Give Example A Title 2. Open Preprocessor Menu: /PREP7
Give Example A Title 2. Open Preprocessor Menu: /PREP7
Give Example A Title 2. Open Preprocessor Menu: /PREP7
This tutorial was created using ANSYS 7.0 to solve a simple conduction problem.
The Simple Conduction Example is constrained as shown in the following figure. Thermal conductivity
(k) of the material is 10 W/m*C and the block is assumed to be infinitely long.
3. Create geometry
Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Rectangle > By 2 Corners > X=0, Y=0,
Width=1, Height=1
For this example, we will use PLANE55 (Thermal Solid, Quad 4node 55). This element has 4
nodes and a single DOF (temperature) at each node. PLANE55 can only be used for 2
dimensional steady-state or transient thermal analysis.
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U of A ANSYS Tutorials - Conduction Example Page 2 of 4
6. Mesh Size
Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Areas > All Areas > 0.05
7. Mesh
Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Areas > Free > Pick All
2. Apply Constraints
For thermal problems, constraints can be in the form of Temperature, Heat Flow, Convection,
Heat Flux, Heat Generation, or Radiation. In this example, all 4 sides of the block have fixed
Click the Box option (shown below) and draw a box around the nodes on the top line.
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U of A ANSYS Tutorials - Conduction Example Page 3 of 4
Fill the window in as shown to constrain the side to a constant temperature of 500
Using the same method, constrain the remaining 3 sides to a constant value of 100
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U of A ANSYS Tutorials - Conduction Example Page 4 of 4
Plot Temperature
General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Solu ... > DOF solution,
Temperature TEMP
Note that due to the manner in which the boundary contitions were applied, the top corners are
held at a temperature of 100. Recall that the nodes on the top of the plate were constrained first,
followed by the side and bottom constraints. The top corner nodes were therefore first constrained
at 500C, then 'overwritten' when the side constraints were applied. Decreasing the mesh size can
minimize this effect, however, one must be aware of the limitations in the results at the corners.
The above example was solved using a mixture of the Graphical User Interface (or GUI) and the
command language interface of ANSYS. This problem has also been solved using the ANSYS
command language interface that you may want to browse. Open the .HTML version, copy and paste the
code into Notepad or a similar text editor and save it to your computer. Now go to 'File > Read input
from...' and select the file. A .PDF version is also available for printing.
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