Chapter 10 IMC

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and Promotion
An Integrated Marketing
Communications Perspective

Chapter 10
Media Planning and Strategy

Dr. Reham Farouk

• Media planning
Is the serious of decisions involved in the delivery of an advertising message to
prospective purchase of product or service.

The goal of media plan is to find the combination of media that enable the
marketer to communicate the message
üIn the most effective manner
üTo the largest number of potential customers
üAt the lowest cost
Media Planning Helps You
• Determine which media to use Which
Television Programs, Newspapers, Bus-stop Posters, media
In-store Displays, Banner Ads On The Web, Or A Flyer to use
On Facebook.

• where, When and how often to Media where

use media when planning

in order to reach your desired

audience. how
Media Strategies
Plans of action designed to attain the media objectives, such as

Ø Which media will be used for reaching a target audience.

Ø How the media budget will be allocated.

Ø How advertisement will be scheduled.

Media Terms and Concepts
• Medium
General category of available delivery systems for communicating with
target audience such as broadcast, print, direct mail, outdoor and other
support media.

• Media vehicle
Specific carrier within a medium category used to carry advertising message.
Ex: Vanity Fair and In Style are print vehicles.
Media Terms and Concepts
• Reach : refers to the actual audience delivered the message. they exposed at least
once to a media vehicle in a given period of time.

• Coverage: Potential audience readership or listenership or viewership of a specific

media vehicle, normally within the past four weeks.

• Frequency: Number of times the receiver is exposed to the media vehicle in a

specified period. High frequency builds strong ad recall.
Figure 10.4 - Developing the Media Plan
Developing the Media Plan
1- Market Analysis And Target Market Identification
The focus is on the media and delivering the message.


ØTo whom will we advertise (who is the target market)?

ØWhat internal and external factors are operating?
ØWhen and Where (geographically) should we focus our effort?
Developing the Media Plan
2-Establishing Media Objectives
The media objectives are designed to lead to the attainment of communications
and marketing objectives. And should be limited to what can be accomplished
through media strategies.

EX: Create awareness in the target market through the following:

◦ Use broadcast media to provide coverage of 80 percent of the target market over a six-month period.
◦ Reach 60 percent of the target audience at least three times over the same six-month period.
◦ Create a positive brand image through creativity.
Developing the Media Plan
3.Developing & Implementing Media Strategies

Having determined what is to be accomplished, media

planners consider how to achieve these objectives.

He/ she develop and implement media strategies,

which evolve directly from the actions required to
meet objectives and involve the following criteria.
3.Developing & Implementing Media Strategies
3.1. Media Mix
A Media Mix is the combination of communication channels your
business can use to meet its marketing objectives.

These include newspapers, radio, television, billboards, websites, email,

direct mail, the Internet and social media.
3.Developing & Implementing Media Strategies
Criteria Considered in the Development of Media Plans
3.2. Target Market Coverage
•The media planner determines which target markets should receive the
most media emphasis.

• Developing media strategies involves matching the most appropriate

media to this market.

• By asking : Through which media and media vehicles can I best get my
message to prospective buyers?
3.Developing & Implementing Media Strategies
Criteria Considered in the Development of Media Plans
3.2. Target Market Coverage
Figure 10.13 - Marketing Coverage Possibilities
◦ The Optimal Goal – of the media
planner is to extend media coverage
to as many of the member of target
audience as possible while
minimizing waste coverage.

◦ Waste coverage: in which media

coverage exceeds the targeted
audience, and people who are not
potential buyers and/or users.
3.Developing & Implementing Media Strategies
Criteria Considered in the Development of Media Plans
3.3. Geographic Coverage
In some cases, a product or service is more
popular in some areas of the country than in

And the strategy of exerting more promotional

efforts and money in those area follows

Ex: Diving equipment.

3.Developing & Implementing Media Strategies
Criteria Considered in the Development of Media Plans
3.4. Scheduling
Primary objective of scheduling is to time promotional efforts so that they
will synchronize with the highest potential buying time.

