scanned copy of this complete form (2 pages) with your coursework submission.
This is my own original work; it has not been submitted elsewhere in fulfilment of
the requirements of this or any other award.
Career Goals
Instructions: Total +-500 For this section include your SMART career goal.
Artefacts includes:
I aspire to ascend to a Senior Business Development role within an innovative technology firm that
specializes in sustainable solutions. This role will allow me to leverage my strengths in forging
strategic partnerships, spearheading growth initiatives, and driving business success in a
competitive, forward-thinking industry.
The tangibility of this goal will be marked by the successful acquisition of at least five new business
accounts. To facilitate this, I will enhance my skill set by completing a certified course in Advanced
Strategic Business Management within the next six months and connect with a minimum of two
industry leaders each month to build a robust professional network.
Drawing upon three years of solid experience in business development management, this goal
stands on the solid ground of proven competence in project coordination, market analysis, and
administrative oversight. My proactive approach, underscored by a keen acumen for identifying
business opportunities, equips me to rise to the demands of a Senior Business Development role.
Progressing into a senior position aligns seamlessly with my passion for driving innovation and
business growth. It resonates with my commitment to not only excel in my career but also to
contribute meaningfully to the technological sector, an industry that is the backbone of modern
advancements and sustainability.
I am committed to reaching this milestone within the next 18 months. The timeline delineates the
first six months for educational enhancement and network expansion, followed by a year dedicated
to securing new business ventures and contributing to significant market growth.
So, this SMART career goal is not just a reflection of where I see myself in the near future; it has
additional steps I will take to ensure these objectives are within reach.
Personal Statement
Please upload a brief (up to 2 minutes) video including your personal business
Professional Journey
Instructions: Total +-500 words Provide your short-term career plan (1 year after
Masters) Provide your mid-term career plan (3 years after Masters).
Artefacts: includes Attach your CV artifact and attach any additional relevant information
(such as a link for a job vacancy(ies) on which you based your career plans).
Artefacts includes Please provide evidence of your external engagement with photos,
letters from supervisors, or any other evidence.
While my Business Development Manager roles at Roshan Information Technology & Technical
Institute spanned from August 2020 to July 2023, I exercised leadership in heralding the institute's
progress and improving the smoothness of administrative procedures within the institute. Our duty
involved mutual teamwork to ensure better performance, coordinating projects and building
contacts with partners as well as other stakeholders. These interactions were the ones that shaped
the development of my strategic mind and my growth administrative skills and made me a more
competent business developer as a professional person (Nag et al., 2007).
Updated PDP
Instructions: Please attach here your updated Personal Development Plan - PDP with
any relevant updates after your experience so far.
Artefact includes: an updated Personal Development Plan (PDP) which you submitted in
CW1 – highlighting any relevant updates after your experience so far.
Instructions: Please highlight here your concrete future development plans based on
your self-assessment, external engagement learning and career plans. +-400 words
Artefacts includes:
In light of my self-assessment, external engagement experiences, and career plans, I have outlined
concrete future development plans to further enhance my skills and competencies
Advanced Leadership Training: I will admit that me being undoubtedly conscious of the fact that
effective leadership is the main driving force for organizational success, have thus decided to finish
an advanced leadership training program by the end of Q2 2024. I am intent on seizing this
opportunity to develop my leadership traits and emerge more skillful to run teams from a variety of
backgrounds in diversified business environments.
Cross-Cultural Communication Workshop: With doing business has become global, cross-
cultural communication skills are the assets for anybody who aspires to be successful. I intend to
sharpen my skill in this area by attending a workshop on intercultural communication, which is
expected to take place in the third Quarter of 2024.
Networking and Relationship Building: To expand my network and to the big existing
connections tightening, in Q2 2024, I will be committed in attending at least one industry networking
event per month (Marroun et al., 2015). I envision myself as network oriented person and I intend to
broaden my professional circle, obtain some important insider knowledge and find out about some
professional opportunities which holds the best space for my career.
Continuous Learning and Skill Development: I believe there a gap in formal training and
certifications which is being filled by continuous learning and skills development (Price & Reichert,
2017). Keeping up with events in the sector and learning about the new methods will be my weekly
activities that I will do by myself as well as reading industry publications, attending webinars and
participating in online courses. Through the acknowledgement of a self-centered learning style, I
want to arm myself with the ability to adapt, be strong and having relevant business knowledge.
Belbin, R.M., 2011. Management teams: Why they succeed or fail. Human Resource
Management International Digest, 19(3).
Brinkman, W.P., Broekens, J., Jonker, C.M. and Meyer, J.J.C., 2009, September. Getting a Grip
on Emotions in Negotiations: the Possibilities of ICT. In 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM
International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent
Technology (Vol. 3, pp. 345-348). IEEE.
Burt, R.S., 2000. The network structure of social capital. Research in organizational behavior, 22,
Chapman, A., 2003. Johari window: A model for self-awareness, personal development, group
development and understanding relationship.
Fedor, D.B., Bettenhausen, K.L. and Davis, W. (1999) Peer Reviews: Employees’ Dual Roles as
Raters and Recipients, SageJournals. Available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/
(Accessed: 10 March 2024).
Fisher, R., Ury, W.L. and Patton, B., 2011. Getting to yes: Negotiating agreement without giving
in. Penguin
Fisher, R., Ury, W.L. and Patton, B., 2011. Getting to yes: Negotiating agreement without giving
in. Penguin.
Gluck, F.W., Kaufman, S.P. and Walleck, A.S. (2024) Strategic management for competitive
advantage, Harvard Business Review. Available at: https://hbr.org/1980/07/strategic-
management-for-competitive-advantage (Accessed: 11 March 2024).
Hassan, S., Mahsud, R., Yukl, G. and Prussia, G.E., 2013. Ethical and empowering leadership and
leader effectiveness. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 28(2), pp.133-146.
Marroun, S., Toufani, S. and Young, L. (2015) The behaviours of relationship building: A
networking view, SpringerLink. Available at:
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-24184-5_151 (Accessed: 11 March
Nag, R., Corley , K.G. and Gioia, D.A. (2007) The Intersection of Organizational Identity,
Knowledge, and Practice: Attempting Strategic Change Via Knowledge Grafting,
journals.aom. Available at:
afting (Accessed: 10 March 2024).
Saunders, D.M., Minton, J.W., Lewicki, R.J. and Barry, B., 2003. Negotiation: Readings,
Exercises, and Cases. Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
Schwartz, M. and Minkov, M., 2023. How can team teaching succeed? Exploring team building
and its critical characteristics in preschool bilingual education. Learning, Culture and
Social Interaction, 41, p.100721.
Tjosvold, D., 1991. Team organization: An enduring competitive advantage. John Wiley & Sons
Tuckman, B.W., 1965. Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological bulletin, 63(6),
Artefacts for Career Plan
Artefacts for Self-Assessment and Development