Topic MemoryManagement

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Topic 8: Memory Management

Tongping Liu

University of Massachusetts Amherst 1

• To provide various ways of organizing memory

• To discuss various memory management

techniques, including partitions, swapping and

• To provide detailed description for paging and

virtual memory techniques

University of Massachusetts Amherst 2

• Background
• Segmentation
• Swapping
• Paging System

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Memory Hierarchy
n CPU can directly access main CPU
memory and registers only, so (Processor/ALU)

programs and data must be

brought from disk into memory Memory

n Memory access is bottleneck

l Cache between memory and
n Memory Hierarchy
l Cache: small, fast, expensive; SRAM; Devices
l Main memory: medium-speed, not
that expensive; DRAM
l Disk: many gigabytes, slow, cheap,
non-volatile storage
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Main Memory
• The ideal main memory is
– Very large
– Very fast
– Non-volatile (doesn’t go away when power is turned off)
• The real main memory is
– Not very large
– Not very fast
– Affordable (cost) !
Þ Pick any two…
• Memory management: make the real world look as
much like the ideal world as possible J

Department of Computer Science @ UTSA 5

University of Massachusetts Amherst 5
Background about Memory
• Memory is an array of words containing program
instructions and data
• How do we execute a program?
Fetch an instruction à decode à may fetch
operands à execute à may store results
• Memory hardware sees a stream of ADDRESSES

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Simple Memory Management
• Management for a single process
– Memory can be divided simply

Device drivers
Operating system
User program (ROM)
User program
User program (RAM)
Operating system (RAM)
Operating system

• Memory protection may not be an issue (only one program)

• Flexibility may still be useful (allow OS changes, etc.)
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Real Memory Management
• Multiple processes need 1

CPU 0.9

– More processes will 0.7
increase CPU utilization

CPU Utilization

– At 20% I/O wait, 3–4 0.5

processes fully utilize 0.4

CPU 0.3

– At 80% I/O wait, even 0.1
10 processes aren’t 0

enough 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Degree of Multiprogramming

• More processes => 80% I/O Wait 50% I/O Wait 20% I/O Wait

memory management
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Purpose of Memory Management

• Keeping multiple processes in memory is essential

to improve the CPU utilization
• Manage and protect main memory while sharing it
among multiple processes with these requirements:
– Relocation
– Protection
– Sharing

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Memory Management
• Relocation:
– Assign load addresses for position-dependent code and data
of a program

• Protection:
– Each program cannot access others’ memory, only accesses
locations that have been allocated to it.

• Sharing:
– Allow several processes to access the same memory

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• Partition: divide memory to partitions, and

dynamically assign to different processes
– Fixed Partitioning
– Dynamic Partitioning
– Segmentation
– Paging

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Fixed Partitioning

• Equal-size partitions
– Any process whose size is less than or
equal to the partition size can be loaded
into an available partition
• The operating system can swap a
process out of a partition

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Fixed Partitioning Problems

• A program may not fit in a partition.

– The programmer must design the program with overlays
• Main memory use is inefficient.
– Any program, no matter how small, occupies an entire
– This results in internal fragmentation.

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Dynamic Partitioning
• Unequal-size partitioning
• Reduce both problems
– but doesn’t solve completely
• In right figure,
– Smaller programs can be placed in smaller
partitions, reducing internal fragmentation
– Programs larger than 16M cannot be
accommodated without overlay

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Dynamic Partitioning
• Assign each process to the smallest partition
– Minimize internal fragmentation
• Separate input queues for each partition
• Single input queue
900K 900K
Partition 4 Partition 4
700K 700K
Partition 3 Partition 3
600K 600K
Partition 2 Partition 2
500K 500K
Partition 1 Partition 1
100K 100K
0 0

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Memory Management Policies

• Best-fit algorithm
– Chooses the block that is closest in size to the request
– Worst performer overall
– Since smallest block is found for process, the smallest
amount of fragmentation is left
– Memory compaction must be done more often

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Memory Management Policies

• First-fit algorithm
– Scans memory form the beginning and chooses the first
available block that is large enough
– Fastest
– May have many process loaded in the front end of
memory that must be searched over when trying to find
a free block

