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D19 – ELEC11A - (CDM) 2ND Semester

[w1] COMPUTER • Operates using MIPS (Millions of Instructions

• It is an electronic device or machine that accepts, Per Second) in terms of its processing
stores, data and processes it to produce information capability
o Examples – desktop, laptop, cellphone, 3. Minicomputer – multiprocessing machine that can
calculator, satellite, seismograph support up to about 200 users at the same time
• Size of a refrigerator
DATA AND INFORMATION • Different from a personal computer
• Data – are raw facts, unorganized, meaningless and • Example is the server
unstructured o It supports connectivity; however, not
• Information – is considered as the processed data. all servers are considered as a
It is organized, meaningful and structured minicomputer
Examples 4. Microcomputer – what people are most familiar with
o Quantitative Data • Smaller and runs on microprocessors in their
▪ Data – 567890 CPU (Central Processing Unit)
▪ Information – the account number of • High specs for video editing and
Mr. Mabborang is 567890 programming (ideal: 16GB)
o Qualitative Data • Examples are – laptops and desktops
▪ Data – Male, Female, Female, 5. Personal Computer/ Mobile Computer – super
Female, Male small
▪ Information – the group consists of 2 • Examples are:
males (40%) and 3 females (60%) o Cellphones
o Smart watch
Process on How Computer Accepts Data o Calculators

Input Data → Processed Data → Output Data 4 COMPONENTS OF A COMPUTER

• Input Data – done through input devices 1. CPU (Central Processing Unit)
o Example – keyboard • Brain of the computer
• Processed Data – can be manipulated; through • This is where programs are executed/
sorting, operating, and comparing processed
• Output Data – also known as the information itself • Programs – are set of instructions or
command that tells the computer how to
5 CATEGORIES OF THE COMPUTER accomplish a specific task (such as sharing
1. Super Computer – it’s the fastest, largest, and most files, etc.)
expensive computer system in the world 2. Memory
• Most capable processing power • Stores data, information or instructions
• Used in security of military defense and large processed by the CPU into a memory or a
data bases (in Japan, China and US) primary memory
• Examples are: 3. Input Units/ Devices
o Jaguar • Utilized to feed (give, send) information to the
o Titan computer
o Nebulae • Examples:
o IBM (International Business o Scanner
Management) o Keyboard
o Fujitsu – in Japan o Mouse
• Uses FLOPS (Floating Point Operation Per o Webcam
Second) in terms of its processing capability o Microphone
2. Mainframe Computer – huge, towering machines o Any touch screen
with lots of processing power 4. Output Devices
• It is utilized by corporations, government • Receives or relays information to the user
agencies and banks • Examples:
• Examples are: o Monitor
o UNIVAC – Universal Automatic o Printer – printed materials (output
Computer data)
o ENIAC – Electronic Numerical o Speaker – sound (output data)
Integrator and Calculator o Headphones/ Earphones – sound
(output data)
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D19 – ELEC11A - (CDM) 2ND Semester
SYSTEM BUS • ABACUS – is known to be the first mechanical
• Also known as the MOBO or Mother Board calculating device; made up of beads, woods etc.
• It is the heart of the computer o Used to perform basic arithmetic operations
• Allows the four main components of the computer to o Parts:
communicate with each other ▪ Heaven – upper portion
▪ Earth – lower portion
HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE o Babylonians – first group that used Abacus
• Hardware – is the tangible and physical parts of the
computer • NAPIER’S BONES – made up of bone-like structures
o Any output and input device o allowed the operator to multiply, divide and
• Software – is an application and deals with calculate square and cube roots by moving
programming instructions; intangible the rods around and placing them in specially
o MS Office constructed boards
o Adobe PDF o Invented by John Napier from Scotland
o Computer Games (1617)
o Browsers
o Music • PASCALINE CALCULATOR – first mechanical and
o Operating System (OS – Windows 7-11) automatic calculator
o made up of gear
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF o invented by Blaise Pascal (1642)
• LEIBNIZ CALCULATOR – invented by Gottfried
• Capable of • Virus and hacking
multitasking attacks • ANALYTICAL ENGINE – uses punch cards to
• Speed • Online cyber crimes compute
• Cost/ stores huge • Reduction in o Invented by Charles Babbage – “Father of
amount of data employment Computer” (1833)
• Accuracy opportunities
• Data security ELECTRONIC ERA

AND SOFT 1st Generation of Computers (1940-1956)

• Vacuum tubes – first computer system used
o Used for circuitry
o Circuitry – circuit system of circuits
performing a particular function in an
electronic device
o Invented by John Ambrose Fleming –
“Father of Electronics”
• Magnetic drums – used for memory/ secondary
memory; used as storage
• Relies on machine language
o The lowest level of programming language
o Also known as machine code in a form of
binary language
o UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) –
first commercially produced electronic digital
computer in US
• Developed by John Presper
Eckert and John Mauchly
o ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Calculator) – it was the first electronic
general-purpose computer

