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Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences | | Volume 3, No.

1 | December 2020
Impact of Health Programs in SHL Asia Pacific Journal of
Allied Health Sciences
Restoration Village Vol. 3. No 1, pages 48-60
December 2020
Paglinawan, Kessey Ken M. Salvador, Leticia S., Ventura, Mishel A. ISSN 2704-3568
and Dr. Leonila M. Adarlo
College of Nursing, Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas
[email protected]

Abstract – This study aimed to determine the over-all impact of health programs implemented
SHL Restoration Village. The study made use of descriptive method and utilized a self-made
questionnaire distributed among 50 respondents who are currently residing at SHL Restoration
Village in San Jose Sico, Batangas City. To interpret the results, the study used weighted mean
and Analysis of Variance which was supported by SPSS version 20.0. Residents of restoration
village are aware of health programs implemented in their community. The health programs were
extensively implemented in the community. They agreed that there are barriers that affect the
effective implementation of health programs in SHL Restoration Village. The respondents assessed
that health programs have impact to them when it comes to maternal and childcare, personal
hygiene, family planning, environmental awareness, and the use of herbal medicines. There is
highly significant relationship among the awareness of the community, extent of implementation
and barriers that affect the implementation of health programs to the impact of health programs
in terms of maternal and childcare, personal hygiene, family planning, environmental awareness
and use of herbal medicine. It is recommended that barangay health center and provincial health
agency may focused on special health services to address those in curative stage health problems
of the community which needs expensive medication. Additional facilities may be provided for
health care preventive method which will be participated by healthcare workers and other
healthcare professionals to address the health problems in the municipality..
Keywords – Health services, SHL restoration village

