Krok 2 Medicine (EN) - Attempt Review 2

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19/03/2024 18:47 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review (page 1 of 3)

Started on Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 6:36 PM

State Finished
Completed on Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 8:46 PM
Time taken 2 hours 10 mins
Marks 15.00/150.00
Grade 1.00 out of 10.00 (10%)

Question 1

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 45-year-old man diagnosed with acute pulmonary abscess suddenly developed sharp pain in his chest on the right and dyspnea up to
30/min. Examination detects facial cyanosis and shallow rapid respirations. Auscultation reveals acutely weakened respiration throughout the
whole right lung; percussion reveals a vesiculotympanitic (bandbox) resonance at the lung apex and dullness in the lower lobe. What
complication developed in this patient?

a. Pyopneumothorax
b. Pneumothorax 
c. Acute mediastinitis
d. Esophageal perforation
e. Pleuropneumonia

The correct answer is: Pyopneumothorax

Question 2

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A patient has developed a "raccoon eyes" sign ("spectacle hematoma") - blood has spread under the skin of the eyelids and conjunctiva of
both eyes. Isolated streak-like hemorrhages are visible on the fundus. What injury can cause such changes?

a. Basilar skull fracture 

b. Subconjunctival scleral rupture
c. Eyeball contusion
d. Cerebral contusion
e. Concussion

The correct answer is: Basilar skull fracture 1/18
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Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 78-year-old man with a prostate adenoma underwent a herniotomy for a direct inguinal hernia. After the surgery he presents with absent
urination. Enlarged urinary bladder is detectable above the patient's pubis. What measures should be taken in this case?

a. Apply cold to the urinary bladder area

b. Prescribe antispasmodics subcutaneously
c. Bladder catheterization 
d. Prescribe processing of the postoperative wound with UHF field
e. Prescribe proserin (neostigmine) intramuscularly

The correct answer is: Bladder catheterization

Question 4

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 25-year-old man suffers from a disease that manifests with fever and vesicular rash that appears mostly on the trunk and scalp. On the 10th
day after the onset of the disease, he developed an intense headache, vomiting, ataxia, sluggishness, discoordination of movements, limb
tremor. He was diagnosed with encephalitis. This condition is the complication of the following disease:

a. Rubella
b. Vesicular rickettsiosis
c. Measles
d. Scarlet fever
e. Chickenpox 

The correct answer is: Chickenpox

Question 5

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 32-year-old woman addressed a maternity clinic with complaints of infertility that has been lasting for 7 years. Her menstrual cycle occurs in
two phases. Hysterosalpingography reveals obstruction of the uterine tubes in the ampullar areas, an adhesive process in the small pelvis can
be observed. What treatment is most advisable in this case?

a. Laparotomy
b. Adnexectomy 
c. Tubectomy
d. Hydrotubation
e. Laparoscopy

The correct answer is: Laparoscopy 2/18
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Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The process of open-cut mining requires drilling and blasting operations, rock and ore excavation, transportation of ore to fragmentation and
sorting factories and transportation of barren rock to slag-heaps, road building and maintenance, repair works. What factor of production is
most important for miner's health?

a. High content of dust in the air 

b. High content of explosion gas
c. Vibration
d. Noise
e. Adverse microclimate

The correct answer is: High content of dust in the air

Question 7

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Human body receives from the atmosphere a number of chemicals. What type of action results in the combined effect that is less than the
sum of isolated effects of these chemicals on the body?

a. Antagonism 
b. Isolated action
c. Synergistic action
d. Complex action
e. Potentiation

The correct answer is: Antagonism

Question 8

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

One year ago a 46-year-old woman underwent a partial thyroidectomy due to multinodular goiter. Now she complains of general weakness,
drowsiness, constant fatigue, low working ability, constipations, edema of her face and limbs. Objectively, her body temperature is 36^oC) Her
skin is dry and wrinkled. She started losing her hair and developed amenorrhea. What condition is it?

