TFK Media Tension Actualizado
TFK Media Tension Actualizado
TFK Media Tension Actualizado
Clean Energy
Table of Contents
2 — HIGH-VOLTAGE Cables 65
36/60÷69(72.5) kV Cu XLPE 68
36/60÷69(72.5) kV Al XLPE 70
64/110÷115(123) kV Cu XLPE 72
64/110÷115(123) kV Al XLPE 74
76/132÷138(145) kV Cu XLPE 76
76/132÷138(145) kV Al XLPE 78
The information contained in this document, including the tables and drawings, are provided for illustrative purposes only and not a commercial offer; nor may it constitute the basis for
pursuing any claim against TELE-FONIKA Kable SA. The suitability of any product including properties, should be made by a qualified person; having already gained the appropriate
permissions and documentation, to ensure compliance with any applicable law or regulation.
UK Germany Lithuania
JDR Littleport Plant TFK Hilden TFK Kaunas
Production of cables and wires Distribution of cables and wires Distribution of cables
and wires
JDR Hartlepool Plant
Production of cables and wires
TFK Leicestershire
Distribution of cables and wires
JDR Newcastle
Trade and service unit
JDR Blyth – under construction
Production of cables and wires
countries, as well as service units and research Production of cables and wires Trade and service unit
Clean Energy
Wind energy is the most advanced and desirable technology
among all renewable energy sources. Selecting the right cables
that meet strict standards and quality required for trouble-free
operation of wind farms is a major challenge.
TELE-FONIA Kable has over 25 yeras of experience TELE-FONIKA Kable offers cables and wires of
is production of special cables specifically designed high and medium voltage, control cables, fiber optic
for wind energy sector. The current position of cables (for data and information transfer), which are
our company is a result of continuous research, used in the construction and operation of offshore
development and modernization of the machinery, and onshore wind farms.
combined with the use of highest quality materials. Our products used for construction and operation
TELE-FONIKA Kable only works with the best of wind farms have proven long-term durability
manufacturers of cable accessories, which ensures and guarantee safe and cost-effective operation.
the highest quality of products supplied by us. Our Cables were designed to withstand long and harsh
experience in production and supply of renewable working conditions and have proven track record of
energy cables allows us to create a comprehensive fatigue, torsion or abrasion capabilities.
range of products that can satisfy demands of the We work closely with our customers in providing
most demanding clients. practical efficient solutions.
Medium Voltage
Cables 1
Table of Contents
8.7/15 (17.5) kV Al XLPE 10
8.7/15 (17.5) kV Cu XLPE 13
8.7/15 (17.5) kV Al XLPE Longitudinally Sealed 16
8.7/15 (17.5) kV Cu XLPE Longitudinally Sealed 19
8.7/15 (17.5) kV Al XLPE Longitudinally and Radially Sealed 22
8.7/15 (17.5) kV Cu XLPE Longitudinally and Radially Sealed 25
12/20 (24) kV Al XLPE 28
12/20 (24) kV Cu XLPE 31
12/20 (24) kV Al XLPE Longitudinally Sealed 34
12/20 (24) kV Cu XLPE Longitudinally Sealed 37
12/20 (24) kV Al XLPE Longitudinally and Radially Sealed 40
12/20 (24) kV Cu XLPE Longitudinally and Radially Sealed 43
18/30 (36) kV Al XLPE 46
18/30 (36) kV Cu XLPE 49
18/30 (36) kV Al XLPE Longitudinally Sealed 52
18/30 (36) kV Cu XLPE Longitudinally Sealed 55
18/30 (36) kV Al XLPE Longitudinally and Radially Sealed 58
18/30 (36) kV Cu XLPE Longitudinally and Radially Sealed 61
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Circular Stranded Compacted 1 — Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
8.7/15 (17.5) kV CB
— Cross Bonded
— Both Ends 3
the distance between cables De + 70 mm
— Cables in flat formation (in the air),
De — Cable diameter the distance between cables 2 x De
YHAKXS acc. to HD 620 S3: 2023 Part 10 Section R
A2XSY acc. to IEC 60502-2:2014 and BS 7870-4.10:2011
NA2XSY acc. to DIN VDE 0276-620:2018
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
Nominal cross resistance
Description: ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR - Circular, stranded and compacted conductor
resistance tance
reac- Impe-
Charging current
sectional area tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Class 2 XI
Electrical field
Conductor/ ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
Operating Conditions mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.43 0.134 0.833
For laying in ground For installation in air
1x50RMC/16 0.641 0.822 1.12 1.38 2.72/1.37 2.20 0.075 0.19 17.2 0.51 0.73 0.229 0.853
Depth of lay: 0,7 m Ambient temperature: 25°C 0.61 0.192 0.844
Ground temperature: 20°C 0.41 0.128 0.582
Protection from direct solar radiation
Soil thermal resistivity: 1,0 K · m/W 1x70RMC/25 0.443 0.568 0.72 0.89 2.63/1.40 1.45 0.070 0.20 15.7 0.56 0.70 0.221 0.610
0.59 0.186 0.598
0.39 0.121 0.428
1x95RMC/35 0.320 0.411 0.51 0.63 2.53/1.45 1.04 0.064 0.23 13.9 0.63 0.67 0.211 0.462
0.57 0.179 0.448
0.37 0.117 0.345
1x120RMC/50 0.253 0.325 0.36 0.44 2.48/1.47 0.77 0.061 0.25 12.9 0.67 0.65 0.205 0.384
0.56 0.175 0.369
0.36 0.112 0.288
1x150RMC/50 0.206 0.265 0.36 0.44 2.42/1.51 0.71 0.061 0.27 11.8 0.74 0.63 0.198 0.331
0.54 0.171 0.315
0.35 0.109 0.237
1x185RMC/50 0.164 0.211 0.36 0.44 2.37/1.53 0.65 0.054 0.29 10.9 0.80 0.61 0.193 0.286
0.53 0.167 0.269
XLPE POWER CABLES 8.7/15 (17.5) kV
YHKXS acc. to HD 620 S3: 2023 Part 10 Section R
2XSY acc. to IEC 60502-2:2014 and BS 7870-4.10:2011
Current – carrying capacity N2XSY acc. to DIN VDE 0276-620:2018
1x300RMC/50 28.4 9.8 578 643 589 600 660 722 593 604
1x400RMC/50 37.8 9.8 650 742 676 692 758 849 692 708
1x500RMC/50 47.3 9.8 725 851 770 793 862 991 802 825
1x630RMC/50 59.5 9.8 808 979 876 908 981 1161 931 963
1x800RMC/50 75.6 9.8 889 1116 983 1028 1101 1347 1065 1110
1x1000RMC/50 94.5 9.8 971 1262 1093 1152 1225 1558 1210 1271
Conductor Insulation Metallic screen Recom.
– nominal Cable min.
Conductor Diameter Cable cable
cross Diameter Cross diameter bending
diameter over weight pulling
sectional Thickness over sectional De radius for
metallic force
area insulation area laying
mm2 mm mm2 mm mm kg/km kN m
1x35RMC 7.0 +0.15 4.5 17.2 16 21.1 25.9 920 1.75 0.39
1x50RMC 8.25 +0.20 4.5 18.5 16 22.4 27.1 1060 2.5 0.41
1x70RMC 9.6 +0.20
4.5 19.8 25 23.7 28.5 1370 3.5 0.43
1x95RMC 11.5 +0.20 4.5 21.7 35 25.6 30.4 1740 4.75 0.46
1x120RMC 12.9 +0.25 4.5 23.1 50 27.0 31.8 2140 6 0.48
1x150RMC 14.5 +0.30 4.5 24.7 50 28.6 33.4 2430 7.5 0.50
1x185RMC 16.0 +0.30
4.5 26.2 50 30.1 34.9 2790 9.25 0.52
1x240RMC 18.5 +0.30 4.5 28.7 50 32.6 37.4 3350 12 0.56
1x300RMC 20.5 +0.30 4.5 30.7 50 34.6 39.4 3940 15 0.59
1x400RMC 23.5 +0.30 4.5 33.7 50 37.6 42.4 4810 20 0.64
1x500RMC 26.5 +0.40
4.5 37.2 50 41.3 46.1 5920 25 0.69
1x630RMC 30.3 +0.40 4.5 41.3 50 45.4 50.3 7290 31.5 0.75
1x800RMC 34.6 +0.50 4.5 46.0 50 50.1 55.4 9010 40 0.83
1x1000RMC 38.2 +0.40 4.5 49.6 50 53.7 59.2 10930 50 0.89
12 13
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Circular Stranded Compacted 1 — Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
CB — Cross Bonded the distance between cables De + 70 mm
BE — Both Ends 3 — Cables in flat formation (in the air),
De — Cable diameter the distance between cables 2 x De
Capacitive reactance
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
stress at conductor/
Induc- Induc-
resistance resistance reac- Impe- resistance resistance reac- Impe-
Nominal cross tance Nominal cross tance
Charging current
Charging current
tance dance tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Zero reactance
sectional area XI sectional area XI
Electrical field
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo 2
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.45 0.141 0.683 0.28 0.089 0.095
1x35RMC/16 0.524 0.668 1.12 1.38 2.84/1.32 2.05 0.082 0.17 19.1 0.46 0.76 0.238 0.710 1x800RMC/50 0.0221 0.0344 0.36 0.44 2.1/1.67 0.48 0.038 0.57 5.6 1.55 0.49 0.155 0.158
0.64 0.200 0.697 0.47 0.147 0.151
0.43 0.134 0.512 0.28 0.089 0.095
1x50RMC/16 0.387 0.494 1.12 1.38 2.72/1.37 1.88 0.075 0.19 17.2 0.51 0.73 0.229 0.544 1x1000RMC/50 0.0221 0.0344 0.36 0.44 2.1/1.67 0.48 0.038 0.57 5.6 1.55 0.49 0.155 0.158
0.61 0.192 0.530 0.47 0.147 0.151
0.41 0.128 0.365
1x70RMC/25 0.268 0.342 0.72 0.89 2.63/1.41 1.23 0.070 0.20 15.6 0.56 0.70 0.220 0.407
0.59 0.186 0.389
0.38 0.120 0.274 Current – carrying capacity
1x95RMC/35 0.193 0.247 0.51 0.63 2.52/1.45 0.88 0.063 0.23 13.7 0.63 0.67 0.210 0.324
Max short circuit GROUND AIR
0.57 0.178 0.304
Nominal cross capacity FLAT TREFOIL FLAT TREFOIL
0.37 0.116 0.228
sectional area
1x120RMC/50 0.153 0.196 0.36 0.44 2.46/1.48 0.64 0.060 0.25 12.7 0.69 0.65 0.204 0.282 Metallic
0.55 0.174 0.262
mm2 kA/s A
0.36 0.112 0.194
1x35RMC/16 5.0 3.7 243 245 230 230 246 248 210 211
1x150RMC/50 0.124 0.159 0.36 0.44 2.41/1.51 0.60 0.056 0.27 11.6 0.75 0.63 0.197 0.253
1x50RMC/16 7.2 3.7 288 291 273 273 296 298 252 253
0.54 0.170 0.233
1x70RMC/25 10.0 5.3 348 356 333 334 363 370 311 313
0.34 0.108 0.167
1x95RMC/35 13.6 7.1 413 430 400 403 438 454 380 383
1x185RMC/50 0.0991 0.128 0.36 0.44 2.37/1.54 0.57 0.053 0.30 10.8 0.81 0.61 0.192 0.230
1x120RMC/50 17.2 9.8 456 491 454 460 492 523 435 440
0.53 0.166 0.210
1x150RMC/50 21.5 9.8 505 554 510 518 555 598 495 502
0.33 0.103 0.142
1x185RMC/50 26.5 9.8 560 628 575 586 625 685 564 574
1x240RMC/50 0.0754 0.0979 0.36 0.44 2.31/1.57 0.54 0.049 0.33 9.6 0.90 0.59 0.184 0.209
1x240RMC/50 34.3 9.8 634 733 667 684 725 814 665 681
0.51 0.162 0.189
1x300RMC/50 42.9 9.8 697 830 750 773 812 935 757 779
0.32 0.100 0.128
1x400RMC/50 57.2 9.8 773 953 849 882 920 1093 874 906
1x300RMC/50 0.0601 0.0789 0.36 0.44 2.27/1.59 0.52 0.047 0.36 8.9 0.98 0.57 0.179 0.196
1x500RMC/50 71.5 9.8 850 1088 957 1002 1034 1270 1003 1047
0.50 0.158 0.177
0.31 0.096 0.115
1x400RMC/50 0.0470 0.0630 0.36 0.44 2.23/1.62 0.51 0.043 0.40 7.9 1.10 0.55 0.172 0.183
0.49 0.154 0.167
0.30 0.094 0.107
1x500RMC/50 0.0366 0.0506 0.36 0.44 2.17/1.63 0.49 0.042 0.44 7.2 1.21 0.53 0.167 0.174
0.48 0.152 0.160
0.29 0.091 0.100
1x630RMC/50 0.0283 0.0412 0.36 0.44 2.13/1.65 0.48 0.040 0.50 6.4 1.37 0.51 0.160 0.166
0.47 0.149 0.155
14 15
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
Nominal cross resistance
Description: ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR - Circular, stranded and compacted conductor
resistance tance
reac- Impe-
Charging current
sectional area tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Class 2 XI
Electrical field
Conductor/ ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
Operating Conditions mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.43 0.136 0.833
For laying in ground For installation in air
1x50RMC/16 0.641 0.822 1.12 1.38 2.72/1.37 2.20 0.076 0.19 17.2 0.51 0.73 0.229 0.853
Depth of lay: 0,7 m Ambient temperature: 25°C 0.62 0.194 0.845
Ground temperature: 20°C 0.41 0.130 0.583
Protection from direct solar radiation
Soil thermal resistivity: 1,0 K · m/W 1x70RMC/25 0.443 0.568 0.72 0.89 2.63/1.40 1.45 0.070 0.20 15.7 0.56 0.70 0.221 0.610
0.60 0.188 0.599
0.39 0.123 0.429
1x95RMC/35 0.320 0.411 0.51 0.63 2.53/1.45 1.04 0.064 0.23 13.9 0.63 0.67 0.212 0.462
0.58 0.181 0.449
0.38 0.119 0.346
1x120RMC/50 0.253 0.325 0.36 0.44 2.48/1.47 0.77 0.061 0.25 12.9 0.67 0.66 0.206 0.385
0.56 0.177 0.370
0.36 0.114 0.288
1x150RMC/50 0.206 0.265 0.36 0.44 2.42/1.51 0.71 0.057 0.27 11.8 0.74 0.63 0.199 0.331
0.55 0.172 0.316
0.35 0.110 0.238
1x185RMC/50 0.164 0.211 0.36 0.44 2.37/1.53 0.65 0.054 0.29 10.9 0.80 0.61 0.193 0.286
0.54 0.169 0.270
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
Nominal cross resistance resistance reac- Impe-
Charging current
sectional area tance dance COPPER CONDUCTOR - Circular, stranded and compacted conductor
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Electrical field
Class 2
Conductor/ ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo 3
ooo 3
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km Operating Conditions
0.30 0.093 0.113
1x630RMC/50 0.0469 0.0634 0.36 0.44 2.14/1.65 0.51 0.041 0.49 6.5 1.33 0.52 0.163 0.174 For laying in ground For installation in air
0.48 0.151 0.164 Depth of lay: 0,7 m Ambient temperature: 25°C
0.29 0.091 0.104 Ground temperature: 20°C
Protection from direct solar radiation
1x800RMC/50 0.0367 0.0512 0.36 0.44 2.11/1.67 0.49 0.039 0.54 5.9 1.49 0.50 0.157 0.165 Soil thermal resistivity: 1,0 K · m/W
0.47 0.149 0.158
0.28 0.088 0.098
1x1000RMC/50 0.0291 0.0426 0.36 0.44 2.08/1.69 0.48 0.036 0.61 5.2 1.67 0.48 0.151 0.157
0.46 0.146 0.152
18 19
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Circular Stranded Compacted 1 — Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
CB — Cross Bonded the distance between cables De + 70 mm
BE — Both Ends 3 — Cables in flat formation (in the air),
De — Cable diameter the distance between cables 2 x De
Capacitive reactance
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
stress at conductor/
Induc- Induc-
resistance resistance reac- Impe- resistance resistance reac- Impe-
Nominal cross tance Nominal cross tance
Charging current
Charging current
tance dance tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Zero reactance
sectional area XI sectional area XI
Electrical field
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo 2
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.46 0.144 0.684 0.29 0.090 0.096
1x35RMC/16 0.524 0.668 1.12 1.38 2.84/1.32 2.05 0.082 0.17 19.1 0.46 0.76 0.239 0.710 1x800RMC/50 0.0221 0.0343 0.36 0.44 2.1/1.67 0.48 0.038 0.57 5.6 1.55 0.49 0.155 0.159
0.64 0.202 0.698 0.47 0.148 0.152
0.43 0.136 0.512 0.28 0.088 0.093
1x50RMC/16 0.387 0.494 1.12 1.38 2.72/1.37 1.88 0.076 0.19 17.2 0.51 0.73 0.229 0.544 1x1000RMC/50 0.0176 0.0296 0.36 0.44 2.08/1.69 0.47 0.036 0.62 5.2 1.68 0.48 0.151 0.154
0.62 0.194 0.531 0.46 0.146 0.149
0.41 0.130 0.366
1x70RMC/25 0.268 0.342 0.72 0.89 2.63/1.41 1.23 0.070 0.20 15.6 0.56 0.70 0.221 0.407
0.60 0.188 0.390
0.39 0.122 0.275 Current – carrying capacity
1x95RMC/35 0.193 0.247 0.51 0.63 2.52/1.45 0.88 0.064 0.23 13.7 0.63 0.67 0.211 0.324
Max short circuit GROUND AIR
0.57 0.180 0.306
Nominal cross capacity FLAT TREFOIL FLAT TREFOIL
0.38 0.118 0.229
sectional area
1x120RMC/50 0.153 0.196 0.36 0.44 2.46/1.48 0.64 0.060 0.25 12.7 0.69 0.65 0.204 0.283 Metallic
0.56 0.176 0.263
mm2 kA/s A
0.36 0.114 0.195
1x35RMC/16 5.0 3.7 246 248 232 233 251 252 213 213
1x150RMC/50 0.124 0.159 0.36 0.44 2.41/1.51 0.60 0.056 0.27 11.6 0.75 0.63 0.198 0.254
1x50RMC/16 7.2 3.7 292 295 276 277 301 303 255 256
0.55 0.172 0.234
1x70RMC/25 10.0 5.3 353 361 337 338 370 376 316 317
0.35 0.110 0.168
1x95RMC/35 13.6 7.1 418 436 405 408 446 462 385 388
1x185RMC/50 0.0991 0.128 0.36 0.44 2.37/1.54 0.57 0.054 0.30 10.8 0.81 0.61 0.193 0.231
1x120RMC/50 17.2 9.8 462 497 459 465 502 533 441 446
0.54 0.168 0.211
1x150RMC/50 21.5 9.8 512 561 516 524 566 609 501 509
0.33 0.105 0.144
1x185RMC/50 26.5 9.8 568 636 581 593 638 698 571 582
1x240RMC/50 0.0754 0.0978 0.36 0.44 2.31/1.57 0.54 0.050 0.33 9.6 0.90 0.59 0.185 0.209
1x240RMC/50 34.3 9.8 643 742 675 692 740 830 674 690
0.52 0.163 0.190
1x300RMC/50 42.9 9.8 707 840 758 782 829 953 767 790
0.32 0.102 0.129
1x400RMC/50 57.2 9.8 783 964 858 891 940 114 886 918
1x300RMC/50 0.0601 0.0789 0.36 0.44 2.27/1.59 0.52 0.047 0.36 8.9 0.98 0.57 0.180 0.196
1x500RMC/50 71.5 9.8 861 1100 966 1011 1056 1294 1016 1061
0.51 0.160 0.178
1x630RMC/50 90.1 9.8 947 1256 1083 1144 1184 1508 1164 1224
0.31 0.098 0.116
1x800RMC/50 114.4 9.8 1027 1417 1196 1277 1309 1738 1314 1395
1x400RMC/50 0.0470 0.0629 0.36 0.44 2.23/1.62 0.51 0.044 0.40 7.9 1.10 0.55 0.173 0.184
1x1000RMC/50 143.0 9.8 1095 1570 1295 1395 1417 1957 1446 1549
0.50 0.156 0.168
0.30 0.095 0.108
1x500RMC/50 0.0366 0.0505 0.36 0.44 2.17/1.63 0.49 0.042 0.44 7.2 1.21 0.53 0.167 0.175
0.49 0.153 0.162
0.29 0.092 0.101
1x630RMC/50 0.0283 0.0410 0.36 0.44 2.13/1.65 0.48 0.040 0.50 6.4 1.37 0.51 0.161 0.166
0.48 0.150 0.156
20 21
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
Description: ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR - Circular, stranded and compacted conductor Nominal cross resistance resistance tance
