese language each has its own special • clip­norm: 0.1
“alphabets”, this step together with the pre­
The first model trained on the filtered genuine
vious one can be seen as a way of language
parallel corpus (i.e. the 5.4M corpus) is not only
seen as the baseline model of the consequent exper­
8. Sentence pairs that the count difference be­ iments, but also used as a scorer4 . We re­scored the
tween numbers in Chinese side and numbers alignment scores of the sentences using this model,
in Japanese side is greater than or equal to 3 and again filtered away about one quarters data.
The model trained on the refined data improved the
9. Sentence pairs that cannot be aligned on num­ BLEU score by 1.7 for zh-ja and 0.5 for ja-zh.
bers and Latin letters. As many works proved, back­translation (BT)
(Sennrich et al., 2016a) is a common data augmen­
2.2 Alignment Information Based Filtering tation method in the machine translation research.
Processing rules listed in the previous subsection Besides, (Edunov et al., 2018) also provides some
can be applied to filter out sentence pairs that have other ways to back­translate. We applied both of
obvious noises, but some pairs still have subtle them and in our experiments, top­10 sampling is
noises that cannot be directly discovered. There­ effective on zh-ja direction and for ja-zh tradi­
fore we use fast_align to align the source and tar­ tional argmax­based beam search is still better.
get sentences, generate alignment score in the sen­ Firstly, 4M data in the original corpus is se­
tence level and word level 3 , then further filter the lected by the alignment score and translated by the
combined dataset by the alignment results. For the models (models for the different directions) got in
sentence level alignment score, the threshold was the previous step to build synthetic corpus, then
set to ­16 and for the word level it was ­2.5. After for each direction a new model is trained on the
multiple rounds cleaning, 75% of the data provided augmented dataset (contains 5.4M + 4M + 4M =
are swiped out, leaving about 5.4M sentence pairs 13.4M pairs). To get a better translation result,
as the foundation of our experiments described in we used ensemble model to augment the dataset.
the next section. One more thing could be clarified that, in this aug­
mentation step we not only introduced 4M back­
3 Main Task Experiments translated data, but also generated 4M synthetic tar­
get sentences by applying knowledge distillation
Taking the 5.4M corpus in the hand, we further di­ (KD) (Freitag et al., 2017).
vided the words in the text into subwords (Sennrich On this genuine­BT­KD mixture dataset, we
et al., 2016b). BPE code is trained on the Chinese tried one more round of back­translation and
and Japanese corpus jointly, with 32,000 merging knowledge distillation, but just saw a minor im­
operations, but the vocabulary is extracted for each provement. Afterwards we trained language
language individually, so for Chinese the size of its model on the 5.4M parallel corpus for each lan­
vocabulary is 31k and for Japanese it is 30k. Vocab­ guage using kenlm (Heafield, 2011). With the
ularies for both two directions (ja-zh and zh-ja) help of the language model, 3M Chinese sentences
are shared. We trained 8 heads Transformer Big and 4M Japanese sentences with the highest scores
models with Facebook FAIR’s fairseq (Ott et al., are selected from the unaligned monolingual cor­
2019) using the following configuration: pus as the new input of BT models, augmented
the mixture dataset to 20.4M pairs (noted as final
• learning rate: 0.001
augmented dataset, which will be referenced later
• learning rate schedule: inverse square root 4
Many related works used to train a model in the very early
stage, for example train from the rawest, uncleaned dataset.
To get a word level alignment score, we divide the sen­ We did considered doing so at first but since the original
tence level score by the average length of source sentence and dataset is too noisy, we decided to clean the corpus first to
target sentence achieve a more meaningful baseline score.

in the report), and we did another round of back­ cretely, we compared the Levenshtein dis­
translation and knowledge distillation. After these tance between the sentences, divided it by the
three rounds iterative BT (Hoang et al., 2018) and average length (count of characters) of the
KD, several best single models are further com­ text in the pair. If this ratio is above 0.9, we
posed together to an ensemble model. In the last consider the source and the target are too sim­
step, following (Yee et al., 2019), we use both back­ ilar.
ward model (for zh-ja task, model from ja-zh
is its backward model, and vice versa) and Trans­ After the filtering, 14.92 million sentence pairs
former language model to rerank the n­best candi­ are kept, and based on them we trained a model
dates of the output from the ensemble model, to by Marian (Junczys­Dowmunt et al., 2018) using
generate the final results. Transformer base model, see it as the baseline
Detailed results on the dev dataset of each inter­ model for the current task. 36k BPE merge opera­
mediate step is shown in table 1. We strictly fol­ tions are applied on the remained sentence pairs, in­
lowed the organizer’s requirement to build a con­ dependently for each language, led to two vocabu­
strained system, means that we didn’t add in any laries each contains 50k words. We use Adam opti­
external data, nor made use of the test data in any mizer with learning rate set to 3×10−4 and 16,000
other form besides of generating the final result. warmup steps, clip­norm set to 0.5, dropout of at­
tention set to 0.05, label smoothing set to 0.1. De­
4 Branched Task Experiments coder searches with a 6 beam­width and the length
Besides the main task experiments demonstrated in normalization is 0.8. 5
the previous section, as the introduction part says, To filter the noisy parallel corpora, We followed
we are also interested in how to mine or extract par­ dual conditional cross­entropy filtering proposed
allel data from such huge but noisy datasets, and by (Junczys­Dowmunt, 2018): for a parallel cor­
explore some special skills on translating from Chi­ pus D, in which the source language is noted as
nese to Japanese (and also vice versa). This section X and the target language is noted as Y, two trans­
will mainly discuss our work on these two parts. lation models can be trained: model A is trained
from X to Y and model B is trained in the re­
4.1 Filtering the Noisy Dataset versed direction. Given a sentence pair (x, y) ∈ D
We first tried to extract parallel sentences from and a translation model M , the conditional cross­
the pre­filtered, 161.5 million dataset. Since this entropy of the sentence pair normalized by target
dataset is “nearly aligned”, it is assumed that for a sentence length can be calculated:
given sentence pair, if the target side doesn’t match
the source, the whole pair can be safely dropped
because the counterpart of the source doesn’t exist HM (y|x) = − log PM (y|x)
in other places of the corpus. We first use CLD as
the language detector to remove sentences that are 1 ∑
neither Chinese nor Japanese — only in this step =− log PM (yt |y<t , x)
nearly 110 million pairs are filtered out. Next, we
feed the data into the preprocessing pipeline which As we have two models A and B, two scores
is the same as the one introduced in the Preprocess­ achieved by each can be combined to calculate the
ing section. The preprocessed corpus are then fil­ maximal symmetric agreement (MSA) of the sen­
tered in a similar way described in the Preprocess­ tence pair, following:
ing section, with the following additional steps:
• We compared the url counts of each side and
remove the inconsistent line pairs. MSA(x, y) =|HA (y|x) − HB (x|y)|
• We kept a set of common special characters + (HA (y|x) + HB (x|y))
as a white list, removed all other special char­ 5
In the branched experiments, the machine translation
acters framework and hyper­parameters applied are all different
from those used in the main task. The reason is these exper­
• We removed the sentence pairs that the source iments were taken concurrently by different team members,
side is too similar to the target side. Con­ so they have each own hyperparameter settings.

zh-ja BLEU ja-zh BLEU
Baseline 34.6 32.6
+ Filtered by alignment information from baseline model 36.3 (+1.7, +1.7) 33.2 (+0.6, +0.6)
+ 1st round BT using genuine parallel corpus (13.4M pairs) 37.5 (+2.9, +1.2) 34.6 (+2.0, +1.4)
+ 2nd round BT using genuine parallel corpus (13.4M pairs) 37.6 (+3.0, +0.1) 34.6 (+2.0, +0.0)
+ BT using monolingual corpus (20.4M pairs) 38.8 (+4.2, +1.2) 35.4 (+2.8, +0.8)
+ 3rd round BT using both parallel and monolingual corpus 39.2 (+4.6, +0.4) 36.0 (+3.4, +0.6)
(20.4M pairs)
+ Ensemble 40.1 (+5.5, +0.9) 36.6 (+4.0, +0.6)
+ Reranking 40.8 (+6.2, +0.7) 37.2 (+4.6, +0.6)

Table 1: Results of the main task experiments, evaluation is taken on the validation dataset provided officially. The
improvement amount of each row is expressed in two forms: absolute improvement (current score ­ baseline score)
and relative improvement (current score ­ previous step score). Note to get a more strict BLEU score, we used
SacreBLEU (Post, 2018) to calculate the final BLEU score, and we didn’t split words composed by Latin letters
and numbers into characters, which differs from the official evaluation process. If the same splitting is applied,
and evaluated by multibleu (https://github.com/moses­smt/mosesdecoder/blob/master/scripts/generic/multi­bleu­
detok.perl) which is officially designated, the score could be higher by 1.x points

Since MSA(x, y) ∈ [0, +∞), we can re­scale for a Chinese sentence, if we can find its Japanese
the score to (0, 1], by counterpart, the corresponding line can only exist
in the same document. As the dataset gives doc­
adq(x, y) = exp(−MSA(x, y)) ument boundary, we split the whole dataset into
millions of documents, and use hunalign (Varga
This method is noted as “adq” adapting the no­
et al., 2007) to mine aligned pairs in each doc­
tation proposed in the original paper. We took a se­
ument (dictionaries are extracted from a cleaned
ries of experiments on the direction zh-ja, but the
version of the combined dataset). Although still
results are not so good as we expected. Detailed in­
hold the intra­document alignment assumption, we
formation is listed in table 2. We also added dataset
kept reading documents, didn’t perform hunalign
C mentioned in table 2 to the original dataset used
until the accumulated lines reached 100k (but we
for training baseline model of the main task, but
don’t break the document), for the possible cross­
still didn’t see too much improvement. Using the
document alignment. We kept all lines which have
configuration introduced in the main task section,
alignment scores higher than 0.8, and of which the
the model’s BLEU score is 34.7, only 0.1 points
words count ratio between source and target falls
higher than the baseline score listed in table 1.
into [0.5, 2]. Then we removed all lines contains
4.2 Mining the Unaligned Dataset url, replaced numbers and English words which
Besides the officially released pre­filtered dataset, have more than 3 letters with tags, and dedupli­
we also paid our attention on the very original, cated again, leaving only 5.5 million lines. We
huge but dirty dataset, tried some methods to clean trained a Transformer base model using marian on
it. As previously said, both Chinese and Japanese the dataset which is utilized for training the base­
have its own closed characters set respectively, so line model in the main task experiments, apply­
we first simply remove the lines that don’t con­ ing the same configuration given in the previous
tain any Chinese characters (for Chinese corpus), sub­section, and ranked the results using bleualign
or those don’t contain any katas or kanjis (for (Sennrich and Volk, 2010) (Sennrich and Volk,
Japanese lines). This simple step directly removed 2011), finally kept 4 million lines. This dataset is
about 400 million lines. We also applied the same patched to the original dataset which is used the
preprocessing described before, like language de­ main task, and a minor improvement (+0.6 BLEU)
tection, deduplication, and the cleaning pipeline. can be seen. However, due to the time limit this
This preprocessing reserved 460 million lines. part of data were not further used in the whole main
For the remained data, as they are not aligned, task experiments.
we cannot follow the filtering process shown in the
previous sub­section. However, we assumed that

Filtering method BLEU on dev set
Baseline 27.1
A. adq, 8M data with highest scores 27.2 (+0.1)
B. adq, 5M data with highest scores 26.2 (­0.9)
C. Filter A by fast_align scores and Japanese language models 26.8 (­0.3)

Table 2: zh-ja experiments using data filtered from the pre­filtered “parallel” corpus. BLEU is calculated by
sacreBLEU in the same way depicted in the main task experiments section

4.3 Character Based Models and Some system (one character is corresponding to a
Variations syllable). Kana further consists of a pair
From the perspective of writing system research, of syllabaries: hiragana (in kanji 平 仮 名)
Chinese characters system is a typical logogram, and katakana, the latter is generally used
means a single character can also carry meaning­ to transliterate loanword (including foreign
ful semantical information, which differs to phono­ names). Although a single katakana charac­
logic writing systems widely used in the world. ter doesn’t carry semantical information, only
Previous research (Li et al., 2019) argues that for imitates the pronunciation, the same situation
Chinese, character­based model even performs bet­ exists in Chinese, too — when transliterating
ter than subword­based models. Moreover, For the foreign names, a single Chinese character is
Japanese language, its literacy “was introduced to only used to show the pronunciation, loses
Japan in the form of the Chinese writing system, the means it could have. Therefore, katakanas
by way of Baekje before the 5th century” 6 , even can also be roughly mapped to Chinese char­
today Chinese characters (Hanzi, in simplified Chi­ acters.
nese 汉字, in traditional Chinese 漢字) are still
• Split CJK characters and all kanas
important components of Japanese writing system
(in Japanese called kanji, written as 漢字), so in­ For each direction, we trained four different
tuitively characters between two languages could Transformer Big models using the splitting meth­
have strong mapping relationship. (ngo, 2019) ods described above (another one is subword­
also shows that for Japanese­Vietnamese machine based model as baseline). In this series of exper­
translation system, character­based model takes iments, we used FAIR’s fairseq, set clipnorm to 0,
advantages to the traditional methods. As both max tokens to 12,200, update­freq to 8, dropout to
Vietnamese and Japanese are impacted by Chi­ 0.1, warmup­updates to 15,000. Length penalties
nese language, it is reasonable to try character­ are different among all models, we set the optimal
based machine translation systems on Chinese ⇔ value according to the results reported on the vali­
Japanese language pairs. dation set. However, surprisingly, there is still no
Inspired from the intuition and the previous re­ improvement can be observed, and for zh-ja di­
lated works, we further split the subwords in the rection models generally perform worse (detailed
final augmented dataset (presented in the main results are listed in table 3). It needs some extra
task experiments) into characters in three different work to find out the reason, one possible explana­
ways, which are tion is the big amount of back­translated synthesis
corpus, which was generated by model based on
• Split CJK characters (hanzi in Chinese and
subwords, changed the latent data distribution.
kanji in Japanese) only, since we assume
that the characters are highly related between 5 Final Results
these two sets
From the evaluation results provided by the orga­
• Split CJK characters and katakana (in kanji nizer officially, Our BLEU score for jazh direc­
片 仮 名). In Japanese writing system, be­ tion is 32.9, for zhja is 30.1.
sides kanji, another component is called kana However, per our observation on the dev
(in kanji 仮 名), which belongs to syllabic dataset, we found most of the numbers and Latin
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_language words are styled in full width characters, so we
#Writing_system made an extra step in post­processing to convert all

Splitting method zh-ja BLEU ja-zh BLEU
zh­ja Baseline 39.0 35.1
Split cjk chars only 37.9 (­1.1) 35.4 (+0.3)
+ katakanas 37.9 (­1.1) 34.9 (­0.2)
+ hiraganas 38.2 (­0.8) 35.3 (+0.2)

Table 3: Experiments using character­based models. BLEU is calculated by sacreBLEU in the same way depicted
in the main task experiments section. The “baseline” model here is trained on the 21M data after three rounds back­
translation, compared to zh-ja 39.2/ja-zh 36.0 step in the main task experiments section, not to be confused with
the baseline demonstrated in the previous section

jazh BLEU zhja BLEU 6 Conclusion and Future Works

55.8 43.0
In this report, we demonstrate our work for the
34.0 34.8∗
Chinese­Japanese and Japanese­Chinese open do­
32.9 34.3
main translation task. The system we submitted
32.5 33.0
is a neural MT model based on Transformer ar­
32.3 31.7
chitecture. During the experiments, many tech­
30.9 31.2
niques, such as back­translation, ensemble, rerank­
29.4 30.1
ing are applied and are proved to be effective for
26.9 29.9
the MT system. Parallel data extraction, noisy data
26.2 28.4
filtering methods and character­based models are
25.3 26.3
also experienced and discussed, although currently
22.6 25.9
they are not integrated into our systems, there will
11.6 7.1
be still a lot work on them to find out proper ways
to optimize the procedure and models, or to prove
their limitations.
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just after the submission. Scores shown in
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Character Mapping and Ad-hoc Adaptation:
Edinburgh’s IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation System

Pinzhen Chen Nikolay Bogoychev Ulrich Germann

School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB
{pinzhen.chen, n.bogoych, ulrich.germann}@ed.ac.uk

Abstract Our techniques are mostly data-centric and each

technique improves translation in terms of BLEU
This paper describes the University of Ed- on our development set. In the final automatic
inburgh’s neural machine translation systems
evaluation based on 4-gram character BLEU, our
submitted to the IWSLT 2020 open domain
Japanese↔Chinese translation task. On top of systems rank 6th out of 14 for Ja→Zh and 7th out
commonplace techniques like tokenisation and of 11 for Zh→Ja.
corpus cleaning, we explore character map-
ping and unsupervised decoding-time adapta- 2 Baseline with Rule-Based Cleaning
tion. Our techniques focus on leveraging the
provided data, and we show the positive im- 2.1 Preprocessing
pact of each technique through the gradual im- We first tokenise our data at word-level, which is
provement of BLEU. commonly done for the Japanese and Chinese (Bar-
rault et al., 2019; Nakazawa et al., 2019). While
1 Introduction
it is unclear whether word-level or character-level
The University of Edinburgh presents its neural ma- models are superior (Bawden et al., 2019), word-
chine translation (NMT) systems for the IWSLT level segmentation could resolve ambiguity and
2020 open domain translation task (Ansari et al., dramatically reduce sequence length. The tools we
2020). The task requires participants to submit use are KyTea (Neubig et al., 2011) for Japanese
systems to translate between Japanese (Ja) and Chi- and Jieba fast2 for Chinese.
nese (Zh), where the sentences come from mixed
2.2 Rule-based cleaning
domains. For training purpose, 1.96 million ex-
isting sentence pairs and 59.49 million crawled We then apply a series of rule-based cleaning oper-
sentence pairs1 are provided, making the task a ations on both existing and crawled data to create
high-resource one. In our experiments, we focused baseline models. These steps are mostly inspired
on three aspects: by submissions to the corpus filtering task at WMT
2018 (Koehn et al., 2018). The task shows that
1. Corpus cleaning which consists of hand- effective corpus filtering brings substantial gain in
crafted rules and cross-entropy based meth- translation performance.
ods. Language identification: One way of parallel
2. Japanese and Chinese character mapping to corpus filtering is to restrict source sentences to
maximise vocabulary overlap and make em- be in the source language, and target sentences to
bedding tying more intuitive. be in the target language. However, distinguishing
between Japanese and Chinese, particularly short
3. Unsupervised ad-hoc adaptation during de- sentences, is tricky because both share a set of com-
coding time to translate a multi-domain test mon characters. Hence, we decide to relax this rule
set, experimented at the sentence, cluster (sub- by keeping all sentences (pairs) which are identified
document) and document levels. as either Chinese or Japanese using langid.py
We mistakenly used an outdated dataset which is larger (Lui and Baldwin, 2012). This inevitably leaves
but noisier. The dataset was extracted from crawled texts
with encoding issues and inconsistent handling of Japanese https://github.com/deepcs233/jieba fast, a faster imple-
characters “プ” and “で”. mentation of Jieba

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 122–129
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
some Chinese on the Japanese side and vice versa. cleaning. BLEU scores reported for the develop-
It might have a beneficial copying effect (Currey ment set are based on tokenised output, but we
et al., 2017), especially given the vocabulary over- perform de-tokenisation and normalisation of full-
lap between the two languages. width numbers and punctuation symbols for our
Length ratio: We use the provided high-quality final submission to make the texts natural Chinese
existing data to estimate the average Japanese and or Japanese.
Chinese sentence lengths at character-level. We
find the length ratio of Japanese to Chinese is about 3 Chinese and Japanese Mapping
1.4 to 1. We remove sentence pairs which have a In ancient times, Japanese borrowed (at that time,
length ratio outside the 3 standard deviations from traditional) Chinese characters (Hanzi) to use as
this mean. This a lenient choice in order to keep a written form (Kanji). After a long time of co-
short translations. This is applied to both existing and separate evolution (e.g. Chinese simplifica-
and crawled data. tion), the relationship between Hanzi and Kanji
Sentence length: We remove sentence pairs is complicated. Some Hanzi and Kanji stay un-
with more than 70 tokens on the Chinese side or changed, some develop different meanings, and
more than 100 tokens on the Japanese side, for both some develop different written forms. A detailed
existing and crawled data. description is given by Chu et al. (2012). More
Chinese simplification: The Chinese datasets importantly, they released a Kanji to traditional and
contain both traditional and simplified characters, simplified Hanzi mapping table. With each Kanji
so we use hanziconv3 to simplify them. This being a key, there can be zero, one or many corre-
rule-based converter has a minor flaw that it some- sponding traditional and simplified Hanzi. In total,
times confuses on characters that are in both tradi- there are mapping entries for around 5700 Kanji to
tional and simplified Chinese. An example is “著”, simplified Hanzi. Chu et al. (2013) use this charac-
the traditional form of “着”, but also a simplified ter mapping to enhance word segmentation in sta-
character on its own with a different meaning. tistical machine translation (SMT). Recently, Song
et al. (2020) map characters in a Chinese corpus
2.3 Model training to Japanese, making it a pseudo-Japanese corpus
For the baseline model, we try out three combina- for the purpose of pre-training Japanese↔English
tions of data, namely existing only, crawled only NMT.
and both. For Ja→Zh and Zh→Ja, this results In our work, we take a step forward to
in six models. As a comparison, we also train map Chinese and Japanese to each other for
vanilla models without previously described clean- Chinese↔Japanese NMT directly. Without map-
ing steps. ping as a data processing step, an NMT system
All models are Transformer-Base with de- needs to learn the mapping between Kanji and
fault configurations (Vaswani et al., 2017). We Hanzi implicitly. Therefore we hypothesise that
use Marian (Junczys-Dowmunt et al., 2018) to mapping them before training a model will:
train our systems, with SentencePiece (Kudo and 1. maximise character overlap percentage, re-
Richardson, 2018) applied on tokenised data. As duce vocabulary size and make embedding-
stated previously, Chinese and Japanese share some tying more effective, and
characters, so it is intuitive to use a shared vocabu-
lary between source and target, and to enable three- 2. reduce the computation needed to learn to
way weight-tying between source, target and output model the mapping.
embeddings (Press and Wolf, 2017). Since we already simplified all Chinese characters,
We report character-level BLEU on development hereafter we refer to simplified Chinese as Hanzi.
set, using the evaluation script provided.4 The base- Mapping from Kanji to Hanzi is straightforward
line results are shown in Table 2 as “(1) vanilla” from the character mapping table. Next, according
and “(2) rule-based cleaning”. We see a significant to the mapping table, we re-construct a mapping
improvement in BLEU after applying rule-based table indexed by Hanzi, but a minor difference is
3 that each Hanzi will have at least one correspond-
https://github.com/didi/iwslt2020 open domain ing Kanji. It is not possible to get perfect one-to-
translation/tree/master/eval one mappings due to the existing many-to-many

Chinese→Japanese Japanese→Chinese
Zh Ja Total Overlap Zh Ja Total Overlap
no mapping 21168 24387 15283 18502 24387 15283
conservative 20958 18502 24117 15343 21168 16659 22891 14936
aggressive 20560 24086 14976 16341 22759 14750

Table 1: Character statistics of Chinese (Zh) and Japanese (Ja)

relationship between Hanzi and Kanji. In order of the two models. The score of a sentence pair
to simplify post-processing. we only map source (x, y) is calculated according to Equation 1, where
characters to target, so the target outputs are always Ha→b (b|a) is the cross-entropy from a translation
in the genuine target language. Hence we map Chi- model that translates a to b. A lower score implies
nese to Japanese or Japanese to Chinese depending a better sentence pair.
on the translation direction. We design two simple
mapping scheme variants:
adequacy = Hx→y (y|x) − Hy→x (x|y)
1. Conservative mapping: apply one-to-one (1)
mapping and ignore all one-to-many cases. 1
+ (Hx→y (y|x) + Hy→x (x|y))
All target characters must be constrained to 2
target corpus, in order not to introduce new This step finds sentence pairs that are adequate,
characters. and more importantly, equally adequate in both
2. Aggressive mapping: apply one-to-one map- directions. It effectively filters out non-parallel sen-
ping, and for the one-to-many mapping cases, tences, or even machine translations which have
pick the character that has the highest fre- been optimised for just a single direction. We want
quency in the target corpus. The target con- to score sentence pairs with the best translation
straint applies too. model we have, so we use the aggressive map-
ping models built in the previous section to score
Table 1 shows the counts of characters before mapped corpus for both directions.
and after mapping in each language as well
as the total counts, for Chinese→Japanese and 4.2 Language model cross-entropy difference
Japanese→Chinese respectively, on all available
The previous step ensures the adequacy of sentence
data. We only map characters on the respective
pairs, but it does not pick out unnatural sentences.
source side and leave the target side of the training
For example, a concatenation of texts from a web-
data as it is.
site’s navigation bar, together with its translation,
We then train models on the mapped data for
get a good score by fulfilling adequacy. To alleviate
both directions, with results displayed in Table 2 as
this issue, we apply cross-entropy difference scor-
“(3) mapping”. We observe that aggressive mapping
ing. The score for a single sentence a is calculated
is marginally better than conservative on Ja→Zh
according to Equation 2, where Hdesired (a) is the
and much better on Zh→Ja. Thus, we pick aggres-
cross-entropy from a language model trained on
sive mapping for our following experiments.
desired data (clean, in-domain) and Hundesired (a)
4 Filtering Based on Cross-Entropy is the cross-entropy from a language model trained
on undesired data (noisy, out-of-domain). It has an
Our initial rule-based cleaning shows its effective- interpretation that, a high-quality sentence should
ness through improvement in BLEU scores. We be similar to the desired data but different from the
further adopt two filtering steps based on cross- undesired data. We used KenLM (Heafield et al.,
entropy proposed by Junczys-Dowmunt (2018): 2013) to build 4-gram language models on the ex-
isting and the crawled data respectively.
4.1 Dual conditional cross-entropy
Dual conditional cross-entropy score is obtained Hdesired (x) − Hundesired (x) (2)
from the absolute difference between cross-
entropies of two translation models in inverse di- Since our data serve both translation directions,
rections, weighted by the sum of cross-entropies we score both sides of a sentence pair and take the

Transformer BLEU
Category Data
size Ja→Zh Zh→Ja
(1) vanilla existing base 21.88 27.11
existing 26.57 26.59
(2) rule-based
crawled base 25.15 27.25
cleaning √
all 28.26 27.70
conservative 29.09 24.37
(3) mapping base √
aggressive 29.41 27.78
best 50M 29.66 28.84
(4) cross-entropy
best 35M base 30.45 28.92
filtering √
best 20M 30.58 29.67
best 20M 30.91 30.13

best 10M 30.65 30.42 (a)
(5) deeper models best 10M big 30.68 30.40 (b)
best 5M 30.35 29.94 (c)
best 5M 29.71 30.08 (d)
ensemble of (c) and (d) 30.63 30.55
(6) ensembles ensemble of (a) and (b) 31.55 30.86
ensemble of (a), (b), (c) and (d) 31.61 30.90

Table 2: √
Our models’ 4-gram character-level BLEU on development set.
A symbol denotes the best configuration in each category.

sum to get an overall fluency score: where we observe that translation performance im-
proves as the size of training data drops. Thus we
further experiment with 20, 10 and 5 million data
fluency = Hexisting ja (ja) − Hcrawled ja (ja)
(3) on Transformer-Big. Results are displayed in the
+ Hexisting zh (zh) − Hcrawled zh (zh) same table under category “(5) deeper models”. In
addition, we run ensemble decoding, combining
4.3 Ranking and cut-off
the models trained on 10 million and 5 million
To combine both filtering methods, Junczys- sentences, and report results in the same table in
Dowmunt (2018) negates the scores and exponen- category “(6) ensembles”.
tiate them. Furthermore, extreme cross-entropy
difference scores are capped or cut to 0. Finally, a 5 Ad-hoc Domain Adaptation
product of the two determines the quality of sen-
NMT is sensitive to domain mismatch (Koehn
tence pairs. After applying this procedure, we ob-
and Knowles, 2017), and there are numerous tech-
serve that the top-ranking sentences are dominated
niques for domain adaptation for NMT (Chu and
by the ones with perfect adequacy but not fluency
Wang, 2018). Some model and training techniques
(e.g. a translation of navigation bar). Thus we
require prior knowledge of the domain and can-
keep multiplication but omit capping and cutting
not be easily applied. Nonetheless, one method
to weight fluency more. Equation 4 shows how the
that can be adopted during test sentence translation
final score of a sentence pair is calculated.
is retrieving samples that are similar to the input
from the available training data, and fine-tuning
score = exp(−adequacy) × exp(−fluency) (4) a trained generic model on these samples. Such
ad-hoc domain adaptation can be done at sentence
After we rank all sentences pairs by their scores, level (Farajian et al., 2017; Li et al., 2018) or docu-
we empirically determine the data cut-off point. ment level (Poncelas et al., 2018).
We test with top 50, 35 and 20 million sentence
pairs with Transformer-Base architecture for both 5.1 Similar sentence retrieval
translation directions. We report BLEU scores in A crucial factor for domain adaptation to work is
category “(4) cross-entropy filtering” in Table 2, to accurately retrieval representative sentences of

test sentences. Farajian et al. (2017) store train- occur more than T times in training data are dis-
ing data in the Lucene search engine and take regarded, under the assumption that the generic
the top-scoring outcomes ranked by sentence-level model will already have learned to translate such
BLEU. Li et al. (2018) use word-based reverse phrases adequately. This is similar to Li et al.
indexing and explore three similarity measures: (2018)’s approach, but we try different T values.
Levenshtein Distance, cosine similarity between For other n-grams, we always include all matching
average word embeddings, and cosine similarity be- sentences in the fine-tuning data.
tween sentence embeddings from NMT. Addition-
ally, they suggest an alternative approach, phrase 5.2 Fine-tuning experiments
coverage, inspired by phrase-based SMT, when no
high-scoring match is found. Due to time constraint, we only experiment our
Sentence-level adaptation is computationally ex- on-the-fly fine-tuning on Ja→Zh. We pick the
pensive because, for each sentence, a separate generic baseline model to be the best-performing
model needs to be fine-tuned. In contrast, Poncelas one trained on 10 million data. We test three differ-
et al. (2018) synthesise data similar to the whole ent ways of doing the adaptation. First is the single-
test set. They leverage a feature decay algorithm sentence adaptation, where the generic model is
to select monolingual data in the target language fine-tuned on selected training sentences for each
that are similar to test sentences translated by a sentence in development (dev) set. However, care-
generic source-to-target model. Then, the selected ful choice of hyperparameters is necessary to pre-
sentences are back-translated to source language vent overfitting because only a small number of
(Sennrich et al., 2016), forming synthetic parallel sentences are retrieved. Next thing we try is to use
sentences for fine-tuning. 1 dev sentence and other 9 closet dev sentences
In our work, we adopt a pure phrase-coverage together as a query. To form such a cluster of 10
approach, which is compatible for both sentence dev sentences, we convert all dev sentences into
and document level retrieval. As originally sug- n-gram TF-IDF vectors and score cosine similarity
gested for phrase-pair extraction in phrase-based in a pairwise manner. This allows us to find the
SMT by Callison-Burch et al. (2005) and Zhang most similar sentences to any given one. For the
and Vogel (2005), we index the source side of the above two choices, we set the threshold T to be 20,
training data via a suffix array (Manber and My- and fine-tune for 1 and 10 epochs separately. The
ers, 1990) for very fast identification of sentence results are reported in Table 3.
pairs that contain a given phrase. Then we simply We observe that BLEU drops even we only fine-
use the test data as a query to retrieval sentences tune for a single epoch. Our intermediate con-
based on n-gram overlapping. Figure 1 shows how clusion is that there is overfitting or misfitting to
efficiently our sentence retrieval method scales up. out-of-domain sentences that have been incorrectly
retrieved. Furthermore, sentence-level adaptation
·10−2 is fairly expensive, which prevents us from per-
Average time per sentence (sec)

forming a grid search to find the most suitable con-
figurations. Hence, we move on to document-level
3 adaptation by using the whole dev set as a query to
find similar sentences. As a comparison, we also
2 use the whole test set, and a combination of dev and
test as queries. This results in hundreds of thou-
sands of sentences being retrieved, compared to
hundreds to thousands for sentence-level retrieval.
To prevent overfitting, we also raise threshold T to
0 120 and validate on dev set frequently instead of
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
specifying an epoch budget.
Number of sentences as query
As Table 3 shows, using a query of both dev and
Figure 1: Average time to query one sentence against test data leads to the biggest improvement of 0.55.
number of sentences in the query. Surprisingly, using the whole test set as a query to
retrieve sentence for dev set fine-tuning only leads
We set a threshold T , such that n-grams which to a small drop of 0.19 BLEU. This shows that our

Query T Epoch BLEU Character mapping between Japanese and Chi-
generic baseline 30.65 nese may inspire two directions of research: apply-
20 1 26.60 ing character mapping on other tasks, and trying
1 sentence
20 10 26.25 character mapping for other language pairs.
a cluster of 20 1 25.81 Due to time constraint, we could not perform
10 sentences 20 10 27.24 exhaustive experiments to find the best configura-
dev set 120 31.09 tion for sentence-level and cluster-level adaptation,
test set 120 N/A 30.46 which can be further investigated. We also propose
dev and test sets 120 31.20 to study further on cluster (sub-document) adap-
4 FT 32.12 tation, where a system can group test sentences,
ensemble and fine-tune before translating them. This can
4 FT & 4 non-FT 32.06
make adaptation more fine-grained compared to
Table 3: Character-level BLEU of ad-hoc fine-tuning document adaptation, without the huge risk of over-
experiments on Ja→Zh, at sentence, cluster and docu- fitting at sentence-level.
ment levels. FT denotes fine-tuned models.
document adaptation is conservative, thanks to a
large number of retrieved sentences. The considera- This work has received funding from the
tions underlying adaptation over the entire dev and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
test sets (irrespective of the domain of individual and innovation programme under grant agreements
sentences) are as follows: very frequent phrases in- No 825303 (Bergamot) and 825627 (European Lan-
cluding words, are the features of a language rather guage Grid).
than a domain. For phrases that are frequent in This research is based upon work supported in
some domains but not others, the generic model part by the Office of the Director of National Intel-
will probably have learned to translate them ap- ligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research
propriately. What we are concerned about are the Projects Activity (IARPA), via contract #FA8650-
phrases seen rarely during generic model training, 17-C-9117. The views and conclusions contained
because of the bias in training data, or coming from herein are those of the authors and should not be in-
niche domains. Sentences that share such phrases, terpreted as necessarily representing the official
we conjecture, are likely from the same or related policies, either expressed or implied, of ODNI,
domains anyway, so fine-tuning on them all is effec- IARPA, or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Gov-
tive. For sentences with no overlap in such words ernment is authorized to reproduce and distribute
and phrases, we are probably fine-tuning different reprints for governmental purposes notwithstand-
areas in the overall parameter space, which can be ing any copyright annotation therein.
harmless to each other. This work was performed using resources
provided by the Cambridge Service for Data
6 Results and Conclusion Driven Discovery (CSD3) operated by the Univer-
sity of Cambridge Research Computing Service
In our work, we explore a series of techniques (www.csd3.cam.ac.uk), provided by Dell EMC and
which lead to improvements on Ja↔Zh NMT. Intel using Tier-2 funding from the Engineering
Rule-based filtering brings a marginal increment in and Physical Sciences Research Council (capital
BLEU for Zh→Ja but a significant one for Ja→Zh. grant EP/P020259/1), and DiRAC funding from
Character mapping, which increases source and tar- the Science and Technology Facilities Council
get vocabulary overlap, has a tiny effect on Zh→Ja, (www.dirac.ac.uk). We thank Kenneth Heafield
but makes 1 BLEU improvement for Ja→Zh. Next, for providing us with computing resources.
cross-entropy filtering adds 2.5 BLEU for Zh→Ja
and 2 BLEU for Ja→Zh. Ad-hoc fine-tuning, aim-
ing at enhancing open domain translation, delivers References
another 0.55 BLEU. Finally, an ensemble of 4 fine-
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has improved 10 and more than 3 BLEU for Ja→Zh Durrani, Marcello Federico, Christian Federmann,
and Zh→Ja respectively. Jiatao Gu, Fei Huang, Kevin Knight, Xutai Ma, Ajay

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CASIA’s System for IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation

Qian Wang1,2 , Yuchen Liu1,2 , Cong Ma1,2 , Yu Lu1,2 , Yining Wang1,2 , Long Zhou1,2
Yang Zhao1,2 , Jiajun Zhang1,2 , Chengqing Zong1,2
National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, CASIA, Beijing, China
School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Abstract For data pre-processing, we use byte-pair encod-

This paper describes the CASIA’s system
ing(BPE) segmentation (Sennrich et al., 2016b) for
for the IWSLT 2020 open domain transla- the source side and character level segmentation for
tion task. This year we participate in both the target side to improve the model performance
Chinese→Japanese and Japanese→Chinese on rare words. We also investigate the influence
translation tasks. Our system is neural ma- of different segmentation methods including word,
chine translation system based on Transformer BPE and character segmentation for both sides.
model. We augment the training data with
To further improve the translation quality, we
knowledge distillation and back translation to
improve the translation performance. Domain
utilize data augmentation techniques of back-
data classification and weighted domain model translation with a sub-selected monolingual corpus
ensemble are introduced to generate the final to build additional pseudo parallel training data.
translation result. We compare and analyze the Sentence level knowledge distillation is used to
performance on development data with differ- strengthen the performance of student model from
ent model settings and different data process- multi-policy teacher models including left→right,
ing techniques. right→left, source→target and target→source.
1 Introduction We also investigate the domain information of
the large training data by using a Bert based do-
Neural machine translation(NMT) has been in- main classifier, which is a masked language model
troduced and made great success during the past and has been shown effective in large scale text
few years (Sutskever et al., 2014; Bahdanau et al., classification tasks (Devlin et al., 2019). With the
2015; Luong et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2016; Gehring in-domain data, we transfer the model of general
et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2017; Vaswani et al., domain to each specific domain, and use weighted
2017). Among those different neural network ar- domain model ensemble as decoding strategy.
chitectures, the Transformer, which is based on
self-attention mechanism, has further improved the 2 System Description
translation quality due to the ability of feature ex-
traction and word sense disambiguation (Tang et al., Figure 1 depicts the whole process of our submis-
2018a,b). In this paper, we describe our Trans- sion system, in which we pre-process the provided
former based neural machine translation system data and train our advanced Transformer models on
submitted to the IWSLT 2020 Chinese→Japanese the bilingual data together with synthetic corpora
and Japanese→Chinese open domain translation from back-translation and knowledge distillation.
task (Ansari et al., 2020). With domain classification and fine tuning tech-
Our system is built upon Transformer neural ma- niques, we obtain multiple models for ensemble
chine translation architecture. We also adopt Rel- strategy and post-processing. In this section, we
ative Position (Shaw et al., 2018) and Dynamic will introduce each process step in detail.
Convolutions (Wu et al., 2019) to investigate the
performances of advanced model variations. For 2.1 NMT Baseline
the implementation, we extend the latest release of In this work, we build our model based on the
Fairseq1 (Ott et al., 2019). powerful Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017). The
https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq Transformer is a sequence-to-sequence neural

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 130–139
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
Pre-Processing Training Ensemble Post-Processing
Parallel Data Data Filtering MLE Training Model 1
Deep Transformer + UNK Replacing
Momolingual Data Back-Translation Model 2
Domain Classifier ...
Domain Data Tag Classification Fine Tuning Model n

Figure 1: System process of our submissions.

Output Multi-Head Attention Scaled Dot-Product Attention


Linear Matmul

Concat softmax
点积注意力 Mask(opt.)
Scared Dot-Product Attention
Add & Norm
Forward Matmul
Liner Liner
Liner Liner
Linear Linear Linear
Add & Norm Add & Norm
Feed Multi-Head
Forward Attention Figure 3: (left) Scaled Dot-Product Attention. (right)
Multi-Head Attention.
Add & Norm Add & Norm
Multi-Head Multi-Head
Attention Attention representations of (Qi , Ki , Vi ). Specifically, for
each attention head i, we project the hidden state
Positional Positional
matrix into distinct query, key and value represen-
Input Output
tations Qi =QWiQ , Ki =KWiK , Vi =V WiV respec-
Embedding Embedding tively. Then we perform scaled dot-product at-
Inputs Outputs
tention for each representation, concatenate the
(shifted right)
results, and project the concatenation with a feed-
Figure 2: The Transformer model. forward layer.
MultiHead(Q, K, V ) = Concati (headi )W O
headi = Attention(QWiQ , KWiK , V WiV )
model that consists of two components: the en- (1)
coder and the decoder, as shown in Figure 2. The Q
where Wi , Wi , Wi and W are parameter ma-
encoder network transforms an input sequence of trices .
symbols into a sequence of continues representa- Scaled Dot-Product Attention An attention
tions. The decoder, on the other hand, produces function can be described as a mapping from a
the target word sequence by predicting the words query and a set of key-value pairs to an output.
using a combination of the previously predicted Specifically, we can multiply query Qi by key Ki
word and relevant parts of the input sequence rep- to obtain an attention weight matrix, which is then
resentations. Particularly, relying entirely on the multiplied by value Vi for each token to obtain the
multi-head attention mechanism, the Transformer self-attention token representation. As shown in
with beam search algorithm achieves the state-of- Figure 3, we compute the matrix of outputs as:
the-art results for machine translation.
Multi-Head Attention We use the multi-head Attention(Q, K, V ) = Softmax( √ )V (2)
attention with h heads, which allow the model to dk
jointly attend to information from different rep- where dk is the dimension of the key. For the sake
resentation subspaces at different positions. For- of brevity, we refer the reader to Vaswani et al.
mally, multi-head attention first obtains h different (2017) for more details.

2.2 Back-Translation T2S+L2R Teacher Model: We translate the tar-
Back-translation is an effective and commonly used get sentences of the parallel data into source lan-
data augmentation technique to incorporate mono- guage using our target-to-source (briefly, T2S) sys-
lingual data into a translation system (Sennrich tem with L2R manner.
et al., 2016a; Zhang and Zong, 2016). Especially T2S+R2L Teacher Model: We translate the tar-
for low-resource language tasks, it is indispensable get sentences of the parallel data into source lan-
to augment the training data by mixing the pseudo guage using our T2S system with R2L manner.
corpus with the parallel part. Back-translation first In the final stage, we use the combination of the
trains an intermediate target-to-source system that translated pseudo corpus to improve the student
is used to translate monolingual target data into model. It is worth noting that we also mix the orig-
additional synthetic parallel data. This data is used inal bilingual sentences into these pseudo training
in conjunction with human translated bitext data to corpus.
train the desired source-to-target system.
2.4 Model Ensemble and Reranking
How to select the appropriate sentences from
the abundant monolingual data is a crucial issue Model ensemble is a method to integrate the proba-
due to the limitation of equipment and huge over- bility distributions of multiple models before pre-
head time. We trained a n-gram based language dicting next target word (Liu et al., 2018). We
model on the target side of bilingual data to score average the last 20 checkpoints for single model
the monolingual sentences for each translation di- to avoid overfitting. One checkpoint is saved per
rection. 1000 steps. For model ensemble, we train six sep-
Recent work (Edunov et al., 2018) has shown arate models. To achieve this, we fine-tune our
that different methods of generating pseudo corpus student model described in Section 2.3 and back
made discrepant influence on translation perfor- translation model described in Section 2.2 using
mance. Edunov et al. (2018) indicated that sam- corpus from three different domains (Spoken do-
pling or noisy synthetic data gives a much stronger main, Wiki domain and News domain). We use
training signal than data generated by beam search weighted ensemble to generate the translation re-
or greedy search. We adopt the back-translation sult, in which the weights for each domain model is
script from fairseq2 and generate back-translated calculated from a Bert based domain classifier. The
data with sampling for both translation directions. domain specific data for training the domain clas-
sifier and fine tuning the student translation model
2.3 Knowledge Distillation will be described in detail in Section 3.4.
The goal of knowledge distillation is to deliver For reranking, we rescore 50-best lists output
a student model that matches the accuracy of a from the ensemble model using a rescoring model,
teacher model (Kim and Rush, 2016). Prior work which includes the models we trained with different
(Yang et al., 2018) demonstrates that student model model sizes, different corpus portions and different
can surpass the accuracy of the teacher model. In token granularities.
our experiments, we adopt sequence-level knowl-
edge distillation method and investigate four differ- 3 Data Preparation
ent teacher models to boost the translation quality This section introduces the methods we em-
of student model. ploy to prepare the provided parallel data
S2T+L2R Teacher Model: We translate the (18.9M web crawled corpus and 1.9M exist-
source sentences of the parallel data into target ing parallel sources) and monolingual sentences
language using our source-to-target (briefly, S2T) (unaligned web crawled data). We also describe
system described in Section 2.1 with left-to-right how to prepare domain specific data to facilitate
(briefly, L2R) manner. translation.
S2T+R2L Teacher Model: We translate the The provided parallel corpus existing parallel
source sentences of the parallel data into target for the two translation directions consists of around
language using our S2T system with right-to-left 1.9M sentence pairs with around 33.5M characters
(briefly, R2L) manner. (Chinese side) in total. Furthermore, a large, noisy
https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq/ set of Japanese-Chinese segment pairs built from
tree/master/examples/backtranslation web data web crawled is also provided, which con-

sists of around 18.9M sentence pairs with around Train Dev
Length Statistic
493.9M characters (Chinese side) in total. We use Ja Zh Ja Zh
the provided development dataset as the validation avg. length 17.56 14.52 10.12 7.82
set during training, which consists of 5,304 sen- avg. ratio 1.35 1.34
tence pairs. The average length and length ratio
of the provided parallel corpus and development Table 1: The average length and length ratio (Ja/Zh) of
the provided parallel corpus and development dataset.
dataset is shown as in Table 1.

3.1 Pre-processing and Post-processing Filtering Methods # of sentences

original 20,929,833
In the open domain translation task both on remove illegal 18,073,574
Chinese→Japanese and Japanese→Chinese trans- filter by length and ratio 15,708,757
lation directions, we first implement pre-processing filter by alignment 15,679,247
on training corpus and then filter it.
Before pre-processing, We remove illegal sen- Table 2: The number of the remaining sentence pairs
tences in the provided Japanese-Chinese parallel after each filtering operation.
corpus which include duplicate sentences and sen-
tences in different languages other than source or in source language since it has the best performance
target (filtered by our language detector tools). on preliminary machine translation experiments.
Pre-processing steps include escape character For target side, we determine to use character gran-
transformation, text normalization, language fil- ular because character level decoder could perform
tering and word segmentation. There are lots better in our preliminary experiments.
of escape characters in the existing parallel and Post-processing steps are similar to pre-
web crawled which do not occur in development processing without filtering. We apply escape char-
set. As a result, we transform all these escape acter transformation, text normalization and un-
characters into corresponding marks with a well known words (UNK) processing steps on machine
designed rule-based method to make it consistent translation results. The same methods are used to
between the training and evaluation. implement escape character transformation and text
Text normalization step mainly focuses on nor- normalization as pre-processing. For UNK process-
malization of numbers and punctuation. Based ing, we find some of the numbers can not be well
on analysis on development set, we found that in translated by model and we replace these UNKs
Chinese, most of the punctuation are double byte with the numbers in source sentence. Otherwise,
characters (DBC), while most of the numbers are we remove the UNK symbols.
single byte characters (SBC). However, most of
the numbers and punctuation in Japanese are dou- 3.2 Parallel Data Filtering
ble byte characters (DBC). Hence we normalize The following methods are applied to further filter
the numbers and punctuation format to make it the the parallel sentence pairs.
same as development set. We remove sentences longer than 50 and se-
In word segmentation step, we apply Jieba3 as lect the parallel sentences where the length ratio
our Chinese word segmentation tool for segmenting (Ja/Zh) is between 0.53 and 2.90. We then calcu-
Chinese parallel data and monolingual data. For late word alignment of each sentence pair by using
Japanese text, word segmentation is used Mecab fast align4 (Dyer et al., 2013). The percentage of
(Toshinori Sato and Okumura, 2017). After pre- aligned words and alignment perplexities are used
processing, we filter the training corpus as men- as the metric where the thresholds are set as 0.4
tioned in section 3.2. and −30 respectively. Through the above filtering
Finally, we apply Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) procedure, the number of the remaining data is re-
(Sennrich et al., 2016b) on both Chinese and duced from 20.9M to 15.7M, as shown in Table 2.
Japanese text. Separate BPE models are trained for
Chinese and Japanese respectively. Based on the 3.3 Monolingual Data Filtering
comparison of BPE operations from 30k, 35k, 40k, It is proven that back-translation is a simple but ef-
45k, 50k, we determine to use 40k BPE operations fective approach to enhance the translation quality
3 4
https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba https://github.com/clab/fast_align

Figure 4: The domain data processing steps, including the NMT model trained on general domain data, the NMT
models fine tuned on specific domain, the domain classification and weighted ensemble in the decoding stage.

Filtering Methods Ja Zh Domain Existing Web

original 941,297,925 928,670,666 Wiki 558,531 4,006,232
remove illegal 10,078,827 32,644,917 Spoken 1,290,796 9,534,754
filter by length 8,175,157 30,415,964 News 21,661 2,444,884
filter by LM 6,128,443 16,374,195
Table 4: Statistics of domain data. Existing indicates
Table 3: The number of the remaining monolingual sen- existing parallel which is used to train the domain clas-
tences for Japanese and Chinese after each filtering op- sifier, while Web means web crawled parallel in which
eration. the domain labels are predicted by the classifier.

as described in Section 2.2. To achieve that, we ex- the training data. Only the same or similar corpora
tract the high-quality monolingual sentences from are typically able to improve translation perfor-
the provided unaligned web crawled data. After re- mance. Therefore, we apply domain adaptation
moving illegal sentences from web crawled corpus, methods in this task.
we limit the maximum sentence length as 50 and Adaptation methods for neural machine transla-
remove dirty data by a language model. Specially, tion have attracted much attention in the research
we use KenLM5 toolkit to train two language mod- community (Britz et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017;
els with Japanese and Chinese monolingual data Chu and Wang, 2018; Zhang and Xiong, 2018;
extracted from the provided parallel corpus exist- Wang et al., 2020). They can be roughly classi-
ing parallel. We then rank the sentences based fied into two categories, namely data selection and
on the perplexities calculated by the trained lan- model adaptation. The former focuses on selecting
guage models and filter by perplexity threshold of the similar training data from out-of-domain paral-
4 for Chinese and 3 for Japanese. Note that the lel corpora, while the latter focuses on the internal
perplexities are normalized by sentence lengths. model to improve model performance. Following
obtain 6.1M and 16.4M monolingual sentences for these two categories, our domain data processing
Japanese and Chinese separately. The filtering re- takes the following steps, as shown in Figure 4.
sults are presented in Table 3. Domain Label In this task, there are two kinds
The obtained monolingual sentences are fed to of domain labels provided: domains in exist-
the trained model to generate pseudo parallel sen- ing parallel and domains in web crawled parallel.
tence pairs, which are employed to boost the per- Since the later is mainly source document index
formance of the model. for each sentence pair, the former is more mean-
3.4 Domain Data Processing ingful for domain classification. We categorize the
domain label of existing parallel data into three
Although the amount of provided training data is
commonly used classes, namely Wiki, Spoken, and
large enough, it is a noise set of web data built
News. The domain Wiki includes wiki facebook,
from multiple domain sources. Koehn and Knowles
wiki zh ja tallip2015 and wiktionary. The label
(2017) have demonstrated that the NMT model per-
Spoken includes ted and opensubtitles. The label
forms poorly when the test domain does not match
News includes global-voices, newscommentary and
https://github.com/kpu/kenlm tatoeba.

Domain classification Data selection can be find that 383 Chinese→Japanese pairs and 421
conduct in supervised or unsupervised manners Japanese→Chinese pairs in the crawled data are
(Dou et al., 2019). Since there is a provided data overlapped with the final test set. We just used the
source descriptive file in the existing parallel data originally trained model to decode the test set and
which can be regarded as domain labels, we choose decided not to retrain our model since it will take
the supervised way here. We use two BERT models much time and the organizers remind that models
pretrained on Chinese6 and Japanese7 data, respec- cannot be changed after the test set is released. Any-
tively. Then the BERT models are fine tuned as way, we also suggest to test the translation quality
a text classification task, based on the source and on the remaining test set excluding the overlapped
target side of existing parallel with three domain sentences.
label we defined. Since the domain data is un-
even, we also adopt oversampling and use extra 4 Experiment Settings and Results
data to enlarge News domain For the remaining
4.1 Experiment Setup
data in web crawled parallel, we use the classifica-
tion model to classify the total data into the three Our implementation of Transformer model is
different domains. The statistics of domain data we based on the latest release of Fairseq. We use
used is shown in Table 4. Transformer-Big as basic setting, which contains
Decoding Stage Considering the test set is also layers of N = 6 for both encoder and decoder.
composed of a mixed-genre data, we first classify Each layer consists of a multi-head attention sub-
the domain of each sentence in the test set and ob- layer with heads h = 16 and a feed-forward sub-
tain the probabilities corresponding to each domain. layer with inner dimension df f = 4096. The word
Then we apply a weighted ensemble method to inte- embedding dimensions for source and target and
grate NMT models. Specifically, when computing the hidden state dimensions dmodel are set to 1024.
the output probability of the next word, we multi- In the training phase, the dropout rate Pdrop is set
ply the output probability in each domain specific to 0.1. In the fine tuning phase, the dropout rate is
translation model with the corresponding domain changed to 0.3 to prevent over-fitting.
probability of each sentence. We use cross entropy as loss function and apply
label smoothing of value ǫls = 0.1. For the opti-
3.5 Other Data Resource mizer, we use Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015) with
β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.98 and ǫ = 10−8 . The initial
The task description says that the test data is a
learning rate is set to 10−4 for training and 10−5
mixture of genres but the provided development
for fine tuning.
set is mainly from spoken domain. Furthermore,
we find that the domain distribution of the training The models with complete training data are
data is severely unbalanced (as shown in Table trained on 4 GPUs for 100,000 steps. For
4). Especially, the data of News domain is quite the dataset with knowledge distillation or back-
limited. Due to above two reasons, we decided to translation, the models are trained for 150,000
crawl some data from other domains. steps. We validate the model every 1,000 mini-
batches on the development data and perform early
It is easy to find that hujiangjp 8 which is a web-
stop when the best loss is stable on validation set
site helping people to study foreign languages con-
for 10,000 steps. At the end of training phase, we
tains some parallel Chinese-Japanese sentences.
average last 20 checkpoints for each single model
Accordingly, we crawled all the available data
of general domain. In fine tuning phase, we use the
in this website before test data release. The to-
averaged model of general domain as starting point
tal amount of extra data consists of 12, 665 par-
for initializing the domain model, and continue
allel sentences. We randomly select 4, 877 sen-
training on 1 GPU with domain data for 50,000
tence pairs to build an extra development set.
steps without early stop. The batch sizes in training
When training each domain model, all the ex-
and fine tuning are set to 32768 and 8192 respec-
tra data are used as part of News domain. We
Chinese-BERT-wwm 4.2 Result
bert-japanese Table 5 shows the result on development
https://https://jp.hjenglish.com/new/ data of both Chinese→Japanese (ZH→JA) and

Settings ZH→JA JA→ZH Model Architecture BLEU
Single System Dynamic Convolutions (Big) 27.13
Baseline 28.07 22.19 Transformer (Base) 27.16
Complete Parallel Data 27.38 27.41 Relative Position (Big) 27.41
+Parallel data Filtering 33.46 27.69 Transformer (Big) 27.89
+Back Translation 34.42 28.08
+Knowledge Distillation 34.00 29.50 Table 6: The BLEU scores of Chinese→Japanese on
development data with different model settings and
+Domain Classification 34.96 30.14
System Combination
Ensemble Baseline 34.79 30.32 Token Granularities BLEU
+ Weighted Ensemble 35.41 30.55 Word→Word 25.45
+ Reranking 34.92 30.41 Character→Character 26.92
Table 5: The BLEU scores of both directions on devel- BPE→BPE 27.89
opment data. BPE→Character 28.07

Table 7: The BLEU scores of Chinese→Japanese on

Japanese→Chinese (JA→ZH) translation direc- development data with different token granularities.
tions. We report the character BLEU score calcu-
lated with multi-bleu-detok.perl script. As shown Chinese→Japanese development data. The data
in the result, filtering with complete parallel data we used to train the models is existing parallel
plays an important role in our system. Techniques data, which consists of 1.9M parallel sentences.
of back translation and knowledge distillation con- For the model variations, we compare Relative
sistently improve the BLEU score. When applying Position (Shaw et al., 2018), Dynamic Convolu-
domain classification, we classify each sentence tions (Wu et al., 2019) and Transformer Base and
using the Bert-based domain classifier and decode Big settings (Vaswani et al., 2017). As shown in
each sentence with corresponding domain model. Table 6, The best result is produced by Transformer
As for combination methods, we build six sepa- Big setting, which is used as default when training
rate models with three domain (Wiki, Spoken and on large datasets.
News) fine tuned on two large synthetic data (back For the token granularities, we report
translation and knowledge distillation). In ensem- the result with four tokenization methods:
ble baseline, all of these models share the same Word→Word, Character→Character, BPE→BPE
weight in predicting word distributions. Weighted and BPE→Character. As shown in table 7, adopt-
ensemble indicates we apply different weights for ing BPE in source side and Character in target
the ensemble models, in which the weights are side performs better than other token granularities,
obtained by the domain classifier. With weighted which is used in our submission systems.
domain ensemble, our system achieves the best per-
We notice that there exits a large divergence be-
formance on development data in terms of BLEU,
tween the two translation directions when using
and surpass the single baseline systems by 7.34
complete parallel data and process with parallel
BLEU for Chinese→Japanese and 8.36 BLEU for
data filtering. We have verified the result and the
parallel data in depth. We find that the quality
We also find a performance drop with reranking. of Japanese data is lower. For example, there are
The reason may be that we train the reranking mod- sentences consist of punctuations only, which may
els on the complete parallel data, which is from harm the target side language model learned by the
general domain and may assign lower score for decoder. After parallel data filtering, the invalid
domain specific translations. As a result, our sub- sentences are removed and thus the translation qual-
mission is based on the weighted ensemble system, ity of ZH-JA is improved.
which performs best in our experiments. We also find that the provided development data
is mainly from spoken domain, and thus we use our
4.3 Analysis
collected data as extra development set from other
We compare the performance of different domain to investigate the general performance of
model variations and token granularities on single model. The result is shown in table 8. We

Development data ZH→JA JA→ZH Jiatao Gu, Fei Huang, Kevin Knight, Xutai Ma, Ajay
Provided 34.00 29.50 Nagesh, Matteo Negri, Jan Niehues, Juan Pino, Eliz-
Our collected 32.78 30.95 abeth Salesky, Xing Shi, Sebastian Stüker, Marco
Turchi, and Changhan Wang. 2020. Findings of the
IWSLT 2020 Evaluation Campaign. In Proceedings
Table 8: The BLEU scores of best single model (with
of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Lan-
knowlegde distillation) on provided development data guage Translation (IWSLT 2020), Seattle, USA.
and our development data.
Dzmitry Bahdanau, Kyunghyun Cho, and Yoshua Ben-
gio. 2015. Neural machine translation by jointly
find there exists a small gap between provided de- learning to align and translate. In 3rd Inter-
velopment data and our collected data, which in- national Conference on Learning Representations,
ICLR 2015, San Diego, CA, USA, May 7-9, 2015,
dicates that the domain information may further Conference Track Proceedings.
improve the translation quality, and thus leads us
to utilize domain transfer and ensemble techniques. Denny Britz, Quoc Le, and Reid Pryzant. 2017. Ef-
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Note that the extra development set is only used in
tion. In Proceedings of the Second Conference on
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the size of News domain data in parallel dataset Chenhui Chu and Rui Wang. 2018. A survey of do-
main adaptation for neural machine translation. In
is extremely smaller than other domains (Section Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on
3.4). Computational Linguistics, pages 1304–1319, Santa
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5 Conclusion tional Linguistics.

