Katz RestorationRedesignEthical 1991

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Restoration and Redesign: The Ethical Significance of Human Intervention in Nature

Author(s): Eric Katz

Source: Restoration & Management Notes , Winter 1991, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Winter 1991), pp.
Published by: University of Wisconsin Press

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Restoration and Redesign: ment and that we possess the means and will to correct
these harms. These policies also make us feel good, since
the prospect of restoration relieves the guilt that we feel
The Ethical Significance of about the destruction of nature. The wounds we have
inflicted on the natural world are not permanent; nature
Human Intervention in can be made "whole" again. Our natural resource base and
Nature1 foundation for survival can be saved by appropriate
policies of restoration, regeneration, and redesign.
Ecological restoration is merely These ideas are not restricted to policymakers, environ-
the domination of nature in disguise. mentalists, or the general public - they have recently ap-
peared in the normative principles of philosophers con-
by Eric Katz cerned with developing an adequate environmental ethic.
Paul Taylor uses a concept of "restitutive justice" both as
"The trail of the human serpent is thus over everything." one of the basic rules of duty in his biocentric ethic and as
- William J ames t Pragmatism. a "priority principle" to resolve competing claims.4 The
basic idea of this rule is that human violators of nature will
in some way repair or compensate injured natural entities
In this essay I will examine the moral significance of the and systems. Peter Wenz also endorses a principle of
restoration of ecological systems and the redesign of na- restitution as being essential to an adequate theory of
ture. I will argue that policies of reconstruction, repair, and environmental ethics; he then attacks Taylor's theory for
sustainability are fundamentally misguided because they not presenting a coherent principle.5 The idea that human-
rest on a basic misconception of both natural reality and ity is morally responsible for reconstructing natural areas
the place of humanity in the natural environment. My and entities - species, communities, ecosystems - thus
position is an extreme one - but my goal is to open a becomes a central concern of an applied environmental
dialogue into the primary assumptions of environmental ethic.
policy. A central purpose of philosophical thought is the It is clear, then, that many policymakers, philosophers,
examination and criticism of conventional wisdom; the and restoration ecologists apparently believe in the phys-
argument here is an exercise in the criticism of convention. ical possibility of the restoration, repair, and reconstruc-
The object of my attack is a broad range of environ- tion of natural systems, and advocate this restoration as a
mental restoration and management policies. Since I am useful environmental policy and (to some extent) a moral
interested in the examination of basic principles, my crit- obligation. Why is this belief in restoration mistaken? On
icisms are directed at the entire spectrum of restoration, a simple level, the idea of restoration is the same kind of
repair, redesign, sustainable development, and manage- "technological fix" that has engendered the environmental
ment of natural ecological systems and habitats. I recog- crisis - the notion that science and technology will repair
nize that there are clear policy differences between various and improve natural processes. On a deeper level, it is an
forms of restoration. At one place on the spectrum, for expression of an anthropocentric world view, in which
example, is the re-creation of the tallgrass savanna, as human interests shape and redesign a comfortable natural
described by Steve Packard, in which "natural forces" are reality. A "restored" nature is an artifact created to meet
used to "restore something of real cultural and ecological human satisfactions and interests. Thus, on the most fun-
significance."2 This is different from restoration to create damental level, it is an unrecognized manifestation of the
sustainable ecosystems - the kind of benign wilderness insidious dream of the human domination of nature. Once
agriculture espoused by practitioners such as Chris Maser and for all, humanity will demonstrate its mastery of
in the forests of the Western United States, or Wes Jackson nature by "restoring" and repairing the degraded ecosys-
on the Kansas prairies. Maser, for example, writes that tems of the biosphere. Cloaked in an environmental
"restoration forestry is the only true forestry,"3 and he consciousness, human power will reign supreme.
argues for a redesign of forests using the model of nature
instead of the model of plantations. There are significant II
differences among these approaches. My concern, how- Nine years ago Robert Elliot published a sharp criticism
ever, is with some basic assumptions common to all of of what he called "the restoration thesis."6 In an article
them. I contend that there is a single set of philosophical entitled "Faking Nature" Elliot presented some moral
assumptions that serves as the foundation for the entire objections to the practical environmental policy of restor-
spectrum of restoration policies. As will become clear, it ing damaged natural systems, locations, and landscapes.
is also my view that this set of philosophical assumptions For the sake of argument, Elliot assumed that the restora-
is mistaken.
tion of a damaged area could be carried out perfectly, so
Policies of restoration rest on the assumption that hu- that the area would return to its original condition after the
manity can, and should, repair the damage that human restoration was completed. He argued, however, that even
intervention has caused the natural environment. The im-
in this best-case scenario, the perfect copy of the natural
plicit message is an optimistic one, for it implies that we
recognize the harm we have done to the natural environ-