reac- Impe-
Charging current
tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Class 2 sectional area XI
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
Operating Conditions mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.44 0.137 0.833
For laying in ground For installation in air
1x50RMC/16 0.641 0.822 1.12 1.38 2.72/1.37 1.63 0.078 0.19 17.2 0.51 0.73 0.230 0.853
Depth of lay: 0,7 m Ambient temperature: 25°C 0.62 0.195 0.845
Ground temperature: 20°C 0.42 0.131 0.583
Protection from direct solar radiation
Soil thermal resistivity: 1,0 K · m/W 1x70RMC/25 0.443 0.568 0.72 0.89 2.63/1.40 1.17 0.073 0.20 15.7 0.56 0.71 0.222 0.610
0.60 0.189 0.599
0.39 0.124 0.429
1x95RMC/35 0.320 0.411 0.51 0.63 2.53/1.45 0.88 0.066 0.23 13.9 0.63 0.67 0.212 0.462
0.58 0.182 0.449
0.38 0.120 0.346
1x120RMC/50 0.253 0.325 0.36 0.44 2.48/1.47 0.67 0.063 0.25 12.9 0.67 0.66 0.206 0.385
0.57 0.178 0.370
0.37 0.115 0.289
1x150RMC/50 0.206 0.265 0.36 0.44 2.42/1.51 0.61 0.059 0.27 11.8 0.74 0.63 0.199 0.331
0.55 0.173 0.316
0.35 0.111 0.238
1x185RMC/50 0.164 0.211 0.36 0.44 2.37/1.53 0.55 0.055 0.29 10.9 0.80 0.62 0.193 0.286
0.54 0.169 0.270
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Circular Stranded Compacted 1 — Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
CB — Cross Bonded the distance between cables De + 70 mm
BE — Both Ends 3 — Cables in flat formation (in the air),
De — Cable diameter the distance between cables 2 x De
Capacitive reactance
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
stress at conductor/
Induc- Induc-
resistance resistance reac- Impe- resistance resistance reac- Impe-
Nominal cross tance Nominal cross tance
Charging current
Charging current
tance dance tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Zero reactance
sectional area XI sectional area XI
Electrical field
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo 2
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.46 0.145 0.684 0.29 0.091 0.097
1x35RMC/16 0.524 0.668 1.12 1.38 2.84/1.32 1.48 0.085 0.17 19.1 0.46 0.76 0.239 0.710 1x800RMC/50 0.0221 0.0342 0.36 0.44 2.1/1.67 0.34 0.039 0.57 5.6 1.55 0.49 0.155 0.159
0.65 0.203 0.698 0.47 0.149 0.152
0.44 0.137 0.512 0.28 0.088 0.093
1x50RMC/16 0.387 0.494 1.12 1.38 2.72/1.37 1.30 0.078 0.19 17.2 0.51 0.73 0.230 0.544 1x1000RMC/50 0.0176 0.0295 0.36 0.44 2.08/1.69 0.33 0.037 0.62 5.2 1.68 0.48 0.151 0.154
0.62 0.195 0.531 0.47 0.146 0.149
0.42 0.131 0.366
1x70RMC/25 0.268 0.342 0.72 0.89 2.63/1.41 0.94 0.072 0.20 15.6 0.56 0.70 0.221 0.407
0.60 0.189 0.391
0.39 0.123 0.276 Current – carrying capacity
1x95RMC/35 0.193 0.247 0.51 0.63 2.52/1.45 0.71 0.066 0.23 13.7 0.63 0.67 0.211 0.324
Max short circuit GROUND AIR
0.58 0.181 0.306
Nominal cross capacity FLAT TREFOIL FLAT TREFOIL
0.38 0.119 0.229
sectional area
1x120RMC/50 0.153 0.196 0.36 0.44 2.46/1.48 0.55 0.062 0.25 12.7 0.69 0.65 0.204 0.283 Metallic
0.56 0.177 0.264
mm2 kA/s A
0.36 0.114 0.196
1x35RMC/16 5.0 3.7 244 247 232 233 251 253 215 215
1x150RMC/50 0.124 0.159 0.36 0.44 2.41/1.51 0.51 0.058 0.27 11.6 0.75 0.63 0.198 0.254
1x50RMC/16 7.2 3.7 289 294 275 276 300 304 258 258
0.55 0.172 0.234
1x70RMC/25 10.0 5.3 350 360 336 338 368 377 318 319
0.35 0.111 0.169
1x95RMC/35 13.6 7.1 413 435 404 408 443 463 387 391
1x185RMC/50 0.0991 0.128 0.36 0.44 2.37/1.54 0.47 0.055 0.30 10.8 0.81 0.61 0.193 0.231
1x120RMC/50 17.2 9.8 455 496 457 465 498 534 443 449
0.54 0.169 0.212
1x150RMC/50 21.5 9.8 502 560 513 523 559 610 503 512
0.34 0.106 0.144
1x185RMC/50 26.5 9.8 555 634 577 592 627 698 572 585
1x240RMC/50 0.0754 0.0978 0.36 0.44 2.31/1.57 0.43 0.051 0.33 9.6 0.90 0.59 0.185 0.209
1x240RMC/50 34.3 9.8 624 740 667 689 723 830 672 693
0.52 0.164 0.191
1x300RMC/50 42.9 9.8 682 838 749 779 805 952 764 793
0.33 0.103 0.129
1x400RMC/50 57.2 9.8 749 962 848 890 905 1113 880 921
1x300RMC/50 0.0601 0.0789 0.36 0.44 2.27/1.59 0.41 0.048 0.36 8.9 0.98 0.57 0.180 0.196
1x500RMC/50 71.5 9.8 816 1097 951 1009 1008 1291 1006 1062
0.51 0.161 0.179
1x630RMC/50 90.1 9.8 887 1252 1062 1140 1117 1504 1146 1225
0.31 0.098 0.117
1x800RMC/50 114.4 9.8 951 1412 1165 1269 1220 1731 1288 1393
1x400RMC/50 0.0470 0.0629 0.36 0.44 2.23/1.62 0.39 0.045 0.40 7.9 1.10 0.55 0.173 0.184
1x1000RMC/50 143.0 9.8 1003 1562 1257 1387 1306 1946 1411 1545
0.50 0.156 0.169
0.31 0.096 0.108
1x500RMC/50 0.0366 0.0505 0.36 0.44 2.17/1.63 0.37 0.043 0.44 7.2 1.21 0.53 0.167 0.175
0.49 0.154 0.162
0.30 0.093 0.102
1x630RMC/50 0.0283 0.0410 0.36 0.44 2.13/1.65 0.35 0.041 0.50 6.4 1.37 0.51 0.161 0.166
0.48 0.151 0.156
26 27
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
12/20 (24) kV CB
— Cross Bonded
— Both Ends 3
the distance between cables De + 70 mm
— Cables in flat formation (in the air),
De — Cable diameter the distance between cables 2 x De
YHAKXS acc. to HD 620 S3: 2023 Part 10 Section R
A2XSY acc. to IEC 60502-2:2014 and BS 7870-4.10:2011
NA2XSY acc. to DIN VDE 0276-620:2018
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
Description: ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR - Circular, stranded and compacted conductor Nominal cross resistance resistance tance
reac- Impe-
Charging current
tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Class 2 sectional area XI
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
Operating Conditions mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.44 0.138 0.834
For laying in ground For installation in air
1x50RMC/16 0.641 0.822 1.12 1.38 3.27/1.48 2.20 0.081 0.16 19.8 0.61 0.73 0.230 0.854
Depth of lay: 0,7 m Ambient temperature: 25°C 0.63 0.197 0.845
Ground temperature: 20°C 0.42 0.132 0.583
Protection from direct solar radiation
Soil thermal resistivity: 1,0 K · m/W 1x70RMC/25 0.443 0.568 0.72 0.89 3.15/1.52 1.45 0.075 0.18 18.1 0.66 0.71 0.222 0.610
0.61 0.190 0.599
0.40 0.125 0.429
1x95RMC/35 0.320 0.411 0.51 0.63 3.01/1.58 1.04 0.069 0.20 16.1 0.74 0.68 0.212 0.462
0.58 0.183 0.450
0.39 0.121 0.347
1x120RMC/50 0.253 0.325 0.36 0.44 2.94/1.61 0.77 0.065 0.21 15.0 0.80 0.66 0.207 0.385
0.57 0.179 0.371
0.37 0.116 0.289
1x150RMC/50 0.206 0.265 0.36 0.44 2.86/1.65 0.71 0.061 0.23 13.8 0.87 0.64 0.200 0.331
0.55 0.174 0.317
0.36 0.112 0.239
1x185RMC/50 0.164 0.211 0.36 0.44 2.80/1.68 0.65 0.058 0.25 12.7 0.94 0.62 0.194 0.286
0.54 0.170 0.271
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Circular Stranded Compacted 1 — Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
CB — Cross Bonded the distance between cables De + 70 mm
BE — Both Ends 3 — Cables in flat formation (in the air),
De — Cable diameter the distance between cables 2 x De
Capacitive reactance
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
stress at conductor/
Induc- Induc-
resistance resistance reac- Impe- resistance resistance reac- Impe-
Nominal cross tance Nominal cross tance
Charging current
Charging current
tance dance tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Zero reactance
sectional area XI sectional area XI
Electrical field
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo 2
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.47 0.146 0.684 0.29 0.091 0.097
1x35RMC/16 0.524 0.668 1.12 1.38 3.43/1.43 2.05 0.088 0.15 21.8 0.55 0.76 0.240 0.710 1x800RMC/50 0.0221 0.0341 0.36 0.44 2.44/1.86 0.48 0.040 0.48 6.7 1.79 0.50 0.156 0.159
0.65 0.204 0.699 0.47 0.149 0.153
0.44 0.138 0.513 0.25 0.089 0.094
1x50RMC/16 0.387 0.494 1.12 1.38 3.27/1.48 1.88 0.081 0.16 19.8 0.61 0.73 0.230 0.545 1x1000RMC/50 0.0176 0.0294 0.36 0.44 2.41/1.88 0.47 0.038 0.52 6.2 1.95 0.48 0.151 0.154
0.63 0.197 0.531 0.47 0.147 0.150
0.42 0.132 0.367
1x70RMC/25 0.268 0.342 0.72 0.89 3.14/1.53 1.23 0.075 0.18 18.0 0.67 0.70 0.221 0.407
0.60 0.190 0.391
0.40 0.124 0.276 Current – carrying capacity
1x95RMC/35 0.193 0.247 0.51 0.63 3/1.58 0.88 0.068 0.20 15.9 0.75 0.67 0.211 0.325
Max short circuit GROUND AIR
0.58 0.182 0.307
Nominal cross capacity FLAT TREFOIL FLAT TREFOIL
0.38 0.120 0.230
sectional area
1x120RMC/50 0.153 0.196 0.36 0.44 2.92/1.62 0.64 0.064 0.22 14.7 0.82 0.65 0.205 0.283 Metallic
0.57 0.178 0.265
mm2 kA/s A
0.37 0.115 0.196
1x35RMC/16 5.0 3.7 241 243 229 229 246 248 212 212
1x150RMC/50 0.124 0.159 0.36 0.44 2.85/1.65 0.60 0.060 0.23 13.5 0.89 0.63 0.198 0.254
1x50RMC/16 7.2 3.7 286 289 272 272 295 298 254 255
0.55 0.173 0.235
1x70RMC/25 10.0 5.3 346 354 332 333 363 369 314 315
0.36 0.112 0.170
1x95RMC/35 13.6 7.1 411 427 399 401 438 452 382 385
1x185RMC/50 0.0991 0.128 0.36 0.44 2.79/1.68 0.57 0.057 0.25 12.6 0.95 0.61 0.193 0.231
1x120RMC/50 17.2 9.8 455 487 452 458 493 522 438 443
0.54 0.170 0.212
1x150RMC/50 21.5 9.8 505 550 508 516 555 596 498 505
0.34 0.107 0.145
1x185RMC/50 26.5 9.8 560 623 573 584 626 682 567 577
1x240RMC/50 0.0754 0.0978 0.36 0.44 2.71/1.72 0.54 0.053 0.28 11.3 1.06 0.59 0.185 0.210
1x240RMC/50 34.3 9.8 635 728 665 682 725 811 668 683
0.52 0.165 0.192
1x300RMC/50 42.9 9.8 699 825 748 771 813 931 760 782
0.33 0.103 0.130
1x400RMC/50 57.2 9.8 775 947 849 881 922 1088 878 909
1x300RMC/50 0.0601 0.0788 0.36 0.44 2.66/1.75 0.52 0.050 0.30 10.4 1.15 0.57 0.180 0.197
1x500RMC/50 71.5 9.8 854 1082 957 1000 1036 1263 1007 1050
0.51 0.161 0.180
1x630RMC/50 90.1 9.8 938 1235 1071 1131 1159 1469 1152 1211
0.32 0.099 0.117
1x800RMC/50 114.4 9.8 1020 1395 1187 1265 1282 1693 1300 1379
1x400RMC/50 0.0470 0.0628 0.36 0.44 2.6/1.79 0.51 0.047 0.34 9.4 1.28 0.55 0.173 0.184
1x1000RMC/50 143.0 9.8 1086 1545 1285 1384 1382 1902 1430 1530
0.50 0.157 0.169
0.31 0.097 0.109
1x500RMC/50 0.0366 0.0504 0.36 0.44 2.53/1.8 0.49 0.045 0.38 8.5 1.42 0.53 0.168 0.175
0.49 0.155 0.163
0.30 0.094 0.102
1x630RMC/50 0.0283 0.0409 0.36 0.44 2.48/1.83 0.48 0.042 0.42 7.5 1.59 0.51 0.162 0.167
0.48 0.152 0.157
32 33
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
Description: ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR - Circular, stranded and compacted conductor Nominal cross resistance resistance tance
reac- Impe-
Charging current
tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Class 2 sectional area XI
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
Operating Conditions mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.45 0.141 0.834
For laying in ground For installation in air
1x50RMC/16 0.641 0.822 1.12 1.38 3.27/1.48 2.20 0.081 0.16 19.8 0.61 0.73 0.231 0.854
Depth of lay: 0,7 m Ambient temperature: 25°C 0.63 0.199 0.846
Ground temperature: 20°C 0.43 0.134 0.584
Protection from direct solar radiation
Soil thermal resistivity: 1,0 K · m/W 1x70RMC/25 0.443 0.568 0.72 0.89 3.15/1.52 1.45 0.076 0.18 18.1 0.66 0.71 0.223 0.610
0.61 0.192 0.600
0.40 0.127 0.430
1x95RMC/35 0.320 0.411 0.51 0.63 3.01/1.58 1.04 0.069 0.20 16.1 0.74 0.68 0.213 0.462
0.59 0.185 0.450
0.39 0.123 0.347
1x120RMC/50 0.253 0.325 0.36 0.44 2.94/1.61 0.77 0.066 0.21 15.0 0.80 0.66 0.207 0.385
0.58 0.181 0.372
0.38 0.118 0.290
1x150RMC/50 0.206 0.265 0.36 0.44 2.86/1.65 0.71 0.061 0.23 13.8 0.87 0.64 0.200 0.332
0.56 0.176 0.318
0.36 0.114 0.240
1x185RMC/50 0.164 0.211 0.36 0.44 2.80/1.68 0.65 0.058 0.25 12.7 0.94 0.62 0.194 0.287
0.55 0.172 0.272
1x120RMC 12.5 +0.20 5.5 24.7 50 28.6 33.4 1500 3.6 0.50 0.50 0.157 0.176
1x150RMC 5.5 26.4 50 30.3 35.1 1620 4.5 0.53 0.30 0.096 0.115
14.2 +0.20
1x630RMC/50 0.0469 0.0632 0.36 0.44 2.49/1.83 0.51 0.043 0.41 7.7 1.55 0.52 0.164 0.175
1x185RMC 15.8 +0.20 5.5 28.0 50 31.9 36.7 1770 5.55 0.55
0.49 0.154 0.166
1x240RMC 17.9 +0.10 5.5 30.1 50 34.0 38.8 1980 7.2 0.58
0.30 0.093 0.106
1x300RMC 20.0 +0.30 5.5 32.2 50 36.1 40.9 2200 9 0.61
1x800RMC/50 0.0367 0.0510 0.36 0.44 2.45/1.85 0.49 0.041 0.46 7.0 1.73 0.50 0.158 0.166
1x400RMC 22.9 +0.30 5.5 35.1 50 39.0 43.8 2510 12 0.66
0.48 0.151 0.160
1x500RMC 25.7 +0.40 5.5 38.4 50 42.5 47.3 2940 15 0.71
0.29 0.090 0.099
1x630RMC 29.3 +0.50 5.5 42.3 50 46.4 51.3 3460 18.9 0.77
1x1000RMC/50 0.0291 0.0424 0.36 0.44 2.41/1.88 0.48 0.038 0.51 6.2 1.94 0.48 0.152 0.158
1x800RMC 33.0 +0.50 5.5 46.4 50 50.5 55.8 4100 24 0.84
0.47 0.148 0.154
1x1000RMC 38.0 +0.50 5.5 51.4 50 55.5 61.0 4850 30 0.92
34 35
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
36 37
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Circular Stranded Compacted 1 — Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
CB — Cross Bonded the distance between cables De + 70 mm
BE — Both Ends 3 — Cables in flat formation (in the air),
De — Cable diameter the distance between cables 2 x De
Capacitive reactance
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
stress at conductor/
Induc- Induc-
resistance resistance reac- Impe- resistance resistance reac- Impe-
Nominal cross tance Nominal cross tance
Charging current
Charging current
tance dance tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Zero reactance
sectional area XI sectional area XI
Electrical field
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo 2
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.47 0.148 0.685 0.29 0.092 0.098
1x35RMC/16 0.524 0.668 1.12 1.38 3.43/1.43 2.05 0.088 0.15 21.8 0.55 0.76 0.240 0.710 1x800RMC/50 0.0221 0.0340 0.36 0.44 2.44/1.86 0.48 0.040 0.48 6.7 1.79 0.50 0.156 0.160
0.66 0.206 0.699 0.48 0.150 0.154
0.45 0.141 0.513 0.29 0.090 0.095
1x50RMC/16 0.387 0.494 1.12 1.38 3.27/1.48 1.88 0.081 0.16 19.8 0.61 0.73 0.231 0.545 1x1000RMC/50 0.0176 0.0293 0.36 0.44 2.41/1.88 0.47 0.038 0.52 6.2 1.95 0.48 0.152 0.155
0.63 0.199 0.532 0.47 0.148 0.151
0.43 0.134 0.367
1x70RMC/25 0.268 0.342 0.72 0.89 3.14/1.53 1.23 0.075 0.18 18.0 0.67 0.71 0.222 0.408
0.61 0.192 0.392
0.40 0.126 0.277 Current – carrying capacity
1x95RMC/35 0.193 0.247 0.51 0.63 3/1.58 0.88 0.069 0.20 15.9 0.75 0.67 0.212 0.325
Max short circuit GROUND AIR
0.59 0.184 0.308
Nominal cross capacity FLAT TREFOIL FLAT TREFOIL
0.39 0.122 0.230
sectional area
1x120RMC/50 0.153 0.196 0.36 0.44 2.92/1.62 0.64 0.065 0.22 14.7 0.82 0.65 0.205 0.284 Metallic
0.57 0.180 0.266
mm2 kA/s A
0.37 0.117 0.197
1x35RMC/16 5.0 3.7 244 246 231 231 250 252 215 215
1x150RMC/50 0.124 0.159 0.36 0.44 2.85/1.65 0.60 0.061 0.23 13.5 0.89 0.63 0.199 0.255
1x50RMC/16 7.2 3.7 289 292 275 275 300 303 257 258
0.56 0.175 0.237
1x70RMC/25 10.0 5.3 351 358 335 337 369 375 318 319
0.36 0.113 0.171
1x95RMC/35 13.6 7.1 416 432 403 406 445 460 387 390
1x185RMC/50 0.0991 0.128 0.36 0.44 2.79/1.68 0.57 0.058 0.25 12.6 0.95 0.62 0.194 0.232
1x120RMC/50 17.2 9.8 461 493 457 463 502 531 443 449
0.55 0.172 0.214
1x150RMC/50 21.5 9.8 511 556 514 522 566 606 504 511
0.34 0.108 0.146
1x185RMC/50 26.5 9.8 567 631 579 590 638 694 574 584
1x240RMC/50 0.0754 0.0978 0.36 0.44 2.71/1.72 0.54 0.053 0.28 11.3 1.06 0.59 0.186 0.210
1x240RMC/50 34.3 9.8 643 736 672 689 740 825 677 692
0.53 0.166 0.193
1x300RMC/50 42.9 9.8 708 834 756 779 829 947 770 792
0.33 0.105 0.131
1x400RMC/50 57.2 9.8 785 958 857 889 940 1107 889 920
1x300RMC/50 0.0601 0.0787 0.36 0.44 2.66/1.75 0.52 0.051 0.30 10.4 1.15 0.58 0.181 0.197
1x500RMC/50 71.5 9.8 864 1093 965 1009 1057 1285 1020 1063
0.52 0.163 0.181
1x630RMC/50 90.1 9.8 949 1249 1082 1142 1185 1496 1168 1227
0.32 0.101 0.119
1x800RMC/50 114.4 9.8 1032 1410 1198 1277 1312 1725 1319 1398
1x400RMC/50 0.0470 0.0628 0.36 0.44 2.6/1.79 0.51 0.047 0.34 9.4 1.28 0.55 0.174 0.185
1x1000RMC/50 143.0 9.8 1100 1561 1297 1397 1417 1941 1452 1553
0.51 0.159 0.171
0.31 0.098 0.110
1x500RMC/50 0.0366 0.0503 0.36 0.44 2.53/1.8 0.49 0.045 0.38 8.5 1.42 0.54 0.168 0.176
0.50 0.156 0.164
0.30 0.095 0.103
1x630RMC/50 0.0283 0.0408 0.38 0.44 2.48/1.83 0.48 0.043 0.42 7.5 1.59 0.52 0.162 0.167
0.49 0.153 0.158
38 39
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
Description: ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR - Circular, stranded and compacted conductor Nominal cross resistance resistance tance
reac- Impe-
Charging current
tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Class 2 sectional area XI
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
Operating Conditions mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.45 0.142 0.834
For laying in ground For installation in air
1x50RMC/16 0.641 0.822 1.12 1.38 3.27/1.48 1.60 0.083 0.16 19.8 0.61 0.74 0.231 0.854
Depth of lay: 0,7 m Ambient temperature: 25°C 0.64 0.200 0.846
