The easiest adverbs to recognize are those that end in -ly. Some adjectives end with -ly also
but remember that
adjectives modify only nouns and pronouns. Adverbs modify everything else.Unlike an adjective, an
adverb can be
placed anywhere in a sentence.
Examples: a. Read the book now. (adverb modifying a verb)
(verb) (adverb)
b. The room is too spacious for twenty students. (adjective)
(adverb) (adjective)
c. The lady guard shouted at him very loudly. (mod. adverb)
(adverb) (adverb)
1. Adverbs that end in -ly are formed by adding -ly to an adjective, a present
participle, or a past participle.
a. from an adjective
loving – lovingly creative- creatively
honest – honestly meaningful - meaningfully
responsible – responsibly wonderful- wonderfully
3. When adjective ends in -y, the adverb is formed by replacing final -y with -ily
happy – happily lucky – luckily
healthy- healthily steady- steadily
wealthy-wealthily guilty- guiltily
funny- funnily angry-angrily
4. When adjective ends in -ic, the adverb is formed by replacing final -ic with -ically
sarcastic – sarcastically economic - economically
historic – historically tragic- tragically
dramatic- dramatically
3. At the end of the sentence (after the verb and its object)
She drinks her medicine religiously.
I learn English slowly.
I study adverbs now.
The dog went outside.
He drove the red car carefully.
3. Adverb of manner - answers the question how or what way. It is usually formed by adding -
ly to the adjective.
Cosmetology students cleaned our nails properly.
Slowly, he paints a picture of me.
The students-aid thoroughly cleaned the comfort room and lavatory.
Since Chikizi arrived late, he entered the examination room slowly.