a. Subclinical hypothyroidism
b. Hypoparathyroidism
c. Thyrotoxicosis
d. Chronic thyroiditis
e. Primary hypothyroidism 

The correct answer is: Primary hypothyroidism 3/18
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Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A woman was hospitalized with complaints of periodical pain in her lower abdomen that intensifies during menstruation, as well as weakness,
indisposition, nervousness, and smearing discharge of dark blood from the vagina before and after menstruation. Bimanual research shows
enlarged uterine body, the uterine appendages cannot be detected, the surface of the posteror fornix is tuberous. Laparoscopy detects
cyanotic inclusions on the ovaries, in the recto-uterine pouch of the peritoneal cavity, and on the paraproctium. Make the diagnosis:

a. Chronic salpingitis
b. Genital tuberculosis
c. Disseminated endometriosis 
d. Polycystic ovaries
e. Ovarian cystoma

The correct answer is: Disseminated endometriosis

Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 37-year-old man complains of a pain in his lumbar and thoracic spine and limited spinal mobility for the last 5 years. After examination he
was diagnosed with central ankylosing spondylitis. This man is likley to be a carrier of the following HLA antigen:

a. HLA-DR20
b. HLA-DR8
c. HLA-B27 
d. HLA-DR4
e. HLA-B5

The correct answer is: HLA-B27

Question 11

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A multigravida on the 38th week of her pregnancy complains of increased BP up to 140/90 mm Hg, edema of the shins for 2 weeks. In the last
month she gained 3.5 kg of weight. Urine analysis: protein - 0.33 g/L. What is the most likely diagnosis:

a. Mild preeclampsia 
b. Pregnancy edema
c. Moderate preeclampsia
d. Severe preeclampsia
e. Pregnancy hypertension

The correct answer is: Mild preeclampsia 4/18
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Question 12


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 29-year-old woman complains of a general weakness, increased fatigability, weight loss, and infrequent scanty periods. One year ago she
had a childbirth, complicated with a massive bleeding. Objectively, the woman is asthenic, her skin is pale and dry, the hair cover is thin on her
scalp and absent in her armpits. Her mammary glands and genitals are hypotrophic. Make the provisional diagnosis:

a. Pituitary tumor
b. Asthenoneurotic syndrome
c. Sheehan's syndrome 
d. Hypoplastic anemia
e. Anorexia nervosa

The correct answer is: Sheehan's syndrome

Question 13

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 48-year-old woman has thermal burns of both hands. The epidermis of the palms and backs of her hands is exfoliating, and blisters filled
with serous liquid are forming. The forearms are intact. What diagnosis is most likely?

a. 1-2 degree thermal burn 

b. 3B degree thermal burn
c. 2-3A degree thermal burn
d. 1 degree thermal burn
e. 4 degree thermal burn

The correct answer is: 2-3A degree thermal burn

Question 14

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Clinical statistical investigation was performed to determine efficiency of a new pharmacological preparation for patients with ischemic heart
disease. What parametric test (coefficient) can be used to estimate reliability of the results?

a. Student's t-distribution 
b. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
c. Wilcoxon signed-rank test
d. Sign test
e. Matching factor

The correct answer is: Student's t-distribution 5/18
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Question 15


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 38-year-old patient complains of pain in the area of the metatarsophalangeal joints of toes 1-2 on the right foot. Examination detects
bluish-purple skin over the affected joints that is hot to the touch. There are nodular formations covered with thin shiny skin in the area of the
auricles. What drug must be prescribed for this patient as a part of the urate-lowering therapy?

a. Methotrexate
b. Allopurinol
c. Colchicine 
d. Nimesulide
e. Febuxostat

The correct answer is: Allopurinol

Question 16

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 22-year-old woman at 11-12 weeks of her pregnancy came to a maternity clinic. Examination shows a positive Wasserman reaction. A
dermatologist diagnosed her with secondary latent syphilis. What are the tactics of pregnancy management in this case?