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D19 – ELEC11A - (CDM) 2ND Semester
• Developed by John Presper o Examples of applications that makes AI a
Eckert and John Mauchly reality:
▪ Voice recognition
2nd Generation of Computers (1956-1963) ▪ Parallel processing
• Transistors ▪ Superconductors
o Invented by William Shockley, John
o Invented in the Bell Laboratory (1947) • Capabilities – these are the qualities of the computer
o Its widespread use in computers was seen in that put it in a positive light and make the user
only in the late 1950s experience more efficient
• Development/ progress of different high-level • Limitations – are the drawbacks of the computer
programming languages: system in which human outperform them
o COBOL (Common Business Oriented
o FORTRAN (Formula Translation) • Speed – refers to the • Lack of common
duration computer sense – no full-proof
o ALGOL (Algorithmic Language) system requires in algorithm has been
• Examples: fulfilling a task or designed to
o IBM 7094 completing an activity programmed logic into
o IBM 7030 • Accuracy – refers to the them
o CDC 1604 level of precision with • Zero IQ – they are
which calculations are unable to see and think
o Honeywell 400 made and tasks are the actions to perform in
performed a particular situation
3rd Generation of Computers (1964-1971) • Reliability – refers to unless that situation is
• Integrated Circuit (IC) the quality due to which already programmed to
the user can stay them
o The hallmark of this generation of computers
dependable on the • Lack of decision-
o Transistors were miniaturized and placed on computer making – computer
silicon chips called semiconductors • Adaptability – refers to system does not have
▪ Which drastically increased the the quality of completing the ability to make
speed and efficiency of computers different types of tasks decisions on their own
▪ Can carry instructions in billionth of a • Storage – refers to its because they do not
ability to store data in possess all the
second itself for accessing it essentials of decision-
again in the future making
4th Generation of Computers (1971-present)
• Microprocessors
o As thousands in the grated circuits were built
into a single chip
o They were linked together to form networks,
which eventually led to the development of
the internet
• Example:
o Intel 4004 chip – developed during 1971
▪ Located all the components of the
computer (CPU, Memory, Input/
Output unit) on a single chip
o IBM (International Business Machine)
▪ Introduced its first computer for the
home user in 1981
o Apple
▪ Introduced the Macintosh in 19844

5th Generation of Computers (present-beyond)

• Artificial Intelligence (AI)
o As well as Quantum computing,
Nanotechnology, Molecular Technologies
o The goal is to develop devices that responds
to natural language input and are capable of
learning and self-organization
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D19 – ELEC11A - (CDM) 2ND Semester
1) Home tab
• The Home tab gives you access to some of the most
commonly used commands for working with Word,
including copying and pasting, formatting, aligning
paragraphs, and choosing document styles.
• Word 2016 is a word processing application/program • The Home tab is selected by default whenever you
that allows you to create a variety of documents like open Word.
letters, flyers, and reports
• Word 2016 allows you to do more with your word
processing project
2) Insert tab
• The Insert tab allows you to insert pictures, charts,
• When Word is opened the Word Start Screen will tables, shapes, cover pages, and more to your
appear document, which can help you communicate
• The start screen allows you to create a new document information visually and add style to your document.
by choosing from the list of pre-made templates

3) Design tab
• The Design tab gives you access to a variety of
design tools, including document formatting,
effects and page borders, which can give you
document a polished look.


4) Layout tab
• The Layout tab allows you to change the print
formatting of your document, including margin
width, page orientation, page breaks, and more.
These tools will be helpful when preparing to print
a document.

5) References tab
• The Ribbon contains multiple tabs, each with several
groups of tools. The tools provided in the ribbon will • The References tab allows you to add footnotes,
help you complete common tasks in Word. citations, table of contents, captions and a
• The Ribbon has nine tabs: bibliography. These tools are helpful when
1. File composing academic papers.
2. Home
3. Insert
4. Design
5. Layout
6. References 6) Mailings tab
7. Mailings • The Mailings tab is used for composing letters,
8. Review address envelopes, and creating labels. It is
9. View useful when you are mailing a large number of
10. Help letters.

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• The Ruler is located at the top and to the left of you
document. It makes it easier to adjust you document
with precision. If you want, you can hide the Ruler to
create more screen space.
7) Review tab
• The Review tab has Word’s powerful editing
features, such as adding comments and tracking
changes. These features make it easy to share
and collaborate on documents. Ruler

To show or hide the Ruler:

1. Click the view tab.
8) View tab
2. Click the check box next to Ruler show or hide the
• The View tab allows you to switch between
different views for your document and split the
screen to view two parts of your document at
once. These tools will also be helpful when
preparing to print a document.

9) Contextual tabs DOCUMENT VIEWS

• Contextual tabs under Format will appear on the • Word 2016 has a variety of viewing options that
Ribbon when working with certain items, such as change how your document is displayed. You can
tables and pictures. These tabs contain special choose to view your document in Read Mode, Print
tools that can help you format items as needed. Layout, or Web Layout. These views can be useful
for various tasks.
• To change document views, locate and select the
desired document view tool in the bottom-right corner
of the Word window.
• Located just above the Ribbon, the Quick Access Print
toolbar lets you access common commands no Mode
matter which tab is selected. By default, it shows
the Save, Undo, and Repeat commands. You
Read Mode Web Mode
can add other tools depending on your
• To add Commands to the Quick Access Toolbar:
1. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the
Quick Access toolbar.
2. Select the Commands you wish to add from the
drop-down menu. To choose from more
commands, select more commands READ MODE
3. The Command will be added to the Quick Access • In this view, all of the editing tools are hidden so your
toolbar. document fills the screen. Arrows appear on the left
Step 2 Step 3 and right side of the screen to toggle through the
pages of your document.

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PRINTED MODE o Simply click the location in the text where you
• This is the default view where you create and edit wish to place it.
your document.
• There are page breaks in between each page,
1. Place the insertion point next to the text you wish to
indicating how your document will look when printed.
2. Click the mouse and while holding it down drag you
mouse over the text to select it.
3. Release the mouse button. You have selected the
text. A highlighted box will appear over the selected

Page Breaks

When you select text or images in Word, a toolbar will

• This view removes page breaks. It can help you
visualize how your document will display as a

How to delete text:

Highlight the text the you wish to delete then hit the
“Delete” key on the keyboard.