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Memory Management Policies

• Next-fit
– Scans memory from the location of the last placement
– More often allocate a block of memory at the end of
memory where the largest block is found
– The largest block of memory is broken up into smaller
– Compaction is required to obtain a large block at the
end of memory

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Protection via Base and Limit Registers
• A pair of base and limit registers define the logic
address range of a process. Every memory access is
checked by hardware to ensure the correctness

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Dynamic Partitioning

• Typically, a process is putted into a partition

– Which is not very convenient

• Segmentation aims to solve this issue

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• Background
• Segmentation
• Swapping
• Paging System

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• Segmentation is a technique for breaking memory
up into logical pieces
• Each “piece” is a group of related information
– data segments for each process
– code segments for each process
– data segments for the OS……
• One segment is continuous both virtually and
• Segmentation uses logic addresses

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Segmentation View

P1 data
P2 code

P2 data
P1 code

OS Code OS data OS stack

Logical Address Space

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Difference from Dynamic Partitioning

• Segmentation is similar to dynamic partitioning

– Suffer from external fragmentation
• Difference:
– With segmentation, a program may occupy more than
one partition, and these partitions need not be
– Eliminates internal fragmentation

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Logical vs. Physical Address
• Logical address
– Generated by the CPU, and is used as a reference to access
the physical memory location by CPU
– Logic Address is called as virtual address on a system
with virtual memory
• Logical Address Space
– All logical addresses generated by a program’s perspective.
• Physical address
– Address sent to the RAM (or ROM, or IO) for a read or write

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Address Binding
Mapping from one address space to another
• Compile time: If memory of a process is known
at compile time, absolute address will be
generated; Must recompile if starting location
changes (e.g., DOS programs)
• Load time: Compiler generates relocatable
code, loader translates them to absolute addresses
typically by added to base address
• Execution time: Binding is delayed until
execution time, if a process can be moved during
its execution from one memory segment to
another (e.g., dynamic library)

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Address Binding of Linux

• Commonly referred to as symbol (or pointer)

– At compile time (external functions and variables are
copied into a target application by a compiler or linker)
– At load time (when the dynamic linker resolves symbols
in a shared library)
– At execution time (when the running program resolves
symbols manually, e.g., using dlopen).

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Logical vs. Physical Address
• Logical and physical addresses are the same in
compile-time address-binding schemes
• Logical (virtual) and physical addresses differ in
execution-time address-binding scheme
– The mapping form logical address to physical address is
done by a hardware called memory management unit

Translator Physical
User process
Virtual (MMU) Physical memory
address address
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Why Virtual Memory?
• Basic idea: allow OS to allocate
more memory than the real

• Program uses virtual addresses

– Addresses local to the process
– Limited by # of bits in address (32/64)
– 32 bits: 4G

• Virtual memory >> physical

memory 0

Department of Computer Science @ UTSA 29

University of Massachusetts Amherst 29
Motivations for Virtual Memory
1. Use physical DRAM as the cache for disk
2. Simplify memory management
– Multiple processes resident in main memory
• Each with its own address space
– Only “active” code and data is actually in memory
3. Provide protection
– One process can’t interfere with another except via IPC
• They operate in different address spaces
– User process cannot access privileged information
• Different sections of address spaces have different permissions

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Virtual Memory for Multiprogramming
• Virtual memory (VM) is helpful in multiprogramming
– Multiple processes in memory concurrently, where each process
occupies a small portion of memory
– CPU runs process B while process A waits for its long I/O
operations ( e.g., retrieve data from disks)
• Physical Memory de/allocation
– Keep recently used content in physical memory
– Move less recently used stuff to disk

Translator Physical
User process
Virtual (MMU) Physical memory
address address
Department of Computer Science @ UTSA 31
University of Massachusetts Amherst 31
Simple MMU: Relocation Register
• In segmentation, relocation register maps logical
(virtual) address to physical address, where user
program deals with logical addresses, but not
real physical addresses

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Segment Management
• Logical address is divided into a segment
number and an offset into the segment
– Segment number: index into a segment register
table, with base (physical address) of each
– Add the offset to the base to generate the
physical address
– Before doing this, check the offset against the
limit, which is the size of the segment