We present the CASIA’s neural machine Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and
Kristina Toutanova. 2019. BERT: pre-training of
translation system submitted to IWSLT 2020 deep bidirectional transformers for language under-
Chinese→Japanese and Japanese→Chinese open standing. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference
domain translation task. Our system is built with of the North American Chapter of the Association
Transformer architecture and incorporating the for Computational Linguistics: Human Language
Technologies, NAACL-HLT 2019, Minneapolis, MN,
following techniques:
USA, June 2-7, 2019, Volume 1 (Long and Short Pa-
pers), pages 4171–4186.
• Deliberate data pre-processing and filtering
Zi-Yi Dou, Junjie Hu, Antonios Anastasopoulos, and
• Back-translation of selected monolingual cor- Graham Neubig. 2019. Unsupervised domain adap-
pus tation for neural machine translation with domain-
aware feature embeddings. In 2019 Conference on
• Knowledge distillation from multi polity Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing,
pages 1417–1422.
teacher models
Chris Dyer, Victor Chahuneau, and Noah A. Smith.
• Domain classification and weighted domain 2013. A simple, fast, and effective reparameteriza-
model ensemble tion of IBM model 2. In Human Language Technolo-
gies: Conference of the North American Chapter of
As a result, our final system achieves substantial the Association of Computational Linguistics, Pro-
improvements over baseline system. ceedings, pages 644–648.
Sergey Edunov, Myle Ott, Michael Auli, and David
6 Acknowledgement Grangier. 2018. Understanding back-translation at
scale. In EMNLP.
The research work described in this paper has
been supported by the Natural Science Foun- Jonas Gehring, Michael Auli, David Grangier, Denis
Yarats, and Yann N Dauphin. 2017. Convolutional
dation of China under grant No.U1836221 and sequence to sequence learning. In Proceedings
No.61673380. of the 34th International Conference on Machine
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Deep Blue Sonics’ Submission to IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation

Enmin Su Yi Ren
Deep Blue Sonics Deep Blue Sonics
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract Last but not least, massive pre-trained language

models like BERT perform strongly in NLP tasks
We present in this report our submission like question answering, reading comprehension
to IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation
and text classification (Devlin et al., 2019), motivat-
Task(Ansari et al., 2020). We built a data pre-
processing pipeline to efficiently handle large ing our attempts to incorporate them in our NMT
noisy web-crawled corpora, which boosts the system.
BLEU score of a widely used transformer
model in this translation task. To tackle
the open-domain nature of this task, back-
translation (Sennrich et al., 2016) is applied to
further improve the translation performance. Domain mismatch NMT systems trained with
data from specific domains may translate poorly
1 Introduction in other domains (Freitag and Al-Onaizan, 2016).
Training the model with all available corpora,
Neural machine translation (NMT) is a well-
and fine-tuning it on a specific domain generally
studied problem boosted in recent years by pow-
achieves best results in this domain (Chu et al.,
erful transformer models (Vaswani et al., 2017),
2017). In open domain cases, it’s impractical
which find their ways to various sequence-to-
to keep a dedicated model or to obtain enough
sequence tasks, such as automatic speech recog-
training data for every single domain. Hence Multi-
nition (ASR) (Dong et al., 2018), speech transla-
Domain NMT, where a single model generalizes
tion (Gangi et al., 2019), text-to-speech (Shin et al.,
to multiple domains, is gaining interest in recent
2019), to name a few. Nevertheless, many chal-
research. For example, Tars and Fishel; Jiang
lenges remain in training an efficient transformer
et al.; Zeng et al. injected domain information into
NMT model in practice, such as the following ones
model input, leading to convincing and consistent
raised in IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation
improvements, in which domain information may
be derived in both supervised and unsupervised
Handling noisy dataset Hassan et al. pointed manners.
out that machine translation models are vulnerable
to noise even in small quantity. In practice, manual
correction of a massive corpora is prohibitive, thus Our work consists of establishing an efficient
calling for an automatic data cleaning pipeline. data pre-processing pipeline for large web-crawled
corpora to train a transformer model for NMT and
Leveraging monolingual data Compared to exploiting large amount of monolingual data with
parallel corpora, monolingual data can be acquired back-translation and language modeling.
at a much lower cost. Common ways of us-
ing monolingual data include language modeling This report is organized as follows: Section 2
(Çaglar Gülçehre et al., 2015), back-translation depicts the different techniques applied to improve
(Sennrich et al., 2016), and dual learning (He et al., the official baseline model, whereas in Section 3
2016), all exhibiting promising results; further- the experiments and results are described in greater
more, they could be adopted in a complementary details. Finally, we conclude our work and suggest
way when carefully designed (Hassan et al., 2018). a few future work directions in Section 4.

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 140–144
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
2 System Overview A rescoring method put forward by Shin et al. is
also tested, where the translation candidates from
2.1 Noisy Data
beam search are reranked using a weighed combi-
According to Hassan et al., the common noises in nation of original scores and scores calculated by a
web-crawled corpora can be categorized into the pre-trained Japanese BERT model (Takeshi et al.,
following groups: 2019).
• mis-aligned pairs,
• partially translated pairs, 2.4 Back-translation
• inaccurate or low-quality pairs, Back-translation (Hoang et al., 2018) has been
• pairs in wrong languages, or as exact dupli- proven to be an effective and highly applicable
cates. way to achieve consistent improvements by in-
Meanwhile, in the context of training Transformer creasing both size and diversity of the training cor-
models with large-scale parallel data, Popel and pora (Edunov et al., 2018); we follow their back-
Bojar found out while clean and smaller datasets translation setting in our experiments.
help the model to converge faster, noisy and larger
datasets help in converging to a better result. Our 3 Experiments and Results
experiments indicate that with a pre-processing
3.1 Data Acquisition and Pre-processing
pipeline, training larger datasets is of great help
in improving translation BLEU score. All the datasets used in our experiments are listed in
Table 2. While larger datasets boost model perfor-
2.2 NMT model mance in general, we observe considerable amount
Our NMT model is identical to the baseline of noises in all the datasets in Table 2 apart from
of IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation Task the ”clean parallel” set. As mentioned in Section
(Ansari et al., 2020), which is a common trans- 2.1, these noises are of various nature, and show
former architecture. The hyper-parameters of the negative impact in our primary experiments. To
model are listed in Table 1. deal with them, several pre-processing steps have
been applied as follows.
encoder layers 6 First, the noisy datasets turn out to contain a
decoder layers 6 lot of rare or meaningless characters. In order to
filter width 4096 remove them, we define a valid Unicode range,
attention width 1024 consisting of basic Latin, Greek alphabet, Japanese
attention heads 16 alphabet and CJK symbols and punctuations. Then
token type BPE we discard sentence pairs including more than 20%
source vocabulary size 30k of invalid characters, and delete the invalid symbols
target vocabulary size 30k in the remaining pairs.
Total Parameters 270M Second, we normalize these sentences with ne-
ologdn1 to handle encoding issues and special punc-
Table 1: Hyper-parameters for our NMT model. tuations.
Third, a naive de-duplicate algorithm is applied
to get rid of redundancy in training data, which
2.3 Language Modeling also eliminates invalid text containing only error
Çaglar Gülçehre et al. proposed language model- messages.
ing as a way of leveraging monolingual corpora Finally, the sentences in wrong languages in the
in the context of NMT. Given massive monolin- datasets are filtered by a pre-trained Fasttext lan-
gual data, language modeling helps in decoding guage classification model (Joulin et al., 2017),
accuracy, thus ensuring improvements in iterative where sentences with wrong language labels or low
back-translation training. Among various ways confidence are removed.
of incorporating language models in an NMT sys- The use of pre-processed noisy data results later
tem, we conduct experiments on shallow fusion in a notable increase of BLEU score (see Table 4).
and deep fusion, following the settings of Çaglar
Gülçehre et al.. 1

Dataset Size Source
training set
clean parallel 2M existing parallel
noisy parallel 17M pre-processed web crawled parallel filtered
monolingual(Ja) 10M unaligned documents
monolingual(Zh) 10M Large Scale Chinese Corpus for NLP (Xu, 2019)
validation set
basic expressions 5304 JEC Basic Sentence Data (Kurohashi-Kawahara Lab.)

Table 2: Datasets used in our experiments. The size is in number of sentence pairs for parallel datasets, and
number of sentences for monolingual ones.

3.2 Baseline Model 3.4 Back-translation

We train the transformer model in Section 2.2 on To generate a back-translation dataset, we first
clean data as baseline. We use Jieba2 and Mecab3 augment clean target sentences using the exact
to tokenize the Chinese and Japanese text respec- ’beam + noise’ setting in (Edunov et al., 2018),
tively, and use subword-nmt4 to perform BPE en- with p(deletion) = 0.1, p(substitution) = 0.1
coding/decoding (Gage, 1994), with vocabulary for each token in the sentence; for substitution, we
size approximately to 30k for each language. We randomly pick the ith token and draw a random
use Tensor2Tensor (Vaswani et al., 2018) imple- number n from uniform distribution of {-3, 2, -1,
mentation of Transformer, with 4 GPU and accumu- 1, 2, 3}, and replace this token with the (i + n)th
lates gradient for 4 steps, resulting in an equivalent token. We generate noisy source sentences using a
batch-size of 32768. target-to-source NMT model trained from previous
steps, and construct a dataset using noisy source
3.3 Language Modeling sentences with their clean target counterparts. Dur-
Here we attempt to acquire some improvements uti- ing training, parallel data and back-translated data
lizing unpaired data by means of language models are sampled at 1:1 ratio.
(LM). The methods tested are:
3.5 Final Results
• shallow fusion with language model (Çaglar As is shown in previous sections, using large nor-
Gülçehre et al., 2015) malized corpora and back-translation both improve
• deep fusion with language model(Çaglar the baseline system in two translation directions.
Gülçehre et al., 2015) The overall result on validation set is depicted in
• BERT rescoring (Shin et al., 2019) Table 4. The final result on test dataset is depicted
in (Ansari et al., 2020).
As summarized in Table 3, none of the LM-based To further confirm the effectiveness of our back-
methods leads to gain in BLEU score just yet, and translation approach acorss different domains, we
further research needs to be conducted to beat the classify the validation set into 14 different topics
baseline with language models. using a validated pre-trained bag-of-words model,
and compute the validation BLEU scores of each
Methods Zh2Ja topic before and after back-translation. In Figure 1,
baseline model 27.48 an overall improvement is observed in all cate-
shallow fusion 26.79 gories with a few exceptions, which is expected.
deep fusion 21.84
BERT rescoring 24.80 Methods Ja2Zh Zh2Ja
official baseline 20.28 26.57
Table 3: BLEU scores after incorporating with lan- clean parallel 20.37 27.48
guage models. + noisy parallel 25.48 30.32
+ back-translation 27.79 35.87
https://taku910.github.io/mecab/ Table 4: Overall BLEU Scores on Validation Set.

Jiang et al., 2019); meanwhile, adding special do-
main tokens to source text may also achieve com-
parable results (Tars and Fishel, 2018).

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University of Tsukuba’s Machine Translation System
for IWSLT20 Open Domain Translation Task

Hongyi Cui! † Yizhen Wei! † Shohei Iida† Masaaki Nagata‡ Takehito Utsuro†

Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Japan

NTT Communication Science Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Japan

Abstract models are based on the base Transformer as de-

scribed in Vaswani et al. (2017) without spe-
In this paper, we introduce University of cial parameter fine-tuning. For data preprocess-
Tsukuba’s submission to the IWSLT20
ing, firstly, various orthodox methods including
Open Domain Translation Task. We par-
ticipate in both Chinese→Japanese and
punctuation normalization, tokenization as well as
Japanese→Chinese directions. For both byte pair encoding (Sennrich et al., 2016a) which
directions, our machine translation systems have been widely used in recent researches are ap-
are based on the Transformer architecture. plied. Besides, we also apply manual rules, aim-
Several techniques are integrated in order to ing to clean the provided parallel data, the mono-
boost the performance of our models: data lingual data and the synthetic data which is gener-
filtering, large-scale noised training, model ated by ourselves for data augmentation. For the
ensemble, reranking and postprocessing.
sake of a better use of all provided data, we do
Consequently, our efforts achieve 33.0 BLEU
scores for Chinese→Japanese translation and a back-translation for either the source-side and
32.3 BLEU scores for Japanese→Chinese the target-side monolingual data. Meanwhile, in-
translation. spired by noised training method (Edunov et al.,
2018; Wu et al., 2019; He et al., 2020), we add
1 Introduction noise to the source sentences of the synthetic par-
allel corpus to make the translation models more
In this paper, we introduce University of robust and to improve its generalization ability. In
Tsukuba’s submission to the IWSLT20 Open Do- addition, in inference phrase, we apply the model
main Translation Task. The goal of this shared ensemble strategy while top n-best hypotheses are
task is to promote: the research on translation kept for further multi-features reranking process.
between Asian languages, exploitation of noisy At last, post-processing is applied to correct the
web corpora for machine translation, and smart inconsistent punctuation form.
processing of data and provenance. To have an
This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2,
overview look of the IWSLT20 Open Domain
we describe our data preprocessing and data filter-
Translation Task, readers may refer to Ansari et al.
ing. Details of each component of our systems are
(2020) for further details. We participated in both
described in Section 3. The results of the exper-
Chinese→Japanese and Japanese→Chinese direc-
iments for each component and language pair are
summarized in Section 4.
It is widely acknowledged that a neural machine
translation (NMT) system requires a large amount
of training data. Meanwhile, the training process 2 Data
of NMT models may consume a long period of
For all of our submissions, we only use
time and lots of computing resources. Consid-
datasets provided by the organizers. For
ering the limitation of our computing power, our
training parallel data, we use the concate-
goal is to boost the performance of NMT sys-
nation of web crawled parallel filtered and
tems with fewer and smaller components that re-
existing parallel. For data augmentation, since
quire less time and computing resources. Our
the unaligned data are extremely huge, we
Equal contribution. choose to use the separate side of the pre-filtered

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 145–148
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
sentences (web crawled parallel unfiltered) as Ja Zh
monolingual data. Also, development dataset Parallel data(in sents.) 20.9M 20.9M
provided by the organizer is used for development + Filtering(in sents.) 9.8M 9.8M
and model evaluation. + Filtering(in subwords.) 164.5M 128.1M
Monolingual data(in sents.) 161.5M 161.5M
2.1 Data Preprocessing + Filtering(in sents) 17.8M 17.6M
The provided parallel training data contains dif- + Filtering(in subwords.) 308.3M 254.9M
ferent forms of characters, for example, full-width
Table 1: Statistics of the provided data. Notice that we
form and half-width form. To get a normalized
treat two sides of the provided unfiltered dataset sep-
form, we remove all the spaces between charac- arately as monolingual data, therefore the number of
ters and perform NFKC-based text normalization. monolingual data in terms of sentence pairs are identi-
Chinese sentences are segmented with the de- cal as before data filtering.
fault mode of Jieba1 and Japanese sentences
are segmented with Mecab2 using mecab-ipadic-
NEologd3 dictionary. To limit the size of vocab- The same data filtering strategies except those
ularies of NMT models, we use byte pair encod- designed for sentence pairs are also employed on
ing(BPE) (Sennrich et al., 2016b) with 32K split monolingual data. Details of the preprocessed
operations separately for both side. dataset in terms of the amount of sentences and
BPE subwords are listed out in millions in Table 1.
2.2 Data Filtering
3 System
The provided datasets built from the web data are
very noisy and can potentially decrease the perfor- 3.1 Baseline System
mance of a system. To get a clean form, we fil- We adopt the base Transformer as our machine
ter the parallel training corpus with the following translation system following the settings as de-
rules: scribed in Vaswani et al. (2017), consisting of 6
encoder layers, 6 decoder layers, 8 heads, with
• Filter out duplicate sentence pairs. an embedding dimension of 512 and feed-forward
• Filter out sentence pairs which have identical network dimension of 2048. The dropout prob-
source-side and target-side sentences. ability is 0.2. For all experiments, we adopt the
Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014) using β1
• Filter out sentence pairs with more than 10 = 0.9, β2 = 0.98, and " = 1e-8. The learning rate
punctuations or imbalanced punctuation ra- is scheduled using inverse square root schedule
tio. with a maximum learning rate 0.0005 and 4000
warmup steps. We train all our models using
• Filter out sentence pairs which contains half fairseq5 (Ott et al., 2019) on two NIVIDA 2080Ti
or more tokens that are numbers or letters. GPUs with a batch size of around 4096 tokens.
During training, we employ label smoothing of
• Filter out sentence pairs which contain value 0.1. We average the last 5 model check-
HTML tags or emoji. points and use it for decoding.
• Filter out sentence pairs with wrong lan- 3.2 Large-scale Noised Training
guages identified by langid.4
It is widely known that the performance of a NMT
• Filter out sentence pairs exceeding length ra- system relies heavily on the amount of parallel
tio 1.5. training data. Back-translation (Sennrich et al.,
2016a) and Self-training (Zhang and Zong, 2016)
• Filter out sentence pairs with less than 3 are effective and commonly used data augmenta-
words or more than 100 word. tion techniques to leverage the monolingual data
https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba to augment the original parallel dataset.
https://taku910.github.io/mecab In our case, we leverage both the source-side
https://github.com/neologd/ and target-side monolingual data to help the train-
4 5
https://github.com/saffsd/langid.py https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq

ing. Specifically, we train a baseline NMT model Ja→Zh
with the provided parallel corpus at first. Then, System Dev Test
target-side monolingual sentences are translated Baseline 28.19 22.0
by a target-to-source NMT model and source-side + Data filtering 28.60 –
monolingual sentences are translated by a source- + Noised training 29.42 –
to-target NMT model. + Model ensemble 30.03 –
Inspired by noised training method (Edunov + Reranking 30.29 –
et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2019; He et al., 2020), + Postprocessing 30.53 –
we add noise to the source sentences of the syn- Our Submission – 32.3
thetic parallel corpus to make the translation mod-
els more robust and to improve its generalization Table 2: BLEU scores on Japanese → Chinese.
ability. Specifically,
• We randomly replace a word by a special un- System Dev Test
known token with probability 0.1. Baseline 27.29 26.3
+ Data filtering 32.37 –
• We randomly delete the words with probabil- + Noised training 32.21 –
ity 0.1. + Model ensemble 32.82 –
+ Reranking 33.24 –
• We randomly swap the words with constraint + Postprocessing 33.26 –
that no further than 3 words apart. Our Submission – 33.0
Then we add the synthetic parallel data to original Table 3: BLEU scores on Chinese → Japanese.
parallel data and train a new NMT model.

3.3 Model Ensemble training data but with inverted target word or-
Model ensemble is a common method to boost der. We invert the hypothesis sequence and
translation performance. However, due to the huge use the perplexity score given by the right-to-
amount of training data and our limited comput- left NMT model as R2L feature.
ing power, we do not ensemble multiple strong
• Target-to-Source NMT Feature: To reduce
models with different random seeds. Instead, we
inadequate translation, we use the perplex-
only combine three models trained on filtered data
ity score given by the target-to-source NMT
with different random seeds and one model trained
model as T2S feature. In addition, we also
through large-scale noised training. All individual
use the score generated by a target-to-source
models used for model ensemble are the average
right-to-left model as a reranking feature.
of the last 5 model checkpoints.
• Length Feature: We also design a length
3.4 Reranking
feature that quantifies the difference between
Reranking is a method of improving translation the ratio of each sentence pair and the optimal
quality by rescoring a list of n-best hypotheses. ratio. The optimal ratio is determined accord-
For our submissions, we generate n-best hypothe- ing to the training parallel corpus.
ses through a source-to-target NMT model and
then train a reranker using k-best MIRA (Cherry 3.5 Postprocessing
and Foster, 2012). The features we use for rerank- Since we perform NFKC-based text normalization
ing are: on the training corpus, we also employ a post-
processing algorithm on the generated hypothesis.
• Left-to-right NMT Feature: We keep the To be more specific, we change half-width punc-
original perplexity by the original translation tuations to full-width punctuations.
model as a L2R reranking feature.
4 Results
• Right-to-left NMT Feature: In order to ad-
dress exposure bias problem, we train a right- Results and ablations for Ja→Zh and Zh→Ja are
to-left (R2L) NMT model using the same shown in Table 2 and Table 3 respectively. We

report character-based BLEU calculated with the References
provided script. Reference for BLEU calculation Ebrahim Ansari, Amittai Axelrod, Nguyen Bach, On-
on development dataset is in the raw form which drej Bojar, Roldano Cattoni, Fahim Dalvi, Nadir
has not been NFKC-normalized. Each line in the Durrani, Marcello Federico, Christian Federmann,
table represents for the result yielded from the Jiatao Gu, Fei Huang, Kevin Knight, Xutai Ma, Ajay
Nagesh, Matteo Negri, Jan Niehues, Juan Pino, Eliz-
model to which techniques declared in current line abeth Salesky, Xing Shi, Sebastian Stüker, Marco
and all previous lines are added. Turchi, and Changhan Wang. 2020. Findings of the
IWSLT 2020 Evaluation Campaign. In Proceedings
4.1 Japanese→Chinese of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Lan-
guage Translation (IWSLT 2020), Seattle, USA.
For Ja→Zh, data filtering improves our base-
line performance on development data by + 0.41 Colin Cherry and George Foster. 2012. Batch tun-
ing strategies for statistical machine translation. In
BLEU scores. The addition of synthetic data and NAACL, pages 427–436.
large-scale noised training further improves model
performance by + 0.82 BLEU scores. We fur- Sergey Edunov, Myle Ott, Michael Auli, and David
Grangier. 2018. Understanding back-translation at
ther gain + 0.61 BLEU scores and + 0.26 BLEU
scale. In EMNLP, pages 489–500.
scores after applying model ensemble and rerank-
ing. Finally, applying postprocessing on top of Junxian He, Jiatao Gu, Jiajun Shen, and Marc’Aurelio
generated hypothesis gives another improvement Ranzato. 2020. Revisiting self-training for neural
sequence generation. In ICLR.
of 0.24 BLEU scores. The final BLEU score of
our submission is 32.3. Diederik P. Kingma and Jimmy Ba. 2014. Adam: A
method for stochastic optimization. In ICLR.
4.2 Chinese→Japanese Myle Ott, Sergey Edunov, Alexei Baevski, Angela
For Zh→Ja, data filtering plays an important role Fan, Sam Gross, Nathan Ng, David Grangier, and
Michael Auli. 2019. fairseq: A fast, extensible
and improves our baseline performance on devel- toolkit for sequence modeling. In NAACL, pages
opment data by + 5.08 BLEU scores. The addi- 48–53.
tion of synthetic data and large-scale noised train-
ing slightly hurt the performance.6 After applying Rico Sennrich, Barry Haddow, and Alexandra Birch.
2016a. Improving neural machine translation mod-
model ensemble and reranking, we further gain + els with monolingual data. In ACL, pages 86–96.
0.61 BLEU scores and + 0.42 BLEU scores re-
spectively. Finally, applying postprocessing on Rico Sennrich, Barry Haddow, and Alexandra Birch.
2016b. Neural machine translation of rare words
top of the generated hypothesis gives another 0.02 with subword units. In ACL, pages 1715–1725.
BLEU scores. The final BLEU score of our sub-
mission is 33.0. Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob
Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N Gomez, Ł ukasz
Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin. 2017. Attention is all
5 Conclusion you need. In NIPS.

This paper describes University of Tsukuba’s sub- Lijun Wu, Yiren Wang, Yingce Xia, Tao Qin, Jian-
mission to IWSLT20 open domain translation huang Lai, and Tie-Yan Liu. 2019. Exploiting
monolingual data at scale for neural machine trans-
task. We trained standard Transformer models
lation. In EMNLP-IJCNLP, pages 4207–4216.
and adopted various techniques for better perfor-
mance, including data filtering, large-scale noised Jiajun Zhang and Chengqing Zong. 2016. Exploit-
training, model ensemble, reranking and postpro- ing source-side monolingual data in neural machine
translation. In EMNLP, pages 1535–1545.
cessing. We demonstrated the effectiveness of
our approach and achieved 33.0 BLEU scores
for Chinese→Japanese translation and 32.3 BLEU
scores for Japanese→Chinese translation.

However, we also notice that, when BLEU is calcu-
lated with the NFKC-normalized reference it will be slightly
improved if large-scale noised training is added (33.83 vs.
33.97). Therefore, we still adopt large-scale noised training
for our final submission.

Xiaomi’s Submissions for IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation Task

Yuhui Sun, Mengxue Guo, Xiang Li, Jianwei Cui, Bin Wang
AI Lab, Xiaomi Group

Abstract knowledge distillation (KD) (Hinton et al., 2015)

and right-to-left (R2L) NMT model. Finally, we
This paper describes the Xiaomi’s submissions
also explore re-rank the n-best translation candi-
to the IWSLT20 shared open domain transla-
tion task for Chinese↔Japanese language pair. dates generated by models ensembling with some
We explore different model ensembling strate- effective features, including target-to-source (T2S)
gies based on recent Transformer variants. We NMT model, left-to-right (L2R) NMT model, R2L
also further strengthen our systems via some NMT model (Liu et al., 2016), bilingual sentence
first-line techniques, such as data filtering, BERT and language model (LM).
data selection, tagged back translation, do-
main adaptation, knowledge distillation, and Through experiments, we evaluate how each sys-
re-ranking. Our resulting Chinese→Japanese tem feature affects the accuracy of NMT. Our result-
primary system ranked second in terms of ing Chinese→Japanese primary system ranked sec-
character-level BLEU score among all submis- ond in terms of character-level BLEU score among
sions. Our resulting Japanese→Chinese pri- all submissions. Our resulting Japanese→Chinese
mary system also achieved a competitive per- primary system also achieved a competitive perfor-
formance. mance.
1 Introduction
In this paper, we describe the Xiaomi’s neu- 2 Data
ral machine translation (NMT) systems eval-
uated at IWSLT 2020 (Ansari et al., 2020) 2.1 Pre-processing
shared open domain translation task in two
Our pre-processing pipeline begins by removing
directions, Chinese→Japanese (Zh→Ja) and
non-printable ASCII characters, lowercasing text,
Japanese→Chinese (Ja→Zh).
normalizing additional white-space, and control
The accuracy of NMT systems relies on the qual-
character and replacing any escaped characters
ity of training data, we first consider careful pre-
with the corresponding symbol by our in-house
processing and discard the corrupted data from the
script. All the data is further normalized so all
existing bilingual sentences according to rule-based
full-width Roman characters and digits are normal-
filtering and model-based scoring.
ized to half-width. All the traditional characters of
In the aspect of NMT architecture, we exploit
Chinese data are converted to simplified characters
some recent Transformer variants, including dif-
using OpenCC1 . For all corpora, Chinese sentences
ferent Transformer models with deeper layers
are segmented by our in-house Chinese word seg-
or wider inner dimension of feed-forward layers
menter, and Japanese sentences are first segmented
than the standard Transformer-Big model, Trans-
by the morphological analyzer Mecab (Kudo, 2006)
former with a dynamic linear combination of layers
and then tokenized only for the non-Japanese part
(DLCL) (Wang et al., 2019) and neural architecture
by the Moses script2 .
search (NAS) based Transformer-Evolved (So et al.,
2019), to increase the diversity of the system. We
further strengthen our systems by diversifying the https://github.com/BYVoid/OpenCC
training data via some effective methods, includ- mosesdecoder/blob/master/scripts/
ing back-translation (BT) (Sennrich et al., 2016b), tokenizer/tokenizer.perl

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 149–157
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
2.2 Parallel Data Filtering • Duplicated sentence pairs are discarded.
Though the NMT performance is highly correlated 2.2.2 Model-based Scoring
to the huge amounts of training data, a robust body
In the second stage of our filtering pipeline, we
of studies (Carpuat et al., 2017; Khayrallah and
utilize a variety of models to assign some scores to
Koehn, 2018; Wang et al., 2018; Koehn et al., 2018)
each sentence pair of the remaining rule-based fil-
has shown the bad impact of noisy data on general
tered parallel corpus (RFPD). Afterward, we select
NMT translation accuracy. In addition to a small
better sentences according to these scores.
amount of Japanese-Chinese parallel data3 from
various public sources, the organizers also provide • Translation model: We construct paral-
a large-scale but noisy parallel data4 extracted from lel NMT systems based on the standard
a non-parallel web-crawled data through some sim- Transformer-big model in both directions us-
ilarity measures for parallel data mining. We ap- ing RFPD to obtain the target synthetic trans-
ply a two-stage process consisting of rule-based lation as the reference. BEER (Stanojević and
filtering and model-based scoring to further filter Sima’an, 2014) is used as a sentence-level
harmful sentence pairs that are bound to negatively metric of sentence similarity. We prune the
affect the quality of NMT systems from the original sentence pairs with the BEER score of lower
parallel corpora as follows. than 0.2.
2.2.1 Rule-based Filtering • SBERT model: Recently, contextualized
During the first stage, we remove some illegal paral- word embeddings derived from large-scale
lel sentences by applying several rule-based heuris- pre-trained language models (Devlin et al.,
tics. A sentence pair is deleted from the corpus 2019; Liu et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2019)
if its source side or target side fails to obey any have achieved new state-of-the-arts in vari-
of the following wild rules reflecting what ‘good ous monolingual NLP tasks. The success
data’ should look like. Some of the heuristic filter- has also been extended to cross-lingual sce-
ing methods can deal with aspects that can not be narios (Schwenk, 2018; Conneau and Lam-
captured with models. ple, 2019; Mulcaire et al., 2019; Artetxe and
Schwenk, 2019). Recently, Reimers and
• The token (i.e. character sequence between Gurevych (2019) proposed sentence BERT
two spaces) length of every sentence is limited (SBERT) to derive semantically meaningful
less than 50. sentence embeddings. According to the train-
ing framework of SBERT, we use the multilin-
• Sentence pairs with a length ratio greater than gual pre-train BERT model5 and finetune it on
4 are removed. RFPD to yield useful Chinese and Japanese
• Chinese sentences with Chinese characters ra- sentence embeddings in the same space. We
tio less than 0.15 or any character of other reject sentence pairs with a cosine-similarity
than Chinese and English are removed. And score below 0.2.
Japanese sentences with Japanese characters • Word alignment model: We perform a
ratio less than 0.25 or any character of other word alignment model on RFPD using
than Chinese, Japanese, and English are re- fast align (Dyer et al., 2013) to check whether
moved. the sentence pair has the same meaning. Sen-
tence pairs with the alignment probability of
• Japanese sentences without any Hiragana or
being each other translation less than 0.1 are
Katakana character are removed.
• Sentence pairs with mismatched numbers of
• N-gram LM: It is beneficial to use fluent sen-
length three or more digits or URLs are re-
tences for training NMT models. We train
a 5-gram LM that is estimated with modi-
https://iwslt.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs. fied Kneser-Ney smoothing (Kneser and Ney,
4 5
https://iwslt.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs. https://storage.googleapis.com/bert_
com/web_crawled_parallel_filtered_1.1. models/2018_11_23/multi_cased_L-12_
tgz H-768_A-12.zip

1995) using KenLM (Heafield, 2011) on each layers, we also implement two DLCL (Wang
side of the parallel sentences to evaluate sen- et al., 2019)-based Transformer models which
tences’ naturalness. We normalize the LM can memorize the outputs from all preced-
perplexity (PPL) scores of all the sentences ing layers, including Transformer-DLCL-
to be between [0,1]. Sentences whose nor- Big based on the Transformer-Big model
malized PPL scores fall below the threshold and Transformer-DLCL-Deep based on the
(0.45 and 0.53 for Chinese and Japanese data, Transformer-Deep-12-12 above.
respectively) are removed.
• NAS-based model: Recently, NAS has be-
It is worth noting that all the above thresholds gun to outperform human-designed mod-
are determined experimentally. els (Elsken et al., 2018). We use the compu-
tationally efficient Transformer-Evolved (So
2.3 Post-processing et al., 2019) model by NAS. The hyper-
All the outputs are post-processed by merging sub- parameters can be seen in Tensor2Tensor im-
words, removing the space between the non-ASCII plementation6 .
characters, and rule-based de-truecasing. All half-
3.2 Data Diversification
width punctuation marks and digits are also con-
verted back to their original full-width form in a We employ an effective data augmentation strategy
specific language when translating to Chinese and to boost NMT accuracy by diversifying the training
Japanese. data. We first use the following backward and for-
ward models to generate a diverse set of synthetic
3 Overview of System Features training data from both lingual sides of the original
training data or external monolingual data. Then,
3.1 Translation Models
we concatenate all the synthetic data with the origi-
NMT has gained rapid progress in recent nal data to train the baseline models from scratch
years (Sutskever et al., 2014; Bahdanau et al., 2015; in L2R, R2L, and T2S ways, respectively. Finally,
Vaswani et al., 2017). In addition to the standard we conduct the aforementioned approach based on
Transformer-Big (Vaswani et al., 2017) model, we ensemble models again to achieve better baseline
also apply recent Transformer variants for creating systems.
better model ensembles.
• T2S model: Back-translation has thus far
• Wider model: Dimension is an important been the most effective technique effective
factor to enhance the Transformer model for NMT (Sennrich et al., 2016b). Instead of
capacity and performance. Based on the using the synthetic training data produced by
standard Transformer-Big model, we train translating monolingual data in the target lan-
a Transformer-Wide model with a inner di- guage into the source language conventionally,
mension of position-wise feed-forward layers we prepend a special tag to all the source sen-
8,192. tences from the synthetic data to distinguish
synthetic data from original data (Caswell
• Deeper model: Building deeper networks
et al., 2019).
via stacking more encoder and decoder lay-
ers has been a trend in NMT (Bapna et al., • R2L model: Generally, most NMT systems
2018; Wu et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019). produce translations in an L2R way, which suf-
We also exploit three deeper Transformer fers from the issue of exposure bias and conse-
models by simply increasing the layer size quent error propagation (Ranzato et al., 2016).
of Transformer-Big, including Transformer- It has been observed that the accuracy of the
Deep-12-12, Transformer-Deep-12-6, and right part words in its translation results is
Transformer-Deep-6-12 in which the first usually worse than the left part words (Zhang
number represents the layer size of the en- et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2019). We train all
coder and the second number represents the the baseline systems separately using L2R
layer size of the decoder. In addition to the 6
standard Transformer in which the residual tensor2tensor/blob/master/tensor2tensor/
connection is applied between two adjacent models/evolved_transformer.py

and R2L decoding (Wang et al., 2017; Hassan positive or negative. For test data, we rescore the
et al., 2018). hypotheses in the list by the reranking model and
select the hypothesis with the highest likelihood
• L2R model: Knowledge distillation has been score as the final output.
widely applied to NMT (Kim and Rush,
2016; Freitag et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2017; 4 Experiments and Results
Gu et al., 2018; Tan et al., 2019). Recent
work (Furlanello et al., 2018) demonstrates In this section, we introduce the experimental and
that the student model can surpass the accu- data setup used in our experiments and then evalu-
racy of the teacher model, even if the student ate each of the systems introduced in Section 3.
model is identical to their teacher model. Fol-
4.1 Experimental and Data Setup
lowing this work, the teacher and student mod-
els in our experiments keep the same architec- Due to a large number of training parameters, our
ture. deeper Transformer models require larger GPU
memory resources and more time to train. To
3.3 Model Ensembling avoid the out-of-memory issue when training mod-
Ensemble decoding is an effective approach to els with adequate batch size, all models are opti-
boost the accuracy of NMT systems via averaging mized by the memory-efficient Adafactor (Shazeer
the word distributions output from multiple single and Stern, 2018) which has three times smaller
models at each decoding step. We select the top 4 models than Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015). Fur-
systems with the highest BLEU evaluated on the thermore, we also apply the mixed-precision train-
development dataset from all the available baseline ing (Narang et al., 2018) without losing model ac-
systems of each direction for models ensembling. curacy to speed up the training significantly.
In the training stage, we batch sentence pairs
3.4 Reranking by approximate length and limit the number of
source and target tokens per batch to 2,048 for two
Reranking technique (Shen et al., 2004) has been
deeper models and 4,096 for others per GPU. All
applied in the recent years’ WMT tasks (Sennrich
models are trained on one machine with 8 NVIDIA
et al., 2016a; Wang et al., 2017; Ng et al., 2019) and
V100 GPUs each of which has 16GB memory for
have provided significant improvements. We first
a total of 200K steps. We optimize all models
use the S2T-L2R and S2T-R2L ensemble systems
against BLEU using the development set provided
to generate more diverse translation hypotheses
by the organizer, stopping early if BLEU does not
for a source sentence (Liu et al., 2016). Then we
improve for 16 checkpoints of 2,000 updates each.
use ensemble models of S2T-L2R, S2T-R2L and
We set dropout 0.1 for Chinese→Japanese and 0.2
T2S-L2R to calculate 3 different likelihood scores
is for Japanese→Chinese. We average the top 10
for each sentence pair. We obtain the perplexity
checkpoints evaluated against the development set
score for the translation candidates with a neural
as the final model for decoding. During decoding,
LM based on the Transformer encoder. We also
the beam size is set to 4 for the single model and
employ SBERT to calculate the similarity score for
10 for ensemble models. We report the 4-gram
each sentence pair. Each model’s score is treated
character BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) evaluated
as an individual feature. Considering the ranking
by the provided automatic evaluation script8 .
problem as a classification problem, we employ the
implementation of pairwise ranking in scikit-learn7 The approach of two-stage parallel data filtering
RankSVM (Joachims, 2006) to learn the weights of in Section 2.2 enables us to drastically reduce the
all the features on the development data for rerank- training data from 19M to 12M. In order to enlarge
ing. We compute the relative distance between the size of bilingual data, we also exploit to extract
these two samples in the sentence-level BLEU met- more high-quality sentence pairs from the provided
ric by pairing up two translation candidates. In pre-filtered parallel data9 . We first pre-process the
the training phase of the reranking model, we are data and use the rules in Section 2.2 to remove
only interested in whether the relative distance is 8
7 scripts/multi-bleu-detok.perl
modules/generated/sklearn.svm.LinearSVC. https://iwslt.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.
html com/web_crawled_parallel_1.1.tgz

Corpus #Sentences Zh→Ja Ja→Zh shows that data filtering gives a significant improve-
Original 21M 32.24 26.03 ment for NMT accuracy, up to 4.70 BLEU score
Filtered 12M 36.94 31.27 for Zh→Ja and 5.24 BLEU score for Ja→Zh, and
+augment(D1 ) 16M 37.08 31.44 adding more high-quality data can further boost
the performance for Zh↔Ja. The results shed light
Table 1: Results for L2R Transformer-Big based on the importance of effective data filtering for
Chinese↔Japanese systems on the development
dataset with different training data.
training a strong NMT system, particularly for the
training data with much noise mined from the web.
Finally, D1 with 16M sentence pairs is chosen as
illegal data. We then rank the remaining data ac- the starting training data for the task.
cording to the sum of S2T and T2S BEER scores
of each sentence pair and select 4M sentence pairs
with the highest score into the filtered training data. 4.3 Results of Baseline Models
Finally, we obtain the augmented training data with
16M sentence pairs to train all models. For each translation task, we compare the perfor-
We learn BPE segmentation models (Sennrich mance of all the baseline systems trained on D1
et al., 2016c) with 30K merge operations and fil- from L2R and R2L decoding directions on the offi-
ter out sentence pairs consisting of rare subword cial validation set.
units with a frequency threshold of less than 6 to For Zh→Ja task, Table 2a shows that the stan-
speed up the training, in which 38.5K and 40K sub- dard Transformer-Big model outperforms all the
word tokens are adopted as Chinese and Japanese Transformer models with deeper layers or wider
vocabularies separately for each experiment. dimension by a small margin and achieves the best
We submit two systems per direction in con- BLEU score for L2R direction. For R2L direction,
strained and unconstrained training data settings. however, the deeper Transformer model with 12
In a constrained condition, we only use the train- layers in both the encoder and the decoder pro-
ing data provided by the organizer. And for vides a significant improvement as compared to the
unconstrained submission, we choose the large- Transformer-Big model and obtains the best BLEU
scale amounts of Commoncrawl Chinese10 and score.
Japanese11 dataset as additional monolingual data For Ja→Zh task, Table 2b indicates that all deep
for training LMs and executing BT to enhance our Transformer models are superior to the shallow
NMT systems. We process these monolingual data Transformer-Big model for both the L2R and R2L
as follows: (1)pre-process according to the pipeline directions. For L2R direction, the Transformer-
described in Section 2.1; (2)sentence segmentation; Deep-12-6 model obtains the best BLEU score.
(3) only keep sentences with token length between For R2L direction, the Transformer-DLCL-Deep
5 and 100; (4) draw a random sample with 160M outperforms other models, particularly up to 0.44
sentences as the final clean monolingual data for BLEU score as compared to the Transformer-Deep-
each language. 12-12. The result also demonstrates that DLCL is
useful for training deep models.
4.2 Results of Data Filtering and
Augmentation For both translation tasks, although with far
fewer parameters than the Transformer-Big model,
We first evaluate the effect of data filtering on the
the Transformer-Evolved model still obtains a com-
performance of the NMT system. We train the
petitive performance among all the baseline sys-
Transformer-Big model on (i) the original train-
tems. Table 2b shows that the performance of
ing data only, (ii) filtered training data, (iii) con-
the R2L Transformer-Evolved model ranks second
catenating selected 4M training data from the pro-
among all the models for Ja→Zh. It is interesting
vided pre-filtered parallel data (+augment). Table 1
to note that L2R decoding behaves better than that
http://web-language-models. of R2L decoding, and Ja→Zh has an opposite phe-
s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ nomenon. We suspect that the main reason is that
ngrams/zh/deduped/zh.deduped.xz Chinese is a subject–verb–object (SVO) language,
s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ while Japanese is a subject–object–verb (SOV) lan-
ngrams/ja/deduped/ja.deduped.xz guage.

Constrained Unconstrained
System D1 D2 D3 D4
Transformer-Big 37.08 36.28 37.98 37.59 37.88 37.88 39.08 39.35
Transformer-Wide 36.98 36.57 38.20 37.46 38.35 38.14 39.50 39.23
Transformer-Deep-6-12 36.84 36.71 37.73 37.60 37.77 38.04 38.98 39.28
Transformer-Deep-12-6 36.96 36.50 37.58 37.07 37.70 38.32 38.92 39.11
Transformer-Deep-12-12 37.00 36.97 38.06 37.74 38.39 38.17 39.42 39.27
Transformer-DLCL-Big 36.46 36.10 37.65 37.11 38.18 37.52 39.27 39.49
Transformer-DLCL-Deep 36.61 36.27 37.34 37.53 37.57 37.85 39.59 39.17
Transformer-Evolved 36.47 35.87 37.42 36.85 37.71 37.19 38.78 38.65
Ensemble 38.37 37.96 39.22 38.82 39.32 39.20 40.1 40.13
+Reranking - - 39.37# 41.54∗
(a) Chinese→Japanese

Constrained Unconstrained
System D1 D2 D3 D4
Transformer-Big 31.44 31.81 32.27 32.62 33.88 33.80 34.23 34.21
Transformer-Wide 31.25 31.98 32.11 32.84 33.58 34.07 34.02 34.25
Transformer-Deep-6-12 31.55 31.98 32.26 32.67 34.07 34.11 34.29 34.20
Transformer-Deep-12-6 31.96 32.22 32.15 32.94 33.59 34.07 33.98 34.35
Transformer-Deep-12-12 31.95 32.22 32.49 32.75 34.22 34.15 34.31 34.30
Transformer-DLCL-Big 31.82 32.07 32.31 32.64 34.09 34.03 34.29 34.18
Transformer-DLCL-Deep 31.64 32.66 32.46 33.18 34.11 34.12 34.17 34.21
Transformer-Evolved 31.44 32.46 31.99 33.45 32.95 33.91 33.97 33.99
Ensemble 32.57 33.17 33.30 33.79 34.73 34.52 34.82 34.85
+Reranking - - 34.78# 34.91∗
(b) Japanese→Chinese

Table 2: Results of various system trained on different training data evaluated on the Chinese↔Japanese validation
sets. D1 (16M sentence pairs) is the starting training data. D2 (32M sentence pairs) is D1 concatenated with
the pseudo-parallel data back-translated from the target side of D1 by the ensemble models based on the T2S
single models trained on D1 . D3 (64M sentence pairs) is D2 concatenated with two KD synthetic data, including
translating the source side of D1 by the ensemble models from the S2T-L2R single models and the ensemble models
from the S2T-R2L single models that are both trained on D2 . Finally, for one S2T language pair, the external target
monolingual data is translated by the T2S-L2R Transformer-Big model trained on D3 . The generated synthetic
corpus is splitted into eight parts equally. Each part (20M sentence pairs) is concatenated with D3 to generate
the training data D4 (84M sentence pairs) that is applied to train one of all the eight baseline systems. For the
given decoding direction and training data, result of the best single system is bold-faced. ∗ denotes the submitted
primary system in the unconstrained condition where only the provided training data is used. # denotes the
submitted contrastive system in the constrained condition where external public monolingual data is applied.