Three scheduling Methods available to the media planner:

Continuity continuous pattern of advertising, which may mean every day,
every week, or every month.
Flighting – alternating periods of advertising and then no advertising.
Pulsing – (combines the two above) continuity is maintained, but at certain
times promotional efforts are stepped up.
Figure 10.15 - Three Methods of
Promotional Scheduling

Scheduling strategy depend on

the objectives buying cycle and
budget Among other factors.
3.Developing & Implementing Media Strategies
Criteria Considered in the Development of Media Plans
3.5.Reach Versus Frequency
Since advertisers have a variety of objectives and face budget constrains they
usually must trade off reach and frequency

They must decide

How Much Reach Is Necessary?
What Frequency Level Is Needed?
3.5.Reach Versus Frequency
A)How Much Reach Is Necessary?
•Back to the hierarchies discussed in Chapter 5, each model requires
Awareness of the product and/or brand.

•Achieving awareness requires High reach—that is, exposing potential

buyers to the message.

•New brands or products need a very high level of reach

3.5.Reach Versus Frequency
B)What Frequency Level Is Needed?
Here frequency is the number of times one is exposed to the media
vehicle in a specified time period (usually 13 weeks), not necessarily to
the ad itself.

Marketers have always known that everyone who is watching a

program is not going to stay in the room to watch the commercials.
3.5.Reach Versus Frequency
B)What Frequency Level Is Needed?
Most advertisers do agree that a 1:1 exposure ratio does not exist.
So while your ad may be placed in a certain vehicle, the fact that a consumer
has been exposed to that vehicle does not ensure that your ad has been seen.

As a result, the frequency level expressed in the media plan overstates the
actual level of exposure to the ad. This overstatement has led some media
buyers to refer to the reach of the media vehicle as “opportunities to see” an ad
rather than actual exposure to it.
3.Developing & Implementing Media Strategies
Criteria Considered in the Development of Media Plans
3.5.Establish Reach And Frequency Objectives
•Exposed to more than one media vehicle with an ad, resulting in
repetition (frequency).

•If one ad is placed on one TV show one time, the number of people
exposed is the reach.

•If the ad is placed on two shows, the total number exposed once is
unduplicated reach. indicates potential new exposures
3.Developing & Implementing Media Strategies
Criteria Considered in the Development of Media Plans
3.5.Establish Reach And Frequency Objectives
The reach of the two shows, includes a number of people who
were reached by both shows, this overlap is referred to as
duplicated reach

Individuals exposed to the same commercial on two or more

media vehicle. Duplicated reach provides an estimate of

Most media buys include both forms of reach.

3- Media Strategy developing & Implementing
Criteria Considered in the Development of Media Plans
An effective media strategy requires a degree of
flexibility. Flexibility may be needed to
address the following:
Because of the rapidly changing marketing 1. Market opportunities.
environment, strategies may need to be 2. Market threats internal or external
modified. 3. Availability of media.
4. Changes in media or media
If the plan has not built in some flexibility,
opportunities may be lost and/or the company
may not be able to address new threats.
3.Developing & Implementing Media Strategies
Criteria Considered in the Development of Media Plans
3.7.Budget Considerations
One of the most important decisions in the development of media strategy is
cost estimating.

The value of any strategy can be determined by how well it delivers the
message to the audience with the lowest cost and the least waste.

Advertising and promotional costs can be categorized in two ways.

• The absolute cost
• Relative cost
3.Developing & Implementing Media Strategies
Criteria Considered in the Development of Media Plans
3.7.Budget Considerations
The absolute cost of the medium or vehicle is the actual total cost required
to place the message.
Ex. a full-page four-color ad in The Week magazine costs about $72,800.

Relative cost refers to the relationship between the price paid for advertising
time or space and the size of the audience delivered; it is used to compare
media vehicles.
3.Developing & Implementing Media Strategies
Criteria Considered in the Development of Media Plans
3.7.Budget Considerations
Relative costs are important because the manager must try to optimize
audience delivery within budget constraints.

Since a number of alternatives are available for delivering the message, the
advertiser must evaluate the relative costs associated with these choices.
4-Evaluation And Follow-Up
All plan require some evaluation to assess their performance, to measures of
effectiveness must consider two factors
• How this strategy achieve the media objectives?
• How well the media plan contribute to attaining the overall marketing
and communication objectives?

If the strategies were successful, they should be used in future plan

If not, their flows should be analyzed.

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