a. Artificial termination of the pregnancy after the diagnosis is made

b. Prolongation of the pregnancy after a course of antisyphilitic therapy
c. Artificial termination of the pregnancy after a course of antisyphilitic therapy 
d. Artificial termination of the pregnancy after normalization of the patient's Wasserman reaction
e. Three antisyphilitic treatment courses throughout the pregnancy

The correct answer is: Artificial termination of the pregnancy after a course of antisyphilitic therapy

Question 17

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A dweller of the northern Dnieper area, a fisherman, for the last several days has been complaining of a discomfort in his right subcostal
region, periodical episodes of diarrhea, intermittent with constipations, frequent skin rashes. Abdominal ultrasound shows enlarged liver and
pancreatic head. Make the provisional diagnosis:

a. Opisthorchiasis
b. Onchocerciasis
c. Ornithosis
d. Taeniasis
e. Trichinellosis 

The correct answer is: Opisthorchiasis 6/18
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Question 18


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 7-year-old child complains of stomachache episodes that occur after mental stress, cold drinks, or ice-cream. After clinical and instrumental
examination the boy was diagnosed with hypertensive biliary dyskinesia. What medicines should be prescribed first for the treatment in this

a. Antibiotics
b. Antispasmodics and choleretics 
c. Sedatives and cholekinetics
d. Choleretics and cholekinetics
e. Antioxidants

The correct answer is: Antispasmodics and choleretics

Question 19

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A 63-year-old man complains of unmotivated weakness and pressing and bursting sensation in the left subcostal area. According to him,
these signs have been present for a year already. Previously he was healthy. He took part in containment measures during the accident at the
Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Objectively: the skin is pale, peripheral lymph nodes are not enlarged, the liver is +3 cm, the spleen is +10 cm.
Complete blood count: erythrocytes - 3.1·10^12/L, Hb- 100 g/L, leukocytes - 46·10^9/L, blasts - 2%, promyelocytes - 10%, myelocytes - 18%,
band neutrophils - 27%, segmented neutrophils - 10%, lymphocytes - 12%, eosinophils - 6%, basocytes - 3%, monocytes - 2%, erythrocyte
sedimentation rate - 20 mm/hour. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Chronic lymphatic leukemia

b. Hemolytic anemia
c. Hepatic cirrhosis
d. Chronic myeloleukemia 
e. Acute leukemia

The correct answer is: Chronic myeloleukemia 7/18
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Question 20


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 76-year-old patient complains of difficulty urinating at night, with urination occurring up to 3 times, and a feeling of incomplete emptying of
the bladder. This condition has been observed for 2 years already. Objectively, after the act of urination, percussion detects dullness over the
pubis. The sign of costovertebral angle tenderness (Pasternatski's sign) is negative. The external genitalia are normal. Rectal examination
detects that the prostate is enlarged to 2-3 times of its normal size, smooth, elastic, symmetrical, with clear contours. The intestinal mucosa is
mobile over the prostate. What is the most likely diagnosis in this case?

a. Prostate cancer 
b. Chronic prostatitis
c. Prostate adenoma
d. Prostate tuberculosis
e. Prostate abscess

The correct answer is: Prostate adenoma

Question 21

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

A 60-year-old woman complains of pain in the interphalangeal joints of her hands that exacerbates during work. Objectively, the distal and
proximal joints of her fingers II-IV are defigured, painful, have Heberden and Bouchard nodes, and their mobility is limited. X-ray of the joints
shows narrowed joint spaces, marginal osteophytes, and subchondral sclerosis. Make the diagnosis:

a. Reiter disease (reactive arthritis)

b. Rheumatic arthritis 
c. Osteoarthrosis deformans, nodular form
d. Psoriatic arthritis
e. Bekhterev disease (ankylosing spondylitis)

The correct answer is: Osteoarthrosis deformans, nodular form 8/18
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Question 22