4.4 Results of Systems Features achieved substantial improvements up by about
In constrained condition, Table 2 shows that BT 9 BLEU score over baseline systems by integrat-
based on the target of bilingual data also brings ing careful data filtering, data augmentation, and
large improvement to all baseline systems for both other effective NMT techniques. As a result, our
the Zh→Ja and Ja→Zh tasks. We observe a solid submitted Chinese→Japanese system rank second
improvement of an average BLEU score of 0.95 to the official evaluation set in terms of character-
for Zh→Ja and an average BLEU score of 0.67 for level BLEU and Japanese→Chinese system also
Ja→Zh. It is worth noting that the Transformer- achieves a competitive performance.
Evolved model achieves the best BLEU score
among all the R2L systems for Ja→Zh. The re-
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ISTIC's Neural Machine Translation System for IWSLT 2020
Jiaze Wei, Wenbin Liu, Zhenfeng Wu, You Pan, Yanqing He1
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China
No 15, Fuxing Road, Haidian District,Beijing, China, 100038
{weijz2018, liuwb2019, wuzf, pany, heyq}@istic.ac.cn

the training and development data. Several

Abstract filtering methods of corpus are explored to
improve the quality of the training data. A
This paper introduces technical details of corpus filtering method based on Elasticsearch
machine translation system of Institute of is used to select the development data similar to
Scientific and Technical Information of test data. We adopted a model averaging
China (ISTIC) for the 17th International strategy in the decoding phase and different
Conference on Spoken Language results are combined in post-processing stage to
Translation (IWSLT 2020). ISTIC obtain the final translation. The performance of
participated in both translation tasks of the the system is compared under different settings
Open Domain Translation track: in the two translation directions, and further
Japanese-to-Chinese MT task and analyzed.
Chinese-to-Japanese MT task. The paper
mainly elaborates on the model framework, 2 System Architecture
data preprocessing methods and decoding
strategies adopted in our system. In addition, Figure 1 shows the flow chart of ISTIC's
the system performance on the development NMT system in this evaluation. Our model
set are given under different settings. architecture, data processing and decoding
strategy are given below.
1 Introduction

This paper describes the neural machine

translation (NMT) system of the Institute of
Scientific and Technical Information of China
(ISTIC) for the 17th International Conference
on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2020)
(Ebrahim et al., 2020). ISTIC participated in the
Japanese-to-Chinese and Chinese-to-Japanese
MT tasks of the Open Domain Translation
In this evaluation, we adopted the NMT
Google Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017)
architecture as a part of our system. We use the
data released by the organizer and adopted
Figure 1. Overall flow chart of evaluation
general and specific preprocessing methods to

Responsible author, [email protected]. This research has been partially supported by ISTIC research foundation
projects ZD2019-20, ZD2020-10.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 158–165
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
Our baseline system used in this evaluation is method includes two steps: 1) dot product
the Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) based on attention calculation; 2) multi-head attention
a full attention mechanism, which includes an calculation. The calculation method of dot
encoder and a decoder, as shown in Figure 2. product attention can be expressed as:
Transformer does not use a recurrent neural QKT
Attention(Q, K, V) = softmax( )V
network (Cho et al., 2014) or a convolutional dk
neural network (Gehring et al., 2017), but is where Q is the query vector, K is the key vector,
completely based on attention mechanism. It V is the value vector, and dk is the dimension of
can achieve algorithm parallelism, speed up the hidden layer state. On the basis of dot
model training, further alleviate long-distance product attention, the calculation method of the
dependence and improve translation quality. multi-head attention mechanism can be
expressed as:


is the matrix parameter. The

attention value of each head is:
head = Attention(QWiQ , KWiK , VWiV )
Each layer of the decoder is composed of
three sub-modules. In addition to the two
modules similar to the encoder, an
decoder-encoder attention module is added
between them and can focus attention on source
language information in decoding process. In
order to avoid the problem that too many layers
cause the model to be difficult to converge, both
the encoder and the decoder use residual
connection and hierarchical regularization
techniques. To make the model obtain the
position information of the input sentence,
Figure 2. Transformer model (Vaswani et al., 2017) additional position encoding vectors are added
to the input layer of the encoder and decoder.
The encoder and decoder are formed by
After the encoder obtains a hidden state,
stacking N layer blocks. Each layer of encoder
Transformer model inputs the hidden state into
contains two sub-modules, namely a multi-head
the softmax layer and scores with candidate
self-attention module and a feed-forward neural
vocabulary to obtain the final translation result.
network module. The multi-head self-attention
module divides the dimension of hidden state
3 Data processing
into multiple parts, and each part is separately
calculated by using self-attention function, 3.1 Corpus preprocessing
furthermore, these output vectors are
concatenated together. Multi-head mechanism In this evaluation we use data of the open
enables the model to pay more attention to the domain translation track released by the
feature information of different positions and evaluation organizer of IWSLT 2020, as shown
different sub-spaces. The multi-head attention in Table 1. It contains existing

Data1 web_crawled_parallel_filtered.tar.gz Chinese word segmentation are implemented
Data2 existing_parallel.tar.gz using the lexical tool Urheen2.
Specific preprocessing stage: The quality of
Data3 web_crawled_parallel_unfiltered.tar.gz
training corpus has a great influence on the
Data4 web_crawled_unaligned.tar.gz
performance of machine translation model. The
Table 1. Data provided by reviewer web crawling data is large in scale but has a
Japanese-Chinese parallel data (Data 2) and great amount of noise, thus, the following
web crawl data (Data 1, Data 3, Data 4) specific preprocessing operations are
The quality of Data 2 is much better than performed on Data 1 and Data 3:
other web crawling data. Therefore, a two-stage GIZA++3 tool is used on Data 2 to obtain an
preprocessing method is designed as a general alignment dictionary, and each word only
preprocessing stage and a specific retains the top ten translations in their
preprocessing stage. probability ranking. According to the alignment
General preprocessing stage: Due to time dictionary, the alignment scores for each
limitation, we did not have a chance to use Data sentence pair in Data 1 and Data 3 are
4, only the following preprocessing operations calculated and the threshold is set as 0.4 as the
were performed on Data 1, Data 2 and Data 3: alignment ratio:
 Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese
alignmentratio ( X ,Y ) 
x y
p( x, y)

y x
p ( y, x)
length( X ) length(Y )
 Word segmentation
 Filtering of adjacent similar sentences where X is a source sentence, Y is a target
 Sentence length filtering, sentence length sentence; alignmentratio( X ,Y ) is the alignment ratio of
ratio filtering
 Language token ratio filtering sentence pair(X,Y); x is the word in sentence X,
 Special character filtering y is the word in sentence Y; p(x, y) is the
Among them, the filtering of adjacent similar probabilities that word x translates into word y,
sentences calculates the Dice similarity (Dice, p(y, x) is the probabilities that word y translates
1945) of the current sentence with the previous into word x; and length( X ) is the length of
sentence in the corpus of source language side sentence X; length(Y ) is the length of sentence Y.
or target language side, and remove the current The filtering results after general
sentence pair if the Dice similarity exceeds 0.9. preprocessing and specific preprocessing are
Sentence length filtering removes sentence shown in Table 2.
Data Original sents After
pairs which source sentence length or target number filtering
sentence length is 0 or exceeds 50, and sentence Data1 18966595 8531325
length ratio filtering excludes the sentence pairs Data2 1963238 1726668
Data3 160M+ 44557281
whose ratio of source sentence length and target
sentence length exceeds the range of [0.2, 5]. Table 2. Data filtering results
Since a certain percentage of sentence pairs in
the corpus use the same language as the source 3.2 Elasticsearch similar corpus filtering
and target sentences. The language token ratio
method (Lu et al., 2018) is used to eliminate In order to further improve the consistency of
sentence pairs where the proportion of Japanese the development set and test set, and further
or Chinese words is smaller than a certain
threshold, here set to 0.1. Both Japanese and 2
optimize the machine translation performance, document-word frequency of word
we choose similar sentence pairs from Data 1 t ; boost  t  is the weight used to query the
and Data 2 for each sentence in test set to build
a new development set and a new test set. We
define them as ES development set, ES test set.
 
word t ; norm t , d j is the length norm of the

ES development set is used for early stopping

sentence d j when querying word t . We select
and fit the model to the test set. ES test set is
used to compare the performance of the original rank first and third sentence pairs in similarity
development set and ES development set. in D to build a new development set -- ES
development set, and rank second sentence
Specifically, for qi ,1  i  875 , in each test set
pairs in similarity to a new test set -- ES test set.
sentence, we create an index base D of Data 1 After filtering out duplicate sentence pairs and
and Data 2 to retrieve similar sentences low-quality sentence pairs, the development
from D with the Elasticsearch4 retrieval tool sets and test sets for Zh-Ja and Ja-Zh eventually
(version number: v6.1.0). Elasticsearch obtained as shown in Table 3.
returns a similarity score between qi and each The Data Original Zh - Ja Ja - Zh
Development set 5304 1609 1557
sentence d j ,1  j  D in D : Test set 875 904 869

score  qi , d j   coord  qi , d j   queryNorm  qi  Table 3. selection of similar data

t in qi

  tf  t in d j   idf  t   boost  t   norm  t , d j 
 4 Decoding strategy

where, score qi , d j  is the similarity score of 4.1 Model average
the test set sentence qi with the sentence d j of
In order to reduce model parameter
instability and improve model robustness, the
Data 1 and Data 2; 1  i  875 , 1  j  D ,
model averaging technique was applied on the
parameters stored in the same model at different
D represents the total number of sentences of
training moments. We average the parameters
of the last N epochs when the model is
Data 1 and Data 2; coord qi , d j   is the
converged. N is set to 5 for this evaluation.

qi and
coordination factor between sentence 4.2 Candidate translations merge

sentence dj ; queryNorm  qi  is the Data 1 and Data 2 are included in training set.
However, Data 1 contains a great amount of
normalization factor of query sentence
noise and results in some untranslated sentences
; tf  t in d j  is the frequency of word t in in the Zh-Ja translations task, some of which
take the source sentences directly as the target
sentence dj ; idf  t  is the inverse translations. This rarely happens in the
translation model which was trained only with
Data 2. Therefore, the former system is taken as
primary system and the latter as secondary
system. The final translations are obtained by character-based bleu4. Zh_ja_b and ja_zh_b
combining two systems’ translations. For each means Jieba6 word segmentation in Chinese (Zh)
source sentence in the test set of the Zh-Ja task, and Mecab7 word segmentation in Japanese (Ja).
primary system translations and secondary Zh_ja_u and ja_zh_u use the lexical tool
system translations are checked by the Urheen (Zh,Ja) in both the two language.
following standards: 1) the primary system
translation are exactly the same as the source zh-ja
sentence; 2) the primary system translation are 30
judged as non-Japanese words by the language
detection tool. If one of the two checks is
satisfied and the secondary system translation is 10
also judged to be Japanese, then the secondary 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
system translation will replace the primary zh_ja_b zh_ja_u
system translation as final translation.
Figure 3. Comparison of word segmentation in
5 Experimental results Chinese-to-Japanese task

5.1 Parameters setting ja-zh

The open source project tensor2tensor 5 is 30
chosen for this evaluation system. The main 20
parameters are set as follows. Each model uses 10
1-3 GPUs for training, and the batch size is 0
2048. We use six self-attention layers for both 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

encoder and decoder, and the multi-head ja_zh_b ja_zh_u

self-attention mechanism has 16 heads. The
embedding size and hidden size are set to 1024, Figure 4. Comparison of word segmentation in
the dimension of the feed-forward layer is 4096 Japanese-to-Chinese task
and ReLU (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) is used as
the activation function. The dropout mechanism 5.2 Experimental results
(Gal and Ghahramani, 2015) was adopted, and
dropout probabilities are set to 0.1. BPE Training data comparison: In order to
(Sennrich et al., 2015) is used in all experiments, choose training data, we use baseline system
where the merge operation is set to 30K. The and score on the original development set,
initial learning rate is 0.2, and the warm-up shown in Tables 4-5. It can be seen that
steps are set to 8000. increasing the scale of training corpus helps to
To choose the method of word segmentation, improve the translation ability. Although Bleu
we use Data 2 as training data and score on the (token) score decreased after Data 1 was added
development set provided by evaluation to Chinese-to-Japanese task, we still decided to
organizer, as shown in Figures 3 and 4 where adopt Data1 + Data2 for training data on the
the horizontal axis is the different settings of both translation tasks.
model parameter alpha, and vertical axis as the

5 7
https://github.com/tensorflow/tensor2tensor https://github.com/SamuraiT/mecab-python3
The direction Data Number of sentences Number of words
Zh-JA Training data 54M ZH-613M; JA-753M
Original + Es 6913 ZH-64K; JA-79K
Development set
JA-Zh Training data 54M Zh-613M; Ja-753M
Original + Es 6861 ZH-68K; JA-84K
Development set
Table 8. The statistics of data

Bleu Bleu
Data Bleu Bleu System (token) (character)
(token) (character)
Data2 18.86 28.82
Data2 16.76 26.14 Data1 + Data2 23.82 35.95
Data1 + Data2 15.83 27.01 Data1+Data2+ Data3 22.87 35.14
Data2 + avg 19.59 29.81
Data1,2,3 17.64 28.9 Data1+Data2+avg 24.51 36.70

Table 4. Training data comparison in Table 9. System comparison inChinese-to-Japan

Chinese-to-Japanese task task

Data Bleu Bleu

(token) (character)
Data2 11.67 19.95
System Bleu Bleu
Data1 + Data2 14.79 26 (token) (character)
Data2 12.00 23.25
Data1,2,3 13.97 24.75 Data1 + Data2 20.04 32.09
Data1+Data2+ Data3 16.34 27.72
Table 5. Training data comparison in Japanese Data1+Data2+avg 20.98 33.27
-to-Chinese task Table 10. System comparison in
Development data Bleu Bleu Japanese-to-Chinese task
(token) (character)
development set 20.79 28.72
Es development set 21.15 29.6
Original development set development set alone or together with the
+ Es development set 21.28 28.96
original development set is better than the
Table 6. Development set comparison in original development set alone to train machine
Chinese-to-Japanese task translation system.
Development data Bleu Bleu The statistics of training data and
(token) (character)
Original development set that are used in this evaluation
development set 13.91 25.79
can be found in Table 8.
Es development set 14.34 25.86 System comparison: In order to choose
Original development set machine translation system, we designed
+ Es development set 13.94 25.97
different combinations of training data, and
Table 7. Development set comparison in Japanese
further trying model average strategy on
-to-Chinese task
original development set + ES-development set,
ES development set: In order to verify the and score on them, as shown in Tables 9-10. It
effect of ES development set, we use Data2 as can be seen that the larger training set
training data, and to train baseline system on Data2+Data1 leads to the result improvement,
different combinations of development sets, but no further effect to the growth of training set.
and score on ES test set, as shown in Tables 6-7. Since Data3 was captured from public network,
The experimental results show that ES its quality is still limited even though we have

Source-Zh Data2+avg Translation Data2+Data1+avg Translation

<sent1> 2 月 13 日 , 日本 东京 一 2 月 13 日 ( 2 月 13 日 ) 、 日 2 月 13 日 ,日本 东 京 一 改 前
改 前 几 日 的 寒凉 , 迎来 一 个 本 の 東京 で 少し 前 の 寒 さ に 几日的寒凉,迎来一个拨云
拨云 见 日 的 好 天气 。(On より 、 晴れ た 日 を 迎える 。 见 日 的 好 天 气 。(It's just a copy
February 13, Tokyo, Japan ushered (February 13 (February 13) greets a of Chinese.)
in a good weather to see the sun as sunny day with the recent cold in
soon as it changed the cold of the Tokyo in Japan.)
previous days.)
<sent2> 阿部 知事 对 中国 疫 阿部 知事 は 中国 の 疫病 に 阿部 知事 は 中国 の 流
情 致以 慰问 ,介绍 了 长野县 为 対する 哀悼 の 意 を 表 行 を 慰 問 し 、 長
中方 抗击 疫情 提供 支持 情况 , 明 し 、 長野 県 を 中国 側 が 積 野 県 の 中 で 流行 に 対抗 す
表示 当前 日本 国内 正 全力 阻止 極 的 に 支持 し て いる こ る ため の 支援 を 紹介 し 、 日
疫情 扩散 , 愿 同 中方 继续 加 と を 紹介 し 、 現在 の 日本 国 本 国内 で は 流行 の 拡散 を 全
强 配合 , 早日 战胜 疫情 。(Abe 内 で は 流行 を 阻止 し つつ あ 面 的 に 阻止 し て いる こ
extended condolences to China on る と 述べ た 。 (Governor Abe と を 明らか に し た 。(Governor
the epidemic and introduced expressed his condolences to the Abe extended condolences to the
nagano prefecture's support for plague of China and introduced the epidemic in China, introduced
China's fight against the epidemic. fact that the Chinese side actively support for combating the epidemic
Abe said that Japan is doing its best supported Nagano Prefecture, and in Nagano Prefecture, and made
to prevent the spread of the said it was blocking the epidemic in clear that it was completely
epidemic and is ready to strengthen present Japan.) stopping the spread of the epidemic
cooperation with China to in Japan.)
overcome the epidemic at an early
Table 11. Translation results merge in Chinses-to-Japanese
adopted a few strategies to filter it. Meanwhile, transformer system trained with Data2+Data1;
Data 3 has open domains yet we did not carry 3) decoding: model average, candidate
out consistency analysis on the data domain. In translations merge.
addition, the model average strategy also brings
some improvement to the translation effect. 6 Conclusions
Therefore, we adopted model average
strategy and train on data1+data2 for the two This paper introduces the main techniques
translation tasks. Table 11 shows some and methods used by the Institute of Scientific
translation results of Chinese-to-Japanese and Technical Information of China on the task
translation task. It can be seen that for <sent2>, of two-directions translation of Japanese and
the translation quality of Data2+Data1+avg Chinese in IWSLT 2020 Open Domain
model is better than that of Data2+avg model. Translation track. We use the architecture of
But due to the noise in Data 1, some translations transformer model based on a full attention
of the sentences are completely the same as mechanism. Several filtering methods were
source text. But the situation for Data2+avg explored in data preprocessing, and the model
model is rare, thus we take the post-processing average strategy is adopted in decoding. Similar
strategy to merge them. Data1+Data2+avg development set is chosen based on ES and the
model is looked as primary system, Data2+avg results are merged by post-processing.
model as secondary system. Take <sent1> as an Experimental results show that these methods
example, primary system translation is judged can effectively improve the quality of
to be in Chinese and is just a copy of Chinese. The translation.
secondary translation was checked to be in Due to limited time, many methods are not
Japanese, and successfully express the meaning able to execute during this evaluation. Our
of the source sentence. adopted translation model still has a lot room to
Our final system: 1) data filtering; 2) a 164improve. We expect to learn more advanced
techniques and construct a better machine Vaswani, A., Shazeer, N., Parmar, N., et al. (2017).
translation system in a short future. Attention is all you need. Neural Information
Processing Systems.
Sennrich. R., Haddow. B., and Birch. A. (2015).
We thank the reviewers for their detailed and Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with
constructed comments. Yanqing He is the Subword Units. arXiv: Computation and Language.
corresponding author. The research work is
partially supported by ISTIC research
foundation projects ZD2019-20, ZD2020-10.


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Submission to the WMT18 Parallel Corpus Filtering
Task. Proceedings of the Third Conference on
Machine Translation: Shared Task Papers.
Octanove Labs’ Japanese-Chinese Open Domain Translation System

Masato Hagiwara
Octanove Labs LLC
Seattle, WA
[email protected]

Abstract Existing parallel (EP)

Web crawled (WC)

This paper describes Octanove Labs’ submis- Official

sion to the IWSLT 2020 open domain transla-
tion challenge. In order to build a high-quality Official dev.
Japanese-Chinese neural machine translation (a) Annotate
dataset (DEV)
(a) Annotate

Parallel Corpus Filtering

(NMT) system, we use a combination of 1)
parallel corpus filtering and 2) back transla- (d) Our dev.
dataset (DEV+)
tion. We have shown that, by using heuristic
rules and learned classifiers, the size of the (b) Filter (b) Filter

parallel data can be reduced by 70% to 90% (c) Existing parallel (c) Web crawled
filtered (EPf) BASELINE filtered (WCf)
without much impact on the final MT perfor-
mance. We have also shown that including FILTERED
the artificially generated parallel data through
back-translation further boosts the metric by
17% to 27%, while self-training contributes lit- JA (MT) ZH JA ZH (MT)

(f) (f)
tle. Aside from a small number of parallel sen- COMBINED COMBINED
tences annotated for filtering, no external re- (ZH→JA) (JA→ZH)
sources have been used to build our system. (g) (g)
FINAL (e) Web crawled FINAL
1 Introduction (JA→ZH) remainder (WCr) (ZH→JA)

Building a robust, open domain machine transla- Figure 1: Overview of the data/training pipeline
tion (MT) system for non-English, Asian languages
remains a challenge since many MT research ef-
forts have focused mainly on European languages
(such as English and German) and/or on particular Based on these insights, we used a combina-
domains (such as news). This is especially the case tion of 1) parallel corpus filtering (Koehn et al.,
when there is lack of high-quality, human-curated 2018, 2019) and 2) back-translation (Sennrich et al.,
parallel corpora and one needs to bootstrap an MT 2016; Edunov et al., 2018) techniques as our main
system from noisy parallel data crawled from the strategy. For 1), we showed that we can reduce
Web. the size of the parallel corpora by 70% to even
This is the exact setting of the IWSLT 2020 open 90% without much impact on the final MT perfor-
domain translation challenge (Ansari et al., 2020), mance. As demonstrated in (Chen et al., 2019),
where the organizers provide large, noisy parallel we also verified that artificially generated parallel
datasets crawled from the Web and the participants data through back-translation can further help im-
build open-domain machine translation systems be- prove the performance by 17% to 27% depending
tween Japanese (JA) and Chinese (ZH). The partic- on the direction. We used the vanilla Transformer
ipants are also encouraged to only use the provided (Vaswani et al., 2017) as our NMT model.
datasets to train their models. Therefore, the key In the following sections, we describe the data
to building high-quality MT systems seems to be and training pipeline for building our NMT sys-
in how to filter and make the most of the provided, tem. We start with the two datasets provided by the
noisy datasets. shared task organizers—the existing parallel (EP)

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 166–171
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
dataset that includes public, parallel sentences, as Label Reason EP WC
well as the Web crawled (WC) dataset created by
crawling, aligning, and filtering JA-ZH parallel sen-
BOTH MT 0 92
tences from the Web. Aside from a small number
BOTH ZH 0 60
of parallel sentences annotated for filtering, no ex-
ternal resources besides these two have been used
to build our NMT system. The entire data and
JA MT 3 49
training pipeline is illustrated in Figure 1. NG
2 Parallel Corpus Filtering ZH MISSING 80 21
ZH MT 9 24
Our data processing pipeline consists of two MISALIGNED 366 371
main strategies–parallel corpus filtering and back- NOT TRANSLATED 2 50
translation, which are shown as two main blocks in THIRD LANGUAGE 4 11
Figure 1. This section describes the first.
OK 380 287
2.1 Sentence Pair Quality Analysis
Total 1002 1001
The first observation we make is that many of the
sentence pairs, even from the existing parallel (EP) Table 1: Result of sentence pair quality analysis
dataset, are not high quality. In order to investi-
gate the quality of the datasets, we first extracted
roughly 1,000 sentence pairs from each dataset ((a) information but have some degree of mismatch that
in Figure 1) and had two fluent speakers of both disqualifies the pair as a quality translation of each
languages annotate each pair with a label indicat- other. This can happen when the both segments are
ing whether the pair is an accurate translation of crawled from the same source (e.g., a webpage) but
each other, and if not, the reason why. We used the mis-aligned due to the way the text is segmented.
following tags to indicate the reasons:
2.2 Training Sentence Pair Classifiers
• INVALID: text is garbled or contains few nat- These results led us to decide to use heuristic rules
ural language words and build learned classifiers to filter out low quality
• MT: text is suspected to be generated by MT. sentence pairs from both datasets, illustrated as
We made sure at least one native speaker of (b) in Figure 1. There is a large body of research
each language double checks this label. on parallel corpus filtering (Koehn et al., 2018,
2019). We used a combination of heuristics rules
• MISSING: information is missing from either as well as classifiers learned from the annotated
side data mentioned above.
First, we filter out sentence pairs that violate any
• MISALIGNED: information is missing from
one of the following criteria:
both sides

• NOT TRANSLATED: both sides are identical • both sides are 512 or fewer Unicode charac-
except minor variations (e.g., simplified vs ters.
traditional Chinese)
• LJA /LZH < 9 and LZH /LJA < 9 where
• THIRD LANGUAGE: text is written in a lan- LJA and LZH are the lengths of the Japanese
guage that is neither Japanese nor Chinese and the Chinese side, respectively.
Table 1 shows the breakdown of the labels and
• the detected languages match the expected
reasons annotated to sentence pairs, both for the
ones (Japanese and Simplified Chinese). We
existing parallel (EP) and the Web crawled (WC)
used a neural language detector NanigoNet1
datasets. Only 38% and 29% of the sentence
to automatically detect the language of text.
pairs were deemed suitable for EP and WC, re-
spectively. The most common error was MIS- 1
ALIGNED, meaning the sentences contain similar nanigonet

EP WC 3 Back-Translation
Before 1,963,238 18,966,595 One of the effective techniques, especially for low-
After 627,811 1,973,068 resource settings, is the use of back-translation
(Sennrich et al., 2016; Edunov et al., 2018). The
Table 2: Size of the datasets before and after filtering idea is to first train a target-to-source MT system
to translate a large, monolingual dataset in the tar-
get language into the source language, and add the
Second, we trained a binary logistic regression
resulting, artificial parallel dataset to existing ones
classifier from the annotated sentence pairs men-
and retrain a source-to-target MT system.
tioned above, and applied it to the rest of the dataset
We decided to reuse the “leftover” from the fil-
to filter out low-quality sentence pair candidates.
tering process, that is, the set of sentence pairs that
The classifier uses only three features. We built one
deemed low-quality in the parallel corpus filtering
classifier per each dataset (EP and WC) only using
phase described in the previous section. Specifi-
the annotated portion of the dataset and applied to
cally, after running sentence pairs through the set
the rest.
of heuristic rules described above, we break them
into the source side (Japanese) and the target side
• log length of the Japanese text (in Unicode
(Chinese) and treat each as an independent mono-
lingual corpus. We call this corpus the Web crawled
remainder (WCr) dataset ((e) in Figure 1).
• log length of the Chinese text (in Unicode
We then trained ZH-to-JA and JA-to-ZH NMT
systems from a combination of EPf and WCf
datasets and used the systems to generate artifi-
• cosine similarity between the sentence embed-
cial source sides for both directions ((f) in Figure
dings computed using the Universal Sentence
1). When generating artificial source sides, we used
Encoder (USE) (Cer et al., 2018)
top-k sampling (versus beam search) based on the
findings of Edunov et al. (2018). The final models,
As a result, we were able to reduce datasets to
shown as (g) in Figure 1, were trained from the
31.9% (EP) and 10.4% (WC) of their original size
combination of EPf, WCf, as well as WCr and its
(Table 2). We call the resulting filtered datasets the
machine translated version.
existing parallel filtered (EPf) and the Web crawled
filtered (WCf), respectively, as shown as (c) in 4 Experiments
Figure 1. We achieved this with little impact on the
translation quality. See the experiment section for 4.1 Experimental Settings
more details.
We used the vanilla Transformer (Vaswani et al.,
Finally, we note that the official development 2017) as our neural MT model. All the experiments
dataset (DEV), which is created from the JEC Ba- were conducted using the fairseq library (Ott et al.,
sic Sentence Data2 , might not be the best choice 2019) with half precision floating point (fp16). The
for evaluating an open domain machine translation training objective is the label smoothed cross en-
system. Due to the way the the dataset is created tropy, which was optimized by the Adam optimizer
(by first mining “typical” Japanese sentence struc- (Kingma and Ba, 2014) with β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.997,
tures from a large text corpus, then by translating and ε = 1.0 × 10−9 . We ran each experiment for
these sentences to Chinese), it may not be well 40 epochs and chose the best checkpoint based on
suited to evaluate ZH-to-JA MT systems. We aug- the development set loss. The beam width was 20.
mented this dataset by adding sentence pairs that
We tokenized both Japanese and Chinese with
were tagged “OK” in the annotation process. This
the SentencePiece library (Kudo and Richardson,
increased the size of the development dataset from
2018) with a shared vocabulary. The translation
5,304 to 5,970 pairs. All the subsequent experi-
quality was evaluated with the character 4-gram
ments were validated using this dataset, which we
BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002).
call DEV+ hereafter ((d) in Figure 1).
At the test time, we resolved unknown words
http://nlp.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/EN/ (which often arise when there are rare unknown
index.php?JEC%20Basic%20Sentence%20Data characters on the source side) using word alignment

obtained by fast align (Dyer et al., 2013)3 . JA→ZH ZH→JA

4.2 Hyperparameters Official baseline 20.03 27.03

BASELINE 24.02 27.68
Before we experiment with parallel corpus filtering FILTERED 23.15 27.11
and back-translation, we ran random parameter COMBINED 26.19 29.68
search with the baseline dataset (EP) to find the BT w/ 500k pairs 28.39 30.68
optimal set of hyperparameters. The type and the BT w/ 1M pairs 28.47 31.29
range of hyperparameters we considered are as BT w/ 2.6M pairs 29.24 32.66
follows: BT w/ 13M pairs 30.67 33.46
FINAL 31.21 33.81
• Size of SentencePiece vocabulary: 10k, 15k,
20k, 25k, 30k Table 3: BLEU scores for different models

• Frequency threshold for including tokens

(both sides): 3, 5, 10 • Official baseline: the baseline BLEU scores
provided by the organizer. Note that the these
• Number of encoder/decoder layers: 4, 5, 6 scores are not comparable to other models
below since the development set is different.
• Embedding dimension: 256, 512, 768, 1024 We also note that the official baseline model
is very similar to our model in terms of the
• Feedforward dimension: 256, 512, 1024, neural architectures as well as the number of
2048, 4096, 8192 parameters.

• Number of attention heads: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 • BASELINE: baseline model trained with EP

• Gradient clipping: 0.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0 • FILTERED: same as BASELINE but trained
with EPf
• Learning rate: 1e-6, 2.5e-6, 5e-6, 1e-5, 2.5e-5,
• COMBINED: model trained with EPf and
5e-5, 1e-4, 2.5e-4, 5e-4
• Number of warmup steps: 2000, 4000, 8000, • BT: model trained with EPf, WCf, and back-
16000, 32000 translated WCr with varying size

• Dropout: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 • FINAL: BT trained on the entire WCr with
• Weight decay: 0.0, 1.0e-4, 2.5e-4, 5.0e-4
Table 3 shows the BLEU scores of these models
• Label smoothing: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 computed against the DEV+ dataset. By compar-
ing BASELINE and FILTERED, you see that fil-
• Batch size in tokens: 2048, 4096, 6144 tering had little impact on the final BLEU scores.
By comparing COMBINED and BT with different
We ran about 20 rounds of random parameter sizes, you see that adding back-translation helped
search and settled with the hyperparameter setting the performance—the larger the amount of back-
shown by the bold face in the list above. The final translation, the larger the increase was. These re-
models were an ensemble of 6, 8, and 10-layer sults confirm that our strategy—parallel corpus fil-
Transformers with all other hyperparameters being tering and back-translation—was effective.
5 Discussion
4.3 Results
5.1 Negative Results
Here is the list of all the models trained from dif-
Finally, here we include the list of things we tried
ferent combinations of datasets:
but didn’t contribute to the improvement of the MT
https://github.com/clab/fast_align quality:

• Filtering by provenance: upon cursory review, JA→ZH ZH→JA
we found that the quality of parallel sentences
BASELINE 24.02 27.68
varies a lot by their provenance. We included
BASELINE w/ HiNative data 25.32 29.20
the source of each pair as an extra set of in-
dicator features, although doing so ended up
Table 4: BLEU scores for models with external data
removing too many pairs and hurt the final
classifier in a similar way to the ones described in
• Self-training (Ueffing, 2006; Zhang and Zong, Section 2, except that we trained only one classi-
2016; He et al., 2019): we also tried using fier using a combined held-out data from both EP
forward-direction MT models to generate the and WC. After filtering, the HiNative dataset has
target side from WCr. Including artificially been reduced to around 80k sentence pairs, which
generated parallel data this way didn’t im- we added to EP to explore its impact on the NMT
prove the final BLEU score. performance.
• Beam search: when generating back- As Table 4 shows, even though the amount of
translation, using beam search instead of top-k the added data is a fraction of the original size (80k
sampling didn’t improve the metrics as much. vs 1.9M), BLEU scores improved by more than
5%. This result suggests that our filtering method
• Normalizing to Simplified Chinese: we tried is very effective in only retaining high-quality pairs
normalizing the Chinese side to the simli- and the newly added data from HiNative provides
fied script using the OpenCC toolkit4 to en- new perspectives and genres that were not covered
sure the consistency. We observed that doing by the existing parallel dataset.
so inadvertently normalized many traditional As future work, we wish to explore other ex-
characters that should be preserved between ternal datasets for Japanese-Chinese translation,
Japanese and Chinese and didn’t improve the namely, JParaCrawl (Morishita et al., 2019) and
final performance. WikiMatrix (Schwenk et al., 2019).

We note that increasing the size of the Trans- 6 Conclusion

former beyond 6 layers did not necessarily lead
This paper describes Octanove Labs’ submission
to improved quality, while ensembling multiple
to the IWSLT 2020 open domain translation chal-
large models did. We also considered leveraging
lenge. We combined parallel corpus filtering and
the unaligned version of the Web crawled dataset
back-translation to build a Japanese-Chinese open
provided by the organizers, although the dataset
domain NMT system. Through a series of experi-
contains a large amount of low-quality text that
ments, we verified that our filtering method is ef-
appears to be generated by templates (such as up-
fective in preserving the translation accuracy while
dates on currency exchange rates) and we believe
greatly reducing the size of parallel data required
it would add little value as an extra data source.
to train the NMT model. We also found that use of
5.2 Use of External Data artificially generated parallel data from the remain-
Finally, we ran a follow-up experiment in order der of the filtered corpus through back-translation
to explore the extent to which our model can improved the final performance of the system.
be improved by adding external data. Specifi- Acknowledgments
cally, we obtained parallel sentences from HiNa-
tive5 , a community-driven language learning QA We would like to thank the team at Lang-8, Inc. for
service, by collecting Japanese-Chinese question- providing the HiNative data.
answer pairs in the form of “How do you say X
in Japanese/Chinese?” Both the questions and the
answers are written by the user community and
the resulting dataset is fairly noisy. In addition to
the heuristic rules, we trained a logistic regression

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tion of IBM model 2. In Proceedings of the 2013 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Compu-
Conference of the North American Chapter of the tational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages
Association for Computational Linguistics: Human 86–96.
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NAIST’s Machine Translation Systems for IWSLT 2020 Conversational
Speech Translation Task

Ryo Fukuda1 , Katsuhito Sudoh1 , Satoshi Nakamura1,2

Nara Institute of Science and Technology
AIP Center, RIKEN, Japan
{fukuda.ryo.fo3, sudoh, s-nakamura}@is.naist.jp

Abstract out-of-domain parallel corpora and in-domain

monolingual corpora (Wang et al., 2016; Chu et al.,
This paper describes NAIST’s NMT system
submitted to the IWSLT 2020 conversational 2017).
speech translation task. We focus on the
translation disfluent speech transcripts that in- In domain adaptation, the “similarity” between
clude ASR errors and non-grammatical utter- in-domain and out-of-domain data affects the trans-
ances. We tried a domain adaptation method lation accuracy significantly (Koehn and Knowles,
by transferring the styles of out-of-domain 2017). A domain can be defined by any property
data (United Nations Parallel Corpus) to be
of the training data such as topic and style. We
like in-domain data (Fisher transcripts). Our
system results showed that the NMT model expect that the domain similarity comes from these
with domain adaptation outperformed a base- properties.
line. In addition, slight improvement by the
style transfer was observed. Let us return to the task description. In the task,
the inputs are conversational speech transcripts by
1 Introduction
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). They can
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has signifi- include ASR errors as well as disfluent and non-
cantly improved the quality of Machine Translation grammatical utterances in spontaneous speech. In
(MT) (Bahdanau et al., 2014; Sutskever et al., 2014; contrast, the outputs are fluent sequences. In other
Luong et al., 2015). However, domain-specific words, the purpose of this task is to translate disflu-
translation is still difficult in low-resource scenar- ent transcripts into fluent sentences. As mentioned
ios, although high performance can be achieved before, domain adaptation is a common practice in
in resource-rich scenarios (Chu and Wang, 2018). a low-resource scenario. However, it is difficult to
Another major problem is the difficulty in translat- prepare external parallel data in a disfluent source
ing noisy input sentences including filler, hesita- language and a fluent target language. Although
tion, etc. Belinkov and Bisk (2017) suggests the fluent written parallel data are widely available, the
difficulty in learning to translate noisy sentences effects of training with them are limited because
compared to clean ones. The translation of noisy the style of the input sentences differs from the in-
sentences is very important for spoken language domain data. We need a new strategy for training
translation. In the IWSLT 2020 Conversational that can effectively use out-of-domain data with
Speech Translation Task, we are going to tackle low similarity to in-domain data.
these two problems.
The task includes speech-to-text and text- In this paper, we propose a novel domain adapta-
to-text translation from disfluent Spanish tion method through style transfer of out-of-domain
speeches/transcripts to fluent English text. We data using unsupervised machine translation. We
chose the text-to-text subtask for our challenge increase the similarity between out-of-domain and
task participation. The data for this task consists of in-domain data by transferring out-of-domain flu-
about 130K bilingual pairs, would not be enough ent input sentences into disfluent styles. This en-
to learn a highly accurate NMT (Koehn and ables effective domain adaptive training and pro-
Knowles, 2017). In such a low-resource scenario, vides a robust NMT system for noisy input sen-
one promising way is domain adaptation using tences.

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 172–177
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
Out-of- In-domain
domain monolingual

(1) Train

Out-of- Style Transfer model Pseudo In-domain

domain Fluent-to-Disfluent in-domain parallel
parallel parallel

(2) Train

In-domain NMT model In-domain

source Spanish-to-English target

Figure 1: Overview of the proposed method.

2 System Details Table 1: The number of sentence pairs of the data.

Our method consists of two components: (1) Style # sentences

Transfer model from fluent to disfluent Spanish. (2) Fisher/Train 138,720
Translation model from disfluent Spanish to fluent Dev 3,977
English, as illustrated in Figure 1. First, we trans- Test 3,641
ferred fluent Spanish in out-of-domain data into UNCorpus/Train 1,000,000
disfluent Spanish (Section 2.1). Then we trained Dev 4,000
the NMT model leveraging both out-of-domain par- Test 4,000
allel data as well as in-domain parallel data (Sec-
tion 2.2). then fine-tuned on true in-domain data.

2.1 Unsupervised Style Transfer 3 Results

We employed an unsupervised learning method for 3.1 Datasets
the style transfer of Spanish of out-of-domain data.
We used the LDC Fisher Spanish speech (disfluent)
This is because there is no parallel corpus of fluent
with new English translations (fluent) (Post et al.,
and disfluent Spanish and it is not possible to adapt
2013; Salesky et al., 2018) as parallel in-domain
supervised learning methods. Artetxe et al. (2018);
data and the United Nations Parallel Corpus (UN-
Lample et al. (2018a,b) proposed Unsupervised
Corpus) (Ziemski et al., 2016) as parallel out-of-
Neural Machine Translation (UNMT) that learns
domain data.
the translation using monolingual corpora of two
Fisher has the following multi-way parallel data
languages. In this system, we built a fluent-to-
distributed by the task organizer:
disfluent style transfer model based on UNMT with
out-of-domain fluent data and in-domain disfluent 1. Spanish disfluent speech
data. 2. Spanish disfluent transcripts (gold)
2.2 Domain Adaptation 3. Spanish disfluent transcripts (ASR output)
For the challenge task, we apply fine-tuning, which 4. English disfluent translations
is one of the conventional domain adaptation meth-
5. English fluent translations
ods of MT (Sennrich et al., 2016a). The fine-tuning
can result in significant improvements compared When training, we used (3) as input and (4) or (5) as
to both only in-domain training or only out-of- output. UNCorpus consists of manually translated
domain training (Dakwale and Monz, 2017). In UN documents of the 25 years (1990 to 2014) for
this method, an NMT is pre-trained on a resource the six official UN languages, Arabic, Chinese,
rich out-of-domain data until convergence, and then English, French, Russian, and Spanish. For our
its parameters are fine-tuned on a low-resource in- submission, one million Spanish-English bilingual
domain data. sentence pairs were chosen randomly and used as
In this study, we pre-trained the NMT model on out-of-domain data. Data statistics are shown in
the pseudo in-domain data generated in 2.1, and Table 1.

3.2 Spanish Style Transfer Table 2: Perplexity and the number of unknown words
(# UNK) for Fisher/train in the 3-gram language model.
3.2.1 Experimental Settings
Data We trained the style transfer from fluent to Training data perplexity # UNK
disfluent sentences using both Fisher and UNCor- Fisher 72.46 0
pus Spanish data. We preprocessed the data with UNCorpus 589.81 5,173,539
Byte Pair Encoding (Sennrich et al., 2016b) to split Fisher-like UNCorpus 474.47 4,217,819
sentences into subwords. The vocabulary size was
set to 32,000 and sentences longer than 175 sub- P (s|M ) is the probability of sentence s in the lan-
words were excluded from the training. We apply guage model M . We used the SRI Language Mod-
lowercasing and punctuation removal to UNCorpus eling Toolkit to build the language model2 .
same as Fisher corpus.
3.2.2 Results
Model We used the implementation of UNMT1
Table 2 shows the perplexity of the language model
by Lample et al. (2018b). UNMT model was based
for the Fisher/train. By transferring the fluent UN-
on Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017). Our models
Corpus into the disfluent Fisher tone (Fisher-like
follow the suggested parameters from implementa-
UNCorpus) reduced the perplexity and number of
tion of UNMT. We used three-layer shared encoder
unknown words.
and shared decoder. We set the word embedding
dimensions, hidden state dimensions, feed-forward
3.3 NMT with Domain Adaptation
dimensions to 512, 512, and 2048, respectively. We
employed eight attention heads for both the encoder We trained the NMT models which translate from
and the decoder. We chose Adam (Kingma and Ba, disfluent Spanish to fluent English.
2014) with a learning rate of 0.0001, β1 = 0.9,
β2 = 0.999 as the optimizer. Each mini-batch 3.3.1 Experimental Settings
contained 16 sentences. Data For training data, we used Fisher/train as
In order to gain robustness to the content of in-domain data and UNCorpus/Train and Fisher-
the sentence, we first pre-trained the model using like UNCorpus/Train as out-domain data. Fisher-
only UNCorpus/Train. During pre-training, early like UNCorpus has the same number of sizes as
stopping was applied on the BLEU score between UNCorpus. During training, we used Fisher/Dev as
source sentences and back-translated sentences of a validation set. Fisher/Test was used for evaluation.
the UNCorpus/Dev with a patience of 10 iterations, We preprocessed the data in the same way as in the
and the model with the highest score was stored. previous experiment. However, for practical use,
After that, additional training of 1 iteration using lowercasing and punctuation removal were applied
the Fisher/Train was performed. only to the source language.
Evaluation Axelrod et al. (2011) used a lan- Model We used OpenNMT-py3 . The NMT
guage model of in-domain data for out-of-domain model was based on Transformer. The hyper-
data selection in domain adaptation. Following this parameters of the model almost follow the trans-
study, we estimated the similarity between domains former base settings (Vaswani et al., 2017). Note
by measuring the perplexity (P P L) of the training that in the Fisher-only experiment without domain
set W of the out-of-domain data using a 3-gram adaptation, the batch size was halved to 2048 to-
language model M made from the in-domain data kens. The model was trained for 20,000 iterations
(Equation 1). using out-of-domain data, and then fine-tuned for
P P L = 10H(W |M ) (1) 1,000 iterations using in-domain data. The model
parameters saved every 100 iterations.
H(W |M ) is the entropy, defined as the average of
the negative log-likelihood per token, as shown in Evaluation To evaluate the performance, we cal-
the following equation: culated the BLEU scores (Papineni et al., 2002)
with sacreBLEU4 .
1 X
H(W |M ) = − log10 P (s|M ) (2) 2
|W | s∈W http://www.speech.sri.com/projects/srilm/
1 4
https://github.com/facebookresearch/UnsupervisedMT https://github.com/mjpost/sacreBLEU

Table 3: BLEU scores of trained NMT models for Dis- nueva york 1 a 12 de junio de 2015 (original)
fluent Spanish to Fluent English. nueva york oh a mi eh de de de de (generated)
System Fisher/Test As shown above, some generated sentences lost the
Fisher 14.8 meaning of the sentence due to missing phrases. As
UNCorpus 7.8 a result, the quality of the parallel data decreased
Fisher-like UNCorpus 6.7 and the final translation performance was also de-
UNCorpus + Fisher 18.3 graded. One of the causes of this problem is style
Fisher-like UNCorpus + Fisher 18.5 transfer constraints are too strong. Thus, it may be
mitigated by a model that could control the trade-
Table 4: BLEU scores for Disfluent Spanish to Flu- off between style transfer and content preservation
ent English. NMT models used Fisher’s disfluent ref- (Niu et al., 2017; Agrawal and Carpuat, 2019; Lam-
erences for training. ple et al., 2019).
System Fisher/Test Further improvement can be expected by pre-
Fisher 11.6 venting changes in the meaning of sentences and
UNCorpus + Fisher 15.2 converting only the style.
Fisher-like UNCorpus + Fisher 15.6
Fluent vs Disfluent references The model
3.3.2 Results trained using Fisher’s original disfluent data had
Tables 3 and 4 show the BLEU scores of the sys- a BLEU score of about three points lower than
tems evaluated with single fluent references. In the model trained using the fluent data. In other
Table 3, “Fisher”, “UNCorpus” and “Fisher-like words, in this task, we found that removing the dis-
UNCorpus” are models trained on a single training fluency of reference sentences improves the BLEU
data. “UNCorpus + Fisher” and “Fisher-like UN- by about three points for all the learning strategies
Corpus + Fisher” are models that were pre-trained we tried. In domain adaptation, we expected this
on UNCorpus and Fisher-like UNCorpus and then problem to be mitigated by training on large out-
fine-tuned on Fisher/Train, respectively. The mod- of-domain data with fluent reference sentences, but
els in Table 4 did not use Fisher’s fluent references the desired results were not obtained.
when training but instead used disfluent references.
Both with and without Fisher’s fluent references, 5 Conclusion
domain adaptation training outperformed the base-
line. Furthermore, when the pseudo-disfluent Span- In this paper, we presented NAIST’s submission
ish generated by the style transfer was used for to the IWSLT2020 Conversational Speech Trans-
training, the score was better than the use of the lation task. We experimentally show that domain
original UNCorpus without the style transfer. We adaptation can improve the translation accuracy of
submitted six systems in total: “Fisher”, “UNCor- disfluent sentences. Moreover, the translation ac-
pus + Fisher” and “Fisher-like UNCorpus + Fisher” curacy was improved by increasing the similarity
in Table 3, and all of Table 4. between domains through style transfer, but the
effect was limited due to the parallel data quality
4 Discussion
Effect of Style Transfer In domain adaptation Furthermore, The loss of accuracy caused by not
training, the accuracy was slightly improved by using clean reference sentences of in-domain data
transferring the style of out-of-domain data to be could not be resolved by domain adaptation either.
like in-domain data. This shows that there is some In future work, we will pursue a style transfer
significance in increasing the similarity between system that does not reduce the quality of the par-
domains through style transfer. allel data and use it to improve the translation accu-
However, when we did not perform domain adap- racy of NMT. High-quality style transfer may allow
tation and only trained with out-of-domain data, us to acquire robustness to the disfluency of input
the accuracy for in-domain data was reduced by sentences and to learn fluent outputs by removing
style transfer. The following is an example of style the disfluency of output sentences.
transferred sentence:

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Generating Fluent Translations from Disfluent Text
Without Access to Fluent References: IIT Bombay@IWSLT2020

Nikhil Saini, Jyotsana Khatri, Preethi Jyothi, Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Mumbai, India
{nikhilra, jyotsanak, pjyothi, pb}@cse.iitb.ac.in

Abstract in TED talks or broadcast news (Cho et al., 2014;

Wang et al., 2010; Honal and Schultz, 2005; Za-
Machine translation systems perform reason- yats et al., 2016). With the increasing popularity
ably well when the input is well-formed
of end-to-end speech translation systems (Weiss
speech or text. Conversational speech is spon-
taneous and inherently consists of many dis-
et al., 2017; Bansal et al., 2018), one may not want
fluencies. Producing fluent translations of dis- disfluency removal to be treated as an intermediate
fluent source text would typically require par- step between ASR and MT. It might be more desir-
allel disfluent to fluent training data. How- able for disfluency removal to be handled within
ever, fluent translations of spontaneous speech the model itself, or as a separate post-processing
are an additional resource that is tedious to step.
obtain. This work describes the submission
of IIT Bombay to the Conversational Speech To produce fluent translations from disfluent
Translation challenge at IWSLT 2020. We text, one would typically require access to disfluent
specifically tackle the problem of disfluency speech (or text) and its corresponding fluent trans-
removal in disfluent-to-fluent text-to-text trans- lations during training. While some corpora with
lation assuming no access to fluent references
labeled disfluencies exist (Cho et al., 2014; Burger
during training. Common patterns of disflu-
ency are extracted from disfluent references et al., 2002), only subsets have been translated
and a noise induction model is used to sim- and/or released. (Salesky et al., 2018) introduced
ulate them starting from a clean monolingual a set of fluent references for the Fisher Spanish-
corpus. This synthetically constructed dataset English conversational speech corpus (David Graff
is then considered as a proxy for labeled data and Cieri.). This has enabled a new task of end-
during training. We also make use of addi- to-end training and evaluation on fluent references.
tional fluent text in the target language to help
(Salesky et al., 2019) reports results using a speech-
generate fluent translations. This work uses no
fluent references during training and beats a
to-text model trained on this corpus using both
baseline model by a margin of 4.21 and 3.11 fluent and disfluent translations. However, fluent
BLEU points where the baseline uses disfluent translations of disfluent speech or text are a scarce
and fluent references, respectively. resource. It would be highly desirable to build a
Index Terms- disfluency removal, machine system for disfluency removal that does not rely on
translation, noise induction, leveraging mono- fluent references.
lingual data, denoising for disfluency removal.
In this work, we propose a framework for disflu-
1 Introduction and Related Work ency removal that utilizes a simple noise induction
technique for data augmentation using fluent mono-
Spoken language translation often suffers due to the lingual text in the target language. During denois-
presence of disfluencies. In conversational speech, ing, such disfluent text is trained jointly with par-
speakers often use disfluencies such as filler words, allel disfluent-to-disfluent textual translation data,
repetitions of fillers, repetitions of fluent phrases, thus simultaneously optimizing the objectives of
false starts, and corrections which do not occur in disfluency removal and translation. This work de-
the text. Standard machine translation and spoken scribes the submission of IIT Bombay to the Con-
translation systems perform competitively when versational Speech Translation challenge at IWSLT
the input is well-formed text or rehearsed speech as 2020 (Ansari et al., 2020). We release code for our

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 178–186
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
proposed approach at the following URL.1 of each one of them and their repetitions. Table 1
Section 2 describes the details of the data used shows the counts for the aha token along with its
and the proposed noise induction technique to lever- successive repetitions. We repeat this for all filler
age monolingual data. Section 3 describes our pro- words and store them in a comma-separated value
posed architecture. We then present experimental file.
details in Section 4, followed by our main results
in Section 4.2. Finally, we analyze our model out- Filler phrase Frequency
puts in Section 5 and present our conclusions in ah 9572
Section 6. ah ah 233
ah ah ah 29
2 Data ah ah ah ah 5
ah ah ah ah ah 1
2.1 Fisher Corpus ah ah ah ah ah ah 0
For our experiments, we use the Fisher Spanish
dataset (David Graff and Cieri.), comprising tele- Table 1: Filler phrase frequencies in the Fisher English
training corpus.
phone conversations between mostly native Span-
ish speakers. The dataset contains speech utter-
ances (disfluent Spanish), their corresponding ASR
outputs (disfluent Spanish), and two sets of English 2.2 Parallel Corpus for Translation
translations (both fluent and disfluent) (Salesky We extract monolingual fluent textual data from
et al., 2018; Post et al., 2013). The Fisher dataset the news-commentary parallel corpus in Spanish-
has disfluent Spanish ASR output (text) which we English from the shared task on machine translation
use as input to our model. Additionally, two sets in 2013.3 The corpus consists of 174,441 parallel
of English translations (disfluent & fluent) are also sentences. We divide the dataset into two halves.
available in (text) form. For training, we only make We consider the first half of 87220 sentences to
use of disfluent English sentences. i.e. we train a be our fluent monolingual corpus. The other half
text-to-text model. We explicitly note here that no wasn’t used to account for resource constraints. Fu-
fluent English reference text was used during train- ture work can incorporate the whole corpus for
ing. The corpus consists of 819 transcribed conver- training. This corpus is modified and turned into a
sations on predetermined topics between strangers, parallel disfluent to fluent corpus in the same lan-
yielding ≈ 160 hours of speech and 150k utter- guage i.e. EN-disfluent to EN-fluent. This process
ances. We used one reference during training and is described in more detail in the next section.
evaluation with the validation (dev) and test data
sets.2 2.3 Data Augmentation via Noise Induction
2.1.1 Disfluencies Most disfluent sentences could be loosely thought
Disfluencies can be filler words and hesitations, of as a composition of a fluent part and an additive
discourse markers (you know, well, umm), phrase noise characterizing the underlying disfluency type.
repetitions, filler word repetitions, corrections, and We aimed to generate a parallel EN-disfluent to
false starts, among others. There can be differ- EN-fluent dataset, starting with fluent English text
ent and often overlapping disfluencies in a single and adding disfluencies that we extract from real
sentence. Fluent words like so, oh, yes, no, etc. disfluent text. We stress here that we do not make
could either be categorized as fluent or disfluent use of any parallel disfluent-fluent text to extract
depending on the context in which they appear. We patterns of disfluencies; the latter was generated
selected the most commonly occurring filler words by solely examining disfluent text. Three levels
in English, namely hmm, hm, em, eh, uh, um, umm, of disfluency induction have been implemented
ah, aha, mm, oh, wow, yes, ok from the Fisher En- where disfluencies are incrementally added. We
glish corpus. These filler words either occur alone have tested with 10%, 30%, 50% disfluency induc-
as a single unit or with self-repetitions up to a max- tion. Section 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4 will describe
imal length of 5 or 6. We extracted the frequencies the techniques used to introduce disfluencies within
a fluent corpus to create a parallel corpus.
2 3
We do not make use of dev2 during training. https://www.statmt.org/wmt13/translation-task.html

2.3.1 Pronoun Phrase Repetition 2.3.3 Insertion of filler words/phrases
The English language has seven pronouns, namely, The filler word/phrase frequency count which is
”i, we, you, he, she, it, they”. In the conversational described in Section 2.1.1 and table 1 is used as
speech, many times an utterance that starts with a a guide to introduce them within clean text. We
pronoun repeats itself. Here is an example: iterate through all sentences in the English corpus
and uniformly select a (phrase, frequency) pair
such that the frequency is greater than 0. If the
i am i am fond of paintings ...
sentence becomes a candidate according to the
it is cold it is cold and windy outside ...
sampling probability α = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 (as we did
Our algorithm iterates through all 87220 with pronoun phrase repetition), an index i is
sentences in the English news-commentary corpus uniformly selected from the range [0, l], and the
and treats every sentence which starts with a phrase is inserted at index i along with a decrement
pronoun as a candidate. With hyperparameter of one in the frequency of the phrase. As before, l
value α = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, we either select or reject is the length of the candidate. Example:
the candidate for disfluency induction. Here, α
is the probability of selecting the candidate and Before: (filler, frequency) = (ah ah, 233)
1 − α is the rejection probability. If a candidate Original sentence: the new year is looking grim
is selected, we select the length (l) of the phrase Disfluent sentence (i = 0): ah ah the new year is
starting from the first word (which is the pronoun looking grim
itself) which will be repeated. The length is After: (filler, frequency) = (ah ah, 232)
uniformly sampled from four length values i.e.
1, 2, 3, 4. The phrase up to length (l) is repeated 2.3.4 False Start
in the sentence just after it ends. The following In disfluent English, an utterance can start with
examples show how disfluencies are introduced for an affirmation (i.e. beginning with a yes or yeah)
two different values of l: and suddenly turn into negation or denial. For
example: yes, no we can’t increase the price. Here,
Original fluent sentence: i was saying that the speaker first uttered yes and then shifted to
we should go for a movie negation with no. Similarly, a negative utterance
Disfluent sentence (l = 1): i i was saying that we can suddenly shift to an affirmative one.
should go for a movie We iterate through all the sentences in the Fisher
Disfluent sentence (l = 2): i was i was saying English corpus which begins with an affirmation
that we should go for a movie yes, yeah or a negation no, nah and prepend yes or
no of length(l = 1or2) to make it a false starting
2.3.2 Fluent Phrase Repetition sentence (if the sentence is chosen with a sampling
Many disfluencies are just repetitions of mean- probability of α = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5). An example:
ingful phrases where the speaker intentionally
or unintentionally repeats a phrase. We iterate Original sentence: yes the price will go
through all the sentences and every sentence up
with length greater than 5 becomes a candidate Disfluent sentence (l = 2): no no yes the price
with hyperparameter α = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 (as we did will go up
with pronoun phrase repetition). We randomly
selected a length(l) in the range [1, 3] and carefully 2.3.5 Other Possible Noise Induction
selected an index i in the fluent sentence starting Techniques
from which a phrase of length l is repeated and a Synonym insertion can be done by examining the
disfluent sentence is formed. Here is an example: synset of the language in question (say English),
picking a word from a candidate sentence, and at-
Original fluent sentence: easier to trade taching its synonym next to it. A denoising step is
and speculate in gold expected to retain only one of the meanings which
Disfluent sentence (l = 1, i = 5): easier to trade is fluent as per the language model. We also in-
and speculate in in gold troduce singleton utterances which only contain a
Disfluent sentence (l = 2, i = 3): easier to trade single filler word and its corresponding fluent ver-
and speculate and speculate in gold sion is labeled as None. We leave the exploration

of more techniques that are relevant to introducing word-dropout, and word-blank with probabilities
disfluencies within fluent text as future work. 3, 0.1, 0.2 (Lample et al., 2017) respectively when
training the denoising encoder.
2.4 Data Statistics
Table 2 shows utterance counts from the parallel 3.1.1 Shared Encoder
disfluent Spanish to disfluent English corpus. Apart Our system makes use of two encoders with three
from this dataset, we also make use of three parallel out of four layers shared by the two input languages.
disfluent-to-fluent English texts which were syn- This is inspired from (Artetxe et al., 2017; Lample
thetically created using the techniques described in et al., 2017). The first three layers are shared across
Section 2.3, corresponding to α values of 0.1, 0.3 both tasks i.e. denoising from disfluent English to
and 0.5, respectively. Each of these three parallel fluent English and translating from Spanish to En-
datasets contains 87220 sentences each. glish. The fourth layer is language-dependent to
Fisher Data allow the encoder to learn language-specific infor-
Train 138720 (DFLT) 138720 (DFLT) mation. The shared layers of the encoder encourage
Validation 3977 (DFLT) 3977 (FLT) the output representations of Spanish and English
Test 3641 (DFLT) 3641 (FLT) to use a common subspace shared across both lan-
guages, which is further transformed into fluent
Table 2: DFLT: Disfluent and FLT: Fluent. Disfluent English using a common decoder. In this man-
Spanish source and disfluent English target utterances ner, our model jointly achieves disfluency removal
in training. For validation and test set evaluations, we along with translation.
use fluent translations. Numbers indicate the count of
utterances in the train, validation and test sets, respec- 3.1.2 Fixed Language Embeddings in the
While many machine translation systems randomly
3 Model initialize their embeddings and update them during
training, we use pretrained sub-word level embed-
This section describes the proposed architecture for dings and keep them fixed during training (Artetxe
disfluency removal and translation. Since our ob- et al., 2017). We share the vocabulary for Spanish
jective is two-fold, which is disfluency removal and and English as their alphabet size is 27 and 26 re-
translation, Section 3.2.1 first presents our denois- spectively. The additional letter in Spanish is a ñ to
ing module which is aimed at achieving the task indicate the palatal nasal; the remaining letters are
of disfluency removal and Section 3.2.2 describes the same as in English.
how translation is achieved by our model.

3.1 System Architecture 3.2 Training

As shown in Figure 1, the proposed system fol- The encoder & decoder are trained using
lows a fairly standard encoder-decoder architec- Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015) with a learning rate
ture. More concretely, we use a four-layer trans- of 0.001 and a mini-batch size of 32. The training
former encoder and another four-layer transformer alternates evenly between denoising and translation
decoder (Vaswani et al., 2017). There are 8 atten- procedures.
tion heads in both the encoder and decoder. We pre-
train joint token embeddings of 512 dimensionali- 3.2.1 Denoising
ties on concatenated Fisher Spanish (disfluent) and C(x) is a randomly sampled noisy version of sen-
English (disfluent) and News-commentary English tence x similar to the noise model by (Lample et al.,
data using fastext (Bojanowski et al., 2016). We use 2017). The denoising done here is a mixture of
byte-pair encoding (Sennrich et al., 2015) with 50K standard denoising as done in (Lample et al., 2017)
BPE units to effectively handle out-of-vocabulary and a supervised training step using the parallel
words at test time. We share language embeddings disfluent-fluent English text that we created using
in the encoder. We set dropout (Gal and Ghahra- the techniques described in Section 2.3. The loss
mani, 2016) and label-smoothing (Szegedy et al., for the latter training phase is the sum of cross-
2016) to 0.3 and 0.1, respectively. In addition entropy losses between predEN and its fluent coun-
to the disfluency induction, we use word-shuffle, terpart.

Figure 1: Illustration of proposed architecture. EN: noise-augmented input in English language (text), ES: disfluent
Spanish input (text), ED : Denoising encoder for English language, DD : Denoising decoder for English language,
ET : Translation encoder whose input is Spanish, DT : Translation decoder whose output is English, predEN : fluent
output of denoising decoder, predEN : Translated output of translation decoder in English language. Cnoise is the
noise model used in (Lample et al., 2017) i.e. word-dropout, word-shuffle, S: Shared latent space, zEN and zES :
latent representation of top and bottom encoders, respectively.

