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Dual Channel Wi-Fi OpenWrt Integration and

Operations Guide



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WR-GL-DCW-OpenWrt-V01-190513 Wireless


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WR-GL-DCW-OpenWrt-V01-190513 Dual Channel Wi-Fi OpenWrt Integration and Operations Guide

Document Status Sheet

Document Control Number: WR-GL-DCW-OpenWrt-V01-190513

Document Title: Dual Channel Wi-Fi OpenWrt Integration and Operations


Revision History: D01 – Released 03/13/19

V01 – Released 05/13/19

Date: May 13, 2019

Status: Work in Draft Released Closed


Distribution Restrictions: Author CL/Member CL/ Member/ Public

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1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Introduction and Overview ............................................................................................................................5
1.2 Purpose of Document ....................................................................................................................................5
2 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Informative References ..................................................................................................................................5
3 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................5
4 ABBREVIATIONS ..............................................................................................................................................5
5 ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................7
6 HARDWARE COMPONENTS..........................................................................................................................7
7 SOFTWARE COMPONENTS ...........................................................................................................................7
7.1 Individual Components ..................................................................................................................................7
7.1.1 OPENWRT ...............................................................................................................................................7
7.1.2 LIBDCWPROTO ......................................................................................................................................... 7
7.1.3 LIBDCWSOCKET........................................................................................................................................ 7
7.1.4 MAC ADDRESS REMAPPER ......................................................................................................................7
7.1.5 DCWAPD ...............................................................................................................................................7
7.2 Code Repositories ..........................................................................................................................................8
7.3 Building .........................................................................................................................................................8
7.4 OpenWrt Feed Directory Structure ................................................................................................................9
7.4.1 DCWIFI/ ................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.4.2 LUCI-APP-DCWAPD/ ................................................................................................................................. 9

8 PORTING TO OTHER PLATFORMS.............................................................................................................9

8.1 Software Component Portability/Reusability ................................................................................................9
9 USER GUIDE .................................................................................................................................................... 10
9.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI) ................................................................................................................... 10
9.1.1 LOGGING INTO THE GUI ........................................................................................................................ 10
9.1.2 CONFIGURING DCW ............................................................................................................................. 10
10 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................................ 13
10.1 Useful Wireshark Filters .............................................................................................................................. 13
10.2 Validate the Health of All Software Components........................................................................................ 13
10.2.1 ENSURE THE DCWAPD PROCESS IS FUNCTIONAL.................................................................................. 13
10.2.2 EXAMINE THE UCI DATA MODEL ........................................................................................................... 13
10.2.3 ENSURE THE MAC ADDRESS REMAPPER IS FUNCTIONAL ........................................................................ 13
10.3 Debugging the MAC Address Remapper .................................................................................................... 13
10.4 Station Does Not Bond in Dual Channel Wi-Fi Mode ................................................................................ 13
10.5 Station Bonds in Dual Channel Wi-Fi Mode but Traffic Does Not Flow .................................................... 14
11 KNOWN ISSUES AND LIMITATIONS..................................................................................................... 14
11.1 SSID for Primary Channel and Data Channel Must Be Different ............................................................... 14
11.2 Filtering DHCP Traffic Through the Data Channel ..................................................................................... 14

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WR-GL-DCW-OpenWrt-V01-190513 Dual Channel Wi-Fi OpenWrt Integration and Operations Guide

1.1 Introduction and Overview
This document describes how to integrate and use the Dual Channel Wi-Fi (DCW) feature on hardware using the
OpenWrt software distribution on a hardware device running a Linux kernel.

1.2 Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to explain the process for integrating the Dual Channel Wi-Fi feature into hardware
running a Linux kernel. This document will describe the process generically, to allow for multiple hardware
platforms using OpenWrt to be covered. In addition to the integration steps, a complete user manual and
troubleshooting guide are included.

2.1 Informative References


This document uses the following terms.

data channel A downstream-only Wi-Fi connection used in Dual Channel Wi-Fi for offloading traffic
from the primary channel connection.