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 52-year-old man had an acute onset of the disease after an overexposure to cold that occurred 3 weeks ago. He complains of cough, high
body temperature of 39.5^oС, chest pain on the right, and marked dyspnea. His pulse is 120/min., blood pressure - 90/60 mm Hg, respiration
rate - 48/min. Acrocyanosis is observed. Objectively, the right side of his chest lags behind during breathing. Percussion detects a pulmonary
dullness on the right. Auscultation detects no breathing over the right lung. X-ray shows on the right a shadow with fuzzy upper margin to the
level of rib II. Exudate contains 90% of neutrophils. What is the most likely diagnosis in this case?

a. Lung cancer
b. Infiltrative tuberculosis of the right lung
c. Pleural empyema
d. Croupous pneumonia
e. Exudative tuberculous pleurisy

The correct answer is: Pleural empyema

Question 23
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A lumbar puncture was performed for a newborn with a suspected intracranial birth injury. Bloody cerebrospinal fluid was obtained. What type
of hemorrhage is observed in this case?

a. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
b. Epidural hemorrhage
c. Supratentorial hemorrhage
d. Subtentorial hemorrhage
e. Cephalohematoma

The correct answer is: Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Question 24
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A secundipara woman developed bloody discharge from the vagina at the onset of the full-term delivery. Internal obstetric examination
detected the following: the cervix is smoothed out, its external os is 6 cm wide, while its internal os is obstructed with a spongy tissue by 1/3.
The amniotic sac is palpable through the rest of the cervical opening. The labor is active. What tactics should be chosen in this case?

a. Stimulation of the labor activity

b. Amniotomy
c. Hemostatic therapy
d. Termination of the pregnancy
e. Cesarean section

The correct answer is: Amniotomy 9/18
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Question 25

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 10-year-old boy had a case of viral hepatitis type B four years ago. Currently the assumption was made about the formation of hepatic
cirrhosis in the patient. What additional investigation can clarify the diagnosis?

a. Echocholecystography
b. Transaminase level measurement
c. Markers of viral hepatitis type B
d. Renal needle biopsy
e. Proteinogram

The correct answer is: Renal needle biopsy

Question 26
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

An 8-day-old boy was delivered to the hospital on the second day after the onset of the disease. His parents complain of his fussiness,
regurgitation, body temperature up to 38.5^oC, red skin with infiltration in the lumbar area. His medical history has no peculiarities. The child
is in the severe condition, inert, pale, suckles poorly. In the lumbar area, on the sacrum and buttocks there is a tense infiltration with hyperemic
and cyanotic areas and with a soft spot 8x7 cm in its center. The stool is 10 times in 24 hours, with green and mucous admixtures. What is the
most likely diagnosis?

a. Hemangioma
b. Adiponecrosis
c. Congenital soft-tissue tumor
d. Erysipelas
e. Phlegmon of the newborn

The correct answer is: Phlegmon of the newborn

Question 27
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 55-year-old woman complains of a tumor-like formation that can be palpated in the kidney area on the left, moderate dull pain in her left
side, periodical discharge of bright-red blood during urination. Objectively, the patient has lost weight, her skin is pale and dry. Palpation of
the abdomen detects an elastic formation in the left renal region. The formation is mobile and painless. Urinalysis detects macrohematuria and
atypical cells. Blood Hb is 82 g/L, ESR is 70 mm/hour. What is the most likely pathology, causing this clinical presentation?

a. Tumor of the left kidney

b. Chronic pancreatitis
c. Acute pyelonephritis
d. Tumor of the large intestine
e. Tumor of the left ureter

The correct answer is: Tumor of the left kidney 10/18
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Question 28

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

In a rural health care area there is an increasing cervical cancer morbidity observed. The decision is made to conduct a medical examination of
the women living in this locality. What type of medical examination is it?

