Climate Change Impacts On Human Health and The Health Sector 508 Tagged Mar 2022
Climate Change Impacts On Human Health and The Health Sector 508 Tagged Mar 2022
Climate Change Impacts On Human Health and The Health Sector 508 Tagged Mar 2022
President Biden called U.S. climate leadership “more necessary and urgent than ever,” and has placed
the climate crisis “at the forefront of this Nation’s foreign policy and national security planning.”
(Executive Order, 2021) In April 2021, USAID committed to developing a new Agency Climate Strategy
that will guide efforts through 2030 and target climate change resources to meet the most urgent,
immediate demands of the climate crisis as well as the long-term, transformative shifts. The strategy will
expand USAID’s unique role to lead resilience and climate adaptation in development assistance, help us
better respond to climate-related conflict and disasters, and elevate key and emerging issues around
social and environmental justice and equity.
• Direct impacts from increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events, including
heat, that can lead to physical injuries, death and mental health challenges.
• Ecosystem mediated impacts, such as through air pollution, shifting temperature or
precipitation patterns that can alter prevalence and distribution of vector-, water- or food-
borne diseases and/or impact health outcomes related to nutrition.
• Socially mediated effects that occur via impacts on social and human systems, like
increased poverty, migration or conflict which can impact the ability to access care or
negatively influence care seeking behavior.
Graphic description: There are many hazards associated with climate change. Climate change is
expected to increase the frequency and intensity of climate shocks and stressors. Risk is calculated
through the strength of exposure and amount of vulnerability. These climate related impacts directly and
indirectly affect the health system. The ability to adapt, respond, and recover from these risks is
considered resilience.
Image Source: Checklists to assess vulnerabilities in health care facilities in the context of climate change.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021.
Integrating climate change into health programming is central to achieving the President’s ambitious
climate goals and our partner countries’ development objectives. Yet, practitioners often disregard the
breadth and severity of impacts that climate change can have on the performance and sustainability of a
health system. Better understanding the intrinsic link between climate and health systems is essential to
improve efforts to strengthen health systems and ensure they remain resilient. Climate change threatens
health care availability, access, quality, and financial viability by applying direct and indirect pressure that
reduces the capacity of health systems to manage and adapt accordingly to shocks and stressors. The
climate is already changing and the context in which health services are delivered and consumed must
also adjust to meet the immediate and future challenges.
Intensified and frequent extreme weather events can halt or hinder access to and quality of care for
patients and providers, which can result in substantial resource losses (i.e. financial, human, material) for
health systems. Extreme weather events can disrupt supply chains and destroy infrastructure. Forest
fires can lead to facility destruction or extended closure for clean-up (Chen et al., 2019). In extreme
cases, entire populations will need to move from climate vulnerable areas due to destruction from
extreme weather events or changes in viable livelihoods. Mental health in affected communities is also
greatly impacted due to the stress of the event and recovery.
For instance, climate-related migration — for internally displaced persons and refugees — is a major
source of suffering, disability and loss of life (McMichael, et al, 2012). Lack of access to health services,
water, food and shelter along the migration route pose serious health risks to migrants. Cross-border
climate refugees face additional challenges, including not seeking care driven by mistrust and fear of
deportation, financial and structural barriers, stigma and discriminatory treatment from health workers,
and lack of familiarity with health insurance enrollment and entry points. Migrant-sensitive health
systems and programs should deliberately incorporate the needs of migrants into financing, policy,
planning, and implementation of interventions from the national level down to communities — this
approach will ensure that health systems are able to additionally care for migrants without
overburdening the system (WHO Africa Region, 2018).
Climate-sensitive diseases, such as malaria, dengue, and many food and waterborne diseases, are rising at
an alarming rate expanding geographic range, seasonality and increasing incidence due to changes in
temperature and precipitation. For example, ticks and mosquitoes now thrive in places they’d never
ventured before. Rising temperatures over the last decade in Colombia and Ethiopia resulted in malaria
reaching the highland populations — infecting a totally new population group; and in Europe, the West
Nile virus easily spread to new regions (Hess et al, 2020). Infectious disease impacts are likely to worsen
as the climate continues to vary drastically and creates favorable conditions for disease vectors or
pathogens to proliferate, which renders countries at risk of backsliding against the health gains made to
combat such diseases. In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) noted that the
global population at risk from vector-borne diseases will increase by between 220 million and 400
million in the next century. If disregarded, health systems globally can face enormous strain on their
systems, exposing long-standing gaps in public health and further exacerbating chronic inequities.