Linux Open-source operating system created by Linus Torvalds that is the core kernel for

OpenWrt A Linux operating system targeting embedded devices. OpenWrt provides a fully writable
file system with package management.

OSX Proprietary operating system developed and owned by Apple.

primary channel The main Wi-Fi connection used in Dual Channel Wi-Fi for both DCW signaling and
upstream and downstream traffic.

Wi-Fi A technology enabling the wireless transmission and reception of LAN traffic.

This document uses the following abbreviations.

AP access point
API application programming interface
DCW Dual Channel Wi-Fi
DCWAPD Dual Channel Wi-Fi access point daemon
DHCP dynamic host control protocol
GUI graphical user interface

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IP Internet Protocol
LAN local area network
MAC media access control
RSSI received signal strength indicator
SSID service set identifier
UCI Unified Configuration Interface
UDP User Datagram Protocol
USB Universal Serial Bus

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Specific hardware architecture will vary based on the hardware being used to implement the CableLabs OpenWrt
Dual Channel Wi-Fi (DCW) distribution. Hardware platforms currently known to be able to load and run the
software include the following:
• Edgewater Wireless EAP3033
• Netgear NightHawk
• TP Link Archer C7

Performance and implementation results may vary depending on the hardware platform implemented. The OpenWrt
distribution of DCW is meant to provide a code baseline that can be modified for diverse hardware iterations.

Hardware componentry will vary based on platform chosen for implementation.

7.1 Individual Components
Dual Channel Wi-Fi access point (AP) functionality comprises several individual software components.
7.1.1 OpenWrt
The OpenWrt component is the Linux-based operating system used for this implementation of Dual Channel Wi-Fi.
7.1.2 libdcwproto
The libdcwproto component is a platform-independent C library responsible for marshalling and serializing the Dual
Channel Wi-Fi signaling messages. The library models every Dual Channel Wi-Fi signaling message as a C struct
and provides conversion to/from a raw byte-buffer ready for transmission/reception.
This component is usable for both AP and station code.
7.1.3 libdcwsocket
The libdcwsocket component is a Linux- and OSX-specific C library that simplifies transmission and reception of
Ethernet frames by using the CableLabs Ethertype code of 0xB4E3 and the CL3 protocol type of 0x00DC. More
information regarding the specific details of the protocol can be found in the protocol specification document.
This component is usable for both AP and station code.
7.1.4 MAC Address Remapper
The MAC Address Remapper component provides functionality to the Linux kernel, which is responsible for the
actual filtering and switching of Ethernet traffic onto the data channel.
For more information on this component, please refer to the MAC Address Remapper documentation.
7.1.5 DCWAPD
The DCWAPD component is the heart of the Dual Channel Wi-Fi business-logic implementation. The component is
responsible for orchestrating all Dual Channel Wi-Fi operations. The component provides the "dcwapd." parameters
to the UCI data model. All AP signaling logic is implemented in this component.

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7.2 Code Repositories

All Dual Channel Wi-Fi code is stored in the CableLabs GitHub team “DCW,” located at
Each individual software component can be found in its respective git repository.

Wireshark Dissectors https://github.com/cablelabs/dcwwireshark

libdcwproto https://github.com/cablelabs/libdcwproto

libdcwsocket https://github.com/cablelabs/libdcwsocket

MAC Address Remapper https://github.com/cablelabs/macremapper

DCWAPD https://github.com/cablelabs/dcwapd

OpenWrt-dcw-feed https://github.com/cablelabs/OpenWrt-dcw-feed

7.3 Building
These are the build instructions for compiling Dual Channel Wi-Fi access point functionality into an OpenWrt
1. Clone the OpenWrt source.
$ git clone https://git.OpenWrt.org/OpenWrt/OpenWrt.git

2. Change directory to the cloned "OpenWrt" directory.

$ cd OpenWrt

3. Using "vi" or another test editor, add the following line to the feeds.conf.default file.
src-git cablelabs https://github.com/cablelabs/OpenWrt-dcw-feed.git

4. Update the package feeds and install the packages.

$ ./scripts/feeds update -a
$ ./scripts/feeds install -a

5. Make the default configuration.

$ make defconfig

6. Run the menu configuration editor and select the desired platform, packages, etc.; be sure to save the
changes when done.
$ make menuconfig

7. Build the image.

$ make

Or build the image with debugging.

