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Word College (Foundation Module)


1. The New Birth Experience

2. The Holy Spirit
3. Growing Up
● The Relevance of God’s Word
● The Relevance if prayer in the life of a Believer
4. Our Ultimate Purpose
5. The Church
6. Things you need to know about Christian Fellowship International
7. The Resurrection of the Dead and Eternal Judgement

Word College (Foundation Module)


TEXT: John3:3-16, 1:12, 2cor.5:17, Rom. 10:9-10, 1Peter 1:23, Eph.
2:8, 5:26

The New birth experience is receiving the life and nature of God by the Holy Spirit
through His word. This means that the newborn in Christ is one who has been
delivered from the nature of sin and its consequences and now has the life (eternal
life) of God and is also entitled to all of God’s blessings in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:3). This
new born is who we refer to as a Christian.

Christianity is expressing the life of God. It is not being born into a Christian family or
about joining a church; it is not doing good things or trying to be good; It is not a
religion but a life that has been made available by God in Christ and it is lived by
grace through faith not by works (your effort in trying to gain God’s approval). Eph.
2:8, Rom.1:17.


Gen.3:6-11, Rom.5:12-14, 1 Cor. 15:22, Rom. 3:23, 6:23, Heb. 9:14, 22, 10:4, 10.
God from the beginning always wanted to have fellowship with man but sin became a
hindrance to this when Adam disobeyed God. Due to this, all men were born sinners
because all preceded out of Adam and so the penalty for this disobedient act was
spiritual death. To be free from this, blood from an uncontaminated body needed to
be shed once for all because the blood of bulls and goats could not take away sins. To
save us, God in His Love nature, sent His only Son Jesus who by the shedding of blood
and His death completely satisfied the demands of Divine justice (Col.2:14-15, Rom.
6:10), blotting out the ordinances written against us and by His resurrection
conquered death and totally destroyed the works of satan that all which believed on
Him are also justified and made right with God. Col.2:14-15, Rom.6:5; 10, 4:24-25.


Rom.10:4-10, John 1:12-13, 3:16, Eph.2:8, Gal.2:20.
Now that Jesus has done all the work, He now gives Himself as a gift so we do not
need to work to get saved but receive this gift(Jesus);
❖ Hearing and believing the gospel in your heart.

❖ Making a confession of your faith with your mouth.

Point to Note; it is not confessing that gets you saved but believing. Your confession
is an open declaration of your believe (salvation) so that all that hear you know that
you have accepted Jesus as Lord over you. This is why at the new birth you do not
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confess sins but the Lordship of Jesus and it is continuous throughout your life time
on earth. (Rom. 10:10)


❖ The man is now a new creature. 2 Corinthians 5:17
❖ The man is born of the spirit John 3:3-16
❖ The man is sealed with the spirit Ephesians 1:13
❖ The man is blessed with all spiritual blessings Ephesians 1:3-14, 2:1-22.
❖ The believer is free from sin and now has the nature of God. Rom.6:17-18,
❖ The Believer is now an heir (son) of God and joint-heirs with Christ therefore;
He now shares in Christ inheritance and is also a member of the family with
God as Father. Rom.8:17, Is. 16:11, Eph. 1:3-4, 2Peter1:3-4.
❖ He is now called to follow Christ, which is to learn of his character, practice
and doctrine. He is now called to become a disciple Matt.28:19-20, 2Cor.
❖ The believer now has the ability to renew His mind. Rom. 12:1-2.

WHAT ARE DEAD WORKS? Rom.10:3, Gal5:17-21, Phil.3:3-9.

Dead works refers to man’s entire attempt by His own effort or by observing the law
to attain righteousness or get God’s acceptance.
Paul in Roman's 3:19-20 starts clearly that by the law shall no flesh be Justified and he
crowns it all to say that all men are guilty before God. So therefore there is nothing
man can do of himself to attain God's approve, his right standing before God will be
totally based on God's basis.
It's vital the unbeliever knows his only way out is accepting what God has done
through his son. The same thing goes for the believer. God judges and sees them
through the lens of his son.

Practical examples of dead works are:

1. A believer working to gain God’s acceptance outside faith after being saved
already by faith. Gal.3:1-3.
2. A believer who is saved but is not producing fruits (Good works). We are saved
by grace through faith to produce good works (works inspired by love).
3. Serving in church or going to church to be recognized by men or gain men’s
approval. Eph.6:5-6.
4. Serving God because of what you can get from Him.
5. Works of the flesh. Gal. 5:17-21.

HOW DOES ONE REPENT FROM DEAD WORKS? Eph.2:8-9, 2Cor.5:7, Rom.1:17,
To Repent means to have a change of mind towards something. To repent from dead
works is to change your mind from the fact that you stand before God on the basis of
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your deeds. You now place your mind fully on the fact that it's by the finished works
of Christ. Ephesians 2:1-9.

Paul makes it clear in Roman's 4, that it is the man that worketh not but believeth on
him who Justifies the Godly that is accepted and accounted as righteous.

1. To repent from dead works, the believer must realize that salvation was made
available by grace through faith not of works and can only be sustained by
grace through faith.
2. The believer must also know that grace is an empowerment hence one is saved
to produce good works (a product of faith which worketh by love) 1Peter 2:9.
3. Renewing the mind by God’s word. Rom.12:2.
Ephesians 2:8 spoke of our salvation being by Grace. It means we had nothing to offer
to make it happen, we only received what Christ did for us. He made it clear from
Ephesians 2:1 that we were spiritual dead, there is nothing a dead man can offer. So
it's by his grace we came alive and it was through faith which came to us via the
preaching of Gospel Roman's 10:17.

Faith differs in its usage in the bible and it is important for us to know its usage in
each places. Various meaning of faith is;
❖ In the Old Testament we see faith is truth, to place confidence in something -
Like an action word.
❖ In The Four Gospel - Faith is seen as an action word.
❖ In Acts of the Apostles - Faith is also seen as an action word.
❖ In the Epistles - faith is seen as a noun, most times, it seen as doctrine, as
conduct and as the message.
But in simple terms Faith means trust in God and the integrity of His word. Therefore,
faith is taking God’s word to be true and acting upon it because of who God is (you
know He can’t lie.)