3.2.2 Translation the other hand, is a semantic evaluation metric. It

The translation is done using the parallel Fisher uses the harmonic mean of precision and recall,
dataset, where disfluent Spanish is used as input with more weight assigned to recall. It also takes
and disfluent English is generated as output. The into account stem, synonym, paraphrase, and
sum of token level cross-entropy is used as the loss exact matches. In our task, semantic meaning
function between predEN (predicted English output) should be retained while disfluencies are removed.
and reference disfluent English. Similar METEOR scores are expected when scored
with fluent references and disfluent references.
4 Experiments METEOR will indicate that meaning is maintained,
but not assess disfluency removal, while BLEU
4.1 Experimental Setup will indicate whether disfluencies have been
We have used lowercased, tokenized, normalized removed.
data with all punctuations (except apostrophe)
removed. This is the same setting as used The parallel Fisher data remains constant in all
by (Salesky et al., 2019) allowing for a comparison settings. We have tested with three increasing lev-
with the baseline proposed. The system is els of disfluency induction in the synthetic data.
evaluated using BLEU4 and METEOR5 scoring This is denoted using three different values, 0.1,
metrics. BLEU assesses how well predicted 0.3, and 0.5, for the hyperparameter α. We use a
translations match a set of reference translations batch size of 32 and epoch size 50000. All other hy-
using modified n-gram precision, weighted by perparameters are similar to (Lample et al., 2017)’s
a brevity penalty in place of recall to penalize implementation.
short hypothesis translations without full coverage. 4.2 Results and Discussion
In our task of disfluency removal, the generated
tokens should contain much of the same content Table 3 compares the baseline BLEU scores
but with certain tokens removed, thereby creating of (Salesky et al., 2019) with our implementation.
shorter hypotheses. When scoring fluent output Our proposed model operates in a mismatched set-
with disfluent references, the difference in BLEU ting i.e. training using disfluent-to-disfluent text
score will come from two sources: shorter n-gram data, and evaluating on fluent references for the val-
matches, and the brevity penalty. METEOR, on idation and test sets. We show two baseline scores
in Table 3. “BaselineD” refers to the use of disflu-
BLEU scores computed using multi-bleu.pl from the ent reference text during training and “BaselineF”
Moses toolkit (Koehn et al., 2007). refers to the use of fluent reference text during
METEOR is computed using the script from
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/˜alavie/METEOR/ (Denkowski training. It should be noted that the reported base-
and Lavie, 2014). line from (Salesky et al., 2019) is a speech-to-text

Model α dev test
1Ref 2Ref 1Ref 2Ref
BaselineD - 13 16.2 13.5 17.0
BaselineF - 14.6 18.1 14.6 18.1
Our Impl.D 0.5 17.27 17.54 17.36 20.47
Our Impl.D 0.3 17.2 17.46 17.71 20.93
Our Impl.D 0.1 16.96 17.22 17.08 20.15

Table 3: BLEU on development and test set with single vs multiple references. End-to-end model performance
evaluated with new fluent references. D: Disfluent reference, F: Fluent reference as used in training. Our imple-
mentation is trained using disfluent references only.

Model α dev test

1Ref 2Ref 1Ref 2Ref
BaselineD - 22.2 23.9 23.1 24.8
BaselineF - 22.3 24.0 23.1 24.9
Our Impl.D 0.5 24.9 24.7 25.8 27.2
Our Impl.D 0.3 25.7 25.4 26.5 28.0
Our Impl.D 0.1 24.9 24.7 25.7 27.1

Table 4: METEOR on development and test set with single vs multiple references. End-to-end model perfor-
mance evaluated with new fluent references. D: Disfluent reference, F: Fluent reference as used in training. Our
implementation is trained using disfluent references only.

model, while our implementation is a text-to-text successfully retain semantic meaning.

model. Scores on the development set and test
set using both single and multiple references are 5 Analysis
shown. We demonstrate that our implementation
In this section, we discuss different types of exam-
with three levels of disfluency induction and trained
ples that were generated by our model and how they
only on disfluent references outperforms the base-
differ from the disfluent reference and the fluent
line score by a margin of 4.21 BLEU when the
reference. Output is the generated translation from
baseline uses disfluent references and by a margin
our implementation, disfluent Ref and Fluent Ref
of 3.11 BLEU even when the baseline system uses
are the disfluent and fluent references, respectively.
fluent references during training.
It should be noted that fluent references were not
Table 4 shows the METEOR score evaluated on
used during training and are only being shown here
all three disfluency induction levels, using both
for the sake of comparison6 . Segment Comparison:
single and multiple references. When comparing
Deletion, Insertion, Shift.
METEOR on single and multiple references of the
Figure 2 shows that the filler word oh has been
same setting, the precision is the same up to two
omitted in the generated output.
decimal digits, while there is a slight drop of 0.01
in recall in 2Ref when compared to 1Ref. The com-
parable METEOR values indicate that semantic
meaning is retained in the output.
On comparing METEOR scores of our imple-
mentation with that of both baseline models, we
observe that our model retains more semantic mean-
ing than the baseline models. Using a single refer-
ence, we obtain an absolute difference of 3.4 and
3.6 METEOR scores on the dev and test sets re-
Figure 2: Removing filler words.
spectively, between the best baseline system and
our proposed model. This shows that while do- 6
The figures used for comparison are created with Char-
ing disfluency removal, the output also manages to Cut (Lardilleux and Lepage, 2017)

In Figure 3, we observe that the repetition of
the fluent phrase peruvian peruvian is handled cor-
rectly, but not the repetition of yes.

Figure 5: Disfluency removal + paraphrasing (II)

6 Conclusion
In this work, we propose a model for generating
fluent translations from disfluent text without any
Figure 3: Repetitions (I) access to fluent references during training. We rely
on having access to monolingual fluent text in the
target language, which is largely available for most
languages. We extract disfluency patterns by ex-
amining the disfluent text and inject disfluencies
In Figures 4, the output carefully rejects um,
to create a parallel disfluent-to-fluent text corpus
along with legitimately paraphrasing the sentence
in the target language. We compare our results at
as a result of the language model that it has learned
different levels of disfluency induction and show
from the corpus.
significant improvements over a competitive base-
For future work, we aim at building more sophis-
ticated and rich disfluency induction models. In
this work, we focused on the text-to-text setting.
We will look at extending this approach to a speech-
to-text spoken translation task, with disfluency re-
moval being an auxiliary task and investigate how
to meaningfully tie parameters across an audio en-
coder and a text encoder. Furthermore, we only
report standard quantitative metrics like BLEU and
METEOR here. More detailed human evaluations
may better highlight the benefits and limitations of
our approach. We also believe that our proposed
approach can be easily applied to other language
pairs and hope to verify this as part of future work.
Figure 4: Removing filled pause + paraphrasing (II)
7 Acknowledgements
The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for
their helpful feedback and comments. The last
In Figures 5, the disfluency right yes yes has two authors gratefully acknowledge support from
been completely removed. Instead of choosing yes, IBM Research (specifically the IBM AI Horizon
it replaced it with well sure, but the disfluency has Networks-IIT Bombay initiative).
been removed.

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The HW-TSC Video Speech Translation system at IWSLT 2020

Minghan Wang, Hao Yang, Yao Deng, Ying Qin, Lizhi Lei,
Daimeng Wei, Hengchao Shang, Jiaxin Guo, Ning Xie, Xiaochun Li
Huawei Translation Service Center, Beijing, China

Abstract to find. On the other hand, a cascade system al-

lows us to train each part separately, which is more
In this paper, we present details of our system feasible.
in the IWSLT Video Speech Translation eval-
Our system is composed with three modules.
uation. The system works in a cascade form,
which contains three modules: 1) A propri- 1) A proprietary ASR system. 2) A disfluency
etary ASR system. 2) A disfluency correction correction system (Wang et al., 2019). 3) An NMT
system aims to remove interregnums or other model based on the Transformer (Vaswani et al.,
disfluent expressions with a fine-tuned BERT 2017).
and a series of rule based algorithms. 3) An
NMT System based on the Transformer and 2 System Architecture
trained with massive publicly available corpus
is used for translation. 2.1 ASR
For the task, we simply extract the sound tracks
1 Introduction
from videos, then feed them to our proprietary ASR
There has been great advances in Neural Machine system and proceed transcripts to downstream mod-
Translations (NMT) in recent years which also ules.
promotes Multimodal translation including image
(Specia et al., 2016), speech and video translation 2.2 Disfluency Correction
(Wang et al., 2020; Imankulova et al., 2020; Wu A major flaw of the cascade system is the error
et al., 2019). For speech and video translation, propagation from the ASR to the NMT system.
there are basically two types of systems (i.e. cas- For example, interregnums like “uh”, “you know”
cade and end-to-end). Cascade systems are often should not be translated, or repeated words like “I
composed of several independent modules, where wanna wanna ...” due to disfluency (Shriberg, 1994;
each one can be trained with intermediate inputs Wang et al., 2018). To deal with this problem,
and labels. End-to-end systems can be fully dif- we developed the disfluency correction system to
ferentiable and trained with original multimodality de-noise the ASR outputs so that the NMT model
data. could generate more fluent translations. The dis-
In the IWSLT 2020 Video Speech Translation fluency correction system is based on fine-tuning
task (Ansari et al., 2020), participants are required BERT for sequence tagging and incorrect N-gram
to develop systems to translate speeches in the mining. BERT is fine-tuned to predict whether
video from source language into target language. a token generated by the ASR system should be
However, we consider that visual contexts are not kept or deleted. The N-gram model is able to mine
necessarily important for a translation task, there- high-frequency mistakes, e.g. “a i”(AI), “r and
fore we only use audio as contexts, and treat it as d”(R&D).
a offline speech translation task, in addition, our
system is built mainly for Chinese to English trans- 2.2.1 Data
lation. The dataset used to train the disfluency detection
We choose to build our system in a cascade man- model is collected from internal meeting record-
ner because training an end-to-end system requires ings, which are transcribed by human. We create
massive aligned audio and text data, which is hard the golden set based on these transcripts. It con-

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 187–190
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
Strategy Train Dev Test
Baseline 35.2 36.3 33.1
+ Domain rule 31.8 (-3.4) 31.9 (-4.4) 30.1 (-3.0)
+ BERT model 28.3 (-3.5) 28.3 (-3.6) 26.7 (-3.4)
+ N-gram mining 26.4 (-1.9) 25.9 (-2.4) 24.9 (-1.8)

Table 1: The performance of each strategy evaluated on our own dataset

tains approximately 200,000 tokens and are split 2.2.3 N-Gram Disfluency Mining
into train/dev/test set with the proportion of 7:1:2. Except from training a detection model, we
We use sclite from SCTK to score the ASR out- also create a mistake table with n-grams (where
puts, the sclite is able to output four types of ac- n=1,2,3,4), aiming to correct high-frequency mis-
tions for tokens and gaps in the ASR outputs. Then, takes. The table statistics the frequency of incorrect
those actions will be used to automatically label transcripts, and top 10 mistakes are used as a rule
the ASR outputs with following rules: based mapping. We mainly use it to solve some
• Tokens are scored as C (correct) by the sclite situations where the pronunciation and text are not
means that the ASR system outputs a cor- the same, this situation mainly appears in termi-
rect token, compared to the ground truth se- nologies.
quence. These tokens will be labeled as OK 2.2.4 Disfluency Correction Experiments
and should be preserved in post-processing. We preform several experiments on the created
• Tokens are scored as S (substitute) by the dataset with the combination of methods mentioned
sclite means the ASR system outputs an in- above to evaluate the effectiveness. We use WER
correct (substituted) token at current position, as the evaluation metric. Detailed results are pre-
compared to the ground truth sequence. These sented in Table 1.
tokens are labeled as BAD and will be deleted. 2.3 NMT
Note that we don’t consider predicting the
The NMT model is based on a Transformer
correct token because of the complexity.
(Vaswani et al., 2017) model with some modifi-
• Tokens are scored as I (insertion) means the cations that will be introduced later. The model is
ASR system inserts an unnecessary token at trained with approximately 26M publicly available
current position. These tokens will be labeled parallel corpora.
as BAD and should be deleted.
2.3.1 Data
• Gaps are scored as D (deletion) means the There is no officially published in-domain text data
ASR fails to output a necessary token at the to train and evaluate the model, therefore, we use
gap. This situation also involves predicting the WMT 2019 Chinese to English news translation
the missing token therefore is not considered. corpora which is composed with 6.5M CWMT and
20M UN sentence pairs. The test set of CCMT
Based on these rules, the ASR outputs are labeled
2018 news translation is used as our test set for the
with OK and BAD for each token, which will be
used to fine-tune the BERT model.
First of all, we clean up the dataset as follows:
2.2.2 BERT based Disfluency Detection • Remove duplicated sentences.
BERT is widely used in many NLP tasks thanks
to its flexible architecture and pre-trained weights • Sentences that are too short (e.g. less than two
contributed by the community. As described pre- tokens) are removed.
viously, we formulate the task as a sequential la-
• Sentences that are too long (e.g. greater than
belling problem so that the pre-trained BERT can
300 tokens) are removed.
be fine-tuned easily. In the post-processing, we
simply remove tokens which are predicted as BAD. • Parallel sentence pairs with abnormal length
The model used for fine-tuning is provided by trans- ratio (e.g. greater than 3 times standard devia-
formers’ (Wolf et al., 2019) BERT-base. tion) are removed.

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Transformer-big 36.27 Ebrahim Ansari, Amittai Axelrod, Nguyen Bach, On-
+ Domain Classification 37.63 drej Bojar, Roldano Cattoni, Fahim Dalvi, Nadir
+ Ensemble 39.25 Durrani, Marcello Federico, Christian Federmann,
Jiatao Gu, Fei Huang, Kevin Knight, Xutai Ma, Ajay
Table 2: The performance of the nmt model evaluated Nagesh, Matteo Negri, Jan Niehues, Juan Pino, Eliz-
on CCMT dataset. abeth Salesky, Xing Shi, Sebastian Stüker, Marco
Turchi, and Changhan Wang. 2020. Findings of the
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• Sentences with abnormal characters are con- of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Lan-
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fication as well as an ensemble model. We use Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz
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CUNI Neural ASR with Phoneme-Level Intermediate Step
for Non-Native SLT at IWSLT 2020

Peter Polák and Sangeet Sagar and Dominik Macháček and Ondřej Bojar
Charles University
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics

Abstract MFCCs Acoustic Model

In this paper, we present our submission to
sound (optional)
the Non-Native Speech Translation Task for Phoneme-LM
IWSLT 2020. Our main contribution is a pro- Rescoring
posed speech recognition pipeline that con- KenLM
sists of an acoustic model and a phoneme-to- phonemes
grapheme model. As an intermediate repre-
sentation, we utilize phonemes. We demon- Phoneme-to-Grapheme Transcript
strate that the proposed pipeline surpasses
commercially used automatic speech recogni-
tion (ASR) and submit it into the ASR track. Figure 1: The architecture of proposed model.
We complement this ASR with off-the-shelf
MT systems to take part also in the speech
translation track. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
reviews related work. In Sections 3 and 4 we de-
1 Introduction scribe models for our speech recognition pipeline
and their training. In Section 5, we describe the
This paper describes our submission to Non-Native punctuator, truecasor and segmenter, and machine
Speech Translation Task in IWSLT 2020 (Ansari translation into Czech and German in Section 6.
et al., 2020). We participate in two sub-tracks: We summarize our submissions in Section 7 and
offline speech recognition and offline speech trans- conclude in Section 8.
lation from English into Czech and German.
We focus on the speech recognition, proposing 2 Related Work
a robust pipeline consisting of two components —
an acoustic model recognizing phonemes, and a This section reviews the related work.
phoneme-to-grapheme translation model, see Fig-
ure 1. We decided to use phonemes as the interme- 2.1 Phonemes and Acoustic Models
diate representation between the acoustic and the Phones and phonemes are well-established mod-
translation model because we believe that conven- elling units in ASR. They have been used since
tional grapheme representation is too constrained the beginning of the technology in 1950s (Juang
with complicated rules of mapping speech to a tran- and Rabiner, 2005), for an empirical comparison of
script. This issue becomes immense when dealing different linguistic units for sound representation,
with dialects and non-native speakers. see Riley and Ljolje (1992).
Both models used in our pipeline are end-to- An important work popularizing neural networks
end deep neural networks, Jasper (Li et al., 2019) in ASR to phonemes is Waibel et al. (1989). This
for the acoustic model and Transformer (Vaswani work proposes using a time-delayed neural network
et al., 2017) for the phoneme-to-grapheme transla- (TDNN) to model acoustic-phonetic features and
tion model. the temporal relationship between them. The au-
For punctuating, truecasing, segmenting and thors demonstrate that the proposed TDNN can
translation into Czech and German, we use off- learn shift-invariant internal abstraction of speech
the-shelf systems provided by ELITR project. and use it to make a robust final decision.

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 191–199
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
Salesky et al. (2019) suggest using of phoneme- 10 ASR models. Using these models, they collect
based ASR in speech translation. Their end-to-end “ASR corrupted” data. Subsequently, they train a
speech translation pipeline first obtains phoneme Transformer on this data where the “ASR corrupted”
alignment using the deep neural network hidden text serves as the source and the original true tran-
Markov models (DNN-HMM) system and then av- scripts as the target. In their best setup, they utilize
erages feature vectors with the same phoneme for transfer learning. They use BERT (Devlin et al.,
consecutive frames. Phonemes outputted by DNN- 2018), a masked language model consisting only
HMM then serve as input features for speech trans- of Transformer encoder, and initialize both encoder
lation. and decoder of their Transformer correction model
with BERT’s weights.
2.2 Phoneme-to-Grapheme Models
In most past studies that included a separate 2.4 Online ASR Services
phoneme-to-grapheme (P2G) translation compo- We compare our work with Google Cloud Speech-
nent into the ASR, the phoneme representation was to-Text API1 and Microsoft Azure Speech to Text.2
used only for out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, see, Both of these services provide publicly available
e.g. Decadt et al. (2001); Horndasch et al. (2006); APIs for transcribing audio recordings.
Basson and Davel (2013).
Decadt et al. (2001) apply phoneme-to- 3 Neural ASR with Phoneme-Level
grapheme to enhance the readability of OOV out- Intermediate Step
put in Dutch speech recognition. In their setup,
the ASR outputs standard (orthographic) text for Our main idea is to couple an end-to-end acous-
known words. For OOVs, phonemes are out- tic model with a specialized “translation” model,
putted. Because the phonemes are unreadable for which translates phonemes to graphemes and cor-
most users, the authors translate phonemes using rects the ASR errors.
memory-based learning. The word error rate of this The motivation for the translation step is that the
improved setup of Dutch ASR was actually higher translation model can exploit larger context than a
than the baseline, on the other hand, the output basic convolutional acoustic model. Furthermore,
was better readable for an untrained person. They we can utilize considerably larger non-speech cor-
report that 41 % of words were transcribed with pora to train this part of the pipeline.
at most one error, and 62 % have only two errors.
3.1 Acoustic Model
Furthermore, most of the incorrectly transcribed
words do not exist in Dutch. For our acoustic model, we use the Jasper (Li et al.,
Horndasch et al. (2006) introduce a data-driven 2019) convolutional neural architecture in the vari-
approach called MASSIVE. Their main objective ant of Jasper DR 10x5 variant, as described in the
is to find appropriate orthographic representations original paper. It is implemented within the NeMo
for dictated Internet search queries. Their sys- library (Kuchaiev et al., 2019).
tem iteratively refines sequences of symbol pairs For training, we use approximatelly 1 000 hours
in different alphabets. In the first step, they find of speech data from LibriSpeech (Panayotov et al.,
the best phoneme-grapheme alignment using the 2015) and 1 000 hours of Common Voice3 . Be-
expectation-maximization algorithm. In the second cause we want the model to produce phonemes and
step, they cluster neighbouring symbols together not graphemes, which are available in the train-
to account for insertions. Finally, n-gram proba- ing corpora, we converted the transcript to IPA
bilities of symbol pairs are learned. During the phonemes using the phonemizer4 tool.
inference, the input string is split into individual To speed-up the training process, we initialize
symbols. All possible symbol pairs are generated our English sound-to-phoneme Jasper model with
for each symbol, and the best sequences are se- 1
lected in a beam search. speech-to-text
2.3 Error Correction in ASR en-us/services/cognitive-services/
Hrinchuk et al. (2019) deal with the correction of 3
errors in ASR by introducing Transformer post- 4
processing. The authors first train an ensemble of phonemizer

Type Corpus Adapt. Full training 4 Phoneme-to-Grapheme Model
LS Clean 46.07 3.84
dev We seek a model for translating transcripts written
CV 54.69 11.86
LS Clean - 4.18 / 4.48† / 3.58‡ in phonemes into graphemes in the same language.
test LS Other - 11.48 / 11.67† / 8.57‡ Unlike the most studies reviewed in Section 2, we
CV - 10.21 / 10.47† / 6.46‡
propose to use Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017)
Table 1: Results in % of Phoneme Word Error Rate architecture for phoneme-to-grapheme translation.
(PWER) using greedy decoding (no mark), beam We believe that Transformer is the best option for
search (†) and beam search with language model (‡). these tasks. Transformer has shown its potential in
The language model is trained on phonemized ASR many NLP tasks. Most importantly, we consider
training data. Note, PWER is not directly comparable its ability to learn the structure of a sentence, see
to WER. “LS” LibriSpeech. “CV” Common Voice. e.g. Pham et al. (2019).

4.1 Text Encoding Considerations

the available checkpoint of the standard sound-to- We use Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) (Sennrich et al.,
grapheme model.5 . This seed model was trained on 2016) for text encoding in our experiments. We
LibriSpeech, Mozilla Common Voice, WSJ, Fisher, use the implementation in YouTokenToMe6 library.
and Switchboard corpora, which is beyond the set It is fast and offers BPE-dropout (Provilkov et al.,
of corpora allowed for a constrained submission. 2019) regularization technique.
The model yields word error rate (WER) of 3.69 First, we decided to use separate vocabularies for
% on LibriSpeech test-clean, and 10.49 % on test- source and target sentences, because the source and
other using greedy decoding. target representations, IPA phonemes and English
For a smooth transition from the Latin alpha- graphemes, have no substantial overlap.
bet to IPA, we start our training with an adapta- There has been a quite intensive discussion
tion phase of 2,000 training steps. As the model’s about vocabulary size in neural machine transla-
memory footprint is smaller during this phase, we tion (NMT) (Denkowski and Neubig, 2017; Gupta
increase the batch size to 64 (global batch size is et al., 2019; Ding et al., 2019). All works agree that
640). One thousand steps are warm-up; the maxi- for low-resource translation tasks, it is better to ap-
mal learning rate is 0.004. ply smaller vocabulary sizes. For a high-resource
The full training takes ten epochs. The model task, it is convenient to use larger vocabulary. Our
memory requirements increase, therefore we re- task, translation of phonemes into graphemes in
duce the batch size to 16 (global batch size is 160). the same language, differs from the previous works.
We also reduce the learning rate to 0.001. Hence, we decided to experiment with vocabulary
sizes. We also want to know whether we should
Optionally, we include a phoneme-level lan- train the sub-word units for source on clean data
guage model, which re-scores the output of the (phonemes without errors), or we should introduce
acoustic model before the phoneme-to-grapheme ASR-like errors to these data.
translation, to achieve higher quality. Setups that We design the experiment as follows: we test
use this component are further in this paper marked character-level encoding and BPE vocabulary sizes
with “ lm”. of 128, 512, 2 000, 8 000 and 32 000. Further, we
Results of training after the Adaptation phase test a clean data configuration, “corrupted” data
(the “Adaptation” column) and the Full training are (we collect transcripts from an ensemble of 10 ASR
in Table 1. Note that these scores are calculated systems) and a “mixed” data — combination of the
on the reference transcript converted to phonemes two previous.
using phonemizer. Token ambiguities thus change, Because of the data scarcity, we use Transformer
and these scores are not comparable to standard Base configuration. We alter maximum sequence
grapheme WER. length to 1024 because for character-level, 128, and
The training is executed on 10 NVIDIA GTX 512 BPE configurations, many sentences do not fit
1080 Ti GPUs with 11 GB VRAM. into the model. We train all models for 70 000 steps
on one GPU using the same batch size for all con-
figurations: 12 000 tokens. We set the learning rate
models/nvidia:multidataset_jasper10x5dr https://github.com/VKCOM/YouTokenToMe

to 0.04. As training data, we use “corrupted” ASR For both LibriSpeech test sets, it performed a bit
transcripts paired with true transcripts. We col- better than BPE 128.
lect the data from an ensemble of 10 ASR models, Generally, the results suggest a the larger the
yielding approximately 7 million sentence pairs. vocabulary, the lower WER. Among the different
For the collection of ASR corrupted data, we used BPE sizes, we can recognize the 32 000 vocabulary
LibriSpeech and Common Voice datasets. size has the best results systematically on all test
clean Finally, we consider the following: a model can
6 corrupted better learn from larger vocabulary sizes. First, a
5.8 model does not have to learn low-level orthography
WER (%)

5.6 extensively. Rather than memorizing characters (or

5.4 other smaller units), it can focus on the whole sen-
5.2 tence and how individual words interact. Second, a
5 larger model can detect errors because of anomalies
character 128 512 2k 8k 32k
Encoding size in the input encoding. Larger vocabularies produce
a shorter representation. Corrupted word is more
Figure 2: Results in % of word error rate on the Com- likely to be broken down to smaller pieces. When
mon Voice test set.
a model detects such a situation, it can, for exam-
ple, decide the right target word based on context,
rather than the suspicious word. Such anomaly will
clean most likely not occur in the text encoded with small
5.4 corrupted
mixed BPE.
WER (%)

5 Source of BPE training data For Common
Voice, we observe some variation in performance.
Best seems to be the “mixed” configuration. Some-
what worse is “corrupted” and the worst is “clean”
character 128 512 2k 8k 32k
Encoding size version. In this case, we think the “mixed” is best
as it has frequent enough “corrupted” words. This
Figure 3: Results in % of word error rate on the Lib- enables a model to learn to translate these corrupted
riSpeech test clean. words into the correct ones. Also, it knows enough
other words, so it can adequately work with correct
clean For other test sets, we observe almost no differ-
12.5 mixed ences. Only “corrupted” configuration has slightly
WER (%)

worse performance.
We conclude that the source of training data for
11.5 BPE has almost no impact on the final result.

11 4.2 Baseline Phoneme-to-Grapheme Model

character 128 512 2k 8k 32k
Encoding size (“asr” Configuration)

Figure 4: Results in % of word error rate on the Lib- We decided to use Transformer Big configuration
riSpeech test other. (as opposed to the initial experiment with BPE vo-
cabularies). As we concluded in the previous part,
Graphical comparison is in Figures 2 to 4. we select BPE vocabulary size of 32 000, and the
BPE encoding is trained on “clean” phonemized
BPE size Character-level encoding seems to be English part of Czeng 1.7 (Bojar et al., 2016) cor-
the worst or second-worst possible representation. pus.
For the Common Voice test set, it scores almost one First, we train a randomly initialized Trans-
percentage point of WER more compared to the former model. The source of the “translation” is
best result (5.53 vs 4.55). Also, all other encodings the phonemized English Czeng and the target is the
performed almost half a percentage point better. original English.

We use six 16 GB GPUs for the training. We is initialized from the BERT “large” to match the
set the batch size to 6 000 tokens, learning rate to dimension of the Transformer encoder.
0.02, warm-up steps to 16 000 and total steps to For this setup, we tried the same training pro-
600 000. We manually abort the training after the cedure on half-noisy data as above. However, we
convergence is reached (140 000 steps in our case). were unable to obtain any reasonable performance
(we got WER of 28 % on LibriSpeech dev-other).
4.3 Transfer from SLT (“asr slt” We hypothesize this is due to the vast amount of
Configuration) weights that must be randomly initialized in the
In standard NMT, the source text usually does not decoder: BERT is a Transformer encoder only.
suffer from so many errors as in our setup. We Hence it does not have the Encoder-Decoder at-
address this “correction” need by training on artifi- tention layer which must be trained from scratch.
cially corrupted source side. During the training of the whole model with many
We initialize the Transformer encoder from our randomly initialized weights, the initially trained
in-house speech translation model trained from En- weights from the BERT might depart too far from
glish phonemes to Czech graphemes (described in the optimum.
Polák (2020)) and the decoder from a model for To overcome this issue, we use an analogous
the opposite direction. Both of these initial models adaptation trick as for the training of the acous-
were trained on CzEng, with one side converted to tic model. We freeze all weights initialized from
phonemes using phonemizer. seed models and train only the randomly initial-
These pre-trained parts of the model, the encoder ized weights until convergence (the criterion was
and decoder need joint training to learn to operate the loss on the validation dataset). This adaptation
with each other. We employ this training also to takes 13 500 steps in our case. Subsequently, the
inject the capacity of correcting ASR output. training continues as in the previous case with one
exception — we used only ASR corrupted data
Specifically, we apply the jack-knife scheme to
from LibriSpeech.
our ASR training data (LibriSpeech and Common
Voice), training ten different ASR models, always 4.5 ASR Results
leaving one-tenth of the training data aside. This
one-tenth is recognized with the model, leading CV LS clean LS other
to the full speech corpus equipped not only with asr (primary) 9.72 4.87 11.67
golden transcripts but also with ASR outputs. We asr lm 7.00 4.63 10.25
call this an “ASR-corrupted” corpus. asr slt 3.26 5.10 11.75
asr slt lm 3.97 5.00 10.63
Based on our experience from the experiment bert 12.93 4.13 10.21
with BPE vocabularies, where the model easily bert lm† 11.25 4.04 9.69
over-fit to the sentences from ASR transcripts
Table 2: Performance of the submitted models in terms
from speech corpora, we mix the corrupted and of % WER on the Common Voice test set (CV), and
clean data with a 1:1 ratio. This is different from LibriSpeech (LS) clean and other test set. † not submit-
Hrinchuk et al. (2019) who use only the ASR- ted due to time constraints. Best results in bold.
corrupted data to train. We then train the complete
Transformer model from English phonemes to En- Table 2 reports the performance of our proposed
glish graphemes with the same hyper-parameters systems on Common Voice test set and LibriSpeech
as the baseline. test-clean and test-other.
The performance of “slt”-pretrained models is
4.4 Transfer from BERT (“asr bert” very good on Common Voice (CV), reaching WER
Configuration) of 3.26 %. However, we suspect that the model
Finally, we use the pre-trained BERT (Devlin et al., overfitted to CV texts. The corpus contains many
2018). Unlike Hrinchuk et al. (2019), we do not ini- speakers, but the set of underlying sentences is
tialize both the encoder and decoder with the BERT. very limited, and our models can memorize them.
We initialize the encoder from the English-to- The more realistic evaluation on the independent
Czech speech translation model (as in Section 4.3) LibriSpeech other indicates that “asr slt” is actually
because we need the model to process phonemes, rather poor.
not graphemes on the source side. The decoder For the general domain, assessed by LibriSpeech

AMIa AMIb AMIc AMId Teddy Autocentrum Audit
AMI Rest Total
asr (primary) 35.89 32.76 35.60 39.90 57.43 11.62 9.83 35.05 19.67 33.99
asr lm† 37.58 33.66 35.32 40.60 56.65 14.01 11.00 35.70 20.54 34.65
asr slt 36.73 33.22 35.70 39.69 56.87 10.93 10.22 35.37 19.66 34.28
asr slt lm† 37.71 33.83 35.67 40.45 56.31 12.87 10.71 35.88 20.07 34.78
asr bert 36.69 33.82 36.50 39.63 56.76 12.87 9.60 35.85 19.64 34.72
asr lm‡ 35.95 32.94 35.57 40.43 56.20 13.10 10.67 35.20 20.22 34.17
asr slt lm‡ 37.72 33.86 35.59 40.59 56.42 13.10 10.71 35.88 20.29 34.80
Microsoft 53.72 52.62 56.67 58.58 87.82 39.64 24.22 54.80 39.75 53.76
Google 51.52 49.47 53.11 56.88 61.01 14.12 17.47 51.87 25.33 50.03

Table 3: Results in % WER on IWSLT ASR development set. † submitted without punctuation and segmentation.
‡ submitted with punctuation and segmentation after the deadline.

AMIa Teddy Autocentrum Audit AMIa Teddy Autocentrum Audit

asr 4.79 1.41 21.66 5.59 asr 8.87 5.20 15.94 22.40
asr lm† 2.80 1.57 12.53 1.84 asr lm† 3.45 2.02 4.16 6.15
asr lm†* 2.86 1.57 12.79 1.93 asr lm†* 5.30 4.33 8.64 18.16
asr slt 4.52 1.48 22.02 5.56 asr slt 9.77 4.35 16.40 22.91
asr slt lm† 3.19 1.55 8.85 1.81 asr slt lm† 3.45 2.21 4.00 6.54
asr slt lm†* 3.26 1.55 9.32 1.88 asr slt lm†* 5.34 4.20 6.92 20.07
asr bert 6.08 1.41 19.01 5.79 asr bert 10.22 3.99 13.38 24.76
asr lm‡ 3.92 5.65 21.65 5.24 asr lm‡ 10.79 4.36 17.24 25.09
asr slt lm‡ 4.01 6.08 21.50 5.02 asr slt lm‡ 10.88 3.60 17.34 26.64
Gold 21.09 54.77 42.52 9.03 Gold 34.95 45.57 36.56 38.97

Table 4: Czech BLEU scores on the IWSLT develop- Table 5: German BLEU scores on the IWSLT develop-
ment set. † submitted without punctuation and segmen- ment set. † submitted without punctuation and segmen-
tation. ‡ submitted with punctuation and segmentation tation. ‡ submitted with punctuation and segmentation
after the deadline. * lower case BLEU. after the deadline. * lower case BLEU.

clean, we would choose the BERT-pretrained 5 Punctuation, Truecasing and

model with phoneme LM rescoring. This model Segmentation
was unfortunately trained too late, so we did not
include it in our submission. Our ASR system produces lowercased, unpunc-
tuated text, but the machine translation works on
The Non-Native Task setting is very specific,
capitalized, punctuated text, segmented to individ-
and we carefully examine the performance on the
ual sentences. We use the same biRNN punctuator,
IWSLT development (Table 3). The performance
truecaser and segmenter as Macháček et al. (2020).
varies considerably, but the baseline setup (“asr”)
The punctuator is a bidirectional recurrent neural
perform well on average, and it is also not much
network by Tilk and Alumäe (2016) trained on the
worse than the best system on the particular files,
English side of CzEng (Bojar et al., 2016). The
e.g. 9.83 on the Audit file compared to “asr bert”
truecaser uses tri-grams (Lita et al., 2003). We use
which wins there with 9.60. Based on these results,
a rule-based Moses Sentence Splitter (Koehn et al.,
we selected “asr” as our primary submission for
2007). More details are in Macháček et al. (2020),
speech recognition track.
Section 4.2.
It the particular domain of non-native speech
recognition, the usefulness of the phoneme lan-
6 Machine Translation
guage model seems to be minor, unlike on the CV
and LS test sets in Table 2. However, this result Our submission to the SLT track relies on the MT
could be unreliable because the IWSLT develop- systems, which are used also by ELITR project
ment set is very small. and are described in their submission to this task
We note that all proposed systems outperform (Macháček et al., 2020). We do not rely on their val-
publicly available Google and Microsoft ASR on idation for this task. As our primary MT systems,
all files in the development set, see the last two we select “WMT18 T2T” for Czech and “de T2T”
rows of Table 3. for German, because they were easily accessible

Initialization trained weights from SLT for encoder and BERT
Name LM rescoring
Encoder Decoder
for decoder (“bert”). In this manner, we yield
asr (primary) random random no
asr lm random random yes five different configurations for submission (see
asr slt EN CS CS EN no Table 6). The transcripts are then punctuated and
asr slt lm EN CS CS EN yes truecased. Based on the punctuation, we further
bert EN CS BERT no
segment the transcripts. Our primary submission
Table 6: Submitted English ASR configurations. “EN for the ASR track is the “asr” system.
CS” means the Transformer encoder was initialized We do not have our own translation model. To
with the encoder weights from a translation model participate in the translation track, we utilize the
trained from English phonemes to Czech graphemes. MT systems of the ELITR project, which are
“CS EN” means the decoder was initialized from an
mostly Transformer neural models. We select as
MT model translating Czech phonemes to English
our primary submission the “asr” system.

8 Conclusion
through Lindat service7 . We presented our submissions to the Non-Native
“WMT18 T2T” was originally trained for Speech Translation Task for IWSLT 2020.
English-Czech WMT18 news translation task For the non-native speech recognition, we pro-
(Popel, 2018), and was also between the top sys- posed a pipeline that consists of an acoustic model
tems in WMT19 (Popel et al., 2019). It is a single- and a phoneme-to-grapheme model. We demon-
sentence Transformer Big model in Tensor2Tensor strated that the proposed pipeline surpasses com-
framework (Vaswani et al., 2018). “de T2T” is a mercially used ASR on the development set.
similar system, but trained on the data for English- To participate in the non-native speech transla-
German WMT news translation. Tables 4 and 5 tion track, we use off-the-shelf translation model
present BLEU scores of our primary systems for on our ASR transcripts.
Czech and German, respectively. Note that the files
Teddy, Autocentrum and Audit are very short. Acknowledgments
We submit also all other machine translation
systems for Czech and German by ELITR with The research was partially supported by the grants
our “asr” source for contrastive evaluation. See 19-26934X (NEUREM3) of the Czech Science
Macháček et al. (2020) for more details. Foundation, H2020-ICT-2018-2-825460 (ELITR)
of the EU, 98120 of the Grant Agency of Charles
7 Submission Summary University and by SVV project number 260 575.

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ELITR Non-Native Speech Translation at IWSLT 2020
Dominik Macháček† and Jonáš Kratochvı́l† and Sangeet Sagar† and
Matúš Žilinec† and Ondřej Bojar† and Thai-Son Nguyen‡ and Felix Schneider‡ and
Philip Williams∗ and Yuekun Yao∗

Charles University, ‡ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, ∗ University of Edinburgh

{surname}@ufal.mff.cuni.cz, except [email protected],


[email protected],[email protected]

Abstract the quality. Despite the complexity, the resulting

This paper is an ELITR system submission systems can be potentially appreciated by many
for the non-native speech translation task at users attending an event in a language they do not
IWSLT 2020. We describe systems for of- speak or having difficulties understanding due to
fline ASR, real-time ASR, and our cascaded unfamiliar non-native accents or unusual vocabu-
approach to offline SLT and real-time SLT. We lary.
select our primary candidates from a pool of
We build on our experience from the past IWSLT
pre-existing systems, develop a new end-to-
end general ASR system, and a hybrid ASR
and WMT tasks, see e.g. Pham et al. (2019);
trained on non-native speech. The provided Nguyen et al. (2017); Pham et al. (2017); Wetesko
small validation set prevents us from carrying et al. (2019); Bawden et al. (2019); Popel et al.
out a complex validation, but we submit all (2019). Each of the participating institutions has
the unselected candidates for contrastive eval- offered independent ASR and MT systems trained
uation on the test set. for various purposes and previous shared tasks. We
1 Introduction also create some new systems for this task and de-
ployment for the purposes of the ELITR project.
This paper describes the submission of the EU Our short-term motivation for this work is to con-
project ELITR (European Live Translator)1 to the nect the existing systems into a working cascade
non-native speech translation task at IWSLT 2020 for SLT and evaluate it empirically, end-to-end. In
(Ansari et al., 2020). It is a result of a collabora- the long-term, we want to advance state of the art
tion of project partners Charles University (CUNI), in non-native speech translation.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and Uni-
versity of Edinburgh (UEDIN), relying on the in- 2 Overview of Our Submissions
frastructure provided to the project by PerVoice
company. This paper is a joint report for two primary sub-
The non-native speech translation shared task missions, for online and offline sub-track of the
at IWSLT 2020 complements other IWSLT tasks non-native simultaneous speech translation task.
by new challenges. Source speech is non-native First, we collected all ASR systems that were
English. It is spontaneous, sometimes disfluent, available for us (Section 3.1) and evaluated them
and some of the recordings come from a particu- on the validation set (Section 3.2). We selected
larly noisy environment. The speakers often have the best candidate for offline ASR to serve as the
a significant non-native accent. In-domain train- source for offline SLT. Then, from the ASR sys-
ing data are not available. They consist only of tems, which are usable in online mode, we selected
native out-domain speech and non-spoken parallel the best candidate for online ASR and as a source
corpora. The validation data are limited to 6 man- for online SLT.
ually transcribed documents, from which only 4 In the next step (Section 4), we punctuated and
have reference translations. The target languages truecased the online ASR outputs of the valida-
are Czech and German. tion set, segmented them to individual sentences,
The task objectives are quality and simultaneity, and translated them by all the MT systems we had
unlike the previous tasks, which focused only on available (Section 5.1). We integrated the online
http://elitr.eu ASRs and MTs into our platform for online SLT

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 200–208
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
(Sections 5.2 and 5.3). We compared them using 3.1.2 Kaldi ASR Systems
automatic MT quality measures and by simple hu- We used three systems trained in the Kaldi ASR
man decision, to compensate for the very limited toolkit (Povey et al., 2011). These systems were
and thus unreliable validation set (Section 5.4). We trained on Mozilla Common Voice, TED-LIUM,
selected the best candidate systems for each target and AMI datasets together with additional textual
language, for Czech and German. data for language modeling.
Both best candidate MT systems are very fast
(see Section 5.5). Therefore, we use them both for Kaldi-Mozilla For Kaldi-Mozilla, we used the
the online SLT, where the low translation time is Mozilla Common Voice baseline Kaldi recipe.2
critical, and for offline SLT. The training data consist of 260 hours of audio.
In addition to the primary submissions, we in- The number of unique words in the lexicon is 7996,
cluded all the other candidate systems and some and the number of sentences used for the base-
public services as contrastive submissions. line language model is 6994, i.e., the corpus is
very repetitive. We first train the GMM-HMM part
of the model, where the final number of hidden
3 Automatic Speech Recognition
states for the HMM is 2500, and the number of
This section describes our automatic speech recog- GMM components is 15000. We then train the
nition systems and their selection. chain model, which uses the Time delay neural net-
work (TDNN) architecture (Peddinti et al., 2015)
3.1 ASR Systems together with the Batch normalization regulariza-
tion and ReLU activation. We use MFCC features
We use three groups of ASR systems. They are to represent audio frames, and we concatenate them
described in the following sections. with the 100-dimensional I-vector features for the
neural network training. We recompile the final
3.1.1 KIT ASR chain model with CMU lexicon to increase the
KIT has provided three hybrid HMM/ANN ASR model capacity to 127384 words and 4-gram lan-
systems and an end-to-end sequence-to-sequence guage model trained with SRILM (Stolcke, 2002)
ASR system. on 18M sentences taken from English news arti-
The hybrid systems, called KIT-h-large-lm1,
KIT-h-large-lm2 and KIT-hybrid, were developed Kaldi-TedLium serves as another baseline,
to run on the online low-latency condition, and trained on 130 hours of TED-LIUM data (Rousseau
differ in the use of the language models. et al., 2012) collected before the year 2012. The
The KIT-h-large-lm adopted a 4-gram language Kaldi-TedLium model was developed by the Uni-
model which was trained on a large text corpus versity of Edinburgh and was fully described by
(Nguyen et al., 2017), while the KIT-hybrid em- Klejch et al. (2019). This model was primarily de-
ployed only the manual transcripts of the speech veloped for discriminative acoustic adaptation to
training data. We would refer the readers to the domains distinct from the original training domain.
system paper by Nguyen et al. (2017) for more It is achieved by reusing the decoded lattices from
information on the training data and the studies the first decoding pass and by finetuning for TED-
by Nguyen et al. (2020); Niehues et al. (2018) for LIUM development and test set. The setup follows
more information about the online setup. the Kaldi 1f TED-LIUM recipe. The architecture
The end-to-end ASR, so-called KIT-seq2seq, fol- is similar to Kaldi-Mozilla and uses a combina-
lowed the architecture and the optimizations de- tion of TDNN layers with batch normalization and
scribed by Nguyen et al. (2019). It was trained on ReLU activation. The input features are MFCC and
a large speech corpus, which is the combination I-vectors.
of Switchboard, Fisher, LibriSpeech, TED-LIUM,
and Mozilla Common Voice datasets. It was used Kaldi-AMI was trained on the 100 hours of
solely without an external language model. the AMI data, which comprise of staged meeting
All KIT ASR systems are unconstrained because recordings (Mccowan et al., 2005). These data
they use more training data than allowed for the 2
task. tree/master/egs/commonvoice/s5

domain AMI Antrecorp Auditing
document AMIa AMIb AMIc AMId Teddy Autocentrum Auditing
KIT-h-large-lm1 50.71 47.96 53.11 50.43 65.92 19.25 18.54
KIT-h-large-lm2 47.82 41.71 42.10 45.77 75.87 28.59 19.81
KIT-hybrid 40.72 38.45 41.09 43.28 58.99 21.04 21.44
KIT-seq2seq 33.73 28.54 34.45 42.24 42.57 9.91 10.45
Kaldi-TedLium 42.44 38.56 41.83 44.36 61.12 18.68 22.81
Kaldi-Mozilla 52.89 56.37 58.50 58.90 68.72 45.41 34.36
Kaldi-AMI 28.01 23.04 26.87 29.34 59.66 20.62 28.39
Microsoft 53.72 52.62 56.67 58.58 87.82 39.64 24.22
Google 51.52 49.47 53.11 56.88 61.01 14.12 17.47

Table 1: WER rates of individual documents in the development set. Kaldi-AMI scores on AMI domain are striked
through because they are unreliable due to an overlap with the training data.

domain document sents. tokens duration references WER weighted average avg
AMI Antrecorp Auditing domain
Antrecorp Teddy 11 171 1:15 2
Antrecorp Autocentrum 12 174 1:06 2 KIT-seq2seq1 32.96 26.10 10.45 23.17
Auditing Auditing 25 528 5:38 1 Kaldi-TedLium 40.91 39.72 22.81 34.48
AMI AMIa 220 1788 15:09 1 Kaldi-Mozilla 56.82 56.96 34.36 49.38
AMI AMIb 614 4868 35:17 0 Kaldi-AMI 25.79 39.97 28.39 31.38
AMI AMIc 401 3454 24:06 0 Microsoft 54.80 63.52 24.22 47.51
AMI AMId 281 1614 13:01 0 Google 51.88 37.36 17.47 35.57
KIT-h-large-lm1 50.24 42.38 18.542 37.05
Table 2: The size of the development set
KIT-h-large-lm2 43.32 52.02 19.81 38.38
iwslt2020-nonnative-minidevset-v2. KIT-hybrid 40.241 39.851 21.44 33.84
The duration is in minutes and seconds. As “refer-
ences” we mean the number of independent referential Table 3: Weighted average WER for the domains in val-
translations into Czech and German. idation set, and their average. The top line-separated
group are offline ASR systems, the bottom are online.
Bold numbers are the lowest considerable WER in the
were recorded mostly by non-native English speak- group. Kaldi-AMI score on AMI is not considered due
ers with a different microphone and acoustic envi- to overlap with training data. Bold names are the pri-
ronment conditions. The model setup used follows mary (marked with 1 ) and secondary (marked with 2 )
the Kaldi 1i ami recipe. Kaldi-AMI cannot be reli- candidates.
ably assessed on the AMI part of the development
due to the overlap of training and development data. dialect option. The system can be run either in
We have decided not to exclude this overlap so that real-time or offline mode. We have used the offline
we do not limit the amount of available training option for this experiment.
data for our model.
The Microsoft Azure Bing Speech API supports
3.1.3 Public ASR Services fewer languages than Google Cloud ASR but adds
more customization options of the final model. It
As part of our baseline models, we have used
can be also run both in real-time or offline mode.
Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API3 and Microsoft
For the evaluation, we have used the offline mode
Azure Speech to Text.4 Both of these services pro-
and the United Kingdom English (en-GB) dialect.
vide an API for transcription of audio files in WAV
format, and they use neural network acoustic mod- 3.2 Selection of ASR Candidates
els. We kept the default settings of these systems.
We processed the validation set with all the ASR
The Google Cloud system supports over 100
systems, evaluated WER, and summarized them in
languages and several types of English dialects
Table 1. The validation set (Table 2) contains three
(such as Canada, Ireland, Ghana, or the United
different domains with various document sizes, and
Kingdom). For decoding of the development and
the distribution does not fully correspond to the test
test set, we have used the United Kingdom English
set. The AMI domain is not present in the test set
https://cloud.google.com/ at all, but it is a part of Kaldi-AMI training data.
speech-to-text Therefore, a simple selection by an average WER
en-us/services/cognitive-services/ on the whole validation set could favor the systems
speech-to-text/ which perform well on the AMI domain, but they

could not be good candidates for the other domains. for MT to function at all, inserting capitalization
In Table 3, we present the weighted average of and removing disfluencies improves MT perfor-
WER in the validation domains. We weight it by mance by making the test case more similar to the
the number of gold transcription words in each of MT training conditions (Cho et al., 2017).
the documents. We observe that Kaldi-AMI has
a good performance on the AMI domain, but it is 4.2 BiRNN Punctuator
worse on the others. We assume it is overfitted for For other systems, we use a bidirectional recurrent
this domain, and therefore we do not use it as the neural network with an attention-based mechanism
primary system. by Tilk and Alumäe (2016) to restore punctuation
For offline ASR, we use KIT-seq2seq as the pri- in the raw stream of ASR output. The model was
mary system because it showed the lowest error trained on 4M English sentences from CzEng 1.6
rate on the averaged domain. (Bojar et al., 2016) data and a vocabulary of 100K
The online ASR systems can exhibit somewhat most frequently occurring words. We use CzEng
lower performance than offline systems. We select because it is a mixture of domains, both originally
KIT-h-large-lm1 as the primary online ASR candi- spoken, which is close to the target domain, and
date for Auditing, and KIT-hybrid as primary for written, which has richer vocabulary, and both orig-
the other domains. inal English texts and translations, which we also
Our second primary offline ASR is Kaldi-AMI. expect in the target domain. The punctuated tran-
script is then capitalized using an English tri-gram
4 Punctuation and Segmentation truecaser by Lita et al. (2003). The truecaser was
trained on 2M English sentences from CzEng.
All our ASR systems output unpunctuated, often
all lowercased text. The MT systems are designed 5 Machine Translation
mostly for individual sentences with proper casing
and punctuation. To overcome this, we first insert This section describes the translation part of SLT.
punctuation and casing to the ASR output. Then, 5.1 MT Systems
we split it into individual sentences by the punctu-
ation marks by a rule-based language-dependent See Table 4 for the summary of the MT systems.
Moses sentence splitter (Koehn et al., 2007). All except de-LSTM are Transformer-based neu-
Depending on the ASR system, we use one of ral models using Marian (Junczys-Dowmunt et al.,
two possible punctuators. Both of them are usable 2018) or Tensor2Tensor (Vaswani et al., 2018)
in online mode. back-end. All of them, except de-T2T, are uncon-
strained because they are trained not only on the
4.1 KIT Punctuator data sets allowed in the task description, but all the
used data are publicly available.
The KIT ASR systems use an NMT-based model
to insert punctuation and capitalization in an oth- 5.1.1 WMT Models
erwise unsegmented lowercase input stream (Cho WMT19 Marian and WMT18 T2T models are Mar-
et al., 2012, 2015). The system is a monolingual ian and T2T single-sentence models from Popel
translation system that translates from raw ASR et al. (2019) and Popel (2018). WMT18 T2T was
output to well-formed text by converting words to originally trained for the English-Czech WMT18
upper case, inserting punctuation marks, and drop- news translation task, and reused in WMT19.
ping words that belong to disfluency phenomena. WMT19 Marian is its reimplementation in Mar-
It does not use the typical sequence-to-sequence ian for WMT19. The T2T model has a slightly
approach of machine translation. However, it con- higher quality on the news text domain than the
siders a sliding window of recent (uncased) words Marian model. The Marian model translates faster,
and classifying each one according to the punctua- as we show in Section 5.5.
tion that should be inserted and whether the word
should be dropped for being a part of disfluency. 5.1.2 IWSLT19 Model
This gives the system a constant input and output The IWSLT19 system is an ensemble of two
size, removing the need for a sequence-to-sequence English-to-Czech Transformer Big models trained
model. using the Marian toolkit. The models were origi-
While inserting punctuation is strictly necessary nally trained on WMT19 data and then finetuned

system back-end source-target constrained reference
WMT19 Marian Marian en→cs no Popel et al. (2019), Section 5.1.1
WMT18 T2T T2T en→cs no Popel et al. (2019), Section 5.1.1
IWSLT19 Marian en→cs no Wetesko et al. (2019), Section 5.1.2
OPUS-A Marian en↔{cs,de+5 l.} no Section 5.1.3
OPUS-B Marian en↔{cs,de+39 l.} no Section 5.1.3
T2T-multi T2T en↔{cs,de,en+39 l.} no Section 5.1.4
T2T-multi-big T2T en↔{cs,de,en+39 l.} no Section 5.1.4
de-LSTM NMTGMinor en→de no Dessloch et al. (2018), Section 5.1.6
de-T2T T2T en→de yes Section 5.1.5

Table 4: The summary of our MT systems.

on MuST-C TED data. The ensemble was a com- do not use finetuning.
ponent of Edinburgh and Samsung’s submission to
the IWSLT19 Text Translation task. See Section 4 5.1.5 de-T2T
of Wetesko et al. (2019) for further details of the de-T2T translation model is based on a Ten-
system. sor2Tensor translation model model using train-
ing hyper-parameters similar to Popel and Bojar
5.1.3 OPUS Multi-Lingual Models (2018). The model is trained using all the parallel
The OPUS multilingual systems are one-to-many corpora provided for the English-German WMT19
systems developed within the ELITR project. Both News Translation Task, without back-translation.
were trained on data randomly sampled from the We use the last training checkpoint during model
OPUS collection (Tiedemann, 2012), although they inference. To reduce the decoding time, we apply
use distinct datasets. OPUS-A is a Transformer greedy decoding instead of a beam search.
Base model trained on 1M sentence pairs each for 7
European target languages: Czech, Dutch, French, 5.1.6 KIT Model
German, Hungarian, Polish, and Romanian. OPUS- KIT’s translation model is based on an LSTM
B is a Transformer Big model trained on a total of encoder-decoder framework with attention (Pham
231M sentence pairs covering 41 target languages et al., 2017). As it is developed for our lecture
that are of particular interest to the project5 After translation framework (Müller et al., 2016), it is
initial training, OPUS-B was finetuned on an aug- finetuned for lecture content. In order to optimize
mented version of the dataset that includes partial for a low-latency translation task, the model is also
sentence pairs, artificially generated by truncating trained on partial sentences in order to provide
the original sentence pairs (similar to Niehues et al., more stable translations (Niehues et al., 2016).
2018). We produce up to 10 truncated sentence
pairs for every one original pair. 5.2 ELITR SLT Platform
We use a server called Mediator for the integration
5.1.4 T2T Multi-Lingual Models of independent ASR and MT systems into a cas-
T2T-multi and T2T-multi-big are respectively cade for online SLT. It is a part of the ELITR plat-
Transformer and Transformer Big models trained form for simultaneous multilingual speech trans-
on a Cloud TPU based on the default T2T hyper- lation (Franceschini et al., 2020). The workers,
parameters, with the addition of target language which can generally be any audio-to-text or text-
tokens as in Johnson et al. (2017). The models to-text processors, such as ASR and MT systems,
were trained with a shared vocabulary on a dataset run inside of their specific software and hardware
of English-to-many and many-to-English sentence environments located physically in their home labs
pairs from OPUS-B containing 42 languages in to- around Europe. They connect to Mediator and of-
tal, making them suitable for pivoting. The models fer a service. A client, often located in another lab,
requests Mediator for a cascade of services, and
The 41 target languages include all EU languages (other
than English) and 18 languages that are official languages of Mediator connects them. This platform simplifies
EUROSAI member countries. Specifically, these are Alba- the cross-institutional collaboration when one insti-
nian, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belorussian, Bosnian, tution offers ASR, the other MT, and the third tests
Georgian, Hebrew, Icelandic, Kazakh, Luxembourgish, Mace-
donian, Montenegrin, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Turkish, them as a client. The platform enables using the
and Ukrainian. SLT pipeline easily in real-time.