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Segmentation Lookup
Index to segment Segment register table
register table
physical memory
limit base
segment 0
segment # offset
segment 1
virtual address

segment 2
<? + segment 3
no Address

segment 4
protection fault

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+ 0000001011110000

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Segment # Base Bound
Segment 0 4000 700 Code
Segment 1 0 500 Data segment

Segment 2 Unused Unused

Stack segment
Segment 3 2000 1000
Virtual memory Physical memory
(3,fff) 46ff
. (Stack) . (Code segment)
(3,000) 4000

Segment #

Offset …
. (Data) . (Stack segment)
(1,000) 2000
… …
(0,6ff) 4ff
. (Code) . (Data segment)
(0,0) 0

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Segment # Base Bound
Segment 0 4000 700 Code
Segment 1 0 500 Data segment

Segment 2 Unused Unused

Stack segment
Segment 3 2000 1000
Virtual memory
• Not all virtual addresses are valid (3,fff)
. (Stack)
• Nothing in segment 2 (3,000)

• Nothing in segment 1 above 4ff (1,4ff)
. (Data)
• Valid = part of process’s address space (1,000)

• Accesses to invalid addresses are illegal (0,6ff)
. (Code)
• Hence a “segmentation fault” (0,0)

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Segment # Base Bound
Segment 0 4000 700 Code
Segment 1 0 500 Data segment

Segment 2 Unused Unused

Stack segment
Segment 3 2000 1000
Virtual memory
• Segments can grow (3,fff)
. (Stack)
• (can move to new physical location) (3,000)

• Protection (1,4ff)
. (Data)
• Different protections for segments (1,000)

• E.g. read-only or read-write (0,6ff)
. (Code)

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Segment # Base Bound
Segment 0 4000 700 Code
Segment 1 0 500 Data segment

Segment 2 Unused Unused

Stack segment
Segment 3 2000 1000
Virtual memory
• What changes on a context switch? (3,fff)
. (Stack)
• Contents of segment table (3,000)

• Typically small (not many segments) (1,4ff)
. (Data)

. (Code)

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Segmentation sharing
Segment # Base Bound
Segment 0 4000 700 Code
Segment 1 0 500 Data segment

Segment 2 Unused Unused

Stack segment
Segment 3 2000 1000

Segment # Base Bound

Segment 0 4000 700 Code
Segment 1 4700 500 Data segment
Segment 2 Unused Unused
Segment 3 3000 1000 Stack segment

Virtual info Physical info

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Segmentation pros and cons

• Pros
– Multiple areas of address space can grow separately
– Easy to share parts of address space (can share code
• Cons
– Complex memory allocation
– (still have external fragmentation)

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Memory Fragmentation
• External Fragmentation
– total memory space exists to satisfy a request, but it is not
• Internal Fragmentation
– allocate memory larger than requested; the size difference is
called internal fragmentation (can’t be used by others)
• Reduce external fragmentation
– Compaction: migrate memory segments to place all free
chunks together into one larger block
– Compaction is possible only if relocation is dynamic, and is
done at execution time

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Segment Allocation

• When a process arrives, allocate memory from a hole large

enough to accommodate it
• Operating system maintains information about:
– a) allocated partitions b) free partitions (hole)


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Segment Allocation
Consider a multi-programming environment:
• Each program must be in the memory to be executed
• Processes come into memory
• Leave memory when execution is completed

C C C What should we do,
B B B B reject it or accept it?

Swapping supports more processes, by swapping out

an old process to the disk, e.g. B here?
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• Background
• Segmentation
• Swapping
• Paging System

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Swapping Definition
• It is a mechanism to swap a process temporarily out
of main memory to a backing store (disk), and
then bring it back into memory at a later time for
continued execution
– Backing store: large enough to accommodate all
memory for all users
– Swap out, swap in typically with a priority algorithm, a
lower priority process is swapped out to make the
memory available for higher-priority processes

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Swapping Overview

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Swapping Overhead
• Major part of swapping time is transfer time;
– Total transfer time is directly proportional to the
amount of memory swapped (e.g., 10MB process/
40MB per sec = 0.25 sec)
• Swapping often requires too much swapping time
to used often
• Swapping is implemented on many systems (i.e.,
UNIX, Linux, and Windows)

University of Massachusetts Amherst 48

Thrashing vs. Swapping
When frequent swapping
activities occur such that
it is the major consumer
of the CPU time, then it
is effectively thrashing.