INTRODUCTION and philosophy of Dr. Jose P. Laurel who considers the

Community Extension is one of the tri-fold dignity of human and the autonomy of man where
functions in Lyceum of the Philippines University he/she is due to earn respect and resilience. Due to this,
Batangas thus plays an important role in the social the university tends to support this vision and the
transformation and became an instrument in changing programs to provide opportunity to the less fortunate
lives of many Batanguenos by providing sustainable people existing within the community [2].
projects [1], its goal is to make a difference in the lives As stipulated in Republic Act 7722, otherwise
of every family living in Sotero H. Laurel Restoration known as The Commission on Higher Education
Village. The SHL village is a collaborative effort of mandates institutions of higher learning like State
Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas and Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and private higher
Couples for Christ movement are organizations institutions to respond to the call for societal
supporting the community people to achieve a common transformation. The focus of this act is to encourage
goal in providing services that will enhance people’s higher education to provide service to the poor and less
ability to become self-support, self-sustaining and self- privileged as well as those who are deprived and
propelling community after years of continuous oppressed people that needs support in any part of their
teaching to attain the goal of being a self-reliant well-being. In order serve the community and improve
community living in a place that is safe to live and their lives, the schools and universities are providing
people are aware of their owns needs, and ability to many kinds of extension services. The design of these
live within their own capacity. services aimed at the enhancement of livelihood,
The Community Extension Office of Lyceum reduce poverty and uneducated people, and alleviate
of the Philippines University following the viewpoint the impact of health, governance support that maintains
ISSN 2704-3568
Paglinawan, et al., Impact of Health Programs in SHL Restoration Village
the essence of development and protecting the outside and be conscious of the importance of helping
environment from pollution and abuse. Addition to this, other people. Their decision making is still weak due to
the beneficiaries who are technically poor may be being young, but by being able to involve in such can
empowered by providing health and environmental increase their knowledge of how their influence can
education and resources. Make their voice heard and bring control to the development alternatives of the
encourage the government to extend their programs to local community. Community Extension Program is a
address their needs. program where it encourages people to experience
To answer this calling LPU built a community something new in a different way to learn, through
named after the founder as Sotero H. Laurel (SHL) these, the people in the community must be a partner in
restoration village; it is situated within Batangas City. promoting health, and not merely just a recipient. By
In the year 2008 is a remarkable year for Lyceum working in teams and group, they will be able to
family as SHL restoration village was born. At present develop ideas on how they could help the community.
a total of 43 households are within the village. And the development of community extension program
It was started through the kindness of LPU helps cultivate such skills from the students [4].
leaders and CFC religious group, newly constructed Community Extension Program is a voluntary
houses were first awarded to ten homeless families and activity of the college of Lyceum of the Philippines
was given a chance to have a decent place to live, those University. Their purposes are to develop community
families passed the criteria to occupy the house. There awareness among students, leadership ability and
are certain conditions such as once they are capable to following the mission vision statement of Lyceum of
live independently, they will build their own house and the Philippines University. Anchored on its academic
will depart to give chance to other family who are mission, the management, faculty, staff, and
incapable of having their own house for the time being, development programs in order to develop and enhance
must be a Roman Catholic and married. This project is experiential learning, individual involvement,
a partnership between the Couples for Christ enlightened social awareness and concern for others.
Foundation for Family and Life (CFC-FFL) and SHL Restoration Village. Lyceum designs programs
Lyceum of the Philippines University (LPU) through and opportunities to develop social awareness, personal
its Community Extension Office. The family of Cesar internalization, and meaningful contribution to nation
Ramirez, District Head of CFC-FFL, donated 5,550 building. True to its core values of God-centeredness,
square meters of lot while the Laurels committed fifty social justice and environmental consciousness,
(50) to sixty (60) houses to be built in the area. Lyceum of the Philippines University fulfills its
The College of Nursing plays an important role advocacy to constantly uplift standards of living not
in maintaining the stability of the community just by providing quality education but also by
pertaining to promotion of wellness by educating the extending help to the less fortunate.
people on how to maintain it. A healthy people in the community are a
Community extension program of the College learning community, it is the yardstick of all the
of Nursing focuses on different programs as follows: programs implemented in the community. To
Medical mission, Health assessment and Vital sign determine the deterrence of one community, a concrete
taking, Feeding Program, Care of Mother and Child, process of evaluating the impact of every program
Herbal medicine and Christmas gift giving. implemented is important, thus implementation of
The faculty members along with the student every program should be based on what the whole
regularly visit the adopted community which is SHL community needs and its sustenance. Community
Restoration Village. As a provider of health, educating partner should understand that building a healthy
people is the primary responsibility of the College of community should involve the community people and
Nursing community extension the act of volunteerism to inculcate that the goal is to keep the community
entails commitment and devotion to be with sustainable even when the help is no longer available.
community people. In this regard, after long years of existence the
Karibeeran, and Kuruvilla [3] cited that student researchers would like to evaluate the impact of all the
are encouraged to join community extension or programs conducted by the College of Nursing in order
activities because they need to be exposed to such to be to identify which programs become effective and which
able to increase their community awareness. This will programs needs to sustain.
help them to understand the real experiences of people
Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences
Vol. 3, No. 1, December 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences | | Volume 3, No. 1 | December 2020
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY used as the main tool in collecting the data that will
This study aimed to determine the over-all answer the queries of the researchers. The instruments
impact of health programs implemented by the College passed thru validation by the expert and finalized to
of Nursing among community people at SHL ensure that the instruments are valid and guaranteed
Restoration Village. Specifically, it aims to determine that no biases were seen. The instruments were
the awareness of the people about the health programs translated in Filipino so that the respondents will fully
implemented; determine the impact of the health understand its contents. The data gathered or the
programs; assess the extent of implementation of health information provided will determine the depth of
programs; identify the barriers that affect the impacts and the effects of community extension
implementation of the program; and lastly to test the program among the respondents.
significant relationship with the above mentioned
variables to the overall impact of the health programs Data Gathering Procedure
implemented. Before establishing the concepts and ideas on
how the research process will take place, the
MATERIALS AND METHODS researchers first thinks of the topics of their interest.
Research Design For the completion of this study, review of literature
This study made use of descriptive research was done to identify relevant and potential resources
design wherein according to Shuttleworth [5], it is a where researchers can get the inputs about the chosen
scientific method which involves observing and topic. Different sources were used such as books,
describing the behavior of a subject without influencing journals, researches, published report, scholarly
it in any way. The subject is being observed in a literature, and the use of internet and web to establish a
completely natural and unchanged natural good stand about the research topic. Then, the gathered
environment. Descriptive research is often used as a related literatures were identified and grouped per
pre-cursor to quantitative research designs, the general variables in line with the proposed objectives. An
overview giving some valuable pointers as to what instrument was utilized through conceptualizing a
variables are worth testing quantitatively. This type of modified questionnaire which was adopted from a
research determined the impact of health programs source in the related literature.
implemented of Community extension of the College After completion of the instruments it was
of Nursing as well as the effectiveness of the programs passed through the expert for their expert comments
implemented, further this study also look into aspects and suggestions. The approval was sought from the
on ways how the implemented programs will fail, a dean of the college of nursing as well as the approval
barrier was determined to create a re-organization of from the authorities was obtained. The researchers
the program for the next community extension program provided a letter for the barangay chairman and
formulation. housing president of Sico Restoration Village asking
permission to conduct the study. They also provide
Participants of the Study another letter for the respondents asking them to
The participants of the research study were participate through answering the attached
50 local residents who are residents in Barangay San questionnaire. They were given enough time to answer
Jose Sico, Batangas City. They were chosen based on and personally address their queries. After they are
the inclusion criteria as follows; lives in the restoration done answering, the researchers retrieved the
village for more than a year, participated, received and questionnaires immediately. It was tallied, analyzed,
a beneficiary of the community extension programs, a tabulated and interpreted with the help of their
mother or a parent whether married or not who statistician.
experienced to take care a child or children during the
com-ex period, been pregnant who is a recipient of Statistical Treatment of Data
maternal and childcare and such. The researchers used different statistical tools
to interpret the data gathered. Percentage and
Research Instruments Frequency Distribution was used to identify the profile
A survey questionnaire was used to gather data of the respondents in terms of age and civil status.
and extract all the needed information to determine the Weighted Mean was used to determine the awareness
impact of the Community extension program and if it of the people about the health programs implemented;
is effectively utilized. A modified questionnaire was the impact of the health programs and the barriers that