5.3 MT Wrapper validation set.
The simultaneous ASR incrementally produces the Therefore, we examined them by a simple com-
recognition hypotheses and gradually improves parison with source and reference. We realized
them. The machine translation system translates that the high BLEU score in the Autocentrum docu-
one batch of segments from the ASR output at a ment is induced by the fact that one of the translated
time. If the translation is not instant, then some sentences matches exactly matches a reference be-
ASR hypotheses may be outdated during the trans- cause it is a single word “thanks”. This sentence
lation and can be skipped. We use a program called increases the average score of the whole document,
MT Wrapper for connecting the output of self- although the rest is unusable due to mistranslated
updating ASR with non-instant NMT systems. words. The ASR quality of the two Antrecorp doc-
MT Wrapper has two threads. The receiving uments is very low, and the documents are short.
thread segments the input for our MTs into indi- Therefore we decided to omit them in comparison
vidual sentences, saves the input into a buffer, and of the MT candidates.
continuously updates it. The translating thread is a We examined the differences between the can-
loop that retrieves the new content from the buffer. didate translations on the Auditing document, and
If a segment has been translated earlier in the cur- we have not seen significant differences, because
rent process, it is outputted immediately. Other- this document is very short. The AMIa document
wise, the new segments are sent in one batch to the is longer, but it contains long pauses and many iso-
NMT system, stored to a cache and outputted. lated single-word sentences, which are challenging
For reproducibility, the translation cache is for ASR. The part with a coherent speech is very
empty at the beginning of a process, but in the- short.
ory it could be populated by a translation memory. Finally, we selected the MT candidate, which
The cache significantly reduces the latency because showed the highest average BLEU score on the
the punctuator often oscillates between two vari- three KIT online ASR systems both on Auditing
ants of casing or punctuation marks within a short and AMIa document because we believe that av-
time. eraging the three ASR sources shows robustness
MT Wrapper has a parameter to control the sta- against ASR imperfections. See Table 5 and Ta-
bility and latency. It can mask the last k words of ble 6 for the BLEU scores on Czech and German.
incomplete sentences from the ASR output, as in The selected candidates are IWSLT19 for Czech
Ma et al. (2019) and Arivazhagan et al. (2019), con- and OPUS-B for German. However, we also sub-
sidering only the currently completed sentences, or mit all other candidates as non-primary systems to
only the “stable” sentences, which are beyond the test them on a significantly larger test set. We use
ASR and punctuator processing window and never these candidates both for online and offline SLT.
change. We do not tune these parameters in the
validation. We do not mask any words or segments 5.5 Translation Time
in our primary submission, but we submit multiple We measured the average time, in which the MT
non-primary systems differing in these parameters. systems process a batch of segments of the vali-
dation set (Table 7). If the ASR updates are dis-
5.4 Quality Validation tributed uniformly in time, than the average batch
For comparing the MT candidates for SLT, we pro- translation time is also the expected delay of ma-
cessed the validation set by three online ASR sys- chine translation. The shortest delay is almost zero;
tems, translated them by the candidates, aligned in cases when the translation is cached or for very
them with reference by mwerSegmenter (Matusov short segments. The longest delay happens when
et al., 2005) and evaluated the BLEU score (Post, an ASR update arrives while the machine is busy
2018; Papineni et al., 2002) of the individual doc- with processing the previous batch. The delay is
uments. However, we were aware that the size time for translating two subsequent batches, wait-
of the validation set is extremely limited (see Ta- ing and translating.
ble 2) and that the automatic metrics as the BLEU We suppose that the translation time of our pri-
score estimate the human judgment of the MT qual- mary candidates is sufficient for real-time transla-
ity reliably only if there is a sufficient number of tion, as we verified in on online SLT test sessions.
sentences or references. It is not the case of this We observe differences between the MT systems.

MT document gold KIT-hybrid KIT-h-large-lm1 KIT-h-large-lm2 avg KIT
OPUS-B Teddy 42.8463 2.418 2.697 1.360 2.158
IWSLT19 Teddy 51.397 1.379 2.451 1.679 1.836
WMT19 Marian Teddy 49.328 1.831 1.271 1.649 1.584
WMT18 T2T Teddy 54.778 1.881 1.197 1.051 1.376
OPUS-A Teddy 25.197 1.394 1.117 1.070 1.194
T2T-multi Teddy 36.759 1.775 0.876 0.561 1.071
WMT18 T2T Autocentrum 42.520 12.134 13.220 14.249 13.201
WMT19 Marian Autocentrum 39.885 10.899 10.695 12.475 11.356
OPUS-B Autocentrum 29.690 12.050 10.873 9.818 10.914
IWSLT19 Autocentrum 37.217 9.901 8.996 8.900 9.266
OPUS-A Autocentrum 30.552 9.201 9.277 8.483 8.987
T2T-multi Autocentrum 20.011 6.221 2.701 3.812 4.245
IWSLT19 AMIa 22.878 5.377 2.531 3.480 3.796
WMT18 T2T AMIa 21.091 5.487 2.286 3.411 3.728
WMT19 Marian AMIa 22.036 4.646 2.780 3.739 3.722
OPUS-B AMIa 19.224 4.382 3.424 2.672 3.493
OPUS-A AMIa 15.432 3.131 2.431 2.500 2.687
T2T-multi AMIa 13.340 2.546 2.061 1.847 2.151
IWSLT19 Auditing 9.231 1.096 3.861 2.656 2.538
OPUS-B Auditing 6.449 1.282 3.607 2.274 2.388
OPUS-A Auditing 8.032 1.930 4.079 0.900 2.303
WMT19 Marian Auditing 8.537 1.087 3.571 1.417 2.025
WMT18 T2T Auditing 9.033 1.201 2.935 1.576 1.904
T2T-multi Auditing 3.923 1.039 1.318 1.110 1.156

Table 5: Validation BLEU scores in percents (range 0-100) for SLT into Czech from ASR sources. The column
“gold” is translation from the gold transript. It shows the differences between MT systems, but was not used in

The size and the model type of WMT19 Marian able validation. Therefore, we submitted all our
and WMT18 T2T are the same (see Popel et al., unselected candidates for contrastive evaluation on
2019), but they differ in implementation. the test set. For the results, we refer to Ansari et al.
WMT19 Marian is slightly faster than IWSLT19 (2020).
model because the latter is an ensemble of two
models. OPUS-B is slower than OPUS-A because Acknowledgments
the former is bigger. Both are slower than WMT19 The research was partially supported by the grants
Marian due to multi-targeting and different prepro- 19-26934X (NEUREM3) of the Czech Science
cessing. WMT19 Marian uses embedded Senten- Foundation, H2020-ICT-2018-2-825460 (ELITR)
cePiece (Kudo and Richardson, 2018), while the of the EU, 398120 of the Grant Agency of Charles
multi-target models use an external Python process University, and by SVV project number 260 575.
for BPE (Sennrich et al., 2016). The timing may
be affected also by different hardware.
At the validation time, T2T-multi and T2T-multi- References
big used suboptimal setup. Ebrahim Ansari, Amittai Axelroad, Nguyen Bach, On-
drej Bojar, Roldano Cattoni, Fahim Dalvi, Nadir
6 Conclusion Durrani, Marcello Federico, Christian Federmann,
Jiatao Gu, Fei Huang, Kevin Knight, Xutai Ma, Ajay
We presented ELITR submission for non-native Nagesh, Matteo Negri, Jan Niehues, Juan Pino, Eliz-
SLT at IWSLT 2020. We observe a significant qual- abeth Salesky, Xing Shi, Sebastian Stüker, Marco
itative difference between the end-to-end offline Turchi, and Changhan Wang. 2020. Findings of the
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of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Lan-
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gang Macherey, Pallavi Baljekar, and George Fos-
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submitted our primary submissions, although the simultaneous, spoken language translation. ArXiv,
size of the development set limits us from a reli- abs/1912.03393.

MT document gold KIT-hybrid KIT-h-large-lm1 KIT-h-large-lm2 avg KIT
de-T2T Teddy 45.578 2.847 3.181 1.411 2.480
OPUS-A Teddy 29.868 1.873 1.664 1.139 1.559
de-LSTM Teddy 3.133 2.368 2.089 1.254 1.904
OPUS-B Teddy 41.547 2.352 1.878 1.454 1.895
T2T-multi Teddy 31.939 1.792 3.497 1.661 2.317
de-T2T Autocentrum 36.564 9.031 6.229 3.167 6.142
OPUS-A Autocentrum 26.647 8.898 13.004 2.324 8.075
de-LSTM Autocentrum 19.573 10.395 13.026 2.322 8.581
OPUS-B Autocentrum 28.841 10.153 12.134 9.060 10.449
T2T-multi Autocentrum 22.631 8.327 8.708 6.651 7.895
de-T2T AMIa 34.958 8.048 5.654 7.467 7.056
OPUS-A AMIa 30.203 7.653 5.705 5.899 6.419
de-LSTM AMIa 31.762 7.635 6.642 1.843 5.373
OPUS-B AMIa 38.315 8.960 7.613 6.837 7.803
T2T-multi AMIa 28.279 6.202 3.382 3.869 4.484
de-T2T Auditing 38.973 11.589 17.377 18.841 15.936
OPUS-A Auditing 38.866 10.355 19.414 18.540 16.103
de-LSTM Auditing 21.780 10.590 12.633 11.098 11.440
OPUS-B Auditing 38.173 10.523 18.237 17.644 15.468
T2T-multi Auditing 22.442 7.896 8.664 11.269 9.276

Table 6: Validation BLEU scores in percents (range 0-100) for MT translations into German from ASR outputs
and from the gold transcript.

MT avg ± std dev Florian Dessloch, Thanh-Le Ha, Markus Müller, Jan
T2T-multi 2876.52 ±1804.63 Niehues, Thai-Son Nguyen, Ngoc-Quan Pham, Eliz-
T2T-multi-big 5531.30 ±3256.81 abeth Salesky, Matthias Sperber, Sebastian Stüker,
IWSLT19 275.51 ± 119.44 Thomas Zenkel, and Alexander Waibel. 2018. KIT
WMT19 Marian 184.08 ± 89.17 lecture translator: Multilingual speech translation
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OPUS-B 287.52 ± 141.28
OPUS-A 263.31 ± 124.75
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Is 42 the Answer to Everything
in Subtitling-oriented Speech Translation?

Alina Karakanta Matteo Negri Marco Turchi

Fondazione Bruno Kessler Fondazione Bruno Kessler Fondazione Bruno Kessler
University of Trento Trento - Italy Trento - Italy
Trento - Italy [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract content, still rely heavily on human effort. In a typi-

cal multilingual subtitling workflow, a subtitler first
Subtitling is becoming increasingly important creates a subtitle template (Georgakopoulou, 2019)
for disseminating information, given the enor- by transcribing the source language audio, timing
mous amounts of audiovisual content becom-
and adapting the text to create proper subtitles in
ing available daily. Although Neural Machine
Translation (NMT) can speed up the process
the source language. These source language subti-
of translating audiovisual content, large man- tles (also called captions) are already compressed
ual effort is still required for transcribing the and segmented to respect the subtitling constraints
source language, and for spotting and seg- of length, reading speed and proper segmentation
menting the text into proper subtitles. Cre- (Cintas and Remael, 2007; Karakanta et al., 2019).
ating proper subtitles in terms of timing and In this way, the work of an NMT system is already
segmentation highly depends on information simplified, since it only needs to translate match-
present in the audio (utterance duration, natu-
ing the length of the source text (Matusov et al.,
ral pauses). In this work, we explore two meth-
ods for applying Speech Translation (ST) to 2019; Lakew et al., 2019). However, the essence
subtitling: a) a direct end-to-end and b) a clas- of a good subtitle goes beyond matching a prede-
sical cascade approach. We discuss the benefit termined length (as, for instance, 42 characters per
of having access to the source language speech line in the case of TED talks). Apart from this spa-
for improving the conformity of the generated tial dimension, subtitling relies heavily on the tem-
subtitles to the spatial and temporal subtitling poral dimension, which is incorporated in the sub-
constraints and show that length1 is not the
title templates in the form of timestamps. However,
answer to everything in the case of subtitling-
oriented ST.
templates are expensive and slow to create and as
so, not a viable solution for short turn-around times
1 Introduction and individual content creators. Therefore, skip-
ping the template creation process would greatly
Vast amounts of audiovisual content are becom- extend the application of NMT in the subtitling
ing available every minute. From films and TV process, leading to massive reductions in costs and
series, informative and marketing video material, time and making multilingual subtitling more ac-
to home-made videos, audiovisual content is reach- cessible to all types of content creators.
ing viewers with various needs and expectations, In this work, we propose Speech Translation as
speaking different languages, all across the globe. an alternative to the template creation process. We
This unprecedented access to information through experiment with cascade systems, i.e. pipelined
audiovisual content is made possible mainly thanks ASR+MT architectures, and direct, end-to-end ST
to subtitling. Subtitles, despite being the fastest and systems. While the MT system in the pipelined
most wide-spread way of translating audiovisual approach receives a raw textual transcription as in-
put, the direct speech translation receives temporal
Speaking of subtitles and their optimum length of 42
characters per line, we could not help but alluding to the book and prosodic information from the source language
and series The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas input signal. Given that several decisions about the
Adams, where the number 42 is the “Answer to the Ultimate form of subtitles depend on the audio (e.g. subtitle
Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything”, calculated
by a massive supercomputer named Deep Thought for over segmentation at natural pauses, length based on ut-
7.5 million years. terance duration), in this work we ask the question

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 209–219
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
whether end-to-end ST systems can take advan- In addition, subtitles have specific properties in
tage of this information to better model the subti- the sense that they have to conform to spatial and
tling constraints and subtitle segmentation. In other temporal constraints in order to ensure compre-
words, we investigate whether, in contrast to text hension and a pleasant user experience. For ex-
translation (where one mainly focuses on returning ample, due to limited space on screen, a subtitle
subtitles of a maximum length of 42 characters), in cannot be longer than a fixed number of charac-
speech translation additional information can help ters per line, ranging between 35-43 (Cintas and
to develop a more advanced approach that goes Remael, 2007). When it comes to the temporal
beyond merely matching the source text length. constraints, a comfortable reading speed (about 21
Our contributions can be summarised as follows: chars/second) is key to a positive user experience.
It should be ensured that viewers have enough time
• We present the first end-to-end solution for to read and assimilate the content, while at the same
subtitling, completely eliminating the need of time their attention is not monopolised by the sub-
a source language transcription and any extra titles. Lastly, the segmentation of subtitles should
segmenting component; be performed in a way that facilitates comprehen-
sion, by keeping linguistic units (e.g. phrases) in
• We conduct a thorough analysis of cascade vs. the same line. For the reasons mentioned above,
end-to-end systems both in terms of transla- subtitlers should ideally always have access to the
tion quality and conformity to the subtitling source video when translating. However, working
contraints, showing that end-to-end systems directly from the video can have several drawbacks.
have large potential for subtitling. The subtitler needs to make sense of what is said
on the screen, deal with regional accents, noise,
2 Background unintelligible speech etc.
2.1 Subtitling One way to automatise this labour-intensive pro-
cess, especially in settings where several target lan-
Subtitling involves translating the audio (speech)
guages are involved, is creating a subtitle template
in a video into text in another language (in the case
of the source language (Georgakopoulou, 2019).
of interlingual subtitling). Subtitling is therefore a
A subtitle template is an enriched transcript of the
multi-modal phenomenon, incorporating visual im-
source language speech where the text is already
ages, gestures,2 sound and language (Taylor, 2016),
compressed, timed and segmented into proper sub-
but also an intersemiotic process, in the sense that
titles. This template can serve as a basis for trans-
it involves a change of channel, medium and code
lation into other languages, whether the translation
from speech to writing, from spoken verbal lan-
is performed by a human or an MT system.
guage to written verbal language (Assis, 2001).
The temporal dimension of subtitles and the re- In the case of templates, optimal duration, length
lation between audio and text has been stressed and proper segmentation are ensured, since the
also in professional subtitling guidelines. In their change of code between oral and written in the
subtitling guidelines, Carroll and Ivarsson (1998) source language has already been curated by an
mention that: “The in and out times of subtitles expert. Due to the high costs and time required,
must follow the speech rhythm of the dialogue, tak- creating a subtitle template is not a feasible solution
ing cuts and sound bridges into consideration” and both for small content creators and in the case of
that: “There must be a close correlation between high volumes and fast turn-around times.
film dialogue and subtitle content; source language In the absence of a subtitle template, an auto-
and target language should be synchronized as far matic transcription of the source language audio
as possible”. Therefore, a subtitler’s decisions are could seem an efficient alternative. However, Au-
guided not only by attempting to transfer the source tomatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems pro-
language content, but also by achieving a high cor- duce word-for-word transcriptions of the source
relation between the source language speech and speech, not adapted to the subtitling constraints,
target language text. and where all information coming from the speech
is discarded. This purely textual transcription is
While we recognise the importance of the visual dimen-
sion in the process of subtitling, incorporating visual cues in then translated by the MT system. Therefore, it is
the NMT system is beyond the scope of this work. highly probable that a higher post-editing effort is

required not only in terms of translation errors, but can cope with the above limitations. However, its
chiefly for repairing the form of the subtitles. performance and suitability for reliable applica-
Direct, end-to-end speech translation receives tions has been impeded by the limited amount of
audio as input. Therefore, the model receives two training data available. In spite of this data scarcity
types of information from the spectrogram: 1) in- problem, it has been recently shown that the gap be-
formation about the temporal dimension of the tween the two approaches is closing (Niehues et al.,
speech, e.g. duration, and 2) information related 2018, 2019), especially with specially-tailored ar-
to the frequency, such as pitch, power and other chitectures (Di Gangi et al., 2019c; Dong et al.,
prosodic elements. While intonation and stress 2018) and via effective data augmentation strate-
are mostly related to semantic properties, speech gies (Jia et al., 2019). Despite an increasing amount
tempo directly affects the compression rate of sub- of works attempting to improve the performance of
titles, and pauses often correspond to prosodic ST for general translation, there has been almost
chunks which can determine the subtitle segmen- no work on comparing the two technologies on spe-
tation. Given that, it is worth asking the question cific problems and applications, which is among
whether access to this information can lead to better the focus points of this work.
modelling of the subtitling constraints and subtitle
segmentation. 2.3 Machine Translation for subtitling
Despite the relevance of developing automatic so-
2.2 Speech translation
lutions for subtitling both for the industry and
Traditionally, the task of Speech-to-Text Transla- academia, there have been very limited attempts to
tion has been addressed with cascade systems con- customise MT for subtitling. Previous works based
sisting of two components: an ASR system, which on Statistical MT (SMT) used mostly proprietary
transcribes the speech into text, and an MT system, data and led to completely opposite outcomes. Volk
which translates the transcribed text into the target et al. (2010) developed SMT systems for the Scan-
language (Eck and Hori, 2005). This approach has dinavian TV industry and reported very good re-
the benefit that it can take advantage of state-of-the- sults in this practical application. Aziz et al. (2012)
art technology for both components and leverage reported significant reductions in post-editing effort
the large amount of data available for both tasks. compared to translating from scratch for DVD sub-
On the other hand, it suffers from error propagation titles for English-Portuguese. On the other hand,
from the ASR to the MT, since transcription errors the SUMAT project (Bywood et al., 2013, 2017), in-
are impossible to recover because the MT compo- volving seven European language pairs, concluded
nent typically does not have access to the audio. that subtitling poses particular challenges for MT
Several works have attempted to make MT robust and therefore a lot of work is still required before
to ASR errors (Di Gangi et al., 2019b; Sperber MT can lead to real improvements in audiovisual
et al., 2017) by working on noisy transcripts. translation workflows (Burchardt et al., 2016).
One further drawback of the cascaded approach, Recently, after the advent of the neural machine
particularly relevant for the task of subtitling, is translation paradigm, Matusov et al. (2019) pre-
that any transcript, no matter how accurate, is sub- sented an NMT system customised to subtitling.
ject to information loss in the semiotic shift from The main contribution of the paper is a segmenter
the richer audio representation to the poorer text module trained on human segmentation decisions,
representation. This limitation has been addressed which splits the resulting translation into subtitles.
in the past in speech-to-speech translation cascades The authors reported reductions in post-editing ef-
chiefly for improving the naturalness of the synthe- fort, especially regarding subtitle segmentation. On
sised speech and for resolving ambiguities. This a different strand of research, Lakew et al. (2019)
has been performed through acoustic feature vec- proposed two methods for controlling the output
tors related to different prosodic elements, such length in NMT. The first one is based on adding
as duration and power (Kano et al., 2013), empha- a token, as in Multilingual NMT (Johnson et al.,
sis (Do et al., 2015, 2016) and intonation (Aguero 2017; Ha et al., 2016), which in this setting rep-
et al., 2006; Anumanchipalli et al., 2012). resents the length ratio between source and target,
By avoiding intermediate textual representations, and the second inserts length information in the
end-to-end speech translation (Bérard et al., 2016) positional encoding of the Transformer.

The application of MT (either SMT or NMT) trained on the OPUS data, with 120M sentences
in the works described above is possible only be- for EN→FR and 50M for EN→DE and then fine-
cause of the presence of a “perfect” source lan- tuned on MuST-Cinema. Considering that the ASR
guage transcript, either for the translation itself or output is lower-cased and without punctuation, we
for computing the length ratio. To our knowledge lowercase and remove the punctuation from the
today, no work so far has experimented with direct source side of the parallel data used in pre-training
end-to-end ST in the domain of subtitling. the MT system. To mitigate the error propagation
between the ASR and the MT, for fine-tuning, we
3 Experimental Setup use a version of MuST-Cinema where the source
audio has been transcribed by the tuned ASR.
3.1 Data
For the End-to-End system, we experiment with
For the experiments we use the MuST-Cinema cor- two data conditions, one where we only use the
pus (Karakanta et al., 2020),3 which contains (au- MuST-Cinema training data (E2E-small) and a sec-
dio, transcription, translation) triplets where the ond one where we pre-train on a larger amount of
breaks between subtitles have been annotated with data and fine-tune on MuST-Cinema (E2E). This
special symbols. The symbol <eol> corresponds will allow us to detect whether there is any trade-
to a line break inside a subtitle block, while the off between translation quality and conformity to
symbol <eob> to a subtitle block break (the next constraints when increasing the amount of train-
subtitle comes on a different screen), as seen in the ing data that are not representative of the target
following example from the MuST-Cinema test set: application (subtitling). The architecture used is
This kind of harassment keeps women <eol> S-Transformer, (Di Gangi et al., 2019c), an ST-
from accessing the internet – <eob> oriented adaptation of Transformer, which has been
essentially, knowledge. <eob> shown to achieve high performance on different
We experiment with 2 language pairs, speech translation benchmarks. We remove the
English→French and English→German, as 2D self-attention layers and increase the size of
languages with different syntax and word order. the encoder to 11 layers, while for the decoder
The training data consist of 229K and 275K we use 4 layers. This choice was motivated by
sentences (408 and 492 hours) for German and preliminary experiments, where we noted that re-
French respectively, while the development sets placing the 2D self-attention layers with normal
contain 1088/1079 sentences and the test sets self-attention layers and adding more layers in the
542/544 sentences. encoder increased the final score, while removing
a few decoder layers did not negatively affect the
3.2 MT and ST systems
performance. As distance penalty, we choose the
The Cascade system consists of an ASR and an logarithmic distance penalty. We use the encoder
MT component. The ASR component is based of the ASR model to initialise the weights of the
on the KALDI toolkit (Povey et al., 2011), fea- ST encoder and achieve faster convergence (Bansal
turing a time-delay neural network and lattice- et al., 2019).
free maximum mutual information discriminative Since the E2E-small system, trained only on
sequence-training (Povey et al., 2016). The au- MuST-Cinema, is disadvantaged in terms of the
dio data for acoustic modelling include the clean amount of training data compared to the cascade,
portion of LibriSpeech (Panayotov et al., 2015) we utilise synthetic data to boost the performance
(∼460h) and a variable subset of the MuST-Cinema of the ST system (E2E). To this aim, we automat-
training set (∼450h), from which 40 MFCCs per ically translate into German and into French the
time frame were extracted. A MaxEnt language English transcriptions of the data available for the
model (Alumäe and Kurimo, 2010) is estimated IWSLT2020 offline speech translation task4 (when-
from the corresponding transcripts (∼7M words). ever the translation is not available in the respective
The MT component is based on the Transformer ar- target language). To this aim, we use an MT Trans-
chitecture (big) (Vaswani et al., 2017) with similar former model achieving 43.2 BLEU points on the
settings to the original paper. The system is first WMT’14 test set (Ott et al., 2018) for EN→FR.
Must-Cinema has been derived from the MuST-C corpus
(Di Gangi et al., 2019a), which currently represents the largest http://iwslt.org/doku.php?id=offline_
multilingual corpus for ST. speech_translation

Our EN→DE Transformer model using similar set- the TED subtitling guidelines5 .
tings achieves 25.3 BLEU points on the WMT’14 Finally, for judging the goodness of the segmen-
test set. The resulting training data (both real and tation, i.e. the position of the breaks in the transla-
synthetic) amount to 1.5M sentences on the target tion, we mask all words except for the break sym-
side. We use a different tag to separate the real bols and compute Translation Edit Rate (Snover
from the synthetic data. We further use SpecAug- et al., 2006) only for the breaks against the refer-
ment (Park et al., 2019), a technique for online data ence translation (TER-br). This will allow us to
augmentation, with augment rate of 0.5. Finally, determine the effort required by a human subtitler
we fine-tune on MuST-Cinema. to manually correct the segmentation.
For comparison, we also report MT results when
starting from a “subtitle template” (Template). In 4 Results
this setting, we use the textual source side of MuST- 4.1 Translation quality
Cinema, which contains the human transcriptions
The results are shown Table 1. As far as trans-
of the source language audio and its segmentation
lation quality is concerned, the best performance
into subtitles. In this way, the input to the MT
is reached, as expected, in the Template setting,
system is already split in subtitles using the spe-
where the MT system is provided with “perfect”
cial symbols, respecting the subtitling constraints
source language transcriptions. On the MuST-
and with proper segmentation. This will allow us
Cinema test set, this leads to BLEU scores of 30.62
to have an upper-bound of the performance that
and 22.08 respectively for French and German. The
NMT can achieve when provided with input al-
Cascade setting follows with a BLEU score reduc-
ready in the form of subtitles. We pre-train large
tion of 8 points for French and 4 points for German,
models with the OPUS data used in the cascade
which can be attributed to error propagation from
but without lowercasing or removing punctuation
the ASR component to the MT.
and then fine-tune them on the full training set of
The E2E-small model (trained solely on MuST-
MuST-Cinema. It should be noted that only the
Cinema) achieves 18.76 and 11.92 BLEU points
MuST-Cinema data contain break symbols. We
for French and German respectively, which is a
use the same Transformer architecture as in the
relatively low performance compared to the rest
cascade system. For all the experiments we use
of the systems. This “low-resource” setting is a
the fairseq toolkit (Gehring et al., 2017). Models
didactic experiment aimed at exploring how far
are trained until convergence. Byte-Pair Encoding
the data-hungry neural approach can go with the
(BPE) (Sennrich et al., 2016) is set to 8K operations
limited amount of data available in the domain of
for the E2E-small and E2E systems while to 50K
ST for subtitling (280K and 234K sentences). It
joint operations for the Cascade and the Template
should be also noted that MuST-Cinema is the only
Speech Translation corpus of the subtitle genre,
both respecting the subtitling constraints and con-
3.3 Evaluation
taining break symbols. Consequently, the inter-
To evaluate translation quality we use BLEU (Pa- ference of other data may hurt the conformity to
pineni et al., 2002) against the MuST-Cinema test the subtitling constraints, despite improving the
set, both with the break symbols and after removing translation performance. On the other hand, pre-
them (BLEU-nob). For BLEU, an incorrect break training has evolved in a standard procedure for
symbol would account for an extra n-gram error coping with the data-demanding nature of NMT.
in the score computation, while BLEU-nob allows Therefore, pre-training also in the case of end-to-
us to evaluate only the translation quality without end speech translation offers a comparable setting
taking into account the subtitle segmentation. with the template and the cascade experiments.
For evaluating the conformity to the constraint Indeed, after fine-tuning the pre-trained model
of length, we calculate the percentage of subtitles on MuST-Cinema, E2E reaches 22.22 and 17.28
with a maximum length of 42 characters per line BLEU points for French and German. The differ-
(CPL), while for reading speed the percentage of ence in translation quality is not statistically signif-
sentences with maximum 21 characters per second icant between the Cascade and the E2E, with the
(CPS). Since the MuST-Cinema data come from 5
TED talks, these values were chosen according to Translator_Resources:_Main_guide

FR Template 30.62 28.86 91% 68% 18
Cascade 22.41† 22.06 93% 72% 22
E2E-small 18.76 18.03 95% 70% 23
E2E 22.22† 21.9 95% 70% 20
DE Template 22.08 21.10 90% 56% 17
Cascade 17.81† 17.82 90% 56% 21
E2E-small 11.92 11.38 93% 55% 24
E2E 17.28† 16.90 92% 56% 20

Table 1: Results for translation quality (BLEU, BLEU-nob), for conformity to the subtitling constraints (CPL, CPS)
and for subtitle segmentation (TER-br) for the four systems. Results marked with † are not statistically significant.

Cascade scoring higher with 0.2/0.6 BLEU points 5 Analysis

for French/German respectively. This shows that
The higher scores for CPL and TER-br in Section 4
when increasing the size of the training data for
suggest that the E2E system is better at modelling
the E2E the gap between the cascade and the end-
the subtitling constraints of length and proper seg-
to-end approach is closed and that end-to-end ap-
mentation. In this section we shed more light into
proaches may have finally found a steady ground
this aspect by analysing factors which might be de-
for flourishing in different applications.
termining the system’s behaviour in relation to the
4.2 Conformity to the subtitling constraints insertion of the break symbols <eol> and <eob>.
and subtitle segmentation One question quickly arising is how the system
can determine whether to insert a subtitle break
When it comes to the conformity to the subtitling
symbol <eob> (which means that the next subtitle
constraints, the results show a different picture (see
will follow on a new screen) or a line break symbol
CPS and CPL of Table 1). E2E exceeds all models
<eol> (which means that the next line of the subti-
at achieving proper length of subtitles, with 95%
tle will appear on the same screen). Since the max-
and 93% of the subtitles having length of maxi-
imum number of lines allowed per subtitle block is
mum 42 characters. E2E achieves higher confor-
2, a simple answer would be to alternate between
mity with length even compared to the Template,
<eob> and <eol> such that all subtitles would
for which the segmentation is already provided to
consist of two lines (two-liners). However, anyone
the system in the form of break symbols, while the
having watched a film with subtitles is aware that
cascade is behind by 2%. The same tendency is ob-
subtitles can be two-liners or one-liners. Coming
served in the TER-br results computed to measure
back to the example in Section 3.1, depending on
the proper placement of the break symbols. While
the choice of break symbols (except for the last
the Template benefits from the source language
symbol which should always be an <eob>), there
segmentation and therefore requires less edits to
are two possible renderings of the subtitle:
properly segment the subtitles, the Cascade is dis-
advantaged in guessing the correct position of the 10
00:00:31,066 --> 00:00:34,390
break symbols, as shown by a 22 and 21 TER score. This kind of harassment keeps women
For E2E-small TER-br is higher, possibly due to from accessing the internet --
the low translation quality. However, E2E outper- 11
00:00:34,414 --> 00:00:36,191
forms the Cascade by 1 TER point in this respect, essentially, knowledge.
showing that less effort would be required to seg-
ment the sentences into subtitles. This suggests that and
the E2E system receives information compared to 10
the Cascade, which allows for better guessing the 00:00:31,066 --> 00:00:34,390
This kind of harassment keeps women
positions of the break symbols in the translation. 11
This is another indication that subtitle segmentation 00:00:34,414 --> 00:00:36,191
decisions are not solely determined by reaching a from accessing the internet --
essentially, knowledge.
maximum length of 42 characters, but a combina-
tion of multiple (possibly intersemiotic) factors can Only the first rendering is acceptable because
offer a better answer to automatic subtitling. it satisfies the reading speed constraint but also

corresponds to the speech rhythm, since the speaker Pause type Avg Stdev
makes a pause after uttering the word “internet”. In None 0.039 0.022
this case, how can the MT system determine which <eob> 0.551 0.181
<eol> 0.074 0.027
type of break symbol to insert?
We have mentioned in Section 2.1 that the in and Table 2: Average pause duration and standard deviation
out times of a subtitle should follow the rhythm (in seconds) for the category without breaks (None),
of speech. Therefore, we expect that the end of and for the categories with the two types of break sym-
a subtitle block, which in our setting is signalled bols <eob> and <eol>.
by the break symbol <eob>, should correspond
to the end of a speech act, a pause or a terminal
juncture. On the other hand, line breaks inside the pause above 0,37 seconds requires the insertion of
same subtitle block, which in our work correspond <eob>. Pauses corresponding to <eol> symbols
to the break symbol <eol>, have a different role. are on average x2 longer, but there is an overlap
While line breaks can still overlap with pauses or between the possible durations of the None and
signal the change of speaker, their function is to the <eol> category. This confirms our hypoth-
split a long subtitle into two smaller parts in order esis about the different roles of the two subtitle
to fit the screen. The decision of where to insert breaks. Therefore, prosodic information is an im-
a line break inside a subtitle block is determined portant factor which can help the ST system de-
by two factors: achieving a more or less equal termine the subtitling segmentation according to
length of the upper and the lower subtitle line and the speech rhythm. This finding provides strong
inserting the break in a position such that syntactic evidence towards a clear limitation of the cascade
units are kept together. Consequently, the insertion setting, where the raw textual transcription from the
of <eol> is determined more by the length and ASR does not provide any prosodic information to
the syntactic properties of the subtitle and less by the MT system. The MT system in the cascade set-
the natural rhythm of the speech. ting is disadvantaged by the inability to: i) recover
If the hypothesis above holds, the choice of from possible ASR errors, and ii) make decisions
whether to insert an <eob> or an <eol> sym- determined by factors other than text.
bol is defined by prosodic properties and not solely With this knowledge, we analyse the breaks in
by reaching the maximum length of 42 characters. the results of the two systems. In order to con-
As a consequence, it is not a simple alternating trol for differences in translation, we select all sen-
procedure. tences with at least 2 breaks and with the same
To test this hypothesis, we compute the duration number of break symbols (regardless of whether
of the pause coming after each word in the source <eob> or <eol>) between the reference, the out-
side of the MuST-Cinema test set. To achieve put of the Cascade and of the E2E. The resulting
this, we perform forced alignment of the transcript sentences are 137 for French and 158 for German.
against the audio and subtract the end time of each We calculate the accuracy of the type of break sym-
word from the start time of the next word: bols for the two systems. For French the accuracy
is 89% for the Cascade and 93% for the E2E. For
pausew1w2 = start timew2 − end timew1 (1) German the accuracy is 85% for the Cascade and
88% for the E2E. This difference in accuracy sug-
Then we separate the pauses in 3 groups: i) gests that the E2E is aided by the acoustic infor-
pauses corresponding to positions where <eob> mation and specifically by the pause duration in
is present, ii) pauses corresponding to positions determining the correct break symbol.
where <eol> is present and iii) pauses after which Table 3 presents some examples, evaluated also
there is no break symbol (None). In Table 2 we against the video. In the first example, the decision
report average and standard deviation of the pause of which type of break to insert between the two
duration for each category. sentences can only be determined by the duration
Pauses corresponding to the positions where of the pause that comes between them. Indeed, the
<eob> symbols are present are more than x10 speaker in the video asks the question and then
longer than the pauses in positions without any leaves some time to the audience before giving the
break symbols (None). Even if we take the most answer. The pause between the two sentences is
extreme cases (based on standard deviation), any about 2 seconds. In this case, the first sentence

EN “Who do you report to?” <eob> “It depends”.
CS Wen melden Sie an? <eol> Es hängt davon ab.
E2E Wen berichten Sie? <eob> Es kommt darauf an.
REF “An wen schickst du deine Berichte?” <eob> “Das kommt darauf an”.
One executive at another company <eob> likes to explain how he used to be <eol> a master of milestone-tracking.
Un cadre d’une autre entreprise aime expliquer <eob> comment il était jadis un maı̂tre <eol> du trek capital.
Un dirigeant d’une autre entreprise <eob> aime expliquer comment il était <eol> un maı̂tre de traçage en pierre.
Un cadre d’une autre entreprise <eob> aime raconter comme il était passé maı̂tre <eol> dans la surveillance des étapes.
But you know how they say <eol> that information is a source of power?
Vous savez comment dire que l’information <eol> est une source de pouvoir.
Saviez-vous comment dire <eol> que l’information est une source de pouvoir ?
Mais vous savez qu’on dit que <eol> l’information est source de pouvoir ?

Table 3: Examples of translations by the cascade (CS) and the end-to-end model (E2E) compared to the source
sentence (EN) and the reference (REF). The sentence-final <eob> has been removed.

should be in one subtitle block, then disappear, and 6 Conclusion

the second sentence should come in the next sub-
We have presented the first Speech Translation sys-
title block in order not to reveal the answer before
tems specifically tailored for subtitling. The first
it was spoken by the speaker. This information is
system is an ASR-MT cascade, while the second
only available to the E2E system.
a direct, end-to-end ST system. These systems
In the second example, although both systems allow, for the first time, to create satisfactory sub-
have chosen the right type of break, there are differ- titles both in terms of translation quality and con-
ences in the actual positions of the breaks. The E2E formity to the subtitling constraints in the absence
inserts the first break symbol in the same position of a human transcription of the source language
as in the source and reference (entreprise), while speech (template). We have shown that while the
the Cascade inserts it at a later position (expliquer), two systems have similar translation quality perfor-
resulting in a subtitle of 46 characters, which is mance, the E2E seems to be modelling the subtitle
above the 42-character length limit. The Cascade constraints better. We show that this could be at-
correctly inserts the second break (maı̂tre), as in the tributed to acoustic features, such as natural pauses,
reference. Here, the E2E copies the break position becoming available to the E2E system through the
from the source sentence, which is in a different po- audio input. This leads to a segmentation closer
sition compared to the reference (after the word be to the speech rhythm, which is key to a pleasant
instead of the word master as in the reference). The user experience. Our work takes into account the
E2E is faithful to the segmentation of the source intersemiotic nature of subtitling by avoiding con-
language when it corresponds to the pauses of the ditioning the translation on the textual source lan-
speaker. The positions chosen by the Cascade to guage length, as in previous approaches to NMT
insert the break symbols are before a conjunction for subtitling, arriving to the conclusion that 42 is
(comment) and a preposition (du). Contrary to the not the answer to everything in the case of NMT for
E2E, the Cascade’s decisions are based more on subtitling. Rather, key elements for good automatic
syntactic patterns, learned from the existing human subtitling are prosodic elements such as intonation,
segmentation decisions in the training data. speech tempo and natural pauses. We hope that
The third example shows that prosody is impor- this work will pave the way for developing more
tant also for other factors related to the translation. comprehensive approaches to NMT for subtitling.
The Cascade, not receiving any punctuation, was
not able to reproduce the question in the translation, Acknowledgments
while the intonation might have helped the E2E to This work is part of the “End-to-end Spoken
render the sentence as a question despite using the Language Translation in Rich Data Conditions”
wrong tense (saviez instead of savez). project,6 which is financially supported by an Ama-
All in all, these examples confirm our analysis zon AWS ML Grant.
and once again indicate the importance of consid-
ering the intersemiotic nature of subtitling when 6
developing MT systems for this task. units-hlt-mt-e2eslt/

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Re-translation versus Streaming for Simultaneous Translation

Naveen Arivazhagan∗, Colin Cherry∗, Wolfgang Macherey and George Foster

Google Research

Abstract 2017; Dalvi et al., 2018; Ma et al., 2019a). How-

ever, for applications where the output modality is
There has been great progress in improving text, such as live captioning, the prohibition against
streaming machine translation, a simultane- revising output is overly stringent.
ous paradigm where the system appends to
a growing hypothesis as more source con- The ability to revise previous partial translations
tent becomes available. We study a related makes simply re-translating each successive source
problem in which revisions to the hypothe- prefix a viable strategy. Compared to streaming
sis beyond strictly appending words are per- models, re-translation has the advantage of low la-
mitted. This is suitable for applications such tency, since it always attempts a translation of the
as live captioning an audio feed. In this complete source prefix, and high final-translation
setting, we compare custom streaming ap- quality, since it is not restricted to preserving pre-
proaches to re-translation, a straightforward
vious output. It has the disadvantages of higher
strategy where each new source token triggers
a distinct translation from scratch. We find re- computational cost, and a high revision rate, vis-
translation to be as good or better than state- ible as textual instability in an online translation
of-the-art streaming systems, even when op- display. When revisions are an option, it is unclear
erating under constraints that allow very few whether one should prefer a specialized streaming
revisions. We attribute much of this success model or a re-translation strategy.
to a previously proposed data-augmentation
In light of this, we make the following con-
technique that adds prefix-pairs to the training
data, which alongside wait-k inference forms a
tributions: (1) We evaluate a combination of re-
strong baseline for streaming translation. We translation techniques that have not previously been
also highlight re-translation’s ability to wrap studied together. (2) We provide the first empirical
arbitrarily powerful MT systems with an ex- comparison of re-translation and streaming mod-
periment showing large improvements from an els, demonstrating that re-translation operating in
upgrade to its base model. a very low-revision regime can match or beat the
quality-latency trade-offs of streaming models. (3)
1 Introduction We test a 0-revision configuration of re-translation,
In simultaneous machine translation, the goal is to and show that it is surprisingly competitive, due to
translate an incoming stream of source words with the effectiveness of data augmentation with prefix
as low latency as possible. A typical application pairs.
is speech translation, where we often assume the
eventual output modality to also be speech. In a 2 Related Work
speech-to-speech scenario, target words must be
Cho and Esipova (2016) propose the first streaming
appended to existing output with no possibility for
techniques for NMT, using heuristic agents based
revision. The corresponding translation task, which
on model scores, while Gu et al. (2017) extend their
we refer to as streaming translation, has received
work with agents learned using reinforcement learn-
considerable recent attention, generating custom
ing. Ma et al. (2019a) recently broke new ground
approaches designed to maximize quality and min-
by integrating their read-write agent directly into
imize latency (Cho and Esipova, 2016; Gu et al.,
NMT training. Similar to Dalvi et al. (2018), they

Equal contributions employ a simple agent that first reads k source to-

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 220–227
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
kens, and then proceeds to alternate between writes of intermediate outputs; instead, their quality is
and reads until the source sentence has finished. captured indirectly through final output quality and
This agent is easily integrated into NMT training, stability.
which allows the NMT engine to learn to anticipate
3.2 Latency
occasionally-missing source context. We employ
their wait-k training as a baseline, and use their Latency is the amount of time the target listener
wait-k inference to improve re-translation. Our sec- spends waiting for their translation. Most latency
ond and strongest streaming baseline is the MILk metrics are based on a delay vector g, where gj
approach of Arivazhagan et al. (2019b), who im- reports how many source tokens were read be-
prove upon wait-k training with an attention that fore writing the j th target token (Cho and Esipova,
can adapt how it will wait based on the current 2016). This delay is trivial to determine for stream-
context. Both wait-k training and MILk attention ing systems, but to address the scenario where tar-
provide hyper-parameters to control their quality- get content can change, we introduce the notion of
latency trade-offs: k for wait-k, and latency weight content delay, which is closely related to the final-
for MILk. ization event index used to calculate time delay in
Re-translation was originally investigated by Arivazhagan et al. (2019a).
Niehues et al. (2016, 2018), and more recently ex- We take the pessimistic view that content in flux
tended by Arivazhagan et al. (2019a), who propose is useless; for example, in Table 1, the 4th target
a suitable evaluation framework, and use it to assess token first appears in step 4, but only becomes
inference-time re-translation strategies for speech useful in step 7, when it shifts from be to slow.
translation. We adopt their inference-time heuris- Therefore, we calculate delay with respect to when
tics to stabilize re-translation, and extend them with a token finalizes. Let oi,j be the j th token of the ith
prefix training from Niehues et al. (2018). Where output in a PTL; 1 ≤ i ≤ I and 1 ≤ j ≤ J. For
they experiment on TED talks, compare only to each position j in the final output, we define gj as:
vanilla re-translation and use proprietary NMT, we gj = min s.t. oi0 ,j 0 = oI,j 0 ∀i0 ≥ i and ∀j 0 ≤ j
follow recent work on streaming by using WMT i

training and test data, and provide a novel compari- that is, the number of source tokens read before
son to streaming approaches. the prefix ending in j took on its final value. The
Content Delay row in Table 1 shows delays for
3 Metrics our running example. Note that content delay is
identical to standard delay for streaming systems,
We adapt the evaluation framework from Arivazha- which always have stable prefixes.
gan et al. (2019a), which includes metrics for la- With this refined g, we can make several latency
tency, stability, and quality. Where they measure la- metrics content-aware, including average propor-
tency with a temporal lag, we adopt an established tion (Cho and Esipova, 2016), consecutive wait (Gu
token lag that does not rely on machine speed. et al., 2017), average lagging (Ma et al., 2019a),
Our evaluation is built around a prefix transla- and differentiable average lagging (Arivazhagan
tion list (PTL), which can be generated for any et al., 2019b). We opt for differentiable average lag-
streaming or re-translation system. For each token ging (DAL) because of its interpretability and be-
in the source sentence (after merging subwords), cause it sidesteps some problems with average lag-
this list stores the tokenized system output. Table 1 ging (Cherry and Foster, 2019). It can be thought
shows an example. We use I for the final number of as the average number of source tokens a system
of source tokens, and J for the final number of lags behind a perfectly simultaneous translator:
target tokens. J  
1 X 0 j−1
DAL = gj −
3.1 Quality J γ
Translation quality is measured by calculating
where γ = J/I accounts for the source and target
BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) on the final output of
having different lengths, and g 0 adjusts g to incor-
each PTL; that is, standard corpus-level BLEU on
porate a minimal time cost of γ1 for each token:
complete translations. Specifically, we report tok-

enized, cased BLEU calculated by an internal tool. 0 gj   j=1
gj =
We make no attempt to directly measure the quality 0
max gj , gj−1 + γ1 j > 1

Source Output Erasure
1: Neue New -
2: Arzneimittel New Medicines 0
3: könnten New Medicines 0
4: Lungen- New drugs may be lung 1
5: und New drugs could be lung and 3
6: Eierstockkrebs New drugs may be lung and ovarian cancer 4
7: verlangsamen New drugs may slow lung and ovarian cancer 5
Content Delay 1 4 6 7 7 7 7 7

Table 1: An example prefix translation list for the tokenized German sentence, “Neue Arzneimittel könnten Lungen-
und Eierstockkrebs verlangsamen”, with reference, “New drugs may slow lung , ovarian cancer”.

Note that DAL sums over the final number of tar- source prefix length uniformly at random, then se-
get tokens (J), but it is possible for intermediate lecting a target length either proportionally accord-
hypotheses to have more than J tokens. Any such ing to sentence length, or based on self-contained
tokens are ignored by DAL. word alignments. For the latter, for each source
prefix, we attempt to find a target prefix such that
3.3 Stability all tokens in the source prefix align only to words
Following Niehues et al. (2016, 2018) and Ari- in the target prefix and vice versa. In preliminary
vazhagan et al. (2019a), we measure stability with experiments, we confirmed a finding by Niehues
erasure, which measures the length of the suffix et al. (2018) that word-alignment-based prefix se-
that is deleted to produce the next revision. Let oi lection is no better than proportional selection, so
be the ith output of a PTL. The normalized erasure we report results only for the proportional method.1
(NE) for PTL is defined as: An example of proportional prefix training is given
in Table 2. With prefix training, we expect interme-
1 X  diate translations of source prefixes to be shorter,
NE = |oi−1 | − |LCP(oi , oi−1 )|
J and to look more like partial target prefixes than
complete target sentences (Niehues et al., 2018).
where the | · | operator returns the length of a token
sequence, and LCP calculates the longest common 4.2 Inference-time Heuristics
prefix of two sequences. Table 1 shows pointwise To improve stability, Arivazhagan et al. (2019a)
erasures for each output; its NE would be 13/8 = propose a combination of biased search and de-
1.625, interpretable as the number of intermediate layed predictions. Biased search encourages the
tokens deleted for each final token. system to respect its previous predictions by modi-
fying search to interpolate between the distribution
4 Re-translation Methods from the NMT model (with weight 1 − β) and the
To evaluate re-translation, we build up the source one-hot distribution formed by the system’s trans-
sentence one token at a time, translating each re- lation of the previous prefix (with weight β). We
sulting source prefix from scratch to construct the only bias a hypothesis for as long as it strictly fol-
PTL for evaluation. lows the previous translation. No bias is applied
after the first point of divergence.
4.1 Prefix Training To delay predictions until more source context
Standard models trained on full sentences are un- is available, we adopt Ma et al. (2019a)’s wait-k
likely to perform well when applied to prefixes. We approach at inference time. We implement this
alleviate this problem by generating prefix pairs by truncating the target to max(i − k, 0) tokens,
from our parallel training corpus, and subsequently where i is the current source prefix length and k
training on a 1:1 mix of full-sentence and prefix is a constant inference-time hyper-parameter. To
pairs (Niehues et al., 2018; Dalvi et al., 2018). Fol- 1
Word-alignment-based prefix selection may become more
lowing Niehues et al. (2018), we augment our train- important when working on more distant language pairs such
ing data with prefix pairs created by selecting a as English-Japanese.

Source Die Führungskräfte der Republikaner rechtfertigen ihre Politik mit der
Notwendigkeit , den Wahlbetrug zu bekämpfen [15 tokens]
Target Republican leaders justified their policy by the need to combat electoral
fraud [12 tokens]

Source Die Führungskräfte der Republikaner rechtfertigen [5 tokens]

Target Republican leaders justified their [4 tokens]

Table 2: An example of proportional prefix training. Each example in the minibatch has a 50% chance to be
truncated, in which case, we truncate its source and target to a randomly-selected fraction of their original lengths,
1/3 in this example. No effort is made to ensure that the two halves of the prefix pair are semantically equivalent.

avoid confusion with Ma et al. (2019a)’s wait-k Streaming We train several wait-k training and
training, we refer to wait-k used for re-translation MILk models to obtain a range of quality-latency
as wait-k inference.2 trade-offs. Five wait-k training models are trained
with sub-word level waits of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Five
5 Experiments MILk models are trained with latency weights of
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.75; weights lower than
We use standard WMT14 English-to-French (EnFr; 0.1 tend to increase lag without improving BLEU.
36.3M sentences) and WMT15 German-to-English All streaming models use unidirectional encoders
(DeEn; 4.5M sentences) data. For EnFr, we use and greedy search.
newstest 2012+2013 for development, and newstest
2014 for test. For DeEn, we validate on newstest Re-translation We test two NMT architectures
2013 and report results on newstest 2015. We use with re-translation: a Base system with unidirec-
BPE (Sennrich et al., 2016) on the training data tional encoding and greedy search, designed for
to construct a 32K-type vocabulary that is shared fair comparisons to our streaming baselines above;
between the source and target languages. and a more powerful Bidi+Beam system using bidi-
rectional encoding and beam search of size 20,
5.1 Models designed to test the impact of an improved base
Our streaming and re-translation models are im- model. Training data is augmented through the
plemented in Lingvo (Shen et al., 2019), sharing proportional prefix training method unless stated
architecture and hyper-parameters wherever possi- otherwise (§ 4.1). Beam-search bias β is varied in
ble. Our RNMT+ architecture (Chen et al., 2018) the range 0.0 to 1.0 in increments of 0.2. When
consists of a 6 layer LSTM encoder and an 8 layer wait-k inference is enabled, k is varied in 1, 2, 4,
LSTM decoder with additive attention (Bahdanau 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30. Note that we do not need to
et al., 2014). Both encoder and decoder LSTMs re-train to test different values of β or k.
have 512 hidden units, apply per-gate layer nor-
5.2 Translation with few revisions
malization (Ba et al., 2016), and use residual skip
connections after the second layer. Biased search and wait-k inference used together
The models are regularized using a dropout of can reduce re-translation’s revisions, as measured
0.2 and label smoothing of 0.1 (Szegedy et al., by normalized erasure (NE in § 3.3), to negligible
2016). Models are optimized using 32-way data levels (Arivazhagan et al., 2019a). But how does re-
parallelism with Google Cloud’s TPUv3, using translation compare to competing approaches? To
Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015) with the learning answer this, we compare the quality-latency trade-
rate schedule described in Chen et al. (2018) and a offs achieved by re-translation in a low-revision
batch size of 4,096 sentence-pairs. Checkpoints for regime to those of our streaming baselines.
the base models are selected based on development First, we need a clear definition of low-revision
perplexity. re-translation. By manual inspection on the DeEn
development set, we observe that systems with an
When wait-k truncation is combined with beam search, its NE of 0.2 or lower display many different latency-
behavior is similar to that of Zheng et al. (2019b): sequences
are scored accounting for “future” tokens that will not be quality trade-offs. But is NE stable across evalu-
shown to the user. ation sets? When we compare development and

Figure 1: BLEU vs lag (DAL) curves for translation with low erasure for DeEn (left) and EnFr (right) test sets.

Figure 2: BLEU vs lag (DAL) curves for translation with no erasure for DeEn (left) and EnFr (right) test sets.

test NE for all 50 non-zero-erasure combinations being able to make a small number of revisions is
of β and k, the average absolute difference is 0.005 quite advantageous for finding good quality-latency
for DeEn, and 0.004 for EnFr, indicating that de- trade-offs. On the other hand, the ablation curve,
velopment NE is very predictive of test NE. This “Re-trans NE < 0.2 No Prefix” is much worse, in-
gives us an operational definition of low-revision dicating that proportional prefix training is very
re-translation as any configuration with a dev NE valuable in this setting. We probe its value further
< 0.2, allowing on average less than 1 token to be in the next experiment.
revised for every 5 tokens in the system output.
Since we need to vary both β and k for our re- 5.3 Translation with no revisions
translation systems, we plot BLEU versus DAL Motivated by the strong performance of re-
curves by finding the Pareto frontier on the dev set, translation with few revisions, we now evaluate
and then projecting to the test set. To ensure a fair it with no revisions, by setting β to 1, which guar-
comparison to our baselines, we test only the Base antees NE = 0. Since β is locked at 1, we can build
system here. As an ablation, we include a variant a curve by varying k from 2 to 10 in increments
that does not use proportional prefixes, and instead of 2. In this setting, re-translation becomes equiv-
trains only on full sentences. alent to wait-k inference without wait-k training,
Figure 1 shows our results. Re-translation is which is studied as an ablation to wait-k training
nicely separated from wait-k, and intertwined with by Ma et al. (2019a).3 However, where they tested
the adaptive MILk. In fact, it is noticeably better 3
Re-translation with beam search and with β = 1 is similar
than MILk at several latency levels for EnFr. Since to wait-k inference with speculative beam search (Zheng et al.,
re-translation is not adaptive, this indicates that 2019b), due to effective look-ahead from implementing wait-k

Figure 3: BLEU vs lag (DAL) curves for re-translation with improved models for DeEn (left) and EnFr (right) test

wait-k inference on a system with full-sentence coding (Ma et al., 2019a),4 beam search (Zheng
training, we do so for a system with proportional et al., 2019b) and multihead attention (Ma et al.,
prefix training (§ 4.1). As before, we compare to 2019b). Conversely, re-translation can wrap any
our streaming baselines, test only our Base system, auto-regressive NMT system and immediately ben-
and include a no-prefix ablation corresponding to efit from its improvements. Furthermore, re-
full-sentence training. translation’s latency-quality trade-off can be ma-
Results are shown in Figure 2. First, re- nipulated without retraining the base system. It is
translation outperforms wait-k training at almost not the only solution to have these properties; most
all latency levels. This is startling, because each policies that are not trained jointly with NMT can
wait-k training point is trained specifically for its make the same claims (Cho and Esipova, 2016; Gu
k, while the re-translation points reflect a single et al., 2017; Zheng et al., 2019a). We conduct an
training run, reconfigured for different latencies by experiment to demonstrate the value of this flexibil-
adjusting k at test time. We suspect that this im- ity, by comparing our Base system to the upgraded
provement stems from prefix-training introducing Bidi+Beam.5 We carry out this test with few revi-
stochasticity to the amount of source context used sions (NE < 0.2) and without revisions (NE = 0),
to predict target words, making the model more ro- projecting Pareto curves from dev to test where
bust. Second, without prefix training, re-translation necessary. The results are shown in Figure 3.
is consistently below wait-k training, confirming Comparing the few-revision (NE < 0.2) curves,
earlier experiments by Ma et al. (2019a) on the we see large improvements, some more than 2
ineffectiveness of wait-k inference without special- BLEU points, from using better models. Look-
ized training, and confirming our earlier observa- ing at the no-revision (NE = 0) curves, we see that
tions on the surprising effectiveness of prefix train- this configuration also benefits from modeling im-
ing. Finally, we see that even without revisions, provements, but for DeEn, the deltas are noticeably
re-translation is very close to MILk, suggesting smaller than those of the few-revision curves.
that this combination of prefix training and wait-k
inference is an extremely strong baseline, even for 5.5 On computational complexity
a 0-revision regime. Re-translation is conceptually simple and easy to
implement, but also incurs an increase in asymp-
5.4 Extendability of re-translation totic time complexity. If the base model can trans-
Re-translation’s primary strengths lie in its ability late a sentence in time O(x), then re-translation
to revise and its ability to apply to any MT sys- 4
Any streaming model with a bidirectional encoder re-
tem. With some effort, streaming systems can be quires re-encoding for each source prefix, resulting in higher
fitted with enhancements such as bidirectional en- compute and memory costs.
We could just as easily upgrade to a different base archi-
with truncation. However, we only evaluate greedy search in tecture, such as the Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017), which
this comparison, where their equivalence is exact. could potentially to lead to further improvements.