Ground temperature: 20°C 0.43 0.135 0.584
Protection from direct solar radiation
Soil thermal resistivity: 1,0 K · m/W 1x70RMC/25 0.443 0.568 0.72 0.89 3.15/1.52 1.16 0.078 0.18 18.1 0.66 0.71 0.223 0.610
0.62 0.193 0.600
0.41 0.128 0.430
1x95RMC/35 0.320 0.411 0.51 0.63 3.01/1.58 0.86 0.071 0.20 16.1 0.74 0.68 0.213 0.463
0.59 0.186 0.451
0.39 0.124 0.347
1x120RMC/50 0.253 0.325 0.36 0.44 2.94/1.61 0.67 0.067 0.21 15.0 0.80 0.66 0.207 0.385
0.58 0.182 0.372
0.38 0.119 0.290
1x150RMC/50 0.206 0.265 0.36 0.44 2.86/1.65 0.61 0.063 0.23 13.8 0.87 0.64 0.200 0.332
0.56 0.177 0.318
0.36 0.115 0.240
1x185RMC/50 0.164 0.211 0.36 0.44 2.80/1.68 0.55 0.060 0.25 12.7 0.94 0.62 0.195 0.287
0.55 0.173 0.273
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Circular Stranded Compacted 1 — Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
CB — Cross Bonded the distance between cables De + 70 mm
BE — Both Ends 3 — Cables in flat formation (in the air),
De — Cable diameter the distance between cables 2 x De
Capacitive reactance
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
stress at conductor/
Induc- Induc-
resistance resistance reac- Impe- resistance resistance reac- Impe-
Nominal cross tance Nominal cross tance
Charging current
Charging current
tance dance tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Zero reactance
sectional area XI sectional area XI
Electrical field
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo 2
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.47 0.149 0.685 0.30 0.093 0.099
1x35RMC/16 0.524 0.668 1.12 1.38 3.43/1.43 1.46 0.090 0.15 21.8 0.55 0.77 0.240 0.710 1x800RMC/50 0.0221 0.0340 0.36 0.44 2.44/1.86 0.34 0.041 0.48 6.7 1.79 0.50 0.157 0.160
0.66 0.207 0.700 0.48 0.151 0.155
0.45 0.142 0.514 0.29 0.091 0.095
1x50RMC/16 0.387 0.494 1.12 1.38 3.27/1.48 1.27 0.083 0.16 19.8 0.61 0.74 0.231 0.545 1x1000RMC/50 0.0176 0.0292 0.36 0.44 2.41/1.88 0.33 0.039 0.52 6.2 1.95 0.48 0.152 0.155
0.64 0.200 0.533 0.47 0.149 0.152
0.43 0.135 0.368
1x70RMC/25 0.268 0.342 0.72 0.89 3.14/1.53 0.93 0.077 0.18 18.0 0.67 0.71 0.222 0.408
0.61 0.193 0.393
0.40 0.127 0.277 Current – carrying capacity
1x95RMC/35 0.193 0.247 0.51 0.63 3/1.58 0.70 0.070 0.20 15.9 0.75 0.67 0.212 0.325
Max short circuit GROUND AIR
0.59 0.185 0.308
Nominal cross capacity FLAT TREFOIL FLAT TREFOIL
0.39 0.122 0.231
sectional area
1x120RMC/50 0.153 0.196 0.36 0.44 2.92/1.62 0.54 0.066 0.22 14.7 0.82 0.65 0.206 0.284 Metallic
0.57 0.180 0.266
mm2 kA/s A
0.37 0.118 0.198
1x35RMC/16 5.0 3.7 242 245 231 231 250 252 216 217
1x150RMC/50 0.124 0.159 0.36 0.44 2.85/1.65 0.50 0.062 0.23 13.5 0.89 0.63 0.199 0.255
1x50RMC/16 7.2 3.7 287 292 274 275 300 303 259 260
0.56 0.176 0.237
1x70RMC/25 10.0 5.3 347 357 334 336 367 376 319 321
0.36 0.114 0.171
1x95RMC/35 13.6 7.1 411 431 402 406 442 461 389 392
1x185RMC/50 0.0991 0.128 0.36 0.44 2.79/1.68 0.47 0.059 0.25 12.6 0.95 0.62 0.194 0.232
1x120RMC/50 17.2 9.8 453 492 455 462 497 531 445 451
0.55 0.172 0.214
1x150RMC/50 21.5 9.8 501 555 511 521 558 606 505 514
0.35 0.109 0.146
1x185RMC/50 26.5 9.8 554 629 575 589 627 694 574 587
1x240RMC/50 0.0754 0.0977 0.36 0.44 2.71/1.72 0.43 0.055 0.28 11.3 1.06 0.59 0.186 0.210
1x240RMC/50 34.3 9.8 624 735 666 687 722 824 675 695
0.53 0.167 0.194
1x300RMC/50 42.9 9.8 682 832 747 776 805 946 767 794
0.34 0.106 0.132
1x400RMC/50 57.2 9.8 750 955 846 887 906 1105 883 922
1x300RMC/50 0.0601 0.0787 0.36 0.44 2.66/1.75 0.41 0.052 0.30 10.4 1.15 0.58 0.181 0.197
1x500RMC/50 71.5 9.8 818 1089 949 1006 1008 1281 1008 1064
0.52 0.164 0.182
1x630RMC/50 90.1 9.8 889 1244 1060 1138 1117 1491 1150 1227
0.32 0.101 0.119
1x800RMC/50 114.4 9.8 954 1403 1167 1271 1220 1716 1291 1395
1x400RMC/50 0.0470 0.0627 0.36 0.44 2.6/1.79 0.39 0.048 0.34 9.4 1.28 0.55 0.174 0.185
1x1000RMC/50 143.0 9.8 1006 1554 1257 1387 1305 1931 1415 1548
0.51 0.159 0.171
0.31 0.099 0.111
1x500RMC/50 0.0366 0.0503 0.36 0.44 2.53/1.8 0.37 0.046 0.38 8.5 1.42 0.54 0.169 0.176
0.50 0.157 0.165
0.30 0.096 0.104
1x630RMC/50 0.0283 0.0408 0.36 0.44 2.48/1.83 0.35 0.044 0.42 7.5 1.59 0.52 0.162 0.167
0.49 0.154 0.159
44 45
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
18/30 (36) kV CB
— Cross Bonded
— Both Ends 3
the distance between cables De + 70 mm
— Cables in flat formation (in the air),
De — Cable diameter the distance between cables 2 x De
YHAKXS acc. to HD 620 S3: 2023 Part 10 Section R
A2XSY acc. to IEC 60502-2:2014 and BS 7870-4.10:2011
NA2XSY acc. to DIN VDE 0276-620:2018
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
Description: ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR - Circular, stranded and compacted conductor Nominal cross resistance resistance tance
reac- Impe-
Charging current
tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Class 2 sectional area XI
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
Operating Conditions mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.47 0.148 0.835
For laying in ground For installation in air
1x50RMC/16 0.641 0.822 1.12 1.38 3.85/1.40 2.20 0.093 0.13 25.2 0.71 0.74 0.233 0.854
Depth of lay: 0,7 m Ambient temperature: 25°C 0.66 0.206 0.847
Ground temperature: 20°C 0.45 0.142 0.586
Protection from direct solar radiation
Soil thermal resistivity: 1,0 K · m/W 1x70RMC/25 0.443 0.568 0.72 0.89 3.67/1.44 1.45 0.087 0.14 23.2 0.77 0.72 0.225 0.611
0.64 0.200 0.602
0.43 0.134 0.432
1x95RMC/35 0.320 0.411 0.51 0.63 3.48/1.50 1.04 0.080 0.15 20.9 0.86 0.68 0.215 0.464
0.61 0.192 0.453
0.41 0.130 0.350
1x120RMC/50 0.253 0.325 0.36 0.44 3.38/1.54 0.77 0.076 0.16 19.6 0.92 0.67 0.210 0.386
0.60 0.188 0.375
0.40 0.124 0.292
1x150RMC/50 0.206 0.265 0.36 0.44 3.26/1.58 0.71 0.071 0.18 18.1 1.00 0.64 0.202 0.333
0.58 0.183 0.321
0.38 0.120 0.243
1x185RMC/50 0.164 0.211 0.36 0.44 3.17/1.62 0.65 0.067 0.19 16.8 1.07 0.63 0.197 0.288
0.57 0.178 0.276
48 49
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Circular Stranded Compacted 1 — Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
CB — Cross Bonded the distance between cables De + 70 mm
BE — Both Ends 3 — Cables in flat formation (in the air),
De — Cable diameter the distance between cables 2 x De
Capacitive reactance
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
stress at conductor/
Induc- Induc-
resistance resistance reac- Impe- resistance resistance reac- Impe-
Nominal cross tance Nominal cross tance
Charging current
Charging current
tance dance tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Zero reactance
sectional area XI sectional area XI
Electrical field
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo 2
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.50 0.156 0.686 0.31 0.097 0.102
1x35RMC/16 0.524 0.668 1.12 1.38 4.07/1.34 2.05 0.101 0.12 27.6 0.65 0.77 0.243 0.711 1x800RMC/50 0.0221 0.0336 0.36 0.44 2.67/1.85 0.48 0.046 0.35 9.2 1.97 0.50 0.158 0.162
0.68 0.215 0.702 0.49 0.155 0.158
0.47 0.148 0.516 0.30 0.094 0.098
1x50RMC/16 0.387 0.494 1.12 1.38 3.85/1.40 1.88 0.093 0.13 25.2 0.71 0.74 0.233 0.546 1x1000RMC/50 0.0176 0.0288 0.36 0.44 2.63/1.87 0.47 0.044 0.38 8.5 2.13 0.49 0.154 0.157
0.66 0.206 0.535 0.48 0.152 0.155
0.45 0.141 0.370
1x70RMC/25 0.268 0.342 0.72 0.89 3.66/1.45 1.23 0.087 0.14 23.1 0.78 0.71 0.224 0.409
0.64 0.200 0.396
0.42 0.133 0.280 Current – carrying capacity
1x95RMC/35 0.193 0.247 0.51 0.63 3.47/1.51 0.88 0.079 0.15 20.7 0.87 0.68 0.214 0.327
Max short circuit GROUND AIR
0.61 0.191 0.312
Nominal cross capacity FLAT TREFOIL FLAT TREFOIL
0.41 0.128 0.234
sectional area
1x120RMC/50 0.153 0.196 0.36 0.44 3.35/1.55 0.64 0.075 0.17 19.2 0.94 0.66 0.208 0.285 Metallic
0.59 0.187 0.270
mm2 kA/s A
0.39 0.124 0.201
1x35RMC/16 5.0 3.7 237 239 226 226 246 247 215 216
1x150RMC/50 0.124 0.159 0.36 0.44 3.25/1.59 0.60 0.070 0.18 17.8 1.01 0.64 0.201 0.256
1x50RMC/16 7.2 3.7 282 284 269 269 294 296 258 258
0.58 0.182 0.241
1x70RMC/25 10.0 5.3 342 348 329 330 361 367 318 319
0.38 0.120 0.175
1x95RMC/35 13.6 7.1 407 420 396 398 436 449 387 389
1x185RMC/50 0.0991 0.127 0.36 0.44 3.16/1.62 0.57 0.067 0.19 16.7 1.08 0.62 0.196 0.234
1x120RMC/50 17.2 9.8 453 480 448 453 492 518 443 447
0.57 0.178 0.219
1x150RMC/50 21.5 9.8 503 541 504 511 555 590 503 509
0.36 0.114 0.150
1x185RMC/50 26.5 9.8 559 614 569 579 626 676 572 582
1x240RMC/50 0.0754 0.0976 0.36 0.44 3.05/1.67 0.54 0.062 0.21 15.1 1.19 0.60 0.188 0.212
1x240RMC/50 34.3 9.8 636 717 661 676 726 802 674 688
0.55 0.172 0.198
1x300RMC/50 42.9 9.8 702 814 744 765 814 919 767 786
0.35 0.111 0.136
1x400RMC/50 57.2 9.8 779 934 845 875 923 1072 885 913
1x300RMC/50 0.0601 0.0786 0.36 0.44 2.98/1.70 0.52 0.059 0.23 14.0 1.29 0.58 0.183 0.199
1x500RMC/50 71.5 9.8 859 1066 953 995 1035 1242 1014 1053
0.54 0.169 0.186
1x630RMC/50 90.1 9.8 946 1220 1072 1129 1163 1446 1160 1215
0.34 0.106 0.123
1x800RMC/50 114.4 9.8 1029 1379 1187 1263 1283 1663 1309 1384
1x400RMC/50 0.0470 0.0625 0.36 0.44 2.90/1.74 0.50 0.054 0.25 12.6 1.42 0.56 0.176 0.187
1x1000RMC/50 143.0 9.8 1098 1529 1289 1386 1389 1871 1442 1538
0.52 0.164 0.176
0.33 0.103 0.115
1x500RMC/50 0.0366 0.0500 0.36 0.44 2.80/1.77 0.49 0.052 0.28 11.5 1.57 0.54 0.170 0.178
0.51 0.161 0.169
0.32 0.100 0.108
1x630RMC/50 0.0283 0.0404 0.36 0.44 2.73/1.81 0.48 0.049 0.31 10.3 1.75 0.52 0.164 0.169
0.50 0.158 0.163
50 51
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
Description: ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR - Circular, stranded and compacted conductor Nominal cross resistance resistance tance
reac- Impe-
Charging current
tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Class 2 sectional area XI
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
Operating Conditions mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.48 0.150 0.836
For laying in ground For installation in air
1x50RMC/16 0.641 0.822 1.12 1.38 3.85/1.40 2.20 0.094 0.13 25.2 0.71 0.74 0.234 0.855
Depth of lay: 0,7 m Ambient temperature: 25°C 0.66 0.208 0.848
Ground temperature: 20°C 0.46 0.144 0.586
Protection from direct solar radiation
Soil thermal resistivity: 1,0 K · m/W 1x70RMC/25 0.443 0.568 0.72 0.89 3.67/1.44 1.45 0.087 0.14 23.2 0.77 0.72 0.226 0.611
0.64 0.202 0.603
0.43 0.136 0.432
1x95RMC/35 0.320 0.411 0.51 0.63 3.48/1.50 1.04 0.080 0.15 20.9 0.86 0.69 0.216 0.464
0.62 0.194 0.454
0.42 0.131 0.350
1x120RMC/50 0.253 0.325 0.36 0.44 3.38/1.54 0.77 0.076 0.16 19.6 0.92 0.67 0.210 0.387
0.60 0.189 0.376
0.40 0.126 0.293
1x150RMC/50 0.206 0.265 0.36 0.44 3.26/1.58 0.71 0.071 0.18 18.1 1.00 0.65 0.203 0.334
0.59 0.184 0.322
0.39 0.122 0.243
1x185RMC/50 0.164 0.211 0.36 0.44 3.17/1.62 0.65 0.067 0.19 16.8 1.07 0.63 0.197 0.289
0.57 0.180 0.277
1x150RMC/50 14.2 9.8 402 418 392 395 438 455 390 393 Ground temperature: 20°C
Protection from direct solar radiation
1x185RMC/50 17.5 9.8 452 476 445 450 499 523 447 451 Soil thermal resistivity: 1,0 K · m/W
1x240RMC/50 22.7 9.8 517 555 517 524 580 618 524 531
1x300RMC/50 28.4 9.8 577 630 584 594 657 710 600 609
1x400RMC/50 37.8 9.8 650 728 670 684 756 833 699 712
1x500RMC/50 47.3 9.8 726 834 763 784 858 969 808 828
1x630RMC/50 59.5 9.8 811 961 870 900 978 1134 936 965
1x800RMC/50 75.6 9.8 895 1095 980 1022 1097 1314 1071 1112
1x1000RMC/50 94.5 9.8 980 1241 1091 1147 1222 1518 1216 1272
54 55
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Circular Stranded Compacted 1 — Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
CB — Cross Bonded the distance between cables De + 70 mm
BE — Both Ends 3 — Cables in flat formation (in the air),
De — Cable diameter the distance between cables 2 x De
Capacitive reactance
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
stress at conductor/
Induc- Induc-
resistance resistance reac- Impe- resistance resistance reac- Impe-
Nominal cross tance Nominal cross tance
Charging current
Charging current
tance dance tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Zero reactance
sectional area XI sectional area XI
Electrical field
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo 2
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.50 0.158 0.687 0.31 0.098 0.103
1x35RMC/16 0.524 0.668 1.12 1.38 4.07/1.34 2.05 0.101 0.12 27.6 0.65 0.77 0.243 0.711 1x800RMC/50 0.0221 0.0335 0.36 0.44 2.67/1.85 0.48 0.046 0.35 9.2 1.97 0.51 0.159 0.162
0.69 0.216 0.702 0.50 0.156 0.159
0.48 0.150 0.516 0.30 0.095 0.099
1x50RMC/16 0.387 0.494 1.12 1.38 3.85/1.40 1.88 0.094 0.13 25.2 0.71 0.74 0.234 0.546 1x1000RMC/50 0.0176 0.0287 0.36 0.44 2.63/1.87 0.47 0.044 0.38 8.5 2.13 0.49 0.154 0.157
0.66 0.208 0.536 0.49 0.153 0.156
0.46 0.143 0.371
1x70RMC/25 0.268 0.342 0.72 0.89 3.66/1.45 1.23 0.087 0.14 23.1 0.78 0.72 0.225 0.409
0.64 0.201 0.397
0.43 0.135 0.281 Current – carrying capacity
1x95RMC/35 0.193 0.247 0.51 0.63 3.47/1.51 0.88 0.079 0.15 20.7 0.87 0.68 0.215 0.327
Max short circuit GROUND AIR
0.61 0.193 0.313
Nominal cross capacity FLAT TREFOIL FLAT TREFOIL
0.41 0.130 0.235
sectional area
1x120RMC/50 0.153 0.196 0.36 0.44 3.35/1.55 0.64 0.075 0.17 19.2 0.94 0.66 0.208 0.286 Metallic
0.60 0.188 0.271
mm2 kA/s A
0.40 0.125 0.202
1x35RMC/16 5.0 3.7 240 241 228 228 249 250 218 218
1x150RMC/50 0.124 0.159 0.36 0.44 3.25/1.59 0.60 0.071 0.18 17.8 1.01 0.64 0.202 0.257
1x50RMC/16 7.2 3.7 284 287 271 272 298 300 261 261
0.58 0.183 0.243
1x70RMC/25 10.0 5.3 345 352 332 333 367 372 321 322
0.39 0.121 0.176
1x95RMC/35 13.6 7.1 411 425 399 402 443 456 391 394
1x185RMC/50 0.0991 0.127 0.36 0.44 3.16/1.62 0.57 0.067 0.19 16.7 1.08 0.63 0.197 0.234
1x120RMC/50 17.2 9.8 458 485 452 457 500 525 448 452
0.57 0.179 0.220
1x150RMC/50 21.5 9.8 509 547 509 516 564 599 509 515
0.37 0.116 0.151
1x185RMC/50 26.5 9.8 566 620 575 584 636 686 579 588
1x240RMC/50 0.0754 0.0976 0.36 0.44 3.05/1.67 0.54 0.062 0.21 15.1 1.19 0.60 0.189 0.213
1x240RMC/50 34.3 9.8 643 724 667 682 738 813 682 695
0.55 0.174 0.199
1x300RMC/50 42.9 9.8 710 821 750 771 829 933 776 795
0.36 0.112 0.137
1x400RMC/50 57.2 9.8 788 943 853 883 940 1089 895 924
1x300RMC/50 0.0601 0.0785 0.36 0.44 2.98/1.70 0.52 0.059 0.23 14.0 1.29 0.58 0.183 0.200
1x500RMC/50 71.5 9.8 869 1077 962 1004 1056 1262 1026 1066
0.54 0.170 0.187
1x630RMC/50 90.1 9.8 957 1232 1082 1139 1187 1470 1175 1231
0.34 0.107 0.124
1x800RMC/50 114.4 9.8 1041 1393 1198 1274 1313 1693 1327 1403
1x400RMC/50 0.0470 0.0625 0.36 0.44 2.90/1.74 0.50 0.055 0.25 12.6 1.42 0.56 0.177 0.187
1x1000RMC/50 143.0 9.8 1111 1545 1301 1398 1423 1905 1463 1559
0.53 0.166 0.177
0.33 0.105 0.116
1x500RMC/50 0.0366 0.0500 0.36 0.44 2.80/1.77 0.49 0.052 0.28 11.5 1.57 0.54 0.171 0.178
0.52 0.163 0.170
0.32 0.101 0.109
1x630RMC/50 0.0283 0.0404 0.36 0.44 2.73/1.81 0.48 0.049 0.31 10.3 1.75 0.52 0.165 0.170
0.51 0.159 0.164
56 57
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
Description: ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR - Circular, stranded and compacted conductor Nominal cross resistance resistance tance
reac- Impe-
Charging current
tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Class 2 sectional area XI
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
Operating Conditions mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.48 0.151 0.836
For laying in ground For installation in air 1x50RMC/16 0.641 0.822 1.12 1.38 3.85/1.40 1.55 0.095 0.13 25.2 0.71 0.74 0.234 0.855
Depth of lay: 0,7 m Ambient temperature: 25°C 0.67 0.209 0.848
Ground temperature: 20°C 0.46 0.144 0.586
Protection from direct solar radiation
Soil thermal resistivity: 1,0 K · m/W 1x70RMC/25 0.443 0.568 0.72 0.89 3.67/1.44 1.12 0.089 0.14 23.2 0.77 0.72 0.226 0.611
0.64 0.202 0.603
0.43 0.136 0.433
1x95RMC/35 0.320 0.411 0.51 0.63 3.48/1.50 0.85 0.082 0.15 20.9 0.86 0.69 0.216 0.464
0.62 0.195 0.454
0.42 0.132 0.351
1x120RMC/50 0.253 0.325 0.36 0.44 3.38/1.54 0.66 0.078 0.16 19.6 0.92 0.67 0.210 0.387
0.61 0.190 0.376
0.40 0.127 0.293
1x150RMC/50 0.206 0.265 0.36 0.44 3.26/1.58 0.60 0.073 0.18 18.1 1.00 0.65 0.203 0.334
0.59 0.185 0.323
0.39 0.122 0.244
1x185RMC/50 0.164 0.211 0.36 0.44 3.17/1.62 0.54 0.069 0.19 16.8 1.07 0.63 0.197 0.289
Parameters 0.57 0.180 0.278
0.37 0.117 0.199
Insulation Metallic screen 1x240RMC/50 0.125 0.161 0.36 0.44 3.08/1.66 0.49 0.064 0.21 15.4 1.17 0.61 0.191 0.250
Conductor Recom.