ISSN 2704-3568
Paglinawan, et al., Impact of Health Programs in SHL Restoration Village
affect the implementation of the program. Analysis of consent has been signed and respondents were ensure
Variance was used to test the significant relationship that all information provided will be treated with
with the above mentioned variables to the overall utmost confidentiality and anonymity. Further,
impact of the health programs implemented. permission from authorities and respondents were
sought, there were no videos or recordings were used
Ethical Considerations during the process of collecting information.
The researchers considered the right of every
respondents participated in this study, an informed


Table 1. Awareness of the Respondents on the Health Programs Implemented
Indicators WM VI Rank
1. Utilization of Herbal Medicine through planting of herbal plans 3.13 Aware 11.5
2. Teaching the residents on how to use herbal plants as alternative means to 2.89 Aware 14.5
commercially prepared medicine
3. Provision of family planning medicines and method 3.28 Aware 8
4. Teaching newborn care such as bathing and diapering 3.30 Aware 7
5. Assessment of pregnant women (Vital Signs, weight, Obstetrical and history) 2.89 Aware 14.5
6. Promotion of breastfeeding 3.61 Highly Aware 1.5
7. Assessment of nutritional health status of children 3.13 Aware 11.5
8. Monitoring of children’s weight and height / BMI 3.09 Aware 13
9. Feeding Program with coordination with different industries and institutions 3.17 Aware 9.5
10. Health Awareness Program and identifying common diseases of adults 3.17 Aware 9.5
11. Promotion of proper waste management and water drainage 3.46 Aware 3
12. Tree planting and clean and green program 3.61 Aware 1.5
13. Environmental sanitation through cleaning 3.43 Aware 4
14. Health education about wellness and personal hygiene 3.33 Aware 6
15. Proper food preparation and handling 3.35 Aware 5
Composite Mean 3.26 Aware
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Highly Aware; 2.50 – 3.49 = Aware 1.50 – 2.49 = Slightly Aware; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Aware

Table 1 presents the awareness of the education to increase the prevention level of illness and
respondents on the health programs implemented in diseases. The local community must be aware how to
Barangay San Jose Sico, Batangas City. It obtained the prevent and maintain their health to reduce cost for
composite mean of 3.26 and verbally interpreted as healthcare and risk for health deficiency.
aware. The results revealed that the items pertaining to
This means that the respondents are aware of promotion of breastfeeding and tree planting, clean and
the implemented health programs because of the green program got the highest weighted mean of 3.61
constant visit and information’s provided by the and verbally interpreted as highly aware. It is followed
community extension program coordinators, faculty by the item promotion of proper waste management
members, students and volunteers who are keeping the and water drainage with weighted mean of 3.46 and
track on the community people’s knowledge, skills and environmental sanitation through cleaning with
attitude regarding those programs implemented in their weighted mean of 3.43 and verbal interpreted as aware.
community. Further; residents from the restoration The respondents are highly aware of promotion
village participated actively on every programs of breastfeeding because during the time they were
implemented, thus giving them information on how to pregnant, they are encourage by healthcare
preserve health, and promote wellness among its professionals as well as midwives and other barangay
people. health workers who are insistent in promoting breast
According to American Nurses Association feeding as the mean source of nutrients among newborn
[6], community awareness of health programs are babies up to 2 years of age. In addition, the respondents
important so that they could utilize it when they need become knowledgeable on the importance of breast
it. The health workers’ must provide sufficient health feeding through the implemented programs of the
Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences
Vol. 3, No. 1, December 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences | | Volume 3, No. 1 | December 2020
community extension program of the college of water storage. Basically, knowledge affects the
nursing. Faculty members, students and volunteer understanding and practice of individual about
promote breast feeding as per mandate of the DOH as prevention of health problem in the future. Since these
well as the health promotion program of the college. simple practices can start any health deficit, the need to
Breast feeding is known beneficial to both mother and address such issues is crucial part of community
child. planning process [8].
Breastfeeding is one way to maintain the high Further, Day, et al., [9] stated that the hazards
nutrients of newborn and maintain the safety from brought about by unhealthy environment are very
drinking processes milk that could lead to sensitivity crucial since they are dealing with nature and
and complication for the babies. Also, the breast milk environmental waste products that could harm the
from mothers can increase the immunity of the babies health status of the community. These hazards may not
from disease and this has become financially affect the community immediately, but after some time
appropriate for local community [7]. may have its effect in the health of the people.
Other item were respondents awareness are In addition, waste endanger the physical
enhanced is about the significance of tree planting and structure of the person. What is wrong with wastes is
clean and green program. The restoration village is that this is not usually noticed since it slowly affects the
located in a low land and the respondents are aware that musculoskeletal aspect of the worker. Eventually, the
in time of flood and typhoon their areas are prone to be workers will be able to slowly deteriorate their physical
a catch basin of flood water within the areas. These structure by repetitive work and dealing with hazardous
areas are part of the implemented program of the environment. It tends to be obvious since the danger
college, giving the respondents knowledge about its can impact the physiological aspect of the employees.
importance and benefits that it could bring in the area Although not all physical hazards are seen by the naked
and among the restoration villagers. Also, tree planting eyes, it still has impact to the health and body,
is one of the implemented programs in the barangay especially when accident and injuries occurs [10].
because they are under the program of Gawad Kalinga On the other hand, the item “utilization of
where they are monitored by their sponsors and need to Herbal Medicine through planting of herbal plans”, and
strictly comply with tree planting to maintain the “assessment of nutritional health status of children”
natural resources and beauty of the community. The with weighted mean of 3.13, “monitoring of children’s
community has distinction through colorful fences and weight and height / BMI” with weighted mean of 3.09
walls. while the least is “teaching the residents on how to use
Another program that is given priority by the herbal plants as alternative means to commercially
respondents is the promotion of proper waste prepared medicine”, and “assessment of pregnant
management and water drainage and environmental women (Vital Signs, weight, Obstetrical and history)”
sanitation through cleaning. The respondents are aware with lowest mean score of 2.89 and verbal interpreted
on the importance of keeping their environment clean as aware.
through proper waste management and waste The respondents are also aware of the use of
segregation and provision of potable water to prevent herbal plants. This awareness was enhanced due to
diseases and other health problems. The houses in the unrelenting provision of knowledge by the students,
village is adjacent to each houses, wall is the only faculty members and volunteers from the college of
partition in between each houses, the number of nursing. Promotion of 10 herbal medicine is a project
occupants are increasing so the garbage also increased. of the DOH that will provide a maximum knowledge
The respondents are becoming aware of the on how to plant, utilize the herbal medicine that can be
significance of maintaining the cleanliness of the area planted in the backyard. Further the respondents gain
to prevent diseases through health education coming the awareness through health education, demonstration
from the volunteers from the community extension of and discussion of herbal medicine during the
the college of nursing, the programs included the clean community visit. However, availability of
and green program and the college of nursing commercialized herbal medicine is already present
volunteers are doing their best to ensure that the village without the hassle of doing the preparation for it, this
is aware of its benefits. item got the lowest assessment from the respondents.
The problem with the health sanitation in the In addition the respondents claimed that they
community is due to their insufficient knowledge about experienced difficulty in keeping the herbal plants alive
the importance of simple practices such as hygiene and due to lack of good soil and water supply in the area.

