Format Research Report
Format Research Report
Format Research Report
Submitted for the degree of Bachelor in Commerce under the Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju
Bhaiya, University, Prayagraj
Session: 2023-24
Department Of Commerce
K.P. Uccha Shiksha Sansthan, Jhalwa, Prayagraj
Supervisor's Certificate
This is to certify that.............a student of B.Com 3rd Year of K.P. Uccha Shiksha Sansthan
under the Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University has worked under my
supervision and guidance or his Project Work and prepared a Project Report with the
The project report, which he/she is submitting, is his/her genuine and original work to the
best of my knowledge.
Place: Prayagraj
Name of the College:
Student's Declaration
I hereby declare that the Project Work with the title................................submitted by me for
the partial fulfilment of the degree of B.Com. under the Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju
Bhaiya) University is my original work and has not been submitted earlier to any
other University/Institution for the fulfilment of the requirement for any course of
I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part has been incorporated
in this report from any earlier work done by others or by me.
However, extracts of any literature which has been used for this report has been duly
acknowledged providing details of such literature in the references.
Roll No:
Name of College:
This project on........................................could not see the light if I had not received immense
help from many persons associated directly or indirectly with the title and conduct of the
project at 6th Semester, B.Com of our esteemed learning institution, K.P. Uccha Shiksha
Sansthan. I am highly indebted to many persons for the successful completion of my
project. At the outset I would like to express my heartiest thanks and gratitude to all of
them; without whose continuous support and assistance completion of this project would
not have been possible.