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The act of restoration raises fundamental questions about the relationship between human beings and nature, the implications of human intention for
"realness," and the intrinsic value of the resulting "artificial natural" community. Here volunteers clear under story brush as part of oak opening restoration
efforts in a Chicago Forest Preserve.

Photo courtesy of The Nature Conservancy of Illinois.

area would be of less value than the original, for the newly was just the starting point for a thought-experiment about
restored natural area would be analogous to an art forgery. the value of natural processes. After all, who could possi-
Two points seem crucial to Elliot's argument. First, the bly believe that a land developer or a strip mining com-
value of objects can be explained "in terms of their origins, pany could - or would - actually restore a natural area to
in terms of the kinds of processes that brought them into its original condition? But now it is clear that serious
being."7 We value an art work in part because of the fact environmentalists and ecological scientists argue for a
that a particular artist, a human individual, created the position similar to Elliot's "restoration thesis." The resto-
work at a precise moment in historical time. Similarly, he ration of a damaged landscape is seen not only as a
argued, we value a natural area because of its "special kind practical option for environmental policy but also as a
of continuity with the past." But to understand the art work moral obligation for right-thinking environmentalists. If
or the natural area in their historical contexts we require a we are to continue human projects which (unfortunately)
special kind of insight or knowledge. Thus, the second impinge on the natural environment (it is claimed), then
crucial point of Elliot's argument is the co-existence of we must repair the damage. In a few short years a "sea-
"understanding and evaluation." The art expert brings to change" has occurred: what Elliot attacked as both a
the analysis and evaluation of a work of art a full range of physical impossibility and a moral mistake is now
information about the artist, the period, the intentions of advocated as proper environmental policy.
the work, and so forth. In a similar way, the evaluation of Thus, we need to re-examine the idea of recreating and
a natural area is informed by a detailed knowledge of restoring a natural landscape. In what sense is this action
ecological processes, a knowledge that can be acquired really analogous to the forging of a work of art? Perhaps
through education and experience, just as one learns the we need to push beyond Elliot's analysis, to use his argu-
history of art.8 To value the restored landscape as much as ments as a starting point for a deeper investigation into the
the original is thus a kind of ignorance; we are being fooled fundamental philosophical assumptions of restoration
by the superficial similarities to the natural area, just as policy.
the ignorant art "appreciator" is fooled by the appearance
of the art forgery. Ill
Although Elliot's argument has had a profound effect My initial reaction to the prospect of environmental policy
on my own thinking about environmental issues,9 I be- based on a program of restoration is almost entirely vis-
lieved that the problem he uses as a starting point is purely ceral: I am outraged by the idea that a technologically
theoretical, almost fanciful. Elliot's "restoration thesis" created "nature" will be passed off as reality. The human