How does faith come? Eph.2:7-9, Rom.10:17

Faith is a gift from God we receive at salvation. It comes by hearing and hearing by the word
of Christ, that is the Gospel. Galatians 2:20 say “…we live by the faith of the Son of God…”
That means we have Christ’s faith, we were saved by it and it is perfect in Him. So what we
need is to grow in the knowledge of Christ that his faith may be effectual in our lives
(Philemon 1:6).

How does faith work?

1. Faith works by acting on God’s word based on love. Gal. 5:6
2. Faith works by speaking. Mark 11:20-24

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Characteristics of Faith.
1. It is our foundation. Heb. 12:1-2
2. It is a defence. Eph.6:16
3. It works by love. Gal5:6.

Now that you are saved, you now understand that the Life of a believer is lived by
GRACE through FAITH in GODS WORD to produce GOODWORKS.The consciousness of
this in our heart would create room for us to be thoroughly furnished unto every good
work. These things we will teach as we go on.

ASSIGNMENT(Answer all questions with scriptural references)

1. What does it mean to be born again?
2. Why couldn’t man save Himself?
3. What do we confess at the new birth and why do we confess it?
4. Is it believers or unbelievers that produce dead works? (Give reasons for your
5. Outline practical ways to renew our mind.
6. Can a believer produce dead works by faith? (Give reasons for your answer(s)).

MEMORY VERSE: 2Cor.5:17, Eph.2:8

FUTHER STUDY: Growing up Spiritually by KENNETH E. HAGIN.

Identification by E.W Kenyon.
Love the way to Victory by Kenneth E. Hagin.
Two kinds of Faith by E.W Kenyon.

Word College (Foundation Module)


TEXT: Ps 139:7-10, Lk 1:35, Job 33:4, Acts 1:8.

The Holy Spirit is God. He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, He is a person

whom you can relate with, He has emotions (Eph. 4:30), a will (1Cor.12:11), He speaks
(Acts 13:2). He is not a wind, fire, oil, dove; these are only symbols of His workings.
Functions of the Holy Spirit in the Believers life.
1. He equips the believers for service. Acts 1:8, 1Cor.12:7-11
2. He gives the believer assurance of His salvation and awareness of sonship. Rom.
8:14-16, Gal.4:6, 1Cor.2:12.
3. He teaches the believer the way of truth. Jn.16:13, 14:26
4. He helps the believer to pray in God’s will. Rom.8:26 and opens up our
understanding to His Word Jn.16:13-15, Eph.1:17-18
5. He releases gifts upon believers. 1Cor.12:7-1

Holy Ghost Baptism. Acts 1:8, 2:4, Jude 20,Joel 2:18,Lk.3:16.

This is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon a believer to empower him/her for
service and effective Christian living. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the
supernatural endowment with power for effective witnessing and service.

Difference between the new birth and Holy Ghost baptism.

You do not receive a different spirit when the Holy Spirit comes upon you but the
same Spirit. The basic differences between both experiences are:
1) Deliverance from sin by accepting Empowering of the believer for effective
Jesus. Jn. 3:16 service. Acts1:8, Jude 20.
2) This is meant for unbelievers For all believers. Acts 19:4-6
3) It is accompanied with the fruit of Its initial evidence is speaking with other
the Spirit. Gal 5:22 tongues. Acts 2:4, 10:44-46.
4) Does not involve laying on of hands It can take place with or without the
laying on of hands. Acts 8:17, 10:44-45

How to Receive the Holy Spirit

Ask. Lk.11:9-13.
Believe that you have received. Mk.16:17, 11:24.
Then Speak. 2Cor.4:13, Acts 19:6, Acts 2:4.

Speaking in tongues.

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This is a supernatural ability in which a believer communicates directly with God from
His spirit in a language which cannot be understood by the human mind. 1Cor.14:12.
Importance of speaking in tongues.
Its builds and strengthens your spirit. 1Cor.14:14, Jude20, Eph.3:16.
It helps you pray in Gods will. Rom.8:26-27.
Opens up the flow of the supernatural (the gifts of the Holy Spirit) in your life.
1Cor.14:18, 1Cor.12:7-11
Discussion: How do you develop fellowship with the Holy Spirit?


The gifts of the Spirit are meant for every believer. In this class, we will learn about the
diverse gifts of the Spirit and how to receive and function effectively in them. We shall also
discuss the doctrine of the Laying on of Hands.


1. The word of wisdom: This is a divine revelation from God concerning a specific future
occurrence and how to apply His word or the counsel for it. Acts 11:28-30; 21:10-11.

2. The Word of Knowledge: This is a divine revelation about the past or present
concerning certain facts (knowledge) in the mind of God about certain people or
circumstances that the speaker couldn’t have possibly known by himself. Acts 5:1-10,

3. Discerning of Spirits: This is the divine insight (revelation) into the Spirit realm to
discern (distinguish) good and evil spirits and also to judge prophecies. It is also the
ability to detect the Spirit behind certain human activities. Acts16:16-18, Isa.6:1-3,

4. Prophecy: This is a divine utterance to speak out a revelation directly from God under
the influence of the Holy Spirit for the exhortation, edification and comfort of the
hearers. 1Cor. 14:3.

5. Divers kinds of tongues: These are supernatural utterance in other languages not
known to the speaker (except by interpretation) but to the hearers or is interpreted
also to them. 1Cor 12:10.
NOTE: diverse kinds of tongues are different from tongues for personal edification. Below are
the differences;
1. This is a gift given by the Spirit of This is for all believers that have been
God to believers as He wills. baptized in the Holy Spirit (it is the same as
the tongue received as the initial evidence
during Holy Spirit baptism).
2. This is for the edification of the This is for personal edification and not for
church hence it must be interpreted. t h e c h u r c h . I n o t h e r w o r d s i t i s
communication strictly between God and

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6. Interpretation of Tongues: This is the supernatural ability to understand and make
known in a common language an utterance spoken in tongues 1Cor.14:12-14
7. The Gift of Faith: This is the supernatural ability to believe God absolutely (not
affected by doubt or uncertainty) for the miraculous to happen. 1cor12:9, Dan.6:23
Mark 4:38.

