CONCEPT Geometry
SKILLS Making shapes from other shapes, defining shapes, sorting and classifying
MATERIALS Elastic loops or Chinese jump ropes, geoboards, rubber bands, books Stretch
It! by Anne Linehan, and The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns
BACKGROUND In the book The Greedy Triangle, a triangle is dissatisfied with his shape. The
triangle complains to the shapeshifter, who changes him into a new polygon
by adding another angle and another side. Soon the shape is not content
being a quadrilateral, and returns to the shapeshifter to have another
angle and side added. This continues until the shape has so many sides
and angles that it rolls as easily as a circle. The book introduces the correct
geometric terminology each time the triangle is changed into a new shape.
DIRECTIONS Read the book, The Greedy Triangle. After the children are familiar with the
story, implement the following lessons.
Elastic Loops
To prepare for this activity make enough elastic loops so there is one loop
for all your children. A loop can be made by tying together
1 1/2 yards of 1/2” elastic into a circle. An alternative to using elastic loops
is to have your children use a Chinese jump rope.
As you reread The Greedy Triangle, have pairs of children use the elastic
to form the polygons described. Be sure to stop after each polygon and give
the children the opportunity to observe and comment about the similarities
and differences in the elastic shapes. For example, some triangles may be
equilateral, while others may be right triangles. You may have many forms
of quadrilaterals: rectangles, squares, trapezoids, and so on.
Geoboard Shapes
Another time, read The Greedy Triangle, and then have the children build a
triangle on a geoboard using rubberbands. After building on the geoboard
have children record their triangles onto geoboard dot paper. Ask children
to share the triangles they have made. They will notice that not all the
triangles are identical. Ask questions such as:
REFERENCES Burns, Marilyn. The Greedy Triangle. New York: Scholastic, 1995.
Permission is granted to reproduce and share this article for instructional use by parents,
guardians, teachers, and families—provided it is duplicated with full credit given to the
author, the California Mathematics Council, and its Journal, the ComMuniCator.
Fold-A-Book Instructions
1. Fold a rectangular sheet of paper into eighths.
3. Cut or tear along the center crease from the folded edge
to the middle of the paper.
An octagon has A decagon has
eight sides. ten sides.
April 2005