Moreno Pandyahadi Hermawan - B
Moreno Pandyahadi Hermawan - B
Moreno Pandyahadi Hermawan - B
NPM : 222050078
Class : B
School age is a period that greatly determines the quality of an adult with the hope of being
physically, mentally, socially and emotionally healthy. Cases that often occur at the school level that
can affect a person's mental health is bullying. Where bullying is an aggressive act that is carried out
repeatedly by someone who has more power against weak people, both physically and
This is in line with Sejiwa's opinion which defines bullying as an act that uses power to hurt a person or
group of people both verbally, physically and psychologically so that the victim becomes depressed,
traumatized and helpless.
Based on research conducted by Nauli in 2016, it was revealed that out of 176 adolescents aged 15-
17 years in several schools in Pekanbaru, 50.6% had high bullying behavior.
Research in Indonesia related to bullying was conducted by Juwita in 2012 with the results obtained
that Yogyakarta had the highest number of bullying cases compared to Jakarta and Surabaya, with
70.65% of bullying cases occurring in junior high schools (SMP) and high schools (SMA). in Yogyakarta.
Cases of bullying do not only occur at the junior and senior high school levels, but elementary schools
are also included in this case. Where the perpetrator often ridiculed his classmates so that the victim
wanted to quit school, stay away from social relationships, often daydream (depressed), and even
commit suicide. This can be proven from research conducted by Nauli in 2017 which stated that on July
15, 2005 a 13-year-old elementary school student committed suicide because he felt ashamed and
frustrated due to being ridiculed.
Other data based on a survey conducted by Borba found that children aged 9 to 13 years admitted to
bullying. A survey conducted at one of the elementary schools in Pekanbaru City showed that 6 out
of 10 students had bullied their friends verbally or physically. This shows the high cases of bullying at
school age.
Factors for the occurrence of this bullying include, namely differences in class (seniority), economy,
religion, gender, families not getting along, the school situation is not harmonious, differences in
individual or group characters, there is grudge/jealousy, there is a passion to control the victim with
physical strength, and increase the actor's popularity in the circle of his peers.
Forms of bullying that occur in schools can be in the form of: first, verbal. Where violence is done in
the form of ridicule, insults, insults, reproaches, slander. Second, physical. Where the violence
perpetrated relates to a person's body which can be in the form of punches, spitting, slaps, kicks.
Third, relational. Where violence occurs because of the emergence of certain groups that oppose
other groups or individuals until there is exclusion.
With quite a worrying impact on victims of bullying, prevention is needed as soon as possible. Based
on article 54 of Law Number 35 of 2014, "Children within and within the education unit are required
to receive protection from acts of physical, psychological violence, sexual crimes, and other crimes
committed by educators, education staff, fellow students, and/or other parties. other."
If someone is bullying, we must remain confident in facing this action with courage, save evidence of
bullying so that it can be reported, never be afraid to speak or report even if threatened by the
perpetrator, keep mingling with friends who make us confident and always think positively.
The point of view for this problem is that bullying is really not justified. Especially when it happens at
the age of a small child because it can damage the mentality and self-confidence of the child, who
are indeed children of that era who should feel affection instead get treatment that is not wearing
and will always be remembered in their memory which can damage the child's mind