Intro HDM
Intro HDM
Intro HDM
3) Design tab
• The Design tab gives you access to a variety of
design tools, including document formatting,
effects and page borders, which can give you
document a polished look.
4) Layout tab
• The Layout tab allows you to change the print
formatting of your document, including margin
width, page orientation, page breaks, and more.
These tools will be helpful when preparing to print
a document.
5) References tab
• The Ribbon contains multiple tabs, each with several
groups of tools. The tools provided in the ribbon will • The References tab allows you to add footnotes,
help you complete common tasks in Word. citations, table of contents, captions and a
• The Ribbon has nine tabs: bibliography. These tools are helpful when
1. File composing academic papers.
2. Home
3. Insert
4. Design
5. Layout
6. References 6) Mailings tab
7. Mailings • The Mailings tab is used for composing letters,
8. Review address envelopes, and creating labels. It is
9. View useful when you are mailing a large number of
10. Help letters.
Page Breaks
1. Select the text you wish to change.
2. On the Home tab, click the Font Color drop-down
arrow. The Font Color menu appears
3. Move the mouse over the various font colors. A live To access Backstage view:
preview of the color will appear in the document. 1. Click the file tab on the Ribbon. Backstage view will
4. Select the font color you wish to use. The font color appear.
will change in the document.
Highlighting text can be useful when marking important
text in your document.
1. Select the text you wish to highlight.
2. From the Home tab, click the Text Highlighter Color
drop-down arrow. NEW DOCUMENT
3. Select the desired highlight color. To begin a new project in Word
1. Select the file tab. Backstage view will appear.
BOLD, ITALIC, AND UNDERLINE 2. Select New, then click a template.
1. Select the text you wish to change. 3. A new, document will appear.
2. On the Home tab click the Bold (B), Italic (I), or
Underline (U) command in the Font group. HOW TO: OPEN AN EXISTING DOCUMENT
3. The selected text will be modified in the document. 1. Navigate to Backstage view, then click Open.
2. Choose “Browse”
CHANGING TEXT ALIGNMENT 3. The Open dialog box appears. Locate and select
1. Select the text you wish to modify. your document, then click Open.
2. On the Home tab, select one of the four alignment
options from the paragraph section SAVE AND SAVE AS
Align Text left • In Word there are two says to save a file, SAVE and
Center SAVE AS.
Align Text Right o SAVE is used when a document is open or
Justify edited to save what you are working on.
o SAVE AS is used to save the document to a
PAGE ORIENTATION location and change the name of the
To change page orientation: document.
1. Select the Page Layout tab. • It is important to save your document whenever you
2. Click the “Orientation” command in the Page start a new project or make changes to an existing
Setup Section. one. Saving early and often can prevent you work
3. A drop-down menu will appear. Click either from being lost. You will also need to pay close
“Portrait” or “Landscape” to change the page attention to where you save the document so it will be
orientation. easy to find later.
4. Once one is selected the page will change.
CHANGING PAGE SIZE 1. Locate and select the Save command on the Quick
To change the page size: Access toolbar.
Word has a variety of predefined page sizes to choose 2. If you are saving the document for the first time Save
from. As will appear in Backstage view.
1. Select the “Layout” tab, then click the “Size” 3. You will then need to choose where to save the file
command. and give it a file name.
File Tab
• The File tab replaces the Office button from Excel
2007. You can click it to check the Backstage
view, where you come when you need to open or
save files, create new sheets, print a sheet, and do
other file-related operations.
• Ribbon contains commands organized in three
o Tabs − They appear across the top of the Ribbon
and contain groups of related commands. Home,
Insert, Page Layout are the examples of ribbon
o Groups − They organize related commands;
each group name appears below the group on the
Ribbon. For example, group of commands related
to fonts or group of commands related to
alignment etc.
Zoom Control
Zoom control lets you zoom in for a closer look at your
text. The zoom control consists of a slider that you can
slide left or right to zoom in or out. The + buttons can be
clicked to increase or decrease the zoom factor.
View Buttons
The group of three buttons located to the left of the Zoom
control, near the bottom of the screen, lets you switch
among excel's various sheet views.
• Normal Layout view − This displays the page in
normal view.
• Page Layout view − This displays pages exactly
as they will appear when printed. This gives a full
screen look of the document.
• Page Break view − This shows a preview of
where pages will break when printed.
Sheet Area
The area where you enter data. The flashing vertical bar
is called the insertion point and it represents the location
where text will appear when you type.
Row Bar
Rows are numbered from 1 onwards and keeps on
increasing as you keep entering data. Maximum limit is
1,048,576 rows.