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presumption that we are capable of this technological fix phorical or fallacious. No one created or designed the
demonstrates (once again) the arrogance with which hu- mountain lion as a regulator of the deer population.13
manity surveys the natural world. Whatever the problem This is the key point. Natural individuals were not
may be, there will be a technological, mechanical, or designed for a purpose. They lack intrinsic functions, and
scientific solution. Human engineering will modify natu- so they are different from human-created artifacts. Arti-
ral processes and effect a satisfactory result. Chemical facts, I claim, are essentially anthropocentric. They are
fertilizers will increase food production; pesticides will created for human use, human purpose - they serve a
control disease-carrying insects; hydroelectric dams will function for human life. Their existence is centered on
harness the power of our rivers. The familiar list goes on human life. It would be impossible to imagine an artifact
and on, and now even includes the creation of whole not designed to meet a human purpose. Without a foreseen
"natural" ecosystems as surrogates for the real thing. use the object would not be created. This is completely
The relationship between this technological "mind-set" different from the way natural entities and species evolve
and the environmental crisis has been amply demon- to fill ecological niches in the biosphere.
strated, and need not concern us here.10 My interest is The doctrine of anthropocentrism is thus an essential
narrower. I want to focus on the creation of artifacts, the element in understanding the meaning of artifacts, what
end-products of human technology. The recreated natural they are and where their value lies. The conceptual rela-
environment that is the end result of a restoration project tionship between artifacts and human intentions is not
is nothing more than an artifact created for human use. The generally problematic, for most artifacts are human cre-
problem for an applied environmental ethic is the ations designed for use in human social and cultural con-
determination of the moral value of this artifact. texts. But once we begin to redesign natural systems and
Recently, Michael Losonsky has pointed out how little processes, once we begin to create restored natural envi-
we know about the nature, structure, and meaning of ronments, we impose our anthropocentric purposes on
artifacts. "Compared to the scientific study of nature, the areas that exist outside human society. We will construct
scientific study of artifacts is in its infancy,"11 he writes. so-called natural objects on the model of human desires,
What is clear, of course, is that an artifact is not equivalent interests, and satisfactions. Depending on the adequacy of
to a natural object; but the precise difference, or set of our technology, these restored and redesigned natural
differences, is not readily apparent. Indeed, when we areas will appear more or less natural, but they will never
consider objects such as beaver dams, we are unsure be natural - they will be anthropocentrically designed
whether we are dealing with natural objects or artifacts. human artifacts.
Fortunately, however, these kinds of animal-created arti- The anthropocentric and artifactual nature of restora-
facts can be safely ignored here, since environmental tion in general can be illustrated by two apparently differ-
restoration projects are obviously human. A human-built ent kinds of projects: Chris Maser 's advocacy of the policy
dam is clearly an artifact. of "sustainable" forestry, as opposed to the short term
The concepts of function and purpose are central to an expediency of present day "plantation" forestry practices;
understanding of artifacts. Losonsky rejects the Aristote- and Steve Packard's report of the re-creation of the
lian view that artifacts (as distinguished from natural tallgrass savanna.14 These projects involve differing levels
objects) have no inner nature or hidden essence that can of human intervention in natural processes, but each re-
be discovered. Artifacts, he argues, do have a "nature" that sults in the creation of an artifactual reality designed for
is partially comprised of three features: "internal structure, human benefit - each results in a landscape created to
purpose, and manner of use." This nature, in turn, explains meet human purposes and intentions.
why artifacts "have predictable lifespans during which Maser 's view is the more extreme, and the conceptual
they undergo regular and predictable changes."12 The problems more obvious. In The Redesigned Forest Maser
structure, function, and use of the artifacts determine to argues for a forestry policy that "restores" the forest as it
some extent the changes which they undergo. Clocks harvests it; we must be true foresters and not "plantation"
would not develop in a manner which prevented the managers. But Maser 's plans for "redesigning" forests are
measurement of time. based on questionable concepts and values, ideas (I be-
If Losonsky 's analysis of the nature of artifacts is lieve) that are implicit throughout restoration policy. First,
correct, then there is a great difference between artifacts Maser consistently compares the human design of forests
and natural entities. In this view, in contrast with with Nature's design. His entire first chapter is a series of
Aristotle's, it is natural objects that lack the kind of pur- short sections comparing the two "designs." In the "Intro-
pose and function found in artifacts. Andrew Brennan has duction" he writes, "We are redesigning our forests from
argued that natural entities have no "intrinsic functions," Nature's blueprint to humanity's blueprint."15 But Nature,
as he calls them, for they were not the result of design. of course, does not have a blueprint, nor a design. As a
They were not created for a particular purpose; they have zoologist, Maser knows this; but his metaphorical talk is
no set manner of use. Although we often speak as if natural dangerous. It implies that we can discover the plan, the
individuals (for example, predators) have roles to play in methods, the processes of nature, and mold them to our
the well-being of an ecosystem (the maintenance of opti- purposes. And indeed Maser himself often writes as if he
mum population levels), this kind of talk is either meta- accepts that implication.