No Page Breaks
To copy and paste text:
Copying text creates a duplicate of the text.
1. Select the text you wish to copy
2. Click the Copy command on the Home tab or right
click the selected text and click Copy.
3. Place the insertion point where you wish the text to
• The insertion point is the blinking vertical line in your
4. Click the Paste command on the Home tab or right
document. It indicates where you can enter text on
click and click paste.
the page.
5. Then the copied text will appear.
• Blank document: When a new, document opens, the
insertion point is located in the top left corner of the CUT AND PASTE TEXT
page. 1. Select the text you wish to cut.
2. Click the Cut command on the Home tab or right click
the selected text and select cut.
3. Place your insertion point where you wish the text to
4. Click the Paste command on the Home tab or right
click and select paste and the text will appear.


Word 2016 provides a variety of other fonts you can use
• Adding spaces: Press the space bar to add spaces to customize text and titles.
after a word or in between text. 1. Select the text you wish to change.
• New Paragraph line: Press Enter on your keyboard 2. On the Home tab click the drop-down arrow next to
to move the insertion point to the next paragraph line. the Font box. A menu of font styles will appear.
• Manual placement: After a text has been entered, 3. Move the mouse over the list of font styles, then select
you can use the mouse to move the insertion point to the font you would like to use
a specific place in your document. 4. The font will change in the document.

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CHANGING FONT SIZE 2. A drop-down menu will appear. The current page
1. Select the text you wish to change. size is highlighted
2. Select the desired font size formatting option. Font
size drop-down arrow: On the Home tab, click the BACKSTAGE VIEW
Font size drop-down arrow. A menu of font sizes will • Backstage view gives you various options for saving,
appear. When you move the mouse over the various opening a file, printing, and sharing your document.
font sizes, a live preview of the font size will appear in
the document.

1. Select the text you wish to change.
2. On the Home tab, click the Font Color drop-down
arrow. The Font Color menu appears
3. Move the mouse over the various font colors. A live To access Backstage view:
preview of the color will appear in the document. 1. Click the file tab on the Ribbon. Backstage view will
4. Select the font color you wish to use. The font color appear.
will change in the document.

Highlighting text can be useful when marking important
text in your document.
1. Select the text you wish to highlight.
2. From the Home tab, click the Text Highlighter Color
drop-down arrow. NEW DOCUMENT
3. Select the desired highlight color. To begin a new project in Word
1. Select the file tab. Backstage view will appear.
BOLD, ITALIC, AND UNDERLINE 2. Select New, then click a template.
1. Select the text you wish to change. 3. A new, document will appear.
2. On the Home tab click the Bold (B), Italic (I), or
Underline (U) command in the Font group. HOW TO: OPEN AN EXISTING DOCUMENT
3. The selected text will be modified in the document. 1. Navigate to Backstage view, then click Open.
2. Choose “Browse”
CHANGING TEXT ALIGNMENT 3. The Open dialog box appears. Locate and select
1. Select the text you wish to modify. your document, then click Open.
2. On the Home tab, select one of the four alignment
options from the paragraph section SAVE AND SAVE AS
Align Text left • In Word there are two says to save a file, SAVE and
Center SAVE AS.
Align Text Right o SAVE is used when a document is open or
Justify edited to save what you are working on.
o SAVE AS is used to save the document to a
PAGE ORIENTATION location and change the name of the
To change page orientation: document.
1. Select the Page Layout tab. • It is important to save your document whenever you
2. Click the “Orientation” command in the Page start a new project or make changes to an existing
Setup Section. one. Saving early and often can prevent you work
3. A drop-down menu will appear. Click either from being lost. You will also need to pay close
“Portrait” or “Landscape” to change the page attention to where you save the document so it will be
orientation. easy to find later.
4. Once one is selected the page will change.
CHANGING PAGE SIZE 1. Locate and select the Save command on the Quick
To change the page size: Access toolbar.
Word has a variety of predefined page sizes to choose 2. If you are saving the document for the first time Save
from. As will appear in Backstage view.
1. Select the “Layout” tab, then click the “Size” 3. You will then need to choose where to save the file
command. and give it a file name.

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4. The Save As dialog box will appear. Select the MICROSOFT EXCEL 2010
location where you wish to save the document. • Microsoft Excel is a commercial spreadsheet
5. Enter a file name for the document, then click Save. application, written and distributed by Microsoft for
Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.
• Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet tool capable of
1. Click the File tab to access Backstage view.
performing calculations, analyzing data and
2. Click Export, then select Create PDF/XPS.
integrating information from different programs.
3. The Save As dialog box will appear. Select the
• By default, documents saved in Excel 2010 are saved
location where you wish to export the documents,
with the .xlsx extension whereas the file extension of
enter a file name, then click Publish.
the prior Excel versions are .xls.
A file can also be exported to Word 97-2003 doc, or a
plain-text version
1. Click the file tab to access Backstage view
2. Click Export, then select “Change File Type”
3. Select a file type, then click Save As.
4. The Save As dialog box will appear. Select the
location where you wish to export the document,
enter a file name, then click Save.
5. You can also use the Save As type: drop-down
menu in the Save As dialog box to save
documents in a variety of file types.

File Tab
• The File tab replaces the Office button from Excel
2007. You can click it to check the Backstage
view, where you come when you need to open or
save files, create new sheets, print a sheet, and do
other file-related operations.

Quick Access Toolbar

• Quick Access Toolbar - You will find this toolbar just
above the File tab and its purpose is to provide a
convenient resting place for the Excel's most
frequently used commands. You can customize this
toolbar based on your comfort.