Three ways climate influences emerging diseases include: (i) Increased transmission of novel
pathogens attributed to changes in land use and loss of biodiversity as humans encroach on forests
and increase their contact with animals. (ii) Increased cases of vector-borne disease due to warming
weather and variable precipitation; Changes in geographic regions vulnerable to contagion due to
shifts in climate. (iii) Re-emergence of old viruses, or zombie contagions, specifically bacteria and
viruses preserved for centuries in the frozen ground as the Arctic's permafrost starts to thaw.
The intertwined relationship among environment, climate change, human health and health systems is
further exemplified as we assess the global shifts in air quality and impacts of soaring temperatures
(Singh et al, 2020). Over time, urbanization and rapid expansion has intensified changes in the physical
landscape, which in return has altered several meteorological variables including temperature, wind
speed, and air quality. For example, urban heat island (UHI) effect is the phenomenon where cities
experience much warmer temperatures than nearby rural areas as a result of their development, which
replaces natural land cover with dense concentrations of pavement, buildings, and other surfaces that
absorb and retain heat (EPA). This phenomenon contributes to a range of public health issues,
particularly from heat exposure and can result in an above-average rate of mortality. UHI’s impact is far
greater on more vulnerable social groups in urban areas (e.g. elderly, children, low income populations).
Vulnerability is increased in populations with underlying health conditions and mobility limitations, poor
housing conditions and small living quarters, and inadequate resources to access alternatives for safer
living environments with cooling (Heaviside et al, 2017). Additionally, pregnant women and newborns
are extremely vulnerable to the direct or indirect impacts of climate change through heat stress,
extreme weather events and air pollution, potentially impacting both the immediate and long-term
health including preterm birth, low birth weight, developmental anomalies and preeclampsia (Roos et al,
Ambient air pollutants also show evidence of negatively impacting air quality and leading to pulmonary
and cardiovascular diseases — causing premature death. For example, recent studies have highlighted
that cities with poorer air quality are prone to a higher death rate of COVID-19 (Frontera, et al, 2020).
In China, air pollution accounts for more deaths than from AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. Additionally,
those with underlying health conditions, children, elderly, and other vulnerable populations are at
greater risk on account of their weaker immune systems and lack of access to affordable and high-quality
care (Singh et al, 2020). In countries with poor air quality, health systems are seeing an uptick of health
conditions caused by air pollution but may lack the capacity and resources to effectively care and
manage conditions in the long-term.
Additionally, climate change will impact the cost of providing services to its target population. As
temperatures rise there will be an increased demand for electricity in order to provide air conditioning
in facilities as well to ensure commodities that need to be temperature controlled are stored at
appropriate temperatures. Due to sea-level rise, coastal areas may need to find alternative sources of
potable water or consider desalination due to saltwater intrusion raising the cost of water. Changes in
water availability will also have implications for agricultural production, which can contribute to
undernutrition. Loss of agricultural productivity can also lead to reduction in income, which will then
impact ability to pay for health services (Ebi et al, 2017).
Climate change is expected to significantly increase health risks — particularly in LMICs, and
disproportionately affect vulnerable groups including the poor, women, children, the elderly and those
with pre-existing medical conditions. Health systems will need to adapt to challenges. It is imperative
that governments, local partners, and global actors not only recognize these interrelated issues but
move as swiftly and strategically as possible in concert to address them.
Climate change’s impact on the health and well-being of people globally is reaching catastrophic levels.
As the earth continues to warm, tens of millions of more people are at increased risk from rapid and
unpredictable spread of infectious diseases, heatwaves, water and food insecurity and scarcity, air
pollution, and poverty and homelessness. Health services are often regarded as a first line defense in
preventing adverse health outcomes, especially from those caused by climate impacts. Health systems
are the foundation for individual and community level resilience. They serve as a critical structure for
protecting all global citizens by providing accessible, affordable, accountable and reliable care when
climate hazards strike. It’s time we move with urgency to prepare for climate change by building climate
resilient health systems. This includes promoting and capacitating effective and iterative risk management
across all levels, fostering multi-sectoral engagement, and identifying actions and investments over the
short- and long-term to increase system resilience.