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The second problem with his argument is the compar- principles and values of restoration policy? Is Packard's
ison of nature to a mechanism that we do not fully under- work more aligned with natural processes? Is it less tech-
stand. Maser 's criticism of traditional forestry practices - nological, artifactual, and anthropocentric? Unfortunately
often involving turning forests into plantations - is that in not: even this more benign and less interventionist project
simplifying forest ecology we assume our design for the of ecological restoration is based on problematic
forest mechanism is better than nature's. "Forests are not assumptions about the management of nature.
automobiles in which we can tailor artificially substituted Packard describes the research and actions undertaken
parts for original parts."16 How true. But Maser's argu- to rediscover and restore the tallgrass savanna or oak
ment against this substitution is merely practical or empir- opening community of the Midwest. As he relates, the
ical: "A forest cannot be 'rebuilt' and remain the same rediscovery of the savanna was an accidental by-product
forest, but we could probably rebuild a forest similar to of a different project, the restoration of prairie landscapes
the original if we knew how. No one has ever done it. . .We which included a bur oak edge. Involving seven small sites
do not have a parts catalog, or a maintenance manual. . ,"17 with degraded "prairies," the project entailed the enlarge-
The implication is that if we did have a catalog and ment of the areas bv clearing brush and planting prairie
manual, if nature were known as well as artifactual ma- species in its place.2 "Our objective was clear," he writes,
chines, then the restoration of forests would be morally "It was to restore these tracts to their original natural
and practically acceptable. This conclusion serves as condition."22
Maser's chief argument for the preservation of old-growth But how was this goal achieved? Packard asserts that
and other unmanaged forests: "we have to maintain some he wanted to use "natural forces" such as fire to clear the
original, unmanaged old-growth forest, mature forest, and brush; but this methodology is soon abandoned: "the
young-growth forest as parts catalog, maintenance man- question was, did we have enough determination and
ual, and service department from which to learn to practice patience to give natural processes two or three hundred
restoration forestry."18 Is the forest-as-parts-catalogue a years to work themselves out? Or could we find something
better guiding metaphor than the forest-as-plantation? quicker?"23 Thus, he writes, "we decided to leapfrog the
This mechanistic conception of nature underlies, or persistent brushy border and to reçut our fire lines. . ."24
explains, the third problem with Maser's argument. His Although Packard is using the natural force of fire, he is
goal for restoration forestry, his purpose in criticizing the employing it in an artificially accelerated manner to
short-term plantation mentality, is irredeemably anthropo- achieve the desired results more quickly. Asimilar process
centric. The problem with present day forestry practices is is used when the "seeding process" begins: naturally oc-