a. Screening
b. Preliminary
c. Regular
d. Target
e. Complex

The correct answer is: Target

Question 29
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 46-year-old man, suffering from a constricting pain in the cardiac area, developed circulatory and respiratory arrest. ECG monitor shows a
large-wave ventricular fibrillation. What should be done first in this case?

a. Give dopamine intravenously

b. Give atropine intravenously
c. Implant an electronic pacemaker
d. Give lidocaine intravenously
e. Perform defibrillation

The correct answer is: Perform defibrillation

Question 30
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 23-year-old woman, who works as a milk and dairy inspector, after the miscarriage suffers from high fever up to 38,6^oC, recurring chills,
excessive sweating. Objectively: polyadenitis, pain in the lumbosacral spine, swollen left knee joint, enlarged liver and spleen. What diagnosis is
most likely?

a. Brucellosis
b. Polyarticular rheumatoid arthritis
c. Toxoplasmosis
d. Sepsis
e. Yersiniosis

The correct answer is: Brucellosis 11/18
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Question 31

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 52-year-old man complains of periodic palpitation attacks that last 3-8 minutes and then stop on their own. Follow-up examinations and
ECG detected no rhythm disturbances. What special method of diagnosing rhythm disturbances must be performed first in this case?

a. Holter ECG monitoring

b. Spirography
c. Treadmill exercise stress test
d. Transesophageal electric stimulation of the heart
e. Bicycle ergometry

The correct answer is: Holter ECG monitoring

Question 32
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 46-year-old woman has diarrhea with abdominal distension, loss of body mass, and large amounts of porridge-like foul-smelling stool
without blood streaks or tenesmus. Objective examination detects moderate tenderness in the mesogastrium and left abdominal flank. Feces
analysis detects steatorrhea with neutral fat and creatorrhea. What prescription would be the most advisable in this case?

a. Multi-enzyme preparations
b. Cholinergic antagonists
c. Cholinergic antagonists and antibacterial agents
d. Antacids and antispasmodics
e. Metronidazole and loperamide

The correct answer is: Multi-enzyme preparations

Question 33
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 35-year-old patient's wound with suppurative focus was surgically cleaned. On the 8th day after the surgery the wound cleared from its
purulo-necrotic content and granulations appeared. However, against the bacground of antibacterial therapy the body temperature keeps at
38,5-39,5^oC) There are chills, excessive sweating, euphoria, heart rate is 120/min. What complication of local pyoinflammatory process can it

a. Sepsis
b. Meningitis
c. Pneumonia
d. Purulent absorption fever
e. Trombophlebitis

The correct answer is: Sepsis 12/18
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Question 34

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A patient has gradually lost his consciousness. The skin is pale and dry. There is smell of ammonia from the mouth. Respirations are deep and
noisy. Heart sounds are muffled, pericardial friction rub is present. Blood pressure is 180/130 mm Hg. Blood test: Нb - 80 g/L, leukocytes -
12·10^9/L, blood glucose - 6.4 mmol/L, urea - 50 mmol/L, creatinine - 1200 mcmol/L, blood osmolarity - 350 mOsmol/kg H_2O. No urinary
excretion. Make the diagnosis:

a. Acute disturbance of cerebral circulation

b. Acute renal failure
c. Hyperglycemic coma
d. Uremic coma
e. Hyperosmolar coma

The correct answer is: Uremic coma

Question 35

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 35-year-old woman complains of a pain in her right axillary region. She has been suffering from this condition for a week. Her body
temperature is 38^oC) In the right axillary region there are 2 formations, 2 cm in size each. The skin over the formations is dark red and thin.
Palpation produces a yellow-white discharge from the fistular openings. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Folliculitis
b. Carbuncle
c. Furuncle
d. Hydradenitis
e. Lymphadenitis