8. Working of Miracles: This is the supernatural ability to alter the normal course of
nature. John 6:11-13.

9. The Gift of Healings: This is the supernatural power to heal all manner of diseases and
sickness without any human aids or medicine or above human aids or medicine. Matt.
9:33-35, 28:7-9.


It is important to mention that these gifts are given to every believer as He wills but we
are to desire them. The following are ways to receive:

1. Desire by Faith Heb.11:6, Matt.7:7

2. Walking in love 1Cor.13:1-3; 14:1.

1. Desire by faith, being motivated by love for the body of Christ. 1Cor.12:7, 1Cor.13:1-
end, 14:1.
2. Stay within the confines of love. John 15:9, and seek to grow in the knowledge of God.
Phil.1:9-10, Eph.3:17-19.
3. Depth in God’s word through study and meditation. Col 3:16, 2Tim.2:15, Josh.1:8, Ps
1; 1-2.
4. Learn to walk by faith. 2Cor.5:7, Heb. 11:6, Rom.1:7, Hab.2:4. Also seek to grow your
5. Obedience to instructions or promptings of the Holy Spirit. Rom.8:14, 1Cor.2:11-16.
6. Pray in the Holy Ghost and learn to minister unto God. Jude 20, Eph.5:19, 6:18, Acts
7. Consciousness and sensitivity to the Spirit of God.
8. Always stay clear and open minded by thinking pure thoughts. Phil.1:4-8, Rom.12;1-2,
9. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
10. Be humble to learn from those ahead of you.

This is a basic teaching of Christ that involves the transfer of virtue from one person to
another by faith. Mark 16:16-18. The purpose of the laying hands as seen in the scriptures is;
1. For impartation of the Holy Ghost and the Gifts of the spirit; 1Tim.4:14, Acts 8:15-17;

2. For the release of blessings. Gen.18:13-20, Mark 10:13-16, Matt.19:13-14.

3. For commissioning (appointment of church workers and leaders) Acts6:1-7; 13:1-4,


4. For ministration. Luke 13; 11-13, Mark 16:17-18; 5:22-24, 35-43, Acts 28:76-9.


❖ Faith is the spiritual connect in the transfer of virtue not hands; Mark 16:16-18.

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❖ It either precedes or accompanied with or without words.

❖ Whatever is released (especially gifts and healings) are to be stirred and sustained
by faith. 2Tim.1:6.

❖ It must be done in sensitivity to God and not suddenly by human impulse on anyone
to avoid being a partaker in their sins 1Tim.5:22

Now that you know the gifts of the Spirit, make love your highest goal and by it desire these
gifts for the sake of edifying the church (1Cor.14:3).The baptism of the Holy Spirit
qualifies the believer to operate in the diverse gifts of the Spirit. But start now to
build a constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Once baptized, you keep being filled
with the Holy Spirit. Acts 4:31, Eph.5:17-19.

MEMORY VERSE: 1Cor.14:1.Rom.8:26.

ASSIGNMENT (answer all questions with scriptural references)

1. Why are tongues for personal edification different from diverse kinds of tongues?
2. What does it mean to edify, exhort and comfort the church?

3. Do you think the gifts of the Spirits are important for the believer? (Give reasons for
your answer.)

1. A man gets born again and then gets baptized in the Holy Ghost. What
differentiates both experiences for him?

2. Is the baptism of the Holy Spirit for all believers? Give reasons for your answer(s).

FUTHER STUDY:The Holy Spirit and His gifts by KENNETH E. HAGIN.

Why Tongues by Kenneth E. Hagin.

POINT TO NOTE: this teaching is practical and a day or time must be set aside
for students to be filled with the Holy Spirit. For further understanding consult
the personal development module at the end of this manual on the Laying on of

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TEXT: 1 Peter 2:2

The primary way a believer grows in the redemptive work of Christ is through the
Study of the word of God.

1Peter 2:2 KJV “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may
grow thereby:”

From the above scripture, it is clear to us that the believer is to crave for the sincere
milk of the word (that is sound doctrine) for them to grow. The word “sincere” is from
the Greek word “Adolos”, it means unmixed, unadulterated. In other words, if there
is a sincere milk of the word, there is also an insincere milk of the word (unsound
doctrine). An unsound doctrine/teaching is teaching that remove you from focusing on
the finished work of Christ and focus on materialism that promotes self-consciousness,
instead of Christ consciousness.

God’s Word defined!

God’s Word is the revelation of the purpose and intents of His heart towards His
creation which is fully embodied in the Christ Jesus and recorded in the scriptures.
Heb.1:1-3, Jn. 1:1-3, 14.

Importance of God’s Word

1. God’s undying and forever faithful love for us is revealed unto us. (John 3:16,
Eph. 3:18-19)

2. It guides the believer. (Psalm 119:105)

3. It provides spiritual nourishment for growth (1 Peter 2:2)
4. It renews the mind of the believer (Romans 12:2)
To grow into Christ in all things the scriptures tell us to renew our minds so that we
can transform from the custom and traditions of this world. To renew means to
renovate. We must constantly renew our mind by removing or exchange the thoughts,
understanding and reasoning that belongs to the world, exchanging it with God’s
word, which is the agent of renewal.

How should we renew our minds?

❖ Study the word of God; 2Tim. 3:15; 2Tim. 2:15
❖ Through meditation. Josh.1:8, Ps. 1:1-3, James 1:23.Meditation is rehearsing or
thinking about something, until it becomes so real to you. Meditation also
means to ponder on something actively until consciously or unconsciously, it
becomes part of you and causes you to act in a particular manner.
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NOTE THAT: What you meditate on forms your thoughts and your thoughts are
the content of your mind. Who you are, where you are is a reflection of your
thoughts. Prov. 23:7.
❖ Confession of God’s Word in faith.