Thrashing is a state that the CPU perform

'productive' work less and 'swapping' more
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Reduce Thrashing

• Thrashing occurs when active processes use too

much memory
• Approaches to reduce thrashing:
– Running fewer programs
– Writing programs that use memory more efficiently
– Adding RAM to the system
– Increasing the swap size

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Reduce Thrashing

• Thrashing occurs when active processes use too

much memory
• Approaches to reduce thrashing:
– Running fewer programs
– Writing programs that use memory more efficiently
– Adding RAM to the system
– Increasing the swap size

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• Background
• Segmentation
• Swapping
• Paging System

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• Paging is a page-based memory management
scheme that eliminates the need for contiguous
allocation of physical memory
– Both physical memory and virtual address of a
process is divided into equal fixed-size chunks
(frames and pages)
– Operating system maintains a page table to map
pages to frames dynamically

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Paging System
• Virtual address 60–64K
– Divided into pages 52–56K
• Physical memory 44–48K
– Divided into frames 36–40K
28–32K 3 7 28–32K
24–28K - 6 24–28K
• Page vs. Frame 20–24K
- 3 12–16K
– Same size block 12–16K
8–12K - 2 8–12K
1 4–8K
– Unit of mapping/allocation 4–8K
7 0 0–4K

Virtual Space Physical

OS manages virtual space, physical
memory, and the mapping between them

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Page Mapping
Paged Address Translation
A process process virtual address space

CS 111 physical memory Lecture 11

Spring 2015 Page 6
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Page Table for Mapping

• Each process has one page table 15

– Map page number à physical frame

Frame 6
Frame 1

• Number of Page Table Entries (PTEs)

– Number of total pages in virtual space Frame 3

– Not just the pages in use

Frame 0

• Page table is checked for 1 Frame 4

every address translation 0 Frame 7

– Where to store page table? Page table

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Page Table for Mapping

• Page table will be stored in the memory

• Not all pages need to be mapped to frames
at the same time
• Not all physical frames need to be used
– Actually one process may only use part of frames

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Page Table for Mapping

• Page table should contain all pages of virtual space

ØOtherwise, some addresses can’t be accessed.

• All page table entries should be physically continuous

ØProof by contradiction. If the index is not
continuous, we will need another mechanism to tell
us where has a hole or not

Department of Computer Science @ UTSA 58

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Translate Virtual to Physical Address
n Suppose logical address space is 2m and page size is 2n, so the
number of pages is 2m / 2 n , which is 2m-n
• Virtual Address (m bits) is divided into:
– Page number (p) – used as an index into a page table which
contains frame number of physical memory
– Page offset (d) – combined with its base address to define
the physical memory address that is sent to the memory unit
page number page offset

p d

m-n n

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A Translation Example
• 64 KB (216) virtual memory
• 32 KB (215) physical memory
• 4 KB page/frame size à 12 bits as offset (d)

Page #:4bits Offset: 12 bits

Virtual address: 16 bits How many virtual pages?

Frame #:3bits Offset: 12 bits

Physical address: 15 bits How many physical frames?

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A Translation Example
• 64 KB (216) virtual memory
• 32 KB (215) physical memory
• 4 KB page/frame size à 12 bits as offset (d)

Page #:4bits Offset: 12 bits

Virtual address: 16 bits How many virtual pages?


Frame #:3bits Offset: 12 bits

Physical address: 15 bits How many physical frames?

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Address Translation Architecture
frame number
page number
page offset
p d f d 1
Virtual address ..
page table physical address .
.. f
. f+1
p-1 f+2
p f ..
.. .
. physical memory

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Computing Physical Address

1. Compute the page number

2. Check the page table, get physical

frame number

3. Compute the starting address of

physical frame

4. Compute the physical address

Page size is 128 bytes (0x80)

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Computing Physical Address
Virtual address 0x44, offset 0x44

1. Compute the page number

Page number is #0

2. Check the page table, get physical

frame number
Frame number is #2

3. Compute the starting address of

physical frame
Start Address = 2 * 0x80 = 0x100

4. Compute the physical address

PhysicalAddress = 0x100 + 0x44 = 0x144

Page size is 128 bytes (0x80)