Column Bar
Columns are numbered from A onwards and keeps on
increasing as you keep entering data. After Z, it will start
the series of AA, AB and so on. Maximum limit is 16,384
Status Bar
This displays the current status of the active cell in the
worksheet. A cell can be in either of the fours states
(a) Ready mode which indicates that the worksheet is
ready to accept user input BACKSTAGE VIEW
(b) Edit mode indicates that cell is editing mode, if it is not • The Backstage view has been introduced in Excel
activated the you can activate editing mode by double- 2010 and acts as the central place for managing your
clicking on a cell sheets. The backstage view helps in creating new
(c) A cell enters into Enter mode when a user types data sheets, saving and opening sheets, printing and
into a cell sharing sheets, and so on.
So, just keep your mouse cursor at the text insertion point
and start typing whatever text you would like to type. We
have typed only two words "Hello Excel" as shown below.
The text appears to the left of the insertion point as you
• Copy Worksheet
• Hiding Worksheet
• Delete Worksheet
• Close Workbook
Additional Options
• The Home » Alignment group » Merge & Center
control contains a drop-down list with these
additional options −
CHANGE ALIGNMENT FROM HOME TAB • Merge Across − When a multi-row range is selected,
• You can change the Horizontal and vertical alignment this command creates multiple merged cells — one
of the cell. By default, Excel aligns numbers to the for each row.
right and text to the left. Click on the available option • Merge Cells − Merges the selected cells without
in the Alignment group in Home tab to change applying the Center attribute.
alignment. • Unmerge Cells − Unmerges the selected cells.
1. Horizontal Alignment − You can set horizontal WRAP TEXT AND SHRINK TO FIT
alignment to Left, Centre, Right, etc. • If the text is too wide to fit the column width but don’t
• Left − Aligns the cell contents to the left side of want that text to spill over into adjacent cells, you can
the cell. use either the Wrap Text option or the Shrink to Fit
• Center − Centers the cell contents in the cell. option to accommodate that text.
• Right − Aligns the cell contents to the right side
of the cell.
• Fill − Repeats the contents of the cell until the
cell’s width is filled.
• Justify − Justifies the text to the left and right of
the cell. This option is applicable only if the cell is
formatted as wrapped text and uses more than
one line.
2. Vertical Alignment − You can set Vertical alignment
to top, Middle, bottom, etc.
• Top Aligns the cell contents to the top of the cell.
• Center Centers the cell contents vertically in the APPLY BORDERS
cell. • MS Excel enables you to apply borders to the
• Bottom Aligns the cell contents to the bottom of cells. For applying border, select the range of
the cell. cells Right Click » Format cells » Border Tab »
• Justify Justifies the text vertically in the cell; this Select the Border Style.
option is applicable only if the cell is formatted as
wrapped text and uses more than one line.
• MS Excel enables you to merge two or more cells.
When you merge cells, you don’t combine the
contents of the cells. Rather, you combine a group of
cells into a single cell that occupies the same space.
• You can merge cells by various ways as mentioned
below. Then you can apply border by Home Tab » Font group »
1. Choose Merge & Center control on the Ribbon, Apply Borders.
which is simpler. To merge cells, select the cells
that you want to merge and then click the Merge
& Center button.
• You can add shading to the cell from the Home
tab » Font Group » Select the Color.
• In MS Excel, you can apply formatting to the cell
or range of cells by Right Click » Format cells »
Select the tab. Various tabs are available as
shown below
Definition of Terms:
• Data Silos
o is a collection of information isolated from an
organization and inaccessible to all parts of a
company hierarchy.
o Example: Two departments storing the same
data (e.g., customer name and address), causing
confusion about accuracy and relevance
• Data Fabric
o is defined as an emerging approach to handling
data using a network-based architecture instead
of point-to-point connections.
o This enables an integrated data layer (fabric) right
BENEFITS OF DATA MANAGEMENT from the data sources level to analytics, insight
generation, orchestration, and application.
1. Reduced data silos o An example of data fabric is a Hadoop Distributed
File System (HDFS) to store and process data.
• Companies experience data silos within their
• Data Lake
o allows you to store relational data like operational
• Different data management tools and frameworks,
databases and data from line of business
such as data fabrics and data lakes, help to eliminate
applications, and non-relational data like mobile
data silos and dependencies on data owners.
apps, IoT devices, and social media.
• For instance, data fabrics assist in revealing potential
o They also give you the ability to understand what
integrations across disparate datasets across
data is in the lake through crawling, cataloging,
functions, such as human resources, marketing,
and indexing of data.
sales, et cetera.
o A data lake can include structured data from
• Data lakes, on the other hand, ingest raw data from
relational databases (rows and columns), semi-
those same functions, removing dependencies and
structured data (CSV, logs, XML, JSON),
eliminating single owners to a given dataset.
unstructured data (emails, documents, PDFs)
and binary data (images, audio, video).