❖ Doing God’s Word: without doing the word, all of God’s promises will not profit
us James 1:22-25

Consequences of not doing God’s word.

❖ You will live in self-deception. James 1:22
❖ Lack of a formidable life which can lead the believer to compromise His faith
(His believe). Matt.7:21-27.

❖ You will not bear fruit. John 15:7-8


Now we are going to explore the different ways we can study God’s word. Remember
as you study God’s word learn to confess it and let your actions correspond with your
confession. A doer of God’s word is the one that stands perfect in faith not staggering
no matter the storms that come His/her way. A believer that confesses God’s word
without doing is a talker. So don’t be talkers, be a doer.
Below are the following ways to effectively study God’s word;
1. You must know that the Bible is a redemptive book; the intent of the Bible is to
see the redemptive work of God.
2. The Bible is categorized into four(4) ;
▪ The Scriptures (Genesis to Malachi): These consist of the prophecy of the
prophets concerning the Promise to come, and the deeds of the promise
(Jesus Christ). (It is written with parables, figurative words) and unclear.
▪ The Four Gospel (Matthew – John): These are the eye witness account of
the promise (Jesus Christ), and what he did on earth.
▪ The Epistle: These are Letters to various Churches, and also, the epistle
is the explanation of the Scriptures and the Eye witness account. The
epistles expound/ explain the scriptures and the four Gospel.
▪ Acts of the Apostles: These is the recorded Actions of the Apostles and
early church, it consist of the good and bad acts.
3. Book by book, chapter by chapter, line by line: So people just open their
bible and take a particular verse in the Bible, and start using it without reading
the full chapter/ book. The book or chapter is a flow of thought; you must
read all to understand the flow of thought.
▪ Context: This is the verse you are studying or reading
▪ Pretext: This is the verse or verses before the context.
▪ Post-text: This is the Verse or verse after the context.

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4. Beware of Figures: The Bible is full of Figurative language / words. You must
be able to detect a figurative word e.g. Simile, Oxymoron, hyperbole etc.
5. Pay attention to details: Details are the flow of thought; you must pay
attention to words. And never be in a hurry to interpret the scripture. Know
who is speaking and who is spoken to.
6. Study with the Christ Lens: that’s Jesus is the correct exegesis or the purpose
of the Bible (Luke 24:27)
7. Chronological study: This means studying bible in the order of events in every
place it was recorded. For example Studying the birth of Jesus in the order of
events wherever it was recorded in the bible taking into account the
prophecies of His birth, time and every single detail of His birth.
8. Contextual study: This is studying a particular word or passage in the bible
(especially scriptures that causes lots of controversies) taking into
consideration every text surrounding the word or passage.
9. Name study: This is taking a study on a particular name in the bible and
studying everything concerning it. E.g. studying on Abraham.
10.Topical study: This is taking a study on a particular topic. For example taking a
study on Redemption, love, etc. also you can study with daily devotionals.

Now are we going to explore some basic methods of studying the Word?

Study is active not passive. Studying God’s word is done with the Holy Spirit; our
teacher. So, to effectively study you need to have an open heart to receive the
understanding of the Holy Spirit. Some materials will be listed below but please note
that this does not mean that without these materials you cannot study the word. Start
with what you have but as you go on please long to get more study materials.
1. Your three B’s; Your BIBLE, BOOK and BIRO.
2. Further than these you need more than one translation of the bible and
possibly Greek and Hebrew bible translations
3. You also need a bible dictionary e.g. Holman’s dictionary or Vine’s expository
4. A bible concordance preferably Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive concordance of
the Bible.
5. Tapes, CD’s, DVD’s and books of trusted teachers and preachers of God’s word
especially those that major on the New testament and in the Word of
6. Books that gives you topics and texts concerning them. E.g. The shepherd staff.

CONCLUSION: In conclusion we must understand that God desires that we grow into
maturity and not remain as babes so start now to fellowship with God through His
word that you may grow into Christ in all things.
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MEMORY VERSE: 1Peter 2:2.

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TEXT: 1THESS.5:17.

Prayer is talking (communicating or communing) with God i.e. talking to God and God talking
back to us. Jesus regular communion with the Father(Mark 14:38) and as His followers we
must do same to enable us execute God’s will on earth in every matter. It is in the place of
prayer our inner man is strengthened and we receive divine help from God.Eph.3:16, Heb.
4:16, 1Thess.3:1.

❖ Prayer of adoration: this prayer is about worshipping God for who He is it including
calling Him names. Dan.4:34
❖ Prayer of thanksgiving: it is the prayer of appreciation, being grateful for what He has
done. Phil.4:6, 1 Thess.5:18.

❖ Prayer of request: it is making our needs known to God. God expects us to call on Him
in any and everything that concerns us. Phil.4:6

❖ Prayer of intercession: it is prayer made on behalf of others. Eph.6:18

❖ Prayer of decree: it is prayer that focuses enforcing God’s will in matters by command.
It is permitting God’s will to be done on the earth over a matter and to forbid satanic
influences. Example is casting out demons. Matt.18.18.

❖ The Prayer of agreement. Matt. 18:19-20.

❖ The prayer of faith. Mark 11:22-23. This talks about specificity in the place of prayer
to address a situation.

NOTE THAT all these kinds of prayer can be prayed both in your understanding (in
your human/natural language) and in tongues.


1. Firstly, we must understand that God is our father and He loves us; do not rely on your
works or self. Therefore we must learn to talk to Him as our father and respond to His
love. Our love for Him should then always create a passion in us to always
communicate with Him Ps.42:1.
2. Instead of worrying, learn to tell God everything that is in your heart. Be open and
honest with Him and listen for His voice while you speak. Remember He is your father
and He cares for you. Eph.6:18, 1Thess.5:17, Phil.4:6
3. A consistent study of God’s Word is necessary so as to pray according to God’s will.
4. Pray in the Spirit. Jude 20, Rom.8:26

5. Prayer could be done anywhere but for privacy you can choose a suitable time and
place to avoid distraction and procrastination.