• Ribbon contains commands organized in three
o Tabs − They appear across the top of the Ribbon
and contain groups of related commands. Home,
Insert, Page Layout are the examples of ribbon
o Groups − They organize related commands;
each group name appears below the group on the
Ribbon. For example, group of commands related
to fonts or group of commands related to
alignment etc.

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o Commands − Commands appear within each (d) Point mode triggers when a formula is being entered
group as mentioned above. using a cell reference by mouse pointing or the arrow keys
on the keyboard.
Title Bar
This lies in the middle and at the top of the window. Title Dialog Box Launcher
bar shows the program and the sheet titles. This appears as a very small arrow in the lower-right
corner of many groups on the Ribbon. Clicking this button
Help opens a dialog box or task pane that provides more
The Help Icon can be used to get excel related help options about the group.
anytime you like. This provides nice tutorial on various
subjects related to excel. VISUAL OVERVIEW

Zoom Control
Zoom control lets you zoom in for a closer look at your
text. The zoom control consists of a slider that you can
slide left or right to zoom in or out. The + buttons can be
clicked to increase or decrease the zoom factor.

View Buttons
The group of three buttons located to the left of the Zoom
control, near the bottom of the screen, lets you switch
among excel's various sheet views.
• Normal Layout view − This displays the page in
normal view.
• Page Layout view − This displays pages exactly
as they will appear when printed. This gives a full
screen look of the document.
• Page Break view − This shows a preview of
where pages will break when printed.

Sheet Area
The area where you enter data. The flashing vertical bar
is called the insertion point and it represents the location
where text will appear when you type.

Row Bar
Rows are numbered from 1 onwards and keeps on
increasing as you keep entering data. Maximum limit is
1,048,576 rows.

Column Bar
Columns are numbered from A onwards and keeps on
increasing as you keep entering data. After Z, it will start
the series of AA, AB and so on. Maximum limit is 16,384

Status Bar
This displays the current status of the active cell in the
worksheet. A cell can be in either of the fours states
(a) Ready mode which indicates that the worksheet is
ready to accept user input BACKSTAGE VIEW
(b) Edit mode indicates that cell is editing mode, if it is not • The Backstage view has been introduced in Excel
activated the you can activate editing mode by double- 2010 and acts as the central place for managing your
clicking on a cell sheets. The backstage view helps in creating new
(c) A cell enters into Enter mode when a user types data sheets, saving and opening sheets, printing and
into a cell sharing sheets, and so on.

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Sheet Information
When you click Info option available in the first column, it
displays the following information in the second column of
the backstage view:
• Compatibility Mode − If the sheet is not a native
excel 2007/2010 sheet, a Convert button appears
here, enabling you to easily update its format.
Otherwise, this category does not appear.
If you already have an opened sheet then it will display a
• Permissions − You can use this option to protect
window showing the details about the opened sheet as
the excel sheet. You can set a password so that
shown below. Backstage view shows three columns when
nobody can open your sheet, or you can lock the
you select most of the available options in the first column.
sheet so that nobody can edit your sheet.
• Prepare for Sharing − This section highlights
important information you should know about
your sheet before you send it to others, such as
a record of the edits you made as you developed
the sheet.
• Versions − If the sheet has been saved several
times, you may be able to access previous
versions of it from this section.
S.No. Option & Description
1 Save
Sheet Properties
If an existing sheet is opened, it would be saved as
is, otherwise it will display a dialogue box asking for When you click Info option available in the first column,
the sheet name. it displays various properties in the third column of the
2 Save As
backstage view. These properties include sheet size,
A dialogue box will be displayed asking for sheet title, tags, categories etc.
name and sheet type. By default, it will save in sheet You can also edit various properties. Just try to click on
2010 format with extension .xlsx. the property value and if property is editable, then it will
3 Open display a text box where you can add your text like title,
This option is used to open an existing excel sheet. tags, comments, Author.
4 Close
Exit Backstage View
This option is used to close an opened sheet.
It is simple to exit from the Backstage View. Either click
5 Info
on the File tab or press the Esc button on the keyboard
This option displays the information about the
to go back to excel working mode.
opened sheet.
6 Recent A new sheet is displayed by default when you open an
This option lists down all the recently opened
excel sheet.
7 New
This option is used to open a new sheet.
8 Print
This option is used to print an opened sheet.
9 Save & Send
This option saves an opened sheet and displays
options to send the sheet using email etc.
10 Help
You can use this option to get the required help
about excel 2010.
11 Options
Use this option to set various option related to excel Sheet area is the place where you type your text. The
2010. flashing vertical bar is called the insertion point and it
represents the location where text will appear when you
12 Exit
Use this option to close the sheet and exit. type. When you click on a box then the box is highlighted.
When you double click the box, the flashing vertical bar
appears and you can start entering your data.

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So, just keep your mouse cursor at the text insertion point
and start typing whatever text you would like to type. We
have typed only two words "Hello Excel" as shown below.
The text appears to the left of the insertion point as you

Step 2 − Now you'll see the Insert dialog with

select Worksheet option as selected from the general
tab. Click the Ok button.

There are following three important points, which would

help you while typing:
• Press Tab to go to next column.
• Press Enter to go to next row.
• Press Alt + Enter to enter a new line in the same
Excel provides a number of ways to move around a Now you should have your blank sheet as shown below
sheet using the mouse and the keyboard. ready to start typing your text.
You can use a short cut to create a blank sheet anytime.
First of all, let us create some sample text before we
Try using the Shift+F11 keys and you will see a new
proceed. Open a new excel sheet and type any data.
blank sheet similar to the above sheet is opened.