$ make -j1 V=s

DCW Package Feed Notes

The dcwifi packages can be found in the menuconfig in the following locations:
* dcstad: "Network -> Routing and Redirection"
* dcwapd: "Network -> Routing and Redirection"
* libdcwproto: "Libraries -> Networking"
* libdcwsocket: "Libraries -> Networking"
* macremapper: "Kernel modules -> Network Support" (listed as "kmod-macremapper")
* mrmctl: "Utilities"

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7.4 OpenWrt Feed Directory Structure

The OpenWrt-dcw-feed repository contains the Makefiles and resources necessary to build and install the dcwifi
7.4.1 dcwifi/
The parent directory containing the dcwifi components. dcstad/
Clones and builds the Dual Channel Wi-Fi client daemon. dcwapd/
Clones and builds the Dual Channel Wi-Fi access point daemon. Contains the code and patches to integrate the
DCWAPD code into the OpenWrt UCI data model. libdcwproto/
Clones and builds the Dual Channel Wi-Fi protocol C library. libdcwsocket/
Clones and builds the Dual Channel Wi-Fi socket C library. macremapper/
Clones and builds the macremapper Linux kernel component. mrmctl/
Clones and builds the user-land debug "mrmctl" utility.
7.4.2 luci-app-dcwapd/
Contains the code for the LuCI web interface application that can be used to configure and control Dual Channel
Wi-Fi functionality.


Because the Dual Channel Wi-Fi feature may have dependencies on the hardware platform, it is not possible to
provide an OpenWrt DCW code-base that will universally compile and run across all Wi-Fi hardware devices.
However, the OpenWrt DCW code-base was architected to compile and run on many Wi-Fi hardware platforms, a
few of which are listed in Section 5 of this document.

8.1 Software Component Portability/Reusability

All software components are virtually portable to any Wi-Fi platform that can run OpenWrt by using the Linux
bridge and should be reusable with little to no modifications.

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9.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI)
The OpenWrt version of DCW contains a graphical user interface (GUI) that can be used to configure the DCW
feature within the Wi-Fi device. Instructions for configuration using the GUI are below. Depending on the device
used, the appearance of the GUI may differ from what is shown in the screenshots in the configuration instructions,
but the steps listed should be generic enough to allow a user to find the proper menus and settings on any device.
9.1.1 Logging into the GUI
1. Connect the computer’s Ethernet port to an Ethernet port on the target Wi-Fi device.
2. Configure the laptop with an IP address in the same subnet as the Wi-Fi device.
a. The default IP address and subnet of a newly built device using the software should be the following:
i. IP Address:
ii. Subnet Mask:
3. Open a browser on the laptop and point it to the address of the Wi-Fi device. A login screen should appear.
a. Credentials for Edgewater Wireless OpenWrt devices are as follows:
i. Username: admin
ii. Password: password
b. Credentials for most OpenWrt devices are as follows:
i. Username: root
ii. No password
9.1.2 Configuring DCW
Once logged into the device, use the GUI to configure DCW.

Select Dual Channel Wi-Fi from the Network menu.

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To Enable DCW, tick the Enable checkbox under General Settings.

To set the primary channel for the DCW feature, move to the CHANNELSET0 section under “Channel Sets.” Tick
the Enable checkbox, then select the desired SSID for the primary channel from the drop-down list. The default for
the bridge is automatically selected and can be assumed to be correct. For an advanced setup, the bridge can be

Next, tick the box next to the desired data channel. The default data channel selection can be assumed to be correct.
For an advanced setup, additional data channels can be added and subsequently selected for use with the primary

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To prepare the data channel for use, move to the DATACHANNEL0 section under “Data Channels.” Select the
desired SSID for the data channel from the drop-down list. The default for the bridge is automatically selected and
can be assumed to be correct. For an advanced setup, the bridge can be customized.
Lastly, tick the box next to the desired WLAN interface for this data channel.