Maximum 0.56 0.176 0.238
– nominal Cable min.
Conductor Diameter Cable cable
cross Diameter Cross diameter bending 0.36 0.113 0.172
diameter over weight pulling
sectional Thickness over sectional De radius for
metallic force 1x300RMC/50 0.100 0.129 0.36 0.44 3.00/1.69 0.45 0.061 0.22 14.2 1.26 0.59 0.185 0.226
area insulation area laying
screen 0.55 0.171 0.215
mm2 mm mm2 mm mm kg/km kN m 0.35 0.109 0.149
1x50RMC 8.25 +0.10 8.0 25.5 16 29.5 35.6 1080 1.5 0.78 1x400RMC/50 0.0778 0.101 0.36 0.44 2.91/1.73 0.42 0.057 0.25 12.9 1.40 0.57 0.178 0.205
1x70RMC 9.5 +0.20
8.0 26.7 25 30.8 36.8 1270 2.1 0.81 0.53 0.167 0.195
1x95RMC 11.3 +0.20 8.0 28.5 35 32.6 38.6 1500 2.85 0.85 0.34 0.106 0.133
1x120RMC 12.5 +0.20 8.0 29.7 50 33.8 39.8 1750 3.6 0.88 1x500RMC/50 0.0605 0.0797 0.36 0.44 2.82/1.76 0.39 0.054 0.27 11.7 1.53 0.55 0.173 0.190
1x150RMC 14.2 +0.20 8.0 31.4 50 35.5 41.5 1880 4.5 0.92 0.52 0.164 0.182
1x185RMC 15.8 +0.20 8.0 33.0 50 37.1 43.1 2040 5.55 0.96 0.33 0.103 0.120
1x240RMC 17.9 +0.10 8.0 35.1 50 39.2 45.2 2270 7.2 1.02 1x630RMC/50 0.0469 0.0629 0.36 0.44 2.75/1.80 0.36 0.051 0.30 10.5 1.71 0.53 0.167 0.178
1x300RMC 20.0 +0.30 8.0 37.2 50 41.3 47.3 2500 9 1.07 0.51 0.161 0.173
1x400RMC 22.9 +0.30 8.0 40.1 50 44.2 50.4 2850 12 1.15 0.32 0.100 0.112
1x500RMC 25.7 +0.40 8.0 43.4 50 47.7 54.1 3320 15 1.24 1x800RMC/50 0.0367 0.0506 0.36 0.44 2.69/1.84 0.35 0.048 0.33 9.5 1.89 0.51 0.161 0.169
1x630RMC 29.3 +0.50 8.0 47.3 50 51.5 58.4 3880 18.9 1.34 0.50 0.158 0.166
1x800RMC 33.0 +0.50 8.0 51.4 50 55.6 62.7 4520 24 1.44 0.31 0.096 0.105
1x1000RMC 38.0 +0.50 8.0 56.4 50 60.6 68.1 5320 30 1.57 1x1000RMC/50 0.0291 0.0418 0.36 0.44 2.63/1.87 0.33 0.045 0.37 8.5 2.12 0.49 0.155 0.160
0.49 0.154 0.160
58 59
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Conductor Insulation Metallic screen Recom.
– nominal Cable min.
Conductor Diameter Cable cable
cross Diameter Cross diameter bending
diameter over weight pulling
sectional Thickness over sectional De radius for
metallic force
area insulation area laying
mm2 mm mm2 mm mm kg/km kN m
1x35RMC 7.0 +0.15
8.0 24.2 16 28.3 34.3 1210 1.75 0.74
1x50RMC 8.25 +0.20 8.0 25.5 16 29.5 35.6 1370 2.5 0.78
1x70RMC 9.6 +0.20 8.0 26.8 25 30.9 36.9 1690 3.5 0.81
1x95RMC 11.5 +0.20 8.0 28.7 35 32.8 38.8 2080 4.75 0.86
1x120RMC 12.9 +0.25
8.0 30.1 50 34.2 40.2 2490 6 0.89
1x150RMC 14.5 +0.30 8.0 31.7 50 35.8 41.8 2790 7.5 0.93
1x185RMC 16.0 +0.30 8.0 33.2 50 37.3 43.3 3170 9.25 0.97
1x240RMC 18.5 +0.30 8.0 35.7 50 39.8 45.8 3750 12 1.03
1x300RMC 20.5 +0.30
8.0 37.7 50 41.8 47.8 4360 15 1.08
1x400RMC 23.5 +0.30 8.0 40.7 50 44.8 51.0 5270 20 1.16
1x500RMC 26.5 +0.40 8.0 44.2 50 48.5 54.9 6440 25 1.25
1x630RMC 30.3 +0.40 8.0 48.3 50 52.5 59.4 7860 31.5 1.35
1x800RMC 34.6 +0.50
8.0 53.0 50 57.2 64.5 9620 40 1.47
1x1000RMC 38.2 +0.40 8.0 56.6 50 60.8 68.3 11570 50 1.56
60 61
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Medium Voltage Cables
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Circular Stranded Compacted 1 — Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
Conductor, Class 2 between cables De
SPB — Single Point Bonded 2 — Cables in flat formation (in the ground),
CB — Cross Bonded the distance between cables De + 70 mm
BE — Both Ends 3 — Cables in flat formation (in the air),
De — Cable diameter the distance between cables 2 x De
Capacitive reactance
Capacitive reactance
stress at conductor/
stress at conductor/
Induc- Induc-
resistance resistance reac- Impe- resistance resistance reac- Impe-
Nominal cross tance Nominal cross tance
Charging current
Charging current
tance dance tance dance
Zero resistance
Zero resistance
Zero reactance
Zero reactance
sectional area XI sectional area XI
Electrical field
Electrical field
ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1 ooo1
Conductor/ Conductor/
AC 90°C
AC 90°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
DC 20°C
AC 80°C
AC 80°C
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo 2
Metallic screen ooo 2
ooo 2
ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3 ooo3
mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km mm 2
Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm Ω/km Ω/km µF/km Ω/km A/km mH/km Ω/km Ω/km
0.51 0.159 0.687 0.31 0.098 0.104
1x35RMC/16 0.524 0.668 1.12 1.38 4.07/1.34 1.41 0.103 0.12 27.6 0.65 0.78 0.244 0.711 1x800RMC/50 0.0221 0.0334 0.36 0.44 2.67/1.85 0.33 0.047 0.35 9.2 1.97 0.51 0.159 0.163
0.69 0.217 0.703 0.50 0.156 0.160
0.48 0.151 0.516 0.30 0.096 0.100
1x50RMC/16 0.387 0.494 1.12 1.38 3.85/1.40 1.22 0.095 0.13 25.2 0.71 0.74 0.234 0.546 1x1000RMC/50 0.0176 0.0287 0.36 0.44 2.63/1.87 0.32 0.045 0.38 8.5 2.13 0.49 0.155 0.157
0.67 0.209 0.536 0.49 0.154 0.156
0.46 0.144 0.371
1x70RMC/25 0.268 0.342 0.72 0.89 3.66/1.45 0.89 0.088 0.14 23.1 0.78 0.72 0.225 0.410
0.64 0.202 0.397
0.43 0.136 0.281
Current – carrying capacity
1x95RMC/35 0.193 0.247 0.51 0.63 3.47/1.51 0.68 0.081 0.15 20.7 0.87 0.68 0.215 0.327
Max short circuit GROUND AIR
0.62 0.194 0.314 capacity
0.42 0.131 0.235 sectional area
1x120RMC/50 0.153 0.196 0.36 0.44 3.35/1.55 0.53 0.076 0.17 19.2 0.94 0.66 0.209 0.286 Conductor BE SPB, CB BE SPB,CB BE SPB, CB BE SPB, CB
0.60 0.189 0.272 mm2 kA/s A
0.40 0.126 0.203
1x35RMC/16 5.0 3.7 238 241 228 228 248 250 219 219
1x150RMC/50 0.124 0.159 0.36 0.44 3.25/1.59 0.49 0.072 0.18 17.8 1.01 0.64 0.202 0.257
1x50RMC/16 7.2 3.7 282 286 271 272 297 301 262 262
0.59 0.184 0.243
1x70RMC/25 10.0 5.3 342 351 331 332 364 372 323 324
0.39 0.122 0.176
1x95RMC/35 13.6 7.1 406 424 397 401 439 456 392 395
1x185RMC/50 0.0991 0.127 0.36 0.44 3.16/1.62 0.46 0.068 0.19 16.7 1.08 0.63 0.197 0.234
1x120RMC/50 17.2 9.8 450 483 451 457 495 525 448 454
0.57 0.180 0.220
1x150RMC/50 21.5 9.8 499 546 506 515 556 599 509 517
0.37 0.116 0.152
1x185RMC/50 26.5 9.8 552 618 571 584 625 685 578 590
1x240RMC/50 0.0754 0.0976 0.36 0.44 3.05/1.67 0.42 0.063 0.21 15.1 1.19 0.60 0.189 0.213
1x240RMC/50 34.3 9.8 623 723 661 680 721 813 679 697
0.55 0.174 0.200
1x300RMC/50 42.9 9.8 683 820 743 770 804 932 771 797
0.36 0.112 0.137
1x400RMC/50 57.2 9.8 753 940 841 881 905 1087 887 924
1x300RMC/50 0.0601 0.0785 0.36 0.44 2.98/1.70 0.40 0.060 0.23 14.0 1.29 0.58 0.184 0.200
1x500RMC/50 71.5 9.8 821 1073 945 999 1006 1259 1013 1066
0.54 0.171 0.188
1x630RMC/50 90.1 9.8 894 1226 1058 1134 1116 1464 1155 1229
0.34 0.108 0.125
1x800RMC/50 114.4 9.8 959 1386 1165 1267 1220 1684 1298 1398
1x400RMC/50 0.0470 0.0625 0.36 0.44 2.90/1.74 0.38 0.056 0.25 12.6 1.42 0.56 0.177 0.187
1x1000RMC/50 143.0 9.8 1014 1534 1260 1389 1306 1894 1423 1552
0.53 0.166 0.177
0.33 0.105 0.116
1x500RMC/50 0.0366 0.0499 0.36 0.44 2.80/1.77 0.36 0.053 0.28 11.5 1.57 0.54 0.171 0.178
0.52 0.163 0.171
0.32 0.102 0.109
1x630RMC/50 0.0283 0.0403 0.36 0.44 2.73/1.81 0.34 0.050 0.31 10.3 1.75 0.53 0.165 0.170
0.51 0.160 0.165
62 63
Cables 2
Table of Contents
36/60÷69(72.5) kV Cu XLPE 68
36/60÷69(72.5) kV Al XLPE 70
64/110÷115(123) kV Cu XLPE 72
64/110÷115(123) kV Al XLPE 74
76/132÷138(145) kV Cu XLPE 76
76/132÷138(145) kV Al XLPE 78
87/150÷161(170) kV Cu XLPE 80
87/150÷161(170) kV Al XLPE 82
127/220÷230(245) kV Cu XLPE 84
127/220÷230(245) kV Al XLPE 86
220/380÷400(420) kV Cu XLPE 88
220/380÷400(420) kV Al XLPE 90
Selection of cable
High voltage cables are manufactured based on customer specifications and factory standards.
Cable structures are based on the requirements of IEC standards:
IEC 60287 – Calculation of current-carrying capacity of cables (load factor 100%)
IEC 60853 – Calculation of current-carrying capacity of cables for cyclic load or fault conditions
IEC 60949 - Calculation of maximum short circuit current for cables
For unusual applications TELE-FONIKA 1 IEC 61443 – Maximum short circuit temperature for cables for voltages above 30kV
Kable offers you the single-core cables: 2 IEC 60228 – Conductors of wires and cables
3 When selecting cable, specialized software is used to simulate the cable system operation.
Figure 2: 4 The Minimal diameter of casing pipes: min. 1.5 x D (mm), where D = external diameter of cable in mm.
N2XSH. 6 Calculation basis
Description of Figure 2 In the soil – the temperature of 20°C , cabling depth 1.0 m, soil thermal resistivity K = 1.0 Km/W,
1 – Aluminium or copper conductor 8 In the distance between phases = 2xD.
2 – Semi-conductive screen extruded on the phase conductor In the air – the temperature of 35°C
3 – XLPE insulation
4 – Semi-conductive screen extruded on insulation
5 – Wrapping of semi-conductive tape Installation data
6 – Metallic screen
7 – Wrapping of polyester tape Minimal temperature of the cable during whole laying process: >0°C.
8 – Outer sheath: PVC, HDPE / MDPE, LSF Enviromental temperature > -5°C (detailed information can be found in the laying guidelines).
Minimal bending radius and the maximum pulling force for conductor:
values are given in the parameter tables.
Pulling forces for outer sheath (cable grip) can be found in the laying guidelines.
The minimal inner diameter of the duct: 1.5 x D , where D = external diameter of the cable.