Addressing current gaps and improving the current health system performance is simply not enough to
prepare a health system to tackle the effects of the climate crisis. Health systems globally should
increasingly take steps to understand how climate change will affect their ability to manage and protect
population health; evaluate the effectiveness of their interventions and systems under diverse climatic
conditions and mediated impacts; and identify opportunities to enhance institutional capacity (WHO Ref
1). USAID supports health systems to adapt to all hazards, including climate change by strengthening
their capacity to absorb, adapt to, and transform if necessary to ensure acceptable, accessible, quality
care to the communities they serve every day, not just during times of shocks (see Figure 2).
Graphic description: When evaluating a shock/stress to the individual, community or system level, one
must consider the following factors: (i) the relative intensity and cost of the shock/stressor; and (ii) the
required and appropriate response considering the transactional costs to implement and sustain the
response. Ultimately the trade-offs between these dynamics will shape the short- and long-term
outcomes of the system.
Image Source: Adapted from Béné, Christophe. (2013). Towards a Quantifiable Measure of Resilience. IDS
Working Papers. 2013. 10.1111/j.2040-0209.2013.00434.x; and “The Future is a Choice : The Oxfam Framework
and Guidance for Resilient Development”.
Climate risks cannot be eliminated, but negative impacts on people and economies can be reduced or
managed. Adaptation refers to making adjustments in natural or human systems in response to expected
or unexpected climatic events and their effects. For example, implementing early warning systems and
preparedness plans for extreme weather events; ensuring flexibility in current policies and practices to
cope with contextual changes such as prevalence in disease, demographics, or responding to large scale
emergencies; and integrating disease surveillance into existing information systems to improve
responsiveness and ensure availability of required commodities and medical products. Building systems
that are flexible and can adapt to contextual changes helps minimize the costs and consequences of
climate impacts, so they do not hinder progress toward development goals.
It is important to note that mitigation and adaptation strategies can be used in concert. Conducting
assessments is necessary to understand the breadth and depth of the climate challenge within the local
country context on the health system prior to determining the approaches that should be considered.
Climate risk management is a required and important component of USAID project design and
implementation. It helps USAID assess, address and adaptively manage climate risks as well as realize
opportunities to further contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Climate risk
management considers different vulnerability assessments, government laws, and policies as well as
projected health and environmental impacts from climate change that may reduce effectiveness of the
intervention if ignored. Additionally, looking at historical data to see how the target area has already
changed should be considered to inform sustainable development. Climate risk assessments should be
conducted early in the program and continually reviewed in evaluation and follow up activity design.
At COP26 the President’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE) — a whole-of-
government initiative to support developing countries and communities in vulnerable situations around
the world, in their efforts to adapt to, and manage the impacts of climate change — was announced.
USAID will play a central role in implementing this new initiative and its ambitious set of targets,
including programs to support half a billion people to adapt to and manage the impacts of climate change
through locally led development by 2030. One way to build on ongoing investments is to support
countries’ implementation of commitments aligned with the implementation of Health National
Adaptation Plans (H-NAP). The H-NAP process aims to support countries to identify medium- and long-
term adaptation planning needs to respond and adapt to climate change. These plans highlight and
address the health risks of climate change. The WHO also launched an initiative to Build Climate
Resilient and Environmentally Sustainable Health Systems through reducing greenhouse gas emissions
and increasing adaptive capacity.
Climate change is threatening the sustainability of health systems performance and development goals
through increased pressure from increased heat, extreme weather events, droughts, shifts in duration
and prevalence of diseases, and the potential for increased novel diseases being introduced. Integrating
climate change adaptation into development work does not require implementing development activities
in a completely new way. It requires considering the climate impacts and identifying opportunities to
adapt and transform as necessary. Health systems need to act now by promoting and building capacity
for effective and iterative risk management across all levels, fostering multi-sectoral engagement, and
identifying actions and investments over the short- and long-term to increase system resilience. Please
review the programming guidance document entitled “Considerations to integrate climate change
mitigation and adaptation into HSS programming” for additional information on how existing and new
activities can adapt to address climate change.
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