ISSN 2704-3568
Paglinawan, et al., Impact of Health Programs in SHL Restoration Village
As mentioned by Das, et al., [11] that it is foreign organism that tend to harm the body. This has
important to use different herbs as part of the been part of the educational materials of health workers
medication since it held natural ingredients and to increase the efficiency of local residents on how to
antibiotics that could help the body fight bacteria and provide self-care without hazards.

Table 2. Extent of Implementation of Health Programs

Indicators WM VI Rank
1. Maternal and Childcare: Care of Pregnant Woman, Nutrition Care of Children, 2.91 GE 1
Newborn Care, Monitoring and Breastfeeding Practices
2. Health Education on Proper Hygiene and Grooming 2.72 GE 4.5
3. Waste Segregation and Environmental Care Lecture 2.76 GE 3
4. Health Teachings on Family Planning 2.78 GE 2
5. Medical Consultation 2.72 GE 4.5
6. Planting and Utilization of Herbal Medicines 2.65 GE 6
Composite Mean 2.76 GE
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = To a Very Great Extent (VGE); 2.50 – 3.49 = To a Great Extent (GE);1.50 – 2.49 = To a Least Extent (LE); 1.00 – 1.49 = Not at All (NA)

Table 2 presents the extent of implementation the mother learned that she is pregnant, and the
of health programs in Barangay San Jose Sico, importance of post-natal care after delivery. This is also
Batangas. It obtained the composite mean of 2.76 and in same weight with the importance of proper newborn
verbal interpreted as to a great extent. This means that care as well as other health promotion programs on
the respondents perceived that all health programs are childcare.
implemented to a great extent because they can utilize The mission of this program is to provide
such resources when needed. The community extension necessary health program to assist community with
program of the college of nursing were responsible in their healthcare need specifically the mother and child
promoting health among SHL residents. A regular visit health status. Maternal and childcare is promoted by the
was conducted to keep the people actively participate healthcare sector to make sure that individual is protect
on different health promotion program implemented by at the time of the birth until adulthood. Addition to this,
the college. The researchers believed that the beast mothers help is given consideration because their
weapon to combat illness and health problems is by health status during their pregnancy can influence the
educating people on how to prevent it, demonstrating health needs of their newborns. And since women\s
different methodologies or techniques on how to fight health is altered after birthing, the health sector is
infection. Information’s was disseminated through giving high attention to their care [12]. Al-Ahmadi [13]
health education, regular visit and posted tarpaulins. stated that one to the community programs that is
Among the items, it shows that maternal and exhaust by most rural areas is their access to maternal
childcare got the highest weighted mean of 2.91, and childcare because its proximity and access to
followed by health teachings on family planning with healthcare institution. The healthcare industry as well
2.78, and waste segregation and environmental care as the local government are making actions to reach out
lecture with the mean of 2.76. This means that maternal to people so that they will be able to render healthcare.
and childcare is the most implemented in the Another item that the respondents utilized is
community because of the different services for the family planning, although it was reflected that it
pregnant women and the immunization given to new resulted to great extent, however; statistics showed that
born until their reach toddler age. The maternal and although they have knowledge on family planning,
childcare program was enhanced through the efforts of unfortunately they are not into it, as mentioned earlier
community extension program of the college of on the profile of the respondents, most of them are in
nursing. On the local health workers are visiting the productive years. Further, aside from LPU there are
houses of residents who are pregnant and encourage some agencies who supported the SHL residents, which
them to avail the health programs of the community. is the Gawad Kalinga, where family planning is not
The nursing student and volunteers together with the their priority as a catholic believer.
clinical instructors visited the village to discuss the However, the item “Health Education on
importance of the prenatal check-up from the time that Proper Hygiene and Grooming”, and “Medical
Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences
Vol. 3, No. 1, December 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences | | Volume 3, No. 1 | December 2020
Consultation” with 2.72 and the least is “Planting and verbalization of the village leaders that not everybody
Utilization of Herbal Medicines” with lowest mean is willing to plant and care the herbal plants. This
score of 2.65 and verbal interpreted as to a great extent. thinking is also related to the benefits received by the
The respondents assessed the planting and utilization of respondents from other agencies where commercial
herbal medicines are implemented to a great extent but drugs were provided for the treatment of their ailment
it was obvious that among its items this is the least during regular visits and medical mission. Herbal
results revealed, this is related to the incurred problem medicines has been part of the culture of any races that
of the residents, they have difficulty in water supply helps them in nurturing and fighting diseases. This is
and the soil or the land is not suitable to plant herbal promoted until today to allow people to conduct self-
medicine. Another problem encountered is based on the care without risking their health to complications.