66 67
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Round Multiwire Conductor IC BE — Both Ends
(C - compacted), Class 2 De — Cable diameter
RM (Milliken type) — Round Multiwire Segmented 1 — Cables in flat formation, the distance
36/60÷69(72.5) kV SPB
— Single Point Bonded 2
between cables 2 x De
— Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
CB — Cross Bonded between cables De
XRUHKXS according to IEC 60840
2XS(FL)2Y according to IEC 60840
N2XS(FL)2Y according to DIN VDE 0276-632
Conductor screen /
Metallic screen
section In ground In air
of conductor
ooo1 SPB,CB / BE SPB,CB / BE
at the
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm kA/s kA/s µF/km mH/km A A
0.621 390 / 370 480 / 455
120 0.1530 0.1957 0.526 0.650 5.8 / 2.39 17.4 7.4 0.150
0.436 370 / 365 415 / 410
0.606 440 / 415 545 / 515
150 0.1240 0.1589 0.526 0.650 5.62 / 2.44 21.8 7.4 0.160
0.421 415 / 410 470 / 465
0.592 495 / 460 625 / 580
185 0.0991 0.1273 0.526 0.650 5.45 / 2.5 26.8 7.4 0.171
0.407 470 / 460 540 / 530
0.572 575 / 520 740 / 675
240 0.0754 0.0975 0.526 0.650 5.22 / 2.59 34.7 7.4 0.190
0.387 545 / 535 635 / 625
0.561 650 / 570 850 / 755
300 0.0601 0.0784 0.526 0.650 5.09 / 2.64 43.4 7.4 0.203
0.376 615 / 600 730 / 710
0.548 745 / 625 985 / 855
400 0.0470 0.0622 0.526 0.650 4.89 / 2.72 57.8 7.4 0.228
0.363 700 / 675 845 / 820
Parameters 500 0.0366 0.0497 0.526 0.650 4.77 / 2.78 72.2 7.4 0.247
0.536 850 / 685 1145 / 955
0.351 795 / 755 975 / 935
Insulation Metallic screen De Maximum 0.523 970 / 740 1330 / 1060
Cross Minimal 630 0.0283 0.0400 0.526 0.650 4.64 / 2.85 90.8 7.4 0.273
Diameter of Outer Cable cable 0.338 895 / 845 1120 / 1070
section of Diameter Cross bending
conductor Nominal Diameter diameter weight pulling 0.509 1090 / 790 1535 / 1170
conductor* over sectional radius
thickness over screen of cable force 800 0.0221 0.0332 0.526 0.650 4.52 / 2.91 115.3 7.4 0.303
insulation area 0.325 1000 / 930 1275 / 1205
mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm2 mm kg/km kN m 0.502 1210 / 825 1720 / 1255
1000 0.0176 0.0283 0.378 0.467 4.43 / 2.97 144.0 10.6 0.332
120RM 12.8 + 0.3
10.0 34.0 35 37.8 44.1 2670 6.0 1.10 0.318 1090 / 1005 1420 / 1325
150RM 14.25 + 0.3 10.0 35.4 35 39.2 45.6 2980 7.5 1.14 0.500 1335 / 820 1915 / 1275
1200 RMS 0.0151 0.0224 0.378 0.467 4.34 / 3.02 172.7 10.6 0.369
185RM 15.85 + 0.3 10.0 37.0 35 40.8 47.2 3370 9.25 1.18 0.315 1235 / 1075 1625 / 1455
240RM 18.5 + 0.3
10.0 39.7 35 43.5 50.0 3990 12.0 1.25 0.492 1435 / 840 2090 / 1335
1400 RMS 0.0129 0.0200 0.378 0.467 4.28 / 3.06 201.4 10.6 0.395
300RM 20.3 + 0.4
10.0 41.5 35 45.3 51.8 4610 15.0 1.30 0.307 1320 / 1130 1760 / 1550
400RM 23.5 + 0.4 10.0 45.1 35 49.3 56.2 5650 20.0 1.40 0.487 1520 / 860 2245 / 1390
1600 RMS 0.0113 0.0184 0.378 0.467 4.24 / 3.08 230.1 10.6 0.416
500RM 26.3 + 0.5 10.0 47.9 35 52.1 59.2 6780 25.0 1.48 0.302 1385 / 1175 1880 / 1640
630RM 30.0 + 0.5
10.0 51.8 35 56.0 63.3 8190 31.5 1.58 0.482 1590 / 870 2380 / 1430
1800 RMS 0.0101 0.0172 0.378 0.467 4.21 / 3.1 258.8 10.6 0.437
800RM 34.4 + 0.7 10.0 56.2 35 60.4 67.9 9940 40.0 1.70 0.298 1440 / 1205 1980 / 1715
1000RM 38.3 + 0.7 10.0 60.5 35 65.1 73.0 12130 50.0 1.83 0.479 1660 / 880 2490 / 1455
2000 RMS 0.0090 0.0161 0.378 0.467 4.19 / 3.12 287.4 10.6 0.453
1200RMS 42.0 + 0.8
10.0 66.0 50 70.6 78.9 14530 60.0 1.97 0.294 1490 / 1235 2060 / 1765
1400RMS 45.8 + 0.8
10.0 69.8 50 74.4 82.9 16620 70.0 2.08 0.474 1790 / 900 2720 / 1520
2500 RMS 0.0072 0.0143 0.378 0.467 4.13 / 3.16 359.1 10.6 0.500
1600RMS 49.0 + 1.2 10.0 73.0 50 77.6 86.3 18520 80.0 2.16 0.290 1595 / 1295 2240 / 1885
1800RMS 52.1 + 1.0 10.0 76.1 50 80.7 89.8 20880 90.0 2.25 0.466 1930 / 920 3005 / 1590
3000 RMS 0.0060 0.0132 0.378 0.467 4.07 / 3.2 430.8 10.6 0.553
2000RMS 54.4 + 1.0
10.0 78.4 50 83.0 92.1 22460 100.0 2.31 0.281 1695 / 1345 2440 / 2015
2500RMS 60.5 + 1.0
10.0 85.5 50 90.5 100.2 27490 100.0 2.50
3000RMS 68.4 + 1.0 10.0 93.4 50 98.4 108.7 33760 100.0 2.72
68 69
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Round Multiwire Conductor IC BE — Both Ends
(C - compacted), Class 2 De — Cable diameter
RM (Milliken type) — Round Multiwire Segmented 1 — Cables in flat formation, the distance
36/60÷69(72.5) kV SPB
— Single Point Bonded 2
between cables 2 x De
— Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
CB — Cross Bonded between cables De
XRUHAKXS according to IEC 60840
A2XS(FL)2Y according to IEC 60840
NA2XS(FL)2Y according to DIN VDE 0276-632
Conductor screen /
Metallic screen
section In ground In air
of conductor
ooo1 SPB,CB / BE SPB,CB / BE
at the
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm kA/s kA/s µF/km mH/km A A
0.623 300 / 290 370 / 360
120 0.2530 0.3247 0.526 0.650 5.82 / 2.38 11.6 7.4 0.149
0.438 285 / 285 320 / 320
0.606 340 / 325 420 / 405
150 0.2060 0.2645 0.526 0.650 5.62 / 2.44 14.5 7.4 0.160
0.422 320 / 320 365 / 360
0.592 385 / 365 485 / 460
185 0.1640 0.2108 0.526 0.650 5.45 / 2.5 17.8 7.4 0.171
0.407 365 / 360 415 / 415
0.576 445 / 420 570 / 540
240 0.1250 0.1610 0.526 0.650 5.26 / 2.57 23.1 7.4 0.186
0.391 425 / 420 490 / 485
0.563 505 / 465 655 / 610
300 0.1000 0.1291 0.526 0.650 5.11 / 2.63 28.8 7.4 0.201
0.378 480 / 470 565 / 555
0.550 580 / 525 765 / 695
400 0.0778 0.1010 0.526 0.650 4.92 / 2.71 38.3 7.4 0.223
0.365 550 / 535 660 / 645
Parameters 500 0.0605 0.0792 0.526 0.650 4.8 / 2.77 47.8 7.4 0.243
0.538 665 / 580 890 / 790
0.353 625 / 610 765 / 745
Insulation Metallic screen De Maximum 0.525 765 / 640 1045 / 895
Cross Minimal 630 0.0469 0.0623 0.526 0.650 4.67 / 2.83 60.2 7.4 0.267
Diameter of Outer Cable cable 0.340 715 / 690 890 / 865
section of Diameter Cross bending
conductor Nominal Diameter diameter weight pulling 0.514 870 / 695 1210 / 1000
conductor* over sectional radius
thickness over screen of cable force 800 0.0367 0.0499 0.526 0.650 4.56 / 2.89 76.4 7.4 0.294
insulation area 0.329 810 / 770 1025 / 985
mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm2 mm kg/km kN m 0.503 980 / 745 1395 / 1110
1000 0.0291 0.0409 0.378 0.467 4.44 / 2.96 95.3 10.6 0.330
120RM 12.6 + 0.2
10.0 33.8 35 37.6 43.9 1930 3.6 1.10 0.318 905 / 850 1175 / 1115
150RM 14.2 + 0.2 10.0 35.4 35 39.2 45.5 2070 4.5 1.14 0.494 1070 / 745 1545 / 1145
1200 0.0247 0.0359 0.378 0.467 4.36 / 3.01 114.3 10.6 0.361
185RM 15.8 + 0.2 10.0 37.0 35 40.8 47.1 2240 5.55 1.18 0.309 975 / 895 1290 / 1205
240RM 17.9 + 0.2
10.0 39.1 35 42.9 49.2 2480 7.2 1.23 0.497 1115 / 760 1605 / 1170
1200 RMS 0.0247 0.0319 0.378 0.467 4.32 / 3.03 114.3 10.6 0.376
300RM 20.0 + 0.3
10.0 41.2 35 45.0 51.5 2750 9.0 1.29 0.313 1040 / 950 1375 / 175
400RM 22.9 + 0.3 10.0 44.5 35 48.7 55.4 3200 12.0 1.39 0.494 1210 / 790 1755 / 1235
1400 RMS 0.0212 0.0275 0.378 0.467 4.29 / 3.05 133.3 10.6 0.390
500RM 25.7 + 0.4 10.0 47.3 35 51.5 58.4 3640 15.0 1.46 0.309 1130 / 1015 1505 / 1380
630RM 29.3 + 0.5
10.0 50.9 35 55.1 62.4 4210 18.9 1.56 0.488 1300 / 815 1910 / 1290
1600 RMS 0.0186 0.0242 0.378 0.467 4.25 / 3.08 152.3 10.6 0.413
800RM 33.0 + 0.4 10.0 54.8 35 59.0 66.5 4870 24.0 1.67 0.303 1210 / 1070 1635 / 1480
1000RM 38.0 + 0.5 10.0 60.2 35 64.8 72.7 5810 30.0 1.82 0.481 1395 / 835 2080 / 1350
1800 RMS 0.0165 0.0215 0.378 0.467 4.2 / 3.11 171.2 10.6 0.441
1200RM 42.5 + 0.6 10.0 64.7 50 69.3 77.6 6820 36.0 1.94 0.297 1295 / 1130 1775 / 1590
1200RMS 43.0 + 0.8
10.0 67.0 50 71.6 79.9 7190 36.0 2.00 0.479 1470 / 850 2205 / 1390
2000 RMS 0.0149 0.0195 0.378 0.467 4.19 / 3.12 190.2 10.6 0.453
1400RMS 45.1 + 0.8 10.0 69.1 50 73.7 82.2 7760 42.0 2.06 0.294 1360 / 1175 1880 / 1665
1600RMS 48.5 + 1.2 10.0 72.5 50 77.1 85.8 8530 48.0 2.15 0.476 1605 / 875 2425 / 1460
2500 RMS 0.0127 0.0168 0.378 0.467 4.14 / 3.15 237.5 10.6 0.490
1800RMS 52.7 + 1.0 10.0 76.7 50 81.3 90.4 9460 54.0 2.26 0.291 1475 / 1245 2065 / 1800
2000RMS 54.5 + 1.0
10.0 78.5 50 83.1 92.2 10030 60.0 2.31 0.467 1855 / 910 2875 / 1565
3000 RMS 0.0100 0.0135 0.378 0.467 4.08 / 3.19 284.9 10.6 0.544
2500RMS 59.0 + 1.0 10.0 84.0 50 89.0 98.5 11560 75.0 2.47 0.282 1690 / 1370 2425 / 2040
3000RMS 67.0 + 1.0 10.0 92.0 50 97.0 107.1 14010 90.0 2.68
70 71
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Round Multiwire Conductor IC BE — Both Ends
(C - compacted), Class 2 De — Cable diameter
RM (Milliken type) — Round Multiwire Segmented 1 — Cables in flat formation, the distance
64/110÷115(123) kV SPB
— Single Point Bonded 2
between cables 2 x De
— Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
CB — Cross Bonded between cables De
XRUHKXS according to IEC 60840
2XS(FL)2Y according to IEC 60840
N2XS(FL)2Y according to DIN VDE 0276-632
Conductor screen /
Metallic screen
section In ground In air
of conductor
ooo1 SPB,CB / BE SPB,CB / BE
at the
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm kA/s kA/s µF/km mH/km A A
0.623 300 / 290 370 / 360
120 0.2530 0.3247 0.526 0.650 5.82 / 2.38 11.6 7.4 0.149
0.438 285 / 285 320 / 320
0.606 340 / 325 420 / 405
150 0.2060 0.2645 0.526 0.650 5.62 / 2.44 14.5 7.4 0.160
0.422 320 / 320 365 / 360
0.592 385 / 365 485 / 460
185 0.1640 0.2108 0.526 0.650 5.45 / 2.5 17.8 7.4 0.171
0.407 365 / 360 415 / 415
0.576 445 / 420 570 / 540
240 0.1250 0.1610 0.526 0.650 5.26 / 2.57 23.1 7.4 0.186
0.391 425 / 420 490 / 485
0.563 505 / 465 655 / 610
300 0.1000 0.1291 0.526 0.650 5.11 / 2.63 28.8 7.4 0.201
0.378 480 / 470 565 / 555
0.550 580 / 525 765 / 695
400 0.0778 0.1010 0.526 0.650 4.92 / 2.71 38.3 7.4 0.223
0.365 550 / 535 660 / 645
Parameters 500 0.0605 0.0792 0.526 0.650 4.8 / 2.77 47.8 7.4 0.243
0.538 665 / 580 890 / 790
0.353 625 / 610 765 / 745
Insulation Metallic screen De Maximum 0.525 765 / 640 1045 / 895
Cross Minimal 630 0.0469 0.0623 0.526 0.650 4.67 / 2.83 60.2 7.4 0.267
Diameter of Outer Cable cable 0.340 715 / 690 890 / 865
section of Diameter Cross bending
conductor Nominal Diameter diameter weight pulling 0.514 870 / 695 1210 / 1000
conductor* over sectional radius
thickness over screen of cable force 800 0.0367 0.0499 0.526 0.650 4.56 / 2.89 76.4 7.4 0.294
insulation area 0.329 810 / 770 1025 / 985
mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm2 mm kg/km kN m 0.503 980 / 745 1395 / 1110
1000 0.0291 0.0409 0.378 0.467 4.44 / 2.96 95.3 10.6 0.330
150RM 14.25 + 0.3
17.0 51.3 95 57.1 64.9 5060 7.5 1.63 0.318 905 / 850 1175 / 1115
185RM 15.85 + 0.3 17.0 52.3 95 58.1 66.1 5470 9.3 1.66 0.494 1070 / 745 1545 / 1145
1200 0.0247 0.0359 0.378 0.467 4.36 / 3.01 114.3 10.6 0.361
240RM 18.5 + 0.3 16.0 52.5 95 58.3 66.4 5900 12.0 1.66 0.309 975 / 895 1290 / 1205
300RM 20.3 + 0.4
15.0 52.3 95 58.1 66.2 6370 15.0 1.66 0.497 1115 / 760 1605 / 1170
1200 RMS 0.0247 0.0319 0.378 0.467 4.32 / 3.03 114.3 10.6 0.376
400RM 23.5 + 0.4
14.0 55.5 95 59.3 67.4 7180 20.0 1.69 0.313 1040 / 950 1375 / 175
500RM 26.3 + 0.5 14.0 56.3 95 62.1 70.4 8350 25.0 1.76 0.494 1210 / 790 1755 / 1235
1400 RMS 0.0212 0.0275 0.378 0.467 4.29 / 3.05 133.3 10.6 0.390
630RM 30.0 + 0.5 14.0 60.6 95 66.4 75.1 9900 31.5 1.88 0.309 1130 / 1015 1505 / 1380
800RM 34.4 + 0.7
14.0 65.0 95 70.8 79.7 11710 40.0 2.00 0.488 1300 / 815 1910 / 1290
1600 RMS 0.0186 0.0242 0.378 0.467 4.25 / 3.08 152.3 10.6 0.413
1000RM 38.3 + 0.7 14.0 68.9 95 74.7 84.0 13870 50.0 2.10 0.303 1210 / 1070 1635 / 1480
1200RMS 42.0 + 0.8 14.0 74.0 95 79.8 89.3 16110 60.0 2.24 0.481 1395 / 835 2080 / 1350
1800 RMS 0.0165 0.0215 0.378 0.467 4.2 / 3.11 171.2 10.6 0.441
1400RMS 45.8 + 0.8 14.0 77.8 95 83.6 93.5 18280 70.0 2.34 0.297 1295 / 1130 1775 / 1590
1600RMS 49.0 + 1.2
14.0 81.0 95 86.8 96.9 20240 80.0 2.43 0.479 1470 / 850 2205 / 1390
2000 RMS 0.0149 0.0195 0.378 0.467 4.19 / 3.12 190.2 10.6 0.453
1800RMS 52.1 + 1.0 14.0 84.1 95 89.9 100.2 22620 90.0 2.51 0.294 1360 / 1175 1880 / 1665
2000RMS 54.4 + 1.0 14.0 86.4 95 92.2 102.7 24250 100.0 2.57 0.476 1605 / 875 2425 / 1460
2500 RMS 0.0127 0.0168 0.378 0.467 4.14 / 3.15 237.5 10.6 0.490
2500RMS 60.5 + 1.0 14.5 94.5 95 100.7 111.8 29550 100.0 2.80 0.291 1475 / 1245 2065 / 1800
3000RMS 68.4 + 1.0
14.5 102.4 95 108.6 120.3 35950 100.0 3.01 0.467 1855 / 910 2875 / 1565
3000 RMS 0.0100 0.0135 0.378 0.467 4.08 / 3.19 284.9 10.6 0.544
0.282 1690 / 1370 2425 / 2040
72 73
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Round Multiwire Conductor IC BE — Both Ends
(C - compacted), Class 2 De — Cable diameter
RM (Milliken type) — Round Multiwire Segmented 1 — Cables in flat formation, the distance
64/110÷115(123) kV SPB
— Single Point Bonded 2
between cables 2 x De
— Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
CB — Cross Bonded between cables De
XRUHAKXS according to IEC 60840
A2XS(FL)2Y according to IEC 60840
NA2XS(FL)2Y according to DIN VDE 0276-632
Conductor screen /
Metallic screen
section In ground In air
of conductor
ooo1 SPB,CB / BE SPB,CB / BE
at the
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm kA/s kA/s µF/km mH/km A A
0.677 335 / 320 400 / 385
150 0.2060 0.2645 0.195 0.241 6.82 / 2.29 14.5 19.5 0.122
0.493 320 / 315 365 / 360
0.660 380 / 355 460 / 435
185 0.1640 0.2107 0.195 0.241 6.67 / 2.33 17.8 19.5 0.127
0.475 360 / 355 415 / 410
0.634 440 / 400 545 / 510
240 0.1250 0.1609 0.195 0.241 6.71 / 2.57 23.1 19.5 0.139
0.449 420 / 410 490 / 480
0.612 500 / 450 630 / 580
300 0.1000 0.1290 0.195 0.241 6.76 / 2.86 28.8 19.5 0.155
0.427 475 / 465 560 / 550
0.588 575 / 490 735 / 655
400 0.0778 0.1008 0.195 0.241 6.82 / 3.21 38.3 19.5 0.177
0.403 545 / 520 655 / 635
0.573 660 / 535 855 / 735
500 0.0605 0.0790 0.195 0.241 6.62 / 3.29 47.8 19.5 0.191
0.388 625 / 590 760 / 730
Parameters 630 0.0469 0.0620 0.195 0.241 6.38 / 3.39 60.2 19.5 0.211
0.559 760 / 585 1000 / 825
0.374 715 / 665 885 / 840
Insulation Metallic screen De Maximum 0.546 865 / 630 1155 / 920
Cross Minimal 800 0.0367 0.0495 0.195 0.241 6.2 / 3.47 76.4 19.5 0.230
Diameter of Outer Cable cable 0.361 810 / 740 1015 / 955
section of Diameter Cross bending
conductor Nominal Diameter diameter weight pulling 0.531 980 / 670 1335 / 1010
conductor* over sectional radius
thickness over screen of cable force 1000 0.0291 0.0405 0.195 0.241 6.01 / 3.56 95.3 19.5 0.254
insulation area 0.347 905 / 815 1165 / 1075
mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm2 mm kg/km kN m 0.520 1065 / 695 1475 / 1080
1200 0.0247 0.0355 0.195 0.241 5.88 / 3.63 114.3 19.5 0.276
150RM 14.2 + 0.2
17.0 51.2 95 57.0 64.9 4150 4.5 1.63 0.335 980 / 865 1275 / 1165
185RM 15.8 + 0.2 17.0 52.2 95 58.0 66.1 4330 5.55 1.62 0.522 1110 / 710 1530 / 1105
1200 RMS 0.0247 0.0319 0.195 0.241 5.83 / 3.65 114.3 19.5 0.285
240RM 17.9 + 0.2 16.0 51.9 95 57.7 65.8 4390 7.2 1.65 0.337 1040 / 905 1355 / 1225
300RM 20.0 + 0.3
15.0 52.0 95 57.8 65.9 4500 9.0 1.65 0.518 1205 / 735 1675 / 1160
1400 RMS 0.0212 0.0274 0.195 0.241 5.78 / 3.68 133.3 19.5 0.295
400RM 22.9 + 0.3
14.0 52.9 95 58.7 66.8 4740 12.0 1.67 0.333 1125 / 960 1475 / 1320
500RM 25.7 + 0.4 14.0 55.7 95 61.5 69.8 5220 15.0 1.75 0.511 1295 / 815 1820 / 1285
1600 RMS 0.0186 0.0241 0.195 0.241 5.7 / 3.72 152.3 19.5 0.312