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Towards Stream Translation: Adaptive Computation Time for
Simultaneous Machine Translation

Felix Schneider Alexander Waibel

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract to wait for one more encoder step in order to have

more information available (READ).
Simultaneous machine translation systems In order to do this, the decoder relies on a wait
rely on a policy to schedule read and write op- policy. The published policies can be broadly di-
erations in order to begin translating a source vided into two categories:
sentence before it is complete. In this paper,
we demonstrate the use of Adaptive Compu- • Fixed policies, which rely on pre-programmed
tation Time (ACT) as an adaptive, learned pol- rules to schedule the read and write operations,
icy for simultaneous machine translation using such as wait-k (Ma et al., 2019a) and wait-if
the transformer model and as a more numer-
(Cho and Esipova, 2016).
ically stable alternative to Monotonic Infinite
Lookback Attention (MILk). We achieve state- • Learned policies, which are trained either
of-the-art results in terms of latency-quality
jointly with the translation model or sepa-
tradeoffs. We also propose a method to use
our model on unsegmented input, i. e. without rately. Examples include MILk (Arivazha-
sentence boundaries, simulating the condition gan et al., 2019) and the models of Satija and
of translating output from automatic speech Pineau (2016) and Alinejad et al. (2018)
recognition. We present first benchmark re-
sults on this task. However, all of the above approaches train and
evaluate their models on individual sentences. We
want to work towards a translation system that can
1 Introduction
work on a continuous stream of input, such as text
Simultaneous machine translation (MT) must ac- without punctuation and sentence segmentation. In
complish two tasks: First, it must deliver correct a realistic usage scenario, segmentation informa-
translations on incomplete input as early as possi- tion is not available and an end-to-end solution
ble, i. e. before the source sentence is completely without a separate segmentation component is de-
spoken. Second, in a realistic usage scenario, it sirable. We therefore propose the use of Adaptive
must deal with unsegmented input, either speech Computation Time (Graves, 2016) for simultane-
directly or automatic transcriptions without punc- ous machine translation. This method achieves
tuation or sentence boundaries. Until now, staged a better latency-quality trade-off than the previ-
models (Niehues et al., 2016), which have a sep- ous best model, MILk, on segmented WMT 2014
arate component to insert punctuation (Cho et al., German-to-English data. By extending this model
2012) achieved the best results in this task. In this with Transformer-XL-style memory (Dai et al.,
paper, we will present the first step towards an end- 2019), we are able to apply it directly to unseg-
to-end approach. mented text.
In recent years, a number of approaches for neu-
2 Background
ral simultaneous machine translation have been
proposed. They generally build on the com- As Arivazhagan et al. (2019) point out, most pre-
mon encoder-decoder framework (Sutskever et al., vious work in simultaneous machine translation
2014), with the decoder deciding at each step focuses on segmenting continuous input into parts
whether to output a target language token based that can be translated, whether it is utterances
on the currently available information (WRITE) or speech or sentences for text (Cho et al., 2012, 2017;

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 228–236
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
Fügen et al., 2007; Oda et al., 2014; Yarmoham- representation for each input token, the decoder au-
madi et al., 2013). For statistical machine trans- toregressively produces the target sequence. The
lations, some approaches for stream translation decoder makes use of the source information via
without segmentation were known (Kolss et al., an attention mechanism (Bahdanau et al., 2015),
2008). The more recent neural simultaneous MT which calculates a context vector from the encoder
approaches simply take this segmentation as given hidden states.
and focus on translating simultaneously within a
Several approaches (Grissom II et al., 2014; h1...|x| = E NCODER(x1...|x| ) (1)
Niehues et al., 2018; Alinejad et al., 2018) try to ci = ATTENTION(yi−1 , h1...|x| ) (2)
predict the whole target sentence in advance, be- yi = D ECODER(yi−1 , ci ) (3)
fore the input is complete. It may be possible to
extend such approaches to work on an input stream, In the offline case, the encoder has access to all
but they have the undesirable property of overrid- inputs at once and the attention has access to all
ing their old output, which can make reading the encoder hidden states. The standard soft attention
translation difficult to follow for a human. calculates the context vector as a linear combina-
Satija and Pineau (2016) train the wait policy as tion of all hidden states:
an agent with reinforcement learning, considering
the pre-trained and fixed MT system as part of the
environment. Such an agent could learn to also eni = E NERGY(yi−1 , hn ) (4)
predict the end of sentences and thus extend to exp(eni )
stream translation, but it would be effectively the win = P|x| (5)
same as an explicit segmentation. k=1 exp(ei )
Cho and Esipova (2016) and Ma et al. (2019a) X
ci = wik hn (6)
each define their own fixed policy for simultaneous
MT. Wait-k in particular is attractive because of
its simplicity and ease of training. However, we Here, Energy could be a multi-layer perceptron
believe that for very long input streams, an adaptive or, in the case of Transformer, a projection followed
policy is necessary to make sure that the decoder by a dot product.
never “falls behind” the input stream. In the simultaneous case, there are additional
Most recently, the best results are produced by constraints: Each encoder state must only depend
monotonic attention approaches (Raffel et al., 2017; on the representations before it and the inputs up
Chiu and Raffel, 2017), in particular Arivazhagan to the current one as input becomes available in-
et al. (2019). Their approach uses RNNs, whereas crementally. In addition, we require a wait policy
we would like to use the state-of-the-art Trans- which decides in each step whether to READ an-
former architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017). Unfor- other encoder state or to WRITE a decoder output.
tunately, we were unable to transfer their results to Each READ incurs a delay, but gives the decoder
the Transformer, largely due to numerical instabil- more information to work with. We denote the en-
ity problems. Ma et al. (2019b) claim to have done coder step at which the policy decides to WRITE
this, but we were unable to reproduce their results in decoder step i as N (i).
either. We therefore propose our own, more stable,
architecture based on Adaptive Computation Time
(ACT, Graves (2016)) hj = E NCODER(hj−1 , xj ) (7)
ani = P OLICY(yi−1 , hn ) (8)
3 Model N (i) = min {n : ani = WRITE } (9)
A machine translation model transforms a source ci = ATTENTION(yi−1 , h1...N (i) ) (10)
sequence x = {x1 , x2 , . . . x|x| } into a target se- yi = D ECODER(yi−1 , ci ) (11)
quence y = {y1 , y2 , . . . y|y| }, where, generally,
6 |y|. Our model is based on the Transformer
|x| = Note that this kind of discrete decision-making
model (Vaswani et al., 2017), consisting of an en- process is not differentiable. Some approaches
coder and a decoder. The encoder produces a vector using reinforcement learning have been proposed

(Grissom II et al., 2014; Satija and Pineau, 2016),
but we will focus on the monotonic attention ap-
proaches. |x|
X αik exp(eni )
βin = Pk (16)
3.1 Monotonic Attention k=n l=1 exp(ei )

In monotonic attention (Raffel et al., 2017), the |x|

context is exactly the encoder state at N (i). Addi- ci = βin hn (17)
tionally, N (i) increases monotonically. For each n=1
encoder and decoder step, the policy predicts pni ,
the probability that we will WRITE at encoder step This method does however introduce the need
n. During inference, we simply follow this (non- for a second loss function, as the monotonic atten-
differentiable) stochastic process1 . During training, tion head can simply always decide to advance to
we instead train with the expected value of ci . To the end of the input where the soft attention can at-
that end, we calculate αin , the probability that de- tend to the whole sequence. Therefore, in addition
coder step i will attend to encoder step n. to the typical log-likelihood loss, the authors intro-
duce a loss derived from n = {N (1), . . . N (|y|)},
weighted by a hyperparameter λ:
pni = σ(E NERGY(si−1 , hn )) (12)
ani ∼ Bernoulli(pni ) Inference only (13)
αin = pni (1 − pn−1
i ) + α n
i−1 (14) L(θ) = − log p(y|x; θ) + λC(n) (18)
i (x,y)
ci = αin hn (15)
n=1 Unfortunately, despite following all advice from
Raffel et al. (2017), applying gradient clipping and
This model needs no additional loss function different energy functions from Arivazhagan et al.
besides the translation loss. It is not incentivised (2019), we were not able to adapt MILk for use
to READ any further than it has to because the with the transformer model, largely due to the nu-
model can only attend to one token at a time. At merical instability of calculating αin (see Raffel
the same time, this is a weakness of the model, as et al. (2017) for more details on this problem). We
it has access to only a very narrow portion of the therefore turn to a different method which has so
input at a time. far not been applied to simultaneous machine trans-
To address this, two extensions to monotonic lation, namely Adaptive Computation Time (ACT,
attention have been proposed: Monotonic Chunk- (Graves, 2016)).
wise Attention (MoChA, Chiu and Raffel (2017))
and Monotonic Infinite Lookback Attention (MILk,
3.3 Adaptive Computation Time
Arivazhagan et al. (2019)), which we will look at
in more detail here. Originally formulated for RNNs without the
encoder-decoder framework, Adaptive Computa-
3.2 Monotonic Infinite Lookback Attention
tion Time is a method that allows the RNN to “pon-
Monotonic Infinite Lookback Attention (MILk) der” the same input for several timesteps, effec-
combines soft and monotonic attention. The at- tively creating sub-timesteps. We will first go over
tention can look at all hidden states from the start the original use-case, although we intentionally
of the input up to N (i), which is determined by a match the notation above. At each timestep i, we
monotonic attention module. The model is once determine N (i), the number of timesteps spent pon-
again trained in expectation, with pni and αin calcu- dering the current input. We do so by predicting a
lated as in eqs. (12) and (14). The attention energies probability at each sub-timestep sni . We stop once
eni are calculated as in equation (4). the sum of these probabilities exceeds a threshold.
We also calculate a remainder R(i). Eqns. (19)
Although we encourage the model to make clear decisions
by adding noise in the policy, see the original paper for more through (22) are adapted from Graves (2016) and
details. apply to RNNs:

3.4 Transformer XL
pni = σ(E NERGY(sni )) (19) Finally, we introduce two aspects of the Trans-
n 0 former XL language model (Dai et al., 2019) into
N (i) = min{n : 0
pni ≥ 1 − } (20) our model: Relative attention and memory.
n=1 We replace the Transformer self-attention in both
N (i)−1 encoder and decoder with relative attention. In
R(i) = 1 − pni (21) relative self-attention, we calculate E NERGY as
n=1 follows:

R(i) if n = N (i)
αin = (22)
pni otherwise E NERGY(xi , xj ) = x> >
i Wq WE xj
It follows directly from the definition that αi is a + x> >
i Wq WR Ri−j
valid probability distribution. Compared to mono- (27)
tonic attention, ACT directly predicts the expected + u> WE xj
value for the amount of steps that the model takes, + v > WR Ri−j
rather than calculating it from stopping probabilites.
As-is, the model has no incentive to keep the pon- Where Wq , We , WR , u, v are learnable parame-
der times short, so we introduce an additional loss: ters and R are relative position encodings. After-
wards, we proceed as in equation (16) and (17) for
X simultaneous models or eqautions (5) and (6) for
C= N (i) + R(i) (23) offline models.
i=1 For our streaming model, we also use Trans-
Note that the computation for N (i) is not differ- former XL-style memory during training. This
entiable so it is treated as a constant and the loss is means that we keep the hidden states of both en-
equivalent to just summing the remainders. coder and decoder from the previous training step
We now go on to transfer ACT to the encoder- during training. Both self-attention and encoder-
decoder domain. Now, instead of pondering the decoder attention are able to attend to these states
input to an RNN, like in original ACT, the decoder as well as the current input sentence. However,
ponders over zero or more encoder steps. The en- no gradients can flow through the old states to the
coder still works as in eq. (7) and does not use ACT. model parameters.
Instead, we apply the ACT ponder mechanism to
the monotonic encoder-decoder attention. Let N (i) 3.5 Stream Translation
denote the last encoder step to which we can attend. Our stream translation model should not rely on
We make sure that N (i) advances monotonically: any segmentation information of the input and must
be able to translate a test set as a single, continuous
sequence. To achieve this, we extend the standard
pni = σ(E NERGY(yi−1 , hn )) (24)
transformer model in the following ways:
N (i) = min{n0 : pni ≥ 1 − } (25) • We use ACT monotonic attention to constrain
n=N (i−1) the encoder-decoder attention. The position of

 R(i) if n = N (i) the monotonic attention head also gives us a
αi = pn if N (i − 1) ≤ n < N (i) pointer to the model’s current read position in
 i the input stream that advances token by token,
0 otherwise
(26) and not sentence by sentence and therefore
requires no sentence segmentation.
Then we proceed as in equations (16) and (17).
Note that in this formulation, it is possible that • We change all self-attentions to relative atten-
N (i) = N (i − 1) (i. e. the model pondering for tion, as well as removing absolute position
zero steps), indicating consecutive WRITEs. In encodings. We could encode positions as ab-
original ACT, it is not possible to ponder the input solute since the beginning of the stream. How-
for zero steps. Also, similar to MILk, we consider ever, Neishi and Yoshinaga (2019) showed
pi to be 1 always. See figure 2 for a visualisation that Transformer with absolute position encod-
of αin on a concrete example. ings generalizes poorly to unseen sequence

lengths. In a continuous stream, relative en-
codings are the more logical choice.

• We add Transformer XL-style history to the

model so that even the first positions of a
sample have a history buffer for self-attention.
This simulates the evaluation condition where
we don’t restart the model each sentence.

• During inference, we cannot cut off the his-

tory at sentence boundaries (such as keeping
exactly the last sentence) because this infor-
mation is not available. Instead, we adopt a
rolling history buffer approach, keeping nh
previous positions for the self-attention. To
simulate this condition in training, we apply a
mask to the self-attention, masking out posi-
tions more than nh positions in the past.

• During training, we concatenate multiple sam- Figure 1: Quality-Latency comparison for German-to-
ples to a length of at least nh tokens. This English newstest2015 in tokenized DAL (top), AL
is to allow the model to READ past the end (bottom left) and AP (bottom right)
of an input sentence into the next one. Nor-
mally, this is prevented by setting pi = 1.
However during inference, |x| is not available For the simultaneous models, we vary the value
and therefore the model should learn to stop of λ and initialize the parameters from the pre-
READing at appropriate times even across trained model. We found that training from the
sentence boundaries. start with the latency loss can cause extreme la-
tency behaviour, where the model either reads no
• We use the ponder loss of equation (23) in input from the source at all or always waits until
addition to the cross-entropy translation loss the end. We theorize that the best strategy would
with a weighting parameter λ as in equation be to introduce the latency loss gradually during
(18). training, but leave that experiment for future work.
All models are trained using the Adam Optimizer
4 Experiments (Kingma and Ba, 2015). For the pre-training model,
we vary the learning rate using a cosine schedule
4.1 Segmented Translation
from 2.5 · 10−4 to 0 over 200k steps. For the ACT
In our first set of experiments, we demonstrate the model, we start the learning rate at 4 · 10−5 and use
ability of ACT to produce state-of-the art results in inverse square root decay (Vaswani et al., 2017) for
sentence-based simultaneous machine translation. 1000 steps.
For comparison to Arivazhagan et al. (2019), we We measure translation quality in detokenized,
choose the same dataset: WMT2014 German-to- cased BLEU using sacrebleu2 (Post, 2018). We
English (4.5M sentences). As they report their measure latency in Average Lagging (Ma et al.,
delay metrics on tokenized data, we also use the 2019a), Differentiable Average Lagging (Arivazha-
same tokenization and vocabulary. gan et al., 2019) and Average Proportion (Cho and
All models follow the Transformer “base” con- Esipova, 2016). For direct comparison, we report
figuration (Vaswani et al., 2017) and are imple- the tokenized latency metrics, but we provide the
mented in fairseq (Ott et al., 2019). In addition detokenized metrics in the appendix.
to the simultaneous models, we train a baseline Figure 1 shows our results for this task. We
Transformer model. All models except the base- generally achieve a better quality-latency tradeoff
line use relative self-attention. We pre-train an 2
offline model with future-masking in the encoder +smooth.exp+test.wmt15+tok.13a
as a common basis for all simultaneous models. +version.1.4.3

as measured by DAL, and a comparable one as Model AP AL DAL BLEU
measured by AP and AL. We note also that the Baseline — — — 32.0
ceiling for quality of ACT is higher than that of Relative — — — 33.1
MILk. Whereas MILk loses two BLEU points to XL — — — 34.4
their baseline model even when given full attention ACT+XL
(λ = 0.0), our model would seem to get closer to λ = 0.25 0.5 206 329 30.2
the performance of the baseline with decreasing λ. λ = 0.3 0.5 107 180 30.3
ACT+XL directly from relative
4.2 Stream Translation λ = 0.25 0.5 222 394 26.4
In this set of experiments, we demonstrate our
model’s ability to translate continuous streams of Table 1: Results for the stream translation experiment
input with no sentence segmentation. For train-
ing, we use the IWSLT 2020 simultaneous transla- these are promising results, and, to the best of our
tion data (which includes all WMT2019 data) with knowledge, the first demonstration of unsegmented
37.6M sentences total. We choose this dataset be- end-to-end stream translation.
cause of a larger amount of document-level data
(3.8M sentences). Because we will use Trans- 4.3 Analysis
former XL-style memory, we depend on as much For the segmented translation, we compare two
contextual data as possible. We evaluate on the different latency schedules in figure 2. Both sched-
IWSLT tst2010 test set in German to English. On ules advance relatively homogenously. This may
the source side, we convert to lower case and re- indicate that the ACT attention layer needs to be
move all punctuation. expanded to extract more grammatical informa-
In addition to the baseline normal Transformer tion and make more informed decisions on waiting.
model, we train our model in three steps: First an Nevertheless, the model produces good results and
offline, sentence-based relative self-attention Trans- we even observe implicit verb prediction as in Ma
former, then the Transformer XL and finally the et al. (2019a). We also note that the high latency
ACT+XL model, each one initializing its parame- models’ latency graph tends to describe a curve,
ters on the last one. Both the relative model and the whereas the low latency models tend to uniformly
Transformer XL use the cosine schedule starting advance by one token per output token.
at 2.5 · 10−4 and training for 200k and 40k steps, This behaviour can be explained by the proper-
respectively. The ACT+XL model uses inverse ties of Differentiable Average Lagging. The ponder
square root decay, starting at 4 · 10−5 as above and loss objective that ACT is trained on may seem very
trains for 1000 steps. We also experiment with different, but actually produces somewhat similar
training ACT+XL directly from the relative model. gradients to DAL 4 , so the model incidentally also
We evaluate as before3 , treating the test set as a learns a behaviour that optimizes DAL.
single sequence. BLEU scores are calculated by
DAL is monotonically increasing, i. e. the model
re-segmenting the output according to the original
can never “catch up” any delay by WRITing multi-
reference based on Word Error Rate (Matusov et al.,
ple tokens without READing (assuming |y| = |x|).
2005). All reported metrics are detokenized. The
It achieves the same DAL but with better translation
baseline and relative models use beam search, the
by always READing one token when it WRITEs.
others use greedy decoding.
Therefore, to achieve DAL = k for a given k, the
Unfortunately, the range of the λ parameter that
ideal waiting strategy is wait-k.
produces sensible results is much more restricted
In the case of stream translation, we make two
than for the sentence-based model (see “Analysis”,
important observations: First, that systems with
below). We report results with λ = 0.25 and 0.3.
λ < 0.25 do not produce acceptable results (BLEU
Table 1 shows our results. There is a drop of 4
scores < 10). This is because they fall behind
BLEU points when moving to simultaneous trans-
the input by waiting too much and have to skip
lation, which is similar to our experiments on seg-
sentences to catch back up. Once an input word
mented text. While there is room for improvement,
is more than nh tokens behind, it is removed from
BLEU+case.mixed+lang.de-en+numrefs.1 4 ∂DAL
+smooth.exp+iwslt17/tst2010+tok.13a ∂αn
= i − N (i) − 1, ∂ACT
= −1 for N (i − 1) ≤ i ≤
i i
+version.1.4.3 N (i), else 0

Figure 2: The same sentence from newstest2015 translated by an ACT system with λ = 0.1 (left) and λ = 0.4
(right). The shading indicates the αin as predicted by the ACT attention module (darker = higher probability), the
black line indicates the hard attention cutoff. The low-latency model approaches the behaviour of a wait-4 model.
Note the (incorrect) attempt of the left model to predict the verb “einbestellt” = “summons”, whereas the right
model takes the first half of the sentence as complete, leaving out the verb.

the memory and if it is not translated by then, it translation.

may be forgotten. Therefore, we found it essential We see several possibilites for future work on
to train more aggressive latency regimes. On the this model: Training the whole model in one train-
other hand, systems with λ > 0.3 sometimes read ing rather than the multiple rounds of pre-training
too little source information or stop reading new may be possible by gradually introducing the la-
source words altogether. tency loss during training. Perhaps the latency de-
Second, that the established latency metrics cisions can be improved by adding extra layers to
do not perform well on the very long sequence the ACT attention module.
(with our tokenization, the source is 29 317 tokens But most importantly, we believe the model must
long). While on single sentences, an AL score of be adapted to the speech domain. Recently (see e. g.
4 might indicate quite consistently a lag of around Di Gangi et al. (2019)), the Transformer has shown
4 tokens, a manual analysis of the output of our promising results for speech translation. For a re-
λ = 0.3 system shows a delay of between 40 and alistic application we believe that a simultaneous
60 words, quite far away from the automatic met- translation model must work with speech input.
rics of AL=107 and DAL=180. Average proportion
in particular breaks down under these conditions Acknowledgments
and always reports 0.5.5 The work leading to these results has received fund-
ing from the European Union under grant agree-
5 Conclusion and Future work
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Table 2: Tokenized metrics for newstest2015 back-

ing figure 1

Baseline 1.0 18.6 18.6 31.6
0.0 0.93 10.4 11.7 30.1
0.01 0.84 7.2 8.5 29.6
0.05 0.81 6.3 7.5 29.3
0.1 0.76 4.9 6.0 28.6
0.15 0.71 3.8 4.8 27.7
0.2 0.69 3.4 4.4 27.0
0.25 0.68 3.0 4.1 26.6
0.3 0.67 2.9 3.9 26.1
0.4 0.66 2.6 3.7 25.6
0.5 0.65 2.4 3.6 25.0

Table 3: Detokenized metrics for newstest2015

Neural Simultaneous Speech Translation
Using Alignment-Based Chunking

Patrick Wilken, Tamer Alkhouli, Evgeny Matusov, Pavel Golik

Applications Technology (AppTek), Aachen, Germany

Abstract to delay translation by a fixed number of words.

Alternatively, Satija and Pineau (2016); Gu et al.
In simultaneous machine translation, the objec- (2017); Alinejad et al. (2018) use reinforcement
tive is to determine when to produce a partial
learning to learn a dynamic policy to determine
translation given a continuous stream of source
words, with a trade-off between latency and whether to read or output words. Cho and Esipova
quality. We propose a neural machine trans- (2016) adapt the decoding algorithm without re-
lation (NMT) model that makes dynamic deci- lying on additional components. However, these
sions when to continue feeding on input or gen- methods do not modify the training of the under-
erate output words. The model is composed lying NMT model. Instead, it is trained on full
of two main components: one to dynamically sentences. Arivazhagan et al. (2019) introduce a
decide on ending a source chunk, and another holistic framework that relaxes the hard notion of
that translates the consumed chunk. We train
read/write decisions at training time, allowing it to
the components jointly and in a manner consis-
tent with the inference conditions. To generate be trained jointly with the rest of the NMT model.
chunked training data, we propose a method In this paper, we integrate a source chunk bound-
that utilizes word alignment while also pre- ary detection component into a bidirectional recur-
serving enough context. We compare models rent NMT model. This component corresponds to
with bidirectional and unidirectional encoders segmentation or read/write decisions in the litera-
of different depths, both on real speech and ture. It is however trained jointly with the rest of the
text input. Our results on the IWSLT1 2020
NMT model. We propose an algorithm to chunk
English-to-German task outperform a wait-k
baseline by 2.6 to 3.7% BLEU absolute. the training data based on automatically learned
word alignment. The chunk boundaries are used
1 Introduction as a training signal along with the parallel corpus.
The main contributions of this work are as follows:
Simultaneous machine translation is the task of
• We introduce a source chunk boundary detec-
generating partial translations before observing the
tion component and train it jointly with the
entire source sentence. The task fits scenarios such
NMT model. Unlike in (Arivazhagan et al.,
as live captioning and speech-to-speech transla-
2019), our component is trained using hard
tion, where the user expects a translation before
decisions, which is consistent with inference.
the speaker finishes the sentence. Simultaneous
MT has to balance between latency and translation • We propose a method based on word align-
quality. If more input is consumed before transla- ment to generate the source and target chunk
tion, quality is likely to improve due to increased boundaries, which are needed for training.
context, but latency also increases. On the other
hand, consuming limited input decreases latency, • We study the use of bidirectional vs uni-
but degrades quality. directional encoder layers for simultaneous
There have been several approaches to solve si- machine translation. Previous work focuses
multaneous machine translation. In (Dalvi et al., mostly on the use of unidirectional encoders.
2018; Ma et al., 2019), a fixed policy is introduced • We provide results using text and speech input.
The International Conference on Spoken Language Trans- This is in contrast to previous work that only
lation, http://iwslt.org. simulates simultaneous NMT on text input.

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 237–246
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
2 Related Work Those tokens fulfill a similar purpose to wait deci-
sions in simultaneous MT policies.
Oda et al. (2014) formulate segmentation as an op- Arivazhagan et al. (2019) propose an attention-
timization problem solved using dynamic program- based model that integrates an additional mono-
ming to optimize translation quality. The approach tonic attention component. While the motivation
is applied to phrase-based machine translation. Our is to use hard attention to select the encoder state
chunking approach is conceptually simpler, and at the end of the source chunk, they avoid using
we explore its use with neural machine translation. discrete attention to keep the model differentiable,
Cho and Esipova (2016) devise a greedy decoding and use soft probabilities instead. The hard mode
algorithm for simultaneous neural machine trans- is only used during decoding. We do not have to
lation. They use a model that is trained on full work around discrete decisions in this work, since
sentences. In contrast, we train our models on the chunk boundaries are computed offline before
chunked sentences to be consistent with the decod- training, resulting in a simpler model architecture.
ing condition. Satija and Pineau (2016), Alinejad
et al. (2018), and Gu et al. (2017) follow a rein- 3 Simultaneous Machine Translation
forcement learning approach to make decisions as
to when to read source words or to write target The problem of offline machine translation is fo-
words. Zheng et al. (2019) propose the simpler cused on finding the target sequence eI1 = e1 ...eI
approach to use the position of the reference tar- of length I given the source sequence f1J of length
get word in the beam of an existing MT system J. In contrast, simultaneous MT does not nec-
to generate training examples of read/write deci- essarily require the full source input to generate
sions. We extract such decisions from statistical the target output. In this work, we formulate the
word alignment instead. problem by assuming latent monotonic chunking
underlying the source and target sequences.
In Ma et al. (2019); Dalvi et al. (2018), a wait-k
policy is proposed to delay the first target word Formally, let sK 1 = s1 ...sk ...sK denote the

until k source words are read. The model alternates chunking sequence of K chunks, such that sk =
between generating s target words and reading s (ik , jk ), where ik denotes the target position of last
source words, until the source words are exhausted. target word in the k-th chunk, and jk denotes the
Afterwards, the rest of the target words are gener- source position of the last source word in the chunk.
ated. In addition, Dalvi et al. (2018) convert the Since the source and target chunks are monotonic,
training data into chunks of predetermined fixed the beginnings of the source and target chunks do
size. In contrast, we train models that learn to pro- not have to be defined explicitly. The chunk posi-
duce dynamic context-dependent chunk lengths. tions are subject to the following constraints:
The idea of exploiting word alignments to de- i0 = j0 = 0, iK = I, jK = J,
cide for necessary translation context can be found
in several recent papers. Arthur et al. (2020) train ik−1 < ik , jk−1 < jk . (1)
an agent to imitate read/write decisions derived
We use ẽk = eik−1 +1 ...eik to denote the k-th
from word alignments. In our architecture such a
target chunk, and f˜k = fjk−1 +1 ...fjk to denote its
separate agent model is replaced by a simple addi-
corresponding source chunk. The target sequence
tional output of the encoder. Xiong et al. (2019) use
eI1 can be rewritten as ẽK
1 , similarly, the source
word alignments to tune a pretrained language rep-
sequence can be rewritten as f1J = f˜1K .
resentation model to perform word sequence chunk-
We introduce the chunk sequence sK 1 as a latent
ing. In contrast, our approach integrates alignment-
variable as follows:
based chunking into the translation model itself,
avoiding the overhead of having a separate compo- X
p(eI1 |f1J ) = p(eI1 , sK J
1 |f1 ) (2)
nent and the need for a pretrained model. More-
over, in this work we improve on pure alignment- X

K ˜K
based chunks using language models (Section 6.3) = p(ẽK
1 , s1 |f1 ) (3)
to avoid leaving relevant future source words out of K,sK
the chunk. Press and Smith (2018) insert -tokens K
into the target using word alignments to develop k−1 ˜K
= p(ẽk , sk |ẽk−1
1 , s1 , f1 ) (4)
an NMT model without an attention mechanism. K,sK

X Y position we estimate the probability of a chunk
= p(ik |ẽk1 , s1k−1 , jk , f˜1K ) boundary:
K,sK k=1
1 (
· p(ẽk |ẽk−1 k−1 ˜K 1 if j ∈ {j1 , j2 ...jk }
1 , s1 , jk , f1 ) bj,k = (8)
· p(jk |ẽk−1 , sk−1 , f˜K ), (5) 0 otherwise.
1 1 1
For this, we use a forward stacked RNN encoder.
where Equation 2 introduces the latent sequence
The l-th forward encoder layer is given by
sK1 with a marginalization sum over all possi-
ble chunk sequences and all possible number 
of chunks K. In Equation 3 we rewrite the ˆ − (l) 

− (l) LST M [fj ; b̂j−1,k ], h j−1,k
→ l=1
source and target sequences using the chunk no- h j,k = 
LST M → − (l−1) →
− (l)
tation, and we apply the chain rule of probabil- h j,k , h j−1,k 1 < l < Lenc ,
ity in Equation 4. We use the chain rule again (9)
in Equation 5 to decompose the probability fur- where fˆj is the word embedding of the word
ther into a target chunk boundary probability fj , which is concatenated to the embedding of the
p(ik |ẽk1 , sk−1 ˜K
1 , jk , f1 ), a target chunk translation
boundary decision at the previous source position
probability p(ẽk |ẽ1 , s1 , jk , f˜1K ), and a source
k−1 k−1 b̂j−1,k . Lenc is the number of encoder layers. On
chunk boundary probability p(jk |ẽk−1 k−1 ˜K
1 , s1 , f1 ).
top of the last layer a softmax estimates p(bj,k ):
This creates a generative story, where the source →
− (L ) 
chunk boundary is determined first, followed by the p(bj,k ) = softmax g([ h j,kenc ; fˆj ; b̂j−1,k ]) , (10)
translation of the chunk, and finally by the target
where g(·) denotes a non-linear function.
chunk boundary. The translation probability can be
further decomposed to reach the word level: 4.2 Translation Model

p(ẽk , |ẽk−1 k−1 ˜K We use an RNN attention model based on (Bah-

1 , s1 , jk , f1 ) jk
danau et al., 2015) for p(ei |ei−1
1 , f1 ). The model
˜K shares the forward encoder with the chunk bound-
= p(ei | ei−1 k−1 k−1
ik−1 +1 , ẽ1 , s1 , jk , f1 )
| {z } ary detection model. In addition, we extend the
i=ik−1 +1
encoder with a stacked backward RNN encoder.
Y The l-th backward layer is given by
≈ p(ei |ei−1
1 , f1 , k). (6) 
i=ik−1 +1

 0 j > jk , ∀l

−(l)  ← −(l) 
h j,k = LST M [fˆj ; bj,k ], h j+1,k l=1
In this work, we drop the marginalization sum 

 ←− ←−
LST M h (l−1) , h (l) 
over chunk sequences and use fixed chunks during 1 < l < Lenc ,
j,k j+1,k
training. The chunk sequences are generated as (11)
described in Section 6. where the backward layer is computed within a
chunk starting at the last position of the chunk
4 Model j = jk . 0 indicates a vector of zeros for posi-
4.1 Source Chunk Boundary Detection tions beyond the current chunk. The source repre-
sentation is given by the concatenation of the last
We simplify the chunk boundary probability, drop-
forward and backward layer
ping the dependence on the target sequence and
previous target boundary decisions →
− (L ) ← −(L )
hj,k = [ h j,kenc ; h j,kenc ]. (12)
k−1 ˜K jk k−1
p(jk |ẽk−1
1 , s1 , f1 ) ≈ p(jk |f1 , j1 ), (7) We also stack Ldec LSTM layers in the decoder
where the distribution is conditioned on the source LST M u(l−1) , u(l) 1 < l < Ldec
sequence up to the last word of the k-th chunk. It is (l)
ui,k = i−1,k̂
also conditioned on the previous source boundary LST M [êi ; di,k ], u l = 1,
decisions j1 ...jk−1 . Instead of computing a distri- (13)
bution over the source positions, we introduce a where êi is the target word embedding of the word
binary random variable bj such that for each source ei , k̂ = k unless the previous decoder state belongs

to the previous chunk, then k̂ = k − 1. The vector 5 Search
di,k is the context vector computed over source
Decoding in simultaneous MT can be seen as an
positions up to the last source position jk in the
asynchronous process that takes a stream of source
k-th chunk
words as input and produces a stream of target
jk words as output. In our approach, we segment the
di,k = αi,j,k hj,k (14) incoming source stream into chunks and output a
j=1 translation for each chunk individually, however
αi,j,k =softmax(ri,1,k ...ri,jk ,k )|j (15) always keeping the full source and target context.
(L )
ri,j,k =f (hj,k , u dec ), (16) Algorithm 1: Simultaneous Decoding
lists in bold, [] is the empty list, += appends to a list
where αi,j,k is the attention weight normalized over input : source word stream f1J
the source positions 1 ≤ j ≤ jk , and ri,j,k is the output : target word stream eI1
energy computed via the function f which uses →
− ←−
fˆk = [], h = [], h = []
tanh of the previous top-most decoder layer and
for fj in f1J do
the source representation at position j. Note the
fˆj = Embedding(fj )
difference to the attention component used in of- →

fline MT, where the attention weights are computed h j , p(bj ) = runForwardEncoder(fˆj )
considering the complete source sentence f1J . The fˆk += fˆj
output distribution is computed using a softmax →
− →

h += h j
function of energies from the top-most decoder if p(bi ) > tb or j = J then
(Ldec )
layer ui−1,k , the target embedding of the previous ←−
h k = runBackwardEncoder(fˆk )
word êi−1 , and the context vector di−1,k ←− ←−
h += h k

− ← −
jk ẽk = runDecoder( h , h )
p(ei |ei−1
1 , f1 , k) =
 eI1 += ẽk
(Ldec )
softmax g([ui−1,k ; êi−1 ; di−1,k ]) . (17) fˆk = []

4.3 Target Chunk Boundary Factor

Algorithm 1 explains the simultaneous decoding
Traditionally, the translation model is trained to pro- process. One source word fj (i.e. its embedding
duce a sentence end token to know when to stop the
fˆj ) is read at a time. We calculate the next step of
decoding process. In our approach, this decision
the shared forward encoder (Equation 9), includ-
has to be made for each chunk (see next section).
ing source boundary detection (Equation 10). If
Hence, we have to train the model to predict the
the boundary probability p(bj ) is below a certain
end positions of the chunks on the target side. For
threshold tb , we continue reading the next source
this, we use a target factor (Garcı́a-Martı́nez et al.,
word fj+1 . If, however, a chunk boundary is de-
2016; Wilken and Matusov, 2019), i.e. a second
tected, we first feed all word embeddings fˆk of the
output of the decoder in each step:
current chunk into the backward encoder (Equation
11), resulting in representations h k for each of the
p(bi |ei1 , f1jk , k) =
words in the current chunk. After that, the decoder
(L )
, êi , êi−1 , di−1,k )) (18) is run according to Equations 12–18. Note, that it

− ←−
attends to representations h and h of all source
where bi is a binary random variable representing words read so far, not only the current chunk. Here,
target chunk boundaries analogous to bj on the we perform beam search such that in each decoding
source side. This probability corresponds to the step those combinations of target words and target
first term in Equation 5, making the same model chunk boundary decisions are kept that have the
assumptions as for the translation probability. Note highest joint probability. A hypothesis is consid-
however, that we make the boundary decision de- ered final as soon as it reaches a position i where
pendent on the embedding êi of the target word a chunk boundary bi = 1 is predicted. Note that
produced in the current decoding step. the length of a chunk translation is not restricted

and hypotheses of different lengths compete. When 6.2 Delayed Source Chunk Boundaries
all hypotheses in the beam are final, the first-best We observed that the accuracy of source bound-
hypothesis is declared as the translation ẽk of the ary detection can be improved significantly by
current chunk and all its words are flushed into the including the words immediately following the
output stream at once. source chunk boundary into the context. Take
During search, the internal states of the forward e. g. the source word sequence I have seen
encoder and the decoder are saved between consec- it. It can be translated into German as soon as the
utive different calls while the backward decoder is word it was read: Ich habe es gesehen.
initialized with a zero state for each chunk. Therefore the model is likely to predict a chunk
boundary after it. However, if the next read
6 Alignment-Based Chunking source word is coming, it becomes clear that
we should have waited because the correct Ger-
6.1 Baseline Approach man translation is now Ich habe es kommen
We aimed at a meaningful segmentation of sentence gesehen. There is a reordering which invalidates
pairs into bilingual chunks which could then be the previous partial translation.
translated in monotonic sequence and each chunk To be able to resolve such cases, we shift
is – in terms of aligned words – translatable without the source chunks by a constant delay D such
consuming source words from succeeding chunks. that j1 , ..., jk , ..., jK becomes j1 + D, ..., jk +
We extract such a segmentation from unsupervised D, ..., jK + D.3 Note that the target chunks re-
word alignments in source-to-target and target-to- main unchanged, thus the extra source words also
source directions that we trained using the Eflo- provide an expanded context for translation. In pre-
mal toolkit (Östling and Tiedemann, 2016) and liminary experiments we saw large improvements
combined using the grow-diag-final-and heuris- in translation quality when using a delay of 2 or
tic (Koehn et al., 2003). Then, for each training more words, therefore we use it in all further exper-
sentence pair, we extract a sequence of “minimal- iments.
length” monotonic phrase pairs, i.e. a sequence of
the smallest possible bilingual chunks which do not 6.3 Improved Chunks for More Context
violate the alignment constraints2 and at the same The baseline chunking method (Section 6.1) con-
time are conform with the segmentation constraints siders word reordering to determine necessary con-
in Equation 1. By this we allow word reordering text for translation. However, future context is of-
between the two languages to happen only within ten necessary for correct translation. Consider the
the chunk boundaries. The method roughly fol- translation The beautiful woman → Die
lows the approach of (Mariño et al., 2005), who schöne Frau. Here, despite of the monotonic
extracted similar chunks as units for n-gram based alignment, we need the context of the third English
statistical MT. word woman to translate the first two words as we
For fully monotonic word alignments, only have to decide on the gender and number of the
chunks of length 1 either on the source or the target German article Die and adjective schöne.
side are extracted (corresponding to 1-to-1, 1-to- In part, this problem is already addressed by
M, M-to-1 alignments). For non-monotonic align- adding future source words into the context as
ments larger chunks are obtained, in the extreme described in Section 6.2. However, this method
case the whole sentence pair is one chunk. Any causes a general increase in latency by D source
unaligned source or target words are attached to positions and yet covers only short-range depen-
the chunk directly preceding them, also any non- dencies. A better approach is to remove any chunk
aligned words that may start the source/target sen- boundary for which the words following it are
tence are attached to the first chunk. We perform important for a correct translation of the words
the word alignment and chunk boundary extrac- preceding it. To this end, we introduce a heuris-
tion on the word level, and then convert words to tic that uses two bigram target language models
subword units for the subsequent use in NMT. (LMs). The first language model yields the proba-
bility p(eik |eik −1 ) for the last word eik of chunk sk ,
This means that all source words within a bilingual chunk
are aligned only to the target words within this chunk and vice If jK + D > J, we shift the boundary to J, allowing
versa. empty source chunks at sentence end.

EN: And | along came | a | brilliant | inventor, | a | scientist, |
who | came up with a partial cure for that disease
DE: Dann | kam | ein | brillanter | Erfinder des Wegs, | ein | Wissenschaftler, |
der | eine teilweise Heilung für diese Krankheit fand

EN: And | along came | a brilliant inventor, | a scientist, |

who | came up with a partial cure for that disease
DE: Dann | kam | ein brillanter Erfinder des Wegs, | ein Wissenschaftler, |
der | eine teilweise Heilung für diese Krankheit fand

Figure 1: Examples of the baseline and the improved approach of extracting chunk boundaries. Note how in
the improved approach noun phrases were merged into single bigger chunks. Also note the long last chunk that
corresponds to the non-monotonic alignment of the English and German subordinate clause.

whereas the second one computes the probability Ney smoothing on English text data (approx. 2.8B
p(eik |eik +1 ) for the last word in the chunk given running words) allowed by the IWSLT 2020 evalu-
the first word eik +1 of the next chunk sk+1 that ation. The vocabulary consists of 152K words and
follows the word eik . The chunk boundary after eik the out-of-vocabulary rate is below 1%. Acoustic
is removed if the probability of the latter reverse bi- training and the HMM decoding were performed
gram LM is higher than the probability of the first with the RWTH ASR toolkit (Wiesler et al., 2014).

one by a factor l = ik − ik−1 , i.e. dependent The streaming recognizer implements a version
on the length of the current chunk. The motiva- of chunked processing (Chen and Huo, 2016; Zeyer
tion for this factor is that shorter chunks should et al., 2016) which allows for the same BLSTM-
be merged with the context to the right more often based acoustic model to be used in both offline
than chunks which are already long, provided that and online applications. By default, the recognizer
the right context word has been frequently observed updates the current first-best hypothesis by Viterbi
in training to follow the last word of such a chunk decoding starting from the most recent frame and
candidate. The two bigram LMs are estimated on returns the resulting word sequence to the client.
the target side of the bilingual data, with the second This makes the first-best hypothesis “unstable”,
one trained on sentences printed in reverse order. i.e. past words can change depending on the newly
Examples of the chunks extracted with the base- received evidence due to the global optimization
line and the improved approach for a given training of the Viterbi decoding. To make the output more
sentence pair are shown in Figure 1. stable, we made the decoder delay the recogni-
tion results until all active word sequences share a
7 Streaming Speech Recognition common prefix. This prefix is then guaranteed to
remain unchanged independent of the rest of the
To translate directly from speech signal, we use utterance and thus can be sent out to the MT model.
a cascaded approach. The proposed simultaneous
NMT system consumes words from a streaming 8 Experiments
automatic speech recognition (ASR) system. This We conduct experiments on the IWSLT simultane-
system is based on a hybrid LSTM/HMM acoustic ous translation task for speech translation of TED
model (Bourlard and Wellekens, 1989; Hochreiter talks from English to German.
and Schmidhuber, 1997), trained on a total of ap-
prox. 2300 hours of transcribed English speech 8.1 Setup
from the corpora allowed by IWSLT 2020 evalu- For training the baseline NMT system, we utilize
ation, including MUST-C, TED-LIUM, and Lib- the parallel data allowed for the IWSLT 2020 eval-
riSpeech. The acoustic model takes 80-dim. MFCC uation. We divide it into 3 parts: in-domain, clean,
features as input and estimates state posterior prob- and out-of-domain. We consider data from the
abilities for 5000 tied triphone states. It consists TED and MUST-C corpora (Di Gangi et al., 2019)
of 4 bidirectional layers with 512 LSTM units for as in-domain and use it for subsequent fine-tuning
each direction. Frame-level alignment and state experiments, as well as the “ground truth” for fil-
tying were bootstrapped with a Gaussian mixtures tering the out-of-domain data based on sentence
acoustic model. The LM of the streaming recog- embedding similarity with the in-domain data; de-
nizer is a 4-gram count model trained with Kneser- tails are given in (Bahar et al., 2020). As “clean”

we consider the News-Commentary, Europarl, and convert spoken number and entity forms to digits
WikiTitles corpora and use their full versions in as part of the translation process.
training. As out-of-domain data, we consider Open- The proposed chunking method (Section 6) is
Subtitles, ParaCrawl, CommonCrawl, and rapid applied to the training corpus as a data preparation
corpora, which we reduce to 40% of their total step. We measured average chunk lengths of 2.9
size, or to 23.2M parallel lines, with similarity- source words and 2.7 target words. 40% of both the
based filtering. Thus, in total, we use almost 26M source and target chunks consist of a single word,
lines of parallel data to train our systems, which about 20% are longer than 3 words.
amounts to ca. 327M running words on the English We compute case-sensitive BLEU (Papineni
side. Furthermore, we added 7.9M sentence pairs et al., 2002) and TER (Snover et al., 2006) scores
or ca. 145M running words of similarity-filtered as well as the average lagging (AL) metric (Ma
back-translated4 German monolingual data allowed et al., 2019).
by the IWSLT 2020 evaluation.
In training, the in-domain and clean parallel data 8.2 Results
had a weight of 5. All models were implemented
and trained with the RETURNN toolkit (Zeyer Table 1 shows results for the proposed simultane-
et al., 2018). We used an embedding size of 620 ous MT system. For reference, we first provide
and LSTM state sizes of 1000. the translation quality of an offline system that is
As heldout tuning set, we use a combination trained on full sentences. It is a transformer “base”
of IWSLT dev2010, tst2014, and MUST-C-dev model (Vaswani et al., 2017) that we trained on
corpora. To obtain bilingual chunks as described the same data as the online systems. Row 1 shows
in Section 6, we word-align all of the filtered BLEU and TER scores for translation of the hu-
parallel/back-translated and tuning data in portions man reference transcription of the speech input
of up to 1M sentence pairs, each of them combined (converted to lower-case, punctuation removed),
with all of the in-domain and clean parallel data. whereas row 2 uses the automatic transcription gen-
As heldout evaluation sets, we use IWSLT tst2015, erated by our streaming ASR system (Section 7).
as well as MUST-C HE and COMMON test data. The ASR system has a word error rate (WER) of
For the text input condition, we applied almost 8.7 to 11.2% on the three test sets, causing a drop
no preprocessing, tokenization was handled as part of 4-6% BLEU absolute.
of the subword segmentation with the sentence- All following systems are cascaded streaming
piece toolkit (Kudo and Richardson, 2018). The ASR + MT online systems that produce translations
vocabularies for both the source and the target sub- from audio input in real-time. Those systems have
word models had a size of 30K. For the speech an overall AL of 4.1 to 4.5 seconds, depending on
input condition, the additional preprocessing ap- D. We compare between two categories of models:
plied to the English side of the parallel data had unidirectional and bidirectional. For the unidirec-
the goal to make it look like speech transcripts. tional models the backwards decoder (Equation 11)
We lowercased the text, removed all punctuation was removed from the architecture. We show re-
marks, expanded common abbreviations, especially sults for different values of source boundary delay
for measurement units, and converted numbers, D (see Section 6.2). For the number of layers we
dates, and other entities expressed with digits into choose Lenc = 6 and Ldec = 2 for the unidirec-
their spoken form. For the cases of multiple read- tional models, and Lenc = 4 (both directions) and
ings of a given number (e.g. one oh one, one Ldec = 1 for the bidirectional models, such that
hundred and one), we selected one randomly, the number of parameters is comparable. Contra-
so that the system could learn to convert alternative dicting our initial assumption, bidirectional mod-
readings in English to the same number expressed els do not outperform unidirectional models. This
with digits in German. Because of this preprocess- might indicate be due to the fact that the majority
ing, our system for the speech condition learned to of chunks are too short to benefit from a backwards
insert punctuation marks, restore word case, and encoding. Also, the model is not sensitive to the
delay D. This confirms our assumption that the ad-
The German-to-English system that we used to translate ditional context of future source words is primarily
these data into English is an off-line system trained using the
Transformer Base architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) on the useful for making the source boundary decision,
in-domain and clean parallel data. and for this a context of 2 following (sub-)words

Delay tst2015 must-c-HE must-c-COMMON
Offline baseline, Transformer
using reference transcript n/a 32.7 50.9 30.1 54.3 32.6 48.9
using streaming ASR n/a 28.6 56.3 26.0 59.2 26.4 57.3
Proposed simultaneous NMT 2 24.8 60.2 21.7 63.0 21.9 60.2
unidirectional, 3 24.6 60.2 22.6 62.7 21.8 60.8
(6 enc. 2 dec.) 4 24.6 61.1 22.8 62.8 21.7 61.5
Proposed simultaneous NMT 2 24.6 60.0 21.4 62.8 21.9 60.6
bidirectional, 3 24.4 60.5 22.0 62.7 21.7 61.1
(2x4 enc. 1 dec.) 4 24.6 61.0 21.8 63.1 21.9 61.4

Table 1: Experimental results (in %) for simultaneous NMT of speech, IWSLT 2020 English→German.

tst2015 29 delay=2
mustc-HE delay=3
28.5 delay=4
30 28



29 27
4.5 5 5.5 6 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
AL length normalization facor (α)

Figure 2: BLEU vs. AL for bidirectional systems from Figure 3: BLEU vs. the length normalization factor (α)
Table 2, generated using a delay D of 2, 3, and 4. on the tuning set (dev2010 + tst2014 + MUST-C-dev).

is sufficient. For translation, the model does not

depend on this “extra” context but instead is able For a source boundary delay D = 2 we observe an
to make sufficiently good chunking decisions. AL of 4.6 to 4.7 words. When increasing D, we
Table 2 shows results for the case of streamed increase the average lagging score by roughly the
text input (cased and with punctuation marks). We same amount, which is expected, since the addi-
compare our results to a 4-layer unidirectional sys- tional source context for the boundary decision is
tem that was trained using the wait-k policy (Ma not translated in the same step where it is added.
et al., 2019). For this, we chunk the training data As discussed before, translation quality does not
into single words, except for a first chunk of size consistently improve from increasing D.
k = 9 on the source side, and set the delay to
We found tuning of length normalization to
D = 0. All of our systems outperform this wait-k
be important, as the average decoding length for
system by large margins. We conclude that the
chunks is much shorter than in offline translation.
alignment-based chunking proposed in Section 6
For optimal results, we divided the model scores by
is able to provide better source context than a fixed
I α , I being the target length, and tuned the param-
policy and that the source boundary detection com-
eter α. Figure 3 shows that α = 0.9 works best in
ponent described in Section 4.1 successfully learns
our experiments, independent of the source bound-
to reproduce this chunking at inference time. Also
ary delay D. This value is used in all experiments.
for the text condition, we do not observe large dif-
ferences between uni- and bidirectional models and Furthermore, we found the model to be very
between different delays. sensitive to a source boundary probability threshold
For all systems, we report AL scores averaged tb different than 0.5 regarding translation quality.
over all test sets. Figure 2 breaks down the scores to This means the “translating” part of the network
the individual test sets for the bidirectional models. strongly adapts to the chunking component.

Avg. tst2015 must-c-HE must-c-COMMON
System Delay
Baseline wait-k (k=9) - 27.4 55.8 25.1 59.5 27.4 54.2
Proposed simultaneous MT 2 4.72 30.2 52.6 28.8 55.0 30.0 50.8
unidirectional 3 5.26 30.3 53.2 28.8 55.2 29.7 50.8
(6 enc. 2 dec.) 4 6.17 29.9 53.1 28.6 55.1 29.6 50.8
Proposed simultaneous MT 2 4.65 29.3 53.4 28.1 55.4 29.7 50.9
bidirectional 3 5.46 29.6 53.7 29.0 54.8 29.7 51.6
(2x4 enc. 1 dec.) 4 6.15 29.2 54.0 28.3 55.3 29.7 51.5

Table 2: Experimental results (in %) for simultaneous NMT of text input, IWSLT 2020 English→German.