Table 3. Impact of Health Programs in terms of Maternal and Childcare

Indicators WM VI Rank
1. Understand the importance of breastfeeding and its health benefits. 2.89 GE 1
2. Learned to value the provision of nutritious food to the family. 2.76 GE 3
3. Changes in fertility practice. 2.85 GE 2
4. Improved knowledge on maternal and child health care. 2.72 GE 4
5. No recorded mortality rate of any children in the family. 2.48 GE 6
6. Decrease morbidity 2.63 GE 5
Composite Mean 2.72 To a Great Extent
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = To a Very Great Extent (VGE); 2.50 – 3.49 = To a Great Extent (GE);1.50 – 2.49 = To a Least Extent (LE); 1.00 – 1.49 = Not at All (NA)

Table 3 presents the impact of health programs since they will not need to buy milk fo kids, and when
in terms of maternal and childcare. It obtained the they learned the health benefits it has compared to
composite mean of 2.72 and verbal interpreted as to a processed milk, they would be more interested to
great extent. This means that the respondents perceived practice it. Hackensack Alliance Accountable Care
maternal and childcare has impact to their health Organization [15] posited that the healthcare
because of the free check-ups and visitation from prevention such as utilizing nutritious food like
midwives that helps the mothers confidently address breastmilk can increase the immunity of the babies to
their concerns about their pregnancies. It would be fight diseases. However, the use of this kind of milk is
much easier and comfortable for them if the person/s affected with the knowledge and understanding among
they will talk to are familiar people and faces. post-partum mothers. The healthcare workers need to
Bargawi [14] cited that maternal and childcare enhance their understanding of the importance of any
were always a high regard in community setting since preventive measure that may impact their socio-
the mothers and newborns must be exposed to different economic as well as physical factors.
preventive measures to reduce future conflicts More so, the item “improved knowledge on
relevance to their health. This is the point where maternal and child health care” got the weighted mean
prevention is very effective so both mothers and baby’s of 2.72, “decrease morbidity” with 2.63 and the least is
welfare would be early to be assessed. “no recorded mortality rate of any children in the
It shows that the item “understand the family” with lowest mean score of 2.48 and verbal
importance of breastfeeding and its health benefits” got interpreted as to a great extent.
the highest mean of 2.89, followed by “changes in The least programs that impact the community
fertility practice” with mean of 2.85, and “learned to is the record of mortality rates because it is already
value the provision of nutritious food to the family” addressed since the barangay health workers are
with 2.76 and verbal interpreted as to a great extent. efficient in finding pregnant mothers and assure that
This means that the health education about they have the needed immunity, nutrients and
breastfeeding and the benefits it will give both the preparations for birthing. However, it is still important
mother and new born is the highest impact since using that the local community knows the rate for children
natural breast milk is economically advantage and who suffered health diseases so that they will be
gaining benefits from it would increase the awareness prepared and aware of different signs and symptoms of
of the community to practice breastfeeding. At first, illnesses and communicable disease present in the
they would thought that it will help them financially community.
ISSN 2704-3568
Paglinawan, et al., Impact of Health Programs in SHL Restoration Village

Table 4. Impact of Health Programs in terms of Personal Hygiene

Indicators WM VI Rank
1. Practice hand hygiene most of the time 2.54 GE 3.5
2. Maintained cleanliness within the family 2.54 GE 3.5
3. Hospital confinement was decreased 2.52 GE 5
4. Occurrences of communicable diseases and other health problem was prevented 2.70 GE 1
5. Enhanced knowledge pertaining to self-care management 2.65 GE 2
Composite Mean 2.59 GE
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = To a Very Great Extent (VGE); 2.50 – 3.49 = To a Great Extent (GE);1.50 – 2.49 = To a Least Extent (LE); 1.00 – 1.49 = Not at All (NA)