630RM 29.3 + 0.5 14.0 59.7 95 65.5 74.0 5880 18.9 1.85 0.326 1205 / 1065 1600 / 1465
800RM 33.0 + 0.4
14.0 63.6 95 69.4 78.3 6620 24.0 1.96 0.503 1390 / 775 1980 / 1270
1800 RMS 0.0165 0.0215 0.195 0.241 5.62 / 3.77 171.2 19.5 0.332
1000RM 38.0 + 0.5 14.0 68.6 95 74.4 83.7 7550 30.0 2.10 0.318 1285 / 1065 1735 / 1505
1200RM 42.5 + 0.6 14.0 73.1 95 78.9 88.4 8440 36.0 2.21 0.500 1465 / 790 2100 / 1305
2000 RMS 0.0149 0.0195 0.195 0.241 5.59 / 3.78 190.2 19.5 0.341
1200RMS 43.0 + 0.8 14.0 75.0 95 80.8 90.5 8810 36.0 2.27 0.316 1355 / 1100 1840 / 1575
1400RMS 45.1 + 0.8
14.0 77.1 95 82.9 92.8 9410 42.0 2.32 0.498 1600 / 815 2310 / 1370
2500 RMS 0.0127 0.0167 0.195 0.241 5.35 / 3.68 237.5 19.5 0.357
1600RMS 48.5 + 1.2 14.0 80.5 95 86.3 96.4 10230 48.0 2.42 0.313 1470 / 1165 2020 / 1695
1800RMS 52.7 + 1.0 14.0 84.7 95 90.5 100.8 11190 54.0 2.52 0.488 1850 / 850 2730 / 1475
3000 RMS 0.0100 0.0134 0.195 0.241 5.25 / 3.74 284.9 19.5 0.394
2000RMS 54.5 + 1.0 14.0 86.5 95 92.3 102.8 11820 60.0 2.57 0.303 1685 / 1265 2365 / 1905
2500RMS 59.0 + 1.0
14.5 93.0 95 99.2 110.1 13600 75.0 2.76
3000RMS 67.0 + 1.0 14.5 101.0 95 107.2 118.7 16170 90.0 2.97
74 75
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Round Multiwire Conductor IC BE — Both Ends
(C - compacted), Class 2 De — Cable diameter
RM (Milliken type) — Round Multiwire Segmented 1 — Cables in flat formation, the distance
76/132÷138(145) kV SPB
— Single Point Bonded 2
between cables 2 x De
— Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
CB — Cross Bonded between cables De
XRUHKXS according to IEC 60840
2XS(FL)2Y according to IEC 60840
N2XS(FL)2Y according to DIN VDE 0276-632
Conductor screen /
Metallic screen
section In ground In air
of conductor
ooo1 SPB,CB / BE SPB,CB / BE
at the
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm kA/s kA/s µF/km mH/km A A
0.677 435 / 395 520 / 490
150 0.1240 0.1587 0.195 0.241 6.81 / 2.3 21.8 19.5 0.123
0.492 415 / 405 470 / 465
0.659 490 / 435 595 / 545
185 0.0991 0.1272 0.195 0.241 6.66 / 2.33 26.8 19.5 0.127
0.474 465 / 450 540 / 525
0.629 570 / 485 710 / 630
240 0.0754 0.0973 0.195 0.241 6.64 / 2.59 34.7 19.5 0.142
0.444 545 / 520 635 / 615
0.610 645 / 525 815 / 705
300 0.0601 0.0781 0.195 0.241 6.73 / 2.87 43.4 19.5 0.156
0.425 615 / 580 725 / 700
0.584 740 / 570 950 / 790
400 0.0470 0.0619 0.195 0.241 6.63 / 3.28 57.8 19.5 0.190
0.399 700 / 650 840 / 800
0.570 845 / 615 1100 / 875
500 0.0366 0.0493 0.195 0.241 6.58 / 3.31 72.2 19.5 0.194
0.386 795 / 725 970 / 910
Parameters 630 0.0283 0.0395 0.195 0.241 6.33 / 3.41 90.8 19.5 0.215
0.557 965 / 660 1275 / 970
0.372 900 / 805 1120 / 1030
Insulation Metallic screen De Maximum 0.542 1090 / 695 1465 / 1055
Cross Minimal 800 0.0221 0.0325 0.195 0.241 6.14 / 3.49 115.3 19.5 0.237
Diameter of Outer Cable cable 0.357 1005 / 880 1275 / 1155
section of Diameter Cross bending
conductor Nominal Diameter diameter weight pulling 0.531 1205 / 725 1650 / 1130
conductor* over sectional radius
thickness over screen of cable force 1000 0.0176 0.0276 0.195 0.241 6 / 3.56 144.0 19.5 0.256
insulation area 0.346 1105 / 945 1415 / 1265
mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm2 mm kg/km kN m 0.524 1330 / 755 1830 / 1200
1200 RMS 0.0151 0.0222 0.195 0.241 5.85 / 3.64 172.7 19.5 0.280
185RM 15.85 + 0.3
18.0 54.9 95 60.7 68.9 5730 9.3 1.73 0.339 1235 / 1020 1605 / 1390
240RM 18.5 + 0.3 17.0 55.5 95 61.3 69.6 6220 12.0 1.74 0.516 1430 / 775 2000 / 1255
1400 RMS 0.0129 0.0198 0.195 0.241 5.76 / 3.69 201.4 19.5 0.299
300RM 20.3 + 0.4 16.5 55.7 95 61.5 69.8 6720 15.0 1.75 0.331 1320 / 1065 1740 / 1485
400RM 23.5 + 0.4
16.0 57.5 95 63.4 71.8 7610 20.0 1.80 0.510 1515 / 790 2140 / 1300
1600 RMS 0.0113 0.0182 0.195 0.241 5.69 / 3.73 230.1 19.5 0.314
500RM 26.3 + 0.5 16.0 60.3 95 66.1 74.8 8800 25.0 1.87 0.325 1390 / 1100 1855 / 1560
630RM 30.0 + 0.5 16.0 64.6 95 70.4 79.3 10350 31.5 1.99 0.504 1590 / 805 2270 / 1340
1800 RMS 0.0101 0.0169 0.195 0.241 5.64 / 3.76 258.8 19.5 0.329
800RM 34.4 + 0.7
16.0 69.0 95 74.8 84.1 12220 40.0 2.11 0.319 1450 / 1135 1955 / 1625
1000RM 38.3 + 0.7
16.0 72.9 95 78.7 88.2 14380 50.0 2.21 0.501 1655 / 815 2375 / 1365
2000 RMS 0.0090 0.0159 0.195 0.241 5.6 / 3.78 287.4 19.5 0.340
1200RMS 42.0 + 0.8 16.0 78.0 95 83.8 93.7 16690 60.0 2.35 0.316 1500 / 1160 2035 / 1675
1400RMS 45.8 + 0.8 16.0 81.8 95 87.6 97.7 18850 70.0 2.45 0.496 1790 / 835 2595 / 1430
2500 RMS 0.0072 0.0141 0.195 0.241 5.33 / 3.7 359.1 19.5 0.364
1600RMS 49.0 + 1.2
16.0 85.0 95 90.8 101.1 20830 80.0 2.53 0.311 1605 / 1205 2210 / 1780
1800RMS 52.1 + 1.0
16.0 88.1 95 93.9 104.4 23230 90.0 2.61 0.486 1930 / 855 2860 / 1495
3000 RMS 0.0060 0.0129 0.195 0.241 5.24 / 3.75 430.8 19.5 0.400
2000RMS 54.4 + 1.0 16.0 90.4 95 96.2 106.9 24870 100.0 2.68 0.302 1710 / 1255 2410 / 1895
2500RMS 60.5 + 1.0 16.0 97.5 95 103.7 115.0 30070 100.0 2.88
3000RMS 68.4 + 1.0 16.0 105.4 95 111.6 123.5 36510 100.0 3.09
76 77
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Round Multiwire Conductor IC BE — Both Ends
(C - compacted), Class 2 De — Cable diameter
RM (Milliken type) — Round Multiwire Segmented 1 — Cables in flat formation, the distance
76/132÷138(145) kV SPB
— Single Point Bonded 2
between cables 2 x De
— Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
CB — Cross Bonded between cables De
XRUHAKXS according to IEC 60840
A2XS(FL)2Y according to IEC 60840
NA2XS(FL)2Y according to DIN VDE 0276-632
Conductor screen /
Metallic screen
section In ground In air
of conductor
ooo1 SPB,CB / BE SPB,CB / BE
at the
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm kA/s kA/s µF/km mH/km A A
0.668 380 / 355 460 / 435
185 0.1640 0.2107 0.195 0.241 7.56 / 2.59 17.8 19.5 0.125
0.483 360 / 355 415 / 410
0.643 440 / 400 545 / 510
240 0.1250 0.1609 0.195 0.241 7.53 / 2.87 23.1 19.5 0.138
0.458 420 / 410 490 / 480
0.623 500 / 450 630 / 580
300 0.1000 0.1290 0.195 0.241 7.49 / 3.03 28.8 19.5 0.147
0.438 475 / 465 560 / 550
0.600 575 / 490 735 / 655
400 0.0778 0.1008 0.195 0.241 7.39 / 3.23 38.3 19.5 0.161
0.415 545 / 520 655 / 635
0.585 660 / 535 855 / 735
500 0.0605 0.0790 0.195 0.241 7.15 / 3.32 47.8 19.5 0.174
0.400 625 / 590 760 / 730
0.570 760 / 585 1000 / 825
630 0.0469 0.0620 0.195 0.241 6.87 / 3.42 60.2 19.5 0.191
0.385 715 / 665 885 / 840
Parameters 800 0.0367 0.0495 0.195 0.241 6.66 / 3.51 76.4 19.5 0.208
0.557 865 / 630 1155 / 920
0.372 810 / 740 1015 / 955
Insulation Metallic screen De Maximum 0.541 980 / 670 1335 / 1010
Cross Minimal 1000 0.0291 0.0404 0.195 0.241 6.44 / 3.6 95.3 19.5 0.229
Diameter of Outer Cable cable 0.356 905 / 815 1165 / 1075
section of Diameter Cross bending
conductor Nominal Diameter diameter weight pulling 0.530 1065 / 695 1475 / 1080
conductor* over sectional radius
thickness over screen of cable force 1200 0.0247 0.0354 0.195 0.241 6.29 / 3.68 114.3 19.5 0.249
insulation area 0.345 980 / 865 1275 / 1165
mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm2 mm kg/km kN m 0.531 1110 / 710 1530 / 1105
1200 RMS 0.0247 0.0319 0.195 0.241 6.23 / 3.71 114.3 19.5 0.257
185RM 15.8 + 0.2
18.0 54.8 95 60.6 68.9 4600 5.55 1.73 0.347 1040 / 905 1355 / 1225
240RM 17.9 + 0.2 17.0 54.9 95 60.7 69.0 4710 7.2 1.73 0.527 1205 / 735 1675 / 1160
1400 RMS 0.0212 0.0274 0.195 0.241 6.17 / 3.73 133.3 19.5 0.266
300RM 20.0 + 0.3 16.5 55.4 95 61.2 69.5 4850 9.0 1.74 0.342 1125 / 960 1475 / 1320
400RM 22.9 + 0.3
16.0 56.9 95 62.7 71.0 5150 12.0 1.78 0.519 1295 / 815 1820 / 1285
1600 RMS 0.0186 0.0241 0.195 0.241 6.08 / 3.78 152.3 19.5 0.280
500RM 25.7 + 0.4 16.0 59.7 95 65.5 74.0 5650 15.0 1.85 0.335 1205 / 1065 1600 / 1465
630RM 29.3 + 0.5 16.0 63.7 95 69.5 78.4 6360 18.9 1.96 0.512 1390 / 775 1980 / 1270
1800 RMS 0.0165 0.0215 0.195 0.241 5.99 / 3.83 171.2 19.5 0.298
800RM 33.0 + 0.4
16.0 67.6 95 73.4 82.5 8000 24.0 2.07 0.327 1285 / 1065 1735 / 1505
1000RM 38.0 + 0.5
16.0 72.6 95 78.4 87.9 8060 30.0 2.20 0.508 1465 / 790 2100 / 1305
2000 RMS 0.0149 0.0195 0.195 0.241 5.95 / 3.85 190.2 19.5 0.306
1200RM 42.5 + 0.6 16.0 77.1 95 82.9 92.8 9030 36.0 2.32 0.324 1355 / 1100 1840 / 1575
1200RMS 43.0 + 0.8 16.0 79.0 95 84.8 94.7 9360 36.0 2.37 0.504 1600 / 815 2310 / 1370
2500 RMS 0.0127 0.0167 0.195 0.241 5.86 / 3.9 237.5 19.5 0.329
1400RMS 45.1 + 0.8
16.0 81.1 95 86.9 97.0 9980 42.0 2.43 0.319 1470 / 1165 2020 / 1695
1600RMS 48.5 + 1.2
16.0 84.5 95 90.3 100.6 10820 48.0 2.52 0.493 1850 / 850 2730 / 1475
3000 RMS 0.0100 0.0134 0.195 0.241 5.74 / 3.97 284.9 19.5 0.363
1800RMS 52.7 + 1.0 16.0 88.7 95 94.5 105.2 11840 54.0 2.63 0.308 1685 / 1265 2365 / 1905
2000RMS 54.5 + 1.0 16.0 90.5 95 96.3 107.0 12450 60.0 2.68
2500RMS 59.0 + 1.0 16.0 96.0 95 102.2 113.3 14110 75.0 2.84
3000RMS 67.0 + 1.0 16.0 104.0 95 110.2 121.9 16720 90.0 3.05
78 79
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Round Multiwire Conductor IC BE — Both Ends
(C - compacted), Class 2 De — Cable diameter
RM (Milliken type) — Round Multiwire Segmented 1 — Cables in flat formation, the distance
87/150÷161(170) kV SPB
— Single Point Bonded 2
between cables 2 x De
— Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
CB — Cross Bonded between cables De
XRUHKXS according to IEC 60840
2XS(FL)2Y according to IEC 60840
N2XS(FL)2Y according to DIN VDE 0276-632
Conductor screen /
Metallic screen
section In ground In air
of conductor
ooo1 SPB,CB / BE SPB,CB / BE
at the
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm kA/s kA/s µF/km mH/km A A
0,662 570 / 485 710 / 630
240 0,0754 0,0972 0,195 0,241 7,47 / 2,53 34,7 19,5 0,123
0,477 545 / 520 635 / 615
0,645 645 / 525 815 / 705
300 0,0601 0,0780 0,195 0,241 7,38 / 2,66 43,4 19,5 0,131
0,460 615 / 580 725 / 700
0,617 740 / 570 950 / 790
400 0,0470 0,0618 0,195 0,241 7,31 / 2,92 57,8 19,5 0,145
0,433 700 / 650 840 / 800
0,600 845 / 615 1100 / 875
500 0,0366 0,0491 0,195 0,241 7,19 / 3,09 72,2 19,5 0,158
0,415 795 / 725 970 / 910
0,583 965 / 660 1275 / 970
630 0,0283 0,0392 0,195 0,241 6,91 / 3,19 90,8 19,5 0,173
0,399 900 / 805 1120 / 1030
0,567 1090 / 695 1465 / 1055
800 0,0221 0,0321 0,195 0,241 6,66 / 3,28 115,3 19,5 0,189
0,382 1005 / 880 1275 / 1155
Parameters 1000 0,0176 0,0272 0,195 0,241 6,47 / 3,36 144,0 19,5 0,203
0,554 1205 / 725 1650 / 1130
0,369 1105 / 945 1415 / 1265
Insulation Metallic screen De Maximum 0,547 1330 / 755 1830 / 1200
Cross Minimal 1200 RMS 0,0151 0,0221 0,195 0,241 6,28 / 3,44 172,7 19,5 0,221
Diameter of Outer Cable cable 0,362 1235 / 1020 1605 / 1390
section of Diameter Cross bending
conductor Nominal Diameter diameter weight pulling 0,538 1430 / 775 2000 / 1255
conductor* over sectional radius
thickness over screen of cable force 1400 RMS 0,0129 0,0197 0,195 0,241 6,16 / 3,49 201,4 19,5 0,235
insulation area 0,353 1320 / 1065 1740 / 1485
mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm2 mm kg/km kN m 0,531 1515 / 790 2140 / 1300
1600 RMS 0,0113 0,0180 0,195 0,241 6,07 / 3,54 230,1 19,5 0,247
240RM 18.5 + 0.3
21.0 63.5 95 69.3 78.2 7120 12.0 1.96 0,346 1390 / 1100 1855 / 1560
300RM 20.3 + 0.4 20.5 64.1 95 69.9 78.8 7670 15.0 1.97 0,524 1590 / 805 2270 / 1340
1800 RMS 0,0101 0,0168 0,195 0,241 6 / 3,58 258,8 19,5 0,258
400RM 23.5 + 0.4 19.5 64.9 95 70.7 79.6 8450 20.0 1.99 0,340 1450 / 1135 1955 / 1625
500RM 26.3 + 0.5
19.0 66.7 95 72.5 81.6 9560 25.0 2.04 0,517 1655 / 815 2375 / 1365
2000 RMS 0,0090 0,0157 0,195 0,241 6,2 / 3,84 287,4 19,5 0,278
630RM 30.0 + 0.5
19.0 70.6 95 76.4 85.7 11100 31.5 2.15 0,332 1500 / 1160 2035 / 1675
800RM 34.4 + 0.7 19.0 75.0 95 80.8 90.5 13020 40.0 2.27 0,509 1790 / 835 2595 / 1430
2500 RMS 0,0072 0,0139 0,195 0,241 6,06 / 3,91 359,1 19,5 0,304
1000RM 38.3 + 0.7
19.0 78.9 95 84.7 94.6 15210 50.0 2.37 0,324 1605 / 1205 2210 / 1780
1200RMS 42.0 + 0.8
19.0 84.0 95 89.8 100.1 17570 60.0 2.51 0,498 1930 / 855 2860 / 1495
3000 RMS 0,0060 0,0128 0,195 0,241 5,94 / 3,99 430,8 19,5 0,334
1400RMS 45.8 + 0.8 19.0 87.8 95 93.6 104.1 19780 70.0 2.61 0,313 1710 / 1255 2410 / 1895
1600RMS 49.0 + 1.2 19.0 91.0 95 96.8 107.5 21780 80.0 2.69
1800RMS 52.1 + 1.0 19.0 94.1 95 99.9 110.8 24210 90.0 2.77
2000RMS 54.4 + 1.0 18.0 94.4 95 100.2 111.3 25560 100.0 2.79
2500RMS 60.5 + 1.0 18.0 101.5 95 107.7 119.2 30780 100.0 2.98
3000RMS 68.4 + 1.0 18.0 109.4 95 115.6 127.5 37230 100.0 3.19
80 81
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Round Multiwire Conductor IC BE — Both Ends
(C - compacted), Class 2 De — Cable diameter
RM (Milliken type) — Round Multiwire Segmented 1 — Cables in flat formation, the distance
87/150÷161(170) kV SPB
— Single Point Bonded 2
between cables 2 x De
— Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
CB — Cross Bonded between cables De
XRUHAKXS according to IEC 60840
A2XS(FL)2Y according to IEC 60840
NA2XS(FL)2Y according to DIN VDE 0276-632
Conductor screen /
Metallic screen
section In ground In air
of conductor
ooo1 SPB,CB / BE SPB,CB / BE
at the
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm kA/s kA/s µF/km mH/km A A
0,667 440 / 400 545 / 510
240 0,1250 0,1609 0,195 0,241 7,56 / 2,51 23,1 19,5 0,121
0,482 420 / 410 490 / 480
0,647 500 / 450 630 / 580
300 0,1000 0,1290 0,195 0,241 7,42 / 2,65 28,8 19,5 0,130
0,462 475 / 465 560 / 550
0,621 575 / 490 735 / 655
400 0,0778 0,1008 0,195 0,241 7,37 / 2,9 38,3 19,5 0,143
0,436 545 / 520 655 / 635
0,603 660 / 535 855 / 735
500 0,0605 0,0789 0,195 0,241 7,24 / 3,08 47,8 19,5 0,156
0,418 625 / 590 760 / 730
0,586 760 / 585 1000 / 825
630 0,0469 0,0619 0,195 0,241 6,97 / 3,17 60,2 19,5 0,169
0,401 715 / 665 885 / 840
0,572 865 / 630 1155 / 920
800 0,0367 0,0494 0,195 0,241 6,73 / 3,26 76,4 19,5 0,184
0,387 810 / 740 1015 / 955
Parameters 1000 0,0291 0,0403 0,195 0,241 6,49 / 3,35 95,3 19,5 0,202
0,555 980 / 670 1335 / 1010
0,370 905 / 815 1165 / 1075
Insulation Metallic screen De Maximum 0,543 1065 / 695 1475 / 1080
Cross Minimal 1200 0,0247 0,0352 0,195 0,241 6,31 / 3,43 114,3 19,5 0,218
Diameter of Outer Cable cable 0,358 980 / 865 1275 / 1165
section of Diameter Cross bending
conductor Nominal Diameter diameter weight pulling 0,544 1110 / 710 1530 / 1105
conductor* over sectional radius
thickness over screen of cable force 1200 RMS 0,0247 0,0319 0,195 0,241 6,25 / 3,45 114,3 19,5 0,225
insulation area 0,360 1040 / 905 1355 / 1225
mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm2 mm kg/km kN m 0,539 1205 / 735 1675 / 1160
1400 RMS 0,0212 0,0274 0,195 0,241 6,18 / 3,49 133,3 19,5 0,233
240RM 17.9 + 0.2
21.0 62.9 95 68.7 77.6 5600 7.2 1.94 0,355 1125 / 960 1475 / 1320
300RM 20.0 + 0.3 20.5 63.8 95 69.6 78.5 5800 9.0 1.97 0,532 1295 / 815 1820 / 1285
1600 RMS 0,0186 0,0241 0,195 0,241 6,09 / 3,53 152,3 19,5 0,245
400RM 22.9 + 0.3 19.5 64.3 95 70.1 79.0 6000 12.0 1.98 0,347 1205 / 1065 1600 / 1465
500RM 25.7 + 0.4
19.0 66.1 95 71.9 81.0 6420 15.0 2.03 0,524 1390 / 775 1980 / 1270
1800 RMS 0,0165 0,0215 0,195 0,241 5,98 / 3,58 171,2 19,5 0,260
630RM 29.3 + 0.5
19.0 69.7 95 75.5 84.8 7090 18.9 2.13 0,339 1285 / 1065 1735 / 1505