Filters can be used to mark traffic for delivery over the data channel. The default filters are for http and https
protocols and are good choices for testing. Filters can be added or changed for an advanced setup.

When finished, save the device’s DCW configuration and begin the DCW Client configuration and connection.

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In general, Wireshark is recommended for troubleshooting network issues because it provides visibility into the
traffic passing through the network. For information on the protocol format of the signaling messages, it is advised
to review the Dual Channel Wi-Fi protocol specification document.

10.1 Useful Wireshark Filters

• Show only Dual Channel Wi-Fi signaling messages on a Wi-Fi adapter not in monitor mode:
• eth.type == 0xb4e3
• Show only Dual Channel Wi-Fi signaling messages on a Wi-Fi adapter in monitor mode:
• llc.type == 0xb4e3

10.2 Validate the Health of All Software Components

To confirm the overall health of the Dual Channel Wi-Fi components on the device, the following basic steps should
be executed; healthy components will yield no errors.
10.2.1 Ensure the DCWAPD Process Is Functional
To determine if the Dual Channel Wi-Fi AP daemon process is running, use the ps command and look for the
DCWAPD process.
$ ps | grep dcwapd

10.2.2 Examine the UCI Data Model

The UCI data model controls the operation of the DCWAPD process and network reconfiguration. Examining the
DCWAPD UCI configuration can be helpful in identifying abnormal operations.
$ uci show dcwapd.

10.2.3 Ensure the MAC Address Remapper Is Functional

Query the state of the MAC Address Remapper by using the "mrmctl" utility.
$ mrmctl show

If it is not desired to kit the "mrmctl" utility into the image, the state of the MAC Address Remapper can be queried
by calling "cat" on the control device.
$ cat /proc/macremapctl

10.3 Debugging the MAC Address Remapper

Because the MAC Address Remapper is the component responsible for the actual traffic flow of Dual Channel Wi-
Fi, it is imperative to have the means to troubleshoot it. The "mrmctl" utility is a command-line tool that allows the
developer to debug the state of the MAC Address Remapper. Everything exposed through the software API is also
exposed through the "mrmctl" utility. For more information on this process, please refer to the MAC Address
Remapper documentation.

10.4 Station Does Not Bond in Dual Channel Wi-Fi Mode

• Confirm that the station is correctly joined to the primary channel SSID. If more than one AP is using the
primary channel SSID, then it is highly advised to change the primary channel SSID to something unique
to only this AP.
• Ensure the Dual Channel Wi-Fi client software is running and that there are no errors.
• Ensure the station’s Wi-Fi adapters support the radio frequencies and Wi-Fi standards being used. For
example, using a USB Wi-Fi dongle that supports only 2.4 GHz for a data channel on 5 GHz will not work.
• Run Wireshark on the station’s primary channel interface to validate the presence of the DCW signaling

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• Check the data model on the AP for presence of the station’s primary channel MAC address.
• Try swapping the station’s Wi-Fi adapters. For example, if the internal adapter is used as the primary
channel, try using the USB dongle as the primary channel adapter.

10.5 Station Bonds in Dual Channel Wi-Fi Mode but Traffic Does Not Flow
• Ensure the primary channel SSID and data channel SSID are different.
• Completely disable Dual Channel Wi-Fi on the AP, and test both radios individually.
• Check the station’s RSSI values. If too low, try reducing the channel width of the data channel.


11.1 SSID for Primary Channel and Data Channel Must Be Different
Because of the way the Dual Channel Wi-Fi signaling protocol works, it is imperative that the primary channel and
data channel SSIDs are different. If these values are the same, the stations will unlikely be able to successfully
complete channel bonding.

11.2 Filtering DHCP Traffic Through the Data Channel

Most dynamic host control protocol (DHCP) client implementations bind to a specific interface when operating.
Filtering DHCP traffic (UDP ports 67 and 68) through the data channel can cause the client to not receive DHCP
packets. If this happens, Dual Channel Wi-Fi stations may not be able to obtain or renew existing DHCP leases,
therefore cutting off IP communication with the network. For this reason, it is not advisable to filter DHCP traffic
onto the data channel.


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