• Copy Worksheet
• Hiding Worksheet
• Delete Worksheet
• Close Workbook

Creating New Worksheet

Three new blank sheets always open when you start
Microsoft Excel.
Below steps explain you how to create a new worksheet
if you want to start another new worksheet while you are
working on a worksheet, or you closed an already opened
worksheet and want to start a new worksheet.

Step 1− Right Click the Sheet Name and

select Insert option.

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IN MS EXCEL • the basic function in excel which is used to removes
• A formula in Excel is used to do mathematical unnecessary space in a cell or text.
calculations. Formulas always start with the equal =TRIM(text)
sign (=) typed in the cell, followed by your =TRIM(A1)
calculations. (e.g. =4+3
• While Function is a predefined calculation in the IF FUNCTION
spreadsheet application. • the basic function in excel which is used to perform
logical test.
SUM FUNCTION =IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false] )
• the basic function in excel which is used to get the =IF(A1>75, “PASSED”, “FAILED”)
sum of the value in one or more cells or ranges.
=SUM (number1, [number2]..) RANK FUNCTION
=SUM (A1:A5) • The RANK function in Excel returns the order (or
rank) of a numeric value compared to other values in
AVERAGE FUNCTION the same list. In other words, it tells you which value
• the basic function in excel which is used to get the is the highest, the second highest, etc.
value average in one or more cells or ranges. • In a sorted list, the rank of a certain number would be
=AVERAGE (number1, [number2]..) its position. The RANK function in Excel can
= AVERAGE (A1:A5) determine the rank starting with the largest value (as
if sorted in descending order) or the smallest value
COUNT FUNCTION (as if sorted in ascending order).
• the basic function in excel which is used to count =RANK(number, ref, [order])
numeric value in one or more cells or ranges. =RANK(A1, $A$1:$A$5, 1)
=COUNT (value1, [value2]..)
• NUMBER: in the above example, the number to rank
• the basic function in excel which is used to count • REFERENCE: We want to compare the number to
values in one or more cells or ranges. This will the list of numbers in cells $B$2:$B$11. Use an
measure the cells irrespective of the number or text absolute reference ($B$2:$B11), instead of a relative
value. reference (B2:B11)so the referenced range will stay
=COUNTA (value1, [value2]..) the same when you copy the formula down to the cells
= COUNTA (A1:A5) below
• ORDER: (optional) This third argument tells Microsoft
COUNTBLANK FUNCTION Excel whether to rank the list in ascending or
• the basic function in excel which is used to count THE descending order.
blank value in the range. • Use zero, or leave this argument empty, to
=COUNTBLANK(value1, [value2]..) find the numeric value rank in the list in
= COUNTBLANK(A1:A5) descending order. In the example above, the
order argument was left blank, to find the rank
MIN FUNCTION in descending order.
• the basic function in excel which is used to get the =RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$11)
minimum value in cells or ranges. • For ascending order, type a 1, or any other
=MIN (number1, [number2]..) number except zero.
=MIN(A1:A5) If you were comparing golf scores, you could
type a 1, to rank in ascending order.
• the basic function in excel which is used to get the
maximum value in cells or ranges. LEFT FUNCTION
=MAX (number1, [number2]..) • The Excel LEFT function extracts a given number of
=MAX(A1:A5) characters from the left side of a supplied text string.
• For example, LEFT("apple",3) returns "app".
• the basic function in excel which is used to calculates MID FUNCTION
the number of characters in a cell or text • The Excel MID function extracts a given number of
=LEN(text) =LEN(A1) characters from the middle of a supplied text string.

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• For example, =MID("apple",2,3) returns "ppl". SETTING CELL TYPE IN
-The Excel RIGHT function extracts a given number of FORMATTING CELL
characters from the right side of a supplied text string. MS Excel Cell can hold different types of data like
For example, RIGHT("apple",3) returns "ple". Numbers, Currency, Dates, etc. You can set the cell type
in various ways as shown below:
Things to Remember • Right Click on the cell » Format cells » Number.
• A formula should always start with an equal sign. • Click on the Ribbon from the ribbon.
Else, it will show an error.
• If we enter any text value instead of giving a cell
address, we should provide the text value within an
inverted comma (“”).
• Before entering the function in a cell, ensure that the
cell format is general. If a text format is selected, then
the formula will not work.
• Space (_) is always counted as a single character.
So, if you are working with blank cells, remember that
if a cell has only space, it will not be counted as a
blank cell.


• General − This is the default cell format of Cell.
• Number − This displays cell as number with
• Currency − This displays cell as currency i.e. with
currency sign.
• Accounting − Similar to Currency, used for
accounting purpose.
• Date − Various date formats are available under this
like 17-09-2013, 17th-Sep-2013, etc.
• Time − Various Time formats are available under this,
like 1.30PM, 13.30, etc.
• Percentage − This displays cell as percentage with
decimal places like 50.00%.
• Fraction − This displays cell as fraction like 1/4, 1/2
• Scientific − This displays cell as exponential like
• Text − This displays cell as normal text.
• Special − Special formats of cell like Zip code, Phone
• Custom − You can use custom format by using this.


• By default the background color of the cell is white in
MS Excel. You can change it as per your need
from Home tab » Font group » Background color.

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• By default, the foreground or text color is black in MS
Excel. You can change it as per your need
from Home tab » Font group » Foreground color.

Additional Options
• The Home » Alignment group » Merge & Center
control contains a drop-down list with these
additional options −
CHANGE ALIGNMENT FROM HOME TAB • Merge Across − When a multi-row range is selected,
• You can change the Horizontal and vertical alignment this command creates multiple merged cells — one
of the cell. By default, Excel aligns numbers to the for each row.
right and text to the left. Click on the available option • Merge Cells − Merges the selected cells without
in the Alignment group in Home tab to change applying the Center attribute.
alignment. • Unmerge Cells − Unmerges the selected cells.