9 Conclusion Parnia Bahar, Patrick Wilken, Tamer Alkhouli, An-

dreas Guta, Pavel Golik, Evgeny Matusov, and
We proposed a novel neural model architecture for Christian Herold. 2020. Start-before-end and end-to-
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for splitting the incoming source stream into trans-
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posed learned source chunking outperforms a fixed Hervé Bourlard and Christian J. Wellekens. 1989.
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Kai Chen and Qiang Huo. 2016. Training
Acknowledgements deep bidirectional LSTM acoustic model for
LVCSR by a context-sensitive-chunk BPTT ap-
We would like to thank our colleague Albert Zeyer proach. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech,
for fruitful discussions and RETURNN implemen- and Language Processing, 24(7):1185–1193.
tation support. Kyunghyun Cho and Masha Esipova. 2016. Can neu-
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Adapting End-to-End Speech Recognition for Readable Subtitles

Danni Liu, Jan Niehues, Gerasimos Spanakis

Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering,
Maastricht University

Abstract To compress the subtitles, one straightforward

approach is to post-process ASR transcriptions.
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems
are primarily evaluated on transcription accu- The task of sentence compression has been well-
racy. However, in some use cases such as sub- studied (Knight and Marcu, 2002; Clarke and La-
titling, verbatim transcription would reduce pata, 2006; Rush et al., 2015). In extractive com-
output readability given limited screen size pression (Filippova et al., 2015; Angerbauer et al.,
and reading time. Therefore, this work fo- 2019), only deletion operations are performed on
cuses on ASR with output compression, a task the input. Despite the simplicity, this approach
challenging for supervised approaches due to
tends to produce outputs that are less grammati-
the scarcity of training data. We first inves-
tigate a cascaded system, where an unsuper-
cal (Knight and Marcu, 2002). On the other hand,
vised compression model is used to post-edit abstractive compression (Cohn and Lapata, 2008;
the transcribed speech. We then compare sev- Rush et al., 2015; Chopra et al., 2016; Yu et al.,
eral methods of end-to-end speech recognition 2018) involves more sophisticated input reformu-
under output length constraints. The exper- lation, such as word reordering and paraphrasing
iments show that with limited data far less (Clarke and Lapata, 2006). For the task of com-
than needed for training a model from scratch, pressing subtitles, however, the extent of rewriting
we can adapt a Transformer-based ASR model
must be controlled in order to retain consistency
to incorporate both transcription and compres-
sion capabilities. Furthermore, the best perfor- with spoken utterances.
mance in terms of WER and ROUGE scores From a practical point of view, building a sen-
is achieved by explicitly modeling the length tence compression system typically requires train-
constraints within the end-to-end ASR system. ing corpora where the target sequences are sum-
marized. For most languages and domains, there
1 Introduction
exists scarcely any resource suitable for supervised
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) has become training. This low-resource condition is even more
ubiquitous in human interaction with digital de- severe for audio inputs. To the best of our knowl-
vices, such as keyboard voice inputs (He et al., edge, currently there is no publicly available spo-
2019) and virtual home assistants (Li et al., 2017). ken language compression corpora.
While transcription accuracy is often the primary Given the challenges outlined above, this work
goal when designing ASR systems, in some use investigates ASR with output compression. We
cases the readability of outputs is crucial to user test our approaches on German TV subtitles. The
experience. A prominent example is subtitling for combination of this task and the use case is to the
TV. In this case, the audience need to multitask, extent of our knowledge previously unexplored.
i.e. simultaneously watch video contents, listen to The first contribution of this work is a compar-
speech utterances, and read subtitles. To avoid a ison of cascaded and end-to-end approaches to
visual overload, not every spoken word needs to generating compressed ASR transcriptions, where
be displayed. Meanwhile, the shortened subtitles the former consists of separate ASR and compres-
must still retain the meaning of the spoken content. sion modules, and the latter integrates transcription
Moreover, large deviations from the original utter- and compression. The experiments show that our
ance are also undesirable, as the disagreement with sentence compression module trained in an unsu-
auditory input would create a distraction. pervised fashion tends to excessively paraphrase,

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 247–256
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
whereas the end-to-end model can be better adapted 3 ASR with Output Length Constraints
to the task of interest. Secondly, we show that,
3.1 Baseline ASR Model with Adaptation
after fine-tuning on a small adaption corpus, an
ASR model can perform transcription and com- For the baseline ASR model, we use the Trans-
pression simultaneously. Without being given ex- fomer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) similar to
plicit length constraints, the adapted model shows that by Pham et al. (2019). As there is no spoken
increased recognition accuracy on rare words as language compression corpus available to us that
well as paraphrasing capabilities to produce shorter is large enough for training an end-to-end model
outputs. Furthermore, by explicitly encoding the from scratch, we first train an ASR model without
length constraints, we achieve further performance output compression, and then adapt it to our task of
gains in addition to those brought by adaptation. interest using a small web-scraped corpus. In the
first training stage, the model is solely trained for
2 Task transcribing speech. In the fine-tuning stage, we let
the model continue training at a reduced learning
The task of creating readable subtitles for video rate on the adaptation corpus with shortened tran-
contents has several unique properties. First, due scriptions. The intended goal of adaptation is to let
to limited screen size and reading time, not every the model learn the compression task on the basis
spoken word needs to be transcribed, especially of the transcription capability acquired before.
when utterances are spoken fast. A full transcrip- 3.2 End-to-End Length-Constrained ASR
tion could even hamper user experience due to poor
readability. Second, although output shortening is With the baseline introduced above, the ASR model
typically realized by deleting non-essential words, is not aware of the compression task until the adap-
the output is not only deletion-based. A real-life ex- tation step. If the model already has a sense of
ample from the German TV program Tagesschau1 output length constraints earlier, i.e. when train-
shown in Table 1 contain rephrasing (from “freed ing for the ASR task, it could better utilize the
from” to “without”) in addition to word removal abundance of training data. Motivated by this hy-
(dropping the word “ethically”). A further require- pothesis, we inject information about the allowable
ment is that the subtitles should stay reasonably output lengths using a count-down at each decod-
authentic to the spoken contents, only modifying ing step, as illustrated in Figure 1. In a vanilla
them when necessary. Otherwise, the disagreement decoder, the hidden state at position i would ingest
with audio contents could become distracting to the an embedding of the previously generated token.
audience. With the count-down for target length t, decoder
state yi additionally ingests a representation of the
Within the framework of common NLP tasks, the
number of allowed output tokens, t − i.
task of generating readable subtitles combines ASR
and abstractive compression, while being subjected
to the additional requirements as outlined above. w1 w2 w3

Spoken: Befreit vom fraktionszwang soll das Parlament

wohl nach der Sommerpause die ethisch schwierige Frage y0 y1 y2 ... yt
debattieren. (Freed from pressure from the coalition party,
the parliamentary should debate the ethically difficult ques-
tion after the summer break.)
Subtitle: Ohne Fraktionszwang soll das Parlament wohl
nach der Sommerpause die schwierige Frage debattieren. ...
(Without pressure from the coalition party, the parliamen- t t−1 t−2 0
tary should debate the difficult question after the summer
break.) Figure 1: An illustration of the length countdown dur-
ing decoding. The values are represented with learned
Table 1: Examples of TV subtitles compared to actual embeddings or trigonometric encoding.
spoken words. Underlined words are the differences
between the spoken words and the subtitles. We explore two ways to represent the length
count-down. The first one utilizes length embed-
dings learned during training, motivated by the
https://www.tagesschau.de/ approach Kikuchi et al. (2016) proposed. Given a

target sequence of length t, at decoding time step straightforward approach is to post-edit ASR out-
i, the input to decoder hidden state yi is based on puts using a compression model. However, training
a concatenation of the previous state yi−1 and an such a model in a supervised fashion requires reli-
embedding of the remaining length able target sequences. Due to the scarcity of suit-
able training corpora, we choose an unsupervised
yi−1 ⊕ emb(t − i), (1) approach inspired by multilingual translation (Ha
et al., 2017; Johnson et al., 2017).
where emb(t − i) is an embedding of the number
Similar to in Niehues (2020), this approach re-
of allowed tokens. To keep the same dimension-
lies on a multilingual translation system that is
ality as that of the original word embedding, the
trained on several language pairs. At training time,
output from Equation 1 further undergoes a linear
language tokens are embedded together with the
transformation followed by the ReLU activation.
source and target sentences. At test time, the model
With the length embedding approach, the model
is given the same source and target language token,
learns representations of different length values
which is a translation direction unseen in training.
during training. Therefore, learning to represent
Since the multilingual training enables zero-shot
rarely-encountered lengths may be difficult.
translation, the model is able to reformulate the
The second method modifies the trigonomet-
input in the same language. To achieve output
ric positional encoding from the Transformer
compression, the length constraints introduced in
(Vaswani et al., 2017) to represent the remaining
Section 3.2 are applied in the decoder.
length rather than the current position. This method
has been applied in summarization (Takase and
4 Experiment Setup
Okazaki, 2019) and machine translation (Lakew
et al., 2019; Niehues, 2020) to limit output lengths. 4.1 Datasets
Motivated by these examples from related sequence
Table 2 provides an overview of audio corpora we
generation tasks, we explore the “backward” posi-
use. The baseline ASR model is trained on the Ger-
tional encoding in ASR models.
man part of LibriVoxDeEn (Beilharz et al., 2020), a
With the original positional encoding, for input
recently released corpus consisting of open-domain
dimension d ∈ {0, 1, . . . , D − 1}, the encoding at
German audio books. Since the corpus creators did
position i is defined as
not suggest a train-dev-test partition, we split the
sin(i/10000d/D ), if d is even dataset ourselves. The test set contains the follow-
(2) ing books: Jonathan Frock2 , Jolanthes Hochzeit
cos(i/10000 (d−1)/D ), if d is odd.
and Kammmacher.
The backward positional encoding is the same For the spoken language compression adaptation
as Equation (2), except that the current position i corpus, we collect spoken utterances and subtitles
is replaced by the remaining length t − i. Given a from the German news program Tagesschau from
target sequence of length t, the length encoding at 1 January to 15 August 2019. To control for record-
decoding step i becomes ing condition and disfluency, we exclude interviews
( or press conferences and only keep utterances from
sin((t − i)/10000d/D ), if d is even the news anchors. The utterances are segmented
cos((t − i)/10000(d−1)/D ), if d is odd. based on the start and end time of subtitles. Since
the timestamps do not always precisely correspond
Like the positional encoding, the length encod- to utterance boundaries, we manually verify the
ing is also summed together with the input embed- test set and edit when necessary.
ding to decoder hidden states. Moreover, since the For the unsupervised compression system, we
encoding is based on sinusoids, it can be easily ex- use the multilingual translation corpus from the
trapolated to lengths unseen during training. This IWSLT 2017 evaluation campaign (Cettolo et al.,
is a potential advantage over the learned length 2017). It consists of English, German, Dutch, Ital-
embeddings. ian and Romanian parallel sentences based on TED
3.3 Unsupervised Sentence Compression 2
In the recordings of Jonathan Frock, we found some
sections with misaligned utterances therefore incorrect tran-
Compared to training ASR models to jointly scriptions. The following sections are excluded from our test
perform transcription and compression, a more set: 00006 jonathanfrock, 00007 jonathanfrock.

Dataset Total length (h:m) Total utterances Average length (s) Total words
LibriVoxDeEn (train) 469:21 206,490 8.18 3,622,560
LibriVoxDeEn (test) 5:17 2,446 7.78 51,314
Tagesschau (adapt) 37:28 11,559 11.67 243,728
Tagesschau (test) 46 213 13.01 4,864

Table 2: Corpus statistics.

talks. All 10 × 2 translation directions are used 20

in training. At test time, the model is given the
same source and target language tag (German in
our case) in order to generate summarization in the 0
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
same language. We use the positional embedding Ratio between output to desired length
introduced in Section 3.2 for length control. (# transcribed words / # words in reference)

4.2 Preprocessing Figure 2: Histogram of compression rate on the test set.

Ratios lower than 1 are outliers where the off-the-shelf
We use the Kaldi toolkit (Povey et al., 2011) ASR model terminates decoding prematurely.
to preprocess the raw audio utterances into 23-
dimensional filter banks. We choose not to ap-
Ground-truth: (17 words) Allerdings können Aus-
ply any utterance-level normalization to allow for nahmeanträge gestellt werden, von Pendlern und von
future work towards online processing. For text Stuttgartern, was Tausende auch bereits getan haben.
materials, i.e. audio transcriptions and the transla- (However, commuters and Stuttgarter can apply for
exception-permits, which thousands have already done.)
tion source and target sentences, we use byte-pair Reference: (6 words) Es können aber Ausnahmeantrge
encoding (BPE) (Sennrich et al., 2016) to create gestellt werden. (However, exception-permits can be ap-
subword-based dictionaries. plied for.)
Ground-truth: (13 words) In der Debatte über neue
4.3 Hyperparameters Regeln für Organspenden gibt es einen ersten Gesetzen-
twurf. (There is a first draft law in the debate about new
For the ASR model, we adopt many reported val- rules for organ donation.)
ues in the work of Pham et al. (2019), including Reference: (12 words) In der Debatte über neue Regeln
für Organspenden gibt es einen Gesetzentwurf. (There is a
the optimizer choice, learning rate, warmup steps, draft law in the debate about new rules for organ donation.)
dropout rate, label smoothing rate, and embedding
dimension. There are several parameters that we Table 3: Two examples of various levels of compres-
choose differently. The size of the inner feed for- sion, where the first shortens from 17 to 6 words, and
ward layer is 2048. Moreover, we use 32 encoder the second only removes one word.
and 12 decoder layers, and BPE of size 10,000. For
the compression model, we use a Transformer with
8 encoder and decoder layers each.3 In Figure 2, we plot the distribution of the ratio be-
tween transcription lengths and target lengths over
5 Experiments the test set. The first observation is that most of the
transcriptions require shortening, as shown by the
5.1 Post-Editing with Compression Model high frequencies of ratios over 1.
To gain an initial understanding of the task, we Moreover, the compression ratio varies across
start with a more controlled setup, where the test different utterances. Table 3 shows two examples,
utterances are transcribed by a commercial off-the- where the first compressed from 17 to 6 words,
shelf ASR system. The transcriptions are then post- while the second only deletes one word. When
processed with our compression model. inspecting the original videos, we notice that the
First, we analyze the level of desired output com- first example contains many other visual contents,
pression by contrasting the lengths of the off-the- some also in text form, whereas the second exam-
shelf transcriptions against those of the references. ple only involves the new anchorwoman speaking.
The code is available at https://github.com/ The examples showcase that the level of desired
quanpn90/NMTGMinor/tree/DbMajor. compression depends on various factors, such as

Model Ratio (output to desired length) WER R-1 R-2 R-L
Off-the-shelf ASR 1.09 41.5 75.9 58.9 72.6
+ compression 0.95 69.1 55.7 29.5 51.6
Baseline ASR 1.21 57.7 65.2 43.6 61.9
+ compression 1.00 74.3 48.5 23.3 44.7

Table 4: Word error rate and summarization quality on the test set by cascading two separate models for ASR and
sentence compression.

Ground-truth Es ist kurz nach Mitternacht, als plötzlich ein Auto in eine Gruppe von Menschen
steuert, die ausgelassen ins neue Jahr feiern. It is just after midnight, when a car
suddenly drives into a group of people who joyfully celebrate the new year.
Reference Kurz nach Mitternacht steuert ein Auto in eine Gruppe von Menschen, die ins neue
Jahr feiern. Just after midnight a car drives into a group of people who celebrate the
new year.
Unsupervised Kurz nach Mitternacht fährt ein Auto plötzlich in eine Gruppe von Leuten, die das
compression nächste Jahr feiern. Just after midnight a car suddenly drives into a group of people
who celebrate the next year.
Ground-truth Unter dem Eindruck der Massenproteste hatten sich zuletzt auch hochrangige Militärs
von ihm abgewandt. Under the impression of mass protests, senior military officials
have finally also turned away from him.
Reference Unter dem Eindruck der Proteste wandten sich zuletzt auch hochrangige Militärs ab.
Under the impression of protests, senior military officials finally also turned away.
Unsupervised Unter dem Eindruck von Massenprotestieren waren auch hochrangige Militärs von
compression ihm entfernt. Under the impression of mass protesting, senior military officials were
also distanced from him.

Table 5: Examples outputs of the unsupervised compression model, where undesired paraphrasing is underlined.
English translations are in gray.

the amount of visual information simultaneously the paraphrased output is often valid both gram-
shown on the screen. Therefore, a globally fixed matically and semantically, the deviation from the
compression rate would not be suitable. references leads to higher WER and lower ROUGE
To comply with length constraints, the ASR out- scores. Two examples are given in Table 5, where
puts are shortened by the unsupervised sentence several synonym replacements appear in the com-
compression model. As the system is trained based pression outputs, e.g. “fährt” for “steuert” (both
on subwords, we use the number of BPE-tokens in “drives”), “Leute” for “Menschen” (both “people”),
the reference as target length. The first two rows in “nächste Jahr” for “neue Jahr” (“next year” for “new
Table 4 contrast the output quality before and after year”). In all these places, the references keep the
compression, as measured in case-insensitive word original spoken words unchanged. Given the nature
error rate (WER), and ROUGE scores (Lin, 2004).4 of our task, it is indeed undesirable to paraphrase
To our surprise, compression has a large negative excessively, as subtitles that are too different from
impact on the outputs in all four metrics, creating a the original spoken utterances could create a cogni-
gap of over 20% absolute. Via an exhaustive man- tive overload to users.
ual inspection over the test set, we find that the un- Considering these downsides, an ASR system
supervised compression model tends to paraphrase is trained from scratch to provide more flexibility
much more frequently than the references. While of structural modification. On our self-partitioned
LibriVoxDeEn test set, we achieve a WER of 9.2%.
Ideally, these metrics should be accompanied by an inde-
pendent human evaluation, which we could not perform due The compression performance is reported in the
to resource constraints. lower section of Table 4. As this model is only

Model Ratio (output to desired length) WER R-1 R-2 R-L
Baseline ASR 1.12 57.7 65.2 43.6 61.9
+adapt 1.05 38.5 76.8 58.7 74.4
+adapt+stop decoding 0.96 39.9 74.6 57.0 72.6

Table 6: Word error rate and summarization quality on the test set by the baseline ASR model. Fine-tuning on
in-domain data is beneficial for both shortening outputs and increasing transcription quality.

Reference In Brasilien ist Präsident Bolsonaro vereidigt worden.

In Brazil new president Bolsonaro has been inaugurated.
Before adaptation In Brasilien ist der neue Präsident voll zu Narro vereidigt worden.
In Brazil the new president “voll zu Narro” has been inaugurated.
After adaptation In Brasilien wurde der neue Präsident Bolsonaro vereidigt.
In Brazil the new president Bolsonaro was inaugurated.

Table 7: Example outputs of the ASR model before and after adapting to the compression task. After adaptation,
the model can perform shortening by changing tense, and correctly recognize the proper noun “Bolsonaro”. English
translations are below each sentence in gray.

trained on LibriVoxDeEn audio books, its perfor- ticeable gains brought by adaptation in terms of all
mance suffers from the train-test domain mismatch. four quality metrics. Moreover, as evidenced by the
This is exhibited by the gap of nearly 10% to the off- reduced ratio of output to desired length, the model
the-shelf system, which is trained on larger volume already performs shortening, despite not having
of data from various domains. Moreover, the tran- received explicit length constraints. Table 7 shows
scription errors by the ASR system carry over as the an example where the adapted model changes verb
input of the compression model, which is further tense to reduce output length. Specifically, by us-
disadvantageous to the final output quality. Lastly, ing the simple past (“wurde vereidigt / was inau-
similar to previous observations, post-processing gurated”) instead of the present perfect tense (“ist
by the compression model has a negative effect in vereidigt worden / has been inaugurated”), the out-
terms of the evaluation metrics. put becomes shorter. Meanwhile, we also observe
Overall, the performance of the unsupervised the correct transcription of the proper noun “Bol-
compression model suffers from paraphrasing. As sonaro”, which was mistakenly transcribed to the
an anonymous reviewer suggested, the aggressive phonetically-similar “voll zu Narro” before adap-
paraphrasing can be remedied during decoding. For tion. This illustrates that the adaptation step en-
example, given a large beam size, we can select ables the model to improve recognition quality and
candidates that contain less paraphrasing. Other- compress its outputs simultaneously.
wise, training with a paraphrasing penalty could Despite the positive observations, the desired
also alleviate the problem. While we have not length constraints are not yet fully satisfied, as
explored these methods here, they would indeed shown by the ratio of 1.05 between output to de-
provide a more complete picture when comparing sired lengths. To examine the scenario of fully
the cascaded and end-to-end approach. obeying the length constraints, we stop decoding
once the number of allowed tokens runs out. The
5.2 Fine-Tuning ASR Model for Compression result is reported in the last row of Table 6. The
Our baseline ASR model is trained on a different ratio of 0.96 is lower than 1 because of a few in-
domain than the test set, and only for the transcrip- stances where decoding stops before the count-
tion task. To improve performance on our task of down reaches zero. As the same output sequence
interest, we apply fine-tuning on the adaptation cor- can be constructed by different BPE-units, choos-
pus. The results are in Table 6. For easy visual ing longer subword units earlier on can lead to
comparison, the pre-adaptation performance in the reaching the end-of-sequence token before deplet-
first row is repeated from Table 4. Contrasting the ing the number of allowed tokens. Lastly, from the
performance before and after adaptation, we see no- quality metrics in the last row of Table 6, we see

Model Ratio (output to desired length) WER R-1 R-2 R-L
(1): Baseline (satisfy length) 0.97 55.1 62.5 41.5 60.4
(2): + adapt 0.96 39.9 74.6 57.0 72.6
(3): Length embedding 1.00 57.8 61.9 40.5 59.8
(4): + adapt 0.96 39.3 74.3 55.2 72.5
(5): Length encoding 1.00 57.4 62.6 40.7 60.1
(6): + adapt 0.96 38.6 75.1 56.4 73.2

Table 8: Word error rate and summarization quality by the models with length count-down. Adaptation results in
large gains. The model with length encoding outperforms the baseline and the one with length embedding.

Reference [... 75 tokens] Sea-Watch spricht von einer politisch motivierten Blockade, um
Rettungsaktionen zu verhindern. Sea-Watch speaks of a politically motivated
blockade to prevent bailouts.
Len. Encoding [... 83 tokens] Die Hilfsorganisation Sea-Watch spricht von einer politisch
motivierten Blockade. The aid organization Sea-Watch speaks of a politically
motivated blockade.
Len. Embedding [... 82 tokens] Die Hilfsorganisation Sea-Watch spricht von einer politisch
motivierten Blockade zu verhinder. The aid organization Sea-Watch speaks of a
politically motivated blockade to prevent.

Table 9: Comparison of length encoding and length embedding models (after adaptation). When facing exception-
ally long outputs, the length embedding model tends to stop abruptly, producing non-grammatical half-sentences.

that the forced termination of decoding comes with we gradually reduce the target length, the mod-
higher WER and lower ROUGE scores, indicating els first shorten their outputs by removing punc-
reduced output quality when fully satisfying the tuation marks. Afterwards, instead of shortening
target length constraints. the outputs by summarization, they stop decoding
when running out of allowed number of tokens.
5.3 Models with Explicit Length Constraints Indeed, during training, the models are only incen-
While the baseline ASR model achieves some de- tivized to accurately transcribe the spoken utter-
gree of compression after adaptation, it cannot fully ance and to stop decoding when the count-down
comply with length constraints. Therefore, the fol- reaches zero. The same behavior therefore carries
lowing experiments examine the effects of training over to test time. Contrary to abstractive summa-
with explicit length count-downs. In Table 8, we rization (Takase and Okazaki, 2019) and machine
report the performance of the ASR models with translation (Lakew et al., 2019), in ASR, an input
length embedding or encoding, as introduced in sequence has one single ground-truth transcription
Section 3.2. For a complete comparison, in the first rather than multiple viable outputs. This could lead
two rows of Table 8, we also include the baseline to a different level of abstraction than required in
performance with forced termination of decoding. summarization or translation models. These obser-
Rows (3) and (5) show the performance of the vations with the unadapted model also highlight
two length count-down methods before adaptation. the importance of the subsequent fine-tuning step.
As the ratios of output to desired length are equal The results after adaptation are reported in rows
to 1, the models are always faithful to the given (4) and (6). The large improvement in WER and
length constraints. This shows the effectiveness ROUGE scores is in line with the previous find-
of injecting allowable length in training. However, ing when adapting the baseline. When decoding
we also observe that there is no quality gain over with length count-down, we define the target out-
the baseline in row (1). To investigate the reason put length as the minimum of the baseline output
for this, we experimented by decoding one sam- length and the reference length. This ensures the
ple sequence with different allowable lengths. As same output-to-desired length ratio as the baseline

in row (1). Here, the first observation is that the pression was by Filippova et al. (2015), who pro-
length encoding model in row (5) outperforms the posed to predict the delete-or-keep choice for each
baseline in three of the four evaluation metrics. output symbol. Angerbauer et al. (2019) extended
This suggests that it is beneficial to represent the this approach by integrating the desired compres-
constraints explicitly during training. Moreover, sion ratio as part of the prediction label. Yu et al.
the length encoding model also consistently outper- (2018) proposed to combine the merits of extrac-
forms its embedding-based counterpart. This could tive and abstractive approaches by first deleting
be because the length encoding can extrapolate to on non-essential words and then generating new
any length values, and is equipped with a sense of words. For unsupervised compression, Fevry and
relative differences between numerical values at Phang (2018) trained a denoising auto-encoder to
initialization. On the other hand, the length em- reconstruct original sentences, and in this way cir-
bedding would need to learn the representation for cumvented the need for supervised corpora.
different lengths during training. When inspecting
the outputs for long utterances, we found that the 7 Conclusion
embedding model is more likely to abruptly stop,
such as the example shown in Table 9. In this work, we explored the task of compressing
ASR outputs to enhance subtitle readability. This
6 Related Work task has several unique properties. First, the com-
pression is not solely deletion-based. Moreover,
6.1 Length-Controlled Text Generation unnecessary paraphrasing must be limited to main-
Controlling output length of natural language gen- tain a consistent user experience between hearing
eration systems has been studied for several tasks. and reading.
For abstractive summarization, Kikuchi et al. We first investigated cascading an ASR module
(2016) proposed two methods to incorporate length with a sentence compression model. Due to the
constraints into LSTM-based encoder-decoder absence of supervised corpora, the compression
models. The first method uses length embedding model is trained in an unsupervised fashion. Exper-
at every decoding step, while the second adds the iments showed that the outputs generated this way
desired length in the first decoder state. For con- do not suit our task requirements because of unnec-
volutional models, Fan et al. (2018) used special essary paraphrasing. We then adapted an end-to-
tokens to represent quantized length ranges, and end ASR model on a small corpus with compressed
provides the desired token to the decoder before transcriptions. Via adaptation, the model learned to
output generation. Liu et al. (2018) adopted a more both shorten its outputs and improve transcription
general approach, where the decoder directly in- quality. Nevertheless, the given length constraints
gests the desired length. More recently, Takase were not fully satisfied. Lastly, by explicitly inject-
and Okazaki (2019) modified the positional encod- ing length constraints via reverse positional encod-
ing from the Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) to ing, we achieved further performance gain, while
encode allowable lengths. Makino et al. (2019) pro- completely adhering to length constraints.
posed a loss function that encourages summaries A direction for future work is to incorporate
within desired lengths. Saito et al. (2020) intro- more diverse measurements of output length as
duced a model that controls both output length and well as complexity. In this work, we measured
informativeness. length by the number of BPE-tokens. While this
For machine translation, Lakew et al. (2019) typically corresponds to the output length perceived
used both the length range token and reverse length visually, a more direct metric would be the number
encoding. Niehues (2020) used the length embed- of characters. Moreover, output complexity, such
ding, encoding, as well as a combination of the orig- as the proportion of long words, is also important
inal positional encoding and length count-down. for readability and therefore worth exploring. In
a broader scope, as an anonymous reviewer sug-
6.2 Sentence Compression gested, a way to alleviate the resource scarcity for
Our task of length-controlled ASR outputs is re- end-to-end ASR compression is to augment the
lated to sentence compression, as the transcriptions training data with synthesized utterances from sum-
can be compressed in post-processing. An early marization corpora. We expect the augmentation to
approach of supervised extractive sentence com- be complementary to our approaches in this work.

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From Speech-to-Speech Translation to Automatic Dubbing

Marcello Federico Robert Enyedi Roberto Barra-Chicote Ritwik Giri

Umut Isik Arvindh Krishnaswamy Hassan Sawaf∗


Abstract original timbre, emotion, duration, prosody, back-

ground noise, and reverberation.
We present enhancements to a speech-to- While STST has been addressed for long time
speech translation pipeline in order to perform
and by several research labs (Waibel, 1996; Vidal,
automatic dubbing. Our architecture features
neural machine translation generating output 1997; Metze et al., 2002; Nakamura et al., 2006;
of preferred length, prosodic alignment of the Wahlster, 2013), relatively less and more sparse
translation with the original speech segments, efforts have been devoted to automatic dubbing
neural text-to-speech with fine tuning of the (Matous̆ek et al., 2010; Matous̆ek and Vı́t, 2012;
duration of each utterance, and, finally, au- Furukawa et al., 2016; Öktem et al., 2019), al-
dio rendering to enriches text-to-speech out- though the potential demand of such technology
put with background noise and reverberation could be huge. In fact, multimedia content cre-
extracted from the original audio. We report
and discuss results of a first subjective evalua-
ated and put online has been growing at expo-
tion of automatic dubbing of excerpts of TED nential rate, in the last decade, while availability
Talks from English into Italian, which mea- and cost of human skills for subtitling and dub-
sures the perceived naturalness of automatic bing still remains a barrier for its diffusion world-
dubbing and the relative importance of each wide.1 Professional dubbing (Martı́nez, 2004) of a
proposed enhancement. video file is a very labor intensive process that in-
volves many steps: (i) extracting speech segments
1 Introduction from the audio track and annotating these with
speaker information; (ii) transcribing the speech
Automatic dubbing can be regarded as an exten-
segments, (iii) translating the transcript in the tar-
sion of the speech-to-speech translation (STST)
get language, (iv) adapting the translation for tim-
task (Wahlster, 2013), which is generally seen as
ing, (v) casting the voice talents, (vi) perform-
the combination of three sub-tasks: (i) transcrib-
ing the dubbing sessions, (vii) fine-aligning the
ing speech to text in a source language (ASR), (ii)
dubbed speech segments, (viii) mixing the new
translating text from a source to a target language
voice tracks within the original soundtrack.
(MT) and (iii) generating speech from text in a tar-
get language (TTS). Independently from the im- Automatic dubbing has been addressed both in
plementation approach (Weiss et al., 2017; Waibel, monolingual cross-lingual settings. In (Verhelst,
1996; Vidal, 1997; Metze et al., 2002; Nakamura 1997), synchronization of two speech signals with
et al., 2006; Casacuberta et al., 2008), the main the same content was tackled with time-alignment
goal of STST is producing an output that reflects via dynamic time warping. In (Hanzlı̀c̆ek et al.,
the linguistic content of the original sentence. On 2008) automatic monolingual dubbing for TV
the other hand, automatic dubbing aims to replace users with special needs was generated from subti-
all speech contained in a video document with tles. However, due to the poor correlation between
speech in a different language, so that the result length and timing of the subtitles, TTS output fre-
sounds and looks as natural as the original. Hence, 1
Actually, there is still a divide between coun-
in addition to conveying the same content of the tries/languages where either subtitling or dubbing are the
original utterance, dubbing should also match the preferred translation modes (Kilborn, 1993; Koolstra et al.,
2002). The reasons for this are mainly economical and his-

Contribution while the author was with Amazon. torical (Danan, 1991).

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 257–264
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
quently broke the timing boundaries. To avoid
unnatural time compression of TTS’s voice when
fitting its duration to the duration of the original
speech, (Matous̆ek et al., 2010) proposed phone-
dependent time compression and text simplifica-
tion to shorten the subtitles, while (Matous̆ek and
Vı́t, 2012) leveraged scene-change detection to re- Figure 1: Speech-to-speech translation pipeline (dotted
box) with enhancements to perform automatic dubbing
lax the subtitle time boundaries. Regarding cross-
(in bold).
lingual dubbing, lip movements synchronization
was tackled in (Furukawa et al., 2016) by di-
rectly modifying the actor’s mouth motion via task of STST, i.e. ASR + MT + TTS, with the ad-
shuffling of the actor’s video frames. While the ditional requirement that the output must be tem-
method does not use any prior linguistic or pho- porally, prosodically and acoustically close to the
netic knowledge, it has been only demonstrated original audio. We investigate an architecture (see
on very simple and controlled conditions. Finally, Figure 1) that enhances the STST pipeline with (i)
mostly related to our contribution is (Öktem et al., enhanced MT able to generate translations of vari-
2019), which discusses speech synchronization at able lengths, (ii) a prosodic alignment module that
the phrase level (prosodic alignment) for English- temporally aligns the MT output with the speech
to-Spanish automatic dubbing. segments in the original audio, (iii) enhanced TTS
In this paper we present research work to en- to accurately control the duration of each produce
hance a STST pipeline in order to comply with utterance, and, finally, (iv) audio rendering that
the timing and rendering requirements posed by adds to the TTS output background noise and re-
cross-lingual automatic dubbing of TED Talk verberation extracted from the original audio. In
videos. Similarly to (Matous̆ek et al., 2010), we the following, we describe each component in de-
also shorten the TTS script by directly modify- tail, with the exception of ASR, for which we use
ing the MT engine rather than via text simplifica- (Di Gangi et al., 2019a) an of-the-shelf online ser-
tion. As in (Öktem et al., 2019), we synchronize vice2 .
phrases across languages, but follow a fluency-
based rather than content-based criterion and re- 3 Machine Translation
place generation and rescoring of hypotheses in Our approach to control the length of MT output
(Öktem et al., 2019) with a more efficient dy- is inspired by target forcing in multilingual neu-
namic programming solution. Moreover, we ex- ral MT (Johnson et al., 2017; Ha et al., 2016).
tend (Öktem et al., 2019) by enhancing neural MT We partition the training sentence pairs into three
and neural TTS to improve speech synchroniza- groups (short, normal, long) according to the tar-
tion, and by performing audio rendering on the get/source string-length ratio. In practice, we se-
dubbed speech to make it sound more real inside lect two thresholds t1 and t2 , and partition training
the video. data according to the length-ratio intervals [0, t1 ),
In the following sections, we introduce the over- [t1 , t2 ) and [t2 , ∞]. At training time a length to-
all architecture (Section 2) and the proposed en- ken is prepended to each source sentence accord-
hancements (Sections 3-6). Then, we present re- ing to its group, in order to let the neural MT
sults (Section 7) of experiments evaluating the nat- model discriminate between the groups. At infer-
uralness of automatic dubbing of TED Talk clips ence time, the length token is instead prepended to
from English into Italian. To our knowledge, this bias the model to generate a translation of the de-
is the first work on automatic dubbing that in- sired length type. We trained a Transformer model
tegrates enhanced deep learning models for MT, (Vaswani et al., 2017) with output length control
TTS and audio rendering, and evaluates them on on web crawled and proprietary data amounting to
real-world videos. 150 million English-Italian sentence pairs (with no
overlap with the test data). The model has encoder
2 Automatic Dubbing and decoder with 6 layers, layer size of 1024, hid-
den size of 4096 on feed forward layers, and 16
With some approximation, we consider here auto-
matic dubbing of the audio track of a video as the 2
Amazon Transcribe: https://aws.amazon.com/transcribe.

heads in the multi-head attention. For the reported dynamic-programming. Let f˜t = fjt−1 +1 , . . . , fjt
experiments, we trained the models with thresh- and ẽt = eit−1 +1 , . . . , eit indicate the t-th segments
olds t1 = 0.95 and t2 = 1.05 and generated at of f and e, respectively, we define the conditional
inference time translations of the shortest type, re- probability of the t-th break point in f by:
sulting, on our test set, in an average length ratio of
∣d(ẽt ) − d(f˜t )∣
0.97. A reason for the length exceeding the thresh- Pr(jt ∣ jt−1 , t) ∝ exp (1 − )
old could be that for part of test data the model did d(ẽt )
not learn ways to keep the output short. A detailed × Pr(br ∣ jt , f ) (4)
account of the approach, the followed training pro-
cedure and experimental results on the same task The first term computes the relative match in du-
of this paper, but using slightly different thresh- ration between the corresponding t-th segments5 ,
olds, can be found in (Lakew et al., 2019). The while the second term measure the linguistic plau-
paper also shows that human evaluation conducted sibility of a placing a break after the jt in f . For
on the short translations resulted in a minor loss in this, we simply compute the following ratio of nor-
quality with respect to the model without output malized language model probabilities of text win-
length control. Finally, as baseline MT system for dows centered on the break point, by assuming or
our evaluation experiments we used an online ser- not the presence of a pause (br) in the middle:
vice 3
Pr(fj , br, fj+1 )1/3
Pr(br ∣ j, f ) =
4 Prosodic Alignment Pr(fj , br, fj+1 )1/3 + Pr(fj , fj+1 )1/2

Prosodic alignment (Öktem et al., 2019) is the The rational of our model is that we want to fa-
problem of segmenting the target sentence to opti- vor split points were also TTS was trained to pro-
mally match the distribution of words and pauses4 . duce pauses. TTS was in fact trained on read
Let e = e1 , e2 , . . . , en be a source sentence of n speech that generally introduces pauses in corre-
words which is segmented according to k break- spondence of punctuation marks such as period,
points 1 ≤ i1 < i2 < . . . ik = n, shortly denoted comma, semicolon, colon, etc. Notice that our
with i. Given a target sentence f = f1 , f2 , . . . , fm interest, at the moment, is to produce fluent TTS
of m words, the goal is to find within it k corre- speech, not to closely match the speaking style of
sponding breakpoints 1 ≤ j1 < j2 < . . . jk = m the original speaker. In our implementation, we
(shortly denoted with j) that maximize the proba- use a larger text window (last and first two words),
bility: we replace words with parts-of speech, and esti-
max log Pr(j ∣ i, e, f ) (1) mate the language model with KenLM (Heafield,
2011) on the training portion of the MUST-C cor-
By assuming a Markovian dependency on j, i.e.: pus tagged with parts-of-speech using an online
k service6 .
Pr(j ∣ i, e, f ) = ∑ log Pr(jt ∣ jt−1 ; t, i, e, f ) (2)
t=1 5 Text To Speech
and omitting from the notation the constant terms
Our neural TTS system consists of two modules:
i, e, f , we can derive the following recurrent quan-
a Context Generation module, which generates a
context sequence from the input text, and a Neural
Q(j, t) = max log Pr(j ∣ j ′ ; t) + Q(j ′ , t − 1) (3) Vocoder module, which converts the context se-
′ j <j
quence into a speech waveform. The first one is
where Q(j, t) denotes the log-probability of the an attention-based sequence-to-sequence network
optimal segmentation of f up to position j with (Prateek et al., 2019; Latorre et al., 2019) that
t break points. It is easy to show that the solu- predicts a Mel-spectrogram given an input text.
tion of (1) corresponds to Q(m, k) and that opti- A grapheme-to-phoneme module converts the se-
mal segmentation can be efficiently computed via quence of words into a sequence of phonemes
3 5
Amazon Translate: https://aws.amazon.com/translate. We approximate the duration d(⋅) of a segment with the
4 sum of the lengths of its words. We plan to use better approx-
In this work the minimum pause interval is set to 300ms.
Pauses are detected from the time stamps produce by force- imations in the future, e.g. the number of syllables (Öktem
aligning audio with the transcript (Ochshorn and Hawkins, et al., 2019).
2017). Amazon Comprehend:https://aws.amazon.com/comprehend.

plus augmented features like punctuation marks tain the final estimates of the two sources. Finally,
and prosody related features derived from the text the estimated spectrograms go through an inverse
(e.g. lexical stress). For the Context Generation short-term Fourier transform block to produce raw
module, we trained speaker-dependent models on time domain signals. The loss function used to
two Italian voices, male and female, with 10 and train the model is the sum of the L1 losses between
37 hours of high quality recordings, respectively. the target and the masked input spectrograms, for
We use the Universal Neural Vocoder introduced the foreground and the background (Jansson et al.,
in (Lorenzo-Trueba et al., 2019), pre-trained with 2017), respectively. The model is trained with
2000 utterances per each of the 74 voices from a the Adam optimizer on mixed audio provided with
proprietary database. foreground and background ground truths. Train-
To ensure close matching of the duration of Ital- ing data was created from 360 hours of clean
ian TTS output with timing information extracted speech from Librispeech (foreground) and 120
from the original English audio, for each utter- hours of recording taken from audioset (Gemmeke
ance we re-size the generated Mel spectrogram us- et al., 2017) (background), from which speech was
ing spline interpolation prior to running the Neu- filtered out using a Voice Activity Detector (VAD).
ral Vocoder. We empirically observed that this Foreground and background are mixed for differ-
method produces speech of better quality than tra- ent signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), to generate the au-
ditional time-stretching. dio mixtures.

6 Audio Rendering 6.2 Re-reverberation

In this step, we estimate the environment rever-
6.1 Foreground-Background Separation
beration from the original audio and apply it to
The input audio can be seen as a mixture of fore- the dubbed audio. Unfortunately, estimating the
ground (speech) and background (everything else) room impulse response (RIR) from a reverberated
and our goal is to extract the background and add signal requires solving an ill-posed blind deconvo-
it to the dubbed speech to make it sound more lution problem. Hence, instead of estimating the
real and similar to the original. Notice that in RIR, we do a blind estimation of the reverberation
the case of TED talks, background noise is mainly time (RT), which is commonly used to assess the
coming from the audience (claps and laughs) but amount of room reverberation or its effects. The
sometime also from the speaker, e.g. when she RT is defined as the time interval in which the en-
is explaining some functioning equipment. For ergy of a steady-state sound field decays 60 dB be-
the foreground-background separation task, we low its initial level after switching off the excita-
adapted (Giri et al., 2019; Tolooshams et al., 2020) tion source. In this work we use a Maximum Like-
the popular U-Net (Ronneberger et al., 2015) ar- lihood Estimation (MLE) based RT estimate (see
chitecture, which is described in detail in (Jans- details of the method in (Löllmann et al., 2010)).
son et al., 2017) for a music-vocal separation task. Estimated RT is then used to generate a synthetic
It consists of a series of down-sampling blocks, RIR using a publicly available RIR generator (Ha-
followed by one bottom convolutional layer, fol- bets, 2006). This synthetic RIR is finally applied
lowed by a series of up-sampling blocks with skip to the dubbed audio.
connections from the down-sampling to the up-
sampling blocks. Because of the down-sampling 7 Experimental Evaluation
blocks, the model can compute a number of high-
level features on coarser time scales, which are We evaluated our automatic dubbing architecture
concatenated with the local, high-resolution fea- (Figure 1), by running perceptual evaluations in
tures computed from the same-level up-sampling which users are asked to grade the naturalness
block. This concatenation results into multi- of video clips dubbed with three configurations
scale features for prediction. The model oper- (see Table 1): (A) speech-to-speech translation
ates on a time-frequency representation (spectro- baseline, (B) the baseline with enhanced MT and
grams) of the audio mixture and it outputs two prosodic alignment, (C) the former system en-
soft ratio masks corresponding to foreground and hanced with audio rendering.7 Our evaluation fo-
background, respectively, which are multiplied 7
Notice that after preliminary experiments, we decided
element-wise with the mixed spectrogram, to ob- to not evaluate the configuration A with Prosodic Alignment,

System Condition sions of the same clip, we decided to run the ex-
R Original recording (reference) periments using manual speech transcripts,8 one
A Speech-to-speech translation (baseline) TTS voice per gender, and MT output by the base-
B A with Enhanced MT and Pros. Align. line (A) and enhanced MT system (B-C) of qual-
C B with Audio Rendering ity judged at least acceptable by an expert.9 With
these criteria in mind, we selected 24 video clips
Table 1: Evaluated dubbing conditions. from 6 TED Talks (3 female and 3 male speak-
ers, 5 clips per talk) from the official test set of the
MUST-C corpus (Di Gangi et al., 2019b) with the
following criteria: duration of around 10-15 sec-
onds, only one speaker talking, at least two sen-
tences, speaker face mostly visible.
We involved in the experiment both Italian and
non Italian listeners. We recommended all par-
ticipants to disregard the content and only focus
on the naturalness of the output. Our goal is to
measure both language independent and language
dependent naturalness, i.e. to verify how speech
in the video resembles human speech with respect
to acoustics and synchronization, and how intelli-
gible it is to native listeners.

Figure 2: MUSHRA perceptual evaluation interface 7.1 Results

We collected a total of 657 ratings by 14 volun-
cuses on two questions: teers, 5 Italian and 9 non-Italian listeners, spread
over the 24 clips and three testing conditions. We
• What is the overall naturalness of automatic conducted a statistical analysis of the data with lin-
dubbing? ear mixed-effects models using the lme4 package
for R (Bates et al., 2015). We analyzed the nat-
• How does each introduced enhancement con-
uralness score (response variable) against the fol-
tribute to the naturalness of automatic dub-
lowing two-level fixed effects: dubbing system A
vs. B, system A vs. C, and system B vs. C. We run
We adopt the MUSHRA (MUlti Stimulus test separate analysis for Italian and non-Italian listen-
with Hidden Reference and Anchor) methodology ers. In our mixed models, listeners and video clips
(MUSHRA, 2014), originally designed to evaluate are random effects, as they represent a tiny sam-
audio codecs and later also TTS. We asked listen- ple of the respective true populations(Bates et al.,
ers to evaluate the naturalness of each versions of 2015). We keep models maximal, i.e. with inter-
a video clip on a 0-100 scale. Figure 2 shows the cepts and slopes for each random effect, end re-
user interface. In absence of a human dubbed ver- move terms required to avoid singularities. Each
sion of each clip, we decided to use, for calibration model is fitted by maximum likelihood and signif-
purposes, the clip in the original language as hid- icance of intercepts and slopes are computed via
den reference. The clip versions to evaluate are t-test.
not labeled and randomly ordered. The observer Table 2 summarized our results. In the first
has to play each version at least once before mov- comparison, baseline (A) versus the system with
ing forward and can leave a comment about the enhanced MT and prosody alignment (B), we
worse version. see that both non-Italian and Italian listeners per-
In order to limit randomness introduced by ASR ceive a similar naturalness of system A (46.81 vs.
and TTS across the clips and by MT across ver- 8
We would clearly expect significant drop in dubbing
given its very poor quality, as also reported in (Öktem et al., quality due to the propagation of ASR errors.
2019). Other intermediate configurations were not explored We use the scale: 1 - Not acceptable: not fluent or not
to limit the workload of the subjects participating in the ex- correct; 2 - Acceptable: almost fluent and almost correct; 3 -
periment. Good: fluent and correct.

47.22). When moving to system B, non-Italian lis- Non Italian Italian
teners perceive a small improvement (+1.14), al- Fixed effects Estim SE Estim. SE
though not statistically significant, while Italian A intercept 46.81● 4.03 47.22● 6.81
speaker perceive a statistically significant degra- ∆B slope +1.14 4.02 -10.93∗ 4.70
dation (-10.93). B intercept 47.74● 3.21 35.19● 7.22
In the comparison between B and C (i.e. B en- ∆C slope +10.34+ 3.53 +1.05 2.30
hanced with audio rendering), we see that non- A intercept 46.92● 4.95 45.29● 7.42
Italian listeners observe a significant increase ∆C slope +11.01 6.51 -9.60 4.89
in naturalness (+10.34), statistically significant,
while Italian listeners perceive a smaller and not Table 2: Summary of the analysis of the evaluation with
mixed-effects models. From top down: A vs. B, B vs.
statistical significant improvement (+1.05).
C, A vs. C. For each fixed effect, we report the esti-
The final comparison between A and C gives al- mate and standard error. Symbols ● , ∗ , + indicate sig-
most consistent results with the previous two eval- nificance levels of 0.001, 0.01, and 0.05, respectively.
uations: non-Italian listeners perceive better qual-
ity in condition C (+11.01), while Italian listen-
ers perceive lower quality (-9.60). Both variations
are however not statistically significant due to the
higher standard errors of the slope estimates ∆C.
Notice in fact that each mixed-effects model is
trained on distinct data sets and with different ran-
dom effect variables. A closer look at the random
effects parameters indeed shows that for the B vs.
C comparison, the standard deviation estimate of
the listener intercept is 3.70, while for the A vs.
C one it is 11.02. In other words, much higher
variability across user scores is observed in the A
vs. C case rather than in the B vs. C case. A Figure 3: Boxplots with the MUSHRA scores (top) and
much smaller increase is instead observed across Rank Order (bottom) per system and mother language
the video-clip random intercepts, i.e. from 11.80 (Italian vs Non-Italian).
to 12.66. The comments left by the Italian listen-
ers tell that the main problem of system B is the ment, Italian listeners seem to prefer trading syn-
unnaturalness of the speaking rate, i.e. is is either chronicity for more fluent speech. We think that
too slow, too fast, or too uneven. more work is needed to get MT closer to the script
The distributions of the MUSHRA scores pre- adaptation (Chaume, 2004) style used for dubbing,
sented at the top of Figure 3 confirm our analy- and to improve the accuracy of prosodic align-
sis. What is more relevant, the distribution of the ment.
rank order (bottom) strengths our previous analy- The incorporation of audio rendering (system
sis. Italian listeners tend to rank system A the best C) significantly improves the experience of the
system (median 1.0) and vary their preference be- non-Italian listeners (66 in median) respect to sys-
tween systems B and C (both with median 2.0). In tems B and C. This points out the relevance of
contrast, non-Italian rank system A as the worse including para-linguist aspects (i.e. applause’s,
system (median 2.5), system B as the second (me- audience laughs in jokes,etc.) and acoustic con-
dian 2.0), and statistically significantly prefer sys- ditions (i.e. reverberation, ambient noise, etc.).
tem C as the best system (median 1.0). For the target (Italian) listeners this improvement
Hence, while our preliminary evaluation found appears instead masked by the disfluencies intro-
that shorter MT output can potentially enable bet- duced by the prosodic alignment step. If we try to
ter synchronization, the combination of MT and directly measure the relative gains given by audio
prosodic alignment appears to be still problematic rendering, we see that Italian listeners score sys-
and prone to generate unnatural speech. In other tem B better than system A 27% of the times and
words, while non-Italian listeners seem to value system C better than A 31% of the times, which
synchronicity achieved through prosodic align- is a 15% relative gain. On the contrary non-Italian

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Joint translation and unit conversion for end-to-end localization

Georgiana Dinu Prashant Mathur Marcello Federico Stanislas Lauly Yaser Al-Onaizan

Amazon AWS AI

Abstract with the main task if it is represented enough in the

data. Alternatively, the sub-language is decoupled
A variety of natural language tasks require pro- from the natural text through pre/post processing
cessing of textual data which contains a mix
techniques: e.g. a miles expression is converted
of natural language and formal languages such
as mathematical expressions. In this paper, into kilometers in a separate step after translation.
we take unit conversions as an example and Arguably the first approach can successfully deal
propose a data augmentation technique which with some of these phenomena: e.g. a neural net-
lead to models learning both translation and work may learn to invoke a simple conversion rule
conversion tasks as well as how to adequately for dates, if enough examples are seen training.
switch between them for end-to-end localiza- However, at the other end of the spectrum, cor-
rectly converting distance units, which itself is a
1 Introduction simple algorithm, requires knowledge of numbers,
basic arithmetic and the specific conversion func-
Neural networks trained on large amounts of data tion to apply. It is unrealistic to assume a model
have been shown to achieve state-of-the art solu- could learn such conversions from limited amounts
tions on most NLP tasks such as textual entail- of parallel running text alone. Furthermore, this is
ment, question answering, translation, etc. In par- an unrealistic task even for distributional, unsuper-
ticular, these solutions show that one can success- vised pre-training (Turney and Pantel, 2010; Baroni
fully model the ambiguity of language by making and Lenci, 2010; Peters et al., 2018), despite the
very few assumptions about its structure and by success of such methods in capturing other non-
avoiding any formalization of language. However, linguistic phenomena such as world knowledge or
unambiguous, formal languages such as numbers, cultural biases (Bolukbasi et al., 2016; Vanmassen-
mathematical expressions or even programming hove et al., 2018).1
languages (e.g. markup) are abundant in text and While the second approach is currently the pre-
require the ability to model the symbolic, “proce- ferred one in translation technology, such decou-
dural” behaviour governing them. (Ravichander pling methods do not bring us closer to end-to-end
et al., 2019; Dua et al., 2019). solutions and they ignore the often tight interplay of
An example of an application where such ex- the two types of language: taking unit conversion
amples are frequent is the extension of machine as an example, approximately 500 miles, should be
translation to localization. Localization is the translated into ungefähr 800 km (approx. 800km)
task of combining translation with “culture adapta- and not ungefähr 804 km (approx. 804km).
tion”, which involves, for instance, adapting dates In this paper we highlight several of such lan-
(12/21/2004 to 21.12.2004), calendar conversions guage mixing phenomena related to the task of lo-
(March 30, 2019 to Rajab 23, 1441 in Hijri Cal- calization for translation and focus on two distance
endar) or conversions of currencies or of units of (miles to kilometers) and temperature (Fahrenheit
measure (10 kgs to 22 pounds). to Celsius) conversion tasks. Specifically, we per-
Current approaches in machine translation han-
dle the processing of such sub-languages in one (Wallace et al., 2019) show that numeracy is encoded
in pre-trained embeddings. While promising, this does not
of two ways: The sub-language does not receive show that more complex and varied manipulation of numerical
any special treatment but it may be learned jointly expressions can be learned in a solely unsupervised fashion.

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 265–271
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
form experiments using the popular MT trans- reasoning in natural language inference and (Dua
former architecture and show that the model is et al., 2019) one for symbolic operations such as
successful at learning these functions from symboli- addition or sorting in reading comprehension. How-
cally represented examples. Furthermore, we show ever these papers show the best results with two-
that data augmentation techniques together with step approaches, which extract the mathematical
small changes in the input representation produce or symbolic information from the text and further
models which can both translate and appropriately manipulate it analytically. We are not aware of any
convert units of measure in context. other work successfully addressing both machine
translation and mathematical problems, or any of
2 Related work the benchmarks above, in an end-to-end fashion.

Several theoretical and empirical works have ad- 3 Unit conversion in MT localization
dressed the computational capabilities end expres-
siveness of deep learning models. Theoretical stud- The goal of localization is to enhance plain content
ies on language modeling have mostly targeted translation so that the final result looks and feels as
simple grammars from the Chomsky hierarchy. In being created for a specific target audience.
particular, Hahn (2019) proves that Transformer Parallel corpora in general include localiza-
networks suffer limitations in modeling regular tion of formats numeric expressions (e.g. from
periodic languages (such as an bn ) as well as hi- 1,000,000.00 (en-us) to 1.000.000,00 (de-de)). For-
erarchical (context-free) structures, unless their mat conversions in most of the cases reduce to
depth or self-attention heads increase with the input operations such as reordering of elements and re-
length. On the other hand, Merrill (2019) proves placement of symbols, which quite naturally fit
that LSTM networks can recognize a subset of peri- inside the general task of machine translation. In
odic languages. Also experimental papers analyzed this paper, we are interested in evaluating the ca-
the capability of LSTMs to recognize these two pability of neural MT models to learn less natural
language classes (Weiss et al., 2018; Suzgun et al., operations, which are typically involved in the con-
2019; Sennhauser and Berwick, 2018; Skachkova version of time expressions (e.g. 3:30pm → 15:30)
et al., 2018; Bernardy, 2018), as well as natural lan- and units of measure, such as lengths (10ft to 3m)
guage hierarchical structures (Linzen et al., 2016; and temperatures (55F to 12.8C).
Gulordava et al., 2018). It is worth noticing, how- We choose two measure unit conversion tasks
ever, that differently from formal language recog- that are very prevalent in localization: Fahrenheit
nition tasks, state of the art machine translation to Celsius temperature conversion and miles to kilo-
systems (Barrault et al., 2019; Niehues et al., 2019) meters. We address the following questions: 1) Can
are still based on the Transformer architecture . a standard NMT architecture, the transformer, be
Other related work addresses specialized neural used to learn the functions associated with these
architectures capable to process and reason with nu- two conversion tasks (Section 3.1) and 2) Can the
merical expressions for binary addition, evaluating same architecture be used to train a model that can
arithmetic expressions or other number manipula- do both MT and unit conversion? (Section 3.2)
tion tasks (Joulin and Mikolov, 2015; Saxton et al.,
2019; Trask et al., 2018; Chen et al., 2018). While 3.1 Unit conversion
this line of work is very relevant, we focus on the Network architecture We use the state-of-the-
natural intersection of formal and everyday lan- art transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017)
guage. The types of generalization that these stud- and the Sockeye Toolkit (Hieber et al., 2017) to
ies address, such as testing with numbers orders of train a network with 4 encoder layers and 2 de-
magnitude larger than those in seen in training, are coder layers for a maximum of 3000 epochs (See
less relevant to our task. Appendix A for details). As the vocabulary size
The task of solving verbal math problems (Mi- is small the training is still very efficient. For the
tra and Baral, 2016; Wang et al., 2017; Koncel- experiments training several tasks jointly we facil-
Kedziorski et al., 2016; Saxton et al., 2019) specifi- itate the context-switching between the different
cally addresses natural language mixed with formal tasks with an additional token-level parallel stream
language. Similarly, (Ravichander et al., 2019) in- (source factors) (Sennrich and Haddow, 2016). We
troduces a benchmark for evaluating quantitative use two values for the digits in numerical expres-

100 100

Conversion accuracy 80

Conversion accuracy

MtoKm MtoKm
20 MtoKm (MtoKm+FtoC) MtoKm-challenge
FtoC FtoC
FtoC (MtoKm+FtoC) FtoC-challenge
0 0
2.5k 5k 25k 50k 100k 200k 0 25k 50k 100k 200k
Size of training Amount of Conv data

Figure 1: Conversion accuracy with ±10−4 tolerance on Figure 2: Accuracy of localization conversion (tolerance
relative error, as a function of the number of the target conver- 0.01%) on regular and challenge sets. All models use source
sion examples in the train data. Functions are learned both in factors and are trained using: 2.2M MT data + 15k Loc data +
isolation and in a joint setting (MtoKm + FtoC) which adds to varying amounts of Conv data.
training an equal amount of data for the other function.

sions (distance/temperature) and a third value for functions are learned with less data when training
all other tokens. These are concatenated to each is done jointly and source factors are used - this
token as 8-dimensional embeddings. suggests that, despite the fact that the functions
are very different, joint training may facilitate the
Data The models are trained with parallel learning of numbers as a general concept and helps
examples of the two functions, one affine: learn additional functions more efficiently.
°F → °C(x) = (x − 32) × 59 and one linear:
mi → km(x) = x × 1.60934. For each task, we 3.2 Joint MT and unit conversion
generate training data of various input lengths rang- In a second set of experiments we investigate if the
ing from 1 to 6 digits in the input. The input is transformer model is able to perform both the trans-
distributed uniformly w.r.t 1) integer versus single lation and the unit conversion tasks and learns to
digit precision (with the output truncated to same adequately switch from one to the other in context.
precision as the input) and 2) the length of the in- We use the same architecture as in the previous
put in digits. We over-sample when there are not section, with minor modifications: we use subword
enough distinct data points, such as in the case of embeddings with a shared vocabulary of size 32000
double- or single-digit numbers. The numerical and a maximum number of epochs of 30.
input is tokenized into digits (e.g. 5 2 1 miles) and
we train individual models for the two functions, Data As standard MT parallel data we use a
as well as joint models, using held-out data for val- collection containing Europarl (Koehn, 2005) and
idation and testing. Note that unlike previous work, news commentary data from WMT En→De shared
we are interested only in interpolation generaliza- task 2019 totalling 2.2 million sentences.2 Stan-
tion: test numbers are unseen, but the range of test dard translation test sets do not have, however,
numbers does not increase. enough examples of unit conversions and in fact
corpora such as CommonCrawl show inconsistent
Results Results as a function of the amount of treatment of units. For this reason, we create a
training data are given in Figure 1. Test sets are syn- unit conversion (Localization) data set. We ex-
thetic and contain numbers in [103 − 106 ] range. tract sentences containing Fahrenheit/Celsius and
The results show that the transformer architec- miles/km from a mix of open source data sets
ture can learn the two functions perfectly, however, namely, ParaCrawl, DGT (Translation Memories),
interestingly enough, the two functions are learned Wikipedia and OpenSubtitles, TED talks from
differently. While the degree conversion is learned OPUS (Tiedemann, 2012). Regular expressions
with a high accuracy with as little as several thou- are used to extract the sentences containing the
sand examples, the distance conversion is learned units and modify the source or the reference by
gradually, with more data leading to better and
better numerical approximations: in this case the We opt for a smaller experiment in order to speed up
computations and to prioritize efficiency in our experiments
model reaches high precision in conversion only (Strubell et al., 2019). We have no reason to assume any
with data two orders of magnitude larger. Both dependency on the data size.

