Yellow Llustrative Creativity Tips Infographic
Yellow Llustrative Creativity Tips Infographic
Yellow Llustrative Creativity Tips Infographic
Stay at least 6 feet apart to minimize the risk of germ
transmission. The image vividly illustrates the
recommended social distancing measure of staying at
least 6 feet apart. This practice helps reduce the risk of
airborne transmission, a key strategy in preventing the
spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19.
Cover your cough to prevent the spread of germs. This
image emphasizes the importance of covering your
cough to prevent the dissemination of respiratory
droplets. By adopting proper cough etiquette,
individuals contribute to reducing the risk of germ
transmission in public spaces.
Disinfect commonly touched surfaces regularly. This
image communicates the importance of disinfecting
frequently touched surfaces to eliminate lingering
germs. Regular disinfection is a proactive measure to
create a hygienic environment and minimize the risk
of contamination.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at
least 20 seconds. The final image illustrates the
importance of frequent handwashing with soap and
water for at least 20 seconds. This practice is a
cornerstone in preventing the spread of germs and
maintaining overall hand hygiene.