800RM 33.0 + 0.4 19.0 73.6 95 79.4 88.9 7880 24.0 2.23 0,516 1465 / 790 2100 / 1305
2000 RMS 0,0149 0,0195 0,195 0,241 6,2 / 3,84 190,2 19,5 0,278
1000RM 38.0 + 0.5 19.0 78.6 95 84.4 94.3 8890 30.0 2.36 0,332 1355 / 1100 1840 / 1575
1200RM 42.5 + 0.6 19.0 83.1 95 88.9 99.2 9900 36.0 2.48 0,512 1600 / 815 2310 / 1370
1200RMS 43.0 + 0.8 19.0 85.0 95 90.8 101.1 10260 36.0 2.53 2500 RMS 0,0127 0,0167 0,195 0,241 6,09 / 3,9 237,5 19,5 0,299
0,327 1470 / 1165 2020 / 1695
1400RMS 45.1 + 0.8 19.0 87.2 95 92.9 103.4 10890 42.0 2.59 0,500 1850 / 850 2730 / 1475
1600RMS 48.5 + 1.2 19.0 90.5 95 96.3 107.0 11760 48.0 2.68 3000 RMS 0,0100 0,0134 0,195 0,241 5,96 / 3,97 284,9 19,5 0,329
0,315 1685 / 1265 2365 / 1905
1800RMS 52.7 + 1.0 19.0 94.7 95 100.5 111.6 12830 54.0 2.79
2000RMS 54.5 + 1.0 18.0 94.5 95 100.3 111.4 13140 60.0 2.79
2500RMS 59.0 + 1.0 18.0 100.0 95 106.2 117.7 14840 75.0 2.95
3000RMS 67.0 + 1.0
18.0 108.0 95 114. 2 126.1 17510 90.0 3.16
82 83
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Round Multiwire Conductor IC BE — Both Ends
(C - compacted), Class 2 De — Cable diameter
RM (Milliken type) — Round Multiwire Segmented 1 — Cables in flat formation, the distance
127/220÷230(245) kV SPB
— Single Point Bonded 2
between cables 2 x De
— Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
CB — Cross Bonded between cables De
XRUHKXS according to IEC 62067
2XS(FL)2Y according to IEC 62067
Conductor screen /
Metallic screen
section In ground In air
of conductor
ooo1 SPB,CB / BE SPB,CB / BE
at the
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm kA/s kA/s µF/km mH/km A A
0.644 730 / 655 910 / 775
400 0.0470 0.0616 0.124 0.153 9.25 / 3.31 57.8 29.5 0.130
0.459 690 / 630 825 / 780
0.623 835 / 605 1055 / 860
500 0.0366 0.0489 0.124 0.153 9.18 / 3.57 72.2 29.5 0.141
0.438 785 / 700 950 / 885
0.601 950 / 645 1230 / 955
630 0.0283 0.0391 0.124 0.153 9.07 / 3.9 90.8 29.5 0.158
0.416 890 / 775 1100 / 1005
0.582 1075 / 685 1415 / 1045
800 0.0221 0.0320 0.124 0.153 8.76 / 4 115.3 29.5 0.170
0.397 995 / 845 1255 / 1120
0.565 1190 / 710 1585 / 1115
1000 0.0176 0.0271 0.124 0.153 8.79 / 4.34 144.0 29.5 0.189
0.380 1090 / 900 1395 / 1225
0.557 1310 / 735 1770 / 1180
1200 RMS 0.0151 0.0221 0.124 0.153 8.51 / 4.45 172.7 29.5 0.206
0.372 1215 / 960 1570 / 1330
Parameters 1400 RMS 0.0129 0.0197 0.124 0.153 8.34 / 4.52 201.4 29.5 0.218
0.547 1410 / 755 1930 / 1240
0.362 1300 / 1000 1705 / 1420
Insulation Metallic screen De Maximum 0.540 1490 / 775 2070 / 1285
Cross Minimal 1600 RMS 0.0113 0.0180 0.124 0.153 8.21 / 4.58 230.1 29.5 0.228
Diameter of Outer Cable cable 0.355 1365 / 1035 1815 / 1490
section of Diameter Cross bending
conductor Nominal Diameter diameter weight pulling 0.533 1565 / 785 2190 / 1325
conductor* over sectional radius
thickness over screen of cable force 1800 RMS 0.0101 0.0167 0.124 0.153 8.1 / 4.63 258.8 29.5 0.239
insulation area 0.349 1425 / 1060 1915 / 1550
mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm2 mm kg/km kN m 0.529 1630 / 795 2290 / 1350
2000 RMS 0.0090 0.0156 0.124 0.153 8.03 / 4.67 287.4 29.5 0.246
400RM 23.5 + 0.4
24.0 74.7 150 81.3 90.9 10310 20.0 2.28 0.344 1475 / 1080 1995 / 1595
500RM 26.3 + 0.5 23.0 75.3 150 81.9 91.5 11250 25.0 2.29 0.523 1760 / 815 2495 / 1415
2500 RMS 0.0072 0.0138 0.124 0.153 7.68 / 4.64 359.1 29.5 0.264
630RM 30.0 + 0.5 22.0 77.2 150 83.8 93.6 12590 31.5 2.34 0.338 1580 / 1125 2165 / 1690
800RM 34.4 + 0.7
22.0 81.0 150 87.6 97.6 14430 40.0 2.44 0.510 1895 / 840 2750 / 1485
3000 RMS 0.0060 0.0127 0.124 0.153 7.5 / 4.73 430.8 29.5 0.289
1000RM 38.3 + 0.7
21.0 82.9 150 89.5 99.7 16370 50.0 2.50 0.325 1685 / 1165 2355 / 1800
1200RMS 42.0 + 0.8 21.0 88.0 150 94.6 105.2 18780 60.0 2.63
1400RMS 45.8 + 0.8 21.0 91.8 150 98.4 109.2 21020 70.0 2.73
1600RMS 49.0 + 1.2 21.0 95.0 150 101.6 112.6 23050 80.0 2.82
1800RMS 52.1 + 1.0 21.0 98.1 150 104.7 115.9 25500 90.0 2.90
2000RMS 54.4 + 1.0 21.0 100.4 150 107.0 118.4 27190 100.0 2.96
2500RMS 60.5 + 1.0
21.5 108.5 150 115.7 127.5 32720 100.0 3.19
3000RMS 68.4 + 1.0 21.5 116.4 150 123.6 135.4 39190 100.0 3.39
84 85
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Round Multiwire Conductor IC BE — Both Ends
(C - compacted), Class 2 De — Cable diameter
RM (Milliken type) — Round Multiwire Segmented 1 — Cables in flat formation, the distance
127/220÷230(245) kV SPB
— Single Point Bonded 2
between cables 2 x De
— Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
CB — Cross Bonded between cables De
XRUHAKXS according to IEC 62067
A2XS(FL)2Y according to IEC 62067
Conductor screen /
Metallic screen
section In ground In air
of conductor
ooo1 SPB,CB / BE SPB,CB / BE
at the
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm kA/s kA/s µF/km mH/km A A
0.648 570 / 480 705 / 635
400 0.0778 0.1007 0.124 0.153 9.33 / 3.28 38.3 29.5 0.128
0.463 540 / 510 640 / 620
0.626 650 / 525 825 / 720
500 0.0605 0.0788 0.124 0.153 9.25 / 3.55 47.8 29.5 0.139
0.441 615 / 570 745 / 710
0.604 750 / 575 965 / 810
630 0.0469 0.0618 0.124 0.153 9.15 / 3.87 60.2 29.5 0.155
0.419 705 / 645 865 / 815
0.587 855 / 615 1115 / 900
800 0.0367 0.0493 0.124 0.153 8.87 / 3.97 76.4 29.5 0.166
0.403 800 / 710 995 / 925
0.566 965 / 655 1285 / 995
1000 0.0291 0.0402 0.124 0.153 8.81 / 4.33 95.3 29.5 0.188
0.381 895 / 780 1140 / 1040
0.553 1050 / 685 1420 / 1060
1200 0.0247 0.0351 0.124 0.153 8.56 / 4.43 114.3 29.5 0.203
0.368 965 / 830 1255 / 1130
Parameters 1200 RMS 0.0247 0.0319 0.124 0.153 8.46 / 4.47 114.3 29.5 0.209
0.554 1090 / 695 1480 / 1085
0.369 1020 / 860 1325 / 1180
Insulation Metallic screen De Maximum 0.549 1185 / 715 1615 / 1140
Cross Minimal 1400 RMS 0.0212 0.0274 0.124 0.153 8.37 / 4.51 133.3 29.5 0.216
Diameter of Outer Cable cable 0.364 1105 / 910 1445 / 1365
section of Diameter Cross bending
conductor Nominal Diameter diameter weight pulling 0.541 1275 / 740 1760 / 1195
conductor* over sectional radius
thickness over screen of cable force 1600 RMS 0.0186 0.0241 0.124 0.153 8.23 / 4.57 152.3 29.5 0.227
insulation area 0.356 1185 / 955 1565 / 1350
mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm2 mm kg/km kN m 0.532 1365 / 760 1910 / 1255
1800 RMS 0.0165 0.0215 0.124 0.153 8.08 / 4.64 171.2 29.5 0.241
300RM 20.5 + 0.30
24 70.9 95 77.1 86.3 8550 15.0 1.73 0.347 1265 / 1000 1695 / 1435
400RM 23.5 + 0.30 24 73.9 95 80.1 89.8 9690 20.0 1.79 0.529 1440 / 770 2025 / 1290
2000 RMS 0.0149 0.0195 0.124 0.153 8.02 / 4.67 190.2 29.5 0.246
500RM 26.5 + 0.40 23 74.9 95 81.1 90.8 10680 25.0 1.82 0.344 1330 / 1035 1795 / 1500
630RM 30.3 + 0.40
22 77.0 95 83.2 93.0 12050 31.5 1.86 0.525 1570 / 795 2220 / 1355
2500 RMS 0.0127 0.0167 0.124 0.153 7.72 / 4.62 237.5 29.5 0.259
800RM 34.6 + 0.50
22 81.3 95 87.5 97.5 13980 40.0 1.96 0.340 1440 / 1085 1969 / 1605
1000RM 38.2 + 0.40 22 84.9 95 91.1 101.3 16110 50.0 2.04 0.512 1815 / 830 2620 / 1460
3000 RMS 0.0100 0.0134 0.124 0.153 7.53 / 4.72 284.9 29.5 0.285
1200RMS 43.6 + 0.80
22 91.6 95 97.8 108.7 18760 60.0 2.18 0.327 1650 / 1175 2300 / 1795
1400RMS 46.6 + 1.00
22 94.6 95 100.8 111.9 20840 70.0 2.25
1600RMS 50.0 + 1.00 22 98.0 95 104.2 115.5 22980 80.0 2.32
1800RMS 53.3 + 1.00 22 101.3 95 107.5 119.0 25100 90.0 2.40
2000RMS 56.3 + 1.20
22 104.3 95 110.5 122.2 27270 100.0 2.46
1600RMS 50.0 + 1.00 19 92.0 95 97.8 108.7 11940 48.0 2.18
1800RMS 53.3 + 1.00 19 95.3 95 101.1 112.2 12810 54.0 2.26
2000RMS 55.4 + 1.00 19 97.4 95 103.2 114.5 13550 60.0 2.30
86 87
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Round Multiwire Conductor IC BE — Both Ends
(C - compacted), Class 2 De — Cable diameter
RM (Milliken type) — Round Multiwire Segmented 1 — Cables in flat formation, the distance
220/380÷400(420) kV SPB
— Single Point Bonded 2
between cables 2 x De
— Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
CB — Cross Bonded between cables De
XRUHKXS according to IEC 62067
2XS(FL)2Y according to IEC 62067
Conductor screen /
Metallic screen
section In ground In air
of conductor
ooo1 SPB,CB / BE SPB,CB / BE
at the
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm kA/s kA/s µF/km mH/km A A
0,645 915 / 650 1135 / 940
630 0,0283 0,0388 0,124 0,153 12,2 / 4,25 90,8 29,5 0,126
0,460 855 / 750 1045 / 975
0,622 1030 / 685 1305 / 1035
800 0,0221 0,0316 0,124 0,153 11,9 / 4,57 115,3 29,5 0,139
0,437 955 / 820 1190 / 1090
0,604 1140 / 715 1465 / 1115
1000 0,0176 0,0266 0,124 0,153 11,76 / 4,88 144,0 29,5 0,151
0,419 1050 / 880 1330 / 1195
0,585 1255 / 740 1635 / 1185
1200 RMS 0,0151 0,0220 0,124 0,153 12,01 / 5,42 172,7 29,5 0,167
0,400 1160 / 925 1485 / 1300
0,570 1345 / 760 1785 / 1245
1400 RMS 0,0129 0,0196 0,124 0,153 12,03 / 5,77 201,4 29,5 0,182
0,386 1235 / 965 1610 / 1380
0,562 1425 / 770 1915 / 1290
1600 RMS 0,0113 0,0179 0,124 0,153 11,82 / 5,85 230,1 29,5 0,190
0,378 1300 / 995 1720 / 1450
Parameters 1800 RMS 0,0101 0,0166 0,124 0,153 11,63 / 5,93 258,8 29,5 0,198
0,555 1490 / 780 2035 / 1330
0,370 1350 / 1015 1815 / 1510
Insulation Metallic screen De Maximum 0,550 1550 / 790 2125 / 1355
Cross Minimal 2000 RMS 0,0090 0,0155 0,124 0,153 11,51 / 5,98 287,4 29,5 0,204
Diameter of Outer Cable cable 0,365 1400 / 1035 1890 / 1555
section of Diameter Cross bending
conductor Nominal Diameter diameter weight pulling 0,539 1675 / 805 2340 / 1415
conductor* over sectional radius
thickness over screen of cable force 2500 RMS 0,0072 0,0137 0,124 0,153 11,17 / 6,12 359,1 29,5 0,222
insulation area 0,354 1495 / 1070 2065 / 1650
mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm2 mm kg/km kN m 0,526 1800 / 825 2575 / 1490
3000 RMS 0,0060 0,0126 0,124 0,153 10,87 / 6,26 430,8 29,5 0,242
630RM 30.0 + 0.5
32.0 98.2 150 105.4 116.6 16070 31.5 2.92 0,341 1590 / 1105 2245 / 1760
800RM 34.4 + 0.7 31.0 100.6 150 107.8 119.2 17830 40.0 2.98
1000RM 38.3 + 0.7 30.0 102.5 150 109.7 121.3 19850 50.0 3.04
1200RMS 42.0 + 0.8 28.0 102.0 150 109.2 120.8 21330 60.0 3.02
1400RMS 45.8 + 0.8 27.0 103.8 150 111.0 122.6 23260 70.0 3.07
1600RMS 49.0 + 1.2
27.0 107.0 150 114.2 126.0 25360 80.0 3.15
1800RMS 52.1 + 1.0 27.0 110.1 150 117.3 129.1 27840 90.0 3.23
2000RMS 54.4 + 1.0 27.0 112.4 150 119.6 131.4 29540 100.0 3.29
2500RMS 60.5 + 1.0 27.0 119.5 150 126.7 138.5 34810 100.0 3.47
3000RMS 68.4 + 1.0
27.0 127.4 150 134.6 146.4 41400 100.0 3.66
88 89
Electrical Data
RM (RMC) — Round Multiwire Conductor IC BE — Both Ends
(C - compacted), Class 2 De — Cable diameter
RM (Milliken type) — Round Multiwire Segmented 1 — Cables in flat formation, the distance
220/380÷400(420) kV SPB
— Single Point Bonded 2
between cables 2 x De
— Cables in trefoil formation, the distance
CB — Cross Bonded between cables De
XRUHAKXS according to IEC 62067
A2XS(FL)2Y according to IEC 62067
Conductor screen /
Metallic screen
section In ground In air
of conductor
ooo1 SPB,CB / BE SPB,CB / BE
at the
mm2 Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km Ω/km kV/mm kA/s kA/s µF/km mH/km A A
0,648 720 / 570 890 / 785
630 0,0469 0,0617 0,124 0,153 12,32 / 4,22 60,2 29,5 0,124
0,463 675 / 620 820 / 785
0,628 820 / 615 1030 / 880
800 0,0367 0,0491 0,124 0,153 12,06 / 4,52 76,4 29,5 0,136
0,443 765 / 690 945 / 890
0,605 925 / 655 1185 / 975
1000 0,0291 0,0399 0,124 0,153 11,79 / 4,87 95,3 29,5 0,151
0,420 855 / 755 1080 / 1005
0,584 1005 / 680 1310 / 1045
1200 0,0247 0,0348 0,124 0,153 11,96 / 5,44 114,3 29,5 0,169
0,399 925 / 800 1190 / 1090
0,582 1045 / 695 1365 / 1070
1200 RMS 0,0247 0,0319 0,124 0,153 11,93 / 5,44 114,3 29,5 0,170
0,397 970 / 830 1245 / 1135
0,572 1135 / 715 1495 / 1130
1400 RMS 0,0212 0,0274 0,124 0,153 12,08 / 5,75 133,3 29,5 0,180
0,387 1050 / 875 1360 / 1220
Parameters 1600 RMS 0,0186 0,0241 0,124 0,153 11,85 / 5,84 152,3 29,5 0,189
0,564 1215 / 735 1630 / 1190
0,379 1120 / 920 1475 / 1305
Insulation Metallic screen De Maximum 0,554 1300 / 750 1770 / 1245
Cross Minimal 1800 RMS 0,0165 0,0215 0,124 0,153 11,6 / 5,94 171,2 29,5 0,199
Diameter of Outer Cable cable 0,369 1195 / 955 1600 / 1390
section of Diameter Cross bending
conductor Nominal Diameter diameter weight pulling 0,550 1370 / 765 1875 / 1285
conductor* over sectional radius
thickness over screen of cable force 2000 RMS 0,0149 0,0194 0,124 0,153 11,5 / 5,98 190,2 29,5 0,204
insulation area 0,365 1255 / 990 1690 / 1450
mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm2 mm kg/km kN m 0,542 1490 / 780 2075 / 1350
2500 RMS 0,0127 0,0167 0,124 0,153 11,24 / 6,09 237,5 29,5 0,218
630RM 29.3 + 0.5
32.0 97.3 150 104.5 115.7 12020 18.9 2.90 0,357 1355 / 1035 1860 / 1560
0,528 1720 / 815 2450 / 1460
800RM 33.0 + 0.4
31.0 99.2 150 106.4 117.8 12650 24.0 2.95 3000 RMS 0,0100 0,0133 0,124 0,153 10,92 / 6,24 284,9 29,5 0,238
0,343 1550 / 1115 2175 / 1750
1000RM 38.0 + 0.5 30.0 102.2 150 109.4 121.0 13510 30.0 3.03
1200RM 42.5 + 0.6 28.0 102.7 150 109.9 121.5 13930 36.0 3.04
1200RMS 43.0 + 0.8
28.0 103.0 150 110.2 121.8 14040 36.0 3.05
1400RMS 45.1 + 0.8 27.0 103.1 150 110.3 121.9 14360 42.0 3.05
1600RMS 48.5 + 1.2 27.0 106.5 150 113.7 125.5 15330 48.0 3.14
1800RMS 52.7 + 1.0
27.0 110.7 150 117.9 129.7 16440 54.0 3.25
2000RMS 54.5 + 1.0 27.0 112.5 150 119.7 131.5 17120 60.0 3.29
2500RMS 59.0 + 1.0 27.0 118.0 150 125.2 137.0 18830 75.0 3.43
3000RMS 67.0 + 1.0 27.0 126.0 150 133.2 145.0 21610 90.0 3.63
90 91
Rubber Cables
for Wind Farms 3
Table of Contents
H07ZZ-F WIND 450/750 V 94
NSHXAFÖ 0.6/1 to 3.6/6 kV 99
for Wind Farms
Description: Flexible cables, cross-linked halogen-free compound insulated and sheathed, Number and Maximum Nominal Approximate Approximate
with low smoke and corrosive gases emission Nominal thickness conductor
cross-sectional diameter thickness overall net
of sheath resistance at
area of conductor of wires of insulation diameter weight
temperature 20°C
Separator A suitable tape separator between the conductor and insulation 1x16 0.41 1.2 1.9 11.4 247 1.24
1x25 0.41 1.4 2.0 13.2 353 0.795
Insulation Cross-linked halogen free thermosetting compound type EI8 in acc. to EN 50363-5
1x35 0.41 1.4 2.2 14.4 462 0.565
Circuit identification Colour coding of power conductors comply to HD 308, DIN VDE 0293-308
1x50 0.41 1.6 2.4 17.1 648 0.393
Colour of insulation White 1x70 0.51 1.6 2.6 19.3 870 0.277
Outer jacket Cross-linked halogen free thermosetting compound type EM8 in acc. to EN 50363-6 1x95 0.51 1.8 2.8 22.2 1135 0.210
1x120 0.51 1.8 3.0 23.7 1426 0.164
Colour of outer Black or colours can be provided
jacket 1x150 0.51 2.0 3.2 26.3 1726 0.132
Flame propagation IEC 60332-1-2:2004 ,EN 60332-1-2:2004 1x185 0.51 2.2 3.4 29.4 2098 0.108
1x240 0.51 2.4 3.5 31.5 2652 0.0817
Torsion resistance 92 °/m
1x300 0.51 2.6 3.6 35.7 3290 0.0654
1x400 0.51 2.8 3.8 38.4 4199 0.0495
1x500 0.61 3.0 4.0 43.8 5353 0.0391
1x630 0.61 3.0 4.1 48.4 6829 0.0391
Low smoke, halogen free, flame retardant jacket
Current ratings for cables for ambient temperature 30°C
UV, sunlight, ozone and oil resistant
Ink jet printed for easy identification Multicore cable