that they are "exclusive of all other human values except curring seeds are used, but the process involves the prep-
production of fast-grown woodfiber."19 It is the elimina- aration of a "savanna mix," and human decisions
tion of other human values and interests that concerns regarding the placement and release of the seeds.25
Maser. "We need to learn to see the forest as the factory Although I have nothing but admiration for Packard's
that produces raw materials. . ." to meet our "common work, and I sincerely applaud his success, the significant
goal:. . .a sustainable forest for a sustainable industry for philosophical lesson from his restoration project is that
a sustainable environment for a sustainable human popu- even such a "benign" and minimal intervention compro-
lation."20 In other words, restoration forestry is necessary mises the natural integrity of the system being restored.
because it is the best method for acquiring the human Despite his goal of restoring an original natural condition,
goods which we extract from nature. Our goal is to build Packard is actually creating an artifactual substitute for the
a better "factory-forest," using our detailed understanding real savanna, one based on human technologies and de-
of forest ecology. Our goal is to produce a "natural" signed for human purposes: a pure and grand vision of the
system that is more beneficial to humanity than the short- old Midwest.26 The most telling passage in his chronicle
sighted system of plantation forestry. of the savanna restoration is his report of the "farsighted"
What is disturbing about Maser's argument is that it 1913 law which established the Forest Preserve District,
comes from an environmentalist. Where Elliot accepts the a law whose statement of purpose "emboldened" Packard
idea of a "perfect copy" only for the purposes of argument, to accelerate the burning process.27 He quotes the law, with
and then rejects the "restoration thesis" even on those emphasis added: "to restore , restock, protect and preserve
grounds, Maser actually advocates the deliberate re- the natural forests and said lands. . .as nearly as may be,
designing of forests as a method of environmental protec- in their natural state and condition, for the purpose of the
tion and conservation for human use. His conclusion education, pleasure, and recreation of the public." Note
shows us the danger of using anthropocentric and mecha- that the purpose of the preservation and restoration is the
nistic models of thought in the formulation of environ- production of human goods; as with all artifacts, the goal
mental policy. These models leave us with forests that are is a human benefit. Packard calls this a "noble statement."
mere "factories" for the production of human commodi- Clearly the aim of restoration is the creation of environ-
ties, spare-parts catalogues for the maintenance of thements that are pleasing to the human population. If the
machine. restoration is done well, as in the case of Packard's savan-
But Maser's view can be considered an extreme version nas, the area may appear natural; but it will not be natural,
of restoration thinking. Is Steve Packard's work with The since it is the result of a technological acceleration of
Nature Conservancy a better expression of the underlying natural forces.