6. Have no particular or established order, just for the sake of orderliness one can start
off with praises, then prayer of request then intercession. This is however subjective.

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7. You can set a time limit to the extent of your strength and then expand it as you grow
with increased prayer vocabulary and stamina.

8. Study books on prayer, talk and associate with people that will always encourage you
to pray; fellowship with the brethren. Prov.27:17, Heb.10:25.

1. Doubt and fear. James 1:5-7, Heb.4:16.
2. Disobedience. Pro.28:9.

3. Unforgiveness. Mark 11:25-26.

4. Not praying in accordance to the will of God.

Water baptism: Rom.6:4, Matt.28:19, Mk.16:16. Matt.28:19-20.

This is the baptism in water done by a born-again believer, identifying with Christ in His
death, burial and resurrection. Water baptism simply means to be completely immersed in
water. The criterion for this baptism is to be saved but it is not what gets you saved.

The Significance of Water baptism.

We identify with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. In other words, it is an
outward demonstration of an inward transformation.

In conclusion you must understand that the main ingredient of prayer is faith In God’s word.
The answer is not always ‘YES’ and might take some time before the answer manifest
therefore, don’t doubt because God loves you and He is making everything work together for
your good.


ASSIGNMENT:(Answer all questions with scriptural reference).

1. How can a believer pray amiss?
2. What is the confidence we have that God answers prayers?
1. Do you think water baptism is significant? Explain your answers with reasons.
2. Is water baptism essential to be born again? Give reasons for your answer(s).

FUTHER STUDY: “Prayer study course” By Kenneth E. Hagin

Word College (Foundation Module)


TEXT: 2 Cor. 5:17-20, Romans 10:8-15
INTRODUCTION: God's purpose for creating man is to have fellowship with him but sin
through disobedience hindered this. God in his love sent his son to deal with sin that
he might reconcile us back to himself (John 3:16, Eph. 2:13-14, Rom. 5:1,8). God has
done his part, now it's our turn to do the same by the preaching of the Gospel.

What is Evangelism?
Evangelism is the taking of the good news of what Christ has done to the unsaved,
reaching out to them with the message of Christ, letting them know that eternal life
is available to all that believes (John 10:10, Romans 6:23), in telling the unsaved the
good news we create in them a consciousness of God's love.

Who is to Preach/Evangelise?
Now when a man is saved that in itself qualifies him to preach the gospel of Christ (2
Cor. 5:17-20). The man that is a new creature is the one reconciled back to God, he is
also the one entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation (preaching the gospel). God
trusts the man that is saved to get others saved by preaching the same message that
got him saved (Romans 1:16).
Mark 16:15 remains a timeless instruction to every disciple of Christ which includes
you and I.
Preach is from the Greek word "kerusso" which implies to announce or to proclaim. We
are to meet with sinners (go to them) they are everywhere: in our class rooms,
neighborhood, market place, work place and preach to them. The world needs to
know that God doesn't hold their sins against them (2 Cor. 5:18-20).

Why should I Preach?

1. In John 3:16, God dearly loves the unsaved; he showed us his love by dying for
us (Romans 5:8). So God takes no pleasure in the death of the sinner, his
thoughts has been clearly made known to us in his word (1Tim. 2:4).
2. It's a commission/responsibility given to us by Jesus Mark 16:14-18, Matt 28:19.
The great commission includes you because you are also a disciple of Christ
having believed in his death, burial and resurrection. God trusts us to love the
unbelievers by telling them about his love.
3. If you don't the unbelievers will be eternally cut off from God (They will perish)
and that is not in any way pleasing to God 2 Peter 3:7-8.
4. The sacrifice of Jesus will be in vain 2 Cor. 5:18-21. Every man that Christ died
for deserves to hear what has been done for him/her.
5. In the book of Act you would see repeatedly the importance given to the
preaching and teaching. Paul and Philip were great examples stated. Acts
8:4-5,30; Acts 9:17-33; Acts 11:15; Acts 14:3

Word College (Foundation Module)

As Disciples of Christ that we are we must make a commitment to always get men
save 1 Cor. 9:16. The instruction given by Jesus to go into the world and make
disciples remains evergreen.

What is our Message?

John 3:16, John 10:10, 1 John 5:12, 1 John 4:10, 1 Cor. 15:1-6, 1 Cor. 1:23, 1
Tim. 3:16
Our message is the gospel of Jesus Christ which is simply about the love of God for us
in sending his son to save us (give eternal life to those who believe) in his death,
burial and resurrection.
The preacher must know exactly what the message is and must not innovate it. It is
strictly and solely on the sufferings of Christ (his death and burial) and his glory (his
resurrection) 1 Peter 1:11, Luke 24:25-26.
In the Book of Romans 1:16, the message and its method of communication are both
given and we must follow and not improvise; to get God's desire (men saved) we must
use his method (preaching).

THE 5 M's of Evangelism.

1. Making power available (prayer) James 5:16. Prayer is an activity that is
fundamental for a believer; ministry can't be done without prayers.
▪ Jesus showed us an example; he was given to prayer Luke 5:16-17, Mark
▪ The apostles continued in the same. Acts 1:14, Acts 2:44, Acts 6:4, 1 Cor.
14:18, 1 Thess. 3:10
In the place of prayers we get boldness, being bold is not as a result of genetic
make-up, it's that we have given ourselves to praying. Acts 4:29-31, Eph. 6:18
Directions are gotten in the place of prayers. Paul had a vision to go to
Macedonia to preach acts 16:9, Phillip was led to the Ethiopian eunuch acts
8:26-29, Acts 10:9-15
▪ Peter was directed to meet Cornelius.
▪ Prayer is the bedrock of ministry.