Conv 5 2 1 miles 8 3 9 km
MT We do not know what is happening. Wir wissen nicht, was passiert.
Loc. The venue is within 3 . 8 miles from the city center Die Unterkunft ist 6 km vom Stadtzentrum entfernt

Table 1: The three types of data used in training the joint model: unit conversion data, standard MT data and localization (Loc)
data containing unit conversions in context.

news17 Loc-dist Loc-temp however their benefits are smaller otherwise.

S.f. #Loc Bleu Bleu Acc. Bleu Acc.
- 0 22.7 20.6 0% 16.1 0% The Bleu scores measured on a news data set as
- 5k 22.7 56.7 52.3% 44.1 48.3% well as on the localization data sets show no degra-
- 15k 23.0 61.7 76.2% 48.5 80.3%
- 30k 23.0 65.0 90.3% 48.9 81.3% dation from a baseline setting, indicating that the
X 0 22.9 19.5 1% 16.6 3.4% additional data does not affect translation quality.
X 5k 22.9 58.7 69.4% 46.8 64.8% The exception is the #Loc-0 setting, in which the
X 15k 23.2 63.0 88.0% 48.6 77.8%
X 30k 22.6 64.0 88.3% 48.8 79.4% model wrongly learns to end all localization sen-
tences with km and C tokens respectively, as seen
Table 2: Bleu scores and accuracy on conversion of degrees in the Conv data. Similarly to the previous results,
(temp) and miles (dist) expressions in Loc test sets. Conver-
sion accuracy is computed with a tolerance of 0.01%. All
temp conversions are learned either correctly or not
models are trained using: 2.2M MT+ 100k Conv + #Loc data at all while the distance ones show numerical ap-
(col 2) for each function, with and without Source factors proximation errors: When measuring exact match
(column 1).
in conversion (0.0 tolerance), the temperature ac-
curacy remains largely the same while the distance
converting the matched units. For example, if 5 km accuracy drops by up to 30%.
is matched in the reference, we modify the source Given the observation that Loc data is crucial, we
expression to 3.1 miles.3 We are able to extract a perform another set of experiments to investigate if
total of 7k examples for each of the two conversion the Conv data is needed at all. Results are shown in
tasks and use 5k for training and 2k for testing, Figure 2. In light of the limited amount of real dis-
making sure the train/test numerical expressions tinct conversions that we see in testing, we create
are distinct. two additional challenge sets which use the same
linguistic data and replace the original conversions
Results In the experimental setting, we distin-
with additional ones uniformly distributed w.r.t the
guish the following three types of data: transla-
length in digits from 1 to 6. The results indicate
tion (MT), conversion (Conv) and localization data
that conversion data is equally critical, and that the
(conversion in context) (Loc), and measure perfor-
conversion cannot be learned from the localization
mance when varying amounts of Conv and Loc
data provided alone. The localization data rather
are used in training. Examples of these data types
acts as a “bridge” allowing the network to combine
are given in Table 1. The first set of experiments
the two tasks it has learned independently.
(Table 2) uses MT and Conv data and tests the mod-
els’ performance with varying amounts of Loc data.
We observe that for localization performance, Loc 4 Conclusions
data in training is crucial: accuracy jumps from 2%
We have outlined natural/formal language mixing
when no Loc data is used to 66% for 5k Loc and to
phenomena in the context of end-to-end localiza-
82%, on average, with 15k localization examples
tion for MT and have proposed a data augmentation
for each function (w. source factors). However,
method for learning unit conversions in context.
the 15k data points are obtained by up-sampling
Surprisingly, the results show not only that a single
the linguistic context and replacing the unit con-
architecture can learn both translation and unit con-
versions with new unit conversions, and therefore
versions, but can also appropriately switch between
no “real” new data is added. We observe no further
them when a small amount of localization data is
improvements when more Loc data is added. Re-
used in training. For future work we plan to cre-
garding the use of source factors, they help when
ate a diverse localization test suite and investigate
the localization data is non-existent or very limited,
if implicit learning of low-level concepts such as
Scripts to create this data will be released, however the natural numbers takes place and if unsupervised
data used itself does not grant us re-distribution rights. pre-training facilitates such learning.

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A Appendix num_factors: 1
vocab_size: 32302
act_type: relu config_embed_target: !
attention_heads: 8 EmbeddingConfig
conv_config: null dropout: 0.0
dropout_act: 0.1 dtype: float32
dropout_attention: 0.1 factor_configs: null
dropout_prepost: 0.1 num_embed: 512
dtype: float32 num_factors: 1
feed_forward_num_hidden: 2048 vocab_size: 32302
lhuc: false
max_seq_len_source: 101
max_seq_len_target: 101
model_size: 512
num_layers: 4
postprocess_sequence: dr
preprocess_sequence: n
use_lhuc: false

decoder config:
act_type: relu
attention_heads: 8
conv_config: null
dropout_act: 0.1
dropout_attention: 0.1
dropout_prepost: 0.1
dtype: float32
feed_forward_num_hidden: 2048
max_seq_len_source: 101
max_seq_len_target: 101
model_size: 512
num_layers: 2
postprocess_sequence: dr
preprocess_sequence: n

config_loss: !LossConfig
label_smoothing: 0.1
name: cross-entropy
normalization_type: valid
vocab_size: 32302

config_embed_source: !
dropout: 0.0
dtype: float32
factor_configs: null
num_embed: 512

Efficient Automatic Punctuation Restoration Using Bidirectional
Transformers with Robust Inference

Maury Courtland, Adam Faulkner, Gayle McElvain

Capital One, Vision and Language Technologies

{maury.courtland, adam.faulkner, gayle.mcelvain}


Abstract of 15% or 20% (Tündik et al., 2018). Reading

comprehension is also significantly slower with-
Though people rarely speak in complete sen- out punctuation (Jones et al., 2003). For down-
tences, punctuation confers many benefits to stream NLP models, the lack of clausal boundaries
the readers of transcribed speech. Unfortu-
can significantly decrease accuracy (e.g. a 4.6%
nately, most ASR systems do not produce
punctuated output. To address this, we pro- BLEU decrease in NMT; Vandeghinste et al. 2018).
pose a solution for automatic punctuation that This likely reflects the discrepancy between well-
is both cost efficient and easy to train. Our segmented training corpora and ASR output.
solution benefits from the recent trend in To solve the lack of punctuation in ASR out-
fine-tuning transformer-based language mod- put, we propose an automatic punctuation model,
els. We also modify the typical framing of this
which leverages the recent trend in unsupervised
task by predicting punctuation for sequences
rather than individual tokens, which makes for
pre-training (Devlin et al., 2019) and the parallel ar-
more efficient training and inference. Finally, chitecture of transformer networks (Vaswani et al.,
we find that aggregating predictions across 2017). Unsupervised pre-training dramatically re-
multiple context windows improves accuracy duces the amount of labeled data required for su-
even further. Our best model achieves a new perior performance on this task. Additionally, the
state of the art on benchmark data (TED Talks) model’s departure from a recurrent architecture al-
with a combined F1 of 83.9, representing a lows direct connections between all input tokens.
48.7% relative improvement (15.3 absolute)
This enables the network to more easily model long-
over the previous state of the art.
distance dependencies (e.g. on one hand, ... on the
1 Introduction other, ...) for improved punctuation performance.
The departure from a recurrent architecture also
Enabling computers to use speech as input has long allows computations to be performed in parallel for
been an aspirational goal in the field of human com- each layer with the speed of computations limited
puter interaction. Recent advances have had dra- by the number of layers rather than the number
matic impact across multiple domains (e.g. reliev- of time steps (usually fewer). In addition to the
ing medical professionals from having to transcribe parallel nature of the hidden layers, our network
medical dictation (Edwards et al., 2017), improv- also predicts in parallel for all tokens in the input
ing real-time spoken language translation (Gu et al., simultaneously. This helps significantly speed up
2017), and affording convenience through conver- inference compared with individual predictions for
sational interfaces like those in virtual personal each token. During training, the parallel predic-
assistants (McTear et al., 2016)). For use cases that tion task provides a richer signal compared with
require reading transcribed speech, however, it is a sequential task, thereby making more efficient
often still a challenge to recover meaningful clause use of each example. Furthermore, advancing the
boundaries from disfluent, errorful utterances. prediction window less than the window’s width
Humans rely on punctuation for readability, per- (e.g. steps of 20 with a window of 50) allows ag-
haps because it lessens the burden of ambiguous gregating multiple windows of context to predict a
phrasing. Studies have found that removing punctu- token’s label. This allows the network to effectively
ation from manual transcriptions can be even more become its own prediction ensemble and boosts ac-
detrimental to understanding than a word error rate curacy further. Given that the aggregate predictions

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 272–279
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
are independently obtained, these calculations too tion scheme (see Liu et al. 2019 for more details).
can be performed in parallel. We then add two additional linear layers after the
pre-trained network with each layer preserving the
2 Related Work fully-connected nature of the entire network. The
first linear layer maps from the masked language
Our biggest departure from previous approaches
model output space to a hidden state space for each
lies in the parallel nature of inference and the deep
input token with parameters shared across tokens.
bidirectional information flow of our model (for
The second linear layer concatenates the hidden
more detail, see Devlin et al. 2019). This is in con-
state representations into a vector for the prediction
trast with the vast majority of previous approaches
window which allows the tokens to interact arbi-
which use a variant of Recurrent Neural Network
trarily within the window. We then apply batch nor-
architecture (Tundik et al., 2017; Vandeghinste
malization (Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015) and dropout
et al., 2018; Ballesteros and Wanner, 2016; Alumäe
(best results obtained with a rate of 0.2; Hinton
et al., 2019; Szaszák, 2019; Öktem, 2018; Xu et al.,
et al. 2012) prior to predicting punctuation marks
2016; Pahuja et al., 2017; Tundik and Szaszak,
for all tokens in the window.
2018; Tündik et al., 2017; Tilk and Alumae, 2015;
When aggregating predictions across contexts,
Żelasko et al., 2018; Treviso and Aluı́sio, 2018).
activations at the sequence layer are added for each
This includes those that incorporate acoustic infor-
token prior to classification (see Figure 1 for visual-
mation (B. Garg and Anika, 2018; Moro and Sza-
ization). Prediction is performed in parallel during
szak, 2017; Szaszák and Tündik, 2019; Nanchen
both training and inference with the output size of
and Garner, 2019; Moró and Szaszák, 2017; Klejch
the final classifier being |classes| ∗ lengthwindow .
et al., 2016, 2017) and those that apply attention on
top (Tilk and Alumäe, 2016; Salloum et al., 2017; Y1 Y2 Yn Yn+1 Punctuation Labels
Öktem et al., 2017; Kim, 2019; Juin et al., 2017).
Though non-sequential, several previous ap- Aggregate Across Contexts
proaches use simpler network architectures (e.g. O1 O2O2 OnOn On+1 Sequence distributions
DNNs (Yi et al., 2017; Che et al., 2016) or CNNs ...
Advance sliding window and repeat for new context...

(B. Garg and Anika, 2018; Che et al., 2016; Żelasko Linear Classifier Layer
et al., 2018)), which have less predictive power.
Z′1...n Normalized sequence vector
The handful of approaches that make use of Trans-
former architectures are not bidirectional (Chen Norm Batch Norm and Dropout
et al., 2020; Nguyen et al., 2019; Vāravs and Sal-
Z1...n Hidden sequence vector
imbajevs, 2018; Wang et al., 2018). Our model
also differs from the above in that it leverages pre- Concatenate
training to reduce training time and increase ac- Z1 Z2 Zn Hidden token vectors
curacy. The one previous work that uses a pre- ...

trained bidirectional transformer (Cai and Wang, Linear Layer

2019) only predicts punctuation one token at a H1 H2 Hn
Vocabulary distributions
time, which significantly increases both training ... (before Fine-Tuning)
and inference time. It is also unable to aggregate RoBERTa Pre-trained LM
predictions across multiple contexts, limiting per- T1 T2 T2 Tn Tn Tn+1 Vocab IDs
formance. ...

Figure 1: The punctuation network takes as input a se-

3 Method
quence of unpunctuated words tokenized in the same
Architecture The network architecture can be manner as RoBERTa. It outputs predictions for these
seen in Figure 1. The first component of sequences individually during training (layer On ). For
validation and testing, however, these labels are aggre-
our network is a pre-trained language model
gated across overlapping context windows to obtain
(RoBERTabase ; Liu et al. 2019) employing the re- the final punctuation predictions (layer Yn ). Note that
cent deep bidirectional Transformer architecture while the pre-trained LM’s output begins as vocabulary
(Devlin et al., 2019; Vaswani et al., 2017). The net- distributions, they cease to be so once the entire net-
work’s input is a sequence of unpunctuated lower- work undergoes fine-tuning.
cased words tokenized using RoBERTa’s tokeniza-

Comma Period Question Overall
Models P R F P R F P R F P R F
DNN-A (Che et al., 2016) 48.6 42.4 45.3 59.7 68.3 63.7 — — — 54.8 53.6 54.2
CNN-2A (Che et al., 2016) 48.1 44.5 46.2 57.6 69.0 62.8 — — — 53.4 55.0 54.2
T-LSTM (Tilk and Alumae, 2015) 49.6 41.4 45.1 60.2 53.4 56.6 57.1 43.5 49.4 55.0 47.2 50.8
T-BRNN (Tilk and Alumäe, 2016) 64.4 45.2 53.1 72.3 71.5 71.9 67.5 58.7 62.8 68.9 58.1 63.1
T-BRNN-pre (Tilk and Alumäe, 2016) 65.5 47.1 54.8 73.3 72.5 72.9 70.7 63.0 66.7 70.0 59.7 64.4
Single-BiRNN (Pahuja et al., 2017) 62.2 47.7 54.0 74.6 72.1 73.4 67.5 52.9 59.3 69.2 59.8 64.2
Corr-BiRNN (Pahuja et al., 2017) 60.9 52.4 56.4 75.3 70.8 73.0 70.7 56.9 63.0 68.6 61.6 64.9
DRNN-LWMA (Kim, 2019) 63.4 55.7 59.3 76.0 73.5 74.7 75.0 71.7 73.3 70.0 64.6 67.2
DRNN-LWMA-pre (Kim, 2019) 62.9 60.8 61.9 77.3 73.7 75.5 69.6 69.6 69.6 69.9 67.2 68.6
RoBERTabase 76.9 75.4 76.2 86.1 89.3 87.7 88.9 87.0 87.9 84.0 83.9 83.9
Different Pre-trained Language Models
RoBERTalarge 74.3 76.9 75.5 85.8 91.6 88.6 83.7 89.1 86.3 81.3 85.9 83.5
XLNetbase 76.6 74.9 75.8 84.6 90.6 87.5 82.0 89.1 85.4 81.1 84.9 82.9
T5base 70.5 77.2 73.7 85.6 85.5 85.6 83.7 89.1 86.3 79.9 84.0 81.9
BERTbase 72.8 70.8 71.8 81.9 86.6 84.2 80.8 91.3 85.7 78.5 82.9 80.6
ALBERTbase 69.4 69.3 69.4 80.9 84.5 82.7 76.7 71.7 74.2 75.7 75.2 75.4
DistilRoBERTa 70.0 64.5 67.1 78.2 83.5 80.8 75.0 71.7 73.3 74.4 73.2 73.7

Table 1: Compared to previous approaches, our model achieves state of the art performance on the reference
transcripts of the TED Talks dataset as measured by precision (P), recall (R), and F-1 score (F). Experimental
results with different pre-trained language models are included below for comparison with the best RoBERTabase

Training Schedule It is worth noting that we use three more epochs with a mini-batch size of 250.
only the TED Talks dataset described below for We typically observe the lowest validation loss mid-
training but enjoy significant benefits from a sizable way through the first epoch while fine-tuning. It is
pre-training corpus (Liu et al., 2019). Although worth noting that a highly competitive model (82.6
prediction is performed on multiple tokens at once, overall F1) can be trained with just 1 epoch each
the same number of training samples are generated for the top layers and fine-tuning. This training
from the corpus by moving the sliding window one can be completed in slightly less than 1 hour on
token at a time over the input. To perform gradient a p3.16xlarge AWS instance (with 8x Tesla V100
descent, we use LookAhead (Zhang et al., 2019) GPUs).
with RAdam (Liu et al., 2020) as the base optimizer.
For the LookAhead optimizer, we use a sync
We use a simple cross-entropy function to calculate
rate of 0.5, and a sync period of 6. The RAdam
the loss for each token’s classification prediction.
optimizer—used as the model’s base optimizer—
Our best performing model (see Table 1) uses has its learning rate set to 10−5 , β1 = 0.9, β2 =
a prediction window size of 100, a final-layer 0.999,  = 10−8 . We do not use weight decay.
dropout of 0.2, and a hidden-state space of dimen-
sionality 1500. The top two linear layers (hence-
forth referred to as the “top layers”) are initially Data To train the network and evaluate its per-
trained from scratch while the transformer core formance (both at test and validation time), we use
remains frozen. Then, having selected the model the IWSLT 2012 TED Talks dataset (Cettolo et al.,
version with the lowest validation loss from train- 2012). This dataset is a common benchmark in au-
ing the top layers, the transformer core is unfrozen, tomatic punctuation (e.g. Kim 2019) and consists
and we fine-tune the parameters of the entire net- of a 2.1M word training set, a 296k word valida-
work. We then select the model version with the tion set, and a 12.6k word test set (for reference
lowest validation loss to prevent overfitting. transcription, 12.8k for ASR output). Each word is
We train the top layers for nine epochs with labeled with the punctuation mark that follows it,
a mini-batch size of 1000 (using 100-token se- yielding a 4-class classification problem: comma,
quences) while the transformer is frozen. The period, question mark, or no punctuation. The class
lowest validation loss for the top layers is usually balance of the training dataset is as follows: 85.7%
achieved around the sixth epoch. We then unfreeze no punctuation, 7.53% comma, 6.3% period, 0.47%
the transformer and fine-tune the entire network for question mark.

4 Results Predictions F1 CPU GPU
per token Overall Runtime Runtime
The results of our best performing model relative to 1 76.3 1x 1x
previous results published on this benchmark can 2 79.4 1.8x 1.1x
3 81.8 2.6x 1.2x
be found in Table 1. Additionally, we conducted a
6 83.2 5.2x 1.5x
number of ablation experiments manipulating vari- 9 83.9 7.7x 1.9x
ous aspects of the architecture and training routine. 18x Intel Xeon 8x Tesla V100
Processor —
In providing accuracy comparisons, all results in (c5.18xlarge) (p3.16xlarge)
this section are reported in terms of the absolute
change in the overall F1 measure. Table 2: Aggregating multiple parallel predictions ex-
hibits a tradeoff between runtime and accuracy. Run-
In place of the pre-trained RoBERTabase lan-
time results on the TED test set are presented relative to
guage model, which provided the best result, we single predictions separately on CPU and GPU for ease
also evaluated (in order of decreasing performance of reading. To relate the two, the CPU single predic-
relative to RoBERTa as implemented by Wolf et al. tions are 9.4x slower than GPU. All runtime estimates
(2020)1 ): XLNetbase (-1.0%; Yang et al. 2020), are obtained from the mean of 10 runs.
T5base (-2.1%; Raffel et al. 2019), BERTbase (-
3.4%; Devlin et al. 2019), and ALBERTbase (-8.5%;
Lan et al. 2020). Full results from these models can rate.
be seen at the bottom of Table 1. The performance A less obvious choice must be made between a
benefit of RoBERTabase over BERTbase is likely single parallel prediction and multiple aggregated
due to the significant increase in pre-training cor- predictions, given the additional runtime of multi-
pus size. The lower performance of ALBERTbase ple predictions (see Table 2 for details). For our
may be due to the sharing of parameters across lay- purposes, the 7.6% improvement is worth the in-
ers. It is interesting to note that XLNetbase provides crease in inference time, which is sub-linear given
higher recall for periods and question marks and GPU parallelization but still appreciable. While
T5base for commas and question marks, but both our best method sums activations from different
sacrifice significant precision to achieve this. contexts to obtain the aggregate predictions, we
In addition to the LookAhead optimizer using also tested adding normalized probabilities across
RAdam as its base, we also evaluated: LookAhead classes and then renormalizing, but we found it
with Adam (-1.5%), RAdam alone (-1.6%), and resulted in slightly worse performance (-0.3%).
Adam alone (-2.9%; Kingma and Ba 2017). Given In addition to the RoBERTabase model whose
the class imbalance inherent in the dataset between results are reported here, we also trained with a
the no punctuation class and all the punctuation RoBERTalarge model. There was no appreciable
marks, we tested focal loss (Lin et al., 2018), class performance difference between the two sizes (the
weighting, and their combination, but found that large being -0.4% worse) however the large model
none outperformed simple cross-entropy loss. incurred a significant slowdown (≈1.5x). This may
Perhaps the most noteworthy result is the com- imply that the base model size is adequately pow-
parison between parallel prediction (described ered for punctuation tasks, at least on manually
above) and sequential prediction, wherein the for- transcribed English datasets similar to the bench-
ward pass predicts punctuation for one token at mark. This is supported by the findings of Kovaleva
a time using a context window centered on that et al. (2019), who found BERTbase to be overpa-
token. Sequential prediction requires longer in- rameterized for most downstream tasks, implying
ference times (>15x) yet yields only a marginal RoBERTalarge would be extremely overparameter-
performance benefit (2.2%) relative to a parallel ized. A smaller pre-trained language model option
prediction without aggregation across multiple con- is DistilRoBERTa, a knowledge distilled version
texts. Ensembling predictions over multiple con- of RoBERTa (analogous to DistilBERT: Sanh et al.
texts overcomes the performance gap, while retain- 2020). The DistilRoBERTa network is 12% smaller
ing an advantage with respect to inference time. and performs inference ≈1.2x faster, but sacrifices
Compared to the self-ensemble approach, sequen- 9.1% in accuracy on the benchmark.
tial prediction is >4x slower and 5.4% less accu- The previous state of the art approach was a
Available from https://github.com/ multi-headed attention network on top of multi-
huggingface/transformers ple stacked bidirectional GRU layers (Kim, 2019).

Given the recurrent nature of the GRU layers, the translates in terms of readability and whether it is
network is subject to the shortcomings of sequen- sufficient to compensate for some amount of word
tial computation discussed in the Introduction. Our error, as suggested by Tündik et al. (2018).
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How Human is Machine Translationese?
Comparing Human and Machine Translations of Text and Speech
Yuri Bizzoni1 , Tom S Juzek1 , Cristina España-Bonet2 , Koel Dutta Chowdhury1 ,
Josef van Genabith1,2 , and Elke Teich1
Department of Language, Science and Technology, Saarland University, Germany
DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken, Germany
{cristinae,Josef.Van Genabith}@dfki.de,{e.teich}@mx.uni-saarland.de

Abstract order in the source with a sentence displaying stan-

dard order in the target it a typical example of over-
Translationese is a phenomenon present in normalization. Nonetheless, translationese’s main
human translations, simultaneous interpreting, causes remain unclear (Koppel and Ordan, 2011;
and even machine translations. Some trans-
Schmied and Schäffler, 1996).
lationese features tend to appear in simulta-
neous interpreting with higher frequency than Translationese displays different patterns de-
in human text translation, but the reasons for pending on the translation’s mode and register: a
this are unclear. This study analyzes trans- typical example is simultaneous interpreting, which
lationese patterns in translation, interpreting, shows translationese patterns distinct from those
and machine translation outputs in order to observed in written translations (Bernardini et al.,
explore possible reasons. In our analysis we 2016). We can interpret differences as either (i) an
(i) detail two non-invasive ways of detecting
effect of the limitations of the human language ap-
translationese and (ii) compare translationese
across human and machine translations from paratus that constrain translations, (ii) an inevitable
text and speech. We find that machine trans- effect of the structural and semantic differences be-
lation shows traces of translationese, but does tween languages; or (iii) a combination of the two.
not reproduce the patterns found in human To test these hypotheses, it is common to compare
translation, offering support to the hypothesis human translations (HT) produced under different
that such patterns are due to the model (human circumstances, e.g. written translation versus simul-
vs. machine) rather than to the data (written vs.
taneous interpreting, following the assumption that,
if translationese is a product of human cognitive
1 Introduction limitations, translations produced under higher cog-
nitive constrains should present more evident trans-
In recent years, a growing body of work has pointed lationese symptoms. Machine translation (MT)
to the presence, across different genres and do- does not have any human cognitive limitation, but
mains, of a set of relevant linguistic patterns with current state-of-the-art systems learn to translate us-
respect to syntax, semantics and discourse of hu- ing human data, which is affected by translationese.
man translations. Such patterns make translations On the other hand, unlike human translators, most
more similar to each other than to texts in the same standard modern MT systems still work at the level
genre and style originally authored in the target of individual sentences (rather than document or
language. These patterns are together called “trans- dialog) unaware of the surrounding co-text and con-
lationese” (Teich, 2003; Volansky et al., 2015). text. Taking these observations into account, this
Linguists classify translationese in two main cat- paper explores the following research questions:
egories: (i) source’s interference, or shining-though Q1 . Does machine translation replicate the
as put forward by Teich (2003). For example, a translationese differences observed between text
translation replicating a syntactic pattern which and speech in human translation?
is typical of the source language, and rare in the
target language, displays a typical form of shining- Q2 . Do different machine translation architec-
through; (ii) aherence or over-adherence to the tar- tures learn differently enough to display distinctive
get language’s standards, that is normalisation. For translationese patterns?
example, translating a sentence displaying marked We study translationese in speech and writ-

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), pages 280–290
July 9-10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
ten text by comparing human and machine trans- and Bernardini, 2006; Ilisei et al., 2010; Popescu,
lations to original documents. Specifically, we 2011). Simultaneous interpreting has shown spe-
present a comparison between three MT architec- cific forms of translationese distinct from those
tures and the human translation of spoken and writ- of textual translation (He et al., 2016; Shlesinger,
ten language in German and English, exploring the 1995), with a tendency of going in the direction
question of whether MT replicates the differences of simplification and explicitation (Gumul, 2006).
observed in human data between text-based and Due to the particularly harsh constraints imposed
interpreting-based translationese. on human interpreters, such particularities can be
While some aspects of translationese tend to ap- useful to better understand the nature and causes
pear in simultaneous translation of speech with of translationese in general (Shlesinger and Ordan,
higher frequency than in translation of text, it is 2012).
unclear whether such patterns are data- or model-
dependent. Since machine translation does not The features of machine translated text depend
have the cognitive limitations humans have (in on the nature of both training and test data; and
terms of memory, online processing, etc.), MT possibly also on the approach to machine trans-
systems should fail to replicate the differences be- lation, i.e. statistical, neural or rule-based. The
tween text and speech translationese observed in best translation quality is achieved when the train-
human translations, if such differences are due to ing parallel corpus is in the same direction as the
the limits of human cognitive capacities. test translation, i.e. original-to-translationese when
Assuming that MT engines are trained only on one wants to translate originals (Lembersky et al.,
translated texts and not on simultaneous interpret- 2013). In this case, more human translationese fea-
ing, so that they cannot simply learn to mimic in- tures are expected, as systems tend to learn to repro-
terpreting’s translationese signal, the differences duce human features. The effects of translationese
between text and speech translationese observed in in machine translation test sets is also studied in
human translation vs. interpreting are not expected Zhang and Toral (2019a). In fact, texts displaying
to the same extent in MT if they are an effect of translationese features seems to be much easier to
human cognitive limitations. If, on the other hand, translate than originals, and recent studies advise
translationese patterns in text and speech are due to to use only translations from original texts in or-
characteristics inherent in the two modes of expres- der to (automatically) evaluate translation quality
sion, MT systems’ translationese patterns should (Graham et al., 2019; Zhang and Toral, 2019b). By
mimic human translationese patterns. contrast, Freitag et al. (2019) show a slight pref-
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 erence of human evaluators to outputs closer to
presents related work. Section 3 introduces the originals; in this case the translation is done from
translationese measures and Section 4 the data and translationese input, because, as noted by Riley
translation systems used in our study. Section 5 et al. (2019), the best of the two worlds is not possi-
presents our results, comparing human with ma- ble: one cannot create original-to-original corpora
chine translations and comparing MT architectures to train bias-free systems. Aranberri (2020) ana-
among themselves. Section 6 concludes the paper. lyzed translationese characteristics on translations
obtained by five state-of-the-art Spanish-to-Basque
2 Related Work translation systems, neural and rule-based. The au-
thor quantifies translationese by measuring lexical
Translationese seems to affect the semantic as well variety, lexical density, length ratio and perplex-
as the structural level of text, but much of its effects ity with part of speech (PoS) language models and
can be seen in syntax and grammar (Santos, 1995; finds no clear correlation with automatic translation
Puurtinen, 2003). An interesting aspect of trans- quality across different test sets. The results are
lationese is that, while it is somewhat difficult to not conclusive but translation quality seems not to
detect for the human eye (Tirkkonen-Condit, 2002), correlate with translationese. Similar results are ob-
it can be machine learned with high accuracy (Ba- tained by Kunilovskaya and Lapshinova-Koltunski
roni and Bernardini, 2006; Rubino et al., 2016). (2019) when using 45 morpho-syntactic features
Many ways to automatically detect translationese to analyze English-to-Russian translations. Van-
have been devised, both with respect to textual massenhove et al. (2019) noted that statistical sys-
translations and simultaneous interpreting (Baroni tems reproduce human lexical diversity better than

neural systems, for English–Spanish and English– x, entropy measures the weighted average surprisal
French even if transformer models, i.e. neural, are of the variable.
those with the highest BLEU score. However, their
transformer model did not use subword segmenta- 3.2 Universal Dependencies
tion putting a limit on the plausible lexical diversity A syntactic analysis examines how the elements of
it can achieve. a linguistic sequence relate to each other; for our
In our study, we focus on English (en) and Ger- purposes, those elements are words of a sentence.
man (de) texts and compare the presence of trans- We employ the framework of Universal Depen-
lationese in human translations and interpreting, dencies (UD), which expresses syntactic relations
and in machine translations obtained by in-house through dependencies: each element depends on
MT engines. Differently to Aranberri (2020), we another element, its head (Nivre et al., 2019). In
develop the MT engines to have control on the train- UD, in contrast to most other dependency frame-
ing data, since the aim of this work is not to study works, the head is the semantically more salient
how translationese features correlate with trans- element and the dependent modifies the head. The
lation quality, but the presence of translationese top-level head is the root of a sequence, which is
features themselves. To measure them, we use typically the main verb of the matrix clause. For
two metrics: part-of-speech (PoS) perplexity and instance, in the sentence The great sailor is waiv-
dependency parsing distances. We use them as ing, the and great modify and depend on sailor,
complementary measures, perplexity to model PoS while sailor and is modify and depend on waiving,
sequences of linguistics objects in sentences (lin- which is the root of the sentence. Figure 1 illus-
ear dimension), and dependency distance to model trates a dependency analysis of this example. The
their syntactic depth (hierarchical dimension). UD framework aims to be universal, i.e. suitable
for all of the world’s languages, and there are a
3 Translationese Measures large number of resources and tools available.1
An analysis of dependency lengths could help to
3.1 Part-of-Speech Perplexity identify translation artifacts. If a source language
Our first measure to detect translationese is based is shining-through, the translation’s dependency
on the assumption that a language model is able to lengths will be closer to the source language’s aver-
capture the characteristic PoS sequences of a given age; and vice versa for normalisation. Explicitation
language . Since grammatical structures between will lead to longer, and simplification to shorter
languages differ, a language model trained on Uni- distances compared to originals.
versal Part of Speech sequences of English will
on average display less perplexity if exposed to an
English text than if exposed to a German text. Fol-
lowing the same logic, if two models, one trained
on English and one on German, were to progress
through the PoS sequences of an English transla-
tion showing strong German interference, we could Figure 1: Visualizing a simple sequence in the Uni-
expect the English model’s perplexity scores to rise, versal Dependencies framework, incl. dependency dis-
while the German model’s perplexity would stay tances (red numerals below a dependency arch/edge).
relatively low (Toral, 2019). On the other hand, if
the English translation were displaying normalisa- We use spaCy’s parser2 to parse our corpora.
tion, we would expect the English model to display An evaluation of 2000 head tags taken from ran-
a lower perplexity than the German one. Perplex- domly sampled sentences gives an accuracy rate of
ity is defined as the exponentiation of the entropy 91.2% and 93.6% for the German spoken and writ-
H(p): ten originals, respectively, and 95.0% and 95.8%
2H(p) = 2− x
p(x) log2 p(x)
(1) for English, as evaluated by a senior linguist. Sen-
tences shorter than 3 tokens were excluded, as such
where p(x) is the probability of a token x (possibly sequences typically lack a verb and thus a root.
given its context), and − log2 p(x) is the surprisal 1
See https://universaldependencies.org/
of x. While surprisal measures in bits the uncer- for details.
tainty in a random variable taking a certain value 2

We then use those parses for a macro-analysis of vocabulary (17 PoS), 5 iterations over 3000 sen-
the syntactic structures, viz. an analysis of average tences suffice to converge. In our experiments, we
summed distances. This analysis measures for each measure the average perplexity of each model on
word the distance in words to its head. In Figure 1, unseen human data from of each category, and on
the distance from the to its head is 2, from great to the translations produced by three MT architectures
its head, it is 1. The sum of distances for the exam- in two different settings (see Section 4.2).
ple is 6. In the following, we average the summed
distances per sentence length. The measure can be MT Training Data. In order to adapt our ma-
interpreted as a proxy of (cumulative) processing chine translation engines to the previous modalities
difficulty/complexity of a sequence, where long dis- as much as possible, we gather two different cor-
tance structures are regarded as more complex than pora from OPUS (Tiedemann, 2012), one of them
structures with shorter distances. Particle verbs il- text-oriented (Ct ) and the other speech-oriented
lustrate this. In Mary picked the guy that we met (Cs ). The distribution of their sub-corpora is shown
the other day up, the particle up has a long distance in Table 2. Note that we do not include Europarl
to its head and the sequence is relatively hard to data here so that there is no overlap between MT
process. This contrasts to Mary picked up the guy training and our analysis data.
that we met the other day, where the distance be- Note also that our speech data (TED talks and
tween particle and verb is short, which reduces the subtitles) is still made up from translations and not
cognitive load. This dependency-based measure is simultaneous interpreting. This is important since
taken from Gibson et al. (2019) and Futrell et al. it prevents MT systems from simply mimicking
(2015) and builds on work by Liu (2008). interpreting’s pronounced translationese.
All datasets are normalised, tokenized and true-
4 Experimental Settings cased using standard Moses scripts (Koehn et al.,
2007) and cleaned for low quality pairs. Dupli-
4.1 Corpora cates are removed and sentences shorter than 4
Originals and Human Translations. We used tokens or with a length ratio greater than 9 are dis-
human written texts and speech transcriptions to carded. We also eliminate sentence pairs which are
train and test our language models and to extract not identified as English/German by langdetect3
part of our syntactic distance measures. We use and apply basic cleaning procedures. With this,
datasets that belong to the same genre and register we reduce the corpus size by more than half of
but to different modalities: transcriptions of Euro- the sentences. In order to build balanced corpora
pean Parliament speeches by native speakers and we limit the number of sentences we used from
their interpreted renditions (EPIC-UdS, spoken), ParaCrawl to 5 million and from Open Subtitles
the written speeches and their official translations to 10 million. With this, both Ct and Cs contain
(Europarl-UdS, written) (Karakanta et al., 2018). around 200 million tokens per language. Finally,
Table 1 summarizes the number of sentences and a byte-pair-encoding (BPE) (Sennrich et al., 2016)
words for each of the six categories: with 32 k merge operations trained jointly on en–
de data is applied before training neural systems.
1. Original written English After shuffling, 1,000 sentences are set aside for
2. Original written German tuning/validation.
3. Original spoken English (transcript)
4.2 Machine Translation Engines
4. Original spoken German (transcript)
5. English to German translations We train three different architectures, one statistical
and two neural, on the corpora above.
6. English to German interpreting (transcript)
Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
For each corpus, we train the PoS models on
(SMT). SMT systems are trained using standard
3000 random sentences and evaluate on the remain-
freely available software. We estimate a 5-gram
ing data. We tokenized our data using NLTK (Bird
language model using interpolated Kneser–Ney dis-
and Loper, 2004) and performed universal PoS tag-
counting with SRILM (Stolcke, 2002). Word align-
ging via spaCy. We train our language models
ment is done with GIZA++ (Och and Ney, 2003)
using a one-layer LSTM with 50 units (Chollet
et al., 2015). Due to the small dimensions of the 3

Europarl-UdS EPIC-UdS
lines tokens lines tokens
German Translation 137,813 3,100,647 German Interpreting 4,080 58,371
Written German 427,779 7,869,289 Spoken German 3,408 57,227
Written English 372,547 8,693,135 Spoken English 3,623 68,712

Table 1: Corpus collections used to train our language models: Europarl-UdS (written) and EPIC-UdS (spoken).
German translation and interpreting are both from English.

lines de tokens en tokens Ct Cs

CommonCrawl 2,212,292 49,870,179 54,140,396 3 3
MultiUN 108,387 4,494,608 4,924,596 3 3
NewsCommentary 324,388 8,316,081 46,222,416 3 3
academia career limiting moves Rapid 1,039,918 24,563,476 148,360,866 3 3
ParaCrawl-5M 5,000,000 96,262,081 103,287,049 3 7
TED 198,583 3,833,653 20,141,669 7 3
OpenSubtitles-10M 10,000,000 85,773,795 93,287,837 7 3
Total clean Speech 13,379,441 187,551,444 197,175,542 7 3
Total clean Text 9,121,710 198,340,602 207,434,038 3 7

Table 2: Text-oriented (Ct ) and speech-oriented (Cs ) corpora used for training the MT systems.

and both phrase extraction and decoding are done layer encoder–decoder with 8-head self-attention, a
with the Moses package (Koehn et al., 2007). The 2048-dim hidden feed-forward, and 512-dim word
optimization of the feature weights of the model is vectors. Optimization algorithm, dropout, smooth-
done with Minimum Error Rate Training (MERT) ings and learning rate (with warmup till update
(Och, 2003) against the BLEU (Papineni et al., 16,000) are the same as for RNN.
2002) evaluation metric. As features, we use the
language model, direct and inverse phrase probabil- 5 Experimental Results
ities, direct and inverse lexical probabilities, phrase
Below we present the translationese characteristics
and word penalties, and lexicalized reordering.
in the different modalities found in our study.
The neural systems are trained using the
Marian toolkit (Junczys-Dowmunt et al., 2018) 5.1 Human Translationese
in a bidirectional setting {en,de}↔{de,en}:
5.1.1 Perplexity
RNN-Based Neural Machine Translation The PoS perplexity scores of our language mod-
(RNN). The architecture consists of a 1-layer els on human data shows that, as expected, each
bidirectional encoder with complex GRU units (4 model’s perplexity is at its lowest when confronted
layers) and a decoder also with complex GRUs (8 with data from the same category. Since the amount
layers). The tied embeddings have a dimension of data differs among modalities, we checked that
of 512 and hidden states with a size of 1024, 10 independent partitions of the data lead to the
using the Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2015) same results. Translation and interpreting models
with β1 =0.9, β2 =0.98 and =1e-09 and a growing are least perplexed by unseen instances of their own
learning rate from 0 to 0.0003. Label (0.1) and categories, and are not confused by original written
exponential smoothing, dropout of 0.1 and layer or spoken data: translation and interpreting display
normalisation are also applied. indeed detectable and idiosyncratic patterns.
Figure 2 shows perplexity scores in a matrix
Transformer Base Neural Machine Translation where the x-axis reflects the data on which the lan-
(TRF). We use a base transformer architecture guage models have been trained, and the y-axis
as defined in Vaswani et al. (2017), that is, a 6- reflects the partition of data on which the PoS mod-

expect. Translations from English into German
are slightly less complex than German originals.
The same applies to English–German interpreting.
This is in contrast with translations from German
into English, that are somewhat more complex than
the English originals. For German–English inter-
preting, there is no difference to the originals. Ar-
guably, the fact that English-to-German transla-
tions are less complex than German originals and
that German-to-English translations are more com-
plex than English originals is an artifact of source
language shining-through. Notice that discrepan-
cies between curves are more evident for long sen-
Figure 2: Perplexity of each universal PoS language tences, and that sentences in spoken texts are sys-
model (x-axis) on unseen data from each category (y- tematically shorter than in written text.
5.2 Human vs. Machine Translationese
els are tested. The diagonal corresponds to train- Effects of translationese are expected in MT out-
ing and testing in the same modality and language puts as long as the systems are trained with human
and, consequently, shows the lowest perplexities data which is rich in translationese artifacts. In
as said before. Leaving the diagonal of the matrix this section, we compare the translationese effects
aside, we see that German translations are least per- present in human translations with those present
plexing for the model trained on written German, in TRF translations, the state-of-the-art MT archi-
and vice-versa, written German sequences are least tecture. For comparison, our bidirectional TRF
perplexing for the model trained on German trans- trained with text-oriented data achieves a BLEU
lation. The German translation model displays its score of 35.5 into English and 38.1 into German
highest perplexity on English, and the written En- on Newstest 2018, and 33.0 and 36.2 respectively
glish model is more perplexed by German transla- when trained with speech-oriented data. MT sys-
tions than by German originals. These observations tems have been trained using the corpora described
seem to point away from shining-through, and to in Table 2. Data has not been classified according
point instead towards the presence of normalization to translationese, but one can assume4 that most of
in German translation and interpreting. the corpora will be original English. This would
Interpreting differs from translation. While Ger- create a bias towards human-like translationese in
man translation sequences are of low-perplexity for German translations.
the written German model, German interpreting The single translationese feature that seems to
sequences are quite perplexing for the spoken Ger- be most characteristic of the output of our MT
man model, and in general present higher levels of model is structural shining-through, a character-
perplexity than translation for all German models. istic present in human translations, but that appears
Unlike German translation, the interpreting model to become particularly relevant in various MT out-
returns high perplexity on all datasets except its puts, specially the ones translating German written
own. This particularity of interpreting data was pre- modality into English. Figure 4 shows low per-
viously noted (Bizzoni et al., 2019) and ascribed to plexities when the written German language model
structural over-simplification, as a possible effect is used on the translated text into English (5.9 vs.
of the cognitive pressure on interpreters. 7.3 for the English model on the English transla-
tion). According to the MT training data distribu-
5.1.2 Syntax: Dependency Length tion, this feature cannot be due to data biases but
to the MT architecture itself. At the same time,
The corresponding analysis for our syntax measure
is presented in Figure 3, the top left and top cen- 4
Riley et al. (2019) quantified the amount of original Ger-
ter plots. For written spoken data in both German man texts in the WMT18 data with a 22%. Their corpora
only differ from ours by lacking Europarl and by including in
and English, the summed dependency distances in- addition TED talks and OpenSubtitles. The authors report an
crease as sentence lengths increase, as one would F1 =0.85 for their classification.

Figure 3: Averaged summed dependency distances, y-axis, per sentence length, x-axis, for German HTs (top left)
and for English HTs (top center). The same incl. HTs and MTs for translations of written English to German
(top right), spoken English to German (bottom left), written German to English (bottom center), and for spoken
German to English (bottom right).

target language normalisation, which is a promi- Possibly due to the larger presence of shining-
nent translationese feature in human translations, through, machine translations from English to Ger-
appears less evident in our MT output. In this case, man appear to behave quite differently from ma-
normalisation is only slightly more prominent in chine translations from German to English. While
translations into German with a perplexity of 6.9 in differences due to the source and target language
translated text and 7.0 in translated speech, where naturally exist in human translations, the MT
translations into English score 7.3 and 6.9 respec- output appears more sensitive to such variations.
tively. We also checked if the content of the MT Summed parse tree distance Figure 3 show how
training data is relevant for the conclusions and TRF outputs are more complex than English origi-
might bias the comparison with interpretings and nals and translations/interpretings but have a simi-
translations for instance. To this end, we use the lar degree in the German counterparts. We found
text-oriented MT engine to translate speech, and that machine translation seems to over-correct
the speech-oriented MT engine to translate text. translationese effects, again not following the char-
In our experiments, we reach equivalent perplexi- acteristics of training data.
ties for written text data whichever engine we use
but, for speech, perplexities are in general higher 5.3 Translationese across MT Architectures
when the text-oriented MT is used. This could The previous section summarizes the differences
be expected, but we attribute the noticeable effect between a state-of-the-art MT system and human
only on spoken data due to its completely different translations/interpretings, but one could expect dif-
nature.5 ferent behaviors for other architectures. In the fol-
Whereas clean transcriptions as TED talks are used to lowing, we present a detailed analysis of each ar-
train our speech-oriented engines, Europarl data include many
speech-distinctive elements such as hesitations, broken sen- bringing in prisoners from Guantánamo because we see them
tences and repetitions: but / is / euh what/ what’s most difficulty to be a security euh risk.

Figure 4: Perplexity per language and mode. Language: German to English and English to German. Mode: written
and spoken.

chitecture for our two measures independently. ages to attain the lowest single scores —reaching in
some cases lower perplexities than the ones elicited
5.3.1 Perplexity
by human equivalents. Consistently, the highest
The results for PoS perplexities are illustrated in TRF perplexities are lower than the highest perplex-
Figure 4. ities of the other systems. The single model display-
Results on SMT. German language models re- ing the lowest perplexity on this data is German
turn on average higher perplexities on SMT than Translation, followed by written German, while
English models, and translations into English are spoken German shows the highest perplexity, fol-
on average less perplexing than translations into lowed by German Interpreting. Written German
German, which hints at English to German shining- shows low-level perplexities on German transla-
through. The observed absence of shining-through tions, in accordance with the German translation
in the human data confirms this hypothesis, since model; but also lower perplexities on English trans-
our German translation and interpreting models are lations, which instead spark significant perplexities
highly perplexed by SMT data, indicating that this in the German translation model. This behavior
kind of translation presents structural patterns that seems to point to a “stronger than human” shining-
differ from human translationese. It also differs through of German into English, which makes En-
from neural systems in the sense that SMT seems glish translations less surprising for German than
to better reproduce the structure of the MT training for English but perplexes a model trained on the
corpus. SMT is acknowledged to translate more patterns of human translations. Models trained on
literally, while NMT tends to be more inspirational, spoken data also appear more perplexed than mod-
and this trend is observed in our setting too. els trained on written data, hinting at a presence
of “written patterns” in speech translation that does
Results on RNN. English models show higher not appear in human data.
perplexities when tested on any translated Ger-
man than when tested on translated English, and 5.3.2 Syntax: Dependency Length
German models show more perplexity for German The results for the syntactic macro-analysis of de-
translations than for English ones. German trans- pendency lengths are illustrated in Figure 3 (top
lation and interpreting models reverse the pattern, right and all bottom plots).
showing lower perplexity on German translations
Results on SMT. Similarly to the trends ob-
than on English translations. This seems to point
served with perplexities, the SMT translations di-
to a more complex phenomenon, possibly a mix
verge the most of all models. Translations into Ger-
of shining-through and normalization, but it seems
man of English speech and text lack the complexity
to be less perplexing for the models trained on
of the German originals and are even considerably
translation and interpreting. RNN’s translation pat-
less complex than human interpreting/translation.
terns are clearly closer to human translationese than
Translations into English of German speech are
also less complex than the HTs, in contrast to other
Results on TRF. While RNN data attains the models. The model is only in line with human
lowest average perplexity, our Transformer man- translations and other models when it comes to

translations of German text. neural systems seem able to deal better with the
complexity of their source. Figures 3 and 4 show
Results on RNN. Overall, RNN translations these trends. With respect to the syntactic measures,
come out really well for this measure, meaning we see clear tendencies in the human translations.
that they are able to mimic human outputs. Transla- The MTs, however, are more heterogeneous: trans-
tions of English texts into German are in line with lations by the SMT often over-simplify in contrast
German originals, translation of English speech is to the HTs, translations by the neural systems come
slightly more complex than the HTs. Translations out reasonably close to the HTs, i.e. close to orig-
of German speech and texts into English are very inals, but they are sometimes more complex. In
close to the HTs. general the statistical engines show more evident
Results on TRF. The TRF translations of En- signs of syntactic simplification than both human
glish texts into German come out really well, i.e. and neural translations. This can be the result of
close to the HTs – the TRF comes closest of all having a phrase-based translation (SMT) in con-
models here. Translations of English speech also trast to sentence-based translations (humans and
comes close to the HTs. However, TRF translations neural systems). The difference between architec-
of German speech into English is overly complex tures is less strong for the grammatical perplexi-
in comparison to the HTs. Translations of German ties, where machine translation displays in general
texts are slightly more complex than the HTs. higher levels of structural shining-through than hu-
man translation, and lower levels of normalization,
6 Conclusions presenting more sensibility to the source language
than human translation.
Crossing PoS perplexity scores and syntactic de-
pendency lengths, we draw some conclusions about In general, while we find evident differences in
the difference between human and machine struc- translationese between human and machine trans-
tural translationese in text and speech. We sum- lations of text and speech, our results are com-
marize our findings as preliminary answers to the plex to analyze and it would be wise not to over-
questions posed in the Introduction. interpret our findings. In future work, the impact of
the difference in the amount of available data and
Q1. The structural particularity displayed by languages involved for written and spoken texts
human interpreting is not replicated by MT mod- should also be analysed. Machine translations do
els: machine translation of spoken language is not present symptoms of structural translationese, but
as marked as human interpreting. Human writ- such symptoms only in part resemble those dis-
ten translations are similar to comparable originals, played by human translators and interpreters, and
while interpreting transcripts appear different from often follow independent patterns that we still have
all other datasets, at least based on our measures. to understand in depth. This understanding can
This feature fails to appear in any of the machine help in improving machine translation itself with
translations. If we look at MT models’ outputs simple techniques such as reranking of translation
going from SMT to TRF, we see that written lan- options, or more complex ones such as guiding the
guage perplexity for the target decreases, without decoder to follow the desired patterns or rewarding
getting smaller than the human “lower bound”. For their presence. For this, a complementary study
spoken language, perplexity in MT seems to outdo on the correlation of translation quality with our
human levels with ease: for example, TRF reaches translationese measures is needed.
7.2 where human perplexity is 12 (English to Ger-
man Interpreting). This apparent improvement on Acknowledgments
speech-based data could confirm the idea that the
special features of interpreting depend on the cog- This research was funded by the German Research
nitive overload of human translators rather than to Foundation (DFG) as part of SFB 1102 Information
a systematic difficulty of translating speech. Density and Linguistic Encoding.

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Author Index

Ai, Di, 114 Foster, George, 220

Al-Onaizan, Yaser, 265 Fukuda, Ryo, 172
Alkhouli, Tamer, 44, 237
Anderson, Tim, 103 Gaido, Marco, 80
Ansari, Ebrahim, 1 Germann, Ulrich, 122
Arivazhagan, Naveen, 220 Giri, Ritwik, 257
Arkhangorodsky, Arkady, 69 Golik, Pavel, 44, 237
Aulamo, Mikko, 95 Gu, Jiatao, 1
Awiszus, Maximilian, 55 Guo, Jiaxian, 187
axelrod, amittai, 1, 69 Guo, Mengxue, 149
Guta, Andreas, 44
Bach, Nguyen, 1 Gwinnup, Jeremy, 103
Bahar, Parnia, 44
Barra-Chicote, Roberto, 257 Ha, Thanh-Le, 55
Besacier, Laurent, 35 Hagiwara, Masato, 166
Bhattacharyya, Pushpak, 178 Han, Hou Jeung, 62, 73
Bizzoni, Yuri, 280 Hansen, Eric, 103
Bogoychev, Nikolay, 122 Hao, Jie, 114
Bojar, Ondřej, 1, 191, 200 he, yanqing, 158
Bougares, Fethi, 35 Herold, Christian, 44
Huang, Fei, 1
Cattoni, Roldano, 1 Huang, Yiqi, 69
Caubrière, Antoine, 35
Chen, Pinzhen, 122 Iida, Shohei, 145
Cherry, Colin, 220 Indurthi, Sathish Reddy, 62, 73
Courtland, Maury, 272 Isik, Umut, 257
Cui, Hongyi, 145
Juzek, Tom S, 280
Cui, Jianwei, 149
Jyothi, Preethi, 178
Dalvi, Fahim, 1
Karakanta, Alina, 209
Dang, Dawei, 114
Khatri, Jyotsana, 178
Deng, Yao, 187
Kim, Sangha, 62, 73
Di Gangi, Mattia A., 80
Knight, Kevin, 1
Dinu, Georgiana, 265
Kratochvíl, Jonáš, 200
Durrani, Nadir, 1
Krishnaswamy, Arvindh, 257
Dutta Chowdhury, Koel, 280
Lakumarapu, Nikhil Kumar, 62, 73
Elbayad, Maha, 35
Lauly, Stanislas, 265
Enyedi, Robert, 257
Lecouteux, Benjamin, 35
España-Bonet, Cristina, 280
Lee, Beomseok, 62, 73
Estève, Yannick, 35
Lei, Lizhi, 187
Faulkner, Adam, 272 Li, Xiang, 149
Federico, Marcello, 1, 257, 265 Li, Xiaochun, 187
Federmann, Christian, 1 Li, Xiaopu, 114

Liu, Danni, 247 Turchi, Marco, 1, 80, 209
liu, wenbin, 158
Liu, Yuchen, 130 Utsuro, Takehito, 145
Lu, Yu, 130
van Genabith, Josef, 280
Ma, Cong, 130 Vázquez, Raúl, 95
Ma, Xutai, 1
Waibel, Alexander, 1, 55, 228
Macháček, Dominik, 191, 200
Wang, Bin, 149
Macherey, Wolfgang, 220
Wang, Changhan, 1
Mathur, Prashant, 265
Wang, Lijie, 109
Matusov, Evgeny, 44, 237
Wang, Minghan, 187
McElvain, Gayle, 272
Wang, Qian, 130
Nagata, Masaaki, 145 Wang, Yining, 130
Nagesh, Ajay, 1 Wei, Daimeng, 187
Nakamura, Satoshi, 172 wei, jiaze, 158
Negri, Matteo, 1, 80, 209 Wei, Yizhen, 145
Nguyen, Ha, 35 Wilken, Patrick, 44, 237
Nguyen, Thai Son, 55 Williams, Philip, 200
Nguyen, Thai-Son, 200 wu, zhenfeng, 158
Nguyen, Tuan-Nam, 55
Xie, Ning, 187
Niehues, Jan, 1, 247
Xue, Zhengshan, 114
Ore, Brian, 103
Yang, Hao, 187
pan, you, 158 Yao, Yuekun, 200
Pham, Ngoc-Quan, 55
Zaidi, Mohd Abbas, 62, 73
Pino, Juan, 1
Zhang, Jiajun, 130
Polák, Peter, 191
Zhang, Qian, 114
Potapczyk, Tomasz, 89
Zhang, Yuan, 109
Przybysz, Pawel, 89
Zhao, Yang, 130
Qin, Ying, 187 Zhou, Long, 130
Zhuang, Yimeng, 109
Ren, Yi, 140 Žilinec, Matúš, 200
Zong, Chengqing, 130
Sagar, Sangeet, 191, 200
Saini, Nikhil, 178
Salesky, Elizabeth, 1
Sawaf, Hassan, 257
Schneider, Felix, 55, 200, 228
Shang, Hengchao, 187
Shi, Tingxun, 114
Shi, Xing, 1
Spanakis, Gerasimos, 247
Stüker, Sebastian, 1, 55
Su, Enmin, 140
Sudoh, Katsuhito, 172
Sulubacak, Umut, 95
Sun, Yuhui, 149

Teich, Elke, 280

Tiedemann, Jörg, 95
Tomashenko, Natalia, 35

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