The correct answer is: Hydradenitis

Question 36
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A man works in casting of nonferrous metals and alloys for 12 years. In the air of working area there was registered high content of heavy
metals, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen. During periodic health examination the patient presents with asthenovegetative syndrome, sharp
abdominal pains, constipations, pain in the hepatic area. In the laboratory analysis of urine: aminolevulinic acid and coproporphyrin are
detected. In the laboratory analysis of blood: reticulocytosis, low hemoglobin level. Such intoxication is caused by:

a. Zinc
b. Lead and lead salts
c. Carbon monoxide
d. Tin
e. Nitric oxide

The correct answer is: Lead and lead salts 13/18
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Question 37

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 21-year-old man was hospitalized on the 2nd day of the disease. His general condition is severe, body temperature is 39^oC) On his skin
there are numerous irregular-shaped hemorrhagic elements. The diagnosis of meningococcemia was made. The next day his body
temperature suddenly decreased, blood pressure was 80/40 mm Hg, pulse was 120/min. Acrocyanosis was detected. What complication did
the patient develop?

a. Cerebral coma
b. Acute hemorrhage
c. Acute heart failure
d. Acute liver failure
e. Acute adrenal insufficiency

The correct answer is: Acute adrenal insufficiency

Question 38

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A newborn girl has Apgar score of 7-8 points at the 1-5 minutes after birth. During the labor there was a brief difficulty with extraction of the
shoulder girdle. After birth the baby presents with disturbed function of the proximal segment and forced position of the right arm. The
shoulder is rotated inwards, the elbow is extended, the forearm is pronated, and the whole upper limb resembles an arm of a doll. What is the
most likely clinical diagnosis in this case?

a. Osteomyelitis of the right arm

b. Soft tissue injury of the right arm
c. Erb-Duchenne palsy
d. Intracranial hemorrhage
e. Thoracic spine trauma

The correct answer is: Erb-Duchenne palsy

Question 39

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Marked out of 1.00

The region at the Carpathian foothills is characterized by constant high atmospheric humidity (over 80%). In the cold season, while the air
temperature is moderately low, the population of this region feels extreme cold. What type of heat transfer increases in such conditions?

a. -
b. Conduction
c. Convection
d. Radiation
e. Evaporation

The correct answer is: Convection 14/18
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Question 40

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A 45-year-old man with a history of myocardial infarction developed a brief attack of palpitations, accompanied by the sensations of lack of
air, fear, and vertigo. His blood pressure is 90/60 mm Hg. ECG during the attack shows extended QRS complex (0.13 seconds) with heart rate
of 160/min., discordant shift of ST segment and T wave, dissociation of atrial and ventricular rhythm. What disturbance of cardiac rhythm is it?

a. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia

b. Frequent ventricular extrasystoles
c. Ventricular fibrillation
d. Atrial fibrillation
e. Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia

The correct answer is: Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia

Question 41
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

During meat testing Trichinella was detected in diaphragm crura in one of the two muscular tissue samples. What tactics should a doctor
choose regarding this meat?

a. Incineration
b. Preservation in 10% salt solution
c. Technolgical disposal
d. Freezing under -12^oC
e. Boiling under 1,5 atmosphere

The correct answer is: Technolgical disposal

Question 42
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Marked out of 1.00

In medical business, the profit of a company must be included in the price of its medical services. What traditional criteria make up the term

a. Cost price, profit, taxes

b. Variable costs, cost price
c. The sum of all production costs
d. Gross expenses, use value
e. Profitability, income, fixed costs

The correct answer is: Cost price, profit, taxes 15/18
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Question 43

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Marked out of 1.00

A 16-year-old girl has primary amenorrhea, no pubic hair growth, normally developed mammary glands; her genotype is 46 ХY; uterus and
vagina are absent. What is your diagnosis?

a. Cushing's disease
b. Cushing's syndrome
c. Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
d. Sheehan syndrome
e. Testicular feminization syndrome