2. Meeting with people: In evangelism it's required of you to meet with people.
Some instances includes Jesus met with the woman and engaged her in a
conversation (John 4:7), the disciples Peter and John met with the man (John
3:1), Philip met with the eunuch (Acts 8:26), Paul met certain disciples (Acts
Evangelism requires you to meet with people, engage in conversations with
them, greet them, create a friendly atmosphere which is definitely not
condemning, your dressing should be very modest so you are without any

Word College (Foundation Module)

3. Matter of Interest: In John 4:9, Jesus engaged her in a discussion that made it
seem he needed water but reading through we see that he collected no water
from her. In evangelism you could engage people in their current activities
(e.g. a woman selling in the market would love to be asked madam how is the
business going today?).

4. The Message: Go straight to the message of the gospel. Matt 10:7 we were not
just sent to preach but also given the message to preach. Do not engage in
unnecessary arguments; always bear in mind that the reason for your going out
is to get men saved. Go straight to the point and do not bombard your audience
with too much information.

5. Ministering the Supernatural: In Matt 10:8, when Jesus sent the apostles out
he gave room for the supernatural, be eager to minister to the people. Acts
3:1-11 Peter and John healed a lame man and it led to the Salvation of 5000
men in Acts 4:4. Healing the sick is part of reaching to the lost, the power to
heal the sick is resident in the believer.

Add this to your Evangelism

1. Get them filled with the Holy Ghost; to the one that is receptive and has
gotten saved, take a step further to getting him to speak in tongues. In getting
a believer filled, first you bring him to an awareness of the indwelling of the
spirit via teaching of God's word or by the laying on of hands. Acts 19:6 Upon
Paul's first contact with them, he got them filled with the spirit with the
evidence of speaking in tongues.
Mark 16:17 Jesus said it's one of the signs that follow those that believe.
Other examples; Acts 2:4, Acts 10:4-46, Acts 8:14-18.
Evidently when we preach the gospel we must get the believing ones filled with
the spirit.
2. When you meet someone who is not willing to listen to you, move to the next
person then later on find time to pray for the both categories. Matt. 10:14,
Col. 4:12.

Discipleship and Fellowship

Philemon 1:6. The word communication is from the Greek word "Koinonia" which
implies participation, contribution. So Paul is saying here that a believer’s
participation in the faith will be effective when he comes to full recognition of every
good thing which is in him in Christ. This is where disciple for the new believer
becomes necessary.
When unbelievers get saved, it is our responsibility to disciple them into maturity
(1Tim 2:4) God's will for the man that is saved is to grow in the knowledge he/she has
received. In Matt 28:18-19, the instruction Jesus gave is to go into the world and
Word College (Foundation Module)

make disciples out of men, a disciple is one that is a student, he is found learning of
Christ. Also in Acts 11:26, the Disciples of Christ were found learning, Acts 2:42 they
did not just leave the men they got saved like that, they continued in the same.
Below are tips on how to go about this;
1. Continually pray for spiritual growth Col.1:9-12, Gal.4:19, Eph.1:16-19
2. Ensure they join a church that upholds all the doctrine of Christ. God's idea for
the growth of the believer is the local church Acts 11:26 they always gathered
together, 1cor 11:18, 1cor 12:28 God idea for the saved one to grow is in the
gathering of the Saints.
3. Regularly visit. Do not visit at odd times and it is advisable not to go alone
especially when dealing with the opposite sex. Acts 15:35-36.
4. Patiently teach them with simplicity. You can also recommend books and
messages. Acts 19:10 the apostle Paul took a lot of time in teaching the ones he
just got saved.
5. Refer to older believers or your pastors if you encounter challenges, there is
eldership in the local church (1 Peter 5:1).
Conclusion: We must not be ashamed of Christ before men, so He will not be
ashamed of us before His Father and His Angels. We must boldly declare the Gospel of
Jesus wherever we are and in whatever we do. We are not here to stay forever but
while we are here let us invade the kingdoms of this world with the Gospel of Christ.

Memory Verse: 1Pet.2:9.

1. What is the utmost purpose of man on earth?
2. Briefly describe how we can effectively preach.
3. What is the Gospel?

Further study: “Soul-winning where the sinners are” By T.L. Osbourn

Word College (Foundation Module)


Text: Matt. 16:15-18, Eph.4:1-13, 1Cor.12:12-15; 26-28.

INTRODUCTION: The church from the Greek word ‘ekklesia’ means ‘the called out ones’.
Therefore the church is not a place to go for fellowship or worship but the church is the BODY
OF CHRIST which comprises of every believer in Christ dead or alive. On earth, the
church(including every believer) is called the universal church but due to geographical
distance(barrier),the church fellowships together in little gatherings at different locations
and each congregation of believers is referred to as the local church.

CHRIST THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH Eph.1:22-23, 5:22-24

The church is the body of Christ and the Head of the body of which every believer is part is
Jesus Christ. The church is also referred to as Christ’s Bride sharing in all that Jesus Christ is,
all He has and the purpose of His heart.


The purpose of the Church includes

❖ Why the Church exists (general purpose). 1Pet.2:9, Heb.1:2-3, Eph.1:5-6;


❖ What the Church is made to do (specific purpose). Matt.22:37-40; 28:19-20,

1Cor.12:1-end, Eph.4:1-16, Mk.16:15-20, John 15:17.

The Church exists to EXPRESS HIS GLORY. This means that the Church exists to bring pleasure
to God by expressing His nature and demonstrating His kingdom in all its glory. We do this by
going into every sector of the world’s system, displaying the love of God for them. We achieve
this through:

❖ Worship

❖ Community/Fellowship

❖ Ministry

❖ Mission

❖ Discipleship

1. Worship: Jn.4:21-24, 1Jn.1:3, Jn.17:3, Jn.14:15. The church is made for fellowship
and friendship with God. It is about our relationship with the Father and His Son. It is
from this relationship that every other purpose is birthed – our love for God. When the
church (every believer) walks with God in His love and desires to please Him (Prov.
16:4, Rev.4:11) we can then go ahead to love ourselves and others (other believers and
the dying world).

2. Fellowship: Jn.15:10-12, Jn.13:34-35, 1Cor.13:1-end. The church is a family and

every believer is a sibling while God is our Father. Christ has commanded the church to
love one another as He has loved us. 1Jn.3:16, Phil.2:5-11.