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I began this section with a report of my visceral reaction art, an everchanging neighborhood mural or music passed
to the technological re-creation of natural environments. on for generations, as in a folk tradition.29 Another exam-
This reaction has now been explained and analyzed. Na- ple would be classical ballet, a performance of which is a
ture restoration projects are the creations of human tech- unique dynamic movement, different from every other
performance of the same ballet.
nologies, and as such, are artifacts. But artifacts are essen-
tially the constructs of an anthropocentric world-view. These suggestions about a different paradigm of art
They are designed by humans for humans to satisfy human show clearly, I think, what is wrong with the art/nature
interests and needs. Artifactual restored nature is thus analogy as a useful analytical tool. Natural entities and
fundamentally different from natural objects and systems systems are much more akin to the fluid evolving art of
which exist independent of human design. This differenceCebik 's alternative model than they are to the static, fin-
is due to the origin of the entities, habitats, and systems;ished, individual artworks of the dominant paradigm. It is
as in the perfect copy of a work of art, the perfect restoredthus an error to use criteria of forgery and authenticity that
ecosystem lacks the entire value of the original. It is notderive from an individualistic, static conception of art for
surprising, then, that we regard even a technically "per-an evaluation of natural entities and systems. Natural
fect" restored natural area as having a value different fromentities and systems are nothing like static, finished ob-
its original counterpart. jects of art. They are fluid, evolving systems without an
artist or creator. The perceived disvalue in restored natural
IV objects does not derive then from a misunderstanding over
Up to this point, my analysis has supported the argument the identity of the creator of the objects. It derives instead
and conclusions of Elliot's criticism of "the restoration from the misplaced category of "creator" - for natural
thesis." But further reflection on the nature of artifacts, and objects do not have creators or designers as human art-
the comparison of forests to, well-run machines and ofworks do. Once we realize that the natural entity we are
savannas to technological products, makes me doubt theviewing has been "restored" by a human artisan it ceases
central analogy which serves as the foundation of his case.to be a natural object. It is not a forgery; it is an artifact.
Should we compare an undisturbed natural environment We thus return to artifacts, and their essentially anthro-
to a work of art? pocentric nature. We cannot (and should not) think of
As I noted in section II, Elliot uses the art/nature natural objects as artifacts, for this imposes a human
analogy to make two fundamental points about the process purpose or design on their very essence. As artifacts, they
of evaluation: (1) the importance of a continuous causal are evaluated by their success in meeting human interests
history; and (2) the use of knowledge about this causal and needs, not by their own intrinsic being. Using the
history to make appropriate judgments. A work of art or a art/nature analogy of forgery reinforces the impression
natural entity which lacks a continuous causal history, as that natural objects are similar to artifacts - artworks -
understood by the expert in the field, would be judged and that they can be evaluated using the same anthropo-
centric criteria. Natural entities have to be evaluated on
inferior. If the object is "passed off' as an original with its
causal history intact, then we would judge it to be a forgery their own terms, not as artworks, machines, factories, or
or an instance of "faked" nature. any other human-created artifact.
I do not deny that this is a powerful analogy. It
demonstrates the crucial importance of causal history in
the analysis of value. But the analogy should not be pushed But what are the terms appropriate for the evaluation of
too far, for the comparison suggests that we possess an natural objects? What criteria should be used? To answer
understanding of art forgery that is now simply being this question we need to do more than differentiate natural
applied to natural objects. I doubt that our understanding objects from artifacts; we need to examine the essence or
of art forgery is adequate for this task. L. B. Cebik argues nature of natural objects. What does it mean to say that an
that an analysis of forgery involves basic ontological entity is natural (and hence not an artifact)? Is there a
questions about the meaning of art - that is, fundamental distinguishing mark or characteristic? What makes an
questions about the essence of art, what makes a work of object natural, and why is the standard not met through the
art what it is. Cebik argues that it is a mistake to focus restoration process?
exclusively on questions of value when analyzing art The simple answer to this question - a response I basi-
forgeries, for the practice of forgery raises fundamental cally support - is that the natural is defined as being
issues about the status of art itself.28 independent of the actions of humanity. Thus, Taylor
According to Cebik, an analysis of forgeries advocates a principle of noninterference as a primary
demonstrates that our understanding of art is dominated moral duty in his ethic of respect for nature. "We put aside
by a limiting paradigm - "production by individuals." We our personal likes and our human interests. . .Our respect
focus almost exclusively on the individual identity of the for nature means that we acknowledge the sufficiency of
artist as the determining factor in assessing authenticity. the natural world to sustain its own proper order through-
"Nowhere. . .is there room for paradigmatic art being out the whole domain of life."30 The processes of the
fluid, unfinished, evolving, and continuous in its cre- natural world that are the most natural are those that are
ation." Cebik has in mind a dynamic, communally based most free of human interference.