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Computing Physical Address
Virtual address 0x224, offset 0x24

1. Compute the page number

Page number is #4

2. Check the page table, get physical

frame number
Frame number is #3

3. Compute the starting address of

physical frame
Start Address = 3 * 0x80 = 0x180

4. Compute the physical address

PhysicalAddress = 0x180 + 0x24 = 0x1A4

Page size is 128 bytes (0x80)

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Support of Multiple Processes
• Each process has its own page table
• The total pages of multiple processes can be larger
than the physical pages
• What if the current process adds or removes pages?
– Directly update its own page table (by OS)
• What if we switch from one process to another?
– Load the page directory entry ("movl %0,%%cr3”)
– A reload instruction flushes previously cached entries,
change_all_page_tables_of(mm); flush_tlb_mm(mm);
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Share Pages between Multiple Processes

• Making PTEs of different processes point to the

same physical page
– Can be read-only or read/write sharing
– Virtual addresses in different processes can be different

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Logical Addresses

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+ 0000001011110000

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Similarities of Paging and Segmentation
• They separate the physical address spaces of processes:
– Segmentation can assign a different linear address space to each
– Paging can map the same linear address space into different
physical address spaces
Linux prefers paging to segmentation
– Memory management is simpler when all processes use the same
segment register values
– Linux is designed for portability, but RISC has limited support on

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Diff between Paging and Segmentation

• Paging needs more memory, one entry per page, while

each segment only needs two register (base + offset)
• Page is fixed-size, while segment is variable-size
• Size of a page is determined by hardware, while size of
a segment is determined by the user
• Paging may have internal fragmentation (small) but
segmentation may have external fragmentation (big)

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Paging Fragmentation

• Internal fragmentation
– Average only ½ page (half of the last one)
• External fragmentation
– Completely non-existent since we never carve up pages

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Segment Fragmentation

• Consider this scenario:

– Average requested allocation is 128K
– 256K fixed size segments available
• For segmentation, internal fragmentation is 50%
(128K of 256K used)
• For paging, only the last page of an allocation is not
used, with 2K on average (2K/128K = 1.5%)

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Is Paging Perfect?
• Page is a nice memory allocation unit
– Eliminate internal and external fragmentation
– Require a simple but powerful MMU
• However, pages are not natural
– Programs don’t think of pages
– Programs operate on segments
– Segments are natural chunks, e.g., code, data, stack
– Each segment contains many pages

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Integrating Paging with Segmentation

• Programs request code, data, stack segments

• Requires two levels of memory management
– A virtual address space is comprised of segments, via
segment based addressing
– Relocation & swapping is done on a page basis
• User processes see segments, while pages are

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Segments and Pages
• A segment is a collection of pages, with continuous
virtual addresses
• Operations on segments:
– Create/open/destroy
– Map/unmap segment to/from process
– Find physical frame number of each virtual page
• Connection between them
– Segment mapping implemented with page mapping
– Page fault uses segments to find requested page
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Linux Support on Segments

• But both cs (code segment) and ds(data segment) base

addresses are set to zero, so the segmentation is not really
• An exception is thread local data, one of the normally
unused segment registers points to thread local data. But
that is mainly to avoid reserving one of the general
purpose registers for this task.

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Page/Frame Size
• Determine the number of bits in offset

• Smaller page size

– + Less internal fragmentation
– - Larger page table: require more than one frame, hard to

• Larger page size

– + Smaller page table and less overhead to track them
– + More efficient to transfer to/from disk
– - More internal fragmentation, wasting memory
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In-Class Exercise
• For an embedded small computer supporting up
to 1k bytes physical memory, where its virtual
address is 12 bits. Suppose that the size of
page/frame is 128 bytes. Use a figure to
illustrate the physical and virtual address that
shows the number of bits for offset and
frame/page number for one level page table.
• What is the number of virtual pages for each process?
• How many physical frames in total?
• How many entries in page table for each process?
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In-Class Exercise

• # of virtual pages:
2^12/128= 2^5 = 32 Page #:5bits Offset: 7 bits

Virtual address: 12 bits

• # of physical frames
1K/128=8 Frame #:3bits Offset: 7 bits

Physical address: 10 bits

• # of page table entries


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• Background
• Segmentation
• Swapping
• Paging System

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