Table 4 presents the impact of health programs diseases, its signs and symptoms, as well as
in terms of personal hygiene. It obtained the composite implementing and manifesting different strategies to
mean of 2.59 and verbal interpreted as to a great extent. reduce the emergence of it. Health workers must
This means that personal hygiene created a address how communicable disease may be prevented
great impact among the respondents, because this is a through positioning each member of the community in
common knowledge that personal hygiene and healthcare available in the locality. Also, they must
cleanliness can prevent acquisition of diseases, but this assure that all people will have sufficient knowledge
is also enhance through health education provided by about the importance of healthcare and addressing sign
the community extension program as part of the health and symptoms of transferrable diseases.
promotion activities through health education. Health While the item “practice hand hygiene most of
programs can impact personal hygiene since it posts the time”, and “maintained cleanliness within the
awareness among the community about the importance family” got the mean of 2.54 and the least is “hospital
of health, wellness and cleanliness. The residents of the confinement was decreased” got the least mean score
barangay began to understand the importance of of 2.52 and verbal interpreted as to a great extent.
personal hygiene as basic form of prevention because It means that the respondents assessed how
the fact that they are clean can lower the risk for health programs lower the hospital confinement among
exposure to bacteria, viruses and acquisition of foreign the community because of the availability of free
bodies that may harm them. One of this is hand washing medicines when one of the local residents acquires
which basically reduce the transmission of disease. One of the innovation of healthcare is to
microorganism unseen by naked eyes. Agency for disseminate different health-related programs and
Healthcare Research and Quality [16] stated that reach out to people to reduce the cases of health
hygiene can be a factor that could affect the health diseases. It is important to do the preventive measures,
status of a person. When they are able to practice good compared to curative and rehabilitative process.
hygiene, they can increase the rule for physical safety Levina [17] believe that the prevention of
and lowering the risk for acquiring disease from others. illnesses is much effective that having programs that
Among the items, it shows that the item helps patients to cure it. Without the presence of
“occurrences of communicable diseases and other illnesses, the people and community will be able to
health problem was prevented” got the highest mean of function and provide their basic needs in the process.
2.70, followed by “enhanced knowledge pertaining to They will be able to address other aspect of wellbeing,
self-care management” with mean of 2.65 and verbal when they are physically fit to act on it.
interpreted as to a great extent. The respondents Table 5 presents the impact of health programs
assessed the impact of health program can lower the in terms of family planning. It obtained the composite
presence of communicable disease and other problems mean of 2.68 and verbal interpreted as to a great extent
because of how programs enhances the health The respondents assessed that health programs can
education among the community. Health program is impact the family planning of married couples and
not only about targeting the prevention measures for families of the community because through the
diseases, but also part of communicating and educating activities of the com-ex program, the people are able to
the people about the presence of communicable understand the importance of family method.

Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences
Vol. 3, No. 1, December 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences | | Volume 3, No. 1 | December 2020
Table 5. Impact of Health Programs in terms of Family Planning
Indicators WM VI Rank
1. Identified appropriate contraceptive methods to be used 2.80 To a Great Extent 1
2. Understand unwanted births and prevent miscarriage 2.57 To a Great Extent 5
3. Practice the proper spacing of pregnancy 2.67 To a Great Extent 3
4. Established good parenting and responsible parenthood. 2.67 To a Great Extent 3
5. Improved well-being of family, 2.67 To a Great Extent 3
Composite Mean 2.68 To a Great Extent
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = To a Very Great Extent; 2.50 – 3.49 = To a Great Extent;1.50 – 2.49 = To a Least Extent; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not at All

They were able to utilize different method to pregnancy. Vogenberg, and Santilli [19] stated that
reduce the risk for unplanned pregnancy and allow the world health organization are focusing on the health of
families to focus on the wellbeing of each member of mothers who are usually not addressed during
the family. Nolte [18] stated that health programs can pregnancy and after delivery. One point of making this
increase the awareness of local community. The a success is that the health care programs may ensure
government agency would want to disseminate the mothers can be prevented from being pregnant if
information and utilization of methods on how to not planned.
control; birth to reduce the number of children in a However, the item “practice the proper spacing
family that could affect the overall wellbeing. When of pregnancy”, “established good parenting and
parents have too many children, there is a risk that they responsible parenthood”, and “improved well-being of
will not be able to provide all needs stated in the family” got the mean of 2.67 while the least is
Maslow’s model. “understand unwanted births and prevent miscarriage”
It can be seen from the table that the item with lowest mean of 2.57 and verbal interpreted as to a
“identified appropriate contraceptive methods to be great extent. Their healthcare has been neglected when
used” got the highest mean of 2.80 and verbal it is relevant to reproductive health. Most of women are
interpreted as to a great extent. The respondents were experiencing this because of focusing on newborn and
able to acquire different contraceptive method that is children care. Local community health workers are
available in the health centers for free which help them composed of midwives where they could practice their
to efficiently control unplanned pregnancy and birth. expertise in caring for people in relevance to
This can also reduce the risk for health deficiency for reproductive care.
mothers who are experiencing health problems during