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There are two obvious problems with this first simple society; the cocaine "high," though physiologically sim-
answer. First, there is the empirical point that human ilar, is a technological imposition and manipulation of
influence on the environment is, by now, fairly pervasive. natural biological processes.
No part of the natural world lies untouched by our pollu- If these reflections on the meaning of "natural" are
tion and technology. In a sense, then, nothing natural truly plausible, then it should be clear why the restoration
exists (anymore). Second, there is the logical point that process fails to meet the criteria of naturalness. The at-
humans themselves are naturally evolved beings, and so tempt to redesign, recreate, and restore natural areas and
all human actions would be "natural," regardless of the objects is a radical intervention in natural processes. Al-
amount of technology used or the interference on nonhu- though there is an obvious spectrum of possible restora-
man nature. The creation of artifacts is a natural human tion and redesign projects which differ in their value -
activity, and thus the distinction between artifact and Maser's redesigned, sustainable forest is better than a tree
natural object begins to blur. plantation, and Packard's tallgrass savanna is better than
These problems in the relationship of humanity to an urban park - all of these projects involve the manipu-
nature are not new. Mill raised similar objections to the lation and, I argue, the domination of natural areas. All of
idea of "nature" as a moral norm over a hundred years ago, these projects involve the imposition of anthropocentric
when he argued that it was either impossible to "follow interests on the processes and objects of nature so as to
nature" since anything human was beyond natural forces, create artifactual natural realities. The imposition of ex-
or impossible not to follow nature, since nature is all that ternal human interests on natural entities and systems is a
exists.31 The answer to these problems is twofold. First, form of domination. Nature is not permitted to be free, to
we admit that the concepts of "natural" and "artifactual" pursue its own independent course of development.
are not absolutes; they exist along a spectrum, where The fundamental error is thus domination, the denial of
gradations of both concepts can be discerned. The human freedom and autonomy. Although anthropocentrism is
effect on the natural world is pervasive, but human actions generally considered a major problem by most environ-
differ in significant ways. A toxic waste dump is different mental philosophers, it is really only one version of the
from a compost heap of organic material. To claim that more basic attack on the pre-eminent value of self-realiza-
both are equally non-natural obscures important tion. From within the perspective of anthropocentrism,
distinctions. humanity believes it is justified in dominating and mold-
A second response is presented by Brennan.32 Although ing the non-human world to its own human purposes. But
a broad definition of "natural" denotes independence from a policy of domination transcends even the anthropocen-
human management or interference, a more useful notion tric subversion of natural processes. A policy of domina-
(because it has implications for value theory and ethics) tion subverts both nature and human existence; it denies
can be derived from the consideration of evolutionary both the cultural and natural realization of individual
adaptations. Our natural diet is the one we are adapted for, good, human as well as non-human. Liberation from all
the one that is "in keeping with our nature." All human forms of domination is thus the chief goal of any ethical
activity is not unnatural, only that activity which goes or political system.
beyond our biological and evolutionary capacities. As an It is difficult to awaken from the dream of domination.
example, Brennan cites the procedure of "natural child- We are all impressed by the power and breadth of human
birth" - that is, childbirth free of medical interventions. technological achievements. Why is it not possible to
"Childbirth is an especially striking example of the wild- extend this power further, until we control, manipulate,
ness within us. . .where we can appreciate the natural at and dominate the entire natural universe? This is the
first hand..," he writes. It is natural, free, and wild not illusion that the restoration of nature presents to us. But it
because it is a nonhuman activity - after all, it is human is only an illusion. Once we dominate nature, once we
childbirth - but because it is independent of a certain kind
restore, redesign, regenerate, sustain, or reconstruct nature
of human activity, actions designed to control or to for our own purposes, then we have destroyed nature - we
manipulate natural processes. have created an artifactual reality, in a sense, a false reality,
The "natural" then is a term we use to designate objects which merely provides us the pleasant illusory appearance
and processes that exist as far as possible from human of the natural environment.
manipulation and control. Natural entities are autonomous
in ways that human-created artifacts are not. They are, in
Taylor's words, "free to pursue the realization of one's As a concluding note, let me leave the realm of philo-
good according to the laws of one's nature."33 When we sophical speculation and return to the world of practical
thus judge natural objects, and value them more highly environmental policy. Nothing I have said in this essay
than artifacts, we are focusing on the extent of their should be taken as an endorsement of actions that develop,
independence from human domination. In this sense, then, exploit, or injure areas of the natural environment and
human actions can also be judged to be natural - these are leave them in a damaged state. I believe, for example, that
the human actions that exist as evolutionary adaptations, Exxon should attempt to clean-up and restore the Alaskan
free of the control and alteration of technological pro- waterways and lands that were harmed by its corporate
cesses. The "runner's high" is a biological adaptation negligence. I also believe that restorationists should con-
useful for the perpetuation of the species in a hunter-gather