1. Horizontal Alignment − You can set horizontal WRAP TEXT AND SHRINK TO FIT
alignment to Left, Centre, Right, etc. • If the text is too wide to fit the column width but don’t
• Left − Aligns the cell contents to the left side of want that text to spill over into adjacent cells, you can
the cell. use either the Wrap Text option or the Shrink to Fit
• Center − Centers the cell contents in the cell. option to accommodate that text.
• Right − Aligns the cell contents to the right side
of the cell.
• Fill − Repeats the contents of the cell until the
cell’s width is filled.
• Justify − Justifies the text to the left and right of
the cell. This option is applicable only if the cell is
formatted as wrapped text and uses more than
one line.
2. Vertical Alignment − You can set Vertical alignment
to top, Middle, bottom, etc.
• Top Aligns the cell contents to the top of the cell.
• Center Centers the cell contents vertically in the APPLY BORDERS
cell. • MS Excel enables you to apply borders to the
• Bottom Aligns the cell contents to the bottom of cells. For applying border, select the range of
the cell. cells Right Click » Format cells » Border Tab »
• Justify Justifies the text vertically in the cell; this Select the Border Style.
option is applicable only if the cell is formatted as
wrapped text and uses more than one line.

• MS Excel enables you to merge two or more cells.
When you merge cells, you don’t combine the
contents of the cells. Rather, you combine a group of
cells into a single cell that occupies the same space.
• You can merge cells by various ways as mentioned
below. Then you can apply border by Home Tab » Font group »
1. Choose Merge & Center control on the Ribbon, Apply Borders.
which is simpler. To merge cells, select the cells
that you want to merge and then click the Merge
& Center button.

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• You can add shading to the cell from the Home
tab » Font Group » Select the Color.

• In MS Excel, you can apply formatting to the cell
or range of cells by Right Click » Format cells »
Select the tab. Various tabs are available as
shown below

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D19 – ELEC11A - (CDM) 2ND Semester
• During the usage phase of the data lifecycle, data is
DATA MANAGEMENT used to support activities in the organization. Data
• Is the practice of ingesting, processing, securing can be viewed, processed, modified and saved.
and storing an organization’s data, where it is • An audit trail should be maintained for all critical data
then utilized for strategic decision-making to to ensure that all modifications to data are fully
improve business outcomes traceable.
• It refers to the development and execution of • Data may also be made available to share with others
architecture, policies and procedures in order to outside the organization.
manage the information lifecycle of an enterprise
in an effective manner 4. Archival
• Data Archival is the copying of data to an environment
5 STAGES OF DATA where it is stored in case it is needed again in an
LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT active production environment, and the removal of
Data Life Cycle Management this data from all active production environments.
• Is a process that helps organizations to manage the • A data archive is simply a place where data is stored,
flow of data throughout its lifecycle – from initial but where no maintenance or general usage
creation through to destruction. While there are many occurs. If necessary, the data can be restored to an
interpretations as to the various phases of a typical environment where it can be used.
data lifecycle, they can be summarized as follows:
5. Destruction
• The volume of archived data inevitably grows, and
while you may want to save all your data forever,
that’s not feasible.
• Storage cost and compliance issues exert pressure to
destroy data you no longer need.
• Data destruction or purging is the removal of every
copy of a data item from an organization.
• It is typically done from an archive storage location.
The challenge of this phase of the lifecycle is to
ensure that the data has been properly destroyed.
• It is important to ensure before destroying data that
1. Data Creation the data items have exceeded their required
• The first phase of the data lifecycle is the regulatory retention period.
creation/capture of data.
• This data can be in many forms e.g. PDF, image, TYPES OF DATA MANAGEMENT
Word document, SQL database data.
• Data is typically created by an organization in one of Data Integration
3 ways: • Data integrations combine data from different
• Data Acquisition: acquiring already existing systems to create a unified data set.
data which has been produced outside the • The premise of data integration is to make data more
organization freely available and easier to consume and process
• Data Entry: manual entry of new data by by systems and users.
personnel within the organization • Each app collects data about each customer. The
• Data Capture: capture of data generated by goal of integration is to pull those fragments together
devices used in various processes in the and offer a single customer view (SCV).
organization. • When you integrate data, its quality improves
because you can compare data for accuracy and
2. Storage relevance. Integration also allows you to track users
• Once data has been created within the organization, throughout the entire customer journey.
it needs to be stored and protected, with the
appropriate level of security applied.
• A robust backup and recovery process should also be
implemented to ensure retention of data during the

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Data Modeling • Companies might use magnetic tape, optical discs, or
• Data modeling is the process of analyzing and mechanical media to store data. Other options
defining all the different data your business collects include:
and produces, as well as the relationships between o Physical file storage
those bits of data. o Block storage in storage area networks (SANs)
• Data modeling makes it easier for teams to see how o Object storage, which stores objects like videos
data flows through your systems and business from Facebook or files from Dropbox
Data Catalogs
1. ER (Entity-Relationship) Model • Data catalogs are inventories of data resources within
• This model is based on the notion of real-world a business.
entities and relationships among them. It creates an • They usually use metadata to organize these
entity set, relationship set, general attributes, and resources.
constraints. • A data catalog can make business data more
• Here, an entity is a real-world object; for instance, an transparent and searchable for users.
employee is an entity in an employee database. An • For example, vendors like Google offer data catalogs
attribute is a property with value, and entity sets share as a complementary product for data management.
attributes of identical value. Finally, there is the • These products are essentially search bars to make
relationship between entities. data assets easy to find and categorize.