Word College (Foundation Module)
3. Ministry: Eph.4:1-16, 1Cor.12:1-end, Rom.12:4-8.This is the process of building and
equipping the church through the gifting and functioning of every believer as part of
the body. Every believer is a minister. These include ministry gifts, spiritual gifts,
natural abilities/talents,etc.

4. Mission: soul-winning is the mission of the church. Matt.28:19, Mk.16:15. It is

referred to as the great commission. The message is the Gospel of Christ though the
method of propagation may vary.

5. Discipleship: Matt.28:19, Jn.15:16. The church has the responsibility of discipling

and teaching the new-born in Christ, nurturing them into maturity.

CONCLUSION: As believers we must know that our responsibility is to sustain the victory
Christ has won and this can only be achieved by bringing our sphere of influence in subject to
Christ. We come to church to get serviced for service.

MEMORY VERSE: Eph.1:12, Matt.28:19.

1. How should we conduct ourselves in Church?
2. What is the place of Pastors, Teachers, Evangelist, Prophets and Apostles in the

3. What has every believer been called to do?

FURTHER STUDY: Purpose driven church by Rick Warren.

Word College (Foundation Module)



Christian fellowship international is a non-denominational body of Christ that has root from
CHURCH OF GOD MISSION INTERNATIONAL. The vision was birthed by Archbishop B.A. Idahosa
to a group of University students in Faith Arena (Headquarters of Church of God Mission
International) after a Sunday service. There was a need to gather young men and women of
the mission under one umbrella in the form of a fellowship and also to accommodate other
denominations of the Christian Faith hence our name. CFi started in the 1990/91 academic
session at the sports complex of University of Benin. CFi since it was founded; it has grown
with different chapters spread across the nation in various tertiary institutions. All we seek to
attain is contained in the vision and spirit of CFi.


VISION (The end picture):

To be a 21st century God-class youth and campus ministry employing cutting-edge technologies
and techniques in proclaiming the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit.

OUR MISSION (Purpose of Our Vision):

To raise effective and efficient Christian leaders and Disciples of Christ who are sound in
spirit, soul and body; excelling in their chosen fields (Academics, Professions, Politics,
Business, Ministry, Sports, Entertainment, Tourism, Arts and Culture) by deliberate training.

OBJECTIVES: (Specific Actions Required).

❖ To identify and retain members of the mission in tertiary institutions John 17:12,

Heb. 10:24&25.

❖ To serve as a grooming ground for the future leadership of the mission in particular
and the church in general, 2Tim.2:2, 1Tim.4:12-16.

❖ To generate friendship and fellowship amongst members of the mission and

members of other ministries in the fellowship within and outside campus. 1Pet.
2:17b Acts 2:44-47.

❖ To encourage optimum co-operation in academic and social experiences on

campus. 2Thes.3:13, Gal.6:10.

❖ To encourage alliances of members in the pursuit of prospects outside campus –

ministry, business, profession, politics, etc. Acts 18:3.

❖ To carry out on campus the vision evangelism our supreme task 2Cor.5:17 & 20a.

❖ To sustain our common faith in Christ on campus, Eph.5:19, Heb.3:12&13.

Word College (Foundation Module)

OUR GOALS (Summary of Objectives):

❖ Strengthening the confession/ profession of our faith in Christ through fellowship.

❖ Attainment and pursuit of academic excellence through lawful co-operation.

❖ Creating partnership from campus for ministry, business, profession, social and
politics in order to effect positive changes in our society.


❖ Soul Winning (Evangelism)

❖ Discipleship

❖ Leadership Development

❖ Academic Excellence

TARGET AUDIENCE: Undergraduates and youths in general

CORE MESSAGE: The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

METHOD: Creative dynamism inspired by the Holy Spirit

MOTTO: Using God’s love to groom the future today

OUR DRIVE: The pursuit of excellence

CORE PURPOSE: Enforcing God’s kingdom in our immediate environment, society, our nation
and the nations of the earth.

CORE COMPETENCE: Ministry excellence, leadership development, youth empowerment,

national transformation.

TOOLS: Music/Dance/Drama Outreach Programs, Small group meetings, Academic

Excellence, Showing Love, Leadership Training Programs, Academics & Relationships Seminars,
Fellowship Planting, etc.

THE SPIRIT (values & attitude) OF CFites: C F i Real On the foundation of

Spiritual Fervency

❖ C- CREATIVITY: Excellence, Talent, Aptitude, Tactfulness, Intelligence.

❖ F- FRIENDSHIP: Team work, Trust, Warmth, Humility, Integrity, Decency, Modesty,

❖ i- IMPOSSIBILITIES: High Optimism, Innovation, Achievement-Oriented.

❖ REAL: Down-to-earthedness, no forming, just as you are.



Word College (Foundation Module)


CFi consists of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) and the General Executive Committee

6. CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The CEC is the highest administrative arm of the body
in CFi. It is a twelve-man team that consists of pastors who may emerge from any of the
positions in the CEC.

❖ President
❖ Vice President
❖ Secretary General
❖ Bible Study Secretary
❖ Prayer Secretary
❖ Evangelism Secretary
❖ Follow-Up Secretary
❖ Welfare Secretary
❖ Financial Secretary
❖ Brothers Leader
❖ Sisters’ leader
❖ Music Director
❖ Organizing Secretary
❖ Final Year Brethren Coordinator

7. PASTORATE: This is made up of the President, Vice President and other C.E.C members as
deemed fit by the head office. The Pastorate is the highest ministerial body in CFi.
8. GENERAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (G.E.C): This consists of all the levels; from the
president to assistant-unit and cell leaders.
CELL GROUPS: For effective fellowship CFi has a cell group system which helps to cater for
the growth of each fellowship member. This in turn has a positive growth effect on the
general fellowship.
Each of these cells has sub-cells according to location. The maximum number of people
expected to be in each sub-cell are 15 persons. Once a sub-cell group grows to 15 persons,
they are expected to split to allow them to reach out to more people.

