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Nouveau Document Microsoft Word
Nouveau Document Microsoft Word
Regardless of the campaign type, all of your ad content needs to comply with Google Ads policies. If
your ad violates these policies, it will be disapproved and won’t run. Familiarizing yourself with Google
Ads policies and creating ad content that adheres to them can help reduce the likelihood that your ad
will be disapproved. Even if you do this, you may occasionally have ads that are disapproved. In this
reading, we will discuss Google Ads policies and some examples of violations of them, error and
warning checks that indicate an ad may be disapproved, and how to fix a disapproved ad.
As you learned in a previous reading, these policies are divided into four general categories: prohibited
content, prohibited practices, restricted content, and editorial and technical requirements. Below is a
description of each of these categories and examples of violations of them:
Prohibited content: Content you're not allowed to promote on the Google Network
o Examples: Ads that contain counterfeit goods, dangerous products or services, or
inappropriate or offensive content
Prohibited practices: Things you can't do if you want to advertise with Google
o Examples: Ads that contain malicious software, collect data without appropriate
disclosures or security measures, or misrepresent products or services
Restricted content: Content you can advertise, but with limitations
o Examples: Ads that contain sexual, political, alcohol, or gambling-related content or
are geared at kids
Editorial and technical requirements: Quality standards for ads, websites, and apps
o Examples: Ads that do not meet certain technical, formatting, or editorial requirements
Before creating an ad, review Google Ads policies to help ensure your ad is in compliance with them.
A green circle icon appears after you check your changes, and it indicates that the item has passed
Google Ads policy checks.
Ad review process
After you create or edit an ad or extension, the review process begins automatically. The content in your
ad—including your headline, description, keywords, destination, and any images and video—will be
reviewed. Most ads are reviewed within one business day. However, some reviews take longer if the ad
requires a more complex review.
If your ad passes the review, its status will change to eligible, and it will start to run.
If the review indicates that your ad violates a policy, its status will change to disapproved,
which means it can’t show anywhere.
If your ad is marked eligible (limited), it will not show in certain regions, to certain age groups,
or on certain devices.
Fix a disapproved ad
If any of your ads are disapproved or eligible (limited), your ad may not be able to run until it’s
corrected. In Google Ads, this will be noted in the status column, where you can also find out what
policy violation is impacting your ad.
When you have an ad with policy violations, review the policy and then edit the ad so that it complies.
Once you fix your ad, Google will review the ad and allow it to run if it’s determined to be compliant.
This video provides more information about how to fix a disapproved ad.
If you’ve reviewed the policy and still believe your ad is compliant, you also have the option to file an
appeal. Scroll down to the Appeal policy decision section of this article for more information.
Key takeaways
Learning about Google Ads policies around prohibited content, prohibited practices, restricted content,
and editorial and technical requirements can help you create content that is in compliance with these
policies, reducing the likelihood that your ad will be disapproved. If there is still an issue with an ad
you’re editing, a red warning icon will indicate that there is an error you need to fix. If the review of your
ad determines that it violates a policy, its status will change to disapproved. You will need to review the
policy violation and fix the error before your ad can run.