2. Hierarchical Model Data Processing

• This data model arranges the data in the form of a • Data processing occurs when data is collected and
tree with one root, to which other data is connected. translated into usable information.
• The hierarchy begins with the root and extends like a • Usually performed by a data scientist or team of data
tree. This model effectively explains several real-time scientists, it is important for data processing to be
relationships with a single one-to-many relationship done correctly as not to negatively affect the end
between two different kinds of data. product, or data output.
• For example, one supermarket can have different • There are three typical methods for data
departments and many aisles. Thus, the ‘root’ node processing — electronic, mechanical, and manual.
supermarket will have two ‘child’ nodes of (1) Pantry, Many businesses today rely on automated data
(2) Packaged Food. processing.
• Inaccurate data processing can have serious impacts
3. Network Model on data output. The wrong data can lead companies
• This database model enables many-to-many to act on the wrong ideas and strategies.
relationships among the connected nodes.
• The data is arranged in a graph-like structure, and Examples:
here ‘child’ nodes can have multiple ‘parent’ nodes. • A stock trading software that converts millions of
• The parent nodes are known as owners, and the child stock data into a simple graph
nodes are called members. • An e-commerce company uses the search history of
customers to recommend similar products
4. Relational Model • A digital marketing company uses demographic data
of people to strategize location-specific campaigns
• This popular data model example arranges the data
• A self-driving car uses real-time data from sensors to
into tables.
detect if there are pedestrians and other cars on the
• The tables have columns and rows, each cataloging
an attribute present in the entity.
• It makes relationships between data points easy to
Data Governance
• Data governance is a set of standards and business
• For example, e-commerce websites can process
processes which ensure that data assets are
purchases and track inventory using the relational
leveraged effectively within an organization.
• This generally includes processes around data
quality, data access, usability, and data security.
Data Storage
• They will be responsible for things such as:
• Data storage is the practice of recording and
o Access requests
preserving data for the future.
o Column name definitions
• Electronic storage is more common than paper
o Database record maintenance
document storage because of the increased volume
• Effective data governance creates consistent and
of data.
trustworthy data. It also helps keep data secure.
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Data security 2. Improved compliance and security
• Data security sets guardrails in place to protect digital • Governance councils assist in placing guardrails to
information from unauthorized access, corruption, or protect businesses from fines and negative publicity
theft. that can occur due to noncompliance to government
• Data security includes: regulations and policies.
o Hardware • Missteps here can be costly from both a brand and
o Software financial perspective.
o Storage
o Backups 3. Enhanced customer experience
o User devices • While this benefit will not be immediately seen,
o Access successful proof of concepts can improve the overall
o Admin controls user experience, enabling teams to better understand
o Data governance and personalize the customer journey through more
• For example, CAPTCHAs are a popular way to deter holistic analyses.
hackers from entering malicious code into web forms.
4. Scalability
Data architecture • Data management can help businesses scale but this
• Is a discipline that documents an organization's data largely depends on the technology and processes in
assets, maps how data flows through its systems and place.
provides a blueprint for managing data. • For example, cloud platforms allow for more flexibility,
• The goal is to ensure that data is managed properly enabling data owners to scale up or scale down
and meets business needs for information. compute power as needed.
• Additionally, governance councils can help to ensure
that defined taxonomies are adopted as a company
grows in size.

Definition of Terms:
• Data Silos
o is a collection of information isolated from an
organization and inaccessible to all parts of a
company hierarchy.
o Example: Two departments storing the same
data (e.g., customer name and address), causing
confusion about accuracy and relevance
• Data Fabric
o is defined as an emerging approach to handling
data using a network-based architecture instead
of point-to-point connections.
o This enables an integrated data layer (fabric) right
BENEFITS OF DATA MANAGEMENT from the data sources level to analytics, insight
generation, orchestration, and application.
1. Reduced data silos o An example of data fabric is a Hadoop Distributed
File System (HDFS) to store and process data.
• Companies experience data silos within their
• Data Lake
o allows you to store relational data like operational
• Different data management tools and frameworks,
databases and data from line of business
such as data fabrics and data lakes, help to eliminate
applications, and non-relational data like mobile
data silos and dependencies on data owners.
apps, IoT devices, and social media.
• For instance, data fabrics assist in revealing potential
o They also give you the ability to understand what
integrations across disparate datasets across
data is in the lake through crawling, cataloging,
functions, such as human resources, marketing,
and indexing of data.
sales, et cetera.
o A data lake can include structured data from
• Data lakes, on the other hand, ingest raw data from
relational databases (rows and columns), semi-
those same functions, removing dependencies and
structured data (CSV, logs, XML, JSON),
eliminating single owners to a given dataset.
unstructured data (emails, documents, PDFs)
and binary data (images, audio, video).

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• Guardrails • This data requires a great deal of security, as it
o are thresholds that provide guidance for data and includes sensitive information such as credit card and
system usage, performance optimization, and Social Security numbers.
avoidance of errors or unexpected results in
Adobe Experience Platform. Wearables
• A new source of health data is wearables —
HEALTH DATA MANAGEMENT electronic devices that can track user activity and
HEALTH DATA MANAGEMENT • Some of these wearables are consumer devices such
• also called clinical data management or health as Fitbits.
information management, is the management of the • Others are medical devices such as mobile heart
collection, storage, and analysis of patient data. monitors.
• This data includes demographic information (name,
age, address, gender), medical history and A clinical trial
treatments (family history, doctor visits), and • is a type of clinical research study.
administrative information (billing, scheduling, • A clinical trial is an experiment designed to answer
insurance, Medicare coding). specific questions about possible new treatments or
new ways of using existing (known) treatments.
HEALTHCARE DATA MAY COME FROM A • Clinical trials are done to determine whether new
VARIETY OF SOURCES drugs or treatments are safe and effective.