ACTIVITIES GROUPS: It is compulsory as a member of CFi to be in at least one and not more
than two of the following groups. These groups help boost potentials and maximize results.
1. Bible Study Unit
2. Evangelism Unit
3. Choir Unit
4. Prayer Unit
5. Welfare Unit
6. Ushers
7. Technical Crew
8. Decoration Unit

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10. Publicity Unit
11. Publication Unit
12. Drama Unit
13. Instrumentalists
14. Follow-Up Unit
15. Business Unit
16. Dance Group
17. Library Unit
18. Asset Management Team (A.M.T)
19. Multimedia Unit
20. Academic Unit
NOTE: The units can be given other names to allow for creativity but there Job Description
remains as contained in the CFi Constitution. As needs arise in fellowship, more units can be
created by the CEC.
CFi is committed to preaching the message of Christ not only in words but in style of living.
We believe that what we wear defines who we are and what we possess. Hence all things are
lawful, not all things are expedient. Archbishop Benson Idahosa (of blessed memory) always
said, “Dress the way you want to be addressed”. In line with this, our dress sense is thus;
! To Class: Free but moderate
! To Fellowship: Corporate and God glorifying.


Lord we are a shining light
To the nations
A shining light
To the peoples of the earth
Till the whole world see
The glory of the Lord
Lord your true light shines through us.


A family to share
What you feel inside
A family to be there for you
To lean on, to count on
Our love never ends
You are welcome to a Brand New World
CFi, a place of love
Building lives by His word
CFi, a place of love
You are welcome to a Brand New World

Here’s a place to be
Resourceful, real and free
Building your hopes and dreams
Making the man within
Keeping you sound and clean
Word College (Foundation Module)
This is CFi’s call
A family that believes
In your gifts within
Cares for all your needs
Through the Lord’s increase
Please come on in to CFi’s home.









Word College (Foundation Module)


This section is going to deal with some vital topics believers are to know.


To confess means to mutter, utter or roar. It is a kind of meditation (Josh.1:8). You confess
God’s Words in faith and you continue confessing even when you do not see a physical change.
The law of confession is the spirit of faith. 2Cor4:13: I believe therefore I speak.

What do I confess?

You confess God’s Word. Search through the scriptures and look for scriptures that talk about
your position, authority and inheritance in and the Lordship of Christ Jesus. Write them out,
memorize them and confess them. Watch out phrases like these “I am…”, “in whom”, “freely
given” etc. confess in thanksgiving e.g. Eph. 1:5-8.

Thank you Jesus, for choosing me even before the foundation of the World.
Now I have been accepted in the Beloved. I am the beloved of God.
Christ has paid the price.
There are no more prices to pay because i have been redeemed;
I have been embodied with the riches of His grace.
Christ has lavished upon me every kind of wisdom and understanding.
I cannot be fooled by the devil because I have insight in God’s Word.
As I meditate and confess your word becomes more real to me.
It transforms me.
It causes me to grow in wisdom
I am a wise child of God. In my academics I am wise.
The wisdom of God is at work in me

FURTHER STUDY:In His name by T.L. Osbourn

Word College (Foundation Module)
TEXT: HEB. 6:1-2
INTRODUCTION: As previously studied, man is a spirit, has a soul and lives in a body. We also
studied that at the new birth only the spirit is saved and the mind becomes our responsibility
to renew. Summarily, it means that;

❖ The salvation of the spirit is our present reality. Jn.1:12, Rom.8:14,16

❖ The salvation of the mind is an ongoing process Rom.12:1-2, Josh.1:8

❖ The salvation of the body: This is a future occurrence which will happen only at the
second coming of Jesus. 1Jn.3:2 but before He comes, we must subject the body to
the Spirit by renewing our minds. This event of the second coming of Christ is the hope
of the believer. This hope points to two important events; THE RESURRECTION OF THE

RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD 1Thess.4:13-17, Rom.6:4-5, 8-9, 1Cor.15:47-54.

Resurrection means the dead coming back to life. It is the resurrection of the dead in Christ
to eternal life with God and the unrighteous (dead outside Christ) to eternal damnation with
the devil.


❖ The timing of resurrection; 1Thess5:1-5.
❖ The pre-requisite for resurrection; 1Cor.15:47-54

❖ The sequence of resurrection; 1Cor.15:23, 1Thess. 4:16-17

Judgement is the separation between good and evil. Eternal Judgement is eternal separation
between good and evil (righteous and the unrighteous).

1. The Judgement day (also known as the day of the Lord or White Throne Judgement).
1Jn.4:17, 2Peter3:10, 1Thess.5:2-8.

On this day, everyone (righteous and unrighteous) will stand before God and the book
of life will be opened. All that are born again and has kept the faith to the end will
enter into eternal rest while those unsaved will be sent to eternal damnation.

POINT TO NOTE; as believers we are neither afraid of Judgement nor appointed unto wrath
because we have received the Love life of Jesus and as we continue in Christ, we mature in
displaying this love thereby producing confidence in us on the day of Judgement. 1Jn.4:17-18

QUESTION: Knowing this how should we live our lives?

2. The Judgement seat of Christ or Bema Judgement. 2Cor.5:1, Matt.25:14-27, 1Cor.

3:11-15, Lk.19:13.

Word College (Foundation Module)
This is the Judgement of works. It is a reward service for believers where everyone’s
work will be tried and good works (which are works produced by faith done in love)
will be rewarded by Jesus.

This means that in this Judgement it is not how much done or how well done that is
rewarded but the reason or motive of every work done. Heb.6:10, 1Cor. 3:11-15.

QUESTION: Knowing this, how should our service to God be?

CONCLUSION: This hope is the believer’s greatest advantage over the world. It is this hope
that keeps us in check, constantly reminding us to live a holy life 1John3:3.


ASSIGNMENT (All questions should be answered with scriptural references).

1. Briefly describe the sequence of resurrection.
2. Is God fair in judging the world? Give reasons for your answer.

3. Briefly describe the types and terms of both Judgements.

FURTHER STUDY: The father and His family by E.W Kenyon.


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