The correct answer is: Testicular feminization syndrome

Question 44
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 67-year-old woman complains of rapid fatigability and constant pain in the joints of her limbs and in her spine. She has a history of frequent
bone fractures. Over the past year, the woman's height has decreased by 2 cm. Objectively, local accumulation of adipose tissue is observed in
the area of the projection of her seventh vertebra. The doctor suspects osteoporosis. What instrumental study is the gold standard for
diagnostics of osteoporosis?

a. Scintigraphy
b. X-ray densitometry
c. Computed tomography
d. Radiography
e. Ultrasound

The correct answer is: X-ray densitometry

Question 45
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

A 38-year-old woman developed a medical condition 7 days after her return from Bangladesh. Periodical elevation of temperature was
accompanied by chills and excessive sweating. She was diagnosed with tropical malaria. Next day her condition further deteriorated: body
temperature - 38^oC, inertness, periodical loss of consciousness, generalized seizures, tachycardia, hypotension, and icteric skin. What
complication can be suspected in this case?

a. Acute heart failure

b. Cerebral coma
c. Purulent meningitis
d. Acute hepatic failure
e. Serous meningitis

The correct answer is: Cerebral coma 16/18
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Question 46

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A 17-year-old girl was hospitalized into the gynecological department with complaints of profuse bloody discharge from her genital tracts and
a cramping pain in her lower abdomen. The last menstruation was 10 weeks ago. Objectively, her blood pressure is 100/60 mm Hg, pulse is
90/min.. Vaginal examination shows that the external orifice of the uterine cervix allows inserting one finger. The uterus is painless and
enlarged to 6 weeks of pregnancy. The uterine appendages cannot be detected, the fornices are free. Make the diagnosis:

a. Complete miscarriage
b. Threatened miscarriage
c. Imminent miscarriage
d. Anembryonic pregnancy
e. Incomplete miscarriage

The correct answer is: Incomplete miscarriage

Question 47

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Marked out of 1.00

A patient was brought into the pulmonology department with complaints of inspiratory dyspnea and dry cough at the highest point of
inhalation. On examination the following is observed: pale skin, cyanotic lips, ''Hippocratic fingers''. Auscultation detects Velcro-type crackles
(like opening a Velcro fastener). X-ray shows a ''ground glass opacity'' pattern. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Hand-Schuller-Christian disease
b. Exogenous allergic alveolitis
c. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
d. Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis
e. Pulmonary histiocytosis X

The correct answer is: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Question 48
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A district doctor has diagnosed one of his patients with dysentery. What accounting document reflects this type of morbidity?

a. Certificate of temporary disability

b. Urgent report
c. Report on a major non-epidemic disease
d. Statistical report
e. Control card of a patient registered for regular check-ups

The correct answer is: Urgent report 17/18
19/03/2024 18:47 Krok 2 Medicine (EN): Attempt review (page 1 of 3)

Question 49

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A 19-year-old pregnant woman was hospitalized into the department of pregnancy pathology. Her term of gestation is 36 weeks, the fetus is
large, with breech presentation. The woman has a severe form of diabetes mellitus. Cardiotocography detects fetal bradycardia of 90/min. No
labor activity can be detected. What are the tactics of pregnancy management in this case?

a. Continuation of pregnancy
b. Breech extraction
c. Urgent caesarean section
d. Childbirth through the natural birth canal
e. Labor stimulation

The correct answer is: Urgent caesarean section

Question 50
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On the 5th day after giving birth a postparturient woman complains of a pain in her left mammary gland and body temperature up to
38.1^oC) Examination shows that her mammary gland is enlarged and painful on palpation, the nipple is edematous and has fissures, the
upper external quadrant of the gland is hyperemic. Name the measures that would have prevented the development of this complication in
the patient:

a. Feeding no longer that 10 minutes through an overlay

b. Feeding on schedule
c. Constant expression of breast milk
d. Stop breastfeeding when fissures appear
e. Feeding on demand, expression of breast milk, prevention of nipple fissures

The correct answer is: Feeding on demand, expression of breast milk, prevention of nipple fissures 18/18

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