Electronic Health Record (EHR) Clinical research

• Is an electronic version of a patients medical history, • is the study of health and illness in people. It is the
that is maintained by the provider over time, and may way we learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat
include all of the key administrative clinical data illness.
relevant to that persons care under a particular • Clinical research describes many different elements
provider, including demographics, progress notes, of scientific investigation.
problems, medications, vital signs, past medical • Simply put, it involves human participants and helps
history, immunizations, laboratory data and radiology translate basic research (done in labs) into new
reports treatments and information to benefit patients.
• Clinical trials as well as research in epidemiology,
Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) physiology and pathophysiology, health services,
• are digital versions of the paper charts in clinician education, outcomes and mental health can all fall
offices, clinics, and hospitals. under the clinical research umbrella.
• EMRs contain notes and information collected by and
for the clinicians in that office, clinic, or hospital and Healthcare Dashboards
are mostly used by providers for diagnosis and • Healthcare administrators use healthcare
treatment. dashboards to analyze data, which helps support
• These software tools let administrators identify trends
Public Health Data in patient and community health, determine staffing
• is a collection of data from Populations whether at the levels based on demand, monitor financials such as
level of a local neighborhood or an entire country. billing and insurance reimbursements, schedule
• This includes the Morbidity Rate, Mortality rate, and follow-up care, and other administrative tasks. Some
Demographic Information. examples include:
o Financial dashboard: Financial administrators
Imaging data can track insurance claims through the financial
• as defined relevant to clinical care, registries, and dashboard.
clinical trials, are the test results obtained from o Patient dashboard: Medical leaders can get a
imaging tests. better understanding of health trends in their
• It includes results of X-rays, MRIs, mammograms, individual patients and overall patient population
and other scans. in the patient dashboard.
o Services dashboard: Administrators can get an
Administrative and Demographic Data overview of demand for their various services in
• Administrative data includes billing, insurance, the services dashboard, which can support
reimbursement, scheduling, and payment business decisions.

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CHALLENGES OF ➢ Other challenges can be related to the
HEALTH DATA MANAGEMENT technologies being used for the data. The
database has to be scalable for all the data that is
Security of the data collected. Data has to be able to be consolidated from
• Data needs to be stored securely – confidential, various technical platforms and sources. The
integrity, and available to only those who should have healthcare provider data management and hospital
access. data management system have to meet all of these
• Mandating that data be shared securely is the first requirements. Cloud Enterprise Data Warehouses
step in improving outcomes and shifting to value- and data marts can be viable solutions to help with
based care delivery and payment integrity model and these issues.
away from our current inefficient fee-for-service
• This also helps protect patient data from unauthorized HEALTH DATA MANAGEMENT
sources that may use the data for other purposes ➢ The better the data you have, the better decisions can
such as ransomware. be made, and improved outcomes can be achieved
regarding the Healthcare of patients.
Data integration ➢ Besides the significant aspect of providing Healthcare
• Integration of health data is important from various to help patients.
stakeholders, which includes the patient, provider,
creditors, payers, and government. • Health Data Analytics – It can be used to make
• Integration and analyzing various healthcare data: predictions about patients’ health to enable better
clinical, operational, and financial data, including treatment and overall a better proactive approach to
combining this data with external population health providing health care—the overall improvement of
data and other social determinants of health, health outcomes for the patient and sometimes for the
becomes valuable for public health data general public.
• Better alignment and communication
Catalog of datasets – Communication improves patients, providers, and
• All the various datasets from asset IDs and EMRs, other stakeholders, especially with access to digital
Claims, EHRs, Pop Health Data, Accounts records. A comprehensive view of the patient can
Receivables, and other sources are creating enable better collaboration between doctors. This is
challenges with tagging and managing a rich set of also helpful across geographic boundaries and
metadata with proper ontologies and taxonomies for countries.
various elements of each dataset relative to the rest.
• Further, ingestion, replication, and combining data • Improved patient engagement with healthcare
can result in duplication, errors, and other anomalies – This includes improved visibility in the patient
that must be identified and eliminated to avoid a wide records by themselves to understand treatments,
range of problems, ranging from adverse drug trends, and proactive care. The patient can easily
reactions to payments fraud. access their health records anytime and anyplace
when needed.
Managing various data formats
• Data-driven decisions – Historical data, real-time
• Healthcare data management covers everything from
data, and other data can help improve provider and
the healthcare records in large legacy Hospital ERP
patient decision-making. Data can improve the
applications like Cerner or EPIC and formats for
diagnostic ability of both provider and patient instead
medical imaging like DICOM encapsulating an image
of inaccurate guessing based on hunches.
or video in JPEG or MPEG formats or claims
submission EDI formats such as X.12 837.
• Integration with patient personal health-related
• A healthcare data management system must be able
activities – Physical activity, especially individual
to convert between various healthcare data formats.
patient monitored activity with sensors, can be fed
Maintaining data quality
into the Health Record Management system for
improved treatments. Today, many mobile
➢ Medical records have to be accurate. The patient
applications allow integrations or sharing of data from
record management system must have oversite when
sensors or other applications with healthcare data
transforming medical records into accurate data.
management systems.
Many errors and omissions can occur that can cause
harm to the patient.
• Integration with emerging technologies
– Improved integration with artificial intelligence to
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help diagnose illness without the need for a physical
doctor visit—better integration with medical chatbots
that use medical knowledge management systems
integrated with health data knowledge for self-

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