Multicore cable for the application for household
Installations In open air * (for application other than
For use in wind turbines. Also, for indoor and temporary outdoors usage, particularly in the case of fire/burning when equipment
Application low emission of smoke and corrosive gases is required
household equipment)1 2
Number of loaded cores 1 2 3 2 or 3
Maximum conductor operating temperature: +90°C
Maximum conductor temperature during short circuit: +250°C mm 2
Temperature range Maximum cable surface: +80°C
1 19 10 10 15
Minimal installation and handling: -5°C
1.5 24 16 16 18
Standard length 1000m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request
cable packing 2.5 32 25 20 26
4 42 32 25 34
6 54 40 - 44
10 73 63 - 61
Parameters 16 98 - - 82
Maximum 25 129 - - 108
Number and Maximum Nominal Approximate Approximate
Nominal thickness conductor 35 158 - - 135
cross-sectional diameter thickness overall net
of sheath resistance at
area of conductor of wires of insulation diameter weight 50 198 - - 168
temperature 20°C
70 245 - - 207
n x mm2 mm mm mm mm kg/km Ω/km 95 292 - - 250
1x1.5 0.26 0.8 1.4 5.9 49 13.7 120 344 - - 292
1x2.5 0.26 0.9 1.4 6.6 65 8.21 150 391 - - 335
1x4 0.31 1.0 1.5 7.5 88 5.09 185 448 - - 382
94 95
for Wind Farms
RHH/RHW-2 2000 V
RW90/RW90-TC 1000 V
Standards: UL 44, UL 1685, IEEE-1202, CSA c22.2 No. 38 CSA C22.2 No. 230
Multicore cable
Installations In open air *
Multicore cable for the application for household
(for application other than
ASTM B-3, Based on GE Specification 104W7006
household equipment)1 2
Number of loaded cores 1 2 3 2 or 3
mm2 A
Description: Portable Power Cables 90 oC UL C(UL)
240 528 - - 453 Industrial Grade
300 608 - - 523
400 726 - - -
500 830 - - -
* Current rating acc. to HD 516 S2 and DIN VDE 0298-4. Ambient temperature: 300C. Permissible operating temperature at conductor: 70°C
Nominal voltage RHH/RHW-2 600 and 2000V, RW90 CSA 1kV
Separator White polyester tape applied longitudinally between conductor and insulation
Conversion factors for ambient temperature over 30°C
Insulation Ethylene-propylene rubber (HEPR), UL, CSA, ICEA, 90 oC.; min. 1000psi
Ambient temperature, °C 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Color of insulation Black
Conversion factors 1,00 0,94 0,87 0,79 0,71 0,61 0,50 0,35
Heavy duty CPE thermosetting compound with improved mechanical properties,
Jacket ICEA S-95-658 NEMA WC-70; min. 1400psi
UL listed RHH/RHW-2 600V and 2000V for black jacket
RW90 1kV
90°C (dry), 90°C (wet)
Ozone, sunlight, oil, grease, weather, chemical and abrasion resistant
Rated RW90-TC (Tray Cable) for sizes 1/0 and larger
MSHA, VW-1, SUN RES, FOR CT USE for sizes 1/0AWG and larger and for black jacket
Limited Smoke (LS) ST1 in accordance with (UL) 1685
CSA listed RW90, RW90-TC (for black jacket ) 1kV
For wind turbine as power, control Tray cables. Designed for uses requiring a flexible power cables. For portable
Application or fixed installations. Leads for motors generators, batteries, jumper cables. Deep well Submersible Pump Cable.
Other industrial applications
Standard length 1000ft on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request
cable packing
96 97
for Wind Farms
UL : E193954(CPE jacket) RHW-2 90 oC wet and dry, VW-1 Sun Res, for 1/0 and larger ST1, FT4 IEEE 120, for CT use
C(UL) E193954 Type RW90 EP, 1kV FT1
CSA 1101269, LL 103932:205591, RW90 0C FT1, FT4, -40 0C, for 1/0AWG and larger, Oil Res, Tray Cable, Sun Res Construction
Conductors Annealed flexible stranded tin coated or bare copper class 5 to IEC 60228, HD 383
Nominal Ampac.
Separator If needed suitable tape separator between the conductor and insulation.
Power Power Conductor Conductor Nominal jacket Overall diameter
insulation Weight at 30°C Insulation Ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) type 3GI3 to DIN VDE 0207 p. 20
Conductor Size Stranding Diameter thickness min/nom/max
thickness in air
Outer jacket Halogen free thermosetting compound type HM3 to DIN VDE 0207 p. 24
LBS/ kg/
AWG or MCM N x mm N x inches Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inches mm A
1000ft km Colour of outer Black or colours can be provided
0.182/ 4.63/
14 19x0.373 19x0.0147 0.07 1.83 0.045 1.14 0.015 0.38 0.194/ 4.93/ 28 41 35
0.206 5.23
0.257/ 6.53/
10 19x0.594 19x0.0234 0.11 2.9 0.045 1.14 0.030 0.76 0.269/ 6.83/ 60 90 55
0.281 7.13
0.351/ 8.91/
6 65x0.511 65x0.0201 0.19 4.72 0.060 1.52 0.030 0.76 0.37/ 9.39/ 126 188 105
0.389 9.87
0.420/ 10.67/
4 105x0.511 105x0.0201 0.240 6.1 0.060 1.52 0.030 0.76 0.435/ 11.05/ 192 286 140 Excellent flexibility
0.465 11.81
Water resistant and flame retardant
0.653/ 16.58/
1 224x0.511 224x0.0201 0.366 9.3 0.080 2.03 0.045 1.14 0.668/ 16.97/ 421 628 220 Temperature range -25°C to +90°C. For fixed installation lowest temperature is -40°C
0.684 17.38
UV, sunlight, ozone and oil resistant
0.656/ 16.65/
1/0 273x0.511 273x0.0201 0.417 10.6 0.080 2.03 0.045 1.14 0.671/ 17.05/ 466 693 260 Ink jet printed for easy identification
0.725 18.41
Application Heavy-duty flexible single core power cables for mobile and fixed applications
0.827/ 21.0/
4/0 532x0.511 224x0.0201 0.590 14.9 0.080 2.03 0.065 1.65 0.870/ 22.10/ 872 1299 405 Standard length 1000 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request
0.914 23.21
cable packing
0.950/ 24.14/
262 646x0.511 646x0.0201 0.638 16.2 0.090 2.28 0.065 1.65 0.966/ 24.53/ 1056 1574 471
0.982 24.95
98 99
for Wind Farms
Number and cross- Nominal Current-carrying Number and cross- Nominal Current-carrying
Nominal thickness Approximate Approximate net Nominal thickness Approximate Approximate net
sectional area of thickness capacity sectional area of thickness capacity
of sheath overal diameter weigh of cables of sheath overal diameter weigh of cables
conductor of insulation at 30°C in air conductor of insulation at 30°C in air
100 101
Cables for Wind Farms
Table of Contents
Z-XOTKtsdDb (glass yarn reinforcement) 104
A-DQ(ZN)B2Y (glass yarn reinforced) 106
Z-(XV)OTKtsdD (PE/nylon jacket, aramid reinforcement) 108
ZKS-XXOTKtsFf (double PE jacket, corrugated steel tape armour) 110
ZW-(NV)OTKtsdD (HFFR/nylon jacket, aramid reinforcement) 112
Description of pictograms used in catalogue 117
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Opto-Telecommunication Cables
Description: Z-XOTKtsdDb
Fibre optic cable
– outdoor (Z), with a polyethylene sheath (X), optical fibre cable Fibre count Number of Cable Cable Max. pulling force Min. bending radius
(OTK), loose tube with dry core sealing (ts), fully dielectric (d), reinforced with glass Tube diameter
in cable elements diameter weight Dynamic Static Dynamic Static
yarns (Db)
n n mm mm kg/km N mm
Filler polyethylene
Cable core 6, 8 or 12 tubes or tubes and fillers stranded around central strength member
Sealing dry
Ripcord 2
Performance Fully dielectric (except for cables with al moisture barrier)
parameters Resistant to electromagnetic interferences
Protected from moisture and longitudinal water penetration
Through the use of central dielectric strength member and glass yarns reinforcement
On the core with hot melt adhesive, cables are resistant to longitudinal and transverse stresses
The outer sheath is resistant to abrasion, uv and stress corrosion cracking
The marking and the metric overprint are printed on the outer sheath
The marking can also be tailored to meet customer’s requirements
The layer of glass yarns is the basic protection against rodents attack
Application In telecommunication local, metropolitan and wide area networks in any spatial configuration
For laying in primary and secondary cable ducts.
Can be laid near high voltage cable lines
Temperature ranges Transport and storage: -40 °C – +70 °C
Installation: -15 °C – +60 °C
Operation: -40 °C – +70 °C
104 105
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Opto-Telecommunication Cables
Description: A-DQ(ZN)B2Y
Fibre optic cable– outdoor (A), central tube filled with thixotropic gel (D), dry cable Fibre count Cable Cable Max. pulling force Min. bending radius
sealing (Q), dielectric reinforcement (ZN), layer made of glass yarns (B) with a in cable diameter weight
polyethylene sheath (2Y) Dynamic Static Dynamic Static
n mm kg/km N mm
+50°C 2 - 24 7.3 50 1000 500 120 160
singlemode E9/125 (G.652D) or singlemode with non zero dispersion shifted (G.655) 2 - 24 8.5 70 2500 1250 130 170
Optical fibres gradient multimode 50/125 (G50) or 62.5/125 (G62.5)
2 - 24 8.9 75 3000 1500 130 180
Tube central loose tube filled with a thixotropic jelly
Packing length: to be agreed, standard – 2 km
Cable sealing dry Packing: wooden drums
Performance Fully dielectric
parameters Resistant to electromagnetic interferences
Easy to install
The outer sheath is resistant to abrasion, uv and stress corrosion cracking
The marking and the metric overprint are printed on the outer sheath.
The marking can also be tailored to meet customer’s requirements
The layer of glass yarns is the basic protection against rodents attack
Application For quick connection between optoelectronic devices inside and outside buildings
Suitable for use in cable ducts
For laying in primary and secondary cable ducts
Temperature ranges Transport and storage: -25 °C – +70 °C
Installation: -5 °C – +50 °C
Operation: -25 °C – +70 °C
106 107
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Opto-Telecommunication Cables
Description: Z-(XV)OTKtsdD – outdoor (Z), with a two-layer sheath: polyethylene (outer) Fibre count in Number of Cable Cable Max. pulling force Min. bending radius
-polyamide (inner) (XV), optical fibre cable (OTK), loose tube with dry core sealing Tube diameter
cable elements diameter weight Dynamic Static Dynamic Static
(ts), fully dielectric (d), reinforced with aramide yarns (D)
OPTIONS: n n mm mm kg/km N mm
-15°C Z-(VX)OTKtsdD – with a two-layer sheath: polyamide (outer)-polyethylene (inner) (VX) 4 – 72 6 1.8 10.2 85 2700 1350 150 200
-40°C Construction 52 – 216 18 1.8 14.1 150 4000 2000 210 280
Sealing dry
Ripcord 2
black two layers polyethylene (outer)-polyamide (inner) sheath or orange two layers
Sheath polyamide (outer)-polyethylene (inner) sheath)
Performance Fully dielectric
parameters Resistant to electromagnetic interferences
Protected from moisture and longitudinal water penetration
Use of polyamide sheath protects cables from rodents
Polyethylene sheath is resistant to abrasion, uv and stress corrosion cracking
The marking and the metric overprint are printed on the outer sheath
The marking can also be tailored to meet customer’s requirements
Application In telecommunication local, metropolitan and wide area networks in any spatial configuration
For laying in primary and secondary cable ducts
For installation on telegraph poles, low and medium voltage power lines or railway traction
Can be laid near high voltage cable lines
Temperature ranges Transport and storage: -40 °C – +70 °C
Installation: -15 °C – +60 °C
Operation: -40 °C – +70 °C
108 109
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Opto-Telecommunication Cables
Description: ZKS-XXOTKtsFf – outdoor cable for sewage systems (ZKS), with polyethylene Fibre count Number of Cable Cable Max. pulling force Min. bending radius
outer sheath (X) and polyethylene inner sheath (X), fibre optic cable (OTK), loose Tube diameter
in cable elements diameter weight Dynamic Static Dynamic Static
tube with dry core sealing (ts), armoured with corrugated steel tape (Ff)
OPTIONS: n n mm mm kg/km N mm
Construction ZKS-XXOTKtsDFf – reinforced with aramid yarn (D) (or with glass yarns (Db)) 4 – 72 6 1.8 12.3 140 1000 500 180 250
Sealing dry
Ripcord 2
Performance Fully dielectric core
parameters Resistant to electromagnetic interferences
Protected from moisture and longitudinal water penetration
Through the use of corrugated steel tapes, armoured cables are resistant to transverse and longitudinal stresses
and rodent attack
The outer sheath is resistant to abrasion, uv and stress corrosion cracking
The marking and the metric overprint are printed on the outer sheath.
The marking can also be tailored to meet customer’s requirements
Application In telecommunication local, metropolitan and wide area networks in any spatial configuration
For laying in sewage ducts
For burying directly in the ground in areas with higher risk of mechanical damage
For installation in primary cable ducts
Temperature ranges Transport and storage: -40 °C – +70 °C
Installation: -15 °C – +60 °C
Operation: -40 °C – +70 °C
110 111
TFK WIND ENERGY CABLES Opto-Telecommunication Cables
Description: ZW-(NV)OTKtsdD – outdoor/indoor (ZW), with double layer sheath, outer, halogen Performance Fully dielectric
free flame retardant, inner, polyamide, black (NV) optical fibre cable (OTK), loose parameters Resistant to electromagnetic interferences
tube with dry core sealing (ts), dielectric (d), reinforced with aramide yarn (D) Protected from moisture and longitudinal water penetration
Can be installed in the proximity to electric installation
OPTIONS: ZW-(NV)OTKtsdDb – reinforced with glass yarn (Db) Through the use of central dielectric strength member and aramid yarns reinforcement on the core with hot melt
-5°C adhesive, cables are resistant to longitudinal and transverse stresses
Use of polyamide shell protects cables from rodents
The marking and the metric overprint are printed on the outer sheath
The marking can also be tailored to meet customer’s requirements
Construction Application In telecommunication local, metropolitan and wide area networks in any spatial configuration
-25°C For making connection between optoelectronic devices in closed spaces
Central strength dielectric FRP rod with or without PE jacket For laying on the outer walls of buildings
member For laying in roads, railway tunnels or mine shafts
For horizontal and vertical suspension
singlemode (J)
singlemode with non-zero dispersion (Jn) Temperature ranges Transport and storage: -40 °C – +70 °C
Optical fibres gradient multimode (G/50) Installation: -15 °C – +60 °C
gradient multimode (G/62.5) Operation: -40 °C – +70 °C
Filler polyethylene
Cable core 6, 8, 12, 18 or 24 tubes or tubes and fillers stranded around central strength member Parameters
Sealing dry
Max. pulling force Min. bending radius
Fibre count Number of Cable Cable
Tube diameter
Reinforcement aramid yarns (or glass yarns) in cable elements diameter weight Dynamic Static Dynamic Static
Ripcord 2 n n mm mm kg/km N mm
two-layer sheath: 4 – 72 6 1.8 10.2 100 2700 1350 150 200
Sheath halogen free flame retardant (outer layer) – polyamide (inner layer), black
28 – 96 8 1.8 11.4 125 3000 1500 170 230
Reaction to fire 52 – 216 18 1.8 14.1 180 4000 2000 210 280
112 113
1 250
1 250
1 200
1 500
1 500
1 440
2 030
2 030
1 960
114 115
Type 28 30 32 34 37 40 43
Outdoor Self-supporting
cable cable
116 117
Clean Energy
Wind Energy Cables