Restoration & Management Notes 95


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tinue in their work. Steve Packard, for example, should 22 Packard, p. 14.
continue to create savanna; Chris Maser should continue 23 Packard, p. 15.

to try to modify destructive short-term forestry practices. 24 Packard, p. 15.

But perhaps restorationists should adopt a different lan- 25 Packard, p. 18.

guage to describe their work. They should talk about their 26 Packard, p. 14.

work as an artifactual creation, not a restoration of nature. 27 Packard, p. 15

The point of my argument here is that we must not misun- 28 L. B. Cebik, "Forging Issues from Forged Art," Southern Journal of
Philosophy 27 (1989): 331-46.
derstand what we humans are doing when we attempt to
29 Cebik, p. 342.
restore or repair natural areas. We are not restoring nature;
Taylor, p. 177. The rule of noninterference is discussed on pp. 173-179.
we are not making it whole and healthy again. Ecological Note that Packard, for example, does not put aside his personal prefer-
restoration is a compromise; it should not be a basic policy ences: he is unwilling to wait two hundred years for nature to take its
course, and so accelerates the burn; see notes 23 and 24 above.
goal. It is a policy that makes the best of a bad situation;
31 J.S. Mill, "Nature," in Three Essays on Religion (London: 1874).
it cleans up our mess. We are putting a piece of furniture 32
Andrew Brennan, Thinking About Nature: An Investigation of Nature,
over the stain in the carpet for the sake of appearances. As Value, and Ecology (Athens, G A: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1988), pp.
a matter of policy, however, it would be much better to 88-91.

prevent the stains in the first place. 33 Taylor, p. 174.


An earlier and somewhat different version of this paper was read at the
conference Moral Philosophy in the Public Domain under the title, "The
Big Lie: Human Restoration of Nature," at the University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, June 8, 1990. That version of the paper
will appear in Research in Philosophy and Technology 12 (1992). The
author wishes to thank Edwin Hettinger, Eric Higgs, Holmes Rolston,
and Bill Jordan for important comments that helped in the revision of this

Steve Packard, "Just a Few Oddball Species: Restoration and the

Rediscovery of the Tallgrass Savanna," Restoration & Management
Notes 6:1 (Summer 1988), pp. 13-22 (Quotation from p. 14).
3 Chris Maser, The Redesigned Forest (San Pedro: R.& E. Miles, 1988),
p. 173.
Paul Taylor, Respect for Nature: A Theory of Environmental Ethics
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986), pp. 186-92, 304-06, and
generally Chapters Four and Six.
5 Peter S. Wenz, Environmental Justice (Albany: SUNY Press, 1988), pp.

Robert Elliot, "Faking Nature," Inquiry 25 (1982): 81-93; reprinted in

Donald VanDeVeer and Christine Pierce, eds., People, Penguins, and
Plastic Trees: Basic Issues in Environmental Ethics (Belmont:
Wadsworth, 1986), pp. 142-150. See also Peter Losin, "Faking Nature -
A Review," Restoration & Management Notes 4:2 (Winter 1986): 55; and
"The Sistine Chapel Debate: Peter Losin Replies," Restoration & Man-
agement Notes 6:1 (Summer 1988): 6.
7 Elliot, p. 86 (VanDeVeer and Pierce, p. 145).
8 Elliot, p. 91 (VanDeVeer and Pierce, p. 149).
9 Eric Katz, "Oreanism, Community, and the 'Substitution Problem,'"
Environmental Ethics 1 (1985): 253-55.
10 See, for example, Barry Commoner, The Closing Circle (New York:
1971) and Arnold Pacey, The Culture of Technology (Cambridge: MIT
Press, 1983).
11 Michael Losonsky, "The Nature of Artifacts," Philosophy 65 (1990):

12 Losonsky, p. 84.
Andrew Brennan, "The Moral Standing of Natural Objects," Environ-
mental Ethics 6 (1984): 41-44. The only way one could say that natural
entities were designed for a purpose would be to accept a cosmic or divine
principle of design in the universe. I hesitate to make such metaphysical

See footnotes 2 and 3, above. Steve Packard is the Illinois director of

science and stewardship for The Nature Conservancy. Chris Maser is a
former research scientist for the United States Department of Interior
Bureau of Land Management.
15 Maser, The Redesigned Forest, p. xvii.
16 Maser, pp. 176-77.
17 Maser, pp. 88-89.
18 Maser, d. 174.
19 Maser, p. 94.
20 Maser, pp. 148-49.
21 Packard, "Just a Few Oddball Species," p. 13.

96 Restoration & Management Notes


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