Table 6. Impact of Health Programs in terms of Environmental Awareness

Indicators WM VI Rank
1. Practice waste segregation diligently. 2.87 To a Great Extent 1
2. Maintained cleanliness of the environment. 2.78 To a Great Extent 3
3. Practice proper waste disposal 2.78 To a Great Extent 3
4. Become aware on the important of the environmental conservation and segregation 2.70 To a Great Extent 5
5. Understands the importance of preservation of natural resources. 2.78 To a Great Extent 3
Composite Mean 2.78 To a Great Extent
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = To a Very Great Extent; 2.50 – 3.49 = To a Great Extent;1.50 – 2.49 = To a Least Extent; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not at All

Table 6 presents the impact of health programs Day, et al. [9] stated that the hazards are very
in terms of environmental awareness. It obtained the crucial since they are dealing with nature and
composite mean of 2.78 and interpreted as to a great environmental and industrial waste products that could
extent. This means that the respondents assess that the harm the health status of the community. The hazards
health program can increase the environmental to be identified are ergonomic hazards, physical
awareness among the community due to the activities hazards, biological hazards and psycho-socio hazards.
that would address nature and conservation of natural These hazards may not affect the community
resources. Having healthy environment can lead to immediately, but after some time may have its effect in
healthy community because they will not exposed to the health of the people.
hazards such as waste products and chemicals. The results revealed that the item “practice
waste segregation diligently” got the highest mean of
ISSN 2704-3568
Paglinawan, et al., Impact of Health Programs in SHL Restoration Village
2.87 and interpreted as to a great extent. This means eyes, it still has impact to the health and body,
that the respondents assess that they can segregate especially when accident and injuries occurs [10].
waste due to the information provided by health Furthermore, the item “maintained cleanliness
programs. Waste management has always been part of of the environment”, “practice proper waste disposal”,
human society and its study reveals a wealth of details and “understands the importance of preservation of
over the way of life it results from. Due to the natural resources” (2.78), while the least is “become
increasingly safety requirements of the industry and aware on the important of the environmental
local government, it is extremely important that the conservation and segregation” (2.70) and interpreted as
waste disposal equipment, including dumpsters and to a great extent. It shows that the community are
roll-offs, be easy to operate and maintain all the time becoming aware of the environmental conservation and
while meeting the required safety regulations segregation because of the information given by the
Waste endangers the physical structure of the local barangay workers and those people related to
person. What is wrong with wastes is that this is not environment and resource activities. Waste risk factors
usually noticed since it slowly affects the are affecting the safety and health status of the
musculoskeletal aspect of the worker. Eventually, the community because of their low knowledge and
workers will be able to slowly deteriorate their physical awareness of the possible risk and danger brought by
structure by repetitive work and dealing with hazardous poor environment. When the people have direct
environment. It tends to be obvious since the danger association with chemical that may cause accidents and
can impact the physiological aspect of the employees. injuries to them, their health status is at risk.
Although not all physical hazards are seen by the naked
Table 7. Impact of Health Programs in terms of Use of Herbal Medicine
Indicators WM Verbal Interpretation Rank
1. Learned the importance of planting of herbal medicine. 2.80 To a Great Extent 1
2. Become knowledgeable with preparation. 2.74 To a Great Extent 2
3. Learned how to utilize the herbal medicine. 2.67 To a Great Extent 3.5
4. Utilize herbal medicine as alternative to commercially prepared medicine. 2.65 To a Great Extent 5
5. Understand the use and indication of herbal medicine 2.67 To a Great Extent 3.5
Composite Mean 2.71 To a Great Extent
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = To a Very Great Extent; 2.50 – 3.49 = To a Great Extent;1.50 – 2.49 = To a Least Extent; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not at All

Table 7 presents the impact of health programs since it emphasize the financial aspect of having natural
in terms of herbal medications. It obtained the medications which could lower other complications of
composite mean of 2.71 and verbal interpreted as to a the person. Using herbal plants can increase the
great extent. This means that the respondents assessed nutrients of the body while addressing their health
how health programs can impact their capabilities to problem. On the other hand, the item “learned how to
use herbal products for medication. They are educated utilize the herbal medicine”, and “understand the use
with the use of herbal medicines along with the actual and indication of herbal medicine” got the mean of 2.67
demonstration of planting it and decoction. and the least is “utilize herbal medicine as alternative
According to Sæle, and Eggen [20], one of the to commercially prepared medicine” with lowest mean
innovation of health care is through the utilization of score of 2.65and verbal interpreted as to a great extent.
natural resources for medicinal purposes. Since the The utilization of herbal medicine can alter the
healthcare cost is increasing due to the presence of use of commercial medication however this is not
technology, the medication of patient was starting to totally advised when the patients did not underwent
focus on natural environment such as plants to increase physician’s or any healthcare workers’ assessment.
the efficiency of patient care. Table 8 presents the barriers that affect the
It shows that the item “learned the importance implementation of the health program. It obtained the
of planting of herbal medicine” got the highest composite mean of 2.63 and verbal interpreted as agree.
weighted mean of 2.80 followed by “become This implies that there are barriers that could affect the
knowledgeable with preparation” with mean of 2.74 efficient implementation of health programs in the local
and verbal interpreted as to a great extent. It means that community of San Jose Sico, Batangas City which
planting herbal plants is an effect of the health program could be caused by external factors.

Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences
Vol. 3, No. 1, December 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences | | Volume 3, No. 1 | December 2020
Table 8. Barriers that Affect the Implementation of the Program
Indicators WM VI Rank
1. Loss of interest to participate in the program due to household chores at home. 2.63 Agree 3.5
2. In adequacy of resources such as water supply and dump site for waste management. 2.63 Agree 3.5
3. Lack of knowledge on the community programs. 2.65 Agree 2
4. Poor compliance on the implemented health programs. 2.54 Agree 5
5. Not practicing the learning skills and behavior thought by the health care provider to 2.70 Agree 1
self and family pertaining to self and family care.
Composite Mean 2.63 Agree
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Strongly Agree; 2.50 – 3.49 = Agree;1.50 – 2.49 = Disagree; 1.00 – 1.49 = Strongly Disagree

Implementing programs usually are facing utilization of healthcare practices cannot happen.
different challenges because they need many Felicen, et al. [2] found out that the community can
participants to make it a success. Health programs are learn innovation from the programs provided for them.
provided for the community, and without their It has a great impact as it enhances the skills, and values
participation and utilization, the programs and as well as the financial and economic aspect of the
materials will go to waste. The problem with the health residents as part of their livelihood programs and
and wellness in the community is due to their extension services.
insufficient knowledge about the importance of simple On the other hand, the item “loss of interest to
practices such as hygiene and water storage. Basically, participate in the program due to household chores and
knowledge affects the understanding and practice of activities at home”, and “in adequacy of resources such
individual about prevention of health problem in the as water supply and dump site for waste management”
future. Since these simple practices can start any health with mean of 2.63 and the least is “poor compliance on
deficit, the need to address such issues is crucial part of the implemented health programs” with lowest mean of
community planning process [8]. 2.54and verbal interpreted as to a great extent. Further,
It revealed that the item “not practicing the they still assessed that poor compliance can be a barrier
learning skills and behavior thought by the health care for effective implementation of health programs
provider to self and family pertaining to self and family because even the local community, in partnership with
care” got the highest mean of 2.70, followed by “lack different schools, institutions, establishments and local
of knowledge on the community programs” with mean government make policies, rules and activities to
of 2.65 and verbal interpreted as to a great extent. acquire the goals of healthcare, when the person
One of the barriers experienced by the himself is unable to comply, it cannot be effective.
respondents is that what affects the implementation of The study of Chua, et al. [21] found out that all
health programs is due to initiative effort to manifest activities in community are well implemented so the
the healthcare information learned through the researchers recommends that the university may
programs because of other associating factors such as provide seminar about the environmental factors and
poverty and being educated. Even if they are aware of issues to address that may gain the knowledge and
different healthcare and prevention method, when their awareness of all beneficiaries and the local community
level of understanding is not addressed or that they where community extension was provided.
have other financial matters that need to attend to, their

Table 9. Relationship Between the Awareness of the People About the Health Programs, Extent of
Implementation, Barriers that Affect the Implementation and Impact of the Health Programs
r-value p-value I
1. Awareness of Health Programs 0.2880 0.052 Not Significant
2. Extent of Implementation 0.2880 0.052 Not Significant
3. Maternal and Childcare .781** 0.000 Highly Significant
4. Personal Hygiene .746** 0.000 Highly Significant
5. Family Planning .669** 0.000 Highly Significant
6. Environment Awareness .645** 0.000 Highly Significant
7. Use of Herbal Medicine .438** 0.002 Significant
8. Barriers 0.2370 0.114 Not Significant
ISSN 2704-3568
Paglinawan, et al., Impact of Health Programs in SHL Restoration Village
Table 9 presents the relationship between the create a site or networks for the local community where
awareness of the people about the health programs they can avail information regarding health care
implemented, impact of the health programs, barriers promotion, disease prevention and curative.
that affect the implementation of the program impact of Continuous health surveillance through frequent home
the health programs and the impact of the health or family visits and assignment of community leaders.
programs. It was observed that the computed r-values Sustenance and optimization of health programs until
indicates a moderate direct correlation and the resulted they can appreciate its importance and perform it
p-values of extent of implementation in terms of independently. Reinforcing the community’s
Maternal and Childcare, Personal Hygiene, Family awareness through continuous health education and
Planning, Environmental Awareness, and Use of evaluation will help eliminate, if not decrease these
Herbal Medicine were less than 0.01 alpha level. barriers. Assess other variables that needs enhancement
This means that there was a significant for future in designing health programs to fully enhance
relationship exists and implies that the better the extent people’s capability in disease prevention and
of implementation, the greater the impact of health maintaining health.
programs. This implies that when the local community
is initiative to make efforts in implementing the REFERENCES
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